SCA Annual Report 2013

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Annual Report 2013



This is SCA ..................................................................... flap 2013 at a glance ................................................................ 1 CEOs message .. ............................................................... 2 A changing world .............................................................. 4 Insight through dialog .. .................................................... 6 Doing the right thing . . ....................................................... 7 SCAs strategy ................................................................... 8 Targets for people and nature ..................................... 10 Innovation and brands .. ................................................. 12 Sustainability creates profitable business ............... 14 Leadership and culture .................................................. 15 Value for our stakeholders .. .......................................... 16 The SCA share . . ............................................................... 18 Information to shareholders .. ....................................... 21

Responsibility and governance

Corporate Governance ................................................. 50 Board of Directors and Auditors ................................. 56 Corporate Senior Management Team ....................... 58 Risk and risk management . . ......................................... 60

Financial statements

Contents ........................................................................... 66 Consolidated income statement ................................ 67 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income ............................................ 67 Consolidated statement of changes in equity .. ....... 68 Consolidated operating cash flow statement ......... 68 Consolidated cash flow statement .. ........................... 69 Correlation between consolidated cash flow statement and operating cash flow statement . . ...... 70 Consolidated balance sheet ........................................ 71 Financial statements, Parent Company .. .................. 72 Notes ................................................................................. 74 Adoption of the annual accounts . . ............................ 109 Proposed disposition of earnings ............................ 110 Audit report .................................................................... 111 SCA Data Multi-year summary ..................................................... 112 Comments to the multi-year summary .. .................. 113 Description of costs ..................................................... 114 Raw materials, energy and transport activities .. ... 114 Production plants ......................................................... 115 Definitions and key ratios ........................................... 116 Glossary .. ........................................................................ 116 Addresses ...................................................................... 117 Awards and recognition ................................. back cover

Board of Directors Report SCA Group

Operations and structure ............................................. 24 Acquisitions, investments and divestments ............ 25 Other Group information .. ............................................. 26 Sales and earnings . . ....................................................... 27 Operating cash flow ....................................................... 28 Financial position ........................................................... 29

Business areas

Personal Care .................................................................. 30 Tissue ................................................................................ 38 Forest Products .............................................................. 44

Key gures

Key gures
2013 SEK EUR2) 20124) SEK EUR2) 2011 SEK EUR2)

Net sales, SEKm/EURm Operating prot, SEKm/EURm Operating prot, SEKm/EURm1) Operating margin, % Operating margin, %1) Prot before tax, SEKm/EURm Prot before tax, SEKm/EURm1) Prot for the year, SEKm/EURm Prot for the year, SEKm/EURm1) Earnings per share, SEK Earnings per share, SEK1) Cash ow from current operations per share, SEK Dividend per share, SEK Strategic capital expenditures, incl. acquisitions, SEKm/EURm Divestments, SEKm/EURm Equity, SEKm/EURm Return on capital employed, % Return on capital employed, %1) Return on equity, % Return on equity, %1) Debt/equity ratio Debt/equity ratio, excluding pension liabilities Average number of employees Number of employees on December 31

89,019 8,683 9,934 10 11 7,683 8,934 5,564 6,392 7:90 9:08 8:53 4:753) 7,334 1,716 66,304 9 11 9 10 0.51 0.48 34,004 33,535

10,295 1,004 1,149

85,408 6,012 8,646 7 10

9,815 691 994

81,337 2,299 7,738 3 10

9,013 255 858

888 1,033 643 739

4,748 7,382 5,000 7,257 7:06 10:27 10:35 4:50

546 849 575 834

974 6,413 607 5,678 0:78 8:00 7:55 4:20

108 711 68 629

848 199 7,422

16,735 17,682 60,164 7 10 8 12 0.55 0.48 33,775 35,701

1,923 2,032 6,989

2,620 15 61,291 4 9 1 9 0.60 0.52 43,6975) 43,3145)

290 2 6,857

Excluding items affecting comparability. 2) See footnote 1) on pages 68 and 71 for exchange rates. 3) Proposed dividend. 4) In conjunction with the creation of a joint venture in Australia and New Zealand, the operations were deconsolidated from 2012. 5) Of which packaging operations that were divested in June 2012: Average number of employees 12,015 and Number of employees on December 31 11,733.

Net sales and operating margin
120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

SCA is a leading global hyg company that develops an personal care, tissue and f

Net sales

Operating margin

Excluding items affecting comparability. Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Prot before tax and dividend per share

10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 SEK 5 4 3 2 1 0

Prot before tax


Prot excluding items affecting comparability. Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012. Dividend for 2013 relates to the proposed dividend.

Personal Care
The business area comprises three product segments: incontinence products, baby diapers and feminine care.

Operating cash ow
SEKm 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 30

Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Groups largest markets

Sales, SEKm Germany France UK US Sweden Spain Mexico Netherlands Italy Russia
0 3,000 6,000 9,000

SCAs sales per region

Europe, 73% North America, 11% Latin America, 9% Asia, 6% Other countries, 1%

34,000 employees

Sales of SEK


strong brands

Net sales (share of Group)
Personal Care, 30% Tissue, 53% Forest Products, 17%

giene and forest products nd produces sustainable forest products.

Total Group: SEK 89,019m

Operating prot (share of Group)

Personal Care, 30% Tissue, 53% Forest Products, 17%

Total Group: SEK 9,934m

Excluding items affecting comparability.

The business area comprises two product segments: consumer tissue and Away-from-Home (AfH) tissue.

Forest Products
The business area comprises ve product segments: publication papers, kraftliner (packaging papers), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy.

Operating cash ow (share of Group)

Personal Care, 32% Tissue, 56% Forest Products, 12%

Page 38

Total Group: SEK 8,489m

Page 44

Capital employed (share of Group)

Personal Care, 11% Tissue, 51% Forest Products, 38%

Total Group: SEK 100,190m

Number of employees on December 31 (share of Group)

SCA has sales in about

100 countries

Personal Care, 32 % Tissue, 56 % Forest Products, 12%

Total Group: 33,535

2013 at a glance
Majority shareholder in the Chinese tissue company Vinda with 51.4% ownership. Established operations in India. Launch of Libero and Tempo. Efficiency programs delivered according to plan. Inaugurated first wind farm as part of jointly owned company with Statkraft. Divested the publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria. Net sales amounted to SEK 89,019m (85,408). Operating profit1) amounted to SEK 9,934m (8,646). Profit before tax1) totaled SEK 8,934m (7,382). Earnings per share amounted to SEK 7.90 (7.06). Cash flow from current operations amounted to SEK5,989m (7,271). Proposed dividend of SEK 4.75 (4.50) per share.

Excluding items affecting comparability.

SCA Annual Report 2013

Introduction|CEOs message

2013 a strong year for SCA

In 2013, we strengthened our position as a leading global hygiene and forest products company and displayed a strong performance in terms of our strategic priorities: growth, innovation and efficiency. We became the majority shareholder inthe Chinese tissue company Vinda during the year. Our extensive efficiency programs delivered according to plan and we can reflect back on a year of favorable sales growth and improved profitability.
Importance of growth The worlds population is growing and aging. Combined with a higher standard of living, this is resulting in increased demand for hygiene products, which is creating favorable growth opportunities for SCA. SCA plans to continue on its current path of profitable growth in both mature and emerging markets, primarily through organic growth but also through acquisitions. Our long-term goal is to hold a leading position in each of our product segments in all markets in which we operate. Our sales growth in 2013 was good and, excluding exchange rate effects and divestments, amounted to 10%, of which organic growth accounted for 3%. Mature markets offer the most significant growth opportunities in incontinence products as a result of their aging population and limited use of these products. I believe that we also have the potential to expand our product range by adding new products. Our new wash gloves and urinary tract infection tests (see page 32) are excellent and innovative examples of this. We expect that most of our future growth will occur in emerging markets. During 2013, we made an offer for Vinda, Chinas third largest tissue company, in which we already held a minority share. We achieved a majority shareholding in the company, making China SCAs most important emerging market. Our aim is to develop a collaboration with Vinda and utilize its extensive and strong distribution network. During the year, we established operations in India, a market with a growing middle class where the consumption of hygiene products is currently low, which offers considerable future potential. We launched our Libero baby diapers and Tempo consumer tissue. We are investing in a production plant for hygiene products in Southwest India, where production is expected to commence in 2015. Delivering savings according to plan To strengthen our competitiveness, we must continuously improve and enhance the efficiency of our operations. In recent years, we have worked intensively to systemize our improvement efforts by developing work methods and sharing best practice throughout the organization. The three extensive efficiency programs under way in our hygiene and forest products operations delivered according to plan, enabling us to report savings of approximately SEK 2bn for the year. Innovation and sustainability drive business Innovative capacity based on customer and consumer insight is essential in the drive to cre ate growth, competitiveness and profitability. Innovation is the key to creating customer and consumer value, which in turn strengthens customer loyalty and satisfaction. We are working to make the innovation process faster and launched a range of new innovations in 2013. One example is TENA Identifi, a system that makes it possible to analyze and customize incontinence solutions for nursing homes at an individual level (see page 32). Innovation and sustainability are tightly interlinked insofar as they function as each others drivers. Sustainability is an integral part of our business model. Combined with our leadingedge expertise in sustainability and innovation, our financial strength leads many customers to choose us as a partner. Open innovation meaning cooperation withexternal parties constitutes an important part of our innovation efforts and is a resource- efficient way of delivering increased customer and consumer value. SCA is conducting numerous projects around the world designed, for example, to reduce water and energy consumption. New, resource-efficient solutions are resulting in a smaller environmental impact and lower costs. One example is the replacement of the oil-fired lime kiln in Munksund with a new kiln that uses biofuel, which enabled us to reduce our annual fossil carbon emissions by 75% and cut costs bySEK 50m.

SCA Annual Report 2013

CEOs message | Introduction

We continuously receive confirmation that we are leading the way in the area. For the sixth consecutive year, we were named one of the worlds most ethical companies by the US Ethisphere Institute, as well as being included inthe Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index. Health and hygiene important for the individual We improve hygiene standards worldwide with our hygiene solutions. We also aim to share our knowledge and teach people about the importance of good hygiene. Some examples of such activities include educating young women about menstruation and puberty and teaching children about the importance of hand hygiene. In conjunction with the 2013 launch of our Libero baby diapers in India, we introduced a training initiative for doctors and midwives at some 30 hospitals and 500 baby health clinics. Right culture breeds success Compared with only a few years ago, companies now encounter different expectations and requirements in such areas as business ethics, respect for human rights and supplier controls. This is why we decided to update our Code of Conduct during 2013, and we will use 2014 to train all of our employees in the updated Code. The Code of Conduct is one of the cornerstones of our corporate culture, and having the right culture is entirely decisive for how successful we are in delivering on these expectations. Without a value-based, agile and result-oriented corporate culture, it doesnt matter how much we restructure or how many cost-cutting programs or new innovations we introduce. Our success depends on whether or not we have the right culture. This is why we continuously address leadership issues and provide development opportunities for our managers and employees. Our success in this area is measured in our biennial Group-wide employee survey. The survey for 2013 showed that we have a strong corporate culture and loyal employees.

Despite the sweeping changes and major reorganization that have taken place within the company, our results surpassed the already high level achieved in the last survey. The forest is a unique resource SCA is Europes largest private forest owner. Theforest is a unique resource that offers us access to high-quality forest raw materials, which we then process into solid-wood products, pulp, publication papers and kraftliner in our production process. In terms of pulp, we are approximately 30% self-sufficient. Forests also make a positive contribution to our environmental initiatives, since they enable energy production from wind power and biofuels while at the same time storing and binding carbon dioxide. During the year, we inaugurated the first wind farm in the collaboration between SCA and the energy company Statkraft. From a community perspective, forests also contribute to biodiversity while at the same time providing a source for nature experiences and recreation. Responsible forest management and replanting of trees may be one of the solutions to climate change. Our forests display a net growth rate and our growing forests absorb 2.6 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, which exceeds the emissions from SCAs use of fossil fuels in production. SCA brand strengthens business SCA has many strong global and regional brands that help us communicate who we are and what we stand for. In addition to TENA for incontinence products and Tork for AfH tissue our two leading global brands we also have approximately 80 local and regional brands. Wehave been working for some time now to promote the SCA brand and create a clearer linkto our customer and consumer brands and the company behind these products. In 2013, weintensified our brand focus and updated ourlogotype to better reflect SCA of today and tomorrow.

Our participation in the Volvo Ocean Race 20142015 with an all-female crew Team SCA forms part of our work to increase awareness of the SCA brand and our customer and consumer brands. The Volvo Ocean Race is a unique marketing platform. Our participation and our crew have already garnered attention and excitement throughout the world. Our success will depend on how well we manage future opportunities and challenges. Ilook forward, with great confidence, to SCAs business journey and our future ocean race.

Jan Johansson, President and CEO

SCA Annual Report 2013

Introduction | A changing world

A changing world
Global macrotrends, from population increases and higher standards of living to resource shortages and climate change, rapidly alter the conditions for SCAs business operations. By analyzing the external environment and trends, and maintaining close customer and consumer dialogs, SCA can leverage these drivers, thus enabling the creation of long-term sustainable growth.


The worlds population is growing and aging. The current global population is seven billion and the UN predicts that this figure will grow to nine billion by 2050. The average life expectancy is increasing and the worlds elderly population is expected to grow more than any other section of the population. This growing population is resulting in an increased demand for hygiene products and thus creating favorable growth opportunities for SCA. The greatest population increase is expected to occur in Asia, Latin America and Africa, which means that having a presence in these markets and offering adapted products will be strategically important. An aging population will put more pressure on the elderly care system and an increasing number of elderly people will require home care. We are also becoming healthier and continuing to lead active lives at an older age. These factors are contributing to increased demand for customer and consumer-adapted incontinence solutions in both mature and emerging markets.


Poor or no access to hygiene and sanitation is one of the greatest global challenges to be resolved. Good hygiene and knowledge about hygiene and hygiene products improve peoples health and quality of life. SCA continuously develops new hygiene solutions and educates young women about menstruation and puberty, as well as teaching children about the importance of good hand hygiene. For many women in developing countries, access to sanitary pads could mean the difference between going toschool and work or being forced to stay home, while incontinence products enable elderly people to live a more active life.

Globalization, urbanization, shifts in the balance of power, political decisions, the global economy, legislation and cultural dynamics all impact the world in which SCA operates. By trying to anticipate and assess structural changes in our external environment, we prepare for the future and ensure that we will be able to capitalize on the benefits and tackle the challenges that arise as a result of these changes. Political decisions impact SCA. For example, decisions regarding healthcare and reimbursement systems affect the con ditions for SCAs sales of incontinence products. SCA works to educate and provide information about reimbursement systems in the countries in which its incontinence products are sold. Economic power relationships are changing, and emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil are gaining an increasingly important influence.


At the same time as the worlds population is growing, the level of poverty in the world is decreasing. An increasing number of people now earn more than USD 2 per day (the UNs definition of poverty) or have moved into the middle class. Once peoples most basic needs for food and shelter are met, health and hygiene become top priorities. This creates favorable growth opportunities, and SCA is working to develop business models for consumers with limited resources.

SCA Annual Report 2013

A changing world | Introduction


Trends, technological developments and prevailing values cause customer and consumer behavior to change over time. Accordingly, the ability to anticipate and exceed customer and consumer expectations is becoming increasingly important. Sustainable consumption: Limited resources, political prioritizations and knowledgeable, aware customers and consumers are boosting demand for sustainable products and services. New technology: Many purchases are now made online, which is changing the rules of the game, for example, when it comes to marketing and distribution. The company behind the brand: More than ever before, customers and consumers are paying attention to the companies behind the products and services they buy and imposing greater demands on these companies in terms of corporate responsibility. Innovation: Highly innovative products, services and business models are required to respond to these changing behaviors.

Climate change is one of the most critical environ mental and social issues facing the world today. Authorities are setting targets to reduce CO2 emissions, and the private sector is expected to play its part. SCA combats climate change by investing in new technology, efficiency enhancements, and biofuel and wind power initiatives. Our forests have an annual net growth of 1%. This means that our forests absorb 2.6 million net tons of CO2 annually, which exceeds the 1.8 million tons of emissions generated through the total use of fossil fuels in SCAs production operations.

As a result of the growing global economy and world population, an increasing number of people are now sharing the planets natural resources. Energy: Access to energy has become a strategic issue in many countries. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that the need for energy will increase by 40% by 2035, which will probably entail higher costs and, in some cases, an energy shortage. As a major energy consumer, this is an important issue for SCA and we continuously work to enhance energy efficiency. New technology is not only resource-efficient, but usually also generates fewer emissions and less waste. SCA is also driving development in the area of renewable energy, including wind power and biofuel. SCA holds numerous riparian rights for hydropower operations that cannot be exploited under current legislation. Water: The UN predicts that two-thirds of the worlds population may live in areas with water shortages by 2025. Access to water is critical for people, industry and agriculture. SCAs production operations are dependent on access to water and we are working to achieve our ambitious goals for efficient water usage. Forest management: Illegal felling and felling of forests with a high conservation value contributes to global deforestation and constitutes a threat to biodiversity. SCA has a Group target for checking the origin of all wood raw materials. Forests are a key component in our value chain and provide us with access to forest raw materials. Human capital: The economic progress of the worlds emerging markets and increasingly knowledge-extensive business in mature markets are resulting in an increased need for skilled labor and management. At SCA, we invest in the development and training of our employees and take a strategic approach to meeting our future requirements for competent leaders.

SCA Annual Report 2013

Introduction | Insight through dialog

Insight through dialog

Systematic stakeholder dialogs provide SCA with an understanding of the needs of its stakeholders, their expectations of SCA and whether or not SCA lives up to these expectations. These dialogs serve as the basis for our innovations, decisions and priorities. Read more about SCAs stakeholder dialog in the Groups Sustainability Report.


Mercadona and SCA have a relationship that goes far beyond the classic customer/ supplier relationship. We are strategic partners, so we share common goals and work as a team to achieve them. This is a fundamental part of the Mercadona model, and our way of working. In order to be successful, we need to ensure that we are working with the best suppliers in each category and SCA has proven itself to be worthy for more than 30 years that we have been working together. One of the main qualities of SCA is the ability to understand our needs locally and use its multinational structure to meet them. This allows for fast reactions to daily operational issues, while retaining a global approach to strategic issues where the expertise and best practices of other markets are required. SCAs sustainability values are essential to the partnership with Mercadona. SCA is the only supplier of tissue, diapers and feminine care for our leading brands of Bosque Verde and Deliplus, so the reputation of these brands is in the hands of companies such as SCA. Consumers and society would never accept us taking risks in the area of sustainability, and we are proud to see how SCA consistently demonstrates that its commitment is genuine and based on facts.
Jorge Gisbert, Purchasing Manager, Mercadona, Spain

We have a long-standing relationship with SCA, which has been one of our suppliers since 2007. Long-term supplier relationships are important to us since they enable us to develop our business together with our suppliers. SCA is a supplier that offers a good mix of quality, delivery reliability and price.
Magnus Agervald, President, Byggmax, Sweden

We consider SCA to be an important business partner when it comes to providing effective and cost-efficient incontinence care. SCAs strength lies in its broad range of high-quality products and first-rate services, such as education and training. We appreciate that SCA is at the cutting edge of the development of innovative products and services.
Andrea Segrini, Manager, Molina Nursing Home, Italy

SCA Annual Report 2013

Doing the right thing | Introduction

Doing the right thing

SCA uses a materiality analysis to determine the areas that are important to the Groups stakeholders, and this analysis serves as the basis for the companys future priorities. The analysis, which was most recently performed in 2013, is based on a survey of approximately 1,500 external and internal stakeholders. The results corresponded well with our prioritized areas.
Earlier materiality analyses were conducted by SCA in 2008, 2010 and 2012. The results of the 2013 materiality analysis show that the following areas are considered most important by stakeholders: 1. Innovation 2. Customer and consumer satisfaction 3. Business ethics 4. Product safety 5. Health and safety Other key areas are brands, resource efficiency, forest assets, market positions and human rights. A total of about 1,500 customers, consumers, suppliers, investors, analysts, journalists, NGO representatives and SCA employees participated in the analysis. In the results of the survey, each stakeholder group was assigned the same weight, regardless of the number of votes in the group. Innovation was ranked highest in an overall assessment of all of the stakeholders results. Investors and analysts listed brands as the most important issue, while customers and consumers ranked customer and consumer satisfaction as most important. Both interest groups listed innovation as the second most i mportant issue. SCA employees ranked customer and consumer satisfaction as the most important area, followed by innovation and business ethics. Customer and consumer satisfaction received the second highest ranking by the stake holders. Through its comprehensive customer and consumer insight, SCA works to meet consumers needs and exceed their expectations. SCA conducts regular customer surveys and uses the opinions, ideas and any complaints from customers and consumers as a basis for improving its products and services.

Innovation was ranked as the overall most important area by the Groups stakeholders. Innovation is one of SCAs three strategic priorities. Developing and differentiating products and services increases customer and consumer satisfaction, while at the same time strengthening the companys market position and brands.

Business ethics are also considered highly import ant by the stakeholders. For SCA, this means competing fairly with zero tolerance for all forms of corrupt and unethical business practices. SCA expects its sup pliers to adhere to the same rules as SCA, in accordance with our Supplier Standard.

Product safety was ranked number four by the companys stakeholders. Product safety is a high priority for SCA, particularly since many of the companys products come into contact with peoples skin.

Health and safety was ranked number five in the survey. Health and safety is a toppriority for SCA and the all employee survey conducted in 2013 confirmed that employee awareness in the area has improved significantly. In 2013, the accident f requency rate fell13%.

SCA Annual Report 2013

Introduction|SCAs strategy

SCAs strategy
SCA is a leading global hygiene and forest products company. SCAs strategy is based on a sustainable business model where value creation for people and nature is put on a par with growth and profitability to ensure a successful company in both the short and long term.
SCAs overall long-term objective is to generate increased value for shareholders. Return on capital employed The Groups overall profitability target is to achieve a return on capital employed of 13% over a business cycle. The target is 30% for Personal Care, 15% for Tissue and to be in the top quartile of the industry for Forest Products.

To sustainably develop, produce, market and sell increasingly value-added products and services within hygiene and forest products markets for customers and consumers. Satisfying needs through understanding of customers and consumers, knowledge of local and regional market conditions and superior go-to-market approaches, combined with global experience, strong brands, efficient production and innovation.

Growth SCAs annual organic growth target for Personal Care is 57%, while the target for Tissue is 34%. For Forest Products, the target is to grow in line with the market.

Capital structure A debt/equity target of 0.70 over a business cycle and a debt payment capacity of more than 35%.

People targets SCAs people targets pertain to health and safety, the Groups Code of Conduct, including human rights, sustainable innovations and hygiene solutions. For more information about targets and target fulfilment, refer to page 10.

Nature targets SCAs nature targets focus on climate, energy, water consumption, fiber sourcing and biodiversity. For more information about targets and target fulfilment, refer to page 11.

Return on capital employed

% 12 11 10 9 8






Excluding items affecting comparability. Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

SCA Annual Report 2013

SCAs strategy | Introduction


SCA focuses on three strategic priorities in order to achieve its targets: growth, innovation and efficiency.

Growth Increasing the hygiene businesss share of the SCA Group has been a strategic step toward reducing the companys sensitivity to economic fluctuations and thereby ensuring a more long-term stable level of profitability and growth. While growth will mainly be organic, acquisitions will also be pursued. SCA aims to grow and strengthen its positions in both mature and emerging markets by, for example, broadening its offering of product categories, product ranges and services, as well as growing in new segments and channels. SCAs long-term goal is to be the leading company and strengthen its brand position in the markets that it serves. Outcome 2013 In 2013, SCA grew both organically and through acquisitions. SCAs sales growth in 2013, excluding exchange rate effects and divestments, amounted to 10%. Acquisitions increased sales by 7%. Excluding exchange rate effects, SCAs sales increase in emerging markets amounted to 11%. Emerging markets accounted for 23% of SCAs sales in 2013. The hygiene businesss share of Group sales increased to 83%. In 2013, SCA became the majority shareholder in Vinda, with ownership of 51.4%. SCA will consolidate Vinda as of the first quarter of 2014. Vinda is the third largest tissue company in China, which is the worlds second largest tissue market. During 2013, SCA established operations in India and decided to invest SEK 150m in the local production of hygiene products. The plan is to commence production at the Groups own plant in 2015. Indias large population and limited use of hygiene products has created potential for future growth. In 2013, SCA launched its Libero baby diapers and Tempo consumer tissue in India. Russia is one of SCAs most important emerging markets and SCA is investing in an increased tissue capacity in the country.

Innovation Innovation is a driver for growth and profitability. A higher pace of innovation, based on SCAs comprehensive customer and consumer insight, improves the Groups competitiveness and strengthens and differentiates its customer offering. Through new and improved customer offerings, SCA strengthens its brands and creates additional customer and consumer value. Sustainability aspects and product safety are important for customers and consumers and thus also in the development of new products and services. SCAs strategy is to increase the pace of innovation, capitalize on global economies of scale and ensure that all segments have a competitive and balanced portfolio of innovations. Particular focus is given to exploring the possibilities of broadening the product portfolio, as well as expanding the range of services. Outcome 2013 SCA launched some 30 innovations during 2013. One such innovation was TENA U-test. The test can be inserted into patients incontinence products to simply check whether they have a urinary tract infection. SCA also launched TENA Identifi, a new technology that simplifies the work carried out by caregivers and improves the quality of life of those suffering from incontinence. Integrated electronic sensors in the incontinence product register information that can be used to provide the correct treatment and protection. In response to the demand for intelligent hygiene solutions, which is being driven by an increased awareness about hygiene and the threat of pandemics, SCA launched Tork Intuition Sensor, a touch-free sensor-controlled foam soap dispenser. During 2013, SCA also introduced a portable Tork dispenser for wiping paper that can be used in restaurant kitchens, as well as Tempo Cotton Touch, a new handkerchief containing cotton to provide a stronger and softer product.

Efciency Enhanced capital efficiency, lower costs and strengthened cash flow are achieved through efficiency enhancement and savings measures, as well as the optimization of capital employed in all parts of the Group. Establishing more efficient production and processes strengthens the Groups competitiveness and enables SCA to improve its customer service and customer satisfaction. In most cases, this also results in positive environmental effects. Global functions in the hygiene operations relating to such areas as innovation and brand activities, as well as production, sourcing and logistics, generate cost synergies and enable efficient resource allocation. For the sake of efficiency, SCA chooses to work with partners incertain areas of the world. Outcome 2013 SCA is conducting three efficiency programs, which were launched in 2012. The cost and efficiency program under way in the hygiene operations progressed according to plan and will generate annual cost savings of EUR 300m with full effect in 2015. The bulk of the savings relates to production and sourcing. In 2013, SCA achieved cost savings of SEK 1,050m. In conjunction with the acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations, synergies were identified that will lead to annual cost savings of EUR 125m with full effect in 2016. The Groups efforts to realize cost synergies progressed as planned in 2013. The savings achieved pertained to production, sourcing, logistics, sales and administration. Cost savings of SEK 385m were achieved in 2013. Forest Products efficiency program progressed as planned and will result in an annual earnings improvement of approximately SEK 1.3bn with full effect in 2015. The program includes a structured plan to reduce fixed and variable costs, achieve improved income through increased production and efficiency enhancement, and implement a changed product and market mix. In 2013, the program generated an earnings improvement of SEK 550m.

SCA Annual Report 2013

Introduction | Targets for people and nature

Targets for people and nature


Sustainable innovations

Hygiene solutions

Code of Conduct

Employee Health & Safety

TARGET We will deliver better, safe and environmentally sound solutions toour customers. We strive to continuously improve resource efficiency and environmental per formance considering the whole life cycle for new innovations. OUTCOME 2013 Several sustainable innovations were launched, such as TENA Identifi, TENA U-test, Tork Intuition Sensor and a portable Tork dispenser.

TARGET We will make our knowledge about hygiene available to customers and consumers and ensure access to affordable, sustainable hygiene solutions to help them lead a healthy and dignified life. In markets in which we operate we will:  Provide information on hygiene matters around our products and services.  Strive to implement education programs for girls, women and caregivers.  Strive to offer the best value for consumers making hygiene solutions affordable to everyone. OUTCOME 2013 SCA holds the number one or two position in at least one hygiene product segment in about 90 countries. Hygiene training programs were conducted in all product segments on all continents. We offered a broad portfolio of products ranging from the premium segment to the economy segment.

TARGET Our SCA Supplier Standard will be used to drive shared values and priorities through our supply chain. We will use it in all our supply chain contracts by 2015. We will maintain compliance with our SCA Code of Conduct. All employees will receive regular training in the Code. OUTCOME 2013 A total of 75% (73) of SCAs global hygiene supplier base and 60% (40) of our forest products supplier base had undertaken to adhere to the SCA Supplier Standard. 91% (87) of employees have received Code of Conduct training.

TARGET Our aim is zero workplace accidents, and we will decrease our accident frequency rate by 25% between 2011 and 2016. OHSAS 18001 will be implemented at all main sites by 2016. OUTCOME 2013 The accident frequency rate was 8.4 (9.7) per 1,000,000 working hours, representing a 9% decline compared with the reference year of 2011. By the end of 2013, 45% (30) of SCAs 67 main sites were certified according to OHSAS 18001.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Targets for people and nature | Introduction


Climate & energy

Fibre sourcing & biodiversity


TARGET We will reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and from purchased electricity and heating by 20% by 2020, with 2005 as reference year. We will triple our production of biofuels from our forests by 2020, with 2010 as reference year. The production of wind power on SCA forest land will increase to 5TWh by 2020. OUTCOME 2013 At year-end 2013, CO2 emissions in relation to the production level had declined by 11.8%, with 2005 as reference year. In 2013, energy production from SCAs forest-based biofuels was 909 GWh (870 GWh in the reference year 2010). Wind energy from SCA forest land totaled 0.75 TWh (0.4).

TARGET We will achieve and maintain our target of zero fresh fiber-based material from controversial sources*, including pulp. We will preserve the biodiversity of our forests. A minimum of 5% of our productive forest land will be set aside from forestry in our ecological landscape plans and a further 5% will be set aside as part of our consideration for nature in our managed forests. OUTCOME 2013 All deliveries of pulp to SCAs facilities met the Group target. All of SCAs wood-consuming units are reviewed by independent auditors and meet the requirements of the Group target. 7% of SCAs productive forest land was set aside in the long term from forestry in ecological landscape plans. In 2013, 15% of the area in planned harvesting sites was set aside for preservation.

TARGET We aim to achieve water sustainability and we will reduce our water usage in water-stressed regions by 10% by 2015, with 2010 as reference year. All SCA pulp and paper mills will employ mechanical and biological water treatment plants by 2015. OUTCOME 2013 By year-end 2013, water usage in water-stressed regions in relation to the production level had declined by 10.4%, with 2010 as reference year. Of the Groups 44 pulp and paper mills, mechanical and biological effluent treatment systems have been installed at 42 plants.

* Controversial sources are defined as: Illegally logged timber. Timber from forests with a high conservation value.  Timber from areas where human rights or traditional rights of indigenous people are being violated.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Introduction | Innovation and brands

Innovation a business driver

Innovation drives growth and profitability and comprises one of SCAs three strategic priorities. Development and differentiation of products and services boost customer and consumer value while strengthening the companys market positions and brands.

SCAs innovation process is deeply embedded in the Groups strategy and business model. Innovation activities are based on market trends, customer and consumer insight, new technology and business models, with sustainability and product safety integrated into the process. SCAs presence in both mature and emerging markets provides a good understanding of trends and customer and consumer needs. This is used to develop new business models, products and services adapted to the prevailing conditions in these markets. For SCA, innovation work involves increasing customer and consumer value by developing new, attractive products and services, evolving and improving existing offerings, and expanding the range. Innovation programs also encompass

production and work processes, with the aim of achieving a more efficient and resource-efficient operation. Sustainability plays a central role in SCAs innovation process. Sustainability-driven innovation may take the form of continuous optimizations, reducing resource utilization along the value chain, replacing fossil fuels with renewable alternatives or developing business models or offerings that enhance the quality of life of customers and consumers. Innovation work is supported by SCAs innovation teams across the globe and a well-developed innovation culture. Open innovation meaning cooperation with external parties constitutes an important part of our innovation efforts and is a resource-efficient way of deliver-

ing increased customer and consumer value. SCA has an innovation portal for open innovation, the aim of which is to offer external parties the opportunity of working with SCA within certain areas. Using this method, SCA establishes contact with parties that have access to technology and products that can help the Group strengthen its innovation efforts and, ultimately, the offering to its customers and consumers. During the year, SCA filed applications for 50patents. Patenting activities are pursued in a central organization that maintains a global focus and ensure appropriate protection for SCA innovations. SCA launched some 30 innovations during 2013.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Innovation and brands | Introduction

A strong brand creates long-term value

SCA is working to establish a strong Group-wide brand and strengthen the link to our customer and consumer brands. Astrong brand contributes to the perception of SCA as a solid, trustworthy company, which in turn creates customer and consumer loyalty, drives sales and provides a basis for a fair valuation.
The SCA brand communicates our identity and how we wish to be perceived: our values, our Code of Conduct, our comprehensive sustainability work and our innovative way of thinking and developing new solutions based on customer and consumer insight. The brand also conveys how our products and services enable us to make a difference for people, nature and society. The core of the SCA brand is encapsulated in our brand concept Care of life. SCA has undergone major changes in recent years and, as a result, our hygiene operations now account for 83% of our sales and we are increasingly being compared with other fastmoving consumer goods companies. To reflect this journey of change, SCAs logotype was updated in early 2013. While the basic elements of the logotype are the same, the color and shape of the design have been changed and we now write out the words Care of life in order to clarify and strengthen the message. Many consumers around the world use SCA products every day without making the connection between SCAs customer and consumer brands and the SCA brand. Studies show that consumers now increasingly want to recognize and feel confident in the company behind the products they buy and know that the company is financially, environmentally and socially responsible. This is one of the reasons that we want to increase awareness of SCA and strengthen the connection between the company and its customer and consumer brands, thereby enabling us to capitalize on our shared strengths and values, and create a clear link to our customers and consumers. Our objective is to strengthen awareness of SCA and reinforce the connection to the com panys customer and consumer brands and this is also the reason for SCAs participation in the Volvo Ocean Race 20142015. We want more people to be aware of SCAs products and the approximately 80 brands in SCAs portfolio, including the global leaders TENA and Tork and strong regional brands such as Lotus, Libresse, Tempo, Libero, Saba and Nosotras. The Volvo Ocean Race is a global project and a unique marketing platform offering an opportunity to introduce SCAs operations and brands to various target groups across the world, including employees, customers, consumers and investors, in order to increase awareness of SCA and strengthen the perception of the Group as a leading global hygiene and forest products company.

SCA Care of life

Because our products make life easier for you and for millions of people around the world. Because our resources and the way we work are natural parts of the global lifecycle. And because we care.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Introduction | Sustainability creates profitable business

Sustainability creates protable business

Sustainability is an integral part of SCAs business model and is of critical importance to our success and profitability. Sustainability work contributes to business value in a number of ways.

Competitive edge Efficient sustainability work strengthens our customer relationships and offering since customers want to work with trusted suppliers with sound operational control. Economic value is also created through our ability to help customers fulfill their own sustainability objectives. The crucial importance of sustainability for business was confirmed in a survey carried out on 400 SCA employees with customer relations. Just over 40% of these employees stated that sustainability activities had played a decisive role inthe outcome of contract negotiations. Cutting costs By promoting and investing in resource effici ency, we are able to reduce our environmental impact and costs. The goal of SCAs ESAVE energy-efficiency program, which was introduced in 2003, is to reduce the Groups energy consumption per ton by 14% by 2020, using 2010 as the reference year. A total of 147 projects were carried out in 2013, resulting in 1.7% reduc tion in energy used per ton. Since 2010, SCAs energy consumption has decreased by 3.1%. Reducing risks Sound operational control and counteracting corruption reduce the risks to which acompany is exposed. All main SCA sites report their results in the ethical database Sedex and we encourage our suppliers to do the same. We review the conditions in our plants and investigate corruption risks. We apply a Global Supplier Standard and will use this standard inall supply chain contracts as of 2015.

Attracting investors and employees Sustainability issues are becoming increasingly important to many investors and 15% of SCAs shareholders perform sustainability screening. Working in a sustainable company boosts employee pride. Ethics and values are key factors when it comes to recruiting top talent.

Strengthening the brand High-quality sustainability work can strengthen a brands identity and create long-term value. Sustainability is one of the cornerstones of the SCA brand and a crucial factor in many of SCAs customer and consumer brands.


People ambitions We build our position as one of the most trusted companies in the world, delivering sustainable growth and value for our stakeholders. We improve hygiene standards worldwide with our hygiene solutions. For the millions of existing users of our products and services, and for the billions of people in emerging markets, we develop innovative solutions that make it easier to live healthy, sustainable lives. We support womens empowerment and their freedom to participate fully in society socially, educationally and professionally across the world by giving them access to and education about hygiene solutions. Nature ambitions We deliver sustainable solutions with added value for our customers based on safe, resource-efficient and environmentally sound sourcing, production, and research and development. We combat climate change and minimize our impact on the environment through acombination of new innovations and technologies, efficiency gains, consumer initiatives and carbon sequestering in our forests. We care for the forests with all of their bio diversity and we are committed to managing and utilizing them responsibly. We aim to maximize the benefits our forest have on our ecosystem, climate, customers and society, through a combination of innovation, efficiency gains and wise and longterm management.

About the Sustainability Report SCA publishes a Sustainability Report each year. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, level A+, areapplied in the report and a detailed GRI index table can be viewed at The Sustainability Report was reviewed in its entirety by PwC. SCAs Sustainability Report is available in English and Swedish in a printed version and at The Sustainability Report is

also SCAs Communication on Progress, a document required of all Global Compact signatories. The Sustainability Report and the Annual Report should be viewed as a single unit in which information may be provided in either report or, where appropriate, in both. Read more at or in SCAs 2013 Sustainability Report.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Leadership and culture | Introduction

Leadership and culture

Our employees are SCAs most important asset. The Group depends on motivated, competent and high-performing employees who are willing to think outside the box and contribute to the companys success. Employee competence and performance are critical to SCAs ability to meet its goals.

Leadership SCA needs leaders who inspire, challenge and motivate. SCAs leaders should energize, embol den and create the right conditions to allow all employees reach their full potential and help the company achieve its goals. The companys leaders provide tools that enable each employee to assume responsibility for his or her own develop ment and performance. All professional deve lop ment at SCA has its starting point in the Groups business goals, and harmonizes the individuals ambitions with the Groups expectations. Each individual is encouraged to develop the skills required for current and future positions. During the year, work continued on SCAs formal leadership development, resulting in a structured model for the entire Group, adapted to its specific circumstances. SCAs leadership platform, which defines the desired skills and behavior of its leaders, serves as the foundation for the companys leadership program. Training is carried out on the basis of specific needs rather than general requirements. SCA takes a cross-border approach to learning and therefore uses a mix of participants from different countries, functions and organizational levels. During 2013, 200 new leaders completed the first stage of the leadership program. Culture SCAs corporate culture is characterized by extensive employee commitment and a focus on action and results. Having the right corporate culture is essential to SCAs ability to effectively deliver on its strategy and strategic priorities. SCAs leaders assume ownership for their areas of responsibility and expect the same from their teams every day. This requires a sense of trust between managers and employees, and among co-workers, with open communication and individual responsibility. To achieve a dynamic corporate culture in which teamwork drives innovation and employees motivate and complement one another, SCA endeavors to attract people with different experiences, personalities, perspectives and skills. Life Inspiring Careers In order to communicate its corporate culture and highlight the professional development

opportunities available within the Group, SCA established Life Inspiring Careers in 2013 aplatform for marketing SCA as an attractive employer. During the year, SCA initiated partnerships with selected universities and institutes of technology in such countries as the US, France, Spain, Germany, Russia and China as a means of establishing contact with potential future employees. The Group applies the same communication plan and conveys the same message in all countries, but adapts its initiatives according to the availability of individuals with the right skills and SCAs needs in different markets. Result-focused employee dialog In 2011, SCA introduced its Global Performance Management System (GPS), the Groups global tool for performance reviews. During each performance review, the employees established targets, functional competence and, if the employee

is a manager, leadership qualities, are discussed and evaluated along with SCAs values. As part of the review, the manager and employee also agree on a future development plan. All employee survey To ensure its continuous development and improvement, SCA conducts an all employee survey every second year. This survey is used to provide an index for leadership, innovation, customer orientation and engagement, as well as an overall index. The most recent survey was conducted in 2013 and responses were received from 86.3% of the employees at the Groups wholly owned companies. This years results surpassed the already high level achieved in the last survey. SCAs leaders received positive assessments and we will continue to prioritize leadership since it is crucial for the companys future success.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Introduction | Value for our stakeholders

Value for our stakeholders

By responding to new trends and changes in our external environment and engaging in a continuous stakeholder dialog, we create sustainable growth and profitability and generate value for our stakeholders.


To create additional customer and consumer value, SCA focuses on developing new, attractive products and services, evolving and improving its existing offerings, and expanding its range. Through its comprehensive customer and consumer insight, SCA works to meet consumers needs and exceed their expectations. SCA has many different customers, from corporate customers, including the retail trade, distributors, printing houses, restaurants, schools, and medical and healthcare services, to consumers of SCAs products. SCAs sustainability work also helps its customers achieve their own sustainability targets. By jointly working for greater efficiency and innovation, SCA and its customers can supply high-quality sustainable products that meet and exceed consumer needs and expectations. SCA also works to provide information about hygiene and its hygiene products and solutions. In emerging markets, SCA sells hygiene products and solutions that are specially adapted to consumers with limited resources. Outcome 2013: SCA holds the number one or two position in at least one hygiene product segment in about 90 countries. SCA offered a broad portfolio of products ranging from the premium segment to the economy segment. SCA continued to educate young women about menstruation and puberty, as well as educating children about the importance of hand hygiene and providing training for nurses in the field of incontinence care. Our products were distributed to both major corporate customers and small local stores.



Customers and consumers



SHAREHOLDERS SCAs overall long-term objective is to generate increased value for its shareholders. This is achieved through a positive share price trend and dividends. SCA aims to provide long-term stable and increasing dividends to its shareholders. Over a business cycle, approximately one-third of cash flow from current operations (after interest expenses and tax) is normally allocated for dividends. Outcome 2013: SCAs share price rose 40% in 2013. The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend be raised by 5.6% to SEK 4.75 (4.50) per share. Accordingly, dividend growth over the most recent five-year period amounted to 6.3%. The proportion of shareholders that only invest in ethical and sustainable companies is on the rise and 15% of SCAs shareholders perform sustainability screening. SCA is included in numerous sustainability indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, which are among the worlds most prestigious sustainability indices, and the FTSE4Good index series.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Value for our stakeholders | Introduction

SCA strives to have transparent, long-term relationships with its suppliers to guarantee both high quality and financial stability for both parties. Purchasing accounts for SCAs single largest expense. To achieve economies of scale, most input goods, such as pulp, electricity and chemicals, are purchased centrally. Forest raw materials are often purchased locally, which provides a substantial financial contribution to local suppliers and the local economy. Another way of building value is to develop the suppliers expertise through training and cooperation. SCAs goals in the area of responsible sourcing encompass all suppliers of raw materials and input goods. SCAs Global Supplier Standard serves as a basis for ensuring that the companys suppliers meet the highest standards in terms of social and environmental responsibility and product safety. Outcome 2013: SCA paid SEK 56.4bn to its suppliers during 2013. SCA continued its efforts to enhance the efficiency and coordinate control of the supply chain by centralizing the purchasing of global commodities. A total of 75% of SCAs hygiene supplier base and 60% of its forest products supplier base have undertaken to adhere to the SCA Supplier Standard and its requirements with regard to social responsibility, product safety and the environment.

Our employees are SCAs most important asset. The Group depends on motivated, competent and high-performing employees who are willing to think outside the box and contribute to the companys success. Employee competence and performance are critical to SCAs ability to successfully pursue its strategy, meet its goals and continue to develop. SCAs leaders should energize, embolden and create the right conditions to allow all employees reach their full potential. We create value for our employees by offering professional development opportunities and a stimulating, safe and healthy work environment. SCA offers employment terms and benefits that are in line with prevailing market terms. Outcome 2013: During 2013, SCA paid approximately SEK 12.8bn in salary to its employees. To ensure its continuous development and improvement, SCA conducts an all employee survey every second year. This survey is used to provide an index for leadership, innovation, customer orientation and engagement, as well as an overall index. The most recent survey was conducted in 2013 and responses were received from 86.3% of the employees at the Groups wholly owned companies. This years results surpassed the already high level achieved in the last survey. SCAs leaders received positive assessments and we will continue to prioritize leadership since it is crucial for the companys future success. Health and safety is a top priority for SCA and the survey confirmed that employee awareness in the area has improved significantly. In 2013, the accident frequency rate fell 13%.

SCA contributes to the local economy as a major employer in many regions and through its community involvement. Aside from income tax, SCA also pays property taxes, payroll taxes, pension taxes, customs duties and energy taxes. SCAs aim is to strengthen its relationships with the communities in which it operates, andto make a difference in peoples lives. In accord ance with SCAs guidelines for community involvement, we prioritize initiatives with a clear link to SCAs operations, geographic presence, expertise and core values of respect, responsibility and excellence. This means that many of our efforts pertain to hygiene, health and the environment, and are often directed at women and children. SCAs initiatives include both large-scale investments and small projects with a local focus. These projects cover everything from education and donations to disaster relief and tree planting. Many employees and customers are interested in SCAs community involvement, and our initiatives thus provide us with competitive advantages in these areas. Outcome 2013: SCA paid SEK 1.6bn in income tax in 2013. SCA invested approximately SEK 34m in 370 local community involvement projects during the year, including monetary donations to Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) and donations of hygiene products when Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines.

