A Project Report ON: Titled "A Study On Market Research of Onida LCD Television"

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Submitted in partial for the ward of Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted to University of Rajasthan ADA!

Submitted by RAMRAJ BBA "!#$S%M

Stani Memorial &'(' )ollege* Mansarovar* Jaipur +Approved by A")#%* ,ew Delhi - Affiliated to University of Rajasthan* Jaipur. +/0112/013.


As a student of BBA-IV Sem I was obviously seeking on opportunity to do a project in this regard and I got opportunity in the ONIDA. Where I was assigned this project. I really found this conducted it. I a! e"tre!ely grateful to Dr. ankaj #upta for full support and valuable guidance in helping this project and give suggestion for successful acco!plish!ent of !y project. roject very interesting and challenging where I


All praise to al!ighty god under whose auspicious blessings$ I have been able to acco!plish !y dissertation report successfully. %&ual credit goes to !y parents who !ade !e$ what I a! today$ by their hard work$ support and prayer. I e"press heartily !y thanks to '(). (A*I+,A #- *A 'y project guide. ,is inspiring attitude and great help enable !e to carry out present work. I thank hi! for his constant encourage!ent$ war! response and for filling every gap with valuable ideas that has !ade this project successfully. who has given !e opportunity to conduct this project work in the organi.ation. I would also give special thanks to all the outlet holders to who!$ I visited for their support$ infor!ation$ /o0operation$ advice to co!plete !y project details. At least !y appreciation goes to every one who! I could not !ention here but who have directly or indirectly supported 1 helped !e to face this challenge to co!plete the project report.


E#e$%ti&e '%mm()*
(apid econo!ic growth has revolutioni.ed the Indian electronic industry. A!ong the range of electronic products$ televisions re!ains the !ost popular product a!ong consu!ers .India is rapidly e!erging as a key player both as a !anufacture. *his trend is set to drive the global *2 industry. (ecently$ the Indian *2 industry has witnessed a rapid shift in trend fro! the standard cathode ray tube 3/(*4 technology to the 5i&uid /rystal Display 35/D4 technology. According to the report$ over the last two years the cost of li&uid crystal display technology has reduced by 678 such reduced prices have contributed to the increased sales of 5/D televisions across India. *he research report covers a nu!ber of key topics such as 5/D televisions !arket overview$ Indian *2 industry$brands$prices$co!petitive landscape$ rural India and changing consu!er behavior .*he report !entions a nu!ber of televisions co!panies such as ONIDA$2ideocon$)ony.5#$)a!sung. *he !ain reason of choosing this topic is to !ade analysis of the different brands$ in respect of consu!er preference that is si.e$ shape$ resolution$ contrast ratio$ !otion response ti!e price$ electronic consu!ption$ and obvious to find the !ost preferred brand by consu!er .so$ that to co!pare our co!pany product to that co!panies product. that will help !y co!pany to adopt changes if re&uired. *he research is !ade by talking interview of so!e custo!er who are either the custo!er of 5/D television or willing to by 5/D television and they had !ade visit on showroo!s for en&uiry about 5/D televisions. After knowing their preference I have co!pared the features preferred by custo!er is present in ONIDA or not and also co!pared these features to !ost preferred brand which custo!er have suggested.

At last I have that all co!pany including ONIDA is offering sa!e product with appro"i!ately sa!e feature only the different is the !arketing strategy$ and availability of the product.

S N+ P()ti$%l()' P, N+

1. 2. 3.

Introduction to the Industry Introduction to the Organi.ation (esearch 'ethodology 6.: Objective of )tudy 6.= *ype of (esearch 6.6 )a!ple )i.e 1 !ethod of selecting sa!ple 6.; )cope of )tudy 6.> 5i!itation of )tudy

90:6 :;0;< ;?0>6

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

@acts and @indings Analysis and Interpretation )WO* /onclusion (eco!!endations 1 )uggestion Appendi" +ibliography

>; >>0A6 A;0A> AA A9 A<097 9:


Tele&i'i+- i-d%'t)*

/O5O( *elevision refers to the technology and practices associated with televisionBs trans!ission of !oving i!ages in color. In its !ost brand for!$ a color broad cast by broadcasting three !onochro!e i!ages $one each in the three colors of red $green and blue $3(#+4. When displayed in fast succession$ these color swill blend together to produce a single color seen by a viewer. one of the great technical challenges of introducing color broad casting was a the desire to reduce the high bandwidth $ three ti!es that of the e"isting black and white3+ 1 W4.standards into so!ething !ore acceptable that would not use up !ost of the available radio spectru! .after considerable research $the N*)/ introduced a new syste! that encoded the color infor!ation separately fro! the brightness $and greatly reduced the resolution of the color infor!ation in order to conserve band with. the brightness i!ages re!ained co!patible with e"isting + 1 W television sets$ at slightly reduced resolution$ while color television could decode the e"tra infor!ation in the signal and produce a li!ited Ccolor display .the higher resolution + 1 w and lower resolution color i!ages co!bine in the eyes to produce a see!ingly high resolution color i!age .the N*)/ standard represents a !ajor technical achieve!ent.

Although introduced in the -.). in the :?>7s$ only a few years after black and white televisions has been standardi.ed there$ high prices and lack of broadcast !aterial greatly slowed its acceptance in the !arketplace. It was not until the late :?A7s$ that color sets started selling in large nu!bers $due in so!e parts to the introduction of #%Bs portal color set in :?AA. +y the :?97s color sets had beco!e standard$ with all0 color broadcasts beco!ing co!!on. /olor broadcasting did not start until :?A9. +y this point !any of the technical proble!s in the early set has been worked out$ and the spread of color sets in %urope was fairly rapid. !ost !ajor !arkets in north A!erica and %urope were all color by the !id 0:?97s$ and by the :?<7s +1 W sets had been pushed into niche !arkets$ notably low Cpower uses$ s!all portable sets$ or use as !onitor screens in lower Ccost consu!er e&uip!ent and in the television industry.

Hi't+)* +. LCD tele&i'i+assive !atri" 5/Ds first beco!e co!!on in :?<7s$ for varies portable co!puter roles .At the ti!e co!petitive with plas!a displays in the sa!e !arket space .*he 5/Ds$ had very slow refresh rate that blurred the screen with scrolling te"t $but their light weight and low cost were !ajor benefits. )creens using reflective 5/Ds re&uire no internal light source$ !aking the! particularly well suited to laptop co!puters . (efresh rate were far to slow to be useful for television$ but at the ti!e there was no pressing need for new television technologies .resolution were li!ited to standard definition $although a nu!ber of technology were pushing displayed towards the li!it of that standardD super 2,) offered i!proved color saturation $ and D2Ds added higher revolution as well .even with this advances screen si.es our 67Ewere rare as these for!ats would start to appear to blocky at nor!al seating distances when viewed on larger screen. rojection syste!s were generally li!ited to situations where the i!age had to be viewed by larger audience.

Nevertheless$ so!e e"peri!entation with 5/D televisions took place .In :?<<$ sharp corporation introduced the first co!!ercial 5/D television$ a :;B !odel. *hese were offered pri!arily as bouti&ue ite!s for discerning custo!ers$ and were not ai!ed at the general !arket. A * *,% )A'% *I'%$ 5A)'A DI) 5AF) could easily offer the perfor!ance needed to !ake a high &uality display$ but suffered fro! low brightness and very high power consu!ption. ,OW%2%( $ A )%(I%) O@ AD2AN/%) 5%D *O 5A)'A DI) 5AFIN# )*A(*IN# O-* A/IN WI*, jujitsuBs 5/D IN %(@O('AN/% I' (O2%'%N*)$ i!proved

construction techni&ue in :?9? $ ,itachiBs i!proved phosphors in :?<; $and A* 1*s eli!ination of the black areas between the sub pi"els in the !id 0:?<7s. +y the late :?<7s$ plas!a displays were far in advanced of 5/Ds.

LCD TV i-d%'t)*

5/D televisions produced a black and colored i!age by selectively filtering a white light. *he light is typically provided by a series of cold cathode fluorescent la!ps 3//@5s4 at the individuals 5/D shutters$ arranged in a grid$ open and close to allow a !etered a!ount of the white light through. each shutter is paired with a colored filter to re!ove all but the red$ green or blue 3(#+4portion of the light fro! the original white source .%ach shutter0 filter pairs for!s a single sub Cpi"el. *he sub pi"el are so s!all that when the display is viewed fro! even a short distance$ the individual colors blend together to produce a single spot of color$ a pi"el. *he shade of color is controlled by changing the relative intensity of the light passing through the sub0pi"els.

5i&uid crystals enco!pass a wide range of3 typically4 rod0 shaped poly!ers that naturally for! into thin layers $as opposed to the !ore rando! align!ent of a Nor!sD li&uid . )o!e of these$ the no!adic li&uid crystals$ also show an align!ent effect between the layers. *he particular direction of the align!ent of a nu!eric li&uid cabin be placed with an align!ent layer or director$ which is which is essentially a !aterial of !icroscopic grooves in it. When placed on a director$ the layer in contact will align itself with the groves$ and the layers above will subse&uently align the!selves with the layers below$ the bulk !aterial taking on the directorBs align!ent. In this case of an 5/D$ this effect is utili.ed by using two directors arranged at right angles and placed close together with the li&uid crystal between the!$ this forces the layers to align the!selves in two directions$ creating a twisted structure with each layer aligned at a slightly different angle to the ones either side.

5/D shutters consist of a stock of three pri!ary ele!ents. On the botto! and top of the shutter A(% O5A(IG%( 5A*%) )%* A* 3*F I/A55F4 (I#,* AN#5%). Nor!ally light cannot travel through a pair off polari.erBs arranged in this fashion$ and the display would be back .*he polari.erBs also carry the directors to create the twisted structure aligned with the polari.erBs on either side. As the light flows out of

the rear polari.er$ it will naturally follow the li&uid crystalBs twist$ e"iting the front polari.er.5/D is nor!ally transparent.

