FUBAR, Minaiture Rules

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The document appears to cover rules for WW2 skirmish wargaming, including weapon ranges and damage, initiative, and other mechanics.

The document discusses initiative, actions, combat decks, spotting rules, and vehicle stats and spotting rules.

Vehicle stats provided include stats for vehicles like the Jeep, Motorbike, M4 Sherman, Panzer IV, Panther, Tiger, Firefly, M10 Destroyer, StuG, 251 Halftrack, and M3 Halftrack.





Detailed squad level action rules by Rich Jones
Weapon reference chart
WW2 arms
Infantry Weapons
Weapon close short medium long extreme maximum damage ammo
Pistol 1 10 12 14 16 18 1 6
SMG 1 6 12 16 24 36 2 4
Bolt Action Rife 1 5 10 30 45 60 3 5
Self Loading Rife 1 5 10 30 45 60 3 4
Assault Rife
(Carbine ranges)
1 5 10 26 32 42 3 4
Clip fed LMG 1 8 16 40 60 90 3 4
Belt fed LMG 1 8 16 40 60 90 4 4
MMG 1 8 16 42 65 90 4 4
HMG 1 8 18 56 80 120 5 4
Grenades 1 3 5 8 9 13 5 6
fubar 28mm ww2 skirmish
By Rich Jones Rich Jones 2003
Scale and random thoughts
FUBAR is a WWII, squad level action set of rules. It
is designed to be used with 28mm or 36mm fgures
and vehicles. You will need around 10 fgures a side
to begin with. The rules have been tested with 15mm
fgures. The mechanics work fne if you just use
centimetres instead of inches. Aesthetically however
I fnd that the smaller fgures do not give the right
All fgure scales are 1:1; a single model tree is a tree of
that size for the character. You will fnd a laser pointer
is invaluable for working out Line Of Sight (LOS).
If from the spotters position you can touch the base
and the head of the target with the full laser point he
is spotted. If its less than 50% you can touch, then a
spotting check is needed. With a bit of common sense
(especially without alternative fgures for different
positions) this solves all potential arguments.
As to weapon ranges, then obviously they are not 1:1
Some game play has got to sit on top of realism to ft
most gamers tables. I work mainly on a 6 by 5 table
and the ranges in inches are geared to this. However
it is my intention to keep as close to a real effective
range for a skirmish action as possible. Obviously at
times a platoon opened up at 400 yards on a building,
and with that rate of fre may well have hit something,
however fring one bullet at 400 yards may not have
been very successful. So the ranges are supposed to
be visually aesthetic effective skirmish ranges. The
rules do presume the fact that there will be a lot of
terrain on the table.
Dice used D10 & D6, a direction or D8
Game mechanics for most tasks and saves
you have to roll a D10 die and equal or beat the
tasks Effect Number (EN) There will be various
modifers to the EN
Combat Decks
Each fgure has one ID card, which is placed in
a combat deck (CD), to this deck is added a
Leadership card.
NOTE: each squad or vehicle will have its own
One deck must have the event trigger card and
another the event happens now card. Dependent on
scenario there may also be other added cards.
If the initial packs are unequal, buffer cards must be
added to even the number out, Each squad or vehicle
has a deck and one card from each is turned at a time.
Those fgures get to perform 2 actions. If any action
would affect another phasing fgures action throw a
D10 and add the following modifers. Higher roll
goes frst. All affected fgures do one action before
the second. Figures performing special actions are
affected mid action. If you are in the middle of an
action like HIDE no modifers for the action count.
Initiative modifers
Veteran +1
Green -1
Appearing into
other fgures LOS +1
Leadership card on drawing this card a leader may
issue ONE action to any fgure within their Zone of
Control. A leaders ZOC varies between 4 and 12

Snake card
In any 1 turn (working through deck) ONE card (per
2 squads/fre team/vehicles may be kept back as a
snake card by that SIDE. This card may be played at
ANY time during the turn, before any action or half
way between a special action. However before using
card throw D10 on a 10 the fgure cant use the card
they missed the opportunity!
Snaking card fgures only get ONE action.
Events (optional rule) an event happens if the
event trigger card comes before the event now card.
Obviously these are generic events and you can
invent your own for the scenario. In future issues of
WJ I envisage that there will be scenarios and battle
reports using different event charts.
Roll on a D10
1 Player heroic movement add 50% move allowance
for next turn
2 General Distraction an event happens which
distracts fgures skip next cards.
3 Player Co-ordinated attack next move fip 2 cards
per deck!
4 General civilians on board 1-6 civilians enter from
random road to move across board.
5 Player Inspiration players choose one fgure to do
one action.
6 General Distraction - All shooting on next cards is on
7 Player Extra Effort take one spent card from each
deck and shuffe back into deck.
8 General Crazed Dogs a dog enters on random board
edge and attacks nearest fgure*
9 Player Heroic feelings chooseonefgure per side to
get benefcial modifcation of 1 to any roll from now
10 Either NO EVENT OR if you are brave Reshuffe
all decks NOW
* Dog has random constitution of 1-3. After frst attack if it
survives throw d6 1-3 runs off 4-6 goes for next nearest
Each fgure has the following attributes, which may
give them modifers to their EN for given tasks.
Movement a modifer will help in any situation like
sprinting, leaping, agility moves etc.
Combat equipment skill (CES) subtracted from all
fring EN and helps when using unfamiliar weapons
Constitution basic physical and psychological
constitution, plays major role in determining extent
of wounds.
