General Notes On Sanitary Fittings

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General Notes On Sanitary Fittings

Definition The term "sanitary fittings" is generally taken to include all fittings intended for the reception of the foul liquids and water-carried solids which are produced in and about our buildings, exclusive of trade processes. The term, therefore, excludes such fittings as dyers' and sizers' vats and other tanks employed in factories and workshops, and is confined tosinks,wash-tubs,baths,lavatories,water-closets,slop-hoppersand sinks, and urinals. Of each class of fitting there are many varieties, which are adapted for different purposes and for different kinds of buildings. The principal varieties will be considered in subsequent chapters. At present it is our purpose to state a few general rules which ought to be applied in the selection of sanitary fittings of all kinds. These rules may be summed up in five words-efficiency, cleanliness, durability, simplicity, and (within limits) economy. Efficiency That a sanitary fitting should adequately serve the purpose for which it is intended is obvious, but thousands of fittings are still fixed every year which cannot by any stretch of imagination be regarded as efficient. There are lavatories with waste holes so small that they cannot be rapidly emptied, with overflows badly arranged, with drains from soap-dishes made only to be choked, and with the "clean" water arranged to enter through the more or less foul waste or overflow openings. Baths exhibit almost the same defects. There are "water-closets" without water, or so insufficiently flushed that the thorough removal of the solids is impossible. Others are so constructed that they hold very little water, or none at all, for the reception and deodorization of deposits, And there are unflushed urinals and slop-hoppcri All these perhaps serve in a manner the purpose for which they were designed, but they do not serve it efficiently, and every fitting of this sort is therefore imperfect. One of the principal marks of efficiency in a sanitary fitting is than it shall form an effective harrier against the entrance off our air from the drains and waste pipes, In some fittings, as, tor example, lavatories and sinks, this harrier is a plumber' s trap which does not form an integral part of the lining itself, hut in many water-closets and slop hoppers, the trap is part of the fitting, and its efficiency must he carefully considered. Water-closets are often defective in this respect; the water-seal of the trap is, perhaps, too small, and is therefore in danger of being removed by siphonge or evaporation. Or the trap may have no provision for ventilation, a defect which will render it unsuitable to fixing series.


Cleanliness Cleanliness is a question both of design and material. One of the best materials for sanitary fittings is undoubtedly some kind of porcelain, either solid or applied in the form of an enamel. It has its disadvantages of course, if applied as an enamel it may chip off and expose the rougher porous foundation to the action of the foul water, and if solid it may (as in a lavatory basin) be cracked by a blow or by sudden contact with hot water,but it has the great advantage of cleanliness. It is impervious, and consequently can always be kept clean, if the fitting is so designed that every part is accessible. Foul matters will, however, adhere to porcelain as to every other substance, and these must be periodically removed if the fitting is to remain satisfactory. Careful design is therefore necessary. All internal angles ought to be well rounded, and as far as possible every part of the fitting ought to be accessible to the brush or cloth. The overflows of sinks and lavatories have, until recently, been very defective in this respect; no provision whatever was made for cleansing them, and the consequence was that they often became extremely dirty, and were sometimes quite choked with soapy and greasy matter. Many water-closets still in use are of such a form that they cannot possibly be kept clean by ordinary flushing. The containers of pan-closets are almost invariably coated with filth, and some closets of more recent design are very little better, The traps of wash-out closets are always fouled by usage, and many wash-down closets have such a small area of standing water that the basin is soiled every time the closet is used, The nature of the flush is often accountable for the uncleanliness of water-closets, urinal*, and slop-sinks. The water may be insufficient in quantity, or may be delivered in such a small volume, and at such a low rate of velocity, as to be almost useless for cleansing the basins and traps. In many old closets the water is delivered through a fanspreader, which cannot possibly distribute it over the whole surface of the basin. The enclosure of sanitary fittings with wooden casings is fortunately now almost a thing of the past, but it is well to repeat that such casings are, as a rule, roost objectionable. It is true that in some recent hospitals cupboards have been formed under the sinks for the storage of bed-pans, but in such cases the windows have been continued down to the floor, so that the cupboards are properly lighted, and air-grates have been fixed in the external walls or windows for ventilation. The panels of the doors of such cupboards ought to be fitted with sheets of clear glass, so that any uncleanliness can be easily detected. Where these precautions are taken the objections to enclosed fittings are considerably reduced, but it is certainly best to leave the fittings exposed where-ever possible, as in nearly every case enclosures are difficult to keep clean and sweet. Certainly the ordinary casings of baths and water-closets are most objectionable, as they conceal the plumber's work, and add considerably to the difficulty of inspection and the cost of repairs. When removing the casing of a water-closet it will often be found that the floor within the casing has been covered with sawdust, and that this is sodden with water and filth; the plumber had evidently thought it a wise precaution to provide some material to absorb the leakage from the defective joints which he had made, and so prevent or delay the detection of his carelessness or incapacity. It is a golden rule to