*o turn a shutter off$ an electrical voltage is applied across it fro! front to back. When this happens$ the rod Cshaped !olecules align the!selves with the electric field instead of the directors$ destroying the twisted structure. *he light no longer changes polari.ation as it flows through the li&uid crystal$ and no longer pass through the front polari.er .+y controlling the voltage applied across the crystal$ the a!ount of re!aining twist can be finely selected. *his allows the transparency or opacity of the shutter to be accurately controlled. In order to i!prove switching ti!e$ the cells are placed under pressure which increases the force to re0align the!selves with the directors when the field is turned off.

C+m/()i'+In a /(* the electron bea! is produced by heating a !etal fila!ent$ which HboilsE electron the surface .*he electron are then accelerated and focused in an electron gun$ and ai!ed at the proper location on the screen using electro!agnets. *he !ajority of the power budget of a /(* goes into heating the fila!ent$ which is why the back of a /(*0 based television is hot. )ince the electrons are easily deflected by gas !olecules$ the entire tube has to be held in vaccu!.*he at!ospheric force on the front face of the tube grows with the area$ which re&uires ever0thicker glass. *he li!its practical /(* to si.es around 67 inchesD displays up to ;7 inches were produced but weighted several hundred pounds$ and television larger than this had to turn to other technologies like rear0projection.

*he lack of vacuu! in an 5/D television is one of its advantagesD there is a s!all a!ount of vacuu! in sets using //@5 backlights$ but this is arranged in cylinders which are naturally stronger than large flat plates. (e!oving the need for heavy glass allows 5/Ds to be !uch lighter than other technologies. @or instance$ the sharp 5/0;=dA>$ a fairly typical ;=0inch 5/D television $weighs >> lbs including a

stand$ while the late C!odel )ony I20;7J+(<77$ a ;7 H;K6 /(* weighs a !assive 67; lbs without a stand$ al!ost si" ti!es the weight.

5/D panels$ like other flat panel displays$ are also !uch thinner than /(*s.)ince the /(* can only bend the electron gun has to be located so!e distances fro! the front face of the television. In early sets fro! the :?>7s the angle was often as s!all as 6> degree off0a"is but i!prove!ents$ especially co!puter assisted convergence$ allowed that to be dra!atically i!proved and late in their evolution$ folded .Nevertheless .even the best /(*s are !uch deeper than an 5/DD the I20 ;7J+(<77 is =A inches deep$ while the 5/0;=DA- is less than ; inches thick0its stand is !uch deeper than the screen in order to provide stability.

5/Ds can$ in theory$ be built at any si.e$ with production yields being the pri!ary constraint. As yield increased$ co!!on 5/D screens si.e grew$ :; to 67 H$ to ;=E$ then >=E$ and A>E sets are now widely available. *his allowed 5/Ds to co!pare directly with !ost in Cho!e projection television sets$ and in co!parison to those technologies direct0view 5/Ds have a better i!age &uality. %"peri!ental and li!ited run sets are available with si.es over :77 inches.

E..i$ie-$* +. LCD +&e) CRT tele&i'i+5/Ds are relatively inefficient in ter!s of power use per display si.e$ because the vast !ajority of light that is being produced at the back of the screen is blocked before it reaches the viewer. *o start with$ the rear polari.er filters out over a half of the original -N Cpolari.ed light. %"a!ining the i!age above$ you can see that a good portion of the screen area is covered by the cell structure around the shutters$ which re!oves another portion. After that$ each sub0pi"elBs color filter re!oves the !ajority of what is left to leave only the desired color. @inally $ to control the color and lu!inance of a pi"el as a whole $the light has to b further absorbed in the shutters.6' suggests that$ on average only < to :78 of the light being generated at the back of the set reaches the viewer.

@or those reasons the backlight syste! has to be extremely powerful. In spite of using highly efficient //@5s$ !ost sets use several hundred watts of power$ !ore than would be re&uired to light an entire house with the sa!e technology. As a result$ 5/D televisions end up with overall sage si!ilar to a /(* of the sa!e si.e .-sing the sa!e e"a!ples $the I20;7J+(<77 dissipates =;> W$ while the 5/ 0;=DA> dissipates =6>W. las!a displays are worseD the best are on par with 5/Ds $ but typical sets draw !uch !ore.

'odern 5/D sets atte!pted to address the power use through a process known as Hdyna!ic lightingE 3originally introduced for the reasons$ see below4. *his syste! e"a!ines the i!age to find the areas that are darker$ and reduces the backlighting in those areas. //@5s are long cylinders that run the length of the screen$ so this change can only be used to control the brightness of the screen as a whole$ or at least wide hori.ontal brands of it. *his !akes the techni&ue suitable only for particular types of i!ages$ like the credits at the end of a !ovie. )ets using 5%Ds are !ost distributed$ with each 5%D lighting only a s!all nu!ber of pi"els$ typically a :A by :A patch. *his allows the! to dyna!ically adjust brightness of !uch s!aller areas$ which is suitable for a !uch wider set of i!ages.

Another ongoing area of research is to use !aterials that optically route light in order to re0use as !uch of the signal as possible. One potential i!prove!ent is to use !icro pris! or diachronic !irrors to split the light into ($# and b instead of absorbing the unwanted colors in a filter. A successful syste! would i!prove efficiency by three ti!es. Another would be to direct the light that would nor!ally fall on opa&ue ele!ents back into the transparent portion of the shutter. A nu!ber of co!panies are actively researching a variety of approachesB$ and 6' currently sells several products that route leaked light back towards the front of the screen.

)everal newer technology O5%D$ @%D$ and )%D$ has lower power use as one of their pri!ary advantage. All of these technologies directly produce light on a sub0 pi"el basis$ and use only as !uch power as that light level re&uires .)ony has de!onstrated 6AE@%D units displaying very bright i!ages drawing only :; w $less than :L:7 as !uch as a si!ilarly si.ed 5/D$O5%Ds and )%Ds are si!ilar to @eds in power ter!s. *he dra!atically lower power re&uire!ents !ake these technologies particularly interesting in low0 power uses like laptop co!puters and !obile phones. *hese sorts of devices were the !arket that originally bootstrapped 5/D technology$ due to its weight and thinness.

0 I-t)+d%$ti+- +. t1e +),(-i2(ti+ONIDA is basically known for the durable goods. ONIDA is one of IndiaBs leading electronic brands$ established as H'I(/ %lectronicsE in :?<:. It evolved as a !ulti0

product co!pany. ONIDA achieved a :778 growth in A/s and !icrowave ovens and a ;78 growth in washing !achines last year. ONIDA ca!e out with the fa!ous caption HNeighborBs envy$ OwnerBs couple0 )iddharth and (itu. ONIDA is a popular electronics brands in India. ONIDA has a network of 66 branch offices$ =7< /usto!er (elation /enters and ;: depots spread across India. As on 6:st 'arch =77>$ ONIDA had a !arket capitali.ation of (s. 67:.;A crore. 'irc %lectronics won an HAward for %"cellence in %lectronicsE in :???$ fro! the 'inistry of Infor!ation *echnology$ #overn!ent of India. ONIDA with its )ales 1 'arketing office in Dubai reported a =:> percent e"port growth in two years$ setting the base for an increased robust international presence. *he ship!ents to the #ulf contribute al!ost A> percent of ONIDABs e"port revenue$ while ship!ents to the fast growing %ast African !arket 3-ganda$ *an.ania$ Ienya and %thiopia4 and the )AA(/ countries accounted for :A percent of e"port revenues. ,o!e *heatres and D2D players have been introduced in these !arkets to strengthen the ONIDA brand presence. *hese products have custo!i.ed !odels with local language user interfaces in line with its geographies of focus. ONIDA !odels are now available with Arabic$ ersian and (ussian O)D 3!enu4. ONIDA products have been favored by hyper!arkets like 5u /enters$ /arrefourBs #iants and Des!ans in #// countries. In addition to the #ulf countries ONIA has now a si.eable presence in (ussia$ -kraine and neighboring /I) countries. ONIDA has already crossed :77777 !ark in /*2 e"port to (ussia in a span of just = years and plans to grow in these !arkets at a !uch faster pace. A part fro! *elevision %"ports to (ussia$ ONIDA also e"ports D2D players and ,igh end 5/D *elevisions.

rideE$ another popular the!e of the

ads was a devil co!plete with horns and tail. *he devil was replaced by a !arried

Aim 3 e't(4li'1me-t +. t1e $+m/(-* It all began with just a vision. In the year of :?<:$ 'r. #5 'irchandani and 'r. 2ijay 'ansukani started a co!pany called ONIDA with just a goal of !anugacturing television sets and going beyond convention. +y the end of that year$ the co!pany started asse!bling television sets at our factory in Andheri$ 'u!bai. With the passage of ti!e$ superior products and the co!bination of a distinctive voice$ a cutting0edge advertising strategy$ and purposeful !arketing ensured that ONIDA beca!e a house hold na!e. Vi'i+*o build a brand around substance. *o co!!unicate si!ple truths that custo!ers understand. *o beco!e a leader in our chosen field and beco!e a globally recogni.ed$ prestigious co!pany through synergistic businesses invest!ent$ differentiation through innovation$ passion through e!power!ent$ cost through econo!ies of scale and world class syste!s and procedures that bring in a sense of delight to our stakeholders. Mi''i+*o benefits society at large through Innovation$ Muality$ roductivity$ ,u!an

Develop!ent and #rowth$ and to generate sustained surpluses$ always striving for e"cellence$ within the fra!ework of law and in nothing but the truth in which they base their every action. Thinking of your smiles. Thinking of quality, Muality for us isnBt just a nor!K itBs a way of life. We reali.ed that we have to accept and increase our levels of &uality at every single stage even before the product is designed$ even after the product is soldD only then do we believe that itBs been worthwhile. )o we treat &uality as relentless pursuit for perfection$ by being a stickler towards non0confor!is! and raising the bar. @inally only after thereBs a s!ile of satisfaction that appears on your face$ thereBs one on ours as well. T+ ,i&e (tte-ti+- t+ *+%5 t1e* ,i&e (tte-ti+- t+ e&e)* det(il

+efore they start work on our &uality$ we look at what is it that others are lacking. We then disasse!ble the unit and work backwards$ trying to figure out how we can !ake it better. +ecause we believe that the &uality of any product is a result of good product design$ good raw !aterial and co!ponents and world0 class production process. Any new product designed by Onida (1D goes through a set of stringent &uality test. +ut itBs not just product but also their perfor!ance and at the sa!e ti!e adhering to tests and checks globally as well as locally.