Morale basic state of mind in reference to the
combat going on around them. Veterans do not
necessarily have high morale!
All squad members have a coherence distance. They
must stay within this distance of another squad
member or suffer a morale modifer of +1.
Coherence distance
Veteran/Elite 14
Average 10
Green 6
Note: this does not mean that squad members cant
act further away, if two members fulfl the criteria
neither suffer the modifer.
A fgure may move 4 per action. Environmental,
terrain and physical features may effect this rate as
The 4 move is allowed to any fgure carrying normal
combat encumbrance loads. Figures who carry no
load may sprint 3 cards in a row (see sprint) section.
A normal combat load only allows character to sprint
for 1 card.
Any character who is carrying a heavier than normal
load must roll against a Encumbrance EN to determine
movement allowed:
Load EN
Machine Gun or Ammo 2
Mortar part or ammo 3
Assisting walking wounded 3
LATW (not panzerfaust) 3
Body 5
Heavy supplies 6
Modifers to roll:
Constitution modifer -x
Any additional kit on top +1
Had a <0 result last move +2
Difference in roll to EN
<0 no movement (stumbled, had to stop for
breather, load slipped etc)
+0 1/4 movement
+1 1/2 movement
+3 Full movement
A character can choose to sprint as a special action.
Figures move their normal rate for one action. They
then roll a D6 and refer to table below. Finally add
any x movement modifers as PLUS inches (ie a 1
modifer gives one extra inch).
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 5
5&6 6
This is the number of inches they can move in the
following action. If an encumbered fgure tries to
sprint these extra inches are then modifed as normal,
which may mean another EN roll. Round all half
inches up (due to extra effort they are making).
Note: fgures unless they are carrying nothing may
only make one free sprint special action. If they wish
to sprint the following turn they must make a morale
test. What ever, only two successive sprints may ever
be made.
Moving over anything but fat open spaces needs a
Terrain EN to see if the movement rate is modifed.
EN Terrain
1 sand, light rubble, inside a
building, light undergrowth
2 dense undergrowth, cluttered
interior/storage area
3 Shallow water (up to shin height)
4 Shallow water (up to knee height)
5 Dense rubble, obstacle up to
shoulder height, entering locked
6 Country hedge up to shoulder
height. Deep water, entering
through window
7 Obstacle over shoulder to 1 1/2
times height.
8 Obstacle to 2 times height, barbed
wire obstacle.
Movement modifer -x
Assistant (per fgure) -1
Fully tracked vehicles -3
Note: treat leaps by measuring distance and treating
as obstacle. Getting in trenches and ditches etc is free,
getting out is obstacle.
Difference in roll to EN
<0 no movement (stumbled, had to stop
for breather, load slipped etc)
+1 1/4 movement
+2 1/2 movement
+3 Full movement
Going to Ground
Basic infantry tactic make yourself as small as
possible behind as much cover as possible. Fire
actions still permissible. Going to ground makes
spotting and fring EN against fgure at +1. This is
lost when the fgure next moves.
Hide is a special action. Figure uses every bit of
available cover to stay still and hide. This differs from
going to ground as you cant do any other action while
hiding. A roll against a EN gives degree of success.
Terrain EN
Dense Rubble, obstacles, bocage 2
Light rubble, dense undergrowth, 4
Light undergrowth, brush 6
Even ground 7
Difference in roll to EN Modifer
0 +1
1 +2
2 +3
3 +4
Lost when fgure does anything else.
Stealth is an unusual special action by which you may
try and move undetected by the enemy. It includes
making use of cover, shadows, moving when enemy
is looking elsewhere and trying to move silently etc.
The downside is that as you are trying to do everything
carefully and quietly all other actions are subject to a
EN modifer of +1.
You may do any action along side the stealth special
action, the spotting modifer is determined by the EN
Note: Firing instantly negates stealth modifers unless
silencers and fash suppressors are used.
Action EN
Stay in place (ready for action) 3
Move 6
Sprint 8
Last 3 inch towards enemy 9
Perform engineer action 9
Modifers to EN
Movement modifer -x
Dense Rubble, obstacles, bocage -3
Light rubble, dense undergrowth -2
Light undergrowth, brush -1
Even ground 0
Night -1 to 4
Bad weather -1 to 2
On a failure there is no spotting modifer.
On a natural 1 the fgure has made a noise, which
is audible to 2D6 +2 inches. If other loud noise is
present eg gunfre, rough seas, engine noises etc any
possible hearer must roll EN of 7 to hear.
If a sound is heard a EN of 4 will give the hearer the
direction. This negates stealth modifers.
Difference Spotting Modifer
+1 +1
+2 +2
+3 +3
+4 +4
While doing any action while stealthy (remember
these are on +1) ANY failure means you have made
an audible sound. Treat as above.
Not every situation will be covered by the above actions
and during the course of the game a player is likely
to want a fgure to do something that is not covered
by the rules per se. An example may be moving along
a window ledge and dropping into a moving vehicle
below. In any of these situations the referee or players
must decide how viable that action is and give it a EN.
Some actions may involve different EN throws which
can be left separate or melded into one. Taking the
above example walking on the ledge is not to diffcult
and is movement related but having the guts to drop
off into a moving vehicle is a morale and constitution
roll. The players may decide that the fgure has a EN
of 3 to do the ledge but needs a morale +1 EN roll
to drop and a Constitution EN roll to avoid injury.
Any modifers for the related characteristics would
be included. Combined rolls would be considered as
special actions taking up the whole card, individual
rolls are worked out as normal actions.
