Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Muntinlupa

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PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA NBP Reservation, Poblacion Muntinlupa City

Partial Computerized Enrollment Database System or Suns!ine C!ristian S"!ool o Muntinlupa

A research presented in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa As a partial fulfillment of requirement for the sub ect !"#$%AR& &N'(N&&R(N'

Presented by# Capote, )omar A* +estura, Almir C* 'uerrero, Marion +oss !* )avier, )onathan C* ,abala, Louis Rommel B*

March --, -./0

AC$NO%LEDGEMENT $he researcher 1ould li2e to e3press their gratefulness and sincerest gratitude to the follo1ing 1ho in one 1ay or another, helped in ma2ing this study possible*

#irstly, the researchers 1ould li2e to than2 our almighty 'od for giving strength, 1isdom, courage and ability to be able to ma2e this study successful*

$o Principal Ms* 'eorgina P* Cabusas and #aculty of !unshine of Christian of Muntinlupa, for accepting our research study, for letting us uses their documents and other materials for the study*

$o Prof* Mr* Mar2 Anthony &sguerra, 1ho served as a guide and model in creating this study, for comments and creative !uggestions for the development of this research study*

$o )iao family, 1ith their 2indness* #or providing us a place for our research studies*

$o the Parents 1ho have never failed to give them financial and moral supports, for giving all their needs during the time they 1ere developing the system and for teaching them that even the largest tas2 could be accomplished if it is done one step at a time*

$o the B!($45B class, friends and schoolmates, 1ho ta2e part of this study, for sharing good conversations, discussions and giving ideas that helped the researchers in ma2ing this study successful*

$han2 you very much6

$he Researchers

A&ST'ACT $he purpose of this study 1as to design a computeri7ed enrolment system for a higher education institution and to find out its acceptability in terms of construction design and functionality* $he computeri7ed enrolment system 1as developed using the soft1are 8isual Basic, an "b ect4"riented Programming visuali7ation tool* $he system lessens the enrollment time, speeds up file management, and minimi7es inaccuracies and errors* $he result of the study revealed that the Computeri7ed &nrolment !ystem is 98ery Acceptable: as evaluated by the selected faculty members and staff of the school* (n the light of the present findings and conclusions, the follo1ing recommendations are advanced, namely, that this enrolment system should be introduced to the school; that it should be adopted by the school to help the staff find records of students more easily and faster and the system should be utili7ed as a model for future research, especially for technology or computer4related research studies*

STATEMENT O( T)E P'O&LEM $he slo1 processing of enrollment system of !unshine Christian !chool of Muntinlupa due to its current manual system may lead the student to fall in a long queue and spend a long hours that sometimes it may also lead for pending of enrollee that <s 1hy the enrollee needs to go bac2 on the other day ust to enroll* $hese are the questions that are needed to be ans1er* /* =o1 1ill the developers provide the school a system that 1ould avoid inconvenience and delay due to the long line of applicants in different offices>


=o1 1ill the developers create a system that 1ill lessen the time in encoding specific information in registration form>

5* =o1 1ill the developers improve the current system of school in the process of storing and retrieving data or records of students>


As an academic entity 1hich has been and is continuously pursuing e3cellence, !unshine Christian !chool of Muntinlupa has been giving services to its community 1ith the best that they could offer* (t see2s every room for improvement in order to upgrade the current processes in the school* "ne of the ma or processes 1hich directly involve the students and the administration is the enrollment process*

!unshine Christian !chool of Muntinlupa is operating 1ith Basic &ducation ?Pre4 school and Primary Level@*(n relation to the study; they are currently using manual system from the updating of the studentAs chec2list, to accomplishing the

enrollmentBregistration form and counter4chec2ing the requirements to be submitted* $he use of manual system has been causing inconvenience both to the administration and to the students and is repeatedly occurring throughout the complete academic year cycle*

+ifferent institutions have been see2ing different form of innovations to their current system for better service to their customers since customerAs satisfaction should al1ays be placed as first priority in 1hatever business* $his strategy is also to maintain their competence in the mar2et, considering the gro1ing number of businesses, establishments and institutions see2ing for trust and patronage from customers*

#or this the researchers found !unshine Christian !chool of Muntinlupa a good recipient for the proposed system*