insist on all sanitary fittings, and the plumber's work connected with them, being exposed to view, so that everything can be kept thoroughly clean; exposure also ensures sounder and neater work, renders the detection of leaks more easy, and reduces the cost and dirt of repairs. As woodwork in connection with sanitary fittings is not conducive to cleanliness, the tendency of modern sanitation is to reduce the woodwork to the least possible quantity; hence we have cast-iron roll-top baths without enclosures, iron brackets for supporting lavatories, etc, steel seats for water-closets, porcelain-enamelled drainers for sinks, and other contrivances. It is a mistake to cover sanitary fittings with elaborate ornamentation, either raised or printed or painted. Certainly the parts which are in contact with foul water, such as the internal surfaces of sinks, water-closets, lavatories, and baths, ought to have the surfaces perfectly white or cream-coloured, so that the slightest deposit of foul matter can be easily seen. Durability Durability is the third quality which sanitary fittings ought to possess. Baths are now generally of cast-iron, and experience has proved that it is a fairly satisfactory material for the purpose. Some of the methods of finishing the surface leave, however, something to be desired. Copper and zinc are also used for baths, the former being the more durable . Enamelled fire clay is largely used for baths and other sanitary fittings, and is an excellent material if it is thick enough to resist ordinary blows, and if the enamel is thoroughly adherent to the fireclay body; in cheap fittings the enamel is often defective in this respect, and will chip or flake with the slightest rough usage. Indeed, the enamel is often cracked during the process of burning, and all enamelled fireclay fittings ought to be carefully examined for such defects. Salt-glazed stoneware is less expensive although quite as durable, and is used for the cheaper sinks, water-closets, urinals, etc. The best fittings of moderate size are made of some kind of pottery or white ware, suitably glazed. As the material is more or less brittle, it ought not to be too thin. Many lavatory and water-closet basins are defective in this respect, and are therefore easily cracked. For the tops of lavatories polished marble is a satisfactory and durable material. Some materials are sufficiently durable, but are unsatisfactory in other respects. Stone, for example, has been much used for sinks, but, on account of its pervious ness, it is difficult to keep clean. Even slate, dense though it is, is far from perfect; it has been largely specified for urinals, but the valid objections to the plain polished surface have led to the adoption of various kinds of enamel, none of which, however, is permanently satisfactory-at any rate, for urinals. There is less objection to its use for the tops of lavatories, but even for these fittings some kind of porcelain or enamelled fireclay is better.