The amount the result deviates from the EN is a
measure of success or falure. So walking on the
ledge the fgure, has no movement modifer and roll
a 2. Just missing the EN, therefore they slipped and
faltered but didnt fall. Next action they roll a 5, they
have half movement and get into position. However
the vehicle moves before their next action and they
miss the chance of dropping. An initial roll of 1 would
have been a critical failure, the fgure would fall off
the ledge and take a full D10 plus one point for every
inch fallen as a wound roll.
The game has spotting as automatic if a fgure is in
LOS and more than 50% visible. A fgures feld of
vision is 180 degree. If they wish to spot behind them
they must spend an action rotating feld of vision and
spotting. Otherwise spotting is free at the beginning
of an action.
A fgure may concentrate on a spot and a 5 radius
circle around that spot.
Spotting check is made as below, if successful
any appropriate fgure within the spotting circle is
acquired. Any fgure with an easier spotting EN is
automatically spotted if the hardest to spot fgure is
Note: this means you may see some fgures (eg one
that has shot) while not being able to see others,
depending on your roll.
Note :some visual aids (binoculars, scopes) halve

REMEMBER : spotting checks are only required if
the fgure is 50% or more obscured, hiding or doing a
successful stealth move.
Spotting Distance in inches EN
1-2 1
2-4 2
4-8 3
8-15 4
15-25 6
25-37 8
37-50 9
50+ 10
Modifers to EN
+1 Target gone to ground
+1-4 target using stealth or hide action
+1 Spotter has less than 25% line of sight
+3 target behind smoke
+3 camoufaged position
+1-4 target is using hide special action
-4 target has fred
-1 Target moved last action
In the weather section you may fnd other modifers
due to weather and light.
To hit a target the frer must equal or beat the Target
EN number. This is derived from a range component
and a weapons component.
Note: auto weapons are deemed to make it easier to
hit an individual target and in the case of MGs does
more damage. However they only roll one dice per
target fgure (although more than one fgure may be
the target).
SLRs like the Garand have a greater chance of hitting
and inficting more damage than a bolt action rife,
due to higher fre rate per action. However they can
only target one fgure per card.
Unless you use auto fre special action a frer must fre
at the same target in the second action. Any weapon
may be steadied/aimed. In the case of MGs this
would be the action of keeping the spray in a narrow
fre feld (shooting at one target).
Weapon details and usage
SMG, Clip Fed LMG and Assault rifes may use auto
fre special action. This takes two actions but allows
the use of a template. Any fgure covered by template
may be hit.
Any fgure not 50% covered by template is at +2 to
Initial EN success hits one fgure and then each other
fgure is rolled for at +1 to EN.
Belt fed LMG, MMG- after target fgure any other
fgure rolls at +1 to EN, any fgure not fully covered
by template rolls at +1 to EN
HMG and auto-cannons- any fgure not fully covered
rolls at +1 to EN.
Fire Lanes
A fre lane is a continuous rain of bullets set down
in an area. It is NOT opportunity fre. It uses a
LOT of ammo. If a fre lane is used for more than
2 consecutive turns roll a D6 you must get over
the ammo number on weapons chart or else you are
deemed to be running short of ammo in this case
no more fre lanes may be used in the game. All crew
members are busy during fre lane actions and may
not do anything else.
To set up or fre lane is a special action. The template
is laid down and an imaginary line goes from muzzle
to tangent of circle. This fre lane remains until the
frst action of the crew in the NEXT TURN. During
the whole move the gun gets so many shots it can
use within this fre lane. Each shot is at +1 to EN.
Belt fed LMG get 3 shots
MMG get 4 shots
HMG get 5 shots
After these have been gun must check to see if it can
shoot at target.
Belt fed LMG EN of 8
MMG EN of 7
HMG EN of 6
It takes both crew members to maintain a fre lane. If
either member receives a critical or a mortal wound
the fre lane stops on the next crew card.
It takes an action to voluntarily terminate a fre lane.
Tactic Hint : use a fre lane to open up on a group
target that is spread.
Crewed weapons
Crew & actions
Clip fed LMG (including Bar and Bren) which were
also used as an assault rife need to have an ammo
carrier (often referred to as loader) within 1 to
continue rate of fre. The carrier can do other actions
eg. shoot. They are never allowed special actions
while counting as carrier and cant aim, because of
the distraction of having to hand clips over. If a carrier
is not present then the clip lmg is not allowed to use
auto fre template. Clip LMGs are NOT allowed to set
up fre lanes (their rate of fre was not high enough).
Belt fed LMG, MMG & HMG crew served guns
must have a dedicated loader to keep up rate of fre.
Without loader they are not allowed to set up fre

lanes or use templates for more than one action. Once

set up, which takes an action for each crew-member,
a belt fed MG may fre on each crew members card.
An MG may aim and then only fre at one fgure, or it
can use special action to use template OR set up a fre
lane (not clip fed LMG).
SMG, Clip Fed LMG and Assault rifes use 3 round
Belt LMG, MMG and HMG use 5 round template.
When using templates or fre lanes any auto weapon
might jam on a natural 1 on the dice. Firer rolls
immediately on a CES of EN 4 to avoid jam.
Sten Gun +1
CES -x
A jam halts all fre, fre lanes disappear and the jam
needs to be unblocked. This takes an action of any
crew-member and a successful CES roll on EN 4. The
EN diminishes each by one each try.
Firing Distance in inches EN
Close 3
Short 4
Medium 6
Long 8
Extreme 9
Max 10
Remember that some concealment items (garden
hedges, fences, cloth, netting etc) WILL not provide
cover, once spotted they will not stop the bullet.
