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(Please indicate your PIN on your payment check!) Website /E-mail
CHASE Present an original payment coupon and payment Automated Phone System
at any of the more than 250 Chase banking locations 312.443.5100, 24-hours, 7-days a week
throughout Chicagoland. This is a free taxpayer convenience. English / Espanol / Polski
ONLINE Visit You can
pay from a checking or savings account, but first verify that your
Office Address
118 N. Clark St., Suite 112, Chicago, IL 60602
bank can make electronic “ACH” payments from your account.
MAIL Use the return envelope included with your tax bill.
Mon. - Fri., 9:00 am - 5:00 pm your property taxes
Mail one check with one original payment coupon per envelope.
The cancelled check serves as your receipt.
MORTGAGE ESCROW If your taxes are paid through a
mortgage escrow account, verify that the PIN on your deed
Service / Function Website Phone System Office
Refunds and
matches the PIN your lender is referencing with their payment. Balance Current Year
Change Name/
Local taxing authorities, the Cook County Assessor and the Current Military Waiver   
Cook County Clerk determine your property tax amounts.
These revenues provide crucial support for many vital Duplicate/ 
community services and programs including: Overpayment Form
▪ schools and community colleges Estate Search  
▪ police and fire protection
Exemptions History  
▪ public health
▪ parks Payment Status   
▪ libraries
▪ water filtration Payment by
▪ forest preserves Legal Form
The Cook County Treasurer’s property tax duties mainly Refunds Search   
include effective collection, investment safety and maximum
Senior Citizen 
yield, efficient distribution to local governments, and issuance  
Tax Deferral
of valid taxpayer refunds. Our Office is responsible for collecting
over $9 billion in annual real estate taxes, on nearly 1.7 million Tax Bill Description  
taxable parcels, and distributing those funds to about 2,000
local government agencies/units throughout Cook County. As Tax Bill Due Dates   
such, the Cook County Treasurer manages the second largest Third Party
property tax collection system in the United States. Our Office’s    Cook County Treasurer
Notification Form
strong customer service accomplishments have included:
▪ expanded payment options, via Internet and at
450 bank locations
▪ publicizing of available refunds, with overpayments
of $250,000,000 returned to taxpayers

Skrebneski Photo
▪ highly informative website: 5,000,000 visits since 2004;
over 31,000 e-mail responses
▪ automated phone system handling almost 1,000,000
calls since 2003 Tel 312.443.5100
▪ information available in 20 foreign language brochures County Building, Suite 112
and on our website 118 N. Clark Street
▪ enhanced public Outreach Program – e-mail outreach@
Office of the Cook County Treasurer
Chicago, IL 60602 to schedule a speaker visit Count On Us!

Brochure Outside – Flat size: 3-5/8 x 8-1/2"