Simplicity Of two sanitary fittings-other things being equal-the simpler ought to be preferred. Elaborate mechanism is out of place in such fittings. The tendency of recent sanitation towards simplicity is nowhere so marked as in the case of water-closets. The pan-closet is universally condemned, and the valve-closet, although its life has been preserved beyond its natural limit by the exertions of one clever writer, is hastening towards oblivion. Simpler fittings have taken their place. The same process can be observed at work, in the case of the overflow and waste arrangements of baths and lavatories, since the first attempts were made to do away with the old plug and chain and the unclean able overflow. Complicated arrangements are likely to get out of order and increase the difficulty of keeping the apparatus clean, besides being costly to repair. Economy Of the last point to be considered, namely, economy, little need be said. In many cases it is one of the most important considerations. Comparatively inexpensive fittings of good quality can now be obtained, but beyond a certain limit economy cannot be safely practiced, and the owner of the building ought either to be content to do without the fitting altogether, or to pay for one which is likely to prove reasonably satisfactory. Safes under Sanitary Fittings are not now fixed as frequently as in former years. When the fittings are badly designed and the plumbing executed by ignorant and careless workmen, safes may be considered necessary in order to prevent damage being done by leaks to the floors and ceilings below, but in such cases the safes are a source of danger, especially if the fittings are enclosed, as leaks may pass unnoticed or unremedied for a long time. The proper course is to use fittings of good design and to fix them in such a manner that safes are unnecessary. If a safe is fixed, it must not be connected to the waste-pipe or soil-pipe, but must be drained by a separate untrapped pipe carried through the nearest wall and terminated by a hinged brass or copper flap to prevent to some extent the ingress of air. Slabs of marble, slightly dished, are sometimes fixed under unenclosed lavatories and other fittings to catch drippings, but these do not require waste-pipes; the drippings can easily be wiped up with a cloth.


Type of sanitary fitting Sink

Sinks are of various kinds. Among these may be mentioned . The sink-of-all-work, commonly known as a scullery or kitchen sink, which, being without a waste-plug, does not hold water; the sink with waste-plug and overflow, often known as a butler's sink; the nursemaid's sink, which is merely a variety of the butler's sink; The vegetable sink; The sink for washing pans and other hardware .Sinks for special purposes, such as laboratories, photographer's studios, operating rooms of hospitals, etc.; and the housemaid's sink, which is generally fixed in connection with the slop-hopper, and will be more conveniently described in the chapter on fittings of the latter kind.

A bidet is a low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the genitalia, inner buttocks, and anus. Bidets are primarily used to wash and clean the genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus. They may also be used to clean any other part of the body such as feet. Despite appearing similar to a toilet, it would be more accurate to compare it to the washbasin or bathtub. Bidets once served as a practical way for couples to prepare themselves before sex, as well as to rinse themselves afterwards.


There are three main types of urinals, each with its own plumbing and design. They are the trough urinal, bucket urinal and against-the-wall urinal. These three prevailing designs have withstood the test of time and all of them are found commonly in public restrooms, from chic restaurant commodes to grocery store bathrooms. Trough Urinal The trough urinal is named for its resemblance to an animal feeding trough. This economical design provides spaces for up to eight men. Trough urinals take up the same amount of space as bucket urinals, but are less expensive. The International Center for Bathroom Etiquette states that "troughs are very difficult to manage within the realm of proper urinal etiquette." Troughs are less private than individual urinals but are much more economical in regard to space and plumbing. Generally these types of urinals are made of stainless steel; occasionally they are made of porcelain.

Bucket urinal
The individual bucket urinal is possibly the most common type of urinal. It has been around for hundreds of years and is still a favorite among designers and plumbers according to "Urinology: A Guide to Urinals." This type of urinal comes in many different shapes and designs. Its versatility is a main reason for its popularity. Typically the bucket urinal is made of porcelain, but may also be metal, plastic or even polished wood. Some public places, such as The Bavarian in Nottinghamshire, even use actual buckets piped with drains and spouts.


Against the Wall

This design features a drain that is at or below the level of feet. The "stream" is directed against a backing surface, as if you are urinating against a wall, then is directed down to the floor, where drains collect it. There are many variations of the against-the-wall urinal. According to Urinology, this design is sometimes referred to as a "slab" because of the large chunks of porcelain that are used to fit the urinal together. Each section is large and the sections share drains. Some againstthe-wall urinals are aesthetically pleasing and placed in the most lavish of bathrooms. Others are simple and made of porcelain.