Modifers to EN
Target gone to ground +1
Target in cover (<50% obscured) +1
Target in cover (>50% obscured) +3
Target using sprint action +1
Firer on moving vehicle +1
Unfamiliar weapon +1
Unfamiliar specialist weapon +3
Target has gone to ground +1
Second target with auto fre action +1
Target not closest threat +1
Target is vehicle at speed +2
Firer received fre from
LMG+ since last card +1
Firing through smoke +2
Only helmet/foot/hand showing +5
Injury +x
Target crossing fre lane +1
Suspected target fre +4
Using SLR ,AR or any MG -1
Target prone from injury check -1
Firer has not been spotted or fred -1
Firer using aim action -1
Target is encumbered -1
CES modifer -x
Green fgure fring +1
Firing at green fgure -1
Veteran fgure fring -1
Elite fgure/hero fring -2
Flamethrower -10
Auto miss on unmodifed 1
Auto hit on unmodifed 10
Suspected Target/Blind Fire
Weapons capable of autofre may fre blind on
terrain that is suspected of having enemy forces in.
However this fre is done at a further +2 to EN and 2
damage on wound table. If a hit is made it is randomly
distributed on fgures present.
Choose aim point and mark it.
Work out EN
Throwing Distance EN
Close 3
Short 4
Medium 6
Long 8
Extreme 9
Max 10
Modifers to EN
Characters CON modifer -x
Throwing into open top vehicle +4
Throwing through window +3
Outside through doorway +2
Inside through doorway +1
Stuffng into slot/hatch +3
If EN is reached or exceeded than place 3 template
on target spot. Roll damage for any fgure covered
with following modifers to damage EN.
Note: only the damage number and a D10 make up
the wound EN

Any fgure within 1/2 of centre full damage
Any fgure outside of this -D3 to damage
Any fgure not full covered, further -2 to damage
Figure behind 50% hard cover -6 to damage
Figure behind 50% soft cover -3 to damage
Figure behind 25% hard cover -4 to damage
Confned area +2 damage
Enclosed area +5 damage
If grenade lands within 1/2 inch of fgure base they
may try and throw it back.
On a movement EN of 7 they pick it up and throw it
back. Throw away is worked out the same way but
with a +4 to EN.
If a fgure wants to delay throwing the grenade until
last moment to negate chance of throwback they must
roll a D10 - on a 9 it explodes mid air (no effect) on a
10 it explodes before they throw!
If EN is failed place 5 template on target point, refer
to distance band and roll a D10. result is where the
grenade lands. Any miss on attempt to throw through
window, into hatch etc only deviates to the outside of
object. Or deviates D6 in random direction.
CQB close quarter combat
When a fgure touches base with an enemy fgure
they are deemed to be engaged. To break from being
engaged (unless it is mutual) requires a combat win
or a successful break away EN (see below).CQB is
an action in itself. Attacker generates a EN which
the defender then tries to equal or beat. This means a
fgure cant fght after moving in on second action.
But the fgures are engaged.
Attacker modifers
Figure is attacking +1
Defender surprised
(morale EN failure in appropriate situations) +3
Height (terrain) advantage +1
Each additional attacker +1
Injury -x
Defender modifers
Defender behind obstacle +1
Height (terrain) advantage +1
Each additional defender +1
Injury -x
If defender equals EN the attacking fgure moves
away (the way they entered into CQB) 1. If one side
wins they generate a wound EN using the difference
in scores, plus constitution modifer (+1 for rife butt,
+3 for knife/bayonet) plus D10.
Breaking Free
Add D10+ constitution to get EN, person breaking
free must equal or beat this on a D10 + movement
-3 Fails to escape and holder gets one action
-2 Fails to escape
-1 Escapes but holder gets auto hit
0 Escapes but any throw at 2 all card
+1 Escapes but any throw at 1 all card. One
action allowed.
+2 Escapes and may make 1 actions as normal
+3 Escapes and may make move as normal.
Once a hit has been made you must determine how
serious this is for the target. The basic factors for
this are the targets constitution modifer, the type of
projectile that hit and how good a hit it was (determined
by how well the effect number was beaten), at higher
ranges the chances of a good accurate shot diminishes
as well as the damage diminishing.
The frer generates an EN number, the target then tries
to equal or beat this number. If they do then the hit
has no effect, the target was saved by some kit bag,
diary in the breast pocket etc (something to tell the
Grandkids about!).
If the EN is failed then differential on the chart
Firers EN generation
Damage modifer of weapon plus amount fring EN
was beaten by, added to a D10 roll.
Note: Only other modifer is 2 for blind/suspected
target fre hits.
Targets EN generation
Constitution modifer added to a D10
Injury result
-1 Flesh wound no effect but another fesh
wound is treated as a serious wound
-2 Serious wound - +1 modifer to all EN 1
less movement and must make constitution
check against EN 3 or go prone. Two serious
wounds equal a critical.
-3&4 Critical wound - +3 modifer on all EN,
can only perform 1 action per card. 2 less
movement and must make constitution check
against TN4 or go prone. Two critical wounds
equal a mortal wound.
-5 Mortal wound- incapacitated and will die in
d6+1 turns unless treated. If another wound is
received roll D3 this number is subtracted off
the total.
-6 KIA : frer rolls D10 on a 10 it is a GORY
If a fgure goes prone from a wound they have not
gone to ground. To do anything next action (even
going to ground) they must make a EN movement
roll against a EN of 3. The action after that they may
make actions as usual.
