Does Predicted Macro Economic Volatility Influence Stock Market Volatility Evidence From The Bangladesh Capital Market

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Does Predicted Macroeconomic Volatility Influence Stock Market

Volatility? Evidence from the Bangladesh Capital Market


Shah Saeed Hassan Chowdhury

Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Abu Taher Mollik

Applied Finance
School of Commerce
E-mail: [email protected]

M. Selim Akhter
Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Currently PhD Student
University of Western Sydney, Australia

March 26, 2006

Does Predicted Macroeconomic Volatility Influence Stock Market
Volatility? Evidence from the Bangladesh Capital Market


According to the famous Capital Asset Pricing Model, mMarket return , proxied by return

fromfrom a broad-based market index should be related to the risk associated with

macroeconomic health of thean economy as the later affects an individual firm’s cash flows

and the systematic risk component. Therefore, the overall performance of Macroeconomic

condition of a firm in terms of its contribution to the market portfolio return, in turn, can be

evaluated based on some macro variables like GDP growth, inflation, etc. In this paper, the

main aim is to findexamine how the macroeconomic risk associated with industrial

production, inflation, and exchange rate is relatedreflected to the stock market return in the

context of Bangladesh. capital market. Monthly data for the 1990.01-2004.12 period are

considered for the study. Since many macroeconomic variables and stock returns are believed

to follow GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) process, this

technique is used to find predicted volatility series for the variables considered in the study.

Finally, VAR (Vector Autoregression) is employed to investigate the relation between the

variables. Results show that there is significant unidirectional causality going from industrial

production volatility to market return volatility and from market return volatility to inflation

volatility, . the later being inconsistent with theConsidering all the findings, it can be

concluded that there is relation between stock market volatility and macroeconomic volatility,

but it is not that strong as suggested by standard finance theory warrants further study

reconfirming the result in other emerging markets. of factor models.

Does Predicted Macroeconomic Volatility Influence Stock Market
Volatility? Evidence from the Bangladesh Capital Market

1. Introduction

As far as a risk averse investor is concerned, uncertainty is the most important factor in

pricing any financial asset. According to most asset pricing theories, uncertainty or risk is

determined by the covariance between asset return and the market portfolio. Although it has

been recognized for quite some time that the uncertainty of speculative prices, as measured

by the variances and covariances, is changing through time, it was not until recently that

financial economists have started explicitly modeling time variation in second- or higher-

order moments. Sufficient evidences are still to come from emerging markets like the Dhaka

Stock Exchange (DSE) in Bangladesh.

Chowdhury and Rahman (2004) have studied the relationship between the predicted volatility

of DSE returns and that of selected macroeconomic variables of Bangladesh economy. They

have followed the methodology of Schwert (1989; 1990) to calculate the predicted volatility

of the variables used in the study. They have calculated volatility from errors after using an

autoregressive and seasonality adjusted forecasting model. The volatility series derived from

such process has some limitations, which have been corrected in Generalized Conditional

Autoregressive Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models developed by Bollerslev (1986). For

example, empirical research has found evidence of large changes in stock prices are followed

by small changes of either signs. Therefore GARCH models, which take into account the
volatility-clustering phenomenon of security prices, is more suitable in modeling volatility of

financial assets and macroeconomics variables like exchange rates, industrial production,

inflation and so on.

In the context of present value model of asset pricing, stock price depends on future cash

flows as well as on discount rates. Since future macroeconomic condition obviously has

impact on the future cash flow of a firm, it surely adds to the volatility of stock return when

there is uncertainty about the future health of the economy. In this study we try to find out the

relation between the volatility of stock returns and that of some selected macroeconomic

variables. Considering the nature of financial assets and macroeconomic variables, we use

GARCH (1,1) models to estimate the predicted volatility of the asset returns and other

variables (industrial production, exchange rate and inflation) used in the study. Since there is

a strong link between macroeconomic health of the economy and the stock market return, any

shock to macro economy must impact the stock market return. This is obvious since any

shock to macroeconomic variables is a major source of systematic risk and there is no way

that even a well-diversified portfolio like market portfolio constructed from stock market

index can shift it to anywhere else. After calculating the predicted volatility series, we are set

to use some econometric tools. Since there can be delayed response from any shock to any of

the variables, we perform the Granger causality test. Finally all the variables are considered

in Vector Autoregression (VAR) to see more precisely how any shock to one of the variables

is transmitted to affect others in a dynamic framework.