Squat Toilet
The squat toilet (also called squatter or squatty-potty) consists of a hole in the ground. To use this toilet, one is in a squatting position rather than sitting, by placing one foot on each side of the toilet and squatting over it. Modern versions are in separate stalls when they are in public lavatories, and include toilet tissue rolls for the user's convenience. The squatting method is accompanied by advantages as well health benefits that connect to easiness of procedures such as child birth.[31] The squat toilet is most commonly found in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East but can also occasionally be found in some European (Romania), Mediterranean, and South American countries.


Seat toilet
A toilet seat is a hinged unit consisting of seat, and usually a lid, which is bolted onto a toilet bowl for a flush toilet . A toilet seat consists of the seat itself, which may be contoured for the user to sit on, and the lid, which covers the toilet when it is not in use the lid may be absent in some cases, particularly public restrooms The seat is generally lifted when a man stands to urinate , or while cleaning the toilet. The issue of men leaving the seat up or putting it back down after use, particularly for the benefit of women, is a perennial topic of discussion and light humor, with it generally argued that leaving the toilet seat up is more efficient, but putting it down is more considerate. The lid is frequently left open, but it can be closed after use, to prevent the spread of germs and odors when the water isaerosolized on flushing.

Flush Toilet
A flush toilet is a toilet that disposes of human waste by using water to flush it through a drainpipe to another location. Flushing mechanisms are found more often on western toilets (used in the sitting position), but many squat toilets also are made for automated flushing. Since flush toilets are typically not designed to handle waste on site, their drain pipes must be connected to waste conveyance and waste treatment systems


Bathroom Fittings
These faucets provide water control to the user in Bathing & Washbasin areas. With the help of these fixtures we can control flow of water, pressure of water and temperature of water while bathing & hand or face washing, brushing shaving etc. Certain technologies like quarter turn fittings, Single levers, Thermostatic fittings enhance the control & comfort of water usage. Single Lever Basin Mixer Single lever tap bears a ceramic cartridge which may be 40 or 45 mm. We can control water flow with one lever unlike the conventional two knobs. Up position is open & down position is close. Left rotation is hot and as we rotate to the right the water temperature decreases.

Basin Mixer Used on wash basin or counter top, has two knobs; left for hot water and right for cold water. More successful over single lever faucets in areas having low pressure .Spout can be inbuilt in the body or separate & can be casted or made of pipe.


Bidet Mixer Bidet rests on the Bidet Ceramic ware. The spout fills the bidet bowl and the pop-up is used to store or flush out water in the bowl since it controls the rubber plug installed at the base of the bidet bowl

Wall Mixer Used in bathing area. Can be single Lever or two knobbed. Can also be thermostatic. Installed at 1145mm from the ground level. The suggested legs distance of wall mixer is 160mm and the adjustment margin is 30mm both sides.



Bathroom Set This set is very popular & practical in Indian conditions. Conventional wall mixer has a spout to fill bucket or bathtub and also provision to divert water to the hand shower which rests on the twin hook crutch.

Diverter Diver has two inlets for hot & cold water. The outlets can be two, three, four or five depending upon the model selected. The outlet can be attached to the spout, overhead shower, hand shower or body jets .All connections are concealed , only the diverter levers & wall plate are visible. The aesthetics of bathing area can be maintained by matching the diverter lever knobs & plate to the other faucets of the bathroom.



Pillar Tap Used on washbasins or counters. Has a vertical inlet. Combinations of two taps desired of both hot & cold water required. Very effective in low water pressure conditions. Also popular in areas of moderate climate.

Bib Tap Bib tap is a single faucet installed on wall having horizontal inlet it can either give hot or cold water. Generally used as combination of two taps for hot & cold. Installed at a height of 1145 mm from the floor in the bathing area. Long bib is used in bathing area & short bib near water closet. Very effective in Indian conditions of low pressure & water scarcity.



Spout Spout has an inlet & an outlet, used to fill bucket, bath tub or wash feet. Water is fed to spout by connecting to concealed valves or diverters .Spout may be installed in the bathing area at a height of 785 mm from the floor..