*o na!e a few$ we do the following testK Dry ,eat *est at >>o/. /old *est at :7o/. ,u!idity *est at ?>8 (elative ,u!idity. :777 hours at ;7o/. +u!p$ vibration and drop tests. 2oltage tests. We even ensure high standards of &uality on all critical co!ponents like turners$ /+s and loudspeakers are produced in house or procured fro! group co!panies. All vendors have to ensure that above the industry nor!s$ they also !eet the Onida )tandard. No product gets dispatched without the MA clearance.

6%(lit* All t1e 7(* Our &uality standards donBt just end when the products leave the shop floor but continue even after the product is sold. All custo!er co!plaints ate handled by a tea! of service personnel stationed all over India. In fact$ there is a weekly interaction between service$ 'arketing$ (1D$ %ngineering and Muality to address all @ield related &uality issues. And whatBs !ore$ we have one of the lowest @ield @ailure (ate in the /onsu!er %lectronics and Appliance seg!ent in India. On our pursuit of e"cellence in &uality$ we have travelled fro! Muality /ircle$ *otal Muality 'anage!ent to )i" )ig!a 'ethodology. Non0 confor!ance that used to be !easured in percentages previously is currently !easured in 3 %nviron!ental 'anage!ent )yste!. arts per 'illion '4. A part fro! I)O ?77: M!s certification$ we are also certified for I)O :;77:$


)o as you can see for us &uality isnBt just a depart!ent but rooted in every single thing that we do. ONIDA (d&e)ti'i-, $(m/(i,No other advertising ca!paign in India has raised as !uch debate over a decade as the ONIDA *2 ca!paign. Adulation$ scorn$ consternation$ recognition$ analysis$ curiosity$ e!ulation$ pride$ envyN.. Over the years it swept every !ajor award that the Indian industry could offerN +est print ca!paign$ +est ca!paignN.. In the process$ ONIDA starting out as the twenty first brand to enter> the Indian !arket$ went on to beco!e one of the top three brands of the entire *2 !arket. And in its hey0day$ the unrivalled leader of the pre!iu! seg!ent. It all began with a basic e"ercise on how to separate the identity of the =: st brand fro! that of all the others that had entered the !arket before it. %ven in that day$ just as today$ !ost *2 brand advertising focused on the uni&ueB features their products offered. *hose days brands talked about state Of the art circuitryB$ picture and sound clarityB. *oday brands are talking about #olden %yeB and @lat *ubeB. Avenues of course e"a!ined the product and were delighted with its truly outstanding features. When ONIDA walked into Avenues for the first ti!e in :?<;$ the color *2 !arket in India was basking in the post0Asiad war!th. *here was frightening nu!ber of big brands ruling the !arket nationally$ e"tending their success$ As it were$ fro! their own +lack 1 White brands to color. ONIDA was a rank outsider and had to gatecrash.

oint of sale$ +est Outdoor ca!paign$ +est @il!

/a!paign$ /a!paign of the Fear$ Advertiser of the Fear$ +est /ontinuing

+eing si!plistic$ this could e"plain away all the arrogance the riskB and the negativeB route adopted by Avenues to !ake ONIDA stand out in the jungle of co!petition. In fact$ thatBs precisely how the ONIDA ca!paignBs overwhel!ing success has been grudgingly Acknowledged and even analy.ed by the advocates of rational and safeB advertising. ONIDA had nothing to lose$ so they took the riskB. 5eaving it at that would have been fine. %"cept$ the real lesson fro! the ONIDA advertising$ would be sadly !issed. @or any student of !odern advertising$ a slightly deeper study of the original Onida print Ads is reco!!ended.

While the hear0breaking i!pact of cracked *2 set is what hits you at first glance$ let your !ind retrace the steps that would have eventually led to this cli!a" 3or$ anti0 cli!a"$ if you please4$ and soon a second i!pact will hit you ,ard on the rational side of your head. *he i!pact of the sheer logic of it allO roduct decisions$ !arketing decisions$ even corporate decision have always been in perfect har!ony with the stance dictated by the advertising breakthrough$ lending strength and !o!entu! to the spectacular growth of ONIDA into a !ulti0 product$ !ulti0co!pany e!pire that it is today. ItBs all in the fitness of things that the advertising of every new ONIDA product often displays the blue0 blooded legacy of eerie arrogance that grabs you by the throat.


Company introduction
B($8,)+%-d +. t1e $+m/(-* Onida was started by 'r. #. 5. 'irchandani and 'r. 2ijay 'ansukhani in :?<: in 'u!bai. In :?<=$ Onida started asse!bling television sets at their factory in Andheri$ 'u!bai. )ince then$ ONIDA has evolved into a !ulti0product co!pany in the consu!er durables and appliances sector. It established as H'I(/ %lectronicsE under this they have two brand0:4 ONIDA and =7 I#O ONIDA brands are to cater for upper and !iddle class fa!ily and I#O is cater for !iddle and for lower class fa!ily. -nder the brand na!e of ONIDA 'I(/ %lectronics id giving five different product that is *elevision$ D2D$ Washing !achine$ !icrowave ovens and A./. -nder the brand na!e of I#O 'I(/ electronics is giving only one product that is televisions. P)+m+te)' +. t1e $+m/(-* ONIDA ca!e out with the fa!ous caption HNeighborBs envy$ OwnerBs devil was replaced by !arried couple0 )iddharth and (itu. /urrently ONIDA is sponsoring Asia cup cricket held in shri0lanka ONIDA9' /)+d%$t li-e !('1i-, m($1i-e' Ai) $+-diti+-e)' DVD9' Mi$)+7(&e +&e-' LCD9'


another popular the!e of the ads was a devil co!plete with horns and rail. *he


!('1i-, M($1i-e':

In =77607; they launched the washing !achine with ,ydro fall technology which addressed the need of having a !ore powerful cleaning syste!. *hen they reali.ed that people still used their hands for cleaning so they launched the *rau!atic technology which gives the perfect hand wash. *hen the co!pany reali.ed that people still keep bending to wash clothes so they launched a washing !achine with a higher and wider vent so you donBt have to bend Ai) $+-diti+-e)':


With the soaring su!!er heat$ we saw a need for an A/ with power full cooling. And in addition due to the raising electricity consu!ption$ the need for energy efficiency as well. ,ence$ the thought of an ultra sli! power full A/ with uni&ue A ' cooling technology that cools even at ;<o/ and is the !ost energy efficient in the country which constantly keeps your electricity bills in check. DVD':

With todayBs technology boo!$ thereBs a need for a single !ulti!edia interface as !ost people now download !ovies$ !usic and click pictures through !obiles. ,ence the need for -)+ and card reader. We also saw that !ost D2Ds are rented hence are scratched. Which is why$ we developed a D2D player with -)+ and /ard (eader which also play scratched discs effortlessly. Mi$)+7(&e +&e-':


We saw that people used 'icrowave pri!arily to heat food and not to cook. We also noticed that itBs difficult to cook food in a !icrowave. %specially Indian food. )o to !ake cooking si!pler we introduced :=6 Indian auto cook !enus. )o all you need to !ake Indian dishes is a finger. We later gave it a sleek$ black look with a !irror finish so that it looks stunning too. M+4ile':

With the cell phone !arket already heavily penetrated$ there was a need for a !obile that could stand apart. )o what we sought to do was !ake every single Onida 'obile do so !uch !ore than what an ordinary cell phone does. )o the !o!ent you turn it on$ you would reali.e that itBs fully0 loaded. )o !any features are there in it for a reason. All of the! to help you do better$ enjoy better$ listen better$ work better or si!ply talk better.


Di..e)e-t /)+d%$t' li-e +. ONIDA LCD9' LCD:

What began as a *2 beca!e the window to the future. With the advent of televisionBs increasing popularity$ there were !any players with a wide foray of our !odels. *o !ake !atters interesting$ there were several foreign players with technology that see!ed futuristic and with a sleek look. ,owever we !ainly focused on picture clarity. )o instead of just aping what the offering was$ we asked ourselves$ why not give a co!plete audioL video e"perience at ho!e as wellPB And the result was obviousK our /*2 had up to 6>77 watts of sound. *his was our first !ilestone which others followed. ,owever$ this held true twenty years later as well. 5/D technology ca!e in$ in a bigger way. Onida once again took the onus to re!ind everyone$ that sound is e&ually i!portant to co!plete the viewing e"perience. Os we !ade our Jaria with !ore than twice the sound output of other 5/DBs in the !arket *hen later on$ we got into its drawings board a pseudo ho!e theatre with a >.: a!plifier syste! and :777 watt inside a *2s body.

' O speakers$ thereby putting a theatreBs soul

We took the future by its horns and went on to !ake IndiaBs first fully developed indigeni.ed Jaria 5/D with !ore than twice the sound output of other 5/Ds in the !arket. Di(m+-d KYROCK

*his television is recently launch by ONIDA by discovering the need of custo!ers of having an e"perience of theatre at ho!e. *his 5/D is provides the thrill of :777 watts of sound output$ which is inbuilt that will enhance 5/D viewing e"perience and take it to the ne"t level with un!atched sound &uality. *hat feature is only provided by ONIDA.

*his co!es in 6=E screen with full ,D :7<7

which e"periences the unparallel

picture &uality$ with resolution si" ti!e !ore than )D *2$ the i!age that are constructed by 7.6> !ega pi"els in )D will be !ade by = !ega pi"els in @,D. *he enhanced detail with rich and vivid color will bring pictures to life. A revolutionary feature that allows to play !ovies$ listen !usic and view photos through the -)+ ports which even supports !ass storage devices up to =>7#+.

ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture. ItBs having contras ratio of 97777K: dyna!ic for superior picture &uality. *his 5/D also supports / connectivity which is generally asked by custo!ers.

Di(m+-d .%ll HD

*his is the first 5/D with five star rating certified by +%%$ which saves electricity e"clusive !ade for keeping !iddle class consu!er in !ind. It is full ,D :7<7 which e"periences the unparallel picture &uality$ with resolution

si" ti!e !ore than )D *2$ the i!age that are constructed by 7.6> !ega pi"els in )D will be !ade by = !ega pi"els in @,D. *he enhanced detail with rich and vivid color will bring pictures to life. It co!es with ;77W of sound$ which allows you to hear and feel the sound as well.


A revolutionary feature that allows to play !ovies$ listen !usic and view photos through the -)+ ports which even supports !ass storage devices up to =>7#+. ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture. ItBs having contras ratio of 97777K: dyna!ic for superior picture &uality. *his 5/D also supports / connectivity which is generally asked by custo!ers.

Di(m+-d HD )e(d*:

It is co!es with ;77 watt of sound$ which allows to hear and feel the sound as well. With 2I)D i!age engine. #et ready for stunning high definition picture &uality with ,D ready feature. Now the custo!er can see high definition picture in their 5/D.


A revolutionary feature that allows to play !ovies$ listen !usic and view photos through the -)+ ports which even supports !ass storage devices up to =>7#+. ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture. ItBs having contras ratio of 97777K: dyna!ic for superior picture &uality.

;()i( .%ll HD <=>=P:

*his is available in ;=BB si.e with a low range 5/D in co!parison to other ;=BB 5/D television. It is full ,D :7<7 which e"periences the unparallel picture &uality$ with resolution

si" ti!e !ore than )D *2$ the i!age that are constructed by 7.6> !ega pi"els in )D will be !ade by = !ega pi"els in @,D. *he enhanced detail with rich and vivid color will bring pictures to life. It is co!es with ;77 watt of sound$ which allows to hear and feel the sound as well. With 2I)D i!age engine.

A revolutionary feature uni&ue to Jaria allows easy accessibility to play ga!es$ share photos and !usic through -)+ =.7 interface. A uni&ue &uality is given in this 5/D is that you can watch two channel at a sa!e ti!e. ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture And with e"press tuning you can scan all channels in :> seconds. ;()i( Lite: *his is available in 6=BB si.e specially !ade to cater !iddle class fa!ily with low price range #et ready for stunning high definition picture &uality with ,D ready feature. Now the custo!er can see high definition picture in their 5/D. It also have 2I)D i!age engine co!bines several stages of i!age processing technology to give life0like pictures. It supports / connectivity. It is co!es with =77 watt of sound$ which allows to hear and feel the sound as well. ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture.

;()i(: *his is available in ==BB si.e specially !ade to cater !iddle class fa!ily with low price range #et ready for stunning high definition picture &uality with ,D ready feature. Now the custo!er can see high definition picture in their 5/D. It also have 2I)D i!age engine co!bines several stages of i!age processing technology to give life0like pictures.

ItBs having = ,D'I 3high definition !ulti!edia interface4$ which provides a support of a high definition picture. It supports / connectivity. It co!es with =77watt of sound$ which allows hearing and feeling the sound as well

M(?+) $+m/(-* i- LCD tele&i'i+- i- I-di(: ONIDA S+-* S(m'%-, P(-('+-i$ Vide+$+L"

M()8eti-, 't)(te,* +. ONIDA !HY ONIDA AS A BRAND IS AILIN"@ I-te)-(l m(-(,eme-t P)+4lem': one of the !ain reasons for this is the fight between the brothersK #ulu and )onu 'irchandani and their brother0in0law 2ijay 'ansukhnai over the control of the ONIDA group. *he fight has severely eroded the share of the brand and even the !arketing of ONIDA. ONIDA was staging a recovery after the successful re0launch of the brand and the return of the Devil. +ut the fa!ily feud has !ade things difficult for the brand. F)eA%e-t $1(-,e i- (d&e)ti'i-,: what is the interesting about ONIDA is the branding. *he creative duty of the brand has partly !oved fro! one !arketing agency to another i.e. fro! reinfusion to 'c/ann %rickson. +ut as usual$ when the agency changes$ the entire brand ele!ents changes$ for ONIDA$ the change till now unfortunately is always for the worse. When O1' took the brand fro! Avenues$ the fa!ous tagline HNeighborBs E-&*5 O7-e)9' P)ide and the Devil was

taken off. *he brand suffered for al!ost :7year and has never recovered since. *he change of agency fro! O1' to (einfusion again changed things and Devil returned in a new avatar and a new tagline N+t1i-, 4%t t1e t)%t1 has now co!e into e"istence. *he new arrange!ent is not !aking things better. In =779$ ONIDA launched a new ca!paign for itBs AL/ and with a new tagline It $(- $1(-,e *+%) li.e. Now the new ca!paign for the air conditioner features a new devil and the tagline has again changed to E#/e)ie-$e t1e de'i)e ONIDA which already is in deep trouble is !oving on to further confusion with an unnecessary change in the positioning strategy. *he brand has not been able to consolidate the earlier the!e based on truthB. %ven before establishing it$ the brand has repositioned again. A,i-, $%'t+me) 4('e: *he custo!ers of ONIDA have grown older with ti!es and the brand has failed to connect itself to the current generation. *he HdevilE in the advertise!ents in not helping it either.

T1e .+ll+7i-, .($t+)' 1(&e dil%ted ONIDA9' B)(-d EA%it*: B)(-d (m-e'i(: @or old brands$ as for old people !e!ory beco!es an increasing issue. When a brand forgets what it is supposed to stand for$ it runs into trouble. *he !ost obvious case of brand a!nesia occurs when a venerable$ long0standing brand tries to create a radical new identity$ such as when ONIDA tried to replace its original tagline with new one. *he results were disastrous. B)(-d .(ti,%e: )o!e co!panies get bored with their own brands. *his can happen to products which have been on the shelves for !any years$ collecting dust. When band fatigue sets in creativity suffers$ and so do a sale which was and is the case with ONIDA. B)(-d /()(-+i(: *his is the opposite of brand ego and is !ost likely to occur when a brand faces increased co!petition. *ypical sy!pto!s includeK a tendency to file lawsuits against rival co!panies$ a willingness to reinvent the brand every si" !onth and a longing to i!itate co!petitors.


COMPARISON !ITH COMPETITORS M()8et $1()($te)i'ti$' *he consu!er goods !arket in India is of -)D ;.<9 +illion. Around ;> co!panies cater to this !arket. ONIDA is having a very s!all share of this !arket. In the Indian !arket space$ +rand loyalty is giving way to Hvalue0for0priceE contest. *here is an intense co!petition on price. *he co!panies are co!panies focusing on product differentiation$ value added offering and e"change offers. *he 'N/s like 5#$ )ony$ )a!sung$ hillips and 2ideocon co!!and a high

!arket share. *hese brands score high on following factorsK

P)+d%$t Li-e: *hese co!panies 35#$ )ony$ )a!sung$ seg!ent.

hillips and 2ideocon4

have a wider product range co!pared to ONIDA to target custo!ers fro! all

P+'iti+-i-,: their I!age of a !ultinational co!pany in the !inds of consu!er helped the! to grab !arket share instantly. It gave a perception that these co!panies have better technology. 2ideocon on the other hand leveraged its 'N/ i!age by it tagline of HIndian 'N/E.

Ad&e)ti'eme-t: 5# has Abhishek +achhan$ )a!sung has Aa!ir Ihan$ 2ideocon had A!ithabh +achhan and all these players have used celebrity to a good effect to endorse their brands. On the other hand ONIDA is stuck with its old HDevilE and now a !arried couple )iddharth and (itu isnBt helping.

Vi'i4ilit*: *he co!panies are associated with events and sponsorships. 5ike 5# and 2ideocon are associated with cricket. *his has resulted in better brand visibility.

STRATE"IES TO REVITALIBE BRAND ONIDA In order to reva!p its position and brand value in the !arket ONIDA should use the following strategiesK Bette) /+'iti+-i-,: ONIDA should stick with a unifor! positioning strategy rather than changing it with ti!e as they did. Cele4)it* E-d+)'eme-t: *he /o!pany should go for a better adverting. *he co!pany can rope in a celebrity to endorse its brand. *his way the brand can be benefited fro! celebrities brand e&uity. We suggest rope in )achin *endulkar. *endulkarBs i!age of a fighter and a class player will help ONIDABs brand i!age. A''+$i(ti+- 7it1 e&e-t': *he /o!pany has lost its place in !inds of custo!ers. Also$ the loyal custo!ers of ONIDA have grown older. *o regain old custo!ers and to regain visibility$ Association with events can help. ONIDABs proble! of low visibility will be solved with its sponsorship of event like rock shows$ ga!es$ !arathons etc. Li-e E#te-'i+-: *he /o!pany should go for line e"tension in value seg!ent so as to target !ore custo!ers in lower seg!ent. *hey should introduce !ore variants in :;E$ =7E and =:E seg!ent. *hese products will target the young and first ti!e buyers. *hese buyers will have an e!otional attach!ent with the brand and as they graduate to the high end seg!ent$ ONIDA can target the! with its high end products.


C+m/etit+)' +. ONIDA


S+-* C+)/+)(ti+- 3co!!only referred to as )ony4 3*FOKA9><$ NF)FK )N%4 is a Qapanese !ultinational conglo!erate corporation head&uartered in 'inato$ *okyo$ Qapan and one of the worldBs largest !edia conglo!erates with revenue e"ceeding R9.967.7 trillion$ or S9<.<< billion -.).3@F =77<4 . )ony is one of the leading !anufacturers of electronics$ vide$ co!!unication$ video ga!e consoles$ and infor!ation technology products for the consu!er and professional !arkets. Its founders Akio 'orita and 'asaru Ibuka derived the na!e fro! sonus$ the 5atin word for sound$ and also fro! the %nglish slang word sonnyB since they considered the!selves to be sonny boysB$ a loan word into Qapanese which in the early :?>7s connoted s!art and presentable young !en.

