Chvatal Linear Programming

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CSCI 5654 Handout List Required reading is from Chv atal.

Optional reading is from these reference books: A: AMPL K: Karlo M: Murtys LP book MC: Murtys LP/CO book S: Schrijver V: Vanderbei Vz: Approximation Algorithms by Vijay Vazirani, Springer 2001. WV: Winston & Venkataramanan Handout Reading # from C 0 Handout Title Course Fact Sheet Unit 1: Overview 1 2 3 4 3-9 213-223 (M Ch.1) Linear Programming Standard Form LP Objective Functions Complexity of LP & Related Problems

Unit 2: Basic Simplex Algorithm and Fundamental Theorem of LP 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13-23 17-19 27-33 23-25 250-255, 260-261 33-37, 258-260 37-38 39-42 42-43 The Simplex Algorithm: Example Dictionaries & LP Solutions The Simplex Algorithm: Conceptual Version Correctness of the Simplex Algorithm The Simplex Algorithm with Tableaus Introduction to Geometry of LP Avoiding Cycling: Lexicographic Method Pivot Rules & Avoiding Cycling The Two-Phase Method The Fundamental Theorem of LP Unit 3: Duality 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 54-57 57-59 57-59, 261-262 60-62 62-65 65-68 137-143 The Dual Problem & Weak Duality Dictionaries are Linear Combinations Strong Duality Theorem Why Dual? Complementary Slackness Dual Variables are Prices in Economics Allowing Equations & Free Variables More Applications Duality in Game Theory
#i, p. 1



CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

Unit 4: Ecient Implementation of Simplex Algorithm 23 24 25 26 97-100 100-105 Ch.6 105-111 Matrix Representations of LPs Revised Simplex Algorithm: High Level Review of Gaussian Elimination Solving Eta Systems More Applications The Cutting Stock Problem Branch-and-Bound Algorithms

27 28

195-200, 207-211 201-207

Unit 5: Extensions of Theory and Algorithms 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 118-119 119-129, 132-133 130-132, 133-134 242-243 143-146 Ex.16.10 152-157 158-162 162-166 General Form LPs Upper Bounding Generalized Fundamental Theorem Inconsistent Systems of Linear Inequalities Theorems of Alternatives Dual Simplex Algorithm Sensitivity Analysis Parametric LPs More Applications Cutting Planes for ILP Applications to Geometry Unit 6: Network Algorithms 39 40 291-295 296-303 The Transshipment Problem Network Simplex Algorithm Unit 7: Polynomial-Time LP 41 443-452, (K Ch.4) Overview of the Ellipsoid Algorithm Unit 8: Beyond Linearity 42 43 (MC 16.4.4V 23.1) Quadratic Programming Examples (MC, 16.4.4) Solving Quadratic Programs More Applications Semidenite Programming: Approximating MAX CUT

37 38

(WV 9.8) 262-269


(Vz, Ch.26)

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#i, p. 2

Unit 9: Supplemental Material

9.A. Overview 45 46 (M Ch.1) 9.B. Fundamentals 47 48 47-49, 255-258 49 37-38 9.C. Duality 50 51 52 53 261-262, (S 7.5) 54 9.D. Implementation 55 79-84 56 100-105 57 105-115 58 9.E. Extensions 59 Ch.16 60 149-152 9.F. Networks 61 (S Ch.16, 19, 22) 62 303-317 63 320-322 9.G. Polynomial LP 64 65 (K Ch.5) 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 9.H. Beyond Linearity 73 (MC, 16.1-2,16.5) 74 (V, 23.2) 75 (V, p.404)

More LP & ILP Examples Multiobjective Functions

Geometric View of the Simplex Algorithm: Proofs Inecient Pivot Sequences Stalling in Blands Rule

Combinatoric Example of Weak Duality Polyhedral Combinatorics Duality & NP-Completeness Geometric Interpretation of Duality Illustrating Duality by Knapsack LPs

Review of Matrices Revised Simplex Example Eta Factorization of the Basis Revised Simplex Summary

Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities Primal-Dual Simplex Correspondence

Integral Polyhdera Initialization, Cycling, Implementation Related Network Problems

Positive Denite Matrices Background Facts for Karmarkars Algorithm Optimizing Over Round Regions Simplices Projective Transformations Karmarkars Algorithm Analysis of Karmarkars Algorithm Exercises for Karmarkars Algorithm Primal-Dual Interior Point Methods

Linear Complementarity Problems Quadratic Programming Duality Losing PSD

#i, p. 3

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

Course Fact Sheet for CSCI 5654: Linear Programming Time Instructor M W 4:00 5:15 MUEN E118 or ECCS 1B12 (CAETE) Oce ECOT 624 Mailbox ECOT 717 Email [email protected]

Hal Gabow Oce Phone 492-6862

Oce Hours

M 2:003:50, 5:15 6:00; W 3:003:50; or by appointment These times may change slightly see my home page for the authoritative list. After class is always good for questions. TBA Undergraduate courses in linear algebra & data structures e.g., MATH 3130 & CSCI 2270, or their equivalents Weeks 19: Written problem sets, sometimes using LP solvers Takehome exam, worth 2 HWs Weeks 1014: multipart reading project Week 1516: Takehome nal, worth 33.5 HWs. Due Fri. Dec. 14 (day before ocial nal) Final grades are assigned on a curve. In Fall 05 the grades were: Campus: 11 As 2 Bs 2 Cs 1 F CATECS: 1 A 1B

Grader Prerequisites


Pretaped class Mon. Oct. 22 (FOCS Conference). The pretaping is Wed. Oct. 17, 5:30-6:45, same room. Additional cancellations/pretaping sessions possible. Homework Most assignments will be 1 week long, due on a Wednesday. That Wednesday the current assignment is turned in, a solution sheet is distributed in class & the next assignment is posted on the class website. The due date for CAETE students who do not attend live class is 1 week later (see the 1 2 weeks & the schedule will email message to CAETE students). A few assignments may be 1 2 be modied accordingly. Writeups must be legible. Computer-typeset writeups are great but are not required. If youre handwriting an assignment use lined paper and leave lots of space (for legibility, and comments by the grader). Illegible homework may be returned with no credit. Grading: Each assignment is worth 100 points. Some assignments will have an extra credit problem worth 20 points. The extra credit is more dicult than the main assignment and is meant for students who want to go deeper into the subject. Extra credit points are recorded separately as HECs. Final grades are based on the main assignments and are only marginally inuenced by HECs or other ECs. In each class you can get 1 VEC (verbal extra credit) for verbal participation. Collaboration Policy: Homework should be your own. There will be no need for collaborative problem solving in this course. Note this policy is dierent from CSCI 5454. If theres any doubt
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #0, p. 1

ask me. You will get a 0 for copying even part of an assignment from any source; a second violation will result in failing the course. Anyone using any of my solution sheets to do homework will receive an automatic F in the course. (One student wound up in jail for doing this.) All students are required to know and obey the University of Colorado Student Honor Code, posted at The class website has this link posted under Campus Rules, which also has links to policies on classroom behavior, religious observances and student disability services. Each assignment must include a statement that the honor code was obeyed see directions on the class website. I used to lower grades because of honesty issues, but the Honor Code is working and I havent had to do this in a while. Late homeworks: Homeworks are due in class on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted. Exceptions will be made only if arrangements are made with me 1 week in advance. When this is impossible (e.g., medical reasons) documentation will be required (e.g., physicians note). Ignorance of these rules is not an excuse. Website & Email The class website is hal/CS5654/home.html. It is the main form of communication, aside from class. Assignments, current HW point totals and other course materials will be posted there. You can email me questions on homework assignments. the class website. Ill send email to the class indicating clarications of the homework assignments, missing oce class will be limited to pointers to the website. I check my Ill post any needed clarications on new information on the website, e.g., hours, etc. Probably my email to the email until 9:30 PM most nights.

Inappropriate email: Email is great for clarifying homework assignments. I try to answer all email questions. But sometimes students misuse email and ask me to basically do their work for them. Dont do this. Text Linear Programming by Va sek Chv atal, W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1984 References On reserve in Lester Math-Physics Library, or available from me. Background in Linear Algebra: Linear Algebra and its Applications by G. Strang, Harcourt College Publishers, 1988 (3rd Edition) Similar to Chv atal: Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions by Robert J. Vanderbei, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 (2nd Edition) (optional 2nd Text) Linear Programming by K.G. Murty, Wiley & Sons, 1983 (revised)
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Linear and Combinatorial Programming by K.G. Murty, Wiley & Sons, 1976 Introduction to Mathematical Programming, 4th Edition by W.L. Winston, M. Venkataramanan, Thomson, 2003 Linear Programming by H. Karlo, Birkh auser, 1991 More Theoretical: Theory of Linear and Integer Programming by A. Schrijver, John Wiley, 1986 Integer and Combinatorial Programming by G.L. Nemhauser and L.A. Wolsey, John Wiley, 1988 Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization by M. Gr otschel, L. Lov asz and A. Schrijver, Springer-Verlag, 1988 Using LP: AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming by R.Fourer, D.M.Gay, and B.W.Kernighan, Boyd & Fraser, 1993 Course Goals Linear Programming is one of the most successful models for optimization, in terms of both realworld computing and theoretical applications to CS, mathematics, economics & operations research. This course is an introduction to the major techniques for LP and the related theory, as well as touching on some interesting applications. Course Content A course outline is given by the Handout List (Handout #i). We follow Chv atals excellent development, until the last two units on extra material. Unit 1 is an Overview. It denes the LP problem & illustrates LP models. Unit 2, Fundamentals, covers the simplex method at a high level. Simplex is used in most codes for solving real-world LPs. Our conceptual treatment culminates in proving the Fundamental Theorem of LP, which summarizes what Simplex does. Unit 3 gives the basics of one of the most important themes in operations research and theoretical computer science, Duality. This theory is the basis of other LP methods as well as many combinatorial algorithms. We touch on applications to economics and game theory. Unit 4 returns to Simplex to present its Ecient Implementation. These details are crucial for realizing the speed of the algorithm. We cover the technique of delayed column generation and its application to industrial problems such as cutting stock, as well as the branch-and-bound method for integer linear programming.
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Unit 5, Extensions, gives other implementation techniques such as upper-bounding and sensitivity analysis, as well as some general theory about linear inequalities, and the Dual Simplex Algorithm, which recent work indicates is more powerful than previously thought. We introduce the cutting plane technique for Integer Linear Programming. Unit 6 is an introduction to Network Algorithms. These special LPs, dened on graphs, arise often in real-life applications. We study the Network Simplex Algorithm, which takes advantage of the graph structure to gain even more eciency. Unit 7, Polynomial-Time Linear Programming, surveys the ellipsoid method. This is a powerful tool in theoretical algorithm design, and it opens the door to nonlinear programming. The Supplemental Material covers Karmarkars algorithm, an alternative to Simplex that is often even more ecient. Unit 8 is a brief introduction to nonlinear methods: quadratic programming (& the Markowitz model for assessing risk versus return on nancial investments) and its generalization to semidefinite programming. We illustrate the latter with the groundbreaking Goemans-Williamson SDP algorithm for approximating the maximum cut problem in graphs. The Supplemental Material in Unit 9 will be covered as time permits. Linear Algebra Chv atals treatment centers on the intuitive notion of dictionary. Units 13 use very little linear algebra, although its still helpful for your intuition. Units 46 switch to the language of linear algebra, but we really only use very big ideas. Units 78 use more of what you learned at the start of an introductory linear algebra course. The course is essentially self-contained as far as background from linear algebra is concerned. Tips on using these notes Class lectures will work through the notes. This will save you writing. Add comments at appropriate places in the notes. Use backs of pages for notes on more extensive discussions (or if you like to write big!). If I switch to free sheets of paper for extended discussions not in the notes, you may also want to use free sheets of paper. A multi-colored pen can be useful (to separate dierent comments; for complicated pictures; to color code remarks, e.g. red = important, etc.) Such a pen is a crucial tool for most mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists! If you want to review the comments I wrote in class, I can reproduce them for you. The notes complement the textbook. The material in Chv atal corresponding to a handout is given in the upper left corner of the handouts page 1, & in Handout #i. The notes follow Chv atal, but provide more formal discussions of many concepts as well as alternate explanations & additional material. The notes are succinct and require additional explanation, which we do in class. You should understand both Chv atal and my notes. Extra credit for nding a mistake in these notes.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#0, p. 4

Chv atal, 3 9

Linear Programming

Unit 1: Overview

What you didnt learn in high school algebra High School Exercise. Solve this system of inequalities (Hint: Its inconsistent!): 4x+2y 8 3x+4y 12 3x+2y 7 systems of inequalities are much harder to solve than systems of equations! linear programming gives the theory and methods to solve these systems in fact LP is mathematically equivalent to solving these systems A real-world LP Power Flakes new product will be a mixture of corn & oats. 1 serving must supply at least 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, & 3 grams of fat. 1 ounce of corn supplies 4,3, and 2 grams of these nutrients, respectively. 1 ounce of oats supplies 2,4, and 1 grams, respectively. Corn can be bought for 6 cents an ounce, oats at 4 cents an ounce. What blend of cereal is best? Best means that it minimizes the cost ignore the taste! LP Formulation x = # ounces of corn per serving; y = # ounces of oats per serving minimize z = 6x+4y subject to 4x+2y 3x+4y 2x+ y x, y

8 12 3 0

assumptions for our model: linearity proportionality, additivity (versus diminishing returns to scale, economies of scale, protein complementarity) continuity versus integrality

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 1

Linear Programming optimize a linear function subject to linear constraints Standard Form (changes from text to text) objective function maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)


nonnegativity constraints cost coecient cj , decision variable xj , right-hand side coecient bi a feasible solution satises all the constraints an optimum solution is feasible and achieves the optimum objective value Activity Space Representation n dimensions, xj = level of activity j



x 6x+4y=14.4

Requirement Space Representation (m dimensions see Handout#33, p.2)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 2

Real-world LPs blending problem nd a least cost blend satisfying various requirements e.g., gasoline blends (Chv atal, p.10, ex.1.7); diet problem (Chv atal, pp.35); animal feed; steel composition resource allocation problem allocate limited resources to various activities to maximize prot e.g., forestry (Chv atal, pp.1716); Chv atal, p.10, ex.1.6; beer production multiperiod scheduling problems schedule activities in various time periods to maximize prot e.g., Chv atal, p.11, ex.1.8; cash ow; inventory management; electric power generation And Solving Them LP-solvers include CPLEX (the industrial standard), MINOS, MOSEK, LINDO most of these have free (lower-powered) versions as downloads modelling languages facilitate specication of large LPs e.g., heres an AMPL program for a resource-allocation problem (from AMPL text): the model is in a .mod le:
set PROD; # products set STAGE; # stages param rate {PROD,STAGE} > 0; # tons per hour in each stage param avail {STAGE} >= 0; # hours available/week in each stage param profit {PROD}; # profit per ton param commit {PROD} >= 0; # lower limit on tons sold in week param market {PROD} >= 0; # upper limit on tons sold in week var Make {p in PROD} >= commit[p], <= market[p]; # tons produced maximize total profit: sum {p in PROD} profit[p] * Make[p]; subject to Time {s in STAGE}: sum {p in PROD} (1/rate[p,s]) * Make[p] <= avail[s]; # In each stage: total of hours used by all products may not exceed hours available

& the data is in a .dat le:

set PROD := bands coils plate; set STAGE := reheat roll; param rate: reheat roll := bands 200 200 coils 200 140 plate 200 160 ; param: profit commit market := bands 25 1000 6000 coils 30 500 4000 plate 29 750 3500 ; param avail := reheat 35 roll 40 ;

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 3

LP versus ILP an Integer Linear Program (ILP) is the same as an LP but the variables xj are required to be integers much harder! Two Examples Knapsack Problem maximize z = 3x1 + 5x2 + 6x3 subject to x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 5 0 xi 1, xi integral i = 1, 2, 3

this is a knapsack problem: items 1,2 & 3 weigh 1,2 & 3 pounds respectively and are worth $3,$5 & $6 respectively put the most valuable collection of items into a knapsack that can hold 5 pounds the corresponding LP (i.e., drop integrality constraint) is easy to solve by the greedy method add items to the knapsack in order of decreasing value per pound if the last item overows the knapsack, add just enough to ll it we get x1 = x2 = 1, x3 = 2/3, z = 12 the best integral solution is x1 = 0, x2 = x3 = 1, z = 11 but the greedy method wont solve arbitrary LPs! Exercise. The example LP (i.e., continuous knapsack problem) can be put into a form where the greedy algorithm is even more obvious, by rescaling the variables. (a) Let yi be the number of pounds of item i in the knapsack. Show the example LP is equivalent to the LP () below. (b) Explain why its obvious that the greedy method works on (). () y + 2y3 maximize z = 3y1 + 5 2 2 subject to y1 + y2 + y3 5 0 yi i, i = 1, 2, 3

() is a special case of a polymatroid a broad class of LPs with 0/1 coecients where the greedy method works correctly.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 4

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) TSP is the problem of nding the shortest cyclic route through n cities, visiting each city exactly once starting & ending at the same city index the cities from 1 to n let cij , i, j = 1, . . . , n denote the direct distance between cities i & j well consider the symmetric TSP, where cij = cji for 1 i < j n, let xij = 1 if cities i & j are adjacent in the tour, otherwise xij = 0 symmetric TSP is this ILP: minimize z = subject to
i<j cij xij k {i,j } xij |{i,j }S |=1 xij


=2 2

{0, 1}

k = 1, . . . , n (enter & leave each city) S {1, . . . , n} (subtour elimination constraints) 1i<jn

we form the (Held-Karp) LP relaxation of this ILP by dropping the integrality constraints i.e., replace the last line by xij 0, 1 i < j n let zILP and zLP denote the optimum objective values of the 2 problems assume distances satisfy the triangle inequality cij + cjk cik for all i, j, k then we know that zILP (3/2)zLP , i.e., the integrality gap is 3/2 experimentally the Held-Karp lower bound is typically above .99zILP the 4/3 Conjecture states (unsurprisingly) that the integrality gap is always 4/3

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 5

Exercise. Well show the integrality gap can be 4/3 , for any > 0. Heres the graph:

... ... ...

3k + 2 vertices; k vertices are in the top horizontal path. For any 2 vertices i, j , cij is the number of edges in a shortest path from i to j .

... ...

A tour with length 4k + 2.

1/2 1/2 1/2


1/2 1/2

A fractional solution of length 3k + 3 3k + 3 = 3(k 1) + 2(1 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2(2)) . (a) Explain why the above fractional solution is feasible. Hint: Concentrate on the 3 paths of solid edges. (b) Explain why any fractional solution has length 3k + 2. (c) Explain why any tour has length 4k + 2. Hint: Concentrate on the length 1 edges traversed by the tour. They break up into subpaths beginning and ending at 1 of the 2 extreme points of the graph. (d) Conclude that for this example, limk zILP /zLP = 4/3.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#1, p. 6

Standard Form

Unit 1: Overview

a linear program is a problem that can be put into standard (maximization) form maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

Standard minimization form minimize z = subject to

n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

to convert standard minimization form to standard (maximization) form, the new objective is z , the negative of the original n the new linear constraints are the negatives of the original, j =1 (aij )xj bi nonnegativity remains the same Remark. well see many more standard forms! resource allocation problems often translate immediately into standard maximization form, with aij , bi , cj 0: n activities xj = the level of activity j m scarse resources bi = the amount of resource i that is available we seek the level of each activity that maximizes total prot blending problems often translate immediately into standard minimization form, with aij , bi , cj 0: n raw materials xj = the amount of raw material j m components of the blend bi = requirement on the ith component we seek the amount of each raw material that minimizes total cost

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#2, p. 1

Free variables a free variable has no sign restriction we can model a free variable x by replacing it by 2 nonnegative variables p & n with x = p n replace all occurrences of x by p n the 2 problems are equivalent: a solution to the original problem gives a solution to the new problem with the same objective value conversely, a solution to the new problem gives a solution to the original problem with the same objective value A more economical transformation the above transformation models k free variables xi , i = 1, . . . , k by 2k new variables we can model these k free variables by k + 1 new variables: f i = pi N Remark LINDO variables are automatically nonnegative, unless declared FREE Equality constraints an equality constraint n j =1 aj xj b n j =1 aj xj b
n j =1 aj xj

= b can be modelled by 2 inequality constraints:

this models k equality constraints

n j =1

aij xj = bi , i = 1, . . . , k by 2k new constraints

we can use only k + 1 new constraints, by simply adding together all the constraints: n j =1 aij xj bi , i = 1, . . . , k
k i=1 n j =1

aij xj

k i=1 bi

(this works since if < held in one of the rst k inequalities, weld have < in their sum, contradicting the last inequality) Example. The 2 constraints x + y = 10 y + 5z = 20 are equivalent to x + y 10 y + 5z 20 Exercise. This optimization problem minimize z = x subject to x>1 illustrates why strict inequalities are not allowed. Explain.

x + 2y + 5z 30

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#2, p. 2

Exercise. (Karmarkar Standard Form) The Linear Inequalities (LI) problem is to nd a solution to a given system of linear inequalities or declare the system infeasible. Consider the system
n j =1 aij xj


(i = 1, . . . , m)

(i) Show the system is equivalent to a system in this form:

n j =1 aij xj


= bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

(ii) Show that we can assume a normalizing constraint in (i), i.e., any system in form (i) is equivalent to a system in this form:
n j =1 aij xj n j =1 xj xj

= bi =1 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

Hint. Let M be an upper bound to each xj . (The exercise of Handout#25 gives a formula for M , assuming all aij & bi are integers. Thus we can assume in (i), n j =1 xj nM . Add this constraint and rescale. (iii) Show a system in form (ii) is equivalent to a system in this form:
n j =1 aij xj n j =1 xj


=0 =1 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

(iv ) Starting with the system of (iii) construct the following LP, which uses another variable s: minimize z = s subject to
n j =1

aij xj (

n j =1 aij )s n j =1 xj + s

=0 =1 xj , s 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

Show (iii) has a solution if and only if (iv ) has optimum cost 0. Furthermore (iv ) always has nonnegative cost, and setting all variables equal to 1/(n + 1) gives a feasible solution. (iv ) is standard form for Karmarkars algorithm. That is, Karmarkars algorithm has input an LP of the form minimize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj n j =1 aij xj n j =1 xj


=0 =1 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

where any feasible solution has z 0 and xj = 1/n, j = 1, . . . , n is feasible. The algorithm determines whether or not the optimum cost is 0. (The exercise of Handout#18 shows any LP can be placed into Karmarkar Standard Form.)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#2, p. 3

Chv atal 213223; Murty Ch.1

LP Objective Functions

Unit 1: Overview

we can handle many seemingly nonlinear objective functions by adding a new variable Minimax Objectives Example 1. minimize the maximum of 3 variables x, y, z (subject to various other constraints) LP: add a new variable u & add new constraints: minimize u new objective ux new constraints uy uz this is a correct model: for any xed values of x, y , & z the LP sets u to max{x, y, z }, in order to minimize the objective this trick doesnt work to minimize the min of 3 variables see Exercise below Example 2. 3 new technologies can manufacture our product with dierent costs 3x + y + 2z + 100, 4x + y + 2z + 200, 3x + 3y + z + 60 but were not sure which technology well be using to be conservative we minimize the maximum cost of the 3 technologies LP: add a new variable u & with new constraints: minimize u new objective u 3x + y + 2z + 100 new constraints u 4x + y + 2z + 200 u 3x + 3y + z + 60 Example 2 . In makespan scheduling we want to minimize the completion time of the last job. in general we can solve LPs with a minimax objective function, i.e., minimize z = max{ j ckj xj + dk : k = 1, . . . , r } we add variable u & minimize z = u with new constraints u j ckj xj + dk , k = 1, . . . , r Note: u is a free variable similarly we can model maximin objective functions maximize z = min{ j ckj xj + dk : k = 1, . . . , r } add variable u & maximize z = u with new constraints u j ckj xj + dk , k = 1, . . . , r we can minimize sums of max terms, e.g., minimize max{2x + 3y + 1, x + y + 10} + max{x + 7y, 3x + 3y + 3} but not mixed sums, e.g., minimize max{2x + 3y + 1, x + y + 10} + min{x + 7y, 3x + 3y + 3}

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#3, p. 1

Special Cases these useful objective functions all have a concavity restriction dont try to remember them, just know the general method! Diminishing Returns (maximizing piecewise linear concave down objective functions) (concave down means slope is decreasing) Example 3. maximizing z = 2x x+1 (x + 5)/2 x1 1x3 3x5

is equivalent to maximizing min{2x, x + 1, (x + 5)/2}






z=2x x

z=2x x


2x x+1 (x + 5)/2

x1 1x3 3x5

min{2x, x + 1, (x + 5)/2}

Example 4. maximizing z = n j =1 cj (xj ), where each cj is a piecewise linear concave down function the same transformation as Example 3 works Remark. Handout #45 gives an alternate solution, that adds more variables but uses simpler constraints similarly we can minimize a sum of piecewise linear concave up functions

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#3, p. 2

Absolute Values Example 5. the objective can contain terms with absolute values, e.g., |x|, 3|y |, 2|x y 6| but the coecients must be positive in a minimization problem (e.g., +|x|) & negative in a maximization problem (e.g., |x|)


y = |x| = max{x, x} is concave up. e.g., minimizing x + 3|y | + 2|x y 6| is equivalent to minimizing x + 3 max{y, y } + 2 max{x y 6, (x y 6)} Example 6: Data Fitting. (Chv atal, pp.213223) n we observe data that is known to satisfy a linear relation j =1 aij xj = bi , i = 1, . . . , m we want to nd the values xj , j = 1, . . . , n that best approximate the observations in some cases its best to use an L1 -approximation n m minimize i=1 bi j =1 aij xj (perhaps subject to xj 0) and sometimes its best to use an L -approximation minimize maxi bi n j =1 aij xj (when a least-squares, i.e., L2 -approximation, is most appropriate, we may be able to use calculus, or more generally we use QP see Handout#42)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#3, p. 3

Excesses and Shortfalls Example 7. in a resource allocation problem, variable x is the number of barrels of high-octane gas produced the demand for high-octane gas is 10000 barrels producing more incurs a holding cost of $25 per barrel producing less incurs a purchase cost of $50 per barrel LP: add new variables e (excess) and s (shortfall) add terms 25e 50s to the objective function (maximizing prot) add constraints e x 10000, e 0 & s 10000 x, s 0 Remark. were modelling excess = max{x 10000, 0}, shortfall = max{10000 x, 0} in general we can model an excess or shortage of a linear function with penalties pe for excess, ps for shortage when were maximizing or minimizing if pe , ps 0 more generally we can allow pe + ps 0 this allows a reward for excess or shortage (but not both) to do this add terms pe e + ps s to the objective (minimizing cost) and constraints j aj xj b = e s, e 0, s 0 Exercise. Suppose, similar to Example 1, we want to minimize the minimum of 3 variables x, y, z (subject to various other constraints). Show how to do this by solving 3 LPs, each involving 2 extra constraints.

aj xj & target b

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#3, p. 4

Complexity of LP & Related Problems What is a large LP? era Dantzigs US economy model 2000 m 1.5K 10K..100K even 1M n 4K 20K..500K even 2M nonzeroes 40K 100K..2M even 6M

Unit 1: Overview

the big problems still have only 10..30 nonzeroes per constraint the bigger problems may take days to solve Notation: L = (number of bits in the input) (see Handout#69) Perspective: to understand the bounds, note that Gaussian elimination is time O(n3 L) i.e., O(n3 ) operations, each on O(L) bits Simplex Method G.B. Dantzig, 1951: Maximization of a linear function of variables subject to linear inequalities visits extreme points, always increasing the prot can do 2n pivot steps, each time O(mn) but in practice, simplex is often the method of choice this is backed up by some theoretic results in a certain model where problems are chosen randomly, average number of pivots is bounded by min{n/2, (m + 1)/2, (m + n + 1)/8}, in agreement with practice simplex is polynomial-time if we use smoothed analysis compute average time of a randomly perturbed variant of the given LP the next 2 algorithms show LP is in P Ellipsoid Method L.G. Khachiyan, 1979: A polynomial algorithm for linear programming nds sequence of ellipsoids of decreasing volume, each containing a feasible solution O(mn3 L) arithmetic operations on numbers of O(L) bits impractical, even for 15 variables theoretic tool for developing polynomial time algorithms (Gr otschel, Lovasz, Schrijver, 1981) extends to convex programming, semidenite programming Interior Point Algorithm N. Karmarkar, 1984: A new polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming (Combinatorica 84) navigates through the interior, eventually jumping to optimum extreme point O((m1.5 n2 + m2 n)L) arithmetic operations on numbers of O(L) bits in practice, competitive with simplex for large problems renements: O((mn2 + m1.5 n)L) operations on numbers of O(L) bits (Vaidya, 1987, and others)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#4, p. 1

Strong Polynomial Algorithms (for special LPs) 2 variables per inequality: time O(mn3 log n) (Megiddo, 1983) each aij {0, 1} (combinatorial LPs): p(n, m) i..e., strong polynomial time (Tardos, 1985) time O(m) for n = O(1) (Megiddo, 1984) Randomized Algorithms relatively simple randomized algorithms achieve average running times that are subexponential O( n log n) e.g., the only superpolynomial term is 2 (Motwani & Raghavan, Randomized Algorithms) surveys these Kelner & Spielman (STOC 2006) show a certain randomized version of simplex runs in polynomial time Integer Linear Programming NP-complete polynomial algorithm for n = O(1), the basis reduction method (Lenstra, 1983) in practice ILPs are solved using a subroutine for LP, and generating additional linear constraints What is a large ILP? m = 100..2K or even 5K; n = 500..2K or even 5K free LINDO can handle m = 300, n = 150 for LP, and n = 50 for ILP

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#4, p. 2

Chv atal, 13 23

The Simplex Algorithm: Example

Unit 2: Fundamentals

we solve this LP (a resource allocation problem similar to Handout #1): maximize z = 6x1 +4x2 subject to 4x1 +2x2 8 3x1 +4x2 12 x1 , x2 0 maximum z = 14.4 achieved by (.8, 2.4)



x1 6x1+4x2=14.4

to start, change inequalities to equations by introducing slack variables x3 , x4 nonnegative, x3 , x4 0 this gives the initial dictionary it denes the slack variables in terms of the original variables: x3 = 8 4x1 2x2 x4 = 12 3x1 4x2 z= 6x1 + 4x2

this dictionary is associated with the solution x1 = x2 = 0, x3 = 8, x4 = 12, z = 0 the l.h.s. variables x3 , x4 are the basic variables the r.h.s. variables x1 , x2 are the nonbasic variables in general a dictionary has the same form as above it is a set of equations dening the basic variables in terms of the nonbasic variables the solution associated with the dictionary has all nonbasic variables set to zero the dictionary is feasible if this makes all basic variables nonnegative in which case the solution is a basic feasible solution (bfs)

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#5, p. 1

increasing x1 will increase z we maintain a solution by decreasing x3 and x4 x3 0 = 8 4x1 2x2 0, x1 2 x4 0 = x1 4 so set x1 = 2 this gives z = 12, and also makes x3 = 0 this procedure is a pivot step we do more pivots to get even better solutions: the rst pivot: x1 & x3 change roles, i.e., x1 becomes basic, x3 nonbasic: 1. solve for x1 in x3 s equation 2. substitute for x1 in remaining equations 2nd Dictionary 1 x1 = 2 1 2 x2 4 x3
5 x4 = 6 2 x2 + 3 x 4 3 3 z = 12 + x2 2 x3

this dictionary has bfs x1 = 2, x4 = 6 the objective value z = 12 the 2nd pivot: increasing nonbasic variable x2 will increase z = make x2 the entering variable x1 = 2 1 x2 4 2 x2 0 = 5 x4 = 6 2 x2 0 = x2 12/5 = make x4 the leaving variable pivot (on entry 5 ) to get new dictionary 2 3rd Dictionary 4 x1 = 5 x2 = z=
12 5 72 5 2 1 5 x3 + 5 x4 3 x 2 x 10 3 5 4 6 5 x3

2 5 x4

this dictionary gives solution x1 = 4/5, x2 = 12/5 an optimum solution Proof. x3 , x4 0 = z 72/5

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#5, p. 2

Geometric View the algorithm visits corners of the feasible region, always moving along an edge



x1 6x1+4x2=14.4

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#5, p. 3

Chv atal, 17 19

Dictionaries & LP Solutions

Unit 2: Fundamentals

Dictionaries start with an LP () in standard form, maximize z = () subject to

n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n) (xn+i 0)

introduce m slack variables xn+1 , . . . , xn+m

the equations dening the slacks & z give the initial dictionary for (): x n + i = bi z=
n j =1 n j =1

aij xj cj xj

(i = 1, . . . , m)

A dictionary for LP () is determined by a set of m basic variables B . The remaining n variables are the nonbasic variables N . B, N {1, . . . , n + m} (i) The dictionary has the form xi = bi j N aij xj z =z+
j N

(i B )

cj xj

(ii) xj , j = 1, . . . , m + n, z is a solution of the dictionary it is a solution of the initial dictionary

Remarks. 1. a dictionary is a system of equations showing how the nonbasic variables determine the values of the basic variables and the objective nonnegativity is not a constraint of the dictionary 2. notice the sign conventions of the dictionary 3. B , the set of basic variables, is a basis 4. well satisfy condition (ii) by deriving our dictionaries from the initial dictionary using equality-preserving transformations a feasible dictionary has each bi 0 / B) it gives a basic feasible solution, xi = bi (i B ), xi = 0 (i Examples 1. the initial dictionary of a resource allocation problem is a feasible dictionary 2. the blending problem of Handout #1

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#6, p. 1

minimize z = 6x+4y subject to 4x+2y 8 3x+4y 12 x, y 0 has initial dictionary s1 = 8 + 4x + 2y s2 = 12 + 3x + 4y z= infeasible! Lemma [Nonbasic variables are free.] Let D be an arbitrary dictionary, with basic (nonbasic) variables B (N ). (i) Any linear relation always satised by the nonbasic variables of D has all its coecients equal to 0, i.e.,
j N

6x + 4y

j xj = for all solutions of D = = 0, j = 0 for all j N .

