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$19.95 U.S.

Enslaved by their genetics.

.Praise for by Karen Sandlers Tankborn Series

The innovative premise, detailed world-building, and
ethnically diverse cast make this a must-read for
science fiction fans.
The Horn Book Guide
Photo Terrence Duffy of 521 Productions


is the author of the first two Tankborn

books as well as seventeen novels for adults.
Before becoming a full-time writer, she
worked as a software engineer, including
work on the Space Shuttle program and
communications satellites. She lives in
northern California with her husband and
their three cats.

.Praise for Awakening by Karen Sandler

New characters, a new disease, new plot twists and factions, and undercurrents of mistrust and unrest abound,
leaving readers hoping for solutions in the
third installment.

Its a solid second act with a cliff-hanger that will have
readers restless for the third installment.

School Library Journal

Jacket photograph 2014 by Shutterstockmountains:

Zvonimir Atletic/woman: mimagephotography
Thinkstocksky: denisovd
Jacket design by Einav Aviram/Sammy Yuen


an imprint of LEE & LOW BOOKS INC.

95 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

ISBN 978-160060984-8

Oppressed by their creators.

Fighting for their humanity.
Kayla is a GENa genetically engineered
nonhumanin a world torn apart by castes
separating GENs from real humans. In
the wake of a devastating bomb blast, Kayla
has been brought to the headquarters of
the organization that planted the bomb
and many others like it in GEN food
warehouses and homes. Her biological
mother tells her that Devak is dead and
that Kayla must join their terrorist group,
which is ramping up for something big.
Now Kayla must pretend to embrace this
new role in an underground compound
full of paranoia as she plots a way to escape
and save her friends.
Meanwhile, Devak has emerged from
his healing in a gen-tank, only to be told
that Kayla is dead and his family has fallen
from grace. Can he overcome his grief
enough to notice the clues that point to
As Kayla and Devak fight to find each
other and stop the bloodshed, the Tankborn
trilogy rushes to a thrilling conclusion!
Reinforced binding

Manufactured in the U.S.A.

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the first book in the tankborn trilogy

the second book in the tankborn trilogy

By Karen Sandler

The final installment of the tankborn trilogy .

Enslaved by their genetics. Oppressed by their creators. Fighting for their humanity.

Kayla is a GENa genetically engineered nonhumanin a world torn apart by

castes separating GENs from real humans. In the wake of a devastating bomb
blast, Kayla has been brought to the headquarters of the organization that planted the
bomb, and many others like it, in GEN food warehouses and homes. Her biological
mother tells her that Devak is dead and that Kayla must join her in the terrorist
group, which is ramping up for something big. Now Kayla must pretend that she
embraces this new role in an underground compound full of paranoia as she plots a
way to escape and save her friends.
Meanwhile, Devak has emerged from his healing in a GEN-tank, only to be told that
Kayla is dead and his family has fallen from grace. Can he overcome his grief at the
loss of his power to see the clues that point to Kayla being alive?
As Kayla and Devak overcome the multiple obstacles put between them while trying
to free GENs without further bloodshed, the Tankborn trilogy rushes to a thrilling
Coming June 2014 from Tu Books,
an imprint of LEE & LOW BOOKS
$19.95 978-1-60060-984-8
Ages 12 and up 400 pages
Also available as an e-book
Learn more at

Karen Sandler

a tankborn novel

Tu Books

an imprint of Lee & Low Books, Inc.

New York

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the
product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is
entirely coincidental.
Copyright 2014 by Karen Sandler
Jacket photographs copyright 2014 by Shutterstockmountains: Zvonimir
Atletic/woman: mimagephotography/Thinkstocksky: denisovd
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or
stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission
from the publisher.
TU BOOKS, an imprint of LEE & LOW BOOKS Inc.,
95 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Manufactured in the United States of America by
Worzalla Publishing Company, May 2014
Book design by Sammy Yuen
Book production by The Kids at Our House
The text is set in Adobe Caslon Pro
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First Edition
This book has been manufactured using environmentally friendly materials: the
paper is certified as responsibly sourced, the hardcover boards are made from
recycled materials, and the inks are vegetable based.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rebellion / Karen Sandler. First edition.
pages cm
Sequel to: Awakening.
Summary: In this final installment of the Tankborn series, Kayla has been
kidnapped by the group that has been bombing GEN warehouses, and she must
pretend to sympathize with them in order to escape Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-1-60060-984-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 978-1-60060-985-5 (e-book)
[1. Genetic engineeringFiction. 2. KidnappingFiction. 3. Science fiction.]
I. Title.
PZ7.S2173Reb 2014

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To Gary, always there for me, from brainstorm to denouement.

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ayla lay in the uneven, jutting rocks, her body paralyzed.

She tried to will herself to move, to run away, but all
strength had left her.
The massive bhimkay stood over her, one front leg at her
feet, the other centimeters from her face. The legs were as big
around as the meaty part of Kaylas thigh where the creature
had bitten her, shiny black and barbed with thick, sharp hairs.
Kaylas racing heart pounded so loudly in her ears, she
couldnt hear the wind anymore. Was it just fear? Or was her
speeding heart rate a side effect of the spiders venom? Shed
learned about bhimkay in Doctrine schoolthe facts about
bhimkay bites must have been stored somewhere in her annexed
brain. But her GEN circuitry wouldnt respond, couldnt follow
the path to the information she needed.
Her circuitrys warming function wasnt working either.
The night cold had intensified until shudders rocked her body.
Where shed fallen after the bhimkay let her go, a fist-sized
stone stabbed into her back, and with each shiver it scraped
through her torn shirt.


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The creatures body vibrated above her, its legs dancing.

Kayla had only witnessed a bhimkay strike and consume prey
once in her lifewhile she was traveling with the lowborn,
Risa. Theyd parked Risas lorry outside the fenced adhikar in
Central Western Territory, to rest for the night. The bhimkay
had snatched a full-grown seycat that had caught its leg in a
rat-snake trap. The bhimkay had dispatched the seycat quickly
with a bite, then waited until its venom liquefied the six-legged
felines body. A few minutes later, the spider had folded its legs
and sucked up the masticated tissue.
Oh, sweet Infinite, was that what was about to happen
to her? Would the bhimkay venom dissolve her muscles, her
organs, so the giant spider could eat her?
Her heart still thundered in her ears and she could still
draw breath. Her shivering had slowed, which could mean she
was so cold she was past that reflex. She tested her circuitry,
and discovered she could warm herself again. Could her GEN
healing be fighting off the bhimkay venom?
Just as faint hope rose in her, the bhimkay bent its legs and
crouched lower. It grew near enough that if Kayla could have
lifted her arm, she could have touched the mandibles, each one
as long as her forearm. But she was still at the spiders mercy,
still too weak to save herself.
The bhimkays head and abdomen hovered less than a
meter above Kayla. Two of its legsthe second of the four on
the right, the third on the leftstarted to curl toward Kayla.
The other six legs remained motionless.
The hooked feet moved slowly across the tumbled rock
toward her body. Then she felt the legs sliding under her, one at
her shoulders, one at her hips. The spider kept its barbed hairs
close to its legs so they only lightly scraped Kaylas skin.


