FIT 21 Day Course

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A personal request from Loretta Mohl With the deepest respect I ask that you the honour the integrity of this work by not forwarding this e-book to anyone who is not already registered in the 21-day course with the Canadian College of Healing Arts. If you know of someone who would like to participate and cannot afford the investment fee, please send me an email or suggest they email me, and I will be honored to gift them this e-book. It is my intention and desire to support people in knowing true inner freedom, to experience limitlessness, and to know what it feels like to live a life from Heart Centered Consciousness. Thank you for respecting this work and my request.

A thousand heart centered blessings, Loretta Mohl

Focused Intention Technique

21-Day Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Loretta Mohl

Welcome. This e-book is a self-help book, but not an ordinary one. It is a handbook with the map and clear directions on how to achieve your own limitless inner freedom. It contains a simple and powerful method developed for your own use: Focused Intention Technique (FIT). FIT is about unveiling and resolving core issues that have us confined by fear, doubt, worry and lack, instead of living from a place of being conscious of our inner magnificence and prosperity. This e-book brings to you a FIT 21 Day Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse. Focused Intention Technique harnesses our greatest gift for healing our inherent connection to creation; the Universal Source. Throughout this book I will use the term source to refer to this infinite creative energy force or source. My desire and passion is to guide people to feeling emotional relief through the sharing of FIT or Focused Intention Technique. Many people are searching for a way to find emotional relief and FIT is a divine gift, a process that provides complete resolution to problems many people struggle with. Many people are searching outside themselves to relieve fear, worry, depression, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, sadness, inner turmoil, negative thoughts, nightmares and health issues. Most people believe the solution lies in attaining more money, better health, or a new or different relationship. But relief only comes when we connect with the deepest part within us, heart centered consciousness energy. For more then 20 years it has been my passion and desire to find a process to change limiting belief systems at the core root. This process would be simple and easily taught to others. From a very early age I learned false beliefs keep us from accessing the healing power and true knowledge within us all. After much personal healing on myself and others the process I was looking for showed itself and FIT was born. Focused Intention Technique (FIT), is a simple process you learn to practice both on yourself and others if you wish. This process works to change unseen forces that shape our realities. Sometimes we all need outside help and direction but true healing cannot be achieved by anyone but you. It is an inside job. That is the core premise of Focused Intention Technique. FIT represents a major breakthrough in self-facilitating the removal of limiting beliefs that sabotage you from living your greatest life. FIT is the key to understanding and knowing our inner connection to source. The FIT process is a breakthrough technique that teaches people how to transition from mind consciousness into heart centered consciousness. Heart centered consciousness(HCC) is a hub of energy within us all and when we learn how to access this vibration with deliberate focus and intention we instantly have access to all the answers to any problems or questions we have from the highest energy source available. The more we practice, the more easily we move from mind centered consciousness into heart centered consciousness. The more limiting beliefs we change, the more easily we gain access to this place within us where our true self connects us directly to the very source of all creation. When you step into heart centered consciousness energy you begin the healing process; you begin to come into balance and you immediately feel better. When you experience this feeling, you begin to remember who you truly are and how you are truly meant to be. When you feel better you offer less resistance. The more you work with FIT to replace our limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs and truth the closer you get to offering no resistance. And when there is no resistance, there is nothing stopping the attraction of what you desire to come to you. Once we experience heart centered consciousness (HCC) and we grow to recognize when we are in HCC, and we know how good it feels to be in this energy field, and we practice staying in HCC for

longer and longer periods, we start to see immediate results in our manifesting. When we know how to maintain HCC energy vibration we become empowered co-creators. Life becomes interesting when we know without a doubt we have the skills to dissolve the fears, worry, doubt, despair, and depression we have experienced in life. Even better is the knowingness of how to awaken and embrace feelings of hope, harmony, and joy. Life becomes a place of limitless possibilities only to be discovered. Once we experience the power of stepping into HCC, we know we are tuning into the frequency of the energy of our own creator. When we tune into this harmonic vibration, we feel it spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is the feeling that everyone is looking for. It is the pulsating vibration of the true you without all those limiting systems keeping you from being all you can be. What can you experience during the FIT 21 Day Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse? The opportunity to learn how, within moments, to access your bodys wisdom, to discover the specific life experiences that branded mistaken messages within you about who and what you are; messages that limit your ability to embrace your life to its fullest. The opportunity to learn the FIT process to assist you to activate any of the inner resources you have been missing in your life on a deep and profound level. It is a technique so simple that you will learn how to use it for your own needs, available at any time and place in your life. The opportunity to learn to use deliberate focus and intention to gain access to Heart Centered Consciousness (HCC), the energy hub of infinite intelligence. The opportunity to learn how to instantly make available all the answers to any problem or question from the highest energy source. The opportunity to learn how to make noticing your intentions, a motivational habit to work from, before you speak and act. The opportunity to learn how to get into Heart Centered Consciousness energy. The opportunity to learn how to recognize when you are in Heart Centered Consciousness energy. The opportunity to learn how to work to stay in Heart Centered Consciousness. The opportunity to learn how to acknowledge how good it feels to be in Heart Centered Consciousness energy. The opportunity to learn how to start to see immediate results in your manifesting. The opportunity to learn how to maintain Heart Centered Consciousness energy vibration to become empowered co-creators The opportunity to know without a doubt how to transform any limitation. The opportunity to learn how to dissolve the fears, worries, doubts, despair, depression and awaken and embrace feelings of hope, harmony, & joy in your life. The opportunity to learn how to be a master creator of your life. The opportunity to learn how to turn your life into a place of discovering.

In every moment in life we have been given the gift of choice, this is called free will. We have two choices available to us, always: One choice will take us closer to what we truly desire and the other does not. Regardless of the choice, if we make decisions based on Heart Centeredness, we will know that we are coming from a place of love. The choice can only be of the highest energy vibration when we make decisions from that place of knowingness. The human energy field is the easiest concept to work with and to heal. When we add heart consciousness we know how to activate and access everything we need the wisdom and love of Universal Source, or God right within our own being. We all have the ability to do so. I want to teach you how. During the FIT 21 Day Cleanse process you will use focus intention to deliberately get into and be in Heart Centered Consciousness (HCC) and to change the programs and thoughts that take you out of HCC vibrational energy. By using Focused Intention Technique we transform feelings and emotions that indicate unhappiness by holding thought forms that make us feel good. The questions then become: 1. Do we have the desire and inner clarity that our prime directive is to feel peace and if so; 2. What is causing us to hold thought forms that make us feel otherwise? With FIT, an inner clarity about what we want in our lives and how we want to feel is critical to experiencing any results. It really is black and white do you have a preference for peace or pain? Once we are clear about this and presumably have chosen peace then we can take the next steps toward transmuting discordant feelings into an inner knowing and experience of peace. The universe we live in is attraction-based. This simply means that the thoughts we think cause what we see in our lives. Whether our thoughts fuel emotions of negativity such as anger, or positive emotions like bliss, we are always attracting our experiences. More importantly, the degree of emotion attached to the thought-forms brings about the attraction of the experience at a quicker rate. What experiences are you attracting in your life? Principles of Focused Intention Technique Source energy, or God, is everywhere. At the moment of conception, intention sets in motion how your physical form will appear and how your growing and aging process will unfold. It also sets in motion your non-physical aspects, including your emotions, thoughts, and disposition. This field of intention is here now and available to us all. When you ACTIVATE it through heart centered consciousness youll begin to feel purpose in your life, and youll be guided by your infinite self. By using intention and focus to instantly connect with Source you access limitless wisdom and unconditional love. The power of conscious intention is what instantly makes Source energy available to us and that power is within us to access at will. The body holds all the wisdom we need to heal. We can all learn how to use this natural wisdom from within. The more you work with the infinite intelligent force of intention, it becomes clearer that you are encountering and collaborating with this force. The fundamental law of energy medicine: when your energies are vibrant, so is your health. You possess the knowledge deep within you to influence your health on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels. Our belief system determines the direction we take and the decisions we make. If we believe and say the journey will be hard then that is what we will experience. If we make a commitment to make this journey EASY and FUN then guess what? Its easy and fun! Change is really that simple.

Our healing process is about discovering the parts or energy patterns we dont accept, and transforming them, and all the while coming to a place of learning how to embrace them. Energy follows the natural intelligence of the body to reveal the root cause to do the necessary healing. When we connect intently with Source energy we are going within ourselves to access the subconscious mind where our core issues are stored in the form of limiting belief systems and unfinished events. We have the opportunity to create or change anything that we desire. One way of accessing the infinite intelligence of Source energy within is through what can be termed heart centered consciousness. Our individual heart centered consciousness is our connection to our authentic self and our life purpose.

Focused Intention Intention harnesses the universal energy force that we all have within us; its the direction of the field of energy that flows invisibly beyond our everyday habitual patterns. Intention determines what we are able to achieve through the universal energy force within us. The force is everywhere, in all physical and nonphysical aspects. Intention has the power to carry us to where we want to go, and we activate it with focus. By shifting our thoughts to the wisdom of our heart we activate intention. At any moment, we have the power to choose a heart/spirit focus or an ego/brain focus. At any moment we have the free will to choose between a choice of peace and joy or fear and tension. One choice activates high frequency energy of spirit and the other has a lower frequency that can put us out of alignment with universal source. When we feel disconnection we are separating ourselves from spirit or Source. Intention, simply defined, is a purposeful plan that directs an action which leads to a desired outcome. For the purpose of understanding FIT, intention is the active link between our mind and our heart. It is the energetic projection of awareness that, through heart centred consciousness, accesses the energy of universal Source, and directs it to our desired outcome. Intention is much more than a thought. It is the combination of a conscious decision, creativity, and imagination. When we focus with intention on the universal energy Source we are connecting with our natural self and letting go of ego/brain control. Source energy is everywhere all the time. We are part of a whole. We are never separate from oneness and unity. But because we have free will, at any moment we can choose on what we focus our intent. Through the use of free will we can consolidate our energy at any given moment. The energy of Source concentrates at the point of where we focus. Intent is a conscious commitment to your self to bring into existence a particular result quickly and effortlessly. FIT focuses on an aspect of a person that is limiting them from experiencing 100% of their full potential in that moment. Once we focus the intent, we are concentrating the energy force to transform a blocking aspect in the body. The energetic blockage can be the result of an injury, emotional trauma, belief, or a decision we made about our self. When we use the intention to change the limitation we are activating higher energy to that aspect of self with the intent to transform this part to the higher vibration of universal spirit. Once the blocks are transformed to a higher vibration we feel peace, connection, love, oneness; we know we are okay. Intent is to humans like a new program is to a computer. When installed, intent gives you access to new capabilities. When you powerfully choose to insert into your consciousness the intention to awaken to your full potential and live in the now, you will instantly have access to making changes instead of just talking about them. You are choosing to bring into existence a life filled with love, laughter, success, and fulfillment.