First aid is an action performed by any fgure on an
injured fgure. Against an injury EN (only modifers
Morale modifer x & 2 if morphine shot is available.
On a roll of 6 or more it is).
Wound EN
Minor 3
Serious 6
Critical 8
Mortal 9
If test is successful then the wound becomes one level
less serious. However this is only short term and in
D3+1 turns it reverts. Only one frst aid action may be
used, but this may be enough to get Medic help or get
injured person back to safety etc.
Figure may use on themselves but at +1 on EN
Medics can use a special action to try and treat an
Medics use the same procedure but with 2 modifer
to EN. The change is permanent!
Medics can only heal the same wound on a fgure
Squad morale as in when to run is up to the
commanding player. Victory points are high per
man killed. A narrow defeat involving a well planed
withdraw could well have been a demoralising defeat
if youd stayed to long and lost too many men. Medics
and getting the wounded back is important.
Also the game is aimed at being played as a role play
campaign so losing fgures is not good on the platoon
However individual morale may make a character not
do the things you want them to!
On a natural roll of a 10 the fgure gets delusions of
being a hero!
Roll a D10
1-2 the feelings dont last long, fgure gets
one immediate free action.
3-5 one immediate free action and +1 on
morale from now on
6-8 one immediate free action never needs
to take morale again!
9- inspiring fgure, two immediate
actions and may be used to give extra
action on the leader card. Note you
still only get the one action to give.
Disregard any fesh wounds.
10 - As above but a disregards any wound
below mortal a real hero!
A Morale check is made on a EN of 4 with following
Morale modifer
Leader within ZOC -1
Leader lost +1
Wounded +x
Close assaulting an AFV +1
Crossing fre lane +2
Received LMG+ fre since last card +1
Gory death just happened within 4 +2
Every 25% of force KIA or mortal +1
-7 Figure bottles it big time. Must make two move
actions away (or sprint) from enemy activity
and into cover. If he is in CQB or surrounded
he will put hands up and capitulate. Heads
towards nearest enemy with hands up. He will
NOT do this if he has seen other fgures trying
to surrender and getting shot at, or if medic
has been targeted.
-5 As below but loses next card, if attacked in
CQB fghts at -2
-3 Goes prone and to ground effectively he is
pinned. Loses next action and must then make
morale EN to act on the following action.
-2 Goes prone and losses next action through
wondering what to do now. Automatic
recovery. EN3 roll to stand.
-1 Shaken - Losses next action through
recovering (automatic)
At the end of every card the fgure may try and regain
morale. However for every failed attempt +1 on EN
next time!
Triggers for morale test
Moving within 4 of friendly gory death marker
First time fgure gets shot at.
Squad member killed within 3
Asked to attack AFV.
Crossing fre lane or being in fre lane when it starts.
Coming under MG fre at any time
Whenever a fgure gets hit even if they dont suffer
a wound.

Note: If the trigger is unit loss any fgure may use a
Leaders Morale modifer if in ZOC.
Flamethrowers tended to be in short supply in NW
Europe. However they did exist and units got them
issued for particular circumstances. The major trouble
is that they were a liability to the user. You would be
targeted heavily as they rightly scared the death out of
troops. If you were hit while wearing one it was often
with fatal results.
Also they were limited use, before game determine
how many bursts the thrower has in the tanks, 1, 2
or 3.
The famer uses the fame template (again the GW
one is ideal) and any fgure under the template suffers
the full damage. There is no cover modifer!
Using the famer is a SPECIAL ACTION.
Choose a point to aim the end of the template at and
roll fring EN. Notice there is a HUGE modifer to
hitting the right spot.
However on a natural 1 the fame fails to ignite, the
frer may use the second action to move! If the fgure
does miss then the template end moves left or right
D3 inches!
Any fgure more than 25% under template takes 3D6
damage on a wound EN this is doubles to 6D6 if
fred into an enclosed space. Any fgure touched by
less than 25% takes 1d6 damage.
Note: you still need to add the D10 to determine
wound EN.
Against AFVs famers are an anomaly. They do
not rely on penetration to destroy the vehicle. The
burning liquid would seep into the engine and into the
hull and the confned crew. An AFV target burst uses
2 bursts and does 6D6 damage. Although you dont
have to penetrate as such for ease of game-play still
use the armour value when determining saving EN
(good luck!).
Mortars in FUBAR are deemed only to include on
board light <60mm and medium .60<101mm mortars.
Off board artillery (including heavy mortars), air
strikes and sea borne fre missions are beyond the
scale of the game. If a artillery barrage hit the board
sizes we are usually using that would effectively be
C S M L E M Template
M i n
R i f l e
1 5 8 18 30 40 3 2 4
L i g h t
- 10 15 26 40 70 3 10 4
- - 20 36 50 - 5 20 5
the end of the game for both sides. However in later
add ons there will be rules for playing either on a BIG
BOARD SCALE or converting the rules to 10/15mm
scale which may then be suitable for such actions.
Mark aim point and work out distance to fnd base
fring EN.
Rife grenades cant maintain a position, every shot
uses fre for effect modifer.
Light mortars are hard to calibrate and maintain
position, every shot it a bit of a lottery. So they always
fre as if fring for effect.
Fire for effect is the term used for bringing down fre
without a spotting round/s.
Zeroed in fre is when a medium mortar has been
deemed to have prepared a target pre-game. This will
usually be specifed in a scenario.
