NTM 158 Fujairah SPM Terminals

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The document outlines various procedures and guidelines for tankers calling at Fujairah SPM terminals including safety requirements, general information, emergency procedures and marine operations.

The safety requirements mentioned include life boat drills, hot work and ship repair procedures, photography guidelines, required ship certificates and bunkering, de-sloping and crew change procedures.

The information booklet is divided into four main parts - Part I on safety requirements, Part II with general information and details about the Fujairah SPM terminals, Part III on emergencies and Part IV with appendices.

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& && &
Captain Tamer Masoud
Harbour Master
Port of Fujairah

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PART I Safety Requirements

PART II General Information & Fujairah SPM
Terminal Information.

PART III Emergencies

PART IV Appendix



1. Special Area for the Gulf MAPROL 73/78/ Annex I & V (1a, 1b, 1c
2. Expired Medicine disposal (8 pages)
3. Master Declaration for Anchorage Clearance
4. Tanker Certificates Check List
5. ISPS Form.
6. Tanker Pre-Arrival Information
7. SPM Berthing Request

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Page Numbers
From To
PART I Safety Requirements 6 8
PART II General Information & Fujairah SPM Terminal 9 33
General Information 9 28

1. Definitions 9

2. Focal Points 11

3. Liability of Ship 13

4. Pilotage 14

5. Pilot Station 14

6. SPM Channel 14

7. Boarding Arrangement 15

8. Weather & Tide Information 16

9. Lay-up, Scrap Tankers & Immobilization 18

10. Rendezvousing 18

11. Movements of Vessels 19

12. Tankers with Security Level 2 or Level 3 19

13. Tankers calling from high seas 19
14. Protection of Marine Environment 20 22

15. Oil Spill ResponseApproved Oil Spill Chemicals 22

16. Single Hull Tanker 23

17. Marine waste water disposal at Fujairah 23

18. Reception Facilities 23

19. Life Boat Drill 26

20. Hot work & Ship Repair 26

21. Photography 26

22. Ships Certificate 27

23. Bunkering, De-sloping, crew change and all other supply 28

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Description Page Numbers

Fujairah SPM Terminal Information 29


2. ADCO SPM 31
1 Terminal Incidents that may be Declared 34 34
2 Actions to be taken 34 34

3 Weather Criteria 34 34

4 Calm Weather, counter current/tide and Wind 35 35
5 Emergency Response 35 35
6 Communication 35 36
7 Emergency shutdown during loading 36 38
8 Fire 38 38
9 Oil Pollution 38 39
10 Sabotage and Threats against Tanker / Terminal 39 39
11 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Exposure 39 39
12 Other Emergencies 39 39
Marine Operation Standing Instruction
Guideline for Fujairah SPM Terminals Tankers Approach,
Mooring & Unmooring
40 45
1 General 40 40
2 Pre Berthing 40 41
3 Approaching & Berthing 41 43
4 Unberthing 43 44
5 Safety 45 45

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Special Area for the Gulf MAPROL 73/78/ Annex I &
V (1a, 1b, 1c &1d).
46 49
2 Expired Medicine disposal (8 pages) 50 57

Master Declaration for Anchorage Clearance
58 58
4 Tanker Certificates Check List 59 59
5 ISPS Form. 60 60
6 Tanker Pre-Arrival Information 61 61

SPM Berthing Request
62 62

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Responsibilities of Master of ship Moored at SPM Terminal

Responsibility for the safe conduct of operations onboard vessel whilst
moored at SPM terminal berths rests with ship master. Nevertheless,
since our people, assets and other shipping may suffer serious damage
in the event of accident aboard your vessel, we wish, before operations
start, to seek your full cooperation and understanding on the Safety
Requirements set out in the Ship/shore Safety Check List.

Safety Requirements have been drawn up in conjunction with other
Terminal Operators in the Middle East and a representative section of
the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
(ISGOTT). They are based on the provision of the Codes of Safe
Practice currently accepted by the Oil & Tanker industries.

We therefore expect ships Master and all under his command to
adhere strictly to these throughout ship stay at the terminal. We, for
our part, will ensure that our and terminal personnel do the same and
cooperate fully with you in the mutual interest of safe and efficient

In order to assure ourselves of ships Master compliance with these
Safety requirements, we and SPMs terminal shall from time to time
instruct of our staff to visit vessel and other reporting to ships Master
or his deputy, join one of ships officers for a routine inspection of
cargo deck and accommodation spaces.

If Pilot/Loading Master observes any infringement/s on board of any
safety Requirements, we shall bring this immediately to your attention
for corrective action. If such action is not taken in reasonable time we
shall adopt such measures as appear to us most appropriate to deal with
the situation and shall notify you accordingly.

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If you observe any infringement/s of these requirements by Terminal
staff on board your vessel, please bring this immediately to the notice
to Pilot/Loading Master nominated as ships Master contact during his
stay at Fujairah SPMs should you consider any immediate threat to
the safety of your vessel arises from any action on our part, or
equipment under our control, you are fully entitled to demand an
immediate cessation of operations.
Inform Port Control (VHF ch 10), Pilot/Loading Master immediately,
if the tanker has oil pollution or fire by UHF
We reserve the right, in the event of continued or blatant disregard of
these Safety Requirements by any vessel, to stop all operations and
order that vessel off the berth for appropriate action to be taken by the
chatterers and/or owners concerned.
Attention is drawn to the Tanker safety guide published by the
International Chamber of shipping (ICS) and to the International oil
Tanker & Terminal safety (ISGOTT) published by the Institute of
Petroleum, London with respect to Ship/Shore Safety Check List.
All Equipments, Mechanical, Electrical Devices & Inert Gas system
must be in full working condition and shall maintain readiness status
consistent with SOLAS, MARPOL, ISGOTT and OCIMF
All communication while pilotage and cargo operation should be by
UHF radios with specific frequencies

SPMs Terminal Frequencies
VOPAK SPM A 430.2375 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 1 B 404.4625 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 2 C 404.5125 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 3 D 430.6125 MHZ
FAPCO SPM I 432.5123 MHZ

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Weather limitations
The following weather working parameters and limitations for pilotage and
cargo operations apply at Fujairah SPMS terminal.

Weather Limitations
Wind speed
Wave Height
Mooring Operation 25 2.5
Stop loading & standby to
Disconnect hoses
35 3.0
Unmoor from SPM 40 3.5

The final decision to moor/unmoor is dependent on varying criteria that Pilot
assess, having due regard to the safety of life, property and environment at
the offshore terminal.

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General Information & Fujairah SPM Terminal Facilities

The purpose of this Information Booklet is to provide an outline and guidance for
Masters of oil tankers calling at Fujairah SPMs Terminals on the general nature of
conditions, facilities, services and regulations at the Terminal. I t does not replace
other more detailed regulations and requirements for which Masters at the Terminal
remain responsible.
1. Definitions
A.C.R : ADCO Control Room
D.W.T. : Dead Weight Tonnage The weight capacity of ship
in Tons
ESD : Emergency Shutdown
F.O.A.A : Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area
H.M. : Harbour Master. The person appointed by Fujairah
Port Authority to execute on behalf, the duties of the
Harbour Master and shall include his assistance or
subordinates who are, or any be, duly authorised to
act on behalf.
H.W. : Hot work. The work involving sources of ignition or
temperatures sufficiently high to cause the ignition of
a flammable gas mixture. This includes any work
requirement, below torches, some power driven tools,
portable electrical equipment which is not
intrinsically safe or contained within an approved
explosion proof housing and internal combustion
I.C.S. : International Chamber of Shipping
I.G. : Inert Gas
I.M.O. : International Maritime Organisation.
I.S.M. Code : International Safety Management Code.
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I.T.F. : International Transport Federation.
I.S.G.O.T.T. : International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
L.O.A. : Length Overall.
L.M. : Loading Master. The Loading master person- in-
charge is the marine transfer operator at the marine
terminal who supervises the movement of petroleum
products between tanker and the terminal while the
oil cargo operation.
MARPOL : International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified.
Nautical Miles : 1852 meters.
N.O.R. : Notice of Readiness
O.B.O : Ore/Bulk/Oil
O.C.I.M.F : Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Pilot : Mooring Master
P.C. : Port Control. The offices responsible for all vessel
traffic movements within Port and its Oil Terminals
and the implementation of the Harbour Masters
instructions pertaining to the management of the
P.P.C.O : Port Pollution Control Officer
P.S.O. : Port Security Officer
P & I Club : Protection and Indemnity Insurance Provider
PoF : Port of Fujairah (Port Authority).
Pour Point : Lowest temperature at which petroleum oil will
remain fluid.
Responsible Officer : A person appointed by the employer or the master of
a vessel and empowered to take all decisions relating
to a specific task, having necessary knowledge and
experience for that purpose.
S.B.T. : Segregated Ballast Tanks.
S.D.W.T : Summer Dead Weight Tonnes