(ii) Any linear relation

j B N

j xj + =

j B N

j xj +

always satised by the solutions of D has the same coecients on both sides if all basic coecients are the same, i.e., = , j = j = j for every j N . j for every j B = Proof of (i). setting xj = 0, j N = = 0 setting xj = 0, j N i, xi = 1 = i = 0

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#6, p. 2

The 3 Possibilities for an LP any LP either (i) has an optimum solution it actually has an optimum bfs (basic feasible solution) (ii) is infeasible (no values xj satisfy all the constraints) (iii) is unbounded (the objective can be made arbitrarily large)
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

yx>=1 yx<=1


x+y= constant

x max x+y

Infeasible LP

Unbounded LP

well show (i) (iii) are the only possibilities for an LP part of the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming What Constitutes a Solution to an LP? for (i): an optimum solution an optimum bfs is even better! for (ii): a small number ( n + 1) of inconsistent constraints for (iii): a line of unboundedness on the boundary is best! in real-world modelling situations, (ii) & (iii) usually indicate errors in the model the extra information indicates how to x the model

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#6, p. 3

Chv atal, 27 33

The Basic Simplex Algorithm

Unit 2: Fundamentals

the basic simplex algorithm is good for conceptualization and hand-calculation although it ignores 2 issues Initialization Construct a feasible dictionary often, as in a resource allocation problem, initial dictionary is feasible i.e., all bi 0 Main Loop Repeat the following 3 steps until the Entering Variable Step or Leaving Variable Step stops aij , bi , cj all refer to the current dictionary Entering Variable Step If every cj 0, stop, the current basis is optimum Otherwise choose any (nonbasic) s with cs > 0 Leaving Variable Step If every ais 0, stop, the problem is unbounded Otherwise choose a (basic) r with ars > 0 that minimizes bi /ais Pivot Step Construct a dictionary for the new basis as follows: (i) Solve for xs in the equation for xr xs = (br /ars )
j N

(arj /ars )xj

N = N {s} {r } is the new set of nonbasic variables note arr = 1 by denition

(ii) Substitute this equation in the rest of the dictionary, so all right-hand sides are in terms of N in the Entering Variable Step usually > 1 variable has positive cost the pivot rule species the choice of entering variable e.g., the largest coecient rule chooses the entering variable with maximum cs the computation in the Leaving Variable Step is called the minimum ratio test Eciency (Dantzig, LP & Extensions, p.160) in practice the algorithm does between m & 2m pivot steps, usually < 3m/2 for example see the real-life forestry LP in Chv atal, Ch.11 simplex nds the optimum for 17 constraints in 7 pivots Deciencies of the Basic Algorithm we need to add 2 ingredients to get a complete algorithm: in general, how do we nd an initial feasible dictionary? how do we guarantee the algorithm halts?

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#7, p. 1

Chv atal, 27 33

Correctness of Basic Simplex

Unit 2: Fundamentals

our goal is to show the basic simplex algorithm always halts with the correct answer assuming we repair the 2 deciencies of the algorithm we achieve the goal by proving 6 properties of the algorithm 1. Each dictionary constructed by the algorithm is valid. Proof. each Pivot Step replaces a system of equations by an equivalent system 2. Each dictionary constructed by the algorithm is feasible. Proof. after pivotting, any basic i = s has xi = bi ais (br /ars )
new xs , 0 ais 0 = xi bi 0 ais > 0 = bi /ais br /ars (minimum ratio test) = bi ais br /ars

3. The objective value never decreases: It increases in a pivot with br > 0 and stays the same when br = 0. this property shows how the algorithm makes progress toward an optimum solution Proof. in the dictionary before the pivot, z = z + the objective value is z before the pivot let it be z after the pivot the new bfs has xs = br /ars thus z = z + cs (br /ars ) since cs > 0, z z if br > 0 then z > z 4. Every cj 0 = current basis is optimum. local optimum is global optimum Proof. consider the objective in the current dictionary, z = z + j N cj xj current objective value = z any feasible solution has all variables nonnegative = its objective value is z 5. In the Leaving Variable Step, every ais 0 = the LP is unbounded. Proof. set xj = t bj ajs t 0 j=s jB j / Bs
H. Gabow Fall 2007 #8, p. 1

j N

cj xj

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this is a feasible solution for every t 0 its objective value z = z + cs t can be made arbitrarily large the simplex algorithm can output this line of unboundedness

Properties 4 5 show the algorithm is correct if it stops (i.e., it is partially correct) 6. If the algorithm doesnt stop, it cycles, i.e., it repeats a xed sequence of pivots ad innitum. Proof. Claim: there are a nite number of distinct dictionaries the claim implies Property 6, assuming the pivot rule is deterministic Proof of Claim: m there are n+ bases B m each basis B has a unique dictionary to show this suppose we have 2 dictionaries for the same basis let xi be a basic variable and consider its equation in both dictionaries, xi = bi j N aij xj = b i j N aij xj nonbasic variables are free = the equations are the same, i.e., bi = b i , aij = aij similarly, z = z , cj = cj Cycling in a cycle, the objective z stays constant (Property 3 shows this is necessary for cycling) so each pivot has br = 0 (Property 3) thus the entering variable stays at 0, and the solution (x1 , . . . , xn ) does not change Chv atal pp. 3132 gives an example of cycling (see Handout #48) Degeneracy a basis is degenerate if one or more basic variables = 0 degeneracy is necessary for cycling but simplex can construct a degenerate basis without cycling: br neednt be 0 even if br = 0 we neednt be in a cycle although such a pivot does not change the objective value (see Property 3) (i) degeneracy is theoretically unlikely in a random LP, but seems to always occur in practice! (ii) if there is a tie for leaving variable, the new basis is degenerate (see proof of Property 2) Exercise. Prove the converse: A pivot step gives a nondegenerate dictionary if it starts with a nondegenerate dictionary and has no tie for leaving variable. Handout #11 adds a rule so we never cycle in fact, each pivot increases z this guarantees the algorithm eventually halts with the correct answer Handout #13 shows how to proceed when the initial dictionary is infeasible

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#8, p. 2

Chv atal, 23 25

The Simplex Algorithm with Tableaus

Unit 2: Fundamentals

tableaus are an abbreviated representation of dictionaries, suitable for solving LPs by hand, and used in most LP texts a tableau is a labelled matrix that represents a dictionary, e.g., heres the initial dictionary of Handout#5 & the corresponding tableau: x3 = 8 4x1 2x2 x4 = 12 3x1 4x2 z= 6x1 + 4x2 x1 x2 x3 x4 z b x3 4 2 1 8 x4 3 4 1 12 z 6 4 1 0

To get the tableau representing a given dictionary label the columns with the variable names, followed by z & b label each row with the corresponding basic variable (from the dictionary), the last row with z in each dictionary equation move all variables to l.h.s. so the equations become xi + aij xj = bi , z cj xj = z copy all numeric coecients (with sign) in the dictionary into the tableaus corresponding matrix entry Remarks. 1. a coecient aij (cj ) in the dictionary becomes aij (cj ) in the tableau 2. Chv atal uses the opposite sign convention in the z row LINDO uses the same sign convention To execute the simplex algorithm with tableaus add a new rightmost column to the tableau, for the ratios in the minimum ratio test star the pivot element ars (its row has the minimum ratio) Pivot Step: get new pivot row by dividing by the pivot element relabel the pivot row to xs (the entering variable) decrease each row i (excepting the pivot row but including the objective row) by ais times the (new) pivot row

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#9, p. 1

Solution of the Example LP by Tableaus Initial Tableau x1 x2 x3 x4 z b ratio x3 4 2 1 8 2 x4 3 4 1 12 4 z 6 4 1 0 1st Pivot x1 x2 x3 x4 z b ratio x1 1 .5 .25 2 4 x4 2.5 .75 1 6 2.4 z 1 1.5 1 12 Optimum Tableau x1 x2 x3 x4 z b x1 1 .4 .2 .8 x2 1 .3 .4 2.4 z 1.2 .4 1 14.4 Example 2. LP: maximize z = xy subject to x +y 2 ax +y 4 x, y 0 Initial Tableau s1 s2 x s1 1 0 1 s2 0 1 a z 1 y z b ratio 1 2 1 4 4/a 1 1 0

this ratio test assumes a > 0 if a 0 the initial tableau has an unbounded pivot corresponding to the line y = 0 (parametrically x = t, y = 0, s1 = 2 + t, s2 = 4 at) 1st Pivot (Optimum) let = 1/a s1 s1 1 x 0 z s2 x y z b 1+ 2 + 4 1 4 1+ 1 4

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#9, p. 2

Chv atal, 250 255, 260 261

Introduction to Geometry of LP

Unit 2: Fundamentals

Rn n-dimensional space, i.e., the set of all vectors or points (x1 , . . . , xn ) let aj , j = 1, . . . , n and b be real numbers with some aj = 0 n hyperplane all points of Rn satisfying j =1 aj xj = b e.g.: a line ax + by = c in the plane R2 , a plane ax + by + cz = d in 3-space, etc. a hyperplane is an (n 1)-dimensional space (closed) half-space all points of Rn satisfying
n j =1 aj xj

convex polyhedron an intersection of a nite number of half-spaces convex polytope a convex polyhedron that is bounded let P be a convex polyhedron the hyperplanes of P the hyperplanes corresponding to the half-spaces of P this may include extraneous hyperplanes that dont change the intersection P contains various polyhedra face P intersected with some of the hyperplanes of P , or or P

this unbounded convex polyhedron has 3 vertices, 4 edges (facets), 9 faces total

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#10, p. 1

Special Faces vertex 0-dimensional face of P i.e., a point of P that is the unique intersection of n hyperplanes of P edge 1-dimensional face of P i.e., a line segment that is the intersection of P and n 1 hyperplanes of P can be a ray or a line facet (n 1)-dimensional face of P

A famous 3D-convex polyhedron 2 vertices of P are adjacent if they are joined by an edge of P a line in Rn has a parameterized form, xj = mj t + bj , j = 1, . . . , n Geometry of LPs the feasible region of an LP is a convex polyhedron P the set of all optima of an LP form a face e.g., a vertex, if the optimum is unique , if the LP is infeasible or unbounded an unbounded LP has a line of unboundedness, which can always be chosen as an edge P , if the objective is constant on P

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#10, p. 2

Geometric View of the Simplex Algorithm (see Handout#47 for proofs of these facts) consider the problem in activity space (no slacks) a bfs is a vertex of P plus n hyperplanes of P that dene it a degenerate bfs is the intersection of > n hyperplanes of P may (or may not) correspond to > n facets intersecting at a point (see also Chv atal, pp. 259260) corresponds to > 1 dictionary (nondegeneracy corresponds to general position in geometry) a nondegenerate pivot moves from one vertex, along an edge, to an adjacent vertex a degenerate pivot stays at the same vertex the path traversed by the simplex algorithm, from initial vertex to nal (optimum) vertex, is the simplex path note the objective function always increases as we move along the simplex path Hirsch Conjecture. (1957, still open) any 2 vertices of a convex polyhedron are joined by a simplex path of length m actually all the interesting relaxations of Hirsch are also open: p(m) theres a path of length p(m, n) p(m, n, L) (L = total # bits in the integers aij , bi ) here p denotes any polynomial function, and we assume standard form our geometric intuition can be misleading, e.g., a polyhedron is neighborly if every 2 vertices are adjacent in any dimension 4 there are neighborly polyhedra with arbitrarily many vertices!

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#10, p. 3

Chv atal, 337, 25860

Avoiding Cycling: Lexicographic Method

Unit 2: Fundamentals

well give 2 rules, each ensures the simplex algorithm does not cycle both rules are easy to implement but many simplex codes ignore the possibility of cycling, since it doesnt occur in practice avoiding cycling is important theoretically, e.g., needed to prove the Fundamental Theorem of LP Intuition for Lexicographic Method degeneracy is an accident, i.e., > n hyperplanes intersect in a common point a random LP is totally nondegenerate, i.e., it has no degenerate dictionary our approach is to perturb the problem, so only n hyperplanes intersect in a common point = there are no degenerate bfss = the simplex algorithm doesnt cycle

3 planes meet at a vertex The Perturbed LP given an LP in standard form, maximize z = subject to

the 3 planes & a 4th meet at a vertex

moving the 4th plane forward gives 2 vertices

n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

replace each right-hand side bi by bi + i , where 0 < m m 1 . . . 1 1 = 0 ()

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#11, p. 1

Remarks 1. the denition 0 = 1 comes in handy below 2. its tempting to use a simpler strategy, replacing bi by bi + i.e., use the same perturbation in each inequality Chv atal p.34 shows this is incorrect, simplex can still cycle the constraints must be perturbed by linearly independent quantities well see this is crucial in our proof of correctness 3. the appropriate values of i are unknown for i > 0, and dicult to nd we nesse this problem by treating the i as variables with the above property ()! imagine executing the simplex method on the perturbed problem well get expressions like 2 + 1 52 as b terms get combined call such expressions linear combinations (of the i s) & simpler expressions that are just numbers, like 2 call these scalars m so a linear combination has the form i=0 i i where each i is a scalar in any dictionary, the coecients are aij & cj , i = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n the absolute terms are bi , i = 1, . . . , m & z Lemma 1. Suppose we do a pivot step on a dictionary where every coecient is a scalar, & every absolute term is a linear combination of the i s. The resulting dictionary has the same form. Proof. (intuitively the pivots are determined by the as) an equation in a dictionary has the form xi = i ais xs . . . rewriting the pivot equation gives xs = (r /ars ) j =s (arj /ars )xj substituting for xs in each equation other than the pivot equation preserves every coecient as a scalar & every absolute term as a linear combination How Do We Perform the Minimum Ratio Test in the Perturbed Problem? we want to choose the row i minimizing i /ais , a linear combination so we need to compare linear combinations () tells us we should compare linear combinations using lexicographic order, i.e., dictionary order, < e.g., 50 + 22 + 94 < 50 + 32 5 m m in general for linear combinations = i=0 i i & = i=0 i i , < for some index j , 0 j m, j < j and i = i for i < j thus 0 is most signicant, 1 is next most signicant, etc. this lexical comparison corresponds to an ordinary numeric comparison: take i = i with > 0 small enough the above comparison becomes 5 + 22 + 94 < 5 + 32 5 , i.e., 94 + 5 < 2 4 2 it suce to have 10 < , < 1/ 10

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#11, p. 2

The Lexicographic Method start with the perturbed problem execute the simplex algorithm choose any pivot rule you wish(!) but use lexical order in the minimum ratio test heres the key fact: Lemma 2. The perturbed LP is totally nondegenerate, i.e., m in any dictionary equation xk = i=0 i i j N aj xj , the rst sum is not lexically 0, i.e., some i = 0 (in fact i > 0). Remark. of course the most signicant nonzero i will be positive Proof. recall the denition of each slack variable in the initial dictionary: n xn+i = bi + i j =1 aij xj substitute these equations in the above equation for xk this gives an equation involving xj , j = 1, . . . , n & i , i = 1, . . . , m that holds for any values of these variables so each variable has the same coecient on both sides of the equation Case 1. xk is a slack variable in the initial dictionary. say k = n + i, so the l.h.s. has the term i to get i on the r.h.s. we need i = 1 Case 2. xk is a decision variable in the initial dictionary. to get xk on the r.h.s., some nonbasic slack variable xn+i has an+i = 0 to cancel the term an+i i we must have i = an+i = 0 every pivot in the lexicographic method increases z , lexicographically by Lemma 2 & Handout#8, Property 3 so the lexicographic method eventually halts with a dictionary giving an optimum or unbounded solution this dictionary corresponds to a dictionary for the given LP take all i = 0 & gives an optimum or unbounded solution to the original LP!

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#11, p. 3

Remarks. 1. our original intuition is correct: there are numeric values of i that give a perturbed problem the simplex algorithm does exactly the same pivots as the lexicographic method just take i = i with > 0 small enough this is doable since there are a nite number of pivots 2. many books prove the key Lemma 2 using linear algebra (simple properties of inverse matrices) Chv atal nesses linear algebra with dictionaries 3. perturbation is a general technique in combinatorial computing e.g., any graph has a unique minimum spanning tree if we perturb the weights 4. smoothed analysis (Handout#4) computes the time to solve an LP L by averaging over perturbed versions of L where we randomly perturb the aij s and the bi s

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Fall 2007

#11, p. 4

Chv atal, 37 38

Pivot Rules & Avoiding Cycling

Unit 2: Fundamentals

the choice of entering variable is limited to the eligible variables i.e., those with cost coecient ci > 0 a pivot rule species the entering variable Common Pivot Rules Largest Coecient Rule (nonbasic gradient, Dantzigs rule) choose the variable with maximum ci ; stop if its negative this rule depends on the scaling of the variables e.g., formulating the problem in terms of x 1 = x1 /10 makes x1 10 times more attractive as entering variable Largest Increase Rule (best neighbor) choose the variable whose pivot step increases z the most (a pivot with xs entering & xr leaving increases z by cs br /ars ) in practice this rule decreases the number of iterations but increases the total time Least Recently Considered Rule examine the variables in cyclic order, x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , x1 , . . . at each pivot step, start from the last entering variable the rst eligible variable encountered is chosen as the next entering variable used in many commercial codes Devex, Steepest Edge Rule (all variable gradient) choose variable to make the vector from old bfs to new as parallel as possible to the cost vector recent experiments indicate this old rule is actually very ecient in the dual LP Open Problem Is there a pivot rule that makes the simplex algorithm run in polynomial time? Blands Rule nice theoretic properties slow in practice, although related to the least recently considered rule Smallest-subscript Rule (Bland, 1977) if more than one entering variable or leaving variable can be chosen, always choose the candidate variable with the smallest subscript

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Fall 2007

#12, p. 1

Theorem. The simplex algorithm with the smallest-subscript rule never cycles. Proof. consider a sequence of pivot steps forming a cycle, i.e., it begins and ends with the same dictionary we derive a contradiction as follows let F be the set of all subscripts of variables that enter (and leave) the basis during the cycle let t F let D be a dictionary in the cycle that gives a pivot where xt leaves the basis similarly D is a dictionary giving a pivot where xt enters the basis (note that xt can enter and leave the basis many times in a cycle) dictionary D : basis B coecients aij , bi , cj next pivot: xs enters, xt leaves dictionary D : coecients c j next pivot: xt enters Claim: cs = c s
iB ci ais

Proof of Claim: the pivot for D corresponds to solutions xs = u, xi = bi ais u, i B , remaining xj = 0 these solutions satisfy D (although they may not be feasible) the cost of such a solution varies linearly with u: dictionary D shows it varies as cs u dictionary D shows it varies as (c s iB ci ais )u these two functions must be the same! this gives the claim

well derive a contradiction by showing the l.h.s. of the Claim is positive but the r.h.s. is nonpositive

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Fall 2007

#12, p. 2

cs > 0: since xs is entering in D s pivot to make the r.h.s. nonpositive, choose t as the largest subscript in F
c s 0: otherwise xs is nonbasic in D & D s pivot makes xs entering (s < t)

c i ais 0 for i B : Case i = t: ats > 0: since xt is leaving in D s pivot c t > 0: since xt is entering in D s pivot Case i B F : c i = 0: since xi never leaves the basis Case i B (F t): ais 0: since bi = 0 (any variable of F stays at 0 throughout the cycle see Handout #8) but xi isnt the leaving variable in D s pivot 0: otherwise xi is nonbasic in D & D s pivot makes xi entering (i < t) (Wow!) c i Remarks 1. Blands discovery resulted from using matroids to study the sign properties of dictionaries 2. stalling when a large number of consecutive pivots stay at the same vertex Blands rule can stall see Handout#49 3. interesting results have been proved on randomized pivot rules e.g., Kalai (STOC 92) shows this pivot rule gives subexponential average running time: choose a random facet F that passes through the current vertex recursively move to an optimum point on F

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#12, p. 3

Chv atal, 39 42 given a standard form LP maximize z = subject to

The Two-Phase Method

Unit 2: Fundamentals

n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 aij xj

xj 0


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

if all bi are nonnegative the initial dictionary is feasible, so the basic simplex algorithm solves the problem if some bi < 0 we solve the problem as follows: The Two-Phase Method Phase 1: nd a feasible dictionary (or detect infeasibility) Phase 2: solve the given LP with the simplex algorithm, starting with the feasible dictionary weve already described Phase 2; well use simplex to do Phase 1 too! The Phase 1 LP minimize x0 subject to
n j =1 aij xj

x 0 bi xj 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 0, . . . , n)

Motivation: the minimum = 0 the given LP is feasible but if the given LP is feasible, will we get a feasible dictionary for it? x0 is sometimes called an articial variable before describing Phase 1, heres an example: the given LP has constraints x1 x2 1, 2x1 + x2 2,

7x1 x2 6

x1 , x2 0

(the rst constraint 7x1 7x2 7 is inconsistent with the last 7x1 7x2 7x1 x2 6 ) put the constraints in standard form: x1 + x2 1, 2x1 x2 2, Phase 1 starting dictionary: (infeasible) x4 = 2 + 2x1 + x2 + x0 w = x0
H. Gabow

7x1 x2 6

x1 , x2 0

1st pivot: x0 enters, x4 leaves (achieving Phase 1 feasibility) x0 = 2 2x1 x2 + x4 x3 = 1 x1 2x2 + x4 + x4

x3 = 1 + x1 x2 + x0

x5 = 6 7x1 + x2 + x0

x5 = 8 9x1

w = 2 + 2x1 + x2 x4
Fall 2007 #13, p. 1

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2nd pivot: x2 enters, x3 leaves x2 = x0 =

1 2 3 2

last pivot: x1 enters, x5 leaves x2 = . . . x0 = . . . x1 =

8 9 1 +9 x4 1 x 9 5

1 x 2 1 3 2 x1

1 x 2 3 1 2 x3

+ +

1 x 2 4 1 2 x4

x5 = 8 9x1

+ x4

3 1 w = 3 +2 x1 1 x 2 x4 2 2 3

1 1 1 w = 1 6 2 x3 3 x4 6 x5

optimum dictionary

the optimum w is negative = the given problem is infeasible Exercise 1. Prove that throughout Phase 1, the equation for w and x0 are negatives of each other. General Procedure for Phase 1 1. starting dictionary D0 in the Phase 1 LP, minimizing x0 amounts to maximizing x0 introduce slack variables xj , j = n + 1, . . . , n + m to get dictionary D0 for Phase 1: x n + i = bi w= D0 is infeasible 2. feasible dictionary to get a feasible dictionary pivot with x0 entering, xn+k leaving (well choose k momentarily) x 0 = bk + w= bk
n j =1 n j =1

aij xj + x0 x0

(i = 1, . . . , m)

akj xj + xn+k
n j =1 (aij

x n + i = bi bk
n j =1

akj )xj + xn+k

(i = 1, . . . , m, i = k)

akj xj xn+k

to make this a feasible dictionary choose bk = min{bi : 1 i m} this makes each basic variable nonnegative, since bi bk 3. execute the simplex algorithm, starting with this feasible dictionary choose x0 to leave the basis as soon as it becomes a candidate then stop (x0 = 0 = optimal Phase 1 solution) obviously the simplex algorithm halts with an optimum solution the Phase 1 LP is bounded (w 0) so it has an optimum 4. Phase 1 ends when the simplex algorithm halts:

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Fall 2007

#13, p. 2

Case 1. Phase 1 terminates when x0 leaves the basis let D be the optimum Phase 1 dictionary, with basis B (since x0 = 0, D gives a feasible solution to given LP) transform D to a feasible dictionary D for the given LP, with basis B : 1. drop all terms involving x0 from D 2. replace the objective function w with an equation for z : eliminate the basic variables from the given equation for z z=
j B

cj xj +
j /B

cj xj

substitute D is a valid dictionary for the given LP: Proof. D has the same solutions as D0 hence D & D0 have same solutions with x0 = 0 i.e., ignoring objective functions, D has the same solutions as the initial dictionary of the given LP now execute Phase 2: run the simplex algorithm, starting with dictionary D Exercise 1 (contd). Prove that in Case 1, the last row of D is always w = x0 . Case 2. Phase 1 terminates with x0 basic. In this case the given LP is infeasible Proof. it suces to show that the nal (optimum) value of x0 is > 0 equivalently, no pivot step changes x0 to 0: suppose a pivot step changes x0 from positive to 0 x0 was basic at the start of the pivot, and could have left the basis (it had the minimum ratio) in this case Phase 1 makes x0 leave the basis Remark. the big-M method solves 1 LP instead of 2 n it uses objective function z = j =1 cj xj M x0 where M is a symbolic value that is larger than any number encountered

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Fall 2007

#13, p. 3

A Surprising Bonus if an LP is infeasible wed like our algorithm to output succinct evidence of infeasibility in our example infeasible LP the objective of the nal dictionary shows how the given constraints imply a contradiction: using the given constraints in standard form, 1 1 (1st constraint) + 3 (2nd constraint) + add 2
1 2 (x1 1 6

(3rd constraint), i.e.,

1 + x2 1) + 1 3 (2x1 x2 2) + 6 (7x1 x2 6) 1 simplies to 0 6 , a contradiction!

relevant denition: a linear combination of inequalities is the sum of multiples of each of the inequalities the original inequalities must be of the same type (, , <, >) the multiples must be nonnegative we combine the l.h.s.s & the r.h.s.s Phase 1 Infeasibility Proof in general, suppose Phase 1 halts with optimum objective value w < 0 consider the last (optimal) dictionary (ci 0) suppose slack si has coecient ci , i = 1, . . . , m multiply the ith constraint by ci and add all m constraints this will give a contradiction, (nonnegative #) w < 0 we show this always works in Handout#32,p.2 LINDO Phase 1 (method sketched in Chv atal, p.129) Phase 1 does not use any articial variables. Each dictionary uses a dierent objective function: The Phase 1 objective for dictionary D is w= xh

where the sum is over all (basic) variables xh having negative values in D . Tableau: Row 1 gives the coecients, in the current dictionary, of the given objective function. The last row (labelled ART) gives the coecients of the current Phase 1 cost function. This row is constructed by adding together all rows that have negative bi s (but keeping the entries in the basic columns equal to 0).

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#13, p. 4

Simplex Iteration. In the following, aij , bi and cj refer to entries in the current LINDO tableau (not dictionary!); further, cj are the Phase 1 cost coecients, i.e., the entries in the ART row. The value of the Phase 1 objective (bottom right tableau entry) is negative. Entering Variable Step. If every cj is 0 stop, the problem is infeasible. Otherwise choose a (nonbasic) s with cs < 0. Leaving Variable Step. Choose a basic r that minimizes this set of ratios: { bi : ais > 0 and bi 0, or ais < 0 and bi < 0}. ais

Pivot Step. Construct the tableau for the new basis (xs enters, xr leaves) except for the ART row. If every bi is nonnegative the current bfs is feasible for the given LP. Proceed to Phase 2. Otherwise construct the ART row by adding the rows of all negative bi s and zeroing the basic columns. Exercises. 1. Justify the conclusion of infeasibility in the Entering Variable Step. Hint. Show a feasible solution implies an equation (nonnegative number) = (negative number), using 0 xh < 0. 2. Explain why the set of ratios in the Leaving Variable Step is nonempty. If it were empty wed be in trouble! 3. Explain why any variable that is negative in the current dictionary started out negative and remained so in every dictionary. 4. Explain why Phase 1 eventually halts, assuming it doesnt cycle. Hint. Show a pivot always increases the current objective function (even when we switch objectives!). 5. Explain why the following is probably a better Leaving Variable Step: Let P OS = {i : ais > 0 and bi 0}. Let N EG = {i : ais < 0 and bi < 0}. bi : i P OS }. If P OS = then r is the minimizer of { a is bi Otherwise r is the minimizer of { ais : i N EG}.

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Fall 2007

#13, p. 5

Chv atal, 42 43

The Fundamental Theorem of LP

Unit 2: Fundamentals

recall the standard form LP maximize z = subject to

n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 aij xj

xj 0


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

Phase 1 proves the following fact: A feasible LP in standard form has a basic feasible solution. geometrically this says the polyhedron of the LP has a corner point Example 1. this fact neednt hold if the LP is not in standard form, e.g., the 1 constraint LP x1 + x2 5 (no nonnegativity constraints) is feasible but has no corner point:


weve now completely proved our main result:

Fundamental Theorem of LP. Consider any LP in standard form. (i) Either the LP has an optimum solution or the objective is unbounded or the constraints are infeasible. (ii) If the LP is feasible then there is a basic feasible solution. (iii) If the LP has an optimum solution then there is a basic optimum solution.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#14, p. 1

Example 1 contd. adopting the objective function x1 + x2 , & transforming to standard form by the substitutions xj = pj n, gives the LP maximize z = p1 + p2 2n subject to p1 + p2 2n p1 , p2 , n 5 0

this LP satises the Fundamental Theorem, having 2 optimum bfss/corner points:

p2 p2-2n <= 5


p1-2n <= 5

n The 2 optimum bfss are circled.

part (i) of the Fundamental Theorem holds for any LP Question. Can you think of other sorts of linear problems, not quite in standard form and not satisfying the theorem? an unbounded LP has an edge thats a line of unboundedness heres a stronger version of this fact: Extended Fundamental Theorem (see Chv atal, 242243) If the LP is unbounded, it has a basic feasible direction with positive cost. to explain, start with the denition:

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Fall 2007

#14, p. 2

consider an arbitrary dictionary let B be the set of basic variables let s be a nonbasic variable, with coecients ais , i B in the dictionary if ais 0 for each i B then the following values wj , j = 1, . . . , n form a basic feasible direction: wj = 1 ajs 0 j=s jB j / Bs

(n above denotes the total number of variables, including slacks) Property of bfds: if (x1 , . . . , xn ) is any feasible solution to an LP, (w1 , . . . , wn ) is any basic feasible direction, & t 0, then increasing each xj by twj gives another feasible solution to the LP (prove by examining the dictionary) Example. take the LP maximize z = y subject to x+ y 1 x, y 0 introducing slack variable s gives feasible dictionary y = 1x+s

z = 1x+s basic feasible direction s = t, y = t, x = 0



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Fall 2007

#14, p. 3

Claim. if an LP is unbounded the simplex algorithm nds a basic feasible direction wj n with j =1 cj wj > 0 (these cj s are original cost coecients) (n above can be the total number of decision variables) the Claim implies the Extended Fundamental Theorem Proof of Claim. let cj denote the cost cocients in the nal dictionary & z the cost value let s be the entering variable for the unbounded pivot (cs > 0) in what follows, all sums are over all variables, including slacks

cj xj = z +
j j

c j xj cj (xj + wj )

for any feasible xj since xj + wj is also feasible

cj (xj + wj ) = z +

subtract to get cj wj =
j j

cj wj =
j B

0 wj +

j / B s

cj 0 + cs = cs > 0

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Fall 2007

#14, p. 4

Chv atal, 54 57 The Dual Problem

The Dual Problem & Weak Duality

Unit 3: Duality

consider a standard form LP, sometimes called the primal problem maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 aij xj


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

xj 0 its dual problem is this LP minimize z = subject to

m i=1 bi yi

m i=1 aij yi


(j = 1, . . . , n) (i = 1, . . . , m)

yi 0

Caution. this denition only works if the primal is in standard maximization form Example. nd the dual of Chv atal, problem 5.2, p. 69 notice how n & m get interchanged! Primal Problem maximize subject to x1 2x2 3x1 + x2 1 x1 x2 1 2x1 + 7x2 6 9x1 4x2 6 5x1 + 2x2 3 7x1 3x2 6 x1 , x2 0 Exercise. Put the LP max x s.t. x 2 into standard form to verify that its dual is min 2y s.t. y 1, y 0. Professor Dull says Rather than convert to standard form by ipping x 2, Ill take the dual rst and then ip the inequality. So the dual is min 2y s.t. y 1, y 0. Show Dull is wrong by comparing the optimum dual objective values. Dual Problem minimize y1 + y2 + 6y3 + 6y4 3y5 + 6y6 subject to 3y1 + y2 2y3 + 9y4 5y5 + 7y6 1 y1 y2 + 7y3 4y4 + 2y5 3y6 2 y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 , y6 0

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#15, p. 1

Multiplier Interpretation of the Dual, & Weak Duality the dual LP solves the problem, Find the best upper bound on the primal objective implied by the primal constraints. Example contd. Prove that the Primal Problem has optimum solution x1 = 3/5, x2 = 0, z = 3/5. z (1/3)(3x1 + x2 ) = z (1/3)(1) = 1/3 not good enough z (1/5)(5x1 + 2x2 ) = z (1/5)(3) = 3/5 yes! in general we want a linear combination of primal constraints (l.h.s.) (the primal objective) (r.h.s.) is as small as possible this corresponds exactly to the denition of the dual problem: the multipliers are the yi (= dual nonnegativity constraints) dual constraints say coecient-by-coecient, (the linear combination) (the primal objective) dual objective asks for the best (smallest) upper bound possible so by denition, (any dual objective value) (any primal objective value) more formally: Weak Duality Theorem. xj , j = 1, . . . , n primal feasible & yi , i = 1, . . . , m dual feasible = Proof.
m m n n m n n j =1 cj xj m i=1 bi yi

bi y i

i=1 j =1

aij xj )yi =

j =1 i=1

aij yi )xj
j =1

cj xj

primal constraints & dual nonnegativity


dual constraints & primal nonnegativity

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Fall 2007

#15, p. 2

Remarks 1. its obvious that for a tight upper bound, only tight constraints get combined i.e., the multiplier for a loose constraint is 0 see Handout#19 its not obvious how to combine tight constraints to get the good upper bound the dual problem does this 2. How good an upper bound does the dual place on the primal objective? its perfect! see Strong Duality its remarkable that the problem of upper bounding an LP is another LP 3. plot all primal and dual objective values on the x-axis: maximum primal objective primal objective values minimum dual objective dual objective values

duality gap Illustration of weak duality. Strong Duality will show the duality gap is actually 0 4. starting with a primal-dual pair of LPs, add arbitrary constraints to each Weak Duality still holds (above proof is still valid) even though the 2 LPs need no longer form a primal-dual pair e.g., we constrain all primal & dual variables to be integers this gives a dual pair of integer linear programs Weak Duality holds for any dual pair of ILPs the duality gap is usually nonzero for dual ILPs

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Fall 2007

#15, p. 3

Chv atal, 57 59

Dictionaries are Linear Combinations

Unit 3: Duality

last handout viewed the dual variables as multipliers of primal inequalities next handout views them as multipliers of dictionary equations in the simplex algorithm to prepare for this we show the equations of any dictionary are linear combinations of equations of the initial dictionary for a given LP, consider the initial dictionary D and any other dictionary D D has coecients aij , bi , cj , basic slack variables & nonbasic decision variables D has coecients aij , bi , cj Remark. the same logic applies if D is an arbitrary dictionary we start by analyzing the objective function: D s cost equation is obtained from D s cost equation, z = j =1 cj xj , by adding in, for all i, n cn+i times D s equation for xn+i , xn+i = bi j =1 aij xj in other words: Lemma 1. D s cost equation, z = z + z=
n j =1 cj xj n+ m j =1 cj xj , is precisely the m n i=1 cn+i (bi j =1 aij xj n

equation xn+i ).

