Lecture 3 (Compatibility Mode)

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Lecture 3 Inflow Performance Relationship

Outline Production from Undersaturated oil

P Production d ti from f two-phase t h reservoirs i Production from g gas wells

Field Production
i. Solution gas drive
a. pressure p inside reservoir relieved when well punctures and gas trapped in oil forms bubbles b. Bubbles grow, exert pressure push oil to well and up to surface (20-30%)

ii. Gas cap drive

a If contain gas cap, a. cap drill well directly into oil layer gas cap expand b. Expanding gas pushes oil into well (40%)

iii. Water drive scenario

a. Water layer press against oil layer b. Water pushes oil towards surface and replace it within the pores of the reservoir rock c. Highest recovery: up to 75%

Inflow Performance Relationship

Flow Shapes

Diffusivity Equation
The diffusivity equation describes the pressure profile in an i fi it infinite-acting, ti radial di l reservoir, with a slightly compressible and constant viscosity fluid (Undersaturated oil or water)

Transient Flow of Undersaturated Oil

Transient flow is defined as a flow regime where/when the radius of pressure wave propagation from wellbore has not reached any boundaries of the reservoir. During transient flow, the developing p g pressure p funnel is small relative to the reservoir size. Therefore, the reservoir acts like an infinitively large reservoir from transient pressure analysis point of view.

Transient flow

Forx<0.01theaboveequation q canbeapproximated pp as


Origin g of the Concept p of Skin Effect

Zone of Altered Permeability y

Darcy Equation


k dp dr
qo =
re 2kh pe dp = dr / r p rw qB wf

ko h 141.2 o Bo ln( re ) rw


p wf


qo =

Steady State
qo =

ko h ( p R p wf r 141.2 o Bo ln( e ) 0.5 rw

ko h ( p R p wf re 141.2 o Bo ln( ) 0.75 rw

Pseudo Steady State

Steady-State Steady State Performance

Steady-State Steady State Performance



Pseudo-Steady-State Pseudo Steady State Flow

Pseudosteady-state flow is defined as a flow regime where the pressure at any point in the reservoir declines at the same constant rate over time. This flow condition has propagated to all no-flow boundaries. A no-flow boundary can be a sealing fault, pinch-out of pay zone, or boundaries of drainage areas of production wells. kh ( p p wf ) q= 0 .472 re 141 .2 B [ln + s] rw

Pseudo-Steady-State Flow
The flow time required for the PSS period begins can be expressed as

The flow time required for the pressure funnel to reach the circular boundary can be expressed as

Irregular Shapes

Production from Single Phase Liquid Reservoirs: Inflow Performance Relationship

Th The following f ll i equations ti are valid lid for f Undersaturated U d t t d oil il reservoirs, or reservoir portions where the pressure is above the bubble-point pressure. These equations define the productivity index (J) for flowing bottom-hole bottom hole pressures above the bubblebubble point pressure.


ko h re 141.2 o Bo ln( ( ) 0.75 rw

Example 1

Example 2
Using g the well and reservoir data as below, , construct transient IPR curves for 1, 6, and 24 months. Assume zero skin effect.

Example 3
Assume that the initial reservoir pressure of the well described in Example 2 is also the constant pressure of the outer boundary in steady state condition. Draw IPR curves for skin effects ff t equal l to t 0, 0 5, 5 10, 10 and d 50 respectively. ti l Use U a drainage d i radius of 2980 ft.

Example 4
For this exercises, calculate the IPR curves for zero skin effect but for average reservoir pressure in increment of 500 psi from the initial 5651 to 3500 psi.

Production from Undersaturated oil reservoirs Production from two-phase reservoirs Production from gas wells

Two-phase o p ase Reservoirs ese o s

The linear IPR model is valid for pressure values as low as b bbl bubble-point i pressure. Below B l the h bubble-point b bbl i pressure, the h solution gas escapes from the oil and become free gas. The free gas occupies some portion of pore space, which reduces flow of oil oil. This effect is quantified by the reduced relative permeability.
1 kr

1 kr


Sg =1-


Oil viscosity increases as its solution gas content drops.