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And then the bhimkay lifted her.

Kayla went wild with terror, the last of her strength spent
struggling to get loose. But the creature didnt let go. It just
danced a little on its six feet to keep its balance, then pulled her
up close to its abdomen.
Fear wont help me. I have to think!
The spider started to move. Kayla could look to the side
and saw the bhimkay was carrying her into the wire mesh
structure. They were angling across the cage toward the white
globes shed seen before.
As they got closer, Kayla could see the globes were
translucent, and within many of them, eight fragile legs
wriggled on a body the size of her head. Bhimkay babies.
Dear Infinite, she wasnt food for them, was she? Was that
what the spider was saving her for?
They stopped beside the pile of eggs. The way the bhimkay
held her, Kayla was nowhere near the mouth parts. If she could
just gather enough strength, she could slip free. She would run
as best she could and close the gate.
If she could outrun a bhimkay.
Kayla readied herself. The paralysis seemed to have passed.
She still felt weak, but if she could stand, if she could at least
stagger away, maybe she had a chance.
The bhimkay started to bend its legs again, to crouch.
Kayla tensed, wary of the sharpness of the hair barbs. The two
legs holding her seemed to relax.
Then Kayla heard the distant shouts and the bhimkay
shrieked and stiffened. Its grip tightened on Kayla, squeezing
her hard enough that the point of the hair barbs pricked her
skin. The creature stood there frozen, as if its own venom had
turned on itself and paralyzed it.


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People started spilling from the rock crevasse into the

clearingShakki first, then Ohin, then a gang of eight wellmuscled GEN boys. All the boys were armed with meter-long
Shakki ran across the clearing straight into the cage,
seemingly fearless in the face of the massive bhimkay. But the
bhimkay no longer seemed to be a threat. It stayed frozen,
the legs on the ground half-bent, but trembling, the two
surrounding Kayla still too tight.
Shakki shouted, Tak, let her go. The GEN girl had what
looked like a palm-sized sekai in her hand, and she tapped it.
The bhimkays legs finally unlocked and it lowered itself and
Kayla to the ground.
Kayla crawled out from under the spider, cut all over by the
barbs, the mandible strike oozing blood. Shakki tucked away
the sekai-like thing and helped Kayla to her feet. Kayla leaned
against the smaller girl.
As Shakki and Kayla passed through the gate, the burly
boys started to enter the cage. Leave off, Shakki ordered
them. Tak has had enough punishment.
She realized the boys were the same ones shed seen
playing violent games in the Bhimkay Lounge. They looked
disappointed at Shakkis demand. Kayla took a close look at
the sticks the boys carried. With that control panel at one end,
and the boys eagerness to use them, they must be a weapon of
some kind.
The boys backed down, but Shakki muttered, Wish
I could keep them from playing their mean tricks with the
others so easily.
Others? Kayla asked.
Ill explain later, Shakki said.


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How did I survive the bhimkays bite? Kayla asked.

Tell you that later too, Shakki said in a rush.
Kayla saw why when Shakki dipped her head at Ohins
approach. Always one with you.
Kayla couldnt bring herself to either bow her head or say
the words. Even so, Ohins look was kind and caring. Why did
you run, Kayla? Id hoped you were one of us now.
Never, Kayla thought. After theyd abducted her, kept her
imprisoned, lied to her about Devak, how could she want to
be part of FHE? Not even to save her own life could she give
Ohin or FHE her loyalty.
Lets get you inside, Ohin said. The medics should take
a look at you.
Kayla glanced at Shakki, and the girls eyes widened slightly.
Kayla tried to read whatever message Shakki was trying to pass.
Then Kayla remembered she had blocked her roommate from
speaking to her via the circuit-comm. She hastily removed the
No medics, was all Shakki would say on that inner comm.
Kayla nodded ever so slightly. She flung her arm around
Shakkis shoulders and they headed toward the path back to
It was slow going. Every part of Kayla ached, not just from
the bhimkay wounds and the residue of the venom, but the
headlong rush to escape had overtaxed her muscles. She had to
lean hard on Shakki. At the points when the going narrowed
enough that Kayla had to sidle through, she clutched so tightly
on Shakkis shoulder to keep her feet that the younger girl
grunted with pain. Although Kayla could have used the help
of someone bigger and stronger, she refused to let Ohin or the
boys so much as touch her.


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Once they got back inside Antara and the doors were locked
behind them, the gang of boys trooped away to pile into the
freight lift. Kayla felt so tired, she wished she could curl up on the
stone floor right there. Her quarters seemed impossibly far away.
Ohin reached for Kaylas hand. We should take her to one
of the Maramatas. She might need a tank session to pull out
the rest of the venom.
Shakki stepped between Kayla and Ohin, forcing Ohin to
let go of Kayla. Shakki was half his size, yet she was clearly
determined to protect Kayla from the FHE leader.
She just needs a good nights sleep, in her own bed,
Shakki said. Ill clean her up. All the time I spent helping the
GEN healer in my home sector, Ive got enough med training
to take care of Kayla.
Kayla could see Ohins reluctance, but he nodded. If her
condition gets worse, take her to Medic Palla.
The freight lift was nearest, but the thick-headed boys
had taken it and it was still descending to the lower levels. So
Shakki guided Kayla past it down a gently curving corridor.
Theres a passenger lift just up ahead, Shakki said.
As Ohin walked with them, he got that far away look on
his face that told her he was using his circuit-comm.A vibration
started up at the base of Kaylas skull and words started traveling
along her circuitry, one-sided snatches of a conversation with
the flavor of Ohins voice. Shes fine... refusing to... cant force her.
She tapped Shakkis circuit-comm. Can you hear that?
Hear what?
Nothing, Kayla said.
If she could hear Ohin, could he hear her? She didnt have
his passkey, but could she backtrack along the path of her
circuitry and speak to Ohin? Did she even want to?


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Maybe it was worth the risk to be sure. She focused on the

pathway Ohins communication seemed to be using. Then she
all but shouted, Ohin! Ohin, are you there?
The GEN leader didnt react, not a twitch of the shoulders, or a
flick of his gaze toward her. He was still staring off into space as he
walked beside them, caught up in his circuit-comm conversation.
Ohin! she called again, but again there was no response.
Instead, more words zipped along her circuitry in the other
direction, from him to her. Need a plan... try again...
Try what again? A chill prickled down Kaylas spine. Was
it a reset he was talking about? Dear Infinite, if only she could
hear the rest of what he was saying.
They reached the passenger lift. The car was waiting for
them, door open, a trueborn man inside.
The man dipped his head. Always one with you.
Until the day, Aasif, Ohin replied.
Unlike the freight lift, this one only took them down one
level to L1. They had to exit and wind around to a second lift
that also only descended one level, then a third, before they
finally got down to LL, the lowest level.
Even though Ohin shadowed them every step of the way,
he didnt speak to Kayla or Shakki, didnt even look their way.
The only thing he ever said aloud was to answer Until the
day, to all the himayati rattling out their oath of Always one
with you.
But he stayed busy on his circuit-comm and Kayla caught a
few enigmatic phrases. Keep to schedule... when they get there...
complete the training. Always only his side of the conversation,
and not enough to make any sense out of it.
Shakki and Kayla finally parted company with Ohin outside the lift and made their way to Seycat. Slapping on the