When doing FIT work we are using conscious intention to connect with Source energy to access and heal instantaneously, on all levels, timelines, and dimensions. The energy of intention crosses all human perceptions of boundaries. The Focused Intention Technique Process or FIT To enhance your understanding of the FIT process included in the e-book is a long and short printed version of the steps, an audio format of Loretta guiding you through both the long and short version of the steps and FIT video session and explanation. As you practice the following steps on your own, you will move more slowly at first in order to understand each step before you can apply it. Ideally, your goal would be to move through the steps as quickly as possible, answering your inner questions before allowing yourself much time to think about the answer. Heart Centered Consciousness is intuitive, rather than analytical. Trust your first responses. Following is the Brief Version of the process for quick reference. The detailed steps of the process will follow on subsequent pages. 1) Place the RIGHT hand on the heart chakra. 2) What do I want to change? 3) Where is the physical sensation in my body? 4) Place the LEFT hand on the lowest chakra related to the sensation. 5) What is the emotion I most strongly feel? 6) What is the earliest age or memory that pops up when feeling the emotion? 7) In that moment a. What did I feel about myself? b. What did I feel about others? c. What did I feel about the world? 8) What resource state (feeling) did I need at that moment to complete the event? a. Witness or sense the resource state flooding through all cells of your body, back seven generations and forward to the present moment. b. Ask your body: Is there anything else I needed in that moment? c. Repeat process until you feel complete. 9) Looking at that moment a. What do I now know about myself that I didnt know before? b. What do I now know about others that I didnt know before? c. What do I now know about the world that I didnt know before? 10) Begin counting out loud and allow the LEFT hand to intuitively move the sensation out the top of your head, while keep the right hand stationary on the heart. If you feel RESISTANCE at any moment: a. Ask for safety and witness/sense it flooding through all cells of your body.

b. Count out loud until you feel you can proceed. 11) Think about the original issue and notice how it feels now. Note the differences. Source consciousness is not somewhere above us or out there. It is found within. By using FIT to connect with this inner knowing we can access our subconscious mind where all limiting belief systems and unfinished events are stored. When we embrace the intent to awaken to our full potential, and when we live life in the now moment, we are then choosing to bring into existence a life filled with love, laughter, success, and fulfillment. When we know that all power comes from within and we focus on that understanding, we are connected. By using Focused Intention Technique we access the innate wisdom of the body to unravel limiting beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and opinions. By drawing our focus inward, with our connection to Source energy, we will easily access the decision we made at the time of the trauma or event that was out of alignment with our true desires. By dropping all resistance and focusing on a given core issue, and then intently asking the Source within to guide us, we create movement and resolution between the conscious and subconscious mind. Movement between the conscious and subconscious minds is an art. Every time we intend our connection with Source consciousness and willingly ask that which is within us to change a limiting aspect, we are practicing this art. This is the single most vital and key component to changing behaviour from one that causes us suffering to one that is in line with our full potential. We focus universal energy the same way as we would direct waves of water into a channel. Our subconscious mind gets reorganized when we channel energy through our heart chakra into our conscious awareness with the intention of connecting to Source energy within. The human mind and body are not distinct and separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly interacting with a vast sea of energy the universe. Healing is the most natural practice in the world we can all do it consciously or unconsciously. The body holds all the wisdom we need to heal.The FIT process teaches you how to use this natural wisdom from within, taking you on a journey that spirals you to your innermost truth. Focused Intention is more than just being in touch with your feelings and is different from body work.FIT is a structured process that gives us a clear map to going within the body to change limiting beliefs at the core root, so we can embrace the parts of self we disowned. Focused Intention occurs exactly at the interface of body-mind consciousness, or what we call HeartCentered Consciousness.FIT uses the wisdom of the body to awaken identified dormant resources enabling you to have a new truth about self, others, and the world.It changes a limiting belief to an unlimited potential. Years of experience with doing healing work on others has shown that when people rely on their minds more than their emotions they become stuck in their heads. They become unconscious of their body sensations. It creates a mind-body disconnection. It is a disconnection to our inner Source. Focused Intention Technique is an inward bodily attention that teaches us how to connect with heart-centeredness to acknowledge our connection to Infinite Intelligence. Each of the questions asked in FIT has a specific purpose in taking us to the knowing of deep rooted unconscious belief. It is important to get the origin of an issue in order to identify and heal the root cause of a problem. When we get to this level of healing we are able to assist the body in completing that issue. When we complete an issue it allows our potential to awaken and increase the quality of life force energy to the body. Each time we complete this process on ourselves we our balancing our whole being and improving our health and well being.

The specific sequence the questions are asked in the FIT process allows the body to naturally unravel to the core of the limiting decision a person made at the time of the event about self, others, and the world. Limiting belief systems are not easy to find when we do it from a mind consciousness, but are easy to locate when done from a heart consciousness. As soon as we shift from heart-centered consciousness to the mind we are disconnecting from the bodys wisdom. Self-Facilitating the FIT Process

When we do healing work on ourselves we are dissolving the veil between who we think we are and who we really are. It is dissolving the veil between life and death. The hardest part about learning FIT is not the technique, but the personal growth and self development needed to achieve a level of continual self practice. The key is to make it a life long journey. If we stay with the process, we develop an unconscious competence in using the technique, resulting in the technique coming quite naturally. However, the heart of healing is not techniques, but the states of being out of which those techniques arise. We can now enter into much deeper and more powerful spiritual states of being which allow us to be present in the moment instead of stuck in the past. What used to take a two-to-three-hour session with a therapist can now be accomplished in a few short minutes. The key is to be meticulously honest with yourself this is of utmost importance.
When we connect intently with Source energy we are going within ourselves to access the subconscious mind where our core issues are stored in the form of limiting belief systems, disowned parts, unresolved issues, and unfinished events. Once we become conscious of these unresolved parts we have a choice to either finish or complete them, or continue to push them away. The second option might feel easier and safer, but when you consider how negatively unfinished issues in our subconscious and our past influence our present and future, isnt it better to address them now? Even though FIT is a simple technique to learn, you can experience difficulty because it involves changing limiting beliefs. Often when working with limiting beliefs there are parts of us that resist change. Our resistance stops the healing process by distracting us, by making excuses, or by moving us into fear and doubt. Healing stops simply because you dont feel safe to go within and look at the truth. Basic FIT is taught in a two day workshop or five private coaching sessions and offers the personal additional support that specifically addresses the limiting belief systems that prevent us from staying actively connected to Source Energy as well as to support us in feeling safe.If you are having difficulty in learning the process it usually is because of a limiting belief system that is creating resistance. Pease note that a private FIT coaching session can assist quickly to identify and resolve this momentary hurtle. Please email Loretta at [email protected] if you are experiencing difficulties. You do not have to stay stuck in your suffering. You deserve to experience your unlimited potential. What happens in the body and mind when trauma happens? We make an encompassing decision about ourselves, others, and the world, such as, I cant trust people, or Im unlovable. We store this decision in our bodies within the chakra energy system. If we decide that part of ourselves is no good, we disown it, try to forget it exists, and place it in the darkness of our unconsciousness or what is also referred to as the shadow side. Unfortunately the body holds the energy from the painful moment even when the mind forgets. In order to remove and heal this blockage/trauma held in the body we must uncover what was needed in that painful moment, like love, support, or deeper understanding, that would have allowed us to resolve the experience with ease and feelings of peace. When we learn to give ourselves what was missing even years later, that traumatic memory and corresponding blockage or disowned parts within us get the resolution needed for wholeness and wellbeing. The experience of that traumatic moment or event resolves and becomes finished.

In FIT we want to find the core root of the issue and then give the original self what it needs, so the mind can make a new decision about the event, person, situation, or, by extension, the world. When we heal we are bringing these neglected parts back to our conscious minds, and back to the energy of Source, which embraces all aspects of us. FIT gives you a process to finish and complete what was not finished at the time of the event. Whatever we dont finish gets stored in the cells of our body in low vibration energy patterns or limitations. When we engage in changing these low energy patterns we are bringing ourselves back into the higher vibrations of Source energyand this is how we are meant to be. Bypassing Blocks to Success There are common issues that stop people from keeping commitments, and staying connected to Source Energy, as well as taking full responsibility for every aspect of themselves. These are the issues we will be focusing on during the FIT 21 Day Heart Centered Cleanse. It is called a cleanse because we want to be able to identify, embrace, release, and cleanse out anything inside us that is not allowing us to experience our greatest selves. During these 21 days we need to become aware of issues that may block us from: Continuous learning; Practicing Focused Intention Technique; Staying connected to Heart Centered Consciousness or Source energy and; Making a long term commitment to growing into the unlimited you.

During this 21 days please watch for these common signs that could indicate you may be experiencing a limiting belief: irritation, anger, frustration, distraction, restlessness, problems with sleep, and an increased or decreased appetite. Some people lose all motivation and interest, and begin to create all kinds of excuses and rationalizations for their behavior. This is quite common when a person is in resistance. Do you blame other people and circumstances for keeping you from achieving the level of success, happiness, and health youd like to enjoy? Blaming others for deficiencies or any of the conditions of your life keeps you from taking the responsibility needed to move toward living your own greatest self. Many people have a tendency to disconnect when they experience resistance. Resistance puts us back into relying on our mind, rather than our heart. Our mind has a large storage capacity for excuses to avoid facing those scary or shameful things we have kept locked away within us. In order to access our unlimited potential we need to take 100 percent responsibility in all areas of our life, past, present, and future. This requires that we get to the core root of the original problem so issues can be transformed at their origin. When we get to the origin of an issue the disowned part automatically makes a new empowering decision about the Self. The beauty of the Focused Intention Technique is that it gets to the root of problems organically. When you intentionally connect with Source, you change your world by allowing yourself to see everything and everyone with clearer vision. It is the act of staying connected that actually moves us forward. When we practice the intention to stay connected, our body will give us signals pointing to potential resistance to growth and healing. Connection leads us to become very sensitive to changes in our body and when we feel heaviness, blockage or out of balance it is a signal of a potential trigger of an issue that needs some attention. The key for staying connected is to become very aware of how your body feels when in or out of balance. Knowing and understanding the difference for you will help to bring awareness to limiting

