Nation, Into Which, Over A Thousand Years Later, The Messiah Was Born. This Book Traces The All-Important

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The book of Ruth is one of the two Old Testament books about a woman. (The other is the book of Esther.) In Ruth, a Gentile becomes the bride of a Jew. In Esther, a Jewess becomes the bride of a Gentile. The Book of Ruth was a er! im"ortant book to the Jews, and it was read each !ear at the feast of #entecost. This book contains the account of the be$innin$ of the Messianic family within the Messianic Nation, into which, o er a thousand !ears later, the Messiah was born. This book traces the all%im"ortant linea$e of &a id, throu$h whose descendants 'hrist came ((att. )*)). The e ents of the book of ruth occur durin$ the time of the Jud$es. This was a time of s"iritual declesion, moral de$enerac! and "olitical chaos. +Ichabod, was writte o er this "eriod of Israel-s histor!. This was Israel-s +dark a$es,. In the midst of sin and im"urit!, we ha e the beautiful book of Ruth. It shines like a star on a dark ni$ht. It illustrates the truth that God has alwa!s had a witness. Boa. stads as a reminder that one can li e for God inan e il da! if one desires to, and and "ur"oses to in their heart. Chapter One: This cha"ter is a cha"ter of &ecision. Each of the si/ indi iduals mentioned here made im"ortant decisions that had far reachin$ conse0uences, not onl! for themsel es, but also for others. The e ents of this book trans"ire at Bethlehem. Bethlehem is first mentioned in 1cri"ture as the "lace where Rachel died (Ge. 23*4). Jacob remembered Bethlehem because of a death. 5e remember Bethlehem because of a birth ((icah 6*7). Bethlehem means +the house of bread and "raise,. 'hrist came to be the +Bread of 8ife,. 5e must ne er wander from 9im, for we can find no satisfaction a"art from 9im. (1on$ of 1ol. 7*2). (a) The &ecision of Elimelech % to $o to (oab. The (oabites were the descendants of 8ot (Gen. ):*;4), and the enemies of Israel. Israel was to ha e dri en them out of the land, but had failed. Their $od, 'hemosh, was worshi""ed b! child sacrifice. Elemelech did ot $o there alone, but influences his whole famil! to come. 9e took his !oun$ bo!s there, and the! became what he made them. 5e do not li e unto oursel es. 9e intended onl! to +sou<ourn,, or +to sta! a short time,. The record ()*7) tells us that he continued there and died there. It is dan$erous to tem"oraril! lea e the will of God. Outside of God-s will, we ha e no $uarantee that we will li e lon$ enou$h to return. (7) The &ecision of (ahlon and 'hilion % The! married dau$hters of (oab. This was in direct iolation of God-s 8aw. The wa$es of sin is death, and both died "rematurel!, ha in$ li ed contrar! to the will of God. (;) The &ecision of =aomi % 1ick of sin and the wasted !ears of wanderin$, she decides to return to Bethlehem. what a wonderful thin$ it is to see backsliders returnin$ to God. But, the !ears had taken their toll % sin is a hard taskmaster. Read )*7>%7) and feel the heartache that sin brin$s. =aomi meant +sweet and "leasant,. (ara means +bitter and em"t!,. Trul! the wa! of the trans$ressor is hard. (2)

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