Psychoanalysis Class Assignment Group Setting

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Psychoanalysis: Theory and Therapy | Taber, Jim, Jeff, Brad.

Psychoanalysis; Taber T fellows Theory and therapy Group assignment: Brad, Timothy, Jeff, and Taber

The big five dimensions of personality

Versus and or!!!

Psychosexual stages and the development of personality

The big five dimensions of personality:
Conscientiousness: Organized.......Disorganized Careful. Care less Trusting. Suspicious Helpful..........Uncooperative SoftheartedRuthless Trusting Suspicious Helpful.. Uncooperative



Worried.......... Calm Insecure..........Secure Self-pitying.Self-satisfied

Openness to Experiences:

Imaginative.Down to earth VarietyRoutine Independence.Conforming Social.Retiring Fun-lovingSober Affectionate..Reserved


Source: McCrae & Costa

, 1990. 1999.

Psychoanalysis; Taber T fellows Theory and therapy Group assignment: Brad, Timothy, Jeff, and Taber

The big five, as they are affectionately called, are the traits of the five factor model of personality: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Openness to experience, and Extraversion. The big five dimensions of personality, can be used to predict patterns in peoples behavior, people identified as high in Extraversion: for example, Tend to choose to spend time with lots of other people and are more likely than introverts to look people in the eye. People high in conscientiousness generally performed well at work and tend to live longer. People low on Conscientiousness and low in agreeableness are more likely than average to become juvenile delinquents.(John & Srivastava, 1999). Research on the big five has shown that peoples personalities tend to remain stable throughout their lifetime, sources at one time in life correlating strongly with scores at later dates, even later decades (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner 2005). William James offered the opinion that in most of us, by the age of Thirty, the character has set like Plaster, and will never soften again James 1890, p. 121), but this turns out to be too strong a view. Some variability is typical in childhood, and though there is less in adolescence, some personality change can even occur in adulthood for some people. (Srivistava et al., 2003) The big five dimensions of personality: 1). Conscientiousness: 2). Agreeableness: 3). Neuroticism: 4). Openness to experiences: 5). Extraversion: The five psychosexual stages and the development of personality... 1). Oral stage 2). Anal stage 3). Phallic stage 4). Oedipus conflict 5). Latency stage

The five sexual stages and the development of personality accompanied with the big five dimensions of personality, clearly shows that we are made up of complex mechanisms. Freud believed that a persons basic personality is formed before six years of age during a series of five sensitive periods of lifes stages when experiences influenced all that will follow. Freud called these periods psychosexual stages defined as distinct early life stages through which personality is formed as children experience sexual pleasures from specific body areas and caregivers redirect or interfere with those pleasures. Tab each stage represents a battleground between the childs ID impulses and the adult external world. Problems and conflicts encountered at any psychosexual stages Freud believed will influence personalities in adulthood.

Taber T. Fellows Psychosexual development The five stages

Oral Stage; Birth 18 months The oral stage occurs in an infants life from birth to 18 months. During this time and infant is focused on receiving oral pleasure. Capital this occurs through breast or bottle feeding. It is believed that if an infant receives too much or too little oral stimulation, they may develop a fixation or a personality trait that is fixated on oral gratification. It is believed that these people may focus on activities that involve the mouth such as over eating biting fingernails smoking or drinking. The theory states that these people may develop personality traits such as becoming extremely gullible or nave, always following others never taking the lead, and becoming extremely dependent upon others.

Anal Stage; 18 months 3 yrs The anal stage is directly related to a child awareness of bowel control and gaining pleasure through the act of eliminating or retaining feces. Freuds theory puts the anal stage between 18 months and three years.

Phallic Stage; 3 6 yrs Oh, Mom! I Love you??? Daddy, daddy, Love me daddy Freud believes the phallic stage or the Oedipus or Electra complexes occurs during a child is 3 to 6 years of age. The belief is that male children harbor unconscious, sexual attractions to their mothers, while female children develop a sexual attraction to their father.

Latency Stage; 6yrs to Puberty The latency stage is named so because Freud believed there weren't many overt forms of sexual gratification displayed. This stage is said to last from the age of six until a child enters puberty. Most children throughout this age form same sex friendships and play in a manner that is non-sexual. Unconscious sexual desires and thoughts remain repressed.

Genital Stage; Puberty Death Freud believed that after the unconscious, sexual desires are repressed and remain dormant during the latency stage, they are awakened due to puberty. This stage begins at puberty and develops with the physiology changes brought on through hormones. The prior stages of development result in a focus on the genitals as a source for pleasure and teens develop and explore attractions to the opposite sex. The genital stage is the last stage of the psychosexual development theory.


Taber T Fellows
Theory and therapy Group assignment: Brad, Timothy, Jeff, and Taber

The big five dimensions of personality. Versus and or psychosexual stages & the development of personality... Clearly there is a difference between the big five dimensions of personality, and the psychosexual stages and the development of personality. Conscientiousness: The big five dimensions of personality are:
Organize ~<><><>~Disorganized Careful ~<><><>~ Careless Trusting ~<><><>~ Suspicious Helpful ~<><><>~ Uncooperative Softhearted ~<><><>~ Ruthless Trusting ~<><><>~ Suspicious Helpful ~<><><>~ Uncooperative Worried ~<><><>~ Home Insecure ~<><><>~ Secure Self pitying ~<><><>~ Self-satisfied Social ~<><><>~ Retiring Fun-loving ~<><><>~ Sober Affectionate ~<><><>~ Reserved




The five psychosexual stages, and the development of personality

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These five sexual stages and the development of personality accompanied with the other big five dimensions of personality clearly shows that we are made up of complex mechanisms. Freud believed that a persons basic personality is formed before six years of age. During a series of five sensitive periods of lifes stages when experiences influenced all that will follow. Freud called these periods psychosexual stages, defined as distinct early life stages, through which personality is formed, as children experience sexual pleasures, from specific body areas and caregivers redirect or interfere with those pleasures. Each stage represents a battleground between the childs ID impulses and the adult external world. Problems and conflicts encountered at any psychosexual stage, Freud believed it will influence personalities in adulthood. Taber T Fellows

Oral stage Anal stage phallic stage Oedipus conflict latency stage

Class question: 3 to 6-year-olds: According to Sigmund Freuds beliefs, the male and female child unconsciously do or feel what towards their opposite parent? 9 Months 18 months: Is the Oral stage at this time of our lives what does the theory state? Name a few of the different types of personality traits that we can will and do develop during this stage, and why? Taber T. Fellows
Group assignment Group participants include Brad, Timothy, Jeffrey, Taber.

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