Multiple Choice Question-E3-E4 Core

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The key takeaways are that Project Udaan aims to expand broadband customer base, reduce wireline customer churn and increase usage from existing customers. Project Dosti aims to reduce decline in BSNL's PCO business and innovate the PCO business model. A lead management software was developed to help track leads for new landline and broadband connections.

The objectives of Project Udaan are to rapidly expand broadband customer base, reduce churn of wireline customers and increase usage from existing customers. The objectives of Project Dosti are to reduce decline in BSNL's PCO business, reduce churn of existing PCO operations and innovate the PCO business model.

The key components of the lead management software developed by ITPC include a lead booking module, a lead allocation module to allocate leads to field officers, and a module to track lead status from booking to closure.


Chapter 01.
Project Udaan and Dosti
01. In March 2009, the Landline customer was a. 2.93 Crores b. 2.39 crores c. 2.93 Lakhs d. None of the above. 02. In March 2009, the Landline revenue was a. Rs. 9172 crores b. Rs. 9173 crores c.Rs. 9174 crores d. None 03. In March 2009, the mobile customer was a. 4.65 crores b. 4.67 crores c. 4.57 crores d. 4.76 crores 04. In March 2009, Mobile revenue was a. Rs. 9828 Crores b. Rs. 9282 crores c. Rs. 9882 crores d. None 05. Share of BB subscription in total internet subscription increased for the period March 2009 to June 2009 was a. 46 % - 47 % b.47 48 % c. 48-49 % d. None 06. Broad band subscribers 86.66% using the technology is a. ADSL b. DSL c,Both a & b d. None 07. The reasons identified for decline of landline customer base are a. Poor customer service b. Un economical landline tariff c. Increased mobile penetration d. All of the above. 08. As part of Project Shikar, a special strategy titled -----------------has been launched. a. Dosti b. Kuber c. udaan D. None of the above 09. Which of the following is not true in connection with main objectives of udaan project is a. Rapidly expand BB customer base b. Reducing churn of wire line customers c. Increase usage from existing customers d. Increase mobile subscribers. 10. A pilot project was started in three areas of a. Mumbai b. Bangalore Telecom District c. Delhi d. None 11. ---------------will play a key role in generating leads for LL & BB connection in a. Customer Service Center b. Customer System Center c. Consumer Service center d. None 12. In Service Deliver Service Assurance team outdoor members will be a. 01 or 02 member per outdoor division b. 02 or 03 members per outdoor division c. 01 or 02 member per indoor division d. None of the above.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

13. In Service Deliver service assurance team indoor members will be a. 1 member per indoor division b. 2 member per indoor division c. 3 member per indoor division d. 4 member per indoor division 14. In service deliver service assurance team support members will be a. NIB node in charges b. CITOMS/DOTSOFT incharges c. A & B d. None of the above. 15. SD-SA stands for a. Service Deliver Service Assurance b. Service Director Service Assurance c. Service Deliver Service Administrator d. None of the above. 16. In SSA, how many team structure for Project Udaan are a. 3 teams b. 2 teams c. 4 teams d. 5 teams 17. In Product, pricing & analysis Team leader is a. JTOs b. SDEs c.TTA d. All of the above. 18. In Sales & alliances team, the team leader will be a. Mix of JTOs b. SDEs c. TTA & Group C/D employees d. All 19. In Customer service team, the team leader will be a. 10-12 existing call center employee b. 10-12 CSC employees c. A & B d. None of the above. 20. In SD/SA (NOW) team, the team leader will be a. Team of JTOs/SDEs/TTA & Group c and D employees b. Team of SDEs/Des/DGMs c. Both A & B d. None of the above. 21. In Udaan approach implementation, Leads booked by a. All customer interfaces b. All Sales team leader c. All SDEs d. All JTOs 22. In Udaan approach implementation, leads viewed by a. Sales team leader b. Sales Manager c. JTO d. TTA 23. Customer interfaces through which the leads can be booked a. CSC b. Call centers c. Commercial section d. field offices E. All 24. For feasibility check, the sales team leader raises a .and allots it to the concerned JTO O/d a. Ticket b. Number c. Book d. Receipt 25. The software used for Project Udaan is a. Wings b. DOTSOFT c. CDR D. CDR cloud

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

26. . Had developed a lead management software a. ITPC, Pune b. ITPC New Delhi C. ITPC, Mumbai D. ITPC, Chennai 27. ITPC had developed and launched a lead management software in a. Jan 2010 b. June 2010 c. Jan 2009 d. June 2009 28. The objectives of Project dosti is to a. Reduce decline in BSNLs PCO business b. Reducing churn of existing PCO operations c. Innovating of PCO business d. All of the above. 29. The pilot project of Project Dosti was executed in a. Bangalore Telecom district b. Chandigarh Telecom district c. All of the above d. None of the above 30. Service providers want that the PCO owners should become a. Customer care to BSNL b. One stop solution provider of their products c. All of the above d. None of the above. 31. Market share of BSNL in case of PCOs is a. 35% b. 30% c. All of the above d. None of the above. 32. At present BSNL is the market leader in a. Fixed Access b. fixed Assets c. Consumer Mobility d. None of the above. 33. At present BSNL has % market share in Fixed access a. 75 b.76 c.77 d. None of the above. 34. At present the fixed access contributes to . % of operational costs. a. 45 b.46 c. a & b d. None 35. The acronym for PRSA is a. PCO Relationship Servicing Agency. b. PCO Relationship Subscriber Agency. C. A & b d. None of the above. 36. create discrete segments of customers based on their usage profile. a. Customer Segmentation b. Customer care center c. a&b d. None 37. develop the structure of retail sales force for fixed access services. a. Sales force design b. Sales center c. a&b d. None

Answer Key for Core

Chapter 01
Project Udaan and Dosti
01. A 11. A 21. A 31. B 02. B 12. A 22. B 32. A 03. B 13. A 23. E 33. A 04. A 14. C 24. A 34. B 05. A 15. A 25. A 35. A 06. B 16. C 26. A 36.A 07. D 17. D 27. A 37. A 08. C 18. D 28. D 09. D 19. C 29. A 10. B 20. A 30. B

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

Chapter 02
IP concepts
01. IP stands for a. Internet Programmes b. Internet Protocol c. All of the above d. None of the above. 02. The attaching the header to the received information, received from the higher layer before handing over to the next lower layer is called a. Encryption b. Encoding c. encapsulation d. None of the above. 03. No.of layers in TCP layers are a. 4 b.2 c.2 d.7 04. In TCP layer, the application layer refers to a. Higher level protocols b. Lower level protocols c. a & b d. None 05. From the following which one is an example for application layer? a. FTP b. HTTP c. a &b d. None 06. SMTP is an example for a. Transport layer b. application layer c. a & b d. None 07. FTP stands for a. File Transmission Protocol b. File Transfer Protocol c. File Transmission Programme d. File Transfer Programme 08. SMTP stands for a. Single Mail Transfer Protocol b. Simple Main Transfer Protocol c. a 7 b d. None 09. TCP stands for a. Transfer Control Protocol b. Transmission Common Protocol c. Transfer common Protocol d. Transmission Control Protocol 10. UDP stands for a. User Defined Protocol b. User Datagram Protocol c. A & b d. None 11. layer is responsible for connecting two machines through internet a. Internet layer b. Application layer c. a &b d. None 12. Integrity of packets is guaranteed in a. IPV6 b.IPV4 c. IPV3 d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

13. Integrity of packets is guaranteed through a. IPV4 b. IPV6 c. checksum d. None 14. IN IPV4, range of values is a. 0 to 12 b. 0 to 15 c. a & b d. None 15. The value used by IP in IPV4 is a. 4 b.5 c. a&b d. None 16. TTL stands for a. Transmission Test Live b. Time To Live c. a & b d. none 17. In IPV4, total length is a. 16 Bytes filed b. 16 Bit field c. 32 bit field d. None 18. In IPV4, the identification is a. 16 Bytes field b. 16 bit field c. a & b d. None 19. In IPV4, TTL lengths is a. 8 byte field c. 8 bit field c. a & b d. None 20. The current recommended default TTL for the IP is a. 64 b. 32 c. a & b d. None 21. In IPV4,protocol is a. 8 field b.16 field c. 32 field d. 16 Bit field 22. field is used to identify the next higher layer protocol using the IP. a. Protocol b. TCP c. a &b d. None 23. In Protocol field, the value of TCP is a. Equal to 6 b. equal to 17 c. a & b d. None 24. The value of UDP in protocol field is a. Equal to 6 b. equal to 17 c. a & b d. None 25. In IPV4, checksum filed length is a. 16 byte field b. 16 bit field c. a & b d. None 26. In IPV4, the source address field lengths is a. 32 byte field b. 32 bit field c. a & b d. None 27. The source address field contains the following; a. Network identifier b. Host identifier c. a & b d. None 28. The protocol field is used to identify a. The next higher layer protocol using the IP. b. The next lower layer protocol using the IP. c. a & b d. None 29. The length of destination address is a. 16 byte field b. 16 bit field c. 32 bit field d. 32 byte filed 30. The selection by the IP of either UDP or TCP is based on the a. Protocol number in the IP header b. Protocol number in the TCP header c. a & b d. None 31. The source port number is a a. 16 bit field b. 16 byte field c. 32 bit field d. 32 byte field 32. The destination port number is a a. 16 bit field b. 16 byte field c. 32 bit field d. 32 byte field 33. The port number for the UDP echo server is

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

a. 7 b. 8 c. 69 d. None 34. The Port number for TFTP is a. 7 b.8 c.69 d. None 35. TFTP stands for a. Trival File Transmission Protocol b. Trival File Transfer Protocol c. a & b d. None 36. The UDP message length field is a a. 16 byte field b. 16 bit field c. 32 bit field d. 32 byte field 37. The UDP message length field contains in the count of the total number of .in the user datagram. a. Octets b. ones c. binary d. None 38. The minimum size length field of UDP message is a. 8 b. 8 bit field c. a & b d. None 39. UDP checksum field must be set to..when not used a. Zero b. one c. a &b d. None 40. Which one is providing traditional circuit oriented data communications service to programmes? a. UDP b.TCP c. a & b d. None 41. Which of the following is connection oriented? a. UDP b. TCP c. a & b d. None 42. Which of the following is connection less oriented? a. UDP b.TCP c. a & b d. None 43. The sequence numbers in the TCP header is a. 32 bytes b. 32 bits c. a & b d. None 44. The sequence numbers in the TCP header for first time randomly generated by a. System integrator b. system c. a & b d. None 45. SN stands for a. Signal to Noise b. Sequence Number c. Servicing number d. None 46. The second sequence number is called a. Expected Receive Sequence Number b. Excepted Receive Sequence Number c. Expected Remote Sequence Number d. Excepted Remote Sequence Number 47. ERSN stands for a. Expected Receive Sequence Number b. Excepted Receive Sequence Number c. Expected Remote Sequence Number d. Excepted Remote Sequence Number 48. SSN stands for a. Secondary Switching Number b. Second Sequence Number c. A 7 b d. None 49. Second Sequence Number is also called as a. Acknowledgement Number b. Addressed Number c. Access Number