Economic value distributed by stakeholder group 20131)

Interest paid to creditors, 1% (SEK 1,000m) Income tax paid, 2% (SEK 1, 634m) Dividend to shareholders, 4% (SEK 3,202m) Employee social security costs, 4% (SEK 3,803m) Remaining in the company, 11%2) (SEK 10,169m) Employee salaries, 15% (SEK 12,807m) Suppliers, 63%3) (SEK 56,404m)

1) 2) 3)

Based on SCA net sales 2013. Current expenditures, restructuring costs, strategic capital expenditures and acquisitions. Raw materials, transportation and distribution, energy and other expenses for goods sold.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Introduction | The SCA share

The SCA share

SCA shares are quoted and traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, and as American Depository Receipts (ADR level 1) inthe US through Deutsche Bank. The final 2013 closing price on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm for SCAs B share was SEK 198.00 (141.00), corresponding to a market capitalization of SEK 140bn (99) at December 31, 2013. In 2013, the share price rose 40%, while the OMX Stockholm 30 Index rose 18% during the same period. The highest closing price for SCAs B share during the year was SEK198.00, which was noted on December 30. The lowest price was SEK 140.00 on January 7. The proposed dividend is SEK4.75 (4.50) per share. For more information, refer to the section Dividend and dividend policy on page 20.
Index On NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, SCA is included in the OMX Stockholm 30 Index and in the Personal & Household Goods sector within Consumer Goods. In addition to indexes directly linked to NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, SCA is included in other indexes, such as the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Index. Within MSCI, SCA is included in Household Products within Consumer Staples. SCA is also represented in sustainability indexes, including FTSE4Good, OMX GES Sustainability Sweden PI, OMX GES Sustainability Nordic PI and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Liquidity In 2013, the volume of SCA shares traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm was 462 million (550), representing a value of approximately SEK 77bn (64). Average daily trading for SCA on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm amounted to 1.8 million shares, corresponding to a value of SEK 307m (256). Trading on BATS Chi-X Europe, Turquoise and Burgundy amounted to approximately 290 million SCA shares during the year. Ownership Some 37% (42) of the share capital is owned by investors registered in Sweden and 63% (58) by foreign investors. The US and the UK account for the highest percentage of shareholders registered outside Sweden.

Total shareholder return 2013

Index 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 Thousand shares 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0

Total shareholder return 20092013

Index 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Million shares
240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0














MSCI Europe

OMX Stockholm 30

Daily trading SCA B


MSCI Europe

OMX Stockholm 30

Trading per quarter SCA B

MSCI Household Products

MSCI Household Products

Total shareholder return 20112013

Index 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 2011 2012 2013

SCAs ten largest shareholders According to SIS garservice at December 31, 2013, the following companies, foundations and mutual funds were the ten largest registered shareholders based on voting rights:
Shareholders No. of A shares No. of B shares Votes (%) Holding (%)

Industrivrden AB Handelsbanken* Norges Bank Investment Management Skandia Swedbank Robur Funds SEB Funds & SEB Trygg Life Insurance Standard Life Investment Funds SCA Employee Foundation Fidelity Funds OMX Stockholm 30 AMF Insurance and Funds

40,500,000 20,164,699 8,064,980 2,336,684

30,406,049 10,650,355 37,838,220 460,621 15,121,895

29.2 14.2 8.0 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6

10.1 4.4 6.5 0.4 2.1 1.0 1.5 0.1 1.3 1.3

625,100 982,845

6,211,129 10,288,901 74,406 9,436,591 8,847,000

SCA B index total shareholder return Competitor index total shareholder return1)

* Including mutual funds and foundations.

Source: SIS garservice

Weighted index of competitors total shareholder return. Competitors are selected to reflect SCAs operations. The index is used when comparing the SCA share performance over a three-year term forthelong-term portion (LTI) of senior executives variable remuneration.


SCA Annual Report 2013

The SCA share | Introduction

Data per share

All earnings figures include items affecting comparability unless otherwise indicated.
SEK per share unless otherwise indicated 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

Ticker names
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm New York (ADR level 1) SCA A, SCA B SVCBY

Earnings per share after full tax: After dilution After dilution, excluding items affecting comparability 7) Before dilution Market price for B share: Average price during the year Closing price, December 31 Cash flow from current operations 1) 7) Dividend Dividend growth, % 3) Dividend yield, % P/E ratio 4) P/E ratio, excluding items affecting comparability 4) 7) Price/EBIT 5) 7) Price/EBIT, excluding items affecting comparability 5) 7) Beta coefficient 6) Pay-out ratio (before dilution), % Equity, after dilution Equity, before dilution Number of registered shares December 31 (millions) of which treasury shares (millions)
1) See

7.90 9.08 7.90 168.27 198.00 8.53 4.752) 6 2.4 25 22 20 18 0.62 60 94 94 705.1 2.8
5) Market

7.06 10.27 7.06 116.77 141.00 10.35 4.50 0 3.2 20 14 22 15 0.86 64 85 85 705.1 2.8

0.78 8.00 0.78 95.80 102.00 7.55 4.20 1 4.1 N/A 13 47 14 0.83 N/A 87 87 705.1 2.8

7.90 8.65 7.90 100.20 106.20 9.24 4.00 2 3.8 13 12 14 13 0.82 51 96 96 705.1 2.8

6.78 8.32 6.78 83.18 95.45 16.36 3.70 1 3.9 14 11 13 11 0.78 55 96 96 705.1 2.8

Percentage of foreign ownership, capital

Sweden, 37% Outside Sweden, 63%

definitions of key ratios on page 116. 2) Board proposal. 3) Rolling five-year data. 4) Share price at year-end divided by earnings per share after full tax and dilution.

capitalization plus net debt plus non-controlling interests divided by operating profit. (EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes). 6) Share price volatility compared with the entire stock exchange (measured for rolling 48 months). 7) Reclassified for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Shareholder structure
Holding No. of shareholders No. of shares Holding (%) Votes (%)

Share distribution
December 31, 2013 Series A Series B Total

1500 5011,000 1,0015,000 5,00110,000 10,00120,000 20,001 Total

Source: Euroclear

45,997 11,317 12,576 1,629 717 1,081 73,317

8,132,407 8,589,153 27,145,907 11,592,240 10,248,497 639,401,890 705,110,094

1.2 1.2 3.9 1.6 1.4 90.7 100.0

1.2 1.3 4.3 1.8 1.3 90.1 100.0

Number of registered shares of which treasury shares


617,692,559 2,767,605

705,110,094 2,767,605

Share issues, etc. 19932013

Since the beginning of 1993, the share capital and the number of shares have increased due to issues of new shares, conversions and splits, as detailed below:
No. of shares Increase in share capital, SEKm Cash payment, SEKm Series A Series B Total

1993 1994 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007

Conversion of debentures and new subscription through Series 1 warrants New share issue 1:10, issue price SEK 80 Conversion of debentures Conversion of debentures New share issue 1:6, issue price SEK 140 Conversion of debentures New share issue, private placement New share issue through IIB warrants Conversion of debentures and subscriptions through IIB warrants Conversion of debentures Split 3:1

4,030,286 17,633,412 16,285 3,416,113 32,899,989 101,631 1,800,000 513 2,825,475 9,155 470,073,396

40.3 176.3 0.2 34.2 329.0 1.0 18.0 0 28.3 0.1

119.1 1,410.7 4,579.0 15.0 18.0 0.1 722.9 1.1 62,145,880 62,145,880 62,145,880 62,133,909 61,626,133 45,787,127 41,701,362 40,437,203 40,427,857 112,905,207 131,821,657 131,837,942 135,254,055 168,166,015 168,775,422 186,414,428 190,500,706 194,590,340 194,608,841 592,204,887 193,967,537 193,983,822 197,399,935 230,299,924 230,401,555 232,201,555 232,202,068 235,027,543 235,036,698 705,110,094

SCA Annual Report 2013


Introduction | The SCA share

The SCA share, cont.

Dividend and dividend policy SCA aims to provide long-term stable and rising dividends to its shareholders. Over a business cycle, approximately one-third of cash flow from current operations (after interest expenses and tax) is normally allocated to dividends. If, in the long term, cash flow from current operations exceeds what the company can place in profit able expansion investments, the surplus shall be used to amortize loans or is returned to shareholders through higher dividends or share repurchases. The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend be raised by 5.6% to SEK 4.75 (4.50) per share for the 2013 fiscal year. Accordingly, dividend growth over the most recent five-

year period amounted to 6.3%. The 2013 dividend represents a dividend yield of 2.4%, based on SCAs share price at the end of the year. Incentive program SCAs incentive program is designed to con tribute to the creation of shareholder value. The program for senior executives consists of two components, one of which is tied to the total shareholder return on the SCA share compared with an index consisting of SCAs largest global competitors. For more information about the structure of the program, see Note 6 (Personnel and Board costs), on pages 8586.

Dividend per share

SEK 5 4 3 2 1 0

cu Average


6. growth:








SCA Annual Report 2013

Information to shareholders | Introduction

Information to shareholders
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, Stockholm, Sweden. Registration for the Annual General Meeting will start at 1:30 p.m. Notication of attendance Shareholders who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting must: be listed in the shareholders register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday, April 4, 2014, and give notice of their intention to attend the meeting no later than Friday, April 4, 2014. Notification may be given in any of the following manners: by telephone at +46 8 402 90 59, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on the Internet at by mail to Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA, Corporate Legal Affairs, P.O. Box 200, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden In order to attend the meeting, shareholders with custodian registered shares must have such shares registered in their own names. Temporary registration of ownership, so-called voting rights registration, should be requested from the bank or fund manager managing the shares well in advance of Friday, April 4, 2014. Name, personal identity number/corporate registration number, address and telephone number, and number of accompanying persons, if any, should be stated when notification is given. Shareholders represented by proxy should deliver a proxy in the original to the company prior to the Annual General Meeting. Proxy forms are available upon request and on the company website Anyone representing a corporate entity must present a copy of the registration certificate, not older than one year, or equivalent authorization document, listing the authorized signatories. The Notice convening the Annual General Meeting can be found on the company website

Nomination Committee
Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivrden, Chairman of the Nomination Committee Hkan Sandberg, Handelsbankens Pensionsstiftelse and others Yngve Slyngstad, Norges Bank Investment Management Caroline af Ugglas, Skandia Sverker Martin-Lf, Chairman of the Board of SCA The Nomination Committee prepares, among other things, proposal for election of Board members.

The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 4.75 per share and that the record date for the dividend be Tuesday, April 15, 2014. Payment through Euroclear Sweden AB is expected to be made on Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

Financial information 20142015

Interim report (Jan 1Mar 31, 2014) April 29, 2014 Interim report (Jan 1Jun 30, 2014) July 18, 2014 Interim report (Jan 1Sep 30, 2014) October 29, 2014 Year-end report for 2014 Annual Report for 2014 January 30, 2015 March 2015 Annual Reports, year-end reports and interim reports are published in Swedish and English (in the event of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail) and can be downloaded from SCAs website Annual Reports can also be ordered from: Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA Corporate Communications Box 200 SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden Tel +46 8 788 51 00 Subscriptions to publications: Subscription to SCAs press releases, interim reports and year-end reports can be arranged by registering an e-mail address on the SCA website.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Board of Directors Report

Operations and structure ..................................... 24 Acquisitions, investments and divestments .... 25 Other Group information .. ..................................... 26 Sales and earnings . . ............................................... 27 Operating cash flow ............................................... 28 Financial position ................................................... 29

Business areas
Personal Care .......................................................... 30 Tissue ........................................................................ 38 Forest Products ...................................................... 44

Responsibility and governance

Corporate Governance ......................................... 50 Board of Directors and Auditors ......................... 56 Corporate Senior Management Team ............... 58 Risk and risk management . . ................................. 60

Financial statements
Contents ................................................................... 66 Consolidated income statement ........................ 67 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income .................................... 67 Consolidated statement of changes in equity ............................................... 68 Consolidated operating cash flow statement ............................................... 68 Consolidated cash flow statement .. ................... 69 Correlation between consolidated cash flow statement and operating cash flow statement ............................................... 70 Consolidated balance sheet ................................ 71 Financial statements, Parent Company .. .......... 72 Notes ......................................................................... 74 Adoption of the annual accounts . . .................... 109 Proposed disposition of earnings .................... 110 Audit report ............................................................. 111


SCA Annual Report 2013

SCA Group | Operations and structure

Operations and structure

SCA is a leading global hygiene and forest products company that develops and produces sustainable personal care products, tissue and forest products.
SCA divides and reports its operations according to three business areas Personal Care, Tissue and Forest Products. Personal Care con sists of three product segments: incontinence products, baby diapers and feminine care. Tissue includes consumer tissue and Away from-Home (AfH) tissue, and Forest Products comprises publication papers, kraftliner (packaging papers), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy. While Europe is SCAs largest market, the Group also holds strong positions in North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific. Expansion takes place through both organic growth and acquisitions, primarily within Personal Care and Tissue. SCA is Europes largest private forest owner, with 2.6 million hectares of forest land, which covers approximately half of the Groups timber supply and enables efficient raw material integration and effective cost control. Organization SCA has seven business units: SCA AfH Professional Hygiene Europe, which offers AfH tissue. SCA Consumer Goods Europe, which offers consumer products. SCA Incontinence Care Europe, which offers incontinence products. SCA Asia Pacific, which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA Americas, which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA MEIA (Middle East, India and Africa), which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA Forest Products, which offers publication papers, kraftliner (packaging papers), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy. In addition to its business units, SCA has established two global units: Global Hygiene Category (GHC), with global responsibility for customer and consumer brands and innovation in the hygiene area. Global Hygiene Supply (GHS), with global responsibility for purchasing, production planning, technology and investments in the hygiene business. The organization has six group functions: Finance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Legal Affairs, Communications, and Strategy and Business Development. Strategy and Business Development is also responsible for the Groups Global Business Services (GBS) and IT Services. GBS has global responsibility for providing transactional services, human resources support, office-related services and other services for all units in SCA. Signicant events during the year In 2013, SCA decided to make a public cash offer for the Chinese tissue company Vinda. SCA became part owner of Vinda in 2007 and owned 21.7% of the company prior to this offer. The acquisition was completed in 2013 and SCA is now the majority shareholder in Vinda with a 51.4% ownership. Vinda is the third largest tissue company in China, which is the worlds second largest tissue market. In 2013, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 150m in the local production of hygiene products in India. The plan is to commence pro duction at SCAs plant in 2015. In 2013, SCA launched its Libero baby diapers and Tempo consumer tissue in India. The first wind farm in the collaboration between SCA and Statkraft was inaugurated during the year. During its first phase, the wind farm will have an annual output of 200 GWh. SCA completed the divestment of its publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria during the year. In conjunction with SCAs acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations in 2012, the European Commission demanded that certain divestments be made in the consumer tissue segment. These divestments were carried out by SCA and approved by the European Commission in 2013. In 2013, SCA acquired the remaining minority shares in its German subsidiary Hygiene Products SE, formerly PWA, through a compulsory redemption.


President and CEO

Vice President and CFO

Vice President

Group Functions: Finance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Legal Affairs, Communications, and Strategy and Business Development*

SCA Incontinence Care Europe

SCA Consumer Goods Europe

SCA AfH Professional Hygiene Europe


SCA Americas

SCA Asia Pacific

SCA Forest Products

Global Hygiene Category (GHC) Global Hygiene Supply (GHS)

Global responsibility across in the hygiene operations Global responsibility across in the hygiene operations

* The Strategy and Business Development corporate staff function is also responsible for Global Business Services (GBS) and IT Services. GBS has global responsibility for providing transactional services, human resources support, ofce-related services and other services for all units in SCA.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Acquisitions, investments and divestments | SCA Group

Acquisitions, investments and divestments

Majority shareholder in Chinese tissue company Vinda In 2013, SCA decided to make a public cash offer for the Chinese tissue company Vinda. SCA became part owner of Vinda in 2007 and owned 21.7% of the company prior to this offer. The acquisition was completed in 2013 and SCA is now the majority shareholder in Vinda with a 51.4% ownership. Vinda is the third largest tissue company in China, which is the worlds second largest tissue market. Investments in India In 2013, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 150m in the local production of hygiene products in India. The plan is to commence pro duction at SCAs plant in 2015. SCA launched itsLibero baby diapers and Tempo consumer tissue in 2013. Acquisition of minority shares in European subsidiary In 2013, SCA acquired the remaining minority shares in its German subsidiary Hygiene Products SE, formerly PWA, through a compulsory redemption. The purchase price for the shares was approximately SEK 1bn. The final purchase price will be determined by a German court. Investments in Personal Care In 2013, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 300m in a major product upgrade of its open diapers in Europe. The project is expected to be completed in 2015. During the year, SCA decided to invest about SEK 170m in a new machine line for the production of incontinence products in Olawa, Poland. Commissioning is scheduled for 2014. Investments in Tissue In 2013, SCA continued to invest in increased capacity in Tissue in Russia and Germany, including an investment of approximately SEK 1.2bn in a new tissue machine in Sovetsk, Russia, and an investment of about SEK 1.1bn in a new tissue machine in Kostheim, Germany. Each of the machines has an annual capacity of 60,000 tons. During the year, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 300m to enhance the efficiency of its manufacturing structure for consumer tissue in Spain. Commissioning is scheduled for 2014. Investment in kraftliner mill in Obbola In 2013, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 500m in a new digester at its kraftliner mill in Obbola, Sweden. Commissioning is scheduled for 2015. Divestments in consumer tissue segment in Europe In conjunction with SCAs acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations in 2012, the European Commission demanded that certain divestments be made in the consumer tissue segment. These divestments were carried out by SCA and approved by the European Commission in 2013. The purchase price was approximately EUR 100m. Divestment of publication paper mill in Austria In 2013, SCA completed the divestment of its publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria. In connection with the divestment, the companies established a sales cooperation. The initial purchase price was EUR 100m, with a possible additional purchase price of not more than EUR 100m based on a two-year profit-sharing model. Forest swaps In 2013, SCA conducted a number of forest swaps that increased its standing volume and enabled more efficient forest management and lower felling costs.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


SCA Group | Other Group information

Other Group information

Parent Company The Groups Parent Company, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ), owns most of the forest land and other real estate relating to forest products operations, and grants felling rights for standing forest to the subsidiary SCA Skog AB. The Parent Company is otherwise a holding company with the main task of owning and managing shares in a number of business group companies and performing Group-wide management and administrative functions. In 2013, the Parent Company recognized operating income of SEK 457m (98) and profit before appropriations and tax of SEK 5,870m (4,291). During the year, the Parent Companys net investments and divestments in shares and participations in companies outside SCA amounted to negative SEK 150m (pos: 125). Investments in property and plant totaled SEK 1,056m (299) during the year. Cash and cash equivalents at year-end amounted to SEK 0m (0). Research and development (R&D) Research and development costs during the year amounted to SEK 998m (845), corresponding to 1.1% of consolidated net sales. R&D is coordinated and conducted from a global perspective. Product development is carried out in close cooperation with the local units, as well as through direct collaboration with customers. Aslightly more long-term approach is adopted when it comes to R&D in the fields of materials and technology. Holdings of treasury shares SCA implemented a directed cash issue of a total of 1,800,000 shares in 2001. These shares were subsequently acquired by SCA to be used for transfer to senior executives and key individuals under the employee stock option program. The program ended in 2009. Following the share split in 2007 and transfer of the shares under the concluded program, the company holds a total of 2,767,605 treasury shares. Distribution of shares During the year, 5,860,602 Class A shares were converted into Class B shares. The proportion of Class A shares was 12.4% at year-end. Dividend The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend be raised by 5.6% to SEK 4.75 (4.50) per share. The dividend is expected to total approximately SEK 3,336m (3,161). Accordingly, dividend growth in the most recent five-year period amounted to 6.3%. The Boards assessment is that the proposed dividend will provide the Group with the scope to fulfill its obligations and make the required investments. The record date for entitlement to receive dividends is proposed as April 15, 2014. Environmental impact in Sweden In 2013, SCA conducted 15 operations for which a permit is required in Sweden. Operations for which permits are required accounted for 16% of consolidated net sales. Five permits relate to the manufacturing of pulp and paper. These operations impact the environment through emissions to air and water, solid waste and noise. Nine permits relate to the production of solid-wood and value-added products, and biofuel. These operations affect the environment through emissions to air and water, and noise. One permit relates to the manufacture of fuel pellets. This operation affects the environment through emissions to air and water, as well as noise. Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the 2014 Annual General Meeting the following unchanged guidelines for determining salaries and other remuneration for senior executives to apply for the period following the Annual General Meeting. Remuneration to the CEO and other senior executives will be a fixed amount, possible variable remuneration, additional benefits and pension. Other senior executives include Executive Vice Presidents, Business Unit Managers and other equivalent managers, as well as Central Staff Managers. The total remuneration is to correspond to market practice and be competitive in the senior executives field of profession. Fixed and variable remuneration are to be linked to the executives responsibility and authority. For the CEO, as well as for other senior executives, the variable remuneration is to be limited and linked to the fixed remuneration. The variable remuneration is to be based on the outcome of predetermined objectives and, as far as possible, be linked to the increase of value of the SCA share, from which the shareholders benefit. Programs for variable remuneration should be formulated so that the Board of Directors, if exceptional financial circumstances prevail, has the possibility to limit, or refrain from, payment of variable remuneration if such an action is considered reasonable and in compliance with the companys responsibility to shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. In the event of termination of employment, the notice period should normally be two years should the termination be initiated by the company, and one year, when initiated by the senior executive. Severance pay should not exist. Pension benefits are to be either defined benefit or defined contribution plans, or a combination of both, and entitle the senior executive to pension from the age of 60, at the earliest. To earn the pension benefits, the period of employment must be long term, at present 20 years. When resigning before the age providing entitlement to pension, the senior executive will receive a paid-up pension policy from the age of 60. Variable remuneration is not pensionable income. Matters of remuneration to senior executives are to be dealt with by the Remuneration Committee and, as regards the President, be resolved by the Board of Directors. The Boards proposal concurs with the guidelines adopted by the 2013 Annual General Meeting. For information concerning the companys application of these guidelines and information on the companys expenses, see Note 6 on pages 8586.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Sales and earnings | SCA Group

Sales and earnings

SCAs operating prot for 2013, excluding items affecting comparability, exchange rate effects and divestments, rose 19% compared with the preceding year. Acquisitions in Europe, cost savings, increased volumes and gains from forest swaps yielded improved earnings.
Sales SCAs net sales for 2013 increased year-on-year and amounted to SEK 89,019m (85,408). Excluding exchange rate effects and divestments, sales rose 10% compared with the preceding year. Exchange rate movements reduced consolidated net sales by 2%. Sales for Personal Care increased 6%, excluding exchange rate effects, while sales for Tissue rose 15%, excluding exchange rate effects and divestments. The increase in sales in Personal Care and Tissue was mainly attributable to higher volumes and acquisitions. In emerging markets, sales for Personal Care and Tissue increased 10% and 13%, respectively, excluding exchange rate effects. Sales for Forest Products, excluding divestments, were largely unchanged compared with the preceding year. Performance SCAs operating profit for 2013, excluding items affecting comparability in a negative amount of SEK 1,251m (neg: 2,634), improved compared with the preceding year and amounted to SEK 9,934m (8,646). Operating profit for Personal Care, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects, rose 4%, while operating profit for Tissue, excluding items affecting comparability, exchange rate effects and divestments, increased 27%. Forest Products increased its operating profit, excluding items affecting comparability, by 35%. Financial items declined to an expense of SEK 1,000m (expense: 1,264). The decrease was attributable to lower interest rates and a lower average net debt during the year. Profit before tax, excluding items affecting comparability, exchange rate effects and divestments, increased 25% to SEK 8,934m (7,382). The average tax rate for operating earnings for the year, excluding items affecting comparability, was 28%. Profit for the year, excluding items affecting comparability after tax of negative SEK 828m (neg: 2,257), amounted to SEK 6,392m (7,257). Earnings per share attributable to owners of the Parent rose to SEK 9.08 (10.27) excluding items affecting comparability and to SEK 7.90 (7.06) including items affecting com parability. Key ratios The Groups gross margin, excluding items affecting comparability, amounted to 24.7%, compared with 24.5% in the preceding year, and the operating margin was 11.2%, compared with 10.1% in 2012. The return on capital employed, excluding items affecting comparability, improved to 11% (10). The return on equity, excluding items affecting comparability, was 10% (12). The interest coverage ratio rose to 8.7, compared with 4.8 in the preceding year.

Summary income statement

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Net sales Gross prot Operating prot1) Financial items Prot before tax1) Tax1) Prot for the period from disposal group Prot for the year1)
1) Excluding

89,019 22,013 9,934 1,000 8,934 2,542 6,392

85,408 20,959 8,646 1,264 7,382 628 503 7,257

81,337 19,636 7,738 1,325 6,413 1,635 900 5,678

items affecting comparability amounting to an expense of SEK 1,251m before tax and an expense of SEK 828m after tax for 2013, an expense of SEK 2,634m before tax and an expense of SEK 2,257m after tax for 2012, and an expense of SEK 5,439m before tax and an expense of SEK 5,071m after tax for 2011.

Operating prot and operating margin

12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Earnings per share after dilution effects

SEK SEK 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0

Net sales, share of Group

Personal Care, 30 % Tissue, 53 % Forest Products, 17%

Operating prot

Operating margin

Excluding items affecting comparability. Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Excluding items affecting comparability. Excluding items affecting Reclassied for 2010 and comparability. 2011 due to the divestment Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to on theJune divestment of the European packaging operations 30, 2012. of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

2009 2009

2010 2010

2011 2011

2012 2012

2013 2013

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


SCA Group | Operating cash flow

Operating cash ow
A high level of control of the operating cash ow is a key part of SCAs long-term competitiveness strategy. Operating cash ow amounted to SEK 8,489m (9,644). The decrease is primarily attributable to the fact that the Groups higher operating cash surplus did not fully offset its increased tied-up working capital and higher investments for the period compared with the preceding year.
Operating cash surplus rose 7% to SEK 13,492m (12,624). Working capital increased due to lower accounts payable. Working capital in proportion to net sales amounted to 8% (8). Current capital expenditures increased SEK 266m during the year and amounted to SEK 3,427m (3,161), corresponding to 4% (4) of net sales. Operating cash flow amounted to SEK 8,489m (9,644). Financial items declined SEK 264m to an expense of SEK 1,000m (expense: 1,264). The decrease was an effect of lower interest rates and lower average net debt during the year. Income tax payments amounted to SEK 1,634m (1,193). Cash flow from current operations amounted to SEK 5,989m (7,271). Strategic capital expenditures in plants made to strengthen organic growth totaled SEK 1,868m (1,863). The years expense for strategic capital expenditures primarily pertained to investments in Tissue in Germany and Russia, and in Forest Products in Sweden. Net debt increased SEK 959m during the year and amounted to SEK 33,886m at year-end. Net cash flow, including acquired net debt in Vinda, increased the Groups net debt by SEK 2,831m. The fair value measurement of pension assets, pension obligations and financial instruments reduced net debt by SEK 2,223m. Exchange rate movements increased net debt by SEK 165m. The reclassification of non-current provisions to pension liability in accordance with IAS 19 increased net debt by SEK 186m. The debt/equity ratio declined to 0.51 (0.55), while the Groups debt payment capacity was unchanged at 37% (37). The debt/equity ratio, excluding pension liabilities, was 0.48 (0.48).

The Groups cash ow

SEKm 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Summary operating cash ow statement

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Operating cash surplus Change in working capital Current capital expenditures, net Restructuring costs, etc. Operating cash ow Financial items Income taxes paid, etc. Cash ow from current operations Acquisitions Strategic capital expenditures, non-current assets Divestments Cash ow before dividend Cash ow before dividend

13,492 284 3,427 1,292 8,489 1,000 1,500 5,989 5,466 1,868 1,716 371

12,624 1,159 3,161 978 9,644 1,264 1,109 7,271 14,872 1,863 17,682 8,218

11,982 665 3,250 649 7,418 1,325 787 5,306 983 1,637 15 2,671


Cash ow from current operations Strategic capital expenditures, non-current assets Acquisitions
Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Capital expenditures
SEKm 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

Operating cash ow by business area

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

Operating cash ow, share of Group

Personal Care, 32% Tissue, 56% Forest Products, 12%











Strategic capital expenditures Current capital expenditures, net

Depreciation according to plan

Personal Care Tissue

Forest Products

Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Financial position | SCA Group

Financial position
Assets and capital employed The Groups total assets increased 8% compared with the preceding year, amounting to SEK 142,272m (131,531). Non-current assets rose SEK 9,612m compared with the preceding to SEK 108,482m, of which property, plant and equipment increased SEK 5,101m to SEK 51,803m and intangible assets increased SEK 4,032m to SEK 21,661m. Current and strategic capital expenditures in property, plant and equipment amounted to SEK 5,292m and depreciation for the year to SEK 4,644m. Current assets increased SEK 1,129m to SEK 33,790m (32,661). Working capital amounted to SEK 7,224m (6,625). Capital employed was 8% higher than in the preceding year and totaled SEK 100,190m (93,091). The distribution of capital employed per currency is shown in the table below. The value denominated in SEK of the Groups foreign net assets amounted to SEK 58,306m at year-end, including Vinda. In 2012, the Groups foreign net assets totaled SEK 55,776m. Equity Consolidated equity amounted to SEK 66,304m (60,164) at year end. Net profit for the period increased equity by SEK 5,564m (5,000), while shareholder dividends reduced equity by SEK 3,202m (2,999). Equity increased by SEK 1,474m after tax due to remeasurements of the net pension liability to fair value. The remeasurement of financial instruments to fair value increased equity by SEK 208m after tax. Exchange rate movements, including the effects of hedges of net investments in foreign assets, increased equity by SEK 280m. Acquisitions of non-controlling interests, which comprised outstanding minority shares in the German subsidiary SCA Hygiene Products SE, reduced equity by SEK 996m. Minority shares in the Chinese subsidiary Vinda increased equity by SEK 2,812m. Financing The Groups interest-bearing gross debt amounted to SEK 38,272m at year-end. In 2012, interest-bearing debt totaled SEK 33,714m. The maturity period, excluding Vinda, was 2.8 (2.3) years. Net debt amounted to SEK 33,886m (32,927) at year-end. Net cash flow, including acquired net debt in Vinda, increased the Groups net debt by SEK 2,831m. Furthermore, net debt declined by SEK 2,223m due to the fair value measurement of pension assets, pension obligations and financial instruments. Exchange rate movements increased net debt by SEK 165m. The reclassification of non-current provisions to pension liability in accordance with IAS 19 increased net debt by SEK 186m. Key ratios The debt/equity ratio was 0.51 (0.55). Excluding pension liabilities, the debt/equity ratio was 0.48 (0.48). The visible equity/assets ratio was 44% (45). The return on capital employed (ROCE) and on equity (ROE), excluding items affecting comparability, amounted to 11% (10) and 10% (12), respectively. The capital turnover rate was 0.95 (1.00). At year-end, working capital amounted to 8% (8) of net sales.

Consolidated capital employed by currency, SEKm

2013 % 2012 % 2011 %

Consolidated balance sheet

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

EUR SEK USD GBP Other Total Of which disposal group Total excluding disposal group

27,581 36,936 6,067 4,894 24,712 100,190 100,190

28 37 6 5 24 100

27,004 38,623 6,550 5,489 15,425 93,091 93,091

29 41 7 6 17 100

28,868 35,646 7,564 6,167 19,694 97,939 15,194 82,745

30 36 8 6 20 100

Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Biological assets Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Current assets Assets in disposal group held for sale Total assets Equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Liabilities in disposal group held for sale Total equity and liabilities Working capital Capital employed Net debt

21,661 51,803 28,767 6,251 108,482 33,790 142,272 66,304 42,008 33,960 142,272 7,224 100,190 33,886

17,629 46,702 27,503 7,036 98,870 32,661 131,531 60,164 38,740 32,627 131,531 6,625 93,091 32,927

12,062 42,599 26,729 4,121 85,511 31,892 21,601 139,004 61,291 41,219 28,893 7,601 139,004 6,816 97,939 36,648

Net debt, debt/equity ratio and debt payment capacity

SEKm 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 100 80 60 40 20 0

Return on capital employed

% 12 11 10 9 8

Capital employed, share of Group

Personal Care, 11% Tissue, 51% Forest Products, 38%






Net debt

Debt/equity ratio Debt payment capacity

Return on capital employed

Excluding items affecting comparability. Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Personal Care

Personal Care
SCA is a global leader in personal care and has a portfolio of incontinence products, baby diapers and feminine care products. Within these product segments, SCA also offers such products as wet wipes, soap, baby oil, lotion and cotton pads. The products are sold under SCAs global, regional and local brands as well as under retailers brands. Distribution channels for the products are the retail trade, pharmacies and care institutions.
In 2013, sales in the Personal Care business area amounted to approximately SEK 27bn. The single largest brand in the portfolio is TENA, a globally leading brand for incontinence products with annual sales exceeding SEK 10bn. Market The global market for personal care products is valued at slightly more than SEK 330bn and is growing at a rate of some 5% annually. SCAs competitors in personal care are, for example, Kimberly-Clark, Procter & Gamble and Unicharm. Shifts in global demographics such as population growth due primarily to a lower infant mortality rate and increased longevity and higher disposable incomes point to continued good growth for personal care products. The effect of the trend of higher disposable incomes is that more people prioritize hygiene when food and housing needs have been, or are in the process of being, satisfied. Consequently, market penetration and demand for personal care products are rising in emerging markets. In many regions of the world, incontinence is surrounded by social taboo, and therefore increasing understanding and acceptance of the condition are vital elements required for boosting market penetration. The growth potential is greatest in emerging markets where penetration is significantly lower

than in mature markets and where urbanization, improved infrastructure and the retail trade are evolving rapidly. One example of the lower market penetration in emerging markets is that diaper consumption per capita in Asia is only about one-fifth of that in Western Europe.

In mature markets, baby diapers and feminine care products have attained high market penetration, while market penetration for incontinence products for which demand is driven by such factors as an aging population remains relatively low.

Share of Group

Net sales, 30 %

Operating prot, 30 %

Capital employed, 11%

SEK 26,914m

SEK 3,201m

SEK 11,077m

No. of employees at Dec. 31, 32%

10,718 employees


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

SCAs market positions

Europe North America Global

Personal care products global market

Western Europe, 17 % Eastern Europe, 7 % North America, 21 % Latin America, 13% Asia, 27% Other, 15%

Incontinence products Baby diapers Feminine care

1 2 3

1 4 4

Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.

Business areas|Personal Care

Efciency At the end of the year, SCA had production at 30plants in 25 countries. Products are distributed via the retail trade, pharmacies and care institutions. During the year, SCA focused on the cost andefficiency program, launched in 2012, foritshygiene operations, meaning Personal Care and Tissue. The program is progressing according to plan and will generate annual costsavings of EUR 300m with full effect in 2015. The bulk of the savings will be made in production and sourcing. In terms of pro duction, SCA is working to standardize activities by implementing the most efficient processes at all of its production facilities. Forsourcing, the main focus is on achieving economies of scale by more efficiently centralizing sourcing and consolidating suppliers. The program also requires savings to be made in logistics, sales and administration. In 2013, total cost savings in the Personal Care and Tissue

business areas amounted to approximately SEK1,050m. Innovations and launches In 2013, SCA launched the incontinence product TENA Lady Extra Plus InstaDRY. The product contains a unique new absorption concept, InstaDRY, which enables absorption of a larger amount of fluid in a very short period of time. The product also offers Fresh Odour Control, impeding bacteria growth and reducing odor. Thanks to InstaDRY technology, the pad is smaller, better adapted to body contours and features tapered edges for the best fit and discretion. The pad is designed for women suffering from medium bladder weakness. SCA launched and upgraded the incontinence product TENA Pants with ConfioFit for users with greater protection needs. The product has a unique anatomical fit and slimmer mid section to ensure a more discreet incontinence product with enhanced comfort.

During the year, SCA launched TENA Identifi, anew technology that simplifies and increases the efficiency of the work carried out by care givers and improves the quality of life for those with incontinence. Integrated electronic sensors in the incontinence product register urinary regularity and volume in a log system. The information can then be analyzed and used to provide the appropriate treatment and protection to individuals with incontinence. During 2013, SCA introduced TENA U-test, an in-pad test card that facilitates detection of urinary tract infections among patients. The method simplifies diagnosis for caregivers and reduces patient discomfort compared with a urine test, which may require the use of a catheter. During the year, SCA further developed its Libero diaper function, logotype, design, packaging and external communication. The products were relaunched in the Nordic countries, Russia and China. SCA also sells baby diapers under the Sealer brand in China.

Net sales and operating margin

SEKm 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 18 15 12 9 6 3 0

Operating prot and ROCE

SEKm 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Operating cash ow
SEKm 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Net sales


Operating prot



SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Personal Care | Business areas

During 2013, SCA developed the Sealer diapers characteristics, design and packaging, and a new diaper that meet parents needs in the economy segment was launched. In Mexico, SCA launched Saba Intimate Soap, complementing Sabas feminine care product offering. Growth SCAs target for the business area is annual organic growth of 57%. In 2013, the Personal Care business area grew both organically and through acquisitions. Sales rose during the year in all product segments and global growth for the business area, excluding exchange rate effects, amounted to 6%. Acquisitions increased sales by 3%. Excluding exchange rate effects, the sales increase in emerging markets was 10%. Emerging markets accounted for 38% of the business areas sales in 2013. During the year, SCA established operations in India and decided to invest SEK 150m in local

production of hygiene products. The plan is to commence production at the Groups own plant in 2015. Indias large population and low use of hygiene products indicate potential for future growth. During 2013, SCA launched baby diapers in India under the Libero brand. Incontinence products SCA offers a broad range of incontinence products under the TENA brand and is the clear global market leader. SCAs offering, which includes both products and services, improves the quality of life for consumers while also reducing costs for institutional customers, such as nursing homes. Market Incontinence products is the Personal Care segment that has the highest rate of growth. Incontinence, which is classed as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO), affects 57% of the worlds population. Many indicators

point to the proportion of people affected increasing on a global scale as a result of an aging population. In five years, the population of the world over the age of 60 is estimated to pass the one billion mark. Market penetration is generally low for incontinence products, particularly among men. In Europe, the degree of penetration is less than 40%, while it is significantly lower in emerging markets. The occurrence of incontinence is two to three times more common among women than men and it is estimated that one-fourth of the worlds women aged over 35 will be affected at some point in their lives. Institutional care and homecare account for about 60% of the global market for incontinence products. Here, the main focus is on supplying high-quality products combined with qualified advisory services that simplify handling procedures and reduce costs for care providers. The retail market accounts for approximately 40% of the global market.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Personal Care

SCAs business SCA is the world leader in incontinence products through its global brand TENA, which has annual sales in excess of SEK 10bn. SCAs global market share in incontinence products is more than double that of the second largest player. SCA is the market leader in Europe, Asia (excluding Japan) and Latin America. SCA prioritizes high growth in all segments, strengthened global market leadership and a continued focus on building leading positions in Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. China is a market with low penetration and an aging population with high growth potential for incontinence products. Over the past four years, SCA has trained 10,000 nurses from more than 1,200 hospitals in a number of cities throughout the country. The response has been very positive and, in 2013, about 3,200 nursing assistants and more than 1,000 managers of care institutions received training. Since in many parts of the world, incontinence is surrounded by a social taboo, it is crucial to raise understanding and acceptance of the disease and enhance quality of life. SCA is endeavoring to break this taboo by providing information and through marketing activities, training and global forums. SCA offers products that enhance quality of life for people with incontinence. SCA, with the TENA brand, has large growth potential in incontinence products thanks to an aging population and low market penetration. For the retail trade, SCA works with information, advertising and the development of increasingly discrete, comfortable, easy-to-use and effective products, always with the customer and consumer benefits in mind.

Use of incontinence products

Units/per person with incontinence/per year 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Incontinence products global market

Western Europe, 31% Eastern Europe, 6% North America, 27% Latin America, 7% Asia, 25% Other, 4%

Incontinence products sales channels, global market

Institutional and homecare, 60 % Retail trade, 40 %

North Western Eastern Latin America Europe Europe America


Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Personal Care | Business areas

Baby diapers SCA offers baby diapers and baby-care products and is the worlds fourth largest player in the segment. Market There are about 400 million children under the age of 2.5 in the world today. While the markets in Western Europe and North America have high penetration, the majority of children worldwide still do not enjoy the practical and effective hygiene provided by daily use of disposable diapers, thus indicating considerable future potential for SCA. The most significant market growth is taking place in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, where birth rates are high at the same time as infant mortality rates are falling and household incomes are rising. SCAs business SCA is the worlds fourth largest player in the baby diaper segment and holds the number two position in Europe. In Europe, SCA markets baby diapers under its own Libero brand and under retailers brands. SCAs strongest market is the Nordic region, where the Libero brand is the market leader. SCA works to strengthen the positions of its own brands in mature markets, including the Nordic region and New Zealand, and in fastgrowing markets in Eastern Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. Emerging markets have good potential for continued growth due to low market penetration of baby diapers and growing demand.

Use of baby diapers

Units/per child up to 2.5/per year 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

Baby diapers global market

Western Europe, 14% Eastern Europe, 7% North America, 21% Latin America, 16% Asia, 24% Other, 18%

Baby diapers brand categories, European market

Brands, 79% Retailers brands, 21%

North Western Eastern Latin America Europe Europe America


Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Personal Care

Feminine care SCA is the worlds fourth largest player in feminine care. SCA offers a broad product portfolio that includes pads, panty liners, tampons and intimate soaps. Market The growth potential for feminine care products is greatest in emerging markets where market penetration is significantly lower than in mature markets.

SCAs business SCA is the worlds fourth largest player in feminine care and the third largest in Europe. SCA is a market leader in Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. A large and growing share of SCAs sales is taking place in emerging markets such as Latin America, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. In emerging markets, SCA offers packs with fewer feminine care products and products in the economy segments in an effort to increase availability.

Examples of regional brands supported by SCAs global brand platform include Libresse in the Nordic region, Russia and Malaysia, Libra in Australia, Bodyform in the UK, Nana in France and Saba and Nosotras in Latin America. SCA views it as an important task to promote awareness of hygiene and menstruation. School programs are under way in Latin America, Asia and Europe that aim to educate girls about what happens to their bodies during puberty and when they have their period.

Use of feminine care

Units/per woman aged 1549/per year 400 300 200 100 0

Feminine care global market

Western Europe, 15% Eastern Europe, 8% North America, 16% Latin America, 14% Asia, 33% Other, 14%

Feminine care brand categories, European market

Brands, 84% Retailers brands, 16%

North Western Eastern Latin America Europe Europe America


Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Personal Care | Business areas

Operations in 2013
Net sales increased by 2% (6% excluding exchange rate effects) and amounted to SEK 26,914m (26,294). Higher volumes and acquisitions increased sales by 3% and 3%, respectively. In emerging markets, sales increased by 10%, excluding exchange rate effects. Sales for incontinence products under the globally leading TENA brand rose by 6%, excluding exchange rate effects, driven primarily by emerging markets and good growth in Europe. Sales of baby diapers increased by 2%, excluding exchange rate effects, mainly related to Eastern Europe and acquisition in Asia. Salesfor feminine care rose by 7%, excluding exchange rate effects, which was mainly attributable to emerging markets. Operating prot, excluding items affecting comparability, was 1% higher than in the preceding year (4% excluding exchange rate effects) and amounted to SEK 3,201m (3,180). Earnings were impacted positively by higher volumes, cost savings and acquisitions. Invest ments in increased marketing activities led to higher volumes, but weighed down earnings, mainly for baby diapers. Increased raw material costs and exchange rate effects negatively impacted earnings. Incontinence products and feminine care products reported improved profit, while profit for baby diapers was lower. Operating margin was 11.9% (12.1). Return on capital employed amounted to 28%(28). Operating cash surplus was SEK 4,162m (4,091). Operating cash flow declined to SEK 3,107m (3,586) as a result of a higher level of working capital and increased investments. Capital expenditures amounted to SEK 939m (636).

3,201 % 12
Operating margin: KEY EVENTS Established operations in India. Cost and efficiency program delivered according to plan.

Operating prot, SEKm:

Key gures1)
SEKm 2013 2012

Net sales Operating cash surplus Change in working capital Current capital expenditures Other operating cash ow

26,914 4,162 28 780 247 3,107 3,201 12 11,077 28 159 22 10,800 10,718

26,294 4,091 313 573 245 3,586 3,180 12 11,303 28 63 1,744 10,914 11,074

SCAs sales by product segment

Incontinence products, 56% Baby diapers, 29% Feminine care, 15%
SCAs sales to retailers brands as a proportion of total sales: Incontinence products, 1% Baby diapers, 29% Feminine care, 8%

SCAs sales by region

Europe, 62% North America, 9% Latin America, 14% Asia, 12% Other, 3%

Operating cash ow Operating prot Operating margin, % Capital employed ROCE, % Strategic investments plant and equipment company acquisitions/divestments Average number of employees No. of employees at Dec. 31

Excluding restructuring costs.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Tissue

SCA is a global leading consumer tissue and Away-from-Home (AfH) tissue company. The consumer tissue product ortfolio comprises toilet paper, kitchen rolls, facial tissues, handkerchiefs and napkins. Products are sold both under own p and retailers brands. In the AfH tissue segment, SCA develops and markets complete hygiene solutions comprising dispensers, tissue, soap, service and maintenance to hospitals, large workplaces, industries, restaurants and hotels, under the globally leading brand Tork.

Sales in the Tissue business area in 2013 totaled approximately SEK 47bn. In the AfH segment, the globally leading brand Tork is the business areas single largest brand, with sales exceeding SEK 10bn annually. Market The global market for tissue is valued at slightly more than SEK 410bn and is growing by 4% annually. SCAs competitors in tissue are, for example, Georgia-Pacific, Kimberly-Clark and Sofidel. Shifts in global demographics such as population growth due primarily to a lower infant mortality rate and increased longevity and higher disposable incomes point to continued good growth for tissue. The effect of the trend in higher disposable incomes is that more people prioritize hygiene when food and housing needs have been, or are in the process of being, satisfied. Consequently, market penetration and demand for tissue are rising in emerging markets. The growth potential is greatest in emerging markets where market penetration is significantly lower than in mature markets and where urbanization, improved infrastructure and the retail trade are evolving rapidly. One example of the lower market penetration in emerging markets is that tissue consumption per capita per year in Eastern Europe is only about a quarter of that in Western Europe. Growth is also occurring

in mature markets owing to lifestyle changes and innovations that lead to increased use. Efciency SCA produces tissue at 54 plants in a total of 19 countries. During the year, SCA focused on the cost andefficiency program, launched in 2012, for its hygiene operations, meaning Personal Care and Tissue. The program is progressing according to plan and will generate annual cost savings of EUR 300m with full effect in 2015. Thebulk of the savings will be made in production and sourcing. In terms of production, SCA is working to standardize activities by implementing the most efficient processes at all of its production facili-

ties. For sourcing, the main focus is on achieving economies of scale by more efficiently centralizing sourcing and consolidating suppliers. The program also requires savings to be made in logistics, sales and administration. In 2013, total cost savings in the Personal Care and Tissue business areas amounted to approximately SEK 1,050m. In conjunction with the acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations, synergies were identified that will lead to annual cost savings of EUR 125m with full effect in 2016. The Groups efforts to realize cost synergies progressed as planned in 2013. Thesavings achieved pertained to production, sourcing, logistics, sales and administration.