)ony /orporation is the electronics business unit and the parent co!pany of the )ony #roup$ which is engaged in business through its five operating seg!ent0 electronics ga!es$ entertain!ent 3!otion pictures and !usic4$ financial services and other. *hese !ake )ony one of the !ost co!prehensive entertain!ent co!panies in the world. )onyBs principal business operation include )ony /orporation3)ony %lectronics in the -.).4$ )ony pictures %ntertain!ent$ )ony /o!puter %ntertain!ent$ )ony 'usic %ntertain!ent$ )ony %ricsson$ and )ony @inancial. As a se!iconductor !aker$ )ony is a!ong the Worldwide *op =7 )e!iconductor )ales 5eaders. *he co!panyBs currents slogan is !ake .believe. *heir for!er slogan was like. no. other.


BRAVIA is a )ony brand used to !arket its high0definition 5/D televisions. rojection *2s and front projectors$ along with its ho!e cine!a range under the sub0 brand +(A2IA *heatre. *he +(A2IA na!e is an acrony! of H Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated ArchitectureE. All )ony high0definition flat0panel 5/D televisions in North A!erica have carried the +(A2IA logo since =77>. *he na!e +(A2IA replaces the H5/D W%#AE brand na!e which )ony used for their 5/D *2s until )u!!er =77> 3early pro!otional photos e"ist of the first +(A2IA *2s still bearing the W%#A !oniker4. *he +(A2IA brand is also used on !obile phones in the Qapanese !arket.


*he )a!sung #roup is a !ultinational conglo!erate corporation head&uartered in )a!sung *own$ )eoul$ )outh Iorea. It is the worldBs largest conglo!erate by revenue with and annual revenue of -) S :96.; billion in =77< and is )outh IoreaBs largest chaebol. *he !eaning of the Iorean hanja word Samsung is HtristarE or Hthree starsE. *he )a!sung #roup is co!posed of nu!erous international affiliated businesses$ !ost of the! united under the Samsung brand including )a!sung %lectronics$ the worldBs largest electronics co!pany$ )a!sung ,eavy Industries$ the worldBs second largest shipbuilder and )a!sung /1*$ a !ajor global construction co!pany and )a!sung 5ife Insurance$ the largest insurance co!pany in Iorea. Samsung has been the worldBs !ost popular consu!er electronics brand since =77> and is the best known )outh Iorean brand in the world. )a!sung #roup accounts for !ore than =78of )outh IoreanBs total e"ports and is the leader in !any do!estic industries$ such as the financial$ che!ical$ retail and entertain!ent industries. *he co!panyBs strong influence in )outh Iorea is visible throughout the nation$ which has been referred to as the H(epublic of )a!sungE.


/urrently hel!ed by 5ee )oo0bin$ once the /%O of )a!sung 5ife Insurance$ it has been run bye generations of one of the worldBs wealthiest fa!ilies$ for!erly by chair!an 5ee Iun0,ee$ the third son of the founder$ 5ee +yung C /hull. 'any !ajor )outh Iorean corporations such as /Q /orporation$ ,ansol #roup$ )hinsegae #roup and Qoong0Ang I5bo daily newspaper were previously part of the )a!sung #roup$ though they are still controlled by e"0 chair!an 5ee Iun0heeBs relatives$ they are no longer officially )a!sung affiliates. )o!e leading co!panies in )outh Iorea$ notably ' 6 player !anufacturers iriver and search engine portal never$ were established by e"0 )a!sung e!ployees. A large nu!ber of )outh Iorean fir!s$ particularly those in the electronics industry$ are dependent on )a!sung for the supply of vital co!ponents or raw !aterials such as se!i conductor chips or 5/D panels. *his has led to continued allegations of price fi"ing and !onopolistic practices. )a!sung #roup also owns the )ungkyunkwan -niversity$ a !ajor private university in )outh Iorea. )a!sung #roup accounts for !ore than =78 of )outh IoreaBs total e"ports and in !any do!estic industries$ )a!sung #roup is the sole !onopoly do!inating a single !arket$ its revenue as large as so!e countriesB total #D . In =77A$ )a!sung #roup would have been the 6> th largest econo!y in the world if ranked$ larger than that of Argentina. *he co!pany has a powerful influence on the country econo!ic develop!ent$ politics$ !edia and culture being a !ajor driving force behind the 'iracle on the ,an (iverK !any businesses today use its international success as a role !odel. P(-('+-i$

anasonic was founded in :?:< by Ionosuke 'atsushita girst selling duple" la!p sockets. In :?=9 $ it produced a bicycle la!p$ the first product it !arketed under the brand na!e National. It operated factories in Qapan and other parts of Asioa through the end of World War II$ producing electrical co!ponents and appliances such as light fi"tures$ !otors$ and electric irons. In :?A:$ Ionosuke 'atsuhita traveled to the -nited )tates and !et with A!erican dealers. anasonic began producing television sets for the -.). !arket under the

Panasonic brand na!e$ and e"panded the use of the brand to %urope in :?9?.

*he co!pany used the National trade!ark outside of North A!erica during the :?>7s through the :?97s. 3*he trade!ark could not be used probably due to discri!inatory application of trade !ark laws where brands like #eneral 'otors were registrable.4 It sold television$ hi0fidelity stereo receivers$ !ulti0 brand shortwave radios$ and !arine radio direction finders$ often e"ported to North A!erica under various -.). brands na!es. *he co!pany also developed a line of ho!e appliances such as rice cookers for the Qapanese and Asian !arkets. (apid growth resulted in the co!pany opening !anufacturing plants around the world. NationalL products. In Nove!ber :???$ the Qapan *i!es (eported that anasonic planned to develop a Hne"t generation first aid kitE called the %lectronic ,ealth /hecker. At the ti!e$ the target !arket was said to be elderly people$ especially those living in rural areas where !edical help !ight not be i!!ediately available$ so it was planned that the kit would include support for tele!edicine. *he kits were then in the testing stage$ with plans for eventual overseas distribution$ to include the -nited )tates. In recent years the co!pany has been involved with the develop!ent of high0 density optical disc standards intended to eventually replace the D2D and the )D !e!ory card. On Qanuary :?$ =77A digital *2s. anasonic announced that$ starting in @ebruary$ it will stop anasonic &uickly developed a reputation for well0!ade$ reliable

producing analog televisions 3then678 of its total *2 business4 to concentrate on

On Nove!ber 6$ =77<

anasonic and )anyo were in talks$ resulting in eventual

ac&uisition of )anyo. *he !erger was co!pleted in Dece!ber =77?$ and resulted in a !ega corporation with revenues over R::.= trillion 3around S::7 billion4. As part of what will be QapanBs biggest with %lectronics /o!pany$ the )anyo brand and !ost of the e!ployees will be retained as a subsidiary. Vide+$+-


Vide+$+- is an industrial conglo!erate with interests all over the world and based in India. *he group has :9 !anufacturing sites in India and plants in /hina$ oland$ Italy and 'e"ico. It is also the third largest picture tube !anufacturer in the world . In India the group sells consu!er products like /olor *elevisions$ Washing 'achines$ Air /onditioners$ (efrigerators$ 'icrowave ovens and !any other ho!e appliances$ selling the! through a 'ulti0 +rand strategy with the largest sales and service network in India. 2ideocon #roup brands include Akai$ %lectrolu"$ ,yundai$ Ielvinator$ Ien star$ Ienwood$ Ne"t$ products4 etc. In =77?$ 2ideocon launched its D*, product$ called d=hB. As a pioneering offer in the Indian D*, !arket$ 2ideocon offered 5/D 1 *2s with built0 in D*, satellite receiver with si.es :?BB to 6=BB. *his concept in the D*, service is relatively new in the presence of other players like G%% *2Bs Dish *2$ *ata )ky$ Airtel Digital *2 and (elianceBs +I# *2 providing only the set top bo". lanet '$ )ansui$ *oshiba$ hilips 3 *2


*he L" C+)/ is )outh IoreaBs second largest conglo!erate that produces electronics$ countries. 5# /orp founder Ioo In0,woi established 5ak0,ui /he!ical Industrial /rop. In :?;9. In :?>=$ 5ak0,ui 3pronounced H5uckyE. 3/urrently 5# /he!.4 +eca!e the first Iorean co!pany to enter the plastic industry. As the co!pany e"panded its plastics business$ it established #old )tar /o.$ 5td.$ 3currently 5# %lectronic Inc.4 in :?><. In :?>?$ #old )tar produced )outh IoreaBs first radio. 'any consu!er electronics were sold under the brand na!e #old )tar$ while so!e other household products 3not available outside )outh Iorea4 were sold under the brand na!e of 5ucky. *he







subsidiaries like 5# %lectronics$ 5# Display$ 5# *eleco! and 5# /he!. in over <7

5ucky brand was fa!ous for its line of hygiene products such as soaps and ,i0*i laundry detergent$ but !ost associated with its 5ucky and erioe toothpaste. In :??>$ to better co!pete in the Western !arket$ the co!pany was rena!ed H5#E$ the abbreviation of H5ucky #old )tarE 'ore recently$ the co!pany associates the letters 5# with the co!pany tagline H5ifeBs #oodE. )ince =77?$ 5# also owns the do!ain na!e 5#. co! 5# Display was originally for!ed as a joint venture by the Iorean electronics co!pany 5# %lectronics and the Dutch co!pany Ioninklijke hilips %lectronics in :??? to !anufacture active !atri" li&uid crystal displays 35/Ds4 and was for!erly known as 5#. hilips 5/D$ but hilips sold off its all shares in late =77<. On Dece!ber :=th =77<$ 5#. hilips 5/D announced its plan to change its

corporate na!e to 5# Display upon receiving approval at the co!panyBs annual general !eeting of shareholders scope e"pansion and business !odal diversification$ the change in corporate governance following the reduction of hilipsB e&uity stake$ and 5#Bs co!!it!ent to enhanced responsible !anage!ent. *he co!pany has eight !anufacturing plant in #u!i and aju$ )outh Iorea. It also has a !odule asse!bly plant in Nanjing and #uang.hou in /hina and Wroclaw in oland. 5# Display beca!e an independent co!pany in Quly =77; when it was concurrently listed on the New Fork )tock %"change and the )outh Iorean )tock %"change.

