FC Derm (SA) Part II Past Papers - 2011 Mar 25-3-2014

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FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa

22 March 2011 Paper 1 Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

Write short notes on a) Dermatoses associated with HTLV I infection. b) Management of infantile haemangiomas. c) Acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau. Skryf kort aantekeninge oor a) Dermatoses geassosieer met HTLV-1 infeksie. b) Die hantering van infantiele (infantile) hemangiome. c) Akrodermatitis continua van Hallopeau a)

(10) (8) (7) [25] (10) (8) (7) [25]


A patient presents with what appears to be loss of subcutaneous tissue. Discuss a practical approach to disorders of loss of subcutaneous tissue, highlighting supportive clinical and pathology features. (15) A 48-year-old woman presents with a chronic leg ulcer. Outline clinical features that would direct your choice of wound care. (10) [25] Pasint presenteer met onskynlike verlies van subkutane vet. Bespreek praktiese benadering tot toestande gekenmerk deur verlies van subkutane vet, en beklemtoon ondersteunende kliniese en patologiese kenmerke. (15) Vrou, 48-jaar-oud, presenteer met kroniese beenulkus. Bespreek die kliniese eienskappe wat van waarde sal wees in die keuse van wondversorging. (10) [25] A 40-year-old presents with episodes of painful swollen fingers over a period of a few years. Discuss your approach to managing this patient. (13) Discuss the hyperoesinophilic syndrome. (12) [25] Persoon, 40-jaar-oud, presenteer met episodiese swelling van die vingers oor tydperk van paar jaar. Bespreek hoe u die pasint sal hanteer. (13) Bespreek die hipereosinofilie-sindroom. (12) [25] A 40-year-old male with psoriasis is an ideal candidate for phototherapy. Discuss how you would initiate his therapy in detail. Outline your reasons for choosing the different options of PUVA versus UVB. What are the salient points you would inform him of with regards to how many treatments he can have, side effects etc. (10)

a) b)

a) b)

a) b)



c) 4 a)

A 30-year-old woman in the 3rd trimester of her pregnancy is exposed to her 3-year-old child with the vesicular stage of chicken pox. She does not recall having had chicken pox. Outline your management of this situation. (7) Write notes on the epidermal differentiation complex. (8) [25] Man, 40-jaar-oud, met psoriase is ideale kandidaat vir fototerapie. Bespreek in detail hoe u die terapie sal begin. Verduidelik die redes waarom u PUVA opsies verkies bo UVB. Hoe gaan u die persoon inlig oor die verwagte aantal behandelingsessies, moontlike newe-effekte, ens. (10) Dame, 30-jaar-oud, in die derde trimester van swangerskap, word blootgestel aan haar dogter, 3-jaar-oud, met waterpokkies. Die moeder kan nie onthou of sy self waterpokkies gehad het nie. Bespreek u hantering van die situasie. (8) Skryf aantekeninge oor die epidermale differensiasie kompleks (epidermal differentiation complex) (7) [25]



FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa

23 March 2011 Paper 2 Principles and Practice of Dermatology (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

a) b)

A 48-year-old patient presents with gingival hyperplasia. Discuss your management of this patient (10) A 45-year-old patient presents with a reticulate rash on the anterior aspect of her thighs of a few months duration. Discuss your approach to obtaining an accurate clinical diagnosis. (15) [25] Pasint, 48-jaar-oud, presenteer met veralgemeende tandvleis hiperplasie. Bespreek u hantering van die pasint. (10) Pasint, 45-jaar-oud, presenteer met retikulre uitslag op die anterior dye wat teenwoordig is vir paar maande. Bespreek hoe u akkuraat kliniese diagnose sal maak. (15) [25] Discuss the role of human papilloma virus and neoplasia. Write on Leishmaniasis in Africa. Discuss Bartonella infections of the skin. Bespreek die rol van menslike papilloomvirus in neoplasie. Skryf oor (write on) Leishmaniase in Afrika. Bespreek Bartonella infeksies van die vel. (10) (7) (8) [25] (10) (7) (8) [25]

a) b)

a) b) c) a) b) c) a)

b) c)

A 50-year-old Afrikaaner white male presents with recurring episodes of blisters on the dorsa of his hands. He has had this problem for decades. Discuss your approach to managing this patient. (10) You are given an X-ray of a 34-year-old black man reporting bilateral reticulo nodular infiltrates. Discuss your approach to this radiological finding. (10) Discuss the medical approach to investigating a patient with telogen effluvium. (5) [25] Wit Afrikaanerman, 50-jaar-oud, presenteer met herhalende episode van blase op die dorsale aspekte van die hande. Hy ondervind hierdie probleem vir dekades. Bespreek u hantering van die pasint. (10) U word die x-straal getoon van swartman, 34-jaar-oud. Bilaterale retikulonodulre infiltrate is teenwoordig. Bespreek u benadering tot hierdie radiologiese bevinding. (10) Bespreek die mediese benadering ter ondersoek van (to investigating) pasint met telogeen haarverlies. (5)

a) b) c)

[25] 4 Write notes on a) Signature nevi. (10) b) Dermoscopic features of i) Compound nevi. ii) Dysplastic nevi. iii) Seborrheic keratosis. (8) c) Comment on the statement A sentinel node biopsy is not necessary in evaluating a patient presenting with a cutaneous melanoma. (7) [25] Skryf notas oor a) Signature melanositiese nevusse. (10) b) Dermoskopiese beelde van i) Saamgestelde melanositiese nevus. ii) Displastiese nevus. iii) Seboreuse keratose. (8) c) Lewer kommentaar op die stelling n brandwaglimfnodebiopsie is nie nodig in die evaluasie van pasint wat presenteer met melanoom nie. (7) [25]

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