beliefs. Recognize those moments and step in to embrace what you are feeling in that moment. Follow through with the FIT process to determine and complete the limiting belief. When you habitually use the process and experience success you will be empowered by knowing without a doubt that embracing the issue improves your life and keeps you in alignment with your truth and purpose. Success is a great motivator. Knowing that an issue is done is very empowering. The more limiting beliefs you transform the more you step into awakening the unlimited you. You can have the life you truly want to live. The end goal in the process is to resolve the unfinished events in our lives that are limiting us and bring the self back to completion. The body holds all the wisdom we need to heal. The FIT process teaches you how to use this natural wisdom from within. The FIT process takes you on a journey that spirals you to your innermost truth. FIT gives you a process to finish and complete what was not finished at the time of the event. Whatever we dont finish gets stored in the cells of our body in low vibration energy patterns. When we engage in changing these low energy patterns we are bringing ourselves back in tune with the higher vibrations of Source energyand this is how we are meant to be. The FIT Process Explained 1. Place your RIGHT hand on your heart center area. This is your connection with heart consciousness. The right hand is the giving hand. By placing our right hand on our heart chakras, all other chakras balance to the rhythm of the heart. Your right hand is stationary throughout the process. 2. Identify what you want to change or transform It could be a health issue, a habit, reaction, a physical condition, a belief, a feeling or sensation, an attitude, a reoccurring thought, a past event, or a trauma. If you are alone, do voice your answer out loud to confirm it to yourself. Much like an old injury in a tree, an unresolved event creates a place of unfinished growth within us: a disowned part; a self-protective but dysfunctional core belief. Our being continues to grow, but tends to grow around that part, creating a disharmony within the system. Like the interruption of the growth rings in a tree, our energy flow is disrupted, resulting in dysfunctional conditions. Our being maintains the goal of resuming growth with as much energetic harmony as possible. We grow around the injury, sometimes in a direction that may be more hurtful or disappointing to us. Everyones body has its own pattern of coping with disruptions. Some are more affected in their physical health, while others are affected more emotionally or behaviourally. As we know, each aspect is connected to others to affect us holistically. While you may clearly know what you want to change in yourself or your life, your body is your first source of information about where to go to find the origin of the issue. 3. Identify the somatic (physical) sensation Place your focus inside your body. Scan your whole body starting at your feet and slowly moving to the top of your head. Notice what you feel, such as pain, tightness, heaviness, tingling, heat, cold, or warmth. You are moving deeper to the core of the problem using the power of body sensations. You will have sensation throughout your entire body but by focusing on the region between your throat and pelvis it will help move you deeper within the body to the disowned part or limiting belief. This is the region of your lower main chakras which govern all of your main organs and systems and are

most likely to absorb and store the energies of core issues. Take time to notice all the sensations in this area. 4. Place your LEFT hand on the lowest chakra related to the sensation. When we place our left (receiving) hand on the sensation area the body is assisted by Source in accessing deeper information related to the problem. We store our old decisions and feelings in our chakras. Throughout the process we keep the right hand stationary over the heart while our left hand moves with the physical sensations. 5. Identify the emotions associated with the issue and body sensation You identify emotion(s) associated with sensations when you focus on the issue you are changing. There is no right or wrong to identifying emotions. You are simply applying a label to the energy state of your body while you focus on an issue. The body has all the wisdom so trust what first comes into your consciousness; just go with it. Keep the process moving quickly. The brain will want to get involved and start analyzing things but if you know this and ignore that tendency you will get through all the steps with grace and ease. You might be aware of one or several feelings, for example: despair, hopelessness, fear, sadness, anxiety. It is important here to maintain heart consciousness, rather than shifting to mind/brain consciousness. Whether your response is spoken out loud or in your mind, use the words I feel (an emotion), rather than I feel that (a thought). Identify and acknowledge the feelings and then move on to step six. 6. Identify the earliest memory or age when you remembered feeling a similar way Ask: What age do I remember feeling a similar way? Even if you cannot accurately identify the age you were in the memory, it is important to state your earliest mental image of yourself, and then anchor the memory with an estimate of your age. What memory comes with the emotion? Witness the event. Accompanying the emotion could be a moment or an event that reveals the part of ourselves that we decided was defective. We disowned it, tried to forget it existed and place it in the darkness of our unconsciousness. When we heal, we are bringing these parts back to our conscious minds, back to the light of Source, which embraces all aspects of us. Trust the answer the body gives you. Many times it might not make sense. The brain at times wants to stop and understand but its important to stay actively engaged with the body, use the information it gives you and move to the next step. After you do this process several times you start to have faith in the wisdom of your body without a doubt. Its important to keep the process moving or else we become the story rather then the observer. 7. Identify the decisions you made at the time of the event when you disowned parts of self In that moment A. What decision did I make about myself? For example: I cant trust people or Im unlovable. B. What decision did I make about others? For example, People who love me will hurt/neglect me C. What decision did I make about the world?

For example, Love hurts or Life is hard or It is good to be poor When we have an event happen to us that does not get finished due to circumstance, environment, lack of information, or social conditions we make a decision about our self, others, and the world. If the decision we make is negative we disown that part of ourselves and try to hide it in the dark or shadow. The decision becomes our hidden truth. It might not be true to who we are but it becomes our truth; our belief about self, others, and the world. From this truth we build our reality and from this reality we create our life. Our healing process is about discovering the parts of ourselves we dont accept or inner energy pattern blocks and transforming them so they become part of our whole being again. Instead of rejecting these parts we embrace them by giving them the resource states that were needed in that moment when the event happened. To get information you ask your body: How did you feel about yourself at that moment? How did you feel about others? How did you feel about the world? 8. Identify the resource states or feelings needed at that time to complete the event and embrace that part After you consciously identify with how you felt about yourself/others/world, you are now ready to give that part of you what it needed, in that moment, in order to complete the event and embrace the disowned part. This step involves waking up dormant resource states from within us that we needed in that moment but due to circumstance were not available. What did that part of you need back then, but did not receive, in order to feel safe and okay? If you would have received that resource state, you would have experienced the event as completed, finished or healed (e.g. love, validation, comfort, support, attention). A. Shift your attention into your heart-centered area and ask the body what resource did I need in that moment? After you identify what you needed, see that resource state being awakened. Shifting our mind to our heart center keeps us connected to Source intention and when we ask for what we need, it instantaneously awakens that resource state from within us. Because we are part of Infinite Intelligence everything we need and know can be accessed when we ask. It awakens the remembering of who we are and our purpose as we go through this process. Once we ask the body to awaken that resource state it responds and that resource comes alive in our cells. The cells embody and embrace this light and this transformation happens on all the dimensions, generations and timelines that our cells carry within our DNA. You might see and feel a burst of light in your heart centered area. The cells charge up as they are activated by the natural resource state/knowingness of parents love, Source love, support, understanding, safety, wisdom, etc. Then see yourself bringing this resource state into all your experiences in this lifetime, all the way from conception to your current age. Use all of your five senses and your intuitive senses to experience your cells awakening and embracing the knowingness of this resource state.See this light flooding all your cells. See your cells embody and embracing this light. Once you feel you have this resource state completely throughout all your cells check to see what else you needed to complete this event. B. Ask your body: Is there anything else I needed in that moment?

Ask yourself if is there another resource state you needed to bring completion to this event. Repeat this step and continue receiving resources states until you sense completion. How will you know when you are completed? No further resource states are coming up. The event becomes neutral, no longer grounded within you by heavy energy. Some people feel peaceful, lighter, content, connected to self, strong, empowered, with an inner knowing that its done. That part of you no longer feels disowned or unaccepted. You feel that part has integrated back into the essence of who you are. When you think back to the traumatic moment, you just do not have the same reactions in your body. Its a very liberating feeling! You see your inner truth and are able to make a new decision about who you are in the world. Examples of Resource States Humour Directness Security Contribution Confidence Recognition Success Light Trust Energy Passion Love Lightness Spirituality Creativity Independence Risk Strength Connection Trust Security Leadership Knowledge Kindness Intelligence Respect Knowingness Worth Intimacy Humility Family Comfort Individuality Honour Simplicity Validation Honesty Partnership Productivity Peace Freedom Focus Harmony Accomplishment Hug Adventure Ok-ness Relaxation Beauty Being-ness Fun Connectedness Acknowledgement Importance Friendship Empowerment Self Integrity Nurturing Authenticity Joy Calmness Safety Vitality Clarity Wisdom Curiosity Justice Balance Support Safety Power

9. Re-evaluate the experience Looking at that moment What do I now know about myself that I didnt know before? This is your inner TRUTH. Affirm it.You may find that you can visualize yourself in a different way, perhaps doing, feeling, or reacting like someone you always wanted to be. Look as well for those parts of yourself that you may have disowned in the past but now are integrated within you. What do I now know about others that I didnt know before? You may be amazed at realizing how quickly your attitudes toward people in your life can shift as a result of the process. What do I now know about the world that I didnt know before? Our beliefs are the basis for our reality, and thus our world. You, like many others, may experience a different world as your beliefs and their perceptions have shifted. Is it brighter? More colourful? More fun? More expanded? More loving? 10. Cleansing, alignment, integration, and balance of body systems

Begin counting out loud and allow your LEFT hand to intuitively move the original sensation up your body and out the top of your head, while keeping your right hand stationary over your heart. If you feel resistance at any moment: Ask for safety, watch and sense it flooding through all the cells of your body. Count out loud until you feel you can proceed.

After awakening the new resources its important to harmonize the energy systems of the body.In FIT we harmonize the body by placing our left hand level to the base of the spine then trace it up the front of the body to the top of the head as you count out loud. Our hands and body carry an electromagnetic field that attunes with intention. When we trace our hand up the body the intention collects the heavy energies released in the session and at the same time it assists the body in sorting through the new changes by balancing the organs and energy systems. When we count out loud it helps to integrate left and right hemispheres of the brain. Research has found that when trauma happens in the body it creates disconnection in the neural pathways between the hemispheres (Stanford University Medical Centre, 2007).When we count out loud it helps to reintegrate the whole brain. As you move your hand up the front of your body and count out loud, the sensation you initially felt will move up your body. Move your left hand with the sensation and keep counting. Continue to do this until the sensation moves out the top of your head. Counting might bring up deeper aspects of that issue, or another related issue. Sudden memories might flash in your minds eye, or you might have some powerful feelings. Remember the body naturally unwinds as it feels safe and ready to release, based on what you have asked for or intended. When this happens, repeat step 4 as many times as needed until the event, and all its toxic energy, has moved out the top of your head. As you are counting, you are accessing information, releasing old energy, and at the same time you are balancing your whole body to your heart centered consciousness. We are so incredible. The minds conscious and unconscious way of processing what happens to us in life is stored the way Creator/Source intended itenergy. Even if it isnt clear in your mind when you are counting and witnessing sensations, trust that the problem or issue is REALLY resolving. Our issues come off in layers. When the body feels safe it allows us to be conscious of deeper issues. Sometimes right after we heal one part it makes the body ready to heal another deeper issue. During the counting and tracing phase of the process you might notice a heavy sensation as you are moving up the body. People often comment it feels like stuck energy.If this happens, stop counting and address the presenting issue. To do this, go through the steps again starting at step 4. 11.Identify change Think back to the original issue you wanted to change and notice how it looks and feels now when you think about it. Note any insights you have about yourself: After the sensation moves out the top of your head, ask your body what new decisions youve made about yourself/others/ & the world, now that you have finished the event:

My new decision about myself: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ My new decision about others: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ My new decision about the world: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Writing down the answers that come to mind is an important practice for self discovery and a valuable tool for increasing self awareness. Ask yourself: What things will I no longer tolerate in my life now that I have made new decisions about myself, others and the world? What changes do I need to make to live my greatest life?