Two-phase Reservoirs
The combination of the relative p permeability y effect and the viscosity y effect results in lower oil production rate at a given bottom-hole pressure. This makes the IPR curve deviating from the linear trend below bubble-point bubble point pressure. The lower the pressure, the larger the deviation. If the reservoir pressure is below the initial bubble-point pressure pressure, oil and gas twophase flow exists in the whole reservoir domain and the reservoir is referred as a two-phase reservoir.

Deviation from straight line

Two-Phase Two Phase IPR with Skin

4500.0 4000 0 4000.0 Pwf: Pres ssure at We ellhead (psi) 3500.0 3000.0 2500.0 2000.0 1500.0 1000.0 500.0 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Rate (bpd ) Rate, Skin = 3.0 Rate Skin = 2 Rate Skin = 0 Rate Skin = 4 Rate Skin = -2 Rate Skin = 6

Two-phase Two phase IPR Vogel Equation Fetkovich Equation Jones-Blount-Glaze Equation

Vogel Relationship

q0 q o max

p wf = 1 0 .2 p

p wf 0 . 8 p

qo max

Apparent bso ute Ope Open Flow o Absolute Potential

Vogel g Example p
pwf is 2/3 of pave The reservoir is two-phase (below bubble point, saturated) What fraction of the maximum possible oil production rate does the well produce with? Answer: the well already y produces half of the maximum possible (though we use only 1/3 of the maximum available drawdown.)

q q max

= 1 0 .2 (0 .67 ) 0 .8 (0 .67 ) 0 .5

Vogel IPR
q0 q o max p wf p wf = 1 0 .2 p 0 . 8 p
One phase AOF

Initial slope: -1/1.8 -1/1 8

pwf p
T phase Two h AOF AOF:

q o max = J p
q o max
q qo ,max
1 1.8

J = p 1 .8

qo = C p p
2 R

2 wf

One phase AOF:

q o max = J p
q o max J ini = p 1 .8 J ini i i = p 2

Two phase AOF for Vogel:

Two phase AOF for Fetkovich:

qo max

Combined IPR

Pwf: F Flowing B BH Pressu ure (PSIA A)


Straight Line Above BP


Smooth transition




Vogel or Fetkovich Below


0.0 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0

Rate (STBO/day)

Example 5

Example 6

Example 7

Example 8

Future IPR
Reservoir deliverability y declines with time. During g transient flow period in single-phase reservoirs, this decline is because the radius of the p pressure funnel, , over which the pressure drawdown (pi - pwf ) acts, increases with time, , i.e., , the overall pressure p gradient g in the reservoir drops with time. two phase reservoirs, reservoirs as reservoir pressure In two-phase depletes, reservoir deliverability drops due to reduced relative permeability to oil and increased oil viscosity.

Example 9

Production from Undersaturated oil reservoirs Production from two-phase reservoirs Production from gas wells

Gas Flow
Steady State Pseudo-Steady State Darcy Flow Non-Darcy Flow

Non-Darcy Non Darcy Flow

Example 10
Graph the gas flow rate versus flowing bottomhole pressure for the well described as follows Assume that the reservoir is in steady follows. state period, there is no skin effect and re=1490 1490 ft f


Deliverability Test Methods

The goal is to collect the data to use to calculate the exponents in IPR equations. Different Diff t deliverability d li bilit tests t t can be b categorized into
Tests that use all stabilized data Tests that use a combination of transient and stabilized data Tests that use all transient data

Stabilized Data
The main method is Flow-After-Flow tests The test consists of a series of flow rates (often 4) The test is performed by producing the well at a series of stabilized flow rates and obtaining the corresponding stabilized flowing bottomhole pressure. In addition a stabilized shut-in bottomhole pressure is required for the analysis.

Stabilized Data
The major limitation is the length of time required to obtain stabilized data for lowpermeability gas reservoirs reservoirs. It means that two pressure readings within 15 minutes agree to within 0,1 psi The time to reach steady state can be approximated as

Flow after Flow test

The JBG Method

The JBG Method

The JBG Method

Example 11

Option 1: Logarithmic Curve

Option 1: Logarithmic Curve

IPR (Option 1)

Option 2: Pressure Pressure-Squared Squared Method

Option 2: Pressure Pressure-Squared Squared Method

IPR (Option 2)

Option 3: Pseudo Pressure Approach

Option 3: Pseudo Pressure Approach

IPR (Option 3)

Transient/Stabilized Data
Isochronal Test

Isochronal Test

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