Gil Boyne Method of Conditioning TJ

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Gil Boyne Method of Conditioning

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You are about to enjoy a very pleasant and a very beneficial experience. First, be sure that you will not be disturbed. Second, remove your shoes or any apparel that will interfere with your physical comfort in any way. Third, now stretch out on your back, with your legs separated, so that no part of your calves or thighs are touching. eep feet separated at least ! to "# inches$ arms extended loosely and limply alongside your body, palms facing downward and fingers limply outstretched. %nce we begin, you can help by remaining &uiet and passive. %ur first goal is for you to become unaware of your body. You can best achieve that goal by avoiding movement. The first thing that ' want you to do is to fix your eyes at a spot on the ceiling overhead. (ick out an imaginary spot, and stare at that spot without moving a muscle. )ow, take a deep breath and fill up your lungs. *xhale slowly. Sleep now. )ow, take a second and even deeper breath. Take in all the air that your lungs can hold. *xhale slowly. Sleep now. )ow, let your eyelids close down. )ow, your eyelids are closed down. (lease leave them closed down until ' ask you to open them again. You will always be able to open your eyes, unless ' were to give you a direct command and tell you that your eyelids are locked closed. +nd ' don,t intend to do that. -ypnosis is a state of mind, not a state of eyelids. )ow, ' want you to mentally picture and imagine that you are looking at the muscles in the tips of the toes of your left foot. 'n your imagination, follow those muscles as they move back into the ball of the foot. 'n your imagination, follow those muscles as they move back into the ball of the foot. .ack into the arch, and all the way back into the heel. )ow, turn all those muscles loose. /et them grow limp and la0y, just like a handful of loose rubber bands. )ow, as the muscles begin to relax, just let your mind relax, too. /et your mind drift where it will. /et your mind drift off to pleasant scenes in you imagination.

2003, Broughton, M. Ayrmetes Advanced Cognitive Technologies

+nd now, let the relaxation move on up, into the ankle now. From the ankle, all the way up to the left knee. The calf muscles begin to grow loose and limp 11 heavy, and so relaxed. +ll of your tensions are fading away. You,re relaxing more with each easy breath that you take. .egin breathing more deeply, now, just as you breathe each night, when you are deep and sound in slumber. 2ust imagine that you can see your breath as a white mist, coming from your nostrils. *ach and every time that you exhale this white mist, you are freeing yourself of tension, and going deeper, deeper into drowsy relaxation. )ow, from the knee, all the way to the left hip, the long thigh muscles are turning loose, easing off, and just relaxing now. )ow, as those muscles relax, just let go a little more, and gently, calmly, easily, drift on over, into a pleasant state of easy relaxation. )ow let the wave of relaxation that started from the toes of your left foot just a few seconds ago 11 let it move over now into the toes of the right foot, back into the arch, and all the way back to the heel. Turn all of those muscles loose, and go deeper and deeper into relaxation. 'nto the ankle, the muscles let go. From the ankle, all the way up to the right knee. The calf muscles are turning loose and letting go. You,re relaxing more with each easy breath that you take. 3ith each sound that you hear. *ach sound carries you deeper, deeper and sounder in sleep. From the knee, all the way up to the right hip. The long thigh muscles grow limp and la0y. )ow, as those muscles relax, just go all the way down, deeper and deeper in drowsy slumber. Turn them all loose and go deeper in sleep. )ow, the wave of relaxation moves on up, into the stomach now. 'nto the solar plexus, the center of nervous energy. *ach muscle and nerve lets loose the tensions, relaxing. You,re drifting down, deeper and deeper in sleep. 4own, deeper in slumber. 5p through the ribs, the muscles relax. 'nto the broad muscles of the chest. The muscles of the chest grow limp and loose, and so relaxed. +ll of your tensions are fading away. You,re relaxing now, more with each easy beat of your heart, and going deeper in drowsy slumber. 'nto the neck, the muscles let go. +ll around the neck, the muscles relax, just as they relax each night when you you are deep and sound in sleep. Turn them all loose, and go deeper and deeper in slumber. )ow let the relaxation start down
2003, Broughton, M. Ayrmetes Advanced Cognitive Technologies

your back. From the base of the skull to the base of the spine. *ach muscle and nerve along the spine lets loose the tension, relaxing, your drifting down. 4eeper and deeper in sleep. down deeper in drowsy slumber. +nd the wave of relaxation spreads out into the broad muscles of the back. +ll across the small of the back. +ll across the back of the shoul ders. Turn loose every muscle and every nerve in the back, and go deeper and deeper in sleep. 'nto the shoulder, the muscles let go. From the shoulders, down to the elbows of both arms. The upper arm muscles are turning loose, easing off, and just relaxing now. From the elbows, down to the wrists on both arms, the forearm muscles grow limp and la0y. From the wrists to the fingertips of both hands, each muscle and nerve lets loose the tensions, relaxing, you,re drifting down. 4eeper and deeper in sleep. 'nto the jaws, the muscles relax. The jaws are parting slightly, teeth not &uite touching. +ll around the mouth, the muscles let go. 5p through the nose, each nerve gives way. +ll around the eyes, the muscles are heavy, and so relaxed. *ven your eyebrows are relaxing now. +cross the forehead, the muscles smooth out. +cross the top of the skull. 4own the back of the neck. 4own through the temples, back around the ears, all of the muscles are loose, and la0y 11 just like a handful of loose rubber bands. +nd you may feel now, a pleasant tingling sensation in the tips of your toes, or in your fingertips 11 a pleasant tingling sensation, growing stronger and stronger now, as your entire body is being bathed in the pleasant glow of complete and utter relaxation. )ow you are completely relaxed. *ach muscle and nerve in your body is loose and limp and relaxed, and you feel good.

2003, Broughton, M. Ayrmetes Advanced Cognitive Technologies

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