Share of Group

Net sales, 53%

Operating prot, 53 %

Capital employed, 51%

SEK 46,987m

SEK 5,595m

SEK 50,044m

No. of employees at Dec. 31, 56%

18,730 employees


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

SCAs market positions

Europe North America Global

Use of tissue
Kg/per capita/per year 25 20 15 10 5 0

Tissue global market

Western Europe, 21% Eastern Europe, 5% North America, 31% Latin America, 13% Asia, 22% Other, 8%

Consumer tissue AfH tissue

1 1

2 1

Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.

North Western Eastern Latin America Europe Europe America


Business areas|Tissue

Cost savings of SEK 385m were achieved in2013. Innovations and launches In response to demands for intelligent hygiene solutions, which are driven by greater awareness of hygiene and pandemic threats, SCA launched the Tork Elevation H1 Sensor touch-free hand towel dispenser in 2012. During 2013, the Tork Intuition Sensor touch-free foam soap dispenser was launched. The foam soap and the paper towels are dispensed without the user being required to touch anything, which improves hygiene and reduces the spread of infection. SCAs Tork Xpressnap guarantees customers in the AfH segment a significant reduction in napkin usage compared with conventional dis-

pensers. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing system reduces the amount used and waste, and is also positive from both a hygiene and sustainability perspective. The dispenser also has a larger capacity than conventional models, cutting down on work and maintenance. During 2013, SCA launched the Cray dispenser, a new, more elegant model of Tork Xpressnap, which is an attractive feature on countertops and tables or beside wash basins. It is available with a stainless steel finish, or in black or white plastic. During the year, SCA launched a portable Tork dispenser for wiping paper that can be used in restaurant kitchens and can be easily moved between work stations. The dispenser also has a docking station on which the paper holder can be mounted, thereby also functioning

as a stationary solution. It is an intelligent product for food preparation environments that simplifies the work of the user and promotes better hygiene. SCA also launched Tempo Cotton Touch, a new handkerchief containing cotton to provide a stronger and softer product. During the year, SCA launched Familia Famitex in Colombia via its joint venture there. Familia Famitex is a durable and strong paper towel for cleaning purposes that can be reused several times and represents a hygienic alternative to kitchen and cleaning cloths. Familia Famitex is available in three different colors for use is different cleaning areas around the home.

Net sales and operating margin

SEKm 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Operating prot and ROCE

SEKm 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 18 15 12 9 6 3 0

Operating cash ow
SEKm 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Net sales


Operating prot



SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Tissue|Business areas

Growth SCAs target for the business area is annual organic growth of 34%. In 2013, the Tissue business area grew both organically and through acquisitions. Sales rose during the year in both product segments and global growth for the business area, excluding exchange rate effects and divestments, amounted to 15%. Acquisitions increased sales by 12%. The sales increase in emerging markets was 13%, excluding exchange rate effects. Emerging markets accounted for 18% of the business areas sales in 2013. During the year, SCA became the majority shareholder in the Chinese tissue company Vinda, with ownership of 51.4%. Vinda is the third largest tissue company in China, which is the worlds second largest tissue market. SCA aims to develop the collaboration with Vinda and use its extensive and strong distribution network. SCA will consolidate Vinda from the first quarter of 2014. During 2013, SCA established operations in India and decided to invest SEK 150m in local production of hygiene products. The plan is to commence production at the Groups own plant in 2015. Indias large population and low use of hygiene products indicate potential for future growth. In 2013, SCA launched its Tempo consumer tissue in India. Consumer tissue SCA is the worlds second largest supplier of consumer tissue, which includes toilet paper, kitchen rolls, facial tissues, handkerchiefs and napkins.

Market Growth in mature markets is in the low singledigit figures, while it is considerably higher in emerging markets. Emerging markets are growing at a faster rate than mature markets due to increasing disposable incomes and greater use of tissue. Growth is also occurring in mature markets owing to lifestyle changes and innovations that lead to increased use. SCAs business In the market for consumer tissue, SCA holds the global number two position. In Europe, SCA is the clear market leader with a market share of more than double that of the second largest player. SCA also commands strong positions in many emerging markets, such as Russia and Colombia, where SCA is the market leader, and in Mexico, where it holds the number two position. SCA holds the number three position in China through its majority shareholding in Vinda. Products sold under own brands account for about 50% of SCAs sales, while the remaining 50% is sold under retailers brands. SCAs brand portfolio comprises several strong regional and local brands. Tempo, Zewa, Plenty and Lotus hold leading positions in large areas of Europe, while Cushelle, Velvet and Edet are strong in the UK and the Nordic region. In Hong Kong, Tempo is the clear market leader in handkerchiefs. In South America, SCA markets products under the Familia and Favorita brands, and holds strong positions in emerging markets including Colombia, Chile and Ecuador. In the Mexican market, SCA occupies a strong position with the Regio brand and, in Australia, SCA is the second

Brand categories for consumer tissue, European market

Brands, 47 % Retailers brands, 53 %

Product breakdown for consumer tissue, European market

Toilet paper, 59% Kitchen roll, 21% Handkerchiefs, 8% Facial tissues, 5% Napkins, 5% Other, 2%

Data is based on market data and SCAs estimates.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Tissue

largest supplier of tissue through its joint venture. Vinda is one of the leading brands in China. In Europe, the aim is to further strengthen brand positions while retaining the important retailers brands market. Therefore, for a number of years now, SCA has been working with a fullservice offering that includes production and delivery, as well as partnerships for product development, product range, design, marketing and logistics in collaboration with some of the leading European retail chains. AfH tissue With the global Tork brand, SCA is the worlds largest supplier of AfH tissue. The AfH segment comprises institutions and companies, including hospitals, healthcare institutions, large workplaces, industries, restaurants and hotels, for which SCA develops and sells complete hygiene solutions comprising dispensers, tissue, soap, service and maintenance. The products are distributed by wholesalers and service companies. Market Growth in mature markets is in the low singledigit figures, while it is considerably higher in emerging markets. Emerging markets are growing at a faster rate than mature markets due to increasing disposable incomes and rising use of tissue. SCAs business For AfH tissue, SCA is a world leader with the global Tork brand, which has annual sales in excess of SEK 10bn. The global brand Tork provides significant synergies since the difference in consumer and customer requirements is minimal in regard to tissue and dispensers in the various parts of the world. SCA is the clear market leader in Europe and commands a market share that is about double that of the second largest player. SCA is the third largest player in North America. SCAs market position is particularly strong in the fast-food restaurant sector in North America, where nearly every second napkin is supplied by SCA. The Group also commands strong positions in emerging markets, such as Russia and Colombia, where SCA is the market leader. In 2013, Lotus Professional, the brand included in the acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations, was migrated to Tork.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Tissue|Business areas

Operations in 2013
Net sales rose by 11% (15% excluding exchange rate effects and divestments) and amounted to SEK 46,987m (42,375). Higher volumes increased sales by 3%. Acquisitions increased sales by 12% while divestments reduced sales by 2%. Sales in emerging markets grew by 13%, excluding exchange rate effects. Sales of consumer tissue increased by 16%, excluding exchange rate effects and divestments, mainly as a result of acquisition in Europe. Sales of AfH tissue increased by 16%, excluding exchange rate effects, principally attributable to acquisition in Europe. Operating prot, excluding items affecting comparability, improved by 21% (27% excluding exchange rate effects and divestments) to SEK 5,595m (4,640). The improvement in earnings was due to acquisitions, increased volumes and cost savings. Acquisitions accounted for 9 percentage points of the earnings improvement. Higher energy and raw material costs, negative exchange rate effects and slightly lower prices reduced earnings. Operating margin was 11.9% (10.9). Return on capital employed amounted to 13%(13). Operating cash surplus increased to SEK 8,061m (6,871). Operating cash flow declined to SEK 5,409m (6,154). The higher operating cash surplus did not offset the higher tied-up working capital and increased restructuring costs. Capital expenditures amounted to SEK 2,393m (2,571).

5,595 % 12
Operating margin: KEY EVENTS Majority shareholder in Vinda, with ownership of 51.4%. Operations established in India. Cost and efficiency program delivered according to plan. Cost synergies from Georgia-Pacific acquisition delivered according to plan.

Operating prot, SEKm:

Key gures1)
SEKm 2013 2012

Net sales Operating cash surplus Change in working capital Current capital expenditures Other operating cash ow Operating cash ow

46,987 8,061 492 1,484 676 5,409 5,595 12 50,044 13 909 4,752 18,835 18,730

42,375 6,871 744 1,432 29 6,154 4,640 11 42,466 13 1,139 9,746 17,811 19,823

SCAs sales by product segment

Consumer tissue, 61% AfH tissue, 39%

SCAs sales by region

Europe, 75% North America, 15% Latin America, 9% Asia, 1%

Operating prot Operating margin, % Capital employed ROCE, % Strategic investments plant and equipment company acquisitions/divestments Average number of employees No. of employees at Dec. 31

Excluding restructuring costs.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Forest Products

Forest Products
SCA is Europes largest private forest owner, encompassing some 2.6 million hectares of forest land and produces forest products with a strong environmental prole. Operations are based on in-depth customer insight, high innovative ability and a sustainability perspective at all levels. SCA offers publication papers, kraftliner (packaging papers), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy.

The Forest Products business area reported sales of approximately SEK 15.5bn in 2013 and offers publication papers, kraftliner (packaging papers), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy. SCA has a well-integrated supply chain in Sweden between its forest holdings and production facilities. The forest is a unique resource SCA is Europes largest private forest owner. The forest is a unique resource that offers usaccess to high-quality forest raw materials, which are then converted into solid-wood products, pulp, publication papers and kraftliner in our production process. The forest also makes a positive contribution to SCAs environmental practices, enabling energy production from wind power and biofuels while at the same time storing and binding carbon dioxide. From a community perspective, forests also contribute to biodiversity while at the same time providing a source for nature experiences and recreation. Responsible forest management and replanting of trees may be one of the solutions to climate change. SCAs forests display a net growth rate and the companys growing forests absorb 2.6 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, which exceeds the emissions from SCAs use of fossil fuels in production. Efciency At the end of 2013, SCA conducted manufacturing activities at 18 sites. Having its own logistics is part of the companys integration strategy,

with loading and unloading terminals in Sweden and on the continent and freight transportation on vessels. SCAs forest assets and industries are concentrated to northern Sweden, where the Group has built up an efficient supply system for its own mills and sawmills. The companys forest holdings are managed on a very long-term basis. Integration of SCAs own wood raw material is a key aspect of the companys strategy that contributes to stable cash flow and reliable supplies, and facilitates improved quality and cost control. SCAs forest holdings are a unique resource and comprise a renewable raw materials base for products, materials and energy that will grow in importance. Productive and cost-effective production facilities are two necessary components for favorable profitability. SCA thus applies what is referred to as the strong-mill concept, which focuses resources on a number of large, high-tech paper and pulp mills and sawmills located in Sweden. In 2012, SCA introduced a program to enhance the efficiency of the forest products operation. The program will result in an annual earnings improvement of approximately SEK 1.3bn with full effect in 2015. The program includes a structured plan to reduce fixed and variable costs, achieve improved income

through increased production and efficiency enhancement, and implement a changed product and market mix. The efficiency program delivered according to plan in 2013. Measures included the closure of two smaller sawmills which, combined with other rationalization actions, led to a workforce reduction of about 200 employees. In 2013, the program generated an earnings improvement of SEK 550m.

Share of Group

Net sales, 17%

Operating prot, 17%

Capital employed, 38%

SEK 15,525m

SEK 1,843m

SEK 38,103m

No. of employees at Dec. 31, 12%

4,087 employees


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Business areas|Forest Products

Innovations and launches Innovation is an integral part of the business areas strategy to move its operations toward increasingly advanced products in high-value segments and toward more attractive customer offerings. The focus is on profitable growth through further processing and customization in segments with favorable price trends. In doing this, SCA differentiates itself from the rest of the industry, while also meeting requirements of business partners and customers. A clearer structure was created for innovation activities at Forest Products during 2013. Anew position was established with the task of driving innovation and an innovation portfolio was defined for all divisions in Forest Products. The business areas management continues to assign high priority to the development of the innovation portfolio.

During the year, a new product area was launched, Sustainable Packaging, for fresh fiber-based packaging paper designed for use as flexible packaging, the surface layer in various packaging products and as corrugated board. The products combine excellent printability and efficient resource utilization with highly attractive properties in terms of the environment and product safety. The target is to produce 75,000 tons of the new products at the Ortviken paper mill within two years. In solid-wood products, SCA develops and processes purpose-designed products for either industrial further processing in efficient supply chains or for the building materials trade. The share of wood products sold via traditional distribution channels is constantly declining. In2013, sales to the building materials trade in the UK doubled and now about 30% of SCA

Timbers entire operations comprise sales to this segment, with their rigorous demands on distribution, service, warehousing and integration with suppliers business systems. Development programs are not solely focused on products, but also on the creation of business models, service and distribution solutions in close collaboration with SCAs customers. Growth Continuing the work on enhancing efficiency and customer-driven innovation is essential for strengthening positions and creating growth. Efforts to develop and streamline the supply chain, make it more sustainable, and develop new product areas are also significant in terms of strengthening competitiveness. Timber continues to strengthen its long-term position as a construction material and its

Net sales and operating margin*

SEKm 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 % 20 15 10 5 0

Operating prot and ROCE*

SEKm 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Operating cash ow*

SEKm 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013






Net sales


Operating prot


* Reclassied for 2010 and 2011 with kraftliner due to the divestment of the European packaging operations on June 30, 2012.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Forest Products | Business areas

avorable environmental and climate properties f have resulted in incentives in several countries to encourage increased wood utilization. Timber also comes from a source of raw materials that is completely renewable, namely, the forest. Activities continued in the SCA Energy business unit, which is tasked with managing and developing SCAs renewable energy business. SCA has set itself a target to increase wind power generation on the Groups forest land to 5TWh by 2020. SCAs wind-power initiative has three components: development of partnership projects development of proprietary projects leasing of land In 2007, SCA and Statkraft formed a jointly owned company, the purpose of which is to establish six wind farms with an annual output ofabout 3TWh. Stamsen, the first of these six wind farms, was inaugurated in 2013. Stamsen wind farm encompasses 26 wind turbines that will generate an annual output of about 200 GWh. An investment decision has been taken on a total of 186 wind turbines with a combined annual production output of 1.6 TWh. The turbines are expected to be operational by 2015. Work continued on the projects SCA is carrying out together with Fred.Olsen Renewables and E.ON, both of which have the potential to generate about 2 TWh of wind power electricity per year. SCA also continued its work on developing proprietary projects. Market for forest products The European market for publication papers is valued at approximately SEK 90bn. Future demand is expected to decline as a consequence of lower readership of printed media and more intense competition for advertising expenditures from electronic media. The European market for kraftliner, paper for corrugated board packaging manufactured from fresh wood fiber, is valued at approximately SEK 30bn and growth over an economic cycle is approximately 12% per year. The European market for solid-wood products is valued at some SEK 120bn, with demand primarily deriving from the construction and house building industries, which are relatively cyclical. Future growth is expected to amount to 2%. The industry is dominated by many small and mid-sized producers. Combined, the five leading suppliers located in Scandinavia and Central Europe account for only 13% of the European market.

The pulp market for long-fiber pulp has longterm growth of 2% per year. SCAs competitors in forest products are, forexample, Holmen, Smurfit Kappa, Stora Ensoand UPM. SCAs business SCA is one of the worlds largest suppliers of FSC-certified forest products. The divestment of SCAs publication paper mill in Laakirchen was completed in 2013. Following this divestment, all of Forest Products production of paper, pulp and solid-wood products is concentrated to northern Sweden, close to SCAs forest holdings. The divestment also means that SCA has further reduced its exposure to the publication paper market. A portfolio of packaging paper products was introduced at

the only remaining publication paper mill, Ortviken, that supplements the production of publication paper and expanded the offering of packaging paper products from both the Obbola and Munksund kraftliner mills. SCAs sales of publication papers mainly take place within the Western European market. The single largest markets are the Nordic region, Germany and the UK. Ortviken paper mill has the capacity to produce 100% value-added paper grades and has reduced its exposure to standard newsprint. Both of the publication paper grades, Grapholnvent and GraphoSilk, introduced in 2012 were well received by customers. SCA is Europes third largest supplier of packaging paper based on fresh wood fiber kraftliner. SCAs kraftliner mill in Munksund

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Business areas|Forest Products

pecializes in White-Top Kraftliner with good s printability, while the kraftliner mill in Obbola specializes in more robust grades and higher wet strength packaging paper. During the year, investments of SEK 540m were made to rebuild the paper machine and soda recovery boiler in Munksund, which enabled increased production, mainly for White-Top Kraftliner. An investment in the biofuel-fired lime kiln is being made and will be completed in 2014. In 2013, SCA decided to invest approximately SEK 500m in a new digester in Obbola. This investment is a replacement investment that will increase production and improve energy efficiency at the site. SCAs sawmill operation is the second largest in Europe. The strategy for solid-wood products is to move toward more value-added and customized products in markets and with customers that offer long-term growth. SCAs own raw materials, production and logistics expertise, combined with close cooperation with customers, generate competitive advantages. SCA is a qualified supplier of purposedesigned wood products to industry for further processing into such items as panels, floors, windows, doors and furniture. Finished-wood components for window manufacturing, for example, represents another high-growth market. Products for the building materials trade are delivered planed and pre-packaged. Service and advanced logistics solutions are of key significance for the building materials trade. SCA works in close cooperation with its customers in its principal markets in Scandinavia, France and the UK. Partnerships were initiated with the two largest building materials chains in the UK: Wickes, which targets the DIY(Do-It-Yourself) market, and Travis Perkins, which focuses on professional building materials customers. SCA will supply Travis Perkins with an entire range of planed products, and those products produced in Sweden will therefore be further processed in the UK. Production at a new planing line near Hull began in 2013 and will reach full capacity in 2014. In the pulp market, SCA has positioned itself in the high-quality segment based on its excellent access to, and expertise in, the unique Nordic long-fiber forest raw material. strand pulp mill has an annual capacity of 530,000 tons. Approximately 40% of this capacity is utilized within SCA for production of tissue and publication papers while the remainder is sold to external customers.

During 2013, SCA invested SEK 380m in an expanded partnership with Sundsvall Energi. strand pulp mill, which already supplies district heating to the Municipality of Timr, was connected to the Sundsvall district heating grid. Ortviken paper mill rebuilt two boilers enabling them to be fuelled with pellets, and tripled its deliveries to the Sundsvall district heating grid. SCA is Europes largest private forest owner with a holding of 2.6 million hectares of FSC and PEFC-certified forest land, of which 2 million is cultivated. Over the past 50 years, the standing volume in SCAs forests has increased

by nearly 50%, at the same time as growth, and thus the sustainable harvesting potential, has more than doubled. In 2013, SCAs Bogrundet nursery in Sweden produced 101 million seedlings, of which 60% was sold externally. SCA is one of Europes largest suppliers of forest-based biofuels, such as tree branches, crowns, stumps, bark, sawdust, peat and processed products, which includes pellets and briquettes. In 2013, production of biofuel amounted to 3 TWh.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Forest Products | Business areas

Operations in 2013
Net sales declined by 15% (unchanged, excluding divestments) and amounted to SEK 15,525m (18,283). Higher volumes increased sales by 1%, while lower prices (including exchange rate effects) reduced sales by 1%. Divestments reduced sales by 15%. Sales of publication papers fell on account of lower prices (including exchange rate effects) and divestments. Higher volumes had a positive impact on sales of publication papers. For kraftliner, sales declined as a result of lower volumes, which were not fully offset by higher prices. Sales of solid-wood products increased due to higher volumes and prices (including exchange rate effects). For pulp, sales declined as a result of lower volumes, which were not fully offset by higher prices. Operating prot, excluding items affecting comparability, rose by 35% to SEK 1,843m (1,363). Cost savings and lower raw material costs had a positive effect on earnings. The higher earnings were also attributable to gains ofSEK 583m (91) on forest swaps. Lower prices, negative exchange rate effects of SEK 190m due to a stronger Swedish krona, higher energy costs and costs for extended maintenance stops reduced earnings. The operating margin was 11.9% (7.5). Return on capital employed was 5% (4). Operating cash surplus amounted to SEK 1,927m (2,313), while the operating cash flow was SEK 1,084m (1,223). Capital expenditures totaled SEK 1,828m (1,777).

1,843 % 12
Operating margin: KEY EVENTS Efficiency program delivered according toplan. Divested the publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria. Inaugurated first wind farm as part of jointly owned company with Statkraft.

Operating prot, SEKm:

SCAs sales by product segment

LWC paper, 17% SC paper, 5% Newsprint, 9% Solid-wood products, 29% Pulp, 14% Timber, 3% Kraftliner, 23%

SCAs sales by region

Europe, 86 % Asia, 10 % Africa, 2 % North America, 1% Latin America, 1%

Key gures1)
SEKm 2013 2012

Net sales of which internal Operating cash surplus Change in working capital Current capital expenditures Other operating cash ow Operating cash ow Operating prot Operating margin, % Capital employed ROCE, % Strategic investments plant and equipment company acquisitions/divestments Average number of employees No. of employees at Dec. 31

15,525 367 1,927 346 1,027 162 1,084 1,843 12 38,103 5 801 817 4,369 4,087

18,283 1,272 2,313 85 1,116 59 1,223 1,363 7 37,008 4 661 286 5,050 4,804

Excluding restructuring costs.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance|Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance
The task of corporate governance is to ensure the Groups commitments to all of its stakeholders: shareholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, society and employees. At the same time, governance must be structured in a way that supports the companys long-term strategy, market presence and competitiveness. Corporate governance must be reliable, clear, simple and business-oriented.
Corporate governance, including remuneration, Pages 5059 This section describes the rules and regulations and the Groups corporate governance, including a description of the operational organization. It also details the Board of Directors responsibilities and its work during the year. Information regarding remuneration and remuneration issues in SCA and internal control in the Group are also included here. SCA applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance without any deviations. Risk management, Pages 6065 SCAs processes to identify and manage risks are part of the Groups strategy work and are pursued at a local and Group-wide level. The section dealing with risk management describes the most significant risks, and the policies and measures that the Group applies to manage these. Sustainability, Pages 1011, 14 SCAs sustainability work is an integral part of the companys business model. The sustainability work helps the company reduce risk and costs, strengthen competitiveness and attract talent and investors.

Governance at SCA
Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is SCAs highest decision-making body, which all shareholders are entitled to attend, to have a matter considered and to vote for all shares held by the shareholder. The companys Board of Directors is elected at the AGM. The AGM also appoints the companys auditor. Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee represents the companys shareholders and is charged with the sole task of drafting proposals for adoption at the AGM with respect to election and remuneration matters and, in certain cases, proposing procedural motions for the next Nomination Committee. Board of Directors The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the companys organization and administration through regular monitoring of the business and by ensuring the appropriateness of the organization, management team, guidelines and internal control. The Board approves strategies and targets, and decides on major investments, acquisitions and divestments of operations among other matters. In accordance with the decision of the AGM, the Board of Directors shall comprise nine members elected by the AGM with no deputies. In addition, the Board shall include three members and three deputies appointed by the employees. Chairman of the Board The Chairman of the Board leads the work of the Board and is responsible for ensuring that it is effectively organized and that work is efficiently conducted. This includes continuously monitoring the companys operations in close dialog with the President and CEO and ensuring that other Board members receive information and decision data that will enable high-quality discussion and decisions by the Board. The Chairman leads the assessment of the Boards and the Presidents work. The Chairman also represents the company in ownership matters. Audit Committee The tasks of the Audit Committee include monitoring financial reporting and the efficiency of the companys internal control, internal audit and risk management. The committee keeps itself informed on the audit, reviews and monitors the impartiality and independence of the auditors, and contributes proposals for the AGMs election of auditors. Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee drafts the Boards motions on issues relating to remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for the President and CEO and is authorized to make decisions in these matters for the companys other senior executives. The committee monitors and assesses programs for variable remuneration, the application of the AGMs resolution on guidelines for remuneration of senior executives and the applicable remuneration structure and remuneration levels in the Group. Internal audit At SCA, it is the responsibility of all employees to ensure sound internal governance and control in the operation or process for which they are responsible. Since 2006, internal audit has been a separate function with the task of evaluating and improving the efficiency of SCAs internal governance and control, as well as its risk management. The function has 14 employees and the manager reports to the Audit Committee and the Board regarding internal audit matters and to the CFO with respect to other matters. The internal auditors are geographically located throughout the world where SCA conducts operations. The function examines, among other aspects, SCAs internal processes for ordering, invoicing, purchasing and financial reporting, IT systems, compliance with SCAs policies, including its Code of Conduct, HR issues and various types of projects. The function also offers internal consultancy services in connection with internal control matters. President and CEO SCAs President and CEO is responsible for and manages the day-to-day administration of the Group and follows the Boards guidelines and instructions. The President and CEO is supported by two Executive Vice Presidents, one of whom is also the CFO, and the Corporate Senior Management Team, see pages 5859, the work

Information regarding SCAs ownership structure is presented on pages 1819.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Corporate Governance | Responsibility and governance

of which is led by the CEO. The Corporate Senior Management Team consists of the President, the Executive Vice Presidents, Business Unit Presidents and the equivalent, and managers for the group functions Finance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Legal Affairs, Communications, and Strategy and Business Development, the latter of which is also responsible for Global Business Services (GBS) and IT Services. GBS global area of responsibility is providing transactional service, HR administrative support, office-related services and service to all units within SCA. For the hygiene business, there is also a special management body. The formal work plan for the Board of Directors and terms ofreference issued by the Board of Directors to the President detail, for example, the division of work between the Board and President. In consultation with the Chairman of the Board, the President prepares documentation and decision data for the Boards work. SCA has seven business units: SCA AfH Professional Hygiene Europe, which offers AfH tissue.

SCA Consumer Goods Europe, which offers consumer goods. SCA Incontinence Care Europe, which offers incontinence products. SCA Asia Pacific, which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA Americas, which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA MEIA (the Middle East, India and Africa), which offers tissue and personal care products. SCA Forest Products, which offers publication paper, kraftliner (packaging paper), pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy. In addition to the business units, SCA has established two global units: Global Hygiene Category (GHC), with global responsibility for customer and consumer brands and innovation in the hygiene area. Global Hygiene Supply (GHS), with global responsibility for purchasing, production planning, technology and investments in the hygiene segment.

SCAs business units adhere to the principle of distinct decentralization of responsibility and authority. The business units are fully responsible for developing their respective operations through established objectives and strategies; a process that is also centrally coordinated. The business units are responsible for their operating result, capital and cash flow. The position of the business and results are followed up by the entire Corporate Senior Management Team on a monthly basis. Each quarter, business review meetings are conducted where the management of each business unit personally meets the President, the CFO and others. These meetings function as a complement to the daily monitoring of operations. Through formal work plans and terms of reference, a number of issues of material significance are placed under the control of the CEO and the Parent Companys Board of Directors. SCA divides up and reports its business in three business areas Personal Care, Tissue and Forest Products. External auditors The companys auditor, elected at the Annual General Meeting, examines SCAs annual report and consolidated financial statements, the Boards and Presidents administration and the annual reports of subsidiaries, and submits an audit report. The audit is performed in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and generally accepted auditing principles in Sweden.

Nomination Committee

Annual General Meeting

External auditors

Remuneration Committee

Board of Directors Chairman of the Board President and CEO Executive Vice Presidents

Audit Committee

Internal audit

Group Functions: Finance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Legal Affairs, Communications, and Strategy and Business Development*

More detailed information at

SCA MEIA SCA Americas SCA Asia Pacific SCA Forest Products

SCA SCA Incontinence Care Consumer Goods Europe Europe Global Hygiene Category (GHC) Global Hygiene Supply (GHS)

SCA AfH Professional Hygiene Europe

Global Responsibility across geographics in the hygiene operations Global Responsibility across geographics in the hygiene operations

* The Strategy and Business Development corporate staff function is also responsible for Global Business Services (GBS) and IT Services. GBS has global responsibility for providing transactional services, human resources support, ofce-related services and other services for all units in SCA.

Internal rules and regulations, etc. Articles of Association Formal work plan of the Board of Directors Terms of reference issued by the Board to the President Policy documents (e.g. financial, communications, risk management, pension, HR) and instructions (payment authorization and payment) Code of Conduct

External rules and regulations, etc. The Swedish Companies Act Swedish and international accounting legislation NASDAQ OMX Stockholms rules and regulations Swedish Code of Corporate Governance

Articles of association Swedish Code of Corporate Governance Information from Annual General Meetings of previous years, since 2004 (notices, minutes, Presidents speeches and press releases) Information from the Nomination Committee, since 2006 (composition, proposals and work) Information ahead of the 2014 Annual General Meeting (notice, Nomination Committee proposals, Boards proposal for principles for remuneration of the President and other senior executives, information routines for notifying attendance at the meeting, etc.) Earlier Corporate Governance Reports, since 2005

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance|Corporate Governance

Activities during the year

Annual General Meeting The AGM was held on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, in Stockholm, Sweden. The meeting was attended by 1,208 shareholders, either personally or by proxy, corresponding to 67.4% of the votes in the company. Attorney-at-Law Sven Unger was elected Chairman of the Meeting. Resolutions by the meeting dividend of SEK 4.50 (4.20) per share to be paid for the 2012 fiscal year, re-election of Board members Pr Boman, Rolf Brjesson, Jan Johansson, Leif Johansson, Sverker Martin-Lf, Bert Nordberg, Anders Nyrn, Louise Julian Svanberg and Barbara Milian Thoralfsson, re-election of Sverker Martin-Lf as Chairman of the Board, adoption of guidelines for determining the salary and other remuneration of the President and other senior executives, see page 26 and Note 6 on pages 8586. The minutes of the meeting in full and information on the 2013 AGM, including the Presidents speech, can be accessed at Nomination Committee The 2012 AGM decided that the Nomination Committee should comprise representatives of not fewer than the four and not more than the six largest shareholders in terms of voting rights, as well as the Chairman of the Board, who is also the convener. The Nomination Committee shall submit proposals relating to the Chairman of the Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, Board fees and remuneration for committee work, the election of the companys auditor and remuneration for services rendered. In its work, the Nomination Committee is to consider the rules that apply to the independence of Board members and that the selection for those nominated shall be based on expertise and experience relevant to SCA. Composition of the Nomination Committee for the 2014 AGM The composition of the Nomination Committee for the 2014 AGM is as follows: Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivrden, Chairman of the Nomination Committee Hkan Sandberg, Handelsbanken Pension Foundation, among others Yngve Slyngstad, Norges Bank Investment Management Caroline af Ugglas, Skandia Sverker Martin-Lf, Chairman of the Board of SCA All shareholders have had an opportunity to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committees proposals for the 2014 Annual General Meeting are presented in the notification of the AGM on SCAs website The 2014 AGM will be held on April 10, see page 21. The Nomination Committee was convened on two occasions. The Chairman of the Board presented the Board evaluation, which is conducted annually, and provided the Nomination Committee with information regarding Board and committee work during the year. Board of Directors SCAs Board of Directors comprises nine members elected by the AGM. Board members Pr Boman, Rolf Brjesson, Jan Johansson (SCAs President and CEO), Leif Johansson, Sverker Martin-Lf, Bert Nordberg, Anders Nyrn, Louise Julian Svanberg and Barbara Milian Thoralfsson were re-elected to the Board. Sverker Martin-Lf was elected as Chairman of the Board. The independence of Board members is presented in the table below. SCA complies with the requirements of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance that stipulate that not more than one member elected by the AGM shall be a member of company management, that the majority of the members elected by the AGM shall be independent of the company and company management, and that not fewer than two of these shall also be independent of the companys major shareholders. All of the Board members have experience of the requirements incumbent upon a listed company. The employees have appointed the following three representatives to the Board for the period until the 2017 AGM: Roger Bostrm, rjan Svensson and Thomas Wiklund, and their deputies Per Andersson, Paulina Hallerd and Hans Nyqvist. Board activities In 2013, the Board was convened nine times. The Board has a fixed formal work plan that describes in detail which ordinary agenda items are to be addressed at the various Board meetings of the year. Recurring agenda items are finances, the market situation, investments and

Composition of the largest shareholders, Nomination Committee at August 31, 2013 (share of votes)

Board of Directors and committees

Committee Board of Directors Elected Dependence1) Audit Remuneration Attendance Board Audit Remuneration meetings Committee Committee

AB Industrivrden Handelsbanken* Norges Bank Investment Management Skandia

*Including funds and trusts.

29.2 14.3 8.0 1.6

Pr Boman Rolf Brjesson Jan Johansson Leif Johansson Sverker Martin-Lf, Chairman Bert Nordberg Anders Nyrn Louise Julian Svanberg Barbara Milian Thoralfsson

2010 2003 2008 2006 1986 2012 2001 2012 2006

n x n x n n x Chairman x Chairman

9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 5/5 5/5 5/5 3/3 3/3 3/3

As dened in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. n = Dependent in relation to the companys major shareholder, AB Industrivrden. n = President of SCA, dependent in relation to the company. n = Dependent in relation to the company, the Corporate Senior Management Team, and the companys major shareholder, AB Industrivrden.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Corporate Governance | Responsibility and governance

adoption of the financial statements. On a regular basis throughout the year, the Board has also dealt with reports from the Audit and Remuneration Committees and reports on internal control and financial operations. The companys auditors regularly present a report on their audit work and these issues are discussed by the Board. The Business Unit Presidents present reports on their respective operations and current issues affecting them to the Board. Evaluation of the Boards work The work of the Board, like that of the President, is evaluated annually using a systematic and structured process, the purpose of which is to obtain a sound basis for the Boards own development work and to provide the Nomination Committee with decision data for its nomination work. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for the evaluation. In 2013, the evaluation took the form of a questionnaire and discussions between the Chairman of the Board and the members. The evaluation covers such areas as the Boards method of work, expertise and the years work. The Board was provided with feedback after the results were compiled. The Nomination Committee was also informed of the results of the evaluation. Audit Committee In 2013, the Audit Committee comprised Chairman Anders Nyrn, Barbara Milian Thoralfsson and Sverker Martin-Lf. The Audit Committee held five meetings during the year. In its work, which includes monitoring financial reporting,

the committee dealt with relevant accounting issues, internal auditors reviews, auditing work and a review of various measurement issues, such as testing of impairment requirements for goodwill, the measurement of forest assets and the preconditions for the years pension liability calculations. Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee consists of Chairman Sverker Martin-Lf, Leif Johansson and Rolf Brjesson. The Remuneration Committee held three meetings during the year. In addition, a number of issues were addressed by circular letter. Activities in 2013 mainly concerned remuneration and other employment terms and conditions for senior executives, and current remuneration structures and remuneration levels in the Group. Internal audit The basis of the work is a risk analysis conducted in cooperation with SCAs management team. The risk analysis concludes in an audit plan, which is presented to the Audit Committee. In 2013, just over 120 audit projects were performed. During the year, the function reported its observations at each meeting with the Audit Committee. Work in 2013 also involved following up the units progress with process-based control, follow-up and reporting on the efficiency in internal governance and control, and separate assessments of the internal control in countries where SCA has major investments and in joint ventures.

External auditors The 2013 Annual General Meeting appointed the accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as the companys auditor for a mandate period of one year. The accounting firm notified the company that Anders Lundin, Authorized Public Accountant, would be the senior auditor. Anders Lundin is also auditor for AB Electrolux and TeliaSonera AB. The auditor holds no shares in SCA. In accordance with its formal work plan, the Board met with the auditors at two scheduled Board meetings in 2013. The auditors also attended each meeting of the Audit Committee. At these meetings, the auditors presented and received opinions on the focus and scope of the planned audit and delivered verbal audit and review reports. Furthermore, at the Boards third scheduled autumn meeting, the auditors delivered an in-depth verbal report on the audit for the year. The formal work plan specifies a number of mandatory issues that must be covered. These include matters of importance that have been a cause for concern or discussion during the audit, business routines and transactions where differences of opinion may exist regarding the choice of accounting procedures. The auditors also provide an account of consultancy work assigned to the audit firm by SCA and the audit firms independence in relation to the company and its management. On each occasion, Board members have had an opportunity to ask the auditors questions. Certain parts of the detailed discussion on the accounts take place without representatives of company management being present.

Board and Committee meetings

Jan Board of Directors Audit Committee Remuneration Committee












Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance|Corporate Governance

Remuneration, Corporate Senior Management and Board of Directors

Guidelines The 2013 Annual General Meeting adopted guidelines for remuneration of senior executives that are based on a total remuneration package comprising a fixed salary, variable salary and other benefits, and a pension. These unchanged guidelines are also proposed for the 2014 AGM, see page 21 and Note 6 on pages 8586. Remuneration of the President and other senior executives Remuneration of the President and other senior executives is presented in Note 6 on pages 8586. Variable remuneration for the CEO, Executive Vice Presidents and Business Unit Presidents was maximized to a total of 100% of the fixed salary for 2013. For one Business Unit President, stationed in the US, the maximum outcome is 130%, while the corresponding limit for other senior executives is 90%. Variable remuneration and strategic targets Programs for variable remuneration are formulated to support the Groups strategic targets. The short-term program is individually adapted and based mainly on cash flow, operating profit and growth. The long-term program is based on the SCA shares long-term total shareholder return. Remuneration of the Board According to the resolution by the AGM, the fees paid to the AGM-elected Board members totaled SEK 6,280,000. See Note 6, on pages 8586 for further information.

Potential maximum remuneration, breakdown

Fixed salary Short-Term Incentive Long-Term Incentive

Outcome, variable remunerations 20092013

SEKm 100 80 60 40 20 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % 100 80 60 40 20 0

Outcome, SEKm Outcome as a percentage of xed salary


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Corporate Governance | Responsibility and governance

Internal control of the nancial reporting

The Boards responsibility for internal governance and control is regulated in the Swedish Companies Act, the Annual Accounts Act and in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The Annual Accounts Act requires that the company, each year, describes its system for internal control and risk management with respect to financial reporting. The Board bears the overall responsibility for financial reporting and its formal work plan regulates the internal division of work between the Board and its committees. The Audit Committee has an important task to prepare the Boards work to assure the quality of financial reporting. This preparation work includes issues relating to internal control and regulation compliance, control of recognized values, estimations, assessments and other activities that may impact the quality of financial statements. The Committee has charged the companys auditors with the task of specifically examining the degree of compliance in the company with the rules for internal control, both general and detailed. Financial reporting to the Board The Boards formal work plan stipulates which reports and information of a financial nature shall be submitted to the Board at each scheduled meeting. The President ensures that the Board receives the reports required to enable the Board to continuously assess the companys and Groups financial position. Detailed instructions specifically outline the types of reports that the Board is to receive at each meeting. External nancial reporting The quality of external financial reporting is guaranteed via a number of actions and procedures. The President is responsible for ensuring that all information issued, such as press releases with financial content, presentation material for meetings with the media, owners and financial institutions, is correct and of a high quality. The responsibilities of the companys auditors include reviewing accounting issues that are critical for the financial reporting and reporting their observations to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. In addition to the year-end report, the auditors also review the six-month report. Risk management With regard to financial reporting, the risk that material errors may be made when reporting the companys financial position and results is considered the primary risk. To minimize this risk, control documents have been established pertaining to accounting, procedures for annual accounts and follow-up of reported annual accounts. A Group-wide system for reporting annual accounts has also been introduced. SCAs Board of Directors and management assess the financial reporting from a risk perspective on an ongoing basis. To provide support for this assessment, the companys income statement and balance sheet items are compared with earlier reports, budgets and other planned figures. Control activities that are significant to financial reporting are carried out using the companys IT system. For further information, see Risk and risk management on pages 6065. Control activities and follow up Significant instructions and guidelines related to financial reporting are prepared and updated regularly by the Groups central controller organization and are easily accessible on the Groups intranet. The central controller organization is responsible for ensuring compliance with instructions and guidelines. Process managers at various levels within SCA are responsible for carrying out the necessary control measures with respect to financial reporting. An important role is played by the business units controller organizations, which are responsible for ensuring that financial reporting from each unit is correct, complete and delivered in a timely manner. In addition, each business unit has a Finance Manager with responsibility for each business units financial statements. The companys control activities are supported by the budgets prepared by each business unit and updated during the year through continuous forecasts. In recent years, SCA has introduced a standardized system of control measures involving processes that are significant to the companys financial reporting. The controls are adapted to the operational process and system structure of each unit. Accordingly, each unit prepares a record of the actual controls to be carried out in the unit in question. Control of these processes is assessed through self-evaluation followed up by an internal audit. In some cases, SCA has enlisted external help to validate these control measures. Financial results are reported and examined regularly within the management teams of the operating units and communicated to SCAs management at monthly and quarterly meetings. Before reports are issued, results are analyzed to identify and eliminate any mistakes in the process until the year-end closing. For additional information, see Internal audit on page 53. Activities in 2013 For a number of years now, the entire SCA Group has used a shared reporting system for financial statements. An increasing number of units within SCA are also introducing the same accounting system based on a common IT platform. In 2012, the introduction of the common accounting system began in the companies acquired from Georgia-Pacific and other companies acquired during the year. Another development involved the co-location of accounting and reporting of several units in Shared Service Centers, which made reporting more efficient and uniform. A project continued in 2013 aimed at reducing the number of legal entities in SCA and thereby simplifying the reporting and system structures. In 2012, Global Business Services (GBS) was formed. GBS global area of responsibility is providing transactional service, HR administrative support, office-related services and service to all units within SCA. This gradually impacted and enhanced the efficiency of the processes during 2013 and will continue to do so in the future.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance | Board of Directors and Auditors

Board of Directors and Auditors


Information regarding individuals own and related parties shareholdings pertains to the situation on December 31, 2013.

Elected by the Annual General Meeting

1 Sverker Martin-Lf (1943) Tech Lic., Honorary PhD Chairman of the Board since 2002. Chairman of the Board of Industri vrden and SSAB. Vice Chairman of Ericsson and Handels banken. Member of the Board of Skanska. Formerly President and CEO of SCA. Elected: 1986 A shares: 3,000 B shares: 77,823 Independent of the company and corporate management. 2 Pr Boman (1961) Engineering and Business/Economics degree President, CEO and member of the Board of Handelsbanken. Member of the Board of Industrivrden. Formerly Head of Handelsbanken Markets. Elected: 2010 A shares: 1,000 3 Rolf Brjesson (1942) MSc Eng. Chairman of the Board of Biolight AB. Member of the Boards of Avery Dennison and Huhtamki Oyj. Formerly President and Chairman of the Board of Rexam. Elected: 2003 B shares: 25,350 Independent of the company, corporate management and SCAs major shareholders. 4

4 Jan Johansson (1954) Master of Laws President and CEO of SCA. Member of the Board of Handelsbanken, SSAB and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Formerly President and CEO of Boliden. Elected: 2008 B shares: 78,200 Independent of SCAs major shareholders. 5 Leif Johansson (1951) MSc Eng. Chairman of the Board of Ericsson and AstraZeneca. Chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT). Formerly President and CEO of Volvo. Elected: 2006 B shares: 6,040 Independent of the company, corporate management and SCAs major shareholders.

6 Bert Nordberg (1956) Engineer Chairman of the Board of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. Member of the Boards of AB Electrolux and BlackBerry Ltd. Formerly President of Sony Mobile Communications. Elected: 2012 B shares: 5,000 Independent of the company, corporate management and SCAs major shareholders.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Board of Directors and Auditors | Responsibility and governance


12 7

Per Andersson (1955) Employed at SCA Obbola, Ume Appointed: 2013 8 10 Paulina Hallerd (1967) Employed at SCA Hygiene Products, Gothenburg Appointed: 2013 Hans Nyqvist (1968) Employed at SCA Hygiene Products, Gothenburg Appointed: 2013

7 Anders Nyrn (1954) MSc Econ, MBA President and CEO of AB Industrivrden. Chairman of the Boards of Handelsbanken and Sandvik. Member of the Boards of Ernstrm & Co AB, Industri vrden, Volvo, the Stockholm School of Economics and the Stockholm School of Economics Association. Formerly Executive Vice President of Skanska. Elected: 2001 B shares: 1,200 Independent of the company and corporate management. 8 Louise Julian Svanberg (1958) MSc Econ Formerly President and Chairman of the Board of EF. Elected: 2012 B shares: 15,000 Independent of the company, corporate management and SCAs major shareholders. 9 Barbara Milian Thoralfsson (1959) MBA, BA Member of the Boards of AB Electrolux, Telenor ASA and Norfolier GreenTec AS. Formerly President and CEO of TeliaSonera Norge. Elected: 2006 Independent of the company, corporate management and SCAs major shareholders.

Appointed by the employees

10 Roger Bostrm (1971) Chairman Swedish Paper Workers Union dept. 167 at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, strand pulp mill, Timr. Member of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Appointed: 2013 B shares: 25 11 rjan Svensson (1963) Senior Industrial Safety Representative at SCA Hygiene Products AB, Edet Bruk, Lilla Edet. Member of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Appointed: 2005 B shares: 75 12 Thomas Wiklund (1955) Shift Production Manager and Chairman of Ledarna (Swedish Organization for Managers) at Munksund paper mill. Member of the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation (PTK). Appointed: 2009

Honorary Chairman
Bo Rydin MSc Econ., Hon PhD Econ., Hon PhD Engineering

PricewaterhouseCoopers AB Senior Auditor: Anders Lundin, Authorized Public Accountant.

