How Does Cross-Border Remittances / Money Transfer Work

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Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Explanation of Cross-Border Money Transfer!


Traditional Model & Pre-Pay (Pre-fund) Model

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The traditional (i.e. simplest) money-transfer model.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


In the traditional model, a User walks into an Agent Network premises and user either Cash or some other payment instrument to pay for a Remittance.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Through out the day, various customers come to the various agent locations and put up their money for the remittances to be sent across.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


At the end of the day, the MTO (Money Transfer Operator) takes all the money, from all the Agents (who essentially have a deposit with the MTO) and pools everything into a singular transaction.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Along with all the money that needs to be remitted across, the MTO also prepares a le that has the instruction set on how to break down the remittances to the individual orders that came in for distribution. ! This le is prepared for the Settlement Bank in the Beneciary Territory.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The Remitting MTO emails (or FTPs) the File across to the Beneciary MTO.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The money is then shipped off by the MTO to the Settlement Bank that the MTO has (on the Remitting Side the Settlement Bank is essentially the Bank that the MTO is working with). ! As not all Banks handle remittances clients, this is why the nomenclature assigned to the banks that do work with MTOs.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The Settlement Bank then initiates a SWIFT Wire transfer to be sent across to the Beneciarys Settlement Bank, usually through an intermediary, known as a Correspondent Bank (which will have two elements: ! The Send Side Bank (known as Remitting Bank) the Receive Side Bank (known as the Receiving Bank).
Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant) (c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Via the SWIFT (or other network) the money is sent across the border and the accounts of both the Remitting Bank and Receiving Banks are adjusted for the money transfer. ! By this time a day or two has elapsed

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The Receiving Bank then informs the Settlement Bank (which is the nal destination) that your Money in US Dollars has arrived and as per todays rate, I am now giving you the local currency equivalent in say Pakistan Rupees. ! The US Dollars are surrendered to the Central Bank, improving the economy, whilst the local currency is provided to the Settlement Bank.
Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant) (c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The Settlement Bank on the Beneciarys Side then informs its client, the MTO, that they have received the money and it is now available for use in the local denomination (in this example, it is in PKR - Pakistan Rupee).

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The MTO then starts to distribute this money out, via either direct bank deposits or Agent COC (Cash Over Counter) payments thereby completing the Remittance cycle.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting ! Hey did you get Bank the money I sent?

Receiving! Bank


Yup! I just got it. Thanks!

The MTO then starts to distribute this money out, via either direct bank deposits or Agent COC (Cash Over Counter) payments thereby completing the Remittance cycle.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


This example was that of a batch-process, where the two MTOs are basing their transactions on trust. The two MTOs do not interface or integrate with each other in any manner. The only common denominator is the le-sharing they do to break down the remittance and disburse them.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


The second element of trust here was the money. Until and unless the Beneciary MTO did not receive the money from the Remitting MTO, they did not distribute any remittances. This example can best be summed up as upon realization of funds on the receiving end

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank


Remitting! Bank


Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network

Receiving! Bank


What happens when both the parties can trust each other with money in advance? How will that change the game? The Pre-Pay (or Pre-Fund) Model.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Now, lets look at the same scenario where a Remitter wants to send out a Remittance, and how it differs using the Pre-Pay (or Pre-Fund) model.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank



The Sending MTO places an advance deposit with the Receiving MTO. Under this arrangement, they agree to a oor price, lets assume US$ 100,000. This way, US$ 100,000 would always be available to the Receiving MTO. The currency is held in US Dollar by the receiving MTO and is not converted to the local currency component (yet).

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


A User walks into an Agent Network premises and user either Cash or some other payment instrument to pay for a Remittance. Lets say the amount they want to transfer is US$ 1,000

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


1US$ = 100 PKR The Conversion Rate as provided by the Receiving Banks Treasure Department for the day is 1US$ = 100 Pakistan Rupees

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


US$ 15.00

1US$ = 100 PKR

Let us also assume the MTO/Agent will split this transaction cost 50/50 and the cost to transfer is US$ 15.00

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


US$ 15.00 So the accounting would look like this

1US$ = 100 PKR

Funds to transfer: US$ 1,000! Cost to Transfer Funds: US$ 15.00! Total Amount Paid: US$ 1,015.00! Exchange Rate: 1US$ = 100 PKR! Amount To Be Received by the Recipient: US$ 1000 x 100 = PKR 100,000! The Fees for the transfer (US$ 15.00) is not converted.! As per US Law, the complete breakdown of the transaction, including the exchange rate and what the beneficiary would receive has to be provided at the time of the transaction to the person sending the funds.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Deducted US$ 1000 from PrePay Account and! do a direct account credit for Beneciary.

Remitting MTO sends instructions via a real-time system (if integrated) or off-line message (if not integrated) to Beneciary MTO to Pay US$ 1,000 to the Beneciary from the Pre-Pay account and use the conversion rate of US$ 1 = PKR 100 and credit the amount immediately.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Pakistan Rupees: 100,000 deposited! into Beneficiarys Account.

US$ 1,000 to ! send to Pakistan

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Pre Fund Account: US$100,000! Deduct Payout: US$ 1,000! Balance: US$ 99,000! Exchange Rate: US$ 1 = 100 PKR! Transfer to MTO Account for further! credit to Beneficiary account:! PKR 100,000

MTOs Receiving Bank then forwards the money in Pakistan Rupee after conversion to the Settlement Bank for direct account credit to the Beneciarys account

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Received: PKR 100,000

Commission: US$ 7.50

Paid US$ 1,015

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Commission: US$ 7.50

PrePay Account Balance:! US$ 99,000

With the transfers completed, this is what the status looks like right nowthere are two elements missing???

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Received: PKR 100,000

Commission: US$ 7.50

Paid US$ 1,015

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Commission: US$ 7.50

PrePay Account Balance:! US$ 99,000

US$ 1000.00 ???

The US$ 1,000 that was received by the MTO in the Remitting country. That needs to be sent across to the PrePay Account to level (or top-up) the balance.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Received: PKR 100,000

Commission: US$ 7.50

Paid US$ 1,015

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Commission: US$ 7.50

PrePay Account Balance:! US$ 99,000

How does the Receiving! MTO make Money?

The Receiving MTO makes money on the Exchange Rate. The Actual exchange rate may be 1 USD = 102 PKR - so the MTOs Receiving Bank will quote Rs. 100 as the exchange rate and pocket Rs. 2 x (transfer amount) as its income, which in this case would be Rs. 2 x 1000 = Rs. 2,000 as income.
Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant) (c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


US$ 1,000 Sent across via SWIFT The last open item left is to ensure the US$ 1,000 that is residing with the Sending MTO to be sent to the Receiving MTOs Bank via SWIFT Transfer.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Border Money Transfer: Pre-Pay (Pre-Fund Model)

Remitting Territory Beneciary Territory

Received: PKR 100,000

Commission: US$ 7.50

Paid US$ 1,015

Agent! Network

Settlement! Bank

Settlement! Bank

Agent! Network


Remitting! Bank

Receiving! Bank


Commission: US$ 7.50

PrePay Account Balance:! US$ 100,000

Commission: Rs. 2,000

Final Position
Once all funds have been settled and all payments sent across, this is how the eco-system would look like.

Faisal Khan (Payments Consultant)

(c) Copyright 2013-2014. Faisal Khan & Company. All Rights Reserved.

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