This document contains an application form for distributors to register with HDFC Asset Management Company Limited to distribute their portfolio management services and other services. It requests information such as individual details like date of birth and PAN number or corporate details like date of incorporation and contact person. It also contains a declaration by the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of distribution like not making unauthorized representations, being eligible for distribution fees, and indemnifying HDFC against any issues arising from their actions. The terms and conditions further clarify the business relationship, grounds for termination, use of information material, and dispute resolution process.
This document contains an application form for distributors to register with HDFC Asset Management Company Limited to distribute their portfolio management services and other services. It requests information such as individual details like date of birth and PAN number or corporate details like date of incorporation and contact person. It also contains a declaration by the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of distribution like not making unauthorized representations, being eligible for distribution fees, and indemnifying HDFC against any issues arising from their actions. The terms and conditions further clarify the business relationship, grounds for termination, use of information material, and dispute resolution process.
This document contains an application form for distributors to register with HDFC Asset Management Company Limited to distribute their portfolio management services and other services. It requests information such as individual details like date of birth and PAN number or corporate details like date of incorporation and contact person. It also contains a declaration by the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of distribution like not making unauthorized representations, being eligible for distribution fees, and indemnifying HDFC against any issues arising from their actions. The terms and conditions further clarify the business relationship, grounds for termination, use of information material, and dispute resolution process.
This document contains an application form for distributors to register with HDFC Asset Management Company Limited to distribute their portfolio management services and other services. It requests information such as individual details like date of birth and PAN number or corporate details like date of incorporation and contact person. It also contains a declaration by the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of distribution like not making unauthorized representations, being eligible for distribution fees, and indemnifying HDFC against any issues arising from their actions. The terms and conditions further clarify the business relationship, grounds for termination, use of information material, and dispute resolution process.
A Joint Venture with Standard Life Investments Limited
Regd. Office : Ramon House, 3rd Floor, H. T. Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020. Tel. : 022-2029111, 2316030 Fax : 022-2028862 e-mail : [email protected] website : DETAILS OF YOUR BANK ACCOUNT (Brokerage cheques will contain the account details to avoid fraudulent encashment) Account No. Type Savings Current Bank Branch City Instructions for despatch of brokerage cheque : By Post Hand Delivery at designated HDFC Mutual Fund ISC. Direct credit to my/our HDFC Bank Account as given above.* * As and when the facility is introduced. Status Individual Partnership Firm Pvt. Ltd. Co. Public Ltd. Co. Others : (Please specify) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Individuals Date of Birth Educational Qualification PAN No. ARN No. Name of Nominee PMS DISTRIBUTOR REGISTRATION FORM Corporates Contact Person Date of Incorporation PAN No. ARN No. (of the Corporate) For Office use only Application received on Branch Date of Appointment Agents Code No. Authorised by Remarks DECLARATION I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are a citizen of India/Company incorporated in India and the information contained in this application is true and correct in all respects. I/We undertake to inform the Portfolio Manager of any change in my/our address as and when such change occurs. I/We accept and acknowledge that the Portfolio Manager reserves the right to reject this application without providing a reason. I/We authorize the Portfolio Manager to verify/check/investigate and share or reveal to any other person or authority as the Portfolio Manager may deem fit any or all the information provided in this application. I/We undertake to abide by the terms and conditions stated overleaf or as amended from time to time regarding the operation of distributors. I/We am/are not an employee or a relative of a Director/Employee of the Portfolio Manager. FUNDS MOBILISED Portfolio Management Services Other Services Cumulative to date (Rs.) Last one year (Rs.) DD MM YY DD MM YY Photograph (only for Individuals) KEY CONTACT DETAILS NAME (Mr./Ms. M/s) ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION PIN TELEPHONE (O) (R) Mobile FAX e-mail (Block Letters) (Block Letters) m2 \ d:\ FORM \ HDFC-PMS&OTHERFORMS \ OTHERFORMS-TOBE......\HDFC-AgRegForm-PortfolioManagement.p65 draft-2 31.3.2005 Place Date Signature of Applicant TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The statements made by the Distributor in answer to the questions in the Portfolio Management Services ("PMS") Distributor Registration Form and the declaration made therein shall be the basis of the contract. 