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Fonts: Guardi Roman and Optima
A Note from the Treasurer, EXEMPTIONS
Eligibility Requirements
Exemptions and Refunds are the best ways to minimize your Exemptions might lower your taxes by hundreds of dollars each 1) 65 years or older in the tax year, and
property taxes. Please become acquainted with the tax-savings year. An estimated 200,000 property owners may currently qualify 2) household income of $45,000 or less, and
opportunities discussed here. Our website is a convenient, for $45 million in exemptions, for which they never applied. To 3) use the property as a primary home and have paid the taxes
“treasure chest” of information, and you can call our automated be sure you are taking full advantage of these savings opportunities, in the prior two tax years
phone system or visit our office. Be sure to reference your PIN visit exemptions on the Internet.
(14-digit Property Index Number). We’re pleased to help you Application Procedures
save money. Count on us! HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION 1) applications available through the Cook County Assessor, and
$250 - $2000 may be saved annually (depending upon local tax 2) an annual renewal form will be mailed to you
Sincerely, rates and assessment increases) by taxpayers owning a single-family
home, townhouse, condominium, co-op or apartment building. SENIOR CITIZEN TAX DEFERRAL
The Cook County Treasurer’s Office administers this program,
Eligibility Requirements providing loans from the State of Illinois. Qualifying seniors
Maria Pappas 1) property must be the primary residence can defer up to 100% of property taxes and special assessments
Cook County Treasurer 2) property must not exceed six units (the amount not exceeding 80% of their equity interest) on their
3) first-time applicants must own the home and have been the primary homes. The loan must be repaid, at 6% simple interest
property occupant as of January 1 of the related tax year per year, when the home is sold or transferred to an heir.
Application Procedures Eligibility Requirements
Thousands of Cook County taxpayers are owed tax refunds, 1) applications available through the Cook County Assessor, 1) at least 65 years of age by June 1 of the year in which
usually due to unintended overpayment or duplicate payment tel. 312.443.7550 or, and applying (a previously-approved participant’s surviving
(i.e., the bill was paid by both the homeowners and their 2) reapplication only necessary after the property has been sold spouse may participate if at least 55 years of age), and
mortgage companies). By your filing of a valid tax Refund 2) household income of $40,000 maximum, and
Application, the Treasurer can issue a refund. The process is HOME IMPROVEMENT EXEMPTION
3) lived in the home at least 3 years, and
quick and simple, by phone or Internet, available for the current This program allows you up to $75,000 worth of home
4) have fire and/or casualty insurance, and
year and the prior four years. We urge you to annually search improvement, without increasing your assessed value for the
5) no outstanding property taxes or special assessments
for possible refunds, to be sure you have not overpaid. improvement, for at least four years. For more information,
contact the Cook County Assessor or visit their website. Application Procedures
Refund Search Procedure 1) from January through the March 1 deadline, forms are
1) call our automated phone system, press 2 for “Refunds,” RETROACTIVE EXEMPTIONS
available at the Treasurer's Office, for download at our
enter your PIN (14-digit Property Index Number), or If you have not already filed, you may still receive exemptions for
website (select “Services for Seniors” tab) or by fax at our
2) visit and enter the current and/or preceding three year(s). To claim them, a
automated phone system, and
your PIN. “Certificate of Error” must be obtained from, filed with, and
2) file on or before March 1, and
granted by the Cook County Assessor. Once the Certificate is
To Apply 3) file annually to continue participation
approved, the Cook County Treasurer can refund your money.
1) from our website, download and print an application, or CIRCUIT BREAKER
2) use our phone system to have an application faxed OTHER EXEMPTIONS & SPECIAL PROGRAMS Seniors and disabled citizens may receive a financial grant for
3) mail or bring the completed, signed application to the property taxes, rent or nursing home charges. Contact the
Illinois Department on Aging, toll-free, at 800.252.8966 or at
4) include a copy of one or more of the following proofs This can save you approximately $200 on your Second on the Internet.
of payment: Installment tax bill. (Those receiving this exemption
automatically qualify for the Homeowner Exemption; no DISABLED VETERANS ASSISTANCE
▪ Cancelled check(s) separate application is required.) Tax exemption/assistance programs are available for qualifying
▪ Imprinted, validated tax bill(s) veterans. Contact the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs,
▪ Register receipt(s) from cashier Eligibility Requirements
312.814.2460 or at on the Internet.
▪ Real estate closing statement or a copy of title 1) age 65 years or older during the tax year for which you are
▪ Your mortgage company’s IRS Form 1098 indicating taxes 2) the property must be your primary residence, and A low interest (3%) loan is offered by City of Chicago to qualified
paid for the year OR a letter from the mortgage company, 3) first-time applicants must own the home and have been the homeowners whose assessments have recently, sharply risen.
addressed to you, including PIN, amount paid, date paid, property occupant as of January 1 of the related tax year Call the Chicago Tax Assistance Center at 312.744.1000.
tax year, and installment number. Application Procedures CURRENT MILITARY WAIVER
▪ Paid tax-sale redemption bill 1) applications available through the Cook County Assessor, and The Treasurer’s Office administers this program for active-duty
2) an annual renewal form will be mailed to you military personnel. They may defer payment of taxes, without
penalty, until 180 days after their return from out-of-state active
duty. To apply, visit
This exemption freezes the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) of
on the Internet.
your property, protecting you from “reassessment inflation.” (This
freezes your property assessment, not the total tax bill.)

Brochure Inside – Flat size: 3-5/8 x 8-1/2"

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Fonts: Guardi Roman and Optima

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