Secretary to the Board

Mikael Schmidt (1960) Master of Laws Senior Vice President, Group Function Legal Affairs, General Counsel. Employed since: 1992 B shares: 4,500

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance | Corporate Senior Management Team

Corporate Senior Management Team


1 5 2

1 Jan Johansson (1954) President and CEO Master of Laws Employed since: 2007 B shares: 78,200 2 Lennart Persson (1947) CFO and Executive Vice President Head of Group Function Finance BSc BA Employed since: 1987 B shares: 50,165

3 Mats Berencreutz (1954) Executive Vice President MSc ME Employed since: 1981 B shares: 12,000 4 Josphine Edwall-Bjrklund (1964) Senior Vice President, Group Function Communications BSc in Communications Employed since: 2012 B shares: 1,100

5 Magnus Groth (1963) President, SCA Consumer Goods Europe MBA and MSc ME Employed since: 2011 B shares: 4,800 6 Gordana Landn (1964) Senior Vice President, Group Function Human Resources BSc Employed since: 2008 B shares: 2,742

7 Ulf Larsson (1962) President, SCA Forest Products BSc Forestry Employed since: 1992 B shares: 4,400 8 William Ledger (1967) President, SCA Global Hygiene Supply BSc, Industrial Chemical Engineer Employed since: 2002 B shares: 3,050


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Corporate Senior Management Team | Responsibility and governance

Information regarding individuals own and related parties shareholdings pertains to the situation on December 31, 2013.









9 Margareta Lehmann (1958) President, SCA Incontinence Care Europe BSc BA Employed since: 1983 B shares: 3,458 10 Don Lewis (1961) President, SCA Americas BSc BA Employed since: 2002 SCA ADR: 8,405

11 Sune Lundin (1951) President, SCA AfH Professional Hygiene Europe MSc Eng. Employed since: 2008 B shares: 12,450 12 Christoph Michalski (1966) President, SCA Global Hygiene Category MSc Econ. Employed since: 2007 B shares: 16,450

13 Mikael Schmidt (1960) Senior Vice President, Group Function Legal Affairs, General Counsel Master of Laws Employed since: 1992 B shares: 4,500 14 Robert Sjstrm (1964) Senior Vice President, Group Function Strategy and Business Development, Global Business Services and IT MSc Econ., MBA Employed since: 2009 B shares: 10,600 15 Kersti Strandqvist (1963) Senior Vice President, Group Function Sustainability MSc Chem., Tech Lic. Employed since: 1997 B shares: 6,797

16 Ulf Sderstrm (1964) President, SCA Asia Pacic Studies in economics, MBA Employed since: 2009 B shares: 11,500 17 Thomas Wulkan (1961) President, SCA MEIA BSc BA Employed since: 2000 B shares: 7,450

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance | Risks and risk management

Risks and risk management

SCA is exposed to a number of risks that could exert a greater or lesser material impact on the Group. These risks are generally defined as factors that impact SCAs ability to achieve established targets for the Group. This applies to both financial targets and targets in other areas. SCAs targets are outlined in the section Strategy, on pages 89. Many of the risks described could have a positive or negative impact on the Group. This implies that if a risk develops in a favorable manner or if risk management is successful in counteracting the risk, target fulfillment could exceed expectations. From this perspective, risk could also entail opportunities for SCA. Examples include the GDP trend and the economic situation, the cost of input goods, customer and consumer patterns, and movements in market prices. The description in this section pertains to the structure that the SCA Group had at year-end 2013. SCAs structure and value chain SCAs structure and geographically dispersed business entails in itself a certain degree of risk reduction. SCA conducts operations in three business areas that deliver to entirely, or partially, different customer segments and end-users. The operations are influenced to varying degrees by the business cycle and general economic prosperity and their competitive situations also differ. SCAs products are sold through many different channels and distribution paths. The operation has a large geographical spread. Sales are conducted in about 100 countries worldwide and manufacturing is pursued at about 100 production units in some 30 countries. Sales are often based on local manufacturing. SCAs structure also ensures that the raw material flows are, to a certain degree, integrated from forest land to the finished consumer products. In 2013, 53% of SCAs wood raw material requirements were sourced from the Groups own forests. The wood fiber is used for SCAs production of pulp, kraftliner and publication papers, in sawmill operations, and for the manufacture of tissue. Forest waste from SCAs activities is used in biofuel operations. The energy generated in the production process is used internally or sold. The pulp is subsequently used mainly in the production of tissue. In 2013, 31% of the pulp requirement was satisfied by the Groups own pulp production. Processes for risk management SCAs Board determines the Groups strategic direction based on recommendations from Corporate Senior Management. The responsibility for long-term and overall management of strategic risks follows the companys delegation scheme, from the Board to the President, and from the President to the Business Unit Presidents. This implies that most operational risks are managed by SCAs business units at a local level, but are coordinated when deemed necessary. The tools for this work primarily comprise continuous reporting by the business units and the annual strategy process, which includes risk and risk management as part of the process. SCAs financial risk management is centralized, as is the case for the corporate internal bank for financial transactions of Group companies and management of the Groups energy risks. The financial risks are managed in accordance with the Groups finance policy, which is set by SCAs Board and, together with SCAs energy risk policy, comprises a framework for management activities. The risks are grouped and followed up on a regular basis to ensure compliance with these guidelines. SCA has also centralized the management of other risks. SCA has established a corporate internal audit unit, which ensures that the organization complies with the Groups policies.

Risks that impact SCAs ability to achieve established targets

Risk Policy/Action

GDP trend and economic conditions

SCAs volume development is linked to the development of GDP and related factors, including industrial production, in countries representing SCAs main markets. Movements in the GDP trend inuence demand for some of SCAs products, primarily in the Forest Products business area. SCA has reduced the impact of the general economic trend by focusing on its hygiene business. In 2013, Personal Care and Tissue accounted for 83% of SCAs sales. Sales to the retail market, which accounts for the bulk of sales of hygiene products, are more dependent on established consumption patterns and distribution than the economic climate. The institutional care and homecare facilities segment for incontinence products is also relatively unaffected by the business cycle, although it can be impacted by the public budget situation in certain countries. The segment in the hygiene business that is most sensitive to economic movements is AfH tissue, which is affected by the consumption of tissue outside the home, for example, within industry and ofces, as well as in the hotel and restaurant industry. Forest products are vulnerable to economic movements. Sales of publication papers, representing 5% of SCAs sales, are affected by uctuations in business activity in the advertising sector. The relatively cyclical construction and private house industries impact SCAs solid-wood product business, which accounts for 5% of sales. For all businesses, it is important that SCA manages the effects of the economic movements that occur by taking actions to reduce costs and by reviewing the capacity and production structure.

Development within SCAs key customer segments (Europe, Index in 2000 = 100)
Index 120 100 80 60 40

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Retail trade Manufacturing industry Construction industry

Advertisingmarket (newspapers and magazines, Germany, France and the UK)


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Risks and risk management | Responsibility and governance



Environmental impact and climate change

SCAs operations have an impact on air, water, land and biological processes. These effects could lead to costs for restoring the environment or other kinds of negative effects. The matter of the economic impact of climate change is also growing in signicance. A number of years ago, SCA established a sustainability policy, detailing guidelines for the Groups actions in the areas of environmental and social responsibility. Risks are minimized through preventive work in the form of certied environmental management systems, environmental risk inspections in conjunction with acquisitions, and remediation projects in connection with plant closures. The Groups large forest holding has a positive environmental effect through the absorption of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the forest guarantees access to renewable forest raw materials. Through its extensive Resource Management System (RMS), SCA monitors how the company utilizes energy, water, transport activities and raw materials. The data is used for internal control and follow-up of established targets. SCA works proactively to decrease its carbon footprint by reducing its energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases. Continuous work is conducted to reduce the already low levels of oil and coal used in the Group, and to increase the proportion of renewable energy, such as wind power. A comprehensive description of SCAs work and governance in this area is provided in the Groups Sustainability Report.

Impact of political decisions

SCA is affected by political decisions and administrative regulations in the approximately 100 countries in which the Group conducts operations. These relate to general regulations, such as taxation and nancial reporting. SCA is also impacted by more specic regulations, such as the granting of permits in accordance with the Environmental Code and reimbursement of expenses in the healthcare system. Through SCAs Public Affairs unit, the company works to monitor and evaluate changes in its surroundings, including amended legislation, and identify actions that lead to improvements for all relevant stakeholder groups. SCA is also a member of national and international trade associations, which comprise the primary bodies for participation in current public debates. For issues of importance to the company, SCA can also work directly in cooperation with regulatory bodies and the public. Examples include the project to construct wind turbines on SCAs land in Sweden. A key area for SCA is global energy and environmental legislation. Because SCA has major operations in Europe and the EU plays a leading role in developing environmental legislation, SCA is focusing its activities on the various EU institutions. For example, SCA monitors developments in policy areas of major importance to the company, including resource consumption in general and issues of water, air and waste, such as EU trade in emission rights, the EU Waste Directive and the issue of the use of sulfurous fuels in shipping. Since the public sector is both a signicant customer and stakeholder group for SCA, the health debate is important to the company, especially with regard to the development of systems for healthcare with greater patient benet and greater cost efciency. SCA also works actively to disseminate knowledge regarding various national systems to decision-makers in countries where new structures are being built up. Examples include the development of systems for cost-free prescription of incontinence aids in countries where such benets were not offered in the past.

Impact of substitutes
Other product solutions (substitutes) can replace products that are included in SCAs offering and thereby reduce sales. By offering competitive products, SCA can also take market shares from the substitute. The issue of substitutes is also linked to changes in the patterns and attitudes of customers and consumers that affect demand for certain products and thus protability. Substitutes exist for virtually all SCA products. This may involve different products with a similar function, such as cloth diapers, cloth rags for household or industrial cleaning, or completely different solutions to the needs of customers and consumers, such as electric hand dryers and the spread of news by electronic media instead of on paper. SCA takes proactive steps to adapt to the existence of substitutes and take advantage of the possibilities to expand the Groups business by viewing the substitutes as a potential market opportunity. Another way of being proactive is through innovation, including inhouse research and development. A major driver for innovation comprises demands and requests from customers and consumers. Accordingly, development work is often conducted in direct cooperation with customers. An increasingly important factor is greater focus on sustainability with respect to environmental, nancial and social factors. Other demands imposed on SCAs innovation include the desire to create protable differentiation for SCAs product range and create value and growth, both for customers and SCA (read more about innovation on page 12). In many countries, the degree of penetration is low, meaning only a small proportion of the population uses SCAs products, compared with more developed countries. To increase acceptance of its products, SCA focuses on matters inuencing attitudes and on breaking taboos. This also applies to Europe and North America with regard to such items as incontinence products.

Dependence on major customers and distributors

The retail trade is SCAs single largest customer group and thus exercises considerable inuence. Approximately half of SCAs sales are made to the retail trade, under both SCAs brands and the retailers own brands. SCA also uses other distribu tors or retailers that could impact the Group. A general consolidation process is taking place in several of SCAs sales channels, thus increasing dependence on individual customers. This increase in dependence could result in negative consequences if SCA does not full the demands imposed. SCAs customer structure is relatively dispersed, with customers in many different areas of business. In the retail trade, the prevailing trend is towards increased concentration, which has mainly resulted in fewer retail companies at a national and regional level. This could also present opportunities through closer cooperation. There are still a considerable number of retail companies, which reduces the risk for SCA. SCA also uses distributors, mainly for AfH tissue. A very large number of distributors are active in this segment and the international concentration is relatively low. In 2013, SCAs ten largest customers accounted for 23% of the Groups sales. The single largest customer accounted for 3% of sales. Most of these customers were retail companies. The ten largest customers also include some large distributors of AfH tissue. Credit risk in accounts receivable is dealt with in the section Credit risk, on page 65.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance | Risks and risk management



Expansion into new markets

In recent years, SCA has expanded its operations into emerging markets outside Western Europe and North America. If the conditions differ from those in already established markets, this expansion could involve new risks for SCA. SCA can expand its business in various ways. The sale of SCAs products in new markets can be managed by agents or by the Groups own sales company. When a decision has been made to conduct manufacturing in the local market, this may be carried out through a joint venture in cooperation with other owners or by SCA acquiring or forming a wholly owned company. A joint venture, through collaboration with a partner with solid local knowledge, reduces the risk for SCA. Prior to initiating operations, SCA conducts a feasibility study. Depending on how the business will be operated, varying methods are used in the feasibility study, including market studies, and a review of the legal requirements, including environmental legislation, due diligence of existing companies, and assessments of the business climate and common business practices in the market in question. A risk analysis of issues related to the environment and business ethics is also performed. When the business is operational, SCA has often improved its knowledge of the market and can thus adapt the organization. The recruitment of personnel with the appropriate values is crucial, as is maintaining contact with the market in question through communication. SCAs Group policies, including its Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy, apply to all markets in which SCA conducts operations.

Sales in emerging markets

9% 23 %



Emerging markets Mature markets

Emerging markets include the countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia (excluding Japan) and Africa.

Movements in the market price of SCAs products

Movements in the market price of SCAs products could create major uctuations in the protability of the product in question when these movements are not linked to changes in costs for SCA. Several methods can be applied to address this risk. Long-term contracts at xed prices and price hedging only occur in exceptional cases. To reduce the impact of price movements on SCA, actions are taken to adapt the cost scenario to lower market prices, for example, by renegotiating purchasing agreements, implementing personnel and capacity reductions, and reviewing the business structure. In other cases, the products content can be adapted to the new market price level. Movements in the market price in a number of SCAs product segments are detailed in the gure below. The diagram species the average price per year (Index 100) and movements around this value over the past ten years.

Highest/lowest market prices (annual average) 20032013 per product

130 120 110 100 90 80

Solid-wood products (Pine) Publication papers (LWC) Kraftliner Tissue

Average price for the period

Risks at plants
SCA has around 100 production facilities in some 30 countries and many of these conduct continuous production. Fires, machinery breakdowns and other types of harmful incidents could damage the plant in question and also cause delivery problems. SCAs activities in this area are governed by its Risk Management Policy, which controls how SCA shall manage insurable risks. From this perspective, the aim of risk management is to effectively and cost efciently protect employees, the environment, the company assets and the business, and to minimize SCAs risk management costs. This can be achieved by creating and retaining a balance between loss prevention and insurance coverage. The loss-prevention work is conducted in accordance with established guidelines that include inspections by risk engineers and benchmarking with other plants, within and outside SCA. Other important elements of loss-prevention activities include maintenance of plants, staff training, good orderliness, and documentation. Every year, SCA invests in loss-prevention measures and its production plants continuously work to reduce their risks. For example, new facilities are tted with sprinkler systems as standard. All wholly owned plants are insured to replacement cost and for the loss of contribution margin. Within the EU, insurance is carried out by one of the Groups own companies, with external reinsurance for major damages. Outside the EU, SCA cooperates with market-leading insurance companies.

Occurrence of unethical business practices

SCA works in some 100 countries and in environments where unethical business practices may exist. If SCA becomes involved in these business practices, the companys reputation in the market may be damaged. SCA may also suffer nes and other legal sanctions. To ensure that SCAs organization lives up to the companys core values and is not drawn into unethical business practices, there has been a Code of Conduct established since 2004, which includes general rules for the companys business methods. SCA uses a number of methods to monitor and safeguard the implementation of the Code. These include due diligence in connection with acquisitions, monitoring of the supplier chain and regular audits of SCAs units around the world. More detailed information on the Code of Conduct and the work in 2013 is available on pages 4446 in the Groups Sustainability Report.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Risks and risk management | Responsibility and governance



SCA is dependent on a large number of suppliers. The loss of key suppliers could result in costs for SCA and problems in manufacturing. Suppliers could also cause problems for SCA through noncompliance with applicable legislation and regulations or by otherwise acting in an unethical manner. To reduce this risk, SCA has supply contracts with several suppliers and continuously enters into agreements with various durations. The Group has a number of suppliers for essentially all important input goods. These contracts ensure deliveries of a signicant proportion of input goods at the same time as the effects of sudden cost increases are limited. The Group also has more intensive cooperation with selected suppliers that covers the development of materials and processes. SCA continuously assesses all key suppliers to ensure that they fully comply with the Group requirements in all respects. The assessment may take the form of a questionnaire, an on-site visit or the use of independent auditors. For essentially all important input goods, SCA assesses the following factors at current and potential suppliers: Quality Product safety  Impact on the environment, including the issue of the origin of the input goods Use of chemicals Compliance with SCAs Code of Conduct

Cost of input goods

The market price of many of the input goods used in the manufacture of SCAs products uctuates over time and this could inuence SCAs earnings. The risk of price movements related to input goods and the impact of these on earnings can be managed in several ways. As a result of SCAs structure, a signicant share of raw materials is produced within the Group and, consequently, price movements have a smaller impact on earnings. In 2013, 53% of SCAs wood raw material requirements were sourced from itsown forests and 31% of its pulp requirements were satised by the Groups own pulp production. Another method used to manage the price risk is by availing of nancial hedges and long-term contracts. SCA is an energy-intensive company and hedges the energy price risk for electricity and natural gas. More detailed information on the energy price risk and management activities related to this is presented on page 64. Under normal circumstances, no other price risks related to input goods are hedged, although this could be carried out in exceptional cases. SCA has also begun building up its own energy operations based on the utilization of the Groups own holdings of forest land. More information on these operations is provided in the Groups Sustainability Report. A signicant cost item comprises oil-based materials and other oil-related costs, such as transportation. The oil-based materials are principally used in Personal Care products and generally as packaging material. When possible, these and other costs are managed principally through compensation in the form of raised prices for SCAs products, by adjusting product specications or through streamlining of the Groups own operation. The impact of price movements on input goods can be delayed through purchasing agreements. SCAs relative costs for various key input goods are described on page 114. The price trend for a number of input goods is presented in the diagram to the left.

Highest/lowest market prices (annual average) 20032013 per product

175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0

Pulp (NBSK, USD) Recovered paper (ONP/OMG) Electricity (Nordpool)

Average price for the period

Employee-related risks
SCA must have access to skilled and motivated employees and safeguard the availability of competent managers to achieve established strategic and operational objectives. SCAs strategic manpower planning secures access to people with the right expertise at the right time. Recruitment can take place both externally and internally, and internal recruitment and job rotation are facilitated by a job portal, where available positions are advertised both internally and externally. Salaries and other conditions are to be adapted to the market and linked to SCAs business priorities. An established succession planning program protects operations. SCA strives to maintain good relationships with union organizations.

Legal risks
New legislation in various countries could negatively impact SCA. Legal processes can be protracted and costly. SCA monitors the development of legislation through its internal corporate legal staff and external advisors. Another important issue is the management of SCAs intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, etc.), which is largely centralized. In the approximately 100 countries in which SCA conducts operations, local legal issues and disputes are handled through an extensive network of local legal advisors.

IT risks
SCA relies on IT systems in its day-to-day operations. Disruptions or faults in critical systems have a direct impact on production. Errors in the handling of nancial systems can affect the companys reporting of results. SCA has established a management system for information security, including quality assurance procedures that govern IT operations. Information security is monitored through continuous reviews. Standardized processes are in place for the implementation of new systems, changes to existing systems and daily operations. The majority of SCAs system landscape is based on well-proven products, such as SAP.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Responsibility and governance | Risks and risk management



Energy price risk

Energy price risk is the risk that increased energy prices could adversely impact SCAs operating prot. SCA is exposed to price movements of electricity and natural gas, but the price of other energy commodities also directly and indirectly impacts SCAs operating prot. SCA centrally manages the energy price risk related to electricity and natural gas. According to SCAs policy, these price risks can be hedged for a period of up to 36 months. Energy price hedging is effected through nancial instruments and xed pricing in existing supply agreements. SCA safeguards the supply of electricity and natural gas through centrally negotiated supply agreements with well-established suppliers. The portfolio of supply agreements shall be effectively spread to minimize SCAs counterparty risk. In 2013, SCA purchased about 7 TWh (7; 7) of electricity and about 8 TWh (8; 9) of natural gas. The graph to the right displays SCAs price hedges in relation to forecast consumption of electricity and natural gas for the next three years. The graph includes nancial hedges and hedging effected via supply agreements. Some of the Swedish electricity exposure is hedged for a longer period through supply agreements maturing in 2019. For further information concerning nancial price hedges, see Note 18 Derivatives on page 96.

Energy price hedges in relation to forecast consumption, December 31, 2013

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014 2015 2016

Electricity Natural gas

Currency risk
Transaction exposure Transaction exposure is the risk that exchange rate movements in export revenues and import expenses could negatively impact the Groups operating prot and the cost of non-current assets. Translation exposure Translation exposure is the risk to which SCA is exposed when translating foreign subsidiaries balance sheets and income statements to SEK. Transaction exposure Transaction exposure, resulting from exports and imports, can be hedged for a period of up to 18 months. Contracted future payments for non-current assets in foreign currencies can be hedged up to the full cost. The forecast net ow of currency against SEK amounts to SEK 9,153m (9,024; 10,544) on an annual basis. The forecast ows are expected to occur evenly over time. At year-end, a net ow against SEK corresponding to four months of the forecast ow for 2014 was hedged. The majority of hedges mature during the rst and second quarters of 2014. The forecast and hedges of the 2014 ows are shown in the table to the right. For further information relating to hedging of transaction exposure, see Note 18 Derivatives on page 96.

Forecast and hedges relating to ows in 20141)

Net ows SEKm Currency inows SEKm Currency outows SEKm Hedged Hedged inows outows % %


1) Excluding

2,923 1,259 1,239 1,052 751 715 575 476 2,380 2,217 9,153

3,524 1,313 1,094 754 788 1,791 476 5,170 5,408

601 54 42 3 73 1,216 0 2,790 7,625

21 3 9 15 12 39 2 11 2 1 0

2 0 1 0 0 25 0 0 0 8 12

14,578 13,339

Long-term currency sensitivity The table below presents a breakdown of the Groups net sales and operating expenses by currency, which provides an overview of the Groups long-term currency sensitivity. The largest exposures are denominated in SEK, EUR, GBP and USD. The imbalance between sales and expenses in SEK is because the Swedish operations have a high proportion of exports that are invoiced in foreign currencies.
Sales % Costs % Operating Closing rate prot1) December SEKm 31, 2013 Average rate 2013

7,782 16,935



48 13 10 6 3 3 2 2 13 100

42 17 5 18 4 3 2 0 9 100

9,850 1,468 4,397 9,314 459 490 243 1,186 4,091 9,934

8.9337 6.5024 10.7225 0.1986 0.4976 0.0034 1.0576

8.6470 6.5108 10.1857 0.2046 0.5106 0.0035 1.1093

Operating prot, excluding items affecting comparability.

Translation exposure The policy relating to translation exposure for foreign net assets is to hedge a sufcient proportion in relation to SEK so that the Groups debt/equity ratio is unaffected by exchange rate movements. Hedging takes place by nancing a certain portion of capital employed in foreign currencies with loans and derivatives in corresponding currencies. The optimal degree of matching in connection with hedging depends on the current consolidated debt/equity ratio. Translation exposure in the income statements of foreign subsidiaries is not currency-hedged. At December 31, 2013, capital employed in foreign currency amounted to SEK 63,254m (54,468; 62,293). Distribution by currency is shown in the table to the right. At year-end, capital employed was nanced in the amount of SEK 18,733m (16,468; 23,572) in foreign currency, which is equivalent to a total matching ratio of 30% (30; 38). For further information relating to hedging of translation exposure, see Note 18 Derivatives on page 96.

Financing of capital employed

Capital employed SEKm Matching nancing Net debt SEKm 2013 % 2012 %


EUR USD GBP MXN RUB COP TWD Other Total Vinda Total currencies SEK Total

27,581 6,067 4,894 4,730 2,827 1,370 1,222 5,028 53,719 9,535 63,254 36,936 100,190

7,299 3,716 2,026 1,540 1,357 285 300 355 16,878 1,855 18,733 15,153 33,886

26 61 41 33 48 21 25 7

33 28 26 41 47 26 14 3




SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Risks and risk management | Responsibility and governance



Credit risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of losses due to a failure to meet payment obligations by SCAs counterparties in nancial agreements or by customers. Credit risk in accounts receivable Credit risk in accounts receivable is managed through credit checks of customers using credit rating companies. The credit limit is set and regularly monitored. Accounts receivable are recognized at the amount that is expected to be paid based on an individual assessment of each customer. Financial credit risk The objective is that counterparties must have a minimum credit rating of A from at least two of the rating institutes Moodys, Fitch and Standard & Poors. SCA strives to enter into agreements that allow net calculation of receivables and liabilities. Credit exposure in derivative instruments is calculated as the market value of the instrument. At year-end, the total credit exposure was SEK 9,807m (9,321; 9,739). This exposure also includes credit risk for nancial investments in the amount of SEK 9,281m (8,376; 7,487), of which SEK 6,287m (6,354; 6,167) was attributable to leasing transactions (see Note 33 Contingent liabilities). Credit exposure in derivative instruments amounted to SEK 526m (945; 820) at December 31, 2013.

Ten largest customers share of outstanding accounts receivable by business area

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Personal Care and Tissue Forest Products

Liquidity and renancing risk

Liquidity and renancing risk is the risk that SCA is unable to meet its payment obligations as a result of insufcient liquidity or difculty in raising new loans. SCA is to maintain nancial exibility in the form of a liquidity reserve consisting of cash and cash equivalents and unutilized credit facilities totaling at least 10% of the Groups forecasted annual sales. SCA limits its renancing risk by having a good distribution for the maturity prole of its gross debt. The gross debt must have an average maturity in excess of three years, considering unutilized credit facilities that are not liquidity reserves. Surplus liquidity should primarily be used to amortize external liabilities. SCAs policy is to not agree to terms that entitle the lender to withdraw loans or adjust interest rates as a direct consequence of movements in SCAs nancial key gures or credit rating. The Groups nancing is mainly secured by bank loans, bond issues and through issuance of commercial papers. The renancing risk in short-term borrowing is limited through long-term credit facilities from bank syndicates and individual banks with favorable creditworthiness. SCAs net debt increased by SEK 959m in 2013. At year-end, the average maturity of gross debt was 2.8 years (2.3; 2.9). If short-term loans were replaced with drawings under long-term unutilized credit facilities, the maturity would amount to 3.5 years. Unutilized credit facilities amounted to SEK 18,186m at year-end. In addition, cash and cash equivalents totaled SEK 3,649m. For further information, see Note 22 Current nancial assets, cash and cash equivalents, and Note 25 Financial liabilities.

Liquidity reserve
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Unutilized credit facilities Cash and cash equivalents Total

18,186 3,649 21,835

17,531 2,017 19,548

21,016 2,752 23,768

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk relates to the risk that movements in the interest rates could have a negative impact on SCA. SCA is affected by interest rate movements through its net nancial income and expense. SCA seeks to achieve a good spread of its interest due dates to avoid large volumes of renewals occurring at the same time. SCAs policy is to raise loans with oating rates, since it is SCAs understanding that this leads to lower interest expense over time. The interest rate risk and interest period are measured by currency and the average interest term shall be within the interval 336 months. In 2013, SCAs net nancial items decreased as a result of lower interest rates and a lower average net debt. SCAs largest funding currencies are denominated in SEK and EUR; refer to the graph. To achieve the desired xed interest period and currency balance, SCA uses nancial derivatives. The average interest period for the gross debt, including derivatives, was 9.8 months (5.5; 6.2) at year-end, excluding Vinda. The average interest rate for the total outstanding net debt including derivatives, amounted to 2.92% (3.10; 4.14) at year-end, excluding Vinda.

Gross debt distributed by currency1)

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0


Gross debt
1) Excluding


Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements
Consolidated income statement ....................................................................... 67 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income . . ................................... 67 Consolidated statement of changes in equity .. ............................................. 68 Consolidated operating cash flow statement, supplementary disclosure .. ................................................................................ 68 Consolidated cash flow statement .. ................................................................. 69 Correlation between consolidated cash flow statement and operating cash flow statement, supplementary disclosure ............... 70 Consolidated balance sheet ............................................................................... 71 Financial statements, Parent Company .. ......................................................... 72 Notes Note 1 Group Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Note 6 Key assessments and assumptions .............................................. 78 Acquisitions and divestments ........................................................ 79 Operating expenses by type of costs ............................................ 81 Segment reporting ............................................................................ 82 Personnel and Board costs . . ........................................................... 85 Accounting principles .. ...................................................................... 74 Parent Company Note 35 Operating loss .................................................................................. 106 Note 36 Personnel and Board costs . . .......................................................... 106 Note 37  Depreciation/amortization of tangible and intangible fixed assets . . .................................................................. 107 Note 38 Financial items .. ................................................................................ 107 Note 39 Appropriations and untaxed reserves . . ...................................... 107 Note 40 Income taxes .................................................................................... 107 Note 41 Intangible fixed assets .. .................................................................. 107 Note 42 Tangible fixed assets ...................................................................... 107 Note 43 Participations ................................................................................... 108 Note 44 Receivables from and liabilities to subsidiaries ....................... 108 Note 45 Other current receivables .............................................................. 108 Note 46 Equity . . ................................................................................................ 108 Note 47 Provisions for pensions . . ................................................................ 109 Note 48 Non-current interest-bearing liabilities ...................................... 109 Note 49 Other current liabilities ................................................................... 109 Note 50 Contingent liabilities ....................................................................... 109 Note 51 Pledged assets .. ............................................................................... 109 Note 52 Financial instruments by category .............................................. 109 Note 53 Adoption of the annual accounts ................................................. 109 Proposed disposition of earnings ................................................................... 110 Audit report ........................................................................................................... 111

Note 7  Depreciation/amortization and impairment of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets . . .............................. 87 Note 8 Note 9 Financial income and expenses .. .................................................... 87 Income taxes ...................................................................................... 88

Note 10 Intangible assets . . .............................................................................. 89 Note 11 Property, plant and equipment ...................................................... 90 Note 12 Biological assets . . ............................................................................... 91 Note 13  Holdings in associates and joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method ......................................... 92 Note 14 Shares and participations ............................................................... 92 Note 15 Joint ventures ..................................................................................... 93 Note 16  List of major subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates ........ 94 Note 17 Non-current financial assets .......................................................... 95 Note 18 Derivatives . . ......................................................................................... 96 Note 19 Inventories ............................................................................................ 97 Note 20 Trade receivables ............................................................................... 97 Note 21 Other current receivables ................................................................. 97 Note 22 Current financial assets, cash and cash equivalents ................ 97 Note 23  Non-current assets held for sale .................................................... 97 Note 24 Equity . . .................................................................................................. 98 Note 25 Financial liabilities ........................................................................... 100 Note 26 Provisions for pensions . . ................................................................ 101 Note 27 Other provisions .. ............................................................................. 103 Note 28 Other non-current liabilities .......................................................... 103 Note 29 Other current liabilities ................................................................... 103 Note 30 Liquidity risk . . .................................................................................... 103 Note 31 Financial instruments by category .............................................. 104 Note 32 Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities . . ............................. 105 Note 33 Contingent liabilities ....................................................................... 105 Note 34 Pledged assets .. ............................................................................... 106

Group|Financial statements

Consolidated income statement

2013 Group Note SEKm EURm1) SEKm 2012 EURm1) SEKm 2011 EURm1)

Net sales Cost of goods sold Gross prot Sales and administration expenses etc. Items affecting comparability Share of prots of associates Operating prot Financial income Financial expenses Prot before tax Tax Prot/loss for the year from continuing operations
Prot from disposal group held for sale2)

5 4 4 4

89,019 67,006 22,013 12,285 1,251 206 8,683

10,295 7,749 2,546 1,421 145 24 1,004 14 130 888 245 643 643 641 2

85,408 64,449 20,959 12,472 2,634 159 6,012 91 1,355 4,748 251 4,497 503 5,000 4,956 44

9,815 7,406 2,409 1,433 303 18 691 10 155 546 29 517 58 575 570 5

81,337 61,701 19,636 11,981 5,439 83 2,299 129 1,454 974 1,267 293 900 607 548 59

9,013 6,837 2,176 1,328 603 10 255 14 161 108 140 32 100 68 61 7

8 8 9

120 1,120 7,683 2,119 5,564 5,564 5,547 17

Prot for the year Earnings attributable to: Owners of the Parent Non-controlling interests Earnings per share Earnings per share, SEK owners of the Parent before dilution effects after dilution effects Earnings per share, SEK owners of the Parent excluding divested operations before dilution effects after dilution effects Dividend per share, SEK Prot for the year attributable to owners of the Parent Average number of shares before dilution, million Average number of shares after dilution, million

7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 4.753) 5,547 702.3 702.3


7.06 7.06 6.34 6.34 4.50 641 4,956 702.3 702.3


0.78 0.78 0.50 0.50 4.20 570 548 702.3 702.3 61

An average exchange rate of 8.65 (8.70; 9.02) was applied in translation to EUR.

The packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012 are recognized net on the line Prot from disposal group held for sale.

Board proposal.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Prot for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Items that cannot be transferred to prot for the period Actuarial gains and losses relating to dened benet pension plans Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income Items that have been or can be transferred to prot for the period Available-for-sale nancial assets: Result from measurement at fair value recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss upon sale Cash ow hedges: Result from remeasurement of derivatives recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss for the period Transferred to cost of hedged investments Translation differences in foreign operations Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income for the year, net after tax Total comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the Parent Non-controlling interests By business area
SEKm 2013 Net sales 2012 20113)




1,974 500 1,474

2,011 479 1,532

3,512 905 2,607

249 123 49 26 845 423


286 33 2 13 2,984 1,134 1 1,585 3,117 1,883 1,908 25

352 172 308 19 684 252 118 1,631 4,238 3,631 3,690 59

492 1,966 7,530 7,396 134

Operating prot/loss 2) 2013 2012 20113)

Personal Care Tissue Forest Products Other Intra-Group deliveries Total

1) Of 2) Excluding

26,914 46,987 15,525 125 532 89,019

3) Retroactive

26,294 42,375 18,283 1,268 2,812 85,408

24,775 39,118 20,003 1,881 4,440 81,337

3,201 5,595 1,843 705 9,934

3,180 4,640 1,363 537 8,646

2,645 3,150 2,423 480 7,738

which, adjustment of preceding year in the negative amount of SEK 249m. items affecting comparability.

adjustment for Forest Products due to the inclusion of two kraftiner mills after the divestment of the packaging operations on June 30, 2012.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements|Group

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Attributable to owners of the Parent Opening balance, January 1 Total comprehensive income for the year Dividend Acquisition of non-controlling interests Remeasurement effect upon acquisition of non-controlling interests Closing balance Non-controlling interests Opening balance, January 1 Total comprehensive income for the year Dividend Change in Group composition Closing balance Total equity, closing balance 458 134 41 2,482 3,033 66,304 539 25 49 7 458 60,164 566 59 89 3 539 61,291 59,706 7,396 3,161 666 4 63,271 60,752 1,908 2,950 4 59,706 67,255 3,690 2,809 4 60,752

For further information, see Note 24 Equity.

Consolidated operating cash ow statement, supplementary disclosure

2013 Group SEKm EURm1) SEKm 2012 EURm1) SEKm 2011 EURm1)

Net sales Operating expenses Operating surplus Adjustment for non-cash items Operating cash surplus Change in Inventories Operating receivables Operating liabilities Change in working capital Current capital expenditures, net Restructuring costs, etc. Operating cash ow Financial items Income taxes paid Other Cash ow from current operations Strategic capital expenditures and divestments Acquisitions Strategic capital expenditures in non-current assets Total strategic capital expenditures Divestments Cash ow from capital expenditures and divestments Cash ow before dividend Dividend to shareholders Cash ow after dividend
Net cash ow from disposal group2)

89,019 74,361 14,658 1,166 13,492 133 123 540 284 3,427 1,292 8,489 1,000 1,634 134 5,989

10,295 8,600 1,695 135 1,560 15 14 62 33 396 149 982 116 189 15 692

85,408 71,995 13,413 789 12,624 561 1,411 813 1,159 3,161 978 9,644 1,264 1,193 84 7,271

9,815 8,273 1,542 91 1,451 64 162 93 133 363 113 1,108 145 137 9 835

81,337 68,770 12,567 585 11,982 500 567 402 665 3,250 649 7,418 1,325 850 63 5,306

9,013 7,620 1,393 65 1,328 55 63 44 74 360 72 822 147 94 7 588

5,466 1,868 7,334 1,716 5,618 371 3,202 2,831 2,831

632 216 848 199 649 43 370 327 327

14,872 1,863 16,735 17,682 947 8,218 2,997 5,221 468 5,689

1,709 214 1,923 2,032 109 944 344 600 54 654

983 1,637 2,620 15 2,635 2,671 2,896 225 1,109 884

109 181 290 2 292 296 321 25 123 98

Net cash ow Net debt

2013 SEKm EURm SEKm

2012 EURm SEKm3)

2011 EURm3)

Net debt, January 1 Net cash ow Remeasurements to equity Exchange rate effects, etc.
Effect of reclassication of operating liability to net debt4)

32,927 2,831 2,223 165 186 33,886

3,825 327 257 124 22 3,793

36,648 5,689 1,847 121 32,927

4,100 654 212 167 3,825

34,406 884 3,505 379 36,648

3,825 98 388 15 4,100

Net debt, December 31

1) An 2) Operating 3) Including

average exchange rate of 8.65 (8.70; 9.02) was applied in translation to EUR. cash ow in Disposal group divested on June 30, 2012 is recognized on one line as of 2012, with retroactive adjustment for 2011. net debt from the packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012. 4) Provision for payroll tax was reclassied to net debt in accordance with IAS 19.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Group|Financial statements

Consolidated cash ow statement

2013 Group SEKm EURm2) SEKm 20121) EURm2) SEKm 20111) EURm2)

Operating activities Prot before tax Adjustment for non-cash items3) Paid tax Cash ow from operating activities before changes in working capital Cash ow from changes in working capital Change in inventories Change in operating receivables Change in operating liabilities Cash ow from operating activities Investing activities Acquisition of operations4) Divested operations5) Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets6) Sale of property, plant and equipment Loans granted to external parties Repayment of loans to external parties Cash ow from investing activities Financing activities Acquisition of non-controlling interests Loans raised Amortization of debt Dividend paid7) Cash ow from nancing activities Cash ow for the year Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Exchange differences in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year8)

7,683 3,665 11,348 1,634 9,714 133 123 540 9,430 1,976 1,371 5,550 255 390 5,510 1,028 1,955 3,202 2,275 1,645 2,017 13 3,649
2013 2013 5,153 574 585 156 661 509 564 73 3,665 2012 679 408 1,087 110 977 213 764 321 2 39 41 402 2012 6,058 643 149 851 479 382 84 6,130 2011 1,284 981 2,265 111 2,154 580 1,574 678 2 521 523 373 2011 11,235 623 17 25 15 408 134 10,093 2011 100 720 125 11 27 51 90 787 314 3 1,098 1,098 155 11 932
6) 5)

860 410 1,270 183 1,087 15 14 60 1,056 221 153 621 28 44 617 115 219 359 255 184 234 4 422

5,427 6,130 11,557 1,303 10,254 495 607 1,059 11,201 14,144 17,068 5,673 359 1,081 3,471 5,421 2,999 8,420 690 2,752 45 2,017

624 704 1,328 150 1,178 57 70 122 1,287 1,626 1,962 652 41 124 399 623 344 967 79 308 5 234

2,258 10,093 12,351 961 11,390 562 894 211 10,145 932 109 5,911 265 179 6,648 294 2,898 2,604 893 1,866 7 2,752

250 1,118 1,368 106 1,262 62 99 23 1,124 103 12 655 29 20 737 33 321 288 99 207 2 308

Of which packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012, SEKm Operating activities Prot before tax Adjustment for non-cash items Paid tax Cash ow from operating activities before changes in working capital Change in working capital Cash ow from operating activities Cash ow from investing activities Dividend Other cash ow from nancing activities Cash ow from nancing activities Cash ow for the year

2) 3)

An average exchange rate of 8.65 (8.70; 9.02) was applied in translation to EUR. Adjustment for non-cash items, SEKm Depreciation/amortization and impairment of non-current assets Fair-value measurement of forest assets Gains on asset sales and swaps Gain on divestments Unpaid relating to efciency program Payments relating to efciency program already recognized Revaluation of previous share upon acquisition of Vinda Other Total Acquisition of operations, SEKm Intangible assets Non-current assets Operating assets Cash and cash equivalents Provisions and other non-current liabilities Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Operating liabilities Non-current assets held for sale Fair value of net assets Goodwill Consolidated value of share in associates Revaluation of previously owned share Non-controlling interests Acquisition price Acquisition price Unpaid purchase price related to acquisition Settled debt pertaining to acquisitions in earlier years Cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies Effect on Groups cash and cash equivalents, acquisition of operations

Divested operations, SEKm 2013 2012 2011 Intangible assets 37 14 Non-current assets 84 370 47 Operating assets 1,175 1,417 Non-current assets held for sale 1,855 3,378 Operating assets in disposal group 21,096 580 Cash and cash equivalents 306 153 Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group 200 22 Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents 345 8 Net debt in disposal group excl. cash and cash equivalents 617 56 Provisions 120 583 Operating liabilities 413 767 48 Operating liabilities in disposal group 6,377 261 Loss on sale* 156 866 14 Loss in disposal group on sale* 5 19 Purchase price received after divestment costs 2,423 17,421 251 Less: Unpaid purchase consideration 746 Unpaid purchase consideration in disposal group 109 Cash and cash equivalents in divested companies 306 153 0 Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group 200 22 Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group upon reclassication of joint ventures to associates 11 Effects on the Groups cash and cash equivalents, divested operations (Consolidated cash ow statement) 1,371 17,068 109 * Excluding reversal of realized translation differences in divested companies to prot or loss. Loss on sale is included in items affecting comparability in prot or loss. Investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Payments due to investments in intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, and biological assets totaled SEK 5,550m (5,673; 5,911). In addition, investments amounting to SEK 0m (0; 11) were nanced through nance leases. Of total investments of SEK 5,550m (5,673; 5,922) including nance leases, SEK 1,868m (1,987; 1,910) relates to activities to boost the operations capacity level (strategic capital expenditures) and SEK 3,682m (3,686; 4,012) to activities to maintain the operations capacity level (current capital expenditures). Including dividend to non-controlling interests. Cash and cash equivalents, SEKm Cash and bank balances Short-term investments, maturity < 3 months Total 2013 2,328 1,321 3,649 2012 1,717 300 2,017 2011 1,121 1,631 2,752


2013 2012 2,901 3,077 4,420 7,357 2,478 4,987 654 941 732 1,447 2,462 728 1,432 3,263 911 5,827 11,835 1,753 3,353 1,467 88 564 15 2,816 2,733 15,085 2,733 15,085 103 654 941 1,976 14,144

7) 8)

The Groups total liquidity reserve at year-end amounted to SEK 21,835m (19,548; 23,768), including unutilized lines of credit of SEK 18,186m (17,531; 21,016). Interest paid, SEKm Interest paid Interest received Total 2013 1,247 56 1,191 2012 1,437 84 1,353 2011 1,383 45 1,338

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements|Group

Correlation between consolidated cash ow statement and operating cash ow statement, supplementary disclosures
Cash ow from operating activities
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Cash ow for the year

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Cash ow from operating activities Less Cash ow from operating activities in disposal group Add Current capital expenditures Accrued interest Less accrued interest in disposal group Cash ow from current operations as shown in the operating cash ow statement Cash ow from investing activities

9,430 3,427 14 5,989

11,201 764 3,161 4 1 7,271

10,145 1,574 3,250 15 5,306

Cash ow for the year Less Loans granted to external parties Repayment of loans from external parties Amortization of debt Loans raised Add Net debt in acquired and divested operations Accrued interest Investments through nance leases Net cash ow according to consolidated operating cash ow statement

1,645 390 1,955 2,117 14 2,831

690 1,081 5,421 119 4 5,689

893 179 294 132 15 11 884




Cash ow from investing activities Less Cash ow from investing activities in disposal group Current capital expenditures Loans granted to external parties Less cash ow from loans granted to external parties in disposal group Repayment of loans from external parties Add Net debt in acquired and divested operations Less net debt in acquired and divested operations in disposal group Acquisition of non-controlling interests Investments through nance leases Cash ow from strategic capital expenditures and divestments according to the operating cash ow statement

5,510 3,427 390 2,117 1,028

3,471 321 3,161 1,081 26 119

6,648 678 3,250 179 17 132 198 11





SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Group|Financial statements

Consolidated balance sheet

Dec. 31, 2013 Group Note SEKm EURm1) Dec. 31, 2012 SEKm EURm1) Dec. 31, 2011 SEKm EURm1)

ASSETS Non-current assets Goodwill Other intangible assets Buildings, land, machinery and equipment Biological assets Participations in associates and joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method Shares and participations Surplus in funded pension plans Non-current nancial assets Deferred tax assets Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Current tax assets Other current receivables Current nancial assets Non-current assets held for sale Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Assets in disposal group held for sale Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Owners of the Parent Share capital Other capital provided Reserves Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Non-current nancial liabilities Provisions for pensions Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current provisions Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Current nancial liabilities Trade payables Current tax liabilities Current provisions Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Liabilities in disposal group held for sale Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 9 27 29 25 9,828 12,504 745 1,158 9,725 33,960 75,968 142,272 1,100 1,400 83 130 1,088 3,801 8,503 15,925 9,955 12,325 378 937 9,032 32,627 71,367 131,531 1,156 1,432 44 109 1,049 3,790 8,290 15,279 9,266 10,866 247 629 7,885 28,893 7,601 77,713 139,004 1,037 1,216 28 70 882 3,233 850 8,695 15,552 25 26 9 27 28 28,444 2,546 10,432 414 172 42,008 3,184 285 1,168 46 19 4,702 23,759 4,861 9,107 814 199 38,740 2,760 565 1,058 94 23 4,500 27,711 3,301 9,350 640 217 41,219 3,100 370 1,046 72 24 4,612 2,350 6,830 3,281 57,372 63,271 3,033 66,304 263 764 367 6,422 7,082 340 7,422 2,350 6,830 3,691 54,217 59,706 458 60,164 273 793 429 6,299 6,936 53 6,989 2,350 6,830 2,170 53,742 60,752 539 61,291 263 764 243 6,013 6,797 60 6,857 24 19 20 9 21 22 23 22 12,071 14,941 417 2,453 227 32 3,649 33,790 142,272 1,351 1,672 47 275 25 4 408 3,782 15,925 11,264 14,105 517 2,653 168 1,937 2,017 32,661 131,531 1,308 1,639 60 308 20 225 234 3,794 15,279 11,009 11,548 377 2,643 292 3,379 2,644 31,892 21,601 139,004 1,232 1,292 42 295 33 378 296 3,568 2,417 15,552 10 10 11 12 13 14 26 17 9 13,630 8,031 51,803 28,767 1,258 52 442 2,779 867 853 108,482 1,526 899 5,799 3,220 141 6 49 311 97 95 12,143 12,169 5,460 46,702 27,503 2,457 60 682 2,932 818 87 98,870 1,414 634 5,425 3,195 285 7 79 341 95 10 11,485 9,433 2,629 42,599 26,729 1,067 69 2 2,081 715 187 85,511 1,055 294 4,766 2,991 119 8 0 233 80 21 9,567

Contingent liabilities and pledged assets, see Notes 33 and 34.