Example. check that the optimum primal dictionary of next handout, p.1 has cost equation z = (x1 2x2 ) + 0.2(3 + 5x1 2x2 s5 ) Proof. start with two expressions for z :
n+ m n m n

j =1

cj xj

j =1

cj xj

cn+i (bi
j =1

aij xj xn+i )
m i=1 cn+i

D s equation for z

D s equation for z , minus

both sides of the equation are identical, since the slacks have the same coecient on both sides (Handout#6, Nonbasic variables are free) Remark. the lemmas equation would be simpler if we wrote +cn+i rather than cn+i but the minus sign comes in handy in the next handout

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Fall 2007

#16, p. 1

we analyze the equations for the basic variables similarly: (this is only needed in Handout#20) D s equation for basic variable xk is xk = bk j N akj xj dene akj to be 1 if j = k & 0 for any other basic variable now xk s equation is a rearrangement of n+ m 0 = bk j =1 akj xj this equation is obtained by adding together, for all i, ak,n+i times D s equation for xn+i , xn+i = bi
n j =1 aij xj

in other words: Lemma 2. D s equation for basic variable xk , xk = bk equation 0=

m i=1 ak,n+i (bi

j N

akj xj , is a rearrangement of the

n j =1 aij xj

xn+i ).

(Rearrangement simply means move xk to the l.h.s.) Examples. Check that in the optimum primal dictionary of next handout, p.1, the equation for x1 is a rearrangement of 0 = 0.2(3 + 5x1 2x2 s5 ) & in the optimum dual dictionary, the equation for t2 is a rearrangement of 0 = 0.4(1 3y1 + . . . + 7y6 t1 ) + (2 + y1 + . . . 3y6 t2 ) Proof. start with two expressions for 0:
n+ m m n

j =1

akj xj


ak,n+i (bi
j =1

aij xj xn+i )

D s equation for xk

D s equations for the slacks

again the slacks have the same coecients on both sides so both sides are identical Moral: its easy to obtain the equations of a dictionary as linear combinations of equations of the initial dictionary: the slack coecients are the multipliers

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Fall 2007

#16, p. 2

Chv atal, 57 59, 261 262

Strong Duality Theorem

Unit 3: Duality

Second View of the Dual Variables the dual LP gives the constraints on the multipliers used by the simplex algorithm to construct its optimum dictionary more precisely the simplex algorithm actually solves the dual problem: in the cost equation of the optimum dictionary the coecients cn+i , i = 1, . . . , m form an optimum dual solution a coecient cj , j = 1, . . . , n equals the slack in the j th dual inequality, for this solution before proving this, heres an example, the primal & dual of Handout#15: for convenience we denote the slack variables as si in the primal, tj in the dual Starting Primal Dictionary s1 = 1 + 3x1 x2 s 2 = 1 x1 + x2 s3 = 6 + 2x1 7x2 s4 = 6 9x1 + 4x2 s5 = 3 + 5x1 2x2 s6 = 6 7x1 + 3x2 z = x1 2x2 starting primal dictionary isnt feasible, but this doesnt matter Optimum Primal Dictionary (= nal Phase 1 dictionary) x1 = 0.6 + 0.4x2 + 0.2s5 s2 = 0.4 + 0.60x2 0.2s5 s3 = 7.2 6.2x2 + 0.4s5 s4 = 0.6 + 0.4x2 1.8s5 s1 = 0.8 + 0.2x2 + 0.6s5 s6 = 1.8 + 0.2x2 1.4s5 z = 0.6 2.4x2 0.2s5 dual dual slacks decisions Optimum Dual Dictionary (obtained in 1 pivot) y5 = 0.2 0.6y1 + 0.2y2 0.4y3 + 1.8y4 + 1.4y6 0.2t1 t2 = 2.4 0.2y1 0.6y2 + 6.2y3 0.4y4 0.2y6 0.4t1 z = 0.6 0.8y1 0.4y2 7.2y3 0.6y4 1.8y6 0.6t1 primal slacks primal decisions Starting Dual Dictionary t1 = 1 3y1 + y2 2y3 + 9y4 5y5 + 7y6 t2 = 2 + y1 y2 + 7y3 4y4 + 2y5 3y6 z = y1 y2 6y3 6y4 + 3y5 6y6

the cost equation of optimum primal dictionary indicates an optimum dual solution y5 = 0.2, yj = 0 for j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & the corresponding slack in the dual constraints t2 = 2.4, t1 = 0
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #17, p. 1

check out the dual dictionary! the proof of the next theorem shows the second view is correct in general our theorem says the primal & dual problems have the same optimum values, as suspected e.g., the common optimum is 0.6 in our example

Strong Duality Theorem. If the primal LP has an optimum solution xj , j = 1, . . . , n then the dual LP has an optimum solution yi , i = 1, . . . , m with the same objective value,
n j =1 cj xj

m i=1 bi yi .

Proof. consider the optimum primal dictionary found by the simplex method let bars refer to the optimum dictionary, e.g., cj no bars refer to the given dictionary, e.g., cj set yi = cn+i , i = 1, . . . , m these yi are the multipliers found by the simplex algorithm, i.e., n m n the nal cost row is j =1 cj xj + i=1 yi (bi j =1 aij xj xn+i ) note for j n, cj = cj
m i=1 aij yi

= tj , where tj is the slack in the j th dual constraint

these yi are dual feasible because the nal cost coecients are nonpositive: yi 0 since cn+i 0, for i = 1, . . . , m
m i=1 aij yi

cj since the slack tj = cj 0, for j = 1, . . . , n


nal primal objective value is z = i=1 yi bi = (the dual objective value) Weak Duality implies this is the minimum possible dual objective value, & yi is optimum

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Fall 2007

#17, p. 2

Remarks. 1. theres no sign ip in LINDO tableaux 2. Strong Duality is the source of many minimax theorems in mathematics e.g., the Max Flow Min Cut Theorem (Chv atal, p.370) see Handout#63 3. another visualization of primal-dual correspondence: primal primal decisions slacks n + m variables dual slacks dual decisions

Variable correspondence in duality 4. many other mathematical programs have duals and strong duality (e.g., see Handout#43)

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Fall 2007

#17, p. 3

Chv atal, 60 62

Why Dual?

Unit 3: Duality

the dual & primal problems are symmetric, in particular: Theorem. The dual of the dual LP is (equivalent to) the primal LP. equivalent to means they have the same feasible solutions & the essentially the same objective values Proof. the dual in standard form is maximize m i=1 bi yi subject to
m i=1 aij yi


(j = 1, . . . , n) (i = 1, . . . , m)

yi 0

its dual is equivalent to the primal problem: minimize n j =1 cj uj subject to

n j =1 aij uj


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

uj 0

for instance in the example of Handout#17 we can read the optimum primal solution from the optimum dual dictionary: x1 = 0.6, x2 = 0; & also the primal slack values si Remark to nd the dual of an LP with both & constraints, place it into 1 of our 2 standard forms maximization or minimization whichever is most convenient Example 1. Consider the LP maximize z = x s.t. x 1 At rst glance its plausible that the dual is minimize z = y s.t. y 1, y 0 To get the correct dual put the primal into standard minimization form, minimize z = x s.t. x 1, x 0 and get the correct dual maximize z = y s.t. y 1, y 0 Alternatively convert to standard maximization form maximize z = x s.t. x 1, x 0 and get dual minimize z = y s.t. y 1, y 0.

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Fall 2007

#18, p. 1

The 3 Possibilities for an LP and its Dual if an LP has an optimum, so does its dual (Strong Duality) if an LP is unbounded, its dual is infeasible (Weak Duality) e.g., in Example 1 the primal is unbounded and the dual is infeasible these observations & the previous theorem show there are 3 possibilities for an LP and its dual: (i) both problems have an optimum & optimum objective values are = (ii) 1 problem is unbounded, the other is infeasible (iii) both problems are infeasible Example of (iii): maximize subject to

5x1 + 6x2 29x2 5 29x1 6 x1 , x2 0

this LP is infeasible the LP is self-dual, i.e., it is its own dual so the dual is infeasible Exercise. Using matrix notation of Unit 4, show the LP max cx s.t. Ax b, x 0 is self-dual if A is skew symmetric and c = bT . in case (i), plotting all primal and dual objective values on the x-axis gives primal objective values dual objective values

optimum primal & dual objective in case (ii) the optimum line moves to + or

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Fall 2007

#18, p. 2

Exercise. As in the exercise of Handout#2 the Linear Inequalities (LI) problem is to nd a solution to a given system of linear inequalities or declare the system infeasible. We will show that LI is equivalent to LP, i.e., an algorithm for one problem can be used to solve the other. (i) Show an LP algorithm can solve an LI problem. (ii) Show an LI algorithm can solve an LP problem. To do this start with a standard form LP, maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj xj

bi 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

and consider the LI problem,

n j =1 m i=1

aij xj xj aij yi yi m b i=1 i yi

n j =1 cj xj

bi 0 cj 0 0

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n) (j = 1, . . . , n) (i = 1, . . . , m)

(ii) together with the exercise of Handout#2 shows any LP can be placed into the standard form required by Karmarkars algorithm.

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Fall 2007

#18, p. 3

Chv atal, 62 65

Complementary Slackness

Unit 3: Duality

rephrase the termination condition of the simplex algorithm in terms of duality: for any j = 1, . . . , n, xj > 0 = xj basic = cj = 0 = tj = 0, i.e, xj > 0 = the j th dual constraint holds with equality for any i = 1, . . . , m, yi > 0 = cn+i < 0 = xn+i nonbasic, i.e., yi > 0 = the ith primal constraint holds with equality heres a more general version of this fact: as usual assume a standard form primal LP

Complementary Slackness Theorem. Let xj , j = 1, . . . , n be primal feasible, yi , i = 1, . . . , m dual feasible. xj is primal optimal & yi is dual optimal m for j = 1, . . . , n, either xj = 0 or i=1 aij yi = cj and n for i = 1, . . . , m, either yi = 0 or j =1 aij xj = bi .

heres an equivalent formulation:

Complementary Slackness Theorem. Let xj , j = 1, . . . , n be primal feasible, yi , i = 1, . . . , m dual feasible. Let si , i = 1, . . . , m be the slack in the ith primal inequality, & tj , j = 1, . . . , n the slack in the j th dual inequality. xj is primal optimal & yi is dual optimal for j = 1, . . . , n, xj tj = 0 & for i = 1, . . . , m, yi si = 0.

Remark CS expresses a fact thats obvious from the multiplier interpretation of duality the dual solution only uses tight primal constraints Proof. Weak Duality holds for xj and yi lets repeat the proof:
m i=1 bi yi

m i=1 (

n j =1

aij xj )yi =

n j =1 (

m i=1

aij yi )xj

n j =1 cj xj

xj and yi are both optimal in this proof, the two s are = the rst is an = for each i = 1, . . . , m, si or yi is 0 the 2nd is an = for each j = 1, . . . , n, tj or xj is 0

(Strong Duality)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#19, p. 1

Remarks. 1. a common error is to assume xj = 0 =

m i=1

aij yi = cj , or vice versa

2. the simplex algorithm maintains primal feasibility and complementary slackness (previous page) & halts when dual feasibility is achieved 3. Complementary Slackness is the basis of primal-dual algorithms (Ch.23) they solve LPs by explicitly working on both the primal & dual e.g., the Hungarian algorithm for the assignment problem; minimum cost ow problems & primal-dual approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems Exercise. Show the set of all optimum solutions of an LP is a face. Testing optimality complementary slackness gives a test for optimality, of any LP solution given a standard form LP L maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 aij xj


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

xj 0

let xj , j = 1, . . . , n be a feasible solution to L our result says xj is an optimal solution it has optimal simplex multipliers: Theorem. xj is optimal yi , i = 1, . . . , m

(1) (2) (j = 1, . . . , n) (i = 1, . . . , m) (3) (4)

xj > 0 =
i=1 n

aij yi = cj

aij xj < bi = yi = 0
j =1 m

aij yi cj

yi 0

remembering the optimum cost equation of a dictionary (Handout#17), m cj = tj = cj i=1 aij yi for j n, cn+i = yi for i m (3)(4) say any variable has nonpositive cost (1)(2) say basic variables have cost 0 Proof. = : Strong Duality shows the optimum yi exists Complementary Slackness gives (1) (2) = : Complementary Slackness guarantees xj is optimal

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#19, p. 2

Application to check a given feasible solution xj is optimal use (2) to deduce the yi s that vanish use (1) to nd the remaining yi s (assuming a unique solution) then check (3) (4) Examples: 1. Chv atal pp. 6465 2. check x1 = .6, x2 = 0 is optimum to the primal of Handout#15, p.1 (y5 = .2, yi = 0 for i = 5) the above uniqueness assumption is reasonable for a nondegenerate bfs xj , (1)(2) form a system of m equations in m unknowns more precisely if k decision variables are nonzero and m k slacks are nonzero (1) becomes a system of k equations in k unknowns satisfying the uniqueness condition: Theorem. xj , j = 1, . . . , n a nondegenerate bfs = system (1)(2) has a unique solution. Proof. let D be a dictionary for xj (1)(2) are the equations satised by the m multipliers for the cost equation of D so we need only show D is unique since yi appears in the cost equation, distinct multipliers give distinct cost equations uniqueness follows since xj corresponds to a unique basis (nondegeneracy) & any basis has a unique dictionary

Corollary. An LP with an optimum nondegnerate dictionary has a unique optimum dual solution. although the primal can still have many optima primal: max 2x1 + 4x2 s.t. x1 + 2x2 1, x1 , x2 0 optimum nondegenerate dictionary: x1 = 1 s 2x2 dual: min y s.t. y 2, 2y 4, y 0 z = 2 2s

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#19, p. 3

Exercise. If the complementary slackness conditions almost hold, were close to optimality. This principle is the basis for many ILP approximation algorithms. This exercise proves the principle, as follows. Consider a standard form LP maximize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 aij xj


(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)

xj 0

with optimum objective value z . Let xj , j = 1, . . . , n be primal feasible & yi , i = 1, . . . , m dual feasible, such that these weakened versions of Complementary Slackness hold, for two constants , 1: for j = 1, . . . , n, xj > 0 implies for i = 1, . . . , m, yi > 0 implies
m i=1 aij yi cj ; n j =1 aij xj bi / .

Show that the values xj , j = 1, . . . , n solve the given LP to within a factor of opimality, i.e., z
n j =1 cj xj .

Hint. Mimic the proof of Weak Duality.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#19, p. 4

Chv atal, 65 68

Dual Variables are Prices in Economics

Unit 3: Duality

dual variables are prices of resources: yi is the marginal value of resource i i.e., yi is the per unit value of resource i, assuming just a small change in the amount of resource i Chv atals Forestry Example (pp. 6768)


x1 + x2 = 100 10x1 + 50x2 = 4000 x1 40x1 + 70x2 = 6250 x1 = # acres to fell and regenerate; x2 = # acres to fell and plant pine
standard form LP s1 = 100 x1 x2 s2 = 4000 10x1 50x2 z= 40x1 + 70x2

acreage constraint, 100 acres available cash constraint, $4000 on hand net prot

z gives the net prot from 2 the forestry activities, executed at levels x1 and x2 optimum dictionary D x1 = 25 1.25s1 + .025s2 x2 = 75 + .25s1 .025s2 z = 6250 32.5s1 .75s2 suppose (as in Chv atal) there are t more units of resource #2, cash (t is positive or negative) in 2nd constraint, 4000 4000 + t How does this change dictionary D ? since the optimum dual solution is y1 = 32.5, y2 = .75, Lemma 1 of Handout#16 shows D s objective equation is (original equation for z ) + 32.5 (1st constraint) +.75 (2nd constraint) = the objective equation becomes z = 6250 + .75t 32.5s1 .75s2

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#20, p. 1

D is an optimum dictionary as long as its feasible get the constraints of D using Lemma 2 of Handout#16 constraint for x1 is (a rearrangement of) 1.25 (1st constraint) .025 (2nd constraint) = x1 = 25 .025t 1.25s1 + .025s2 constraint for x2 is (a rearrangement of) .25 (1st constraint) +.025 (2nd constraint) = x2 = 75 + .025t + .25s1 .025s2 so D is optimum precisely when 25 .025t 75, i.e., 3000 t 1000 in this range, t units of resource #2 increases net prot by .75t i.e., the marginal value of 1 unit of resource #2 is .75, i.e., y2 thus its protable to purchase extra units of resource 2 at a price of (current price) +0.75 i.e., borrow $1 if we pay back $1.75 invest $1 (of our $4000) in another activity if it returns $1.75 Remark packages dier in their sign conventions for dual prices LINDO dual price = amount objective improves when r.h.s. increases by 1 AMPL dual price (.rc, dual variable) = amount objective increases when increase by 1

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#20, p. 2

Marginal Value Theorem the dual variables are marginal values, shadow prices specically we prove yi is the marginal value of resource i: suppose a standard form LP L has a nondegenerate optimum bfs let D (with starred coecients, e.g., z ) be the optimum dictionary let yi , i = 1, . . . , m be the optimum dual solution (unique by Handout #19) for values ti , i = 1, . . . , m, dene the perturbed LP L(t): n maximize j =1 cj xj subject to
n j =1 aij xj

bi + t i

(i = 1, . . . , m) (j = 1, . . . , n)
m i=1 yi ti .

xj 0

Theorem. > 0 for any ti , |ti | , i = 1, . . . , m, L(t) has an optimum & its optimum value is z + Mnemonic. z = bi yi , so z/bi = yi

this theorem is stronger than the above example the resource amounts can vary independently Proof. recall Lemmas 12, Handout#16: in the optimum, nondegenerate dictionary D for L, each equation is a linear combination of equations of the initial dictionary cost equation has associated multipliers yi kth constraint equation has associated multipliers uki using these multipliers on L(t) gives dictionary with m m basic values b k + i=1 uki ti , cost z + i=1 yi ti this solution is optimum as long as its feasible, i.e., b k +
m i=1

uki ti 0

let b = min{b (b > 0 by nondegeneracy) k : 1 k m} U = max{|uki | : 1 k, i m} (U > 0, else no constraints) = b/(2mU ) ( > 0) taking |ti | for all i makes l.h.s. b mU = b/2 > 0

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#20, p. 3

More Applications to Economics Economic Interpretation of Complementary Slackness

n j =1 aij xj

< bi = yi = 0

not all of resource i is used = its price is 0 i.e., more of i doesnt increase prot
m i=1 aij yi

> cj = xj = 0 if the resources consumed by activity j are worth more than its (net) prot, we wont produce j

Nonincreasing Returns to Scale we show the value of each resource is nonincreasing, by Weak Duality: let L have optimum value z & (any) dual optimal solution yi , i = 1, . . . , m (yi is unique of L is nondegenerate, but we dont assume that) Theorem. For any ti , i = 1, . . . , m and any fs xj , j = 1, . . . , n to L(t), m n i=1 yi ti j =1 cj xj z + Proof. we repeat the Weak Duality argument:
n j =1 cj xj

n j =1 (

m i=1

aij yi )xj =

m i=1 (

n j =1

aij xj )yi

m i=1 (bi

+ ti )yi = z +

m i=1 ti yi

(last step uses Strong Duality)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#20, p. 4

Chv atal, 137 143

Allowing Equations & Free Variables

Unit 3: Duality

in standard maximization form each constraint gives a nonnegative dual variable each nonnegative variable gives a constraint we can extend this correspondence to allow equations and free variables in standard maximization form: (i) each = constraint gives a free dual variable (ii) each free variable gives an = constraint (in all other respects we form the dual as usual) (i) & (ii) hold in standard minimization form too Example. Primal maximize x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + 4x4 subject to 3x1 + x2 + x3 x4 1 x1 x2 x3 + 2x4 = 1 2x1 + 7x2 + x3 4x4 = 6 9x1 4x2 x3 + 6x4 6 x1 , x2 0 minimize subject to Dual y1 + y2 + 6y3 + 6y4 3y1 + y2 2y3 + 9y4 1 y1 y2 + 7y3 4y4 2 y1 y2 + y3 y4 = 3 y1 + 2y2 4y3 + 6y4 = 4 y1 , y4 0

note that to form a dual, we must still start with a consistent primal e.g., a maximization problem with no constraints Proof of (i) (ii). consider a problem P in standard form plus additional equations & free variables we transform P to standard form & take the dual D we show D is equivalent to the problem produced by using rules (i) (ii) on P (i) consider an = constraint in P , j =1 aij xj = bi it gets transformed to standard form constraints, n j =1 aij xj bi bi these constraints give 2 nonnegative variables in D , pi & ni the j th constraint of D has the terms aij pi aij ni & the objective bi pi bi ni equivalently, aij (pi ni ) & bi (pi ni ) substituting yi = pi ni gives a free dual variable yi with terms aij yi & bi yi (ii) is similar in fact just read the above proof backwards
n j =1 aij xj n

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#21, p. 1

Exercises. 1. Repeat the proof using our slicker transformations, i.e., just 1 negative variable/1 constraint. 2. Show the dual of an LP in standard maximization form remains the same when we think of all variables as free and xj 0 as a linear constraint. 3. Show dropping a constraint that doesnt change the feasible region doesnt change the dual. Remarks 1. Equivalent LPs have equivalent duals, as the exercises show. 2. Often we take the primal problem to be, max (optimizing over a general polyhedron) with dual min yi bi s.t. yi aij = cj , yi 0 cj xj s.t. aij xj bi

obviously Weak Duality & Strong Duality still hold for a primal-dual pair Chv atal proves all this sticking to the interpretation of the dual LP as an upper bound on the primal Complementary Slackness still holds theres no complementary slackness condition for an equality constraint or a free variable! (since its automatic) Examples. we give 2 examples of LPs with no Complementary Slackness conditions: 1. heres a primal-dual pair where every feasible primal or dual solution is optimum: maximize x1 + 2x2 subject to x1 + 2x2 = 1 minimize y1 subject to y1 = 1 2y1 = 2

2. in this primal-dual pair, the dual problem is infeasible maximize x1 subject to x1 + x2 = 1 minimize y1 subject to y1 = 1 y1 = 0

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#21, p. 2

Chv atal, Ch. 15 Saddle Points in Matrices


Duality in Game Theory

Unit 3: Duality


-1 (a)

-1 (b)

Fig.1. Matrices with row minima underlined by leftward arrow & column maxima marked with upward arrow. Fact. In any matrix, (the minimum entry of any row) (the maximum entry of any column). an entry is a saddle point if its the minimum value in its row and the maximum value in its column a matrix with no duplicate entries has 1 saddle point (by the Fact) Example. Fig.1(a) has a saddle point but (b) does not 0-Sum Games & Nash Equilibria a nite 2-person 0-sum game is specied by an m n payo matrix aij when the ROW player chooses i and the COLUMN player chooses j , ROW wins aij , COLUMN wins aij Example. Fig.1(b) is for the game Matching Pennies ROW & COLUMN each choose heads or tails ROW wins $1 when the choices match & loses $1 when they mismatch for Fig.1(a), ROW maximizes her worst-case earnings by choosing a maximin strategy, i.e., she choose the row whose minimum entry is maximum, row 2 COLUMN maximizes her worst-case earnings by choosing a minimax strategy, i.e., she choose the column whose maximum entry is minimum, column 1 this game is stable in repeated plays, neither player is tempted to change strategy this is because entry 1 is a saddle point in general, if a payo matrix has all entries distinct & contains a saddle point, both players choose it, the game is stable & (ROWs worst-case winnings) = (COLUMNs worst-case losses) & in repeated plays both players earn/lose this worst-case amount


CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#22, p. 1

Remark. for 0-sum games, stability is the same as a Nash point: in any game, a Nash equilibrium point is a set of strategies for the players where no player can improve by unilaterally changing strategies Example 2. Matching Pennies is unstable:
1 -1


Fig.2 ROW plays row 1 and COLUMN plays column 1. Then COLUMN switches to 2. Then ROW switches to 2. Then COLUMN switches to 1. Then ROW switches to 1. The players are in a loop! Example 3. this game is stable, in spite of the embedded cycle from Matching Pennies:
-1 2 -2



any game with no saddle point is unstable theres no Nash equilibrium point, so some player will always switch ROW prefers and will switch to it COLUMN prefers and will switch to it .. no saddle point = 1 or both players always switch but suppose we allow (more realistic) stochastic strategies each player plays randomly, choosing moves according to xed probabilities Example. in Matching Pennies, each player chooses heads or tails with probability 1/2 this is a Nash equilibrium point: each player has expected winnings = 0 she cannot improve this by (unilaterally) switching strategies any other strategy still has expected winnings = 0 the game is stable and () holds but what if ROW plays row 1 with probability 3/4? COLUMN will switch to playing column 2 always, increasing expected winnings from 0 to 1/2 = (3/4)(1) + (1/4)(1) then they start looping as in Fig.2 well show that in general, stochastic strategies recover ()

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#22, p. 2

The Minimax Theorem. For any payo matrix, there are stochastic strategies for ROW & COLUMN (ROWs worst-case expected winnings) = (COLUMNs worst-case expected losses). Proof. ROW plays row i with probability xi , i = 1, . . . , m this strategy gives worst-case expected winnings z i ROWs expected winnings are z for each column to maximize z , ROW computes xi as the solution to the LP maximize z subject to z
m i=1

aij xi 0 m i=1 xi = 1 xi 0

j = 1, . . . , n i = 1, . . . , m

z unrestricted COLUMN plays column j with probability yj , j = 1, . . . , n this strategy gives worst-case expected losses w i the expected losses are w for each row to minimize w, COLUMN computes yj as the solution to the LP minimize w subject to w
n j =1 aij yj n j =1 yj

0 =1

i = 1, . . . , m j = 1, . . . , n

yj 0

w unrestricted these 2 LPs are duals both are feasible (set one xi = 1, all others 0) = both have the same optimum objective value the common optimum is the value of the game obviously if both players use their optimum strategy, they both earn/lose this worst-case amount Exercise. Using complementary slackness, check that ROW & COLUMN have the equal expected winnings.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#22, p. 3

Example for Minimax Theorem.

7/11 0

5/11 -2

6/11 2




Fig.4 Optimum stochastic strategies are given along the matrix borders. The loop for deterministic play is also shown. the value of this game is 2/11: ROWs expected winnings equal (7/11) [(5/11)(2) + (6/11)(2)] +(4/11) [(5/11)(4) + (6/11)(3)] = 2/11
2/11 2/11

p q 0

p 0

1/2-p 1

1/2-p -1






Fig.5 Game with 2 copies of Matching Pennies. General form of optimum strategies is shown, for 0 p, q 1/2. Remarks 1. as shown in Handout#3, LP can model a minimax objective function (as shown in COLUMNs LP) or a maximin (ROWs LP) 2. in more abstract terms weve shown the following: a matrix with a saddle point satises maxi minj {aij } = minj maxi {aij } the Minimax Theorem says any matrix has a stochastic row vector x & a stochastic column vector y with miny x Ay = maxx xAy

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#22, p. 4

Chv atal, 97 100

Matrix Representations of LPs

Unit 4: Implementation

the matrix representation of LPs uses standard row/column conventions e.g., heres an example LP well call E : maximize z = 3 1 subject to 1 1 0 1 x1 x2 x1 x2 Standard Form LP: maximize cx subject to Ax b x0 x1 x2 1 2 0 0

Standard Minimization Form: (dual) minimize yb subject to yA c y0

Conventions A: m n coecient matrix b: column vector of r.h.s. coecients (length m) c: row vector of costs (length n) x: column vector of primal variables (length n) y: row vector of dual variables (length m) Initial Dictionary let xS be the column vector of slacks xS = b Ax z = cx more generally: extend x, c, A to take slack variables into account now x & c are length n + m vectors; A = [A0 I ] is m (n + m) the standard form LP becomes Standard Equality Form: maximize cx subject to Ax = b x0 we assume this form has been constructed from standard form, i.e., slacks exist alternatively we assume A has rank m, i.e., it contains a basis (see Handout#31) x1 1 1 0 1 0 x2 e.g., our example LP E has constraints = 2 1 1 0 1 x3 x4 a basis is denoted by B , an ordered list of indices of basic variables (each index is between 1 & n + m) e.g., in E the basis of slacks is 3, 4 when B denotes a basis, N denotes the indices of nonbasic variables i.e., the complementary subset of {1, . . . , n + m}, in any order

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#23, p. 1

Theorem. B is a basis AB is a nonsingular matrix. Proof. = : the dictionary for B is equivalent to the given system Ax = b it shows the bfs for B is the unique solution when we set xN = 0, i.e., the unique solution to AB xB = b this implies AB is nonsingular (see Handout #55) = : let B denote AB (standard notation) the given constraints are BxB + AN xN = b solve for xB by multiplying by B1 the ith variable of B is the l.h.s. of ith dictionary equation express objective z = cB xB + cN xN in terms of xN by substituting for xB thus the dictionary for a basis B is xB = B1 b B1 AN xN z = cB B1 b + (cN cB B1 AN )xN

Remark. the expression cB B1 in the cost equation will be denoted y (the vector of dual values) the cost row corresponds to Lemma 1 of Handout#16 looking at the original dictionary, y is the vector of multipliers Example. in E , B = (1, 2) gives B = dictionary: x1 x2 = 1 0 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 x3 x4 = 1 1 0 1 1 1 x3 x4 x3 x4 1 1 0 1 0 , B1 = 1 1 1

z= 3 1

1 0 1 1

= 4 2x3 x4

cB B1 = 3

1 0 = 2 1 1 1

in scalar form, x1 = 1 x3 x2 = 1 + x3 x4 z = 4 2x3 x4

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#23, p. 2

Exercise. (Rounding Algorithm) Consider an LP minimize cx subject to Ax b where A is an m n matrix of rank n. (This means A has n linearly independent columns. Any LP in standard form satises this hypothesis.) Let u be feasible. We will prove the feasible region has a vertex with cost cu, unless it has a line of unboundedness. Let I {1, . . . , m} be a maximal set of linearly independent constraints that are tight at u. If |I | = n then u is a vertex and were done. So suppose |I | < n. We will nd either a line of unboundedness or a new u, of no greater cost, that has a larger set I . Repeating this procedure n times gives the desired line of unboundedness or the desired vertex u.





