Dmshareguy Complete Links

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Dmshareguy official archive Contains all the links that Ive posted, as well as some links other people

have put up. Ive tried to re -host all mega links and fix every link that I mis-posted, as well as correcting dumbass descriptions. Have fun listening! Bold: Highly recommended album/EP/comp/discography. After the bolded sections, the remainder is totally disorganized. Table of contents: Pg. 2: Mandatory Listening albums Pg. 4: Death/thrash Pg. 6: Old-school death metal Pg. 10: OSDM revival/cavern-core Pg. 12: Technical death metal Pg. 21: Progressive death metal Pg. 25: Brutal death metal Pg. 28: Slam death metal Pg. 29: Black/death Pg. 33: Melodeath Pg. 37: Deathgrind/goregrind Pg. 40: Death/doom Pg. 43: Deathcore Pg. 44: Unclassifiable/Non-DM

>Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream >Every element of this album just comes together. It's a classic. Perfectly paced, atmospheric, genius riffs. This has it all. >!Kcky3QRa!aTC_HUB2FP215foWFvd4K0xdSJ4VgV7xzX-asmcrbFM Sample: >V/A - Swedish Death Metal (3CD Compilation) >GET THIS. Seriously, a ton of underappreciated bands are featured on this comp. Essential ownership for any death metal fan. >!jN8RTADJ!KpsIc3zfjvbF5R2fL9UAuQPahwRXM4PPs6ekgEiG8dw Sample: Uhhh.... Hard to represent this one well. might do. >Entombed - Left Hand Path >Purest expression of the "buzzsaw" Swedish guitar tone. The opener track is incredible, and the rest is pretty damn good but not quite on par. >!XZcS0LZb!LDrbp0sMPVz4mazzfui2vQ2KG2dHQEskr3X2B0FtuI0 Sample: >Molested - Blod-Draum >Unusual album. It has some folky bits, but the majority is chaotic pitch-black whirls of guitars which at times sound like an earlier version of Portal. This remastered 2CD version has everything the band recorded before most members went off to become Borknagar. The first CD contains the remastered version, which I would avoid its one of Dan Swanos worst production jobs IMO. >!fd8hCKBJ!XGifFmgsakYeuzS4Z8iDogKY-MY96yo5SX5me2Sewi4 Sample: >Immolation - Here in After >Pioneers of a style of fast, chaotic, oddly-timed style of death metal. It's hard to describe exactly what's abnormal about it until you listen. >!CBkUSTAT!QczB0nxS_731A-0RUCu-Ql9BxRsAivJDqvqBYRs8gX4 Sample: >At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours >Bizarre album that I can only describe as tortured, from the surreal lyrics to the moaning vocals. Uses violin effectively, and some of the finest and most distinctive melodic work around. The way everything is organized may lead to the feeling that it is aimless, but the developments are very complex and deliberate. >!nUllUQ6D!IFOu9y0rvLnMgOr6SMheu3gV4poVl6O94tp6PAW2eSk Sample: >Gorguts - Obscura >One of the "pillars" of technical death metal. Uses shrieking stretched guitar tones that sound totally un-guitar-like, playing torturous passages of atonal/dissonant structures reminiscent of the serialist school of composition. The story concerns a man obsessed with dying and ascending to a new spiritual plane. Inventive guitar work makes this a must-listen but it is a very abrasive album. >!mUlzhKiD!KHZ_GxiDSAkMRLWw-PMh7mQbP5ciICG8ar1bJIECmFA Sample: >Morbid Angel - Covenant >Some people will say this isnt nearly as good as the first 2 Morbid Angel albums. I like those a good deal, but Covenant did a great job of solidifying their style and adding tons of atmosphere. Its a bit simplified, but Azagthoths guitar work is still ferocious. >!LN10EJhL!ZnHxzVDXrHTycHfpcDfJDVpB94pOk4Tn9s7O-hlOa9Y Sample:

>Adramelech - Psychostasia >Demilich with more conventional vocals but even more bizarre riffs. Absolutely otherworldly feeling in this one. >!vE1C2aoD!J6OBPQQGhb5GPojj4Ue-XCztAvhxmBI9Ria36OZIZ28 >Demilich - Nespithe >Bizarre early technical death metal, cult classic. Watery melodies twist around behind echoing drums and demonic frog vocals. Interesting rhythmic interplay between the riff lengths and the drums - it seems like everything is in conflict with the other instruments. >!SQkn1LAZ!PUL_RUZBNOP6JBaVk6Z7m1b3kYtja456sxZ3souKR-M >Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes >Finnish old-school death metal, surface similarities to Nespithe but less melodically and rhythmically unconventional. Has a dusty, occult atmosphere. >!2FM30K7T!JtQ2bEuOZ_vRFjgnw8JX81mxD5cQNUtOnkh8rvzh32k >Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence >Brutal thrash, relentlessly fast and crushing with intense blast-beat drumming >!bM1VXIpY!AcEeADQWgeHy-avao2HgnABibSc0vNkbnXjyopw3NBs >Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn >Greek death metal classic. Brooding atmosphere created by prominent synth lines. Another album with a very deliberate pacing, but its full of memorable and powerful moments. >!LVlUyTiA!Ym3WOxpoAFJjRMJKXIVW7HQ_-yIE-fccQ6Fk1jWIbkE >Sample: >Atheist - Unquestionable Presence >A goddamn gem of metal despite numerous weaknesses such as thin recording quality and a tendency to jump around from idea to idea. The tracks are short but each develop a unique theme and tell a full "story". Incredible drumming and bass work, jazzy rhythms and tonality. >!SNVEGZ6B!fx8J12I59pLzboitklKL8QK0XmpzfA0fh_8Yj_03i5w Sample: >Brutal Truth - Need to Control >An essential deathgrind album if there ever was one. Fuses industrial ambience with spazzy drumming. >!fAskkSiB!uZNSJL6qAHNluNAfSeTzMzomMRtIzucUw1rOjF8iM1U Sample: >The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph >Doesn't have The Chasm's best production job, but in terms of songwriting, narrative and overall atmosphere this album is about as good as they come. Album cover is horrible but also awesome. >!eRtiSCzL!V9BywyRGIta6JhHElc0Yhw_JC3ge-sn0kUAEz6sQdp8 Sample: >Suffocation Effigy of the Forgotten >Created brutal death metal, basically. Still fresh and heavy as hell. Notable for being one of the first bands to employ linear song structures aka through-composition in metal. >!uMkyQCgS!TKINKRw2iom14LBlYCn7GUk-Vs5zXSM3zZZYC1Vlcz4 Sample: >diSEMBOWELMENT Transcendence into the Peripheral >A goddamn spiritual experience. Listen to this album. >!iUV21JCL!BH7CyWWzgDpbQR97dTxQcyd3bAJPwA0wLgEBL0ctD98 Sample:

-Death/thrash, brutal thrash

>Massacra - Enjoy the Violence >These guys became sort of infamous for being the darlings of ANUS, but occasionally those guys dogpile on really damn good albums. This is one of them. Refreshingly unpretentious but well-written thrash death metal, with smart interplay between phrases. Their first album is also excellent. >!PAV0iJ5K!MFirgFEqp6qpK56wkT329EKOm7B2wLze0DFWE4jMrzw Sample: >Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death >American brutal thrash which heavily inspired early death metal >!LUNV2ADZ!BYisjFP4ZVbnXfbvKmKOJX_dWesIZwiEqdGgFWyA66w Sample: >Sadus - Illusions >One of the greatest death/thrash albums around. Ball-bustingly intense, and the riffs are very technical and memorable. >!6ZcTFJZS!C5G_X1AJXVpv0kiqIm-oxS1KeT9HAG4KB5IS1Dtd0o8 Sample: >Sepultura Arise >Before these guys decided to make a career of blending tough-guy chuggin with Brazilian music, they put out a couple b adass death/thrash albums. >!zAFjnB4a!RynZRCJ2im64r319y7DJQE-USrFsGfslzUxydtZtrnk Sample: >Sepultura - Beneath the Remains >Quintessential part of the South American death/thrash metal scene. This and Slayer's Reign in Blood inspired death metal's riffing style. >!uF12CaaT!UCBotVHzP0P87fZi-Ik5S0XIxf53D0gjqH9X9eaEgEw Sample: >Vader - Morbid Reich >Classic band's early old-school death metal demo. >!TQ9RWapL!QOyJuFLlXw0LdiHY30hBr2TpfL9w0hDpFMWUu6eFP9I Sample: Cancerbero - Abominations From Hell >Thrashy south american death metal demo. >This only came out on tape in a very small release in 2007. >They have a few demos going all the way back to 1988 but this is their most recent excluding a 3 way split they put out in 2008. >!OAFTRLgT!H2FZIB5xLbPXEaoigFZTKT0Tf_U5QUwF-6rp4tzZ6Ac Sample: >Obliveon - From This Day Forward >Progressive death/thrash with a sci-fi theme. Sort of like a more brutal Voivod or a less-wanky Vektor with death metal vocals. >!qBsnyJ6J!OyN-PmbM2oepPwFn9Odl4HXnvC1RR9BHuJoqptQ9M5Q Sample: >Ripping Corpse - Dreaming with the Dead >Underlooked death-thrash, extremely fast with absurd riffs. Lacks momentum in the second half but very entertaining and ahead of its time. >!DUdC2JQR!WMWWshRkASYi-DmGgnVAWEWKrTw2fVP1PCcPArM-C0E Sample: >Electrocution - Inside the Unreal >Thrashy death, fast as hell. >!7J9wQSTC!IuAmHCUhTn7yAEvWorJCtxiePUc6xTzvt28z5MCh7GM Sample: >Deceased - Blueprints for Madness >Sci-fi death/thrash with some mild techy inclinations. Draws Voivod comparisons. >!XcM2VLrJ!H3a2wV1wGK-cPBdQzew1jlFFlSxStOgCpMOu7f0nurs

Sample: >Chemical Breath - Fatal Exposure >Some incredibly badass death/thrash which I have never shared for some dumbass reason. This brings the riffs. >!CdMhRJ4b!dZaq315H2QVQhhN27mvm3CWtt69pFojtf48PzLpXgfk Sample:

-Old-school death metal

>Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus >Amorphis at their most "death metal" and least "melodic". Got some folky touches still. Pretty fucking great stuff. >!3d1EjDzR!aUDbDS8Ovqro522eBN79DzB-Q7dKif1DhxjB4xtL4kc Sample: >Cartilage/Altar - The Fragile Concept of Affection/Ex Oblivione >Cartilage never released an album, but the absolutely surreal material on this split and their demo In Godly Flesh is worth seeking out, especially if you're into Demigod or Demilich. >!7AlzhaBZ!QgAgZ2WwbIayOWEyf-MX2DtMeks-fAJbpHWEs1_2k9c Sample: >Convulse - World Without God >Not much track-to-track variety, but who cares when the overall sound is so out-of-this-world? A Finnish classic. >!rUVxiLaT!U0Hk-ypipWTNXL9e1Yevrnq9mH9S-96jsJh21LtPvzE Sample: >Infester - To the Depths, in Degradation >Hellish old-school death metal from Seattle of all places. >!rRcklLRY!EIcypH7fpEgf4a4JSZ5nVTU92Jx0tMB7TNPI5VVvUtg Sample: >Miasma - Changes >BAH FOE MERRRRRRRRRTTT >Yeah this album owns. Awesome guitar tone, pretty unusual compositions, and energetic vocals. Amazing old-school DM release. >!SZMRnayJ!K0j6xEgph-hRYcC_bGdVvlj5uaJCPstTE9FBEUjnjCU Sample: >Nihilist - Compilation >Entombed before they were Entombed. An incredible compilation with a great raw sound. This upload was requested. >!vBViVBpI!bbWIcw1oUaWdl1jafwDZZlb6S2hfPXib7HXcaz3Rs4w Sample: >Bolt Thrower - War Master >BOLT THROWER. You know em, they write songs about Warhammer and shit. Hefty dose of groove. >!7F8xlQyJ!XfwRdUYuIBzcvuX2cPDF-Wv7KQIQXfGfxXnFWHaxZrk Sample: >Sinister - Cross the Styx >Don't mind me, just some good-ass old-school death metal. >!3I0FWTwL!JRfBBCH7-VFltpFyL3K0XQ0BvtdvrhJ5CkD5zWsVKbY Sample: >Vader - De Profundis >Thrashy death from one of the Polish greats - scratch that, one of the genre greats. >!nIlXWQLR!VR9OcTNLjcQamv197LEjMSqeWCE3vX4dUGEISdqX2Y4 Sample: R'lyeh - Ancestral Terrors(Demo, 1990) >Slow, Crushing DM from Mexico that isn't just Incantation worship. Lovecraftian themes. They have a REALLY great EP but I've somehow misplaced my physical copy and it doesn't exist on the internet. If anyone has it I'd greatly appreciate a share. Been looking for 3 or 4 years now. >!yA91jaSB!WWXTsHPPGKmktJv1iEyK9VYKYDgkTORosXXbi42CfLc Sample:

>Violent Fury - demos >Highly recommended, extremely obscure death metal. Groovy stuff from NYC. There are more of these demos and I have them, but I'm not going to lie I just found a rar on blogspot. If anyone cares I'll dig up my others from my archives and upload. >!uEdT3CIS!fxZDC2z1A4DuKjxpIGebwyOTAXIGokPN1EnByECLmwY Sample: >Ordeal Atrocities >As requested. Old-school style DM from Belgium. >!jQEkRIjI!eX7fdNYsFVj6HxCU12L5_OBTWJWixW35EfTnzKvyngE >Mortem - De Natura Daemonam >Underlooked thrashy death band from Peru, highly influential in the South American scene. Can be a tad repetitive but this is among their best efforts. >!OAkl3ZjS!INpduG-CbVBwQuqvMzr6ai4qAy8Swd5qVTh4l3zTL4Y Sample: >Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells >Strong, galloping rhythms, awesome vocals, and slow/fast dynamics make this a Swedish death classic. There are some really neat plucked and tremolo melodies. >!TJV3HZbY!eervaVI3CQIEdESwW37qZ35jqfIoBCMMAz5r_mIyJSM Sample: >Depravity - Silence of the Centuries >Pretty damn good Finnish OSDM similar to Demigod or Cartilage or what have you. >!fB8FHIrL!LAeLSAqdYJcvlUqXgafYiiekH052MgSUJ_hH0JIUnkE Sample: >Yogth Sothoth - Abominations of the Nebulah Mortiis >Pretty heavy stuff bordering on brutal death, but also full of that cosmic/occult atmosphere that you'd expect from a Mexican DM band. >!mYcHHDyZ!Vo5GpA58YsuxdU3UU8yHJCkKwOly0R0D4SUC1UgSoLE Sample: Here's their similar EP, The Dark Waters Are Shaken, which contains demos and new material: >!GEMhUTTa!caLgTRDh9QP-6y_6Quw2Ow5BiFk_VRDpsU2NnxRA6bE Sample: >Serpens Aeon - Dawn of Kouatl >Very obscure death metal from Seattle (anyone guessed where I'm from yet?). This album has some spacy interludes and a bit of thrash/black stylings. Featuring the former guitarist and bassist of The Chasm's first 2 albums, so you know what to expect in terms of guitar style. It's a bit harmonically simpler than The Chasm's work, but still interesting. >!vElkXTrI!Ku5C5VUS1NJxd13TkCJJPXH6yQklbmQxcw9C8bMl92Q Sample: Feretrum - From Far Beyond >Great Spanish death metal >Was unfortunately released on tape through a small Spanish label long after cd's took over and limited to 100 copies. Never rereleased, not very well known, but highly praised by those who know it. You probably won't ever see this name again, don't skip on it if you're interested. Less than 150 listeners on, this is their only tape but damn it's good. >!nZMiDZ5C!WWza50RIMcfrRBPiNz7iSglqOOh0OuoJ_vgoK01rfY4 >Sample:

>Banished - Deliver Me Unto Pain >Any fans of Baphomet who haven't heard this, need to listen to this now. This was that weird period of time when Baphomet changed their name to Banished and released an album under that name. It's everything that made "Death Shall Inherit" so great, and more. An absolute classic Link:!DdxxUBjZ!aaHLwR0UCnJSQHHqPuMKmw Sample: >Incantation - Diabolic Conquest >You guys know Incantation, right? They pretty much spawned all this modern old-school DM throwback stuff that sounds all cavernous and occult and what have you, and their vocalist was Satan? Well, here they're collaborating with none other than guitarist/composer Dan Corchado of the Chasm. And I FUCKING LOVE the Chasm. >!vNFygBJY!Dy2NnC1U9AnmmEXiJxXRTlpXsUMrItfS2cBzt0OgehE Sample: Bloodsoaked - Frost Image >Great death metal from Mexico. A huge classic in underground circles, but still only 3000 listeners on >!aMMkhYpB!KUjn3wZ1uDbX5QwPqTrxjwB9x-pG4Ncz_KH8rJmNAOs Sample: >Grotesque - Discography >Pretty fuckin' awesome early Swedish death metal - the Incantation demo and In the Embrace of Evil compilation have very good production and some awesome tracks. Alf Svensson and Tomas Lindberg would go on to join At the Gates. >!CVtiEJTR!Y8VnSAfZvludgybDmVzU5XpZDwU1lpFcv7W1jKZhvP8 Sample: >Malevolent Creation - The Ten Commandments >Death/thrash with pretty nice pacing (be prepared for some breakdowns though). Interesting lyrical concepts, though it's hardly a coherent story. >!aF8TlaDB!MST9lj6EFyURqu96I_PIPhEbVJBlP5BXT-6peWZca1Y >God Macabre - The Winterlong >Short album from this Swedeath band, who perfectly encapsulate, in my mind, a desolate and "wintry" atmosphere more typical of black metal. >!aF8TlaDB!MST9lj6EFyURqu96I_PIPhEbVJBlP5BXT-6peWZca1Y Sample: >Amorphous Mass - A Dream Of Fatality >A slab of forgotten death metal from 1995. Band recorded this one demo then faded away. Very obscure, only 8 listeners Link:!bAZ1XLga!UJ31lEjCOQ8rByrcVRhGVA No samples available >Ttiv Fraktura - (2001) Welcome to Fracture >Czech raw, homemade death metal; bass guitar and vocals featuring Wokis (!T.O.O.H.! and Duobetic Homunkulus), so obscure the "intro" track is missing >!DFEnyTLZ!bnJMlEf8iRnB71DjoDX0LwhQEAJevYBS6W62MPJYKrE Sample: >Therion - Beyond Sanctorum >Slightly symphonic/melodic old-school progressive death, made before these guys went totally symphonic and dorky. A classic album. Gonna go out on a limb by calling it progressive, but the compositions are quite lengthy and complex. Fits in my book. >!qVcwXRIT!V4pz3g_VX6qEYAQfhqWx_SK9s89aGzgm1liq8LenPYo Sample:

-OSDM revival/cavern-core
>Disma - Towards the Megalith >One of the brightest stars of neo-old school death metal, this got a glowing 9/10 review from theneedledrop. I don't love it, but it's definitely a standout in the scene for a reason. The production is goddamn perfect. >!qc1zWBJD!VqfIi1rKwFADHPr3_KvtCSww02MZeWGkfTl_OrkeQns Sample: >Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels >Another rising star of neo-old school death metal, these Greek guys play up the Immolation angle a good bit. >!fYUnGbTD!ZcYMbGKfiW4Qe0KW__ON92SMt80ybx-xfvn4PNBMn0g Sample: >Drawn and Quartered - Hail Infernal Darkness >A classic band of the Pacific Northwest scene, these guys borrow the Immolation style of crowded, twisted riffs to great effect. >!TI8kQaTT!aODEfWimFQl5DxaoOr7PZnHx_rpucpYuaDqMaUDcLXI Sample: >Funebrarum - The Sleep of Morbid Dreams >Kickass OSDM revival. Has some of the finest DM vocals out there, backed by thick production layered with sampling, and relentless speed >!yM9TAapb!TRu8bSouwLTQFwSlHonGTyw5wCJ_hRHb-DhaXiwRf-o Sample: >Nomad - The Independence of Observation Choice >Polish death for fans of Behemoth, Vader, etc. Not exactly OSDM revival, but its good and I couldnt think where to put it. >!PFFAlJzZ!ZihK4AUaQdyWRchKXZjgPzdf2RQdCDHX9cW_Yiia9R0 Sample: >Desolate Shrine - The Sanctum of Human Darkness >I shared this band's previous album in the last thread, and I believe this is an improvement on all fronts, especially as regards the guitar tone. Incredibly atmospheric and ominous stuff. >!qI9FDTiT!JVT_SGqvJQR4_qPr_4yudmQaqOtaJWmwb6HXzfqgeDk Sample: >Coffin Texts - The Tomb of Infinite Ritual >Oh hey, another band into the Egyptian mythology thing! Coffin Texts are a lot less blasty and techy than your Nile albums, though bit more like Morbid Angel. >!zRd22TTC!EpdxrkXH6jwJ8QaVBbKY4VDSnssMEwbcFKloVj9wN6g Sample: >Claws - Absorbed in the Nethervoid >One of the torchbearers of the modern Finndeath style, these guys do about what you'd expect from the scene, but they pull off

the dissonant Demilich riff style very naturally. >!2JVADRpI!IH6g9gOUAAsNl3owUVjFCEuOGCFO9yCSR67kmXLDaaM Sample: >Degial - Death's Striking Wings >Described succinctly by a RYM user as "An occult death/thrash blast, w/european methodic structure, south americas bestiality & a Watain-like image." The riffs are unusual with a dissonant sensibility reminiscent of Deathspell Omega. >!jM1CTbqD!dwLms0xL1cLQ-_4yzhz3PjKqHW86afiyrV9jct1csaM Sample: Necrovation - Necrovation >2012 Death Metal with a fairly unique sound >!O0ICSAgQ!KdNNJDA7DNU3pyqMGbJidW2wroMtCKTXLFYgaRxkh2c Sample: >Vasaeleth - Crypt Born and Tethered to Ruin >DAT ALBUM COVER. Has an incredibly vast sound. One of the best of the many many many modern Incantation clones, this band nails a surreal atmosphere. >!qcsE0brI!aa0rTBQ1lpd1aR2WffS-niqic95oW17aeA3Zajvd41Y Sample: >Witchrist - Beheaded Ouroboros >2010 Black/death/doom debut from New Zealand, mostly crushing and chilling atmosphere with interesting vocal work >!OwpUmIIZ!fRJ_KHJHOhbg7ulrkmhmGElYtYhFNa9LuWsIdedF0ws >Obliteration - Black Death Horizon >Straight fucking Death Metal in the vein of Altars of Madness and Mental Funeral, DM AOTY 2013 >!DU9xWJjT!bJYPaHo1y9yd7NgytOZcRh7LDoVxMDn24_LWKJSAoow Sample: >Sonne Adam - Transformation >Israeli neo-OSDM similar to Necros Christos but a bit less unfocused and sprawling. The production is a bit sleek but it's an alright album. >!vA8BBLpQ!OSmnYQUiaAEwanmirQS1d1jiQo0MKZRcdt_NHpMGcKE Sample: >Nader Sadek - In the Flesh >Modern occult DM, more Morbid Angel than Portal. Actually features the Morbid Angel vocalist Steve Tucker, as well as FLO FUCKIN MOUNIER >!qddDgI5Y!SFGvQm0fgycMjI2WhqeoUiUgrrVhL1O5NRogNbYwIyQ >Vastum - Patricidal Lust >Unusual death metal album with slight doom tendencies. It's a concept album about immoral sexual lusts. >!iNtkmIQZ!XV7QLANbkJO_ho4UZi32d2o0K9lM5e4D6sCNQX1I6WM Sample: >Abyssous - ...Smouldering >Not a lot can be said about this, just a short and sweet slab of new old-school DM Link:!aZoy3ALS!Kv9jAUsno9AKV0WaRzd1sQ Surprisingly obscure, no samples >Deathevokation - The Chalice of Ages >US old-school revival which draws parallels to work by Amorphis or some of the earlier Swedeath acts. It's a bit longer than it ought to be though. >!nc9BmLzJ!T3nWNXvag6fb4BMgMgnf8hFe2PoHJTXcr-9YGB3NWQ8 Sample:

>The Wakedead Gathering - Tenements of Ephemera >One-man old-school DM project. It's pretty conventional modern occult DM, but well done. >!OQsBkYBS!Mwn2TFdkZLGy64m4HVOmIxmlR5crs1hz5JBEoQNipRI Sample: >Cruciamentum - Convocation of Crawling Chaos >Crazy-ass neo-OSDM demo from this British band. There's a bit of Incantation stuff going on, no shit, but also some Pestilence and Bolt Thrower vibes. >!yZs21RiY!TY7iF1btdqCTRzWXBn6F8xp7RD1xgt-3lVBxI0xWIVI Sample: >Innumerable Forms - Frozen to Death >Fucking raw, wall-of-noise Incantation worship deal. Stuff like this has been described as "cavern-core". >!HZ9yRAZC!Jl4mP3gn-7nsr6Pgu-KD5VY3ytA95CggnxWk8rGzmqw Sample: >Desolate Shrine - Tenebrous Towers >Atmospheric occult death from Finland. >!PEcEBYiR!HRCMtAzROGwluVfnK3__3mvWdARoTjYnfUuWiXsKaC0 Sample:

>Brutality - Screams of Anguish >Crazy Florida death metal with tons of multi-tracked guitar goodness, some heavy doomy riffs, and lots of little details which pop out on repeat listens >!rAsDjZza!Jyfwkie_Hx_Kc3S9CCHouwfOLFJ1-6Gusm4QDg20wIQ Sample: >Cadaver - In Pains >Weird mid-paced prog death. The charming lyrics about human experimentation (which rhyme for no apparent reason) really sell it. >!zYUGHKRR!TJVsOkcYtNVFeJitIzKBaxIp2x9dP_k-Entirk3DhdY Sample: >Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium >Bizarre deconstruction of "tech death". One of the most challenging things youll hear from the gen re, with phrases rapidly shifting and boiling. Oh, then it adds an 11-minute fingerpicked neofolk/post-rock interlude in the exact middle of the album which is absolutely chilling. In my top 10 DM albums ever, but many of you will hate it due to the production. >!3ZclAR5R!P-4AIDNYXRCz4nosobGU_xgN_TQ_DR5n-EVMXpDMDoc Samples: >Disaffected - Vast >Prog death from Portugal, reminiscent of Cynic though perhaps a bit less jazzy. Heavy synthesizer use. Vocals vary between traditional growling and halfway-whispered black-metalish vocals. >!qFEwRbyY!M7bAkCnlGHdF5ZY1d35570eKWNw4tFuwFl8shntxo8E Sample: >Gigan - Multi-dimensional Fractal Sorcery and Super Science >Modern Gorguts tribute band of sorts - their first album used the distinctive stero-panned leads that appeared in the first track of Obscura. They are a very tongue-in-cheek band but their approach to death metal is interesting and distinctive. >!TAlBxaQT!Cqn5hlCik59oPxdOn8J5aCnDeAB0uusCH41sUq9VXrE Sample (different album): >Human Remains - Where Were You When (Compilation) >One of the originators of mathcore, these guys played a very spastic and grindy style of death metal with a lot of punk influence. Drummer Dave Witte went on to join Discordance Axis, a personal favorite band. This is a compilation of all their recorded material. >!SB9X3Jba!WNGL1hbB6ovz0PpSTEKTRGIS-GtjJ15ohF3leWkEik0 Sample: >Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil >The production on this album is a big question mark. It's all mids and the wet reverb channel. Initially sounds like shit, and the riffs are pretty pedestrian, but it's absolutely VAST-sounding and has this rising psychedelic feeling you don't get from much metal. The floaty, dreamlike feeling is buoyed by frequent calm guitar and synth interlude tracks. Not like any other death metal album. >!qU0mFTRJ!ZeE1hhHpcGTrDzSG5xtp7lLKkgZi1nXppTLFR9VsHAo Sample: >Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense >Weirdo prog death with a liberal dose of violin and a tendency to do acoustic breaks at unusual times. The violin phrases interweave with the guitars in rather labyrinthine, counterpoint-heavy riff structures. >!WZ0QXQRa!Zd3cxhUh8IYbm0TV5aTnfwm99hhNJ47qdx4SA9lWdQQ Sample:

>Stargazer - A Work of Great Ages >Yup, it's everyone's favorite cult band. This album is less black-metal influenced than Scream, and way more jazzy and Oriental scales and modes are used in the melodies. Still retains the unplaceable occult feeling that makes the band interesting. Tracks are generally longer, leaving room for more progression than the bite-sized tracks on Scream. >!TRth2ayL!KVyQS2Xk2dK4urd3wdgTWXnViPkf4xi28ldmd7zrgOo Sample: >!T.O.O.H.! - Pod Vladou Bice >Czech deathgrind/tech, ??? vocals, !!! riffs, snare goes PING PING PING >!yJFA1CzA!aJ6oKie7QKF5J7aixjOSBQVCP6YRtdGLCgLo8dQHTbE Sample: >Ulcerate - Everything is Fire >One of the most popular bands in the new school of Gorguts-worshipping dissonant death metal bands, though they are definititely doing their own thing, with a distinctive production style and sludgy/post-rock breaks which draw Neurosis comparisons, as well as a drum style similar to Immolation. >!HJMEzCTS!K1dyp2bBiI1V3GFQmvqNgWnRhDQcPK2VIuyGLaSHy3g Sample: >Orgone - The Goliath >Tech death + mathcore, but not in the way you'd expect. These guys borrow from bands like Knut, where busy bunches of leads and riffs are separated by post-rock sections. An interesting approach for death metal bands to take, and to think this predates Ulcerate... >!3M0lRB7J!Wj7WlFRYzU9AAjHbSJaVj2zJEjxH3MyFB7VHITOCPvI Sample: >Serdce - The Alchemy of Harmony >Remember how i described Disembarkation as Atheist with the mindfuckery turned up? This is Disembarkation on crack. Also for fans of Atheist, of course. These guys write some cool riffs unlike the other Atheist/Cynic influenced bands around. >!CMtmWLBT!cYF-UVQVABAqhEQPu_XcvTgFzxl9YnQPf-P2nLiuea0 Sample: >Atheretic - Apocalyptic Nature Fury >Melodically inventive brutal/tech death with incredible bass work. Dissonant and chaotic at times - Portal and Ulcerate fans take note. >!nYMwFbza!XuESrGuW90VE6glwMHQKUjbbe6dNgZqeKaDL_nVtTyQ Sample: >Pavor - Furioso >One of the best bassists in the business, smart songwriting. The bass is actually sometimes the main melodic instrument while the guitars play tremolo phrases. (ignore the file description being FLAC, i ripped the files from the image and coded them to 320.) >!2RsxSZ4J!MHBVqEbaSgHV-gGEvo06WDQU3RQmkXUNnHXsb8FHcYY Sample: >Slaughter Brute - Systematic Transmutations >Brutal/tech stuff, with the expected sort of surgical sound but actually quite focused songwriting. >!2J9DXZwL!dG6X6DLZ3uVRMUpWHcSySCrkr0N0dg6DMPZFaG24LYw Sample: >Stargazer - Occidentale Magick, Split with Invocation >You know I like Stargazer a good deal, with their riffs reminiscent of Absu, awesome fretless bass, and mystical atmosphere. The first link contains some tracks from The Scream That Tore the Sky, some which appear on the split, as well as a few exclusive tracks. The second is a split with another Portal side project, Invocation, which is much closer to the Portal Sound (tm)

>!GY9j1JDA!PLpO7TeYXonAm4LcR0ZryAuFo21ygtWQ6XSpmWrfc7M >!OJdDEbQI!QmTCYALNqjOTU6r6j1EUIGIpp3xM6mgB3l4Gm5xSebQ Sample: >Gorod - Leading Vision >I'm not too big on Gorod in general, but this album is full of some incredibly fun riffs and funky grooves, and an exemplary drumming performance which isn't too blasty. Following album is disappointing, but I've heard A Perfect Absolution is OK. Anyways, this is highly recommended to Death and Cynic fans. >!mVkVlSpZ!KHCnv0umFc0XTbMPSZ2pW2Djfide1hCNR9_0UxypWxM

> >Duobetic Homunkulus - Ani j ani ty robit nbudzeme, ednme do koa, vozit e budzeme >Look at the RYM tags. > Avant-Garde Metal, Technical Death Metal, Polka, Death Metal, Progressive Metal >But it's by two of the guys from !T.O.O.H.! so it pretty much owns. >!Xd83QAiA!cYiWxXvWspWvWP8XM7aOZAWHCv5UbkCh-nr3VDRJxyo Sample: >Fabricant and Apocryphon - demos >Fabricant is a pretty unusual Demilich-style DM band which was started as a school project. The guys behind it had excellent chops, though. They released this demo and a split with Apocryphon (which I own). Both are pretty indebted to the surreal/psychedelic side of the genre, with a bit of noise creeping in on the Apocryphon side of things. >!XAsiUQqA!EetRymeajA1u8pYxJQYk2ywCaSxAY97xVwuNtim5l_w >!ONcwhZBZ!JhsQR3C4q5ciaEmVfebfZDPidlNuR_EofCK8BnIqNqo Samples: >Orbweaver - Strange Transmissions from the Neuralnomicon >Intriguing demo from a band which shares members with Gigan. These guys are as dissonant as you'd expect, but they also have some psychedelic touches and a couple longer narrative tracks. Don't let the awful cover art scare you off, this is worthwhile and somewhat innovative stuff. >!WVEBQTQA!D-oMY3b5siksk5hyawPdPhYp0Uo92nr8GJWW70MlnXI Sample: >Cynic - 1990 and 1991 demos >Would ya look at that, it's Cynic before they decided to shit vocoder all over everything. There are 4 tracks on these demos that don't appear on Focus. Unfortunately, I can't find a copy over 192k bitrate since casette rips tend to suck. >!qdNzHSqD!Z_1KADKYNTq1Muy1mG6TyfBbaoNP34nutB4FSi1liqQ >!TB1wXbyA!GCKZA1zwDTv0OzzC9nN7RSTlbWQmDaxG15S8nJ5_gSE >Incarnator - Caeca Superstitio >Pretty similar to mid-period Death. You'll like it if you like Symbolic, I think. >!qYcREKzA!F3kfMi0uHyZDqoTb7JHxXQa5krInGAGfGbzPisSElnQ Sample: >Fallujah - Nomadic >I honestly think these guys are one of the best artists to come out of deathcore. This isn't really much indebted to that though you can hear some characteristic spazzy riffs and clean, processed production. There's a bunch of enchanting major-scale work here which. combined with heavily dissonant passages, feels like Lykathea Aflame meets Ulcerate. The space ambient track is pretty much a waste of time though. >!TNMhQCCT!Nnm6tyIYfrY9Fp7tsz8_62Fei0scn0acGQiDVJ8yG-8 Sample:

>Ophiolatry - Transmutation >This band has jokingly dubbed themselves Satancore, due to their subject matter and the very short, concise songs they write. Personally I'm all for that, since too many tech/prog death bands write long tracks which go nowhere. >!3R8zQQ7Q!JJOdOyLtw0jGkjBq4b8tATaRDtwxOSdE62pLjPs2zeg Sample: >Embyronic Devourment - Fear of Reality Exceeds Fantasy >Another one of those brutal/tech bands who seem pretty normal at first listen but construct some truly off-kilter riffs and song structures. There's some cinematic melodies present which you would absolutely not expect from this sort of stuff. These guys have a new album this year but I haven't listened yet. >!GVcxRA7L!QXKWnFVQDVNgPiXyB1GN4GZrhKBHy3RkYJwlLEnphIU Sample: >Ade - Spartacus >Mildly techy death about Ancient Rome - almost the Roman version of Nile. Speaking of which, Nile's Kollias is on drums so buckle up and prepare for some double bass. >!LI8FSK6K!DMBUszmOMC66igcGSnvohBhXv6wRKUEVwDjpNACFxWc Sample: >Pyrrhon - An Excellent Servant but a Terrible Master >Dissonant Gorguts worship meets mathcore. Very underlooked. >!mcNHyRwI!Rqjbl2dh9AJQ0cpPnfO51gVHLkNYvBRbGG_qFvmBn3Q Sample: >Psycroptic - Scepter of the Ancients >Aussie tech death band with an incredible vocalist. >!PEVEBLLB!Baq7Sjd8rbK1_po4cMFRfBRin7oGr6uHhypnTmKf6dg Sample: >Spawn of Possession - Cabinet >Tech death with a neoclassical edge. Less wanky than Necrophagist or what have you. I'm not a huge fan of this band but this album has some nice dynamics. >!mMMmAKSB!dWHggXOUSDfIoqA_K514DEvfWC8JkrlmwG9EfzQc5oQ Sample: >Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines >Nile's best album. Has a ton of variation, from the death-doomy Sarcophagus to the absurdly fast Execration Text. Some mild symphonic elements, especially in the two epic-length tracks "Unas Slayer of the Gods" and "In Their Darkened Shrines". >!qE8QwCKK!VQsQy06xc0yM5eWPZsbPgBo7LIlRnXQAhRQVATuTmv8 Sample: >Yattering - Human's Pain, Murder's Concept >2 albums by these Polish brutal/technical death dudes. They dropped off the wagon after this with some shit groove/industrial releases, but these are Deeds of Flesh/Suffocation style brutal death with some surprisingly weird, spidery riffs. >!7ddxlbZR!LcYwlxAX3ri_oUNGHY9CG3OOiUYKPaEVgA6gcTc1TW4 Sample: >Martyr - Feeding the Abscess >Schizo tech death packed with a bunch of riffs. It's part of the modern Montreal scene which includes Obscura, Quo Vadis, Augury, Beyond Creation, etc. You know what to expect. >!uAdBgB4b!NteSaBC1IBOEAgKtV5tjNEWjVWQMSUNT9wMtg27I4-Y Sample:

>Disciples of Power - Invincible Enemy >Thrashy, technical death with really incredible and distinctive drumming. Guitars suffer from a pretty hollow tone. >!zVsCkA6B!TOQoAxgeMsrThsswepsy3U2KxPFoXbcSgZ2mjiqM2-o Sample: >Disembarkation - Rancorous Observision >Technical mindfuck album with some Atheist-y riffs. Check this out, it's really neat "weirdo death" with a cool vocal style. >!WEsi2bxA!IqQFvC15s1orgblEi350yWVLEDhr7kMyUAWvv-H4AbU Sample: >Lost Soul - Immerse in Infinity >Pretty generic modern tech death, but these guys are good at writing coherent songs and being conservative with double bass and sweeps. Like a roided-up Vader. >!3dFRVagK!X2SgWVUKFeSKd-lTjdsC7EmQkZ1SqG_po2MkNPE0q5k Sample: >Violent Dirge - Craving >Polish tech death that sounds a ton like Cynic. In fact, aside from obvious Cynic worship like Obscura and Coprofago this is the closest you'll get to Focus's sound. There's also no vocoder. >!CJMmUKib!EcU7zhonPT-AOFidXndI4kJww2MzPM6o8qBVJlUoBSw Sample: >Psychopath - Making the Transition >Progressive death/thrash with pretty prominent keys. Sort of similar to Nocturnus in that regard and in the surprising, sudden transitions. >!TNNFmACL!X51X_TyQi7G0nd9iR-8h8Vu06XdSICk2mAe2bX8nb_U Sample: >Algophobia - Algophobia >Italian death metal heavily inspired by the Florida prog death scene, specifically Atheist. It doesn't really do anything new within that style, but it's worth a listen for fans of the well-known bands. >!7Y1ExbDQ!BRDtd2eAd00CifFs3Se4tyhyWfVwFVpILe6vKIERZBM Sample: >Spasme - Deep Inside >Featuring several members of Augury, but I happen to like it better than Augury, since these guys let their compositions shine rather than burying everything in keyboards and symphonic bells 'n' whistles. Worth looking into for fans of Martyr, Watchtower, and Neuraxis. >!jQchyBTY!U9Sk0WrvlmaoY3hO01PyC3TfnQQ4Q-0OzdvaAN5_Hpo Sample: >Dead Eyed Sleeper - Through Forests of Nonentities >So imagine if Opeth was a technical death metal band. That gives you a pretty good idea of these guys' sound, honestly. >!2U9FDTLJ!HPEiZnmTx8Oe7EXkJEZb1AyKljYlDUyRl2OxngI7LJI Sample: >Polluted Inheritance - Ecocide >Obscure prog-death that feels like a tighter and angrier version of Human-era Death. >!GAM0FaqT!aZ0JcUvI_tZS75SHeeuzIDj5DUQmEIj3MR6NKEZZQeg Sample: >Vengeful - The Omnipresent Curse >This band is a rather unusual Gorguts-worship type act. Their albums often suffer from padding and poor pacing, and this one is