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Significant Wave
Height : This refers to the average wave height to the largest
one third of the waves.
SOLAS : International Convention for the Safety of Life At
Sea, 1974 and amendments.
S.P.M. : Single Point Mooring
S.S.C : Ship Security Certificate
S.S.O. : Ship Security Officer
S.S.P : Ship Security Plan
S.W.L : Safe Working Load
T.C.R. : Terminal Control Room
T.S.O. : Terminal Security Officer
Tank Washing : Tank cleaning include water washing on the SPM
V.H.F.L : Vopak Horizon Fujairah Limited
V.H.F.T : Vopak Horizon Fujairah Terminal
V.C.R. : Vopak Control Room
V.L.M. : Vopak Loading Master

2. Focal Points

a) Port of Fujairah

Location Direct Line Mobile
Harbour Master
+971 9 2070 260 +971 50 4846778 [email protected]
Pilots Office
+971 9 2070 268 [email protected]
HSE Officer
+971 9 2070 265 + 971 50489 2742 [email protected]
Security Officer
+971 9 2070 257 +971 50 3911286 [email protected]
Marine Office
+971 9 2070 261 Fax +97192228022 [email protected]
Control Tower
Radio Room
+971 9 2070 263
+971 9 2228777
Fax +97192228022 [email protected]
(Vessel arrival/departure
information can be sent to
this email.)

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b) VOPAK Horizon Fujairah Limited (VHFL)
Fax No. + 971 9 2281371
Direct Line Mobile Email
Terminal Manager
+971 9 2281800
ext 204
+971 50 4890411
[email protected]
+971 9 2281800
ext 251
+971 50 7896138
[email protected]
Marine Shift
+971 9 2281800
ext 253
+971 50 7996875
[email protected]
Port Safety Office
+971 9 2281800
ext 208
+971 50 4892 810 [email protected]

c) ADCO SPM Terminal
Fax No. + 971 9 2283081
Direct Line Mobile Email
Vice President
+ 971 2 6043102 +971 50 6122831 [email protected]
Operations Manager
+971 9 2283079 +971 50 8118727 [email protected]
Marine Team Leader
+971 56 6886506 [email protected]
Team Leader HSE
+971 56 6886472 [email protected]
Relations Supervisor
+971 56 6886508 [email protected]

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3. Liability of Ships

a) The owner and Master of a ship including an Excepted Ship, ship shall
be jointly and severely liable irrespective of the cause thereof for all
loss or damages to piers, jetties, buoys, or other port installations or
port facilities, property or machinery whatsoever and for loss of life or
personal injury to any person lawfully within the limits of the Port in
connection with the navigation by such ship with or without a pilot
within the limits of the Port or its use of the Port facilities. No ship
shall be permitted to leave the Port unless and until security acceptable
to the Port Authority has been given for the amount of any loss or
damage so caused.

b) The Port Authority shall not be liable, whether resulting from its
negligence or from any other cause whatsoever, for :

i) Any loss, damage or delay to any ship using the Port or port
facilities or to her cargo on board or to any other property ashore
or afloat, fixed or moveable whatsoever

ii) Any loss of life or personal injury to the Master or crew using
the Port as aforesaid.

c) Any ship person using any port facility shall indemnity and save
harmless all losses, claims, demands and suits for damages, including
death or personal injury and including court costs and attorneys fee
incident to or resulting from their operations in the Port and the use of
Port facilities.

d) These conditions shall be constructed to the law of U.A.E, and if so
required by the Company, the ship and her owners shall submit to the
jurisdiction of U.A.E. courts.

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4. Pilotage

4.1 The Pilot, once on board, shall be deemed to be an employee and
servant of the Owners, Charterers or Authorized Agent of the Owners.
They shall be liable for the Pilots acts, neglect or default in the course
of his employment.

4.2 The Authority shall not be liable if the services of a Pilot are not
available nor shall any liability attach to the Authority if the Pilot is
unable, for any reason whatsoever to perform his duties on board the

4.3 Pilotage both inbound and outbound is compulsory through Fujairah
Port Authority. The Master should complete and sign the master/pilot
Information and Pilotage Passage Plan; Master Declaration and
Conditions of use Fujairah SPMs Terminals.

4.4 The Pilot/ Loading Master will stay on board till tankers departure and
shall be provided with meals (that does not contain Pork) and suitable

4.5 Pilotage (Berthing/ Unberthing is available round the clock if weather

5 Pilot Station

18.9 N & 056

6 SPM Channel

A special channel with Navigation buoys specified for tankers calling at and
leaving from SPM terminals as indicated in the Admiralty Charts 3709 &

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7 Boarding Arrangement.
a) Safe Embarkation and Disembarkation of the Pilot / LM
The master of a ship navigating in the port or approaches shall afford
such suitable Weather lee and speed reductions as dictated by the
practices of good seamanship in order to provide a safe embarkation or
disembarkation operation.
Pilot ladder and associated equipment must comply with SOLAS
standards and the requirements of International Pilot's Association.
b) Pilot Ladder
A clean and efficient pilot ladder fitted with spreaders and manropes
shall be made available for the pilot to embark or disembark. At night
the ladder need to be illuminated with efficient and safe light.
c) Supervision of Pilot Ladders
The rigging of pilot ladders for the embarkation/disembarkation of
pilots shall be supervised by a responsible ships officer, and shall be
so effected that the ladder is well clear of any overboard discharge and
that each step of the ladder rests firmly against the side of the ship.
Pilot boarding / disembarking shall also be supervised by a responsible
ships officer.
d) Accommodation and Pilot Ladder (combination)
Whenever the height of the deck above the water level exceeds 30 ft
(9.0 metres), the accommodation ladder shall also be used in
conjunction with the pilot ladder and shall be lowered to above 22 ft
(7.0 metres) above the water level with the pilot ladder immediately
adjacent to the bottom of the accommodation ladder.
e) Mechanical Hoists
A mechanical hoist of an approved pattern shall be considered an
acceptable alternative to a conventional pilot ladder to be used in
conjunction with the accommodation ladder.

Mechanical hoists whose operation relies upon a single wire are not
of approved pattern under these rules.

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8 Weather and Tidal Information.
Weather Information

Compendium from own records.

January 24.5 12.1 17.8
July 42.3 27.6 34.2
Summer 33.0 30.0
Winter 24.0 22.0

ii. Relative Humidity

January 81% 42% 70%
July 91% 30% 54%

Total Rainfall in a Year : 263.6 mm
Average over period 27 rain days.


Daily Mean : 1010.26
Extreme Maximum : 1095.25
Extreme Minimum : 1004.28

iv CLOUDINESS (oktas)
Daily Mean : 2.39
Extreme Maximum : 5.85

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Max. : 72 knots Min. : Airs
June to November : Mainly East to southeast 3-4
November to May : Variable with strong West to Northwest

Squalls lasting up to 2 days. Maximum 10 but mainly 5-6 Katabatic
winds in ate afternoons and evenings.

Between January and May is period when winds may exceed 8 and up
to 10, again from West to Northwest.