Use EN modifers below:
Spotting round, fre for effect
or any light mortar round +3
High winds +1
For every spotting round contacted,
seen or corrected -2
Zeroed in fre -5
If a successful EN is made then the round lands on
target. Place template on marker and proceed with hit
If the round misses then deviate it as follows:
Random direction
light and rife grenade D6
Medium 2D6
On a natural 1 double the deviation distance.
On a natural 10 it lands in target if applicable (eg open
top vehicle)
Firing a mortar is a special action.
Once set up which takes an action per crew member
the mortar can fre on the frer and loader card ie
twice per deck.
Note:only the damage number and a D10 make up the
wound EN
Any fgure within 1/2 of centre full damage
Any fgure outside of this -D3 damage
Any fgure not full covered, further -2 damage
Figure behind 50% hard cover -6 damage
Figure behind 50% soft cover -3 damage
Figure behind 25% hard cover -5 damage
Confned area +2 damage
Enclosed area +5 damage
Squad Points & Building
Basic Squad member -10 points.
Veteran squad members 15 points
Green squad members 5 points
Random Battle points throw 4D10 and add 100
to get number of squad points to build basic squad
before upgrades.
If no scenario in place then defenders setting up in
hard cover should have about 1/2 number of points.
Roll 2D6 +15 to discover how many upgrades you
Each upgrade may buy:
+1 on any single ability score
A single special skill
5 points of purchases
Purchases Points
Upgrade to carbine 1
Upgrade to SLR 2
Upgrade to SMG 2
Upgrade to Assault rife 2
Per grenade 3
Per clip fed LMG 3
Per belt fed LMG 4
Per MMG, one use ATW 4
Light mortar 15
Medium mortar 20
Special Skills these can be purchased for the cost
of one upgrade
Sharpshooter pre-war hunter etc, a crack shot. Can
re-roll any failed Fire Action ONCE per game.
Role Model A squad leader with this skill can let
anyone within his ZOC use his morale for throws.
Hard as Nails tough bugger. Can re-roll any
constitution test for damage, then use best result.
ONCE per game.
Street Fighter you dont want to fght this meathead.
+2 on his constitution roles in engaged combat.
Driver loony driver. No negatives when using
Drive skill.
Lucky Bastard- theres always one of the buggers.
Roll a D6 at start of game. That is the number of -1
modifers he may use during game to ANY roll. Up to
-2 per turn.
Fearless can re-roll any morale throw for retreating
at any time.
Tracker gets -2 on any spotting EN.
The following pages give the rules for using infantry
anti-tank weapons and for using vehicles in FUBAR.
I strongly suggest that players introduce these rules
slowly. Also players must realise that the scales
involved on a normal table make most AP fre very
dangerous and infantry AT weapons are to be feared.
It is not without good reason tha tank crews did not
like being in close terrain without infantry support.
You will notice that there are no extra crew morale
rules. A loss of an AFV will be costly in victory points
so it is up to the players to look after them!
weapon close short medium long max
Bazooka x 1 10 20 25 35 23 6
Panzerschreck x 1 10 20 25 35 23 6
PIAT 1 10 12 17 20 24 5
Panzerfaust x 1 8 11 15 17 22 5
Anti-tank rife 1 14 18 25 50 14 3
Molotov 1 - - - - 22 5
Gammon bomb 1 - - - - 22 5
Vehicle rules
Vehicles move on their movement card (of which
there is 4 per vehicle). They have their own CD which
is likely to contain buffer cards.
The agility rating is how many up to 45 degree turns
a vehicle can make in its move. It is deemed to make
an inch motion between 45 degree turns (has to move
an inch frst). Only fully tracked vehicles can turn on
spot (up to 45 degrees per card).
Use normal terrain EN to cross appropriate terrain.
Only fully tracked vehicles can cross height obstacles
(by knocking them down usually). Also fully tracked
vehicles disregard terrain features up to TN4, treating
them as open ground.
If a vehicle fails a EN it is BOGGED!
If bogged it loses its next action before trying again.
Bogged result 4 actions on trot and it is STUCK for
game purposes.
EN is modifed if you try and reverse out of trouble 2
EN (-3 if fully tracked)
Reversing EN of 5 (modifed by driver skill) to
move full rate otherwise 1/2 rate!
Wheeled and half-tracked vehicles
Any fgure can use a special action DRIVE his
ability can be enhanced by purchasing the special
skill DRIVER.
Each vehicle is represented in the combat deck by 4
cards, the vehicle moves on these cards. Individual
crew or passengers act on their card. The driver is
deemed to be doing a continuous action.
Special Action
Stop driver may bring vehicle to halt. This takes
both actions and takes 3/4 of the previous action
move distance.
Vehicle movement rates are noted on the vehicle
chart. A driver may try and drive the car as quickly
as possible using the Full speed action, this action is
attempted on his card and is deemed to be continuous.
However on his next card he must check again.
Full Speed task EN
Straight gunning it 5
Turning at full speed 7
Driver skill -x
Under fre +1
Vehicle agility
modifer on vehicle chart
-x Roll D10 on a 10 vehicle has crashed
+0 Vehicle moves normal rate
+1 add 3
+2 add 4
+3 add 6
+4 add 8
+5 add 10
Vehicle crashes
If a vehicle crashes everyone inside bails immediately.
Roll a EN 5 against constitution., only modifers
being constitution and wounds. A failure means you
generate a EN on wound chart using D10 and amount
SHORT 3 12 20 42 54 90 15
NORMAL 3 17 28 58 72 - 22
LONG 3 21 36 65 90 - 23
3 25 45 80 120 - 24
of inches vehicle was moving at.