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illuminator to their quarters, Shakki shoved the door shut

with her foot and helped Kayla to her bed. Blessedly, Ohins
intrusion on her circuit-comm had stopped. Apparently whatever blocked anyone from listening in on her communication
inside Seycat also blocked what she was picking up from Ohin.
Can you undress yourself? Shakki asked. Or do you need
my help?
I can do it. Kaylas hands shook so badly, she thought shed
have to take that back. But moving slowly, she managed to get
her shirt, shoes, and leggings off. She left on her skivs and breast
band, relieved that the bhimkay barbs hadnt shredded them.
Shakki, a packet of sani-wipes in her hands, whistled at the
myriad wounds Kayla could feel all over her body. The mandible
strike on her right mid-thigh was puffy and red from bhimkay
venom. Her back felt riddled with tiny cuts from Taks barbed hairs.
Shakki sat on the bed beside Kayla and swabbed at the
leg wound. Kayla sucked in a breath at the excruciating pain.
Okay, tell me. Why didnt Taks venom kill me? she asked.
Because when she was still in the egg, medics removed
most of her venom sac. Shakki probed inside the wound with
a sani-wipe and Kayla nearly knocked her hand away. They
only left enough of a sac for Tak to use to catch nagas, or hold
off a wild bhimkay for a short time.
Kayla could feel sweat beading on her forehead. Im
guessing nagas are those fat, nasty squirmy things?
That would be them. Shakki left off torturing Kaylas
leg, shifting her attention to the wounds on Kaylas back. They
stung, but not nearly as badly.
I saw a naga, Kayla said. It squeezed into a crack in the
rock when the bhimkay came.
Ive seen the babies slide into openings no bigger than


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your pinky, Shakki said, moving across Kaylas back, tossing

aside bloody sani-wipes as she went. Theres nothing like them
in the settled sectors, thats for sure. Tough and stringy, but
they are tasty slow-cooked in a stew.
Now Kayla realizedthat meat Shakki had bragged about,
what theyd eaten last nightit was naga meat. I guess Id
rather eat it than have it eat me.
It couldnt have eaten you, Shakki said. It barely has a
mouth. They scrape lichen off the rocks for food.
Then why did it chase me?
Shakki laughed. Body heat. It just wanted to cuddle up
to you. Shakki patted Kaylas back lightly. Done. Your GEN
healing should do the rest.
Moving as creakily as an eightieth-year, Kayla went to the
dresser for a sleep shirt. So the medics remove most of the
venom. But what was it you did that made the bhimkay freeze
when she had hold of me?
Shakki, busy gathering up sani-wipes, grimaced. They install
inhibitors in the bhimkays brains. She pulled the palm-sized
device shed used earlier from an inner pocket. We use these
presakas to transmit commands. I only use it in an emergency, to
keep a bhimkay from accidentally hurting someone. But some
of those Bhimkay Boys go overboard, use the presaka to punish
their spiders, in addition to the shocksticks.
Spiders, plural? Kayla remembered Shakki talking about
the others. How many are there that the medics have meddled
Ten in the original group. Shakki tossed the presaka on
the dresser, then flung off her clothes. She fished a rumpled sleep
shirt out of her blankets. Two didnt tolerate the inhibitors and
had to be killed.


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Kayla lay carefully on her side to avoid the most injured

spots on her back. Can you switch off the illuminator? Id like
to sleep. Shakki did as Kayla asked. Kayla heard the other bed
squeak as Shakki lay on it.
Im hearing him, Kayla said without preamble. Ohin.
Through my circuit-comm.
He has your passkey?
Aideen has had it for years, Kayla said, but she promised she
didnt give it to Ohin. I think I believe her. What Im hearing...
I dont think Ohin even knows Im hearing. Its just bits and pieces
of conversation I pick up when hes using his circuit-comm to talk
to other people.
Can you hear who hes talking to? Shakki asked.
No. Thats whats weird. And I dont hear everything he says,
although each time I hear more. I must have to be close to him,
otherwise I guess Id be hearing him all the time. And it doesnt
seem like he can hear me. I tried calling to him in the corridor on
our way here.
Are you sure its Ohin youre hearing, and not pieces of old
It sounds like him, the way you sound like you, and Aideen
sounds like her. But I dont get why I can hear him and no one else.
I dont know if thats good or bad, Shakki said. Might be good
if you can figure out what hes planning, bad to have Ohin leaking
into your head.
They lay in the silent dark for a long time. Kayla drifted
to sleep for a few seconds or a few minutes. When she woke
again, she remembered her question about the bhimkay. Are
Tak and the others just used for hunting?
Hunting and fending off the wild bhimkay, Shakki said, then
she got an aggrieved tone to her voice. And the Bhimkay Boys


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ride them. But Im not allowed to. Ohin says Im too small.
It seems like small would be better.
To ride, maybe, Shakki said. But Ohin intends the Bhimkay
Boys to fight on spider-back. When Ohin says Until the day? He
means when the big battle happens with the outsiders.
Ohins planning a war? Kayla asked, aghast. She thought
wars were archaic things theyd left behind back on Old Earth.
I dont see how he can manage it. So many of the bombers get
killed in the explosions, hes got to run out of martyrs sometime. And
if he starts setting off bombs in the trueborn sectors, you can be sure
the Brigade will put a quick stop to it.
Even so, knowing the damage Ohin could do, had been
doing, made Kayla queasy. How does Ohin even get the himayati
out? Or bring new GENs in? The supplies, toohow does he get
them past the Wall?
Ohin had passageways excavated, Shakki said. Thats how Essali and I came in. The Brigade had caught us leaving a safe house in
Jassa sector, and we were on a one-way trip to a reset. FHE operatives ambushed the enforcers before we could be stuffed into a Brigade Dagger. We were passed from one FHE operative to another
until we got to Belk. Thats where we picked up the first passageway.
You walked all the way through the Wall from Belk?
It took three days, with rest stops and time to sleep. But the
portable tank you were in would have been brought some other way.
Not sure how. You cant exactly use a lev-cart over those boulders.
An idea sparked inside Kayla, bringing hope with it. Then
if we could find one of the passageways out
In the first place, Shakki said, I dont know where they come
into Antara. Probably into locked rooms you and I will never see.
They may not have reset me before the trip, but when they brought
me and Essali in, they blindfolded us for that last stretch so we