Pre- and post-Focused Intention Technique process Many people experience moments in their lives that result in the belief that they are a victim. Victimization, both conscious and unconscious dis-empowers us and prevents us from taking full responsibility in all areas our lives. Take a look at the following chart. Can you notice the differences in the decisions individuals made about themselves before and after a session with Focused Intention Technique? Can you see how after the session the individual is able to take full responsibility for her or himself? They see others respectfully and without judgment. They are able to see the world as safe and unlimited. Pre-FIT Session Decisions Before change decisions are statements of victimization Self: Im nobody Others: Are better World: Nothing I can do about this I just have to accept it. Post-FIT Session Decisions After FIT process decisions are empowerment statements Self: Im worthy and I deserve good things Others: Who are meant to love me will be in my life World: Is a good place Person # 2 My business is at a standstill. I seem to be sabotaging myself trying to start a new business. Im feeling no desire or energy to continue. Self: Cant take care of myself Others: I need others to take care of me World: World is not supportive Support, self-reliance, motivation, creativity, acceptance, boundaries, voice to be heard & understood, safety, ability to identify and express feelings, abundance, openness Self: Im capable. I feel energized Others: Support me World: The world is a playground


Resources Awakened

Person # 1 Im not worthy. Others needs are a priority over my own.

Support, acceptance, strength, love, peace, confidence, determination

Working with resistance During the session you might come up against resistance and feel like you have hit a block. Remain calm and keep going after the resources that are needed. Remind yourself you are safe and working with Source, and that the awareness of another block is a step closer to freedom from inner limitation. This part is showing up now because it feels safe enough to be healed. That block has been there for some time, and it has, until now, done an incredible job of keeping your conscious mind safe. Its not serving you anymore. When this happens in the process, stop each time to make that part of you feel safe. Use your intention to embody and embrace the resource state of safety. Imagine Source light coming into your crown chakra and filling every cell of your body with high vibrations of safety and light. See your cells embody and embracing this light and as you do notice how safe you start to feel. Stay there until

you feel safe to move forward. Once you do, continue where you left off or refer to the next section on working with resistant parts below. You can repeat this process as many times as you need during the FIT process. Feeling safe is extremely important. You will not move forward in your process until you feel safe. Resisting and Interference Parts Occasionally, as you work with a disowned part, another part may object or resist to the process. This is just your unconscious mind sounding an alarm in the form of bodily sensations. Remember, your mind is trying to stay whole, even if whole includes unhealthy parts. If this happens, the objecting part is another part on which to do the FIT process. There are several ways that a part might let you know it objects. One is to give you a feeling that is a little uncomfortable, or to stop the body from embodying and embracing a new resource state. Another part might just say to you stop, or this is not working. When resistance shows up you are getting a signal that another part of yourself could do with some healing. This is a good thing, even if it makes you feel tired or overwhelmed in the moment. Be gentle with yourself and dont get discouraged over those signals of resistance. It is knowledge, and knowledge, as the saying goes, is power. At this point you have two parts that need processing. Usually the resistant part needs immediate attention. Stop working on the part you were originally working on, and start working on this part, because it urgently needs safety. Take this part through the whole FIT process. Once complete, go back and finish where you left off with the original part. Sometimes we have interferences coming from inside us because our habits of approaching our internal processes can get in the way. For example, some people try to figure out everything from their mind consciousness rather than being able to just allow it to unravel naturally from within the body. Too much thinking draws us away from heart centeredness and away from our greatest source of wisdom. We may be in the habit of thinking critically about our experiences and blocking our own progress with mental questioning and doubt. We can have many different aspects of ourselves we reject. For example, we can have a disowned part thats afraid of our own unconscious mind; another disowned part that never trusts the responses we get, or a disowned part that wants to be perfect or impatient with all the other parts. If you find any of this is going on inside you, remind yourself, with lots of love and patience, that these are just disowned parts that need our attention and work. When you become aware of these parts stop and work on those parts as they are identified. The number one rule is work on whatever is showing up in the moment that needs your focus and attention. The body knows what it needs, and it unravels naturally when it is ready and is given the opportunity to do so. Our job is to learn to listen to our bodys logic and the way it signals that logic through sensations and feelings. Always remember to create a safe space for yourself before you begin working on yourself. Observe, and give those disowned parts the resource states they need to feel complete again. Building confidence to work on ourselves Some people find it easier to work on others rather than themselves. Practice! You are worth it. Once you have developed confidence in working on yourself, you can work much more easily on others. Here are a few suggestions to help you use FIT with more grace and ease: Practice/do FIT as much as you can. Have a daily time set aside to train your mind to become quiet. Engage regularly with your connection to Source energy, use conscious awareness to shift your attention often to your heart-centered area and this focus and intention will

instantaneously connect you with Source energy as well as put you in present moment awareness. Practice being the observer/witness of your life. When you witness a healing on yourself and you know it took place, accept it as complete.

Remember, your higher self is: The observer; Detached; Not the event; you (higher and physical) are noticing the event; Knows that the issue or part you focused on is all in order; The part of you that sees solutions clearly; The part of you that is free of immobilizing emotions; The witness, creating and radiating the calm energy of observation and detachment.

FIT 21-Day Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Day 1 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse
Listen to your heart when it asks you to act with kindness. Your heart knows what truly fulfills you. Listen to your heart when it suggests that you be patient. Your heart knows how real and lasting value is created. Listen to your heart when it calls you to live this moment with joy. Your heart knows what makes you the most effective. Ralph Marston This 21-day heart centered cleanse will assist you in understanding and applying the Focused Intention Technique (FIT) energy process. Your journey of actively engaging in self discovery every day will cleanse you of the negative energies and effects of disempowering beliefs and thoughts. I invite you to allow the unlimited you to emerge as FIT becomes a natural part of your daily life. Congratulations on making this important decision to practice FIT for 21 consecutive days. Personal transformation can occur during this course if you do the daily exercises, and consciously change your limiting belief system with FIT as they surface. Each day you will receive exercises, questions, tasks or journaling assignments to complete the day. There is no paperwork to turn inthis course is for your own personal benefit. Your graduation will be the celebration of your unlimited self! You have shown interest in making changes in your life by deciding to do this 21 day course, so respect yourself by being sure to honour that commitment. Set aside time each day to work on awakening to your full potential. It's important that you write your thoughts down rather than just think about your answers. When pen meets paper, something happens that allows you to "get out of your head" and help you to access deeper layers of your true feelings. Its one thing to read and understand the information in this book, but when you engage recording your mental, emotional and physical responses, change will begin to happen more rapidly in your life. It is widely accepted by counsellors that generally it takes about 21 days to develop a level of unconscious competence when learning a new skill or when changing habitual patterns. This means that you must consciously and deliberately take this block of time for yourself to practice the technique on areas in your life that you would like to change. After you complete the 3 weeks, you can experience the ease of having FIT constantly operating within you at an unconscious level in your life. During the 21 day FIT cleanse expect to: Face your past and present fears Wake up and become conscious of the blockages in your life Reclaim, resolve and integrate disowned parts of yourself Experience a state of enlightenment Awaken to who you truly are and your life purpose Develop an unconscious ability to use FIT daily Experience emotional relief, resolve and independence Begin to live from a place of Heart Centered Consciousness

Its important to make a personal commitment to yourself. Say to yourself that you will make a commitment to practicing FIT for 21 days. You will invest 21 days of focused intention to make FIT

a natural unconscious practice in your life. Leave no uncertainty in your mind. Promise yourself. Right now say to yourself that you will commit yourself to 21 days of practice no matter what. If you sense any inner doubt when you say the above statement use this as an opportunity to do the FIT process on your limiting beliefs that are preventing you from following though with this commitment. Every time you change a limiting belief you change your life, and one of the easiest ways to permanently heal and change limiting beliefs is with the FIT process. You can literally reprogram your reality and create an awakening of consciousness that will be a spiritual symphony moving you to dance your sacred dream. Martin Luther King Jr. said: Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame but for greatness. We buy into the belief systems by which those around us teach us to govern our lives: do not dare, do not dream, and do not shine too brightly or else you will stand out and fail. In every given moment, we have the power of choice. We can make the changes we want to see in ourselves and in the world and find joy and empowerment by doing so. Your daily job is to consciously notice the changes in your life. Pay attention to how you see yourself, others around you, and the world. Watch what you attract with grace and ease. This is a heart centered endeavour that will invoke your souls wisdom, cultivate universal compassion, and set your spirit free. To enhance and to take your healing to a deeper level I suggest daily journaling. Suggestions for Journaling: Make note of your issues, what is coming up for you? Make note of how you are feeling Make note of the resources that you activate to resolve and complete past traumas Make note of any new decisions and beliefs you have about yourself/others/& the world Ask questions to Source. Write down your questions and then just let your pen move as if it has a mind of its own. Suspend all thought and judgement, even when what you are writing makes no sense at first. Once you establish an open flow with Source the words will begin to teach you what you need to know Try writing with your opposite hand Track your new attitudes/perceptions Track any new behaviours as you notice them

Daily Exercise: Make a Do, Be, Have list The first step in getting everything you want is to be able to recognize what you want and to acknowledge when it shows up in your life. 1) Divide a page in three columns. Label column 1: Do; column 2: Be; and column 3: Have. 2) List as many things as you can think of in each column; everything you ever wanted to do, be, or have. Even if it seems outrageous. 3) Write your list knowing without a doubt that there are no limitations. Anything is possible! 4) Consider the following in terms of your service or profession, your relationships, your health, your financial situation, and how you desire to feel and be in the world: a. What is my deepest desire? b. What would I like to happen in my life this year? c. Where would I like to be in 1 year, 5 years? d. What makes my heart happy? e. Who am I? Who would I want to be if I knew the deepest truth about who I am? f. What do I want my purpose to be? How do I want to serve on earth?

5) While you are making your list, remain aware of any sensations or cues from your body. Often times the body will give you cues to issues that may be blocking your knowingness that you can have anything you desire. If issue come into your awareness through body sensation, take note. These are opportunities to use FIT to process and finish those issues. 6) Fold up your list and put it under your pillow for the next 21 days. Please feel free to add as you become aware of what you desire. Each day we are going to build on the steps to learning FIT. Print a copy of the short version of FIT to refer to as needed. The first step is to identify what you want to change. When we start focusing in on what we desire it naturally brings up what is limiting us from having it or else we would have it already. After making your Do-Be-Have list notice if you are starting to experience any triggers, perhaps as negative thoughts about the potential and possibilities you have outlined. Notice, how does your body feel? Start journaling what you notice. If you already know how to do FIT start working on the issues and programs that are unveiling. For those that do not know the FIT process I will be guiding you through a complete FIT session on Day 3 of the cleanse. Following that, each day I will be breaking down the steps to help facilitate your learning.