Can Expect up to 45 days when winds exceed 5 during this period.
Associated with thunderstorms of which 7 days per annum can be
vii. Currents:
The Arabian Sea Pilot indicates maximum current velocities of 0.75
knots occurring during July (the South West monsoon period). This
current is aligned parallel with the coast in a Southerly direction.
Observations made during site investigations for the construction of
the Port showed currents not exceeding 0.5 knots, with the direction of
flow being generally to the North and reversing to the South for a few
hours during one of the low water periods each day.
viii Waves
Wave analysis for the original design of the Port of Fujairah was
undertaken by PGA (Sharjah) Ltd. And the University of New South
Wales in 1979. A summary of the recorded wave conditions offshore
of the harbour is reproduced in Table below.
Frequency of
0.1% -9 hr/yr. 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 3.5 2.0 1.0
0.5% - 2 day/yr. 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.4
1% - 3 day/yr. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.3
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Note : Table Wave Climate Fujairah
The report by the University of New South Wales noted that, except
for infrequent storms, wave heights are generally low, exceeding 1m
for only 3% of the time. The dominant direction of wave attack during
the more usual conditions is between east and southeast.
It is understood that penetration of south-easterly swell occasionally
occurs. This swell has been observed at the Northern Breakwater, in
particular adjacent to the junction of the breakwater with the shore.
However, on the basis of recent discussions with the Port of Fujairah, it
is understood that the observed height of the swell has not exceeded
approximately 0.8m. It is therefore considered unlikely to adversely
affect any except very small vessels.
It has been noted by Wimpey, who undertook wave measurements and
analysis at the site in 1981 and 1982, that recorded wind speeds and
directions bore little or no relation to wave heights and directions,
which indicates that waves are generated outside the area.


I would like to draw your attention on the subject that the SHAMAL
condition frequently prevails with wind speed in excess of 50 knots,
and gusts up to 70 knots.

These winds are variable with strong Westerly to North-westerly
squalls lasting up to 2 days. Maximum wind force 10BF mainly 5-6
Katabatic winds in late afternoons and evenings.


Lay-up, Scrap and Immobilization of tankers at SPM Terminals are not

10. Rendezvousing.

Rendezvousing between steaming vessels or between steaming vessels and
service boats are prohibited at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area.

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11. Movements of vessels in double banking position
Movements of vessels in double banking position (side by side) are strictly
prohibited at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Areas.

12. Tankers with Security Level 2 or Level 3.

Port Security Officer will board all vessels calling F.O.A.A with security
Level 2 or 3 to furnish the DoS with S.S.O.
Inspection and transportation charges as per Port Tariff.
Vessels with Security Level 2 or Level 3 must leave from F.O.A.A once they
finish receiving their services. These vessels are allowed to receive their
services (Bunkering, De-slopping, Freshwater, Crew Change, Stores, etc..)
for a maximum of 12 hours only.
Following Conditions apply,
a) Two Patrolling Boats will patrol near the vessel till sailing from
F.O.A.A, these Patrolling Boats will be charged as per Port Tariff.
b) V.H.F Channel 8 should always be on watch for the conversation
among the vessels bridge, patrolling boat and the Control Tower.

13. Tankers Calling from High Seas
13.1 Tankers calling at SPM Terminals and Fujairah Port should be from
official ports with valid Last Port Clearance.
13.2 Tanker carried out S.T.S cargo operation at High seas will not be
permitted to call Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area or Fujairah Port
13.3 High Seas will not be considered as Last Port.

13.4 A copy of Bill of Lading from the last cargo operation should be
submitted to Control Tower as a record of proof for obtaining
Anchorage or Port Clearance.

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14. Protection of Marine Environment.
A. Ballast Water Management
i. Prohibition on Pumping out tank Wash (Oily mixture)
And Dirty Ballast Water into Sea
Time to time the coast of Fujairah up to Dibba is suffering from oil
pollutions resulting from the dirty ballast water and oil mixtures
pumped into sea by some irresponsible masters.
According to the UAE Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 for the Protection
and Development of the Environment please note the following,
Port of Fujairah does not accept tanker to leave anchorage area
to high seas for tank wash and back.
Port of Fujairah do not accept last port of call of a vessel to be
named as "HIGH SEAS".
All tank wash should be delivered to slop collecting companies.
Tankers are prohibited from discharging any polluting substance
from tank wash or ballast water into the Water Environment
unless safety measures been taken to safeguard water
environment according to MARPOL requirements.
Please note that the Water Environment extend up to 200 N.M
from the shoreline.
Exchange of Ballast water at F.O.A.A and in Port of Fujairah is

ii. Special Area for the Gulf MARPOL 73/78 Annex I &V
The Special Area has been designated in the Gulf on 01/08/2008.
The discharge requirement in the Special Area is as per regulations 15
& 34 of MARPOL Annex I and regulation 5 of MARPOL Annex V.
Please find below the summary of discharge requirements,
Disposal of Garbage from Ships according to MARPOL. This
applies to all ships regardless of size.
It is prohibited to discharge any garbage into sea inside the
Special Area except food wastes when the ship is more than 12
nautical miles from the nearest land. This applies to all ships
and offshore platforms regardless of size.

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The control of oil discharge (machinery space of all ships) in the
Special Area and outside the Special Area according to
MARPOL 73/78 Annex I, which is shown in the attached table
(Attachment 1a, 1b, 1c & 1d) announced by the "Marine
Emergency Mutual Aid Centre" (MEMAC) and the "Regional
Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment"
B. Grit Blasting Ships sides & Painting
Grit blasting ships sides & painting at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage
Area is prohibited as an effort to protect marine environment.

C. Propeller Polishing using solvents
Propeller polishing with solvents, grease, etc.. is strictly not allowed at
Fujairah Offshore Anchorage & in Port of Fujairah.

D. Ballasting and Deballasting
Port of Fujairah complies with 2004 International Convention for the
Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments to
prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organisms carried by ships
ballast water. Terminals do not have ballast water receiving facility
and therefore, vessels coming from other regions to Fujairah Oil
Terminals should follow Ballast Water Management Plan and
exchange of ballast water at sea.
In general, there are no restrictions on ballasting and de-ballasting for
Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT) during cargo loading or discharge
operations. However, the following considerations should be taken
into account:
During deballasting to avoid pollution due to contaminated
segregated ballast, the surface of the ballast should be sighted,
prior to commencing deballasting. When segregated ballast is
being discharged, it is prudent to monitor the ballast discharged
overboard by means of ballast water monitor or visual watch
should be established. This may give the earliest warning of any
inter-tank leakage between cargo and ballast tanks that may have
been undetected. The operation should be stopped immediately
in the event of contamination being observed.

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If case of deballasting CBT tanker or heavy weather clean
ballast contained in cargo tanks is required then following terms
and condition should be followed:
Ballast Discharge
Ballast water discharge should be clean, with the Master having
declared such on arrival and the declaration presented to the
Loading Master on arrival. Clean ballast to mean oil in water
content to be not more than 5 parts per million (ppm). No
ballast is to be discharged unless agreed with L.M / Pilot.

The Master is to ensure that his vessel is adequately trimmed
maximum (3 meters by the stern) with an adequate draft to
ensure safe berthing.

There could be instances such as prevailing weather conditions
at the time, where deballasting cannot commence until loading
has started. However, it is important to liaise with the L.M prior
to carrying out such an operation.

PoF follows a clean sea policy, and the Pilot / L.M is authorized
to inspect your Oil Record Book which should be up to date and
ready for inspection. Ballast water samples are frequently taken
and analyzed. If the oil in water content exceeds the 5 ppm, then
the vessel will be ordered to cease de-ballasting without any
further discharge.

In the event of your vessel discharging dirty ballast, or spilling
any oil; the cost of clean up, third party claims or any other
expenses shall be borne by the vessel.


Please note that the following list of Oil dispersants have been approved by
the United Arab Emirates Federal Environmental Agency and ROPME for
combating oil pollution,

- COREXIT 9500 (for sea and beaches, nor for rocky shores)
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- OD 4000 (PE 998)
16. Single Hull Tankers
Single Hull tankers are no more accepted to call Fujairah Offshore
Anchorage or Port of Fujairah.
Single Hull Tankers for Primary requirements such as, bunkering, de-sloping,
crew change, stores etc.. can be permitted in ballast condition and they must
leave immediately after receiving primary services. They are not allowed to
wait for orders (maximum 24 hours).

17. Marine Waste Disposal at Fujairah
Holds & Hatch cleaning at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage is strictly
Grit blasting and water blasting is prohibited at Fujairah Offshore
Anchorage & Port of Fujairah.
Import of all kinds of scrap materials into Port of Fujairah is strictly
Under water hull cleaning permitted with prior permission.