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

d. None 50. AKN stands for a. Acknowledgement Number b. Addressed Number c. Access number d. None 51. The AKN is a a. 32 bit field b. 32 byte field c. 16 bit field d. 16 byte field 52. In TCP header length is a a. 4 bit field b. 4 byte field c. 16 bit field d. 16 byte field 53. In TCP, the window field is a a. 16 bit field b. 4 bit field c. 16 byte field d.4 bit field 54. ICMP stands for a. Internet Common Message Protocol b. Internet Control Message Protocol c. Internet Consumer Message Protocol d. Internet Consumer Meeting Protocol 55. is used to report the error message back to the source. a. ICMP b.IMCP c.IGMP d. IPMC 56. From the following which is the correct statement? a. FTP &SMTP are an example of application layer. b. FTP & SMTP are an example of Transport layer. c. FTP & SMTP are an example of Internet layer d. FTP & SMTP are an example of Link layer. 57. The selection by the IP of.. is based on the Protocol number in the IP header. a. UDP b. TCP c. UDP or TCP d. None 58. 16 bit field is the port number of a. Source b. destination c. a & b d. None 59. The port number 7 is for a. UDP echo server b. TCP c. a& b d.TFTP 60. 69 is the port number for a. UDP echo server b.TCP c. a & b d. TFTP 61. The -----------message length field contains a count of the total number of octets in the user datagram. a. UDP b. TCP c. TFTP d. None 62. checksum field must be set to zero when not used. a. UDP c. TCP c. TFTP d. None 63. .provides traditional circuit oriented data communications service to programs. a. TCP b.UDP c.TFTP d. None 64. .in the TCP header is 32 bits long a. SN b.SSM c.AKN d. ERSN 65. The ICMP is used to report a. The error message back to the source. b. The receipt of the message back to the source. c. The error correction message back to the source.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

d. None 66. .is the process of managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from out running a slow receiver. a. Flow control b. flow chart c. a & b d. None 67. To preventthe IP datagram contains a time to live that is set by the originator. a. Routing protocol b. routing loops c. routing table d. None 68. IGMP stands for a. Internet Group Management Protocol b. Internet Group Message Protocol c. Internet Group Membership Protocol d. None 69. is a communications proposal used to manage the membership of internet protocol multicast group. a. IGMP b. ICMP c. a & b d. None 70. Each host on the internet is assigned a 32 bit integer address called its a. Internet Address b. IP address c. a &b d. None 71. Every IP address consists of .pairs a. One b. two c. threed. None 72. The IP address consists of a. One identifying network b. One identifying the host c. a & b c. None 73. IP address is referred to as the a. Dotted decimal notation b. Dotted decamical notation c. a & b d. None 74. Type of class of IP address are a. One b. two c. 5 d. none 75. Class D IP address reserved for a. IP multicasting b. future use c. Private IP d. Public IP 76. Class E IP address reserved for a. IP Multicasting b. future use c. Private IP d. Public IP 77. Address beginning with.. are reserved for future use a. 1010 b.1111 c.1110 d.a & b 78. Determine the class of IP address is by a. Examining the first 4 bits of the IP address b. Examining the first 5 bits of the IP address c. a & b d. None 79. Class A addresses begin with a. 0XXX or 1 to 126 decimal b. 10XX or 128 to 191 decimal c. 110X or 192 to 223 decimal d. 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal 80. Class B addresses begin with a. 0XXX or 1 to 126 decimal b. 10XX or 128 to 191 decimal c. 110X or 192 to 223 decimal d. 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

81. Class C addresses begin with a. 0XXX or 1 to 126 decimal b. 10XX or 128 to 191 decimal c. 110X or 192 to 223 decimal d. 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal 82. Class D addresses begin with a. 0XXX or 1 to 126 decimal b. 10XX or 128 to 191 decimal c. 110X or 192 to 223 decimal d. 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal 83. Class E addresses begin with a. 0XXX or 1 to 126 decimal b. 10XX or 128 to 191 decimal c. 110X or 192 to 223 decimal d. 1111 or 240 to 254 decimal 84. Addresses beginning with 01111111 or 127 decimal are reserved for a. Loop back b. future use c. a & b d. None 85. IP address for internal testing on a local machine is a. b. 127,0,0,1 c. a & b d. None 86. In class A which part of IP address belongs to the network ? a. NNNNNNNN b. NNNNHHHH c.NHNHNHNH d. None 87. In class A which part of IP address belongs to the host? a. NNNNNNNN b. b.HHHHHHHH c. HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH. d. None 88. In class B which part of IP address belongs to the network? a. NNNNNNNN b. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN. c. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN. d. None 89. In class B which part of IP address belongs to the host? a. HHHHHHHH. b. HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH c. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN. d. None 90. In class C which part of IP address belongs to the network? a. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH. b. NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH c. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH d. None 91. In class C which part of IP address belongs to the host? a. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH b. NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.NNNNNNNN c. NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


92. Tick the IP address reserved for Private Network? a. b. c. d. 93. Tick the IP address reserved for Private Network? a. b. c. d. 94. Tick the IP address reserved for Private Netowrk? a. b. c. d. None 95. Reasons for subneting an IP network is a. Use of different physical media b. Preservation of address space c. Security & to control the network traffic. All the above 96. The most common reason for using subneting is a. To control network traffic b. To control speed of the bandwidth c. a&b d. None 97. Performing a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask results in the a. Network Address or Number b. Network element c. a&b d. None 98. In the subnet masking the network bits are represented by the a. 0 s in the mask b. 1 in the mask c. a&b d. None 99. In the subnet masking the host bits are represented by the a. 0 s in the mask b. 1 in the mask c. a&b d. None 100. The reason for using IPV6 a. Rapid exhaustion of IPV4 address space b. Fulfill the future need of IP address c. a&b d. None 101. In IPV6,the address size was increased from a. 32 to 126 bits b. 32 bits to 128 bits c.a&b d. None 102. In IPV6 the address size is a. 16 octets b. 32 octets c. a&b d.None 103. The next generation of the internet protocol is a. IPV4 b.IPV6 c.a&b d.None 104. The replacement of IPV4 to IPV6 is aimed in the year a. 1994 b.2000 c.1995 d.2010 105. VOIP stands for

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE









113. 114.


a. Voice Over Internet Protocol b. Value Over Internet Protocol c. a&b d.None The function of physical layer is a. Binary transmission b. b. Access to media c. c.Address and Best path d. End to end connections. The function of Data Link layer is a. Binary transmission b. b. Access to media c. c.Address and Best path d. End to end connections The function of Network layer is a. Binary transmission b. b. Access to media c. c.Address and Best path d. End to end connections The function of Transport Layer is a. Binary transmission b. b. Access to media c. c.Address and Best path d. End to end connections The function of Session layer is a. Internet communication b. Data presentation c. Network process to application d. None The function of presentation layer is a. Inter host communication b. Data presentation c. Network process to application d. None The function of application layer is a. Internet communication b. Data presentation c. Network process to application d. None In TCP/IP model total no.of layers are a. 5 b.7 c. a&b d.None Flow control is the process of a. Managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from out running a slow receiver. b. Managing the network elements c. a&b d.None To prevent routing loops, the IP datagram contains a

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE




118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.

131. 132. 133. 134. 135.

a. TTL b. FTP c. Routing table d. None IGMP is a communication protocol used to manage a. The membership of internet protocol multicast group b. Run the routing table c.a&b d.None To prevent routing loops, the --------------contains a time to live that is set by a Originator. a. IP datagram b.UDP c.TCP/IP d. None Class D IP address reserved fir a. IP Multicasting b. future use c. a & b d. None Class E IP address reserved for a. IP Multicasting b. future use c. a&b d. None 0xxx or 1 to 126 decimal IP address belongs to a. Class A address b. class b address c. class c address d. Nonew 10xx or 128 to 191 decimal address belongs to a. Class A address b. class b address c. Class c address d. None 110x, or 192 to 223 decimal IP address belongs to a. Class A address b. class c d. Class E d. None 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal IP address belongs to a. Class A b. Class c c. class D d. class E 1111 or 240 to 254 decimal IP address belongs to a. Class A b. Class E c. class D d. Class E 01111111 or 127 decimal are reserved for a. Loop back b. Internal testing c. a & b d. None IP address belongs to a. Loop back b. Internal testing c. a & b d. None IP address belongs to a. Public network b. Private network c. a & b d. None IP address belongs to a. Public network b. Private network c. a & b d. None IP address belongs to a. Public network b. Private network c. a&b d. None State which statement is correct.: a. In the subnet masking, the network bits are represented by the 1s in host bits and 0s in the mask b. In the subnet masking the network bits are represented by the 1s in the mask and the host bits are represented by 0s. c. a &b d. None Binary transmission function belongs to a. Network layer b. Data layer c. Physical layer d. presentation layer Access to media function belongs to a. Network layer b. data layer c. Physical layer d. Session layer Address & best path function belongs to a. Network layer b. Data line layer c. transport layer d. Session layer End to end connection function belongs to a. Physical layer c. Network layer c. Transport layer d. Session layer Interhost communication function belongs to

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Data link layer b. Session layer c. Data presentation d. None 136. Data presentation function belongs to a. Network layer b. Data link layer c. Presentation layer d. None 137. Network Process to applications function belongs to a. Application layer b. network layer c. Physical layer d. None 138. 5 layers belongs to a. TCP b/TCP/IP c. OSI d. None 139. Internet layer is .for reliable transmission a. Responsible b. Not responsible c. a&b d. None 140. The function of providing reliability of service is the duty of protocols. a. Lower level b. Higher level c. a&b d. None 141. The function of providing reliability of service is done by the .in the transport layer. a. TCP b. IP c. Network d. None 142. The datagram consists of.. a. Header b. data c. a&b d. None 143. In IPV4, the .is used to identify the number of octets in entire datagram a. Total length field b. Protocol c. a&b d. None 144. In IPV4, the range of total length field is between a. 0&65,535 octets b. 0&65353 octets c. a&b d. None 145. In IPV4, the datagram typically is contained in . Frame a. Ethernet b. E1 c.a&b d. None 146. In IPV4, the size of the datagram usually will be less than..octets. a. 1500 b.1600 c. 1700 d. None

Answer Key for the Chapter 02 IP concepts

01. B 11. A 21. A 31. A 41.B 51.A 61.A 71.B 81. C 91.A 101.B 111. B 121. B 131. C 141. A 02. C 12. B 22. A 32. A 42.A 52.A 62.A 72. C 82. D 92. A 102.A 112. C 122. B 132.B 142.C 03. A 13. C 23. A 33. A 43.B 53.A 63.A 73. A 83.D 93.A 103. B 113. A 123. C 133. A 143. A 04. A 14. B 24. B 34. C 44.B 54.B 64.A 74. C 84.A 94.B 104.C 114. A 124. D 134. C 144. A 05. A 15. A 25. B 35. B 45.B 55.A 65.A 75. A 85. A 95.D 105. A 115. A 125. A 135. B 145. A 06. B 16. B 26. B 36. B 46.A 56. A 66.A 76. B 86. A 96. A 106. A 116. A 126. B 136. C 146.A 07. A 17. B 27. C 37.A 47.A 57.C 67.B 77. B 87. C 97. A 107. B 117. A 127. B 137. A 147. 08. B 18. B 28. 38.A 48.B 58. C 68.A 78. A 88. B 98. B 108. C 118. A 129. B 138. B 148. 09. D 19. C 29. C 39.A 49.A 59.A 69.A 79. A 89. B 99.A 109. D 119. B 129. B 139. B 10. B 20. A 30. A 40.B 50.A 60.D 70.C 80. B 90. C 100. C 110. A 120. A 130. B 140. B