Path u0 , . . . , u3 taken by rounding algorithm. Objective = height. Choose a nonzero vector w such that Ai w = 0 for every constraint i I . (i) Explain why such a w exists. Assume cw 0 (if not, replace w by its negative). (ii) Explain why every constraint i with Ai w 0 is satised by u + tw for every t 0. Furthermore the constraint is tight (for every t 0) if Ai w = 0. Let J be the set of constraints where Ai w > 0. (iii) Suppose J = and cw < 0. Explain why u + tw, t 0 is a line of unboundedness. (iv ) Suppose J = . Give a formula for , the largest nonnegative value of t where u + tw is feasible. Explain why u + w has a larger set I , and cost no greater than u. (v) The remaining case is J = and cw = 0. Explain why choosing the vector w gets us into the previous case. This proof is actually an algorithm that converts a given feasible point u into a vertex of no greater cost (or a line of unboundedness). The algorithm is used in Karmarkars algorithm. (vi) Explain why any polyhedron Ax b where A has rank n has a vertex.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#23, p. 3

Chv atal, 100 105

Revised Simplex Algorithm: High Level

Unit 4: Implementation

weve described the standard simplex algorithm it works with completely specied dictionaries/tableaus the revised simplex algorithm implements the standard simplex more eciently using linear algebra techniques to understand the approach recall the dictionary for a basis B : xB = B1 b B1 AN xN z = cB B1 b + (cN cB B1 AN )xN 1. most of B1 AN xN isnt needed we only use the column of the entering variable so the revised simplex algorithm doesnt compute it! 2. this could be done by computing/maintaining B1 but inverting a matrix is slow, inaccurate, & most importantly we may lose sparsity e.g., Chv atal p.96, ex. 6.12 instead well use routines that solve linear systems Ax = b, yA = c Data Structures for Revised Simplex Algorithm A, b, c all refer to the given LP, which is in Standard Equality Form the basis heading B is an ordered list of the m basic variables B denotes AB , i.e., the m basic columns of A (ordered according to B ) 1 x b (ordered according to B ) B is the vector of current basic values, B to nd the entering variable we need the current dictionarys cost equation well compute the vector y = cB B1 notice its appearance twice in the cost equation at termination y is the optimum dual vector (the simplex multipliers) to nd the leaving variable we need the entering variables coecients in the current dictionary this is the vector d = B1 A.s Revised Simplex Algorithm, High-level Entering Variable Step Solve yB = cB Choose any (nonbasic) s cs > yAs If none exists, stop, B is an optimum basis Leaving Variable Step Solve Bd = As Let t be the largest value x B td 0 If t = , stop, the problem is unbounded Otherwise choose a (basic) r whose component of x B td is zero
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #24, p. 1

Pivot Step In basis heading B replace r by s (this redenes B) x B xB td In xB , replace entry for r (now 0) by t Correctness & Eciency Note: in Standard Equality Form, n m (i.e., # variables # equations) Entering Variable Step a nonbasic variable xj has current cost coecient cj yAj to save computation its convenient to take the entering variable as the rst nonbasic variable with positive cost time for this step: O(m3 ) to solve the system of equations plus O(m) per nonbasic variable considered, O(mn) in the worst case Leaving Variable Step xs = t, xB = x B td, & all other variables 0 satises the dictionary equations since xB does and increasing xs to t decreases the r.h.s. by dt so xs = t is chosen to preserve nonnegativity if x B td 0 for all t 0, it gives a line of unboundedness, i.e., as t increases without bound, so does z (since xs has positive cost coecient) time: O(m3 ) Pivot Step time: O(m) our worst-case time estimates show revised simplex takes time O(m3 + mn) per iteration not an improvement: standard simplex takes time O(mn) per iteration (Pivot Step) but well implement revised simplex to solve each system of equations taking advantage of the previous solution well take advantage of sparsity of the given LP real-life problems are sparse this is the key to the eciency of the revised simplex algorithm

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#24, p. 2

Chv atal, Ch. 6 Gaussian Elimination solves a linear system

Review of Gaussian Elimination

Unit 4: Implementation

n j =1 aij xj

= bi , i = 1, . . . , n in 2 steps:

1. rewrite the equations so each variable has a substitution equation of the form n xi = bi + j =i+1 aij xj , as follows: for each variable xj , j = 1, . . . , n choose a remaining equation with aij = 0 rewrite this equation as a substitution equation for xj (i.e., divide by aij & isolate xj ) remove this equation from the system eliminate xj from the equations remaining in the system, by substituting (an iteration of this procedure is called a pivot step for aij ) 2. back substitute: compute successively the values of xn , xn1 , . . . , x1 , nding each from its substitution equation Accuracy avoid bad round-o error by initially scaling the system to get coecients of similar magnitude also, choose each pivot element aij to have largest magnitude (from among all elements aj ) this is called partial pivotting complete pivotting makes the selection from among all elements a so the order that variables are eliminated can change Time assume 1 arithmetic operation takes time O(1) i.e., assume the numbers in a computation do not grow too big (although in pathological cases the numbers can grow exponentially (Edmonds, 67)) time = O(n3 ) back substitution is O(n2 ) theoretically, solving a linear system uses time O(M (n)) = O(n2.38 ) by divide-and-conquer methods of matrix multiplication & inversion for sparse systems the time is much less, if we preserve sparsity

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#25, p. 1

Preserving Sparsity if we pivot on aij we eliminate row i & column j from the remaining system but we can change other coecients from 0 to nonzero the number of such changes equals the ll-in we can reduce ll-in by choice of pivot element, for example: let pi (qj ) be the number of nonzero entries in row i (column j ) in the (remaining) system pivotting on aij gives ll-in (pi 1)(qj 1) Markowitzs rule: always pivot on aij , a nonzero element that minimizes (pi 1)(qj 1) this usually keeps the ll-in small Remark. minimizing the total ll-in is NP-hard Matrices for Pivotting permutation matrix an identity matrix with rows permuted let P be an n n permutation matrix for any n p matrix A, PA is A with rows permuted the same as P e.g., to interchange rows r and s, take P an identity with rows r and s interchanged a permutation matrix can equivalently be described as I with columns permuted for any p n matrix A, AP is A with columns permuted as in P upper triangular matrix all entries strictly below the diagonal are 0 similarly lower triangular matrix eta matrix (also called pivot matrix) identity matrix with 1 column (the eta column) changed arbitrarily as long as its diagonal entry is nonzero (so its nonsingular) Remark. the elementary matrices are the permutation matrices and the etas in the system Ax = b pivotting on akk results in the system LAx = Lb for L a lower triangular eta matrix whose kth column entries ik are 0 (i < k), 1/akk (i = k), aik /akk (i > k) a pivot in the simplex algorithm is similar (L is eta but not triangular) (a Gauss-Jordan pivot)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#25, p. 2

Gaussian Elimination Using Matrices the substitution equations form a system Ux = b U is upper triangular, diagonal entries = 1 (1)

if we start with a system Ax = b and do repeated pivots, the kth pivot (i) interchanges the current kth equation with the equation containing the pivot element, i.e., it premultiplies the system by some permutation matrix Pk (ii) pivots, i.e., premultiplies by a lower triangular eta matrix Lk , where the eta column is k so the nal system (1) has U = Ln Pn Ln1 Pn1 . . . L1 P1 A, an upper triangular matrix with diagonal entries 1 b = Ln Pn Ln1 Pn1 . . . L1 P1 b matrices U, Li , Pi form a triangular factorization for A if A is sparse, can usually achieve sparse U and Li s the # of nonzeroes slightly more than doubles (Chv atal, p.92) Remark. an LUP decomposition of a matrix A writes it as A = LUP. Exercise. In an integral LP all coecients in A, b & c integers. Its size in bits is measured by this parameter: L = (m + 1)n + n log n + { log |r | : r a nonzero entry in A, b or c} The following fact is important for polynomial time LP algorithms: Lemma. Any bfs of an integral LP has all coordinates rational numbers whose numerator & denominator have magnitude < 2L . Prove the Lemma. To do this recall Cramers Rule for solving Ax = b, and apply it to our formula for a dictionary (Handout#23).

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#25, p. 3

Chv atal, 105 111

Solving Eta Systems

Unit 4: Implementation

in the linear systems solved by the revised simplex algorithm yB = cB , Bd = As B can be viewed as a product of eta matrices thus we must solve eta systems of the form yE1 . . . Ek = c, E1 . . . Ek x = b Why B is a Product of Eta Matrices (Handout #57 gives a slightly dierent explanation) let eta matrix Ei specify the pivot for ith simplex iteration if the kth basis is B, then Ek . . . E1 B = I 1 1 thus B = (Ek . . . E1 )1 = E 1 . . . Ek B is a product of eta matrices, since the inverse of a nonsingular eta matrix is an eta matrix (because the inverse of a pivot is a pivot) Simple Eta Systems let E be an eta matrix, with eta column k To Solve Ex = b 1. xk = bk /ekk 2. for j = k, xj = bj ejk xk To Solve yE = c 1. for j = k, yj = cj 2. yk = (ck j =k yj ejk )/ekk Time O(dimension of b or c) this improves to time O(#of nonzeros in the eta column) if (i) we can overwrite b (c) & change it to x (y) both b & c are stored as arrays (ii) E is stored in a sparse data structure, e.g., a list of nonzero entries in the eta column ekk is stored rst, to avoid 2 passes General Systems basic principle: order multiplications to work with vectors rather than matrices equivalently, work from the outside inwards let E1 , . . . , Ek be eta matrices To Solve E1 . . . Ek x = b write the system as E1 (. . . (Ek x)) = b & work left-to-right: solve E1 b1 = b for unknown b1 then solve E2 b2 = b1 for unknown b2 etc., nally solving Ek bk = bk1 for unknown bk = x

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#26, p. 1

To Solve yE1 . . . Ek = c write as ((yE1 ) . . .)Ek = c & work right-to-left: solve ck Ek = c for ck then solve ck1 Ek1 = ck for ck1 etc., nally solving c1 E1 = c2 for c1 = y Time using sparse data structures time = O(total # nonzeros in all k eta columns) +O(n) if we cannot destroy b (c) An Extension let U be upper triangular with diagonal entries 1 To Solve UE1 . . . Ek x = b Method #1: solve Ub1 = b for b1 (by back substitution) then solve E1 . . . Ek x = b1 Method #2 (more uniform): for j = 1, . . . , n, let Uj be the eta matrix whose j th column is U.j Fact: U = Un Un1 . . . U1 (note the order) Verify this by doing the pivots. 1 a b 1 0 b 1 a 0 Example: 0 1 c = 0 1 c 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 so use the algorithm for a product of eta matrices for both methods, the time is essentially O(total # nonzero coecients) similarly for yUE1 . . . Ek = c

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#26, p. 2

Chv atal, 195 200, 207 211

The Cutting Stock Problem

Unit 4: Implementation

the revised simplex algorithm can handle LPs with huge numbers of variables! this technique was popularized by the work of Gilmore & Gomory on the cutting stock problem (the decomposition principle, Chv atal Ch.26, uses the same idea on LPs that overow memory) 1-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem arises in production of paper, foil, sheet metal, etc. Cutting Stock Problem raw material comes in raw rolls of width r must produce bi nal rolls of width wi , i = 1, . . . , m each wi r Problem: minimize the number of raws used (this problem is NP-complete just 3 nals per raw is the 3 partition problem) LP Formulation of Cutting Stock Problem a cutting pattern cuts 1 raw into ai nals of width wi (i = 1, . . . , m) plus perhaps some waste thus a cutting pattern is any solution to
m i=1 wi ai

r , ai a nonnegative integer

form matrix A having column Aj = (the j th cutting pattern) let variable xj = (# of raws that use pattern j ) cutting stock LP: minimize [1, . . . , 1]x subject to Ax = b x0

Remarks 1. the denition of cutting pattern allows us to assume = (rather than ) in the LP constraints also it makes all cj = 1; this will be crucial for column generation 2. the LP ignores the constraint that xj is integral in practice, rounding the LP optimum to an integral solution gives a high-quality answer (since rounding increases the cost by < m) in some applications, fractional xj s are OK see Chv atal 3. the LP is hard to solve because the # of variables xj is huge practical values are m 40, r 500, 50 wi 200; gives 107 patterns! 4. a good initial solution to the LP is given by the greedy algorithm, rst t decreasing: use the largest nal that ts, and proceed recursively

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#27, p. 1

Delayed Column Generation this technique adapts the revised simplex algorithm so it can handle potentially unlimited numbers of variables, if they have a nice structure to understand the method recall that the Entering Variable Step seeks a (nonbasic) variable xj with positive current cost cj , where cj = cj yAj we implement the Entering Variable Step using a subroutine for the following auxiliary problem: check if current solution x & and dual variables y are optimal, i.e., yA c if not, nd a (nonbasic) column Aj , cj with yAj < cj usually we do both parts by maximizing cj yAj solving the auxiliary problem allows us to complete the simplex iteration: use the variable returned xj as the entering variable use Aj in the Leaving Variable Step use cj in the next Entering Variable Step (for cB ) thus we solve the LP without explicitly generating A! The Knapsack Problem the knapsack problem is to pack a 1-dimensional knapsack with objects of given types, maximizing the value packed: maximize z = subject to
m i=1 m i=1 ci xi

ai xi b xi 0, integral (i = 1, . . . , m)

all ci & ai are positive (not necessarily integral) the knapsack problem (i) is the simplest of ILPs, & a common subproblem in IP (ii) is NP-complete (iii) can be solved eciently in practice using branch-and-bound (iv ) solved in pseudo-polynomial time (O(mb2 )) by dynamic programming, for integral ai s

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#27, p. 2

The Cutting Stock Auxiliary Problem is a Knapsack Problem for an unknown cutting pattern ai m (satisfying i=1 wi ai r , ai nonnegative integer) we want to maximize 1 i=1 yi ai a pattern costs 1 when we formulate the cutting stock problem as a maximization problem m equivalently we want to maximize z = i=1 (yi )ai can assume ai = 0 if yi 0 this gives a knapsack problem let z be the maximum value of the knapsack problem z 1 = current cutting stock solution is optimum z > 1 gives an entering column As note that our column generation technique amounts to using the largest coecient rule experiments indicate this rule gives fewer iterations too! A Clarication Chv atal (pp.199200) executes the simplex algorithm for a minimization problem i.e., each entering variable is chosen to have negative cost so his duals are the negatives of those in this handout Exercises. 1. Prove the above statement, i.e., executing the simplex to minimize z gives current costs & duals that are the negatives of those if we execute the simplex to maximize z . 2. Explain why the entire approach fails in a hypothetical situation where dierent cutting patterns can have dierent costs.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#27, p. 3

Chv atal, 201 207

Branch-and-Bound Algorithms

Unit 4: Implementation

branch-and-bound is a method of solving problems by partial enumeration i.e., we skip over solutions that cant possibly be optimal invented and used successfully for the Travelling Salesman Problem in general, a branch-and-bound search for a maximum maintains M , the value of the maximum solution seen so far & a partition of the feasible region into sets Si each Si has an associated upper bound i for solutions in Si repeatedly choose i with largest i if i M stop, M is the maximum value otherwise search for an optimum solution in Si & either nd an optimum & update M , or split Si into smaller regions Sj , each with a lower upper bound j Example consider the asymmetric TSP the same problem as Handout#1, but we dont assume cij = cji asymmetric TSP is this ILP: minimize z = subject to
i,j cij xij

xji j =i xij
j =i

=1 =1 {0, 1} |S | 1

i = 1, . . . , n i = 1, . . . , n i, j = 1, . . . , n S {1, . . . , n}

(enter each city once) (leave each city once) (no subtours)

ij S


Exercise. Show that the subtour elimination constraints are equivalent to

iS,j /S

xij 1,

S {1, . . . , n}

for this ILP, as well as for its LP relaxation.

dropping the last line of the ILP gives another ILP, the assignment problem (see Handout#45,p.2) the assignment problem can be solved eciently (time O(n3 )) its optimum solution is a lower bound on the TSP solution (since its a relaxation of TSP)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#28, p. 1

Branch-and-Bound Procedure for TSP in the following code each partition set Si is represented by an assignment problem P Si = { all possible assignments for P } M / M will be the smallest tour cost seen so far / repeat the following until all problems are examined: choose an unexamined problem P P is always an assignment problem initially the only unexamined problem is the assignment version of the given TSP let be the optimum cost for assignment problem P if < M then if the optimum assignment is a tour, M otherwise choose an unxed variable xij & create 2 new (unexamined) assignment problems: the 1st problem is P , xing xij = 0 the 2nd problem is P , xing xij = 1, xji = 0 / possibly other xi s can be zeroed / else / M / discard problem P Remarks. 1. to x xij = 1, delete row i & column j from the cost matrix to x xij = 0, set cij = in both cases we have a new assignment problem 2. the assignment algorithm can use the previous optimum as a starting assignment time O(n2 ) rather than O(n3 ) 3. choosing the branching variable xij (see Exercise for details): xij is chosen as the variable having xij = 1 such that setting xij = 0 gives the greatest increase in the dual objective sometimes this allows the xij = 0 problem to be pruned before it is solved Exercise. (a) Show the assignment problem (Handout#45) has dual problem maximize z = subject to
n i=1 ui

n j =1

vj i, j = 1, . . . , n

ui + vj cij

(b) Let z be the cost of an optimum assignment. Let ui , vj be optimum duals. Show that any feasible assignment with xij = 1 costs z + cij ui vj . (c) The b-&-b algorithm branches on xij where xij = 1 and ij maximizes 0 = min{cik ui vk : k = j } + min{ckj uk vj : k = i} + z . Show this choice allows us to discard the xij = 0 problem if 0 M . Hint. Use what you learned in (b).

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#28, p. 2

Example Execution j 1 2 3 4 5 6 vj 1 7 20 21 12 23 7 2 27 13 16 46 5 5 3 43 16 25 27 5 5 4 16 1 35 48 9 1 5 30 30 5 18 5 5 6 26 25 9 18 5 0 ui 15 0 0 11 5 0
= 54, M = since have cycle (1, 4, 2, 1) x63 = 1, x36 = 0 = 54 (same assgt.) 63

x63 = 0 tour asst. M = (0 = 63) x63 = 1, x36 = x35 = 0 0 = 8 + 2 + 54 = 64 discard

Cost matrix cij for given TSP & optimum assignment (boldface; cost 54) & optimum duals ui , vj (sum 54)

x63 = x35 = 1 x36 = x53 = x56 = 0 = 65 discard

The optimum tour cost is 63.

the b-&-b algorithm has enjoyed success because the optimum assignment cost is often close to the optimum TSP cost e.g., in 400 randomly generated asymmetric TSP instances with 50 n 250, the optimum assignment cost averaged > 99% of the optimum TSP cost with the bound getting better as n increased (The Travelling Salesman Problem, 1985) we might expect 1 in n assignments to be a tour since there are (n 1)! tours, & the number of assignments (i.e., the number of derangements) is n!/e we dont expect good performance in symmetric problems, since a cheap edge ij will typically match both ways, ij and ji Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Knapsack recall the Knapsack Problem from last handout: maximize z = m i=1 ci xi subject to
m i=1

ai xi b xi 0, integral (i = 1, . . . , m)

like any other b-&-b algorithm, we need a simple but accurate method to upperbound z order the items by per unit value, i.e., assume c1 /a1 c2 /a2 . . . cm /am wed ll the knapsack completely with item 1, if there were no integrality constraints can upperbound z for solutions having the rst k variables x1 , . . . , xk xed: z since
k 1 ci xi

+ (ck+1 /ak+1 )(b

k 1

ai xi ) = = (x1 , . . . , xk )

m k +1 ci xi

(ck+1 /ak+1 )

m k +1 ai xi

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#28, p. 3

Remarks 1. (x1 , . . . , xk ) is increasing in xk since increasing xk by 1 changes by ck (ck+1 /ak+1 )ak 0 2. if all ci are integral, z Example. A knapsack can hold b = 8 pounds. The 2 densest items have these parameters: i ci /ai ai 1 2 3 2 1 1.1

including 2 items of type 1 gives prot 2 3 2 = 12 including 1 item of type 1 gives prot 1 3 2 + 1 (8 3) = 11 regardless of parameters for items 3, 4, . . . 11 < 12 = reject this possiblity including no type 1 items is even worse, prot 1 8 = 8 for knapsack a good heuristic is to choose the values xi by being greedy: initial solution: x1 b/a1 (the greatest possible number of item 1) x2 (b a1 x1 )/a2 (the greatest possible number of item 2, given x1 ) etc. Knapsack Algorithm maintain M as largest objective value seen so far examine every possible solution, skipping over solutions with M set M = and execute search(1) procedure search(k); / sets xk , given x1 , . . . , xk1 / set xk greedily (as above), updating ; if k = m then M max{M, z } else repeat { search(k + 1); decrease xk by 1, updating ; until xk < 0 or M ; / by Remark 1 / } Remark. Chv atals algorithm prunes more aggressively, each time is computed

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#28, p. 4

Chv atal, 118 119

General Form LPs

Unit 5: Extensions

in practice variables usually have both lower and upper bounds the simple nature of these constraints motivates our denition of general form assume, wlog, each xj has lower bound j R {} & upper bound uj R {+} forming column vectors & u we get this General Form LP: maximize cx subject to Ax = b xu Notation m = (# of equations); n = (# of variables) a free variable has bounds and + Converting General Form to Standard Equality Form replace each variable xj by 1 or 2 nonnegative variables: Case 1: xj has 2 nite bounds. sj tj



replace xj by 2 slacks sj , tj 0 eliminate xj by substituting xj = j + sj add constraint sj + tj = uj j Case 2: xj has 1 nite bound. replace xj by sj = (the slack in xj s bound) sj 0 eliminate xj by substituting xj = j + sj or xj = uj sj Case 3: xj free, i.e., no nite bounds. nj pj




replace xj by pj , nj 0 eliminate xj by substituting xj = pj nj more generally xj = aj + pj nj for some constant aj

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#29, p. 1

unfortunately the transformation increases m, n the transformed LP has special structure: consider an xj bounded above and below (this increases m) 1. any basis contains at least one of sj , tj Proof 1. sj or tj is nonzero (valid if j < uj ) Proof 2. the constraint sj + tj = (constant) gives row 0 . . . 0 1 1 0 . . . 0 in A so B contains 1 or both columns sj , tj 2. only sj basic = xj = uj ; only tj basic = xj = j so a basis still has, in some sense, only m variables: xj adds a constraint, but also puts a meaningless variable into the basis this motivates Dantzigs method of upper bounding discussed in Handout#30 it handles lower & upper bounds without increasing problem size m, n most LP codes use this method

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#29, p. 2

Chv atal, 119 129, 132 133

Upper Bounding

Unit 5: Extensions

starting with a General Form LP, maximize cx subject to Ax = b xu we rework our denitions and the simplex algorithm with lower & upper bounds in mind basis list of m columns B , with AB nonsingular basic solution vector x (i) Ax = b (ii) basis B j nonbasic & nonfree = xj {j , uj } Remarks 1. 1 basis can be associated with > 1 basic solution (see Chv atal, p.120) a degenerate basic solution has a basic variable equal to its lower or upper bound a nondegenerate basic solution has a unique basis if there are no free variables 2. in a normal basic solution, any nonbasic free variable equals zero running the simplex algorithm on the LP transformed as in previous handout only produces normal bfss so non-normal bfss are unnecessary but non-normal bfss may be useful for initialization (see below) feasible solution satises all constraints the simplex algorithm works with a basis B and the usual dictionary relations, xB = B1 b B1 AN xN , z = cB B1 b + (cN cB B1 AN )xN
1 in general x b, B =B

z = cB B1 b

so our algorithm must maintain the current value of x, denoted x (x B & xN )

The Simplex Algorithm with Upper Bounding let B be a basis with corresponding basic solution x Pivot Step changes the value of some nonbasic xs from x s to xs + , where is positive or negative basic variables change from x B to xB d objective value changes from z to z + (cs yAs ) as in the revised simplex, d = B1 As , y = cB B1

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#30, p. 1

Entering Variable Step as in revised simplex, nd y = cB B1 & choose entering xs 2 possibilities for xs will increase z : (i) cs > yAs and xs < us increase xs (from its current value s , if nonfree) (ii) cs < yAs and xs > s decrease xs (from its current value us , if nonfree) this is the new case Fact. no variable satises (i) or (ii) = B is optimal our optimality check, i.e. no variable satises (i) or (ii), amounts to saying every variable is in-kilter, i.e., it is on the following kilter diagram:

cj uj j xj

A missing bound eliminates a vertical line from the kilter diagram, e.g., the diagram is the x-axis for a free variable. Proof. consider the current bfs x B and an arbitrary fs x, with objective values z , z respectively 1 from the dictionary, z z = (cN cB B AN )(xN xN ) hypothesis implies each term of the inner product is 0 = z is maximum Leaving Variable Step constraints on the pivot: (i) B x B d uB (ii) s x s + us (half these inequalities are irrelevant) Case 1: an inequality of (i) is binding. the corresponding variable xr leaves the basis the new xr equals r or ur Case 2: an inequality of (ii) is binding. basis B stays the same but the bfs changes xs changes from one bound (s or us ) to the other code so ties for the binding variable are broken in favor of this case since it involves less work Case 3: no binding inequality LP is unbounded as usual

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#30, p. 2

Other Issues in the Simplex Algorithm The Role of Free Variables xj 1. if xj ever becomes basic, it remains so (see Case 1) 2. if xj starts out nonbasic, it never changes value until it enters the basis (see Pivot Step) so non-normal free variables can only help in initialization a bfs x is degenerate if some basic xj equals j or uj degenerate bfss may cause the algorithm to cycle; avoid by smallest-subscript rule to understand this think of sj and tj has having consecutive subscripts Initialization if an initial feasible basis is not obvious, use two-phase method Phase 1: introduce a full articial basis articial variable vi , i = 1, . . . , m set xj arbitrarily if free, else to j or uj multiply ith constraint by 1 if Ai x bi Phase 1 LP: minimize 1v subject to Ax + Iv = b xu 0v

(1 = row vector of m 1s)

a basis with v = 0 gives a bfs for the original LP: drop all nonbasic articial variables for each basic articial variable vi add constraints 0 vi 0 a non-normal bfs can help in initialization: e.g., consider the LP maximize x1 such that x1 + x3 = 1 x1 , x2 0 equivalently x1 = 1 x3 , x2 = x3 4 so take x3 = 4 and initial basis (1, 2), x1 = 3, x2 = 0 Phase 1 not needed, go directly to Phase 2 the method of generalized upper bounding (Chv atal, Ch. 25) adapts the simplex algorithm for constraints of the form j S x j = b each xj appearing in 1 such constraint x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 13

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#30, p. 3

Chv atal, 130-2, 133-4, 242-3 BFSs in General LPs

Generalized Fundamental Theorem

Unit 5: Extensions

a standard form LP, converted to a dictionary, automatically has a basis formed by the slacks not necessarily feasible this general LP maximize x1 subject to x1 + x2 = 1 2x1 + 2x2 = 2 x1 , x2 0 has optimum solution x1 = 1, x2 = 0 but no basis! 1 1 since is singular 2 2 Phase 1, using articial variables v1 , v2 , terminates successfully with LP minimize 3v1 subject to x1 = 1 x2 v1 v2 = x i , vi 0 to proceed to Phase 2 we drop v1 we could safely drop v2 and its constraint v2 = 0 this would give us a basis intuitively this corresponds to eliminating the redundant constraint well show how to eliminate redundancy in general, & get a basis consider a general form LP L: maximize cx subject to Ax = b, x u L has a basis some m columns B have AB nonsingular A has full row rank the row rank of an m n matrix A is the maximum # of linearly independent rows similarly for column rank (row rank of A) = (column rank of A) = the rank of A 2v1

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#31, p. 1

to prove (row rank) = (column rank) it suces to show A has full row rank = it has m linearly independent columns Proof. let B be a maximal set of linearly independent columns so any other column A.j is dependent on B, i.e., Bxj = A.j the rows of B are linearly independent: rB = 0 = rA.j = rBxj = 0. so rA = 0. this makes r = 0 thus B has m columns Eliminating Articial Variables & Redundant Constraints A Simple Test for Nonsingularity dene A: a nonsingular n n matrix a: a length n column vector A : A with column n replaced by a r: the last row of A1 , i.e., a length n row vector rA = (0, . . . , 0, 1) Lemma. A is nonsingular ra = 0. Proof. we prove the 2 contrapositives (by similar arguments) ra = 0 = rA = 0 = A singular A singular = = = = for some row vector s = 0, sA = 0 sA = (0, . . . , 0, x), x = 0 (since A is nonsingular) s = xr ra = 0

this gives an ecient procedure to get a bfs for an LP 1. solve the Phase 1 LP get a feasible basis B, involving articial variables vi 2. eliminate articials from B as follows: for each basic articial vi do let vi be basic in the kth column solve rB = Ik. /r is the vector of the lemma / replace vi in B by a (nonbasic) variable xj rA.j = 0, if such a j exists the procedure halts with a basis (possibly still containing articials), by the lemma have same bfs (i.e., each new xj equals its original value)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#31, p. 2

Procedure to Eliminate Redundant Constraints let R = {k : vk remains in B after the procedure} R stands for redundant form LP L by dropping the constraints for R 1. L is equivalent to L, i.e., they have the same feasible points Proof. take any k R for simplicity assume vk is basic in row k 1 0 0 1 e.g., for m = 5, |R| = 3, B is 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

... ... ... ... ...

let r be the row vector used in the procedure for vk rk = 1; rj = 0 for j R k rA = 0 = the kth row is a linear combination of the rows of L 2. L has basis B = B R

Proof. in B, consider the rows for constraints of L any entry in a column of R is 0 = these rows are linearly independent when the columns of R are dropped = these rows form a basis of L

Generalized Fundamental Theorem of LP. Consider any general LP L. (i) Either L has an optimum solution or the objective is unbounded or the constraints are infeasible. Suppose A has full row rank. (ii) L feasible = there is a normal bfs. (iii) L has an optimum = the optimum is achieved by a normal bfs.

Proof. for (i), run the general simplex algorithm (2-Phase) for (ii), initialize Phase 1 with a normal bfs it halts with a normal bfs eliminate all articial variables using the above procedure

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#31, p. 3

Example L: maximize x1 + x2 subject to 2 x1 4, 2 x2 4 this LP has empty A, which has full row rank!

optimum bfs


Extended Fundamental Theorem (Chv atal p.242): If A has full row rank & L is unbounded, there is a basic feasible direction with positive cost. w is a feasible direction if Aw = 0, wj < 0 only when j = & wj > 0 only when uj = w is a basic feasible direction if A has a basis exactly 1 nonbasic variable wj is nonzero, and wj = 1 the general simplex algorithm proves the extended theorem: x d is feasible

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#31, p. 4

Chv atal, 143 146

Inconsistent Systems of Linear Inequalities

Unit 5: Extensions

Certicates of Infeasiblity let I be a system of inequalities Ax b Theorem. I is infeasible the contradiction 0 1 can be obtained as a linear combination of constraints. Proof. consider this primal-dual pair: primal maximize 0x subject to Ax b dual minimize yb subject to yA = 0 y0

(the primal is I with a constant objective function 0) I infeasible = dual unbounded (since dual is feasible, e.g., y = 0) = some feasible y has yb = 1 i.e., a linear combination of constraints of I gives 0 1 let n = (# variables in I ) Corollary. I is infeasible some subsystem of n + 1 constraints is infeasible. Proof. rst assume A has full column rank this implies [A | b] has full column rank if not, b is a linear combination of columns of A, contradicting infeasiblity I infeasible = yA = 0, yb = 1, y 0 is feasible = it has a bfs (in the general sense) y by the Generalized Fundamental Theorem of LP, and full column rank there are n + 1 constraints, so n + 1 basic variables any nonbasic variable is 0 so y has n + 1 positive variables now consider a general A drop columns of A to form A of full column rank, & apply above argument the multipliers y satisfy y A = 0 this implies y A = 0 since each dropped column is linearly dependent on A

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#32, p. 1

Remarks 1. the corollary cant be strengthened to n infeasible constraints e.g., in this system in variables x1 , x2 , any 2 constraints are feasible:





2. both results extend to allow equality constraints in I the proof is unchanged (just messier notation) 3. Chv atal proves both results dierently Inconsistency in the Simplex Algorithm well now show the Phase 1 Infeasibility Proof (Handout #13,p.4) is correct, i.e., executing the Phase 1 simplex algorithm on an inconsistent system I , the nal Phase 1 dictionary gives the multipliers of the corollary: recall the starting dictionary for Phase 1, with articial variable x0 & slacks xj , j = n + 1, . . . , n + m: x n + i = bi w=
n j =1

aij xj + x0 x0

(i = 1, . . . , m)

the nal Phase 1 dictionary has objective w=w+

j cj xj

where each cj 0 & (assuming inconsistency) w < 0 this equation is a linear combination of equations of the starting dictionary (Lemma 1 of Handout#16) i.e., setting yi = cn+i , the equation is w = x0 +
m i=1

yi (bi

n j =1

aij xj + x0 xn+i )

thus multiplying the ith original inequality by yi and adding gives

m n i=1 yi ( j =1 aij xj ) n i.e., j =1 cj xj w m i=1 yi bi

each term on the l.h.s. is nonnegative but the r.h.s. is negative, contradiction!