no stranger. Worth it for the final track, though, a 21-minute opus guest-starring Luc Lemay himself. >!iBcQ0bBR!LFMetFoZHU4nOkEutEgVN0Gapx8E6y8CPTJn3sNsO4o Sample: >Cosmic Atrophy - Codex Incubo >Cosmic/Lovecraftian metal heavily influenced by the pseudo-serial riffs of Demilich and the progressive song structures of Timeghoul. The album was produced by two guys, and since they couldn't find a drummer they had to use a drum machine. This shows. Still, despite the weak production it's a brilliantly surreal little album. A follow-up album based on At the Mountains of Madness was planned, and in post-production, but the main guy in the band suddenly refused to talk to anyone at the record label and went to work on video game music, apparently. It will likely never be released. E: Cory from the band contacted me and said the album demos were wiped out in a HDD crash, and he intends to resurrect Cosmic Atrophy when he can buy back some equipment. >!qJ8QAKZA!WZhdXE6MGtoDKT1rUNHmWlhsanhGo3MXYCggfSumzhI Sample: Flourishing - A Momentary Sense of The Immediate World >Technical Death Metal/Post-Hardcore >!wMFylIiA!fNktdFTHopIk8e3uKEApTiH2GIV8EZaqP601GBGgKUU Sample: >Nocturnus - The Key + s/t EP >One of the oddities in the Florida DM scene, Nocturnus stood out for their progressive and unpredictable song structures and their full-time backing keyboardist who added spacey atmosphere to the compositions. The EP is 10 minutes of their absolute best material. >!LM1W2ZLA!fc7NfkSkYwElqX9fhcbCeUnV_R12NfpwUOYMFc9IuCM Sample: >Flourishing - The Sum of All Fossils >Dissonant Gorguts-y chord progressions buried under a sludgy guitar tone. Weird sampling and production makes this album a slightly psychedelic experience. >!HAkWkIYJ!EMePLkBswSREXDlzd3ImpR_DktdGdFVmR7Sek1EGVfo Sample: >Golem - Dreamweaver >Hypertechnical compositions that unfortunately blur together into a mass of dissonance at times. Worth it for the cool moments where everything clicks. Oh, there's also a cover of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. >!jV0mCaKI!NriHeBCjYxHKcoFGhapVHnIQBbV3sYeqjnBkLp8pYDU Sample: >Biolich - Discog (incomplete) >I grabbed this off the Biolich official blog, but I put it all in one place. These guys are a Demilich tribute band, essentially. The vocalist is now in Artificial Brain. Their early demos are pretty nuts. Oh, they also sample Autechre at one point <3 >!WFlXCKKA!VBtMOlIATkaaBUrHWVKnRRQTO_RnfWNwjsOu0GmtaEc Sample: >Demigod - Shadow Mechanics >Underappreciated followup to the classic Slumber of Sullen Eyes (which deserves its legendary status). This album has some long, linear song structures but stays true to the atmospheres and melodies of the first album. >!CFFCwDQK!axrW33_NhioaXb4QxWv5bSmP32VU8M_lW3IK7aCzQNs Sample: >Acid Death - Random's Manifest >Technical death metal with some odd guitar phrasing and great compositions. Does some of those jerky spurts of riffs like Spastic Ink or any other Jarszombek project. >!zEMkyYoT!Te-qiT3VoavZ0v09castaQWjGL1Bdp3FvUDbokvRpq8

Sample: >Chthe'ilist - Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth (Demo) >Grimy OSDM with very palpable Timeghoul influence. Instead of a Gregorian chant interlude they do a Demilichy throat singing dirge to end the album. It's a free demo but the .zip file they link you to is corrupt. Guitar tone is fucking insane, I'm looking forward to a full-length from these guys. >!HdVHhIxB!aLWSPS3jD2NMQS5sgqDbIgV76N9rp5GdVxO-64FFT9E Sample: >Monstrosity - Millenium >Featuring Corpsegrinder of Cannibal Corpse fame. I happen to enjoy this more than CC, mainly because of the technical/progressive song structures. Oh, and the album art is hot garbage. >!DY0XXJ4A!AKPHr1PxhNON_unsCgUtoW34ukkGSXHJhWlqRWR0I-I Sample: >Mephistopheles - Sounds of the End >Raw tech death from Australia featuring the former vocalist of Psycroptic. >!yUlxHLBA!KxotsjBGWBOOoI6vs48l12a2djAXH1BLrLKC6crFlPU Sample: >Mithras - Behind the Shadows Lie Madness >A bit of a cleaner, less midrange-heavy production than Worlds Beyond the Veil - it's also ditched the interlude tracks for the most part in favor of a more conventional brutal style. The solos and leads are still bizarre and dissonant as hell, as befits Mithras - this feels like a journey through a twisted nether plane. >!Dc0lUD7R!Rh5eTguv9Ber1mMMeD2qgDDAQNkBLjnN0tnsWT21T6Y Sample: >Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract >Russian prog death that seems like a more dissonant Atheist - it has the prominent bass and frequent breaks to change riffs, but the guitar style is very different. The solos are weird wailing atonal waterfalls that feel like something Demilich would do on more drugs than usual. >!SJEjRJyA!DnO6sx_O2aMoX0MdgxSEOGsyyFJIzqD8FK3DT4u7Ixo Sample: >Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage towards Abhorrence >Chaotic, Immolation-style DM. >!ickXmLwR!e5Dk-l4dzKuy4NkfE59UmhRPMR5btadivNMxjBnCp-A Sample: Duobetic Homunkulus - sti a mechanismy stroj (demo) >experimental tech death, from one-time !T.O.O.H.! lead guitar and bass!6MdQTRZZ!QJxwRWJ5WNOzPpKL45HMKi0kCoRm0HJn8NZnPb5MCFE >Stargazer - The Scream that Tore the Sky >Bizarre prog-death with involvement of Portal members. Most tracks are short but contain unusual progressions, jumping from Gorguts-y dissonance to major-key Eastern melodies. Incredible, prominent bass work further separates this from the majority of death metal releases. >!OR9XkCyK!cOrznwxeuosruDbLfiPGZzY11EAj_GNRb9ZBbQ0dN6I Sample: >Baring Teeth - Atrophy >One of the more interesting Gorguts worship acts. Scarred Fingertips is some next-level shit.

>!CVlXmJAa!ZYpTJC42YSTSlBUPxyALt2M4JLR0-OwK5V2c4tjldC8 Sample: >Necronomicon - The Sacred Medicines >More Nile-y Egyptian TDM, though less overbearingly fast and wanky. >!ORsA2DyY!YmWcknD6tDTIjLXlSqfOUy2Kt11P8CgFl9-kHniEG7k Sample: >Liers in Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art >#rare prog/tech death EP from Sweden. If you like the first At the Gates album you will dig this. >!CM8zmBQb!YRSKtUf7ADPHxPK8mlZu8hhVLgsQdMHU6BydU5Itl_U Sample: >Scrambled Defuncts - Souls Despising the God >Brutal death with very overbearing symphonic elements reminiscent of Schnittke's work. Weird stuff. >!qMU0iSzL!GWeaPy4raOqTt1V-2I3rYh5aTHR46gmz4fkRDeaw7YU Sample: >Eulogy - The Essence >EP from this nearly-unknown Florida prog death act, contemporaries of Atheist, Death, Nocturnus, etc. >!LJcngL4b!XZYq2XY98-N09hZpWzqjkXoM-K8Jw4myCY-abXQxnIA Sample: >Detachment - Suspended in Stone >Really smartly-constructed, slightly techy DM from a band which only released this one brief album and disappeared thereafter. >!GAkkjR6L!UT8vvmR2cLooW_l9Dy0Qp1JkKw8kvhqEWksw_1pWX-g Sample: Irate Architect - Discography >Technical death metal, grindcore, deathgrind Sample: Download:!UVA3yBRR!T_WoUkbvgOMSjp13tc_I-kfzddZFc88xKF80V4q7_c8

>Afflicted - Prodigal Sun >Some bizarre Swedish death metal, very inconsistent but occasionally comparable to Atheist or Nocturnus. It's pretty off-kilter stuff, sort of a weirdo death classic alongside Cadaver's In Pains, Nespithe, etc. >!zB8ACByJ!DRCPbmN7dMB0ekgWU5k3Blu1jToAbW-0CtJqBCHT5nM Sample: >The Chasm - Procession to the Infraworld >FUCKING RAD Mexican death metal. Has melodic tendencies and winding proggy songs, but is mostly solid old-school stuff with the subterranean, occult feeling of Demigod filtered through Aztec mythology. >!rZ132KjL!B9uOqk9wimiQhIYx-Yj6CnT0rId9nugAhEKQIvsKsDQ Sample: >The Chasm Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm >I sorta like this band. You guys might like them too. This is pretty slow as Chasm albums go, and full of instrumental tracks. It contains some amazing riffs, though. >!uQ0RHLBJ!ZglXjg0NOsYgEEFSQaNkZj0viXs_KwTKawmXbQLaUS4 Sample: >Crypt of Kerberos - Macrodex of War >Very ambitious progressive death metal band. This is a compilation containing some tracks from their full album, and some promo/unreleased tracks. Production can be iffy since these are demos. The style is pretty technical at times, with some Yngwieesque shredding. >!aQ9jjQJB!Xa9iZwA-SiuksXkjvWLh0yEPpqUzTk-J6oY_iIuDkkA Sample: >Neglected Fields - Splenetic >Prog death with amazing and most importantly concise songwriting. >!yBdygYIB!SskO53MEeARnLsTe-1qAbGkvq9MmI-ggIpgphtkYSWE Sample: >Pan.Thy.Monium - Khaooohs & Kon-fus-ion >Gloomy stuff from Dan Swano, Comparable to Opeth on LSD. Personally, I think his material under this name tries a bit too hard to be weird - I prefer stuff which is unintentionally bizarre. It's OK, though. >!zR111TyQ!TVKzEgcQMasJVuvvIze7fHxll5N6DmHfQ_f0blIIy8M Sample: >Sadist - Above the Light >This band is one of the real pioneers of progressive death metal. After a streak of good albums they fucked up by giving into numetal trends with 2000's Lego, then released a self-titled album which was lauded as a return to form. This is often cited as their best. .!bEFETAZb!AJNRiFkVJ48HAFwqDit6UHHFBC9f-ixLKOoPEg7Ov8g Sample: >Sculptured - Discography >Guess who these guys share members with. No, guess. >Yeah, this is basically Agalloch's tech/prog death side project. Pretty adventurous stuff, actually. They use a bit of twelve-tone in their composition, as well as sax and piano, on the most recent album. However, it's pretty melodic and laid-back as a whole. >!TUUjwBgI!ZRz0p3rD9ltwanwqIlXN-z63Yrc4AOHRcwhB3Td4jVA Sample: >Nero di Marte - s/t >Some Ulcerate-isms here, but there guys have a unique approach to the idea of "progressive death metal" that is very mid-paced and deliberate. Worth hearing. >!GNcWWIqB!AZ4pKCow2-5H3WlI8vqV6BW6f-AbrM5BSkph9eFPgMQ

Sample: >Chryseis - Planet Dead >Spacy prog death with some keyboards, a touch of Demilich's angular off-kilter compositions, and a really neat concept/aesthetic. And thrash solos. >!fclyiLaA!AE86OQDNa6VQWQ554RIVSSuGWFJSup_OQZ3Eba5zWQc Sample: >Unreal Overflows - Architects of Incomprehension >Pretty laid-back prog death that feels a good deal like Death's later albums, with some melodeath touches. >!yBNTgJZa!EoRSDmFZHUnm1qmP2_GHM0fN85RbBLKn9lLyXMrYWqg Sample: >Phantasmagory - Discography >I'd recommend this band wholeheartedly to Cynic fans. They were another one of those fringe entities in the early prog death scene, and as such their music is a bit rough around the edges, but their second album has its moments. >!Wd9liJyK!Weccz1hQ0qHJposn9RiWSXJNwhJz82nj-z4RnILvScI Sample: >Sadist - s/t >Pretty melodic prog death featuring juicy fretless bass and Sadist's typical attitude to progressive song structure. A good number of acoustic breaks/solos. Cheesy lyrics. >!OcE1VBiS!YatbchCT6bD4Yn3fzY7_dUkwGlBMJN9a1d1_g_WcOP0 >Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients >After the universally loved Consuming Impulse, the band went in a very divisive progressive direction. This album is slightly more conventional than Spheres, which adds dissonant jazzy overtones to the mix. It's still sure to alienate some people and bore others. I like it though. >!XQNSzR5S!GwfbVy1UJG0mT-JaE2KbKTMecNgbSTSXb6XCLmmkpSI Sample: >Ahrimah - Ain Soph Aur >This demo is a unique blend of death metal and progressive rock interludes. The bass is the most prominent instrument in the mix, and it showcases some pretty great basslines. Incredibly poor sound quality holds this back from greatness, but there's very little that sounds like this. >!KFMRVZ4Y!I3cCPQ3tNZtO8p1waWp6AC0Ghoww5jQoVvv0kF1f7KU Sample: >Blotted Science - The Machinations of Dementia >Instrumental progwank death metal by Ron Jarszombek, the main man of Watchtower, Spastic Ink, and Gordian Knot. If you know those names you know what to expect. As in his other projects, this has a playful attitude, exemplified by the final two songs, which are complete musical palindromes of each other. >!eA9iGCTb!ELso0ABE1_mS6pWoUcZLdFzQs1kL7kS_9_VcYh6nGrQ Sample: >In Vain - The Latter Rain >Pretty similar to Ne Obliviscaris, but with more of a death metal base than a melodic black metal one. Pretty damn good, though. >!LRdkmSgT!FIWOVXP8ZDzmK-oDZ1iERBakeFpbUDWJnWL-3SVV1Ig Sample: >Moonloop - Deeply from the Earth >Prog death with a pretty odd and enjoyable riffing style. Not big on the clean vocals though. >!iYkHCTCC!TBqzUTht93nP5xR88OJZ0k3aosdbB4z3sVVwQfg--bU