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never saw. In the second place, Shakki went on, dont you think
the secret ways in would be well-guarded? Better than the surface?
Kaylas hope extinguished. She lay on her bed, the dark
adding to her gloom. It wasnt right to feel a little angry with
Shakki, but she couldnt seem to help herself. If you want to ride
one of the bhimkay, why not just hop on? How could anyone stop you?
You need a saddle, otherwise the hair barbs are too sharp. Ohin
never gave me one. And theres no borrowing one. Those big hulking
boys keep their saddles locked up in their quarters.
Not fair.
No. Shakki sighed. The bhimkay are smarter than youd think.
They bond to the people who handle them.
Is Tak bonded to you? Kayla asked.
No, another bhimkay is. A male called Pev. I taught him to
carry me like Tak carried you. Thats almost as good as riding.
Kayla, remembering how terrified shed been wrapped in
Taks spike-studded legs, wasnt too sure that was something
desirable. Who is Tak bonded to?
It used to be Essali, Shakki said. They let us room together when
we got here. Shes the one who found out about Devak and told me.
Could I talk to her? Find out what else she knows?
I dont know where she is, Shakki said. One day she never came
back to our quarters. I tried to find her on the circuit-comm. She
didnt answer.
Maybe she blocked you like I did, Kayla suggested.
No, Shakki said. I can tell when Im blocked. This is different.
Its like she doesnt exist anymore.
Foreboding weighted Kaylas heart. Do you think she left?
Not escaped, Shakki said with certainty. Ive been wondering
if theyve reset her. Or... or, shes dead.


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hree days after Kaylas aborted escape, Aideen somehow

persuaded Ohin that Kayla should be allowed outside.
She knew Antaras location now, knew there was no
escaping. Under Shakkis wing, Kayla would be just as safe
outside as within the cavern, and she would be happier with
the freedom.
Why Aideen had championed Kaylas cause, she had no
idea. She couldnt help but be suspicious, wondering if this was
Aideens attempt to turn Kaylas heart toward her. But Kayla
didnt look a gift drom in the mouth, and even thanked Aideen.
It had been Shakkis idea that Kayla take on Taks care.
The younger girl had performed some kind of magic on Ohin,
managing to persuade him that Kayla would feel more a part
of FHE if she could work with the bhimkay. Tak needed of a
dedicated partner, and Shakki sold Ohin on the idea that Kayla
was the perfect candidate.
Kayla thought they would just be giving the spider another
chance to eat her. But Shakki assured Kayla that the fact that
Tak had carried her to safety after accidentally biting her meant


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the bhimkay regretted what shed done, at least as much as the

creature could.
By the third day of her spider training, Kayla had stopped
being completely terrified. She only felt the faintest fluttering
in her stomach as she followed Shakki out of Antaras tall double doors, then along the passageway toward the clearing. The
early morning sky above them was an intense emerald green
Kayla had never seen in the settled sectors. It was cold enough
to use her circuitry to warm herself, but Kayla had learned her
first day out here that elevated body temperature would just
bring out the nagas.
Shakki had thought it was hilarious when a baby naga, half
its body squeezed into a crack, spiraled its way up Kaylas leg
and pulled her up short. That one time with the naga lovingly
hugging her leg, her sprawled on the rocks, was enough for
Kayla to decide to endure the biting cold.
As they stepped clear of the passageway, the wire enclosure
came into view. Kayla couldnt help herselfshe froze, just as if
another baby naga had taken hold of her. Every instinct in her
told her to turn and run.
Eight giant bhimkay filled the enormous cage. They clung
to the sides and ceilings, one of them spread-eagled across the
inside of the gate. Tak huddled over her eggs, her clawed feet
in constant motion, touching the egg coverings in turn. The
spider tensed and hissed every time one of the other bhimkay
got too close.
Shakki took Kaylas hand to urge her toward the enclosure.
Kayla wanted to resist, but this being the third day visiting the
bhimkay, it was time she finally got a little closer.
Shakki got Kayla to within a few meters of the cage, then
Kaylas feet of their own accord planted themselves in the rocky


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dirt, halting her forward motion. The legs of the bhimkay that
straddled the gate spanned a rough four-meter diameter circle.
Its belly was a solid black, the trademark red design on its back
not quite visible.
These really arent genned to be bigger? Kayla asked. Like
the droms are?
Like I told you before, the Badlands grows them this big.
Kayla looked up at the bhimkay towering above her. Tell
me we dont have to walk in the gate with that thing there.
Were not going in there at all, Shakki said. Not without
any of the other handlers here.
Kayla looked around her at the empty clearing. Yesterday
and the day before, theyd come an hour or two later. The other
six handlers had already been out here, presakas and shocksticks
in hand, roaming the exterior of the cage. They were supposedly
training the bhimkay, but their training seemed to consist of
shouting and poking the shockstick through the wire mesh.
Once they had their spiders in a frenzy, theyd freeze them
with a presaka command, strap their saddles on, and take off
on spider-back.
Shakki never came outside without the presaka, but she
didnt carry a shockstick. Shed said the first day, If Im cruel
enough to the bhimkay to get bit, I deserve it.
At the time, Kayla had agreed because there were six other
handlers out here with the weapons. But with just her and
Shakki here, Kayla wasnt so sure.
Im not sure Im ready to go inside the cage, Kayla said. So
far, shed only sat outside and watched Shakki work with Pev.
Theres nothing to worry about, really, Shakki said.
Last night, I hacked into the bhimkay database, so I have all
the spiders frequencies. That will let us command any of the


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bhimkay if we need to, not just Tak and Pev. And anyway,
theres an emergency stop command that freezes any of the
spiders for several minutes, long enough to get away.
Tak bit me pretty quick that night I tried to run away,
Kayla said.
I really dont think shed do that again. Shakki tugged
Kayla along the long side of the enclosure. Id like to see if we
can get Tak to start bonding with you.
Tak didnt look like she had any intention of paying
attention to anything but her eggs. She hunched even more
tightly against the pile as Kayla and Shakki approached.
How much longer before the eggs hatch? Kayla asked,
Thats up to Ohin, Shakki said. The eggs were treated
after she laid them to grow thicker shells. The babies wont be
able to get out without human help. So even when theyre ready,
theyll have to wait for Ohin to give the order. The hatching
will take days because Ohin will want the gen-techs to install
the controller circuitry in each one before he lets the next one
come out.
Shakki splayed her hand against the thick wire mesh just
above the bhimkays head. If I call him, Pev will come out in
a heartbeat. Thats him on the gate. If we get him out, it might
encourage Tak.
Why get her out at all? Kayla asked.
We need to bond her with someone else, Shakki said,
hand still against the mesh, her eyes on Tak. Thats one thing
weve figured outthey do that in the wild with another spider.
You mean, take a mate?
Not the same, Shakki said. Mating is very mechanical.
A female like Tak lays eggs, a male like Pev comes over and


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fertilizes them. The females tend to want to bond with other

females. Males dont care.
But how did you get Tak and Pev and the others to bond
with humans?
Like nurture parents bond with the children Assigned to
them, Shakki said. We raised them.
Then how would you be able to get Tak to accept anyone
I was thinking wed find someone similar to Essali.
Shakki fixed her gaze on Kayla. Youre about her height and
size. Her hairs almost the same, long and crimped curls. She
was just a shade darker than you, but hardly enough to notice.
Halfway through Shakkis assessment, Kayla was shaking
her head. Not me. Find someone else.
Tak picked you up and carried you, Shakki said. She
knew shed hurt you and she had to keep you safe, so she carried
you where she could protect you from the other bhimkay.
Tak had been so careful, keeping her hair barbs retracted.
It was only the directive from the presaka that had made it
impossible for the bhimkay to control those barbs such that
theyd pierced Kayla.
Shakki took Kaylas hand and pressed it against the wire
mesh in place of her own. Lets just see what happens.
Kayla could have walked away. She could have gone back
inside Mahala and resumed her work tour in the foodstores
warehouse. But the thought of toiling there in the depths of
the cavern system day after day filled her with despair. Shed
rather be dispatched by a spider bite.
Tak kept up her nervous tapping of the eggs, but shed
turned her head toward Kaylas hand on the cage. What am I
waiting for? Kayla asked.