18. Reception Facilities in Fujairah.
Facilities available for the proper disposal of the below listed marine wastes
in Fujairah,

i. Oily Sludge
Oily Sludge Treatment Facility available in Fujairah.
Tank cleaning activity at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area is
permitted to tankers dispose and treats their oily sludge at registered
treatment facilities in Fujairah. Transporting oily sludge by road or by
sea from Fujairah Port to reception facilities outside Fujairah is

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Following procedures must be adopted for tank cleaning,
a) Request specific permission from the Harbour Master to effect
tank cleaning with 72 hr notice. The request should include,
1. Vessel name and local agent.
2. E.T.A and last port
3. Name of Cleaning Company
4. Number of labours
5. Estimated duration of work.
6. Estimated quantity of sludge.
7. Receiving Facility and their confirmation.
8. E.T.D and destination.
b) Vessel's local agent should re-confirm 24 hours prior to tankers
arrival and would liaise with Harbour Master for arranging
permission for operation to start.
c) Personnel involved in offshore job must obtain clearance from
Department of immigration.
d) The Port Authority reserves the right to refuse or withdraw
permission for Tank Cleaning if cleaning company failed to
adhere to the procedure.
e) The Port Authority further reserves the right to appoint an
independent surveyor to verify any of the above information
provided by vessel and its agent. In such cases surveyor would
be appointed at agents expense.
f) The Sludge Transport Statement as per the attached prescribed
format should be duly filled, stamped, attested from concerned
authorities and submitted to Marine Department immediately
after delivering sludge to the Reception Facility.
g) Contact Details of reception facility in Fujairah
Facility Name : Gulf Environment FZE
Telephone : 2281923
Fax : 2281925
Email : [email protected]
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ii. Slop
Offshore & onshore slop collection facilities available at Fujairah
Offshore Anchorage & Port of Fujairah.
Contact details of Facilities in Fujairah.
Facility Name Telephone Fax Email
1. EMEPCO 2228840 2228841 [email protected]
2. Fairdeal Marine Services 2228145 2228147 [email protected]
3. Gulf Environment FZE 2281923 2281925 [email protected]
iii. Domestic Garbage
Garbage collection facility is available in Fujairah for collecting and
proper disposal of domestic garbage from vessels calling at Fujairah
Offshore Anchorage.
The Contact Details of the facility:
Facility Name : Green Peace Est.
Telephone : 2281741
Fax : 2281742
Domestic garbage for the purpose of disposal must exclude the
following materials,
a. Oily Waste.
b. Oily related products.
c. Chemicals (liquid or solid).
d. Radiating materials & nuclear wastes.
e. All types of noxious substances.
Domestic Garbage Delivery Receipts will be issued by Port of
Fujairah on request for vessels calling Port of Fujairah. Green
Peace Est. will issue Domestic Garbage Delivery Receipts to
vessels calling at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage. Related
shipping agent has to submit the attached declaration while
requesting Port Clearance to get the Domestic Garage Delivery
Receipt for vessels calling Port of Fujairah.
Agencies are not allowed to issue any Garbage Delivery Receipt to
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iv. Expired Medicine
Reception facility is available in Fujairah for the proper
disposal of expired medicines. The contact detail of reception
facility is given below and the disposal procedures attached
Facility Name : Marine Pharma FZE
Telephone : 2228007
Fax : 2228008
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.fujairahportclinic.co.ae

v. Distress Signalling Devices
Dumping of expired distress signalling devices (Rocket Parachute
Flares, Smoke Signals, etc.) into sea is strictly prohibited at Fujairah
Offshore Anchorage.
The expired devices are therefore delivered to Fujairah Civil Defence
for the proper disposal through respective local agents.
Local agents are requested to obtain prior permission from the
Department of Explosives and Director General of Police prior
collecting aforesaid materials from ship for disposal purpose.
Waste materials other than the listed above are not permitted to dispose
at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage & Port of Fujairah.

19. Life Boat Drill

Life boat drill at SPM Terminals is prohibited.

20. Hot Work &Ship Repair
Hot work & ship repair at SPM Terminals are prohibited.

21. Photography in Port and at Fujairah Offshore Anchorage
Photography is strictly prohibited in Port of Fujairah and at Fujairah Offshore
Anchorage Area. Special permission must be taken from the concerned
authorities prior any photo / video shoot.
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Legal actions will be taken against violators and equipment used in the
video/photography will be confiscated.
Ship Master / skipper is also subject to legal actions if he permits anyone
onboard his vessel / utility boat to use video / still camera.

Tankers calling at Port of Fujairah Oil Terminals or F.O.A.A must have the
following valid original statutory certificates & documents onboard,
a) Load Line Certificate
b) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
c) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
d) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
e) Civil Liability Certificate issued from flag state (issued in accordance
with provisions of International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil
Pollution Damage 1992)
f) The International Oil Pollution Prevention (I.O.P.P) Certificate.
g) Certificate of Ships Registry
h) Certificate of Class (Hull & Machinery)
i) Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
j) ISM Safety Management Certificate
k) Oil Record Books (Engine / Cargo & Ballast Operations)
l) Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
m) International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP) (if
n) International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)
o) Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP) (Chemical
vessels only)

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p) NLS Certificate (Chemical vessels only)
q) Certificate of Fitness (Chemical vessels only)
r) S.T.S Operation Plan (for S.T.S operation)
s) S.T.S Hose Certificate (for S.T.S operation)

23. Bunkering, De-sloping, crew Change and all type of supply are not
allowed at SPM Terminal.

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General Description of the SPM A
1. Buoy Position
25 12 44.117 North & 056 23 9.362 East (in WGS84)
2. Buoy Colour : Yellow
3. Characteristics of buoy light
3.1 Light Colour : Yellow
3.2 Morse Code : A every 10 seconds
Duration of dot : 1.0 second
Duration of pause : 1.0 second
Duration of dash : 3.0 seconds
Duration of pause : 5.0 seconds
Overall period duration : 10 seconds
3.3 Light Range : 2 Nautical Miles
4. The Characteristics of the hose lights
4.1 Colour : White
4.2 Period : 5.0 seconds
4.3 Duration : 0.25 seconds
5. Buoy Specifications

Buoy Dimensions
5.1 Buoy body diameter (including skirt) : 13.5m
Buoy body diameter (excluding skirt) : 10.25m
Hull Height : 4.1m
Projection of spider below hull : 1.8m
Total height (including fog horn) : 13.4m
Weight : 216mt
Centre of Gravity above keel : 3.3m
Free floating draft : 3.9m
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5.2 Certification
The system has been built and will be maintained as a 01 100 at
Single Point Mooring and Loading Terminal with Lloyds
Register of Shipping.

5.3 Anchor System
Anchor legs : 6
Pattern : 3x2
Length : 300m
Chain size (studless links) : 76m
Anchor points : 6xdrag anchors
Pretension angle : 45

5.4 Submarine Hose System
Strings : 1
Size : 20
Hose length : 35 ft or 40 ft
No. of hoses : 3
Pressure rating : 225 psi

5.5 Mooring Equipment
Hawser length : 50m
No. of hawsers : 1
Circumference : 15
Hawser type : single
OCIMF chafe Chain : Type A,B+C

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5.6 Buoy Piping System
Design pressure : 225 psi
Turret piping : 2x24
Turret product valves : 2x24
Swivel : 1x36 + 1x24
Buoy body piping : 2x24
Buoy body product valves : 3x24

5.7 Floating Hose System
Strings : 1
Size : 20/16
Hose length : 35 ft. or 40 ft.(total length
approximately 250 meter)
Pressure rating : 225 psi

Effected Charts: Admiralty Charts 3709 & 3727.