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#32, p. 2

Chv atal, p.248, ex.16.10

Theorems of Alternatives

Unit 5: Extensions

duality gives many other characterizations for feasibility of systems of inequalities theyre called theorems of alternatives they assert that exactly 1 of 2 systems has a solution e.g., heres one you already know: Farkass Lemma for Gaussian Elimination. For any A and b, exactly 1 of these 2 systems is feasible: (I) Ax = b (II) yA = 0, yb = 0 Example. x1 x2 = 2x1 + x2 = 3x1 x2 = adding twice

1 0 1 the 2nd constraint to the other two gives 0 = 2

Farkas Lemma. (1902) For any A and b, exactly 1 of these 2 systems is feasible: (I) Ax = b, x 0 (II) yA 0, yb < 0 Interpretations: (i) system (I) is infeasible i it implies the contradiction (nonnegative #) = (negative #) (ii) system (II) is infeasible i it implies the contradiction (negative #) 0 Example: the system x1 x2 = 1 2x1 x2 = 0 is inconsistent, since 1 (rst constraint) + (2nd constraint) gives x1 = 1, i.e., (nonnegative #) = (negative #) Proof. consider this primal-dual pair: Primal maximize 0x subject to Ax = b x0 Dual minimize yb subject to yA 0

(I) feasible 0 is the optimum objective value for both primal & dual (II) infeasible for = note that y = 0 gives dual objective 0

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#33, p. 1

Remarks 1. Farkas Lemma useful in linear, nonlinear and integer programming Integer Version: For A and b integral, exactly 1 of these 2 systems is feasible: Ax = b, x Zn yA Zn , yb / Z, y Rm Example consider this system of equations in integral quantities xi : 2x1 + 6x2 + x3 = 8 4x1 + 7x2 + 7x3 = 4 tripling the 1st equation & adding the 2nd gives the contradiction 10x1 + 25x2 + 10x3 = 28 the corresponding vector for Farkas Lemma is y1 = 3/5, y2 = 1/5 2. Farkass Lemma is a special case of the Separating Hyperplane Theorem: S a closed convex set in Rm , b Rm S = some hyperplane separates b from S , i.e., yb > a, ys a for all s S for Farkas, S is the cone generated by the columns of A (I) says b is in the cone, (II) says b can be separated from it




Farkass Lemma in requirement space

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#33, p. 2

our last theorem of alternatives deals with strict inequalities Lemma (Gordan). For any A, exactly 1 of these 2 systems is feasible: (I) Ax < 0 (II) yA = 0, y 0, y = 0 Proof. consider this primal-dual pair: Primal maximize subject to Ax + 1 0 Dual minimize y0 subject to yA = 0 y1 = 1 y0

1 denotes a column vector of 1s (I) feasible primal unbounded dual infeasible (since primal is feasible, all variables 0) (II) infeasible (by scaling y) Remarks. 1. Heres a generalization of Gordans Lemma to nonlinear programming: Theorem (Fan et al, 1957). Let C be a convex set in Rn , and let f : C Rm be a convex function. Then exactly 1 of these 2 systems is feasible: (I) f (x) < 0 (II) yf (x) 0 for all x C, y 0, y = 0 Exercise. Prove Fans Theorem includes Gordans as a special case. Begin by taking f (x) = Ax. The challenge is to prove yA = 0, as required in Gordan, not yA 0, which looks like what comes out of Fan. 2. Chv atal gives other theorems of alternatives

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#33, p. 3

Chv atal, 152 157

Dual Simplex Algorithm

Unit 5: Extensions

we can solve an LP by running the simplex algorithm on the dual the dual simplex algorithm amounts to that but is executed on primal dictionaries DS Example. well show that for the LP maximize z = 8x1 +5x2 subject to x1 + x2 9x1 +5x2 3x1 +2x2 x1 , x2 and initial dictionary x1 = 15 4 9 x2 = 4 3 s3 = 4 z=
165 4 5 1 +4 s1 4 s2 9 1 4 s1 + 4 s2 3 1 +4 s1 + 4 s2 5 3 4 s1 4 s2

6 45 15 0

1 dual simplex pivot gives the optimal dictionary x1 = x2 = s1 = 5 0 1

2 5 3 s2 + 3 s3 + s2 +3 s3 4 1 s2 + 3 s3 3 1 5 3 s2 3 s3

z = 40

Dual Feasible Dictionaries consider an LP for the standard simplex, and its dual: Primal maximize z = cx subject to Ax = b x0 Dual minimize yb subject to yA c

recall the cost equation in a dictionary: z = yb + cN xN where y = cB B1 , cN = cN yAN simplex halts when cN 0 this is equivalent to y being dual feasible show by considering the dual constraints for B & N separately so call a dictionary dual feasible when cN 0 e.g., the 2 dictionaries of DS Example

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#34, p. 1

A dictionary that is primal and dual feasible is optimal Proof #1: this dictionary makes simplex algorithm halt with optimum solution Proof #2: x and y satisfy strong duality Idea of Dual Simplex Algorithm & Comparison with Standard Simplex Simplex Algorithm maintains a primal feasible solution each iteration increases the objective halts when dual feasibility is achieved Dual Simplex Algorithm maintains a dual feasible solution each iteration decreases the objective halts when primal feasibility is achieved

why does dual simplex decrease the objective? to improve the current dictionary we must increase some nonbasic variables this decreases z (or doesnt change it) by the above cost equation Sketch of a Dual Simplex Pivot Example. the optimum dictionary of DS Example results from a dual simplex pivot on the initial dictionary, with s1 entering and s3 leaving consider a dictionary with coecients aij , bi , cj the dictionary is dual feasible (all cj 0) but primal infeasible (some bi are negative) we want to pivot to a better dual feasible dictionary i.e., a negative basic variable increases because a nonbasic variable increases (from 0) starting pivot row: xr = br
j N

arj xj

in keeping with our goal we choose a row with br negative want ars < 0 so increasing xs increases xr new pivot row: xs = (br /ars )
j N (arj /ars )xj

here N = N {s} {r }, arr = 1 note the new value of xs is positive, the quotient of 2 negative numbers new cost row: z = (original z ) + (cs br /ars ) + here cr = 0 the cost decreases when cs < 0
j N [cj

(cs arj /ars )]xj


to maintain dual feasibility, want cj cs arj /ars for all nonbasic j true if arj 0 so choose s to satisfy cj /arj cs /ars for all nonbasic j with arj < 0 Example. in the initial dictionary of DS Example, the ratios for s = 3 are s1 : min ratio test = s1 enters
5 3 / 4 4 3 1 / 4 4

= 5/3,

s2 :

= 3.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#34, p. 2

Standard Dual Simplex Algorithm let aij , bi , cj refer to the current dictionary, which is dual feasible Leaving Variable Step If every bi 0, stop, the current basis is optimum Choose any (basic) r with br < 0 Entering Variable Step If every arj 0, stop, the problem is infeasible Choose a (nonbasic) s with ars < 0 that minimizes cs /ars Pivot Step Construct dictionary for the new basis as usual Correctness of the Algorithm Entering Variable Step: if every arj 0, starting equation for xr is unsatisable nonnegative # = negative # termination of the algorithm: pivots with cs < 0 decrease z pivots with cs = 0 dont change z nite # bases = such pivots eventually cause algorithm to halt unless it cycles through pivots with cs = 0 a pivot is degenerate if cs = 0 a degenerate pivot changes x, but not the cost row (y) cycling doesnt occur in practice it can be prevented as in the standard simplex algorithm alternatively, see Handout#60 Remarks 1. the Entering and Leaving Variable Steps are reversed from standard simplex 2. a pivot kills 1 negative variable, but it can create many other negative variables e.g., in Chv atal pp. 155156 the rst pivot kills 1 negative variable but creates another in fact the total infeasibility (total of all negative variables) increases in magnitude 3. dual simplex allows us to avoid Phase I for blending problems the initial dictionary is dual feasible in general a variant of the big-M method can be used to initialize the dual simplex 4. the CPLEX dual simplex algorithm is particularly ecient because of a convenient pivot rule

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#34, p. 3

Revised Dual Simplex Algorithm as in primal revised simplex maintain the basis heading & eta factorization of the basis, x B = b (current basic values) in addition maintain the current nonbasic cost coecients cN y isnt needed, but the Entering Variable Step must compute every vAN Leaving Variable Step: same as standard Entering Variable Step: we need the dictionary equation for xr , xr = Ir B1 b Ir B1 AN xN rst solve vB = Ir then compute the desired coecients arj , j N as vAN Pivot Step: solve Bd = As to update the basic values x B, x x /a rs s r the rest of the basis is updated by decreasing x B by xs d use d to update the eta le update cN as indicated in (1) General Dual Simplex a basic solution x is dual feasible if the cost cj of each nonbasic variable xj satises cj > 0 = xj = uj cj < 0 = xj = j i.e., each nonbasic variable is in-kilter as in Handout#30:

cj uj j xj

the algorithm maintains the non-basic variables in-kilter halting when all basic variables are in-kilter, i.e., within their bounds & otherwise pivotting to bring the leaving basic variable into kilter details similar to revised dual simplex

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#34, p. 4

Chv atal, 158 162

Sensitivity Analysis

Unit 5: Extensions

postoptimality analysis studies the optimum solution its robustness and patterns of change the ease of doing this is an important practical attraction of LP and the simplex algorithm in contrast postoptimality analysis is very hard for IP assume weve solved a general LP, maximize cx subject to Ax = b, x u obtaining optimum basis B and corresponding optimum bfs x sensitivity analysis tells how to solve slightly-changed versions of the problem e.g., c changes to c will always denotes modied parameters Cost Changes, c B is a basis for the new problem with x a bfs so simply restart the revised simplex algorithm, using c but no other changes (standard simplex: must recalculate c but thats easy) Cost Ranging assuming only 1 cost cj changes nd the values of cj for which B and x are optimal well show the answer is a closed interval the interval of optimality of B & x recall z = yb + (cN yAN )xN where y = cB B1 the solution is optimum as long as each variable is in-kilter Case 1. j nonbasic. xj = j : cj yAj gives the interval of optimality xj = uj : cj yAj xj free: cj = yAj (trivial interval) Case 2. j basic. compute the new multipliers for B: y = cB B1 = y1 cj + y2 , i.e., y depends linearly on cj using y, each nonbasic variable gives a lower or upper bound (or both) for cj , as in Case 1 note the interval of optimality is closed the optimum objective z changes by 0 (cj )y1 b Case 1 Case 2

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#35, p. 1

Right-hand Side Changes, b B remains a basis it has a corresponding bfs xN = x N xB = B1 b B1 AN xN () this bfs is dual-feasible so we start the revised dual simplex algorithm using the above bfs the eta le and current cost coecients are available from the primal simplex r.h.s. ranging is similar, using (), & u changing 1 bi gives 2 inequalities per basic variable more generally suppose in addition to b have new bounds , u B remains a basis dene a new bfs x as follows: for j nonbasic, xj = if xj is free in new problem then x j else if xj = j then j else if x j = uj then uj else / xj was free and is now bound / a nite bound j or uj for this to make sense we assume no nite bound becomes innite also dene xB by () x is dual feasible hence restart revised dual simplex from x Question. Why does the method fail if a nite bound becomes innite? Adding New Constraints add a slack variable vi in each new constraint vi has bounds 0 vi < for an inequality & 0 vi 0 for an equation extend B & x to the new system: add each vi to the basis compute its value from its equation we have a dual-feasible solution (cost(vi ) = 0) so now use the dual simplex algorithm refactor the basis since the eta le changes DS Example (Handout#34) contd. we solve the LP maximize z = 8x1 +5x2 subject to x1 + x2 6 9x1 +5x2 45 x1 , x2 0 using standard simplex

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#35, p. 2

the optimum dictionary is x1 = x2 = z=

15 4 9 4 165 4 1 +5 4 s1 4 s2 9 1 4 s1 + 4 s2 3 5 4 s1 4 s2

adding a new constraint 3x1 + 2x2 15 gives the LP of DS Example solve it by adding the corresponding constraint 3x1 + 2x2 + s3 = 15 to the above dictionary giving the initial (dual feasible) dictionary of DS Example which is solved in 1 dual simplex pivot adding a constraint is the basic operation in cutting plane methods for integer programming (Handout#37) Arbitrary Changes consider a new system still close to the original, maximize cx subject to Ax = b, x u assume B doesnt change (handle such changes by new variables, see Chv atal pp.1612) solve the new problem in 2 simplex runs, as follows 1. run primal simplex algorithm initial bfs x: set nonbasic xj to a nite bound j or uj , or to x j if free dene basic xj by () to make x primal feasible, redene violated bounds , u: if j is basic and xj > uj , new upper bound = xj if j is basic and xj < j , new lower bound = xj solve this LP using primal simplex, starting from B, x 2. run dual simplex algorithm change the modied bounds to their proper values , u in this change no nite bound becomes innite hence it can be handled as in bound changes, using dual simplex algorithm we expect a small # of iterations in both runs

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#35, p. 3

Chv atal, 162 166

Parametric LPs

Unit 5: Extensions

an ane function of p has the form ap + b given an LP L(p) with coecients (A, b, c) ane functions of a parameter p we wish to analyze the LP as a function of p p may be time, interest rate, etc. Basic Fact. Consider ane functions fi (p), i = 1, . . . , k. max{fi (p) : i = 1, . . . , k} is a piecewise-linear concave up function of p. min {fi (p) : i = 1, . . . , k} is a piecewise-linear concave down function of p.

p piecewise linear concave up Parametric Costs L(p) has the form

piecewise linear concave down

maximize (c + pc )x subject to Ax = b, x u

Theorem. For some closed interval I , L(p) is bounded p I ; in I the optimum objective value z is a piecewise-linear concave up function of p. z

p I Example. maximize (p + 1)x1 + x2 + (p 1)x3 subject to x1 0, 0 x2 1, 0 x3 z 1 x1

CSCI 5654 H. Gabow

1 x2 p x3
Fall 2007 #36, p. 1

Proof. wlog A has full row rank a basic feasible direction w has (c + pc )w > 0 in some interval (, r ), (, ), R or thus L(p) is unbounded in 2 maximal intervals of the above form & is bounded in a closed interval I (I = [, r ], (, r ], [, ), R or ) for the 2nd part note that L(p) has a nite number of normal bfss each one x has objective value (c + pc )x, an ane function of p a basis B and bfs x has an interval of optimality, consisting of all values p where 1 y = (cB + pc is dual feasible B )B dual feasiblity corresponds to a system of inequalities in p, one per nonbasic variable hence the interval of optimality is closed Algorithm to Find I and z (walk the curve) solve L(p) for some arbitrary p, using the simplex algorithm let B be the optimum basis, with interval of optimality [, r ] if L(p) is unbounded the algorithm is similar at r , B is dual feasible & 1 of the corresponding inequalities holds with equality increasing r slightly, these tight inequalities determine the entering variable in a simplex pivot do this simplex pivot to nd a basis B with interval of optimality [r, r ] 1 pivot often suces but more may be required continue in the same way to nd the optimal bases to the right of r stop when a basis has interval [r , ), perhaps with unbounded objective similarly nd the optimal bases to the left of Example. maximize px1 subject to x1 + x2 = 1, x1 , x2 0 z

optimum basis:



CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#36, p. 2

Parametric R.H. Sides L(p) has form maximize cx subject to Ax = b + pb , + p x u + pu assume () some L(p) has an optimum solution () implies no L(p) is unbounded since some dual L (p0 ) has an optimum = every L (p) is feasible Theorem. Assuming () there is a closed interval I (L(p) is feasible p I ); in I the optimum objective value exists & is a piecewise-linear concave down function of p. Proof. by duality

if () fails, any L(p) is infeasible or unbounded Examples. 1. maximize x1 subject to x2 = p, 1 x2 1 z infeasible 1 I infeasible p 1

2. maximize x1 subject to x1 + x2 = p, x1 , x2 0 z

3. maximize x1 subject to x1 + x2 = 2p 2, 2 x1 p, x2 0 z
2 infeasible 2 2

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#36, p. 3

WV 9.8

Cutting Planes for ILP

Unit 5: Extensions

the cutting plane method for ILP starts with the LP relaxation, and repeatedly adds a new constraint the new constraint eliminates some nonintegral points from the relaxations feasible region eventually the LP optimum is the ILP optimum DS Example (Handout#34) contd. ILP: maximize z = 8x1 +5x2 subject to x1 + x2 6 9x1 +5x2 45 x1 , x2 Z +

LP with cutting plane: maximize z = 8x1 +5x2 subject to x1 + x2 9x1 +5x2 3x1 +2x2 x1 , x2

6 45 15 0

6 3x1 + 2x2 = 15 5

4 9x1 + 5x2 = 45 x2 3 y 2

1 x1 + x2 = 6 y 1 2 3 x1 4 5 6

The cutting plane 3x1 + 2x2 = 15 moves the LP optimum from y = (15/4, 9/4) to the ILP optimum y = (5, 10). (Fig. from WV). Method of Fractional Cutting Planes (Gomory, 58) consider an ILP: maximize cx subject to Ax = b, x integral we allow all coecients A, b, c to be real-valued, although theyre usually integral in the given problem

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#37, p. 1

suppose the LP relaxation has a fractional optimum x in the optimum dictionary consider the equation for a basic variable xi whose value bi is fractional: () xi = bi j N aij xj let fi denote the fractional part of bi , i.e., fi = bi bi similarly let fij denote the fractional part of aij in the optimum ILP solution, the r.h.s. of () is an integer it remains integral even if we discard integral terms .. fi j N fij xj is an integer, say a a fi < 1 = a 0 thus any integral solution satises () fi j N fij xj 0 with integral slack the current LP optimum doesnt satisfy () (since all nonbasic xj are 0) so adding () to the constraints, with an integral slack variable, gives an equivalent ILP with a new LP optimum DS Example (Handout#34) contd. the optimum dictionary of (Handout#35) 1 x1 = 15 +5 4 4 s1 4 s2 9 1 4 s1 + 4 s2 x2 = 9 4 z=
165 4 3 5 4 s1 4 s2

has x1 nonintegral 5 1 x1 s equation is x1 = 15 4 ( 4 )s1 4 s2 3 1 keeping only fractional parts the r.h.s. is 3 4 4 s1 4 s2 3 1 3 so the cutting plane is 4 4 s1 4 s2 0 equivalently 3 3s1 + s2 , or in terms of original variables, 12x1 + 8x2 60, 3x1 + 2x2 15 Summary of the Algorithm solve the LP relaxation of the given IP while the solution is fractional do add a cut () to the LP resolve the new LP / use the dual simplex algorithm, since were just adding a new constraint / Example. DS Example in Handouts#3435 show how the ILP of p.1 is solved Gomory proved this algorithm solves the ILP in a nite number of steps Renements: choosing an fi close to half is recommended in practice can discard cuts that become inactive in practice the method can be slow more sophisticated cutting strategies are used
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #37, p. 2

Remarks 1. if the given ILP has constraints Ax b rather than equalities, we require A & b both integral, so all slack variables are integral if this doesnt hold, can scale up A & b 2. the fractional cutting plane method can be extended to mixed integer programs (MIP) 3. cutting planes can be used within a branch-and-bound algorithm to strengthen the bound on the objective function

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#37, p. 3

Chv atal, 262 269

Applications to Geometry

Unit 5: Extensions

we give some geometric consequences of the characterization of Handout #32 for inconsistent sytems of inequalities: Corollary. Ax b is infeasible some subsystem of n + 1 inequalities is infeasible. say a hyperplane ax = b strictly separates sets R, G Rn if each r R has ar > b & each g G has ag < b Theorem. Consider a nite set of points of Rn , each one colored red or green. Some hyperplane strictly separates the red & green points this holds for every subset of n + 2 points. Example. red & green points in the plane, can be separated by a line unless there are 4 points in 1 of these 2 congurations:

Proof. a set of red & green points can be strictly separated some hyperplane ax = b has ar b & ag b + 1 for each red point r & each green point g (by rescaling) thus our given set can be separated this system of inequalities is feasible for unknowns a & b: ar b for each given red point r ag b + 1 for each given green point g since there are n + 1 unknowns, the Corollary gives the Theorem

a subset of Rn is convex if any 2 of its points can see each other x, y C = the line segment between x & y is contained in C a similar use of the Corollary, plus some facts on convex sets, implies this famous result (Chv atal p.266): Hellys Theorem. Consider a nite collection of n + 1 convex sets in Rn . They have a common point if every n + 1 sets do. Hellys Theorem cant be improved to n sets, e.g., take 3 lines the plane:

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#38, p. 1

we can also separate two polyhedra, e.g.,

Separation Theorem for Polyhedra. Two disjoint convex polyhedra in Rn can be strictly separated by a hyperplane. Proof. let the 2 polyhedra be Pi , i = 1, 2 corresponding to systems Ai x bi , i = 1, 2 assume both Pi are nonempty else the theorem is trivial disjointness = no point satises both systems = there are vectors yi 0 satisfying y1 A1 + y2 A2 = 0, y1 b1 + y2 b2 < 0 set y1 A1 = h, so y2 A2 = h h is a row vector for x P1 , hx = y1 A1 x y1 b1 for x P2 , hx = y2 A2 x y2 b2 since y1 b1 < y2 b2 , taking c as a value in between these 2 gives hx = c a hyperplane strictly separating P1 & P2



P1 is a closed line segment, hence a convex polyhderon. P2 is a half-open line segment its missing endpoint is in P1 . P1 & P2 cannot be separated.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#38, p. 2

Remarks 1. the assumption Pi nonempty in the above argument ensures h = 0 (since h = 0 doesnt separate any points) this argument is a little slicker than Chv atal 2. for both theorems of this handout, Chv atal separates sets A & B using 2 disjoint half-spaces i.e., points x A have hx c, points x B have hx c + for nite sets of points, the 2 ways to separate are equivalent but not for innite sets e.g., we can strictly separate the sets hx > c & hx < c but not with disjoint half-spaces separation by disjoint half-spaces implies strict separation so the above Separation Theorem would be stronger if we separated by disjoint half-spaces thats what we did in the proof!, so the stronger version is true (why not do this in the rst place? simplicity)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#38, p. 3

Chv atal, 291 295

The Transshipment Problem

Unit 6: Networks

this problem is to route specied quantities of homogeneous goods, minimizing the routing cost more precisely: let G be a directed graph on n vertices and m edges the undirected version of G ignores all edge directions for simplicity assume its connected

4 3 5 6

Fig.1. Graph G. sink each vertex i has a demand bi , & we call i a source intermediate (transshipment) node for simplicity assume
i bi

bi > 0 bi < 0 bi = 0


each edge ij has a cost cij , the cost of shipping 1 unit of goods from i to j we want to satisfy all demands exactly, and minimize the cost
2 4 -1 4 3 2 -2 4 2 0 1 1 1 4 0

1 1 1

(b) (a) Fig.2. (a) Graph G with vertex demands & edge costs. (b) Optimum transshipment, cost 10. Edge labels give # units shipped on the edge; 0 labels are omitted. 1 unit is shipped along path 5,3,6 vertex 3 functions as a transshipment node.
Special Cases of the Transshipment Problem. assignment problem & its generalization, transportation problem shortest path problem Exercise. Model the single-source shortest path problem as a transhipment problem.

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Fall 2007

#39, p. 1

we state the problem as an LP: the (node-arc) incidence matrix of G: n m matrix A the column for edge ij has ith entry 1, j th entry +1 & all others 0 Example. the column for edge (3, 1) is [1 0 1 0 0 0]T edge ij has a variable xij giving the number of units shipped from i to j Transshipment Problem: minimize cx subject to Ax = b x0

its obvious that any feasible routing satises this LP the following exercise proves that any x feasible to the LP corresponds to a feasible routing Exercise. (a) Assume all costs are nonnegative (as one expects). Prove that the following algorithm translates any feasible LP solution x into a valid routing for the transshipment problem. Let P be a path from a source to a sink, containing only edges with positive xij . Let = min{xij : ij P }. Ship units along P . Then reduce b and x to reect the shipment, and repeat the process. Stop when there are no sources. (b) Modify the algorithm so it works even when there are negative costs. How do negative costs change the nature of the problem? the Dual Transhipment Problem: maximize yb subject to yj yi + cij , for each arc ij

the dual variables have a nice economic interpretation as prices: the dual constraints say (price at node i) + (shipment cost to j ) (price at node j ) well solve the transhipment problem using the minimizing simplex algorithm (Handout#27, p.3) Exercise. Show that if (yi ) is dual optimal, so is (yi + a) for any constant a.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#39, p. 2

Chv atal, 296 303 Linear Algebra & Graph Theory

Network Simplex Algorithm

Unit 6: Networks

the constraints Ax = b of the transshipment problem do not have full row rank: the rows of A sum to 0 since every edge leaves & enters a vertex form A & b by discarding the row for vertex r (choose r arbitrarily) the reduced system is the transhipment problem with constraints Ax = b a solution to the reduced system is a solution to the original problem the discarded equation holds automatically since the entries of b sum to 0 now well show the reduced system has full row rank the phrases spanning tree of G & cycle of G refer to the undirected version of G when we traverse a cycle, an edge is called forward if its traversed in the correct direction, else backward Example. in cycle 1, 6, 3, edge (6, 3) is backward, the others are forward for edge ij in the cycle, sign(ij ) is +1 (1) if ij is forwards (backwards) Lemma. A basis of the reduced system is a spanning tree of G. Example. the solution of Handout#39, Fig.2(b) is not a spanning tree, but we can enlarge it to a spanning tree with edges shipping 0 units:
1 1 2

1 1 5 3 1 6 0

Fig.3. Edges forming an optimum (degenerate) basis. Proof. Claim 1. The edges of a cycle have linearly dependent columns, in both A & A Proof. it suces to prove it for A traverse the cycle, adding the edges column times its sign the sum is 0 Example. for the cycle 1, 6, 3 & A we get [1 0 0 0 0 1]T [0 0 1 0 0 1]T + [1 0 1 0 0 0]T = 0

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Fall 2007

#40, p. 1

Claim 2. The columns of a forest are linearly independent, in A & A Proof. it suces to prove this for A suppose a linear combination of the edges sums to 0 an edge incident to a leaf = r has coecient 0 repeat this argument to eventually show all coecients are 0

the lemma follows since a basis of the reduced system consists of n 1 linearly independent columns of A

Exercise 1. (a) Show a basis (spanning tree) has a corresponding matrix B in A whose rows & columns can be ordered so the matrix is upper triangular, with 1s on the diagonal. In (b)(c), root the spanning tree at r . (b) The equation Bx = b gives the values of the basic variables. Show how to compute x by traversing T bottom-up. (c) The equation yB = c gives the values of the duals. Show how to compute y by traversing T top-down. Execute your algorithms on Fig.5(a). the algorithms of (b) & (c) use only addition and subtraction, no or / the Fundamental Theorem shows some basis B is optimum. so we get (see also Handout#61): Integrality Theorem. If b is integral, the transshipment problem has an optimum integral solution x (regardless of c). Pivotting how do we pivot an edge into the current basis? let T be the current basis; to add edge ij to the basis: T + ij contains a cycle C traverse C , starting out by going from i to j suppose we increase each xuv , uv C , by sign(uv ) t (t 0) xij increases, as desired the quantity Ax doesnt change, since at each vertex u, 2 edges change and the changes balance so x remains feasible, as long as it stays nonnegative take t = min{xuv : uv a backwards edge} this is the largest t possible; some backwards edge drops to 0 and is the leaving variable
1 1 2

1 3 2 5 6 1 0

Fig.4. A (suboptimal) basis. Pivotting edge (5, 1) into the basis gives Fig.3.

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#40, p. 2

Prices each vertex maintains a dual variable (its price) dened by yr = 0 and yB = c (Exercise 1(c))
0 4 -4 0 4 -4

2 2 -4 (a) -2 1 -1 4


3 2 -3 (b) -1 1 0 4


Fig.5. Prices for the bases of Fig.4 and 3 respectively. r is the top left vertex (as in Fig.1, Handout#39). Each basic edge ij satises yi + cij = yj . (b) gives optimum prices: yi bi = 10. Note: yr doesnt exist in the reduced system but the constraints for edges incident to r are equivalent to usual constraints yi + cij yj with yr = 0 Network Simplex Algorithm this algorithm implements the (basic) simplex algorithm for the transshipment problem each iteration starts with a basis B (spanning tree T ) and bfs x Entering Variable Step Solve yB = cB by traversing T top-down (Exercise 1(c)). Choose any (nonbasic) edge ij cij < yj yi . / underbidding / If none exists, stop, B is an optimum basis. Leaving Variable Step Execute a pivot step by traversing edge ij s cycle C and nding t. If t = , stop, the problem is unbounded. / impossible if c 0 / Otherwise choose a backwards edge uv that denes t. Pivot Step Update x: change values along C by t. In T replace edge uv by ij . Example. in Fig.5(a) edge (5, 1) can enter, since 3 < 0 (4) the pivot step (Fig.4) gives Fig.5(b), optimum. this code involves additions and subtractions, no or / (as expected!) like simplex, the network simplex algorithm is very fast in practice although no polynomial time bound is known (for any pivotting rule) the primal-dual method (Chv atal Ch.23) leads to polynomial algorithms

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#40, p. 3

Chv atal 443452; K Ch.4

Overview of the Ellipsoid Algorithm

Unit 7: Polynomial LP

for polynomial-time algorithms, we assume the given data A, b, c is integral the ellipsoid algorithm solves the problem of Linear Strict Inequalities (LSI): Given: open polyhedron P dened by Ax < b as usual this means m strict inequalities in n unknowns x Task: nd some x P or declare P = note P Rn ; our entire discussion takes place in Rn recall LI (Linear Inequalities) is equivalent to LP (Exercise of Handout#18) we can solve an LI problem using an algorithm for LSI (using integrality of A, b) dene L = size of input, i.e., (total # bits in A, b) (see Handout#69) Why Strict Inequalities? using integrality we can prove P = = volume(P ) 2(n+2)L Proof Sketch: a simplex in Rn is the convex hull of n + 1 vertices any polytope P decomposes into a nite number of simplices each simplex has vertices that are cornerpoints of P P = = interior(P ) = = P contains a simplex of positive volume, with integral cornerpoints the volume bound follows from the integrality of A & b and the Exercise of Handout#25 Ellipsoids (see Fig.1) an ellipsoid is the image of the unit sphere under an ane transformation, i.e., an ellipsoid is {c + Qx : x 1} for an n n nonsingular matrix Q equivalently an ellipsoid is {x : (x c)T B1 (x c) 1}, for a positive denite matrix B Proof. (matrix background in Handouts#65,64) the ellipsoid is the set of points y with Q1 (y c) 1 i.e., (y c)T (Q1 )T Q1 (y c) 1 so B = QQT , B is positive denite

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Fig.1. Ellipse

x2 x2 9 0 1 + 2 = 1; equivalently center c = 0, B = . 0 4 9 4

High-level Algorithm construct a sequence of ellipsoids Er , r = 0, . . . , s each containing P with volume shrinking by a factor 21/2(n+1) stop when either (i) the center of Es is in P , or (ii) volume(Es ) < 2(n+2)L (= P = ) Initialization and Eciency we use a stronger version of the basic volume fact: P = = volume(P {x : |xj | < 2L , j = 1, . . . , n}) 2(n+2)L thus E0 can be a sphere of radius n2L , center 0 # iterations = O(n2 L) more precisely suppose we do N = 16n(n + 1)L iterations without nding a feasible point our choice of E0 restricts all coordinates to be n2L i.e., E0 is contained in a box with each side 2n2L 22L = volume(E0 ) 22nL

after N iterations the volume has shrunk by a factor 2N/2(n+1) = 28nL

.. after N iterations the ellipse has volume 22nL8nL 26nL < 2(n+2)L = P =

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Implementing the High-level Algorithm if P E , & center c of E is not in P , there is a violated hyperplane, i.e., Ai c bi for the corresponding half-space H (i.e., Ai x < bi ) P E H the algorithm replaces E by a smaller ellipsoid that contains E H , given by the following theorem Ellipsoid Shrinking Theorem. For an ellipsoid E , let H be a half-space containing the center. an ellipsoid E containing E H with volume(E ) 21/2(n+1) volume(E ).

c c


x1 + x2 = 0

Fig.2. E , with center c = (3/ 13, 4/3 13)T , B = Ellipsoid Algorithm Initialization Set N = 1 + 16n(n + 1)L. Set p = 0 and B = n2 22L I. T / The ellipsoid is always {x : (x p) B1 (x p) 1}. The initial ellipse is a sphere centered at 0 of radius n2L . / Main Loop Repeat the Shrink Step N times (unless it returns). If it never returns, return infeasible. Shrink Step If Ap < b then return p as a feasible point. Choose a violated constraint, i.e., an i with Ai p bi . Let a = AT i . Ba 1 . Let p = p n + 1 aT Ba 2 (Ba)(Ba)T n2 B . Let B = 2 n 1 n + 1 aT Ba

84/13 32/13 contains intersection of E of Fig.1 & half-space x1 + x2 0

32/13 496/117

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Remarks 1. the ellipsoids of the algorithm must be approximated, since their dening equations involve square roots this leads to a polynomial time algorithm 2. but the ellipsoid algorithm doesnt take advantage of sparsity 3. it can be used to get polynomial algorithms for LPs with exponential #s of constraints! e.g., the Held-Karp TSP relaxation (Handout#1) note the derivation of N is essentially independent of m to execute ellipsoid on an LP, we only need an ecient algorithm for the separation problem: given x, decide if x P if x / P , nd a violated constraint Convex Programming let C be a convex set in Rn i.e., x, y C = x + (1 )y C for any [0, 1] Problem: min cx s.t. x C Fundamental Properties for Optimization 1. for our problem a local optimum is a global optimum Proof. let x be a local optimum & take any y C take (0, 1] small enough so c (1 )x + y cx thus (1 )cx + cy cx, cy cx 2. x / C = a separating hyperplane, i.e., by > a for all y C and bx < a proved in Handout#38 because of these properties the ellipsoid algorithm solves our convex optimization problem, assuming we can recognize points in C & solve the separation problem

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#41, p. 4

a prime example is semidenite programming: in the following X denotes a square matrix of variables and X denotes the column vector of Xs entries the semidenite programming problem is this generalization of LP: maximize z = cX subject to AX X Example. min x s.t.

b an n n symmetric positive semidenite matrix

x 1 is PSD 1 1 this problem is equivalent to min x s.t. xv 2 2vw + w2 0 for all v, w x = 1 is the optimum (taking v = w = 1 shows x 1, & clearly x = 1 is feasible) in general, the feasible region is convex a convex combination of PSD matrices is PSD the separation problem is solved by nding Xs eigenvalues X not PSD = it has a negative eigenvalue let v be the corresponding eigenvector v T X v = v T v < 0 so vT X v 0 is a separating hyperplane i.e., it separates the current solution from the feasible region & can be used to construct the next ellipse Conclusion: For any > 0, any semidenite program can be solved by the ellipsoid algorithm to within an additive error of , in time polynomial in the input size and log (1/). Examples: 1. (G) (Handout#50) is computed in polynomial time using semidenite programming 2. .878 approximation algorithms for MAX CUT & MAX 2 SAT (Goemans & Williamson, STOC 94); see Handout#44

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Remarks. 1. SDP includes convex QP as a special case (Exercise below) 2. SDP also has many applications in control theory 3. work on SDP started in the 80s interior point methods (descendants of Karmarkar) run in polynomial time & are ecient in practice, especially on bigger problems Exercise. We show SDP includes QP (Handout#42) and more generally, convex quadratically constrainted quadratic programming (QCQP). (i) For x Rn , show the inequality (Ax + b)T (Ax + b) cx + d is equivalent to I Ax + b is PSD (Ax + b)T cx + d . Hint. Just use the denition of PSD. Recall ax2 + bx + c is always nonnegative i b2 4ac and a + c 0. (ii) Show QP is a special case of SDP. (iii) Show QCQP is a special case of SDP. QCQP is minimizing a quadratic form (as in QP) subject to quadratic constraints (Ax + b)T (Ax + b) cx + d.