Capital employed Net debt
exchange rate of 8.93 (8.61; 8.94) was applied in translation to EUR. 2) Including capital employed in the packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012. 3) Including net debt in the packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012.
1) Closing

100,190 33,886

11,215 3,793

93,091 32,927

10,814 3,825

97,939 2) 36,648 3)

10,957 2) 4,100 3)

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements|Parent Company

Financial statements, Parent Company

Income statement
SEKm Note 2013 2012

Cash ow statement
SEKm 2013 2012

Administrative expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses Operating loss Financial items Result from participations in Group companies Result from participations in other companies Interest income and similar prot items Interest expenses and similar loss items Total nancial items Prot after nancial items Appropriations Tax on prot for the year Prot for the year Statement of comprehensive income

838 457 212 35, 36, 37 38 8,533 16 1,028 3,114 6,463 5,870 39 40 15 30 5,825 593

493 98 95 490

Operating activities Prot after nancial items Adjustment for non-cash items1) Income taxes paid 5,870 5,554 316 0 316 1,674 693 2,683 218 64 584 181 504 383 95 3,161 3,066 0 0 0

4,291 345 3,946 0 3,946 1,978 359 1,609 474 860 299 52 139 1,201 2,949 1,748 0 0 0

7,517 43 939 3,718 4,781 4,291 12 226 4,053

Cash ow from operating activities before changes in working capital Cash ow from changes in working capital Change in operating receivables2) Change in operating liabilities2) Cash ow from operating activities Investing activities Acquisition of subsidiaries Repayment of equity from subsidiaries Acquisition of non-current assets Divestment of nancial assets Sale of tangible xed assets Cash ow from investing activities Financing activities Loans raised Dividend paid Cash ow from nancing activities Cash ow for the year Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year3)



Prot for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income

5,825 5,825

4,053 4,053

Adjustment for non-cash items

Depreciation/amortization of non-current assets Change in accrued items Dividend income in the form of shares received in subsidiaries Other Total
2) 3)

62 444 5,376 684 5,554

58 290 113 345

Dealings of the Parent Company with the Swedish subsidiaries relating to tax are recognized as Change in operating receivables or Change in operating liabilities, respectively. The companys current account is a subsidiary account and is recognized in the balance sheet as Liabilities to subsidiaries.

Supplementary disclosures
Interest and dividends paid and received 2013 2012

Dividends received Group contribution received Group contribution paid Interest paid Interest received Total

7,267 3,730 219 2,439 368 8,707

3,643 2,364 623 3,215 472 2,641


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Parent Company | Financial statements

Balance sheet
SEKm Note Dec. 31, 2013 Dec. 31, 2012 SEKm Note Dec. 31, 2013 Dec. 31, 2012

ASSETS Fixed assets Capitalized development costs Intangible xed assets Land and buildings Machinery and equipment Tangible xed assets Participations Receivables from subsidiaries Other long-term receivables Financial xed assets Total xed assets Current assets Receivables from subsidiaries Current income taxes Other current receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Total assets 44 40 45 1,740 18 137 0 1,895 139,191 3,297 18 165 0 3,480 135,009 42 43 44 41 1 1 7,633 11 7,644 129,174 354 123 129,651 137,296 1 1 6,711 13 6,724 124,253 427 124 124,804 131,529

EQUITY, PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES Equity Share capital Revaluation reserve Statutory reserve Total restricted equity Retained earnings Prot for the year Total non-restricted equity Total equity Untaxed reserves Provisions Provisions for pensions Provisions for taxes Other provisions Total provisions Non-current liabilities Liabilities to subsidiaries Non-current interest-bearing liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Liabilities to subsidiaries Current interest-bearing liabilities Accounts payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Total equity, provisions and liabilities Contingent liabilities Pledged assets 50 51 49 44 62,293 581 38 433 63,345 139,191 20,175 157 67,303 24 376 67,703 135,009 19,972 156 44 48 2,180 19,187 0 21,367 2,100 13,493 0 15,593 47 40 598 679 3 1,280 536 649 9 1,194 39 46 2,350 1,363 7,283 10,996 36,181 5,825 42,006 53,002 197 2,350 1,363 7,283 10,996 35,289 4,053 39,342 50,338 181

Change in equity (Refer also to Note 46)

SEKm Share capital Revaluation reserve Statutory reserve Retained earnings and prot for the year Total equity

Equity at December 31, 2011 Prot for the year Dividend, SEK 4.20 per share Equity at December 31, 2012 Prot for the year Dividend, SEK 4.50 per share Equity at December 31, 2013




38,238 4,053 2,949

49,234 4,053 2,949 50,338 5,825 3,161 53,002




39,342 5,825 3,161





Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Accounting principles


Accounting principles
components are separately identiable, and since hedging of risk components in nonnancial items are permitted. The new standard also allows groups or layers of forecast ows of items to be identied as hedged items as well as the hedging of net positions, provided that the items in the group individually qualify for hedge accounting. The time value of options and the interest portion of a hedged item may be excluded from the identification of hedging instruments and instead be recognized as a hedging cost. The cost is recognized on a continuous basis in other comprehensive income and is accumulated in a separate component in equity. The assessment of effectiveness will continue to be carried out prospectively and be based on qualitative assessments, depending on the complexity of the hedging relationship. The 80125 hedge effective threshold has been eliminated and replaced by an objective-based hedge effectiveness assessment, which focuses on the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument. Until the impairment phase is completed, the IASB has decided not to set a mandatory date for the application of IFRS 9. However, the standard may be applied in advance. The standard has not yet been adopted by the EU. SCA will not apply the new standard in advance. IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements is based on already existing principles dening control as the decisive factor in determining whether a company is to be included in the consolidated accounts. The denition of control is based upon the premise that the owner has the ability to control the company, is entitled to a return and has the power to inuence the activities that impact return. The standard provides further guidance should it not be clear whether there is a controlling inuence. In light of the new standard, an analysis of shareholders agreements was carried out. For some joint ventures, the assessment is that SCA has a controlling inuence in accordance with IFRS 10. The Group intends to apply IFRS 10 for the scal year commencing January 1, 2014. IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements is a new standard for classification of joint arrangements as joint ventures or joint operations. Decisive for the classication is how the rights and obligations are shared by the parties in a joint arrangement. In joint operations, parties to the agreement have rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities associated with the investment, meaning that the operator must account for its share of the assets, liabilities, revenues and costs according to the proportional method. A joint venture entitles the joint owners to the net assets of the investment. In the future, joint ventures will be recognized in accordance with the equity method. SCA previously applied the proportional method for most of its joint ventures. For those companies that will continue to be classied as joint ventures, the proportional method will be replaced by the equity method, which entails that assets and liabilities will no longer be recognized in the balance sheet but rather will be replaced by a net item including the goodwill for each joint venture. The same applies for the income statement, where income and expenses will be replaced by the recognition of the share in prots in the income statement as Prot from holdings in joint ventures and associates. However, joint arrangements classified as joint operations will still be recognized in accordance with the proportional method. For SCA, an analysis of the new standard has shown that most of the joint arrangements not reclassied as subsidiaries (refer to IFRS 10) will be classied as joint ventures and be restated in accordance with the equity method. A small number of individual arrangements will be classified as joint operations and will continue to be recognized in accordance with the proportional method. The Group intends to apply IFRS 11 for the scal year commencing January 1, 2014. To reect the amendments in the new accounting standards IFRS 10 and 11, the income statement and balance sheet have been restated. This will result in an increase in net sales of approximately 4% and an increase in EBIT of about 5% for 2013. IFRS 12 Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities includes the disclosure requirements for subsidiaries, joint arrangements, associates and unconsolidated structured entities. The Group intends to apply IFRS 12 for the scal year commencing January 1, 2014. The standard will increase the number of disclosures in the Groups 2014 Annual Report. None of the following IFRS or IFRIC interpretations that have not yet come into effect are expected to have any material impact on the Group. IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures Amendments to IAS 36: Recoverable Amount Disclosure for Non-Financial Assets Amendments to IAS 39: Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting Amendments to IAS 19: Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions IFRIC 21 Levies

The most important accounting principles applied in the preparation of this annual report are set out below. The same principles are usually applied in both the Parent Company and the Group. In some cases, the Parent Company applies principles other than those used by the Group and, in such cases, these principles are specied under a separate heading.

BASIS FOR PREPARATION The SCA Groups nancial statements are prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/International Accounting Standards (IAS), as adopted within the EU, and the Swedish Financial Reporting Board, Recommendation RFR 1 Supplementary Accounting Rules for Groups. The Parent Companys nancial statements are prepared in accordance with the Swedish Financial Reporting Boards recommendation RFR 2, Reporting by Legal Entities, and the Annual Accounts Act. The accounts for both the Group and the Parent Company pertain to the scal year that ended on December 31, 2013. SCA applies the historical cost method for measurement of assets and liabilities except for biological assets (standing timber), available-for-sale nancial assets and nancial assets and liabilities, including derivative instruments, measured at fair value through prot or loss, which are measured at fair value either in prot/loss or in other comprehensive income. In the Parent Company, biological assets or nancial assets and liabilities are not measured at fair value. INTRODUCTION OF NEW AND REVISED IAS/IFRS New IAS/IFRS standards and amendments (IAS/IFRS) and interpretations (IFRIC) that came into effect in 2013 and were adopted by the EU: The following amendments of standards (IAS/IFRS) and new and amended interpretations (IFRIC) came into effect in 2013 and were adopted by the EU. IAS 19 Employee Benefits IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income IFRS 1 Government Loans amendments to IAS 1 Amendments to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
The amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits mainly comprise the removal of the corridor approach and the replacement of interest expenses and expected return on plan assets by a net interest gure calculated using the discount rate, based on the net surplus or decit in the dened benet plan. For SCA, which already applies immediate recognition of actuarial gains and losses, this amendment imposes a restriction insofar as the return on plan assets in prot or loss is limited to a predetermined discount rate instead of the companys long-term expectation of the actual return on plan assets, which applied up to and including 2012. SCA deems the impact on the consolidated income statement to be immaterial. IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement aims to improve consistency and reduce complexity in the application of fair value measurement by providing a precise denition and shared source for the application of fair value measurement, as well as guidance on how it should be applied when other IFRSs already require or permit fair value measurement. The standard has not had a material impact on the Group. As of 2013, the disclosure requirements for nancial instruments specied in IFRS 7 and IAS 32 have been expanded to include disclosures pertaining to the offsetting of nancial assets and liabilities. For SCA, this entailed that legally binding framework agreements known as ISDA agreements recognized in a gross amount in the balance sheet are to be recognized in a net amount. None of the other changes introduced are deemed to have a material impact on the earnings, nancial position or disclosures of the Group or the Parent Company.

New standards, amendments and interpretations published by IASB, but either not yet effective or not yet adopted by the EU: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2013) relates to the classification, measurement and recognition of financial liabilities and assets as well as hedge accounting. IFRS 9 was issued in November 2009 for financial assets and October 2010 for financial liabilities and replaces those parts of IAS 39 related to classification and measurement of financial instruments. IFRS 9 states that financial assets must be classified in two categories: financial assets measured at fair value and financial assets measurement at amortized cost. The classication is determined at initial recognition based on the companys business model and the characteristic conditions in the contractual cash ows. For financial liabilities, no major changes take place compared with IAS 39. The most significant change relates to liabilities identied at fair value. For these, the portion of the fair value change arising from own credit risk is to be recognized in other comprehensive income instead of prot or loss provided that this does not give rise to an accounting mismatch. The most recent edition of IFRS 9 includes new hedge accounting rules. The new standard entails that more hedging strategies will qualify for hedge accounting, for example, since more risk components in a product may be hedged, provided that such

USE OF ASSESSMENTS The preparation of nancial statements in conformity with IFRS and generally accepted Swedish accounting principles requires assessments and assumptions to be made that affect recognized asset and liability items and income and expense items, respectively, as well as other information disclosed. The actual results may differ from these assessments.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Accounting principles | Financial statements

CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS The consolidated accounts are prepared in accordance with the Groups accounting principles and include the accounts of the Parent Company and all Group companies in accordance with the denitions below. Group companies are consolidated from the date the Group exercises control or inuence over the company according to the denitions provided under the respective category of Group company below. Divested Group companies are included in the consolidated accounts until the date the Group ceases to control or exercise inuence over the companies. Intra-Group transactions have been eliminated. Parent Company: The Parent Company recognizes all holdings in Group companies at cost after deduction for any accumulated impairment losses. Subsidiaries All companies in which the Group holds or controls more than 50% of the votes or where the Group alone, through agreement or in another manner, exercises control, are consolidated as subsidiaries. The consolidated nancial statements are prepared in accordance with the purchase method. In business combinations, acquired assets and assumed liabilities are identied and classied, and measured at fair value on the date of acquisition (also known as a purchase price allocation). In step acquisitions when a controlling interest is achieved, any net assets acquired earlier in the acquired units are remeasured at fair value and the result of the remeasurement is recognized in profit or loss. The effects of the remeasurement upon payment of the liability related to a contingent consideration are recognized in profit for the period. If the controlling influence is lost upon divestment, the result is recognized in profit or loss; any residual holding in the divested business is then measured at fair value on the date of divestment and the effect is also recognized in profit or loss. Transaction costs in conjunction with acquisitions are not included in cost, but rather expensed directly. Joint ventures Joint ventures are dened as companies in which SCA together with other parties through an agreement, has shared control over operations. Most joint ventures are recognized according to the proportional method, while a small number are recognized in accordance with the equity method. Measurement of acquired assets and liabilities according to the proportional method is carried out in the same way as for subsidiaries. SCA recognizes its proportional share of the joint ventures assets, liabilities, income and expenses in its nancial statements. Joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method are initially measured at cost, after which the valuation of acquired assets and liabilities is performed in the same manner as for subsidiaries. According to the equity method, the carrying amount for joint ventures also includes goodwill and other Group adjustments. The Groups share of prot after tax arising in the joint venture after the acquisition is recognized on one line in the consolidated income statement. Share in prots is calculated on the basis of SCAs share of equity in the respective joint venture. Associates Associates are companies in which the Group exercises a signicant inuence without the partly owned company being a subsidiary or a joint venture. Normally, this means that the Group owns between 20% and 50% of the votes. Accounting for associates is carried out according to the equity method and they are initially measured at cost. Valuation of acquired assets and liabilities is performed in the same manner as for subsidiaries and the carrying amount for associates includes any goodwill and other Group adjustments. The Groups share of prot after tax arising in the associate after the acquisition is recognized on one line in the consolidated income statement. Share in profits is calculated on the basis of SCAs share of equity in the respective associate. Non-controlling interests Non-controlling interests are recognized as a separate item in the Groups equity. Profit or loss and every component of other comprehensive income are attributable to the owners of the Parent and to non-controlling interests. Losses attributable to non-controlling interests are recognized even if this results in a negative balance for the interest. In connection with acquisitions of less than 100% when a controlling inuence is achieved, non-controlling interests are determined either as a proportional share of the fair value of identiable net assets excluding goodwill or at fair value. Subsequent acquisitions up to 100% and divestments of participations in a subsidiary that do not lead to a loss of controlling inuence are recognized as an equity transaction. TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN CURRENCY Functional currency and presentation currency The companies in the Group prepare their nancial statements in the currency used in the primary economic environment in which they operate. This is known as the functional currency. These reports provide the basis for the consolidated nancial statements. The consolidated nancial statements are prepared in Swedish kronor (SEK), which is the Parent Companys functional currency and therefore the presentation currency. Translation of foreign Group companies Balance sheets and income statements for all Group companies whose functional currency is not the presentation currency are translated into the Groups presentation currency using the following procedures:

assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at the closing rate at the date of the balance sheet, income and expenses for each income statement presented are translated at the average exchange rate for the respective year, all translation differences that arise are recognized as a separate item directly in consolidated equity under other comprehensive income. Exchange differences arising on the nancial instruments held to hedge these net assets are also taken directly to consolidated equity under other comprehensive income. When a foreign operation is divested, both translation differences and exchange differences in financial instruments held for the currency hedging of net assets are recognized in the income statement as part of the gain or loss on disposal. Goodwill and fair value adjustments that arise on acquisition are treated as assets and liabilities of the operation and translated according to the same principles as the foreign operation. The nancial statements of a subsidiary in a hyperinationary country are adjusted for ination using the price index for the country in question before these statements are included in the consolidated nancial statements.

TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCE SHEET ITEMS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY Transactions in foreign currency are translated to a functional currency using the exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date. Monetary receivables and liabilities in foreign currency are remeasured at closing date rates at each balance sheet date. Exchange gains or losses that arise from such remeasurement and on payment of the transaction are recognized in profit or loss, except for as stated in IAS 39 approved hedging transactions relating to cash flows or net investments where the gain or loss is recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. Gains and losses on operating receivables and liabilities are recognized net and reported within operating profit. Gains and losses on borrowing and financial investments are recognized as other financial items. Change in the fair value of monetary securities issued in foreign currency and classied as available-for-sale nancial assets is analyzed and the change attributable to changed exchange rates is recognized in profit or loss, while other unrealized change is recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. Translation differences for non-monetary nancial assets and liabilities valued at fair value through profit or loss are recognized as part of the fair value gain or loss. Translation differences for non-monetary nancial assets, classied as held for sale assets are taken directly to equity under other comprehensive income. Non-monetary assets and liabilities recognized at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date. REVENUE RECOGNITION Sales revenue, synonymous with net sales, comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for sold goods and services within the Groups ordinary activities. Revenue is recognized when delivery to the customer has taken place according to the terms of the sale. Other income includes compensation for sales that are not included in the Groups ordinary activities and includes rental revenue, which is recognized in the period covered by the rental contract, royalties and similar items, which are recognized in accordance with the implied financial effect of the contract. Interest income is recognized in accordance with the effective interest method. Dividends received are recognized when the right to receive a dividend has been established. SEGMENT REPORTING Operating segments are recognized in a manner that complies with the internal reporting submitted to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker is the function that is responsible for allocating resources and assessing the result of the operating segments. At SCA, this function has been identied as the companys President, who is responsible for and manages the day-to-day administration of the Group in accordance with the Boards guidelines and terms of reference. The two Executive Vice Presidents and Corporate Senior Management support him in his work; see the section Responsibility and governance, Corporate governance on pages 5051. SCAs three business areas, Personal Care, Tissue and Forest Products, comprise the operating segments. LEASING Leases for non-current assets in which the Group essentially carries all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset are classied as nance leases. The leased asset is recognized as a non-current asset and a corresponding financial liability is recognized among interest-bearing liabilities. The initial value of both these items comprises the lower of the fair value of the assets or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Future lease payments are divided between amortization of the liability and financial expenses, so that each reporting period is charged with an interest amount that corresponds to a xed interest rate on the recognized liability for the respective period. The leased asset is depreciated according to the same principles that apply to other assets of the same nature. If it is uncertain whether the asset will be taken over at the end of the leasing period, the asset is depreciated over the lease term if this is shorter than the useful life that applies to other assets of the same nature. Leases for assets in which the risks and rewards incidental to ownership are essentially carried by the lessor are classied as operating leases. The lease payments are recognized as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Parent Company: The Parent Company reports all leases as operating leases.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Accounting principles

Note 1 Accounting principles, cont.

IMPAIRMENT LOSSES Assets that have an indenite useful life are not depreciated, but are annually tested for impairment. The value of depreciated assets is tested for impairment whenever there are indications that the carrying amount might not be recoverable. In cases in which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its estimated recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized on the asset down to the recoverable amount. An impairment loss recognized earlier is reversed, if the reasons for the earlier impairment no longer exist. However, a reversal is not higher than the carrying amount would have been if an impairment loss had not been recognized in previous years. When testing for impairment of goodwill, the assets are grouped in cash-generating units and assessments are made on the basis of these units future cash ows. Impairment losses on goodwill are never reversed. TAXES The Groups tax expense comprises deferred tax and current tax on Group companies recognized profits during the accounting period, adjustments relating to tax for prior periods as well as other changes in deferred taxes for the period. Interest items attributable to income tax and withholding taxes deducted at source on intra-Group transactions are also recognized as income tax. Deferred tax is calculated and recognized on all temporary differences between the tax base and the carrying amount. Deferred tax assets relating to deductible temporary differences, loss carryforwards and tax credits are recognized to the extent it is probable that deductions can be made against future prots. Deferred tax is not recognized for non-deductible goodwill, or for temporary differences that arise on initial recognition of an asset or liability, and which are not attributable to a business combination and do not affect either recognized profit or taxable profit. Deferred taxes are measured at their nominal amount and based on the tax rates enacted or substantively enacted on the balance sheet date. For items recognized in profit or loss, related tax effects are also recognized in profit or loss. For items recognized in equity under other comprehensive income, related tax effects are also recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. Deferred taxes relating to temporary differences attributable to investments in subsidiaries and participations in joint ventures are not recognized in SCAs consolidated financial statements since SCA AB, in all cases, can control the time of reversal of the temporary differences and it is not considered probable that such reversal will occur in the near future. Parent Company: Due to the links between accounting and taxation, the deferred tax liability on untaxed reserves in the Parent Company is recognized in the Parent Companys annual accounts as a component of untaxed reserves. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Goodwill The compensation transferred in a business combination is measured at fair value. In connection with a business combination when the consideration transferred, any non-controlling interests and the fair value of previous shares of equity (for step acquisitions) exceeds the fair value of the acquired net assets, the difference is recognized as goodwill. When this difference is negative, the amount is recognized in profit or loss. Acquisitions of non-controlling interests are measured on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis, either as a proportional share of the fair value of identiable net assets excluding goodwill (partial goodwill) or at fair value, which means that goodwill is also recognized on non-controlling interests (full goodwill). Goodwill that arises in acquisitions of associates is included in the carrying amount of the associate. Goodwill is distributed to the cash-generating units within each operating segment that is expected to benet from the business combination for which the goodwill arose. Goodwill is tested annually for any impairment requirement. Goodwill is recognized at cost reduced by accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed. Net gains or losses from the sale of Group companies include the remaining carrying amount of the goodwill attributable to the divested unit. Trademarks Trademarks are recognized at cost after any accumulated amortization and accumulated impairments. Trademarks that are found to have an indefinite useful life are not amortized, but instead tested annually for impairment in the same manner as goodwill. Cash-generating units identied for these trademarks comprise the geographical market where the trademark exists. Trademarks with a limited useful life are amortized on a straight-line basis during their anticipated useful life, which varies between three and seven years. Research and development Research expenditure is recognized as an expense as incurred. In cases in which it is difficult to separate the research phase from the development phase in a project, the entire project is treated as research and expensed immediately. Identiable expenditure for development of new products and processes is capitalized to the extent it is expected to provide future economic benets. In other cases, development costs are expensed as incurred. Capitalized expenditure is depreciated in a straight line from the date when the asset starts to be used or produces commercially and during the estimated useful life of the asset. The depreciation period is between ve and ten years.

Emission allowances and costs for carbon dioxide emissions Emission allowances relating to carbon dioxide emissions are recognized as an intangible asset and as deferred income (liability) when they are received. Allowances are received free of charge and measured and recognized at market value as of the date to which the allocation pertains. For allocated emission allowances, the recognized cost and provisions for emissions amount to the market value as of the date to which the allocation pertains. For purchased emission allowances, the recognized cost and provisions for emissions amount to the purchase price. During the year, the initial liability for emission allowances received is dissolved over prot or loss as income in pace with carbon dioxide emissions made. If the market price of emission allowances on the balance sheet date is less than recognized cost, any surplus emission allowances that are not required to cover emissions made are impaired to the market price applying on the balance sheet date. In conjunction with this, the remaining part of the deferred income is recognized as income by a corresponding amount and therefore no net effect occurs in prot or loss. The emission allowances are used as payment in the settlement with the state regarding liabilities for emissions. If the emission allowances received do not cover emissions made, SCA makes a provision for the decit valued at the market value on the balance sheet date. Sales of surplus emission allowances are recognized as income on the settlement date. Other intangible assets Intangible assets also include patents, licenses and other rights. At acquisition of such assets, the cost of the acquisition is recognized as an asset and amortized on a straightline basis over the anticipated useful life, which varies between 3 and 20 years. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Property, plant and equipment are recognized at cost after deduction for accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment. Cost includes expenditure that can be directly attributed to the acquisition of the asset as well as transfer from equity of the gains and losses from approved cash ow hedges relating to purchases in foreign currency of property, plant and equipment. The cost of properties and production facilities included in major projects includes, unlike costs for other investments, expenditure for running-in and start-up. Expenditure for interest during the construction and assembly period is included in cost for qualifying investment projects. All expenditure for new investments in progress is capitalized. All other forms of repair and maintenance are recognized as expenses in prot or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Land is regarded as having an indenite useful life and is therefore not depreciated. Depreciation of other property, plant and equipment is performed on a straight-line basis down to the estimated residual value of the asset and during the anticipated useful life of the asset. Useful lives are assessed as:
Number of years

Pulp and paper mills, sawmills Converting machines, other machinery Tools Vehicles Buildings Energy plants Computers Office equipment Harbors, railways Land improvements, forest roads

1025 718 310 45 1550 1530 35 510 2030 1020

The residual values and useful lives of assets are tested on a continuous basis and adjusted when required.

Parent Company: The Parent Companys property, plant and equipment, which are recognized in accordance with the Groups accounting principles, include standing timber, which in the Group is classified as a biological asset. No systematic depreciation or changes in value in conjunction with felling is carried out in the Parent Company. Collective revaluation of forest assets has occurred. The revaluation amount was placed in a revaluation reserve in equity. BIOLOGICAL ASSETS The Groups standing timber is defined and recognized as a biological asset. Forest land and forest roads are classied as land and land improvements. The biological assets are measured and recognized at fair value after deduction for estimated selling costs. The change in value is recognized in profit or loss. The fair value of the Groups standing timber is calculated as the present value of anticipated future cash ow from the assets before tax. The calculation is based on existing, sustainable felling plans and assessments regarding growth, timber prices, felling costs and silviculture costs, including costs for statutory replanting. Environmental restrictions and other limitations are taken into account and the calculation is performed for a production cycle that SCA estimates at an average of 100 years. The discount factor is based on a normal forest companys weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Parent Company: The Parent Company reports standing timber as property, plant and equipment at historical cost.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Accounting principles | Financial statements

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial instruments recognized in the balance sheet include cash and cash equivalents, securities, other nancial receivables, trade receivables, trade payables, loans and derivatives. Recognition in and derecognition from the balance sheet Purchases and sales of financial instruments are recognized in the financial statements on the trade date, with the exception of loan receivables, available-for-sale nancial assets and other nancial liabilities, all of which are recorded on the settlement date. Financial instruments are initially recognized at cost, which corresponds to the fair value of the instrument including transaction costs. Financial assets are derecognized from the balance sheet when the risk and the right to receive cash ows from the instrument have ceased or been transferred to another counterparty. Financial liabilities are derecognized from the balance sheet when SCA has met its commitments or they have been otherwise extinguished. SCA reports nancial instruments with a remaining maturity of less than 12 months as current assets and liabilities and those that exceed 12 months as non-current assets and liabilities. The duration of utilized loans under syndicated lines of credit are recognized with the same duration as the line of credit. Recognition takes place on the basis of the categories specied below. Measurement The fair value of nancial instruments is calculated on the basis of prevailing market listings on the balance sheet date. For nancial assets and listed securities, the actual prices on the balance sheet date are used. In the absence of market listings, SCA determines fair values with the aid of common valuation models, such as discounting of future cash ows to listed market rates for each duration. These calculated cash ows are established based on available market information. Impairment of nancial assets takes place when there is objective proof of impairment, such as cessation of an active market or where it is probable that the debtors cannot meet their commitments. For disclosures in a note relating to non-current loans, current market interest rates are taken into account in fair value calculations. The fair value of short-term loans and investments is considered to correspond to the carrying amount, since a change in market interest rates does not have a signicant effect on market value. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are dened as cash and bank balances as well as short-term investments with a maturity of less than three months from the acquisition date. Restricted deposits are not included in cash and cash equivalents. Classication and subsequent recognition Classication of nancial instruments is determined on the original acquisition date, and the purpose of the transaction determines the choice of category. SCA classies its nancial instruments in the categories below. Financial assets at fair value through prot or loss Assets are classied in this category when the intention is to sell in the short term. Derivatives with a positive market value are classied in this category if they are not identied as hedges and meet the requirements for hedge accounting. Assets in this category are recognized continuously at fair value and changes in value are recognized in profit or loss. Only financial derivatives were classified in this category during the year. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are defined as financial assets that are not derivatives and that have xed or determinable payments and that SCA intends and is able to hold to maturity. Assets in this category are measured at amortized cost applying the effective interest method, which means they are accrued so that a constant return is obtained. Loans and trade receivables Loans and trade receivables, which are not derivatives, are nancial assets with xed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Receivables arise when SCA provides money, goods or services directly to another party without any intention of conducting trading in the receivables. Assets in this category are measured at amortized cost less a potential provision for impairment. Trade receivables are recognized in the amount at which they are expected to be paid, based on an individual assessment of bad debts. Any impairment of trade receivables affects SCAs operating prot. Available-for-sale nancial assets This category includes nancial assets that are not derivatives and that are designated in this category at initial recognition or that have not been classied in any other category. Assets in this category are measured continuously at fair value. Changes in value are recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. A change attributable to exchange rate movements, however, is recognized in profit or loss. When the asset is sold, the cumulative gain or loss that was recognized in equity is recognized in profit or loss. Financial liabilities at fair value through prot or loss This category includes derivatives with negative fair values that are not used for hedge accounting and nancial liabilities held for trading. Liabilities in this category are continu-

ously measured at fair value and changes in value are recognized in profit or loss. Only derivatives were classied in this category during the year.

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost This category includes nancial liabilities that are not held for trading. These are recognized initially at fair value, net after transaction costs, and subsequently at amortized cost according to the effective interest method. Accounting for derivatives used for hedging purposes All derivatives are initially and continuously recognized at fair value in the balance sheet. Gains and losses on remeasurement of derivatives used for hedging purposes are recognized as described below. In hedge accounting, the relationship between the hedge instrument and the hedged item is documented. Assessment of the effectiveness of the hedge is also documented, both when the transaction is initially executed and on an ongoing basis. Hedge effectiveness is the extent to which the hedging instrument offsets changes in value in a hedged items fair value or cash ow. Cash ow hedges Gains and losses on remeasurement of derivatives intended for cash ow hedging are recognized in equity under other comprehensive income and reversed to profit or loss at the rate at which the hedged cash ow affects prot or loss. Any ineffective part of the change in value is recognized directly in profit or loss. If a hedge relationship is interrupted and cash flow is still expected, the result is recognized in equity under other comprehensive income until the cash ow affects the result. If the hedge pertains to a balance sheet item, the result is transferred from equity to the asset or liability to which the hedge relates when the value of the asset or liability is determined for the rst time. In cases in which the forecast cash ow that forms the basis of the hedging transaction is no longer assessed as probable, the cumulative gain or loss that is recognized in equity under other comprehensive income is transferred directly to prot or loss. Cash ow hedges relating to energy affect the energy costs, that is, cost of goods sold. Transaction exposures cash ow hedges affect consolidated net sales and expenses. Cash ow hedges relating to interest expenses affect net nancial items. Hedges of net investments in foreign operations Gains and losses on remeasurement of derivatives intended to hedge SCAs net investments in foreign operations are recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. The cumulative gain or loss in equity is recognized in profit or loss in the event of divestment of the foreign operation. Fair value hedges The gain or loss from remeasurement of a derivative relating to fair value hedges is recognized in profit or loss with changes in fair value of the asset or liability exposed to the hedged risk. For SCA, this means that non-current loans that are subject to hedge accounting are discounted without a credit spread, since the credit spread is deemed to have a marginal impact on the calculation, to market interest rates and meet inherent interest rate derivatives discounted cash ows at the same rate. Since the entire change in value from the derivative is recognized directly in profit or loss, any ineffectiveness is recognized on an ongoing basis in profit or loss. Financial hedges When SCA conducts hedges and the transactions do not meet requirements for hedge accounting according to IAS 39, changes in fair value of the hedging instrument are recognized directly in profit or loss. INVENTORIES Inventories are recognized at the lower of cost and net realizable value on the balance sheet date. Cost is calculated using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) or weighted average cost formula. However, the cost of goods produced and segregated for specific projects is assigned by using specic identication of their individual costs. The cost of nished goods and work in progress includes raw materials, direct labor, other direct expenses and production-related overheads, based on a normal production level. Interest expenses are not included in measurement of inventories. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated cost of completion and sale of the item. The holding of felling rights for standing timber is valued at contract prices, which on average do not exceed the lower of net realizable value and cost. NON-CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Non-current assets (and disposal groups) are classified as Non-current assets held for sale if their value, within one year, will be recovered through a sale and not through continued utilization in operations. On the reclassification date, the assets and liabilities are measured at the lower of fair value minus selling costs and the carrying amount. Following reclassication, no depreciation is carried out on these assets. If there is an increase of the fair value less a deduction for selling expenses, a gain is recognized. The gain is limited to the amount equivalent to previously made impairment charges. Both gains and losses on subsequent value changes are recognized in profit or loss for the year.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 1 Accounting principles, cont. Classication as a discontinued operation occurs either when an independent business segment or a signicant operation within a geographic area is divested. The divestment date, or the point in time when the operation fulls the criteria for classication as held for sale, determines when the operation should be classied as a discontinued operation. Profit/loss after tax from discontinued operations is recognized on a separate line in the income statement. Comparative gures in the income statement are adjusted as though the discontinued operation had been disposed of at the start of the comparative year. the impact of time is material, discounting is applied with an interest rate before taxes. Increases in provisions due to time are recognized on an ongoing basis as an interest expense in prot or loss.

Parent Company: Non-current assets held for sale are not reclassified and depreciation does not cease. Instead, if such assets exist, the information is disclosed. EQUITY Transaction costs directly relating to the issue of new shares or options are recognized, net after tax, in equity as a reduction in the issue proceeds. Expenditure for the purchase of SCAs treasury shares reduces retained earnings in equity in the Parent Company and the portion of consolidated equity that pertains to owners of the Parent. When these are sold, the sales proceeds are included in retained earnings in the equity pertaining to owners of the Parent. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Pensions There are many dened contribution and dened benet pension plans within the Group, part of these are funded with plan assets. The liability recognized in the balance sheet for dened benet pension plans is the present value of the obligation on the balance sheet date minus the fair value of the plan assets. Funded plans with net assets, that is, plans with assets exceeding obligations, are recognized as a financial asset. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries using the Projected Unit Credit Method. The obligation is valued at the present value of anticipated future cash flows using a discount rate that corresponds to the interest on rst-class corporate bonds or, where these do not exist, government bonds or mortgage bonds issued in the currency in which the benets will be paid and with a remaining maturity that is comparable to the actual pension liability. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized directly in equity under other comprehensive income in the period in which they arise. The total cost for the dened benet plans includes personnel costs as well as net interest items comprising the discount rate calculated on the average net pension liability for the year, taking fee and remuneration payments into consideration. The difference between the interest income on the plan assets and SCAs return on the plan assets is included in the remeasurement of the dened benefit net liability (net asset) recognized in equity under other comprehensive income. The Groups payments relating to defined contribution plans are recognized as an expense during the period the employees carry out the service to which the payment relates. Prepaid contributions are only recognized as an asset to the extent the Group is entitled to a repayment or reduction of future payments. Past service costs are recognized directly in prot or loss. A special payroll tax (corresponding to contributions) is calculated on the difference between the pension liability determined according to IAS 19 and the pension liability determined according to the rules applied in the legal entity. Payroll tax is recognized as an expense in prot or loss except with regard to actuarial gains and losses where the payroll tax, like the actuarial gains and losses, is recognized directly in equity under other comprehensive income. Parent Company: The Parent Company applies the regulations in the Pension Obligations Vesting Act (Tryggandelagen). Accounting complies with FAR SRSs (the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden) accounting recommendation No. 4, Accounting for pension liabilities and pension costs. The main difference compared with IAS 19 is that Swedish practice disregards future increases in salaries and pensions when calculating the present value of the pension obligation. This present value includes, however, a special reserve for future payments of pension supplements indexed for ination. Both dened contribution and dened benet plans exist in the Parent Company. Other post-retirement benets Some Group companies provide post-retirement healthcare benets. The obligation and anticipated costs for these benefits has been calculated and recognized in a similar manner to that applying to dened benet pension plans. Severance pay Severance pay is paid when the Group issues notice to an employee prior to the retirement date or when an employee voluntarily accepts retirement in exchange for such compensation. Severance pay is recognized as an expense when the Group has an obligation to compensate employees whose employment was terminated early. PROVISIONS Provisions for clean-up costs, restructuring or legal disputes are recognized when the Group has, or can be considered to have, an obligation as the result of events that have occurred and it is probable that payments will be required to fulll the obligation. In addition, it must be possible to make a reliable estimate of the amount to be paid. The provision is valued at the present value of the anticipated future expenditure to settle the obligation. If

GOVERNMENT GRANTS Government grants are recognized at fair value when there is reasonable assurance the grants will be received and that the Group will comply with the conditions attached to them. Government grants related to acquisition of assets are recognized in the balance sheet by the grant reducing the carrying amount of the asset. Government grants received as compensation for costs are accrued and recognized in profit or loss during the same period as the costs. If the government grant or assistance is neither related to the acquisition of assets nor to compensation for costs, the grant is recognized as other income.

Key assessments and assumptions

Preparation of annual accounts and application of different accounting standards are often based on management assessments or on assumptions and estimates that are regarded as reasonable under the prevailing circumstances. These assumptions and estimates are often based on historical experience, but also on other factors, including expectations of future events. With other assumptions and estimates, the result may be different and the actual result will, by denition, seldom concur with the estimated result. The assumptions and estimates that SCA considers to have the greatest impact on earnings, as well as assets and liabilities, are discussed below.

VALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL ASSETS Since a market price or other comparable value does not exist for assets of the scope owned by SCA, biological assets that is, standing forest are measured at the value of anticipated future cash ows. Calculation of these cash ows is based on the felling plan from the most recent forest survey that is available. Forest surveys are updated every ten years. The calculation is also based on assumptions with regard to growth, selling prices, costs for felling and silviculture as well as costs for replanting, which is a prerequisite for felling. These assumptions are mainly based on experience and are only changed when a change in price and cost levels is assessed as being long term. The cash ow covers a production cycle which SCA estimates to amount to an average of 100 years. The discount factor used is the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) that is normally used in valuations of similar assets. The consolidated value of biological assets at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 28,767m. For further information see Note 12. GOODWILL Each year, the Group examines whether there is any impairment requirement relating to goodwill. Goodwill is divided among cash-generating units and these concur with the Groups operating segments. The recoverable amount for the cash-generating units is determined by calculating value in use. This calculation is based on the Groups existing strategic plans. These plans rest on market-based assumptions and include anticipated future cash ows for the existing operations during the next ten-year period. Cash ows beyond the ten-year period are taken into account by applying an operating surplus multiple to sustained cash ow. This multiple concurs with current market multiples for similar operations. The discount factors used in the present value calculation of the anticipated future cash ows is the current weighted average cost of capital (WACC) established within the Group for the markets in which the cash-generating units conduct operations. Impairment testing for the year did not indicate any impairment requirement. Goodwill for the Group at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 13,630m. For further information see Note 10. PENSIONS Costs, as well as the value of pension obligations for dened benet pension plans, are based on actuarial calculations that apply assumptions on discount rate, future salary increases, ination and demographic conditions. The Groups net dened benet obligations and the fair value of plan assets amounted to SEK 2,104m at December 31, 2013. For further information, see Note 26. TAXES Deferred tax is calculated on temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax values of assets and liabilities. There are primarily two areas where assumptions and assessments affect recognized deferred tax. One is assumptions and assessments used to determine the carrying amounts of the different assets and liabilities. The other is assumptions and assessments related to future taxable profits, where future utilization of deferred tax assets depends on this. As at December 31, 2013, SEK 867m was recognized as deferred tax assets based on assumptions regarding future taxable. For further information see Note 9. Significant assessments and assumptions are also made regarding recognition of provisions and contingent liabilities relating to tax risks. For further information see Note 27 and Note 33.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements

Acquisitions and divestments

ACQUISITIONS Acquisitions made during the year totaled SEK 5,466m, including assumed net debt. The acquisitions mainly relate to:
Company Operations Acquisition date Acquisition price1), SEKm Goodwill, SEKm Acquired % Total holding after acquisition %

Vinda, Hong Kong Other Total



December, 2013

4,506 960 5,466

1,743 10 1,753



Acquisition price pertains to purchase price including assumed net debt.

The acquisitions above are reported in the Board of Directors Report on page 25 under the section Acquisitions, investments and divestments. In September 2013, SCA decided to make a cash offer of HKD 11.00 per share for the Chinese tissue company Vinda. The offer was conditional on SCA achieving 50% ownership of Vinda. SCA already owned a 21.7% stake in Vinda, which was recognized as an associated company in the Group. At the close of the acceptance period on November 11, SCA became the majority owner with 59.95% of the shares in the company. A total of 8.55% of the shares has since been sold and SCA currently owns 51.4% of the shares in the company. The consideration transferred amounted to SEK 2,687m. During the year, SCA Hygiene Products SE (Societas Europeas), formerly PWA, became a wholly owned subsidiary of SCA. Outstanding shares were acquired through two compulsory redemptions from non-controlling interests (minority shareholdings). The consideration transferred amounted to SEK 1,028m. Of the acquisitions for the year totaling SEK 5,466m, SEK 3,004m was paid in cash including assumed cash and cash equivalents, and the remaining SEK 2,462m comprises assumed net debt. Acquisition costs of approximately SEK 47m relating to acquisitions in 2013 are included in operating prot. Vinda is a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and must thus follow the regulations issued by the exchange. The rules governing inside information stipulate that all information is to be provided to all shareholders simultaneously, which means that SCA only has access to the information that Vinda has publically disclosed. The preliminary acquisition analysis was thus based on published information from Vinda. This, in turn, means that the calculations of fair value adjustments, intangible assets and goodwill are preliminary. Due to a lack of detailed information, SCA has chosen to recognize Vinda on a separate line in its notes in accordance with the preliminary acquisition analysis. Earlier holdings in Vinda have been restated in accordance with IFRS and had a positive remeasurement effect of SEK 564m, which was recognized under items affecting comparability in the income statement. Goodwill was calculated according to the partial goodwill method and the non-controlling interest was thus valued at 48.6% of the identified net assets. Goodwill is attributable to the companys strong market positions in the tissue market in China.

Acquisition balance sheet

SEKm 20131) 2012 2011

Intangible assets Non-current assets Operating assets Cash and cash equivalents Provisions and other non-current liabilities Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Operating liabilities Non-current assets held for sale Fair value of net assets Goodwill Consolidated value of share in associates Revaluation of previously owned share Non-controlling interests Consideration transferred Consideration transferred Unpaid purchase price related to acquisition Settled debt pertaining to acquisitions in earlier years Cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies Effect on Groups cash and cash equivalents, acquisition of operations (Consolidated cash ow statement) Acquisition of non-controlling interests Acquired net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Acquisition of operations during the year incl. net debt assumed (Consolidated operating cash ow statement)

2,901 4,420 2,478 654 732 2,462 1,432 5,827 1,753 1,467 564 2,816 2,733 2,733 103 654

3,077 7,357 4,987 941 1,447 728 3,263 911 11,835 3,353 88 15 15,085 15,085 941

100 719 125 11 27 51 90 787 314 3 1,098 1,098 155 11

1,976 1,028 2,462

14,144 728

932 51




Effect on sales and earnings of acquisitions for the year According to the interim report for the first six months of 2013, Vindas net sales for the first half of 2013 amounted to SEK 2,773m and its net prot for the period totaled SEK 238m. Since the acquisition date, other acquisitions have had an impact of SEK 23m on consolidated net sales and a negative impact of SEK 13m on net profit for the period. Had the other acquisitions been consolidated as of January 1, 2013, the acquired net sales would have amounted to SEK 58m and a net loss of SEK 69m would have been posted. Acquired operations The table to the right shows the fair value of acquired net assets recognized on the acquisition date, recognized goodwill and the effect on the Groups cash flow statements.

Specication of acquisition balance sheets for 20131)

SEKm Vinda Other Total

Intangible assets Non-current assets Operating assets Cash and cash equivalents Provisions and other non-current liabilities Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Operating liabilities Fair value of net assets Goodwill Consolidated value of share in associates Revaluation of previously owned share Non-controlling interests Consideration transferred Consideration transferred Settled debt pertaining to acquisitions in earlier years Cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies Effect on Groups cash and cash equivalents, acquisition of operations (Consolidated cash ow statement) Acquisition of non-controlling interests Acquired net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Acquisition of operations during the year incl. net debt assumed (Consolidated operating cash ow statement)
1) The

2,895 4,393 2,455 642 726 2,461 1,411 5,787 1,743 1,467 564 2,812 2,687 2,687 642

6 27 23 12 6 1 21 40 10 4 46 46 103 12

2,901 4,420 2,478 654 732 2,462 1,432 5,827 1,753 1,467 564 2,816 2,733 2,733 103 654

2,045 2,461

69 1,028 1

1,976 1,028 2,462




acquisition balance sheets for 2013 are preliminary.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 3 Acquisitions and divestments, cont.