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Shakkis sigh told her that whatever the GEN girl was
expecting, it wasnt happening. Oh, well. Could you just stay
there a little longer? Im going to get Pev out.
Kayla spread her hand out just a little bit wider. She stared
through the wire at the bhimkay, wishingwhat? That she
could read its mind, could somehow understand what it wanted.
Then Tak moved. With slow, careful motions of her
segmented legs, she inched closer to the mesh. Her front feet
grabbed about a meter up the enclosure wall, and the bhimkay
heaved her head right up against the mesh.
Kayla watched, half-terrified, half-fascinated as the spider
leaned close. What looked like two short legs on either side of
her mouth extended.
They brushed her hand through the holes in the mesh. It
was so gentle, it tickled.
Shakki? Kaylas voice sounded unnaturally high. Is that
part of her mouth? What she eats with? Is she wanting to take
a taste of me?
Shakki, about to open the gate, relocked it and trotted back
toward Kayla. Shakki stopped several meters away. Those are
her pedipalps. Kind of like hands, or antennae. Shes feeling
you, not tasting you. At least, not tasting you to eat.
A second pair of legs rose to clutch the mesh. Tak
positioned her myriad eyes in Kaylas direction. The bhimkay
hummed faintly.
Shakki? Kayla asked.
Thats good. I think shes accepting you. Shakki moved
slowly toward Kayla. Heres a spare presaka just in case. Lets
see if we can encourage her to come out to you.
Heart thudding like a hammer in her ears, Kayla followed
Shakki to the gate. Pev was still waiting there, his eye-studded


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head bent down toward Shakki. The male bhimkay vibrated a

little as Shakki tapped in the gate code, then he dropped to the
rock floor of the enclosure as the latch released.
So did all the others, Tak included. But while Tak hung
back by her eggs, the other six skittered to the door.
A tremor fingered its way down Kaylas spine. Now what?
Lock the gate again?
Watch, Shakki said.
Kayla thought Shakki might get out her presaka, but
instead she spread the fingers of her right hand, flung it above
her head, and made a pushing motion. Pev did an about-face,
then rose up on his four hind legs. He hissed, waving his front
legs at the other bhimkay.
They all retreated to the back end of the enclosure. All except
Tak. Moving slowly along the mesh wall, she approached the
gate. When Pev dropped to all eight, Tak moved more quickly,
nudging the male bhimkay aside.
Shakki laughed. She doesnt care much for him, but hes
so sweet on her.
Shakki finally opened the gate, and Tak exited first. After
Pev followed, Shakki locked the gate again.
Tak moved toward Kayla. Instinct sent Kayla a few paces
backward. Gritting her teeth, she stilled and let the bhimkay
Using her front two legs, Tak lightly tapped Kayla all over,
just as shed been checking her eggs. Those spider feet were
tipped with twenty-centimeter-long claws, but Tak was so
gentle, she never pierced Kaylas skin.
Do I touch her? Kayla asked.
They like their pedipalps stroked, Shakki said. And their
abdomen between the hair barbs.


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Kayla stretched her hand up, and to her shivering surprise,

Tak bent low enough that Kayla could reach the pedipalps.
They were as long as Kaylas forearm, and about as big around
as her wrist. When Kayla ran her palm down the length of one
pedipalp, she discovered the hair there was coarse but flexible,
not stiff, dangerous barbs like on the bhimkays legs and body.
The bhimkay crouched even lower. Now the long,
segmented front legs were on either side of Kayla, and the
pedipalps within easy reach. As Kayla petted them, the spider
growled, the rumbling noise shaking its whole body.
Kayla hesitated. Am I doing it wrong?
No. Shakki was stroking Pevs pedipalps. Thats like a
seycat purr. It feels good to them.
Tak hunkered so low, her body was eye-level to Kayla.
She moved under the arching legs to the creatures abdomen,
running her fingertips cautiously between the sharp hair barbs.
Tak wriggled a little, then growled softly. She tucked her middle
legs in more tightly, like Risas pet seycat, Nishi, would do with
her paws when she didnt want Kayla to stop petting her.
Shakki gave Pev one last pat, then stepped back. We need
to get to work. First, you have to learn the hand signals. I made
them up myself. I tried to teach them to the boys, but you cant
tell them anything.
Shakki went through a dozen or so motions with Kayla.
The pushing away motion shed used earlier with Pev. A sweep
of the fingers with the right or left to direct the bhimkay to
either side. A throwing motion to send the spider out.
It was easy enough for Kayla to memorize what the
pattern should look like and store it in her annexed brain.
Getting her body to duplicate Shakkis fluid movements was
another story.


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Shakki let Kayla test her skills on Pev as well as Tak. If

the bhimkay didnt understand, they tended to stand stock still.
Sometimes theyd creep a little closer to beg for a stroke of their
pedipalps. Pev seemed to have a shorter attention span than
Tak. He wandered off in the middle of Kaylas practice session.
Poor Tak just stood there, head slightly cocked. Kaylas
arms felt ready to fall off, but despite Shakkis invitation that
they quit for the day, Kayla waved her off.
Tak moved to the left. Kayla stared at her left hand for a
moment. What had she done?
Trying not to think too hard, Kayla waved her right hand.
Tak sidled to the right. Kayla could almost see relief in the
bhimkays eight eyes that Kayla had finally learned to speak
Kayla offered her hand as she approached Tak and gave
the pedipalps a firm rub. Poor thing, stuck with such a stupid
Mid-growl, Tak tensed. Pev did too, half-turning toward
the passageway.
Now Kayla heard the approaching voices. The boys are
Wed better get ours in, Shakki said.
Shakki was just starting the Come on motion with Pev
when the bhimkay, anticipating her command, jumped ahead.
But Pevs fear of the boys imminent arrival made him clumsy.
He stumbled over Shakki, and the barbs on his front right leg
tore into her left side. The spiders awareness that hed hurt
his bonded human sent him into greater panic. He pulled the
barbs free, but the impetus spun Shakki around and sent her
tumbling into the barbs on his back two legs, cutting deeply
into her right side.