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Chapter 04 Rural Broad Band & Multiply

01. Core of BSNLs broadband service is a. National Internet Backup b. National Internet Backbone c. National Internet Backhaul d. None 02. NIB stands for a. National Internet Backbone b. National Internet Backhaul c. National Internet Back up d. None 03. QOS stands for a. Quality of supply b. Quality of service c. Quality of subscriber d. None 04. NAT stands for a. Network Address Transmission b. Network Address Translation c. Network Address Transfer d. None 05. .service that will enable private users to access public network a. Network Address Transmission b. Network Address Translation c. Network Address Transfer d. None 06. Internet DATA centre services at a. Bangalore,Delhi & Calcutta b. Bangalore, Delhi & Pune c. Bangalore, Delhi & Mumbai d. None of the above 07. NIB II has been implemented in --------------projects a. One b.two c. three d. four 08. In the NIB II project 1, the IP infrastructure is a. Internet backbone b. MPLS based IP Infrastructure c. b&c . None 09. In the NIB II project 1, the backbone consisting of a. Routers b. Core router c. Edge routers d. None 10. Which one belongs to NIB-II, Project 2.1 a. Narrow band access b. broadband access c. a&b d. None 11. Which one belongs to NIB-II, Project 2.2 a. Dial up remote access b. Broadband access DSL access c. a&b d.None 12. The cities in India have been classified in ---------types a. 5 core cities b. 9 level cities c. six d. none 13. In the classification of cities, A1 type belongs to a. Level cities b. Major cities c. core cities d. a &b 14. In the classification of cities, A2 type belongs to a. Next Level core cities b. Major cities c. core cities d. a &b

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


15. In the classification of cities, A3 type belongs to a. Next Level core cities b. Major cities c. core cities d. a &b 16. In the classification of cities, A4 belongs to a. Level cities b. Major cities c. core cities d. a &b 17. A1 city core routers are fully meshed between locations on.. a. STM-01 b.STM-04 c.STM-16 d. None 18. IGW stands for a. International Gateway Routine b. International Gateway Router c. a & b d. None 19. IXP stands for a. Internet Exchange Point b. International Exchange Point c. a&b d. None 20. IDC stands for a. Internet DATA center b. Internet Digital center c.a&b d. None 21. B1 & B2 cities have only a. Core routers b. PE routers c. Edge routes d. None 22. All core locations also have . a. Core routers b. PE routers c. Edge routes d. None 23. ISP connect each other through a. IXE b.IXP c.IXD d. None 24. NOC stands for a. Network Operating Circle b. Network Operating center c. a &b d. None 25. Primary Network operating center available at. a. Pune b. Bangalore c. Delhi d. None 26. Disaster recovery Network Operating center available at a. Pune b. Bangalore c. Delhi d. None 27. DSLAM stands for a. Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers b. Digital Subscriber Line Access Mixer c. Digital subscriber Line Admits Multiplexers d. None 28. SSSS stands for a. Subscriber Service Setting System b. Subscriber Service Selection System c. A&b d. Service Selection subscriber System 29. SSSC stands for a. Subscriber Service Selection Course b. Subscriber Service Selection Center c. Subscriber Servicing Selection club d. None 30. The DSLAMs will provide last mile access to customers over copper wire upto average span lengths of a. 5 kms b.2 Kms c. 3 Kms d. 7 Kms 31. All DSLAMs will be aggregated through a .interface except 480 Port DSLAM

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. FX b.E1 c.FE d. None 32. The 240 ports DSLAMs will have a. 2 numbers of FX interface b. Two numbers of FE interface c.a &b d. 33. The FX or GBIC module in DSLAM and LAN switch capable of driving upto a. 20 Km b. 5 km c. 10 km d. none 34. The SX of GBIC module in LAN switch used for connecting a. Tier 1 to Tier 2 b. tier 2 to tier 1 c. tier 35. In bigger cities like A1,A2,A3 & A4 ------------per city will be deployed initially. a. Two BBRAS per city b. One BBRAS per city c. Two core routers per city d. None 36. There will be B1 & B2 a. Two BBRAS b. No BBRAS c. Three BBRAS d. None 37. The DSLAMs in B1 and B2 and other lower hierarchical cities will be aggregated through . a. Layer 1 switches b. Layer 3 switches c. Layer 2 switches d. None 38. The DSLAMs in B1 and B2 and other lower hierarchical cities will be connected to the nearest .. of A cities a. PE router b. Core router c. MPLS router d. BBRAS 39. The DSLAMs in B1 and B2 cities and lower hierarchical cities will be connected to the nearest A cities on a. E1 over SDH b. Ethernet c. Ethernet over SDH d. None 40. The BBRAS shall terminate the .. initiated by the customer a. PPA session b.PPP session c. a & b d. None 41. CPE stands for a. Consumer Premises Equipment b. Customer Premises Equipment c. a &b d. None 42. GBIC stands for a. Giga Bit Internet Converter b. Giga Byte Interface converter c. Giga Bit Interface converter d. None 43. BNG stands for a. Broadband Network Gateway b. Broadband National Gateway c. A & b d. None 44. The optical power range for transceivers in OCLAN switch in case of GE interface is a. Tx power Min -5 max 3 b. Tx power Min -2 max 2 c. Tx power Min -5 max 2 d. None 45. The optical power range for transceivers in OCLAN switch in case of GE interface is a. Rx power Min -22 max -4 b. Rx power Min 22 max -3 c. Rx power min -3 max -22 d. None 46. The optical power range for transceivers in OCLAN switch in case of FE interface is

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Tx power -9.5 max -2 b. Tx power -9.5 max -3 c. Tx power -9.5 max -4 d. None 47. The optical power range for transceivers in OCLAN switch in case of FE interface is a. Rx power min -17 max 0 b. Rx power min -17 max -3 c. Rx power min 0 max -17 d. None 48. High speed internet access speed ranging from a. 256 Kbps b. 128 Kbps c. 256 kbps to 8 Mbps d. None 49. STB stands for a. Set Transmission Box b. Set Top Box c. Service Top Box d. a &b 50. VOD stands for a. Video On Distance b. Video on Degree c. Video on Demand d. None 51. WICE stands for a. Window for Information, Communication and Entertainment b. Window for Intimation, Customer and Entertainment c. A & b d. None 52. VOI stands for a. Voice Over the Information b. b. Voice overtime Internet c. Voice over internet d. None 53. DSL stands for a. Digital Subscriber Link b. Digital Subscriber loop c. a & b d. None 54. Data signal is sent at a frequency higher that the voice frequency of a. 3.4 Khz b. 3.4 Ghz c. a &b d. None 55. SDSL stands for a. Subscriber Line Digital Single Line b. Single Line Digital Subscriber Line c. Symmetric Digital subscriber Line d. None 56. ADSL stands for a. Asymmetric Digital single Line b. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line c. Asymmetric Digital Single Link d. None 57. HDSL stands for a. High Data rate Digital subscriber Line b. Heavy Data rate Digital subscriber Line c. A & b d. None 58. VDSL stands for a. Very Data rate Digital subscriber Line b. Very High Data rate digital single line c. A & b d. None 59. IDSL stands for

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. ISDN digital subscriber Line b. Integrated Digital Line subscriber Line c. a & b d. None 60. Cisco 12410 router is a. Edge router b. router c. Core router d. None 61. Cisco 7613 router is a. Edge router b. PE router c. Core router d. None 62. Cisco 12416 router is a. Edge router b. PE router c. Core router d. None 63. When customer logs in he will be welcome with .customized screen a. SSSA b.SSSC c. SSSS d. None 64. upload the customer profile in the SSSS a. SSSA b. BBRAS c. BBRAD d. RADIUS 65. keeps track and billing of the customer a. SSSA b.BBRAS c. BBRAD d. RADIUS 66. . Stores customer data base viz user name, password and the default services a. SSSA b. LADP c. a & b d. None 67. BRAS, SSSS & tier I LAN switch will be in a. All A cities b. All A1 cities c. a & b d. None 68. The DSLAMs and switch Ethernet Interface are a. Optical, single mode at 1550 nm b. Optical, single mode at 1310 nm c. Electrical, 10 Mbps d. Electrical, 100 Mbps 69. The maximum distance between DSLAM and LAN switch will be a. Shall not exceed 20 km b. Shall not exceed 10 km c. 10 Km d. 40 Km 70. The FX or GBIC module in DSLAM and LAN switch should be capable of a. Driving upto 20 Km b. Driving upto 10 Km c. Driving upto 30 Km d. None of the abover 71. The maximum distance between Tier 2LAN switch and Tier I LAN switch a. Shall not exceed 10 Km b. Shall not exceed 20 Km c. Shall not exceed 30 Km d. Shall not exceed 40 Km 72. The SX or GBIC module in LAN switch used for connecting tier 2 to Tier I will a. Support 20 Km b. Support 30 Km c. Support 40 Km d. a & b 73. The Tier 2 LAN switch in B cities and other cities will be connected to the nearest A city using a. Fast Ethernet over SDH FEOSDH

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


b. Fast Ethernet over E1 c. a &b d. None 74. The Tier I LAN switch in A city and Noida is connected to BRAS on a. Gigabit Ethernet Interface b. Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps c. Fast ethernent 10 Mbps d. a & b 75. The broadband network will have network operation centre NOC with Main NOC at. And Diaster Recovery NOC at a. Pune and Bangalore b. Bangalore and Pune c. Bangalore and Calcutta d. Pune and Delhi 76. FEOSDH stands for a. Fast Electrical Over SDH b. Fast Ethernet Over SDH c. a &b d. None 77. The FX or GBIC module in DSLAM and LAN switch should be capable of driving upto 10 km on a a. Single mode fiber b. Multimode fiber c. a & b d. None 78. The SX or GBIC module in LAN switch used for connecting. a. Tier 1 b. tier 2 c. Tier 2 and Tier 1 d. none 79. The tier 2 LAN switch in B cities and other cities will be connected to the nearest a. B1 cities b. A cities c. a&b d. None 80. The Tier I LAN switch in A city and Noida is connected to a. SSSA b.LADP c. BRAS d. a&b 81. NOC stands for a. Network Operation center b. Network Optimization center c. A & b d. None 82. Main NOC at a. Bangalore b. Pune c. Noida d. Calcutta 83. DRNOC stands for a. Director Radius NOC b. Disaster Recovery NOC c. Deputy Recovery NOC d. None 84. DRNOC at a. Bangalore b. Pune c. Noida d. Calcutta 85. regional POPs are available a. Two b. Three c. four d.five 86. In broadband, allotment of IP address to the customer is done by a. SSSA b. RADIUS c. BRAS d. LADP 87. The protocol in BRAS are a. OSPF b. BGP c. MP-BGP d. All the above 88. BRAS can handle concurrent sessions (A1 cities)

