Ukrainian Women Call For Sex Boycott Against Russian Men

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Ukrainian women call for sex boycott against Russian men

Don't Give it to a Russian campaign part of a broader boycott against Russia

THURSDAY 27 MARCH 2014 A group of Ukrainian women are calling for a sex boycott against Russian men as the diplomatic crisis between the two countries continues unabated. The Facebook group Don't i!e it to a Russian was launched last week and calls on Ukraine's "female heroes" to "fight the enemy by whate!er means". #n this case$ denying sex to Russian men.

The campaign was named after a !erse from %ateryna$ a poem by Ukrainian national hero Taras &he!chenko' "Fall in lo!e$ ( dark)browed maidens$ but not with the *oskaly +Russians,." %aterina -en.hik$ one of the organisers and chief editor of the news website Delo.UA$ told The #ndependent' "/e'!e used this campaign to draw attention to the chaos done by the Russians in 0rimea1 kidnapping$ limiting the rights of people$ pre!enting 2ournalists from doing their work... And yes$ Ukrainian women prefer Ukrainian men." &he added' "/e belie!e that in the context of military occupation it is silly to continue to assert that all men are brothers. /hat Russia is doing in Ukraine is terrible$ but the world sees their actions primarily through the prism of the pro)3utin propaganda." The sex boycott has been met with scepticism in Russia with some bloggers mocking the campaign.

4gor 3ros!irnin$ chief editor of the Russian nationalist website &putnik 5 3ogrom$ described participants as prostitutes. Robert &hlegel$ a Russian member of parliament$ tweeted a photoshopped photograph of -aleriya 6o!od!orskaya$ a longtime 3utin critic$ wearing a Don't i!e it to a Russian sex boycott T)shirt. 7e said' "/ith one photo$ -aleriya 6o!od!orskaya has killed the entire Ukrainian sex) boycott."

8esterday$ leaders of the 9 cancelled a planned : summit in Russia in an effort to isolate 3resident -ladimir 3utin until the %remlin "changes course". #nstead$ world leaders of 9 nations will meet in ;russels without Russia in <une. #n a statement$ the group reiterated their support Russian bloggers mocked the sex boycott photoshopping an image of Putin critic for Ukraine's so!ereignty Valeriya Novodvorskaya wearing a 'Don't Give it to a Russian' !shirt and territorial integrity and warned the 9 is "ready to intensify" sanctions against Russia's wider economy if *r 3utin does not de)escalate tensions in the region. &o far$ the /est has abstained from imposing tougher sanctions such as arm embargoes and bans on energy imports$ which would affect the heart of the Russian economy. Russia's Foreign *inister$ &ergei =a!ro!$ said the %remlin does not "cling" to the : format and described it as an "informal club" where no one "hands out membership cards". *eanwhile$ Ukraine's Foreign *inister$ Andriy Deshchytsya$ warned that the risk of military inter!ention remains high. 6ato's top military commander 3hilip ;reedlo!e said the Russian army deployed on its border with Ukraine is " !ery$ !ery si.eable and !ery$ !ery ready" . 3resident 3utin insists he has no such ambitions$ but both the /hite 7ouse and Da!id 0ameron expressed concern about Russia's territorial expansion. 8esterday$ Ukraine's acting 3resident ordered the country's troops to lea!e 0rimea fearing for their safety.

(!er the weekend$ Russian forces sei.ed Ukrainian ships and military installations in 0rimea$ consolidating its control o!er the peninsula it officially annexed last week following a contro!ersial referendum considered illegal by %ie! and the /est.

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