This paper is organized as follows. Next section discusses the notable findings of the

research on the risk-return relationship in the context of the DSE and developed markets.

Section 3 gives the details of how the data are collected and then processed to obtain the

volatility series and what methodologies are used in the study. Section 4 analyzes the

empirical results found from the econometric models. Section 5 concludes the paper with
synthesis of results, policy implications, and possible remedial measures to develop the


2. Empirical Evidence of Risk-Return Relation

Many researchers have studied the volatility of stock market in the context of developed

markets. Officer (1973) shows that aggregate stock volatility increased during the Great

Depression, as did the volatility of money growth and industrial production. He also shows

that stock volatility was at similar levels before and after the depression. Black (1976) and

Christie (1982) find that the stock market volatility can partially be explained by financial

leverage. French et al. (1987) and Schwert (1989) measure market volatility as the variance

of monthly returns of market index. French et al. fail to find a direct positive relation between

expected return and volatility. Schwert also fails to explain much of the change in market

volatility over time using macroeconomic variables. In addition, he finds that the market

volatility changes over time. Schwert (1990) analyzes the behavior of stock return volatility

around stock market crashes. He finds that stock market volatility jumps dramatically during

the crash and returns to low pre-crash levels quickly.

Despite the significance of volatility issue in portfolio decision-making, little research

has so far been done to find how the investors show their attitudes toward risk in Bangladesh

capital market. Chowdhury (1994) investigates the time series behavior of returns in the DSE

using EGARCH-M (exponential GARCH in-the-mean) model. The return series is found to

be conditional heteroskedastic and both the first and second moments of the returns are time-

dependent. The conditional variances of the return series depend upon past volatility shocks

and conditional variances are, therefore, predictable using past information. The significance
of the asymmetry coefficient shows that positive return shocks in the market lead to higher

increases in conditional volatility.

Hassan et al. (2000) use GARCH models to empirically examine the issue of market

efficiency and time varying risk-return relationship for Bangladesh. The returns display

significant serial correlation, implying stock market inefficiency. The results also show a

significant relationship between conditional volatility and the stock returns, but the risk-

return relationship is negative and significant, a result, which is completely inconsistent with

portfolio theory. Hassan and Maroney (2004) examine the efficiency of the DSE by giving

due consideration to some stylized facts of the market like non-linearity, thin trading, and

structural change. They find non-linearity after correcting for thin-trading in some of the

years under study. However, due to parameter instability, the ability to make profitable

trading strategy is very limited. Chowdhury and Rahman (2004) investigate how predicted

volatility of macroeconomic variables is related with that of stock return in Bangladesh.

Vector Autoregression (VAR) is used to find the relationship. Findings show that

macroeconomic volatility strongly causes stock market volatility, but not the other way

around. Moreover, any shock to macroeconomic volatility takes long time to be absorbed into

the stock prices. Imam and Amin (2004) find that the volatility of the stock return of

Bangladesh capital market follows a GARCH (1,1) process and there is persistence in

volatility and the conditional volatility after the crash of 1996 is mean reverting. This finding

suggests that current information has no effect on the long run forecasts, rather volatility

shocks (random errors) to the volatility estimated at earlier period influence more in

estimating volatility.

Findings of Chowdhury and Iqbal (2005) show that DSE returns have high volatility

persistence and tend to go away from mean infinitely. However, when data of few months

before and after the crash of 1996 are omitted, volatility persistence has reduced and has the
tendency to go back to mean volatility after its departure from mean. Investors do not

differentiate between positive and negative shock to volatility. The most important but not so

surprising finding is that the market does not give risk premium to additional risk takers since

risk-return relationship is found to be insignificant. They have also found that variance is

predictable from information about past variance. Instead of using traditional measure of

volatility derived from index returns, Chowdhury et al. (2005) use firm-level returns data to

measure the cross-sectional market volatility. They find that there is weak relationship

between risk and return and shock to return and volatility stays in the system for a long

period of time, indicating inefficiency of the DSE.