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Denking hell! Kayla shouted, terrified for Shakki and

so angry at the boys she wanted to toss the lot of them into
the nearest boulder. She made her own awkward gesture at
Tak, and thank the Infinite, the spider understood. Tak started
toward the gate, herding Pev with her.
Kayla knelt beside Shakki. Shakkis eyes looked glassy
from the pain. You have to get the bhimkay put away.
I have to get you to the medic.
Shakki clutched Kaylas arm. Bhimkay first. Boys are
almost here. She reeled off the code for the enclosure, then
pushed at Kayla.
Kayla ran for the gate, weaving through the spiders legs.
She tapped in the code, saw the caged bhimkay turning toward
the gate. Tak hissed, and Kayla put her trust in the spider.
She yanked open the gate, and stood out of the way of those
dangerous barbs as Tak and Pev skittered inside, both of them
hissing and warning the others to stay back.
The boys started pelting into the clearing just as Kayla
latched the gate. Most of them ran right past Shakki, only
a couple slowing to check her out. Kayla shooed them away,
automatically using the same gestures shed used on Tak.
Kayla lifted Shakki carefully, positioning her over her
shoulder. She started for the passageway, but as she reached the
opening, she heard a chorus of bhimkay shrieks.
Her head hanging midway down Kaylas back, Shakki
muttered, Denking boys. They dont have to.
Kayla looked back to see several of the boys had their
shocksticks out, and were applying the weapons generously
to the legs of their bonded bhimkay. The spiders were frozen,
likely due to a command to their inhibitor via the presakas.
What about Pev and Tak? Kayla asked. The male and


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female had taken posts beside Taks eggs, their agitation clear
from their hissing and shifting feet.
Theyre afraid of Tak, so they wont bother her, Shakki said.
And even though Tak pretends to hate Pev, shell protect him.
Ill kill those boys if they harm so much as one hair barb, Kayla
said to Shakki as she entered the passageway.
It was difficult going in the narrow parts. Kayla had to shift
Shakki to the ground so they could squeeze through, keeping
her arm tight around the smaller girl to support her. At one
point, Shakki fell so quiet that Kayla thought the girl might
have passed out.
But then Shakki said, Dont let them put me in a gen-tank.
What if the medics say you need it?
Dont let them, Shakki said. Promise me.
I promise.
They got to the tall doors at Antaras entrance and Kayla
pounded on the plasscrete with her fist. A small inset door slid
open and the female GEN guard waiting inside took a quick
look around.
Its us, Faia, Kayla said with exasperation. Hurry up,
Shakkis been injured.
Her voice barely more than a whisper, Shakki said, Shes
just checking for wild bhimkay. Cant have them following us
Faia gave Kayla a dark lookshe was the guard Kayla
had struck during her attempted escapeand threw aside the
bar from its brackets. Kayla slipped inside and hurried to the
freight lift. Thank the Infinite it was still on the top level after
the boys had used it.
Faia, can you send us down? Kayla asked.
Faia trotted toward them down the corridor, a shockgun


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slapping against her leg. The GEN woman hadnt been armed
the day of Kaylas near escape.
Faia tapped in the code to send them to L2 where
Maramata 1 and 2 were. The door opened not in a corridor
but in a lab. It was Kheta 3, the same hydroponics lab Lovise
had worked in. The techs there looked over in surprise as Kayla
toted Shakki through the long rows of kel-grain and soy.
The girls body was lax over Kaylas shoulder. She had passed
out. Better for Shakki, considering the pain she must be in.
Once clear of the lab, Maramata 1 was just ahead, around
a curve in the corridor. A minor-status trueborn woman
Medic Pallawaited at the door, so someone must have sent a
message ahead. Could it have been one of those useless boys?
No, more likely Faia had alerted Palla by wristlink.
Bring her here. Palla gestured toward a treatment table.
Beyond the table were gen-tanks, two rows of five, seven
of them occupied. Other trueborns, medics or techs, moved
through the room monitoring the tanks.
While Kayla carefully laid Shakki on the table, Palla
pulled a privacy curtain shut around it. Now Kayla could see an
alarming amount of Shakkis blood soaked both their clothes.
The medic picked up a pair of scissors. Would you step
out please so I can prep her for the tank?
No tank, Kayla said.
Palla looked up at Kayla. With those injuries, I have to
No tank, Kayla repeated. And Ill be staying here to
make sure.
Palla had tried to convince Kayla her true memories were
hallucinations. She might be a good medic, but how good was
her word?


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Pallas pale blue eyes narrowed on Kayla, but she didnt

press the issue of the tank or insist again that Kayla leave. She
turned her attention to cutting Shakkis shredded clothes from
her body to further assess the damage. Kayla was relieved to
see the smaller wounds on Shakkis left side had already started
Just as Shakki had done for Kayla, the medic methodically
cleaned the GEN girls wounds. Then she grabbed a vac-seal
filled with a pinkish goo.
Palla broke the seal and was about to squeeze some into
one of the deeper gouges when Kayla grabbed the trueborn
womans wrist. What is that?
Pratija. The medic scowled at Kayla as she tried to pull
her arm free. It lessens the risk of infection and promotes
Put some on your own skin, Kayla said.
That wont prove anything, Palla protested. Im not a
GEN and I dont have a cut.
Kaylas gaze strayed to the lase-knife on a nearby tray. Palla
must have seen the look because her voice shook when she
spoke again. I take my vow as a medic seriously. The pratija
will help her.
Shakki stirred. Its okay, Kayla. Ive used it before on
Kayla let go. She backed up to the curtain to stay out of the
way. The pratija must have had some kind of painkiller in it too
because Shakki sighed with relief as Palla applied it.
The medic handed Kayla a gown for Shakki, then left
Kayla to help the girl sit up and put it on. Once Kayla had
stacked a couple pillows for Shakkis head, the girl lay down
again with a groan.


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Those denking boys, Shakki muttered. Id like to reprogram their shocksticks to zap them. She turned toward the
curtain. Pallas not watching. Whos in the gen-tanks? Anyone
you know?
I didnt even notice.
Open the curtain, Shakki said. Down at that end so
Palla doesnt notice. I want to see who was stupid enough to let
themselves get dunked in gen-fluid.
Kayla pulled open a gap in the curtain wide enough for
Shakki to get a look. The GEN girl was smiling at firstthe
boy in the far tank was Veshni, one of the Bhimkay Lounge
game players who was always injuring something. But then
Shakkis gaze froze.
Dear sweet Infinite. Shakki grabbed for Kaylas hand.
The third tank down.
Kayla didnt recognize the girl inside with her near highstatus skin color and long, dark hair twisting around her
shoulders. Who is it?
Its Essali, Shakki said. She lowered her voice. The one
who told me about Devak.
Kayla couldnt help herself, she took a step out from
behind the curtain. Palla, glancing up from the sekai shed been
working at, looked alarmed. Stay away from the gen-tanks.
That fluid is dangerous.
Palla started toward Kayla, but Kayla stepped right up
next to the third tank. Just like in Akhileshs lab, tubes riddled
Essalis body.
Then Kayla glanced across Essalis tank to the one in the
row next to it. And her heart all but stopped.
It was Lovise.


