Case Study Method or Secondary Data

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Report Format in case study Approach: Kindly incorporate changes in the chapters wherever required as follows: Chapter 1 SAME

AS EARL ER Chapter ! SAME AS EARL ER Chapter "# "$1Purpose and rationale for case study "$% Research questions Chapter &# &$1 Design based on the unit of analysis and research purpose &$! Data collection and management techniques &$!$1'ield (ethods &$!$!)ranscri*ed notes and interviews &$!$" Mapping of (a+or concepts &$!$& ,uilding typologies &$!$% Me(*er chec-ing Chapter %#%$1 Describe the full case %$! Focus the analysis built on themes linked to purpose and unit of analysis %$" Analyze findings based on the purpose, rationale, and research questions %$"$1 Case perspective %$"$! .isciplinary perspective %$"$"Cross#case co(parison %$"$& /rite up the case fro( an acade(ic perspective %$"$% ,iography0 auto*iography0 narratives


Sample Another i(portant co(ponent in teaching case study (ethod is to e(phasi2e unit of analysis and description of the sa(ple$ /hen the unit of analysis is an individual0 for e3a(ple0 life history$ )his contrasts to (ultiple 4co(parative5 case studies$ Some nformation about !ase Study "ethod:# 6Syste(atic inquiry into an event or a set of related events which ai(s to descri*e and e3plain the pheno(enon of interest7$ )he unit of analysis can vary fro( an individual to a corporation$ Purpose of !ase Studies Researchers can use case study (ethodology for (any purposes: 1$ to explore new areas and issues where little theory is availa*le or (easure(ent is unclear8 !$ to describe a process or the effects of an event or an intervention0 especially when such events affect (any different parties8 and

"$ to explain a co(ple3 pheno(enon$ n analysis of case studies0 there are inevita*ly (ore varia*les than cases0 or data points0 so traditional statistical analyses cannot *e applied$ )herefore0 different techniques need to *e used to organi2e and syste(atically review large a(ounts of infor(ation$ Case study (ethodology focuses on conte(porary events and therefore involves an in#depth0 longitudinal 4over a long period of ti(e5 e3a(ination of a single instance or event: a case$ )hey provide a syste(atic way of loo-ing at events0 collecting data0 analy2ing infor(ation0 and reporting the results$ As a result the researcher (ay gain a sharpened understanding of why the instance happened as it did0 and what (ight *eco(e i(portant to loo- at (ore e3tensively in future research$ Case studies lend the(selves to *oth generating and testing hypotheses$ Case study research can (ean single and (ultiple case studies A distinction has to *e (ade *etween the sub#ect and the ob#ect of the case study$ )he su*+ect is the 6practical0 historical unity7 through which the theoretical focus of the study is *eing viewed$ )he o*+ect is that theoretical focus 9 the analytical fra(e$ )hus0 for e3a(ple0 if a researcher were interested in :S resistance to co((unist e3pansion as a theoretical focus0 then the Korean /ar (ight *e ta-en to *e the sub#ect0 the lens0 the case study through which the theoretical focus0 the ob#ect0 could *e viewed and e3plicated$ A case selection that is *ased on representativeness will seldo( *e a*le to produce these -inds of insights$ /hen selecting a su*+ect for a case study0 researchers will therefore use infor(ation#oriented sa(pling0 as opposed to rando( sa(pling$

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