If a vehicle attempts to overrun a character the vehicle
rolls a D10 adding the vehicle agility modifer plus
any morale modifer. Figure attempting to dodge
then tries to beat this EN using D10 and movement
If fgure fails to avoid use the difference in scores plus
armour value to generate a wound EN in other word
dont get overrun by a TANK!
Modifers to ramming EN
Vehicle moving over 2 per card +1
Vehicle moving over 5 per card +2
If vehicle is two wheeled then the vehicle needs to
throw D10 on a 8-10 it crashes!
Exiting/jumping off/on moving vehicles
To get out of a moving vehicle the figure must take a
Movement EN 3 plus or minus modifiers. The result if failed
is the number added to D10 to generate wound EN
Infantry anti vehicle weapons:
Damage can be done to softskin vehicles by using
normal damage against their armour rating there is
no special method needed. Figures in the vehicles can
be shot at and are on normal modifers. If the drive is
mortal wound or KIA the vehicle crashes!
HE explosions can effect vehicle in blast and any
fgures in it!
Armoured open top vehicles suffer fgure damage
as normal the vehicle counting as +3 to the hit EN
even if only 25% covered!
However infantry have Light Anti-tank weapons they
can use LATWs.
Firing at vehicles is done as normal using range chart
underneath. Weapons capable of fring HEAT have a
damage of 6 when used against fgures and use the
3 template. However they can be shot THROUGH
walls and then the blast occurs inside. Normal house
walls have armour value as below:
House brick walls 17
House internal walls 10
Wooden structures 6
Pill box 30
Every hit (anything but a 1-3) will knock 6 off the
armour value of structure when it reaches 0 it is
Every penetrative hit (over fring EN) cause blast
inside and on a separate roll of 10 starts a fre.
Weapons with a X generate a damage of 4 in their
backblast. This extends in an area 3 by 1 from the
back of the fgure, any fgure caught in blast rolls as
normal on the wound table!
Tank armament and AT guns are split into 4
categories the vehicle stats will indicate which
band the weapon falls into. In my opinion it is the
length of the barrel that was the greatest indicator to
how lethal a gun was, not just the calibre. Two 75mm
shells may have WIDELY different effects fred from
two different length barrels. Also to keep the game
fowing the dropping off in penetration over range is
bundled into the Firing EN the further the range the
less likely to get a good penetrative hit.
Be warned the ranges occurring in a 28mm game on a
normal table will mean the guns on later war tanks are
almost as powerful as each other. If you can increase
the table size then the advantage that the Germans had
becomes more apparent.
The HE effect shows the damage to fgures and the
blast template used.
Any miss when fring HE from AFV is deemed to
deviate D10 in random direction.
Use LATW stats for HEAT shells f available.
Firing is done using the same mechanism as small
arms. However use the following modifers chart:
Firing Distance in inches EN
Close 3
Short 4
Medium 6
Long 8
Extreme 9
Max 10
The same concealment criteria apply, however
remember that all concealment may not provide
Modifers to EN
Target in cover (<50% obscured) +1
Target in cover(>50% obscured) +3
Firing on move * +2
Unfamiliar weapon +1
Unfamiliar specialist weapon +3
Target has gone to ground +1
Target not closest threat +1
Target is vehicle at speed 5 + +2
Target is vehicle moving +1
Firing through smoke +2
Injury +x
Barrel is rated short +1
Barrel is rated Long HV -1
Firer has not been
spotted nor has fred -1
Firer using aim action -1
CES modifer -x
Green crew +1
Veteran crew -1
World War 2 tanks were notoriously bad at shooting
on the move. This is hardly surprising considering the
amount of movement the ground produced, bouncing
fgures in the hull around. Even when stopping the
mechanics were hardly cushioned and the crew would
be subjected to a violent rocking movement. This
meant most crews were only really effective when
stationary. This led to the tank crew stopping for short
periods to fre and then setting off again. This is called
the stop fre technique. This can be employed when
the tank is not stationary and didnt use the special
STOPPING action the driver card before.
To employ the Stop fre technique an EN of 6 is
needed this is modifed as below.
Modifers to SF EN
Vehicle agility modifer +-x
Veteran crew -1
Gyro stabilised -1
Gyro stabilisation was present in some US tanks
however the crews did not always use it. Before game
throw a D6 on a 6 the crew havent go it calibrated
and on.
If a shot hits then you work damage out as below
Damage EN D10 +differential in throw to fring
EN +gun damage
Armour roll - D10 + armour rating
Modifers to Armour roll
Side armour against LATW (HEAT) +1
Sanbagged AFV +1
Extra links etc placed on hull +1
To be sandbagged and linked the model must either
represent the fact or a marker used.
To determine if the shot hit where the extra armour is
(thus allowing the modifer) throw a D10 and beat a
EN of
Sandbagged TN3
Linked TN5
Modify EN by
+1 frer aimed
Differential EFFECT
-1 Minor shake about no effect but
second minor hit counts as Serious
damage (see below).
-2 Serious damage movement reduced
by 1/4 all crew have +1 to any EN
roll until recovered. To recover make
Morale EN end of their next card.
-3 Very Serious damage - movement
reduced by 1/2 all crew have +2 to any
EN roll until recovered. To recover
make Morale EN end of their next
card, if commander fails the whole
crew bails on a 1 or 2 on D10. On
a roll of less than 5 on D10 turret
jammed. On a 1 gun is out of action.
-4 Immobilised vehicle is immobilised.