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s Devak dragged the boy from the dark hole under the
washroom floor, the elusive Shun barely protested. The
boy was filthy, and stunk so bad that Waji flatly stated the boy
wouldnt be allowed into his flat unless they cleaned him up. So
they did what they could in the washroom.
The trickle of water from the spigot was no substitute for a
decent bath, but at least they lessened the stench from the boys
dirty body. The rank korta and chera pants Shun wore were
good for nothing but burning.
The boyUsi Haddad, hed informed them, not Shun
could hardly walk back to Wajis warren. As Devak steadied
him on one side while Junjie supported him on the other,
Devak understood the boys weakness. Usi was nothing but
skin and bones under his disreputable korta. His dark eyes were
huge in his gaunt face, his black hair shaggy, and his mediumbrown skin had an unhealthy pallor.
Waji made the boy strip everything off at his doorstep and
wipe the rest of himself with a handful of sani-wipes. Then
Waji fetched a worn but clean korta, leggings, and skivs and


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they helped Usi dress. Junjie thought to fish Usis identity chip
from the hem of the old shirt and slip it into the new.
Usi didnt need any help wolfing down every scrap of
leftover rat-snake stew and kel-grain. After the last bite, he
collapsed on Wajis sofa and almost immediately fell into a
coma-like sleep. With the boy shuddering from cold, Waji
dumped all his blankets on Usi. Then Waji, Devak, and Junjie
crowded together on the enforcers narrow bed, warmed by
body heat and the small radiant stove that Waji brought into
the sleeproom from the kitchen.
The boy was dead to the world the rest of that night and
all the next day and night. Junjie and Devak spent their time
with Waji out in the fields behind the warren. Waji showed
them the net traps he used to capture rat-snakes, identified
wild patagobi plants, and taught them how to avoid chaff head
and yellow scrub flowers that had been pissed on by seycats
marking their territory.
Evening meal the second night was as tasty as the first, the
scrub flowers adding a sharper flavor than the chaff head. Junjie
had wanted to wake Usi to feed him, but Waji told him the
boy needed rest more than food. Hed wake when he was ready.
Junjie spent the second night sitting up, sleeping at Usis feet.
A clatter jolted Devak awake the second morning before
first sunrise. The bed beside him was still warm, but Waji wasnt
there. Now he heard the enforcer shouting from the living
room, Junjies pleading voice, and a high tenor that Devak
guessed was Usis.
Still in nothing but his sleep shirt, Devak hurried from
the sleeproom. Waji stood against the door in his own kneelength sleep shirt, brandishing a stout sticker bush branch, the
business end studded with wicked, twenty-centimeter-long


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stickers. Junjie held his hands up at Waji, as if to placate the

enforcer. Usi stood facing Waji, his trembling hands clutching
the grip of the enforcers shockgun.
Waji glanced beyond Usi and Junjie, but didnt let on that
Devak was there. The enforcer glowered at Usi. Is this how
you pay me for feeding you and giving you a bed? Stealing my
weapon while Im asleep?
Just let me go, Usi begged. Let me leave and I wont
bother you again.
Junjie tugged at Usis arm. Please, put it down. Give the
shockgun back to Waji.
Hell kill me, Usi said, his voice wavering.
Denking hell, Waji said, I couldnt kill you with the
shockgun if I wanted to. Its GEN-issue. But this Waji
waved the club in his hand this could kill you. And I will if
you dont give me back my weapon.
Junjie gave the boys arm another tug. We only brought
you here to help you, Usi.
Well, Devak thought, theyd brought him here to see if he
could help them. But Devak wasnt going to bring that up in the
middle of this mess.
Usi still hadnt realized that Devak was there. With his
feet bare on the cold floor, Devak walked silently up behind
the boy and with a quick grab yanked the shockgun from
Usis hands. Stepping around the boy, he transferred the
weapon to Waji.
As if Usi had used up all his strength with his brief
rebellion, he swayed and would have crumpled to the floor if
Junjie hadnt caught him and helped him to the sofa. Dropping
to the cushions, the boy buried his face in his hands.
Junjie rubbed Usis back. Can we get him some food?


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Waji propped the sticker bush club beside the door. If that
boy will behave.
Usi looked up. I will. Im sorry. But I thought the shockgun
would be good when they come for me.
Devak could see Waji was ready to launch into questions,
so he took the enforcers arm. Lets get dressed. We can talk
over morning meal. Junjie, can you start some kel-grain?
Junjie jumped to his feet. Right away.
Devak and Waji each took their turn in the communal
washroom, then dressed, Devak in one of the sets of clothes
hed rinsed and laid out to dry, Waji in his uniform. Anticipating
their departure, Devak made sure he had everything packed up
again in his carrysak.
Despite Devaks intent to question Usi during morning
meal, the boy was stuffing the sakara-sweetened kel-grain into
his mouth so quickly that Devak could see hed get nowhere
until Usi was full. The boy downed three bowls of kel-grain and
a half-glass of soy milk before finally sitting back with a sigh.
Usis gaze then slid to the door, but Waji moved in that
direction and leaned against it. Whos coming for you?
Usi gave the door a longing look. Where are the other
There arent any others besides me, Waji said. Not here
in Cati.
Oh, Usi said. Then maybe...
Before Waji could ask again, Junjie gave Usi a poke. Whos
coming for you?
The Brigade, Usi said. Because they know about me and
the bombs.
You mean, they know you were a member of FHE? Junjie


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Yes, Usi said.

Junjie took Usis hand. How would they find out? You
were way more underground than me. And no one knows I
was FHE except Devak and Zul and Kayla. And thats only
because I told them.
Usi shook his head. They know because an enforcer saw
me at the warren in Nafi sector. Right before it blew up.
But that doesnt mean anything, Junjie persisted. You
could have had good reason to be there.
Usi yanked his hand out of Junjies hold, his expression fierce.
I did have good reason! Im the one who delivered the bomb!
Horror filled Junjies face and he leaned away from Usi. A
little GEN girl was killed in that explosion.
Dont you think I know that? Usi cried. It was the only
denking bomb I ever had anything to do with, and it killed
You set it? Junjie asked quietly.
Usi shook his head. I didnt even know what was in the
crate, just that someone from FHE wanted it delivered. I
thought, well, maybe they know how hungry everyone is with
so much kel-grain destroyed, so theyre sending food. I thought
they were only blowing up warehouses, not warrens. Tears
glittered in the boys eyes. I set the crate in the entryway, just
like they told me.
It must have been especially powerful explosives, because it
had brought down the entire warren. I thought FHE usually
sent out a warning, Devak said. To keep anyone from being
killed. Didnt you tell everyone to leave?
I told you, I didnt know it was a bomb! Usi shouted.
Someone else must have been in charge of warning them,
someone who knew what would happen. The little girl was the