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. 4,80,000 b.48,000 c. 48,00,000 d. none 89. In DSLAM downstream bit rate is 6 Mbps then the maximum distance will be a. 1.5 Km b. 3.5 Km c. 4 Km d. None 90. In DLSAM downstream bit rate is 2 Mbps the maximum distance will be a. 1.5 Km b. 3.5 Km c. 4 Km d. None 91. In DSLAM downstream bit rate is 1 Mbps then the maximum distance will be a. 1.5 Km b. 4 Km b. 3.5 Km d. None 92. The DSLAM will provide Access from a. 128 kbps b. 8 Mbps c. 128 Kbps to 8 Mbps d. None 93. The uplink bandwidth of DSLAMs will be a. Maximum 1 +1 GE b. Minimum 1+1 FE c. Minimum 1+1 GE d. Maximum 1+1 FE 94. RPR stands for a. Ring Protection Ring b. Resilient Protection ring c. Resilient Packet Ring d. None 95. In RPR the switch over time is a. 50 sec b. 50 ms c.50 Microseconds d. None 96. In A cities the tier 2 switches are interconnected on a. 10 Mbps b. 10 Gpbs c. a&b d. 1 Gpbs 97. In B cities, the tier 2 switch are interconnected on a. Mbps b. 10 Gpbs c. a&b d. 1 Gpbs 98. BAP stands for a. Broadband Aggregation Presence b. Broadband Arithmetic Point c. Broadband Aggregation Point d. None 99. The cities with BNG(total 69) are referred as a. BAP b.PBA c.PAB d. None 100. The DSLAM with 480 port will be aggregated through a. Fast Ethernet interface b. Gigabit Ethernet interface c. 10 Mbps d. None 101. A1 cities are. a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47 102. A2 cities are. a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47 103. A3 cities are a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47 104. A4 cities are.. a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47 105. B1 cities are. a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


B2 cities are. a. 5 b.9 c.10 d.47 107. Connectivity to Internet is through a. IGW b. IXP c. IDC d. None 108. The function of IGW is a. To connect Internet b. Connect each other ISP through this c. a&b d. None 109. The function of IXP is a. To connect Internet b. ISPs connect each other through this c. Connect to BSNL DATA center d. None 110. will connect to BSNL DATA center. a. IGW b. IXP c. IDC d. None 111. BBRAS stands for a. Broad Band Remote Access Server b. Broad Band Remote Authentication Server c. Broad band Remote Authorization Server d. Broad Band Remote Admission Server 112. 480 Ports DSLAM will be aggregated through .Interface a. FE b. GE c. a&b d. None 113. .connects Multiply Network to NIB 2 backbone through L3PE. a. BNG b. BBRAS c. a&b d. None 114. BNG connects multiply network to NIB 2 backbone through.. a. L2PE b.L3PE c. a&b d. None 115. .provides connectivity from BNG to Tier 2 Network a. RPR tier I switch b. RPR tier 2 switch c. OC LAN tier 2 switch 116. RPR tier I switch provides connectivity from. a. BNG to Tier 2 Network b. OCLAN tier 2 switch c. a&b d. None 117. In OCLAN switch -------is the core. a. Control Switching board b. Common switching board c. a&b d. None 118. In OCLAN switch the available interface is not being used in BSNL currently. a. 10 Gb Ethernet b. 10 Mbps Ethernet c. 100 Mbps Ethernet 119. delivers television programming to household via Broadband connection using internet protocols. a. IPTV b. TVOIP c. a&b d. None 120. ..will connect to the home DSL line and is responsible for reassembly the packets into a video stream and then decoding the contents. a. Set up box b. set box top c. a&b d. none 121. allows the user the luxury of watching the movie of his/her choice at his/her convenience. a. VOIP b. VOD c. IPTV d. None 122. BSNL franchisee in Pne has named the set up box as box a. WIFE b. WICE c. KWIFE d. KWICE 123. The BSNL franchisee for set top box is in . a. Pune b. Bangalore c. Chennai d. New delhi 106.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


The tender done for NIB II Project 2.2 through ..stage process. a. 2 b.3 c.4 d.5 125. For project 2.2 of NIB II , NIT floated by on 22-01-2004. a. Karnataka b. Kerala c. Andhra c. Tamilnadu 126. is to provide video multicast services for application in distance education, telemedicine etc. a. Multicasting b. Dial VPN service c. a&b d. None 127. Dial VPN user connects to NIB II through the . a. Broadband RAS b. Narrowband RAS c. a&b d. None 128. ..tunnel is established between narrowband RAS and Broadband RAS. a. L3TP b. L2TP c. a&b d. None 129. ..In Broad band regional POPs are planned. a. 4 b.5 c.3 d.2 124. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. All A cities : tier 1 switch + BNG In A cities, the tier 2 switch are interconnected on 10 Gpbs. 47 B cities have tier 1 switch + BNG Remaining B cities have tier 1 switch only. In B cities, the tier 2 switch are interconnected on 1 Gbps. The cities with BNG(total 69) are referred as Broadband Aggregation Point. The STM -01 link from OCLAN is to be aggregated to the nearest tier 1 switch.

Answer Key for the Chapter 04 Rural Broad Band & Multiply
01. B 11. B 21. C 31. C 41.B 51. A 61. A 71. D 81. A 91. B 101. A 111. A 121. B 02. A 12. C 22. C 32. B 42. A 52. C 62. C 72. C 82. A 92. C 102. B 112. B 122. A 03. B 13. C 23. B 33. C 43 A 53. C 63.C 73. A 83. B 93. C 103. B 113.A 123. A 04. B 14. A 24. B 34. B 44. C 54. B 64. D 74. A 84. B 94. C 104. C 114. B 124. A 05. B 15. A 25. B 35. B 45. B 55. B 65. D 75. B 85. D 95. B 105. D 115. A 125. A 06. C 16. B 26. A 36. B 46. B 56. B 66. B 76. A 86. C 96. B 106. D 116. A 126. A 07. D 17. C 27. A 37. C 47. A 57. A 67.A 77. A 87. D 97. D 107. A 117.A 127. B 08. B 18. B 28. B 38. D 48.C 58. B 68. A 78. C 88. A 98. B 108. A 118. A 128. B 09. D 19. A 29. B 39. C 49. B 59. A 69. B 79. B 89. A 99. A 109. B 119. C 129. 10. A 20. A 30. C 40. B 50. C 60. C 70. B 80. C 90. B 100. B 110. C 120. A

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Chapter 4.1 Rural Broadband and Multiply LAB

01. We can initiate an . From the smart edge OS command line interface a. On demand diagnostics session b. Password c. user name d. none 02. ODD stands for a. On Demand Direction b. On Demand Diagnostics c. on demand Dimension d. None 03. CLI stands for a. Clip Line Interface b. Called Line Interface c. Command Line Interface 04. We can initiate an On Demand Diagnostic session from theOS command line interface. a. Smart Edge b. Edge c. Softswitch d. BBRAS

Answewr Key for the Chapter 04.01 Rural Broad Band & Multiply LAB
01. A 02. B 03. C 04. A

Chapter 05 Overview of SDH

01. SDH stands for a. Synchronous Digital hierarchy b. Synchronous Digital Height c. Synchronous Demand Hierarchy d. None 02. ITU stands for a. International Telecommunication Union b. International Transmission Union c. International Transport Union d. None 03. SDH was first introduced into the telecom network in a. 1991 b.1992 c.1993 d. None 04. STM stands for a. Synchronous Transmission module

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


b. Synchronous Transport Module c. Synchronous Transmission Medium d. None 05. VC stands for a. Vice chairman b. Virtual Complex c. Virtual Container d. None 06. SDH support the transport of signals based on a. 2 Mbps hierarchies b. 1.5 Mbps hierarchies c. A&b d. None 07. The frame structure of SDH is a. Square b. rectangular c. Circle d. a&b 08. The frame structure of SDH is based on a. Bit structure b. 2 Mbps c. Byte structure d. a &b 09. The frame structure of SDH is a. 270 rows and 9 columns bytes b. 270 rows and 9 columns bits c. 270 columns and 9 row bytes d. 270 columns and 9 rows bits 10. The bytes in SDH frame are transmitted row by row from a. Left to right b. right to left c. a&b d. None 11. The bytes in SDH frame are transmitted by beginning with the a. First bit at the left top of the figure. b. Last bit at the left top of the figure c. First byte at the left top of the figure. d. Last byte at the left top of the figure. 12. Frame length of SDH is a. 125 ms b. 125 Se c. 125 Microseconds d. None 13. The frame frequency of SDH is a. 8000 bits/second b. 8000 frames/second c. a&b d. None 14. STM -01 is a. 155.520 mbits b.155.520 Gb/s c.155.420 mbit/s d. None 15. The frame structure of STM N is made up of a. Two parts b. four parts c. three parts d. None 16. SOH stands for a. Section Over Head b. b. Section Optimum head c. Section Octogen Head d. None 17. RSOH stands for a. Regenerator Section Over Head b. Regenerator Section Optimum Head c. Receiver Section Over Head d. Receiver Section Optimum Head 18. MSOH stands for a. Mixing Section Over Head b. Multiplexing Section Optimum Head

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. Multiplex Section Over Head d. None 19. AU PTR stands for a. Administrative Uniform Pointer b. Administrative Unit Pointer c. Adaptive Unit Pointer d. Adaptive Uniform Pointer 20. In SDH frame 1-3 rows & 5-9 rows allocated to a. SOH b.MSOH c.RSOH d. None 21. SOH can be further categorized into a. RSOH b.MSOH c. a&b d. None 22. In the SDH frame 1-3 rows are allocated to a. RSOH b.MSOH c. a&b d.None 23. In the SDH frame 5-9 rows are allocated to a. RSOH b.MSOH c.a&b d. None 24. RSOH can be accessed at the a. Regenerator b. terminal equpt c.a&b d. None 25. .is the place where information about various services is stored in the SDH frame structure. a. MSOH b.RSOH c. Information payload d. None 26. Horizontal columns 10X270XNand vertical rows 1-9 belong to the a. MSOH b.RSOH c. Information payload d. None 27. .bytes are mainly used for the monitor management and control of the path performance. a. MSOH b.SOH c. POHd. None 28. POH stands for a. Path Over Head b.Pay Over Head c. Path optimum Headd. None 29. a kind of indicator a. AUPTR b.MSOH c.POH d. None 30. --------------is used to indicate the accurate position of first byte of information payload in the STM n frame. a. AUPTR b.MSOH c.POH d.RSOH 31. -------------is located at the fourth row of 1-9XN columns in the STM n frame. a. AUPTR b.MSOH c.POH d.RSOH 32. TM stands for a. Terminal Mixer b.Test Multiplexer c. Terminal Multiplexer d. None 33. ADM stands for a. Additional Developing Multiplexer b. Add developer Multiplexer c. Add Drop Multiplexer d. None 34. REG stands for a. Regulator b. Receive Energy Giver c. Regenerator d. None 35. DXC stands for a. Digital Cross Conversion system b. Digital Conversion cross system