ADJUSTMENT OF PRELIMINARY ACQUISITION BALANCE SHEETS FOR 2013 An acquisition analysis is considered preliminary until 12 months after the acquisition, at which point it becomes conrmed. Adjustments to the acquisition analysis result in changes to the income statement and balance sheet for the comparative period. The acquisition balance sheet for Everbeauty, which was acquired on June 1, 2012, has been conrmed in accordance with the preliminary acquisition analysis. Upon adoption of the balance sheets for other acquisitions, goodwill totaling SEK 135m was reclassified to property, plant and equipment and deferred tax. The preliminary acquisition analysis previously recognized for Georgia-Pacific was confirmed in 2013. In the final acquisition analysis, the value of non-current assets and related deferred taxes was adjusted and it was determined that previously uncapitalized loss carryforwards could be capitalized, which reduced goodwill recognized earlier. The final acquisition analysis, including adjustments, is shown below.
Final acquisition analysis for Georgia Pacic
SEKm Preliminary New assumptions Final

DIVESTMENTS On April 2, the divestment of SCAs Austrian publication paper mill in Laakirchen was completed. The initial purchase consideration amounted to EUR 100m, with a possible additional purchase price amounting to a maximum of EUR 100m based on a two-year protsharing model. During the fourth quarter of 2012, earnings were charged with an impairment loss for accounting purposes of SEK 435m pertaining to non-current assets in Laakirchen. Laakirchens annual sales for 2012 amounted to SEK 2,759m (EUR 316m). In conjunction with SCAs acquisition of Georgia-Pacics European tissue operations in 2012, the European Commission demanded that certain divestments be made in the consumer tissue segment. These divestments, which primarily comprised operations acquired from Georgia-Pacic, were carried out by SCA and approved by the European Commission in 2013. The purchase consideration amounted to SEK 948m and the divestments generated a loss of SEK 156m.
Assets and liabilities included in divestments
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Intangible assets Non-current assets Operating assets Non-current assets held for sale Operating assets in disposal group Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Net debt in disposal group excl. cash and cash equivalents Provisions Operating liabilities Operating liabilities in disposal group
Gain/loss on sale1) Loss in disposal group on sale1)

37 84 1,175 1,855 306 345 120 413 156 2,423 746 306

14 370 1,417 3,378 21,096 153 200 8 617 583 767 6,377 866 5 17,421 153 200

47 580 22 56 48 261 14 19 251 109 0 22 11

Intangible assets Non-current assets Operating assets Cash and cash equivalents Provisions and other non-current liabilities Net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Operating liabilities Non-current assets held for sale Fair value of net assets Goodwill Consideration transferred Consideration transferred Cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies Effect on Groups cash and cash equivalents (Consolidated cash ow statement) Acquired net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Acquisition of operations incl. net debt assumed (Consolidated operating cash ow statement)

2,493 5,830 4,292 633 1,193 476 2,775 750 9,554 1,960 11,514 11,514 633 10,881 476

321 1 47 21 252 252 0

2,493 6,151 4,291 633 1,240 476 2,796 750 9,806 1,708 11,514 11,514 633 10,881 476

Purchase price received after divestment costs Less: Unpaid purchase consideration Unpaid purchase consideration in disposal group Cash and cash equivalents in divested companies Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group upon reclassication of joint ventures to associates Effect on the Groups cash and cash equivalents, divested operations (Consolidated cash ow statement) Less: Divested net debt excl. cash and cash equivalents Cash ow from divestments in disposal group Add: Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group Cash and cash equivalents in disposal group upon reclassication of joint ventures to associates Divested net debt in disposal group excl. cash and cash equivalents Unpaid purchase consideration in disposal group Divestment of operations during the year incl. net debt transferred (Consolidated operating cash ow statement)



1,371 345

17,068 8 5 617

109 322 22 11 56 109




Excluding reversal of realized translation differences in divested companies to profit or loss. Gain/loss on sale is included in items affecting comparability in prot or loss.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Operating expenses by type of costs

Operating expenses by function

2013 2012 2011

OTHER DISCLOSURES Exchange rate differences totaling SEK 54m (95; 252) are included in operating profit. Government grants received reduced operating expenses by SEK 49m (38; 78). Costs for research and development amounted to SEK 998m (845; 832). OPERATING LEASES Future payment obligations in the Group of minimum leasing fees for non-cancellable operating leases are distributed as follows:
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Cost of goods sold Sales and administration expenses Items affecting comparability Total Disposal group Total including disposal group

67,006 12,285 1,251 80,542 80,542

64,449 12,472 2,634 79,555 79,555

61,701 11,981 5,439 79,121 23,165 102,286

Within 1 year Between 2 and 5 years Later than 5 years Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

557 1,186 536 2,279 2,279

570 1,250 419 2,239 2,239

1,452 2,967 1,908 6,327 1,143 5,184

See also page 114 for description of costs.

Operating expenses by type of cost
SEKm Note 2013 2012 2011

Other income Change in net value of biological assets Change in inventory of nished products and products in progress1) Raw materials and consumables1) Personnel expenses1) Other operating expenses1) Depreciation Impairments1) Revaluation of acquisitions Loss on divestment Total
1) 2)

2,630 12 574 338 28,436 6 7 7 3 16,610 33,729 4,930 223


1,711 643 192 28,310 15,687 31,349 4,926 623 24 846 79,555

5,053 623 512 39,327 20,228 37,684 5,927 5,308 102,286

Cost for the year related to operating leasing of assets amounted to SEK 692m (633; 1,214). Leasing objects comprise a large number of objects, including energy plants, warehouses, ofces, other buildings, machinery and equipment, IT equipment, ofce xtures and various transport vehicles. The assessment for a number of the objects is that, in reality, it is possible to terminate contracts early.

FINANCE LEASES Future payment obligations in the Group of minimum leasing fees for nance leases are distributed as follows:
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

443) 80,542

Within 1 year Between 2 and 5 years Later than 5 years Total Future expenses for nance leases Present value of liabilities relating to nance leases Disposal group Within 1 year Between 2 and 5 years Later than 5 years Total Future nancial expenses for nance leases Present value of liabilities relating to nance leases, disposal group Total present value of liabilities relating to nance leases, excluding disposal group

16 45 61 5 56

54 57 26 137 21 116

49 118 167 22 145

Including items affecting comparability. Remeasurement of previous equity portion at fair value in conjunction with acquisition of up to 51.4% of Vinda, Hong Kong. 3) Loss on divestment of publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria.

ITEMS AFFECTING COMPARABILITY Items affecting comparability in 2013 totaled SEK 1,251m. Of the total items affecting comparability, SEK 223m pertains to impairment and SEK 1,028m to other items. Items affecting comparability include restructuring costs totaling SEK 963m (791; 775), of which SEK 51m (205; 396) related to Personal Care, SEK 710m (332; 291) to Tissue, SEK 158m (179; 88) to Forest Products and SEK 44m (75; ) to other operations. Of these restructuring costs, SEK 939m (683; 595) pertains to restructuring costs being paid, SEK 119m (83; 324) to impairment of non-current assets, SEK m (12; ) to impairment of goodwill and SEK 24m (13; 36) to impairment of working capital, mainly inventory. For 2013, the item Remeasurement of previous equity portion at fair value in conjunction with acquisition, totaling a positive of SEK 564m, pertains to Vinda. Restructuring costs being paid comprise personnel costs in the amount of SEK 765m (528; 517) and other operating expenses of SEK 174m (155; 78). OTHER INCOME Other income includes income from activities or sales of goods and services outside SCAs core business. The income can be of a recurring or occasional nature. During 2013, sales of goods and services outside SCAs core business amounted to SEK 1,197m, revenue from SCAs transport business amounted to SEK 727m and rental income amounted to SEK 89m. Income of a more occasional nature amounted to SEK 882m, of which SEK 880m pertains to gains from the sale/exchange of non-current assets. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES
SEKm 2013 2012 2011



25 30 55 7 48 97

Total payments for finance leases during the year amounted to SEK 55m (35; 35). During the year, SEK 4m (4; 7) was recognized as an interest expense and SEK 51m (24; 18) as amortization of debt. Depreciation of finance lease assets during the year amounted to SEK 18m (12; 16). The carrying amount of finance lease assets at year-end amounted to SEK 138m (165; 120) relating to buildings/land and SEK 13m (5; 9) relating to machinery. For information about significant leasing contracts, refer to Note 33 Contingent liabilities.

AUDITING EXPENSES Remuneration to auditors can be specified as follows:

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

PwC Audit assignments Auditing activities other than the audit assignment Tax consultancy services Other assignments Total PwC Other auditors Audit assignments Tax consultancy services Other assignments Total other auditors Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group 4 3 8 15 116 116 4 2 9 15 145 145 1 8 5 14 153 28 125 46 2 19 34 101 57 2 19 52 130 80 3 20 36 139

Transport expenses Energy expenses1) Purchased nished goods for onward sale Marketing costs Repairs and maintenance IT, telephony and lease of premises Other operating expenses, production Other operating expenses, distribution, sales and administration Other Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group
1) After

7,085 4,966 4,601 3,924 2,667 1,293 3,468 4,460 1,265 33,729 33,729

7,053 4,828 3,034 3,807 2,497 1,330 3,571 4,207 1,022 31,349 31,349

8,614 6,154 5,025 3,696 3,160 2,153 3,591 4,245 1,046 37,684 7,396 30,288

deduction for revenues from energy in the amount of SEK 800m (913; 929).

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Segment reporting
Personal Care Forest Products Other operations



Total Group

2013 scal year REVENUES External sales Internal sales Total revenues RESULT Segment result Items affecting comparability Operating prot/loss Financial income Financial expenses Tax expense for the year Net prot for the year OTHER DISCLOSURES Assets Holdings in associates Unallocated nancial assets Total assets Investments/acquisitions Depreciation Expenses, in addition to depreciation, not matched by payments 17,588 1,046 988 1 68,512 7,968 2,630 3 49,787 1,939 1,253 1,164 3,803 63 59 2 4,516 17,326 262 68,331 181 49,733 54 3,042 761 4,516 133,916 1,258 7,098 142,272 11,016 4,930 1,166 3,201 71 3,130 5,595 656 4,939 1,843 236 1,607 705 288 993 9,934 1,251 8,683 120 1,120 2,119 5,564 26,513 401 26,914 47,122 135 46,987 15,158 367 15,525 226 101 125 532 532 89,019 0 89,019


Personal Care


Forest Products

Other operations


Total Group

2012 scal year REVENUES External sales Internal sales Total revenues RESULT Segment result Items affecting comparability Operating prot/loss Financial income Financial expenses Tax expense for the year Prot from disposal group Net prot/loss for the year OTHER DISCLOSURES Assets Holdings in associates Unallocated nancial assets Total assets Investments/acquisitions Depreciation Expenses, in addition to depreciation, not matched by payments 17,632 2,680 983 67 59,022 15,268 2,357 74 48,472 2,112 1,526 572 4,171 178 60 224 3,565 17,375 257 57,664 1,358 48,416 56 3,385 786 3,565 123,275 2,457 5,799 131,531 20,238 4,926 789 3,180 205 2,975 4,640 678 3,962 1,363 1,462 99 537 289 826 8,646 2,634 6,012 91 1,355 251 503 5,000 25,955 339 26,294 42,186 189 42,375 17,011 1,272 18,283 256 1,012 1,268 2,812 2,812 85,408 0 85,408


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Personal Care


Forest Products

Other operations


Total Group

2011 scal year REVENUES External sales Internal sales Total revenues RESULT Segment result Items affecting comparability Operating prot/loss Financial income Financial expenses Tax expense for the year Prot from disposal group Net prot for the year OTHER DISCLOSURES Assets Allocated to disposal group Holdings in associates Unallocated nancial assets Total assets Investments/acquisitions Depreciation Expenses, in addition to depreciation, not matched by payments

24,436 339 24,775

38,885 233 39,118

17,775 2,228 20,003

241 1,640 1,881

4,440 4,440

81,337 0 81,337

2,645 744 1,901

3,150 597 2,553

2,423 4,003 1,580

480 95 575

7,738 5,439 2,299 129 1,454 1,267 900 607

17,399 252 17,651 1,584 1,101 14

45,880 653 46,533 2,366 2,210 91

49,280 54 49,334 1,530 1,292 585

7,940 108 8,048 1,4251) 1,3241) 931)

9,445 9,445

111,054 21,601 1,067 5,282 139,004 6,905 5,927 601

Including the packaging operations divested on June 30, 2012.

Items affecting comparability

2013 SEKm Expenses Impairments 2012 Expenses Impairments 2011 Expenses Impairments

Personal Care Tissue Forest Products Other Total Net

51 531 156 290 1,028

20 125 80 2 223 1,251

168 570 990 283 2,011

37 108 472 6 623 2,634

107 51 66 93 215

637 648 3,937 2 5,224 5,439

Business Segments: SCA is a global leading hygiene and forest products company that develops and produces sustainable personal care, tissue and forest products. These product groups are the primary lines of business. Personal Care comprises three product segments and offers incontinence products, baby diapers and feminine care products. Tissue comprises consumer tissue and Away-from-Home (AfH) tissue encompassing hospitals, large workplaces, restaurants and hotels. Consumer tissue comprises toilet paper, kitchen paper, facial tissues, handkerchiefs and napkins. In AfH tissue, SCA develops and sells complete hygiene solutions comprising dispensers, tissue, soap, ser vice and maintenance. Forest Products sells publication papers, packaging papers, pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy. SCA has a well-integrated value chain in Sweden between its forest assets and production facilities. Pulp production contributes to the Groups raw material integration, since the Groups pulp is mainly delivered internally. In addition, the Groups pulp is mainly produced from timber from the Groups own forests, which also, to a large extent, supply the sawmills.

Assets and liabilities: The assets included in each business segment comprise all operating assets used in the business segment, primarily trade receivables, inventories and non-current assets after deduction for operating liabilities and provisions. Most of the assets are directly attributable to each business segment. In addition, some assets that are common to two or more business segments are allocated among the business segments. Intra-Group deliveries: Revenues, expenses and results for the various business segments were affected by intra-Group deliveries. Internal prices are market-based. IntraGroup deliveries are eliminated when preparing the consolidated nancial statements. Customers: SCA has no customers from which it generates income that accounts for more than 10% of the companys net sales. SCAs ten largest customers account for 21% of of the companys sales.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 5 Segment reporting, cont.

Group by country
Net sales 2013 SEKm % 2012 SEKm % 2013 Average number of employees Of whom women, % 2012 Of whom women, % Non-current assets1) 2013 SEKm 2012 SEKm

Sweden EU excl. Sweden Germany France United Kingdom Spain Netherlands Italy Belgium Finland Austria Denmark Poland Greece Hungary Portugal Czech Republic Ireland Romania Slovakia Lithuania Rest of EU Total EU excl. Sweden Rest of Europe Russia Norway Switzerland Ukraine Turkey Other Total, rest of Europe Rest of world US Mexico Colombia Canada Japan Malaysia Chile China Ecuador Brazil Costa Rica Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Morocco Philippines South Africa Other Total, rest of world Total Group

5,691 10,632 9,489 9,036 5,316 3,173 3,082 1,770 1,623 1,461 1,395 810 791 604 560 535 447 264 228 176 614 52,006 3,037 1,770 1,231 263 245 468 7,014 8,253 3,191 1,722 1,321 1,240 1,022 904 684 550 425 397 350 347 252 250 250 213 2,937 24,308 89,019

6 12 11 10 6 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 59 3 2 1 0 0 2 8 9 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 27 100

5,587 10,438 7,085 9,084 4,817 2,976 3,573 1,640 1,273 1,710 1,188 811 780 657 409 560 411 260 243 161 608 48,684 2,935 1,825 1,202 276 270 436 6,944 8,868 3,011 1,811 1,097 1,537 1,013 762 399 477 441 392 309 224 183 284 244 247 2,894 24,193 85,408

7 12 8 11 6 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 57 3 2 1 1 0 1 8 10 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 28 100

5,688 3,390 2,867 1,857 1,173 1,386 787 396 379 805 89 596 76 141 27 71 32 24 783 19 14 14,912 1,201 161 28 77 82 6 1,555 2,539 2,329 1,492 269 57 1,268 590 794 522 469 80 22 294 30 36 64 994 11,849 34,004

26 18 23 18 24 15 22 24 28 17 63 24 37 56 63 59 25 75 33 37 79 22 43 61 46 48 28 33 44 25 26 31 34 77 59 16 60 35 43 45 73 41 70 53 45 36 35 28

5,812 3,455 2,013 1,846 1,042 1,268 775 379 223 1,332 87 591 117 145 31 69 25 25 759 19 13 14,214 1,166 220 24 72 62 8 1,552 2,651 2,370 1,388 301 57 1,330 475 614 481 468 81 20 227 34 37 95 1,568 12,197 33,775

26 18 26 19 25 16 22 23 35 14 65 25 32 56 58 61 25 72 32 37 85 22 45 50 50 53 26 38 45 25 27 35 39 74 58 13 59 35 43 46 75 68 68 51 58 46 36 29

43,929 5,998 5,781 4,569 3,589 2,897 2,067 2,751 737 731 1 869 76 3 67 0 26 2 572 1 1 30,738 2,425 1 82 5 75 2,588 6,695 3,883 1,192 277 2 786 862 9,368 95 216 2 12 1,283 8 7 33 255 24,976 102,231

42,272 5,530 6,166 4,591 3,602 2,239 2,616 2,325 731 839 2 813 232 3 65 1 64 2 580 0 1 30,402 2,178 84 83 5 94 0 2,444 6,864 4,008 1,271 330 3 877 939 372 83 242 2 14 1,421 8 8 43 231 16,716 91,834

Non-current assets include Goodwill, Other intangible assets, Buildings, land, machinery and equipment and Biological assets.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Personnel and Board costs

REMUNERATION OF SENIOR EXECUTIVES Senior executives refer to the President, who is also the CEO, the Executive Vice Presidents, Business Unit Presidents and equivalents, and the Central Staff Managers. For the composition of this group, see pages 5859. AGM guidelines for remuneration of senior executives The 2013 Annual General Meeting adopted the following guidelines for remuneration of senior executives. Remuneration of the CEO and other senior executives will be a fixed amount, possible variable remuneration, additional benefits and pension. Other senior executives include the Executive Vice Presidents, Business Unit Presidents and equivalents, and the Central Staff Managers. The total remuneration is to correspond to market practice and be competitive in the senior executives eld of profession. Fixed and variable remuneration are to be linked to the managers responsibility and authority. For the CEO, as well as for other senior executives, the variable remuneration is to be limited and linked to the xed remuneration. The variable remuneration is to be based on the outcome of predetermined objectives and, as far as possible, be linked to the increase of value of the SCA share, from which the shareholders benet. Programs for variable remuneration should be formulated so that the Board, if exceptional circumstances prevail, has the possibility to limit, or refrain from, payment of variable remuneration if such an action is considered reasonable and in compliance with the companys responsibility to shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. In the event of termination of employment, the notice period should normally be two years if termination is initiated by the company, and one year, when initiated by the senior executive. Severance pay should not exist. Pension benets are to be either dened benet or dened contribution plans, or a combination of both, and entitle the senior executive to pension from the age of 60, at the earliest. To earn the pension benets, the period of employment must be long-term, at present 20 years. When resigning before the age providing entitlement to pension, the senior executive will receive a paid-up pension policy from the age of 60. Variable remuneration is not pensionable income. Matters of remuneration of the senior management are to be dealt with by the Remuneration Committee and, as regards the President, be resolved by the Board of Directors. Companys application of guidelines The company applied the guidelines approved by the AGM in the following manner. Fixed salary The xed salary is to be in proportion to the individuals position and the authority and responsibilities this entails. It is set individually at a level that, combined with other remuneration, is assessed as a market rate and competitive in the labor market in which the executive works. Variable remuneration Variable remuneration of the CEO, Executive Vice Presidents and Business Unit Presidents and equivalents is maximized to a total of 100% of the fixed salary. For one Business Unit President, stationed in the US, the maximum outcome is 130%, while the corresponding limit for other senior executives is 90%. The program for variable remuneration is divided into a short and long-term portion. The short-term portion (Short-term Incentive, or STI) for the CEO, Executive Vice Presidents and Business Unit Presidents and equivalents may amount to a maximum of 50% of xed salary. For one Business Unit President, stationed in the US, the maximum outcome is 80%, while the corresponding limit for other senior executives is 40%. The STI goals set for the Business Unit Presidents are mainly based on operating cash ow, cost control, operating profit and growth for each business unit, while the goal for the CEO and others reporting directly to him is based primarily on the Groups prot before tax and operating cash ow. Furthermore, a non-nancial goal also applies accounting for 20% of the variable remuneration. The long-term portion (Long-Term Incentive, or LTI) may amount to a maximum of 50% of the xed salary. In return, the senior executive must invest half of the variable LTI compensation, after tax withholdings, in SCA shares. The shares may then not be sold before the end of the third calendar year after entry into the relevant LTI program. The established LTI goal is based on the performance of the companys B share, measured as the TSR (Total Shareholder Return) index, compared with a weighted index of competitors and consumer companies shares performance (TSR) over a three-year period. The structure of the LTI was approved by the Board in 2003.

Personnel costs
2013 2012 2011

Salaries and remuneration of which Group management of which Board Pension costs of which dened benet pension plans1) of which dened contribution pension plans Other social security costs Other personnel costs Total2) Disposal group Total excluding disposal group
1) The

11,767 143 6 1,140 562 578 2,663 1,040 16,610 16,610

11,365 134 6 970 257 713 2,476 876 15,687 15,687

15,046 101 5 958 261 697 3,114 1,110 20,228 5,682 14,546

2) Total

increase in costs for 2013 is mainly attributable to the new accounting rules in IAS 19, which have been applied as of 2013. personnel costs include SEK 765m (528; 517) attributable to costs for implemented efficiencyenhancement measures.

Average number of employees

2013 2012 2011

Average number of employees of whom women Number of countries

34,004 28% 61

33,775 29% 62

43,697 27% 58

Women comprised 21% (21; 18) of the total number of Board members and senior executives.
Breakdown of employees by age groups, %
2013 2130 yrs 3140 yrs 4150 yrs 5160 yrs





2% (2; 2) of the employees are under the age of 20, and 3% (2; 3) are over the age of 60. During 2013, SCA invested approximately SEK 103m (100; 151) or SEK 3,000 (3,000; 3,500) per employee in skills-enhancement activities. The added value per employee in 2013 amounted to SEK 713,000 (617,000; 519,000). The proportion of university graduates amounts to about 20% (18; 16). In 2013, 5,143 (3,993; 5,207) people left SCA while 4,426 (6,344; 4,809) joined the Group. These figures include both voluntary retirement and the effects of rationalization activities and retirements. In addition, a signicant portion relates to summer jobs for students and seasonal work.

FEES TO BOARD MEMBERS IN THE PARENT COMPANY DURING THE YEAR Members of the Board elected by the AGM who are not employees in the company received the following remuneration in 2013 in accordance with the AGM resolution.
SEK Board fee Audit Committee fee Remuneration Committee fee Total

Sverker Martin-Lf (Chairman) Pr Boman Rolf Brjesson Jan Johansson Leif Johansson Louise Julian Svanberg Bert Nordberg Anders Nyrn Barbara Milian Thoralfsson Total

1,650,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 5,500,000


135,000 105,000 105,000

1,915,000 550,000 655,000 655,000 550,000 550,000

175,000 130,000 435,000 345,000

725,000 680,000 6,280,000

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 6 Personnel and Board costs, cont.

Outcome, variable remuneration For the CEO, Executive Vice Presidents and Central Staff Managers, STI resulted in 3546% of fixed salary for 2013. STI resulted in variable remuneration corresponding to 1253% of fixed salary for the Business Unit Presidents. The LTI target was achieved for 20112013, resulting in maximum outcome for the CEO and other senior executives. Other benets Other benefits pertain, in some cases, to a company car, housing and school fees. Pension For the CEO, who is entitled to retire at the age of 60, the pension agreement provides a retirement pension (excluding national pension benets and previously earned paid-up policies) between the age of 60 and 65 of approximately 40% of final salary (excluding variable remuneration) and thereafter of approximately 20% of nal salary (excluding variable remuneration) for life. Upon termination of employment prior to retirement age, a paid-up policy is received for pension payments from age 60. In addition, beneficiaries pension amounts to approximately 50% of retirement pension in the case of death before the age of 65 and thereafter to 30% of the retirement pension (including previously earned paid-up policies). Most of the other senior executives in the Group have a combination of defined benefit and dened contribution pension plans that entitle the executives, on reaching the age of 60, to receive a retirement pension (including national pension benefits) of up to 45% of the average salary (excluding variable remuneration) for three years prior to retirement age. For full pension, the individual must have been employed for at least 20 years calculated from 40 years of age. Upon termination of employment prior to reaching retirement age, a paidup policy is received for pension payments from age 60, on condition that the executive, after reaching the age of 40, has been employed in the Group for at least three years. In addition, beneficiaries pension amounts to about 50% of retirement pension. In addition to the dened benet pension, a pension is paid based on premiums paid by the company. The premiums paid for each year of service amount to 10% of the executives base salary and are invested in a fund or traditional insurance chosen by the executive. Some senior executives have a pension plan, which is closed to new entrants, that is a defined benefit pension plan, which grants the executive the right at the age of 65 to receive a pension (including national pension benets) at up to 70% of the salary (excluding variable salary). However, they are entitled to retire at 60 with 70% of the final salary at retirement (excluding variable remuneration), between 60 and 65 and subsequently with 50% of the salary at retirement (excluding variable remuneration). Normally, full pension requires the executive to have been employed in the Group for 20 years. Upon termination of employment prior to reaching retirement age, a paid-up policy is received for pension payments from age 65 or 60, on condition that the executive, after reaching the age of 40, has been employed in the Group for at least three years. In addition, beneciaries pension amounts to about 50% of retirement pension.

Two senior executives have a dened contribution pension plan (in addition to national pension benefits) into which the company pays 3040% of the executives fixed salary, which is invested in funds or traditional insurance. Two senior executives are employed in companies outside Sweden. One executive is encompassed by the dened contribution pension plan that applies to employees in the US. One executive is encompassed by the defined benefit pension plan that applies to employees in Belgium.

Notice period and severance pay The agreement with the CEO stipulates a period of notice of termination of two years if such notice is given by the company. The CEO has a corresponding right with a period of termination of one year. If notice is given by the company, the CEO is not obligated to serve during the notice period. The agreement does not contain any stipulations with regard to severance pay. Between the company and other senior executives, a period of notice of termination of one to two years normally applies, if such notice is given by the company. The executive has a corresponding right with a period of notice of termination of six months to one year. The executive is normally expected to be available to the company during the notice period. The agreements have no stipulations with regard to severance pay. Preparation and decision process for remuneration During the year, the Remuneration Committee submitted recommendations to the Board regarding the principles for remuneration of senior executives. The recommendations encompassed the ratio between fixed and variable remuneration and the size of any salary increases. In addition, the Remuneration Committee proposed criteria for assessing variable remuneration and pension terms. The Board discussed the Remuneration Committees proposal and decided on the basis of the Committees recommendations. The remuneration of senior executives for the 2013 nancial year was based on the Remuneration Committees recommendation and, with regard to the CEO, decided by the Board. The executives concerned did not participate in remuneration matters pertaining to themselves. When it was deemed appropriate, the work of the Remuneration Committee was carried out with the support of external expertise. For information about the composition of the Remuneration Committee, see page 51. The Boards proposal for new guidelines The Board has decided to propose to the 2014 Annual General Meeting the unchanged guidelines for determining salaries and other remuneration for senior executives. With the salary situation prevailing in 2014 and an unchanged number of senior executives, the maximum outcome of variable remuneration could entail a cost for the Group, excluding social security costs, of approximately SEK 80m.

Remuneration and other benets during the year

SEK Fixed salary Variable remuneration Other benets Total salary and remuneration

CEO Jan Johansson Other senior executives (16 people) Total


10,962,121 62,836,453 73,798,574

Pension costs

10,318,000 56,029,602 66,347,602

160,080 10,755,315 10,915,395

21,440,201 129,621,370 151,061,571

CEO Jan Johansson Other senior executives (16 people) Total

8,018,773 28,759,616 36,778,389

Comments to the tables: Variable remuneration covers the 2013 fiscal year but is paid in 2014. Pension costs pertain to the costs that affected profit for the year, excluding special payroll tax.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Depreciation/amortization and impairment of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets
2013 2012 2011


Financial income and expenses

2013 2012 2011

Depreciation Buildings Land Machinery and equipment Sub-total Patents, trademarks and similar rights Capitalized development costs Sub-total Total Impairment losses Buildings Land Machinery and equipment1) Construction in progress Sub-total Goodwill Patents, trademarks and similar rights Emission allowances Capitalized development costs Sub-total Total1) Total Buildings Land Machinery and equipment Construction in progress Sub-total Goodwill Patents, trademarks and similar rights Emission allowances Capitalized development costs Sub-total Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

643 131 3,870 4,644 268 18 286 4,930 1 118 119 8 32 40 159 643 132 3,988 4,763 268 8 50 326 5,089 5,089

608 119 3,920 4,647 259 20 279 4,926 24 9 501 0 534 89 89 623 632 128 4,421 0 5,181 89 259 20 368 5,549 5,549

835 114 4,675 5,624 272 31 303 5,927 53 40 225 6 324 4,910 74 4,984 5,308 888 154 4,900 6 5,948 4,910 346 31 5,287 11,235 915 10,320

Results from shares and participations in other companies Dividend Capital gains/losses, impairment losses Interest income and similar prot/loss items Interest income, investments Other nancial income Total nancial income Interest expenses and similar prot/loss items Interest expenses, borrowing Interest expenses, derivatives Fair value hedges, unrealized Other nancial expenses Total nancial expenses Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group 1,238 191 3 70 1,120 1,000 1,000 1,342 37 6 56 1,355 1,264 1,264 1,370 14 8 62 1,426 1,290 35 1,325 57 0 120 39 4 91 72 20 136 63 48 44

Other nancial income and expenses include a negative exchange difference of SEK 7m (pos: 4; pos: 20). If interest rate levels had been 1 percentage point higher/lower, with unchanged xedinterest terms and volumes in the net debt, interest expenses for the year would have been SEK 59m (178; 177) higher/lower. Sensitivity analysis calculations have been performed on the risk to which SCA was exposed at December 31, 2013 using assumptions on market movements that are regarded as reasonably possible in one years time. For a description of how SCA manages its interest rate risk, refer to page 65 of the Board of Directors Report.

The total Impairment losses includes reversal of impairment for machinery and equipment of SEK m (; 62).

Depreciation/amortization is based on the costs and estimated useful lives of the assets outlined in the accounting principle section on page 76.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Income taxes
2013 2012 2011

Current tax expense Deferred tax expense Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group 2,005 114 2,119 2,119 1,154 903 251 251 1,142 509 1,651 384 1,267

Deferred tax expense (+), tax income ()

SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Changes in temporary differences Adjustments for prior years Other changes Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

97 12 5 114 114

186 269 1,358 903 903

453 69 13 509 113 396

Tax expense amounted to 27.6% (5.3; 73.1) of the Groups prot before tax. The difference between the recognized tax expense and expected tax expense is explained below. The expected tax expense is calculated according to current prot levels in each country.
2013 SEKm % 2012 SEKm % 2011 SEKm %

Tax expense including disposal group Expected tax expense Difference The difference is explained by: Permanent effects1) Effects of subsidiary nancing Goodwill impairment and currency impact2) Effects of acquisitions and divestments3) Other permanent effects4) Taxes related to prior years5) Changes in unrecognized deferred tax assets6) Changes in tax rates7) Total
1) Permanent 2) The

Other changes include the effects of changed tax rates, which reduced the deferred tax expense by SEK 6m (1 331; 20), revaluation of deferred tax assets, which increased the deferred tax expense by SEK 11m (0; 7) and capitalization of tax assets related to the right to future tax deductions of SEK 0m (27; 0).
Deferred tax liability (+), tax asset () The change during the year to the deferred tax liability is explained below:
Value at January 1 Deferred taxexpense Other changes Trans lation differences Value at December 31

2,119 1,912 207

27.6 24.9 2.7

251 1,135 884

5.3 23.9 18.6

1,651 435 1,216

73.1 19.3 53.8


27 124 210 113 41 6 207

0.4 1.6 2.8 1.5 0.5 0.1 2.7

82 437 188 246 34 1,331 884

1.7 9.2 4.0 5.2 0.7 28.0 18.6

139 1,231 18 86 76 20 1,216

6.2 54.5 0.8 3.8 3.4 0.9 53.8

Intangible assets Land and buildings Machinery and equipment Financial non-current assets Current assets Provisions for pensions Other provisions Liabilities Tax credits and tax loss carryforwards Other Total

969 7,243 3,421 186 189 943 139 541 1,653 71 8,289

380 396 628 52 453 157 166 115 203 20 114

389 30 161 51 359 544 189 264 372 17 1,104

14 44 34 4 4 12 8 2 10 2 58

992 7,713 4,244 191 99 568 124 692 1,832 76 9,565

effects are attributable to permanent differences between the accounting and taxable result. effects of goodwill impairment and currency impact in 2011 pertain to the divestments of the ackaging operations and 50% of the operation in Australasia. p 3) The effect for 2013 is related to acquisition of shares in Vinda. The effect for 2012 concerns capital losses on shares attributable to the divestment of the newsprint mill in Aylesford, UK and effects relating to the divestment of 50% of the operation in Australasia. 4) The effects for the year include tax expenses of SEK 49m related to prot-taking within the Group. 2012 includes SEK 28m and 2011 includes SEK 35m in tax expenses for corresponding prot-taking. 5) Income taxes related to prior years recognized in 2013 primarily pertain to effects in Germany and Mexico, which increased the tax expense by SEK 92m. The effect in 2012 relates essentially to a provision for tax risk in Denmark, which increased the tax expense by SEK 236m. 2011 primarily concerns impairment of tax assets belonging to the operation in Australia. 6) Change in unrecognized deferred tax assets in 2011 includes SEK 43m relating to the operation in UK. 7) The changes in tax rates in 2013 primarily relate to the revaluation of deferred taxes due to a corporate tax rate decrease in Finland. 2012 relates essentially to the effect of the corporate tax rate decrease in Sweden. The changed tax rates in 2011 primarily relate to a corporate tax rate decrease in the UK.

Other changes include deferred tax recognized directly in equity according to IAS19 of SEK 500m, IAS39 of SEK 131m, effects of acquisitions and divestments of SEK 283m and change in tax risk provisions of SEK 190m. The closing deferred tax liability comprises deferred tax assets of SEK 867m (818; 715) and deferred tax liabilities of SEK 10,432m (9,107; 9,350).

Current tax expense (+), tax income ()
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

LOSS CARRYFORWARDS Loss carryforwards for which deferred tax assets were recognized have been reported at the tax amount on the line Tax credits and tax loss carryforwards in the table Deferred tax liability, deferred tax asset above. Loss carryforwards for which no deferred tax assets were recognized amounted to SEK 2,529m (3,378; 1,699) at December 31, 2013. Of these, SEK 163m have an indenite life. The remainder expire as follows:
Year SEKm

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 and later Total

16 8 10 427 1,905 2,366

Income tax for the year Adjustments for prior years Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

1,904 101 2,005 2,005

1,177 23 1,154 1,154

1,125 17 1,142 271 871

Current tax liability (+), tax asset () The change during the year to the current tax liability is explained below:
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

During 2013, uncapitalized loss carryforwards amounting to SEK 8m expired and SEK 1,313m were either utilized or capitalized. The tax value of unrecognized tax loss carry forwards amounted to SEK 774m.
130 1,154 1,193 31 1 139 159 1,142 961 3 3 146 130

Value at January 1 Current tax expense Paid tax Other changes Translation differences Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31

139 2,005 1,634 91 5 328

OTHER SCA recognizes no deferred tax relating to temporary differences attributable to investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and joint ventures. Any future effects (tax deducted at source and other deferred tax on prot-taking within the Group) is reported when SCA can no longer control reversal of such differences or when, for other reasons, it is no longer improbable that reversal can take place in the foreseeable future.

Other changes relate to effects of acquisitions and divestments in the amount of SEK 91m (31; 3). The closing current tax liability comprises tax assets of SEK 417m (517; 377) and tax liabilities of SEK 745m (378; 247).


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Intangible assets
Goodwill 2013 2012 2011 2013 Trademarks 2012 2011 Licenses, patents and similar rights 2013 2012 2011 Capitalized development costs 2013 2012 2011

Accumulated costs Accumulated amortization Accumulated impairment Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Value at January 1 Investments Sales and disposals Business combinations Company divestments Reclassications Amortization for the year Impairment for the year Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group

11,942 89 1,777 13,630 13,630 12,169 1,753 8 387 103 13,630 13,630

12,258 89 12,169 12,169 9,433 3,353 168 81 89 279 12,169 12,169

15,481 3,962 11,519 2,086 9,433 17,688 314 53 1,408 4,910 112 11,519 2,086 9,433

4,297 71 57 2,940 7,109 7,109 4,348 2,889 28 165 30 95 7,109 7,109

4,440 35 57 4,348 4,348 1,730 2,695 52 20 5 4,348 4,348

1,806 20 56 1,730 1,730 1,992 100 218 10 74 60 1,730 1,730

2,646 1,903 7 12 748 748 877 90 12 3 238 10 748 748

2,988 2,098 13 877 877 712 75 1 365 0 27 239 8 877 877

3,084 2,252 8 824 112 712 894 115 1 84 263 5 824 112 712

270 179 34 57 57 96 12 18 32 1 57 57

268 171 1 96 96 63 10 42 20 1 96 96

473 327 21 125 62 63 164 11 0 20 31 1 125 62 63

Business combinations for the year primarily comprise the acquisition of the Chinese tissue company Vinda (see Note 3).

IMPAIRMENT TESTING Goodwill is tested for impairment every year. Goodwill is distributed among business segments as follows:
Goodwill by business segment
SEKm Average WACC 2013, % 2013 2012 2011

Personal Care Tissue Forest Products Other operations Total

7.1 6.1 5.9 5.9

2,849 10,744 37 13,630

2,804 8,600 38 727 12,169

508 8,125 205 595 9,433

The recoverable amount for each cash-generating unit is determined based on a calculation of value in use. These calculations are based on the strategic plans adopted by Group management for the next ten years. Assumptions in strategic plans are based on current market prices and costs with an addition for real price reductions and cost ination as well as assumed productivity development. Volume assumptions follow the Groups target of an average annual growth of 3 to 4%, depending on business segment and geographic market. Effects of expansion investments are excluded when goodwill is tested for impairment. Anticipated future cash ows, according to strategic plans, form the basis of the calculation of the recoverable amount. Sustained growth of 2% has been used in the calculation. Cash ows for the period beyond ten years are calculated by an operating surplus multiple being applied to estimated sustained cash ow. In a present value calculation of anticipated future cash ows, the current weighted cost of capital (WACC) decided for each area within the Group at that time is applied. Discounted cash ows are compared with the carrying amount of capital employed per cash-generating unit and an impairment requirement may exist if the discounted cash ow is less than the carrying amount of capital employed. Since the calculation of the recoverable amount is based on Group Managements strategic plans for the next ten years, the calculated amount may deviate from the amount received if immediately divested. Testing for impairment is carried out in the fourth quarter and testing for 2013 showed that no impairment of remaining goodwill was needed. The sensitivity analysis shows that reasonable changes to key parameters do not give rise to any impairment. In 2013, goodwill previously specied as Other operations was allocated to Personal Care and Tissue. In addition to goodwill, there are acquired trademarks in the Group that are judged to have an indenite useful life. The useful life is judged as indenite when it relates to wellestablished trademarks within their respective markets which the Group intends to retain and further develop. The trademarks identied and measured relate to the 2013 acquisition of the Chinese tissue company Vinda, the 2012 acquisition of Georgia-Pacics European tissue operations, the 2012 acquisition of the Asian hygiene company Everbeauty, the 2012 acquisition of the remaining 50% shareholding in the Chilean hygiene company PISA, the 2011 acquisition of personal care operations in Brazil, the 2010 acquisition of personal care operations in South America, the 2007 acquisition of the European tissue operations and the 2004 acquisitions in Mexico and Malaysia. The cost of the trademarks was established at the time of acquisition according to the so-called relief from royalty method. The need for impairment is tested every year. Testing is carried out during the fourth quarter and is performed for each trademark or group of trademarks. An evaluation is made of the royalty rate determined at the time of acquisition as well as assessed future sales development over ten years. A multiple is used for time beyond ten years. This is discounted with the current weighted cost of capital (WACC) for each market. Testing for the year of the carrying amount of trademarks in the 2013 accounts showed no impairment need for trademarks. At year-end, the value of SCAs trademarks with an indenite useful life amounted to SEK 6,893m (4,274; 1,725).

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 10 Intangible assets, cont.

EMISSION ALLOWANCES The SCA Group participates in the European system for emission allowances. SCA receives a permit from each country in which operations requiring a permit are conducted, to emit a specic volume of carbon dioxide during a calendar year. At year-end 2013, surplus emission allowances not required to cover the provision for emissions were adjusted downward by SEK 0m (7; 19) to the current market price on the balance sheet date. In conjunction with this, the deferred income was also reversed by a corresponding amount so that the net cost for the revaluation is zero. Settlement with each government regarding 2013 emissions will take place in April 2014.





Accumulated costs Accumulated revaluation of surplus Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Value at January 1 Emission allowances received Purchases Sales Business combinations Company divestments Reclassications Impairment Settlement with the government Revaluation of surplus Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group

117 0 117 117 139 70 1 26 0 0 8 63 0 4 117 117

146 7 139 139 124 93 29 5 17 14 1 102 1 3 139 139

195 19 176 52 124 220 237 91 170 20 0 176 52 124


Property, plant and equipment

Buildings 2013 2012 2011 2013 Land 2012 2011 Machinery and equipment 2013 2012 2011 Construction in progress 2013 2012 2011

Accumulated costs Accumulated depreciation Accumulated impairment Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Value at January 1 Investments Sales and disposals Business combinations Company divestments Reclassications 1) Depreciation for the year Impairment for the year Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group

18,303 7,711 217 867 11,242 11,242 9,698 648 14 861 4 580 643 116 11,242 11,242

17,406 7,494 214 9,698 9,698 8,544 126 4 1,738 60 180 608 24 194 9,698 9,698

21,634 9,760 389 11,485 2,941 8,544 12,216 286 13 0 68 75 835 53 123 11,485 2,941 8,544

6,865 1,530 51 5,284 5,284 5,110 214 3 24 67 131 1 52 5,284 5,284

6,604 1,445 49 5,110 5,110 4,421 258 7 896 149 106 119 9 75 5,110 5,110

6,826 1,418 76 5,332 911 4,421 5,533 141 88 0 9 68 114 40 23 5,332 911 4,421

70,966 41,490 901 3,392 31,967 31,967 28,023 1,926 67 3,330 29 2,529 3,870 118 243 31,967 31,967

70,124 40,870 1,231 28,023 28,023 26,255 1,574 35 3,940 269 1,564 3,920 501 585 28,023 28,023

84,930 51,166 1,168 32,596 6,341 26,255 33,552 2,594 62 361 16 1,300 4,675 225 233 32,596 6,341 26,255

3,318 8 3,310 3,310 3,871 2,504 34 2,996 35 3,310 3,310

3,879 8 3,871 3,871 3,379 3,001 7 110 7 2,583 0 22 3,871 3,871

4,160 6 4,154 775 3,379 4,866 2,801 3 1 0 3,402 6 103 4,154 775 3,379

Reclassications in 2013 were largely the result of the nalization of the previously preliminarily recognized purchase price allocation for Georgia-Pacic during the year, refer to Note 3.

Acquisitions for the year primarily comprise the acquisition of Vinda (see Note 3). During the year, SEK m (; 9) pertaining to interest during the construction period was capitalized in Buildings, SEK 23m (19; 18) was capitalized in Machinery and equipment and SEK 1m (8; 28) was capitalized in Construction in progress, at an average interest rate of 3% (4; 4).


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Biological assets
In the income statement, changes due to growth and felling are recognized as a net value, SEK 574m (643; 623). The annual valuation of standing forest was carried out during the fourth quarter of the year. The same valuation method used in 2011 and 2012 was applied in 2013. The valuation was founded on the felling plan which was based on forest tax assessments performed in 20062007. No change was made in the WACC, which amounted to 6.25%, in the 2013 valuation and the valuation in the fourth quarter did not result in any adjustment to the planned change in fair value of forest assets recognized on an ongoing basis during the year. SCAs forest holdings comprise approximately 2.6 million hectares of forestland primarily in northern Sweden, of which approximately 2.0 million is productive forestland. The forest portfolio amounts to 213 million cubic meters of forest (m3fo) and is divided into pine 43%, spruce 39%, deciduous 13% and contorta 5%. Average growth amounts to approximately 3.9 m3fo per hectare and year. Felling in 2013 amounted to approximately 4.7 million m3sub. Approximately 50% of the holdings comprise forest less than 40 years old, while about 60% of timber volume is in forests that are more than 80 years old.
2013 2012 2011

SCAs forest assets are divided up and reported as biological assets, that is, standing forest, and land assets. Standing forest is recognized at fair value according to IAS 41 and IFRS 13, and amounted at December 31, 2013 to SEK 28,767m (27,503; 26,729). In accordance with IFRS 13, this measurement is classied as a Level 3 input. The total value of SCAs forest assets was SEK 29,740m (28,426; 27,652). The difference of SEK 973m (923; 923) comprises forestland reported under non-current assets Land.
Standing forest
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Value at January 1 Purchases and forest swaps Sales Change due to growth Change due to felling Value at December 31 Deferred tax related to standing forest

27,503 775 85 1,733 1,159 28,767 6,329

26,729 154 23 1,607 964 27,503 6,051

26,069 40 3 1,616 993 26,729 7,030

Value/hectare productive forestland, SEK

14,397 135

13,765 130

13,177 128

Value trend, standing forest 2013

SEKm 30,000 29,000 28,000 27,000 26,000

Value timber supplies SEK/m3fo Sensitivity analysis

Change assumption

Change in value before tax, SEKm

WACC Wood price Felling Volume (felling and thinning)

+/ +/ +/ +/

0.25% 0.50% per year 20142023 0.50% per year 20142023 150,000 m3sub 20152035

+/ +/ +/ +/

1,732 2,197 549 718




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Va lu




Vrde vid rets brjan Inkp Frsljning Frndring Frndring till fljdtill av fljd tillvxt Vrde av avverkning vid rets slut

Forest area
Proportion younger than 40 yrs, 50%


Va lu







Timber volume
Proportion older than 80 yrs, 60%

Forest portfolio
Pine, 43% Spruce, 39% Deciduous, 13% Contorta, 5%

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Holdings in associates and joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method
2013 2012 2011


Shares and participations

2013 2012 2011

Associates Value at January 1 Investments Remeasurement effect upon changes in holdings in subsidiaries Divestments Net increase in associates for the year1) Reclassications, joint ventures or subsidiaries Impairment for the year Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group Joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method Value at January 1 Investments Net increase in joint ventures for the year1) Translation differences Value at December 31 Value at December 31, associates and joint venture

Value at January 1 1,439 66 89 8 123 1,438 9 262 262 1,067 1,395 133 1,106 50 1,439 1,439 1,021 358 64 239 20 7 1,669 602 1,067 Increase through acquisition of subsidiaries Divestments Other reclassications Impairment Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group

60 8 52 52

69 1 5 4 1 60 60

77 7 1 6 3 1 73 4 69

1,018 10 50 18 996 1,258

1,018 1,018 2,457


Shares and participations pertain to holdings in other companies that are not classied as subsidiaries, joint ventures or associates. Since these holdings are of an operating nature, the holdings are not classied as available-for-sale nancial assets. Carrying amounts concur with fair value. The Groups holdings in major subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are specied in Note 16.