Day 2 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Step 1 of the FIT process: Connect consciously with your heart centre. To do this place your right hand on the area of your heart and bring your awareness there. The right hand is the giving hand. By placing our right hand on our heart chakra, all other chakras, meridians, and organs balance to the rhythm of the heart. This cleanse is a doorway to change and an opportunity to know, without the doubt, the feeling and wisdom of your heart center. Whether you have been practicing FIT for awhile or if this is your first time I encourage you to use this cleanse to really get to know your deepest self. The focus and intention of this cleanse is to keep the entire process very simple, by actually focusing on one step a day with the intention of knowing our heart. This is truly the most special and valuable gift we can give ourselves. Please honour the simplicity of this cleanse. Im here to coach you to identify the beliefs programs and issues that prevent you from connecting to this deepest part of yourself. If we can accept the gift of connecting to our inner source through heart centered consciousness, no matter what happens in our life, we will be OK, because once you truly align with your truth you will know without a doubt that no matter what, you are OK and that no matter what unveils in your life you have the process and the inner resources to change it. Once you begin to identify and transform the negative limiting programs held within you, you quickly gain clarity and a deep knowingness of who you are and your purpose. We have everything we need inside us. Im inviting you to open the door to this aspect of yourself. Know it is safe, and I am here to support you 100%. Today I will guide you through a heart centering consciousness exercise to learn how to shift from mind consciousness to heart consciousness. Daily Practice: Shifting to heart centered consciousness. Several times a day do the heart centering exercise. Practice consciously living from heart centeredness by simple shifting your awareness from the mind to the heart and silently say, I love you.

Day 3 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Today we are going to do the complete FIT process with the intention of focusing in on any issues that prevent you from staying connected to heart centered conscious source energy. Make becoming aware of any issues that are preventing you from staying connected to heart centered consciousness a daily intention. You may at any time refer to the introduction section of this ebook to find the FIT process, step-by-step. I would suggest printing a copy off and having it handy to reinforce the learning process. After some time practicing the Focused Intention Technique you should find yourself connecting quickly and easily with the body and feeling the associated emotions to any issue, with more confidence and knowingness. You will have access to any inner resource that you need to transform your limiting issues into limitless freedom. Theory may always be interesting but there is no comparison to directly experiencing it, and in this way you can also verify the theory. As you go through the introduction of the ebook and read the theory then begin to practice the FIT on yourself, you will identify and change limiting beliefs. You will start to shift from a place of mind/brain knowledge to a state of knowingness from heart centered consciousness. As you practice the FIT steps on your own, you will move more slowly at first. As you begin understand each step, you will apply it with ease. Eventually the goal is to move through the steps as quickly as possible, answering your inner questions before allowing yourself much time to think about the answer. Heart Centered Consciousness is intuitive, rather than analytical. Trust your first responses. For a completed Version of the FIT process please refer back to the introduction section. I suggest you print off a copy for a quick reference. The detailed steps of the process will follow on subsequent pages. Daily Exercise: For the next 37 minutes I will guide you personal through the FIT energy process so you can experience what the process is like. Make the appropriate preparations so you will not be disturbed for the next 37minutes. Please note: Everyone moves at a different pace through the exercise, know you can always go back and finish later at a pace that is perfect for you. Enjoy! Focus your intention on experiencing your connection to heart centered consciousness and just allow the wisdom of the body to revel whatever you need. In step two when you are asked what you want to change for the purpose of this meditation process, please focus on becoming aware of the issues that are preventing you from staying connected to heart center consciousness. If you are not aware of any issues, remember you dont have to know what the issue is, you just ask the body to guide you to the issue.

Take a few minutes to journal your process. Take special note of decisions about yourself/others/& the world before and after the session. After today, each day we will focus on one step of the process, with the intention of creating a deeper understanding of the process. We will be aiming to develop a sense of ease when using the FIT process to make the changes in any area of your life, whether it being spiritual, mental, emotionally, or physically. You can transform anything using the FIT process, whether it is a limiting belief, a thought, a feeling, an emotion, or a physical problem. You have the power within you to make any and all changes. I invite you to commit to making your life journey simple. Start with the knowing that all the answers are within you, and you have unlimited potential waiting to be awakened. How exciting is that!

Day 4 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Tip: Be aware of the issues that could stop you from finishing the full 21 days. The only thing that can get in your way is yourself. This is the truth. When our issues get triggered, and they will, it might trigger some inner resistance. When we become resistant its not uncommon to find ways to make excuses or find reasons not to look at what has been unveiled. Know you are worth finishing the 21 days, you are worth having a full-time connection to your heartcentered hub, and you are worth knowing who you are and your life purpose. During this 21 days we need to become aware of the common issues that may block you from: continuous learning; practicing Focused Intention Technique; staying connected to Heart Centered Consciousness or Source energy and; making a long term commitment to growing into the unlimited you.

Please note: Even though we have many issues, the focus in this cleanse will be on the four abovementioned issues. The key to living a life connected to our source is being able to identify and change the issues that stop us from staying connected and practicing FIT. If we make this our daily intention and focus for 21 days you will take your life to a whole new level of knowing without a doubt, no matter what, that you will be ok; you are an empowered being able to change anything that is not servicing your highest potential. During these 21 days, please watch for these common issues and signs that could indicate you may be experiencing a limiting belief: irritation, anger, frustration, distraction, restlessness, problems with sleep, and an increased or decreased appetite, accuse not to do your daily cleanse. Some people lose motivation and focus on rationalizing their resistance. It is common for people that are in resistance to make excuses for their behaviour. Do you blame other people and circumstances for keeping you from achieving the level of success, happiness, and health youd like to enjoy? Blaming others for deficiencies or any of the conditions of your life keeps you from taking the responsibility needed to move toward living your own greatest self? Many people have a tendency to disconnect when they experience resistance. Resistance puts us back into relying on our mind, rather than our heart. Our mind has a large storage capacity for excuses to avoid facing those scary or shameful things we have kept locked away within us. In order to access our unlimited potential we need to take 100 percent responsibility in all areas of our life, past, present, and future. This requires that we get to the root of the problem so issues can be transformed at their origin. When we get to the root of the issue, the disowned or unresolved part of ourselves automatically makes a new empowering decision about self. The beauty of the Focused Intention Technique is that it gets to the root of problems organically. When you intentionally connect with Source, you change your world by allowing yourself to see everything and everyone with clearer vision. It is the act of staying connected that actually moves us forward. When we practice the intention to stay connected, our body will give us signals pointing to potential resistance to growth and healing.

Connection leads us to become very sensitive to changes in our body and when we feel heaviness, blockage or out of balance it is a signal of a potential trigger of an issue that needs some attention. The key to staying connected is to become very aware of how your body feels when in or out of balance. Knowing and understanding the difference for you will help to bring awareness to limiting beliefs. Recognize those moments and step in to embrace what you are feeling in that moment. Follow through with the FIT process to determine and complete the limiting belief. When you habitually use the process and experience its successes, you will be empowered by knowing that embracing the issue improves your life and keeps you in alignment with your truth and purpose. Success is a great motivator. Knowing that an issue has been addressed is very empowering. The more limiting beliefs you transform the more you step into awakening the unlimited you. You can have the life you truly want to live. The end goal in the process is to resolve the unfinished events in our lives that are limiting us and bring the self back to completion. The body holds all the wisdom we need to heal. The FIT process teaches you how to use this natural wisdom from within. The FIT process takes you on a journey that spirals you to your innermost truth. FIT gives you a process to finish and complete experiences that were not finished at the time of the event. We need this because whatever we dont finish gets stored in the cells of our body in low vibration energy patterns. When we engage in changing these low energy patterns we are bringing ourselves back in tune with the higher vibrations of Source energy and this is how we are meant to be. Daily Exercise: FIT Process Step 2: With your right hand on your heart, asked yourself, What do I need to change? It could be a health issue, a habit, reaction, a physical condition, a belief, a feeling or sensation, an attitude, a reoccurring thought, a past event, or a trauma. Everyones body has its own pattern of coping with disruptions. Some are more affected in their physical health, while others are affected more emotionally or behaviourally. As we know, each aspect is connected to the others, and each affects us holistically. While you may clearly know what you want to change in yourself or your life, your body is your first source of information about where to go to find the origin of the issue. Today continue building the process by intentionally connecting with your heart center several times a day, telling yourself I love you, and then start keeping a journal of what you want to change in the next 21 days based on the four issues above, your to-be-have list, and your personal commitments to yourself.

Day 5 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Intentions and Heart Desires Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention. The momentary urges that shape what we do are intentions, as are the convictions and aspirations we hold. When we stop before blurting out a nasty piece of gossip and ask ourselves, "Why would I be divulging this?" we're tuning into our positive intention, our wish to not cause harm. When we meet adversity and disappointment, and want to remember what we care about most, we're searching for our deeply held core vision. By making an effort to notice our intentions with honesty and clarity, we gain a great deal of freedom. If we take the time to pay quiet attention, through heart centered focus and intention, we develop a completely different understanding of why we do the things we do and a new perspective on how to trust that we've done the best we can. When we develop the habit of noticing our intentions, we have a much better compass with which to navigate our lives. We learn to cast a glance at our motivation before we speak or act, which frees us to live the life we want Daily Exercise: Ask yourself, what is my intention in doing this 21 Day Cleanse? Happiness is the state of being of your true self. You only lose sight of the source of your happiness through a variety of cultural, social, educational, environmental and relational conditioning. When you respond to life from your true self rather than from your conditioned self, you are able to manifest what you want. What do you want in your life? Often what happens in our lives is that we spend more time focusing on what we dont want instead of what we do want. Unfortunately, this type of thinking does not attract the results we want. In fact, it brings us the exact opposite. The secret to prosperity is to know what you want and expect it. Yes, thats right - expect to get it. People will often dream of things that they want in life but think that they are just fantasizing. When we dont expect to get even a little of what we dream, what happens is just that - nothing. The world is an abundant place. The only thing in the way of you having all that you want is your belief that you cant have it. Your job on this Unlimited You journey is to change the limiting beliefs that prevent you from having all that you desire.

Day 6 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Body Awareness Body awareness is our most useful healing resource. The bodys natural wisdom is a primary link to the here and now. Other energy healing traditions call this present moment awareness or mindfulness. The physical sensations we experience are a direct link to our emotions, especially ones beneath our consciousness. Being aware of all that our body tells us enables us to find both unresolved issues and a wealth of inner positive resources to heal ourselves. Many people, having lived in a brain-oriented world, operate mostly from their head, rather than having an internal whole self connection. When people get stuck in their heads they become unconscious of their body sensations. It creates a mind-body disconnection and a disconnection to Source. Focused Intention Technique is an approach of inward bodily attention that teaches us how to connect with heart-centeredness to acknowledge our connection to Source intelligence. FIT is a structured process that gives us a clear map on going within ourselves to change limiting beliefs at the core root, so we can embrace the parts of ourselves we have disowned. Focused Intention occurs exactly at the interface of body-mind consciousness, or what we call heartcentered consciousness. FIT uses the wisdom of the body to spiral into your inner most truth about yourself. Dormant resources are energetically awakened and you are able to have a new truth about yourself, others, and the world that changes limiting belief to unlimited potential. The specific sequence the questions are asked in the FIT process allows the body to naturally unravel to the core of the limiting decision a person made at the time of the event. Limiting belief systems are not easy to find when we do it from mind centered consciousness. As soon as we shift from the heart to the mind, we are disconnecting from the bodys wisdom. In the process of Focused Intention, one experiences a physical change in the way that the issue has been alive in the body. The process assists us to awaken the inner resources that allow us to be our greatest selves. When we remember how to connect with heart-centered consciousness we access a life energy that is hugely more powerful than any other area in our energetic field. The conscious connection with our heart assists us in changing issues at the core, making available new decisions and solutions for how we view ourselves, others, and the world. In FIT, we use this conscious connection to Source energy to make the required changes that are limiting us from being all that we desire. We use intention to find past traumas and limiting beliefs systems at the core root. Starting with body awareness, we travel deeper into our being. The path is like a spiral. We spiral within to the core to find our inner most truth. Daily Exercise: Awareness through the body Connecting with our bodies is an important first step in self healing and integral to connecting with heart-centered consciousness. Practicing this exercise will help hone your connection. This exercise introduces you to learning how to connect with your body: becoming fully conscious of what you are feeling in your body and what your mind and emotions are saying. This exercise is recommended to do daily. This exercise in awareness constitutes the first 2 steps in the FIT process.

