Uniform Circular Motion Lab

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Uniform Circular Motion Lab


! ! Understand how centripetal force is connected to the radius, velocity and mass. ! ! INTRO! !


! Uniform circular motion applications can be found present in product, road and satellite design and engineering. Products, such as washing and drying machines, need to undergo uniform circular motion. If the motion is not uniform, forces are applied to portions of the product that were not designed for such forces which may lead to warping and damage. Road design also involves circular portions, which will involve uniform motion. Many ramps on and off highways are circular in design and are also curbed in order to allow cars to travel on them at higher speeds without skidding off. Satellites orbit the Earth uniformly. Satellite dish cable/internet rely on satellites that orbit the Earth at the same speed in which the Earth rotates. This allows the satellite to remain xed in one position in our sky. Such orbits are called geosynchronous. !


! Secure one rubber stopper to the end of a string 1.15m long. Choose a radius that is between 20 cm and 40 cm, make sure you record it on the table on the following page. Swing the stopper uniformly and calculate the amount of time it takes for the stopper to complete at least 10 full rotations. Determine the speed and acceleration of the stopper and nally the centripetal force. Include units in the headers of the table. Use the space below to show how you found the speed, acceleration and force of the rst row. Make sure it is neat, labeled and include units. You dont have to show your work for the rest. Keeping the radius and mass constant, swing the stopper at 4 other speeds."








! Double the radius, keeping the mass the same. Fill out the following table using the same procedure as before. !
Mass Radius Rotations Time Speed Acceleration Force

! Double the mass but use the same radius as you did the rst time. Fill out the following table using the same procedure as before.!
Mass Radius Rotations Time Speed Acceleration Force

! Using the double mass, as in the previous trial, double your radius and ll out the following table using the same procedure as before. "
Mass Radius Rotations Time Speed Acceleration Force


! Graph Force vs Speed for each table. Title and label all graphs appropriately. Draw a curve of best t for all graphs."



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1. By what factor does the force change by if the speed is doubled but the mass and radius remain constant? What kind of relation does this point to? Explain your reasoning. !

2. By what factor does the force change by if the mass is doubled but the speed and radius remain constant? What kind of relation does this point to? Explain your reasoning.!

3. By what factor does the force change by if the radius is doubled but the mass and speed remain constant? What kind of relation does this point to? Explain your reasoning.!

4. If the initial centripetal force for an object of mass M, radius R and speed S to undergo uniform circular motion is 75N, what will the centripetal force be if the mass is tripled, the radius doubled and the speed halved? What is the ratio of the nal centripetal force to the initial centripetal force. Show all your work.!



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