On a D10 roll of 9/10 it crashes as it
halts. (use your imagination here, if
right next to a wall veer it into it etc, if
it makes a difference roll to see which
object in range it runs into) Morale
EN needed by crew member on next
card or they bail. Even if they stay,
permament +1 on any EN roll. Also
take 4+d10 wound EN NOW.
-5 DESTROYED all crew to bail
NOW. Injury EN roll of 5. On a 10
on a D10 instant BREW UP all crew
killed and anyone within 3 of vehicle
takes a injury of damage 4 EN roll.
Vehicle actions
Vehicle can move its movement allowance on every
vehicle card. Driver is deemed to be using special
action across all movement cards.
Every other vehicle action takes place on the crews
Stop driver may bring vehicle to halt. Travels half
last card distance.
A LEADER card can be used on a vehicle crew
member of the command tank or if the overall CO is
within 6. While on the face of it this doesnt smack
of realism it is justifed by the intense situation vehicle
crews found themselves in.
NOTE: it cant be used for vehicle movement.
Most tanks have 5 crew, HOWEVER they only have
ONE crew card. On that card ALL crew members
may have 2 actions.
COMMANDER can spot (see spotting below) and
fre turret MG, he gives the order to fre (1 action) He
rotates the turret.
GUNNER aims the gun and fres on command.
LOADER can load gun with shell (either HE or AP
opitional rule means he just loads most appropriate
and you dont stipulate)
DRIVER Drives if needed on vehicle card. On own
card can use STOP special action or speed action.
RADIO OPERATOR general dogs body, can fre
hull MG.
NOTE: vehicle Mgs can use templates as auto fre
option BUT not lay down fre lanes.
On the commanders action he can rotate turret.
Up to 45 degrees for slow turret (German, Russian
and most Brit)
Up to 90 degrees for fast turret (most US built)
Tank crews existed in two worlds. One where they had
the hatches and vision slits open and therefore had a
fair feld of vision. This was called unbuttoned and
usually the commander would be head and shoulders
out the turret. In this position he had a better view
than the foot-soldier with the advantage of a bit of
height. However it was painfully obvious to the crew
and especially the commander that this left them
vulnerable. There are numerous reports of snipers in
trees waiting for the tank to pass beneath and calmly
picking off the commander, or dropping a grenade. So
for most combat situations the crew preferred to exist
in the world know as being buttoned up. This meant
every hatch and cover was fastened. This left little to
see as any visitor to the Tank Museum at Bovington
who has been in the Pnzer IV cutout can tell you!
The commander was slightly better off if he had a
late war tank that sported a cupola this enabled a
slightly enhanced feld of vision, but not by much. So
the compromise is that the commander is often seen
bobbing up and down.
An AFV needs to be shown as being buttoned or
unbuttoned we use clear counters.
When unbuttoned the commander if in the turret has
a 360 degree feld of vision. The rest of the crew have
180 from the vehicle front. If buttoned all crew have
a 90 degree feld of vision from the vehicle front, or
in the commanders case the turret front.
If this isnt bad enough when you are buttoned up the
Spotting EN has a modifer of +3 and nothing counts
as being fully in view, everything has to be tested
The commander can opt to expose himself at the start
of every action and therefore get a 180 degree feld of
vision at +1 to EN. However he can then be targeted
by fgures holding a snake card or getting initiative
drop on him!
Move per card 4
Agility 4
Armour 5
Crew 1
Passengers 4
Armament can have passenger MMG
Move per card 5 (4 with sidecar)
Agility 5 (three with sidecar)
Armour 3
Crew 1 (2 with sidecar)
Passengers 1 (2 with sidecar)
Armament Sidecar can have MMG
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament N or L (depends on type)
Front 21
Side 19
Rear 18
NOTES: known as the Ronson due to ability to burn
add +1 to brew up roll
Can use gyro stabilisation check before game start.
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament N or L (depends on type)
Front 21
Side 19
Rear 18
Move per card 3 1/2
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament L
Front 23
Side 20
Rear 18
NOTE : early panthers burnt easily due to fuel - +1
to instant brew roll
Move per card 2
Agility 1
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament LHV
Front 23
Side 22
Rear 22
Move per card 2
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament LHV
Front 23
Side 21
Rear 19
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament L
Front 21
Side 18
Rear 17
NOTE: open top turret
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 5
Passengers -
Armament L
Front 20
Side 18
Rear 17
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 2
Passengers 10
Armament Can have up to 2 LMG
Front 12
Side 11
Rear 10
Move per card 3
Agility 2
Crew 2
Passengers 10
Armament Can have up to 1 MMG
Front 11
Side 10
Rear 19
NOTE : passengers only covered 25%
Beam big
+1 +1 2
Bocage +1
B l o c k s
LOS, if
right next to
+4 to spot.
Only where
trees are EN 5
Body +1 +1 1
Bunker slit +5 NA NA
Bush or
garden hedge
0 Normal EN Normal EN
Crops 0 +2 2
Fence -
0 +1 Normal
Fence -
0 +1 Normal EN
Fence - iron +1 +1 Normal
Fox hole
N o r m a l
Normal EN In 0 Out 4
Tombstone +2 +2 Normal EN
N o r m a l
Normal EN To mount 7
Thick, high
0 +1 3
Mud 0 0 2-5
Dry Sand 0 0 2
N o r m a l
Normal EN Normal EN
Snow 0 Normal EN 1-5
Shell hole
N o r m a l
Normal EN 5
Tank trap
N o r m a l
Normal EN 5
Barb wire 0 0
7/8 with
cutters 5/6
Tree trunk +2 +2 5 to climb
Tree foliage +1 +3 NA

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