Water Closet Fittings

Flush Valve (F/V) This valve is used as a substitute to flushing tank, adjoining the toilet seat which disposes human waste through a drain pipe to the sewer line or another location. Flush Valve (F/V) is placed between the WC and the water tank. In a FV the flushing can be done continuously without any gap. Per flush volume of water can be controlled. The FV can be manual (exposed or concealed) or Electronic (Sensor).

Fluch Cock (F/C) Fluch Cock (F/C) allows water to flow directly from main tank to toilet bowl when its lever or button is pressed. The volume of water is controlled manually by hand; in case of a spring loaded FC, the closure is automatic. This is a very economical sanitary fitting & very popular in smaller towns.



Spreader This is used with Urinals to spread water and clean the Urinal bowl. The spreader requires a faucet or valve for water control known as Urinal tap.

Urinal Tap This faucet is connected the Urinal directly or through a spreader since some urinals have built in spreaders. This may be push type, manual turning or Sensor. Water can be adjusted or turned off as desired. Some models have built in filters.



Seat Jet This is a metallic strip with a nozzle molded at the centre. The strip rests on the WC base at the back. The nozzle has a slim hole as an outlet which provides a water jet for cleansing the body after using the toilet. The seat jet needs to be combined with a connection pipe & a valve.

Shower Jet (Hand Spray) This is used to help clean body after toilet use. Some people believe that water cleansing is a hygienic substitute for toilet paper. The shower jet may be single jet or a shower spray depending on its design. A combination of connection pipe and water control valve is desired with the shower jet. A soft towel or a toilet roll should be handy to pat dry the wet skin.



Bathroom Showers Into each life some rain must fall. rage of showers bring forth the latest in water deliverance implements in Europe & the west ; to its customers. A wide range of sizes, shapes, functions, installation areas are available. LED Shower The LED light models help to create a harmonious vivid bathing experience. LED come in different colours and operate with transformer or turbine technology.

Rain Shower The rain showers are available in round, cube , rectangular & oval shapes. The easy to clean technology with flexible European sheathe apertures are cleaned automatically by the escaping droplets. Enjoy the monsoon rain in the comfort of your bathroom throughout the year.



Shower Column This column is a combination of a mixer, hand shower & overhead shower and all the fittings are exposed. This can also be adjusted during bath renovations. All concepts of bathing are incorporated in one fitting. Available in both CUBE & ROUND.

Slide Rail This rail gives flexibility to the hand shower and adjusts its height or angle as per the users need. At a higher level of rail the hand shower can act as an overhead shower. Slide rail comprises of a rail, hand shower & a flexible pipe. Some rails may also bear a soap dish or a tumbler holder.



Overhead Shower Bossini Showers have all apertures that are absolutely identical; each aperture receiving similar pressures and quantity of water; with each stream of water tracing a predestined path. Accumulation of scale is prevented on the apertures, because of the super elasticity of the rubber sheaths that dress up the apertures. This elasticity causes the sheaths to expand and contract whilst the water is flowing, thus in effect throwing off deposited scale along with the outgoing water and thus preventing blocking of these apertures. The elasticity also makes these apertures very easy to clean (just a flick of the fingers across the surface is all that is needed).The overhead showers may be multifunction or simple rain.

Hand Shower Hand shower is a very useful fitting in the bath. This hand held gives the user the flexibility to use the shower in various body areas since it is connected to a connection pipe. Hand shower is generally light is weight so that the user is comfortable.



Bathroom Shower Set (Economical) This category is very popular due to its economy and functionality at low pressure. The set includes shower head , arm & base flange. The small body of shower head enhances the spray flow.



Bathroom Accessories Bath accessories are as important as taps, sanitary wares & tiles. These provide comfort to the user & once we get used to these they become a necessity. Each accessory has its own utility , purpose, space of installation and should be matched with the theme of faucets & sanitary ware.

Tumbler Holder Has a tumbler in a base or ring, used to place tooth brush, paste, razor or comb. Mostly fitted near the washbasin.