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. Digital Cross connection system d. Digital connection cross system 36. The function of a .is to multiplex low speed signals of a tributary port to high speed signal STM N of a line port or to de multiplex low speed tributary signals from STM N signals. a. ADM b.TM c.DXC d.Reg 37. is used at the middle node of a line or a node in a ring. a. ADM b.TM c.DXC .REG. 38. ADM may be equivalent to a. 1 TM b.2 TMs c. 3 TMs d. a&b 39. There are ----------------- of regenerators in an optical transmission network. a. Three Kinds b. Four kids c. Two kinds d. None 40. -------------is mainly used to amplify the optical power so as to extend the optical transmission distance. a. Pure Optical Regenerator b. Electric Regenerator c. a&b d. None 41. used for pulse regeneration shaping. a. Pure Optical Regenerator b. Electric Regenerator c. a&b d. None 42. ..needs to process RSOH a. TM b. ADM c. Reg d. DXC 43. ..needs no cross connection function. a. TM b.ADM c. Reg d. DXC 44. is mainly responsible for the cross connection of STM N signal. a. TM b.ADM c. Reg d. DXC 45. For backbone network with heavy traffic , topology is suitable. a. Ring b. Star c. Line d. Mesh 46. types of protection are available in linear protection. a. Two b. Three c. Four d. None 47. A network can automatically recover the carried services from a failure fault in a very short period of time without making users be aware of any network fault is called a a. Ring network b. Self Healing Network c. a&b d. None 48. SNC stands for a. Sub Network Connection b. Service Network Connection c. Subscriber Network connection d. None 49. ..switching can be performed either via a line switching or a path switching scheme. a. Prevention b .Protection c. a&b d. None 50. If the operating signals can travel clockwise, it is called a. Uni directional ring b. Bi directional ring c. a&b d. None 51. If the operating signals can travel both directions, it is called a. Uni directional ring b. Bi directional ring c. a&b d. None 52. moves all the single channel of an entire STM N channel to a protection fiber a. Path switching b. Line switching c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


53. can move individual payload channels within an STM N channel to another path. a. Path switching b. Line switching c. a&b d. None 54. USHR stands for a. Two fiber Unidirectional Self Healing Ring b. Two fiber Bi directional Self Healing ring c. Bi directional line switching self healing ring 2 fibers d. a&b 55. BSHR stands for a. Uni directional Self Healing Ring b. Bi directional Self Healing Ring c. a&b d. None 56. MS shared protection ring can be categorized into a. Two fiber b. four fiber c. a&b d. None 57. BSHR may be on a. Two fiber b. four fiber c. a&b d. None 58. In synchronization network, all the clock are traceable to ..derived from a Cesium atomic clock. a. Internal clock b. Recovered clock c. PRC d. a&b 59. In SDH frame structure number of rows a. 270 b. 9 c. a&b d. None 60. In SDH number of columns a. 270 b.9 c. a&b d.none 61. In SDH no. of bytes a. 9X270 b.9X270X8 c.a&b d. none 62. In SDH no.of bits a. 9X270 b.9X270X8 c. a&b d. None 63. In SDH no.of bits /second a. 9X270X8X8000 b. 155520000 c. a&b d. None 64. Bit rate of STM N is a. 1X155.520 Mbps b. NX155.520 Mbps c. a&b d. None 65. Sub Network connection protection is a a. Line protection b. Path protection c. a&b d. None 66. In BSNL only ..fiber ring mechanism is being adopted. a. Two b.four c. a&b d. None 67. In USHR in normal condition, the traffic flows in ..directions in one fiber. a. Clockwise b. anticlockwise c. a&b d. None 68. In USHR, in failure condition, the traffic flows in ..direction path. a. Clockwise b. counterclockwise c. a&b d. None 69. Which statement is correct a. MS shared protection rings scheme is supported by USHR only. b. MS shared protection rings scheme is supported by BSHR only. c. a&b d. None 70. In MS shared protection rings, maximum station may not be more than. The excluding regnertor. a. 6 b.16 c. 8 d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


71. The rectangular structure belongs to a. PDH b.SDH c. a&b d. None 72. 125 Microseconds is the frame length of a. PDH b.SDH c. a&b d. None 73. In SDH frame, the rows allotted to SOH is a. 1-3 columns & 5-9 rows b. 1-3 rows & 5-9 columns c. 1-3 rows & 5-9 rows d. None 74. RSOH and MSOH combined called as a. SOH b.AUPRT c. a&b d. None 75. In SDH, the rows 1-3 allotted to a. RSOH b.MSOH c. a&b d. None 76. In SDH, 5-9 rows allotted to a. RSOH b.MSOH c. a&b d. None 77. ..can be accessed either at the regenerator or at the terminal equipment. a. RSOH b.MSOH c. Payload d. None 78. The frame structure of Information Pay load area is a. Horizontal columns 10 X N-270XN&vertical rows 1-9 b. Vertical columns 10XN-270XN & horizontal rows 1-9 c. Vertical rows 10XN-270XN & horizontal columns 1-9 d. None 79. AUPTR is located at the a. Fourth column of 1-9XN rows in the STM N frame. b. Fourth row of 1-9XNcolumns in the STM N frame c. a&b d. None 80. ADM is used at the a. Middle node of a link b. a node in a ring c. a&b d. None 81. Pure Optical regenerator is mainly used to a. Amplify the optical power so as to extend the optical transmission distance. b. Pulse regenerator shaping c. a&b d. None 82. Electric regenerator is used for a. Amplify the optical power so as to extend the optical transmission distance. b. Pulse regenerator shaping c. a&b d. None 83. A Regenerator in real sense only needs to process a. RSOH b.MSOH c. payload d.a&b 84. Protection switching can be performed either via a. Line switching b. path switching c. a&b d. None 85. In Uni directional ring, the operating signals can travel ..direction a. Clockwise b.counterclockwise c. a&b d. None 86. In Bi direcrtional ring, the operating signals can tranvel ------------direction. a. Clockwise b.counterclockwise c.a&b d. None 87. Line switching moves all the single channel of an entire STM N channel to a a. Unprotected fiber b. Protected fiber c. Individual payload channels within an STM N channel to another path d.None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


88. Path switching can move individual payload channels a. Unprotected fiber b. Protected fiber c. Individual payload channels within an STM N channel to another path d.None 89. In synchronizations network, all the clock are traceable to one PRC derived from a a. Cesium atomic clock b. External clock c. a&b d. None 90. In .in normal condition, the traffic flows in the clockwise directions. a. USHR b.BSHR c. a&b d. None 91. In .in failure condition, the traffic flows in counterclockwise direction path. a. USHR b.BSHR c. a&b d. None 92. MS shared protection rings scheme is supported by a. USHR b.BSHR c. a&b d. None 93. is a standard for telecommunications transport formulated by the International Telecommunications Union. a. PDH b.SDH c. a&b d. None 94. SDH is a standard for telecommunication transport formulated by the a. ITU T b. CCITT c. a&b d. None 95. In PDH systems the timing ..from equipment to equipment because they are synchronized from different network clocks. a. May vary b. does not vary c. remains d. None 96. In PDH , in order to multiplex varying time signal a process knows asis used. a. Coding b. decoding c. Bit stuffing d. None 97. ..adds extra bits to bring all input varying timing signals upto some common bit rates. a. Bit stuffing b. coding c. encoding d. None 98. SDH makes individual channels . And they can be easily added and dropped. a. Visible b. invisible c. controls d. None 99. The bytes in SDH frame are transmitted by . a. Row by row b. column by column c. row by column d. column by row 100. The transmission row by row continuous until .are all transmitted. a. 9X270XN bytes b. 9X270XN bits c. a&b d.None 101. A specific byte in a signal frame is transmitted. a. 8000 times/second b. 800 times/second c, 8000 times/minutes d. None 102. Bit rate of a specific byte is a. 8000 X8 bits b. 64 Kbits/s c. a&b d. None 103. What is the transmission rate of one channel digital telephone? a. 64 Kbits/s b. 64 Kbytes/s c. 2 Mbps d. 155.52Mbp/s 104. Which of the following is the part of frame structure of STM N? a. SOH b. Pay load c. AU-PTR d. all the above. 105. needed for normal and flexible transmission of information payload. a. SOH b. Payload c. AU-PTR d.none 106. ..bytes are mainly used for the running management and maintenance of network. a. SOH b. payload c. a&b d. None 107. ..passes a regenerator transparently and is terminated at the multiplexer equipment. a. RSOH b. MSOH c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE



In SDH, SOH bytes are mainly used for a. Running management and maintenance of a network. b. Monitor and control of the path performance c. A&b d. None 109. In SDH, POH bytes are mainly used for a. Running management and maintenance of a network. b. Monitor and control of the path performance c. A&b d. None 110. In SDH frame structure 1-3 rows allocated to a. MSOH b. RSOH c. a&b d. None 111. In SDH frame structure 5-9 rows allocated to a. MSOH b. RSOH c. a&b d. None 112. In SDH frame structure AUPTR is located at a. Fourth row of 1-9X N columns b. Fifth row of 1-9 XN columns c. A&b d. None 113. ADM has .. a. Two line ports b. one tributary ports c. a&b d. None 114. having two line ports and one tributary ports. a. ADM b. TM c. Regenerator d. None 115. is most important NE in an SDH network. a. ADM b. TM c. Regenerator d. None 116. In SDH..ADM & TM need to process a. RSOH b. MSOH c. A&b d. None 117. There are..kinds of network physical topology structures are available. a. 4 b.5 c.6 d.7 118. The topology suitable for local network is a. Ring b. Star c.mesh d. none 119. The topology suitable for access network is a. Ring b. star c. meshd. None 120. The topology suitable for user network is a. Ring b. star c. mesh d. None 121. The strong survivability is the best advantage of ..topology a. Ring b. star c. meshd. None 122. .is not influenced by the problems of node bottleneck and failure. a. Ring b. star c. meshd. None 123. In .network multiple optional routes between two nodes. a. Ring b. star c. mesh d. None 124. There are different protection schemes in linear protection. a. 2 b.3 c.4 d.5 125. The simplest form of line protection is. a. 1+1 b. 1:1 c. 1:n d. None 126. In . Protection scheme each working line is protected by one protection line. a. 1+1 b.1:1 c.1:N d. none 127. In 1+1 line protection scheme signals transmitted on both lines.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Same b. different c. a&b d. None 128. protection scheme is used to directly replace the working line when it fails. a. 1+1 b. 1:1 c. 1:N d. None 129. In 1:1 protection scheme, protection path can only be used if a switch over taken place whether this statement is true or false? a. True b. False 130. In 1:1 protection scheme switch over takes place at a. Only in the transmitting end b. Only in the receiving end c. a&b d. None 131. In 1:1 protection, switching at the far end is initiated by the. a. Return message in the backward channel b. Return message in the forward channel c. a&b d. None 132. In 1:n protection N working channels are protected by . Protection channel. a. One b.N c. a&b d. None 133. In 1:N protection scheme if there are no defects in the network, this protection channel can be a. Used to transport low priority traffic b. Used to transport heavy priority traffic c. A&b d. None 134. is a dedicted protection mechanism that can be used on any physically structure. a. SNC b. 1:1 c. 1+1 d. None 135. .protection is used to protect a portion of a path or the full end to ene path. a. SNC b.1:N c. 1+1 d. None 136. SDH is normally configured asarchitecture. a. Ring b. Mesh c. Star d. line 137. SDH rings are commonly called as. a. Self Healing Ring b. No self healing ringc. a&b d. None 138. The traffic flowing along a certain path can automatically be switched to an alternate or standby path, following a failure or degradation or link failure is called a. Self healing ring self healing ring c. star d. None 139. The digital transitions in the signals occurs exactly at the same rate is called. a. Synchronous b. Plesiochronous c. a&b d. None 140. The digital signal transitions occur at almost same rate is called.. a. Synchronous b. Plesiochronous c. a&b d. None 141. In PDH the digital signal transitions variation remains within the limit as per ITU T recommendations is . a. CCITT b. G.984 X series b. G.811 d. G.703 142. In ..transitions of the signal does not necessarily occur at the same nominal rate. a. Synchronous b. plesiochronous c. asynchronous d. None 143. Self healing rings work in..different type of way. a. 2 b.3 c.4 d.5