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#41, p. 6

MC 16.4.4, V 23.1

Quadratic Programming Examples

Unit 8: Beyond Linearity

a Quadratic Program (QP) Q has the form

1 T x Qx + cx minimize 2 subject to Ax b x0

Q is an n n symmetric matrix (wlog) we have a convex quadratic program if Q is positive semi-denite, i.e., xT Qx 0 for every x justication: the objective function is convex, i.e., concave up, Q is PSD Exercises. 1. Prove the above, i.e., denoting the objective function as c(x), we have for all x, y, & with 0 1, c( x + (1 )y) c(x) + (1 )c(y) Q is PSD. (Hint. Just the denition of PSD is needed.) 2. Show the objective of any convex QP can be written as minimize (Dx)T (Dx) + cx for D an n n matrix. And conversely, any such objective gives a convex QP. (Hint. Recall Handout#64.) So again the restriction to PSD Qs is natural. Example 1. Let P be a convex polyhedron & let p be a point not in P . Find the point in P closest to p. we want to minimize (x p)T (x p) = xT x 2xT p + pT p so we have a QP with Q = I, c = pT Q is PD Example 2. Let P & P be 2 convex polyhedra that do not intersect. Find the points of P & P that are closest together. we want to minimize (x y)T (x y) this gives a QP with c = 0, & Q PSD Example 3, Data Fitting. (recall Handout#3) Find the best least-squares data-t, where we know a priori some linear relations among the parameters. Example 4. In data mining, we construct a support vector machine by nding a hyperplane that gives the best separation between 2 data sets (the positive and negative examples).

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#42, p. 1

Example 5, Markowitzs Investment Model. (H. Markowitz won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics for a model whose basics are what follows.) We have historical performance data on n activities we can invest in. We want to invest in a mixture of these activities that intuitively has maximum return & minimum risk. Markowitz models this by maximizing the objective function (expectation of the return) (variance of the return) where is some multiplier. Dene xi = the fraction of our investment that well put into activity i ri = the (historical) average return on investment i vi = the (historical) variance of investment i cij = the (historical) covariance of investments i & j If Ii is the random variable equal to the return of investment i, our investment returns elementary probability the variance of this sum is
i i

xi Ii . By

x2 i vi + 2

i<j cij xi xj .

So forming r, the vector of expected returns, & the covariance matrix C = (cij ), Markowitzs QP is minimize xT Cx rx subject to 1T x = 1 x0 Note that vi = cii . Also the covariance matrix C is PSD, since the variance of a random variable is nonnegative. Markowitzs model develops the family of solutions of the QP as varies in some sense, these are the only investment strategies one should consider the LINDO manual gives a similar example: achieve a given minimal return (rx r0 ) while minimizing the variance

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#42, p. 2

MC, 16.4.4

Solving Quadratic Programs

Unit 8: Beyond Linearity

we can reduce many QPs to LP intuition: in the small, the QP objective is linear 1. An optimum solution x to Q is also optimum to the LP minimize (c + xT Q)x subject to Ax b x0 Proof. take any feasible point and write it as x + since x is optimum to Q, its objective in Q is at most c(x + ) + (x + )T Q(x + )/2 thus (c + xT Q) + T Q/2 0 since the feasible region is convex, x + is feasible, for any 0 1 so the previous inequality holds if we replace by we get an inequality of the form a + b2 0, equivalently a + b 0 this implies a 0 so (c + xT Q) 0 as desired

Remark. the proof shows if Q is PD, Q has 1 optimum point since a 0, b > 0 = a + b > 0 Example 1. consider the QP for distance from the origin, min q = x2 + y 2 s.t. x + y 1 x, y 0


x x+y=1 2 2 x + y = 1/4

Fig.1 x = (1/2, 1/2) is the unique QP optimum. x is not a corner point of the feasible region.
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the cost vector of #1 is c = xT Q = (1/2, 1/2)

1 0 = (1/2, 1/2) 0 1 the linear cost function c x = x/2 + y/2 approximates q close to x switching to cost c x, x is still optimum although other optima exist: the edge E = {(x, 1 x, 0) : 0 x 1} Example 2: modify the QP to min q = z 2 + x + y s.t. x + y 1 x, y, z 0

the set of optima is edge E 0 0 this is consistent with the Remark, since Q = 0 0 0 0 0 0 is PSD but not PD 1

2. Complementary slackness gives us conditions equivalent to optimality of the above LP: Lemma. x an optimum solution to Q = there are column vectors u, v, y (of length n, m, m respectively) satisfying this LCP: u Q A v AT 0 u v Proof. the dual LP is max yT b s.t. yT A c + xT Q, y 0 introducing primal (dual) slacks v, (uT ), the complementary slackness conditions for optimality are u, v 0, uT x = vT y = 0 the LCP expresses these conditions

x cT = b y x =0 y

x, u, y, v 0

the above LCP is the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions (KKT conditions) for optimality taking Q = 0 makes Q an LP & the KKT conditions become the complementary slackness characterization of LP optimality in fact + + + we can think of the KKT conditions as nonnegativity feasibility of the dual QP (condition on cT , see Handout#74) primal feasibility (condition on b) complementary slackness

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Theorem. Let Q be PSD. Then x is an optimum solution to Q x satises the KKT conditions. Proof. = : suppose x satisies the KKT conditions take any feasible point x + the same algebra as above shows its objective in Q exceeds that of x by (c + xT Q) + T Q/2 the rst term is 0, since x is optimum to the LP of #1 this follows from the KKT conditions, which are complementary slackness for the LP the second term is nonnegative, by PSD Example: KKT does Calc I well apply KKT in 1 dimension to optimize a quadratic function over an interval problem: min Ax2 + Bx s.t. 0 x h Remarks. 1. were minimizing a general quadratic Ax2 + Bx + C the C disappears since its irrelevant 2. for convenience we assume the intervals left end is nonnegative 3. really only the sign of A is important our QP has Q = (2A), c = (B ), b = (, h)T , so KKT is 2A 1 u 1 0 v 1 0 A = (1, 1)T B 1 x 0 y1 = h y2 0 x, u, y, v 0 the linear constraints in scalar form: u 2Ax + y1 y2 = B v1 x = v2 + x =h CS allows 3 possibilities, v1 = 0, v2 = 0, or y1 = y2 = 0 v1 = 0: = x = v2 = 0: = x = h y1 = y2 = 0: when u = 0: = 2Ax = B (i.e., rst derivative = 0), x = B/2A when u > 0: = x = 0, so = 0, and x = as in rst case so KKT asks for the same computations as Calcs set-the-derivative-to-0 method
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ux, v1 y1 , v2 y2 = 0

Lagrangian Multiplier Interpretation Lagrangian relaxation tries to eliminate constraints by bringing them into the objective function with a multiplicative penalty for violation the Lagrangian for Q is xT Qx yT (Ax b) uT x L(x, y, u) = cx + 1 2 the Lagrangian optimality conditions are: feasibility: Ax b, x 0 nonnegativity of multipliers: y, u 0 no gain from feasibility: (Ax)i > bi = yi = 0; xj > 0 = uj = 0 T T 1st order optimality condition: L x = 0, i.e., c + Qx A y u = 0 Remarks. 1. the constraints preceding 1st order optimality ensure that L(x, y, u) upper-bounds the objective function of Q 2. the Lagrangian optimality conditions are exactly the KKT conditions 3. LINDO species a QP as an LP, in this form: min x1 + . . . + xn + y1 + . . . + ym subject to 1st order optimality constraints Ax b end QCP n + 2 in the objective function, only the order of the variables is relevant it species the order of the 1st order optimality conditions, & the order of the dual variables the us are omitted: the 1st order optimality conditions are written as inequalities the QCP statement gives the row number of the rst primal constraint Ax b

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#43, p. 4

Vz,Ch26 Semidenite Programming:Approximating MAXCUT Unit 8: Beyond Linearity many approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems are designed as follows: formulate the problem as an ILP relax the ILP to an LP by discarding the integrality constraints solve the LP use a rounding procedure to perturb the LP solution to a good integral solution in the last 10 years a more powerful approach has been developed, using semidenite programming (SDP) instead of LP here we model the problem by a general quadratic program (achieve integrality using quadratic constraints) relax by changing the variables to vectors solve the relaxation as an SDP, and round we illustrate by sketching Goemans & Williamsons approximation algorithm for MAX CUT in the MAX CUT problem were given an undirected graph G we want a set of vertices S with the greatest number of edges joining S and V S more generally, each edge ij has a given nonnegative weight wij & we want to maximize the total weight of all edges joining S and V S this problem can arise in circuit layout General Quadratic Program each vertex i has a variable ui {1, 1} the 2 possibilities for ui correspond to the 2 sides of the cut 1 i and j are on the same side of the cut so ui uj = 1 i and j are on opposite sides of the cut its easy to see MAX CUT amounts to this quadratic program: maximize (1/2) i<j wij (1 ui uj ) = 1 for each vertex i subject to u2 i next we replace the n variables ui by n n-dimensional vectors ui quadratic terms ui uj become inner products ui uj we get this vector program: maximize (1/2) i<j wij (1 ui uj ) subject to ui ui = 1 for each vertex i ui Rn for each vertex i a cut gives a feasible solution using vectors (1, 0, . . . , 0) so this program is a relaxation of MAX CUT for any n n-dimensional vectors ui , i = 1, . . . n form the n n matrix B whose columns are the ui then X = BT B is PSD (Handout#64) with xij = ui uj furthermore, any symmetric PSD X arises in this way

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#44, p. 1

thus our vector program is equivalent to the following program: SDP maximize (1/2) i<j wij (1 xij ) subject to xii = 1 for each vertex i xij = xji for each i = j (xij ) is P SD this is a semidenite program (Handout#41) so we can solve it (to within arbitrarily small additive error) in polynomial time the vectors ui can be computed from (xij ) (to within any desired accuracy) in polynomial time (Handout#64) so we can assume we have the vectors ui ; now we need to round them to values 1 in the rest of the discussion let ui & uj be 2 arbitrary vectors abbreviate them to u & u , and abbreviate wij to w also let be the angle between u & u recall the denition of scalar product (Handout#65) then our 2 vector contribute (w/2)(1 cos ) to the objective function the bigger the angle , the bigger the contribution so we should round vectors with big angles to opposite sides of the cut Rounding Algorithm. Let H be a random hyperplane through the origin in Rn . Round all vectors on the same side of H to the same side of the cut. (Vectors on H are rounded arbitrarily.)

Random hyperplane H separating 2 unit vectors at angle . generating H in polynomial time is easy, we omit the details

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#44, p. 2

the only remaining question is, how good an approximation do we get? let OPT denote the maximum weight of a cut let z be the optimum value of the SDP (so z OPT) let EC be the expected weight of the algorithms cut the (expected worst-case) approximation ratio is the smallest possible value of = EC/OPT so EC/z linearity of expectations shows EC is the sum, over all pairs i, j , of the expected contribution of edge ij to the cuts weight so we analyze the expected contribution of our 2 typical vectors u, u the probability that u & u round to opposite sides of the cut is exactly / (see the gure) .. the contribution of this pair to EC is w/ then min 2 w/ = min (w/2)(1 cos ) 0 1 cos

calculus shows the last expression is > .878 to simplify the calculation, verify the identity 2/ > .878(1 cos ) Conclusion. The SDP algorithm has approximation ratio > .878.

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#44, p. 3

More LP & ILP Examples Minimum Cost Network Flow

Unit 9.A: Overview

a network has sites interconnected by links material circulates through the network transporting material across the link from site i to site j costs cij dollars per unit of material the link from i to j must carry ij units of material and uij units nd a minimum cost routing of the material letting xij be the amount of material shipped on link ij gives this LP: minimize z = subject to
n i=1 n i=1 n j =1 cij xij


n k =1 xjk

=0 xij ij xij uij

j = 1, . . . , n i, j = 1, . . . , n i, j = 1, . . . , n

ow conservation

Some Variations Networks with Losses & Gains a unit of material starting at i gets multiplied by mij while traversing link ij n so replace conservation by n k =1 xjk = 0 i=1 mij xij example from currency conversion: a site is a currency, e.g., dollars, pounds mij = the number of units of currency j purchased by 1 unit of currency i sample problem: convert $10000 into the most rubles possible more examples: investments at points in time ($1 now $1.08 in a year), conversion of raw materials into energy (coal electricity), transporting materials (evaporation, seepage) Multicommodity Flow 1 network transports ows of various types (shipping corn, wheat, etc.) use variables xk ij , for k ranging over the commodities if were routing people, Internet packets or telephone messages, we get an ILP (xk ij integral) in the next 2 examples take ij = 0 (for convenience) Concave Down Cost Functions (works for any LP) for convenience assume were maximizing z = prot, not minimizing cost the prot of transporting material on link ij is a piecewise linear concave down function:
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c(xij )

m3 m2 m1 b1 b2 uij decreasing returns to scale


replace xij by 3 variables rij , sij , tij each appears in the ow conservation constraints where xij does bounds on variables: 0 rij b1 , 0 sij b2 b1 , 0 tij uij b2 objective function contains terms m1 rij + m2 sij + m3 tij concavity of c(xij ) ensures this is a correct model Fixed Charge Flow link ij incurs a startup cost sij if material ows across it ILP model: introduce decision variable yij = 0 or 1 new upper bound constraint: xij uij yij objective function: add term sij yij Assignment Problem there are n workers & n jobs assigning worker i to job j costs cij dollars nd an assignment of workers to jobs with minimum total cost let xij be an indicator variable for the condition, worker i is assigned to job j we get this LP: minimize z = subject to
n i=1 n j =1 cij xij n j =1 n i=1

xij xij xij

=1 =1 0

i = 1, . . . , n j = 1, . . . , n i, j = 1, . . . , n

xij should be constrained to be integral but the optimum always occurs for an integal xij so we solve the ILP as an LP!

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#45, p. 2

Set Covering constructing re station j costs cj dollars, j = 1, . . . , n station j could service some known subset of the buildings construct a subset of the n stations so each building can be serviced and the cost is minimum let aij = 1 if station j can service building i, else 0 let xj be an indicator variable for construcing station j minimize z = subject to
n j =1 cj xj n j =1

aij xj 1 xj 0, integral

i = 1, . . . , m j = 1, . . . , n

this ILP is a set covering problem choose sets from a given family, so each element is covered, minimizing total cost similarly we have set packing problem choose disjoint sets, maximizing total cost set partitioning problem choose sets so every element is in exactly one set Facility Location elaborates on the above re station location problem there are m clients and n potential locations for facilities we want to open a set of facilities to service all clients, minimizing total cost e.g., post oces for mail delivery, web proxy servers constructing facility j costs cj dollars, j = 1, . . . , n facility j services client i at cost of sij dollars ILP model: let xj be an indicator variable for opening facility j let yij be an indicator variable for facility j servicing client i minimize z = subject to
j cj xj


sij yij

yij = 1 yij xj yij , xj {0, 1}

i a client i a client, j a facility i a client, j a facility

this illustrates how ILP models if then constraints

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#45, p. 3

Quadratic Assignment Problem there are n plants and n locations we want to assign each plant to a distinct location each plant p ships spq units to every other plant q the per unit shipping cost from location i to location j is cij nd an assignment of plants to locations with minimum total cost
1 10 2 7 3 2 1 1 2 3

5 (a)

3 (b)

Quadratic assignment problem. (a) Amounts shipped between 3 plants. (b) Shipping costs for 3 locations. Optimum assignment = identity, cost 10 1 + 7 2 + 5 3 = 39. let xip be an indicator variable for assigning plant p to location i set dijpq = cij spq minimize z = subject to

dijpq xip xjq

n p=1 n i=1

xip = 1 xip = 1 xip {0, 1}

i = 1, . . . , n p = 1, . . . , n i, p = 1, . . . , n

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Remarks. 1. we could convert this to an ILP introduce variables yijpq {0, 1}, & force them to equal xip xjq by the constraint yijpq xip + xjq 1 but this adds many new variables & constraints 2. a quadratic program has the form maximize z = subject to
j,k cjk xj xk

j cj xj

n j =1 aij xj


i = 1, . . . , m

3. we can nd a feasible solution to an ILP maximize z = subject to

j cj xj n j =1

aij xj bi xj {0, 1}

i = 1, . . . , m j = 1, . . . , n

by solving the QP maximize z = subject to

j (xj

1/2)2 bi 1 xj 0 i = 1, . . . , m j = 1, . . . , n j = 1, . . . , n

n j =1 aij xj xj

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Murty, Ch.1

Multiobjective Functions

Unit 9.A: Overview

Example we want to maximize prot 500p + 620f from producing pentium (p) & 486 (f ) computer systems but maintaining a high-tech image dictates maximize p whatever the strategy it should be a vector maximum, (pareto optimum) i.e., if we produce (p, f ) units, no other feasible schedule (p , f ) should have p p & f f we give several approaches to multiobjective problems a common aspect is that in practice, we iterate the process resolving the LP with dierent parameters until a satisfactory solution is obtained sensitivity analysis techniques (Handout #35) allow us to eciently resolve an LP if we modify it in a way that the solution changes by a small amount now write our objective functions as fk =
j ckj xj

+ dk , k = 1, . . . , r

Prioritization (lexicographic optimum) index the objective functions in order of decreasing importance f1 , . . . , fk solve the LP using objective maximize z = f1 let z1 be the maximum found if the optimum solution vector (x1 , . . . , xn ) is unique, stop otherwise add the constraint j c1j xj + d1 = z1 repeat the process for f2 keep on repeating for f3 , . . . , fr until the optimum is unique or all objectives have been handled Remarks 1. the optimum is unique if every nonbasic cost coecient is negative the possibility that a nonbasic cost coecient is 0 prevents this from being i 2. sensitivity analysis allow us to add a new constraint easily Worst-case Approach optimize the minimax value of the objectives (as in Handout #3) Weighted Average Objective solve the LP with objective k wk fk where the weights wk are nonnegative values summing to 1 if the solution is unreasonable, adjust the weights and resolve starting the simplex from the previous optimum will probably be very ecient
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Goal Programming adapt a goal value gk for each objective function fk and use appropriate penalities for excess & shortages of each goal e.g., pe = ps = 1 keeps us close to the goal pe = 0, se = 1 says exceeding the goal is OK but each unit of shortfall incurs a unit penalty iterate this process, varying the parameters, until a satisfactory solution is achieved Goal Setting with Marginal Values choose a primary objective function f0 and the other objectives fk , k = 1, . . . , r f0 is most naturally the monetary price of the solution adapt goals gk , k = 1, . . . , r solve the LP with objective z = f0 and added constraints fk = gk , k = 1, . . . , r duality theory (Handout #20) reveals the price pk of each goal gk : changing gk by a small changes the cost by pk use these prices to compute better goals that are achieved at an acceptable cost resolve the LP to verify the predicted change iterate until the solution is satisfactory

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#46, p. 2

Geometric View of the Simplex Algorithm: Proofs this handout proves the assertions of Handout#10,p.3

Unit 9.B: Fundamentals

consider a standard form LP L, with P the corresponding convex polyhedron P Rn , activity space, i.e., no slacks we associate each (decision or slack) variable of L with a unique constraint of L: the constraint for xj is nonnegativity if xj is a decision variable the corresponding linear inequality if xj is a slack variable (minor point: no variable is associated with the nonnegativity constraint of a slack variable) a variable = 0 its constraint holds with equality Fact 1. A bfs is a vertex x of P plus n hyperplanes of P that uniquely dene x. () The constraints of the nonbasic variables are the n hyperplanes that dene x. Proof. consider a bfs x, and its corresponding dictionary D (there may be more than 1) when the nonbasic variables are set to 0, x is the unique solution of D hence x is the unique point on the hyperplanes of the nonbasic variables (since D is equivalent to the initial dictionary, which in turn models L) so weve shown a bfs gives a vertex, satisfying () conversely, well show that any vertex of P corresponds to a dictionary, satisfying () take n hyperplanes of P that have x as their unique intersection let N be the variables that correspond to these n hyperplanes let B be the remaining m variables set the variables of N to 0 this gives a system of n equations with a unique solution, x lets reexpress this fact using matrices: write LP L in the equality form Ax = b of Handout#23,p.1 then AB x = b has a unique solution this shows the matrix AB is nonsingular (Handout#55,p.2) thus the Theorem of Handout#23,p.2 shows B is a basis the nonbasic variables N are described by () Fact 2. A nondegenerate pivot moves from one vertex, along an edge of P , to an adjacent vertex. Proof. a pivot step travels along a line segment whose equation, in parameterized form, is given in Handout #8, Property 5:
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xj =

t bj ajs t 0

j=s jB j / Bs

let t range from to in this equation to get a line in traversing , the n 1 variables other than B s remain at 0 thus lies in each of the n 1 corresponding hyperplanes in fact the dictionary shows is exactly equal to the intersection of these n 1 hyperplanes so the portion of traversed in the pivot step is an edge of P the last fact is a prerequisite for Hirschs Conjecture: Fact 3. Any 2 vertices of a convex polyhedron are joined by a simplex path. Proof. let v & w be any 2 vertices of P Claim. there is a cost function i.e., the hyperplane
n j =1 cj xj that is tangent to P at w n n j =1 cj xj = j =1 cj wj passes thru w, but thru

no other point of P

the Claim implies Fact 3: execute the simplex algorithm on the LP L with the Claims objective function choose the initial dictionary to correspond to vertex v simplex executes a sequence of pivots that end at w (since w is the only optimum point) this gives the desired simplex path Proof of Claim. write every constraint of L in the form n j =1 aij xj bi so a nonnegativity constraint xj 0 becomes xj 0 let w be the unique intersection of n hyperplanes of P , n corresponding to constraints j =1 aij xj bi , i = 1, . . . , n (some of these may be nonnegativity) take cj = i=1 aij n n every point x P w has j =1 cj xj < j =1 cj wj since w satises the n constraints with = & every other point of P has < in at least 1 of these constraints (see Handout#53 for a deeper look at the Claim) Corollary. Any face of P is the set of optimum solutions for some objective function. Proof. as above, use the hyperplanes of the face to construct the objective function the converse of this statement is proved in the rst exercise of Handout#19

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#47, p. 2

Chv atal, 479, 2558 Simplex Cycles

Inecient Pivot Sequences

Unit 9.B: Fundamentals

the simplest example of cycling in the simplex algorithm has the variables swapped in and out in a xed cyclic order
+x3 -x1 +x1 -x2 D1 D2 +x2 -x3 D3

Chv atals example of cycling (pp.3132) is almost as simple:

+x6 -x4

+x1 -x5 D1 D2

+x2 -x6 D3

+x3 -x1 D4

+x4 -x2 D5

+x5 -x3 D6

but cycles in the simplex algorithm can be exponentially long! e.g., a cycle can mimic a Gray code a Gray code is a sequential listing of the 2n possible bitstrings of n bits, such that each bitstring (including the 1st) diers from the previous by ipping 1 bit Examples: (i) 00, 01, 11, 10 (ii) Gn is a specic Gray code on n bits, from 0 . . . 0 to 10 . . . 0: recursive recipe for Gn : start with 0Gn1 (00 . . . 0 . . . 01 . . . 0) ip the leftmost bit to 1 ( 110 . . . 0) do 1Gn1 in reverse (110 . . . 0 100 . . . 0) e.g., example (i) is G2 , and G3 is 000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100 Gk gives a simplex cycle of 2k pivots involving only 2k variables, e.g.,
+s2 - x2

+x1 - s1 00 01

+x2 - s2 11

+s1 - x1 10

simplex cycle for k = 2

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#48, p. 1

+s3 - x3

+x1 - s1 000 001

+x2 - s2 011

+s1 - x1 010

+x3 - s3 110

+x1 - s1 111

+s2 - x2 101

+s1 - x1 100

simplex cycle for k = 3 geometrically the Gray code Gn is a Hamiltonian tour of the vertices of the n-dimensional unit cube Klee-Minty Examples on these LPs the simplex algorithm takes 2n 1 pivots to nd the optimum the feasible region is a (perturbed) n-dimensional unit cube so the standard form LP has n variables and n constraints the pivot sequence is the above sequence derived from Gn 00 . . . 0 . . . 01 . . . 0 110 . . . 0 100 . . . 0 initial optimum bfs bfs you can check this using Problem 4.3 (Chv atal, p.53). it says after 2n1 1 pivots xn1 is the only basic decision variable this corresponds to 010 . . . 0 after 2n 1 pivots xn is the only basic decision variable this corresponds to 100 . . . 0 Klee-Minty examples have been devised for most known pivot rules

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#48, p. 2

Chv atal, 37 38

Stalling in Blands Rule

Unit 9.B: Fundamentals

the smallest-subscript rule can do an exponential number of pivots before nding the optimum in fact it can stall for an exponential number of pivots! to understand stalling well redo the proof of Handout #12: consider a sequence S of degenerate pivots using the smallest-subscript rule so the bfs never changes in S say a pivot step involves the entering & leaving variables, but no others a variable xi is ckle if its involved in > 1 pivot of S if there are no ckle variables, |S| n/2 suppose S has ckle variables; let t be the largest subscript of a ckle variable Corollary. S has a nonckle variable which is involved in a pivot between the rst two pivots involving xt . Proof. (essentially same argument Handout #12) let F be the set of subscripts of ckle variables let D & D be the dictionaries of the rst two pivot steps involving xt , with pivots as follows: xs xt D xt D

D may precede D in S or vice versa as in Handout #12, cs = c s

iB ci ais


cs > 0: since xs is entering in D s pivot we can assume c s 0: suppose c > 0 s = xs is nonbasic in D s > t (since xs doesnt enter in D s pivot) = xs isnt ckle so D s pivot proves the Corollary! (note: D precedes D in this case) c i ais 0 for i B F : Case i = t: ats > 0: since xt is leaving in D s pivot c t > 0: since xt is entering in D s pivot
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Case i B (F t): ais 0: bi = 0 (since xi = 0 throughout S ) but xi isnt the leaving variable in D s pivot 0: otherwise xi is nonbasic in D & D s pivot makes xi entering (i < t) c i since the r.h.s. of () is positive, some i B F has c i =0 hence xi is in B but not B , i.e., a pivot between D & D involves xi we can apply the Corollary repeatedly to reveal the structure of S : 1st 2 pivots involving xt

S S some variable drops out of problem reapply the Corollary to this sequence S involving 1 less variable

starting with n variables, n can drop out so eventually there are no ckle variables i.e., the smallest subscript rule never cycles but S can have exponential length the recursive nature of this picture is a guide to constructing a bad example Stalling Example Chv atal (1978) gave the following Klee-Minty example: let be a real number 0 < < 1/2 consider the LP n maximize j =1 nj xj subject to 2(
i1 ij xj ) j =1

+ xi + xn+i = 1, xj 0,

i = 1, . . . , n j = 1, . . . , 2n

start with the bfs (0, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , 1) of n 0s & n 1s & use Blands rule it takes fn pivots to reach the optimum where fn is dened by f1 = 1, f2 = 3, fn = fn1 + fn2 1 & fn (the nth Fibonacci number) 1.6n2 a minor variant of this LP does exactly the same pivots at the origin i.e., it stalls for an exponential number of pivots & then does 1 pivot to the optimum

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#49, p. 2

Combinatoric Example of Weak Duality Example Graph & ILPs c d e a

Unit 9.C: Duality

graph & maximum independent set

maximize xa + xb + xc + xd + xe subject to xa + xb 1 xa + xc 1 xb + xc 1 xb + xd 1 xc + xe 1 xd + xe 1 xa , xb , xc , xd , xe {0, 1} maximum independent set ILP

.5 .5 .5 .5 maximum fractional independent set


minimize yab + yac + ybc + ybd + yce + yde subject to yab + yac 1 yab + ybc + ybd 1 yac + ybc + yce 1 ybd + yde 1 yce + yde 1 yab , yac , ybc , ybd , yce , yde {0, 1} minimum edge cover ILP

minimum edge cover



.5 .5 .5

minimum fractional edge cover

maximize xa + xb + xc + xd + xe subject to xa + xb + xc 1 xb + xd 1 xc + xe 1 xd + xe 1 xa , xb , xc , xd , xe {0, 1} maximum independent set ILP (clique constraints)

minimize yabc + ybd + yce + yde subject to yabc 1 yabc + ybd 1 yabc + yce 1 ybd + yde 1 yce + yde 1 yabc , ybd , yce , yde {0, 1} minimum clique cover ILP minimum clique cover

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#50, p. 1

Independent Sets & Duality consider an undirected graph an independent set is a set of vertices, no two of which are adjacent a maximum independent set contains the greatest number of vertices possible nding a maximum independent set is an NP-complete problem we can formulate the problem as an ILP: each vertex j has a 0-1 variable xj xj = 1 if vertex j is in the independent set, 0 if it is not maximum independent set ILP: LP relaxation: maximize z = j =1 xj subject to xj + xk 1 xj {0, 1} maximize z = j =1 xj subject to xj + xk 1 xj 0
n n

(j, k) an edge of G j = 1, . . . , n

(j, k) an edge of G j = 1, . . . , n

(the LP relaxation neednt constrain xj 1) number the edges of G from 1 to m LP dual: minimize z = m i=1 yi subject to {yi : vertex j is on edge i} 1 yi 0 minimize z = m i=1 yi subject to {yi : vertex j is on edge i} 1 yi {0, 1}

j = 1, . . . , n i = 1, . . . , m

integral dual:

j = 1, . . . , n i = 1, . . . , m

(constraining yi integral is the same as making it 0-1) an edge cover of a graph is a set of edges spanning all the vertices a minimum edge cover contains the fewest number of edges possible the integral dual is the problem of nding a minimum edge cover yi = 1 if edge i is in the cover, else 0 Weak Duality implies (size of a maximum independent set) (size of a minimum edge cover) indeed this is obvious each vertex of an independent set requires its own edge to cover it we can nd a minimum edge cover in polynomial time thus getting a bound on the size of a maximum independent set

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#50, p. 2

A Better Upper Bound a clique of a graph is a complete subgraph, i.e., a set of vertices joined by every possible edge an independent set contains 1 vertex in each clique this gives an ILP with more constraints: clique constraint MIS ILP: maximize z = n j =1 xj subject to {xj : vertex j is in C } 1 xj {0, 1} C a maximal clique of G j = 1, . . . , n

this can be a large problem the number of maximal cliques can be exponential in n ! the payo is the LP solution will be closer to the ILP LP relaxation: last line becomes xj 0 dual LP: minimize z = {yC : C a maximal clique of G} subject to {yC : vertex j is in C } 1 j = 1, . . . , n yC 0 C a maximal clique of G

integral dual LP: yC {0, 1} a clique cover is a collection of cliques that spans every vertex the integral dual LP is the problem of nding a minimum clique cover Weak Duality: (size of a maximum independent set) (size of a minimum clique cover) the rest of this handout assumes we use the clique constraint ILP for maximal independent sets a graph is perfect if the relaxed LP is an integral polyhedron equivalently, G, and all its induced subgraphs, achieve equality in ILP Weak Duality (Chv atal, 1975) there are many families of perfect graphs: bipartite graphs, interval graphs, comparability graphs, triangulated (chordal) graphs, . . . a maximum independent set of a perfect graph can be found in polynomial time (Gr otschel, Lovasz, Schrijver, 1981) the Lov asz number (G) lies in the duality gap of the two ILPs for a perfect graph (G) is the size of a maximum independent set (G) is computable in polynomial time (GLS) (G) LP optimum

maximum independent set size

minimum edge cover size

duality gap

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#50, p. 3

Generalization to Hypergraphs consider a family F of subsets of V a packing is a set of elements of V , 1 in each set of F a covering is a family of sets of F collectively containing all elements of V maximum packing ILP: n maximize j =1 xj subject to minimum covering ILP: minimize S F yS subject to

{xj : j S } 1, S F ; xj {0, 1}, j = 1, . . . , n

{yS : j S } 1, j = 1, . . . , n; yS {0, 1}, S F

as above, the LP relaxations of these 2 ILPs are duals, so any packing is any covering this packing/covering duality is the source of a number of beautiful combinatoric theorems where the duality gap is 0 in these cases the ILPs are solvable in polynomial time! e.g., nding a maximum ow; packing arborescences in a directed graph

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#50, p. 4

Polyhedral Combinatorics Perfect Graph Example K3 is the triangle:

Unit 9.C: Duality

here are the MIS polyhedra for K3 :

(0,0,1) (0,0,1)






clique constraints the clique constraints give an integral polyhedron so K3 is perfect

edge constraints

observe that the vertices of this polyhedron correspond to the independent sets of K3 (more precisely, the vertices are the characteristic vectors of the independent sets) this holds in general:

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#51, p. 1

Theorem. Take any graph, & its MIS polyhedron P dened by edge constraints or clique constraints. P is an integral polyhedron its vertices are precisely the independent sets of G. Proof. = : trivial (the characteristic vector of an independent set is 0-1) = : the argument consists of 2 assertions: (i) every independent set is a vertex of P (ii) every vertex of P is an independent set for simplicity well prove the assertions for the edge constraints the same argument works for the clique constraints Proof of (i) let I be an independent set, with corresponding vector (xi ) xi = 1 if i I else 0 choose n constraints (that (xi ) satises with equality) as follows: for i / I choose nonnegativity, xi 0 for i I choose the constraint for an edge containing i no 2 is choose the same edge constraint, since I is independent (xi ) satises these n constraints with equality, & no other point of P does: each chosen edge constraint has 1 end constrained to 0 so the other end must equal 1 Proof of (ii) a vertex (xi ) is a 0-1 vector, by nonnegativity and the edge constraints if xi = xj = 1 then (i, j ) is not an edge (since (xi ) is feasible) thus (xi ) corresponds to an independent set Polyhedral Combinatorics to analyze the independent sets of a graph G, we can analyze the polyhedron P whose vertices are those independent sets this depends on having a nice description of P which we have if G is perfect in general polyhedral combinatorics analyzes a family of sets by analyzing the polyhedron whose vertices are (the characteristic vectors of) those sets

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#51, p. 2

Duality & NP-Completeness

Unit 9.C: Duality

Disjoint Paths Problem: Given a graph, vertices s, t & integer k, are there k openly disjoint st-paths?




