Parallel Structure
Parallel Structure
Parallel Structure
Parallel Structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at three levels: Word Phrase Clause
elements of similar structure to achieve balanced writing Winston Churchill did not say
He said I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat
Poor: Betty has intelligence, honesty, and she is funny Improved: Betty has intelligence, honesty, and she is funny humour Poor: Good writing requires you to plan outlines, write several drafts, and revision Improved: Good writing requires you to plan outlines, write several drafts, and revision revise your work
, and
, and
Here is an example:
Shane ate the pizza, wiped his lips, and burped with contentment.
Ate = past tense verb; wiped = past tense verb; and burped =
past tense verb.
, and
, and
The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.
The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.
Examples continued:
Angry ants, munched the marshmallows, crumbling coffeecake, and sipping syrup, headed off across the countertop.
Angry ants, munching marshmallows, crumbling coffeecake, and sipping syrup, headed off across the countertop.
Parallel structure that begins with clauses must continue on with clauses.
The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.
The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game
The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs.
The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs.
Grannys method was tried and true Man proposes. God disposes.
She possessed all the wizards charm yet none of the wizards insight.
Consult a doctor if your coughing persists or if your coughing worsens over the weekend.
Sabrina has wit, charm, and she has an extremely pleasant personality.
Continued -
In English class, Tashonda learned to read poems critically and she appreciated good prose. In English class, Tashonda learned to read poems critically and appreciate good prose.
Coach Espinoza was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and friend. Coach Espinoza was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and a wise friend.
Continued We found the film repulsive, offensive, and we thought it was embarrassing. We found the film repulsive, offensive, and embarrassing. Mr. Tran kept his store clean, neat, and he had it conveniently arranged. Mr. Tran kept his store clean, neat, and conveniently arranged.
C. Dogs that bark, kittens that meow, and parakeets squawking greet the pet shop visitors.
A. During class, Samuel spent his time flirting with Brittney, eating candy, and doodling on the assignment sheet.
B. During class, Samuel spent his time flirting with Brittney, he ate candy, and doodling on the assignment sheet. C. During class, Samuel spent his time to flirt with Brittney, to eat candy, and doodling on the assignment sheet.
A. Alex looked everywhere for his math bookunder the bed, on his desk, and he searched inside the refrigerator.
B. Alex looked everywhere for his math book viewing under the bed, searching on his desk, and inside the refrigerator.
C. Alex looked everywhere for his math bookunder the bed, on his desk, and inside the refrigerator.
Choose the correct word or phrase within the context suggested by the sentence.
Pasta boiling in water, __________, and garlic bread baking in the oven welcomed Francisco as he opened the door.
A. simmered tomato sauce in the pan B. tomato sauce simmering in the pan C. tomato sauce that simmered in the pan D. saucy tomatoes that were simmering in the pan
Karen wished Ray chewed with his mouth closed, for otherwise he was everything she wanted in a date; he was tall, intelligent, and __________. A. he looked good B. being good looking C. one handsome man to look at D. handsome