2. The Distributor understands that this arrangement is on a principal-to-principal basis and does not create and shall not be deemed to create any employer-employee relationship between HDFC Asset Management Company Limited (the "Portfolio Manager") and the Distributor. The Distributor shall not be entitled to, by act, word, deed or otherwise, make any statement on behalf of the Portfolio Manager or in any manner bind the Portfolio Manager or hold out or represent that the Distributor is representing or acting as agent of the Portfolio Manager. 3. The Distributor shall not make any representations or statements on behalf of the Portfolio Manager other than as per the information material provided by the Portfolio Manager. 4. The Distributor is not authorised to receive cash/ cheque/ demand drafts on behalf of the Portfolio Manager or in its own name with respect to any business sourced by the Distributor. 5. The Distributor is eligible for distribution fee on the business procured by him/ her at the rate(s) prescribed by the Portfolio Manager. Provided, however, that the rate(s) are subject to revision at the discretion of the Portfolio Manager from time to time and the Distributor shall be bound by such changes. The distribution fee so paid to the Distributor shall be inclusive of any tax, service tax, cost, charges and expenses incurred by the Distributor in connection with his/ her introductions. 6. The Distributor declares and covenants with the Portfolio Manager to defend, indemnify and hold the Portfolio Manager and its affiliates, promoters, successors in interest and permitted assigns harmless from and against all losses, claims, costs, charges, expenses, damages or assertions of liability of any kind or nature resulting from: a) any breach of terms, covenants and conditions or other provisions hereof or any actions or omissions thereunder; b) any failure to comply with all applicable legislation, statutes, ordinances, regulations, administrative rulings or requirements of law; c) the misfeasance, malfeasance, misrepresentation or fraudulent acts of the Distributor's or his/ her personnel; and d) any and all actions, suits, proceedings, assessments, settlement, arbitration judgements, cost and expenses, including attorneys' fees, resulting from any of the matters set forth above. The above indemnities shall survive this empanelment and the Distributor shall continue to be liable under the indemnities. 7. The appointment of the Distributor shall be liable to be terminated by the Portfolio Manager forthwith: a) if he/ she is found to be a minor or adjudicated as an insolvent or found to be of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction; b) if in course of any judicial proceeding it is found that he/ she knowingly participated in or connived at any fraud, dishonesty or misrepresentation against the Portfolio Manager or any client of the Portfolio Manager; c) if the Portfolio Manager is satisfied that any statement made in the Distributor Registration Form was false or misleading or calculated to mislead; d) if he/ she acts in any other manner prejudicial to the interest of the Portfolio Manager; and e) if he/ she does not comply with all applicable legislation, statutes, ordinances, regulations, administrative rulings or requirements of law. 8. In addition to what is stated in the preceding paragraphs, the Portfolio Manager shall have the right to terminate the appointment of the Distributor at any time by giving him/ her a written notice thereof and without assigning any reasons thereof. 9. The Distributor shall not have any claim against the Portfolio Manager for any loss incurred by him/ her as not anticipated and arising out of any revision in the rate(s) of distribution fee. 10. The Distributor must not make any representation concerning services offered by the Portfolio Manager except those contained in the printed information issued by the Portfolio Manager. 11. The Distributor must not indulge in any kind of malpractice's or unethical practices to market the services of Portfolio Manager. 12. The Distributor shall comply with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993 including notifications, guidelines issued thereunder and any amendments thereto with specific focus on regulations/ sales literature and abide by the code of conduct /code of Advertisement. 13. In case of application by non-individuals, a certified true copy of the relevant resolution or authority to make the application as the case may be, alongwith a certified true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association/ Bye- laws/ Partnership Deed and Certificate of Registration should be submitted. 14. The Distributor shall only use information material provided by Portfolio Manager for marketing the services of the Portfolio Manager. The Distributor shall not design his/ her own advertisement for marketing the services unless prior approval in writing is obtained from the Portfolio Manager. 15. The agreement shall stand automatically terminated without any notice from the Portfolio Manager upon disqualification or withdrawal of Regulatory or Government Approval to act in the capacity contemplated herein. Upon any termination, the Distributor shall forthwith return all documents, papers and material pertaining to the Portfolio Manager and / or belonging to the Portfolio Manager. 16. Appointment as a Distributor is subject to written confirmation by the Portfolio Manager. 17. In respect of all disputes arising under this empanelment , the courts in Mumbai alone shall have jurisdiction.
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