Step 1 Lie or sit in a comfortable position. First focus your attention on the outside world. Notice what you sense by repeating to yourself aloud, or silently: I am aware of _____________________. For example, I am aware of the cars going by outside the window, papers moving, the coffee perking, the breeze blowing, and the blue carpet. Step 2 Gently close your eyes and focus your attention on your body and your physical sensations: Notice your breathing. Spend a couple of minutes focusing your intention on your inhalation and your exhalation. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. After focusing on your breath bring your focus to your body. Notice where in your body you feel tightness. Notice where you feel space. Notice where you have no feeling. Notice where you may feel discomfort. Notice the places where you feel completely comfortable. Do you feel warmth? Do you feel coolness? Do you feel darkness? Do you feel lightness? What color or colors do you notice in your body? What emotions are associated with how your body feels? What overall description do you have for how your body feels? Is this a familiar feeling? Do you feel different from the previous day? Step 3 At least once a day, practice this exercise. You can journal what you notice if youd like so that you can compare from one day to the next. Step 4 Throughout the day take a moment to draw your attention to your body sensations and to your emotions. Notice what you are feeling and breathe into it. Do not judge, just notice only. Developing a strong connection and awareness with your body sensation will contribute to being able to do FIT with grace and ease. Please remind yourself frequently that if you feel resistance at any moment in the FIT energy healing it is an indicator you dont feel safe. Stop whatever you are doing and take your attention to the area of your heart and activate safety and security (remember it helps to have your right hand over your heart on your body). This is something that you will have to do regularly. When our body feels unsafe it goes into fight and flight mode and all energy is then focused on that situation, by simple stopping and awakening safety from heart-centered consciousness your body/mind will be ready to continue dealing with finishing the issue that you started.

Day 7 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Limiting Beliefs We must meet and befriend our limiting beliefs with love. How we do that is by locating and transforming the root cause of our issues. That means transforming the very belief that operates beneath them. The wisdom of heart consciousness can easily help us to follow the trail. Understanding the four aspects of ourselves through the Whole Self model shows us how and why it works. Our own behaviours cause dynamics in our social networks that can develop into lifelong patterns. When fuelled by self-defeating beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions we tend to push away the potential for positive experiences and relationships. We lead ourselves to reinforce the original beliefs that cause our initial issues. Always, we experience our world through the filter of our beliefs. During times when we disown parts of ourselves we make decisions about ourselves, others and the word that make us victims. Victimization, both conscious and unconscious disempowers us and prevents us from taking full responsibility in all areas of our lives. Take a look at the following example of an issue worked on with FIT. Notice the difference in the decisions individuals made about themselves before and after a session with Focused Intention Technique.


Decisions Made (Before change notice how the decisions are statements of victimization) Self: Im nobody Others: Are better World: Nothing I can do about this I just have to accept it.

Post-FIT Session Decisions (After FIT process decisions are empowerment statement)

Person # 1 Im not worthy. Others needs are a priority over my own.

Self: Im worthy and I deserve good things Others: Who are meant to love me will be in my life World: Is a good place

Daily Exercise: Think of a limiting belief you have and identify what decisions you made at that time about yourself, others, and the world.

Day 8 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

The Heart Center area on the body is the seat or portal for accessing the Heart Consciousness within us. The elders of some indigenous nations would tell us we must live from the heart, place our awareness in the heart, and use it as the guiding principal of our being. Carl Jung said that Native American elders told him they could understand why most contemporary people in our culture are so lost and in so much pain, because they listen to their heads, not their hearts. Remember to practice heart-centered consciousness daily, then watch for daily miracle in your life. Identify the emotions associated with the issue and body sensations in the next step of the FIT process You identify emotion(s) associated with sensations when you focus on the issue you are changing. There is no right or wrong when identifying emotions. You are simply applying a label to the energy state of your body while you focus on an issue. The body has all the wisdom so trust what first comes into your consciousness; just go with it. Keep the process moving quickly. The brain wants to get involved and start analyzing things but if you know this and ignore that tendency you will get through all the steps with grace and ease. You might be aware of one or several feelings, for example: despair, hopelessness, fear, sadness, anxiety. It is important to keep your focus in heart consciousness, rather than shifting to brain consciousness. Whether your response is spoken out loud or in your mind, your statement would be I feel (an emotion), rather than I feel that (a thought). Identifying and acknowledging the feelings is a major step in spiralling into the core limiting program or untruth. Daily Exercise: Today you will practice connection with emotional awareness. Place your right hand on your heart and connect with your Heart Center and ask, How am I feeling in this moment? After asking the question, notice where you feel the sensation in your body. Next ask yourself if there an any emotional upset being stored in your body that is causing you to be out of harmony with heart centered consciousness? Again, after asking the question notice where in your body you feel the emotion? Throughout the day continue to practice connecting with your emotions and body sensations. The more we practice each of these FIT steps it makes us more available in the moment so we can access and be present.

Day 9 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Duality is a part of life. In every moment we are always given two choices because of free will. This gives us the ability to co-create our lives. One choice brings us closer to oneness and the other brings us closer to separation. In any moment in time it is important to ask, Will this choice take me closer to heart centered consciousness or further away to separation? Consider two forces always at work: dark and light; lower self and higher self; all-that-is-not and all-that-is. One force promotes the perception of oneness, love and connection. The other force promotes fear,separation, ideas of superiority and inferiority and feelings of disconnection. Some aspects of the two forces: Both operate at once & both are necessary for the other to exist. Both have a very creative and important role, for without them growth just cannot be. In every moment, you choose between these two forces It is the constant inner movement between choices that stimulates your spiritual growth. You alone have the free will to make your own choices. The two primordial forces can never make the choice for you.

Both forces are important aspects of the one Source, which is an important aspect of you. We are on a journey to our own inner truth; to true Source. The two forces are both products of Source love and nurturing. Your life is not about talents and achievements, but a journey in awareness. The key is belief. You are exactly what you believe you are. If you believe in your limited self and inferior status, that is the I you express. If you believe in your unlimited self and your oneness with divinity - which is who you are - then that is the I you will express. Our greatest gift as a human being is that of free will. We have the divine right to choose between oneness with Source or separation. We can decide for ourselves which world in which we want to exist: a world of fear or a world of love. Fear, as a force, will prepare for each event in our lives a message or experience of separation that actually fuels more fear. Love will offer another perspective, intended to unify us inside ourselves but also with Source energy. Both forces in this polarity: fear/separation and unifying, loving/oneness are only allowed to influence us, but it is impossible for them to ever control us. Free will always operates for mankind in this universe and we are ultimately responsible for the choices we make, whether we acknowledge it or not. We can measure a story, message or a life situation by the following criteria and make it the litmus test of self-evolution. If the situation brings you closer to oneness, enter it and choose it. If it brings you closer to fear/separation, avoid giving it energy. It will grip your reality and manifest further fear. Remember that you were, are and never will be separated from oneness with Source, no matter what you believe or perceive of it, for you are right now and forever will be connected with Infinite Intelligence/ Source Energy. Remember your inherent magnificence.

Daily Exercise: Take a few moments to connect with your limiting beliefs, your thoughts, your stories, and your decisions about yourself that are taking you away from oneness or your connection to heart centered consciousness. Make a list, then decide what changes you have to make in order to take yourself to a higher vibrational way of being in the world. Remember awareness of an issue is the first key step in being able make personal change to empowerment.

Day 10 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Holistic Model

Developing self-awareness will enable and empower you to become a conscious and purposeful creator of the events, conditions, and circumstances that make up your life. Whether or not you realize it at this point, the results that you experience in your life (every minute of each and every day) are almost always based on your predominant thought processes and the pre-established beliefs you hold. The amount of positive change you are able to consciously and purposefully affect in your life is directly related to your level of self awareness. The more self-aware you are, the more fulfilling you can make your life. A true sense and understanding of yourself will reveal that you are in reality an Infinite Being with unlimited potential existing in an infinite universe. Whatever we believe effects what we think. What we think effects how we feel, and how we feel effect what we choose to do. It is self-awareness that enables you to discover who and what you truly are and the limitless potential that you personally hold. False thoughts and beliefs and the emotions connected to them emit and broadcast a low vibrating energy. That un-serving energy keeps you held in experiences that are less than what you consciously desire.

Until we recognize and develop the self-awareness to change our current ineffective beliefs and transform the emotional energy attached to them, we will attract into our life and experience the events, conditions and circumstances that reinforce the beliefs have right now. If we do not change and transform these negative beliefs, life continues to be a struggle. Living a life of balance means leading an integrated life - to recognize, allow and embrace all aspects of ourselves into a grander whole; the parts we may have called unacceptable and negative along with those that are seen as positive or magnificent. All of our so-called faults, all the things which we dont like about ourselves are our greatest assets and teachers. Daily Exercise: See how much of your potential are you using? Get a blank paper and pen and draw a circle like the diagram above and label each area: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Next, starting from the center moving out, label each line 1 to 10. Then ask your self how much of my potential am I using in each of these areas and mark and x on each line. Then connect each of the xs. The area outside of the X indicates how much of your potential you are not using. How much of your potential are you using and what changes do you need to make in order to increase your full potential? For example, are there limiting programs you need to change and are there activities you can start doing to help increase your potential.