2. ADCO Fujairah Terminal SPMs

The ADCO Fujairah Terminal is located offshore Fujairah, some 4 nautical
miles from nearest shoreline. It is connected to the onshore facilities at
Fujairah vide three (3) 48 sea lines; each sea line from the shore terminates
at Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) at various depths and forms part of
Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Single Point Mooring (SPM)

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There are three turret-type CALM SPM buoys offshore operated by ADCO
Fujairah Terminal, with the following specification:
Maximum SDWT
320,000 320,000 320,000
Minimum SDWT 100,000 100,000 100,000
Maximum LOA 340 m 340 m 340 m
Minimum LOA 150 m 150 m 150 m
Sea Lines to
48 48 48
Subsea Hoses 2 x 24 2 x 24 2x 24
Floating Hoses 2 x 24 hoses
Terminating in 16
tanker rail hose
2 x 24 hoses
Terminating in 16
tanker rail hose
2 x 24 hoses
Terminating in 16
tanker rail hose
Length of Hose
Inner approx. 300 m Inner approx. 300 m Inner approx. 300 m
Sub-sea hose
Lazy S Chinese Lantern Lazy S
Mooring Hawsers Single x 20 x 70 m
Single x 20 x 70 m
Single x 20 x 70 m
Water depth 54 m 36 m 56 m
Max. Loading Rate 80,000 b/h 80,000 b/h 80,000 b/h
Minimum Loading
2,000 b/h 2,000 b/h 2,000 b/h
Buoy Position 25
13.0 05.3018 N
24.0 41.7386 E
13.0 46.2449 N
23.0 41.4905 E
14.0 13.7123 N
24.0 50.3580 E
Buoy Color Yellow Yellow Yellow
Buoy light

Light Color Yellow Yellow Yellow
Morse Code B every 10 C every 10 D every 10
Light Range 4 NM 4 NM 4 NM
Hose Light

Color White White White
Period 5.0 seconds 5.0 seconds 5.0 seconds
Duration 0.25 seconds 0.25 seconds 0.25 seconds
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2.2 Hose Connection/Disconnection
A minimum of 15 t S W L crane is required for cargo hose handling.
ADCO Fujairah Terminal personnel will connect and disconnect cargo
hoses to the tankers manifold under the supervision of Loading
Master. Tanker is to provide crane driver and general assistance as
directed by the Pilot/Loading Master. The tankers officer needs to be
present at the manifold during hose connection and disconnection..
2.3 Flash Point
The flash point of Murban crude is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
2.4 Crude Oil Temperatures
Every effort is made to keep the loading temperature of export crude
below 150 F but there could be times when the temperature exceeds
this. Masters are however advised when the temperature is likely to
increase. These increases are normally due to changes in the
production, loading rate, tank levels etc. The temperature for ships
2.5 H2S Content
Murban crude contains concentration of H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide).
H2S has disagreeable odour characteristics of rotten eggs which
quickly deaden the sense of smell; dangerous concentration may be
present which cannot be detected. Whenever concentration of this gas
is detected, the area is to be evacuated of ships personnel and
ventilation started to disperse this gas.
During loading, gas should only be allowed to escape via the agreed
venting arrangements.
Whenever any sampling or ullaging is being carried out, personnel
should stand at right angles to the wind direction to avoid inhalation.
If H2S is accidentally inhaled, that person should leave the area until
that persons sense of smell has been restored.
Persons on deck should be carried personnel H2S gas detector.
2 Breathing apparatus should be standing by at the ships manifold.
Ships A/C to be in recirculation and all doors to be closed.
Mentoring H2S inside the accommodation should regularly every two
In case wind speed zero loading may be suspended subject to Master/LM
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Emergency Procedure
In the event of any emergency situation arising onboard tankers at Fujairah
Terminal, the Pilot/ Loading Master shall be responsible for ensuring coordination
between Port C.T and the Shore Terminal and tanker involved in the emergency and
shall take appropriate actions.

1. SPM Terminals Incidents that may be declared.

- Fire or explosion at the Terminal and on or around a moored tanker.
- Major escape of flammable and/ or toxic vapours, gases, oil or
- Collision (Tanker to tanker, tanker and SPM buoy.
- Drifting and breakaway from SPM Buoy, dragging anchor or
- Major terminal accidents involving tankers, tugs, mooring boats, crew
boats etc.
- Meteorological hazards such as adverse weather conditions and heavy
electrical storms.
- Attack, sabotage and threats against tankers or terminal.

2. Actions to be taken shall be determined by the type and severity of the
incidents, namely.
- Stop loading
- Disconnect loading hoses
- Standby to unmoor
- Comply with emergency reporting procedures
- Fire fighting facilities standby
- Depart from the SPM buoy.
3. Weather Criteria.
Maximum operating wind speed 35 knots that is when tanker pilot should
be prepared to un-berth from SPM berth and be prepared to be underway to
precede to safe anchorage.
Stop loading : wind speed 35 knots
Disconnect hoses and unmooring : wind speed 40 knots.

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4. Calm Weather, counter current/tide and wind
Dead calm conditions cause special difficulties with SPM berths as there is
no tendency for the moored tanker and the floating hoses to stream in any
particular direction. Special danger exists that the moored tanker will tend to
move up and override the SPM buoy under the influence of slight weather
changes, probably due to reversal of tidal flow.
This danger may be avoided by having a tug permanently moored/fast at the
tanker stern and towing at minimum power; thus maintaining steady tension
on the mooring hawser and also maintaining safe distance off the buoy.
The Pilot is responsible to ensure actions are taken to avoid contact with the
SPM buoy.

5. Emergency Response.

Pilot/Loading Master will immediately advise the Port Control Tower
and Shore Terminal Control Room (CR)
The Shore terminal CR personnel shall initiate the emergency
shutdown procedure.
The tanker master shall be requested to depart from SPM buoy under
Pilot advice.
The attending tug at tankers astern would be used to assist that tanker
off the berth.
The tanker shall keep clear of the floating hoses.
The Pilot shall direct the Marine support craft in attendance and ensure
floating hose strings are kept clear of the tanker.
Communication will be by U.H.F Radio.
6. Communications Failure
It is essential that communications are maintained between the tanker
and SPM terminal CR. Communications network has been designed
for high reliability.
VHF channel 10 shall be used In case of major breakdown of
communications of UHF . In case of any doubt SPM terminal CR
should stop loading operations

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It is the responsibility of Pilot and SPM terminal LM to check the good
working order of the communications network prior to commencement
of loading operations and on an hourly basis thereafter.

SPM terminal is responsible to ensure good communications between
its LMs and SPM terminal CR and SPM terminal LM is responsible to
cease loading and emergency shutdown of pumps.

7. Emergency shutdown during Cargo Operation.
An Emergency Shutdown procedure should be agreed between the tanker
Master and the SPM Terminal Control Room. The possible dangers
associated with any emergency shutdown procedure should be

Shut down communication will be through U.H.F Channel as per below

SPMs Terminal Frequencies
VOPAK SPM A 430.2375 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 1 B 404.4625 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 2 C 404.5125 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 3 D 430.6125 MHZ
FAPCO SPM I 432.5125 MHZ

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The following table sums up the foreseeable emergency cases with respect to the
risks involved and actions to be taken:

No Emergency Due to Risks Risk
Immediate Actions
1 Mooring failure
Mooring Hawser breakout
Ships mooring bracket breakdown
& Fire
Stop loading
Export tanker to safe anchorage
2 Hose failure Surge pressure from tanker
& Fire
Stop loading
Loading can be restarted once defective
hose changed
Piping failure
Fatigue &/or surge Pollution & Fire Low Stop loading
Ships Cargo
tank overflow
Poor control of loading by tanker
crew/specially during topping off
Pollution & Fire Medium Stop loading
High pressure
Loading lines
Poor control of loading by tanker
Low Stop loading if deemed necessary
Equipment failure, bad propagation Pollution Low Stop loading
7 Fire/Explosion Any reason
Pollution and/or
Stop loading
Rescue operations
Fire fighting/salvage
8 Collision Drifting vessel
Pollution and/or
Stop loading
Rescue operations

The existence of such an emergency case will be declared by the Pilot and
SPM terminal LM on board the tanker.
The following procedure would be initiated:
SPM terminal CR shall acknowledge receipt of ESD by radio.
The Harbour Master through Port Control would be notified of the
The Pilot/LM to take local control of all emergencies until such times
as a designated On Scene Commander takes over.
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In the case of Emergency No7.1 the Pilot on board the tanker would be
responsible for all actions to be undertaken with respect to unmooring and
clearing from the SPM buoy.
In the case of Emergencies 7.2 7.5, actions to be taken according to
SPM terminal Emergency Plan.
8. Fire

Stop cargo operations immediately
Close the manifold valves after depressurizing the lines.
Tanker Master and Pilot to be in the bridge immediately.
Raise the alarm on the tanker and ships engine to ready.
Pilot to inform PoF Control Tower starting with emergency-
emergency-emergency / Loading Master who will inform the shore
The stern tug and any other marine crafts that can offer assistance that
may be required for fire-fighting systems.
Tanker to start fighting the fire as per emergency procedures.
Disconnect the cargo hoses.
The tanker is to prepare to unmoor from the SPM.
The Pilot will liaise with Harbour Master for any shore assistance that
may be required for fire-fighting or towing and will coordinate such
9. Oil Pollution
Stop cargo operations immediately.
Close the manifold valves after depressurizing the lines.
Raise the alarm on the tanker.
Inform the Pilot/Loading Master who will inform PoF Control Tower
& the Shore Terminal. Locate the source of pollution.
Take such measures as are necessary to stop/ minimize the escape of
The Pilot/Loading Master will coordinate any shore assistance that
maybe required for cleanup operation.
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In consultation with the Master, the SPM Terminal will implement the
Fujairah Oil Spill Response Plan.
Commence clean-up operations.