C+m/()i'+- +. C0 LCD TV +. ONIDA (-d S(m'%-, M+del -(meD-+ Pi$t%)e .e(t%)e S1()/-e'' C+-t)+l Ye' Ye' Ye' ---48

O-id(-C0 di(m+-d



S(m'%-,- LA C0CCF=

B++m Re'+l%ti+GPi#el'H C+-t)('t R(ti+ Re'/+-'e Time GMilli'e$+-d'

Ye' <I0=#<=>= J====:< D*-(mi$ K m'

Ye' <CEE#JE> C====:< D*-(mi$ >m' <E:I NA Ye'

Ye' <I0=#<=>= 0=====:<

---<CEE#JE> Me,( GC=5===:<H Em' ------t+ ---DCR

------H*/e) Re(l O-l* <0=! %/

Gm'HH A'/e$t R(ti+ <E:I C+m4 Filte) H*/e) Re(l Gt*/eH N+i'e Red%$e) Ye'

A%di+ .e(t%)e A%di+ O%t/%t K== 0== -------

GPMPOH G!(tt'H Sele$t(4le S+%-d M+de' Ste)e+ 4($8 N%m4e) S/e(8e)' !++.e)' +. Pl(*






0 N+

0 N+

N+ N+

N+ N+

P)i$e M)/ I- INDIA CC5=== Gi- R' H C=5II= F=5=== CK5I==


S- Vide+ I-/%t DVI I-/%t HDMI I-/%t USB P+)t V"A I-/%t

= = 0F 0 <F

<F = 0F 0 <F

Ye' Ye' 0F 0 ----

YES Ye' NA 0 ----

P+7e) ReA%i)eme-t V+lt(,e GV+lt'H <==-0K= <==-0K= E0F IJ

A.te) S(le' Se)&i$e !())(-t* Pe)i+d GYe()H <-Ye() <-Ye() -------

C+m/()i'+- 4et7ee- ONIDA (-d S+-* GC0 LCD TVH M+del -+ Pi$t%)e .e(t%)e S1()/-e'' $+-t)+l B++m Re'+l%ti+GPi#el'H C+-t)('t R(ti+ Re'/+-'e Time GMilli'e$+-d' K m' >m' <E:I NA Ye' ---<E:I CD Ye' ---<E:I CD Ye' Gm'HH A'/e$t R(ti+ <E:I C+m4 Filte) H*/e) Re(l Gt*/eH N+i'e Red%$e) Ye' A%di+ .e(t%)e A%di+ O%t/%t GPMPOH G!(tt'H K== 0== 0== 0==

-(meD O-id(-C0 di(m+-d




Ye' Ye' <I0=#<=>= J====:< D*-(mi$

Ye' Ye' <CEE#JE> C====:< D*-(mi$

Ye' Ye' <CEE#JE> ----

Ye' Ye' <I0=#<=>= ----

Sele$t(4le S+%-d M+de' Ste)e+ 4($8 N%m4e) S/e(8e)' !++.e)' +. Pl(*






0 N+

0 N+

0 N+

0 N+

P)i$e M)/ I- INDIA CC5=== Gi- R' H C=5II= CK5I== KI5I==

C+--e$ti&it* S- Vide+ I-/%t DVI I-/%t HDMI I-/%t USB P+)t V"A I-/%t = = 0F 0 <F <F = 0F 0 <F ---= <FD<F 0F <F ---= <FDCF <F <F

P+7e) ReA%i)eme-t V+lt(,e GV+lt'H <==-0K= <==-0K= <<=-0K= <<=-0K=

A.te) S(le' Se)&i$e !())(-t* Pe)i+d GYe()H <-Ye() <-Ye() < <

J+%)-e* (-d ($1ie&eme-t' :?<:K 'I(/ %lectronics vt. 5td. was established :?<=K /*2 production started at Nand +havan 'u!bai :?<6 *echnical collaboration with Q2/$ Qapan for /*2 :?<>K %stablished in0house (1D wing :?<AK roviding e"panded and !oved to a new factory at Ialina :?<9K 'oved to our own factory building BONIDA ,O-)%BB

Iwai$ )peaker plant co!!ences its operation :??7K *uner plant co!!ences operation :??:K Akasaka$ /+ plant co!!ences its operation New /*2 !anufacturing plant at vasai co!!ences operations :??=K /rossed : !illion /*2 sales :??;K 'oved to a fully auto!ated plant of A77I /*2 per year at WADA :??>K I)O ?77: certification obtained fro! +2MI :??<K Award for e"cellence in electronics by !inistry of I* :???K @irst in India to develop Internet enabled /*2 =777K 5aunched the IF *hunder$ rofile )eries =77:KA2 'a" award for best /* 5aunched Onida +lack$ flat /*2 range 2 'ulti!edia projectors launched /o!!enced project to e"pand /*2 capacity to : !illion =77=K /o!plete plant e"pansion project to increase capacity fro! A77k /*2s to :.= !illion /*2Bs per year 5aunched IF *heatreB with circle surround sound$ the first co!plete ,o!e *heatre package 5aunch of I#OB0 the econo!y brand 5aunched 2/D player =776K 5unched worldBs first 5/D re!ote i0controlB 5aunched Air0conditioners 5aunched (ear rojection *2$ las!a *21 D2D layers 5aunched @ully Auto!atic front loading Washing 'achines One 'I(/ product is getting sold every =9 seconds Operations started in (ussia =77;K 5aunch of the O"ygen )eriesB /*2 /rossed )ale of =>7777 /*2Bs in October !onth 5unch of 'icrowave Owens


'r. #ulu 'irchandani$ /'D awarded 'an of %lectronic for the yearB by /%*'A =77;0=77>K Achieved :.=7!illion /*2 sales =77>K 5aunch of OI)ONB range of /*2Bs =77?K ONIDABs +rand relaunch ca!paign H*u!ko Dekha *oh Feh Design Aaya to co!!unicate its philosophy of thoughtful product features that are designed keeping custo!ers in !ind. L('t *e() '1()e m()8et /+'iti+- +. ONIDA

'onth April =77? 'ay =77? Qune =77? Quly =77? August =77? )epte!ber =77? October =77? Nove!ber =77? Dece!ber =77? Qanuary =7:7 @ebruary =7:7 'arch =7:7

)tock %"change +)% )hare price ,igh 3(s.4 5ow 3(s.4 =6.?7 :>.> ==.9 :9.< :<.? :>.7 :A.6 :;.: :<.A :A.< :6.?> :=.6 ::.<> ::.>> ?.> ?.> :>.9 ::.= <.A: ?.7 <.? <.> <.; <.66

)ense" /lose :9$=<9.6: :A$;:>.>9 :6$;A:.A7 :;$6>>.9> :;$6>>.9> :=$<A7.;6 ?$9<<.7A ?$7?=.9= ?$A;9.6: ?$;=;.=; <$<?:.A: ?$97<.>7

N)% )hare price ,igh 3(s.4 ==.<> :?.6 :>.<> :A.>7 :A.97 :6.97 :6.> ?.= :7.A7 ?.>7 ?.7> ?.:7

5ow 3(s.4 =:.A> :<.=> :>.7 :A.7 :A.7 :=.A> :7.>7 ?.7 :7.7> <.?> <.A <.<

Nifty /lose >$:A>.?7 ;$<97.:7 ;$7;7.>> ;$66=.?> ;$6A7.77 6$?=:.=7 =$<<>.A7 =$9>>.:7 =$?>?.:> =$<9;.<7 =$9A6.A> 6$7=7.?>

'arket price data 3sourceK www.bseindia.co!$ www.nseindia.co! 4


M(-%.($t%)i-, Pl(-t ONIDABs principal asse!bly operations are conducted in a state0of the0art plant at Wada$ <7 k!. fro! 'u!bai .*he plant in Delhi careers to the production re&uire!ents for the Northern region. *hey have network of 66 branch offices$ =7< /usto!er (elation /entreBs and ;: depots across India ensuring that ONIDA products are available on retail shelves.

At ONIDA$ they recogni.e that Hwe can strengthen our co!petitive edge if we produce as !uch as possible fro! a given capacity at lowest possible costE. ONIDA says they reduced the ti!e it takers for a single color television to be produced fro! =7 seconds to := seconds and increased the capacity fro! 7.> !illion to :.= !illion sets during the year under review. In =77=076$ using the e"isting infrastructure$ a decisive step forward was taken by entering into the !anufacture of washing !achines and air conditioners at the Wada factory.

RESERCH 3 DEVELOPMENT (esearching your !inds.

We believe that before we redefine technology$ we should retool the way the depart!ent that researches technology. @or only with a strong backing can your desire take a solid shape with a stunning design. We believe that (esearches and Develop!ent isnBt about the technology but a lot of co!plicated and !icrobial technology working for you $if itBs not si!ple or easy to useD for thereBs no use of superb deigns.


