Case Presentation: Male Hypogonadism
Case Presentation: Male Hypogonadism
Case Presentation: Male Hypogonadism
Male hypogonadism
S.P, 52 y, male
Chief complaints
fatigue, behavioral disorders, sexual disfunctions (libido , erectile dysfunction) gynecomastia
Medical history
Absence of the secundary sexual characteristics
Physical examination
Characterisitic features:
low muscle mass and strength, reduced facial, axillary and troncular hair growth, pubic hair growth - horizontal pubic insertion (triangular),
Physical examination
Laboratory findings
Blood count normal Glycemia a jeun: 104 mg/dL Total cholesterol: 227 mg/dL (N<199) Triglycerides: 120 mg/dL (N <149) Uric acid: 4.58 mg/dL (N: 2.6-7.2) Creatinine: 0.91 mg/dL (N: 0.6-1.3) Urea: 18.3 mg/dL (N: 10-50) AST, ALT, Na, K - normal PSA=1.525 (N < 4ng/ml)
FSH= 38,7 UI/L LH= 22,5 UI/L Testosteron= 1,98 ng/dL PRL= 15 ng/mL Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Genetic analysis
47 XXY
Paraclinical examinations
(N: 0. 27-4.2)
PTH=80,465 N 15-65ng/dl secondary hyperparathyroidism
Final diagnosis: Klinefelter Syndrome Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism Gr. II Arterial Hypertension Depression Gr.I Obesity
Differential diagnosis
Primary hypogonadism:
Bilateral anorchia Enzymatic defects in synthesis of testosterone, pure gonadal dysgenesis, Incomplete androgen insensitivity,
Central hypogonadysm
GnRH deficiency Mutations in the leptin or leptin R Syndromes with mental retardation and hypogonadism
Acquired forms :
Acquired Disorders:
gonadal irradiation, infectious diseases, trauma, autoimmune processes, drugs, chronic systemic disease.
Risendros 35 mg 1 tb/week
polycythemia, acne, subclinical prostate cancer, enlargement of metastatic prostate cancer, gynecomastia, breast cancer, reduction of spermatogenesis and fertility, alopecia, induction/worsening of obstructive sleep apnea, impaired liver function and decreased HDL - c, pain at the injection site