10. Sabotage and Threats against Tanker / Terminal.

All time ships gangway to be up, lowering only for official operation.
If necessary, stop cargo operations and close manifold valves after
depressurizing the lines.
If imminent, raise the tanker alarm.
Inform Pilot/Loading Master who will inform Port Control Tower and
Shore Terminal.
Place Main Engines on standby and crew to standby to disconnect
Implement Tanker and Terminal Security Plan at Highest Security
After lowering hoses, Pilot/ Loading Master will coordinate the
unmooring operation and unmoor from the SPM.

11. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Exposure.

See the Material Safety Data Sheet for immediate First Aid to be
If necessary, stop cargo operations; close the manifold valves after
depressurizing the lines.
Raise tanker alarm.
Inform Pilot/Loading Master so that Medical Assistance can be
12. Other Emergencies.

o These could include loss of power or steering during maneuvering,
grounding, collision, man overboard or any other accident or incident.

o The Pilot / Loading Master are to be informed so as to render
assistance. The Master is to take all possible precautions to minimize
the resulting consequences.
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Marine Operation Standing Instruction

Guideline for Fujairah SPM Terminals
Tankers Approach, Mooring & Unmooring.

1. General.

a) Pilots & Loading Master are requested to make certain they are
principally familiar with SPM Terminal design criteria.

b) SPM Terminal control Room prior requesting pilotage service, to
check with their marine team, that terminal pre-berthing inspection has
been carried out, an no defects reported defects reported to SPM
specified for berthing of mooring / hose assemblies that might affect
or delay tanker mooring / loading operation then send berthing request
as per form in pre-berthing.

Procedures for Fujairah SPM Terminals Tanker approach, berthing and

2. Pre Berthing:

a) SPMs terminal to send a fax to PoF Control Tower (3) hour notice
confirming the SPM readiness to receive a tanker.
b) Control Tower to inform duty Pilot one and half (1.5) hour notice of
tankers arrival at pilot station and Provide the tankers name and
designated SPM.
b) Pilot to leave from the harbour by pilot boat maximum one hour before
tankers arrival to pilot station.
c) Pilot to instruct the tanker to proceed to pilot station and arrange for
d) Once the pilot on board, control tower to send two work tug boats to
the SPM, one for the hoses and another on for pickup rope.

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e) As soon as the Pilot in the bridge, he will pass pilot boarding time to
control tower and to have Exchange information, passage plan through
the channel with the Master and agree with approaching and berthing
f) Pilot to advise the Master to have port side crane ready for lifting the
tool box.
g) 2 miles from SPM, Pilot will reduce speed to maximum 4 knots to
receive L/M, hoses connection team and deliver the tool box from the
assistant tug boat.
h) As soon the L/M on board, he will supervise tool box lifting, inspect,
agree with chief officer on mooring procedures and be sure that both
anchors secured and lashed, messenger line should not less than 90
meters and ready on port bow, lowered down 2 meters from the sea
level, ready to receive SPM mooring hawsers pickup rope and in
windy condition L/M to instruct chief officer to connect 6 inches
shackle to the end of messenger line to prevent of the messenger rope
from flying away and use it to connect it to pick up rope.
i) L/M to check oxygen content in one or two empty cargo tanks which
will be loaded and be sure that it is less than 8%.

3. Approaching and Berthing:

a) Assisting tug to make fast on STBD bow with tugs line push-pull
b) L/M to stand by in the forecastle and establish communication with the
pilot through U.H.F private channel as per following table of frequency
and in case of loosing communication, they can use ships radios.
SPMs Terminal Frequencies
VOPAK SPM A 430.2375 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 1 B 404.4625 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 2 C 404.5125 MHZ
IPIC - SPM 3 D 430.6125 MHZ
FAPCO SPM I 432.5125 MHZ

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c) When tanker commences her final approach and on request of Pilot,
hoses could tow away, clear of tanker approach and 45 degrees from
original stream direction.
d) Approach course and speed is determined by the Pilot with due
consideration given to all relevant factors (wind speed, sea swell,
current, tanker draft, visibility, windage area and engine horse power).
e) The approach is made on a course of approximately 30 degrees
between the ships head and that of the freely streaming hoses.
f) The tanker will proceed in a minimum speed constant with maintaining
the required course of approach. Use of ships radar may be considered
by the Pilot to provide information with regard to the aspect of the
hose string and distance of the buoy from the bridge.
g) The final approach should be with the SPM fine of the port bow of the
tanker, keeping the SPM on the port bow will minimize the risk of over
running the SPM.
h) 600 meters from the SPM, L/M to continue reporting the distance from
the mooring boat.
i) When the tanker is approximately 150 meters from the mooring boat,
ships speed not more than one knot. On Pilots request mooring tug
boat will stretch the mooring pickup rope, and once the mooring boat
alongside and made fast the pickup rope to the tanker messenger line
they must be brought in board without delay. It must be remembered
that the pickup rope is not to be used to warp the tanker to the SPM,
pickup rope is not mooring line.
k) Once the mooring tug boat connected the pickup rope, will clear from
bow and proceed to hold the first hose from the second tug boat.
l) Once the messenger line is connected to the SPM pickup rope, the L/M
is responsible to continue the mooring progress and frequently report
to the Pilot distance and direction to the SPM and or to the flotation
buoy, Pilot will maintain the ships position from the buoy considering
his information in this regard.
m) When the tanker is about 20 meters from chafing chain or 70 meters
from the SPM, tanker speed not more than 0.2 knots.
n) When the chafe chain is hauled inboard and pickup rope heaved in
until the chafing chain passes through the panama lead and reaches the
required chain stopper and secured.

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o) Once the chafing chain in the chain stopper, tanker head way is to be
reduced to zero speed over ground with SPM mooring hawser just
clear from the water then the tanker is then considered all fast.
p) Mooring assembly should not be allowed to come under tension during
mooring operation and after all fast.
q) Control tower to be advised with all fast time.
r) Mooring Tug Boat become free and to proceed to hoses to hold one
s) When the Pilot satisfies from the tanker position and there is ships
seaman with good communication at the forecastle to report SPM
position to the bridge, Pilot can request from the L/M to proceed to the
manifold for hoses connections.
t) Assistant tug to make fast astern of the tanker with tugs line and pull
in minimum speed or as required from the Pilot.
u) Connecting hoses will be under supervision of SPM Terminals LM
and his responsibility.
v) Pilot to request from the closer working tug to bring the first hose and
after connecting to the crane hook, tug can be released.
w) On connection of the first hose and once the lifting wire of the second
hose is connected to ships hook, second mooring boat can then be
released as per Pilots order
x) Pilot will request from ships Master to have 24 hours responsible
officer duty in the bridge.
y) L/M of SPM Terminal on board the tanker will observe the tanker crew
who will run loading operation.
z) L/M will be responsible for loading operation and will observe safety
on board the tanker on regular basis..
4. Un-berthing:

a) L/M to inform Pilot two hour before completion of loading to inform
PoF Control Tower to get the working tugs ready for unmooring.
b) Pilot and Ships Master to be in the bridge, Pilot to get the sailing draft
and test ships engine, rudder and confirm from the master that the ship
is ready for manoeuvre.
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c) On completion of cargo hoses disconnection under supervision of SPM
Terminal L/M, hoses to be lowered down to the mooring boat one by
one and the working tug boat to tow the hoses away from the tanker,
undue stress should not be applied on the hoses.
d) All shore equipment should then be loaded onto the tool box and
lowered to the tug boat and non essential personnel should disembark.
e) L/M to proceed to the forecastle and report to the Pilot that the ship is
ready for unmooring.
f) Pilot to release the escort tug and be sure that ships propeller is clear
before using the engine.
f) Pilot to instruct L/M to commence unmooring.
g) Under the observation of L/M and Chief Officer and before commence
unmooring L/M to be sure that there is no tension on the hawser and
mooring assembly will not lowered over the cargo hoses.
h) The pickup rope should be heaved on the winch and the chafing chain
to be letting go from the bow stopper, pickup rope to be slowly
lowered down until chafing chain in the water.
i) While lowering the mooring/chafe chain and pickup rope, the tanker
can manoeuvre slowly away from the SPM
j) L/M to keep informing Pilot about unmooring situation and distance,
direction from the SPM and one of working boat will attend to take the
pickup rope after lowered in to the water.
k) After clearing the tanker from mooring hawser/pickup rope, L/M will
report to the Pilot so that he can proceed manoeuvring the tanker away
from the SPM.
l) Pilot must use assistant tug for unberthing to swing the tanker towards
the channel in the SPM manoeuvring area.
m) After the tanker well clear from the SPM, L/M to disembark.
n) Pilot to proceed with the tanker to out bound channel and disembark in
the pilot station, periodically for loaded tanker to turn to enter the
channel and ballast tanker (inbound) for berthing to keep the area clear
between buoys no. 7 & 8 of SPM channel for loaded tanker.
o) Pilot to inform control tower disembarking time.
p) Pilot boat with the Pilot to proceed back to the harbour or as control
tower instruction.

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Page 45 |6 2

5. Safety
a) Care must be taken to ensure that personnel do no stand in positions in
which they could be injured by a parting messenger / rope.
c) It is essential that good communication system between bridge and
bow is established and maintained (by U.H.F Channel).
d) Means provided to permit the quick and safe release of the ship in case
of need in an emergency must be clearly identified and regularly
checked (engine readiness, fire wire, breakaway coupling, etc.)
e) Crew member should be posted permanently forward at all times to
observe the mooring and to advise if the tanker starts to ride up the
SPM or yaw excessively.
f) During periods of non availability of Escort tug to tow on the stern of
the tanker ships engines to be ready at all times with pilot attending at
the forecastle for close observation of vessels relevant position to the
g) Upon completion of cargo operations and hose disconnection and
when second hose is in water, pilot is to instruct tender boat to check
hoses blind flanges for any signs of leaks and report same.
h) If Pilot in doubt that vessel have come in contact with SPM or floating
assemblies, DO NOT proceed with the next operation prior to
informing all concerned and ensuring berth is safe for tanker berthing
load and loading.
i) During windy conditions tanker messenger line to be connected to
monkey fist for stable condition.
j) On completion of mooring, L/M is to ensure pickup rope is free on the
winch drum and ready to safely let go.
k) Ship engine to be ready from bridge within 5 to 10 minutes.
l) One responsible officer to be ready at bridge all time.
l) Inform Port Control Tower immediately if tanker has oil pollution or

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1. Special Area for the Gulf MAPROL 73/78/ Annex I & V (1a, 1b, 1c &1d).
Attachment :1a

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Attachment :1b

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Attachment :1c

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Attachment :1d

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Attachment : 2
Page : 1/8
P.O BOX 1195, Fujairah, U.A.E
Tel: +971 9 2228007 VHF Call Sign: PORT CLINIC
Fax: +971 9 2228008
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fujairahportclinic.co.ae

Name of the Ship
1 Name of the agent
2 Attended By
Reasons for attending the Vessel :
Disposal of Expired Medicines :
Launch Boarded At..Hrs Dep. Port Hrs
Alongside Vessel..Hrs Dep. Vessel Hrs
Quality Questionnaire
Sr.No. Services Excellent Good Fair Poor
1. Boarding staffs efficiency
2. Knowledge of the job
3. Helpful and courteous
Any suggestions

Ships Seal Masters Signature

For office use only: Returned Port.. (Time)
Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 51 |6 2

Attachement : 2
Page : 2/8
(Associate of Fujairah Port Medical Centre)
P.O BOX 1195, Fujairah, U.A.E
Tel: +971 9 2228007 VHF Call Sign: PORT CLINIC
Fax: +971 9 2228008 E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fujairahportclinic.co.ae
This is to confirm that, we have received expired medical items from vessel
Ship name
As per the below list and have duly brought it ashore to handed over to the Ministry Of Health
for its disposal.
Description Qty Expiry Date








Pharmacist Name: Name of Master:-
Signature of Pharmacist: Signature of Master:
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Page 52 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 3/8
Marine Pharma (FZE) \==_\ =,_\= ) _ , _ (
To: Fujairah Custom Authority Date:
Fujairah, UAE
Dear Sir,
Sub: Transportation of near expiry or expired medicines from Fujairah Port Quay to Marine Pharma
medical store.
Kindly permit the transportation of near expiry or expired medicines reached from Ship as detailed
below from Port of Fujairah quay to our medical store located inside the Port of Fujairah near Fujairah
Port Medical Centre for storage as follows:-.

Name of ship Nbr of
Weight Ship Agent

Kindly note that our pharmacist has boarded the ship and duly checked and verified the list of landed
near expiry or expired medicines in the presence of the Master and has obtained the following
Copy of Ship Agent boarding request to bring expired medicines ashore for disposal
Copy of boarding receipt for collection of expired medicines with Masters signature and
ships stamp
Copy of List of landed medicines with Master signature/ships stamp.
Copy of Certificate of receipt of expired medicines signed by Master and Pharmacist.

Signed Marine Pharma Signed Fujairah Customs

Mr.________________ Mr__________________

Stamp Stamp
--' 2228007 ) 9 - 971 ( Tel : (971-9) 2228007
Fax : (971-9) 2228008 ' 2228008 ) 9 - 971 (
Fujairah P.O.Box : 1195- United Arab Emirates ,=-' . : 1195 -=--' ,-' '-`

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Page 53 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 4/8
Marine Pharma (FZE) \==_\ =,_\= ) _ , _ (
_\} i_,\! s\.,= =_\=
g,_\.\! [ [
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,=\ .'.,= ='== -,,..=\ -,.>\ '=' _,'=
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,.=\ ,.=\
--' 2228007 ) 9 - 971 ( Tel : (971-9) 2228007
Fax: (971-9) 2228008 ' 2228008 ) 9 - 971 (
Fujairah P.O.Box: 1195- United Arab Emirates ,=-' . : 1195
-=--' ,-' '-`

-.,=\! ,: _\! _,.\.\! ..= -.,=\! ,=! _,..\! g,_\.

Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 54 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 5/8
Marine Pharma (FZE) \==_\ =,_\= ) _ , _ (
_________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________
,\=. ,,\=. -\\=_
To: Ministry of Health
Pharmacy and controlled medicine department Date:
Fujairah, UAE

Dear Sir,

Sub: Hand over of near expiry or expired medicines from Marine Pharma medical store to MOH Fujairah Medicine store

Kindly accept the near expiry or expired medicines collected by Marine Pharma Medical Store located inside the Port of Fujairah
in collaboration with Fujairah customs authority received from the ships at Fujairah anchorage as per the attached documents.

Details as follows:-
Date landed Name of ship Nbr of
Weight Ship Agent

Kindly note for your record we have attached a complete set of the following five documents:-
1. Copy of Ship Agent boarding request to bring expired medicines ashore for disposal
2. Copy of boarding receipt for collection of expired medicines with Masters signature and ships stamp
3. Copy of List of landed medicines with Master signature/ships stamp.
4. Copy of Certificate of receipt of expired medicines signed by Master and Pharmacist.
5. Copy of permission letter from Fujairah Customs to bring the expired medicines from Fujairah port to Marine Pharma
Medical store
Signed Marine Pharma Signed Fujairah Customs
Mr.________________ Mr.__________________
Stamp Stamp
Received by
Ministry of Health, Pharmacy and controlled medicines department
Signature & Stamp
__________ __________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________
--' 2228007 ) 9 - 971 ( Tel : (971-9) 2228007
Fax : (971-9) 2228008 ' 2228008 ) 9 - 971 ( Fujairah
P.O.Box : 1195- United Arab Emirates ,=-' . : 1195 -=--' ,-' '-`

Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 55 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 6/8
Marine Pharma (FZE) \==_\ =,_\= ) _ , _ (
,\=. ,,\=. -\\=_
[ [ g,_\.\! i_,\! -,.!.\! -,\_\! -\.,\! ,= ->\! i_!_ _\}

,_.>=\! .,=\! .