Net increase for the year includes the Groups share of associates/joint ventures prot after tax and any non-controlling interests as well as adjustment for dividends received during the year.

Associates Investments refer primarily to an associate of Vinda (see Note 3). The remeasurement effect pertains to the former wholly owned company Bunzl & Biach, 51% of which was included in the sale of the Laakirchen publication paper mill. Reclassications refer to Vinda, in which SCA has a 51% holding as of December 31, 2013. Vinda is consolidated as a wholly owned subsidiary. The Groups total receivables from associates at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 55m (42; 40), of which SEK 0m (0; 2) was interest-bearing. The Groups total liability to associates at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 4m (6; 4), of which SEK 0m (0; 2) was interest-bearing.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Joint ventures
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Joint ventures, that is, companies that SCA owns together with other parties and in which the parties by agreement exercise joint control, are usually consolidated according to the proportional method. A small number of companies are consolidated according to the equity method (see Note 13). Most of the joint ventures operate within the hygiene area, mainly in Latin America. SCAs share of income statement and balance sheet items as well as the average number of employees in joint ventures consolidated according to the proportional method are set out below:
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Capital employed of which disposal group Net debt, incl. pension liability of which disposal group Personnel costs

1,770 158

1,863 316

2,396 51 510 21




Income statement Net sales Cost of goods sold Gross prot Sales and administration expenses Operating prot/loss Financial items Prot/loss before tax Tax Net prot/loss for the year Disposal group Net prot/loss for the year excluding disposal group Prot attributable to: Owners of the Parent

Boards, Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents of which variable remuneration Other employees Salaries and remuneration Pension costs1) Other social security costs1) Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

14 0 257 271 2 111 384 384

18 0 277 295 7 133 435 435

22 1 329 352 12 119 483 17 466

4,661 3,350 1,311 833 478 40 438 110 328 328 328

4,969 3,642 1,327 908 419 47 372 129 243 243 243

5,434 4,408 1,026 1,175 149 76 225 40 265 2 267 265


Social security costs amount to SEK 113m (140; 131), of which pension costs are SEK 2m (7; 12).

Average number of employees by country

2013 Of whom women, % 2012 Of whom women, % 2011 Of whom women, %

Algeria Argentina Chile Colombia Ecuador United Kingdom Tunisia Turkey Other countries Total Disposal group Total excluding disposal group

91 137 3 1,492 522 407 248 2,900 2,900

10 42 67 31 35 10 58 32 32

109 122 113 1,388 481 80 366 264 2,923 2,923

6 42 13 35 35 13 14 59 32 32

114 123 224 1,298 472 169 358 52 295 3,105 87 3,018

4 46 11 29 32 13 13 6 52 27 6 27

Balance sheet Non-current assets Current assets Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total equity and liabilities Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group 1,783 1,531 3,314 3,314 1,909 416 989 3,314 3,314

1,825 1,346 3,171 3,171 1,833 449 889 3,171 3,171


2,280 1,955 4,235 160 4,075 2,147 544 1,544 4,235 160 4,075

The Groups holdings in major subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are specied in Note 16.

Average number of employees of whom women, % Disposal group Average number of employees excluding disposal group of whom women, %

2,900 32 2,900 32

2,923 32 2,923 32

3,105 27 87 3,018 27

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


List of major subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates

Group holdings of shares and participations in major companies at December 31, 2013. The selection of subsidiaries and joint ventures includes companies with sales in excess of SEK 500m in 2013.
Company name Corporate registration number Domicile Share of capital %

Subsidiaries SCA Hygiene Products Nederland B.V. SCA Tissue North America LLC SCA Skog AB SCA Hygiene Products (Fluff) Ltd. SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB SCA Hygiene Products Vertriebs GmbH SCA Tissue France SAS SCA Hygiene Products AB SCA Hygiene Products S.A., Spain SCA Hygiene Products S.A., France Copamex Comercial SA de CV SCA Hygiene Products GmbH, Mannheim SCA Hygiene Products S.p.a OOO SCA Hygiene Products Russia SCA Timber AB SCA Hygiene Products GmbH, Wiesbaden SCA Hygiene Products GmbH, Vienna SCA Hygiene Sp.z.o.o. SCA Hygiene Products SA-NV, Belgium SCA Packaging Obbola AB SCA Hygiene Products Inc SCA Personal Care, Inc SCA Hygiene Products AfH Sales GmbH SCA Packaging Munksund AB SCA Hygiene Products Sp.z.o.o. Uni-Charm Mlnlycke B.V. SCA Hygiene Products Slovakia s.r.o OY SCA Hygiene Products AB SCA Hygiene Spain S.COM.p.A SCA Hygiene Malaysia Sdn Bhd SCA Hygiene Products Tissue Ltd SCA HP Supply SAS SCA Hygiene Products A/S, Norway SCA Hygiene Products GmbH Neuss SCA Hygiene Products AG SCA Hygiene Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd Sodipan SNC SCA Tissue Finland OY SCA Chile S.A. SCA Hygiene Products A/S, Denmark SCA Graphic Paper Netherlands SCA Timber Supply Ltd Everbeauty Corporation SCA Graphic Laakirchen AG, divested in 2013 SCA Hygiene Products Manchester Ltd SCA Hygiene Products SA Gll Timber AB, (50% option 20162021) SCA Hygiene Products Kft Manufacturas Papeleras Canarias S.L SCA Timber BM Scandinavien AB Vinda Hong Kong 135724 58-2494137 556048-2852 577116 556093-6733 HRB713332 702 055 187 556007-2356 B28451383 509395109 SCM-931101-3S5 HRB3248 3318780966 4704031845 556047-8512 HRB5301 FN49537z KRS No.0000427360 BE405.681.516 556147-1003 421987 23-3036384 HRB 710 878 556237-4859 KRS No.000008615 330631 36590941 F101650275 D31235260 320704-U 8033620 509599619 915620019 HRB 14343 CH-020.3.917.992-8 313228-T 380251165 0733538-0 RUT: 97,282,000-3 20638613 33137904 2541468 22192869 FN171841h 4119442 283601000 556801-1786 01-09-716945 B35089242 556302-0667 90235 Zeist Delaware Sundsvall Dunstable Sundsvall Mannheim Bois-Colombes Gothenburg Madrid Linselles, Bobigny Mexico City Mannheim Lucca Moscow Sundsvall Wiesbaden Vienna Warsaw Stembert Ume Ontario Delaware Mannheim Pite Olawa Hoogezand Gemersk Hrka Espoo Allo Kuala Lumpur Dunstable Roissy, Bobigny Brnnysund Neuss Zug Kuala Lumpur Saint Etienne de Rouvray Nokia Santiago de Chile Allerod Amsterdam Stoke on Trent Hong Kong Laakirchen Dunstable N. Kissia (Athens) Brcke Budapest Telde (Gran Canaria) Sundsvall Hong Kong 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 51


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements

Company name

Corporate registration number


Number of shares

Share of capital %

Carrying amount at year-end, SEKm

Joint ventures recognized in accordance with the proportional method Productos Familia S.A., Colombia Familia del Equador ProNARO GmbH Joint ventures recognized in accordance with the equity method PEPSCA Pty Limited SCA Yildiz Kagit ve Kisisel Bakim retim A.S. Komili Teknik Hizmetler ve Sanayi A.S. Associates Bunzl & Biach Ges.m.b.H Associated company from acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Cartographica S.p.a. Guamo, Lucca, 33% Associated IL Recycling AB Other Value at December 31 1333330464 556056-2687 Lucca Solna 16,667 28,000 33 33 FN79555v Vienna 1 49 93 59 26 22 62 1,258 154461300 12559 166673 Victoria Kocaeli Istanbul 105,000,000 3,080,000 1 50 50 48 734 243 19 Sharecertif. 1260 21761 HRB 8744 Medellin Quito Stockstadt 50 50 50


Non-current nancial assets

2013 2012 2011

Available-for-sale nancial assets Derivatives Loan receivables, associates Loan receivables, other Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group Available-for-sale nancial assets Value at January 1 Investments Company divestments Remeasurement for the year taken to equity, net Translation differences Value at December 31

1,657 836 286 2,779 2,779 1,448 3 45 249 2 1,657

1,448 1,192 292 2,932 2,932 1,034 132 286 4 1,448

1,034 986 2 63 2,085 4 2,081 1,366 20 351 1 1,034

In addition to shares in AB Industrivrden, pension assets attributable to some pension obligations are classied as available-for-sale nancial assets. These obligations are not included in the normal pension calculations, as set out in Note 26 Provisions for pensions.
Available-for-sale nancial assets, fair value
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Shares AB Industrivrden Pension assets not included in IAS 19 calculation Other Total

1,591 58 8 1,657

1,341 99 8 1,448

931 95 8 1,034

The holding in AB Industrivrden amounted to 12,108,723 shares (12,093,643; 10,682,679). No impairment provisions were made for available-for-sale nancial assets in 2013, 2012 or 2011. If the stock market had risen/fallen by 15%, all other variables being unchanged, and the Groups shareholdings changed in accordance with the stock market, equity would have increased/decreased by SEK 247m (216; 154). Sensitivity analysis calculations have been performed on the risk to which SCA was exposed at December 31, 2013 using assumptions on market movements that are regarded as reasonably possible in one years time.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


INCOME STATEMENT During the year, transaction exposure hedges had an positive impact on operating prot for the year of SEK 45m (125; 260). At year-end, the net market value amounted to negative SEK 58m (pos: 46; pos: 18). Currency hedges increased the cost of non-current assets by SEK 26m (increased: 13; increased: 19). At year-end, the net market value amounted to negative SEK 6m (neg: 14; neg: 4). In 2013, energy derivatives had a negative impact on operating prot for the year of SEK 91m (neg: 46; 0). Energy derivatives had an outstanding market value of negative SEK 131m (neg: 74; neg: 64) at year-end. Derivatives positively impacted net interest items in the amount of SEK 188m (pos: 43; pos: 6). The net market value on outstanding interest rate derivatives amounted to SEK 451m (836; 749) at year-end. For further information relating to net nancial items, see Note 8 Financial income and expenses. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis calculations have been performed on the nancial instruments risk to which SCA was exposed at December 31, 2013 using assumptions on market movements that are regarded as reasonably possible in one years time. If the Swedish krona had unilaterally weakened/strengthened by 5% against all currencies, outstanding nancial hedges as well as trade payables and trade receivables would have increased/decreased prot for the year before tax by SEK 78m (51; 31). If the Swedish krona had unilaterally weakened/strengthened by 5%, currency hedges relating to the cost of non-current assets would have increased/decreased equity by SEK 0m (4; 7). If energy prices had increased/decreased by 20%, outstanding nancial hedges relating to natural gas and electricity, all other things being equal, would have decreased/ increased energy costs for the year by SEK 251m (250; 236). In addition to the earnings impact, equity would have increased/decreased by SEK 104m (137; 129). The total energy cost for the Group, however, would have been affected differently if the price risk related to supply contracts was taken into account.

BALANCE SHEET SCA uses nancial derivatives to manage currency, interest rate and energy price risks. For a description of how SCA manages these risks, refer to pages 6465 of the Board of Directors Report. The table below shows the derivatives that impacted the Groups balance sheet on December 31, 2013. For more information relating to derivatives in the balance sheet, see Note 31 Financial instruments by category.
Outstanding derivatives
Of which SEKm Total Currency1) Interest rate Energy Allocated todisposal group

2013 Nominal Asset Liability 2012 Nominal Asset Liability 2011 Nominal Asset Liability

47,347 1,077 647

26,738 288 178

18,061 758 307

2,548 31 162

41,652 1,400 484

24,789 332 178

14,300 1,024 188

2,563 44 118

42,571 1,354 646

29,626 327 304

10,669 920 172

2,284 107 171

8 1

Nominal SEK 79,821m (116,297; 112,609) is outstanding before the right of set-off.

OUTSTANDING DERIVATIVES WITH HEDGE ACCOUNTING The table below presents outstanding derivatives with hedge accounting at December 31, 2013.
Derivatives with hedge accounting1)
Of which Cash ow Transaction exposure SEKm Total Export and import ows Investments Interest Energy Net investments in foreign entities 2) Fair value of interest rate risk in nancing

2013 Asset Liability Hedge reserve after tax 2012 Asset Liability Hedge reserve after tax 2011 Asset Liability Hedge reserve after tax
1) 2)

903 925 128

8 41 26

0 6 5

33 25

19 111 72

119 471

757 263

2,714 375 88

27 5 17

14 11

44 34

26 110 60

1,637 74

1,024 128

1,976 637 70

19 12 5

3 7 3

35 26

91 149 46

942 312

921 122

Outstanding derivatives with hedge accounting are included in the table Outstanding derivatives. Pertains to derivatives before right of set-off.

Hedge reserve in equity Currency derivatives relating to hedging of transaction exposure mostly mature during the rst half year of 2014. All derivatives in the hedge reserve at year-end 2013 will be realized before November 30, 2014. With unchanged exchange rates, prot after tax will be affected negatively in the amount of SEK 26m (pos: 17; pos: 5). Currency derivatives relating to hedging of the cost of non-current assets have a maturity spread until December, 2014. With unchanged exchange rates, the cost of non-current assets will increase by SEK 5m (increase: 11; increase: 3) after tax. Derivatives pertaining to hedging of interest expenses mature in December 2015 and August 2017. With unchanged interest rates, net nancial items would be impacted negatively in the amount of SEK 25m (neg: 34; neg: 26) after tax. The derivatives intended to hedge energy costs in the Group mature during 2014 and 2015. With unchanged prices, the Groups prot after tax will be affected negatively in the amount of SEK 72m (neg: 60; neg: 46). Hedging of net investments In order to achieve the desired hedging level for foreign capital employed, SCA has hedged the net investments in a number of selected legal entities. In total, hedging positions affec-

ted equity in 2013 by negative SEK 423m (pos: 1,134; pos: 13). This result is largely due to hedges of net investments in EUR. The total market value of outstanding hedging transactions at year-end was negative SEK 352m (pos: 1,563; pos: 630). In total at year-end, SCA hedged net investments outside Sweden amounting to negative SEK 18,968m. SCAs total foreign net investments at year-end amounted to SEK 53,494m.
Hedging of net investments in foreign operations, SEKm
Currency 2013 2012 2011


9,951 6,123 2,284 442 347 296 891 416 18,968

14,234 2,917 1,236 224 228 771 544 18,612

29,971 2,673 1,466 130 728 1,716 35,228


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


2013 2012 2011


Other current receivables

2013 2012 2011

Raw materials and consumables Spare parts and supplies Products in progress Finished products Felling rights Advance payments to suppliers Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

2,854 1,852 1,216 5,692 441 16 12,071 12,071

2,913 1,769 1,010 4,775 788 9 11,264 11,264

3,297 1,840 1,034 5,614 1,089 14 12,888 1,879 11,009

Receivables from associates Accrued nancial income Derivatives Prepaid expenses and accrued income Other current receivables Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Other current receivables

55 1 67 580 1,750 2,453 2,453

42 0 115 763 1,733 2,653 2,653

38 29 144 680 2,092 2,983 340 2,643






Trade receivables
2013 2012 2011

VAT receivables Suppliers with debit balance Receivables for electricity and gas Receivables from authorities Other receivables Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

695 138 88 77 752 1,750 1,750

766 112 183 40 632 1,733 1,733

851 254 169 48 770 2,092 236 1,856

Trade receivables, gross Provision to reserves for doubtful receivables Sub-total Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Analysis of credit risk exposure in trade receivables

14,091 218 13,873 1,068 14,941 14,941

14,302 197 14,105 14,105 14,105

16,461 445 16,016 16,016 4,468 11,548


Current nancial assets, cash and cash equivalents




Current nancial assets

2013 2012 2011

Trade receivables neither overdue nor impaired Trade receivables overdue but not impaired < 30 days 3090 days > 90 days Trade receivables overdue but not impaired Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

12,374 1,146 207 146 1,499 13,873 13,873

12,408 1,281 248 168 1,697 14,105 14,105

13,811 1,712 304 189 2,205 16,016 4,468 11,548

Financial assets Derivatives Loan receivables, other Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Cash and cash equivalents

38 172 17 227 227

6 77 85 168 168

5 193 97 295 3 292




In total, the Group has collateral mainly in the form of credit insurance taken out amounting to SEK 1,961m (1,186; 1,434). Of this amount, SEK 456m (192; 331) relates to the category Trade receivables overdue but not impaired.
Provision to reserves for doubtful receivables
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Cash and bank balances Short-term investments < 3 months Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

2,328 1,321 3,649 3,649

1,718 299 2,017 2,017

1,121 1,631 2,752 108 2,644

Value at January 1 Provision for possible loan losses Conrmed losses Increase due to acquisitions Decrease due to divestments Decrease due to reversal of reserve for possible loan losses Translation differences Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31 excluding disposal group

197 51 7 6 16 1 218 218

167 21 21 42 0 5 7 197 197

453 50 2 21 27 8 445 278 167

For a description of how SCA manages its credit and liquidity risks, refer to page 65 of the Board of Directors Report.


Non-current assets held for sale

2013 2012 2011

Goodwill Other intangible assets Buildings Land Machinery and equipment Construction in progress Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

17 13 1 1 32 32

29 244 231 1,357 76 1,937 1,937

1,385 241 283 216 921 382 3,428 49 3,379

Total expense for the year for doubtful receivables amounted to SEK 35m (expense: 16; expense: 26).

In 2013, SCA divested the Austrian publication paper mill in Laakirchen, which resulted in a decrease of SEK 1,042m in non-current assets held for sale. The completion of the acquisition of Georgia-Pacics tissue operations in Europe led to a requirement to divest tissue operations in the UK and Scandinavia. These operations were valued at SEK 860m in 2012. In 2013, the divestment of Georgia-Pacics operations resulted in a decrease of SEK 833m in non-current assets held for sale.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Share capital Other capital provided Retained earnings Equity attributable to SCAs Non-controlling shareholders interests


Total equity

2011 Value at January 1 Prot for the year recognized in prot or loss Other comprehensive income for the period Items that cannot be transferred to prot for the period Actuarial gains and losses relating to dened benet pension plans2) Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income Items that have been or can be transferred to prot for the period Available-for-sale nancial assets: Result from measurement at fair value recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss upon sale Cash ow hedges: Result from remeasurement of derivatives recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss for the period Transferred to cost of hedged investments Translation differences in foreign operations Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations Tax on items recognized directly in/transferred from equity3) Other comprehensive income for the period, net after tax Total comprehensive income for the period Change in Group composition Remeasurement effect upon acquisition of non-controlling interests Dividend, SEK 4.00 per share4) Value at December 31 2012 Prot for the year recognized in prot or loss Other comprehensive income for the period Items that cannot be transferred to prot for the period Actuarial gains and losses relating to dened benet pension plans2) Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income Items that have been or can be transferred to prot for the period Available-for-sale nancial assets: Result from measurement at fair value recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss upon sale Cash ow hedges: Result from remeasurement of derivatives recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss for the period Transferred to cost of hedged investments Translation differences in foreign operations Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations Tax on items recognized directly in/transferred from equity3) Other comprehensive income for the period, net after tax Total comprehensive income for the period Change in Group composition Remeasurement effect upon acquisition of non-controlling interests Dividend, SEK 4.20 per share4) Value at December 31




58,618 548

67,255 548

566 59

67,821 607

3,517 906 2,611

3,517 906 2,611

5 1 4

3,512 905 2,607



352 172 308 19 680 252 118 1,627 1,627 2,170

2,611 2,063 4 2,809 53,742

352 172 308 19 680 252 118 4,238 3,690 4 2,809 60,752

4 0 59 3 89 539

352 172 308 19 684 252 118 4,238 3,631 3 4 2,898 61,291





2,011 479 1,532

2,011 479 1,532

2,011 479 1,532



286 33 2 13 2,916 1,134 1 1,517 1,517 4 3,691

1,532 3,425 2,950 54,217

286 33 2 13 2,916 1,134 1 3,049 1,908 4 2,950 59,706

68 0 68 25 7 49 458

286 33 2 13 2,984 1,134 1 3,117 1,883 7 4 2,999 60,164

Revaluation reserve, Hedge reserve, Available-for-sale assets and Translation reserve are included in the Provisions line in the balance sheet, see specication on next page. 2) Including payroll tax. 3) For a specication of income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income, refer to the next page. 4) Dividend SEK 4.50 (4.20; 4.00) per share pertains to Parent Company shareholders. For the 2013 scal year, the Board has decided to propose a divided of SEK 4.75 per share to the Annual General Meeting.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Share capital

Other capital provided


Retained earnings

Equity attributable to SCAs Non-controlling shareholders interests

Total equity

2013 Prot for the year recognized in prot or loss Other comprehensive income for the period Items that cannot be transferred to prot for the period Actuarial gains and losses relating to dened benet pension plans2) Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income Items that have been or can be transferred to prot for the period Available-for-sale nancial assets: Result from measurement at fair value recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss at sale Cash ow hedges: Result from remeasurement of derivatives recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss for the period Transferred to cost of hedged investments Translation differences in foreign operations Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations Tax on items recognized directly in/transferred from equity3) Other comprehensive income for the period, net after tax Total comprehensive income for the period Acquisition of non-controlling interests Remeasurement effect upon acquisition of non-controlling interests Dividend, SEK 4.50 per share4) Value at December 31
1) 2)





1,927 488 1,439

1,927 488 1,439

47 12 35

1,974 500 1,474



249 123 49 26 763 423 131 410 410 3,281

1,439 6,986 666 4 3,161 57,372

249 123 49 26 763 423 131 1,849 7,396 666 4 3,161 63,271

82 117 134 2,482 41 3,033

249 123 49 26 845 423 131 1,966 7,530 1,816 4 3,202 66,304

Revaluation reserve, Hedge reserve, Available-for-sale assets and Translation reserve are included in the Provisions line in the balance sheet, see specication below. Including payroll tax. 3) For a specication of income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income, see below. 4) Dividend SEK 4.50 (4.20; 4.00) per share pertains to Parent Company shareholders. For the 2013 scal year, the Board has decided to propose a divided of SEK 4.75 per share to the Annual General Meeting.

For further information regarding equity, see Parent Company Note 46.

Equity, specication of reserves

Revaluation reserve1) SEKm 2013 2012 2011 Hedge reserve2) 2013 2012 2011 Available-for-sale assets 2013 2012 2011 Translation reserve 2013 2012 2011

Value at January 1 Available-for-sale nancial assets: Result from measurement at fair value recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss upon sale Cash ow hedges: Result from remeasurement of derivatives recognized in equity Transferred to prot or loss for the period Transferred to cost of hedged investments Translation differences in foreign operations3) Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations4) Tax on items recognized directly in/transferred from equity Other comprehensive income for the period, net after tax Value at December 31

107 107

107 107

107 107

87 123 49 26 2 9 41 128

68 33 2 13 0 3 19 87

275 172 308 19 0 118 343 68

270 249 0 249 519

14 286 2 284 270

338 352 352 14

3,981 765 423 140 202 3,779

2,195 2,920 1,134 1,786 3,981

1,263 680 252 932 2,195

Revaluation reserve includes effect on equity of step acquisitions. 2) See also Note 18 for details of when prot or loss is expected to be recognized. 3) Of which transfer to prot or loss of realized exchange gains relating to divested companies is included in the amount of SEK 3m (loss: 20; loss: 228). 4) Of which transfer to prot or loss of prior years result from hedging positions relating to divested companies is included in the amount of SEK m (; loss: 265).

Specication of income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income

2013 SEKm Before tax Tax effect After tax Before tax 2012 Tax effect After tax Before tax 2011 Tax effect After tax

Actuarial gains and losses relating to dened benet pension plans Available-for-sale nancial assets Cash ow hedges Translation differences in foreign operations Result from hedging of net investments in foreign operations Other comprehensive income

1,974 249 48 845 423 2,597

500 0 9 140 631

1,474 249 39 845 563 1,966

2,011 286 22 2,984 1,134 3,597

479 2 3 480

1,532 284 19 2,984 1,134 3,117

3,512 352 461 684 252 5,261

905 0 118 1,023

2,607 352 343 684 252 4,238

At December 31, 2013, the debt/equity ratio amounted to 0.51, which is below SCAs long-term target of 0.70. The debt/equity ratio deviates from this target at times and, over the past ten-year period, has varied between 0.44 and 0.70. The debt/equity ratio excluding pension liabilities was 0.48 at December 31, 2013. Change in liabilities and equity is described on page 29 under Financial position. SCA has a credit rating for long-term debt of Baa1 from Moodys and A from Standard & Poors (as of February 21, 2014). SCAs nancial risk management is described in the Risk and risk management section on pages 6465. SCAs dividend policy is described on page 16.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Financial liabilities
Borrowing For issuing bonds in the European capital market, SCA has a Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) program with a program amount of EUR 3,000m (SEK 26,801m). As of December 31, 2013, a nominal EUR 2,131m (1,652; 1,631) was outstanding with a remaining maturity of 4.0 years (3.2; 4.3). SCA also utilizes bond markets outside Europe and has issued a bond in the US for USD 425m (SEK 2,764m).
Bond issues
Issued Maturity Carrying amount, SEKm Fair value, SEKm

At December 31, 2013, interest-bearing gross debt amounted to SEK 38,272m (33,714; 37,128). The specication of nancial liabilities is shown in the table below:
Financial liabilities
Carrying amount 2013 2012 2011

Current nancial liabilities Amortization within one year Bond issues Derivatives Loans with maturities of less than one year Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total1) Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Non-current nancial liabilities Bond issues Derivatives Other long-term loans with maturities > 1 year < 5 years Other long-term loans with maturities > 5 years Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Fair value of nancial liabilities Allocated to disposal group Fair value of nancial liabilities excluding disposal group
1) Fair

211 1,021 75 7,642 879 9,828 9,828 15,921 296 8,435 2,160 1,632 28,444 28,444 38,272 38,272 36,0512) 36,0512)

462 121 9,372 9,955 9,955 12,897 176 8,086 2,600 23,759 23,759 33,714 33,714 33,979 33,979

442 258 8,607 9,307 41 9,266 13,206 158 10,930 3,527 27,821 110 27,711 37,128 151 36,977 36,913 159 36,754

Notes SEK 500m Notes SEK 500m Notes USD 425m Index Linked Interest Note SEK 300m Index Linked Interest Note SEK 500m Notes SEK 1,800m Floating Rate Note SEK 200m Notes EUR 600m Notes EUR 500m Total

2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2023

521 500 2,966 321 536 1,895 200 5,709 4,294 16,942

521 500 2,929 315 526 1,891 204 5,729 4,306 16,921

SCA has a Swedish and a Belgian commercial paper program that can be utilized for current borrowing.
Commercial paper program1)
Program size Issued SEKm

Commercial paper SEK 15,000m Commercial paper EUR 400m Total


5,673 222 5,895

Included in Loans with maturities of less than one year in the Financial liabilities table.

To limit the renancing risk and maintain a liquidity reserve, SCA has syndicated bank facilities. In addition, SCA has contracted bilateral credit facilities with banks.
Credit facilities
Nominal Maturity Total SEKm Utilized SEKm Unutilized SEKm

value of short-term loans is estimated to be the same as the carrying amount. 2) Excluding Vinda.

Syndicated credit facilities Bilateral credit facilities Total

EUR 1,000m EUR 1,000m SEK 318m

2016 2018 2014

8,934 8,934 318 18,186

8,934 8,934 318 18,186

The table below shows the maturity prole of the gross debt excluding Vinda:
Maturity prole of gross debt
SEKm Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019+

Commercial paper Bond issues Utilization of credit facilities Other loans Total1)
1) Gross

5,895 16,942 13,089 35,926

5,895 1,021 2,199 9,115

3,765 4,755 8,520

7,360 2,928 10,288

1,258 1,258

1,103 1,103

4,796 846 5,642

debt includes accrued interest in the amount of SEK 165m.

After additions for net pension provisions and deductions for cash and cash equivalents, interest-bearing receivables and capital investment shares, the net debt was SEK 32,031m (32,927; 36,648). For a description of the methods used by SCA to manage its renancing risk, refer to page 65 of the Board of Directors Report.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Provisions for pensions

Remeasurements in the dened benet obligations comprise changes in nancial assumptions, such as changes to the discount rate, etc. any changes in demographic assumptions and experience-based deviations. Experience-based deviations include unexpectedly high or low gures for employee turnover, early retirement or salary increases. The changes to the Groups plan assets are distributed as follows:
Plan assets SEKm 2013 2012 2011

SCA has both dened contribution and dened benet pension plans. The most substantial dened benet plans are based on period of service and the remuneration received by employees on or close to retirement. The total pension costs for the dened benet plans are shown below.
Costs for the year for dened benet plans
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Current service cost, excluding contributions by plan participants Past service cost Tax expense for pensions Remeasurement, net Net interest income/expense Pension costs before effects of settlements Settlements Net pension costs after effects of settlements Disposal group Net costs excluding disposal group

522 7 40 3 122 694 10 684 684

444 16 38 34 432 4 428 428

443 25 0 60 358 0 358 43 315

Fair value at January 1 Interest income Acquisitions and disposals Contributions by plan participants Contributions by the employer Benets paid, excl. settlements Benets paid for settlements Return in excess of recognized interest income Translation effects Fair value at December 31

20,625 688 2,123 4 576 908 16 1,457 438 20,741

18,087 763 465 4 1,902 728 1,476 414 20,625

18,756 1,113 46 1,057 994 1,970 79 18,087

The increase in costs for 2013 is mainly attributable to the new accounting rules in IAS 19, which apply as of 2013. Pension plans with balance sheet surpluses are recognized as an asset in the balance sheet, provided that they are not limited by the asset ceiling. Other pension plans, which in balance sheet terms are not fully funded or unfunded, are recognized as Provisions for pensions. The value of all pension plans is distributed among dened benet obligations and plan assets, as shown below.
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

The plan assets are distributed according to the following classes of assets:
2013 2012 2011

Shares and mutual funds Interest-bearing securities Properties Other Total

62% 31% 3% 4% 100%

55% 38% 3% 4% 100%

55% 42% 3% 0% 100%

Dened benet obligations Fair value of plan assets Effect of asset ceiling Provision for pensions, net Allocated to disposal group, surplus in funded pension plans Allocated to disposal group, provisions for pensions Provision for pensions, net, excluding disposal group

21,929 20,741 916 2,104 2,104

24,024 20,625 780 4,179 4,179

21,976 18,087 616 4,505 184 1,390 3,299

97% (97; 97) of the assets on the balance sheet date were traded on active markets in which market quotations are used for the valuation of assets. As in the preceding year, no nancial instruments issued by the company are included in the fair value of plan assets at December 31, 2013.
Effect of asset ceiling
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Value at January 1 Interest expense Other changes to asset ceiling Value at December 31

780 24 112 916

616 23 141 780

867 44 295 616

Surpluses in funded plans recognized as interest-bearing assets amount to SEK 442m (682; 2) on the balance sheet date and provisions for pensions totaled SEK 2,546m (4,861; 3,301). Dened benet obligations include obligations in an amount of SEK 1,899m (2,087; 1,975) pertaining to unfunded plans.
Dened benet obligations
SEKm 2013 2012 2011

Effect of asset ceiling pertains to funds in two Swedish foundations that can be used for possible future undertakings for early retirement for certain categories of employees.

Value at January 1 Current service cost Interest expense Past service cost Tax expense for pensions Settlements and transfers Acquisitions and disposals Benets paid Pension taxes paid Remeasurement: nancial assumptions Remeasurement: demographic assumptions Remeasurement: experience-based assumptions Pension taxes pertaining to remeasurement Translation effects Value at December 31 Allocated to disposal group Value at December 31, excluding disposal group

24,024 527 786 7 40 214 2,598 908 26 1,105 388 280 193 493 21,929 21,929

20,737 448 706 15 14 561 728 2,286 108 174 297 24,024 24,024

19,953 489 1,009 1 29 25 994 1,553 76 97 21,976 1,239 20,737

For 2013, settlements and transfers include SEK 186m attributable to the reclassication of payroll tax to pension liability.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group

Note 26 Provisions for pensions, cont.

Principal actuarial assumptions
Sweden United Kingdom Eurozone US

2013 Discount rate Expected salary increase rate Expected ination Life expectancy, men1) Life expectancy, women1) 2012 Discount rate Expected salary increase rate Expected ination Life expectancy, men1) Life expectancy, women1) 2011 Discount rate Expected salary increase rate Expected ination Life expectancy, men1) Life expectancy, women1)

3.94 3.25 2.00 23 24 3.07 3.25 2.00 23 24 3.66 3.25 2.00 23 24

4.54 4.00 3.00 22 24 4.10 3.80 2.60 21 24 4.87 4.00 3.00 21 24

3.10 3.25 2.00 22 24 2.75 3.25 2.00 22 24 4.80 3.25 2.00 22 24

4.92 N/A 2.00 19 21 4.09 N/A 2.00 19 21 4.75 N/A 2.00 19 21

The actuarial assumptions comprise the most signicant assumptions applied when calculating dened benet obligations at the balance sheet date. The company determines the discount rate based on AA-rated corporate bonds that match the duration of the obligations. If no such corporate bonds are available, government bonds or mortgage bonds are used. Ination assumptions are based on a combination of central bank targets, implicit market expectations and long-term analyst forecasts. Assumptions regarding salary increases are based on market expectations and market research forecasts. Remeasurement effects arise: as a result of deviations from actuarial and experiencebased assumptions; when the return is different than expected; and as a result of changes to the asset ceiling. These gains and losses are recognized directly in equity in the period in which they arise. The table below shows the sensitivity of the dened benet obligations with respect to the principal actuarial assumptions. The sensitivity of the dened benet obligations with respect to the principal actuarial assumptions is as follows:
Change of obligation, increased obligation (), SEKm

Discount rate +0.25% Price ination, incl. salary ination +0.25% Life expectancy +1 year

883 766 613

Life expectancy, expressed in years, for an individual currently aged 65.

The above sensitivity analysis is calculated by changing one assumption while the others remain constant.

The most signicant individual pension plans are distributed as follows, SEKm:
Country Active Paid-up pension policies Pensioners Total obligation Plan assets, fair value Effect of asset ceiling Net Duration of obligation, years

Netherlands United Kingdom Sweden Germany US Other Total

1,344 1,190 1,227 755 460 1,665 6,641

741 4,228 537 219 53 313 6,091

733 5,489 866 957 184 968 9,197

2,818 10,907 2,630 1,931 697 2,946 21,929

2,607 11,294 2,666 1,829 618 1,727 20,741

916 916

211 387 36 102 79 2,135 2,104

21 18 20 15 13 13

The budgeted contributions for the companys dened benet pension plans for 2014 were calculated at SEK 563m.

Netherlands The plan, which is managed by an independent fund, is a dened benet plan with premiums paid by the company. Surpluses in the fund remain in the fund assets but can be utilized in the form of premium discounts. The plan is based on average salary and includes beneciaries pension and disability pension. The plan is obligated to meet the minimum legislated funding level. The plan applies a duration matching strategy to control the interest rate risk in the plan. United Kingdom The plan, which is managed by an independent fund under British law, is a dened benet plan with premiums paid to the company and the employee. Surpluses in the pension fund remain in the fund assets but can be utilized in the form of premium discounts. The plan is based on nal salary and includes beneciaries pension and disability pension. The plan was closed to new participants in July 2007. The plan is obligated to meet the minimum funding level according to an agreement with the pension fund. Sweden The ITP2 plan (supplementary pensions for salaried employees) encompasses employees born before 1979 and is a dened benet plan that provides retirement pension based on nal salary. The ITP plan provides pension as a percentage of various salary intervals. If the total period of service is less than 30 years, the pension is reduced proportionately. The ITP2 plan is managed by a fund, and the company may compensate itself using any surpluses in the fund assets.

Germany The plan is a dened benet plan and, in addition to retirement pension, includes beneciaries pension and disability pension. The plan, which is managed by a fund, provides pension as a percentage of a salary interval and is based on nal salary. The plan also includes individual pensions based on average salary. No premium payments are required by the company or its employees. The company may compensate itself using any surpluses in the fund assets. US In addition to retirement pension, the plan includes accident insurance and life insurance. The plan is a dened benet plan with premiums paid by the company. Benets are based on a standard amount per service year and are nanced through a pension fund. The plan is obligated to meet the minimum legislated funding level. Surpluses in the pension fund can be utilized in the form of premium discounts. Other SCA has a number of minor pension obligations in some 15 countries, the largest of which are in France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Austria. Some of these plans are funded. Multiemployer plans SCA has obligations for disability and family pensions for salaried employees in Sweden, secured through insurance with the insurance company Alecta. The company also has employees in Finland who are covered by the countrys statutory TyEL pension plan. These assumptions are secured through the insurance company Varma. These benets are reported as dened contribution plans, since there is no basis for allocating the obligations, plan assets and costs to the individual companies covered by the plan. The contributions for these plans are expected to amount to SEK 47m for 2014.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements


Other provisions
Efciency programs Current operations Tax risks Environment Legal disputes Other Total

Value at January 1 Provisions during the year Utilization during the year Reclassications Dissolved during the year Translation differences Value at December 31 Provisions comprise: Short-term component Long-term component

717 939 811 20 21 846

25 67 24 22 46

488 12 204 1 295

92 113 64 1 142

119 34 32 8 4 117

310 64 13 143 377 1 126

1,751 1,229 944 101 589 24 1,572 1,158 414

Other provisions amount to SEK 1,572m (1,751; 1,600). During the year, new provisions were made totaling SEK 1,229m, of which SEK 939m relates to provisions for restructuring programs. Of provisions for the year for Environment, SEK 54m pertains to a liability for carbon dioxide emissions, which will be paid out in 2014. Of the Efciency programs pro-

visions, SEK 811m was paid out in 2013, SEK 719m is anticipated to be paid out in 2014, SEK 78m in 2015, SEK 25m in 2016 and the remaining SEK 24m in 2017. Provisions for efciency programs were changed in 2013 due to reclassications of SEK 20m to other operating liabilities.


Other non-current liabilities

2013 2012 2011

36 136 172 172 28 171 199 199 39 180 219 2 217

Liquidity risk

Derivatives Other non-current liabilities Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

The table below shows the Groups liquidity risk regarding nancial liabilities (including interest payments), net settled derivatives that constitute nancial liabilities and negative cash ows from gross settled derivatives. For a description of how SCA manages its liquidity risk, refer to page 65 of the Board of Directors Report.
Liquidity risk
SEKm Less than Between 1 year 1 and 5 years More than 5 years

Of other non-current liabilities, SEK 15m (13; 27) falls due for payment later than within ve years.

December 31, 2013 Loans including interest Net settled derivatives Energy derivatives Trade payables Total Allocated to disposal group 9,883 60 126 11,619 21,568 21,568 24,724 22,273 55 36 885 23,249 23,249 2,321 5,928 232 5,696 5,696


Other current liabilities

Other current liabilities

2013 2012 2011

Liabilities to associates Derivatives Accrued expenses and prepaid income Other operating liabilities Acquisition of Vinda, see Note 3 Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Accrued expenses and prepaid income

4 240 6,874 2,070 537 9,725 9,725

6 159 6,873 1,994 9,032 9,032

4 191 7,449 1,731 9,375 1,490 7,885

Total excluding disposal group Gross settled derivatives1) December 31, 2012 Loans including interest Net settled derivatives Energy derivatives Trade payables Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Gross settled derivatives1) December 31, 2011 Loans including interest Net settled derivatives Energy derivatives Trade payables Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group Gross settled derivatives 1)

10,774 4 89 11,258 22,117 22,117 24,309

23,122 203 28 1,067 24,420 24,420 2,334

2,075 2,075 2,075




Accrued social security costs Accrued vacation pay liability Other liabilities to personnel Accrued nancial expenses Bonus and discounts to customers Other items Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

318 486 912 166 3,057 1,935 6,874 6,874

322 514 971 151 2,793 2,122 6,873 6,873

431 885 1,101 176 2,415 2,441 7,449 1,067 6,382

10,175 5 132 12,456 22,758 2,856 19,902 27,497

27,350 175 39 1,270 28,834 5 28,829 2,372

3,054 0 3,054 3,054

The gross settled derivatives have, largely, corresponding positive cash ows and therefore in SCAs opinion do not constitute any real liquidity risk.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Group


Financial instruments by category

The following categorization has been conducted for nancial instruments:

Of which Carrying amount in the balance sheet Loans and receivables Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost Measured at fair value through prot or loss Derivatives used for hedge accounting Available-forsale nancial assets Held-tomaturity investments Allocated to disposal group

December 31, 2013 Non-current nancial assets Other non-current assets Trade receivables Other current receivables Current nancial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Non-current nancial liabilities Other non-current liabilities Current nancial liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Financial liabilities, Vinda Total liabilities December 31, 2012 Non-current nancial assets Other non-current assets Trade receivables Other current receivables Current nancial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Non-current nancial liabilities Other non-current liabilities Current nancial liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Total liabilities December 31, 2011 Non-current nancial assets Other non-current assets Trade receivables Other current receivables Current nancial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Non-current nancial liabilities Other non-current liabilities Current nancial liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Total liabilities 2,081 31 11,548 144 292 2,644 16,740 27,711 39 9,266 10,866 190 48,072 65 16,016 102 2,752 18,935 14,772 8,963 13,726 37,461 176 46 165 387 12,891 316 41 13,248 810 31 98 28 967 158 39 27 150 374 1,034 1,034 4 4,468 3 108 4,583 110 40 2,860 1 3,011 2,932 16 14,105 115 168 2,017 19,353 23,759 28 9,955 12,325 159 46,226 66 14,105 91 2,017 16,279 10,640 9,834 12,325 32,799 298 60 39 397 12,943 105 51 13,099 894 16 55 38 1,003 176 28 16 108 328 1,448 1,448 226 226 2,779 2 14,941 67 227 3,649 21,665 26,812 36 8,949 12,504 240 2,511 51,052 31,577 16,503 461 59 14,941 55 3,649 18,704 10,720 8,353 12,504 98 1 41 128 268 15,796 10 590 107 738 1 26 44 809 296 26 6 133 1,657 1,657 227 227

Distribution by level when measured at fair value

Carrying amount December 31 SEKm Measured at fair value through prot or loss Derivatives used for hedge accounting Available-for-sale nancial assets Of which fair value by Level 1 2 3

December 31, 2013 Derivatives Non-current nancial assets Total assets Derivatives Current nancial liabilities Non-current nancial liabilities Total liabilities 268 268 186 521 15,796 16,503 461 809 461 809 1,657 1,657 1,649 1,649 1,077 8 1,085 647 521 15,796 16,964


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Group | Financial statements

Distribution by level when measured at fair value

Carrying amount December 31 SEKm Measured at fair value through prot or loss Derivatives used for hedge accounting Available-for-sale nancial assets Of which fair value by Level 1 2 3

December 31, 2012 Derivatives Non-current nancial assets Total assets Derivatives Current nancial liabilities Non-current nancial liabilities Total liabilities December 31, 2011 Derivatives Non-current nancial assets Total assets Derivatives Current nancial liabilities Non-current nancial liabilities Total liabilities 387 387 272 85 12,891 13,248 374 967 967 374 1,034 1,034 1,026 1,026 1,354 8 1,362 646 85 12,891 13,622 397 397 156 12,943 13,099 328 12,943 13,427 1,003 1,003 328 1,448 1,448 1,440 1,440 1,400 8 1,408 484

The table above species how nancial instruments, excluding nancial liabilities, were measured at fair value in accordance with the fair value hierarchy with the following three levels: Level 1: Quoted prices on an active market for identical assets or liabilities, such as shares or bonds quoted on the stock exchange. Level 2: Other observable inputs for the asset or liability than quoted prices included in Level 1, either directly (price quotations) or indirectly (obtained from price quotations), such as forward contracts or interest rate swaps. Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability not based on observable market data, but containing the assumptions and estimates of management, for example, unquoted shares.


Offsetting of nancial assets and liabilities

Assets Liabilities

December 31, 2013 Derivatives Gross amount Offsettable amount Net amount recognized in the balance sheet ISDA agreements whose transactions are not offset in the balance sheet Net after offsetting in accordance with ISDA agreements December 31, 2012 Derivatives Gross amount Offsettable amount Net amount recognized in the balance sheet ISDA agreements whose transactions are not offset in the balance sheet Net after offsetting in accordance with ISDA agreements December 31, 2011 Derivatives Gross amount Offsettable amount Net amount recognized in the balance sheet ISDA agreements whose transactions are not offset in the balance sheet Net after offsetting in accordance with ISDA agreements 2,553 1,199 1,354 517 837 1,845 1,199 646 517 129 3,058 1,658 1,400 422 978 2,142 1,658 484 422 62 1,636 559 1,077 451 626 1,206 559 647 451 196

Other nancial assets and liabilities have not been offset in the balance sheet and are not subject to framework agreements pertaining to offsetting.