Towel Ring Used to hold the small hand towel



Towel Rail Longer rail, used to hold medium & larger towels. Rail comes in many sizes & can be custom made. Can be used to store or dry the towel.

Towel Rack Used to store towels after drying. Better to have a rack as close to the bathing area as possible.



Toilet Paper Holder Used to hold the toilet paper. Placed close to the WC. Important for people with western exposure or influence.

Soap Dish Holds the soap cake. Very useful near bathing area & washbasin.



Hand Dryer Hand dryers can cut costs by as much as 90% when compared to paper towels. Though involves larger initial investment but saves removal of paper waste effort. Usage of paper towel in a restaurant for 1 year equals to 9 fully grow trees being cut.

Automatic Soap Dispenser These are touchless dispensers which dispense a controlled amount of soap solution. The function is to conserve amount of soap usage & stem germ transmission. An increasing number of public locations & private installations have been incorporating touchless technology in their washrooms. Infrared sensor detects energy emitted our hand and triggers the pump to dispense the designated amount of soap solution.



Bathroom Fixtures These faucets may not be directly used by us but have their own respective utility & significance. These may not add beauty to the bathroom but their importance cannot be ignored for the smooth functioning or fitment of the main fittings. Angle Stop Valve Used near geyser, basin , WC, WC fittings. Water can be controlled in case of maintenance of these appliances or their malfunction.

Concealed Stop Valve This is used in bathing area to divert water to the shower or spout. The piping from concealed to the fitting is inside the wall.The quality of concealed is of utmost important since it goes inside & any malfunction will lead to wall breakage for repairs.



Float Valve Used with a plastic ball to close water inlet in tanks when the tank level is at topmost position for avoiding water spilling.

Ball Valve Used to close the water connection in any pipeline. Very useful while maintenance is going on in that particular line.



Flexible Pipe Used with hand showers to maneuver it as per convenience .Also can be used with Health faucets.

Supply Flanges Provides water inlet to shower rails or hand showers through the connection pipe.



Extension Piece Useful to elongate the length of a bib tap, mixer or spout if the length of the particular fitting is lower than that desired by the user, and the fall of water can be obtained at the desired area.

PVC Pipe Used with hand showers, below geysers , wash basins or near WC.Connects the valve with the shower, geyser, basin mixer or WC tank.



Copper Pipe Use below geysers, near WC tank or washbasin faucet. It simply connect two implements.

CP Exposed Pipe It connects the mixer to the shower in case concealed piping is not laid.



Shower Arm Used to connect shower head & wall inlet. Provides a wider spread to the shower by giving the desired distance from the wall.

Wall Brackets Used to hold the hand shower.



Crutch Holds the hand shower above the wall mixer. Has an inlet which connects the shower & the mixer with a connection pipe.

Elbow Coupling It connects conventional mixer to the over head shower. Economical & useful in low water pressure conditions .Internal piping as per this concept is desired beforehand.



Flange Flanges are used with bib taps, angles valves, concealed valves & wall mixers. These give aesthetics to the faucet & also cover the tile cracks & holes around the area of the faucet where it is fitted in the wall. Available in many shapes, most common being round.

Robe Hook Used for holding clothes or towels till the time bathroom is being used. It is advisable to remove the towel or cloth in a more appropriate place after bathing or changing.



Sensor Taps Sensor Devices provide you the virtue of Touch Less Performance, so that your hands dont get dirty just after you have washed them with soap. And so that your children who are so very vulnerable to hidden germs and viruses remain healthy and let you be healthy too. And so that your snobby high society guests do not cock a shook at your apparent overlook of basic hygiene. Very useful in public places & green buildings since they conserve water & mitigate the spread of germs. Run on power or battery. A must for airports, hotels, malls, sports arenas & off course residential buildings. Sensor Tap Floor Mounted These are useful for washbasins having vertical inlet. May be a pillar tap or a mixer. It senses the hand & controls the flow of water for a set period.

Sensor Tap Wall Mounted Electric current is a must to control the solenoid valve , may be AC or DC. The solenoid valve converts electrical energy into mechanical energy which in turn opens or closes the valve for water control.