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


144. State true of false: the USHR mechanism itself does not remain aware which fiber is carrying traffic. a. True b. false 145. In USHR, in case traffic is switched over to alternate path, the traffic is .on normal path after restoration. a. Returned b. Not returned c. remains the same d. None 146. BSHR scheme requires ..protocol to make it operative. a. APS b. MPCP c. TCP/IP d. None 147. .rings are characterized by dividing the total payload per multiplex section equally into working and protection capacity. a. USHR b. 1:1 c. MS shared protection d. None 148. In MS shared protection rings for normal working ..path is Preferable. a. Shortest b. Longest c. any path d. None 149. State True or False: In MS shared protection the sum of the tributaries that transverse a span can exceed the maximum capacity of the particaulr span. a. True b. False

Answer key for the Chapter -05 Overview of SDH

01. A 11. A 21. C 31. A 41. B 51. B 61. A 71. B 81. A 91. A 101.A 111.A 121. A 131.A 141.B 02. A 12. C 22. A 32. C 42. C 52. B 62. B 72. B 82. B 92. B 102.C 112.A 122. 132.A 142.A 03. B 13. B 23. B 33. B 43. C 53. A 63.B 73. C 83. A 93.B 103. A 113.C 123.B 133.A 143.A 04. B 14. A 24. C 34. C 44. D 54. A 64. B 74. A 84. C 94. A 104. D 114.B 124.B 134.A 144.B 05. C 15. C 25. C 35. C 45. D 55. B 65. B 75. A 85. A 95. A 105.B 115.B 125.A 135.A 145.A 06. B 16. A 26. C 36. B 46. B 56. C 66. A 76. B 86. C 96. C 106.A 116. C 126.A 136.A 146.C 07. B 17. A 27. C 37. A 47. B 57. C 67. A 77. A 87.B 97. C 107. A 117. 127.A 137.A 147.A 08. C 18. C 28. A 38. B 48. B 58. C 68. B 78. A 88. C 98. B 108.A 118.A 128. 138.A 148.B 09. C 19. B 29. A 39. C 49.B 59. B 69. B 79. B 89. A 99. A 109.B 119.A 129.A 139.B 10. A 20. A 30. A 40. A 50. A 60. A 70. B 80. A 90. A 100.A 110.B 120.A 130.C 140.B

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Chapter 06 EPON & GPON

01. PON stands for a. Passive Ordinary Network b. Passive Optical Network c. Primary Optical Network d. None 02. PONS are called as a. Active b. Passive c. a&b d. None 03. EPON is based on the a. Ethernet in the last mile standard of IEEE. b. Ethernet in the first mile standard of IEEE. c. E1 in the first mile standard of IEEE. d. E1 in the last mile standard of IEEE. 04. GPON is based on the a. G.984.X series b. G.985 .X series c. G.986.X series d. None 05. EPON is called as a. Passive b. Active c. Gigabit Ethernet Passive optical Network. 06. OLT stands for a. Optical Line Testing b. b.Ordinary Line Terminal c. Optical Line Terminal d. None 07. Optical Line terminal resides in the a. Remote office b. Central office c. Head end d. b&c 08. ONT stands for a. Ordinary Network Terminal b. Optical Network testing c. optical Network Terminal d. None 09. Optical Network terminal terminates the signal at the a. Exchange Premises b. Customer premises c. a&b d. None 10. ---------technology allows the service provider to share the fiber cost of running fiber from the Central office to the premise among may users usually upto 32 locations. a. SDH b. PDH c. PON d. None 11. The distance maximum between OLT and ONT is typically a. 10 Km b. 2om c. 20 km d. None 12. ONU stands for a. Outdoor Network Unit b. Optical Network Universaal c. Optical Network unit d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


13. Point to point fiber might use a. Either N or 2Nfiber b. One fiber c. a&b d. None 14. Point to Point fiber have a. 1N optical transceiver b. 2N optical transceiver c. a&b d. None 15. Curb switched connection uses a. One trunk fiber b. two trunk fiber c. a&b d. none 16. Curb switched connection would have a. 1N+1 Optical transceiver b. 2N+1Optical transceiver c. 2N+2 optical transceiver d. None 17. PON is typically deployed as a a. Tree b. Tree and Branch c. a&b d. None 18. PON using a. 1:N optical splitters b. 2:N optical splitters c. a&b d. None 19. A PON network includes an a. OLT b.ONU c. a&b d. None 20. The ONU resides a. at the customer premises b. Near the customer premises c. A&b d. None 21. P2MP stands for a. Fiber Point to multipoint b. Fiber Point to single point c. Fiber point to Multiplex point d. None 22. PON is configured in a. Single duplex mode b. Full Duplex mode c. a&b d. None 23. PON is configured in a. A single fiber point to multipoint b. Double fiber point to multipoint c. A multiple point to single point d. Double point to single point 24. The OLT allows. At a time to transmit using TDMA protocol. a. Only one subscriber b. More than one subscriber c. 1000 subscriber None 25. TDMA stands for a. Transmission De Multiplexing Access b. Time De Multiplexing Access c. Time Division Multiplex Access d. None 26. In PON, wavelength of downstream is a. 1310 nm b.1550nm c.a&b d.1490nm 27. In PON, wavelengths of upstream is a. 1310 nm b.1550nm c.a&b d.1490nm


Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


28. PON systems use..architecture multiplexing signals with different wavelengths for downstream and upstream. a. Electrical splitter b. Optical splitter c. a&b d. None 29. To control P2 MP fiber network, EPON uses the a. MCPP b.MPCP c.PMCP d. None 30. MPCP stands for a. Multi Point Control Protocol b. Multiplex Point Control Protocol c. Multiple controlling Protocol d. None 31. MPCP implemented in the a. MAC layer b. Transport layer c. Network layer d. none 32. In MPCP, .. and ..are used to assign and request bandwidth. a. Gate and Receive b.Gate and Reception c. Gate and Report d. None 33. In MPCP, and .are used to control the auto discovery process. a. Register b. Register _request c. a&b d. None 34. DBA stands for a. Dynamic Bandwidth Aversion b. Dynamic Bandwidth Advertisement c. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation d. None 35. In EPON downstream, it handles the physical broadcast of a. 802.1 frames b.802.2 frames c. 802.3 frames d. None 36. OLT works at a. 230 v AC supply b. 48 V DC power supply c. a&b d. None 37. ONU, power input for ONT is a. 230 v AC supply b. 48 V DC power supply c. a&b d. None 38. The power back for ONT is a. 2 hours b. 20 minutes c. 4 hours d. None 39. At the customer end, the ONT shall be of a. Set up box type b. pizza box type c. a&b d. None 40. NGPN stands for a. Next Generation Planning Network b. Next Generation Play Network c. Next Generation Previous Network d. None 41. EPL stands for a. Ethernet Planning Leased Lines b. Ethernet Private Local Lines c. Ethernet private Leased Line d. None 42. EPLAN stands for a. Ethernet Private Leased Area Network b. Ethernet Private Local Area Network c. A&b d. None 43. SLA stands for a. Service Level Agreement

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


b. Supply Level Agreement c. a&b d. None 44. Higher bandwidth broadband connections can be given upto..using PON technology. a. 2 Km b. 4 Km c. 20 Km d. None 45. Higher bandwidth broadband connections can be given to the customers using a. WiMAX b. 3G DATA c. PON Technology d. None 46. In case of GE-PON, the voice service can be extended to using a. Voice Over Internet Protocol b. Value Over Internet Protocol c. A&b d. None 47. GE PON offer a. 1.25 Mbps capable b. 155 Mbps capable c. 1.25 Gb/s capable d. None 48. GPON supports ..methods of encapsulation a. One b.Two c. three d. None 49. GEM stands for a. Gentle energy Man b. GPON Encapsulation Method c. GPON Encapsulation Measurement d. None 50. GFP stands for a. GPON Framing Procedure b. GPON First Procedure c. a&b d. None 51. GPON supports downstream rates as high as a. 2.5 Mbp/sec b. 2.5 Mhz/s c. 2.5 Gbits/s d. None 52. GPON supports upstream rates from a. 155 Mb/s to 1.25 Gb/se b. 155 Mbps to 2.5 Gb/s c. a&b d. None 53. BSNL are procuring the GPON that will support downstream rate& upstream rate are a. 2.5 Mb/s &1.25 Gb/s b. 2.5 Gb/s & 1,25 Gb/s c. a&b d. None 54. EPON has a nominal bit rate of a. 1.25 Gb/s b. 1.25 Mb/s c. a&b d. None 55. EPON utilizing a. Wavelength Division Multiplexing b. Time division Multiplexing c. Code Division Multiplexing d. A&b 56. EPON reaches a range of a. 10 Km b. 10 m c. 100 Km d. 20 KM 57. Dial up modem speed stops at abouton copper infrastructure. a. 56 Mbps b. 56 Gbps c. 56 Kbps d. 64 Kbps 58. POS stands for a. Passive Optical Splitter b. Performance Optical splitter c. A&b d. None 59. ODN stands for a. Optical Determination Network b. Optical Distribution Network c. A&b d. None 60. APON stands for

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Advanced Passive Optical Network b. ATM Passive Optical Network c. A&b d. None 61. EPON stands for a. Ethernet Passive Optical Network b. Ethernet Performance Optical Network c. a&b d. None 62. GPON stands for a. Gigabit capable Passive Optical Network b. Gigabit capable Performance Optical Network c. a&b d. None 63. Split ratio of EPON is a. 1:64 b.1:128 c.1:32 d. None 64. Split ratio of GPON is a. 1:64 b.1:128 c.a&b d. None 65. In GPON transmission over optical fibers the maximum is a. 20 m b. 200 km c. 20 Km d. None 66. The length of any downstream GPON frame is fixed to a. 125 Microseconds b. 125 Milliseconds c. 125 seconds d. None 67. The upstream GPON data is transmitted in the a. PCM Mode b. CDMA Mode c. TDMA Mode d. a&b 68. PON is typically deployed as a a. Tree b. tree and branch c. a&b d. None 69. Both GPON and GE-PON can also be roll out broadcast cable TV services using the a. First wavelength b. second wavelength c. third wavelength d. None 70. Ethernet in the first mile standard of IEEE belongs to a. GPON b.EPON c. a&b d. None 71. G.984.X. series belongs to a. GPON b.EPON c. a&b d. None 72. Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network is called as a. EPON b. GPON c. a&b d. Noe 73. resides in the Central Office or Head end. a. OLT b. ONU c. a&b d. None 74. terminates the signal at the customer premises. a. OLT b.ONT c.ONU d. a&b 75. PON technology allows the service provider to share the fiber cost of running fiber from the Central Office to the premises among many users usually upto a. 42 locations b. 31 locations c. 32 locations d. None 76. The distance maximum between . is typically 20 km a. OLT& OLT b.ONT&ONT c.OLT and ONT d. None 77. The OLT allows only one subscriber at a time to transmit using a. PCM protocol b. TDMA protocol c. a&b d. None 78. In PON, wavelength of 1490nm a. Upstream b.downstream c.a&b d. None 79. In PON, wavelength of is 1310 nm a. Upstream b.downstream c.a&b d. None 80. PON systems use optical splitter architecture multiplexing signals with For downstream and upstream

