8.0 Instructions To Candidates For Examination 8.1 Filling of Application Form A. Offline OMR Application

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8.0 8.1 A.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES FOR EXAMINATION Filling of Application Form Offline OMR Application Every Information Bulletin bears a booklet number (known as Application Number) at the bottom right hand corner which is also indicated on right side of the top and bottom of Application Form and both copies of Admit Cards. Please check that this number is the same at all places. In case of any discrepancy, you must get the copy of Information Bulletin exchanged at the counter. Other-wise number on OMR application will be treated as final. This Application number, Major Subject Group (with code) for examination, the Examination City Center chosen, must be quoted in all correspondences. (ii) A candidate can apply for taking examination in only one Major Subject Group. No change would be allowed thereafter. Choice of sub-subjects/degree programmes for admission will be available at the time of counseling based on availability of seats, and merit rank of the candidate. (iii) Application, filled-in, correctly in neat own handwriting of the candidate and complete in all respects, along with requisite fee amount/ challan, Acknowledgement card, affixed with postal stamp of an appropriate amount, should be submitted through Registered/ Speed Post only so as to reach the Controller of Examinations (Education), ICAR, Room No. 216, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-II, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 on or before the last date i.e. February 07, 2014 positively. The last date for receipt of Application from the candidates residing in remote areas such as Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, J&K, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, is February 14, 2014. Any incomplete application or the application received after the last date will be summarily rejected and no claim/ correspondence in this regard will be entertained. ICAR will not be responsible for any postal delays or loss of application during transit in this regard. (iv) The candidates appearing in the Bachelor degree final examination are also eligible to apply provisionally and appear in the Entrance Examination, but they will have to submit documentary proof as indicated at item No. 9.1 (iii) b. and c. on the date of counseling. Non-submission of documentary evidence of completion of degree and non-attaining prescribed eligibility (refer item No. 3.0) by the counseling date will disqualify him/her for admission. (v) Candidates are not required to submit any certificates / marks sheet etc. with the Application. It is the sole responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they fulfill the specified eligibility in toto before appearing in the examination. (vi) Detailed instructions for filling and submitting application are given in Annexure-X of this Bulletin. (vii) If any candidate at any stage is found to have furnished wrong information or deliberately suppressed any relevant information, his/her candidature/ admission will be rejected/ cancelled as soon as it comes to the notice of either ICAR or the university concerned. (viii) IN-SERVICE CANDIDATE MUST SUBMIT APPLICATION THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL WITH SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE IN THE FORMAT GIVEN AT ANNEXURE-XIV. THE IN-SERVICE CANDIDATE, SEEKING ADMISSION TO ICAR DUs, SHOULD ALSO SEE RESPECTIVE UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. (i)


Online Application This is an alternative option to OMR forms. Online Application and downloadable prospectus will be available on ICAR website. A Demo Online application form will also be available on the website for practice before online submission of application. The candidate has to visit www.icar.org.in and click the option of filling online application AIEEA-PG-2014. The candidate can download prospectus and then fill his / her form online. He/ she need not purchase the separate prospectus or fill his form manually on OMR Sheet. During filling of prescribed online form, candidate can either opt for making fee payment through Bank Challan of Syndicate Bank or Credit / Debit card using Payment Gateway of Syndicate Bank/ NEFT.


Making payment through Bank Challan After filling the Online Application, candidate has to take a print out of his filled up application and bank challan (in 3 copies) through which he / she has to deposit cash (fees) in the nearest Syndicate Bank branch. Bank will return two copies of challan duly stamped. Candidate will retain one copy of the challan. He / she will enclose the 13