If the &uality isnBt pro!ising. and thatBs what our (1D depart!ent atte!pts to do every single day. 'ake it just a little bit better. %"perience our thoughts. Our (1D depart!ent doesnBt just work towards giving you a better and !ore useful product. *hatBs just the tip of the iceberg. It atte!pts to add e"perience and value to the consu!ers at every stage of the product. @or instance$ when it co!es to television$ it isnBt just about better picture or

better sound but also about the re!ote that you use. %ven when it co!es to washing !achines$ it isnBt just about better or cleaning washing but about how do you put your clothes in. we do the sa!e thing for every single of our products. )o that when you use an Onida product$ satisfaction co!es auto!atically. A little research. A lot of thoughts. ,ereBs a few e"a!ple what our (1D unearthed across all categoriesK IF *hunder /ase study HA s!all change that was heard across the country.E *he backgroundK *he co!petition in television was fierce. +ut while people upgraded fro! +lack and White sets to color to stunning picture clarity$ no one focused on giving the co!plete audioL video e"perience. *he taskK *he si!ple reason why it was so because there was !ore roo! for fitting speakers on the *2. )o instead of putting everything inside$ the (1D tea! si!ply fitted the sound behind the screen thereby giving a superb surround sound effect. *he resultK

*he rest obviously is history. It caught on faster than wildfire$ everybody wanted to lay their hands on one$ including the co!petition. *he co!petition had to get technicians fro! abroad to understand what went through it and by the ti!e they /ould copy the sa!e$ the !arket was already won. )o !uch so that the brand na!e beca!e synony!ous with the caret gory it self. D2D case study H%verything begins with a scratch. %ven the best.E *he backgroundK *he !arket was filed with 2/D players with D2D soon catching up to the!. )o instead of studying the D2D player$ we looked at the D2D. What we observed was that people preferred to rent !ovies fro! video libraries to play the!. And as a result$ these discs had scratches and were used often. T1e t('8: We reali.ed that the current discs fail to the challenge and then gave the! a powerful laser that could read between scratched layers and reads beneath the layers of data. *he resultK *he sheer advantage that we had was being the first !over. We gave consu!ers the freedo! fro! scratched discs. *he technology was a watershed turn for ONIDA D2Ds$ as it resulted in :A8 !arket share and placed us as No.: )ince then we have been considered as one of the !arket leaders$ innovators and a technology co!pany continuously e"celling in research and technology. Washing 'achine case study HWhy bend over backwards to get a good wash.E *he backgroundK


*here were !ore thand enough washing !achines to give you a better wash. )o how do you ensure that you get the cleanest and !ost powerful wash possible in the easiest !annerP *he taskK We set forth by !aking a front0loader with a wider and higher front opening which ensured that you get the best possible wash without you having to bend. 'icro wave case study H ush0button0cook.E *he backgroundK We saw that consu!ers used !icrowaves pri!arily to heat food and not cook. We also noticed that itBs very cu!berso!e to cook food in a !icrowave. %specially Indian food at that. )o we had change the way people looked at !icrowaves. *he taskK In order to !ake cooking si!pler we introduced :=6 Indian auto cook !enus. )o all you need to !ake Indian dishes is a finger to cook any for! of Indian dishes you preferred. We then later gave it a sleek$ black look with a !irror finish so that it looks stunning as well.

(esearch !ethodology deals with the procedure adopted to carry out the study. De.i-iti+- According to #reen and *ullK0 HA research design is the specification of !ethods and procedures for ac&uiring the infor!ation needed. It is the overall operational pattern or fra!ework of the project that stipulates which infor!ation is to be collected fro! which sources by what procedures.E


@or conducting the study$ I have adopted both pri!ary as secondary !ethod of the data collection. C <TITLE OF THE STUDY: A STUDY ON MARKET STRATE"Y ON ONIDA LCD


%very course of study is carried out for co!pleting so!e specific purpose or objectives. A study without any objective is like a body without soul. +ehind !y study the !ain objectives are as followsK *o study about the ONIDA 5/D television. *o co!pare the ONIDA 5/D televisions with other 5/D television such as )a!sung$ )ony$ 5# etc. *o find about the brand preferences of custo!er and then co!pare that brand with ONIDA 5/D. *o provide the future researches a background for the research in the field of 5/D study. *o point out general factors which generally co!panies do not give preference also affects buying. In the course of achieve!ent of !y objectives I have been successfully achieved the!.

P)im()* d(t(: @or the purpose of collecting pri!ary data$ I have adopted the !ethod of survey. )urvey can be telephonic$ by !ail$ personal and by the dairy. @or the purpose of

collected detailed infor!ation. I have chosen surveys based on personal interview0 by !eans of a &uestionnaire. Se$+-d()* d(t(: It has been collected fro! various books and internet sites. I have adopted this !ethod of collection. As I liters no access to !aga.ines and journal but a plenty of !aterial was available on the internet sites.

S(m/le 'i2e (-d d(t( $+lle$ti+- met1+d

S(m/le: Due of ti!e and resource constraints$ the sa!ple of the study is taken as one and the techni&ue b sa!pling adopted is convenient sa!pling. P)+.ile +. t1e $+m/(-*: *o collect the pri!ary data$ I have taken the feedback of the patrons. As I a! doing the training in this co!pany$ so it was easy to gather the re&uired infor!ation through websites$ brochures$ catalogs and co!pany reports.

Re'e()$1 De'i,-: *he project involved the study of custo!erBs perception towards the 5/D television with respect to certain para!eters likeK rice lace or Distribution ro!otion or advertise!ent

)i.e of television (esolution of television /ontras ratio of television )ound syste! provided with television ower consu!ption of 5/D 'otion response ti!e of 5/D

D(t( $+lle$ti+- met1+d: Data was collected both fro! pri!ary and secondary sources. )econdary data was collected fro! books$ !aga.ines$ newspapers etc. for collecting pri!ary data$ survey !ethod was used where in custo!ers were surveyed asked &uestions. )A' 5% *%/,NIM-%K (ando! sa!pling )A' 5% )IG%K >> DA*A /O55%/*ION '%*,ODK )urvey !ethod DA*A /O55%/*ION IN)**(-'%N*K )tructured Muestionnaire$ NA*-(% O@ )*-DFK %"ploratory H*/+t1e'i' #eneral preferences are really !atter while buying 5/D television. ONIDA is !ost preferred brand a!ong consu!er.


C ES$+/e +. t1e 't%d*

As objective is to study about the 5/D television$ so I would like to give a brief detail about ONIDABs 5/D television. T eople are fast replacing conventional *2s with 5/D *2s. Are far better than

the conventional *2s in ter!s of technology$ &uality of picture and the attractive looks. Fou can create a fell of ho!e theatre with 5/D *2 in ho!e. T *o cater the growing de!and for the 5/D *2s several *2 brands have co!e into the !arket. A!ong all other reputed brands$ ONIDA is known for providing good &uality *2s. T ONIDA 5/D *2s are &uite popular in India for its re!arkable features$ picture clarity$ and sharp sound and affordable rates. T *he key features of ONIDA *2s which !ake the! popular$ the 5/D *2s fro! ONIDA are e&uipped with 2I)D I!age %ngine feature which is responsible for the clarity of picture. T It involves several stages of i!age processing and various !odes including 2I)D @il! !ode$ 2I)D real I!age color )uppression and others. T )o!e of these !odes result in i!age free of !otion judders$ life0like picture. other !odes help enhance the color and contrast to give a natural feel. T ONIDA 5/D *2 has a very user0 friendly interface called )-(@ which !eans )i!ple -ser (eference @eature. *his feature let the user set different functions for convenient )uring of channels. T *hese *2s support ,D'I which ensure no date loss. ,D'I delivers perfect audio and video for e"cellent viewing e"perience. @or instance$ ;=Jaria @,D 5/D *2 co!es with ,D'I :.6 with Deep colors. rocessor$ 2I)D /olor 'anager$ 2I)D /ross

Limit(ti+-' +. t1e 't%d*:51

*he !ain factors that have been adversely affected the trustworthiness of report areK

Due to ti!e constraint the study is being restricted to the li!ited ti!e period.

Due to busy schedule of superior staffs the opti!u! guidance was not available.

'any secret and i!portant facts$ figures and infor!ation have been kept hidden.

+ecause co!pany had told !e not to disclose that you are collecting data for ONIDA so I canBt find out the brand perception of consu!ers regarding the co!pany


U A!ong the i!portant of 5/D *2 into India $ appro"i!ately => percent were i!ported in as /+- 3/o!plete +uilt -nit4 and 9> percent were i!ported as )ID 3)e!i0Inock Down4 or /ID 3/o!plete Inock Down4.

UIn =779$ the leading India 5/D *2 brands were )a!sung$ with !ore than 67 percent share$ followed by )ony 3:? percent4$ and 5# 3:A percent4. *he leading D *2 brands are 5#%$ )a!sung and anasonic. 5#% also leads the /(* *2 !arket in India with !ore than => percent !arket share$ followed by )a!sung and 2ideocon. U*hailand has a special @*A 3@ree *rade Agree!ent4 with India on duty benefits. *herefore$ co!panies like )ony and and then shipping the! to India. U=:E flat /(* *2s have a >> percent share of the total /(* *2 !arket in India. U*here are still so!e concerns about IndiaBs 5/D *2 !arket growthK poor power supplyD vague progress towards India digital *2 broadcastingD a co!ple" *2 i!port0duty structureD and regulations that are very co!plicated and very inefficient. UIn =77<$ the share of 6=E will be !ore than ;> percent in India 5/D *2 !arket$ @ollowed by =70=AE with 6: percent share. *he ;70;9E !odels accounts for only :> percent in India 5/D *2 !arket. U/(* *2 O%' is a key business in India as !any brands ship co!ponents into the country and then subcontract to local O%' !akers to asse!bly /(* *2s for the!. U)ony$ )a!sung and 5# have the !ost e"clusive shops in India. U*he growing 5/D *2 !arket inn India has encouraged Indian co!pany 2ideocon group to setup a *@* 5/D panel !anufacturing fab. anasonic are !aking 5/D *2s in *hailand

F D(t( i-te)/)et(ti+- (-d (-(l*'i'

Here is the analysis of the data with the help of histogram, which I have collected through the survey of different people/ customer.