3. Data and Methodology

Monthly composite DSE index, industrial production index, foreign exchange rate and

consumer price index for the period January 1990 through December 2004 have been

considered for the study. Stock market index data are collected from the Dhaka Stock

Exchange Monthly Reviews. Industrial production index and exchange rate data are collected

from the IFS (International Financial Statistics). Consumer price index data are collected

from the Economic Trend published by Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh.

Market return, inflation, and rate of change in the industrial production and exchange

rate are calculated as the log differences of the respective variable between time ‘t’ and ‘t-1’

multiplied by hundred. In order to find the volatility series of these variables, we apply

AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) process for each of the variables. An AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) process can

be shown as given below.

yt = μ + φ1 yt −1 + ut (1a)
σ t2 = α 0 + α 1u t2−1 + β 1σ t2−1 (1b )

Where yt is the conditional mean of the variable, σt2 is the conditional variance of the variable

and ut is the error term. σt2 gives us the predicted volatility of all the variables used in the

study. We first apply Granger causality test to find the existence and direction of relation. If

the total economy is integrated, then predicted volatility of any of them should affect others.

In such a situation VAR is thought to be an effective tool to capture the relation between all

the variables in a dynamic setting since all the variables are considered simultaneously.

Therefore we use Granger causality test and the VAR for the analysis. A VAR can be

expressed mathematically as follows.

Χt = Αo + Α 1 Χ t −i + ε t ,
i =1

⎡σ 1 t −1,t ⎤
⎢ ⎥
Χt = ⎢ ⎥ ( 2)
⎢σ ⎥
⎣ 4 t −1,t ⎦

Where σt-1, t is the volatility of each of the variables from t-1 to t, and g is the order of the

VAR. Since the frequency of data is monthly, we arbitrarily employed a VAR of order 12.

4. Analyses of Empirical Findings

Table1 presents the summary statistics of variances (volatility) of all the variables used in the

study. Mean variance of market return and industrial production is very high compared to

inflation and exchange rate. Market return variance has high mean and very high standard
deviation, a phenomenon, which is completely different from other variables. The results give

important information about the Bangladesh capital market that it is much more volatile than

the economy- major macroeconomic variables.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

Mar. Ret Vol. Ind. Prod. Vol. Inf. Rate Vol. For. Ex. Vol.

Mean 68.5925 60.9051 0.5378 1.0942

Median 32.9030 59.3270 0.4320 1.1114

Maximum 975.9670 85.9752 1.8549 4.0730

Minimum 15.9661 55.1952 0.2975 0.0000

Stan. Dev. 117.3896 5.5083 0.3001 0.2751

Skewness 4.9632 2.1946 2.2777 6.6880

Kurtosis 31.8631 8.7811 8.4821 81.3724

Observation 178 178 178 178

Table 2 gives pair-wise Granger causality test results. Since there are 4 variables, we

have 12 different causal relationships. Results show significant unidirectional causality going

from industrial production volatility to market return volatility and from market return

volatility to inflation volatility.

Table 2. Pairwise Granger Causality Tests (12 month lag)

Null Hypothesis: Obs. F-Statistic Probability

Ind. Prod. does not Granger Cause Mar. Ret. 166 1.9358* 0.0348

Mar. Ret. does not Granger Cause Ind. Prod. 0.8827 0.5659

For. Ex. does not Granger Cause Mar. Ret. 166 0.0815 0.9999

Mar. Ret. does not Granger Cause For. Ex. 0.2373 0.9960

Inf. Rate does not Granger Cause Mar. Ret. 166 1.4638 0.1446

Mar. Ret. does not Granger Cause Inf. Rate 10.1825* 0.0000

For. Ex. does not Granger Cause Ind. Prod. 166 0.2802 0.9915

Ind. Prod. does not Granger Cause For. Ex. 0.2088 0.9978

Inf. Rate does not Granger Cause Ind. Prod. 166 0.3908 0.9650

Ind. Prod. does not Granger Cause Inf. Rate 1.1221 0.3469

Inf. Rate does not Granger Cause For. Ex. 166 0.4052 0.9596

For. Ex. does not Granger Cause Inf. Rate 0.1158 0.9998

indicates significance at 5% level.