Day 11 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

How do I use the Whole Self Wheel with the FIT Process

The FIT process questions take you on a counter clockwise course around the wheel. The actual order of the questions is very symbolic in assisting the body to spiral into your inner most truth. Without realizing the larger cycle of how our experiences affect us we may wonder why we experience patterns of social or physical issues throughout our lives. Focused Intention Technique leads us through self exploration by moving counter-clockwise around the wheel, spiralling in through the four aspects of self to find the initiating, or core belief. By accessing the wisdom of our heart-consciousness we can delve into our bodys wisdom with very leading questions such as: What What What What What What do I see as the problem/belief/pain in my life? (spiritual) sensations do I notice in my body? (physical) is the feeling that comes with the sensation? (emotional) is the earliest memory associated with this feeling or sensation (mental) decision did I make about myself/others/the world during this event (spiritual: belief) resources did I need in that moment? (physical: event)

In holistic forms of healing, the mind, body and spirit are seen as intricately connected. Focused Intention Technique is a wonderfully efficient path to full healing, not just of our minds, but our emotions, bodies, and spirits. Since they are all intertwined, addressing one aspect affects all the others. FIT achieves resolution through awareness of the energy patterns in our bodies, releasing dense energy, and bringing in light energy. Healing, then, comes about through smoothing out and lifting up energies to their naturally high vibrating state. This brings about a state of unity we can perceive consciously. We feel the release of the repressed energy as it moves out of our bodies. Once the belief is transformed through accessing dormant Source resources we spiral out with new energies of inner truth and light. Fundamentally its about using our conscious mind, in an attitude of a loving witness, to ease the fear-based defence mechanism away, as it is no longer serving us. Healing with FIT is about efficiently using the bodys wisdom and the truth of being connected to Source energy to give ourselves what we did not have in the traumatic moment. When it comes to actually trying to resolve a trauma and its resulting belief, we have to remind ourselves that we are already automatically connected to Source. Consequently, we deserve to vibrate at that beautiful, divine high energy. ALL of the disowned parts of us need and deserve healing, acceptance and love. Working with Source, we can give those parts of ourselves the resources that were absent in the traumatic moment and feel a more profound unity within us. With the energy of love we complete ourselves, so that we can deeply know who we are, that we are part of Source. We are then able to live our lives with quiet, open minds, observing the truth of our divinity We are also then able to take full responsibility for our lives and discern what is important for our true nature and what can be discarded. We are no longer victims, but beings who have gone through growth experiences. Step 1 What do I want to change? (Your intention: Spiritual) Keep your inner focus on this picture, and then, with your right hand placed over your heart, ask yourself, What might be within me that stop this from happening? It could be a belief, feeling, past event, or thought. Write your answers in the space provided. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 (Your sensations: Physical) Ask yourself: Where do I feel the sensation in my body? With your inner focus scan your whole body starting at your feet and slowing moving to the top of your head. You might feel pain, tightness, tingling, heat, cold. Once you notice the spot(s) place your left receiving hand on the lowest area of sensation in your body. What and where is the sensation? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Step 3 (Your feelings: Emotional) Ask yourself: What is the feeling that comes when you place your hand on this sensation? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 (Your memory: Mental) Ask yourself: What is the earliest memory of feeling this way? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 (Your belief: Spiritual) Ask yourself: a) What decisions did I make about myself/others/the world? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ b) What did that part of you need back then, that if you would have received it, it would have completed or healed the event? (Love, self worth, safety, support, or your parents attention?) i) If it was safety, then imagine safety lighting up in every cell of your body. See your cells embracing the knowingness of safety. ii) Keep asking that part of you what it needed until it feels complete. Is there anything else you needed in that moment? b) Once you get to the place where there is nothing else that part needed, ask that part, What are the new decisions or knowingness about self/others/the world? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 6 (Integration: Whole Self) Put your left hand on pelvic area and your right hand on your heart (this hand is stationary). Start to count out loud. When we place our hand on an area of the body and count it assists the body in getting to the core of the event by accessing deeper information around the event that has been stored in each of the chakras. As you count the sensation will move up your body. Move your left hand with the sensation and keep counting. Continue to do this until the sensation moves out the top of your head. As you are counting you are accessing information, releasing old energy, and at the same time you are balancing your whole body to your heart center consciousness.

The counting process might bring up deeper aspects of that issue or another related issue. Remember the body naturally unwinds as it feels safe and ready to release based on what you have asked for or intended. When this happens repeat steps two to six as many times as needed until the event has moved out the top of your head. After a FIT session a person is now able to take full responsibility for her or himself, and can see others respectfully and without judgment. Now they are able to see the world as safe and unlimited.

Day 12 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

The next step in the FIT process is to identify the decisions you made at the time of the event when you disowned parts of self. In that moment A. What decision did I make about myself? For example: I cant trust people. or Im unlovable. B. What decision did I make about others? For example, People who love me will hurt/neglect me. C. What decision did I make about the world? For example, Love hurts. or Life is hard. or It is good to be poor. When we have an experience/event in our lives that is not resolved due to circumstance, environment, lack of information, or social conditions we make a decision about the event, ourselves, others, and the world. If the decision we make is negative, we disown that part of ourselves and try to hide it in the dark or shadow. The decision becomes our hidden truth. It might not be true to who we are but it becomes our truth; our belief about self, others, and the world. From this truth we build our reality and from this reality we create our life. Our healing process is about discovering the parts of ourselves we dont accept or inner energy pattern blocks and transforming them so they become part of our whole being again. Instead of rejecting these aspects of ourselves, we embrace them by giving them the resource states that were needed in that moment when the event happened. To get information you ask your body: How did you feel about yourself at that moment? How did you feel about others? How did you feel about the world? Example of an issue Issues PreFIT Session Decisions Victimization statements Self: Im nobody Others: Are better World: Nothing I can do about this I just have to accept it. Resources Awakened PostFIT Session Decisions Empowered Support, acceptance, strength, love, peace, confidence determination Self: Im worthy and I deserve good things Others: Who are meant to love me will be in my life World: Is a good place

Im not worthy. Others needs are a priority over my own.

Daily Exercise: Think of an issue you would like to work on and using the steps below guide yourself through the FIT process. Step 1 What do I want to change? (Your intention: Spiritual) Keep your inner focus on this picture, and then, with your right hand placed over your heart, ask yourself, What might be within me that stop this from happening? It could be a belief, feeling, past event, or thought. Write your answers in the space provided. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 (Your sensations: Physical) Ask yourself: Where do I feel the sensation in my body? With your inner focus scan your whole body starting at your feet and slowing moving to the top of your head. You might feel pain, tightness, tingling, heat, cold. Once you notice the spot(s) place your left receiving hand on the lowest area of sensation in your body. What and where is the sensation? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 (Your feelings: Emotional) Ask yourself: What is the feeling that comes when you place your hand on this sensation? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 (Your memory: Mental) Ask yourself: What is the earliest memory of feeling this way? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 (Your belief: Spiritual) Ask yourself: a) What decisions did I make about myself/others/the world? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Day 13 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

After you consciously identify with how you felt about yourself/others/world, you are now ready to give that part of you that what was needed in that moment in order to complete the event and embrace the disowned part. This step involves waking dormant resource states from within us. Resources that we needed in that moment but due to circumstance were not available. Ask yourself, what did that part of you need then, but did not receive in order to feel safe and okay? If you would have received that resource state, you would have experienced the event as completed, finished or healed (e.g. love, validation, comfort, support, attention). A. Shift your attention into your heart-centered area and ask the body, What resource did I need in that moment? After you identify what it was that you needed, see that resource state being awakened. Shifting our mind to our heart center keeps us connected to Source intention and when we ask for what we need, it instantaneously awakens that resource state from within us. Because we are part of Infinite Intelligence, if we request, everything we need and know can be accessed. It awakens the remembering of who we are and our purpose as we go through this process. Once we ask the body to awaken that resource state it responds and that resource comes alive in our cells. The cells embody and embrace this light and transformation happen on all the dimensions, generations and timelines that our cells carry within our DNA. You might see and feel a burst of light in your heart-centered area. The cells charge up as they are activated by the natural resource state/knowingness of parents love, Source love, support, understanding, safety, wisdom, etc. See yourself bringing this resource state into all your experiences in this life time, all the way from conception to your current age. Use all of your five senses and your intuitive senses to experience your cells awakening and embracing the knowingness of this resource state. See this light flooding all your cells. See your cells embody and embracing this light. Once you feel you have this resource state completely throughout all your cells check to see what else you needed to complete this event. C. Ask your body: Is there anything else I needed in that moment? Ask yourself if is there another resource state you needed to bring completion to this event. Repeat this step and continue receiving resources states until you sense completion. How will you know when you are completed? No further resource states are coming up. The event becomes neutral, no longer grounded within you by heavy energy. Some people feel peaceful, lighter, content, connected to self, strong, empowered, with an inner knowing that its done. That part of you no longer feels disowned or unaccepted. You feel that part has integrated back into the essence of who you are. When you think back to the traumatic moment, you just do not have the same reactions in your body. Its a very liberating feeling! You see your inner truth and are able to make a new decision about truth of who you are in the world.

Examples of Resource States Humour Directness Security Contribution Confidence Recognition Success Light Trust Energy Passion Love Lightness Spirituality Creativity Independence Risk Strength Connection Trust Security Leadership Knowledge Kindness Intelligence Respect Knowingness Worth Intimacy Humility Family Comfort Individuality Honour Simplicity Validation Honesty Partnership Productivity Peace Freedom Focus Harmony Accomplishment Hug Adventure Ok-ness Relaxation Beauty Being-ness Fun Connectedness Acknowledgement Importance Friendship Empowerment Self Integrity Nurturing Authenticity Joy Calmness Safety Vitality Clarity Wisdom Curiosity Justice Balance Support Safety Power

When it comes to actually trying to resolve a trauma and its resulting belief, we have to remind ourselves that we are already automatically connected to Source. Consequently, we deserve to vibrate at that beautiful, divine high energy. ALL of the disowned parts of us need and deserve healing, acceptance and love. Working with Source, we can give those parts of ourselves the resources that were absent in the traumatic moment and feel a more profound unity within us. With the energy of love we complete ourselves, so that we can deeply know who we are, that we are part of Source. We are then able to live our lives with quiet, open minds, observing the truth of our divinity, taking full responsibility for our lives and able to discern what is important for our true nature and what can be discarded. We are no longer victims, but beings who have gone through growth experiences Daily Exercise: Please continue to finish your process from yesterdays exercise. What did that part of you need back then, where if you would have received it; it would have completed or healed the event? (Love, self worth, safety, support, or your parents attention). If it was safety, then imagine safety lighting up in every cell of your body. See you cells embracing the knowingness of safety. Keep asking that part of you what it needed until it feels complete. Is there anything else you needed in that moment? Once you get to the place where there is nothing else that part needed, ask that part, What are the new decisions or knowingness about self/others/the world? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 6 (Integration: Whole Self) Put your left hand on pelvic area and your right hand on your heart (this hand is stationary). Start to count out loud. When we place our hand on an area of the body and count it assists the body in getting to the core of the event by accessing deeper information around the event that has been stored in each of the chakras. As you count, the sensation will move up your body. Move your left hand with the sensation and keep counting, continue to do this until the sensation moves out the top of your head. As you are counting you are accessing information, releasing old energy, and at the same time you are balancing your whole body to your heart center consciousness. The counting process might bring up deeper aspects of that issue or another related issue. Remember, the body naturally unwinds as it feels safe and ready to release, based on what you have asked for or intended. When this happens repeat steps two to six as many times as needed until the event has moved out the top of your head. After a FIT session the individual is now able to take full responsibility for self, they see others respectfully and nonjudgmental, and are able to see the world as safe and unlimited.