P'O+ECT DESC'IPTION (un"tions Per ormed $he systemAs ma or purpose is to input data files to avoid delay also the user can monitor the requirements submitted* =as a database that stores and retrieve files* Cser can also manage specific files such as adding, editing and deleting information of a specific file* Lastly the system can produce a print out as an output*

Limitations and 'estri"tions (t is not LAN based due to limited users only* Limits the user to the documentation of data only e3cluding the payment of the enrollee*

User Inter a"e Desi,n

'enerally, the goal is to produce a user interface 1hich ma2es it easy ?self e3ploratory@, efficient, and en oyable ?user friendly@ to operate in the 1ay 1hich produces the desired result* $his generally means that the user needs to provide minimal input of information to achieve the desired output, and also minimi7es undesired outputs*

Ot!er User Inputs $he system needs mouse and 2eyboard for user inputs* Ot!er User Outputs $he system needs a monitor and a printer for user outputs*

System Data (ile $o ensure that only authori7ed users access the system, the system administrator provides each user 1ith a user (+ and pass1ord* "nly users 1ith a valid user (+ and pass1ord can access or log on to the system* $he database administrator controls the data and privileges associated 1ith the database*

!ystem #lo1 Chart


Log-in Form

Choose user level Enter Username and Password

Is user id password correct !

Display Selected Transaction Form

Start Transaction

Saving Transaction


System Stru"ture C!art

'uest 8ie1ing of !tudentAs (nformation Adding of !tudentAs (nformation Printing Reports Program Access Record Deeping *es

Cser *es *es *es *es

Admin *es *es *es *es *es

System Data Di"tionary $hese terminologies 1ere gathered by the researcher for better and clearer understanding about the study* Computer- Machine capable of follo1ing the instruction to alter data, programmable electronic device that can perform calculations and processing information* Database- (s a container to store data gathered* Enrollment- (t is a process in 1hich a student is being admitted to the institution* $his includes the listing of information or data about the student and sub ect heBshe 1ill be enrolled* In ormation- Dno1ledge given or received of some fact or circumstances* MS A""ess- An 1indo1s application used in creating database, records, tables, and data* Pro,ram- An algorithm that a computer can both follo1 directly and follo1 the translated instruction* 'e"ord- (t is the collection of related field 1ith information that usually pertains to only one sub ect* A computer on a local area that is running soft1are for controlling access to all or part of the net1or2 and its resources and shares its resources 1ith client*

System- (t is a group of interrelated components 1or2ing together to1ard a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organi7ed transformation process*

So t/are- (t is a system utility or application program e3pressed in complete readable language*

User- $he person 1ho uses a computer for 1ord processing, communications, and other applications*

User0(riendly- A program easy to use even though an individual is not 2no1ledgeable about the system*

1isual &asi"-net- !cripting language or programming language that is used to design the system*

E2uipment Con i,uration )ard/are Spe"i i"ation Monitor E LC+ monitor /F: color ProcessorE Pentium 0 =ard +is2E -F.'B MouseE "ptical Mouse DeyboardE /.0 2eys RAME -'B So t/are Spe"i i"ation "perating !ystemE %indo1s GP #ront4&ndE 8isual Basic*N&$

Bac24&ndE M! Access Le.el 3 System Data (lo/ Dia,ram o Student Enrollment Database System

Pre-Enrollment #e+%


$%& 'eri(ication

'eri(ied #e+uirements


)%& Enlist


*%& Payment

Enlisted Data

Data Store Tuition Payment ,aster List

Module Desi,n Spe"i i"ation Computeri7ed &nrollment +atabase !ystem is developed in 8B programming language* $his system helps in managing details of students by dividing the entire system in to three modules* Admin Module# Admin module is the super user for this application 1ho can Add, +elete and Modify student details* Manage student profile using the !tudent Profile $ab 'C(* Admin module can also manage user access using Manage Account under Cser Access $ab* Moreover, under the More $ab, Print function for printing purposes* AdminBCser is provided 1ith a user4friendly 'C( for performing these functions* User Module# Cser module is the second user for this application 1ho can add students in the database of the system* =e can also use the Print function of the system* Cser module is provided 1ith the same user4friendly 'C( 1ith Admin module but 1ith limited functions than the Admin module* Guest Module# 'uest module is for staffs for vie1ing studentAs details*

(un"tional De"omposition Display

Partial Computeri-ed Enrollment Data.ase System




"dd Student

Edit Studen t

Delete Student

Print Student Form

"dd Studen t

'iew Studen t


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