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Same wavelength b. different wavelength c. a&b d. None 81. . EPON uses the Multi Point control Protocl. a. To control MPCP b. To control P2MP fiber network c. a&b d. None 82. MPCP implemented in the MAC layer, introducing new.control message. a. 32 bit b.64 byte c. 64 bit d. None 83. GPON supports . Rates as high as 2.5 Gbits/sec. a. Downstream b.upstream c. a&b d. none 84. GPON supports.rates from 155 Mbps to 2.5 Gbits/sec. a. Downstream b. upstream c. a&b d. None 85. BSNL are procuring the GPON that will support rate 2.5 Gbps and 1.25 Gbps respectively. a. Downstream,upstream b. upstream,downstream c.None of the above. 86. The length of any.GPON frame is fixed to 125microseconds. a. Downstream b.upstream c. a&b d.None 87. . GPON data is transmitted in the TDMA Mode. a. Upstream b.downstream c. a&b d. None 88. PON is typically deployed as a tree or tree and branch topology using passive a. Optical splitters b. N splitters c. 1:N optical splitters d. None 89. Both GPON and GE PON can also roll out broadcast cable TV services using the third wavelength at.using RF video. a. 1310 nm b.1550nm c. a&b d. none 90. DSL and cable modem technologies commonly dubbed as a. Internet access b. Broadband access c. a&b d. None 91. PON is a new access technology names as a. EPON b. GPON c. a&b d. None 92. A.. is a single, shared optical fiber that uses inexpensive optical splitters to divide the single fiber into separate strands. a. SDH b. PDH c. PON d. None 93. State whether the statement is true or false? Other than at the CO and subscriber end points there are no active electronics within the access network. a. True b. False 94. The standard of EPON is a. IEEE b. IETE c. ITU T d. None 95. The standard of GPON is a. IEEE b. ITU T c. G.984 seriesd. a&b 96. PONs do not require any power in the outside plant to power the filters or splitters, whether this statement is true or false? a. True b. False 97. The protocol used byh EPON is a. MPCP b. TCP/IP c. a&b d. None 98. In EPON protocol, .are used to assign and request bandwidth. a. GATE b. REQUEST c. a&b d. None 99. In EPON protocol, .&.are used to control the auto discovery process. a. REGISTER b. REGISTER_REQUEST c. a&b d. None 100. In EPON performs an auto discovery process. a. OLT b. ONT c.ONU d .None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


..connection uses one trunk fiber and thus would save fiber. a. Curb switched b. ONT c. ONU d. None 102..connection would use 2N+2 optical transceivers. a. Curb switched b. ONT c.ONU d. None 103.State true or false The optical transceiver in curb switched connection does not require electrical power in the field. a. True b. false 104. State true or false: The optical transceiver in PON require electrical power in the field. a. True b. False 105. The OLT system would typically be .. a. an Ethernet switch b. media converter c. a&b d. None 106. In PON, Optical losses with both split count and fiber length. a. decreases b.Increases c. remains d. none 107. In PON, the optical loss increase with a. split count b. fiber length c. a&b d. None 108. TNF stands for a. Technically Not Feasible b. Transmission Not Feasible c. Traditionally Not Feasible d. None 109. In GPON, extension of PSTN lines to the customer is using a. 64 Kbps b. 1.25 Gbps c. 2.5 Gbps d. None 110. In GPON to cover a group of customers PSTN lines, we may use.. a. ISDN b. EPABX c. V.%.2 d. None 111.GPON is based technology. a. TDM b. PCM c. CDMA d. GSM 112. TDM switches and NGN are to coexist for upto as per the NGN vision plan. a. 2015 b. 2025 c. 2020 d d. None 113.PMD stands for a. Physical Media Dependent b. Physical Minimum Dependent c. Physical Minimum Diploma d. None 114. The XDSL technology cannot solve the contradiction between a. distance & bandwidth \ b. distance & quality c. bandwidth &quality d. None 115. In GPON, downstream data streams use a. TDM b. Broadcast c. a&b d. None 116. In GPON upstream data streams use the a. TDM b. broadcast c. a&b d. None 101.

Answer Key for the Chapter -06 EPON & GPON

01. B 02. B 03. B 04. A 05. C 06. C 07. D 08. C 09. B 10. C

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


11. C 21.A 31. A 41. C 51. C 61. A 71. A 81. 91.A 101. A 111.A

12. C 22.B 32.C 42.B 52.A 62.A 72. A 82.B 92.C 102.A 112.A

13. A 23. A 33.C 43.A 53.B 63.C 73.A 83.A 93.A 103.A 113.A

14. 24.A 34.C 44. C 54.A 64. C 74. B 84. B 94.A 104.B 114.A

15. A 25. C 35.C 45.C 55.A 65.C 75. C 85. A 95.C 105.C 115. B

16. C 26. D 36.B 46.A 56. D 66. A 76. C 86. B 96.A 106.B 116. A

17. B 27.A 37.A 47. C 57.C 67. C 77. B 87. B 97.A 107.C

18.A 28.B 38.C 48.B 58. A 68.B 78. B 88. C 98.C 108.A

19.C 29.B 39.B 49.B 59.B 69.C 79.A 89.B 99.C 109.A

20.C 30. A 40.B 50.A 60.B 70. B 80. B 90. B 100. 110. C

Chapter 7 Operation and Maintenance of switching system

01. In BSNL, there are approximately .telephone exchanges as on 30th September 2010. a. 5000 b.50000 c.50081 d. None of the above. 02. MDD stands for a. Magnetic Disk Drive b. Magnetic Drive Disk c. Magnetic Drive detachable d. Magnetic Detachable Drive . 03. MTD stands for a. Magnetic Test Drive . b. Magnetic Transmission Drive c. Magnetic Tape Drive d. None of the above. 04. MOD stands for a. Magnetic Optical Disk Drive b. Magnetic Onward Disk Drive c. Magnetic Optical Drive Disk d. None of the above. 05. OMT stands for a. Optical and Maintenance Terminal b. Operation and Maintenance Transmission c. Operation and Maintenance Terminal d. None of the above. 06. MDD is used for a. For storing data b. For back up and regeneration of exchange. C. a&b d.None 07. MTD is used for a. For storing data b. For back up and regeneration of exchange c. a&b d. None 08. MOD is used for a. For storing data b. For back up and regeneration of exchange c. a&b d. None 09. Resistance of exchange earth must be a. 0.5 ohm b. less than 0.5 ohm c. more than 0.5 ohm d. none

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


10. The exchange earth should be measured a. Atleast thrice in a year b. atleast once in a year c. atleast twice in a year d. None of the above. 11. To neutralize the electrostatic charge generated by the staff working in the exchange .must be done. a. Fire extinguishers b. Insulators c. antistatic floor d. None 12. For early detection of fire hazardshould be ensured. a. Automatic fire extinguisher b. Automatic fire detection system c. A&b d. None 13. BRA ISDN subscriber, the channel is a. 2B+D b. 30B+D c. 2B+2D d. 30B+30 D 14. PRA ISDN subscriber, the channel is a. 2B+D b. 30B+D c. 2B+2D d. 30B+30 D 15. Normally billing is done on a. Fortnightly basis b. bimonthly basis c. monthly basis d. none 16. Which is the following statement is true? a. For efficient & fast signaling , all the NT switches use CCA 7 signalling. b. For efficient & fast signaling, all the NT switches use inbound singalling. c. For efficient & fast signaling, all the NT switches use CCS 7 signalling. d. None of the above. 17. Traffic administration may be conducted at .. a. Centralized Network Maintenance Center. b. Centralized Network Management Circle. c. Centralized Network Management Center. d. None of the above. 18. CNMC stands for a. Centralized Network Maintenance Center. b. Centralized Network Management Circle. c. Centralized Network Management Center. d. None of the above. 19. Subscriber lines are tested on regular basis during a. Slack hour b. off peak hours c. a&b d. none 20. Trunk lies are tested on regular basis during a. Slack hour b. off peak hours c. a&b d. none 21. Metering can be taken during a. Fortnightly b. monthly c. fortnightly or monthly d. none 22. MOD/Tapes are prepared for a. Storing the data of the exchange b. backup c. billing d. none 23. In BSNL, there are approximately 50081 telephone exchanges as on a. 01st October 2010 b. 01st October 2000 c. 30th September 2010 d. none 24. For storing data we are using a. MDD & MOD b. MDD &MTD c. a&b d. None 25. For back up and regeneration of exchange, we are using

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. MDD b. MOD c. MTD d. OMT 26. ..generated by the staff working in the exchange , antistatic flooring must be done. a. To charge the current b. To neutralize the electromagnetic charge c. A&b d. To neutralize the electrostatic charge. 27. 2B + D channel belongs to a. BRA b. PRA c. a&b d. None 28. 30 B + D channel belongs to a. BRA b. PRA c. a&b d. None 29. For efficient and fast signaling all the NT switches use a. CCA 7 signalling b. CCS 7 signalling c. a&b d. none 30. .are prepared for billing. a. MOD b. Tapes c. a&b d. MDD 31. Apart from CDOT & E-10 B there are.main types of NT switches. a. 2 b.3 c.4 d. None 32. For preventive maintenance subscriber lines are tested on regular basis during slack/off peak hours. This type of testing is called.. a. Demand testing b. routine testing c. a&b d. None 33. If any complaint is received by the maintenance staff they will issue a command over the terminal and test the faulty lines, this type of testing is called as a. Routine testing b. Demand testing c. a&b d. None 34. Business hours can be provided with PRA which is connected to a. BRA b. PRA c. ISDN PRA d. a&b

Answer Key for Chapter 07 Operation and Maintenance

01. C 11. C 21. C 31. C 02. A 12. B 22. C 32. B 03. C 13. A 23. C 33.B 04. A 14. B 24. A 34.C 05. C 15. C 25. B 06. A 16. C 26. B 07. B 17. C 27.A 08. A 18. C 28. B 09. B 10. C 19. C 20. C 29. B 30. C