The earlier relation is logical although financial economists believe that stock market

volatility should precede industrial production volatility since there are many qualified

analysts who follow the stock market even on daily basis. However, in the absence of

sufficiently large number of institutional investors and qualified security analysts in the

market, the market may be inefficiently analyzed thereby reflecting incorrect prediction

leading causality from industrial production to market return.

On the other hand, it is not conceivable why market volatility Granger-causes

inflation volatility, the second significant finding. This finding is highly justifiable in a

developed market where skilled investors dominate. In a frontier market like Bangladesh the

opposite causality should have happened mainly due to the dominance of non-institutional
investors, information asymmetry among investors and scope for manipulation. Theoretically

there should be positive relation between inflation uncertainty and stock return volatility,

which should ultimately increase expected returns and decrease stock prices. The limitation

of Granger causality test is that it does not provide the sign of relationship, which is very

important in order to have a clear perception of the direction of significant relationships as


Impulse response graphs are shown in Figure 1. All the volatility series are basically

sensitive to their own shock.1 Variance series are usually thought to be persistent and this

phenomenon is quite evident in the impulse response graphs. One important feature impulse

response is that shock to any of the variables stay in the system for a very long period of time

and does not tend to die away even after 12 months. We have already found market volatility

granger-causes inflation volatility. In this connection, first graph confirms that any shock to

the error-term of the market volatility causes positive shock to the inflation uncertainty

(volatility). Top-right graph shows that any shock to industrial production volatility does not

affect market volatility in a systematic manner. Therefore, the sign of relation between

industrial volatility and market volatility is not clear.

This finding is also supported by variance decomposition test, which is not reported in the paper.
MR= Market Return Volatility; FX=Exchange Rate Volatility; INR=Industrial Production Volatility;
INF=Inflation Rate Volatility.
Figure 1. Impulse Response Function

5. Conclusion

This paper investigates how predicted macroeconomic volatility is related to the predicted

stock market volatilti in Bangladesh. Since macroeconomic volatility is a source of

systematic risk, it should increase the volatility of stock market and risk-adjusted expected

rate of return. GARCH(1,1) model is used to find the predicted volatility of all variables used

in the study. VAR is then used to capture the relation between the variables in a dynamic

Results show that the relation between stock market and macroeconomic variables is

not strong. It is found that industrial production volatility Granger-causes stock market

volatility and stock market volatility Granger-causes inflation uncertainty (volatility). The

later result contradicts the theoretical prediction in an efficient and complete capital market.

However, in the absence sufficiently large number of investors and analysts in Bangladesh

capital market, it might have reflected the investors reaction in reverse direction. The dearth

of qualified analysts and institutional investors is a well-known fact in the emerging markets

like the one in Bangladesh. Anyway, this finding needs to re-examined to be sure of the cause

of reverse causality issue. .

Non-existence of the relationship between stock market and exchange rate fluctuation

can be explained by the fixed exchange rate regime followed throughout the period except for

the last couple of years when the country moved toward flexible exchange rate regime.

Impulse response function shows that market return is basically influenced by its own shock.

Moreover, any shock to market return volatility does not affect other factors that much. More

generally, all the volatility series are mainly sensitive to their own shock and almost

insensitive to shocks to other variables. Finally, volatility shocks to every variable seem to be

very persistent and take very long period of time to die away.

Findings of the study appear to be slightly different from that of Chowdhury and

Rahman (2004) where they have found that predicted volatility of macroeconomic variables

is related with that of stock return in Bangladesh capital market with causality running from

macroeconomic volatility toward stock market volatility. However, they have used different

volatility series and macroeconomic variable with different time frame. Since a better model

is used to calculate the predicted volatility series in this study, its findings are more

acceptable compared to the previous one.

However, one must be cautious in using these findings in policy making. Further research

confirming the results in similar countries may provide deeper understanding of the

relationship between the variables in emerging markets.


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