1. Is screen size play role in choosing LED television Strongly Factors Percent agree 36 65.45% Not agree 6 1 .9 % Sometime depends 9 16.36% Cant say 4 !."% Total 55

1. Is screen size play role in choosing LED tele ision!

strongly agree not agree sometimes can:t say

#nterpretation$ !".#"$ of customers said they strongly agree, 1%.&%$ of customers said they don't agree, 1!.(!$ of customers said they sometimes it depends, while %).*$ cant' say.

*. +hich size do you prefer


Screen si%e Percent

19& 1 1.96%

""& 5 9.' %

"4& " 3.9"%

"6& ' 15.6'%

3"& 3" 6".!4%

4"& 3 5.''%

Total 55

". #hich size do you pre$er!

19; //; /3; /6; 4/; 3/;

#nterpretation$ 1.&!$ of customer's prefer 1&, screen size, &.-%$ of customer's prefer **, screen size, (.&*$ of customer's prefer *#, screen size, 1".!-$ of customer's prefer *!, screen size, !*.)#$ of customer's prefer (*, screen size, ".--$ of customer's prefer #*, screen size.

(. .pace for LED also matters in /uying


Strongly agree 1' 33.33%

Not agree 14 "5.9"%

Sometime depends "1 3'.''%

Cant say 3 5.55%

Total 55

%. S pace $or LED also matters in &uying!

strong agree ,ot agree sometime depends can:t say

#nterpretation$ ((.(($ of customer's said they strongly agree, *".&*$ of customer's said they don't agree, (-.--$ of customer's said sometimes it depends, while ".""$ 0ant' say.

#. How much resolution importance in /uying LED television Factors Not m(c) *ery m(c) Cant say


5 9. 9%

4" !6.36%

' 14.45%

,ot much very much

#nterpretation$ &.%&$ of customer's give not much important to resolution, )!.(!$ of customer's give very much important to resolution, while 1#.#"$ 0ant' say.

". 1re you prefers contrast ratio while /uying LED television





No matter


"" Percentage 3.63%

1! 3 .9 %

16 "9. 9%

1 1.'1'%


'. Are you pre$ers contrast ratio (hile &uying LED tele ision!

Always sometimes sufficint no matter

#nterpretation$ (.!($ of customer's always prefers contrast ratio, (%.&%$ of customer's sometime prefers contrast ratio, *&.%&$ of customer's sufficient prefers contrast ratio, 1.-1-$ of customer's prefers no matter contrast ratio.

!. 2otion response time is very important in /uying LED television



Strongly agree "6

Not agree

Sometime depends

Cant say


1" "1.1'%

16 "9. 9%

1 1.'1%




). Motion response time is ery important in &uying LED tele ision

strongly agree ,ot agree Sometime depends can:t say

#nterpretation$ #*.*)$ of customer's said they strongly agree, *1.1-$ of customer's said they not agree, *&.%&$ of customer's said sometime it depends, while 1.-1$ 0ant' say.

). 1re 2ediators offer really need in /uying



1lways *#

.ometime 1) (%.&$

.ufficient ! 1%.&%$

4o matter 1#."#$



Always sometimes sufficint ,o matt er

#nterpretation$ #(.!($ of customer's always needs connector's, (%.&$ of customer's sometime needs connector's, 1%.&%$ of customer's sufficient needs connector's, while 1#."#$ 0ant' say.

-. 5rice plays ma6or role in selecting LED television.

.trongly agree

4ot agree

.ometime depends

0ant' say

*" #".#"$

& 1!.(!$

*% (!.(!$

( ".#"$

*. +rice plays ma,or role in selecting LED tele ision.

strongly agree not agree sometimes can:t say

#nterpretation$ #".#"$ of customer's said they strongly agree, 1!.(!$ of customer's said they not agree, (!.(!$ of customer's said sometimes it depends, while ".#"$ 0ant' say.

&. 5ower consumption matter in /uying LED.

.trongly agree *1

4ot agree 1)

.ometime depends 1(

0ant' say #





-. +o(er consumption matter in &uying LED.

strongly agree not agree sometimes can:t say

#nterpretation$ (-.1($ of customer's said they strongly agree, (%.&$ of customer's said they not agree, *(.!$ of customer's said sometime it depends, while ).*)$ 0ant' say.

1%. +hich /rand you prefer most to /uy LED

.amsung 1* *1.-1$

L7 ! 1%.&%$

.ony *1 (-.1-$

8nida * (.!($

9ideocon 1#."#$

5anasonic ! 1%.&%$

:otal ""


1.. #hich &rand you pre$er most to &uy LED!

samsung lg sony onida videocon penasonic

#nterpretation$ *1.-1$ of customer's prefers .amsung, 1%.&%$ of customer's prefers L7, (-.1-$ of customer's prefers .ony, (.!($ of customer's prefers 8nida, 1#."#$ of customer's prefers 9ideocon, and 1%.&%$ of customer's prefers 5anasonic.



ONIDA vt. 5i!ited is right now the !arket leader in rivate seg!ent. +rand I!age (eliable and cheap. %stablished brand in Indian !arket. #reat service and nationwide penetration %"perience in Indian !arket 2ery old player in Indian !arket. @irst !ajor player. %stablished distribution 1 after sales networks

Disecono!ies to scale No online presence Not diversified

%asy approachable service centers 1 %"change fair. Ac&uisitions Innovation Online roduct and services e"pansion 63

*akeovers *argeting ,igher 'iddle /lass re&uire!ents

Other brand na!es like 5#$ ANA)ONI/ $ )A')-N# etc /o!petition /heaper technology %"ternal changes 3govern!ent$ politics$ ta"es$ etc4 5ower cost co!petitors or i!ports rice wars roduct substitution


J C+-$l%'i+ )i.e plays i!portant role in buying 5/DBs$ because the !ajority of the people have said that they prefer 6=E 5/D. *here !ay be the reason for it because !ost of the fa!ily has their previous /(* *2s is of =:E so they prefer big screen fro! their previous *2. )pace for 5/D also plays role. *he custo!ers who have at least :=0:> feet of space into their roo! are always prefer 6=E5/D. (esolution and contrast ratio also preferred by custo!er while buying 5/D$ because 5/D *2s are known for the sa!e so that will be the first &uestion of the custo!er. At the beginning of the study I have assu!ed that the people who are buying 5/D or who had brought 5/D never think for the price of the 5/D but !y assu!ption got wrong at the end of the study$ !ost of the people strongly agree that it pays !ajor role in choosing their 5/D$ because they have so !any option with the!. ower consu!ption is not a !ajor factor because all the 5/Ds are co!ing with >0satar rating. And also they consu!e less power as co!pare to /(* *2s. *he brand which is !ore preferred by the custo!ers of Qaipur is S+-*. *here is a reason which I have found that is there are so !any hoarding I have found in the city which !ay be the reason for that$ they are striking the na!e of their brand so often in the !ind of custo!er.

As !ost of the co!panies are offering 'enu connectors with 5/Ds like ,D'I ports / connectors etc so it beca!e the need of the custo!ers

> S%,,e'ti+-D Re$+mme-d(ti+As I have co!pared the 5/D of ONIDA with other brands likes )a!sung and )ony. I have not found out any shortage of features provided by the ONIDA$ only the difference is in the pro!otion of the brand and availability of products. )o$ ONIDA have to invest !ore !oney in pro!otion of brand.

#eneral suggestions for i!proving internal custo!er satisfaction to be followed by the organi.ation to be really successful in e"ploiting the fullest potential of their e!ployees are as followsK :. =. 6. ;. >. A. 9. <. ?. /ost control !easures ro!ptness re0detection 1 proper !aintenance of old dg sets /onsistency in &uality of stea! Adherence to delivery co!!it!ents articipative planning with custo!ers /o!!unication and coordination should be !ore effective Opti!i.ing of !achine and !en0hours Needs i!prove!ent in &uality of product and services provided

:7. )ub!ission of su!!ari.ed &uality reports daily ::. *o highlight proble! and record the solution :=. (esistance in accepting the feedback regarding da!ages :6. Advanced infor!ation regarding any new &uality is needed :;. *o be !ore effective in inventory control and ordering through diagnostic approach

:>. *raining and knowledge sharing of financial reports :A. rovide advanced infor!ation about the failure :9. Needs better planning of procure!ent of packing !aterial :<. I!prove custo!er service in all respects :?. (esolve day to day proble! &uickly =7. I!prove!ent in ti!ely pay!ent

<= A//e-di#D A--e#%)e

According to consu!ers preference :. Is screen si.e play role in choosing 5/D televisionP )trongly agree Not agree )o!eti!e depends on it /anBt say

=. )pace for 5./.D also !atters in buyingP )trongly agree Not agree )o!e ti!e depend on it /anBt say

6. ,ow !uch resolution i!portance in buying 5/D televisionP Not !uch 2ery !uch

/anBt say

;. Are you prefers contrast ratio while buying 5/D televisionP Always )o!eti!e )ufficient No !atters

>. 'otion response ti!e is very i!portant in buying 5/D television. )trongly agree Not agree )o!e ti!e depend on it /anBt say

A. Are connectors offered really needs in buyingP 9. Always )o!eti!e )ufficient No !atters

rice plays !ajor role in selecting 5/D television. )trongly agree Not agree )o!e ti!e depend on it /anBt say

#eneral factors which !ay affect buying decision <. ower consu!ption !atters in buying 5/D. )trongly agree Not agree )o!e ti!e depend on it /anBt say

?. Are you need prior infor!ation like advertise!ent before buyingP Always )o!eti!e )ufficient No !atters

:7.Which brand do you prefer !ostP )ony )a!sung 5# Onida 2ideocon anasonic

::. What sound would you preferP


F)+m t1e i-te)-et www.wikipedia.co! www.onida.co! www.co!pareindia.in.co! www.avrev.co!

F)+m t1e 4++8 +usiness research !ethod by Willia! #. Gik!und. age no.0:9>$:9A *opic C survey research age no. ;>: *opic0 Data analysis and presentation 'arketing !anage!ent by 'ithleshwer Qha. age no. <A0<? *opic0 conducting !arketing research hilip Iotler Ievin lane Ieller Abraha! khosy



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