Example graph G0 has 2 openly disjoint s1 t1 -paths & 3 openly disjoint s2 t2 -paths Disjoint Paths Problem is in P (i.e., it has a polynomial-time algorithm) because of this min-max theorem: Mengers Theorem. For any 2 nonadjacent vertices s, t, the greatest number of openly disjoint st-paths equals the fewest number of vertices that separate s and t. Hamiltonian Cycle Problem: Does a given graph have a tour passing through each vertex exactly once? e.g., G0 has a Hamiltonian cycle

The Peterson graph has no Hamiltonian cycle. the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem is in N P because a Hamiltonian cycle is a succinct certicate for a yes answer the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem N P -complete & does not seem to have a succinct certicate for a no answer the Disjoint Paths Problem is in P both yes & no answers have succinct certicates: yes answer: the k paths form a succinct certicate no answer: the < k separating vertices form a succinct certicate

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#52, p. 1

S 7.5; Chv atal 261262 Example

Geometric Interpretation of Duality

Unit 9.C: Duality

Primal maximize z = x1 + 4x2 subject to x1 + x2 x1

1 2

Dual minimize w = y1 + 2y2 subject to y1 + y2 y1 y1 , y2

=1 =4 0

optimum primal: x1 = 2, x2 = 3, z = 14 optimum dual: y1 = 4, y2 = 5, w = 14





(2,3) x1+4x2=14 (6,2) x1+x2=1 x1=2

(1,0) x1+4x2=14





recall that the vector (a, b) is normal to the line ax + by = c and points in the direction of increasing ax + by e.g., see Handout#65 the objective is tangent to the feasible region at corner point (2, 3) = its normal lies between the normals of the 2 constraint lines dening (2, 3) all 3 vectors point away from the feasible region .. the vector of cost coecients (i.e., (1, 4)) is a nonnegative linear combination of the constraint vectors dening (2, 3) (i.e., (1, 1) & (1, 0)): (1, 4) = 4(1, 1) + 5(1, 0) the linear combination is specied by the optimum dual values y1 = 4, y2 = 5!

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#53, p. 1

The General Law consider this pair of LPs: Primal n maximize z = j =1 cj xj subject to
n j =1

Dual minimize w = bi subject to

m i=1 bi yi

aij xj

m i=1 aij yi

yi Remark. the primal is the general form of a polyhedron Notation: let P be the feasible region of the primal we use these vectors: (xj ) denotes the (cj ) denotes the (ai ) denotes the (yi ) denotes the

= cj 0

vector vector vector vector

(x1 , . . . , xn ) of cost coecients (ai1 , . . . , ain ) of dual values (y1 , . . . , ym )

suppose the primal optimum is achieved at corner point (x j) with the objective tangent to P (x j ) is the intersection of n hyperplanes of P let them be for the rst n constraints, with normal vectors (ai ), i = 1, . . . , n (cj ) is a nonnegative linear combination of the n normal vectors (ai ), i = 1, . . . , n i.e., cj = m i=1 aij yi where yi = 0 for i > n .. (yi ) is dual feasible its obvious that (x j ) & (yi ) satisfy Complementary Slackness, so (yi ) is optimal Conclusion: Suppose an LP has a unique optimum point. The cost vector is a nonnegative linear combination of the constraint vectors that dene the optimum corner point. The optimum duals are the mulitipliers in that linear combination. Summary: dual feasibility says (cj ) is a nonnegative linear combination of hyperplane normals complementary slackness says only hyperplanes dening x are used

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#53, p. 2

Illustrating Duality by Knapsack LPs Primal Problem, a (continuous) knapsack LP: maximize 9x1 + 12x2 + 15x3 subject to x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 5 xj 1 j = 1, 2, 3 xj 0 j = 1, 2, 3 Optimum Solution: x1 = x2 = 1, x3 = 2/3, objective z = 31 Optimum Dictionary 2 1 s0 + 3 3 x1 = 1 s 1 x2 = 1 s 2 1 1 s3 = + s0 3 3 x3 = 1 2 s1 + s2 3 3

Unit 9.C: Duality

1 2 s1 s2 3 3

z = 31 5s0 4s1 2s2 Dual LP: minimize 5y0 + y1 + y2 + y3 subject to y0 + y1 9 2y0 + y2 12 3y0 + y3 15 yi 0 i = 0, . . . , 3 Optimum Dual Solution: y0 = 5, y1 = 4, y2 = 2, y3 = 0, objective z = 31 Multiplier Interpretion of Duals adding 5 [x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 5] + 4 [x1 1] + 2 [x2 1] shows 9x1 + 12x2 + 15x3 31 i.e., proof of optimality obviously we dont use x3 1 in the proof Complementary Slackness every xj positive = every dual constraint holds with equality rst 3 yi s positive = the knapsack constraint & 1st 2 upper bounds hold with equality

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#54, p. 1

Testing Optimality we verify (xj ) is optimal: (2): inequality in 3rd upper bound = y3 = 0 (1) : y0 + y1 = 9 2y0 + y2 = 12 3y0 = 15 = y0 = 5, y2 = 2, y1 = 4 (3): holds by denition (4): holds = (xj ) is optimum Duals are Prices How valuable is more knapsack capacity? suppose we increase the size of the knapsack by we can add /3 more pounds of item 3 increasing the value by 5 so the marginal price of knapsack capacity is 5 (= y0 ) How valuable is more of item 3? obviously 0 (= y3 ) How valuable is more of item 1? suppose more pounds of item 1 are available we can add more pounds of item 1 to the knapsack assuming we remove /3 pounds of item 3 this increases the knapsack value by 9 5 = 4 so the marginal price of item 1 is 4 (= y1 ) General Knapsack LPs Primal: maximize
j =1 n n

vj xj wj xj C
j =1

subject to

xj 1 xj 0 Dual: minimize Cy0 +

j =1 n

j = 1, . . . , n j = 1, . . . , n

yj j = 1, . . . , n j = 0, . . . , n
Fall 2007 #54, p. 2

subject to

wj y0 + yj vj yj 0

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H. Gabow

Optimal Solutions assume the items are indexed by decreasing value per pound, i.e., v1 /w1 v2 /w2 . . . optimum solution: using the greedy algorithm, for some s we get x1 = . . . = xs1 = 1, xs+1 = . . . = xn = 0 to verify its optimality & compute optimum duals: (2): ys+1 = . . . = yn = 0 (intuitively clear: theyre worthless!) we can assume xs > 0 now consider 2 cases: Case 1: xs < 1 (2): ys = 0 (1): equation for xs gives y0 = vs /ws equations for xj , j < s give yj = vj wj (vs /ws ) (4): holds by our indexing (3): rst s equations hold by denition remaining inequalities say y0 vj /wj , true by indexing Case 2: xs = 1 (1): a system of s + 1 unknowns yj , j = 0, . . . , s & s equations solution is not unique but for prices, we know item s is worthless so we can set ys = 0 and solve as in Case 1 Duals are Prices our formulas for the duals conrm their interpretation as prices the dual objective Cy0 + j =1 yj computes the value of the knapsack and the items on hand (i.e., the value of our scarse resources) the dual constraint wj y0 + yj vj says the monetary (primal) value of item j is no more than its value computed by price

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#54, p. 3

Chv atal, 79 84

Review of Matrices

Unit 9.D: Implementation

a vector is a column vector or a row vector, i.e., an n 1 or 1 n matrix so matrix denitions apply to vectors too Notation let x be a row vector & S be an ordered list of indices (of columns) xS is the row vector of columns of x corresponding to S , ordered as in S e.g., for x = 5 3 8 1 , x(2,1,4) = 3 5 1 dene xS similarly if x is a column vector dene AS similarly if A is a matrix where we extract the columns corresponding to S if S is a list of column indices & similarly for rows 1 0 I is the identity matrix, e.g., 0 1 0 0 the dimension of I is unspecied 0 0 1 and determined by context

0 similarly 0 is the column vector of 0s, e.g. 0 0 with dimension determined by context Matrix Operations scalar multiple: for A = [aij ] an m n matrix, t a real number tA is an m n matrix, [taij ] matrix sum: for m n matrices A = [aij ], B = [bij ] A + B is an m n matrix, [aij + bij ] matrix product: for m n matrix A = [aij ], n p matrix B = [bjk ] AB is an m p matrix with ikth entry n j =1 aij bjk time to multiply two n n matrices: O(n3 ) using the denition O(n2.38 ) using theoretically ecient but impractical methods in practice much faster than either bound, for sparse matrices only store the nonzero elements and their position only do work on nonzero elements matrix multiplication is associative, but not necessarily commutative AI = IA = A for every n n matrix A (see also Handout# 65 for more background on matrices)

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#55, p. 1

Matrix Relations for A, B matrices of the same shape, A B means aij bij for all entries A < B means aij < bij for all entries Linear Independence & Nonsingularity a linear combination of vectors xi is the sum i ti xi , for some real numbers ti if some ti is nonzero the combination is nontrivial a set of vectors xi is linearly dependent if some nontrivial linear combination of xi equals 0 let A be an n n matrix A is singular the columns of A are linearly dependent some nonzero vector x satises Ax = 0 for every column vector b, Ax = b has no solution or an innite number of solutions A is nonsingular Proof. 1: 0 = 1 solution: n column vectors in Rn that are linearly independent span Rn , i.e., any vector is a linear combination of them 1 solution: Ax = Ax = b = A(x x ) = 0 = x = x 2: 1 = construct A1 column by column so AA1 = I to show A1 A = I: A(A1 A) = A, so deduce column by column that A1 A = I 0: 2 = Ax = 0 = x = A1 Ax = A1 0 = 0 the columns of A are linearly independent for every column vector b, Ax = b has exactly one solution A has an inverse, i.e., an n n matrix A1 AA1 = A1 A = I

0 1 2

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#55, p. 2

Chv atal, 100 105

Revised Simplex Example

Unit 9.D: Implementation

consider LP E of Handout #23 its solved by the standard simplex in 2 pivots: Initial Dictionary x3 = 1 x1 x4 = 2 x1 x2 z= 3x1 + x2 x1 enters, x3 leaves x1 = 1 x3 x4 = 1 x2 + x3 z = 3 + x2 3x3 x2 enters, x4 leaves x1 = 1 x3 x2 = 1 + x3 x4 z = 4 2x3 x4 Optimum Dictionary

Revised Simplex Algorithm for E in matrix form of E , A= 1 1 x1 0 1 0 1 x , x = 2 , b = ,c= 3 1 1 0 1 2 x3 x4 1 2 1 0 0 , the identity matrix 1

0 0

initially B = (3, 4), x B = 1st Iteration

since we start with the basis of slacks, B =

thus all linear algebra is trivial this is usually true in general for the rst iteration Entering Variable Step yB = yI = y = cB = 0 0 in computing costs, yA.s = 0, so costs are the given costs, as expected choose x1 as the entering variable, c1 = 3 > 0 Leaving Variable Step Bd = d = A.s = x B td = 1 1

1 1 t 0 2 1

take t = 1, x3 (1st basic variable) leaves Pivot Step x B td = 1 1 0 = 2 1 1

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x B =

1 1

B = (1, 4) 2nd Iteration Entering Variable Step 1 0 = 3 0 ,y= 3 0 1 1 0 trying x2 , 1 > 3 0 = 0 so it enters 1 y Leaving Variable Step 1 0 0 0 d= ,d= 1 1 1 1 1 0 t 0 1 1 t = 1, x4 (2nd basic variable) leaves Pivot Step 1 0 1 = 1 1 0 x B = 1 1

B = (1, 2) 3rd Iteration Entering Variable Step y 1 0 = 3 1 ,y= 2 1 1 1

all nonbasic costs are nonpositive: 0 0 2 1 = optimum solution 1 0 = 2 1 0 1

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#56, p. 2

Chv atal, 105 115 Approach

Eta Factorization of the Basis

Unit 9.D: Implementation

a revised simplex iteration solves 2 systems, yB = cB , Bd = As then replaces r th column of B by As & solves similar systems for this new B maintaining B in a factored form makes the systems easy to solve & maintain also maintains sparsity, numerically stable Bd = As = the next B matrix is BE, where E is an eta matrix with r th column = d thus Bk = B E+1 E+2 . . . Ek1 Ek ()

where Bi = the basis after i iterations Ei = the eta matrix used in the ith iteration to get Bi 0k () is the eta factorization of the basis Case 1. The Early Pivots in () take = 0, B0 = I (assuming the initial basis is from slacks) the systems of iteration (k + 1), yBk = cB , Bk d = As , become yE1 . . . Ek = cB , E1 . . . Ek d = As solve them as eta systems this method slows down as k increases eventually it pays to reduce the size of () by refactoring the basis: suppose weve just nished iteration extract the current base B from A, using the basis heading compute a triangular factorization for B , U = Lm Pm . . . L1 P1 B ()

added benet of refactoring: curtails round-o errors

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#57, p. 1

Case 2. Later Pivots let Bk be the current basis let B be the last basis with a triangular factorization To Solve Bk d = As using () this system becomes B E+1 . . . Ek d = As using () this becomes UE+1 . . . Ek d = Lm Pm . . . L1 P1 As to solve, 1. set a = Lm Pm . . . L1 P1 As multiply right-to-left, so always work with a column vector 2. solve UE+1 . . . Ek d = a treating U as a product of etas, U = Um . . . U1 this procedure accesses the eta le P1 , L1 , . . . , Pm , Lm , Um , . . . U1 , E+1 , . . . , Ek in forward (left-to-right) order the pivot adds the next eta matrix Ek+1 (with eta column d) to the end of the le To Solve yBk = cB using () this system becomes yB E+1 . . . Ek = cB to use () write y = zLm Pm . . . L1 P1 , so zUE+1 . . . Ek = cB to solve, 1. solve zUE+1 . . . Ek = cB (treating U as a product of etas) 2. y = zLm Pm . . . L1 P1 multiply left-to-right this accesses the eta le in reverse order so this method has good locality of reference obviously the early pivots are a special case of this scheme other implementation issues: in-core vs. out-of-core; pricing strategies; zero tolerances Eciency of Revised Simplex Chv atal estimates optimum refactoring frequency = every 16 iterations gives (average # arithmetic operations per iteration) = 32m + 10n versus mn/4 for standard simplex (even assuming sparsity) i.e., revised simplex is better when (m 40)n 128m, e.g., n 2m (expected in practice) & m 104 m 100 is a small LP todays large LPs have thousands or even millions of variables

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#57, p. 2

Principles in Chv atals Time Estimate 1. the eta columns of Ei have density between .25 & .5 in the steady state, i.e., after the slacks have left the basis density is much lower before this 2. solving Bk d = As is twice as fast as yBk = cB Argument: cB is usually dense, but not As we compute the solution di+1 to Ei+1 di+1 = di di is expected to have the density given in #1 (since it could have been an eta column) = if Ei+1 has eta column p, di p = 0 with probability .5 i+1 i i = d , i.e., no work done for Ei+1 ! but when dp = 0, d 3. in standard simplex, storing the entire dictionary can create core problems also the sparse data structure for standard simplex is messy (e.g., Knuth, Vol. I) dictionary must be accessed by row (pivot row) & column (entering column) Product Form of the Inverse a commonly-used implementation of revised simplex 1 maintains B k = E k E k 1 . . . E 1 where Ei = eta matrix that species the ith pivot Enhanced Triangular Factorization of the Basis (Chv atal, Ch. 24) achieves even greater sparsity, halving the number of nonzeros

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#57, p. 3

Chv atal, 105 115 Data Structures given data: col 1 A packed form by column col 2 col 3 col 4

Revised Simplex Summary

Unit 9.D: Implementation

b dense form

c dense form

basis: B basis heading x B basis values

eta le: P1








Lm Pm . . . L1 P1 B = UE+1 . . . Ek (B is the current basis) Entering Variable Step Solve yB = cB : 1. solve zUE+1 . . . Ek = cB 2. y = zLm Pm . . . L1 P1 dense copy of cB z dense z y

Choose any (nonbasic) s cs > yAs compute yAs using dense y, packed As If none exists, stop, B is an optimum basis Remark. Steps 12 read the eta le backwards, so LP practitioners call them BTRAN (backward transformation)

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#58, p. 1

Leaving Variable Step Solve Bd = As : 1. a = Lm Pm . . . L1 P1 As dense copy of As dense a

2. solve UE+1 . . . Ek d = a

Add packed copy of Ek+1 to eta le Let t be the largest value x B td 0 dense vectors If t = , stop, the problem is unbounded Otherwise choose a (basic) r whose component of x B td is zero Remark. Steps 12 read the eta le forwards & are called FTRAN (forward transformation) Pivot Step In basis heading B replace r by s x B xB td In xB , replace entry for r (now 0) by t Refactoring Step (done every 20 iterations) Use B to extract B = AB from packed matrix A Convert B to linked list format Execute Gaussian elimination on B for ith pivot, record Pi , Li in new eta le & record ith row of U in the packed vectors U At end, add the U vectors to the eta le

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#58, p. 2

Remark. to achieve a sparser triangular factorization, we may permute the rows and columns of B to make it almost lower triangular form, with a few spikes (Chv atal, p.9192)

The spikes can create ll-in. to adjust for permuting columns, do the same permutation on B & x B to adjust for permuting rows by P, make P the rst matrix of the eta le Exercise. Verify this works.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#58, p. 3

Chv atal, Ch. 16

Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

Unit 9.E: Extensions

we want to solve a system of linear inequalities I ,

n j =1 aij xj

bi , i = 1, . . . , m

this problem, LI, is equivalent to LP (Exercise of Handout#18) Fourier (1827) & later Motzkin (1936) proposed a simple method to solve inequality systems: elimination & back substitution usually inecient, but has some applications Recursive Algorithm to Find a Solution to I 1. rewrite each inequality involving x1 in the form x1 u or x1 , where each u, is an ane function of x2 , . . . , xn ,
n j =2 cj xj


2. form I from I by replacing the inequalities involving x1 by inequalities u ranges over all lower bounds on x1 , u ranges over all upper bounds on x1 I is a system on x2 , . . . , xn 3. delete any redundant inequalities from I 4. recursively solve I 5. if I is infeasible, so is I if I is feasible, choose x1 so (the largest ) x1 (the smallest u)

unfortunately Step 3 is hard, & repeated applications of Step 2 can generate huge systems but heres an example where Fourier-Motzkin works well: consider the system xi xj bij i, j = 1, . . . , n, i = j x1 xk + b

write x1 s inequalities as

x 1 x j + b,

eliminating x1 creates inequalities xk xj b so the system on x2 , . . . , xn has the original form & eliminating redundancies (simple!) ensures all systems generated have n2 inequalities thus we solve the given system in time O(n3 ) Remark the problem of nding shortest paths in a graph has this form O(n3 ) is the best bound for this problem!

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#59, p. 1

Finite Basis Theorem says I has essentially a nite # of distinct solutions rst we extend the notion of bfs: x is a normal bfs for Ax b if for v = b Ax, x v is a normal bfs of Ax + v = b, v 0

dene a basic feasible direction of Ax b in the same way, i.e., introduce slacks Example. x1 1, 2 x2 3 1 0 1 0 introducing slacks v1 , v2 , v3 gives coecient matrix 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

bfss x1 = 1, x2 = 2, v3 = 1 & x1 = 1, x2 = 3, v2 = 1 are corner points bfd x1 = 1, v1 = 1 (basis v1 , v2 , v3 ) is direction vector for unboundedness


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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#59, p. 2

the vector

k i i=1 ti x

is a

nonnegative combination of xi , i = 1, . . . , k if each ti 0 convex combination of xi , i = 1, . . . , k if each ti 0 & the ti s sum to 1 in our example, any feasible point is a convex combination of the 2 corners plus a nonnegative combination of the direction vector for unboundedness this is true in general: Finite Basis Theorem. The solutions to Ax b are precisely the vectors that are convex combinations of vi , i = 1, . . . , M plus nonnegative combinations of wj , j = 1, . . . , N for some nite sets of vectors vi , wj . Proof Idea. the vi are the normal bfs the wj are the bfds the argument is based on Farkas Lemma

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#59, p. 3

Decomposition Algorithm (Chv atal, Ch.26) applicable to structured LPs start with a general form LP L: maximize cx subject to Ax = b,

xu A x = b

break the equality constraints into 2 sets, A x = b , apply the Finite Basis Theorem to the system S A x = b , x u to get that any fs to S has the form M N x = i=1 ri vi + j =1 sj wj for ri , sj nonnegative,
M i=1 ri

= 1, and vi , wj as above

rewrite L using the equation for x to get the master problem M: M maximize cr r + cs s subject to Ar r + As s = b , i=1 ri = 1, for vectors cr , cs & matrices Ar , As derived from c & A respectively

ri , s j 0

since M & N are huge, we dont work with M explicitly instead solve M by column generation: each Entering Variable Step solves the auxiliary problem A: maximize c yA subject to A x = b , x u where y is the vector of dual values for M, with its last component dropped the solution to A will be either a normal bfs (i.e., a vi ) which can enter Ms basis, or a basic feasible direction of an unbounded solution (a wj ) which can enter Ms basis, or a declaration of optimality the decomposition algorithm works well when we can choose A , A so A has few constraints, and either A can be solved fast, e.g., a network problem, or A breaks up into smaller independent LPs, so we can solve small auxiliary problems

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#59, p. 4

Chv atal, 149 152

PrimalDual Simplex Correspondence

Unit 9.E: Extensions

consider a standard form LP & its dual: Primal Problem P maximize z = cx subject to Ax b x0 Dual Problem D minimize yb subject to yA c y0

Theorem 1. The standard dual simplex algorithm for P amounts to executing the standard simplex algorithm on the dual problem D . Theorem 2. For a standard form LP P , there is a 1-1 correspondence between primal dictionaries (for P ) & dual dictionaries (for D ) such that (i) B is a primal basis N is a dual basis (ii) any row in B s dictionary is the negative of a column in N s dictionary: primal dictionary x i = bi z=z+
j N j N

aij xj ,


dual dictionary yj = cj + iB aij yi , w = z

i B bi y i


c j xj

Proof of Theorem 1: show that after each pivot the 2 simplex algorithms have dictionaries corresponding as in (ii) argument is straightforward e.g., dual simplexs minimum ratio test is minimize cs /ars , ars < 0 standard simplexs minimum ratio test on the corresponding dual dictionary is minimize cs / ars , ars > 0 Proof of Theorem 2: index the primal constraints and variables as follows: C = the set of primal constraints (|C | = m) D = the set of primal decision variables (i.e., the given variables; |D | = n) Proof of (i): primal constraints after introducing slacks: I A xC xD =b

dene P = I A xC consists of m slack variables indexed by C xD consists of n decision variables indexed by D dual constraints after introducing slacks:
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A =c I

dene Q =

A I yC : m decision variables yD : n slack variables

in (i), B is a set of m indices of C D , N is the complementary set of n indices for simplicity let B consist of the rst k indices of D and last m k indices of C denote intersections by dropping the sign e.g., BC denotes all indices in both B & C we write P with its rows and columns labelled by the corresponding indices: NC BC BD ND Ik 0 B Y P= 0 I m k X Z


B is a primal basis the columns of BC & BD are linearly independent B is nonsingular we write Q with its rows and columns labelled by the corresponding indices: BD ND B Y Z X Q= Ik 0 0 I n k


N is a dual basis the rows of NC & ND are linearly independent B is nonsingular

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Fall 2007

#60, p. 2

Proof of (ii): the primal dictionary for basis B is

1 1 xB = P B b PB PN xN 1 1 z = cB P B b + (cN cB PB PN )xN

using our expression for P we have PB = 0 I m k B XB1 1 , P = B X B1 I m k 0

remembering the dual constraints are yQ = c we derive the dual dictionary for basis N (with nonbasic variables B ): let QN denote the matrix Q keeping only the rows of N , & similarly for QB
1 1 yN = cQ N yB QB QN 1 1 z = cQ N bN + yB (QB QN bN bB )

using our expression for Q we have QN = B1 B Y 1 , Q = N 0 0 I n k B1 Y I n k

1. now we check the terms aij in the 2 dictionaries (dened in (ii)) correspond: 1 in the primal dictionary these terms are P B PN XB1 Imk Ik Y which equal B1 0 0 Z
1 in the dual dictionary these terms are QB Q N 1 1 X Z B B Y which equal Ik 0 0 I n k the 2 products are negatives of each other, as desired

2. now we check the objective values are negatives of each other: 1 the primal objective value is cB P B b bN C cB = 0mk cBD , b = bBC 1 objective value = cBD B 0mk b = cBD B1 bN C
1 the dual objective value is cQ N bN : bN C c = cBD cN D , bN = 0nk

objective value = c

B1 bN C 0nk

= cBD B1 bN C , negative of primal

3. similar calculations show primal cost coecients are negatives of dual r.h.s. coecients dual cost coecients are negatives of primal r.h.s. coecients

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#60, p. 3

Schrijver, Ch. 16, 19, 22

Integral Polyhdera

Unit 9.F: Networks

a polyhedron Ax b is rational if every entry in A & b is rational a rational polyhedron P is integral it is the convex hull of its integral points every (minimal) face of P has an integral vector every LP max cx st x P with an optimum point has an integral optimum point so for integral polyhedra, ILP reduces to LP Example Application of Integral Polyhedra a graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree a matching is perfect if every vertex is on a matched edge Theorem. Any regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching. Proof. take a bipartite graph where every vertex has degree d let A be the node-arc incidence matrix consider the polyhedron Ax = 1, x 0 well see in Theorem 2 that its integral the polyhedron has a feasible point: set xij = 1/d for every edge ij so theres an integral feasible point, i.e., a perfect matching Total Unimodularity this property, of A alone, makes a polyhedron integral a matrix A is totally unimodular if every square submatrix has determinant 0, 1 Examples of Totally Unimodular Matrices 1. the node-arc incidence matrix of a digraph Proof Sketch: let B be a square submatrix of the incidence matrix induct on the size of B Case 1: every column of B contains both a +1 & a 1 the rows of B sum to 0, so det(B) = 0 Case 2: some column of B contains only 1 nonzero expand det(B) by this column and use inductive hypothesis 2. the node-arc incidence matrix of a bipartite graph similar proof

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Fall 2007

#61, p. 1

3. interval matrices 0,1 matrices where each column has all its 1s consecutive Proof Idea: proceed as above if row 1 contains 1 positive entry otherwise, subtract the shorter column from the longer to reduce the total number of 1s 4. an amazing theorem of Seymour characterizes the totally unimodular matrices as being built up from network matrices and 2 exceptional 5 5 matrices, using 9 types of operations Theorem 1. A totally unimodular = for every integral vector b, the polyhedron Ax b is integral. Theorem 2. Let A be integral. A totally unimodular for every integral b, the polyhedron Ax b, x 0 is integral for every integral a, b, c, d, the polyhedron a Ax b, c x d is integral can also allow components of these vectors to be Proof Idea (this is the basic idea of total unimodularity): suppose A is totally unimodular & b is integral well show the polyhedron Ax b, x 0 is integral for any basis B, the basic variables have values B1 b B has determinant 1, by total unimodularity note that some columns of B can be slacks so B1 is an integral matrix Theorem 2 gives the Transhipment Integrality Theorem (even with lower and upper bounds on ow) Theorem 3. Let A be integral. A totally unimodular for every integral b & c where the primal-dual LPs max cx st Ax b, x 0 min yb st yA c, y 0 both have an optimum, both LPs have an integral optimum point. Theorem 3 contains many combinatorial facts, e.g.: let A be the incidence matrix of a bipartite graph let b, c be vectors of all 1s K onig-Egerv ary Theorem. In a bipartite graph, the maximum cardinality of a matching equals the minimum cardinality of a vertex cover.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#61, p. 2

Total Dual Integrality this property makes a polyhedron integral, but involves A, b, and every c Illustrative Example: Fulkersons Arborescence Theorem take a digraph with nonnegative integral edge lengths (e) & a distinguished vertex r an r-arborescence is a directed spanning tree rooted at vertex r all edges are directed away from r an r-cut is a set of vertices not containing r an r-cut packing is a collection of r -cuts, with repetitions allowed, such that each edge e enters (e) cuts its size is the number of sets Theorem. For any digraph, & r , the minimum total length of an r -arborescence equals the maximum size of an r-cut packing. let C be the r -cut-edge incidence matrix consider the primal-dual pair, max y1 st yC , y 0 min x st Cx 1, x 0 its not hard to see that if both LPs have integral optima, Fulkersons Theorem holds its easy to see that C is not totally unimodular 3 edges ra, rb, rc with r -cuts {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c} give this submatrix with determinant 2: 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 well get Fulkersons Theorem using the TDI property take a rational polyhedron Ax b consider the primal-dual pair of LPs, max cx st Ax b min yb st yA = c, y 0 Ax b is totally dual integral (TDI) if for every integral c where the dual has an optimum, the dual has an integral optimum point Theorem 4. Ax b TDI with b integral = Ax b is integral. returning to Fulkerson: it can be proved that the system Cx 1, x 0 is TDI, so it is an integral polyhedron the denition of TDI shows the dual has an integral optimum so both LPs have integral optima, i.e., Fulkersons Arborescence Theorem is true

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#61, p. 3

Chv atal, 303 317 Initialization

Initialization, Cycling, Implementation

Unit 9.F: Networks

in general we need a Phase 1 procedure for initialization since a transshipment problem can be infeasible (e.g., no source-sink path) the following Phase 1 procedure sometimes even speeds up Phase 2 (by breaking the network into smaller pieces) a simple solution vector x is where 1 node w transships all goods: all sources i send their goods to w, along edge iw if i = w all sinks receive all their demand from w, along edge wi if i = w this is feasible (even if w is a source or sink) if all the above edges exist in G (since satisfying the constraints for all vertices except w implies satisfying ws constraint too) in general, add every missing edge iw or wi as an articial edge then run a Phase 1 problem with objective t = {xwi , xiw : wi (iw) articial} there are 3 possibilities when Phase 1 halts with optimum objective t : 1. t > 0: the given transshipment problem is infeasible 2. t = 0 & no articial edge is in the basis: proceed to Phase 2 3. t = 0 & an articial edge is in the basis we now show that in Case 3, the given problem decomposes into smaller subproblems graph terminology: V denotes the set of all vertices for S V , edge ij enters S if i / S, j S ij leaves S if i S , j /S Lemma 1. Let S be a set of vertices where (a) no edge of G enters S ; (b) the total net demand in S ( iS bi ) equals 0. Then any feasible solution (of the given transshipment problem) has xe = 0 for every edge e leaving S . Remark. (a) + the Lemmas conclusion show we can solve this network by nding an optimum solution on S and an optimum solution on V S . Proof. (a) shows the demand in S must be satised by sources in S (b) shows this exhausts all the supply in S , i.e., no goods can be shipped out

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#62, p. 1

let T be the optimum basis from Phase 1 as we traverse an edge from tail to head, y (from Phase 1) increases by 1 more precisely every edge is oriented like this:
y y i +1 yi real edge artificial edge

basic nonbasic Fig.1. y stays the same on an edge of G in T . It doesnt increase on an edge of G T . Articial edges increase by 1.

take any articial edge uv T let S = {i : yi > yu }

y S

yu +1 yu

u V-S

Fig.1 implies vS no edge of G enters S no edge of G leaving S is in T thus no goods enter or leave S this implies the total net demand in S equals 0 now Lemma 1 applies, so the network decomposes into 2 smaller networks Cycling the network simplex never cycles, in practice but Chv atal (p.303) gives a simple example of cycling its easy to avoid cycling, as follows suppose we always use the top-down procedure for computing y (xing yr = 0) its easy to see a pivot updates y as follows: Fact. Suppose we pivot ij into the basis. Let cij = cij + yi yj . Let d be the deeper end of ij in the new basis. Then y changes only on descendants of d. In fact d = j (d = i) = every descendant w of d has yw increase by cij (cij ).

