Wagner Powerpoint

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ETE 665

Richard Wagner
de Bonos Virtual Thinking Hats

ETE 665

Richard Wagner
de Bonos Virtual Thinking Hats
Goals: Students will understand about the life and music of Richard Wagner. Students will be able to explain Wagners importance to the world of music and his role in shaping future music. Rationale:
Richard Wagner was a extremely important figure in late Romantic period music whos influence is still felt today. Gaining an understanding of Wagners music and influence will help shape learning and appreciation of music for the remainder of the academic year.


Students will learn about basic biographical information about Richard Wagner. Students will use the knowledge gained to fill out a composer profile sheet.

Students will use the biography.com website about Wagner to learn basic information and facts about Wagners life. Students will also watch the video embedded on the site.

Students can also use the Wikipedia page about Richard Wagner to learn about details of Wagners life.

Students will learn about the plot of Der Ring des Nibelungen and the names of the four operas that make up this operatic cycle.

Students will read the plot synopsis of Der Ring des Nibelungen on Wikipedia. Students will also be able to use Wikipedia to determine what four operas make up Der Ring des Nibelungen.

Students will watch the short video hosted by The Guardian summarizing the plot of the Der Ring des Nibelungen.


Students will describe their current feelings regarding opera. Students will be encouraged to include any strong positive or negative experiences that they have had with opera.

Students will read a two-part article about the state of American Opera and the preconceptions that are hurting it.

Students can use Blogger to create a post about their preconceptions about Operaincluding both positive and negative feelings at the beginning of the presentation about Wagner. Students will do the same at the end of the unit on Wagner noting any changes in attitude.


Students will learn about Wagners anti-Semitic beliefs and his links to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Students will have access to a variety of online articles regarding Wagners anti-Semitism. Students will also have access to a clip from the Nazi propganda movie Stukas as well as other propaganda that feature Wagners music.


Students will listen to music of Richard Wagner. Students will complete critical listening sheets about each piece of music they listen to. These sheets include room to express positive or negative reactions, emotion connections, and musical traits they find interesting.

Students will watch a variety of clips of Wagners music. For each they will fill out a critical listening sheet.

Students will learn about the construction and importance of the Bayreuth Festspielhaus and the Bayreuth Festival.

Students will read a Wikipedia article about the Bayreuth Festspielhaus and its importance.

Students will watch a series of videos regarding the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. Specifically about the construction and design elements Wagner incorporated into it.

Students will learn about Wagners musical innovations including: leitmotif, instrumentation, and gesamtkunstwerk.

Students will be able to look up leitmotif and gesamtkunstwerk on Wikipedia to gain basic understanding of the concepts. Students can also use a link to a website regarding the use of leitmotif in movies [particularly Star Wars]. Students can also look up information on the Wagnertuben


Students will learn about the use of Wagners music in contemporary society [particularly in modern film scores].

Students can use the database on IMDb to explore films, television shows, and other media that have utilized Wagners music.

Students will watch several clips from movies that utilize music of Richard Wagner.

Students will identify a clip of a movie that they think would benefit from having Wagners Ride of the Valkyries playing instead of the music that was composed for it.

Students will find movie clips on Youtube that they think could benefit, or would be enhanced, with Wagners Ride of the Valkyries

Thinking About Thinking

Thinking About Thinking

Students will summarize their thoughts about Wagners lasting impact to the world of music.

Students will use their Blogger page to create a post answering this questions: What were some of Richard Wagners greatest impacts on the world of music? Does his role as an active anti-Semite negate his lasting impact or importance in your mind?

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