Contingent liabilities
2013 2012 2011

Guarantees for employees associates customers and others Tax disputes Other contingent liabilities Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group 19 48 374 250 691 691 20 46 349 179 594 594 9 23 45 507 114 698 111 587

Contingent liabilities for tax disputes mainly relate to claims for additional taxes in Spain. The claim by the Spanish tax authorities amounts to EUR 29.6m, including interest. The claim is related to restructuring measures that the sellers of a Spanish company carried out prior to SCAs acquisition of the company in 1997. SCA has provided a security for payment of the tax, but is challenging the claim and assesses that the claim will not be upheld in court. Consequently, no provision has been made in the accounts for this claim. SCA entered into lease-out/lease-in transactions during 1996 with US banks as counterparties pertaining to the two LWC plants in Ortviken, Sweden. The terms of the contracts were originally 32 and 36 years. However, SCA has the opportunity to cancel the transactions in 2014 and 2015, respectively, without incurring any nancial consequences. At the time the transactions were entered into, the net present value of the leasing amount which SCA has undertaken to pay totaled about SEK 4bn or USD 611m. This amount, in accordance with the agreements, is partly deposited in accounts in banks with at least A rating, and partly in US securities with an AA+ rating. The value of outstanding deposits and US securities amounted to SEK 3.96bn at December 31, 2013. SCA bears the credit risk against the depositary banks. Should the rating of a depositary bank decline in the future, SCA has the possibility to transfer the deposit to another bank with a better rating. Moreover, SCA is liable to take such action if the depositary banks rating falls below A. In January 2014, SCA exercised its right to premature termination in one of the two transactions. Payments totaling SEK 0.76bn have been made and the value of outstanding deposits and securities has thus declined by a corresponding amount. The counterparties have accepted that the deposited funds are applied for the leasing undertakings. The advance payments and deposits were netted during 1996 in the balance sheet. Should SCA, as the result of extraordinary events (of a force majeure nature), elect not to fulll, or cannot fulll the leasing contracts, SCA is liable to compensate the counterparties for nancial losses, which may be incurred as a result. Compensation varies during the duration and can amount to a maximum of about 4% of the present value of the leasing amount. The agreements were composed and examined by legal experts in Sweden and the US and are considered to follow the standard practice for lease-out/ lease-in transactions. During 2000, SCA also entered into a leasing transaction with US banks as counterparties pertaining to the strand pulp mill in Timr, Sweden. The term of the transaction was originally 30 years. However, SCA has the opportunity to cancel the transactions in 2017 without incurring any nancial consequences. At the time the transactions were entered into, the current value of the leasing amount that SCA has undertaken to pay amounted to about SEK 4bn or USD 442m. Of this amount, in accordance with the agreement, an amount corresponding to SEK 3.6bn was partly invested in accounts in banks, partly in US securities, which at the time of the agreement had an AA and AAA rating, respectively. In 2009, the leasing transaction with one of the US banks was terminated prematurely. The value of outstanding deposits and US securities subsequently amounted to SEK 1.72bn at December 31, 2013. SCA carries the credit risk against the depositary banks. Should the rating of a depositary bank decline in the future, SCA has the possibility to transfer the deposit to another bank with a better rating. SCA also has an obligation to exchange the US securities if their rating falls below AA or A, respectively. The rating of the original securities declined in 2008, which resulted in SCA exchanging these securities for bankguaranteed securities and US government bonds. The counterparties have accepted that the deposited funds are applied for the leasing undertakings. The advance payments and deposits were netted during 2000 in the balance sheet. Should SCA, as the result of extraordinary events (of a force majeure nature), elect not to fulll, or cannot fulll the leasing contracts, SCA is liable to compensate the counterparties for nancial losses, which

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Parent Company

Note 33 Contingent liabilities, cont. may be incurred as a result. Compensation varies during the duration and can amount to a maximum of about 9% of the present value of the leasing amount, which subsequent to the above-mentioned premature termination, amounts to USD 227m. The agreements, as in the 1996 transactions, were composed and examined by legal experts in Sweden and the US and are considered to follow the standard practice for this type of transaction. In 2007, SCA entered into a sale and leaseback transaction with a European bank relating to the new soda recovery boiler at the kraftliner plant in Obbola, Sweden. The original term of the contract is 25 years and SCA has a right to terminate the transaction in 2023 without any nancial consequences. The present value of SCAs future rental amounts was SEK 671m, which was invested in a security with an A rating issued by the counterparty and deposited in a Swedish bank assigned to handle rental payments during the term of the contract. Should the counterpartys rating fall below BBB, SCA is entitled, without incurring any nancial consequences, to terminate the transaction in advance. Should SCA, as the result of extraordinary events (of a force majeure nature), elect not to fulll, or cannot fulll the leasing contract, SCA is liable to compensate the counterparty for any economic loss that may be incurred as a result. Compensation varies during the term and can amount to a maximum of 12% of the transaction amount. SCA has the use of the facility without operational restrictions. The lease and depositary arrangement were recognized net in SCAs balance sheet in 2007. SCA signed a ten-year xed-price agreement with a Norwegian electricity supplier comprising electricity deliveries corresponding to approximately 17% of the estimated consumption. The agreement became effective in 2009.


Pledged assets
Pledged assets related to nancial liabilities Total Other 2013 2012 2011

Real estate mortgages Chattel mortgages Other Total Allocated to disposal group Total excluding disposal group

7 15 227 249 249

20 137 157 157

7 35 364 406 406

7 35 366 408 408

7 36 140 183 1 182

Liabilities for which some of these assets were pledged as collateral amounted to SEK 5m (5; 0).

Notes Parent Company


Operating loss

2013 2012 SEKm

Personnel and Board costs

Operating loss by type of cost Other operating income Other external costs Personnel and Board costs Depreciation/amortization Other operating expenses excluding depreciation/amortization Total 457 443 389 62 156 593 98 156 331 58 43 490

Salaries and remuneration

2013 2012

Board of Directors1), President, Executive Vice Presidents and Central Staff Managers (5 (5)) of which variable remuneration Other employees Total

72 30 116 188

70 30 99 169

Board fees decided by the Annual General Meeting amounted to SEK 6.3m (6.0). For further information, see Note 6.

The item Other external costs includes consultancy fees, travel expenses, leasing expenses, management costs, and so forth.

Social security costs

SEKm 2013 2012

AUDITING EXPENSES Remuneration to auditors can be specied as follows:

SEKm 2013 2012

Total social security costs of which, pension costs 2)


194 136

143 89

PwC Audit assignments Auditing activities other than the audit assignment Tax consultancy services Other assignments Total 9 1 1 11 22 9 1 7 12 29

Of the Parent Companys pension costs, SEK 56m (38) pertain to the Board, President, Executive Vice Presidents and Central Staff Managers. Former Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents and their survivors are also included. The companys outstanding pension obligations to these individuals amount to SEK 326m (291).

Pension costs
SEKm 2013 2012

Self-administered pension plans Costs excl. interest expense Interest expense (recognized in personnel costs) 81 14 95 Retirement through insurance Insurance premiums Other Policyholder tax Special payroll tax on pension costs Cost of credit insurance, etc. Pension costs for the year 17 1 111 0 24 1 136 36 17 53 20 1 72 0 15 2 89

LEASING Future payment commitments for non-cancellable operating leases are as follows:
SEKm 2013 2012

Within 1 year Between 2 and 5 years Later than 5 years Total

44 126 26 196

45 147 47 239

Cost for the year for leasing of assets amounted to SEK 45m (46). Leased assets comprise means of transportation, ofce premises and technical equipment. In reality, such contracts can be terminated early.

Premiums during the year for disability and family pension insurance with Alecta amounted to SEK 2m (3). Premiums for 2014 are expected to amount to SEK 3m (see also Note 26 Pension provisions, page 101). Personnel costs also include other personnel costs in the amount of SEK 10m (15).
Average number of employees
2013 2012

Sweden of whom women, %

108 51

108 50


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Parent Company | Financial statements

Breakdown of employees by age groups, %

2013 2130 yrs 3140 yrs 4150 yrs 5160 yrs 61 yrs

CURRENT TAX LIABILITY (+), TAX ASSETS () The change to the current tax asset during the period is explained below:
SEKm 2013 2012




Of the total number of Board members and senior executives, 17% (17) and 24% (24), respectively, are women.

Value at January 1 Current tax income Income taxes paid Tax expense for other Group companies Value at December 31

18 0 18

18 0 18


Depreciation/amortization of tangible and intangible xed assets

2013 2012


4 55 3 62 0 62 5 50 3 58 0 58
SEKm 2013 2012

Buildings Land improvements Machinery and equipment Sub-total Capitalized development costs Total

Changes in temporary differences Adjustments for prior periods Total

50 80 30

226 0 226

PROVISIONS FOR TAXES The change to the provisions for taxes is explained below:
SEKm Value at January 1 Deferred tax expense Value at December 31


Financial items
2013 2012

Land and buildings Provisions for pensions Tax loss carryforwards Other 7,268 1,964 699 9 7 68 960 1,230 1,884 6,463 3,643 4,093 219 2 41 389 550 524 3,194 4,781 Total

1,175 107 380 39 649

267 13 224 0 30

1,442 120 604 39 679

Result from participations in Group companies Dividends from subsidiaries Group contributions received from subsidiaries Group contributions paid to subsidiaries Result from participations in other companies Dividend from other companies Capital gains Interest income and similar prot items Interest income, external Interest income, subsidiaries Interest expenses and similar loss items Interest expenses, external Interest expenses, subsidiaries Total


Intangible xed assets

Capitalized development costs

2013 2012

Accumulated costs Accumulated amortization Residual value according to plan Value at January 1 Investments Amortization for the year Value at December 31

20 19 1 1 0 0 1

20 19 1 1 0 0 1

39 40

Appropriations and untaxed reserves

Of the Parent Companys untaxed reserves, SEK 197m (181) pertains to accumulated depreciation in excess of plan.


Tangible xed assets

Buildings 2013 2012 Land 2013 2012 Machinery and equipment 2013 2012

Income taxes

Accumulated cost Accumulated depreciation Accumulated write-ups

2013 2012

148 95 53 57 1 0 5 53

148 91 57 64 0 2 5 57

3,357 796 5,019 7,580 6,654 1,056 76 54 7,580

2,330 742 5,066 6,654 6,426 299 21 50 6,654

23 12 11 13 1 0 3 11

22 9 13 14 2 0 3 13

Tax on prot for the year Deferred tax income () expense (+) Total
2013 Reconciliation SEKm %

Planned residual value Value at January 1 Investments Sales and disposals Depreciation for the year Value at December 31

30 30
2012 SEKm

226 226

Tax income/expense Expected tax Difference Difference is due to: Taxes related to prior periods Non-taxable dividends from subsidiaries Non-taxable Group contributions from subsidiaries Non-deductible Group contributions to subsidiaries Changed tax rate Other non-taxable/non-deductible items Total

30 1,288 1,258

0.5 22.0 21.5

226 1,125 899

5.3 26.3 21.0

Land includes forest land in the amount of SEK 6,915m (6,013).

80 1,599 143 395 9 1,258

1.4 27.3 2.5 6.7 0.2 21.5

0 958 162 412 127 64 899

0.0 22.4 3.8 9.6 2.9 1.5 21.0

The Parent Company participates in the Groups tax pooling arrangement and pays the majority of the Groups total Swedish taxes. These are now recognized in prot and loss as Group contributions paid and received.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Notes Parent Company


Subsidiaries 2013 2012 Associates 2013 2012 Other companies 2013 2012


Other current receivables

2013 2012

Prepaid expenses and accrued income Other receivables Total Prepaid expenses and accrued income

24 113 137

67 98 165

Accumulated costs Accumulated write-ups Accumulated write-downs Planned residual value Value at January 1 Investments Increase through acquisition of subsidiaries Reclassications Repayment of equity Divestments Revaluations for the year Value at December 31

129,161 140 140 129,161 124,066 5,377 64 218 129,161

124,066 140 140 124,066 124,364 344 218 860 124,066

0 88

13 13 187 2 152 24 13

157 30 187 32 130 5 30 187



Prepaid lease of premises Prepaid nancial expenses Prepaid pension premiums Other items Total

6 0 4 14 24

6 46 1 14 67

88 0



The events in 2013 pertain to investments of new shares in the Belgium company SCA Capital NV, part repayment of equity in the Italian subsidiary SCA Hygiene Products S.p.A, and the sales of a number of minor blocks of shares. In addition, the company received shares in AB Industrivrden as compensation from the pension fund for pension payments. The company than sold all shares in AB Industrivrden.
Parent Companys holdings of shares and participations in subsidiaries, December 31, 2013
No. of shares Share of equity, % Carrying amount, SEKm

The change in equity is shown in the nancial report relating to Equity presented on page 73. The share capital and number of shares have increased since 1993 with new issues, conversions and splits as set out below:
Increase in share capital Cash payment, SEKm



No. of shares

1993 1993

Number of shares, January 1, 1993 Conversion of debentures and new subscription through warrants 1 New issue 1:10, issue price SEK 80 Conversion of debentures Conversion of debentures New issue 1:6, issue price SEK 140 Conversion of debentures New issue, private placement New subscription through warrants IIB Conversion of debentures New subscription through warrants IIB Conversion of debentures Split 3:1 Number of shares, December 31, 2013

172,303,839 4,030,286 17,633,412 16,285 3,416,113 32,899,989 101,631 1,800,000 513 1,127,792 1,697,683 9,155 470,073,396 705,110,094 40.3 176.3 0.2 34.2 329.0 1.0 18.0 0 11.3 17.0 0.1 119.1 1,410.7 4,579.0 15.0 18.0 0.1 288.4 434.5 1.1

Company name

Corp. Reg. No.


Swedish subsidiaries: Fastighets- och Bostadsaktiebolaget FOBOF 556047-8520 SCA Frskrings aktiebolag SCA Kraftfastigheter AB SCA Research AB SCA Hedging AB Foreign subsidiaries: SCA Group Holding BV SCA Capital NV SCA UK Holdings Ltd SCA Hygiene Products S.p.A. Total carrying amount of subsidiaries 33181970 0810.983.346 03665635 03318780966 Amsterdam Diegem Dunstable Capannori 246,347 1,199,999 1 125,000 100 100 0 25 94,350 34,518 0 279 129,161 A shares B shares 2004 2007 2013 516401-8540 556449-7237 556146-6300 556666-8553 Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm Stockholm 1,000 140,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 100 100 100 100 0 14 0 0 0 1994 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

SCAs share capital, December 31, 2013

Number of votes Number of shares Share capital, SEKm


10 1

87,417,535 617,692,559 705,110,094

291 2,059 2,350

Receivables from and liabilities to subsidiaries

2013 2012


Fixed assets Interest-bearing receivables Total Current assets Interest-bearing receivables Other receivables Total Non-current liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities Total Current liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities Other liabilities Total 61,022 1,271 62,293 66,496 807 67,303 2,180 2,180 2,100 2,100 1,740 1,740 3 3,294 3,297 354 354 427 427

The quotient value of the Parent Companys shares amounts to SEK 3.33. Treasury shares at the beginning and at the end of the year amounted to 2,767,605 shares. Shares were held as part of the employee stock option programs that expired in 2008 and 2009.


Provisions for pensions

The Parent Company has both dened contribution and dened benet pension plans. Below is a description of the Parent Companys dened benet plans.

PRI PENSIONS Pension liabilities pertaining to PRI pensions have been secured through a common Swedish SCA pension fund. The market value of the Parent Companys portion of the foundations assets at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 88m (73). In the past two years, no compensation has been received. The capital value of the pension obligations at December 31, 2013 amounted to SEK 107m (102). Pension payments of SEK 6m (5) were made in 2013. Since the value of the assets in 2013 is below that of the pension obligations in the amount of SEK 19m (29), this is recognized as a provision in the balance sheet. The provision is included below.


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Notes Parent Company | Financial statements

Note 47 Provisions for pensions, cont.

OTHER PENSION OBLIGATIONS Note 6 Personnel and Board costs in the Groups notes describes the other dened benet pension plans of the Parent Company. The table below shows the change between the years.
Capital value of pension obligations relating to self-administered pension plans
SEKm 2013 2012


Pledged assets
Other Total 2013 Total 2012

Chattel mortgages Other Total

20 137 157

20 137 157

20 136 156

Value at January 1 Compensation received from assumed pension obligations Reclassication Costs excluding interest expense Interest expense (recognized in personnel costs) Payment of pensions Value at December 31

536 5 81 14 38 598

491 27 36 17 35 536


Financial instruments by category

External actuaries have carried out capital value calculations pursuant to the provisions of the Swedish Act on Safeguarding of Pension Obligations. The discount rate is 2.6% (3.5). The dened benet obligations are calculated based on salary levels valid on the respective balance sheet dates. Next years expected disbursements regarding dened benet pension plans amount to SEK 37m.

The accounting principles for nancial instruments are applied for the items below. The nancial instruments in the Parent Company are classied as loans and receivables for assets, and other nancial liabilities measured at amortized cost for liabilities. No other categories have been utilized over the past two years. These balance sheet items are not fully reconcilable since they may include items that are not nancial instruments.
Loans and receivables
SEKm 2013 2012


Assets in the balance sheet

Non-current interest-bearing liabilities

Carrying amount 2013 2012 Fair value 2013 2012

Financial xed assets Interest-bearing receivables Interest-bearing receivables from subsidiaries Current assets Receivables from subsidiaries Other current receivables Cash and bank balances Total Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost
SEKm 2013 2012

123 354 282 41 0 800

124 427 268 40 0 859

Bond issues Other non-current loans with a term > 1 year < 5 yrs Other non-current loans with a term > 5 yrs Total Bond issues

11,766 5,454 1,967 19,187

7,160 5,399 934 13,493

12,086 5,624 1,870 19,580

7,723 5,649 1,004 14,376


Carrying amount, SEKm

Fair value, SEKm

Liabilities in the balance sheet Non-current liabilities Liabilities to subsidiaries Interest-bearing liabilities Current liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities Liabilities to subsidiaries Trade payables Other current liabilities 581 61,594 39 235 83,816 67,083 24 172 82,871 2,180 19,187 2,100 13,492

Notes SEK 1,800m Floating Rate Note SEK 200m Notes EUR 600m Notes EUR 500m Total

2016 2016 2016 2023

1,800 200 5,356 4,410 11,766

1,891 204 5,725 4,266 12,086


Other current liabilities


Other current liabilities

2013 2012

Accrued expenses and prepaid income Other operating liabilities Total Accrued expenses and prepaid income

428 5 433

367 9 376


Adoption of the annual accounts

The annual accounts are subject to adoption by SCAs Annual General Meeting and will be presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting on April 10, 2014.



Accrued interest expenses Accrued social security costs Accrued vacation pay liability Other liabilities to personnel Other items Total

235 26 13 59 95 428

172 26 12 59 98 367


Contingent liabilities
2013 2012

Guarantees for: subsidiaries Other contingent liabilities Total 20,161 14 20,175 19,950 22 19,972

The Parent Company has issued a guarantee in relation to the Groups UK pension plan in the event of the plan being dissolved or one of the companies covered by the plan becoming insolvent.

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


Financial statements | Proposed disposition of earnings

Proposed disposition of earnings

Annual accounts 2013
Disposition of earnings, Parent Company

Non-restricted equity in the Parent Company: retained earnings net prot for the year Total The Board of Directors and the President proposes: to be distributed to shareholders, a dividend of SEK 4.75 per share to be carried forward Total
1) Based

36,180,999,307 5,824,604,319 42,005,603,626 3,336,126,8231) 38,669,476,803 42,005,603,626

on the number of outstanding shares at December 31, 2013. The amount of the dividend may change if any treasury share transactions are executed before the record date, April 15, 2014. The companys equity would have been SEK 56,634,500 lower if assets and liabilities had not been measured at fair value in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 14 of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act.

Stockholm February 25, 2014 The Board of Directors and President declare that the consolidated nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the EU and that disclosures herein give a true and fair view of the Groups nancial position and results of operations. The Parent Companys nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden and give a true and fair view of the Parent Companys nancial position and results of operations. The statutory Board of Directors Report provides a fair review of the Parent Companys and Groups operations, nancial position and results of operations and describes material risks and uncertainties facing the Parent Company and the companies included in the Group.

Sverker Martin-Lf Chairman of the Board

Pr Boman Board member

Roger Bostrm Board member

Rolf Brjesson Board member

Leif Johansson Board member

Bert Nordberg Board member

Anders Nyrn Board member

Louise Julian Svanberg Board member

rjan Svensson Board member

Barbara Milian Thoralfsson Board member

Thomas Wiklund Board member

Jan Johansson President and CEO

Our audit report was submitted on February 28, 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers AB

Anders Lundin Authorized Public Accountant Auditor in charge

Anna-Clara af Ekenstam Authorized Public Accountant


SCA Annual Report 2013

Board of Directors Report

Auditors report | Financial statements

Auditors report
To the annual meeting of the shareholders of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ), corporate identity number 556012-6293
Report on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts We have audited the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ) for the year 2013. The annual accounts and consolidated accounts of the company are included in the printed version of this document on pages 22110. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director for the annual accounts and consolidated accounts The Board of Directors and the Managing Director are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these annual accounts in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and of the consolidated accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards , as adopted by the EU, and the Annual Accounts Act, and for such internal control as the Board of Directors and the Managing Director determine is necessary to enable the preparation of annual accounts and consolidated accounts that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these annual accounts and consolidated accounts based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the annual accounts and consolidated accounts are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the annual accounts and consolidated accounts. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the companys preparation and fair presentation of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the companys internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufcient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Opinions In our opinion, the annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and present fairly, in all material respects, the nancial position of the parent company as of 31 December 2013 and of its nancial performance and its cash ows for the year then ended in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act. The consolidated accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and present fairly, in all material respects, the nancial position of the group as of 31 December 2013 and of their nancial performance and cash ows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the EU, and the Annual Accounts Act. A corporate governance statement has been prepared. The statutory administration report and the corporate governance statement are consistent with the other parts of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts. We therefore recommend that the annual meeting of shareholders adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and the group. Report on other legal and regulatory reQuirements In addition to our audit of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts, we have also audited the proposed appropriations of the companys prot or loss and the administration of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ) for the year 2013. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director The Board of Directors is responsible for the proposal for appropriations of the companys prot or loss, and the Board of Directors and the Managing Director are responsible for administration under the Companies Act. Auditors responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion with reasonable assurance on the proposed appropriations of the companys prot or loss and on the administration based on our audit. We conducted the audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. As a basis for our opinion on the Board of Directors proposed appropriations of the companys prot or loss, we examined the Board of Directors reasoned statement and a selection of supporting evidence in order to be able to assess whether the proposal is in accordance with the Companies Act. As a basis for our opinion concerning discharge from liability, in addition to our audit of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts, we examined signicant decisions, actions taken and circumstances of the company in order to determine whether any member of the Board of Directors or the Managing Director is liable to the company. We also examined whether any member of the Board of Directors or the Managing Director has, in any other way, acted in contravention of the Companies Act, the Annual Accounts Act or the Articles of Association. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufcient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. Opinions We recommend to the annual meeting of shareholders that the prot be appropriated in accordance with the proposal in the statutory administration report and that the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director be discharged from liability for the nancial year.

Stockholm February 28, 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers AB

Anders Lundin Authorized Public Accountant Auditor in charge

Anna-Clara af Ekenstam Authorized Public Accountant

Independent assurance report relating to Sustainability Report

Pages 10, 11 and 14 of this document contain an extract of the Sustainability Report. A complete Sustainability Report has been prepared by the company, which contains our full assurance report. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the sustainability report has not, in all material respects, been prepared in accordance with the criteria stipulated in the full version of the assurance report. Stockholm February 28, 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers AB

Anders Lundin Authorised Public Accountant

Fredrik Ljungdahl Expert member, Far

Board of Directors Report

SCA Annual Report 2013


SCA Data

Multi-year summary1)
SEKM 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

INCOME STATEMENT Net sales 2) Operating prot Personal Care Tissue Packaging Forest Products Other operations 3) Financial income Financial expenses Prot before tax Tax Prot for the period from disposal group Prot for the year BALANCE SHEET Non-current assets (excl. nancial receivables) Receivables and inventories Non-current assets held for sale Financial receivables Non-current nancial assets Cash and cash equivalents Assets in disposal group held for sale Total assets Equity Non-controlling interests Provisions Interest-bearing debt Operating and other non-interest bearing liabilities Liabilities in disposal group held for sale Total liabilities and equity Capital employed 4) Net debt, incl. pension liabilities CASH FLOW STATEMENT Operating cash ow Cash ow from current operations Cash ow before dividend Current capital expenditures, net Strategic capital expenditures, non-current assets Business combinations Divestments KEY RATIO 5) Equity/assets ratio, % Interest coverage, multiple Debt payment capacity, incl. pension liabilities, % Debt/equity ratio, incl. pension liabilities Debt/equity ratio, excl. pension liabilities Return on capital employed, % Return on capital employed, excl. items affecting comparability, % Return on equity, % Operating margin, % Operating margin, excl. items affecting comparability, % Net margin, % Capital turnover rate, multiple 2) Operating cash ow per share, SEK Earnings per share, SEK Dividend per share, SEK 6)
1) 2)

89,019 8,683 3,201 5,595 1,843 1,956 120 1,120 7,683 2,119 5,564 105,261 29,882 32 3,221 227 3,649 142,272 63,271 3,033 12,978 38,858 24,132 142,272 93,763 33,886 8,489 5,989 371 3,427 1,868 5,466 1,716 44 8.7 37 0.51 0.48 9 11 9 10 11 6 0.95 8.53 7.90 4.75

85,408 6,012 3,180 4,640 1,363 3,171 91 1,355 4,748 251 503 5,000 95,256 28,539 1,937 3,614 168 2,017 131,531 59,706 458 13,968 34,727 22,672 131,531 85,458 32,927 9,644 7,271 8,218 3,161 1,863 14,872 17,682 45 4.8 37 0.55 0.48 7 10 8 7 10 5 1.00 10:35 7:06 4:50

81,337 2,299 2,645 3,150 2,423 5,919 129 1,454 974 1,267 900 607 83,428 25,577 3,379 2,083 292 2,644 21,601 139,004 60,752 539 12,651 37,834 19,627 7,601 139,004 83,374 36,648 7,418 5,306 2,671 3,250 1,637 983 15 44 1.7 36 0.60 0.52 4 9 1 3 10 0 0.98 7:55 0:78 4:20

82,731 7,793 2,922 3,041 2,915 1,085 57 1,227 6,623 1,755 724 5,592 105,655 31,890 93 3,254 220 1,866 142,978 67,255 566 13,908 37,297 23,952 142,978 84,664 34,406 8,725 6,490 5,049 3,017 2,254 484 1,297 47 6.7 35 0.51 0.48 8 9 8 9 10 6 0.98 9:24 7:90 4:00

109,358 8,190 3,235 3,946 413 2,503 1,907 158 1,802 6,546 1,716 4,830 111,745 30,605 105 2,062 194 5,148 149,859 67,156 750 13,351 44,766 23,836 149,859 112,264 40,430 14,133 11,490 8,483 4,037 3,031 51 75 45 5.0 31 0.60 0.55 7 9 7 7 9 4 0.97 16:36 6:78 3:70

110,449 8,554 2,912 2,375 1,493 2,207 433 246 2,563 6,237 639 5,598 113,866 36,121 102 2,499 642 5,738 158,968 66,450 802 13,292 52,886 25,538 158,968 105,955 47,002 7,813 3,810 77 5,353 3,109 1,764 1,140 42 3.7 26 0.70 0.66 8 8 9 8 8 5 1.04 5:42 7:94 3:50

105,913 10,147 2,960 1,724 2,651 2,870 58 193 2,103 8,237 1,076 7,161 104,150 33,793 55 3,663 366 3,023 145,050 63,590 689 14,199 42,323 24,249 145,050 96,368 37,368 8,127 4,508 1,473 5,165 1,342 4,545 2,852 44 5.3 35 0.58 0.58 11 10 12 10 9 7 1.10 6:42 10:16 4:40

101,439 8,505 2,799 1,490 2,072 2,475 331 179 1,851 6,833 1,366 5,467 95,994 29,907 2,665 2,970 409 1,599 133,544 58,299 664 14,240 38,601 21,740 133,544 96,192 36,399 6,304 2,772 1,538 5,672 935 323 48 44 5.1 29 0.62 0.59 9 9 9 8 8 6 1.05 3:95 7:75 4:00

96,385 1,928 2,474 1,577 1,775 1,886 5,784 156 1,651 433 21 454 101,840 29,356 68 2,035 237 1,684 135,220 56,343 767 17,035 39,036 22,039 135,220 95,341 39,826 7,471 4,362 1,768 4,859 2,086 428 1 42 1.3 27 0.70 0.62 2 8 1 2 8 0 1.01 6:22 0:61 3:67

89,967 7,669 2,429 2,026 2,604 1,777 1,167 453 1,537 6,585 1,393 5,192 96,162 25,681 682 128 3,498 126,151 54,350 768 16,962 35,021 19,050 126,151 87,208 34,745 8,837 5,688 6,276 4,270 2,398 9,340 0 44 7.1 35 0.63 0.56 9 10 10 9 9 6 1.03 8:12 7:37 3:50

Up to 2009 including packaging operations, which were divested in June 2012. Net sales for SCAs recycling business were reclassied to other income, with retroactive adjustment for 2009. 3) 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005 and 2004 include items affecting comparability of SEK 1,251m, SEK 2,634m, SEK 5,439m, SEK 702m, SEK 1,458m, SEK 300m, SEK 5,365m and SEK 770m, respectively. 4) Calculation of average capital employed is based on ve measurements. 5) Key ratios are dened on page 116. 6) Dividend for 2013 relates to the proposed dividend.


SCA Annual Report 2013

SCA Data

Comments to the multi-year summary

Income statement Net sales In 2004, SCA expanded by acquiring companies, which contributed to an increase in sales of 7% up to the end of 2005. In 2006, SCAs net sales exceeded SEK 100bn for the first time as a result of volume growth. In 2008, sales increased by 4% to slightly more than SEK 110bn. SCAs European packaging operations were reclassified to Disposal group held for sale with retroactive adjustment from 2010. Sales declined 24% in 2010 mainly due to the reclassification of the European packaging operations, but also to negative exchange rate effects and the divestment of the Asian packaging operations. Net sales in 2011 fell 2% since both Personal Care and Tissue reported lower sales, while sales for Forest Products remained largely unchanged. All business areas were impacted by negative exchange rate effects. A number of strategic acquisitions and divestments were carried out in 2012, including the acquisition of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations and the divestment of SCAs European packaging operations. Net sales for 2012 rose 5%. Sales for both Personal Care and Tissue increased sharply, whereas sales for Forest Products declined. In 2013, SCA divested its publication paper mill in Laakirchen, Austria, as well as the areas of Georgia-Pacifics European tissue operations which the European Commission ordered SCA to divest in conjunction with the acquisition in 2012. Net sales rose 4% and primarily pertained to acquisitions and increased volumes. Operating prot For the period up to 2006, Personal Care had been under pressure from rising raw material costs and intense competition, although growth was favorable in both established and new markets. The profit level improved in 2007. Operating profit was stable in 2008 and increased 11% in 2009 as a result of an improved product mix, higher prices and lower raw material costs. Profit declined in 2010. Higher volumes and lower costs failed to offset increased costs of raw materials, marketing activities and negative exchange rate effects. Operating profit for 2011 declined 5% excluding exchange rate effects compared with the preceding year. Higher volumes, prices and cost savings did not offset higher costs for raw materials. In 2012, operating profit rose 20% compared with the preceding year. The earnings improvement was attributable to higher volumes and prices, an improved product mix, lower raw material costs and cost savings. In 2013, profit increased 1%. Earnings were impacted positively by higher volumes, cost savings and acquisitions. Investments in increased market activity resulted in higher volumes, but impacted earnings, particularly in the area of diapers. Increased raw material costs and negative exchange rate effects had an adverse impact on profit. The Tissue operations experienced a number of years (20042006) of lower prices, higher raw material and energy costs, and negative exchange rate effects. In 2007, this negative trend was reversed and operating profit increased. As of the fourth quarter of 2007, the acquisition of Procter & Gambles European tissue unit is included in SCAs Tissue operations, which has had a positive impact on profit. In 2008, the profit level increased mainly as a result of acquisitions and higher prices and volumes, which were offset by higher costs for raw materials. In 2009, the profit level increased as a result of higher prices and lower costs for raw materials. SCA invested in emerging markets, including Russia, which also made a positive contribution to the earnings trend. In 2010, profit declined for Tissue compared with the preceding year, due to a sharp increase in costs for raw materials. Operating profit for 2011 increased 4% compared with the preceding year. Higher prices, a changed product mix and increased volumes had a positive impact, while higher raw material and distribution costs combined with negative exchange rate effects had an adverse impact on profit. In 2012, operating profit rose 47%. Higher prices, an improved product mix, increased volumes, acquisitions, lower raw material costs and cost savings contributed to the improvement in earnings. Earnings for 2013 increased 21% compared with the preceding year. The improvement in earnings was due to acquisitions, increased volumes and cost savings. Acquisitions accounted for 9% of the improvement in earnings. Higher energy and raw material costs, negative exchange rate effects and slightly lower prices caused earnings to decline. In 2005, price reductions resulted in lower earnings in Packaging. In 2006, prices improved gradually, first for containerboard, which led to increases in the price of corrugated board, and thus an improvement in profit. Packaging also implemented successive price increases in 2007. SCA sold its North American packaging operations in the first quarter of 2007. Operating profit declined sharply in 2008 due to the financial crisis and the ensuing recession. Production cutbacks in liner operations and lower demand for corrugated board caused a deterioration in profit. The recession continued in 2009 and the result from Packaging declined 72% compared with 2008. The Asian packaging operations were divested in 2010. In 2012, the European packaging operations were divested and reclassified to Disposal group held for sale with retroactive adjustment from 2010. Forest Products earnings gradually improved between 2004 and 2007. The earnings improvement was mainly an effect of higher prices. Deliveries of publication papers and solid-wood products were stable in 2008, but profit declined due to increased energy and raw material costs. In 2009, profit improved, primarily for publication papers, an area in which higher prices, lower raw material costs and efficiency enhancements made a positive contribution. Profit increased 16% in 2010 due to productivity improvements and implemented price increases in pulp and solid-wood products. In 2011, profit declined 17% primarily as a result of higher costs for raw materials and negative exchange rate effects. Operating profit in 2012 fell 44%. The lower earnings were largely attributable to lower prices and negative exchange rate effects in all product categories due to the stronger SEK. The Austrian publication paper mill in Laakirchen was divested in 2013. Profit increased 35% compared with the preceding year due to cost savings, lower raw material costs and profit from forest swaps. Cash ow statement A total of SEK 59bn has been invested in expansion during the reported ten-year period, of which SEK 38bn is attributable to company acquisitions. Maintenance investments amounted to SEK 42bn and have remained at a steady level of about 4% in relation to sales. Key ratios During the reporting period, the Groups dividend rose from SEK 3.50 to the proposed SEK 4.75, corresponding to an average annual increase of approximately 3.1%. The proposed dividend of SEK 4.75 per share corresponds to an increase of 5.6% compared with the preceding year.

SCA Annual Report 2013


SCA Data

Description of costs
SCA Group
Total operating expenses1): SEK 79,291m Sales and administration expenses 2) 5), 16% Energy, 6% Transport and distribution expenses, 12% Other costs of goods sold3), 30% Raw materials and consumables, 36%
Of which

Personal Care
Total operating expenses1): SEK 23,919m Sales and administration expenses, 28% Energy, 1% Transport and distribution expenses, 8% Other costs of goods sold, 18% Raw materials and consumables, 45%
Of which

Pulp Recovered paper Timber/chips Super absorbents Non-woven Other 4) Total raw materials and consumables

9% 4% 4% 3% 2% 14% 36%

Pulp Super absorbents Non-woven Other Total raw materials and consumables

9% 9% 8% 19% 45%

Total operating expenses1): SEK 41,622m Sales and administration expenses, 13% Energy, 9% Transport and distribution expenses, 12% Other costs of goods sold, 24% Raw materials and consumables, 42%
Of which

Forest Products
Total operating expenses1): SEK 13,686m Sales and administration expenses 5), 2% Energy, 5% Transport and distribution expenses, 20% Other costs of goods sold, 41% Raw materials and consumables, 36%
Of which

Pulp Recovered paper Other Total raw materials and consumables


14% 6% 22% 42%

Timber/chips Other Total raw materials and consumables

19% 17% 36%

Excluding items affecting comparability. 2) Sales and administration expenses include costs for marketing (5 percentage points). 3) The two largest items in Other costs of goods sold comprise personnel (12 percentage points) and depreciation/amortization (6 percentage points). 4) The item Other in Raw materials and consumables includes costs for chemicals, packaging material and plastic material. 5) Sales and administration expenses for Forest Products include prot from forest swaps.

Raw materials, energy and transport activities

Personal Care, 0 % Tissue, 10 % Forest Products, 90%

Personal Care, 19% Tissue, 78 % Forest Products, 3 %

Recovered paper
Personal Care, 0 % Tissue, 86% Forest Products, 14%

Total of 9.9 million cubic meters of which, 53% from own forest and 47% purchased externally

Total of 2.3 million tons of which, 31% from own pulp mills and 69% purchased externally

Total of 2.4 million tons of which, 5% from own collection and 95% purchased externally

Electricity, 29 % Biofuels, 35 % Fossil fuels, 36 %

Transport activities
By sea, 72 % Other means of transport, 28%

Total of 24.0 TWh

Total of 31 billion ton kilometers


SCA Annual Report 2013

SCA Data

Production plants1)
Personal Care
Production plant

(Capacity is stated in thousands of tons, unless otherwise indicated, and per year)

Country Production plant Country Capacity Production plant Country Capacity

Annaba Buenos Aires Springvale Sao Paolo Drummondville Song Jiang Caloto Rio Negro San Cristobal Lasso Cairo Amman Shah Alam Ecatepec Guadalajara Gennep Hoogezand Te Rapa Olawa Veniov Jeddah Gemersk Hrka Kliprivier Falkenberg Mlnlycke Kao Hsiung Ksibet el Mediouni Istanbul Istanbul Bowling Green

Algeria 2) Argentina 2) Australia 2) Brazil Canada China Colombia 2) Colombia 2) Dominican Republic 2) Ecuador 2) Egypt 2) Jordan 2) Malaysia Mexico Mexico Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand 2) Poland Russia Saudi Arabia 2) Slovakia South Africa 2) Sweden Sweden Taiwan Tunisia 2) Turkey Turkey 2) US

Boxhill Ortmann Stembert Santiago Bogot Medellin Lasso Nokia Gien Hondouville Kunheim Le Theil Orleans Kostheim Mannheim Neuss Witzenhausen Altopascio Collodi Lucca Monterrey Sahagun Uruapan Cuijk Suameer Kawerau Sovetsk Svetogorsk Allo Total

Australia 2) Austria Belgium Chile Colombia 2) Colombia 2) Ecuador 2) Finland France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Italy Italy Italy Mexico Mexico Mexico Netherlands Netherlands 3) New Zealand 2) Russia Russia Spain

53 124 75 61 70 39 24 67 145 78 50 62 35 152 279 105 30 25 42 140 57 60 36 51 8 61 30 55 160

La Riba Mediona Valls Lilla Edet Chestereld Manchester Oakenholt Prudhoe Stubbins Barton Flagstaff Menasha South Glens Falls

Spain Spain Spain Sweden UK UK UK UK UK US US US US

26 45 120 100 31 50 68 87 105 180 53 211 75


Forest Products
Production plant Country Uncoated paper Coated paper Kraftliner CTMP pulp Kraft pulp Total pulp and paper Solid-wood products 1,000 m3

Ortviken strand Munksund Obbola Bollsta Tunadal Rundvik Gll Timber 2) Total

Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden


510 100 415 450 430

900 530 415 450 550 500 300 320 400








1) Excluding 2) Joint

3) Non-woven

Vinda. venture companies. production.

SCA Annual Report 2013


SCA Data

Denitions and key ratios1)

Capital denitions
Capital employed The Groups and business areas capital employed is calculated as an average of the balance sheets total assets, excluding interest-bearing assets and pension assets, less total liabilities, excluding interest-bearing liabilities and pension liabilities. Equity The equity reported in the consolidated balance sheet consists of taxed equity increased by the equity portion of the Groups untaxed reserves and non-controlling interests. (Deferred tax liability in untaxed reserves has been calculated at a 22.0% rate for Swedish companies and at the applicable tax rate for foreign companies in each country outside Sweden). Net debt The sum of consolidated interest-bearing liabilities, including pension liabilities and accrued interest less cash and cash equivalents and interest-bearing current and non-current receivables and capital investment shares. Equity per share Equity in relation to the total number of registered shares. Cash earnings Calculated as prot before tax, with a reversal of depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, share of prots of associates, and nonrecurring items, reduced by tax payments. Debt payment capacity Expressed as cash earnings in relation to average net debt. Operating surplus Expressed as operating prot before depreciation/impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and share of prots of associates. Operating cash ow The sum of operating cash surplus and change in working capital, with deductions for current capital expenditures in property, plant and equipment and restructuring costs. Cash ow from current operations Operating cash ow less net nancial items and tax payments and taking into account other nancial cash ow. Strategic capital expenditure Strategic investments increase the companys future cash ow through acquisitions of companies, capital expenditures to expand facilities, or new technologies that boost SCAs competitiveness. Current capital expenditure Investments to maintain competitiveness, such as maintenance, rationalization and replacement measures or investments of an environmental nature.

Margins, etc.
Operating surplus margin Operating surplus as a percentage of net sales for the year. Operating margin Operating prot as a percentage of net sales for the year. Net margin Prot for the year as a percentage of net sales for the year. Capital turnover Net sales for the year divided by average capital employed.

Protability ratios
Return on capital employed Return on capital employed is calculated for the Group as operating prot as a percentage of average capital employed. Return on equity Return on equity is calculated for the Group as prot for the year as a percentage of average equity.

Financial measurements
Equity/assets ratio Equity expressed as a percentage of total assets. Debt/equity ratio Expressed as net debt in relation to equity. Interest coverage ratio Calculated according to the net method where operating prot is divided by nancial items.

Other measurements
Value added per employee Operating prot plus salaries, wages and payroll expenses divided by the average number of employees.

AfH (Away-from-Home) Tissue sold to bulk consumers such as hospitals, restaurants, hotels, ofces and industrial premises. Consumer tissue Includes toilet and kitchen paper, facial tissues and handkerchiefs. CTMP (Chemical thermo mechanical pulp) A highyield pulp produced through the mechanical debration in a rener of preheated, chemically pre-treated softwood. FSC Forest Stewardship Council An international organization working to ensure responsible forest management. FSC has developed principles for responsible forestry that can be applied for certifying forest management and that facilitate FSC labeling of wood products from FSCcertied forests. Kraftliner The surface layer of corrugated board based on fresh wood ber. Kraft pulp Pulp from wood ber that is chemically treated usually by boiling. Liner The surface layer of corrugated board. Available in various grades, such as kraftliner (based on fresh wood ber) and testliner (based on recovered ber). LWC paper Light Weight Coated paper is a coated paper with a high mechanical pulp content. Used for high-quality magazines and advertising materials with demanding colorprinting requirements. M3fo Forest cubic meter Volume of timber including tops and bark, but excluding branches. Used to describe the forest portfolio of standing forest. Growth is also specied in forest cubic meters. M3s or m3sub Solid cubic meter under bark. Species the volume of timber excluding bark and tops. Used in felling and the timber trade. PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certication An international forest certication system. Personal care products Here dened as incontinence products, baby diapers and feminine care products. Productive forest land Land with a productive capacity that exceeds one cubic meter of forest per hectare annually. SC paper Supercalendered publication paper with a highgloss surface and with a high content of mechanical and/or recycled pulp. Mainly used for catalogues, magazines and advertising materials. Solid-wood products Wood sawn into various sizes used in, for example, furniture manufacturing and the joinery industry or as construction timber. Super absorbents Collective name of a number of synthetic absorbent materials based on polymers. Important material in personal care products such as diapers and pads.


Calculations of key ratios are mainly based on guidelines issued by the Swedish Society of Financial Analysts. Averages are calculated based on ve metrics.


SCA Annual Report 2013

SVENsKA CELLULOsA AKTIEBOLAGET SCA (publ) PO Box 200, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden. Visiting address: Klarabergsviadukten 63 Tel +46 8 788 51 00, fax +46 8 788 53 80 Corp. Reg. No.: 556012-6293

Business units
SCA INCONTINENCE CARE EUROPE SE-405 03 GOTHENBURG Sweden Visiting address: Bckstensgatan 5, Mlndal Tel +46 31 746 00 00 Fax +46 31 746 19 00 SCA AMErIcAs Cira Centre Suite 2600 2929 Arch Street PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 US Tel +1 610 499 3700 Fax +1 610 499 3402 GHC (GLOBAL HYGIENE CATEGORY) SE-405 03 GOTHENBURG Sweden Visiting address: Bckstensgatan 5, Mlndal Tel +46 31 746 00 00 Fax +46 31 746 19 00 SCA cONsUMEr GOODs EUrOpE Postfach 1265 DE-85730 ISMANING Germany Visiting address: Adalperostrasse 31 Tel +49 89 970 06 0 Fax +49 89 970 06 644 SCA AsIA PAcIFIc 5th Floor, Building 1 No.3 Fenyang Road Xuhui District SHANGHAI 200031 China Tel +86 21 2405 9800 SCA AfH PrOFEssIONAL HYGIENEEUROPE Postfach 1265 DE-85730 ISMANING Germany Visiting address: Adalperostrasse 31 Tel +49 89 970 06 0 Fax +49 89 970 06 644 SCA FOrEsT PrODUcTs SE-851 88 SUNDSVALL Sweden Visiting address: Skepparplatsen 1 Tel +46 60 19 30 00, 19 40 00 Fax +46 60 19 34 97 SCA MEIA Universite Mah. Baglarici Cad. No:29 Kat:6 Avclar 34320 ISTANBUL Turkey Tel + 90 212 509 38 22 Fax + 90 212 676 01 06

GHS (GLOBAL HYGIENE SUPPLY) Postfach 1265 DE-85730 ISMANING Germany Visiting address: Adalperostrasse 31 Tel +49 89 970 06 0 Fax +49 89 970 06 644

GBS (GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICEs) Box 200 SE-101 23 STOCKHOLM Sweden Visiting address: Klarabergsviadukten 63 Tel +46 8 788 51 00 Fax +46 8 788 53 80

This Annual Report was produced by SCA in collaboration with Hallvarsson & Halvarsson. Photos: Torbjrn Bergkvist, Juliana Flldin, Peter Hoelstad, Olof Holdar, Hkan Lindgren, Rick Tomlinson and SCA. Printing: Elanders 2014. Translation: The Bugli Company AB.

SCA Annual Report 2013


Awards and recognition

SCA was named one of the worlds most ethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute in the US.

SCA is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, one of the worlds most prestigious sustainability indexes.

SCA is included in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index.

SCA has been listed on the FTSE4Good global sustainability index since 2001.

SCA is on the Fortune Most Admired Companies list, ranked third in the Forestry and Paper class.

SCA became a UN Global Compact member in 2008.

SCA is a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

WWF acknowledged SCA as a leading, transparent company for its environmental impact reporting in WWFs Environmental Paper Company Index 2013.

Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ) PO Box 200, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden. Visiting address: Klarabergsviadukten 63 Tel +46 8 788 51 00, Fax +46 8 788 53 80 Corp. Reg. No.: 556012-6293

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