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Fall 2007

#62, p. 2

consider a sequence of consecutive degenerate pivots each entering edge ij is chosen so cij < 0 assume the deeper vertex of ij is always j the Fact shows n k =1 yk always decreases this implies we cant return to the starting tree T (since T determines

n k =1 yk


so it suces to give a rule that keeps every edge e T with xe = 0 directed away from the root Cunninghams Rule does it, as follows: suppose 2 or more edge can be chosen to leave the basis let ij be the entering edge let a be the nearest common ancestor of i and j in T traverse the cycle of ij in the direction of ij , starting at a choose the rst edge found that can leave the basis


old 0

old 0 candidate

new 0 candidate old 0 non0

new 0 candidate no old 0 j


enter (a)

degenerate (b)

nondegenerate (c)

Fig.2. Understanding Cunninghams Rule. 0 edge means xe = 0. (a) Edges between the leaving and entering edges ip orientation in a pivot. (b) Degenerate pivot: the rst old 0 edge following j leaves. (c) Nondegenerate pivot: the rst new 0 edge following a leaves. Implementing Network Simplex Eciently (Chv atal, 311317) tree data structures can be used to speed up the processing of T using the Fact, y can be updated by visiting only the descendants of d a preorder list of T is used to nd the descendants of d Fig.2(a) shows we can update the preorder list in a pivot by working only along the path that ips

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Fall 2007

#62, p. 3

Chv atal, 320 322 Transportation Problem

Related Network Problems

Unit 9.F: Networks

special case of transshipment: no transshipment nodes every edge goes from a source to a sink the setting for Hitchcocks early version of network simplex assignment problem is a special case we can extend the transshipment problem in 2 ways: Bounded Sources & Sinks generalize from demands = b to demands , b: to model such demands add a dummy node d route excess goods to d and satisfy shortfalls of goods from d:


i bi ,



d has demand Bounded Edges

where the sum is over all real vertices

edges usually have a capacity, i.e., capacity uij means xij uij an edge e with capacity u can be modelled by placing 2 nodes on e:
<=u (a) u (b) -u x u-x (c) x

The capacitated edge of (a) is modelled by (b). (c) shows how x units ow through the edge. We must have x u. when all edges have capacities (possibly innite), we have the minimum cost ow problem Exercise. Sometimes edges have lower bounds, i.e., lower bound ij means xij ij . Show how a lower bound can be modelled by decreasing the demand at j & increasing it at i. Chv atal Ch.21 treats these upper-bounded transhipment problems directly, without enlarging the network.

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H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#63, p. 1

Max Flow Problem (Chv atal Ch.22) the given graph has 1 source s, with unbounded supply, & 1 sink t, with unbounded demand each edge has a capacity the goal is to ship as many units as possible from s to t i.e., each edge from s costs 1, all other edges cost 0 Strong Duality has this interpretation: a cut is a set S of vertices that contains s but not t the capacity of a cut is iS,j / S uij obviously the value of any ow is at most the capacity of any cut. Strong Duality says Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem. The maximum value of a ow equals the minimum capacity of a cut. for proof see Chv atal p.371

3 s 1 1

1 t 5

Flow network with capacities. The max ow & min cut are both 3.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#63, p. 2

Positive Denite Matrices positive denite matrices behave very much like positive numbers let A be an n n symmetric matrix

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

A is positive denite (1) every vector x = 0 has xT Ax > 0 (2) every eigenvalue of A is positive (3) A can be written BT B for some nonsingular matrix B ((3) is like saying every positive number has a nonzero square root) Example. A = 2 1 1 1 is PD & satises (1)(3):

2 2 2 (1) 2x2 1 2x1 x2 + x2 = x1 + (x1 x2 ) > 0 for (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0) 3 5 2 = = the eigenvalues are (3 5)/2 (2) A 1 5 1 5

(3) A = Proof.

1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

(1)= (2): suppose Ax = x then xT Ax = xT x = x

> 0 = > 0

(2)= (3): A symmetric = it has n orthonormal eigenvectors, say xi , i = 1, . . . , n form n n matrix Q, with ith column xi form diagonal matrix with ith diagonal entry i , eigenvalue of xi . then AQ = Q, A = QQT since Q1 = QT since each eigenvalue is positive, we can write = DD this gives A = QD(QD)T (3)= (1): xT Ax = xT BT Bx = (Bx)T Bx = Bx


note the factorization A = QQT can be computed in polynomial time

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#64, p. 1

2 More Properties of Positive Denite Matrices 1. A positive denite = the curve xT Ax = 1 denes an ellipsoid, i.e., an n-dimensional ellipse Proof. using A = QQT & substituting y = QT x, the curve is xT QQT x = yT y = 1 2 = 1, an ellipsoid since all eigenvalues are positive the latter equation is i y i since x = Qy, we rotate the ellipsoid, each axis going into an eigenvector of A 2. let f : Rn R, & at some point x, If f = (f /xi ) vanishes & the Hessian matrix H = ( 2 f /xi xj ) is positive denite then x is a local minimum Proof idea. follows from the Taylor series for f , 1 T x Hx+ (higher order terms) f (x) = f (0) + (f )T x + 2 H positive denite = f (x) > f (0) for small x A is positive semidenite every vector x has xT Ax 0 every eigenvalue of A is nonnegative A can be written BT B for some n n matrix B In keeping with the above intuition we sometimes write X PSD as X 0

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#64, p. 2

Karlo, Ch.5

Background Facts for Karmarkars Algorithm

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

Linear Algebra the transpose of an m n matrix A is the n m matrix AT where AT ij = Aji T T T (AB) = B A the L2 -norm x of x Rn is its length according to Pythagoras, a unit vector has length 1 the scalar product of 2 vectors x, y Rn is xT y = it equals x y cos(the angle between x & y) Cauchy-Schwartz inequality: xT y x y
n i=1 xi yi n 2 i=1 xi

if y is a unit vector, the scalar product is the length of the projection of x onto y x & y are orthogonal if their scalar product is 0 2 subspaces are orthogonal if every vector in one is orthogonal to every vector in the other an m n matrix A has 2 associated subspaces of Rn : the row space is the subspace spanned by the rows of A the nullspace is the set of vectors x with Ax = 0 the row space & nullspace are orthogonal (by denition) in fact theyre orthogonal complements: any vector x Rn can be written uniquely as r + n where r (n) is in the row space (nullspace) and is called the projection of x onto the row space (nullspace) Lemma 1. If the rows of A are linearly independent, the projection of any vector x onto the row space of A is AT (AAT )1 Ax. Proof. AAT is nonsingular: AAT y = 0 = AT y

= (AT y)T AT y = yT AAT y = 0 = AT y = 0 = y = 0

the vector of the lemma is in the row space of A its dierence with x is in the null space of A: A(x AT (AAT )1 Ax) = Ax Ax = 0 an ane space is the set v + V for some linear subspace V , i.e., all vectors v + x, x V a ball B (v, r ) in Rn is the set of all vectors within distance r of v Lemma 2. Let F be the ane space v + V . The minimum of an arbitrary linear cost function cx over B (v, r ) F is achieved at v r u, where u is a unit vector along the projection of c onto V . Proof. take any vector x B (v, r ) F let cP be the projection of c onto V
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #65, p. 1

c(v r u) cx = c((v r u) x) = cP ((v r u) x) (since c cP is orthogonal to V ) to estimate the r.h.s., Cauchy-Schwartz shows cP (v x) cP cP (r u) = r cP so the r.h.s. is 0, as desired Calculus logarithms: for all real x > 1, ln (1 + x) x Lemma 3. Let x Rn be a vector with x > 0 and
n n j =1 xj

v x r cP

< 1. Then

j =1


. 1

= n. Set = 1 x & assume

Exercise 1. Prove Lemma 3. Start by using the general fact that the geometric mean is at most the arithmetic mean: For any n 1 nonnegative numbers xj , j = 1, . . . , n,
n 1/n n

j =1

xj /n
j =1

(This inequality is tight when all xj s are equal. It can be easily derived from Jensens Inequality below.) Upperbound j =1 1/xj using the above relation. Then write y = 1 x & substitute, getting terms 1/(1 yj ). Check that |yj | < 1, so those terms can be expanded into a geometric series. Simplify n n 2 . (Use the latter to estimate all high order terms). At the end using the values of j =1 yj , j =1 yj take logs, & simplify using the above inequality for ln (1 + x). Lemma 4. Let H be the hyperplane n i=1 xi = 1. Let be the subset of H where all coordinates xi are nonnegative. Let g = (1/n, . . . , 1/n). (i) Any point in is at distance at most R = (n 1)/n from g. (ii) Any point of H within distance r = 1/ n(n 1) of g is in . note that (1, 0, . . . , 0) n and is at distance R from g, since (1 1/n)2 + (n 1)/n2 = (n 1)n/n2 = (n 1)/n = R2 . hence (i) shows that the smallest circle circumscribed about n with center g has radius R note that (1/(n 1), . . . , 1/(n 1), 0) n and is at distance r from g, since (n 1)(1/(n 1) 1/n)2 + 1/n2 = 1/n2 (n 1) + 1/n2 = 1/n(n 1) = r 2 hence (ii) shows that the largest circle inscribed in n with center g has radius r Exercise 2. Prove Lemma 4. First observe that the function (x 1/n)2 is concave up. (i) follows from this fact. (ii) follows similarly the handy principle is known as Jensens Inequality: If f (x) is concave up,
n j =1 f (xj ) n

nf (

n j =1 xj /n).

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#65, p. 2

Karlo, Ch.5

Optimizing Over Round Regions

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

Karmarkars algorithm advances from a point p to the next point p by a scheme that looks like this: p () p
1 Tp


g spherical minimization s

this handout and the next two explain the basic ideas in () then we present the algorithm Optimizing Over Spheres its easy to optimize a linear function over a spherical feasible region by method of steepest descent


2 x


To minimize 3x + 4y over the disc with center (0, 0) and radius 2 start at the center & move 2 units along (3, 4) to (6/5, 8/5) in general to minimize cx over a ball of radius r start at the center & move r units along the vector c this works because cx = 0 is the hyperplane of all vectors x orthogonal to c so at the point we reach, the hyperplane cx = (constant) is tangent to the ball

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#66, p. 1

Optimizing Over Round Regions if the feasible region is round like a ball, the above strategy should get us close to a minimum

S x s*

P x*

to make this precise suppose were currently at point x in the feasible region P let S (S ) be balls contained in (containing) P with center x let the radius of S be times that of S , 1 let x (s , s ) have minimum cost in P (S, S ) respectively Lemma 1. cs cx (1 1/)(cx cx ). Proof. s = x + (s x). hence ( 1)cx + cx cs ( 1)(cx cx ) (cs cx ) dividing by gives the desired inequality cx cs = cx + c(s x)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#66, p. 2

Lemma 1 generalizes to allow S to be any closed subset of P : for x a point in S , dene S as the scaled up version of S , S = {x + (y x) : y S } assuming S P S , the same proof works if is small we get a big improvement by going from x to s but is big if were near the boundary of P wed be in trouble if we were near the boundary but far from the optimum vertex
s* P x S x*

Moving to s makes little progress. well keep relatively small by transforming the problem

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#66, p. 3

Karlo, Ch.5


Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

we work with simplices because they have small let 1 be the vector of n 1s, (1, . . . , 1) the standard simplex n consists of all x Rn with 1T x = 1, x 0 its center (of gravity) is g = 1/n



Lemma 4 of Handout#65 shows that using center g of n , the circumscribed sphere S has radius = n 1 times the radius of the inscribed sphere S (well actually use a slightly dierent )

g 2 1

sin(30 ) =

1 2

= = 2 for 3

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#67, p. 1

Karmarkar Standard Form we always work with simplices, and Karmarkar Standard Form is dened in terms of them consider the LP minimize z = cx subject to Ax = 0 1T x = 1 x 0 A is an m n matrix, all vectors are in Rn further assume the coecients in A & c are integers assume that g is feasible and z 0 the problem is to nd a point with objective value 0 or show that none exists also assume that the m + 1 equations are linearly independent i.e., eliminate redundant rows of A the exercise of Handout#18 shows that any LP can be converted to this standard form

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#67, p. 2

Karlo, Ch.5

Projective Transformations

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

to transform our problem, mapping p to the center g of the simplex n , p () p

1 Tp


g spherical minimization s

we use the projective transformation y = Tp (x) where xj /pj yj = n k =1 xk /pk here we assume p > 0, x 0 & x = 0 , so Tp is well-dened Example.

p g

For 2 , p = (1/3, 2/3), Tp maps (x, y ) to

3 y) (3x, 2 3 . 3x + 2 y

Since y = 1 x, the point of 2 at x goes to 2 Properties of Tp any vector y = Tp (x) belongs to n since x 0 implies y 0 and the dening formula shows 1T y = 1 Tp (p) = g since all its coordinates are equal Tp restricted to n has an inverse since we can recover x: y j pj xj = n k =1 yk pk (the denition of Tp implies xj = yj pj where the constant is chosen to make 1T x = 1)

2 . x+1

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#68, p. 1

Vector notation: dene D to be the n n diagonal matrix with p along the diagonal i.e., Djj = pj the above formulas become x= Dy T 1 Dy and y= D1 x 1T D1 x

Exercise. Check Tp is a bijection between n and n , i.e., its onto. let P be the feasible region of the given LP, i.e., Ax = 0, 1T x = 1, x 0 let P be the set of vectors satisfying ADy = 0, 1T y = 1, y 0 let c = cD Lemma 1. Tp is a bijection between P and P , with Tp (p) = g. Furthermore cx = 0 c Tp (x) = 0. Proof. it remains only to observe that for y = Tp (x), Ax = 0 ADy = 0, and cx = 0 cDy = 0.

our plan () is to nd s as minimizing a linear cost function over a ball inscribed in P good news: P is well-rounded bad news: the cost function in the transformed space is nonlinear, cx = cDy /(1T Dy) = c y/(1T Dy) solution: exercising some care, we can ignore the denominator and minimize c y, the pseudocost, in transformed space! Caution. because of the nonlinearity, the sequence of points p generated by Karmarkars algorithm need not have cost cp decreasing a point p may have larger cost than the previous point p

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#68, p. 2

Logarithmic Potential Function we analyze the decrease in cost cp using a potential function: for a vector x, let x = x1 x2 . . . xn the potential at x is (cx)n f (x) = ln x assume cx > 0 & x > 0, as will be the case in the algorithm, so f (x) is well-dened Remark. f is sometimes called a logarithmic barrier function it keeps us away from the boundary since x < 1 in the simplex n , f (x) > ln (cx)n so pushing f (x) to pushes cx to 0 dene a corresponding potential in the transformed space, fp (y) = ln (c y)n /y Lemma 2. If y = Tp (x) then fp (y) = f (x) + ln (p). Proof. fp (y) is the natural log of (c y)n /y the numerator of this fraction is n i=1 (xi /pi ) (1T D1 x)n D1 x cD T 1 1 D x

cx T 1 D1 x

the denominator is

so the fraction equals

(cx)n (cx)n = p n x i=1 (xi /pi )

taking its natural log gives the lemma

in the scheme () we will choose s so fp (s) fp (g) , for some positive constant the Lemma shows we get f (p ) f (p) thus each step of the algorithm decreases f (p) by and we push the potential to as planned

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#68, p. 3

Karlo, Ch.5

Karmarkars Algorithm

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

recall the parameter L = mn + n log n + #25)

{ log |r | : r a nonzero entry in A or c} (see Handout

Karmarkars Algorithm Initialization Set p = 1/n. If cp = 0 then return p. Let > 0 be a constant determined below (Handout#70, Lemma 4). Set N = 2nL/. Main Loop Repeat the Advance Step N times (unless it returns). Then go to the Rounding Step. Advance Step Advance from p to the next point p , using an implementation of (). If cp = 0 then return p . Set p = p . Rounding Step Move from p to a vertex v of no greater cost. (Use the exercise of Handout#23.) If cv = 0 then return v, else return z > 0. a valid implementation of () has these properties: assume z = 0, p P , p > 0 & cp > 0 then p P , p > 0, and either cp = 0 or f (p ) f (p) Lemma 1. A valid implementation of () ensures the algorithm is correct. Proof. we can assume the Main Loop repeats N times we start at potential value f (g) = ln (c1/n)n /(1/n)n = n ln the last inequality follows since if C is the largest cost coecient, n ln i=1 ci ln (nC ) ln n + ln C L
n i=1 ci


each repetition decreases the potential by so the Main Loop ends with a point p of potential nL N nL thus ln (cp)n < f (p) < nL, cp < eL < 2L so the Rounding Step nds a vertex of cost < 2L is a rational number with denominator < 2L (by the exercise of Handout#25) so > 0 = > 1/2L thus = 0

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#69, p. 1

Idea for Implementing () as in Handout#68, we need to go from g to a point s where fp (s) fp (g) since fp (s) is the log of (c s)n /s we could dene s to minimize c s over the inscribed ball S but to prevent the denominator from decreasing too much we use a slightly smaller ball: S has radius r = 1/ n(n 1) > 1/n (Handout #65, Lemma 4) minimize over the ball of radius /n, for some value 1 actually Lemma 4 of Handout#70 shows that must be < 1/2 Implementation of () Let B be the (m + 1) n matrix Let c be the pseudocost vector cD Project c onto the nullspace of B to get cP : cP = c BT (BBT )1 Bc If cP = 0 then return z > 0. Otherwise move /n units in the direction cP : s = g (/n)cP / cP Return to the original space: p = Ds/(1T Ds) Exercise. What is right, and what is wrong, with Professor Dulls objection to our implementation: I doubt this implementation will work. The plan was to minimize over an inscribed ball. The implementation minimizes over a ball S in transformed space. But in real space its 1 minimizing over Tp (S ), which is not a ball. Remark. the projection step can be implemented more carefully: (i) as a rank 1 modication from the previous projection step this achieves O(n2.5 ) arithmetic operations, rather than O(n3 ) (ii) to take advantage of sparsity of A (& B)


CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#69, p. 2

Karlo, Ch.5

Analysis of Karmarkars Algorithm

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

we prove the implementation of () is valid in 5 lemmas Lemma 1. The formula for projecting c onto the nullspace of B is correct. Proof. the rows of B are linearly independent since standard form assumes A and 1T are linearly independent so the lemma follows from Lemma 1 of Handout#65 Lemma 2. s minimizes the cost function c x over B (g, /n) P . Proof. the lemma follows from Lemma 2 of Handout#65 if we show that B (g, /n) P is the intersection of a ball and an ane space let F be the ane space of points satisfying ADx = 0, 1T x = 1 Claim: B (g, /n) P = B (g, /n) F comparing the denitions of F & P (Handout#68), it suces to show any coordinate of a point in B (g, /n) is nonnegative this follows since any coordinate is gj /n = 1/n /n 0 Lemma 3. z = 0 = cP = 0. Proof. suppose cP = 0 then the formula for cP shows c is in the rowspace of B .. c is orthogonal to every vector in the nullspace of B take any q P thus Tp (q) P , and Tp (q) Tp (p) is in the nullspace of B so c (Tp (q) Tp (p)) = 0 recalling from Handout#68, Lemma 1 how cost c transforms to c , cp > 0 = c Tp (p) > 0 thus c Tp (q) > 0, and so cq > 0 equivalently, z > 0 Lemma 4. z = 0 = c s/(c g) < 1 /n. Proof. we apply Lemma 1 of Handout#66: the inscribed set S is B (g, /n) F Lemma 2 above shows we optimize over this set the circumscribed set S is B (g, R) F clearly this set contains the feasible region P
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #70, p. 1

now assuming z = 0 the lemma gives c s (1 1/)c g (1 /n)c g

S is S scaled up by the factor = R/(/n) < n/ since R = (n 1)/n < 1 (Handout #65, Lemma 4)

Lemma 5. Choosing as an arbitrary real value in (0, 1/2) and = 2 /(1 ) gives a valid implementation of (). Proof. the rst 2 requirements for validity are clear: p P since s P (were using Lemma 4 of Handout#65 & Lemma 1 of Handout#68!) p > 0 (since < 1, each coordinate sj is positive) for the 3rd requirement, assume z = 0, cp > 0 we must show f (p ) f (p) from Handout#68,p.2 this means fp (s) fp (g) by denition fp (y) = ln ((c y)n /y) c s n ln (ns) this gives fp (s) fp (g) = ln cg the 1st term is : c s n ln < ln (1 /n)n = n ln (1 /n) cg Lemma 4 the 2nd term is 2 /(1 ): apply the Lemma 3 of Handout#65 to vector x = ns s>0 n j =1 sj = 1 1 ns = n 1/n s = n/n = < 1 2 conclude ln (ns) 1 combining the 2 estimates, fp (s) fp (g) + 2 /(1 ) the lemma chooses as the negative of the r.h.s., giving the desired inequality furthermore choosing < 1/2 makes > 0 Theorem. Karmarkars algorithm solves an LP in polynomial time, assuming all arithmetic operations are carried out exactly. Proof. the Main Loop repeats O(nL) times each repetition performs all matrix calculations in O(n3 ) arithmetic operations including taking a square root to calculate cP in () so we execute O(n4 L) arithmetic operations (Vaidya (STOC 90) reduces this to O(n3 L)) it can be proved that maintaining O(L) bits of precision is sucient thus completing the proof of a polynomial time bound

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#70, p. 2

Karlo, Ch.5

Exercises for Karmarkars Algorithm

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

we solve the exercises of Handout#65 for Karmarkars algorithm Exercise 1: Lemma 3. Let x Rn be a vector with x > 0 and
n n j =1 xj

= n. Set = 1 x & assume

< 1. Then

j =1


. 1

Proof. since the geometric mean is at most the arithmetic mean, n n n j =1 1/xj [ j =1 (1/xj )/n] let y = 1 x so the r.h.s. becomes [
n j =1 (1/(1

yj ))/n]n

we will upperbound the sum in this expression, using these properties of yj : j yj = 0 y = for each j , |yj | < 1 (since |yj | y = < 1) so the sum is n (1/(1 yj )
j =1 j =1 n n 4 3 2 + . . .) + yj + yj (1 + yj + yj n

j =1

(1 + yj ) +
j =1 n

4 2 3 + yj + . . .) + yj (yj

j =1 n

2 2 yj (1 + yj + yj + . . .)

j =1 n

2 yj (1 + + 2 + . . .)

j =1

2 yj /(1 )

= n + y 2 /(1 ) = n + 2 /(1 ) we have shown taking logs, ln

n j =1 1/xj n j =1

1/xj [1 + 2 /n(1 )]n

n ln [1 + 2 /n(1 )] n2 /n(1 ) = 2 /(1 )

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#71, p. 1

Exercise 2: Lemma 4. Let H be the hyperplane i=1 xi = 1. Let be the subset of H where all coordinates xi are nonnegative. Let g = (1/n, . . . , 1/n). (i) Any point in is at distance at most R = (n 1)/n from g. (ii) Any point of H within distance r = 1/ n(n 1) of g is in . Proof. (i) take any point in x n we show its distance from g is R by starting at x, moving away from g, and eventually reaching a corner point like (1, 0, . . . , 0), which weve seen is at distance R wlog let x1 be the maximum coordinate xj choose any positive xj , j > 1 increase x1 by xj and decrease xj to 0 we stay on H , this increases the distance from g, since (x 1/n)2 is concave up repeat this until the corner point (1, 0, . . . , 0) is reached (ii) it suces to show any point x H with xn < 0 is at distance > r from g a point of H with xn < 0 has j =1 xj > 1 n 1 to minimize j =1 (xj 1/n)2 , set all coordinates equal (by Jensen) so the minimum sum is > (n 1)(1/(n 1) 1/n)2 this implies the distance to g is n 2 2 2 2 j =1 (xj 1/n) > (n 1)(1/(n 1) 1/n) + 1/n = r
n 1 n

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#71, p. 2

Primal-Dual Interior Point Methods

Unit 9.G: Polynomial LP

source: Primal-dual Interior-point Methods by S.J. Wright, SIAM, Philadelphia PA, 1997. the break-through papers: L.G. Khachiyan, A polynomial algorithm in linear programming, Soviet Math. Dolkady, 1979 N. Karmarkar, A new polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming, Combinatorica, 1984 after Karmarkar other interior-point methods were discovered, making both theoretic and practical improvements Primal-dual Interior-point Methods consider an LP minimize cx subject to Ax = b x0 & its dual, maximize yb subject to yA + s = c s0 we nd optimum primal and dual solutions by solving the system () of Handout#19, p.2: () Ax yA + s xj sj x, s = = = b c 0 0

j = 1, . . . , n

Approach apply Newtons method to the 3 equations of () modied so that positivity (x, s > 0) always holds this keeps us in the interior and avoids negative values! the complementary slackness measure = there are 2 approaches for the modication Potential-reduction methods each step reduces a logarithmic potential function the potential function has 2 properties: (a) it approaches if xj sj 0 for some j but 0 (b) it approaches if & only if (x, y, s) approaches an optimum point a very good potential function: ln where is a parameter > n
n j =1 n j =1 xj sj

ln (xj sj )

note the similarity to Karmarkars potential function!

CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #72, p. 1

Path-following methods the central path of the feasible region is a path (xt , yt , st ) (t is a parameter > 0) satisfying () with the 3rd constraint replaced by xj sj = t, j = 1, . . . , n clearly this implies positivity as t approaches 0 we approach the desired solution we can take bigger Newton steps along the central path predictor-corrector methods alternate between 2 types of steps: (a) a predictor step: a pure Newton step, reducing (b) a corrector step: moves back closer to the central path Mehrotras predictor-corrector algorithm is the basis of most current interior point codes e.g., CPLEX Infeasible-interior-point methods can start without a feasible interior point extensions of these methods solve semidenite programming (Handouts#41, 44) & (convex) quadratic programming, minimize cT x + xT Qx subject to Ax = b x0 where Q is symmetric positive semidenite (Handouts#42, 43)

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#72, p. 2

MC, 16.1-2,16.5

Linear Complementarity Problems

Unit 9.H: Beyond LP

LCP: we are given an n n matrix A & a length n column vector b we wish to nd length n column vectors x, y satisfying y Ax = b yT x = 0 x, y 0 equivalently for each i = 1, . . . , n, discard 1 of yi , xi then nd a nonnegative solution to the reduced linear system by way of motivation we show LCP generalizes LP. Proof. consider a primal-dual pair max cx s.t. Ax b, x 0 min yb s.t. yA c, y 0 introduce primal slacks s and dual slacks t .. x & y are optimum s, t 0 & ys = tx = 0 we can rewrite the optimality condition as this LCP: s tT sT t 0 AT A 0 =0 yT x = b cT

yT x s, t, x, y 0

Exercise. Explain why LCP is a special case of QP (Handout#42) algorithms such as complementary pivot (simplex) algorithm and interior point solve LCP

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#73, p. 1

Application to Game Theory: Bimatrix Games also called nonzero sum 2-person games we have two m n payo matrices A, B if ROW player chooses i & COLUMN chooses j , ROW loses aij & COLUMN loses bij ROW plays according to a stochastic column vector x (length m) COLUMN plays according to a stochastic column vector y (length n) so ROW has expected loss xT Ay, COLUMN has expected loss xT By Example. In the game of Chicken, whoever chickens out rst loses neither player chickens out 2, 2 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 both players chicken out

in a bimatrix game x , y form a Nash equilibrium point (recall Handout#22) if xT Ay xT Ay for all stochastic vectors x x

(ROW cant improve) (COLUMN cant improve)

By x

By for all stochastic vectors y

Example. Chicken has 2 pure Nash points: ROW always chickens out & COLUMN never does, and vice versa Also, both players choose randomly with probability 1/2. (2(1/2) 1(1/2) = 1/2, 1(1/2) + 0(1/2) = 1/2) Fact. Any bimatrix game has a (stochastic) Nash point. Theorem. The Nash equilibria correspond to the solutions of an LCP. Proof. 1. can assume all entries of A & B are > 0 Proof. for any A , distributivity shows xT (A + A )y = xT Ay + xT A y any stochastic x, y have xT 1y = 1 for 1 an m n matrix of 1s so we can increase A by a large multiple of 1, without changing the Nash equilibria, to make every coecient positive

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#73, p. 2

2. let x , y be a Nash equilibrium rewrite the Nash conditions: (well do it for ROWs condition & A; COLUMN & B is symmetric) write = xT Ay (a) taking xi = 1 & all other xj = 0 shows each component (Ay )i of Ay must be
(b) since xT Ay = i x i (Ay )i i xi = we must have for all i, either xi = 0 or (Ay )i =

its easy to see that conversely, (a) & (b) guarantee the Nash condition for ROW assumption #1 with x , y stochastic implies > 0 so we can dene vectors x y x = T y = T , x By x Ay (a) becomes Ay 1 (1 is a column vector of 1s) letting u be the vector of slacks in this inequality, (b) becomes uT x = 0 so weve shown x, y, u & v (the slacks for x) satisfy this LCP: u 0 v BT A 0 u v

x = 1 y x =0 y

x, u, y, v 0 3. conversely let x, y be any solution to the LCP make them stochastic vectors: x y x = T , y = T 1 x 1 y these vectors form a Nash equilibrium point, by an argument similar to #2 e.g., we know Ay 1 also xT Ay = 1T x by complementarity uT x = 0 thus xT Ay = 1, Ay (xT Ay)1, Ay (xT Ay )1 the last inequality implies ROWs Nash condition

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#73, p. 3

V 23.2

Quadratic Programming Duality

Unit 9.H: Beyond LP

the dual is dened using the constraints of the KKT conditions: Primal 1 T x Qx + cx minimize 2 subject to Ax b x0 there are 2 row vectors of dual variables y, an m-vector of duals corresponding to the m linear constraints (i.e., the LP duals) z, an n-vector of free variables, corresponding to the objective functions Q Dual T maximize 1 2 zQz + yb subject to yA + zQ c y0 Theorem. (Weak Duality) If Q is PSD, any feasible dual (max) solution lower bounds any feasible primal (min) solution. Proof. PSD gives (z + xT )Q(zT + x) 0 , i.e., zQzT + 2zQx + xT Qx 0 as in LP Weak Duality we have yb yAx & rewriting the PSD inequality gives 1 zQzT zQx + 1 xT Qx 2 2 adding these 2 inequalities, the dual objective is on the left the rst 2 terms on the right are upper bounded as in LP Weak Duality: yAx + zQx cx giving the primal objective on the right, i.e., (primal objective) (dual objective) Exercise. Prove Strong Duality.

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#74, p. 1

Examples. for simplicity well use 1-dimensional primals 1. Primal: min x2 /2 s.t. x 1 Q = (1), PD the optimum solution is x = 1, objective = 1/2 Dual: max z 2 /2 + y s.t. y + z 0, y 0 optimum solution y = 1, z = 1, objective = 1/2 + 1 = 1/2 Proof this dual solution is optimum: z y 0 = z 2 y 2 , z 2 /2 y 2 /2 .. objective y 2 /2 + y = y (y/2 + 1) this quadratic achieves its maximum midway between the 2 roots, i.e., y = 1 2. we show Weak Duality fails in an example where Q is not PSD: use Example 1 except Q = (1) Primal: min x2 /2 s.t. x 1 the problem is unbounded Dual: max z 2 /2 + y s.t. y z 0, y 0 taking y = z shows the problem is unbounded so the primal does not upper bound the dual

CSCI 5654

H. Gabow

Fall 2007

#74, p. 2

V, p.404

Losing PSD

Unit 9.H: Beyond LP

1. If Q is not PSD a point satisfying KKT need not be optimum. In fact every vertex can be a local min! No good QP algorithms are known for this general case. 2. this isnt surprising: QP is NP-hard integer QP is undecidable! we give an example where Q with Q PD has a unique optimum but ipping Qs sign makes every vertex a local min! Q PD: n n Q: min j =1 xj (1 + xj ) + j =1 j xj s.t. 0 xj 1, j = 1, . . . , n assume the s are small, specically for each j , |j | < 1 going to standard form, A = I, b = (1, . . . , 1)T , Q = 2I the dual KKT constraint AT y Qx cT is yj 2xj 1 + j , j = 1, . . . , n the KKT CS constraints are xj > 0 = yj 2xj = 1 + j , i.e., 2xj = 1 j yj yj > 0 = xj = 1 the rst CS constraint implies we must have xj = 0 for all j (since our assumption on j implies 1 j yj < yj 0) taking x = y = 0 satises all KKT conditions, so the origin is the unique optimum (as expected) Q ND: ipping Qs sign is disastrous we get an exponential number of solutions to KKT! Q: ip the sign of the quadratic term in the objective function, xj (1 + xj ) xj (1 xj ) now Q = 2I but the other matrices & vectors are unchanged the dual KKT constraint gets a sign ipped, yj + 2xj 1 + j , j = 1, . . . , n & the KKT CS constraints change only in that sign: xj > 0 = yj + 2xj = 1 + j , i.e., 2xj = 1 + j + yj yj > 0 = xj = 1 the new KKT system has 3n solutions: there are 3 possibilities for each j , xj = y j = 0 xj = 1, yj = 1 j xj = (1 + j )/2, yj = 0 its easy to check all 3 satisfy all KKT conditions note the 3rd alternative is the only possibility allowed by CS when 0 < xj < 1 the feasible region has 2n vertices, each is a KKT solution, and it can be shown that each vertex is a local minimum
CSCI 5654 H. Gabow Fall 2007 #75, p. 1

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