Sample: >Love History - Anasazi >More bizarre folky, laid-back prog death. Again, recommended to Opeth fans. It's a mess, but entertainingly so. >!yQcxmQ7a!MEAi-GSFhA2QyBGGC4CeMzA333NBkSMIxWn1fE0FoLk holy shit, the mega tag ends with "folk" wtf Sample: >Forgotten Silence - Ka Ba Ach >Tagged as "Progressive Metal, Death Metal, Avant-Prog" on RYM. I... uh... what? >!eUcyzDCQ!XeEJIhIJjObi5gFoE0lSX1DG711RsrjCu9R5X0tvrok Sample: >Crushing Sun - TAO >Sort of like a version of Gojira which isn't so stilted and awkward. Not a huge fan of the lack of melodic variety, but it's wellconstructed. >!ecdW1Tjb!UMkVbxzzx2cnZf2THNz2CH18iYwftNAJHb7SMgqCSX0 Sample: >Kartikeya - Mahayuga >These guys incorporate symphonic and folk elements in a way that seems neither cartoonish nor cheesy, and their riffs are better than Rudra (who they only merit comparisons with due to subject matter). The last track is ruined by what I think is a cover of Eyes Like Yours by Shakira(???), but there's some innovative composition and instrumentation here if you can deal with the clusterfuck. >!eRsnnSCb!f8_sDDg_fOF52BHeRonk_XRYP5dA-wMTPMKzUGwVMKs Sample: >The Levitation Hex - s/t >Anyone here a fan of Alchemist? They have a unique psychedelic take on progressive extreme metal. A good number of their albums seem bloated to me, but I liked this new project of theirs, which also contains members of Alarum and Aeon of Horus, among other bands. Not exactly death metal, but pretty closely related. >!nMV1wQqL!Fn4xskBOCEhLfS8Axk-sEG61-fcJp-Lvc38p5feroFs Sample: >Orphaned Land - Sahara >Before this band went full folk-metal, they produced an album which very convincingly blends Arabic tonality and traditional folk instrumentation with prog death. >!mZUgzZQL!Bn-4eVX2h8jaCzoNfxL120MZpQxorAIAs9iTbgZU5mI Sample: >Wayd - Decadence >Another odd Czech jazz-death outfit. This one is a bit more proggy and melodic. >!zdUgFBKY!R2V94krlFGDtlsCn79czXnfFeGNGXkPclZP2l74e7Io Sample: >Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind >Unusual progressive death metal reminiscent of early Gorguts. Uneven, but really interesting stuff. >!iI9SGICZ!fbKgVAOaOfC9BGkbJ6D7RUnZVlxIEE_Qrqv5HmiGP1k Sample: >Atrocity - Todessensucht (Longing for Death) >This was the other good Atrocity album I mentioned. It's a haunting prog-death journey that I highly recommend. >!uNlRiJhJ!ca1vNWFAlBhgPuW9Sojc2g2GQ7BqbceMfoeKzRb-ZfA

Sample: >Will O' Wisp - Kosmo >Prog death with a similar approach to Sadist, in that the keyboards are quite dominant. This has a different melodic sensibility though, with some of the usual dissonant chords and herky-jerky rhythms interspersed with a Middle-Eastern/Indian vibe. >!vZtVWbDD!YFFTWhdgEO_42ZxucUAo_WMf1cFqsUN9vYePQ0I5-H0 Sample: >Vuvr - Pilgrimage >Czech jazz-fusion death metal. Very underlooked. >!2Z1VFIYZ!BfKmihfd1SDT_kZRE9HmSRjTxmg7Cd6S87vLmW2im4Q Sample: >Lunatic Gods - The Wilderness >Have you ever wanted to hear a death metal album with prominent sitar? Of course you have! This album will scratch that itch. Despite being a bit quirky, it's not lacking in substance. >!OVcWna5K!SbLpWRSEL97w6BnIWqqD6wouhugwdNdck6jolWPzFyE Sample: >Tenebris - Diib >5CD set by this very weird spacy progressive death metal act, compiling all their released material. There might be some duds, but if you're adventurous you might like this band's unique compositions. Feels a bit like Timeghoul sometimes, and like Carbonized at others, but never too overwhelmingly weird. >!zFsB2RwZ!XQebxGOHEFPtrDYnv6YzsEQjJIZQ6uiIkuzIvoTHoBg Sample: Dark Heresy - Abstract Principles Taken to Their Logical Extremes >90's progressive death metal. Occasional acoustic/folk interludes and other weird stuff. >!rMEmgAza!J1_SLHkvMwPJmvK_QgNvhh6lv25-ebV3koHTOUQjf4k

-Brutal death
>Deeds of Flesh - Mark of the Legion >Incredibly well-crafted brutal death with sweet grooves and lead guitar melodies that fade in and out in snatches. >!7N9VAb5Y!bH-V5QVrn9EDFbCb30welFlWJzQQD-KUI5mB-OD27Tk Sample: >Defeated Sanity - Passages into Deformity >If you really like None so Vile and Blasphemy Made Flesh, you better check out this band. Crushingly brutal, fast and technical. To me they are a bit homogenous but they get a ton of respect in the modern tech death scene. >!aBNkjQBb!eWFcSB2RzEq2XNDKxfWkFgq_rFtG40gQ_xFEONyvmvQ Sample: >Cryptopsy - None so Vile >Fast brootal DM, you should probably have this. Features unintelligible vocals from Lord Worm, tight drumming by Flo Mounier, and absurd dirty mastering >!qddDgI5Y!SFGvQm0fgycMjI2WhqeoUiUgrrVhL1O5NRogNbYwIyQ Sample: >Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife >Brutal death metal with a real nice sense of melody. >!PJ1whI6A!bPwI1QV0rfYsndu4-C0i-AQqOlIaWA2WU-w3Vds9HAI Sample: >Mindly Rotten - The Most Exquisite Agonies >Colombian brutal death, ridiculously fast poorly produced shit that makes no sense >!yRVFkJRA!JZNGSAgGR2TmUFQ2tPYUDXun3bU8sh2guGQ1Tppyu80 Sample: >V/A - A BOMBARDMENT FROM SOUTHERN PARADISE >Ancient Necropsy and Internal Suffering are the highlights here, but Blaze inside and Mindly Rotten are also worth looking into. I hope you like garbage-can snares. >!qEkSVLrC!TYZlXzl_KIiPjifJqGPbr39w23BDttO1w0YM3dooj6Q Sample: >Wormed - Planisphaerum >A stupid but really fun brutal/slam death album. I have gripes with the recording quality, which were mostly addressed by this year's followup album Exodromos. Expect Demilich vocals, nonsensical twists and turns, and broken English lyrics about subatomic particles and space colonies. >!yAUDWB4S!JDrVqCWQPGX38HTMcSRIXhYq8PcOeGSjgdeIjS9qQ-0 >Sample: >The Monolith Deathcult - Trivmvirate >Unusual brutal death band that makes heavy use of electronics (often martial industrial-style), and also has a very tongue-incheek, self-parodying sense of humor. >!vE8lCTbR!DHNsUHOoD12d-W7CYGP6S1tpMVlSp24Z_cAnl1hGsNQ Sample: >Ancient Necropsy Deformed Kings Mummification >Interesting band. A 1-man project by Ivancient, who is a member of other Colombian BDM bands. Has an epic, cinematic melodic flair at times. Like a Colombian BDM take on Nile. >!TQ0jWY5B!WwEtjVQY6n-5PkUDUQ0azykss4cgEls_kKB-gieUW7s Sample: >Amputated Genitals - Human Meat Gluttony >COLOMBIAN BRUTAL DEATH GET REKT SON >yeah for those of you who don't know the colombian death metal scene is the most ridiculous thing ever. good lifting music

>!HJMVTLwA!F_QOMUeDviSwkOaBaRxO6UWkV8JQZtrosoW9T3GF1To Sample: >Scarab - Blinding the Masses >This is Nile-style brutal/tech death... from EGYPT! They lack the variation between tracks that most of Nile's work has, but if you've listened through all of Nile's albums and also listened to the Necronomicon, Coffin Texts and Apophis albums I posted in the earlier threads, this is next on your menu. >!vYUWFTgR!YsZLnC1w2QsA5oUVBKD7TWdz3a4yUP_bfnDeZ0fPCG4 Sample: >Flesh Consumed - Ecliptic Dimensions of Suffering >Brutal death with a pretty shitty mix, some unusual Voivod-y chord progressions, and weird ambient interludes. >!7JtnWbba!N-qPBVN5MC5E0StODp6dGSZ_8LlhUNV2FRFN2wSrLgg Sample: >Carnivorous Vagina - Instito Omicida >You know Mortician? Simple, primitive, drum machine, movie samples? This is basically like that. >!HRsCxSjb!BPeVBVWbXJd7eCRBvwcu82SWEnRiVzFHcaOUiI14t64 Sample: None available. >Brodequin - Instruments of Torture >This band was seen as the extreme limit of brutal death metal for quite a while. Thankfully their albums are pretty short, because they're fucking exhausting. These guys knew how to write songs, though! With actual riffs! >!PN13nbQB!O9qt5G8ZSrimPWnp0q7iplYHOZRT7DcU8INHM7ANEBM Sample: >Usipian - Dead Corner of the Eye >NYDM worship stuff with really intricate song structures that don't rely too much on choruses. >!nYEnCYhY!FHqU1CmQebhBH7VE5ygGDl6CktNDvdw1XleW6vQAnZQ Sample: >Kronos - The Hellenic Terror >These guys' previous album, Colossal Titan Strife, was pretty damn good. Typical brutal death fare livened up by ingenious song construction and AWESOME catchy tremolo melodies. I think I shared it in a previous thread. This apparently is a satisfying follow-up but I've heard conflicting things from friends. >!3ZMw2YaA!C9mLYFOP1VgYI3IYE9gETzGBAZNwnPHXTyQ0nD-owV4 Sample: >Godagainst - Supreme Khalkulus of Tribulation >Sorta reminds me of Nile or Behemoth, with less of a shitty modern production style. >!vRETXZTB!TrTv13rGwCuM1AzLkH88e3an0FVYk6xinQbQsuIDBf8 Sample: Animals Killing People - Discography >Brutal Death Metal, some slam and tech influences Sample: Download:!5MonXIRB!CzP4Fjyn_4Uavv4Xodn_CVTPnClKmG3UPwWch4xGTm4 >Malignancy - Intrauterine Cannibalism >I've been hard on Malignancy for a while, but sometimes they're really great where you're in the mood to hear something which is nonsensical (tracks move in VERY unpredictable directions) and has a ton of pinch harmonics. Great brutal death mix, too. >!PFlCQLrZ!CvWDATBLZpjY-zzWXh4TXFcCD0w1RZx07Yrd8AHiDec Sample:

>Withered Earth - Forgotten Sunrise >Another album that's impossible to find over 192k. Trippy, ethereal brutal death metal (!!) with some neat acoustic sections. Tracks are organized into sections with effective bridges and slight riff alterations. >!nZ81QQIA!Ug7K4F_d1QQn8jEgRJcnAAO_5SJ8ZCumaAl0mF_8nAU Sample: >Repulsive Dissection - Cut Open The Aberration >Brutal death full of riffs and tempo changes and pig squeals. Pretty much the usual Cryptopsy/Suffo formula, but executed pretty well. >!6JkQyKLT!UBlsAGfxEbrYuDsUvzSLeA1YB1oCAdbpnXWRZY3ww2o Sample: >Ahret Dev - Hellish >Pretty cool old Polish death metal which doesn't feel full of brutal DM cliches. Instead it just tries to kill you. >!WVMjCYgS!f2ghvnngBu-SwemsB8ULs0CUfrYIxYRR4JoOE1OAAzc Sample:

Wigger Slam
>Dripping Disintegration of Thought Patterns during a Syntheitc Mind Travelling Bliss >Weeeeiiiiiird stuff. A bit consciously weird, theres some genre-hopping which bugs me. The actual slam is real solid, though, and has some weirdo chord progressions. Been described as if demilich grew up doing drugs in a trailer park. >!GZ10xJAL!IG-8JDcXkHIQKVfFHJwMFgozDawrZa5reuauSiTs2f4 Sample: >Infernal Revulsion - An Epic Conviction >So for whatever reason Japan have a pretty big brutal/slam death metal scene. Not quite as big as the Russian scene but close. Infernal Revulsion are considered by many to be among the best in the country's scene - this compilation contains both of their albums. >!uFEiBS4S!LY_lZ0nO6BckKSqACG-8C0Am5nE_qa6_ANIQHXDIc6I Sample: >Jenovavirus - Demo 1 >INCREDIBLY OBSCURE Japanese brutal/slam band with some glitchy electronics, similar to Wormed's recent single and album. Despite this being a demo, it's got very clear production. The drum-machine is sorta gross, but BDM can get away with that. Highly recommended to Wormed fans, though. An entire album was complete but only these songs were ever released - the entire band has reformed as Blunt Force Trauma but their new material is not as interesting. >!nIEjQLaB!BqdNQH6HKZFdWaLIVv_Jpw5VpHoUHovDC1fIAg-U2cs Sample: >Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display of Human Upholstery >Very stupid, groovy slam death. It's about making a chair out of someone's skin, complete with Ed Gein samples. If you hate slam, you'll hate it. Very fun once in a while though. >!LN1UFBgZ!XJUubXtq4aifgey8Wq7o-x8Rr_BaCC-y1yDjYgj9jsc Sample: >Katalepsy Autopsychosis >A Russian slam/brutal DM album with a techy edge thats been getting a lot of hype recently. >!vR9wGbCQ!Ci_7mBWQlbYiQTCWBIPBdk0W6dYnlqfXHlgijWQoyow Sample: >Chordotomy The Precious Ideal >One of my most favorite slam albums. Well-paced, and has some pretty melodic moments by slam standards. >!2IsBnIiA!AOHOGwFF7fwGK4iBNuCA2FUpaeBEtiFZAt-TwCJ6CLE Sample: Plerosis - Partial Discography >Brutal death metal with the slams for the childrens Sample: Download:!wBxnBLTJ!LMh34jvkOFz9mjIrC7qTEBCQ5F4C5hcw3-DhxXff7lI >Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox >Pretty cool brutal/slam stuff. This is like the Wormed dudes trying to do normal slam, but they're the Wormed dudes so it's pretty off-kilter any way you slice it. >!7YEEhZ4I!dxW_xVUb5-SRQRniBvRmtAtWhllYgI-drxdDsmJ6NVY Sample: >Extermination Dismemberment - Serial Urbicide >COME ON AND SLAM - now with gratuitous 303 bass drops. Dumb shit, but it is really good at keeping momentum going throughout a track. >!KFFwFJxA!IZ7-zwq7DdzE-jRTiSWazzByGu8vMRWhyTlyw-q4aGI Sample:

>Soils of Fate - Crime Syndicate >Gangsta slam death from Sweden, featuring members of Dying Fetus, Devourment and The Red Chord. >!jMc3ATAR!V4-6wjMZ3bafWHyAIMwlCHFsFPMwQ3KysgY5GkqQ46w Sample: >7 H Target Psy Slam Damage >Russian (well duh) slam about Tetsuo from Akira. >!6IFDkL7J!Bl4GKR8hIzWN_GCezz3pRWiuM0pmqpFbhYUHzoRgZ9Q Sample: >Epicardiectomy Abhorrent Stench of Posthumous Gastrorectal Desecration >The very essence of wigger slam. These guys play almost nothing but slams with bass-drops. Youll love it or hate it. >!2Rl0DZpI!Vd2tY3pqHNMw28SWjlKeHxx3WP1b_6KgW1A_MObjKds Sample:

- Black/Death
>Angelcorpse - Exterminate >Angelcorpse play a sort of death metal pretty close to what Blasphemy and Bestial Warlust were doing. Featuring John Longstreth of Origin and Gorguts on drums. >!jMsymSbL!YLbn9mZO5nlo5sKZtUuD2CJzqyJBs7_KaH9vLvp4xH0 Sample: >Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa >Classic black/death compilation with an absurdly evil atmosphere, from this occult band who were active for a brief period in Texas. Cover should tell you what to expect. >!HF0iFTKa!Ib2DakDww466KAWefd-QhXH4wnsLEGu01_GkCT_4LHU Sample: >Mitochondrion - Archaeaeon >A bit more Blasphemy and Deathspell Omega stuff going on than in the other albums, but still an exemplar of the modern "dissonant death" school. Incredible atmosphere, murky production. >!fRVGiazI!RS4qO1Wc0IAy5xttggXaCRCjBTg7SYKidzFmi9KHl4g Sample: >Muknal - Discography >Fucked-up Mexican black/death, Black Twilight Circle. Pure demented atmosphere, the Portal school done right.!TR9wHLxQ!O4YzBRv-NjiTlKgkl-pUqDgwWE4kcUNRtHEUGfwBeHY Sample: >Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence >I have no idea why I haven't shared this already, honestly. This is Swedish death with a lot of black metal influence in the guitarwork and vocals. For fans of Dissection and early Sentenced. >!WJ0EzKhC!Zm2PNV_kfiaBoCCLfrXMUjyznHcGaFAc6wq3oRde-Xw Sample: >Order from Chaos - Stillbirth Machine >EVIL BLACKENED WAR MACHINE SHIT, WILL KILL YOU >!yJ0D1SqQ!E9gS2moJIamNxihattFxnlIZmpcx2KjUn23214Vt88s Sample: >Portal - All Albums >Incredibly influential Aussie black/death metal band. Technical, dissonant guitar work and absolutely inhuman vocals combine to create a torturous, oppressive environment. Bad music to headbang to. >!nRMVALyC!c7_0XlTofeYgT1MPZVVPm3H_hD0QUMkGOoLhqALqNd0 Sample: >Aurora Borealis - Relinquish >This band has gotten some buzz recently. I think it's odd that they're referred to as "blackened death metal" when the only black metal element is their vocal work. They're pretty neat, though. I think they have their discog up for free on Bandcamp. >!rFN31ayI!Z7J940uJwm8qdCQrCulW_TVfpwlIIzQjUJ9BcQz4MyA Sample: >Prosanctus Inferi - Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation >More fucked-up black/death metal. Tracks are very brief and to-the-point so you could say this has some grind influence, if you were autistic. >!bBlUXDJJ!CIeKd0-IUHL5NmVrWdAkF3qiVdByC-buvk7V8jze2OQ Sample:

>Azarath - Diabolic Impious Evil >Absolutely bestial, intense stuff. With track titles like "Intoxicated by Goat Vomit" and "Baptized in the Sperm of the Antichrist" you should know precisely what you're getting. >!zQUyDYrI!N7-oHWLqXs_WbYLAe23B0zh0AXU-IuFq7IxkxBVllwg Sample: >Bolzer - Aura >Recent black/death guitar tone show album. Incredibly good stuff. >!rYFHkYrB!SV7qtGz9lAuoB5yxz_Q3yVscVHBChUyW8Au8IO_Y48s Sample: >Beyond - Fatal Power of Death >Exemplary black/death release from this year, which gets noisier and more freaked-out as it goes on. Incredible occult ambiance, great cover. >!iJ03FRpT!URhUuH0rnFkEAG2lD2PzQEgiU20oMTeKcQrKLVYv2vo Sample: >Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominum Qui Sunt Eius >Another of the school of murky, dissonant black/death bands that have popped up recently. This doesn't have guitar work as interesting as Portal, but it's worth trying out. >!OUsBkBYB!Lu1QRX_tM5NbxHNCO4ODO3ydWsQDj9pZeF2Nawxy924 Sample: >Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis >Ferocious black/death album with vast production and twisted riffing. >!nc813SAY!Oq-jLhu1BXe1IPOD99Kf2nlneswsOMQT_Et7CIAIEdM Sample: >Necros Christos - Doom of the Occult >Neo-OSDM with black metal influences, and Middle Eastern scales all over the place, especially in the folky interlude tracks. A nice album, but long as hell (76 minutes). Generally pretty midpaced stuff with a murky sound. >!CEUBmBLb!WaGY2TTl4R6lezdLDMcN2SNHsM9y8mpMx7haj0gNyFE Sample: Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom >Bestial black/death metal. Essential for post-2000. >They waited a long time to release a full length, they have plenty of demos before this if you want more. A couple of them are simply under the name "Witchery". >!CRVklC5Y!WhlY2RCLA3rGLbSYQ-nYJW4d_WwVdW3J_UxQb3mg4LI Sample: >Grave Upheaval - Untitled >Washed-out, droning, harsh, noisy, ritualistic DM that shares members with Portal. If you are a fan of Portal I highly encourage you to pick this up, one of my top albums this year. Link:!zEZnVRoD!Tyw3WGXAV71VfHO7CQajsQ Sample: >Wrathprayer - The Sun of Moloch >Modern blackened death "war metal" stuff with a lot of concentration on atmosphere. I honestly prefer bands like Mitochondrion as far as this goes - they seem to have a bit more ambition in their songwriting than just playing tremolo chromatic riffs and chugging power chords. Whatever, though - I know a lot of people dig this. >!nBlXiDQQ!DLTq2GUNlWsVR6v1rgXUF077u4U3k-3VHIz_zvGBoCE Sample:

>Antediluvian - Through the Cervix of Hawaah >Some ritualistic shit right here. You guys are probably aware of this band as one of those blackened death bands along the lines of Portal. Bit slower than most Portal stuff, though. >!OQlVFLyK!H70ut0Cv1RhF-YykG6_Jp0H4W00XytXIcf5cnQ42zYU Sample: Blzer - Roman Acupuncture >Black/Death Metal!cQ8VkL7B!epmM_W-xOqOGaBR-IucTuik4qKE2yG_I45Sq_zNBDug Sample: Teitanblood - Seven Chalices >Truly evil blackened death metal. If you haven't heard this you are missing out. One of my favorite albums of 2010. >!jBVnQTBQ!O4-1hArh1GzeyU_CxoFUB0ThkUZj6HFU1KPQIdd3JbY Sample: >Arkhon Infaustus - Orthodoxyn >Evil blackened death metal. That description makes it seem like some stock mudpit stuff, but this is quite well-arranged. Bit like Deathspell Omega. But, you know, with a better vocalist and less wank. >!3MdAULAY!P5kyCF4fA6BppTeVgWsoMRcxWuV22UZGKW3dn8Q_pVw Sample: >Tyrants Blood - Into The Kingdom Of Grave >Death/Black/Thrash Metal >!GJFhwIaC!eLA4cQDoDdipRs-Ortop1yQBkxojL_fbjSxi0497vZU Sample: >Antichrist - Sacrament of Blood >War metal/Blackened DM. 2011 archival release, really good. >!nUUgDK5Z!bTY_jAHp-G1goUKyVwyOGhcWTEk0tyouHtRJ3y4BcMs Sample: >Imprecation - Satanae Tenebris Infinita >Fucking evil black/death metal from this Texas band which released a series of demos in the mid-90s, and got back together in the last 5 years. >!3NcxzD7a!INAVnlU2gSCriolUg1E-flaeuohJUa9ar_ukCtcEwU8 Sample: >Blaspherian - Infernal Warriors of Death >Straight-up New York DM worship. Immolation and Pyrexia are big reference points, but so is occult black/death metal. >!PElQADST!CfWoV2IvDT6LAVjWv9padEq9fuFx_jQYt7e4pZLmMcg Sample: >Aethyrvorous - s/t >Has been described as Deathspell Omega fucking Necros Christos on crack cocaine. The only demo from this occultest-of-theoccult Aussie death metal band. DAT COVER ART >!eV1XALYI!MECWf0HdQd6R7MuUYpVptkGi16cePoXnonGx2QZzDjE Sample: Sadomator - Sadomatic Goat Cult @ 192kbs >Lo-Fi Blackened Doom. War Metal. >!EdpyWTZT!ZHS02ww53t45i9yDRfYqUEX3w-Ucow5RS28ZCRglXNM

>Brimstone - Carving a Crimson Career >Pretty much power metal with growls. I happen to think it's pretty fuckin awesome. Damn sight better than Children of Bodom at least. >!uIkjXZyC!aGXatmDT69MZZYC6Ugvfg2lNGDIFJP84egdhsWu7Hkw Sample: >Canopy - Menhir >Modern Swedish melodic death metal that isn't Gothenburg? Well, I never! The riffing style on this is actually pretty distinctive, and they devote some attention to the "death metal" part. >!7Ms3DZBS!XhK7WAs8neC7cnjXG-MtfkjMoowHHckj4BFhbUvZdYs Sample: >A Canorous Quintet - Silence of the World Beyond >More pre-Gothenburg melodic death metal. There's some nice acoustic bits. Not on par with Eucharist or At the Gates, but pretty good. >!3AMGjZAR!NJvvhHb-w1MoNyG-SgnBIwUv__tZN7m7RkEjuFC8BqM Sample: >Crown of Thorns - Eternal Death >Amazing, ferocious non-Gothenburg melodic death metal. One of the best albums in the genre. >!fR0kzbCC!QD_0qgVq656tEPXZwkrV4ns1h2oBBjGqlEcmE4Tr-og Sample: >Eucharist - A Velvet Creation >Early Swedish melodeath. Theres some violin in there. Less convoluted than ATG. >!Sc8x2J5J!bGYYO1jKhUZ3xeonK3VsuzFFuJg6PTIDG32sxD-cXjw Sample: >Insomnium - Above the Weeping World >One of the better modern melodeath albums, a very morose and beautiful journey that Agalloch fans might like. >!eFF12QpB!GIUxdR3t-_tzTNtgfd4pXiZQYysvhKs9K8_EGnm_7kI Sample: >Garden of Shadows - Oracle Moon >American melodeath with a very different sound from the usual Gothenburg crowd. Every track here is 8+ minutes long aside from a really short bridge track, but theyre all full of riffs and twists and turns rather than blatant filler. >!XVsznKAI!PIIuh1UcP38-YZ4uVnFt9Ct7SWkwd_E3EQj0cUfordM Sample: >Supuration - The Cube >Mid-paced melodic death metal which tells a story of a man trapped in a transparent cube. This album is unusual in terms of the tightness of its composition - leitmotifs are introduced in the first half and woven together via seamless progressions. The album has a distinctive sound due to the consistent melodic nature, and the occasional clean vocals which are somewhat like Depeche Mode. >!iYtCiLJa!AJBZg0ow8_qDO3iY7tSJ4SsyM40kNVnd19AoivILLmA Sample: >Caducity - Whirler of Fate >Rifftastic old-school death metal with a hefty dose of story. I consider this to be melodic death, most people probably wont. >!mF030Cqa!YxCLEUgHgiRRxTbEafBV7R9y9iFwFUY7fnmdoFSpHXE Sample:

>Estuary - The Craft of Contradiction >Melodic/tech death with a pretty impressive female growler. Songs feel a bit reminiscent of Watchtower or Atheist. Hard to find, pardon the low bitrate but it was this or nothing. They have an album under the name Estuary of Calamity with more black metal influence, which I can also upload. >!PYNmwTgA!XwcCLgSyufdyuQP3HY4xc2AFkTEAxS0cVSYCa0bBQm8 Sample: >Lunarsea - Route Code Selector >Modern melodeath which sounds like Insomnium in space. >!XBNHnTja!WOBQblsTUaE5ev2l5nXqoB8iqKoyQqdee7VJgbK16e4 Sample: >Kalisia - Cybion >Very French, very ornate (took 14 years to make, including the development of a constructed language) and pompous melodeath concept album which most closely resembles Edge of Sanity. This 2CD version contains a remaster of the band's first EP as well as covers of Cynic, Emperor, Dream Theater and Loudblast. >!3UtU2ADA!TIN6JRzDPTOLuv-hK9emflELSXkOcuNG_HU8hFGIbEE Sample: >Septic Flesh - Esoptron >Figured I'd close off my shares with a classic album. Septic Flesh have (well, had) a highly atmospheric, deliberate sound really uncommon within the genre. Their first couple of albums are really gorgeous stuff, I'd highly recommend them to everyone in the thread. >!SAUmQSAD!cY5ILQ-WYi1fzM1X-CR9rQWNUiV6ZEYnVbMvfJiqGtE Sample: >Crystal Age - Far Beyond Divine Horizons >A space-opera album similar in theme to Nocturnus' work, but the keyboards are less overbearing here than in Nocturnus' material. A bit more melodic too. >!uRlAxAjb!HQSUUm42G0r0cSc82uJnsjDyAUEDz-qWkcWv0-Tm-uI Sample: >Apophis - Heliopolis >More Egyptian DM - noticing a theme? This features lots of melodic leads and mid-paced "epic" sections. >!zAlTUbpJ!HIJBPgzb4WudC_z1I7kQhAteW348GYIvplRePh0gF80 Sample: >Cephalectomy - Eclipsing the Dawn >You'd expect a goregrind or slam band from that name, right? Nah, this is more along the lines of early Kataklysm, with technical drumming and bewildering tempo changes aplenty. >!qIVmCarA!RQaMj0ubjiajxuhwIRrcFTaBLF4MWUA2tgCOwgVdm5w Sample: >Carcass - Heartwork >A classic melodeath album. I'm not terribly fond of it but it's really enjoyable in a lot of peoples' opinions. Album art, interestingly, is by H.R. Giger. >!nMkDWZiZ!b8lxQ32_1NLg_8B-1sJUNhnRuRs_SsDziWF_c9KEMbw Sample: >Aeon Arcanum - Monuments >Pretty goddamn good melodeath from this tiny Macedonian band. > (pay-what-you-like) Sample:

>Misanthrope - Misanthrope Immortel >I shared this earlier but my Soulseek download was missing a few tracks. Here it is in 320 with no tracks missing - exemplary melodeath with heavy keyboard presence. Cheesy as hell but really fun. Vocals in French. >!PQkEWIgQ!PBpMZAplOiBZIH6xWTIw7jQuLlMz75ScEM-hLCZC5BQ Sample: >Merciless - Unbound >Classic melodic death with old-school thrash/death stylings. Another pre-Gothenburg Swedish release. >!XdNhxCCB!UdH0XUS1Z1V9nX4Vnhx_BQ_zX0cgUgoCAeEkhv817Hc Sample: >Rellik - Heritage of Abomination >Reminds me a good deal of Kronos, in that it's somewhat brutal but also full of consonant tremolo melodies that get stuck in your head, and smart tempo changes. Good shit, very underlooked. >!eFNwhYgB!KTsxIy8_L0Am8yftf3DxFncDlCAe3vn-GqCDTxnr660 Sample: >Mi'Gauss - Open Season >This one was REALLY HARD TO FIND. It's drawn Arghoslent comparisons from some friends, but this is a pretty unique style of melodic but still agressive death metal. Check this one out. >!6Qd10BjD!AFxfNF3qUZTwlHSJDI_U6hbaQaARQTj_x-A2uSXRp0M Sample: >Xenolith - Obscure Reflections >Another album which appears to have disappeared from the Internet. Which is a pity, because it's pretty interesting prog/melodeath stuff. >!7d13BLxA!c5Zpyx2px3-dbHpOuNwsiSqj26ZTLljmlL4xqLTRL1A Sample: >Amorphis - Elegy >Popular Finnish melodeath band. Sort of cheesy and light by death metal standards, but worthwhile music. >!fNMAHRpb!Ai5vaQ7foVWV5Ixp9oXWWAUvmi9-z0Et2d73PcqdDAU Sample: >Arghoslent - Galloping Through the Battle Ruins >This band incorporates some of the structures and tonalities of NWOBHM into their infectiously catchy melodic death metal. The lyrics are very racist but some suggest they're just taking the piss. >!OdNCWA7T!PGB9uXQgPwPxjrtahfDSgS3Ihj1guNPGtPnL4NG5Kss Sample: >Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry >Another Arghoslent album, some argue this is one of their best. Personally I think the harmonies they employ are quite basic and the drums don't do much interesting stuff, but it's sure catchy. Oh, and one of the band members uses the stage name Holocausto. >!3REjTaAB!UfWI5VLs3vJY81OqVyMwdVWkZCgcqU4odylKXAsPYDk Sample: >Horrified - In the Garden of the Unearthly Delights >Symphonic/melodic death similar to early Septic Flesh. >!mUdEQKoL!c-a5tB1zKyaiQFHejdc7g2FgCiJZ9bwOhnThvNQfqpc Sample:

>Cenotaph - Riding Our Black Oceans >Melodic/progressive death featuring Julio Viterbo, guitarist of The Chasm. As such, it's similar to The Chasm's work, but with more intricate twisty melodies. Almost reminiscent of the complex riffing style of the first 2 ATG albums. >!fEtQVKDZ!TNwtb1wMf8eyqHdZUodm_lXBjcgM4xyN6E00B28TeCY Sample: (glitches at the beginning) >Dam - Purity: The Darwinian Paradox >Interesting melodic British death metal with some cool guitar interplay, though it has poor pacing at times. Pretty hard to find a copy of. The bit-rate of this is only V1, sorry. >!WI0HGKQQ!LscU_1twEX1TWIHZjVRMF2N9cUFOTDZiID6ivYahneY Sample: >Gates of Ishtar - A Bloodred Path >One of those bands from the heydays of melodeath who were really good but for whatever reason didn't get the credit they were due. >!vAFV0BgR!Zt44LFf72kaoEb74tJXmsSqUTQ8xqErqvZrjLdX2Jh0 Sample: >D.A.M - Tales of the Mad King >More melodeath/power, this time from Brazil. I tend to like Brazilian power metal, and this has some great keyboard lines and riffs. >!XQFkRbIZ!J1WoxT9fynYIk9f0n2wYGyvQOqgDZl93NXwRmKi9-Dk Sample: >At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness >Pretend the album ends after Primal Breath and it's about on par with TRITSIO. Which is quite a feat. >!KRch2RBR!MD8E537Cju7oSOrn0EzprT41a_sCL2bS8aLsKe3EaBg Sample:

- Deathgrind/Goregrind
>Assuck - Misery Index + Anticapital _+ Blindspot + 3 >Near-total discog of this famous deathgrind band. The distinctive vocal style makes these tracks extremely powerful. >!SYlkHZgI!XcGfgiGENGovmoS56JnsXBn1pOJZOni4FqD54os9cs8 Sample: >Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction >Singlehandedly created the goregrind genre, and only a few album have done what it does so damn well. Carcass have changed their style a ton from this point but they're very consistent. The cover should let you know what you're in for. >!zQdUkQIK!E0wVHSGOm6lVk-V-_Co3OU-tYpMPlJmZFOHtIea8l88 Sample: >Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia of Serial Murders >Really weird early Carcass-influenced deathgrind made by two Japanese brothers who were legitimately fucking nuts. Fascination with murder and serial killers shows up a ton here. Uncomfortable stuff, due to the weirdass guitar work and very prominent inhuman drum machine. >!CJ0CQTSZ!eY-CT2NJBQ2edfvQzbOYAzNbEWYFXqg8qP_ZJuyBZog Sample: >Kataklysm - Sorcery >Canadian brutal/deathgrind with melodic guitar leads. Vocals take getting used to, also try to avoid the stuff the band did besides the first 2 albums. >!WMdiyZDZ!VSu4NzOFfY3i2UOnp3EaxAKOCuBO0VHuzdivfu0yJs0 Sample: >Last Days of Humanity - Putrefaction in Progress >The most ridiculous (and thus the best) goregrind album ever. There's no detectable riffs, just a roar of guitar noise. And the snare goes PING PING PING PING. It's oddly cathartic. >!OI0mgBCY!Zwh3gUeMktfzq9CAtt7lXk6yw8YHsYYtkCbS_9NGZ7I Sample: >Repulsion - Horrified >Classic deathgrind album. >!ORUlGAZD!bn7sIEUpGTwbL6AfnoD5gVk6BxdcIo0EE7G2yN3tbsg Sample: >Terrorizer - World Downfall >A goddamn classic of deathgrind. Incredibly well-executed theme spiced up with news samples of robbery and murder and the like. >!ad1SCCia!cuux1Fyczj7z52pgdSata2QT_B8Y7KIbnM4w-ENeUwA Sample: >Bodies Lay Broken Eximinious Execration of Exiguous Exequies >Some fucking raw goregrind/deathgrind clearly indebted to Carcass. >!nQ1jQD6b!SvWPC3M71fcmeXymHxMf422NJhQJP00OPRs0c2fVaiQ Sample: >Dead - You'll Never Know Pleasure... Until You've Tasted Pain >Tongue-in-cheek deathgrind. Tracks are very long by grind standards but it retains the punky, ferocious nature. >!TY0TBDaI!Q1bpm1WlTbJ0vNtkn_6t_SMC8uB5SKTEa29GfrGv4PE Sample: >Purulent Jacuzzi - Vanished in the Cosmic Futility >Russian goregrind/brutal death, great production. Female pig-squeal vocals, fun riffs, lots of detail.

>!mJM1wJRS!JRhNpheoUxdeSaLFylMtI2H9ma0F4Bc_ShbIHaoa2B8 Sample: >Carbonized - For the Security >Swedish deathgrind with surprisingly technical song structures. The band got weirder, but this is a somewhat conventional release. >!vNUzBJhQ!Xik_zQw5s2gVHnD2lhEaHR-eGTVJnPkKD_D4aNDPdzQ Sample: >Skeleton of God - Urine Garden >Demilich meets brutal deathgrind I guess??? Clean vocals sometimes, I don't even know what's going on anymore >!2RtGlZRL!RmT6mDcbZDxmSP1PLV6YFyMAALlAU-_oQrSKXBuDG_M Sample: >Beaten to Death - Xes and Strokes >Here's a grindcore/deathgrind album someone in the last thread requested. >!rJEzFLBI!CzZYeSOfwU1mItOh6yupzwlwTvxbEdBuVsqPVYdfL8A Sample: >V/A - Czech Assault >As you may or may not know, the Czech deathgrind/grindcore/brutal death scene is among the most bizarre on the planet. !T.O.O.H.! and Lykathea Aflame are well-known representatives, but there are many equally interesting lesser-known bands out there. 5 are showcased on this comp. >!WA1UQDRZ!elsTMEVL5ka-PvaksVsyrGhAZExomj3ssOmbIcYLD-E Sample: >Brujeria - Matando Gueros >Deathgrind apparently made by Mexican druglords. Raw as hell and kind of funny in a gallows-humor way >!iE1jSZYR!fwFJU0sMJsWhcQOmTmUTBFvrVrcE4Nmrg0A_ui644H4 Sample: Circle of Dead Children - The Genocide Machine >Fucking ferocious deathgrind with a nice doom/sludge track to cap things off. >!OVkADBJZ!AwRaJCOTrlzEViUhX73RSwCdSQAw4ELl9mofhRBRbsA Sample: I actually can't find anything off this album aside from live vids :/ >Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality >Czech grind which is a bit closer to brutal death than, say, !T.O.O.H.!. As usual, very eccentric vocal style. >!6cdHSTRR!Oh71mBD1R_AMMjkh5dIFlX20goVnzh1TEXFYX-AsXJw Sample: >Alienation Mental - Ball Spouter >oh hey look it's more Czech grind >!DAtlTISS!e0dG8yQcWPZVy6n-TeD-kmAwVegjCA2jJvPIKnX2las Sample: Ahumado Granujo - Discography >Goregrind Sample: Download:!gNQjkbqY!SY8V-V8EZlfSrQPk-w6JMFwxlo11KAH_go_5HfTFPPM Bathtub Shitter - Discography >Grindcore/Goregrind/Deathgrind