Information Bulletin-AIEEA-PG-2014

second copy (duly stamped by the bank) with his / her filled in computer generated confirmation copy printout and send it to COE (Edn.) by post at the given address. b. Making payment through Credit / Debit card using Payment Gateway of Syndicate Bank During online filling of the form, candidate can also opt for making fee payment through Credit card / Debit card using Payment Gateway of Syndicate Bank. In this case the candidate will make payment directly through his computer and will not be required to visit the bank. Receipt of such payments/application is confirmed immediately. Making payment through NEFT While filling the form the candidates may also opt for Payment through NEFT. When candidates have selected this option, after filling the form, a NEFT Challan shall be generated. The candidates can take a print-out of this Challan and send NEFT remittance through any branch of any bank. In such cases, the candidates must fill the information as available in the NEFT Challan generated through ICAR website. The candidates must obtain the UTR number from the Bank through which they have sent NEFT remittance. The candidates are required to enclose a photocopy of the Banks challan bearing the UTR number along with the application without fail. After obtaining the UTR number, the candidates are required to visit the ICAR website again and upload the UTR number details in the application. Candidates are requested to ensure that only correct UTR details are entered on the website as incorrect details shall lead to rejection of application without further correspondence in the matter. No Bank charges are payable for NEFT Payment. While filling the Online form, candidate can upload soft copy of his /her clear, recent, passport size colour photograph as pasted on Application Form, signature and thumb impression. If he / she is unable to do so then he / she has to paste the photograph, put his / her signature and thumb impression on the printout of computer generated confirmation copy in designated boxes and send it to COE (Edn.) by post at the given address. Application will be allowed either on OMR application form attached with the Information Bulletin-AIEEA-PG-2014 or ONLINE only. No application will be allowed on any other format and will be summarily rejected. 8.2 Conduct of Examination (i) Examination hall will be opened to candidates 30 minutes before the commencement of examination. (ii) Candidate who does not possess Admit Card (candidate copy), duly attested and signed, will not be admitted to the Examination Hall under any circumstances. Pre-written material in any form viz., notes/books/log table etc., and mobile phones/i-pods, calculator or any other electronic device are not allowed inside the examination hall. For verification, candidate may be searched at any time during the examination. The examination will start strictly on time and an announcement to this effect will be made by the Invigilator. A time signal will be given by ringing a long bell at the start of the examination. To indicate that one hour is remaining and 15 minutes are remaining, short bells will be given. A signal (long bell) will also be given at the closing time for collection of OMR sheet and question booklet when the candidate must stop writing/ marking the answers. Candidate coming late may be allowed to enter the examination hall up to 10.30 A.M. but no extra time will be given. Candidate who comes late after 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination will not be permitted. Fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination, each candidate will be given OMR Answer Sheet and five minutes before, the Question Booklet. Immediately on receipt of Question Booklet, candidate should write/fill-in the required particulars on the cover page of the Question Booklet with BLACK/ BLUE BALL-POINT PEN ONLY. Candidate will not open the Question Booklet, until asked to do so by the Invigilator. Candidate will write required particulars on OMR answer sheet with BLACK/ BLUE BALL-POINT PEN on SIDE-I and II. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall until the completion of examination and related formalities. Candidate will hand over Question Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall. After completing the examination and before handing over the Question Booklet and the OMR Answer



(iv) (v)


(vii) (viii)

(ix) (x)



Information Bulletin-AIEEA-PG-2014



(xiv) (xv)

Sheet, the candidate should once again check that all the particulars required in the Question Booklet and the OMR Answer Sheet have been correctly filled-in. The OMR Answer sheet shall be scanned and evaluated through computer and the final category-wise merit list for counseling shall be prepared based on the reservation category information given by the candidate in OMR Answer sheet. It must be ensured by the candidate that Roll Number, Major Subject Group and Reservation Category are correctly written in the OMR Answer Sheet and also the OMR Answer Sheet is duly signed by the invigilator and the candidate at appropriate places. Otherwise, it may not be considered for evaluation. Before leaving the Examination Hall, the candidate must ensure that OMR Answer Sheet and Question Booklet have been handed over to the invigilator on duty. In case, the candidate does not hand over the OMR Answer Sheet with Question Booklet to the invigilator and takes away the same with him/her, this shall amount to use of unfair means and the candidate will be declared failed besides inviting further necessary action. Candidates are advised to bring with them their own writing material such as hard card-board (on which nothing should be written), black/ blue ball-point pens of good quality. Any attempt of using unfair means by the candidate during the examination process will render him/her liable to be disqualified and his/her candidature for the examination would be forfeited.


Checking/Changing Question Booklet: Before attempting questions, the candidate must check Question Booklet for any defect in printing/number of pages, serial order of the questions etc. and ensure that Question Booklet given to him/her is serially numbered and contains pages as written on top of the first page. In case of any discrepancy/ defect, the candidate should immediately report to the Invigilator concerned and get the Question Booklet changed. Change of question booklet would not be permitted 30 minutes after the start of examination. The candidate shall not remove any page(s) from the Question Booklet and if any page(s) is/ are found missing from his/her Question Booklet, it will be treated as use of unfair means and shall render him/her liable for action/ cancellation of candidature.

8.4 Writing Answers on OMR Answer Sheet (i) Candidates are advised to go through the Specimen copy of OMR Answer sheet as at AnnexureXII very carefully and be conversant with the requirements of filling various particulars and marking the answers so that during the examination they could do so without any difficulty. OMR Answer Sheet used in the examination will be of special type amenable to scanning through Optical Scanner. There will be two sides of the OMR Answer Sheet, Side-I, containing particulars of candidate instructions and Side-II, containing circles/bubbles.