Day 14 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

During the first 14 days, you have taken daily steps to become aware of the common issues that may block you from: Taking full responsibility in creating your destiny; Practicing Focused Intention Technique; Staying connected to Heart Centered Consciousness or Source energy and; Making a long term commitment to wakening to your full potential.

Now, for the next seven days, the focus of the cleanse will be on practicing the FIT energy process to complete the common issues that you are now aware of that could prevent you from living from heart-centered consciousness. The key to living a life connected to our source is being able to identify and change the issues that stop us from staying connected and practicing FIT. If we make this our intention and focus for 21 days you will take your life to a whole new level of knowing that without questions, you will be ok and that you are an empowered being able to change anything that is not servicing your highest needs. No matter where we are on our life journey, the opportunity to connect with Source energy is always available as soon as we decide to make it a focus in our life. It is constantly surrounding us; it is available through heart-conscious intention. It is never too late to make connecting to our heart consciousness a priority. Touch your heart with your right hand. Take a moment and connect with your heart. Allow heart centered energy to flow in. The key is the heart. The key to connecting our emotional/intuitive gifts with our brains ability to decide and direct is through the heart. The key to accessing all of the knowledge contained within our cells and DNA is through the heart. The uses and the results are unlimited. We must only remember to turn our intention and consciousness toward our heart. Heart centered consciousness is our pathway to a much larger human shift into a new way of existence. Daily Exercise: Guided FIT Session Please allow me to guide you through the FIT process. Start by picking an issue you would like to do the process on. Print off a copy of the questions below to fill out after the session is complete. Once ready, click the icon at right to start. Print these questions out on a sheet of paper to document your FIT sessions: 1. Issue I want to change: 2. Location of the sensation in body: 3. Feeling(s) associated with sensation and issue:

4. Earliest memory when I remember feeling this way: 5. Decisions I made at the time of the event when I disowned the part: Decisions I made about myself Decisions I made about others Decisions I made about the world

6. What resource states did I need at that time to complete the event and embrace that part? 7. New decisions about myself, now that I have finished the event: My new decision about myself My new decision about others My new decision about the world

8. Conclusion or insight about self. (Writing down things is an important practice for self discovery and a valuable tool increasing consciousness.) Ask yourself: What things will I no longer tolerate in my life now that I have made a new decisions about myself/others/& world? What changes do I need to make to live my greatest life?

Day 15 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

All parts of us deserve to be seen, heard and embraced. What part of you are you hiding? Daily Exercise: Take 30 minutes to an hour, or longer if needed, to work on the identified disowned parts that are preventing you from: Taking full responsibility in creating your destiny; Practicing Focused Intention Technique; Staying connected to Heart Centered Consciousness or Source energy and; Making a long term commitment to wakening to your full potential.

Print these questions out on a sheet of paper to document your FIT sessions: 1. Issue I want to change: 2. Location of the sensation in body: 3. Feeling(s) associated with sensation and issue: 4. Earliest memory when I remember feeling this way: 5. Decisions I made at the time of the event when I disowned the part: Decisions I made about myself Decisions I made about others Decisions I made about the world

6. What resource states did I need at that time to complete the event and embrace that part? 7. New decisions about myself, now that I have finished the event: My new decision about myself My new decision about others My new decision about the world

8. Conclusion or insight about self. (Writing down things is an important practice for self discovery and a valuable tool increasing consciousness.) Ask yourself: What things will I no longer tolerate in my life now that I have made a new decisions about myself/others/& world? What changes do I need to make to live my greatest life?

Day 16 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Are you willing to know and accept what you want? Remember your Be-Do-Have list you made on Day 1 of the cleanse? Reflect back on the list and see if are truly allowing yourself to know what you want. If there was nothing stopping you, what would you want in your life? Check to see if that is on your list. Often our limitations prevent us from consciously knowing what we want because our issues block us from allowing the want to be known. Daily Exercise: Ask: Am I 100% willing to know what I want? And if I did know, is there anything stopping me from accepting what I want? Use the FIT process to complete the parts that are stopping you from saying, I know and accept what I want with grace and easy.

Days 17, 18 and 19 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

The intention and focus of the cleanse was to directly experience the Focused Intention Technique with confidence and to learn how to access any inner resource that you need to transform your limiting issues into limitless freedom. Please take full advantage of these next three days to work on the disowned parts that may be preventing you from knowing and living from heart centered consciousness. Practice the Focused Intention Technique on yourself and identify and change limiting beliefs to assist in shifting from a standpoint of knowledge to a state of knowing heart centered consciousness. Take 30 minutes, or longer, each day to work on the identified disowned parts that are preventing you from; Taking full responsibility in creating your destiny; Practicing Focused Intention Technique; Staying connected to Heart Centered Consciousness or Source energy and; or Making a long term commitment to wakening to your full potential.

Day 20 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

Accepting Responsibility If we have an outside focus in finding solutions or if we are blaming ourselves, others or the world for our problems, it is an indicator we feel disempowered where we need to be the powerful cocreator of our destiny. Where in your life are you not taking full responsibility for your destiny?
Here is what Dr. W. Dyer has to say about accepting responsibility in your life:

Do you blame other people and circumstances for keeping you from achieving the level of success, happiness, and health youd like to enjoy? Blaming others for deficiencies or any of the conditions of your life keeps you from fulfilling your own highest destiny. Everyone in life does exactly what they know how to do given the conditions of their lives. Thats the way Ive chosen to look at the story of my life. My mother had three small children under the age of four; and an alcoholic husband who walked away without ever providing any support. She placed one of my brothers and me in a series of foster homes, while my other brother lived with my grandmother until I was ten years old. This is not a story of pity or blame; its precisely what had to take place in order for me to learn about self-reliance firsthand. Because Ive lived self-reliance, and then gone on to teach it to millions of people, I dont find fault with anyone for any of the conditions of my life. I see all of my earlychildhood experiences as necessary gifts, even the ones laced with pain and sadness. Be willing to accept total responsibility for every facet of your own life. You didnt inherit your personality traits from anyone in the pastyouve repeatedly chosen them even though you may be unaware of how or why. If youre shy, loud, fearful, assertive, loving, hateful, kind, or cruel, learn to say: This is what Ive chosen for myself up until now. Similarly, if you find yourself hindered by debt, wasting away in an unfulfilling career, or wilting in an unsatisfying relationshipwhatever the current conditions of your life, ask yourself if youre willing to take responsibility for them. I know this often seems difficult. You indeed may have suffered at the hands of uneducated, poorly informed, badly addicted people. It was not your fault. Even as we recognize this, I urge you to accept, without guilt, that everything that has shown up in your life has value equal to your assuming responsibility for its existence. Theres something for you to learn in any difficulty. Be willing to say, Thank you, God, for the experiences Ive lived through on a daily basis. Look for the blessing in all situations, and remind yourself that youre no longer a child, but a fully functioning adult willing to accept the responsibility that will now give you control of your destiny. Daily Exercise: When we fully understand we are the co-creators of our destiny, it is easy to accept full responsibility in all areas. Is there any area in your life where you are not willing to accept total responsibility? Take time to do a check list of possible areas of your life where you are not fully creating your destiny. After completing your check list, do the FIT process on any areas that are limiting, disowned, or where you still feeling resentful, guilty, or blaming. Record your results and insights.

Day 21 FIT Heart Centered Consciousness Cleanse

The Awakened Heart is the Self of all Being. When the Heart awakens, love, joy, compassion, and wisdom shine forth as the Light of Consciousness. If the human race is to survive, now is the time for the Heart to awaken. Tom Thompson Daily Exercise: See if you now know the answers to these questions. Take fifteen minutes to ask yourself these questions and remember, being truthful with yourself is the key to living your greatest life. Who am I? What is my life purpose? What do I desire? And am I living those desires? Am I happy? Do I know how to attract the life I desire? Am I attracting the life I desire? Am I committed to my desires? If not, Why? What motivates me each day? Am I excited about the life I have created for myself? Do I now have the knowingness of what it feels like to be connected to heart centered consciousness without a doubt?

You want to be able answer the above questions with deep satisfaction and excitement. After reflecting on the above questions are you satisfied with the life you have created, or would you like to make some more changes? As long as we are evolving we will always be making changes. But if have the knowingness of our heart centered connection without a doubt, we then know we will be ok, not matter what. We develop knowing that we are the creators of everything in our lives and there is nothing that cannot be changed if we desire. Thank you having the desire to want to know and live from heartcentered consciousness. To bring closure to this cleanse I leave you with these heart centered blessings. From my heart to yours, Loretta

Activating, Embracing, and Embodying Heart-Centered Consciousness

From this day forward I open the door to heart-center consciousness with pure intent and love. Go forth and know without a doubt you are blessed throughout your ever deepening journey of evolving with heart centered consciousness. Raise your hands to embody the light of heart-centered consciousness knowing an evolved consciousness is an awakened consciousness. Embrace your inner Spirit as it is the most vibrantly real and ecstatic aspect of your being. Transformed is your souls potential as you rise up to your Divine Potential with an open heart. Spiritual awakening is a journey of heart consciousness. Cultivate your talents and skills and creatively and meaningfully express them now! The meaning of life is found in heart-centered consciousness communication, allowing us to discover truth, joy, and love. Pure thoughts and love leads to instant expansion and transformation. Magically move through life leaving an energetic blueprint on those you serve. May you commit to selfless service and promise to walk in humbleness and gratitude. Walk with clear intention and know who you are makes a difference in the world. May you celebrate your Awakened Presence. May you be activated, embraced, and embodied with heart-centered consciousness. May you be cherished is the sacredness of our inter-connectiveness. Through service the heart and soul is honoured to have witnessed your healing, growth, and life. A thousand heart-centered blessings, and peace on your journey to the prosperity within. My gift to everyone who reads these words: know you are cherished. Loretta Mohl Founder of Focused Intention Technique energy healing

The FIT Training Path: Overview

This eBook has been heart-consciously developed for you as you journey to an awakened heart centered being. You may, however, be interested in further developing your FIT skills through group training events. You may also pursue the path to using FIT to assist others as a certified FIT Coach. Courses may be available or requested in your area. Personal Level Training Initially one participates in a Basic 2-day FIT course and the 5-day Advance FIT course, or participate in a 6-day Personal Transformation Program that covers basic and advanced levels. These two levels of FIT provide a powerful venue for rapid healing and personal transformation of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of one's being. Amazing shifts in health, awareness and well-being are experienced, along with a competence level in the use FIT on self. Professional Level Training After completion of the Personal Levels of the training program, participants are eligible to take the Focused Intention Technique Coach Training. Certified FIT Coach Requirements Complete the Basic and Advanced group programs, and the distance Coach Training 1 & 2 FIT courses. Module 1, instructed by Katherine Bird, covers case management skills, communication skills and ethics. Module 2, instructed by Loretta Mohl, covers case studies and the certification process. The advanced and coach training courses focus on healing the practitioner, professional ethics, communication skills, mastering the FIT process, and how to work with clients. For up-coming workshop dates and retreats, please refer to our website, To register, please email [email protected]. For a schedule of upcoming courses see the Calendar on our web site.

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