Sample: Download link:!JJxR2SjY!KF4PknOmwktNo3rt77x92X0kWDweBIASdBdYKfzTx98

>Asphyx - Last One on Earth >Insane death-doom masterpiece, guitar tone is heavy as fuck, and the vocals are very intense in both shrieking and grunting modes. >!XEkRkD7B!LusoCG4YLf0bm04prPaavwT-GhA0JaJNNzriusgAKDs Sample: >Evoken - Antithesis of Light >HOLY FUUUUCK Why haven't I shared this. Probably because you all should have listened to it. This and A Caress of the Void are among the greatest funeral doom albums ever, in my book, next to Skepticism, Thergothon and diSEMBOWELMENT. Like Disembowelment, they're death-y enough to include here. >Album cover + name is an accurate indicator of the experience. >!nEFQnI4A!Qd9xbAjWGWFXPI-AUQsijzlufNs2hcURAHJ1dkkw0gI Sample: >Rippikoulu - Musta Seremonia >Finnish band that released 2 demos, then disbanded. Musta Seremonia is absurdly grimy and heavy. >!GVthjSLS!C4PyZ2MJzK0ilhwC9FHFQ21WdN0X7UEoSxueMMpO1qo Sample: >Winter - Into Darkness/Eternal Frost >Cult death doom band that released this one album and disbanded. Then again, many good metal bands are one-album bands. >!rJEnlBID!PYEg2wDBm2edzisfIaoHeTzwhsB3hK0ExrnxnURQYc8 Sample: >Internal Decay - A Forgotten Dream >Cult Swedish death with melodic tendencies, pretty mid-paced to slow. Strong keyboard elements. This is a nice peek at Swedish melodeath before the start of the Gothenburg scene. >!eNskXLRK!KXrBtwwYwVaGcYoeEwoEaSBrk4xDwDGJgsGs5xuXE0k Sample: >Thergothon - Stream from the Heavens >Morose funeral doom, pretty much created the style. >!LRUkRBhC!ZuX7skBpnG8PdC79w-oSylLupP423T-0Ac8xvr85uyA >Morgion - Among Majestic Ruin >Death-doom with funeral-doom tendencies. This is the remaster. >!mV1xRDqK!FD7It1udsDYI_0CeqJzC9FM4lFEor2hyAFR0KLrnpS4 Sample: >Dusk - Mourning... Resurrect >A compilation of 2 EPs by this obscure death-doom band. It's pretty much exactly what I look for in a death-doom release, so go look into it. >!rY1glRZT!TMHlOngpbuw4UKWFqrYY2VPOhU0oj2w6Y-YVN8U9ikM Sample: >Ceremonium - Into the Autumn Shade >Oh hey I didn't know diSEMBOWELMENT released another album! Seriously, this is really close in sound to Transcendence... which can only mean good things. It's also quite succinct, and has an amazing album cover. >!KcNiGC5T!MZ8-RRMk2aLYst5vACRBVmVI91kTNdXh1XkaXC7W0Oo Sample:

Hooded Menace - Fulfill the Curse >2008 Death/Doom debut from Finland, somewhat diverse and possibly the best modern death/doom has to offer >!75B3gArY!ZqJp_TOL0vjS5wkmkFGljT7XCk87Lf8bgCWJMKCwz78 >Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth >Christian death/doom about the burial and resurrection of Christ. Musically, it's pretty damn good for the style. >!SFlByAIC!eyjoPAb4K_yBuhxu-HAJdwE8q9MMUitdkWbcPuAtMeQ Sample: >Unholy - The Second Ring of Power >Some Finnish death/doom which leans into funeral doom levels of bleak washes of guitars and keyboards at times. >!iccn1ApS!XgcJ81wOpxp91ePf9ErWmBjbnFF8_a_TeuAOqoE1xCE Sample: >Esoteric - Metamorphogenesis >Esoteric are probably the world's best-known (and best) funeral doom band. Some of their material is a bit death-doomy at its fastest. This is just excellent music, an introspective listen for when you want music that totally annihilates and encompasses you. >!7Z0myJpC!RJmQUXPBj6dyrMN4EvpnzQgfeOJ5yySfIcFAiVmZCAU Sample: >Coffins - Buried Death >Esteemed release by this Japanese death/doom act. >!yRdHAKBb!BX0bHl6ncxCosCSw0jsEPGqWLwR8eW3vgE6spaNND0o Sample: >Creepmime - Shadows >Weird, unpredictable death/doom album. An underlooked classic. >!7ZsWxZwR!XtyAM3hzJFV2m6RoKt3pdzO-Wf8voDeUZeF6Vms16Q8 Sample: >Dark Millenium - Ashore the Celestial Burden >This is an odd one, and highly recommended. It's like a more death-doomy Atheist, with the same affinity for intertwining leads and bass, jumpy tracks moving in unpredictable ways, and jazzy harmonics. >!CF0CHbDI!fm1ransYpFe-uWN8PTROnFPIrsYlB4ZFiuZRknrmCJQ Sample: Anhedonist - The Drear >Death Doom >!wJkT3CZL!Cg-q8mbIPFeNjj1ActWGbGsPuYpnfCi__vj97FY2kOQ Sample: >Desecresy - The Doom Skeptron >Some good old moody Finndeath, with a bit of a death-doom edge. Awesome production. >!eBMSgKDR!Usv-5GLkZfN-XOylHuF5f1gZ4FYn9n0BOo4e6TmiS-s Sample: >Morgion - Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth >Bit more of a mellow album than Among Majestic Ruin. Lots of clean vocals and funeral doom moments here. Still damn good, very underrated band. >!Wd9liJyK!Weccz1hQ0qHJposn9RiWSXJNwhJz82nj-z4RnILvScI Sample:

>Burning Skies - Desolation >These guys play an even mix of hardcore punk and death metal. I honestly think that this sort of stuff is what "deathcore" should refer to. >!2VMnyQBL!BK1A3yFJ6R3poft63oIBd3Cy00IGaHfwgC3x46g0Hik Sample: >The Modern Age Slavery Damned to Blindness >Grindy deathcore. Intense stuff. >!bBtRHS6Q!EGg_iwF3eYjhDS2Gg_bX2hkhVH9NT_atoZM8T97Dg0U Sample:

- Not classifiable/non-DM
>Dolorian - Voidwards >I can't really describe this one. Well, it's funeral doom with whispered vocals, but that does no justice to it. These guys are part of the Helixes collective, a group of Finns who make amazing ritual/dark ambient. >!TAdglCxI!OTuETTJR9fjIE4Bber82RDAEeuwwrDTqmcvTJUMuhDY Sample: >Emptiness - Error >Oh ho ho, check this one out. This is a combination of death metal and really disgusting industrial music. I think of it as a death metal equivalent of Blut Aus Nord's industrial work, or maybe some stuff by The Axis of Perdition. This is crazy stuff, surreal atmosphere, etc. etc. Some odd, herky-jerky songwriting completes the sense of overwhelming wrongness. >!iZVXHLLa!aoaHjE34G-QN5nuSOA2VqlLKZktr9vjfH6WQtmBndNg Sample: >Oxiplegatz - Sidereal Journey >Avant-garde/symphonic progressive metal with mild DM elements, one-man project by Alf of At the Gates (there is a female singer who may be his wife). The album is a suite about an alien race escaping destruction. >!qZ03UZDI!Txe-RXO9QjeQRgVLObI2K2WMyolVrB5pxjrKoATN6oc Sample: >Traumatic Voyage - Discography >It was hard to pick just one album by this guy. They're all available for free on, IIRC, (aside from one or two which have disappeared since megaupload was gone) but the bitrate is low. So I tracked down higher-quality MP3s myself. This is a really tripped-out, psychedelic project with tons of long songs and keyboards. Thematically it's pretty much a trip into the workings of a drug-addled mind. In the best way. >!KRkwRKpJ!KfTJuRPb9fFznIVeIgBFu1QXCyd1wan_NknSNhv8crk Sample: >Tribulation - The Formulas of Death >Psychedelic rock meets death metal. This one is long, but it will take you interesting places. >!ecc0xboS!XdRqUiBmCPgrKo9BpjOQYVoE5xwFgvw2KsrBy8xmGY4 Sample: >Crowpath - Son of Sulphur >If Converge listened to way too much Gorguts. One of the grindiest, death-iest mathcore releases I've heard, and it has absolutely MEAN drumming with flashy cymbal crashes mid-measure. Also a well-executed concept album about an arsonist. >!rAV3EZqb!xTYgGHQ9kEVjWX1ZI4oZIDp6Tqv_AZNLr3CqFWrCQRk Sample: >Drottnar - Stratum >Technical black metal. What a concept! Including this based on the novelty and the fact that it has many of the same guitar tropes as typical tech death releases. >!rdtHgTqZ!LHIpEERpXUOmwMe1AoizIg_iNWxtns1FkfXc4iA6pdk Sample: >Alarum - Natural Causes >Not exactly death metal, but fans of Cynic and Blotted Science should check these Aussies if they haven't. And Vuvr and Serdce, which I have shared. Sometimes reminds me of a less obnoxious Spiral Architect. >!LMEAmRbD!Pa0rmWdq_jrgsAUrXlY8LX6t9kJBJz_MljMTi3w2OMY Sample: >Livercage - Discography >Freaky industrial black metal. This was available on Noktorn's blog, but he's disappeared and the mediafire link went dead. I can't even buy the CDs anywhere. This is worth hearing for Gnaw Their Tongues fans, I think. >!bRlTCTDQ!VBPEVVPocDDYFi_pgggbm0gKysNdX37o9187kIzC1m8

Sample: >Wormrot - Abuse + Dirge >Really awesome grindcore. Not anything new, but incredibly cathartic. One of my fav bands in the genre aside from Brutal Truth, Napalm Death and Gridlink. >!2Z10nAwB!IL8RtCMeGrPyMIcl0sASZkrWyjEwEFwOorfITIQI0q8 >!yUF3AQzS!H6IUyDWy14dvviMsVYq5q1bNPVlJjA2-G6gKZ2JhnHo Sample: >Lugubrum - De Ware Hond >Belgian black metal with lots of banjo and sax. A lot of it is apparently improvised. Gives you kvlt street cred. >!CEdz3ZhZ!Edm07VsxWtJRJthLHDKZ6lf7PyIA774rAqiVAkrkl3k Sample: >Onmyouza - Maou Taiten >Japanese power/folk metal about youkai lords and shit. Awesome cheese metal. >!eF0wGAYB!aXppuxYfVwZ5Kxqk9YSd5XRwhJYvQOUvRZnHgu8mjDE Sample: >Choronzon - Magog Agog >Weird weird stuff. This features demonic crypto-vocalizations, and the demon Choronzon is credited as a band member and source of inspiration. The only album of theirs I've heard, but it's an interesting experience. >!zEEylYIZ!Y2jNqRdSbIyZuRgoeO1E3zfim8YyNpPRiTxtNwhf2ag Samples: another album of his, Fiat Nox, that I haven't heard: >!vdskEQjb!Ucn-1lScW8cpkshoCszwHHeNQtFyPtYrdL-QEA6lflQ >Myopia - Biomechatronic Intervention >Another one which isn't really death metal but has some relevance. This is tagged as tech death on RYM, but it reminds me of a mixture of Voivod's style with a bit of Meshuggah's angular rhythm (and a vocalist who sounds a lot like Jens). I'm not at all into Meshuggah and I still liked this a good deal. >!WZtlyKZa!aYdig2xM5lALAFF1qjkOsUT3y68DHTMSHszMWJWoD0A Sample: >Desultor - Masters of Hate >Another interesting tag combination. Tech death + power metal? What the shit? Clean vocals only. >!GF1XhYQA!RiqcKxSMl1Rr0IbfSBERkA5eA756L90CdIe0f2v9zto Sample: >Lo-Ruhamah - The Glory of God >Black + death + post-rock. Also, they're Christian. What an odd mixture. >!acUmQRSD!P-TlcUk-qj5rKCVWdwz5XzNXvE1j7qkvCcr_lW2OK44 Sample: >Wolok - Servum Pecus >A RYM friend described this as the Frenchest black metal band. It's true - they even have Zarach Baal Tharagh on vocals! This has a bizarre, surreal feeling to it, and the erratic rhythms and angular riffs don't help. For fans of Blut aus Nord. >!Tc8CVSzA!YcurDkyA_Q4c1alZ4ps8NBHXMKkXOcatFCJmHLmksGQ Sample: >Infestus - E x | i s t >An intricately arranged, slightly symphonic, progressive black metal album put together by one guy. Normally, one-man black

metal doesn't hold much interest for me, but this is pretty nicely produced (not too clean though) and well-structured, with some calm acoustic interludes. It retains a very oppressive atmosphere throughout, though. No black metal fan should miss this. >!SI0lASxI!SnqXBgkrsVTiQtVwkCygPF08NixpTNZ0v6eH4-hYGnc Sample: >Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace >The "progressive thrash" boom of the last 80s and early 90s is one of my favorite scenes in metal, and also one of the most underlooked. Psychotic Waltz are up there with Voivod and Watchtower in terms of being able to write and play difficult and memorable compositions, but they also have a stronger prog/psych rock edge. There is also a flute solo in this album. >!nJ103SKI!HOHn2VQuZG1XUfBpL_ntIRBjAUwQFGurQxDVNXlF9tg Sample: >Carbonized - Disharmonization >I don't know what the fuck this is honestly. Barely even death metal any more. It's like slowed-down Voivod melodies put through weird effects pedals, ring modulated vocals, jazz drumming, all sorts of shit. ??? Just look at dat cover, you know you're in for a weird ride. >!rEVnhbhQ!CmTd7XIIcrxQQBo0q5HdjQ3aQHJhnlc6WQvA8_HLk0Q Sample: >C.S.S.O. - Collection >I don't know what this band's deal is, but they're one of the more bizarre grindcore acts out there, next to maybe Gasp (if they count). Lots of psych/space rock moments in their later albums. Japanese as hell, be warned. >!vY93DSgD!I3t9Lwpnt4W9MR0W6atXBiVcE5s6h5NMvviT94i-OSg Sample:

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