Side - 1 (To be filled by black/ blue ball-point pen only) Item No. 14: Write full name, fathers name, roll number and code number of Examination City Centre in column 1 to 4 exactly as given in the admit card. Item No. 5 & 6: Fill-in major subject group name (in full) and major subject code No. Item No. 7: Put your signature in full, in the given box, which must match with the signature as recorded in the application form and the Admit Card. Item No. 8: Must be signed by the invigilator. Side-2 (Use black/ blue ball-point pen only) Item No. 9: Fill-in the numeric major subject code, (01-20), as the case may be for your Major Subjectgroup and shade/darken the circle/bubble underneath it. Item No. 10: Fill-in the Question Booklet serial number as indicated on the Question Booklet. You may ignore the leading zero, if any. Item No. 11: Fill in your roll number, writing one digit in each box and also shade/darken the corresponding circle/bubble in the vertical column underneath. Item No. 12: Shade/darken the circle/bubble for Reservation Category being claimed. Note that after evaluation of Answer Sheet, the category-wise merit-rank list would be prepared on the basis of this information.
Information Bulletin-AIEEA-PG-2014



for Scheduled Caste ST for Scheduled Tribe for Physically Challenged UPS for Under Privileged States for Other Backward Classes having Central OBC certificate for General category

NOTE: (a) In case column 9 is left blank or filled wrongly, the candidate would expose himself/herself to the risk of evaluation under wrong major subject-group for which candidate himself/herself would be responsible. ICAR would not entertain any correspondence in this regard. (b) In the event of leaving column 12 of OMR Answer sheet blank or filling wrongly, the candidate would be evaluated under General Category.

Item No. 13: Corresponding to every serial number of question booklet, numbering 001 to 150 for multiplechoice objective type questions, there is a corresponding answer-row on the Side-2 of OMR Answer sheet, comprising of four circles/bubbles for recording correct answer to the question by shading/darkening the appropriate circle/bubbles and these circles/bubbles are marked with options A, B, C and D. Only one of these four options is the most appropriate and correct. The candidate is required to indicate his/ her answer to the question by darkening the appropriate circle/bubble completely with black/ blue ball- point pen. For example, the Question No.004 in the Question Booklet may read as follows: Q. No. 004.The unit of velocity is: (A) ms-2 (B) ms-1 (C) ms2 (D) ms If the correct answer to this question is (B) i.e. ms-1. The candidate will locate question No. 004 in the answer sheet and darken the circle/ bubble marked (B) as shown below: Q. No. 004 A B C D

For each of the 10 cross matching type questions, serially numbered as 151-160, there shall be five subquestions/pairings marked as (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) with corresponding answer-row comprising of five circles/bubbles for recording correct answer to the sub-question/pairing by shading/darkening the appropriate circle/bubble and these circles/bubbles are marked with options A, B, C, D and E in an analogous manner as described above. If the candidate does not want to attempt any question, he/she should not mark any of the circles/bubbles given against that question. 8.5 Changing an Answer: The candidate will answer on the OMR Answer sheet by darkening the appropriate circle/ bubble with black/ blue ball-point pen which should not be changed as the computer processing will automatically discredit marking of more than one answers to a question during evaluation. Candidate must also ensure that he/ she does not leave any visible mark on answer sheet, otherwise the answer will be treated as wrong and will invite negative marking. The candidate should bring his/her own good quality black/ blue ball-point pen for the exam. Wrong/Incorrect Way of Marking: If more than one circle/bubble is darkened or if the answer is marked in any manner other than the one as shown above, it shall be treated as wrong. A lightly/faintly darkened circle/ bubble or otherwise marked circle/bubble will also be read by the Optical Scanner during scanning and the answer whether right or wrong shall not be the responsibility of the Council and the onus will lie on the candidate on account of incorrect way of marking. Any indicative marking or stray marks on the OMR answer sheet shall be treated as an act of unfair means and discredit the candidate during optical scanning. The candidate must also ensure that the OMR answer sheet is not folded/ wrinkled. Rough Work: The candidate will not do any rough work or writing work on the OMR answer sheet. Rough work, if any, must be done on the pages provided for the purpose in the Question Booklet. METHOD OF SELECTION AND ADMISSION THROUGH COUNSELING Method of Selection (i) The candidate declared/notified as qualified for counseling, based on the merit-rank, shall report for Counseling as per counseling schedule at AnnexureXI until and unless otherwise intimated. Counselling will be



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Information Bulletin-AIEEA-PG-2014

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