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,>.=,', _,. _,. _,.
-,..\ -,'\ -\.,=\ ,= -==\ ,=\ .'.,= ='== _,'= _..== == [ ,=\
.,=\ -------- .,=\ -------- .,=\ -------
,.=\ ,.=\ ,.=\
--' 2228007 ) 9 - 971 ( Tel : (971-9) 2228007
Fax : (971-9) 2228008 ' 2228008 ) 9 - 971 (
Fujairah P.O.Box : 1195- United Arab Emirates ,=-' . : 1195
-=--' ,-' '-`
Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 56 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 7/8

P.O BOX 1195,Fujairah, U.A.E
Tel : +971 9 2228007 VHF Call Sign: PORT CLINIC
Fax : +971 9 2228008 E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fujairahportclinic.co.ae


Sub: Expired Medicines for Disposal

We would like to advise that our medicine supply company Ms. Marine Pharma FZE is a Fujairah Free
Zone company, located within the premises of Fujairah Port Medical Centre at Fujairah Port, where its
medicines are stored in bonded condition under the supervision and control of Fujairah Customs.

Marine Pharma FZE, is currently the only company duly approved by the Ministry of Health to accept
expired medicines from ships for disposal. Kindly note in case of landing of controlled drugs, its
imperative for our Pharmacist to board ships to perform inspection accordingly to local regulations.

As this company is managed by Fujairah Port Medical Centre, all communications to be addressed as per
details above.

Thanking you,

Manuel Terreiro

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Page 57 |6 2

Attachment : 2
Page : 8/8
Step I-Collection request
After receiving job request from the local Agent or Ship Owner for collection of Expired Medicines
our Pharmacist will board the vessel via launch arranged by respective ships Agent.

Step II- Boarding the ship after completion of immigration clearance
After boarding the vessel, our Pharmacist will hand over the Company authorization letter to the
Master. (For Identification purpose). And thereafter he performs:-
- Inspection of the expired medicines according to the inventory list provided by the Master.
- Packing and Sealing the expired medicines under direct supervision of the Master.
- Gets the Boarding Receipt for collection of expired Medicine duly signed and stamped by
Master of the vessel supported by the inventory list.
- Issues Certificate of Receipt for disposal of expired medicines
- Disembarks the vessel along with the expired medicines and documents (boarding receipt and
inventory list)

Step III (Storage of expired medicines ashore)
Storing in a secured room in Marine Pharma (FPMC Premises port store) under lock and key.

Step IV Transportation and delivery to MOH drug store in Fujairah
Our Pharmacist will transport the Expired medicine for handing over to the Ministry of Health, Fujairah
Drug Store for the disposal and obtains a receipt from them.

Step V Maintenance of record
Making separate file for each job with serial number and the file to be retained for verification of the
records as may be necessary.

File Contents:-
1. Request from the company for expired medicine disposal
2. Boarding Receipt for the collection of Expired Medicines
3. Copy of the Certificate of Receipt for disposal of expired medicines
4. Inventory list for the controlled and/or non controlled medicines received from the vessel duly
signed and stamp from the Master.
5. Ministry of health payment receipt for disposal of medicines

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Page 58 |6 2


Date : .

Vessel Name : I.M.O. No.:

Flag : ... Security Level : ..



I,.the master of .hereby
confirm & declare that no visitors / illegal persons onboard my vessel and I will
ensure that persons onboard will be strictly as per the crew list at the time of

Ship Master : .
Signature : .
Ship's Stamp : .

Attachment : 3
NM : 148
Attachment : 3
Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 59 |6 2

Attachment : 4
N.M : 148

Vessel Name : I.M.O No.
Agent : Date :

Certificate Name
Exp. Date Remarks
Load Line Certificate

Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.

Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.

Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.

Civil Liability Certificate issued from flag state

The International Oil Pollution Prevention (I.O.P.P) Certificate.

Certificate of Ship's Registry

Certificate of Class (Hull & Machinery).

Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate

ISM Safety Management Certificate

Oil Record Book (Engine/Cargo & Ballast Operations)

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.

International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP)(if applicable)

International Ship Security Certificate

o) Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)(Chemical vessels

NLS Certificate (Chemical vessels only)

Certificate of Fitness (Chemical Vessels only)

Certificates Checked By (Ships Agent)
Name :
Signature :

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Page 60 |6 2

Attachment : 5
Port of Fujairah
Marine Department
To: Port of Fujairah Date: Fax: + 971 9 2228022
Vessel Name: Vessel type : Agent :
If tanker, Last tanker inspection date : Inspection Done by:
Year of Built : E.T.A.: E.T.D.:
IMO No.: Port of Reg.: Flag:
ISSC No.: Issued By: Expiry Date:
Security Level: Class: L.O.A.:
N.R.T.: G.R.T.: D.W.T.:
Arr. Cond. Nature of Call: Call Sign:
Last Port: Next Port: Master Name:
Name & Address of:
1. Ships Owner:
2. Ships Charterer:
3. Ships Management:
4. Ships Registered Owner:
3 Above Vessel intends to enter the following port facility [ Check ( X ) wherever applicable]
F.O.A.A. A B C D S W V
Vopak Horizon Fujairah Terminal SPM 1 2 3 4
Last 10 Ports of Call
Arrival Depart. Sec. Level Special or Cause of
S.N. Port Name Country Date Date Ship Port Additional Sec.
Measures taken
Raising the
Security Level

Any Security Incidents in the last 10 Ports of Call. ( a separate sheet for more information on that subject.)

I, the Master of above vessel hereby confirm that all ship certificates as per the Notice To Mariner No. 74 (Load
Line, Safety Construction, Safety Radio, Safety Equipments, CLC, IOPP, Registry, Class, De-rat, ISM, SOPEP,
ISSC Certificates & Oil Record Book) valid and their originals available onboard.

_____________________ _____________________
Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 61 |6 2

Attachment : 6
1. Vessel Name
2. Call Sign / IMO Number
3. Flag / Port of Registry
4. Year of Built
5. LOA and Maximum Beam
6. NRT / GRT / Arrival Displacement
7. Distance Bow to Manifold & Manifold to Stern
8. Maximum Height of Manifold above waterline
9. Summer / Tropical Deadweight
10. Summer / Tropical Draughts
11. Arrival and Departure Draught
12. Last Port of Call
13. Next Port of Call
14. Type of Tanker SBT or CBT
15. Number / Size and Distance between Manifolds
16. Maximum Load / Discharge Rate per line / hour as

17. Possibility of loading / discharging multi grades, If so,
How many?

18. Last Cargo
19. Vessel condition (Ballast / Loaded / Part Loaded)
20. If loaded, type and quantity of cargo onboard
21. Type and Quantity of nominated cargo to be loaded or

22. If vessel fully inerted / Confirm Inert Gas plant

23. Number and type of Mooring Ropes forward, aft, main
deck and their SWLs

24. Security Level of vessel
25. If level more than 1, state reason for higher level
26. Name and Rank of Ship Security Officer
27. Ship Masters Name
28 Last tanker inspection date :
29 Last tanker Inspection done by :

Version No. 2 / Date : 01.04.2012 Revision No. 6/ 29.05.2012
Page 62 |6 2

SPM Berthing Request
Ref. No.:
To : Port of Fujairah
Attention : Control Tower
Fax : 09 2228022
c.c : Harbour Master

[Vessels Local Agent]

From : [SPM Terminal Control Room]

Dear Sir,
We confirm / agree that the following SPM will be ready to accept the tanker for
operation by all means.

Tanks & Regards,



[Company Name]
Company Logo
Attachment : 7

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