Urinal Flush Valve Urinals in public places, need a self operating valve , which will cleanse the urinal bowl as soon as the user moves away from the area. Sensor urinal valves are a must for public toilets.

Sensor Toilet Flusher This sensor automatically flushes the WC once the user moves away from the WC area.



Bath Furnishing There is more to bathrooms than just faucets, sanitary ware & tiles. To further enhance utility & aesthetics we can do with a nice vanity instead of a regular washbasin, a luxurious massage tub instead of a bucket, a bath enclosure to keep the bathroom other than bathing area dry, or to install curtains in the bathing area with the help of a rod or a grill. Bathroom Furniture Bath Vanities lend the same sophistication and sense of elitism to our Hand Wash Stations as does a modern Steam Bath cabinet or a Jacuzzi Bath Tub to our Bathing areas. A bath vanity isnt just a utility, it is a strong statement of the awareness of modern wash etiquette and indication of opulence. And the fact that a visitor to our house is much more likely to visit and use the Wash Station or Wash Room rather than the Bath area lends a greater priority and need for the installation of a thematically conforming and glamour enhancing Bath Vanity, even before one decides on spending money to purchase a Bath Tub or a Steam Cabinet.

Bath Tub Bath Tubs have ergonomically located ventricles for body contoured water sprinkling. Appropriately located pillows allow your neck and back to be at complete ease while you soak up the delightfully dispersed water jets. Water fills in without much noise, quietly, sans splashing through the choices of a shower or waterfall. To further add to the ambience of relaxation is the soft and soothing under water light. This was just the bath tub, the accompanying Massage Bathtub Computer Control Panel, helps to further elevate the bathing occasion to an entirely outwardly experience. Apart from enabling and displaying Temperature, Pump and Ozone controls, the LCD screen of the panel enhances the bathing pleasure by making it possible to attach telephone (hands free), CD player and Radio, all of which can be controlled by remote through the Computer Panel.



Shower Enclosure The main advantage of the Shower Room is that you not only get to save the whole bathroom from unnecessary wetness (without in anyway diminishing your own bath experience, which can be as splashy as you like), but it adds to the normal expected experience of a closeted bath through its beautifully manifested exteriors and interiors. Superior technology allows proper water drainage through the Shower Tray and the aluminum panel and glass door have been crafted and attached exquisitely, for effortless entrance/ exit.

Curtain Rod A curtain rod is a device used to suspend curtains along the edge of the shower area. Available for tubs & corners.



Curtain Grill A combination of fine rods , which create an umbrella like structure to hang a shower curtain.

Shower Curtain Used in bathing area along the edge of wet area to protect water going over to the dry area. Made of PVC or Polyester. Also provides privacy.



Bathroom Drainers These drain the water from the bathroom washbasin, floor, bath tub or Bidet. Drainage is a highly technical subject since however fancy a bathroom may be, until the water drains at the speed of water consumption it can be highly annoying & unhealthy for the user.

Bottle Trap Bottle trap is a part of the sinks drainage system. The bottle tarp drains the waste from the sink to a pipe in the wall. Thus the floor is free from dirt accumulation. The bottle tarp has a cup where water stands and prevents gas form sewer into entering the kitchen.

Waste Coupling This is used in basins, sinks, tubs to drain water. Can be full thread or half thread. Half thread has a window connected to the basin overflow.



Cockroach Trap These are a combination of gratings which help water to drain from the floor. Also it has many layers , which store water & the cockroaches in drain cannot enter the bathroom.

Gully Gully are gratings of various shapes that allow water to drain in the floor. May be round or square. Can be with a hole also for PVC pipe to pass.



Tub Overflow Plug Has two parts. One body attached to the outlet of the tub overflow & a water with plug at the base of the tub. Provides both drainage & overflow.

Chain & Plug Can be attached to any waste. The chain is attached to the basin or tub. The waste can be inserted in the waste at time of water storage is desired & plug removed when water is to be drained.





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