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only one left behind. Now the tears spilled down Usis face.
Outrage burned in Wajis light brown eyes as he pushed
away from the door. I want you out of here.
Usi got up and started to pull off the old korta Waji had
given him. I should give this back.
Dont be an idiot, boy, Waji said. Keep it. I dont want
it back. You need forgiveness from your Lord Creator? Then I
suggest you help Devak find Kayla.
Usis eyes got big, then he quickly looked away. I dont
know where she is.
Waji grabbed a handful of Usis korta and shook him.
Youll help him, or Ill escort you to the Viata sector Brigade
Junjie jumped to his feet, wedging himself between Usi
and the angry enforcer. We should go, Devak.
Devak quickly cleared the table while Junjie grabbed the
carrysak. Usi kept eyeing the door, but with Waji standing over
him, the boy stayed put.
Devak nodded at the enforcer.Thank you for your hospitality.
Im glad to help Zuls great-grandson, Waji said. Do you
have enough dhans?
I cant take your money, Devak said.
I have nothing to spend it on, Waji said, moving toward
the kitchen. The Brigade provides my food and the flat, little
enough as it is.
Waji dug through a drawer and came up with a small roll
of dhans. He stuffed them into Devaks hands, then tugged
open another drawer. I have something else for you.
Waji scooped up handfuls of nutras, wrapped nutrition
bars. Devak opened the fastening on his carrysak and held it
out. Waji dumped the bars in.


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I cant stomach them myself, Waji said of the kel-grainbased nutras, but if youre hungry, youll have something to fill
you up.
Thank you again, Devak said.
Stick to the pathway along the backs of the warrens,
Waji said. Just past the last building, theres a path through
the sticker bushes that meets up with the road farther on. That
should save you from Cheffas notice.
They headed out, Devak leading, Junjie trailing, Usi in
between. Devak was burning to grill Usi, to find out what the
boy knew about Kayla. He said earlier that he didnt know
where she was, but Devak was sure he knew something.
Devak wanted to wait until they were clear of Cati sector
and safely back in a trueborn sector before questioning Usi.
He didnt like the idea of running away from GENs, of seeing
them as something to fear. But everything seemed to be turned
upside down since FHE started their bombing campaign.
The memory of that dead little girl in Nafi stabbed Devaks
heart again. When he looked back at Junjie, he could see the
grim look on his friends face. Maybe Junjie was thinking of
that girl too and how this boy he had such strong feelings for
might not be who he thought he was.
The tension in Devaks shoulders finally relaxed when they
crossed the border back into Viata sector, where the streets
were filling with trueborns and lowborns hurrying past. He
spotted a serving house, third door past the border. I could do
with some kelfa.
He held the door for Usi and Junjie. The stench of burnt
kel-grain hit his nose and he almost turned around and left,
but the other two had already gone up to the counter. Devak
followed them through the cheap plasscine tables and chairs


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cramming the floor. When he laid his hand on the counter, he

regretted it. It was sticky with sloshed kelfa drink. No surprise
the place was empty, despite the busy morning crowd outside.
The brown stains on the apron of the minor-status trueborn
man behind the counter werent encouraging, but Devak spared
a half-dhan on three kelfa drinks. The first sip of his kelfa told
him whoever worked the kel-grain ovens hadnt quite gotten
the knack of proper roasting.
The table by the window at least was clean, and with the
roasting ovens still going, it was warm. And despite the bitter
taste of the kelfa, the drink was hot and Devak was glad for a
place to sit and talk. The street outside cleared as the morning
shift went to work and the night shift went home. Other than
the trueborn man tending his ovens, they were alone.
There was sakara on the table, and Devak dumped a couple
measures full into his kelfa to sweeten it. The others followed suit.
Devak took another swallow, then set his cup onto the
table with a clunk. I want to hear it from the beginning. Not
just Usi, but Junjie too. How did you become part of FHE?
Junjie exchanged a glance with Usi, then said, After a
Kinship meeting. I was angry about how things went at the
meetingyou know, Devak, another session with everyone
insisting we had to go slow with GEN rights or the world
would end. Anyway, a minor-status trueborn was waiting for
me outside. I didnt remember seeing him in the meeting,
but he must have been there because he knew all about the
arguments wed been having.
Junjie tipped his head at Usi. The minor-status gave me
Usis call ID. A week later I contacted him.
Devak turned to Usi. And you?
Usi slid his cup side to side. My father joined back at


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the beginning five or so years ago. He supervised GENs in a

plasscine extrusion factory and believed they should have the
same rights as trueborns. He found a few other people who
thought the same way and they started FHE.
Devak took another bitter swallow of kelfa. Im surprised
none of them knew about the Kinship.
Thats mostly for high-status, Usi said. My father didnt
keep company with them.
Devak asked, Was Aideen Kalu one of those first?
You figured out her real name? Usi asked. Then he
nodded. Yeah. Her, my father, two or three others.
Wheres your father now? Devak asked. Would he know
where Kayla is?
Now Usis gaze dropped to his kelfa. I dont know where
he is. He planted the very first bomb in Esa sector. He never
came home from that. I think he blew himself up.
From what Devak understood, the Esa bombing had
happened before the one in Qaf that Kayla had witnessed,
where one enforcer had been badly injured and another killed.
Which meant the FHE strike in Esa would have been before
last winter.
Youve been alone all this time? Devak asked. Usi
shrugged. How old are you?
Im a fifteenth-year as of two weeks ago, Usi said.
How have you been getting by? Junjie asked. Has FHE
been helping you?
They did for a while, Usi said. All during that time you
and I were talking via wristlink, Junjie, Id get dhans from Aideen
sometimes via a courier. Once she got Kaylas body, that stopped.
I havent heard from anyone from FHE since Kayla died.
Devak grabbed Usis wrist. Are you lying to us?


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Lying? Usi asked, trying to pull away. About what?

Kayla. Devak gripped Usis wrist tighter. Do you know
where she is, and thats why youre not telling us the truth?
What truth? Confusion flickered in Usis face, but behind
the confusion was something else. He knew more than he was
letting on. Besides FHE taking Kaylas body?
Devak leaned closer, lowering his voice. Kaylas not dead.
Dont tell me you didnt know that.
Usis mouth dropped open. He shook his head slowly from
side to side. I didnt know. Honestly. Aideen told me she was
Why would she tell you that? Devak twisted Usis arm
until the boy winced.
Junjie grabbed hold of Devaks fingers and peeled them off
Usis wrist. Because she thought Kayla would be safer that way.
Safer from who? Devak demanded. From us? From me?
Kayla killed at least one trueborn enforcer, Junjie said.
Injured Akhilesh. Better if the Brigade assumed she was dead.
Even so, Devak said, I think he knows where Kayla is.
I... Usi grabbed up his cup and downed the last of the
kelfa. I think I know how to find her.
Then tell me, Devak demanded. Or Ill find a way to get
it out of you.
It made Devak a little sick to think about it, but in that
moment, he would have beat the boy if he had to.
I wont tell you, Usi said. Thats not how I want to do this.
Devak grabbed that skinny wrist again and tightened his
fingers, all his anger lending him strength. Youre not the one
making the rules here. I am.
Usi grimaced with pain. Ill help you. I promise. But you
have to take me with you.


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