Chapter -08 Switching Lab EWSD architecture

01. DLU stands for a. Digital Line Unit b. Digital Light Unit c. a&b d. None 02. LTG stands for

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Line Trunk Group b. Line Test Group c. a&b d. None 03. SN stands for a. Switching Network b. Signal to Noise c. a&b d. None 04. MB stands for a. Message Buffer b. Message Byte c. a&b d. None 05. SYPD stands for a. System Panel display b. Signal Panel Display c. a&b d. None 06. CCG stands for a. Central Clock Generator b. Clock Control Generator c. a&b d. None 07. CP stands for a. Communication processor b. b. Coordination processor c. a&b d. None 08. CCNC stands for a. Common Channel Network Control b. Channel Common Network Control c. a&b d. None 09. Analog or digital subscribers, PBX lines are terminated on a. DLSus b. LTG c. a&b d. None 10. There can be approximately . Subscriber per DLU. a. 1000 b.2000 c. 1000 to 2000 d. None 11. In Line Trunk Group connected. a. ISDN PRI V.5.2 b. trunk c. a&b d. None 12. MTP stands for a. Message Transfer Part b. Message Transmission Protocol c. A&b d. None 13. Common channel Network channel can handle a. 254 Signaling link b. 245 Signaling link c. 245 Subs line d. None 14. SE stands for a. Special Equipment b. Special Emission c. Signaling Equipment d. None 15. DEVD stands for a. Device Rack b. Digital Enriched Video DATA c. a&b d. None 16. DDF stands for a. Digital Distribution Frame b. Distribution Digital Frame c. a&b d. None 17. CP113 D stands for a. Common Processor 113 b. Coordination Processor 113 c. Cooperation Processor 113 d. None 18. There can be approximately 1000 to 2000 subscriber per a. DLU b.LTG c. CP d. None 19. ISDN PRI V..2 and trunk are connected in a. LTG b. DLU c. CP d. None 20. can handle 254 signaling link. a. LTG b. CCNC c. a&b d. None 21. EWSD switches are working in BSNLs networks as a. Local b. TAX c. A&b d. none

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


22. DLUs can be used locally within the or remotely as a. Exchange, Remote switch unit b. Remote switch unit, exchange c. a&b d. None 23. LTG is the EWSD exchange. a. Subsystem b. System c. a&b d. None 24. the interface btweeen DLU and SN. a. CP b. LTG c. CCG d. None 25. performs the switching function for speech as well as for messages in EWSD exchange. a. DLU b. LTG c. CP d. SN 26. In EWSD exchange, SN is .. a. Time Switching b. Space switching c. combination of Time and Space d. None 27. In EWSD exchange, routing and zoning etc will be done by a. CP b. SN c. LTG d. DLU 28. In EWSD exchange which unit performs internal message traffic? a. CP b. Message buffer c. LTG d. SN 29. In EWSD switch, which part displays external alarms like fire & air conditioning system failure? a. CP b. SN c. SYPD d. MB 30. In EWSD exchange which part generates very accurate clock? a. SN b. CP c. CCG d. None 31. Two OMTS with .as operating system a. Linux b. Unix c. windows NT d. None 32. Four X 25 terminals with .as operating system. a. Linux b. Unix c. Windows NT d. None 33. Three X.25 terminals with operating system. a. Linux b. Unix c. windows NT d. None 34. In EWSD the maintenance schedule of filter cleaning will be..times. a. 1 b.2 c. 3 d. 4 35. In EWSD the maintenance schedule of filter cleaning will be.. a. 30th June b. 31st December c. a&b d. None

Answer Key for Chapter 08 Switching lab EWSD architecture.

01. A 11. C 21. C 31. A 02. B 12. A 22. A 32. A 03. A 13. A 23. A 33.C 04. A 14. A 24. B 34.B 05. A 15. A 25. A 35. C 06. A 16. A 26. C 07. B 17.B 27. A 08. A 18. A 28. B 09. A 10. C 19. A 20. B 29. C 30. C

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Chapter -09 CDR Project

01. TRA stands for a. Telecom Revenue Accounting b. Telecom Reading Accounting c. Telecom Receiving Accounting d. None 02. FRS stand sor a. Fault Repair Service b. Fault Repair System c. Fault Receiving Service d. Fault Receiving system 03. DQ stands for a. Directory Enquiry b. District Enquiry c. Distant Enquiry d. None 04. CRM stand for a. Customer Relationship Management b. Consumer Relationship Management c. Customer Ready Management d. Consumer Ready Management 05. BSNL is having state of art a. CDR b. DOTSOFT c. CRM d. None 06. software also provide a web self care module a. CRM b. CDR c. DOTSOFT d. None 07. WSC stands for a. Web Self care b. Web Support Care c. Web Self Customer d. None 08. BSNL is proposing to have zonal printing systems with probably printing centers across the country. a. 5 b.6 c.4 d.3 09. The CDR Project is going to be implemented with .data centers a. 4 b.5 c.3 d.2 10. In CDR Project, South zone and considered as one project. a. East zone b. West zone c. North zone d. None 11. In CDR Projecct, North zone and considered as second project. a. East zone b. West zone c. South zone d. None 12. The billing system for south east is going to be from . a. M/s Comverse b. M/s Sathyam c. M/s Converges d. None 13. The contract for the billing system for south ease is for a. 10 years b. One year 2 years d. None 14. The billing system for North west is going to be from . a. M/s Comverse b. M/s Sathyam c. M/s Converges d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


15. Hyderabad data centre alone will have .DC class servers. a. 18 b.200 c. a7b d. None 16. Hyderabad data centre alone will have .low end servers. a. 18 b.200 c. a&b d. None 17. In CDR, each exchange is connected to a local exchange router. This statement is a. True b.False 18. LE stands for a. Local Exchange b. Least Exchange c. a&b d. None 19. All new technology switches shall be connected using . a. X.25 cards b. V.35 cards c. X.21 cards d. None 20. All CDOT exchanges will be connected to the LE router using .equipment. a. CES b. CSE c. ECS d. None 21. MTE stands for a. Magnetic Tape Emulator b. Magnetic Transmission Emulator c. Magnetic Transmission Emitter d. Magnetic Tape Emitter 22. Each LE router is connected to the AR through a. E1 Links b. STM c. Dark fiber d. None 23. AR stands for a. Aggregation Router b. Aggressive Router c. Angry Router d. None 24. Each AR is installed in each a. SSA d. Circle c. Exchange d. None 25. Each AR shall be connected over to the nerarest MPLS node. a. STM -01 b. STM -04 c. STM -16 d. None 26. Each AR shall be connected to the nearest node. a. MLLN b. MPLS VPN c. a&b d. None 27. For CDR project, a PC with .operating system should need. a. Windows XP b. Windows Vista c. a&b d. None 28. CTI stands for a. Computer Telephony Interface. b. Computer Telephony Information c. Computer Transmit Interface d. Computer Telephony Information 29. RA stands for a. Revenue Assurance b. Receive Assurance c. Revenue Asset d. None 30. IOBAS stands for a. Inter Operator Billing and Accounting System b. Inter Operator Bimonthly and Accounting system c. International operator Billing and Accounting system d. International Operator Bimonthly and Accounting System 31. FMS stands for a. Fraud Management System b. Free Management System

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. Fraud Material System d. Free Material System 32. EMS stands for a. Enterprise Management System b. Engineering Management system c. Enterprise Material System d. Enterprise Management Service 33. EAI stands for a. Enterprise Application Interface b. Enterprise Application Information c. Engineering Application Interface d. Engineering Application Information 34. Deposit amount for local connection is a. Rs. 500 b. Rs. 1000 c. Rs. 2000 d. a&b 35. Deposit amount for STD is a. Rs. 500 b. Rs. 1000 c. Rs. 2000 d. a&b 36. Deposit amount for ISD is a. Rs. 500 b. Rs. 1000 c. Rs. 2000 d. a&b 37. The existing tariff is based on a. MCUs b. MUCs c.MOU d. None 38. The existing tariff based on MCUs will be get migrated to .. a. MCUs b. MUCs c.MOU d. None 39. MOU stands for a. Minutes of usage b. Minutes of Unused b. a&b d. None 40. .was the first SSA to shift to CDR based billing. a. Hyderabad b. Kolkatta c. New Delhi d. Chennai 41. The data centre of CDR for North is a. Chandigarh b. Hyderabad c. Kolkatta d. Pune 42. The data centre of CDR for South is a. Chandigarh b. Hyderabad c. Kolkatta d. Pune 43. The data centre of CDR for East is a. Chandigarh b. Hyderabad c. Kolkatta d. Pune 44. The data centre of CDR for West is a. Chandigarh b. Hyderabad c. Kolkatta d. Pune 45. The system integrator for CDR in case of south & East Zone is a. M/s HCL b. M/s TCS c. a&b d. None 46. The system integrator for CDR in case of North & West zone is a. M/s HCL b. M/s TCS c. a&b d. None 47. The software used in CDR Project is ----------a. E stapling b. B stapling c. C- stapling d. None 48. The software used in CDR installed at . a. Hyderabad b. Chandigrah c. kolkatta d. Pune 49. PMS stands for a. Payment management Software b. Payment management System c. Payment Material software

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


d. Payment management System 50. An event that makes continuation of normal functions of a data can be impossible is known as a. Disaster b. Confusion b. Conclusion d. None 51. Hyderabad is configured as the DR site for. a. Kolkatta b. Chandigrah c. New Delhi None 52. Pune is configured as DR for. a. Kolkatta b. Chandigrah c. New Delhi None 53. The degradation of performance for the applications failing over to the DR site is Permitted upto .. a. 50% b. 75% c. 40% d. None. 54. CDR project envisages installation of provisioning and mediation systems which will interface with around ..PSTN switches. a. 1000 b. 2000 c. 3000 d. None 55. In CDR project, the sub management shall be done through a. provisioning system b. Order management system c. Billing system d. None 56. The CDRs generated for all the calls will be pulled by the .system. a. provisioning system b. Billing c. Mediation d. None 57.Payment management system is specially designed and developed by a. TCS b. HCL c. a&b d. None 58. Payment management systems will become .for all the circles in BSNL. a. common b. different c. a&b d. None. 59. CDR project shall implement a..billing system. a. convergent b. converse c. a&b d. None 60. In CCDR project, it enables us to issue a single bill for a customer taking any type of service from BSNL. State this statement is true or false. a. True b. False 61. Data center class servers are.. a. High end servers b. Low end server c. a&b d. None 62. Data center is each machine. a. 64 cores/CPUs b. 54 cores/CPUs c. a&b d. None 63. High end servers are using for. a. Main applications b. small applications c. a&b d. None 64. High end machines are using for a. Billing b. CRM c. a&b d. None 65. Low end servers are having.CPU servers. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 66. Low end servers are using for a.antivirus, HTTP b. Web servers, authentication c. a&b d. None 67.CDR Project is giving to integrate all the networks and provide a countrywide IP network a backbone. a. NIB b. MPLS c. a&b d. None 68. DATA center is also connected to MPLS Network presently through..links. a. E1 b. STM-01 c. a&b d. None 69. Lateron, the DATA center has to be connected to MPLS through.. a. 1mbps b. 1Gbps c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


70.For CDR project, if the old PCs are used then its minimum RAM should be upgraded into a. 256 Mb b. 512 mb c. 1Gb d. None 71. For CDR project, if new PCs are used , then the minimum Ram should be a. 256 Mb b. 512 mb c. 1Gbps d. None 72.If the call centers are connected to the data centers, the call agent will have onephone. a. ISDN b. IP c. Digital phone d. None 73. The customer care & billing & other related operations of ..SSAs are going to be migrated into 4 DATA centers. a. 334 b. 1000 c. 5000 d. None 74.In CDR Project every customer will be identified by a. Account Number b. NE number c. cable pair number d. None 75. In CDR Project, the number of billing cycles may even go upto once the project is rolled out in all the SSAs. a. 15 b. 25 c.10 d. None 76. In CDR based billing, the discounts may be given not in terms of. a. Free calls b. Free talk time c. a&b d. None 77. In CDR based billing system, the discounts will be given in terms of.. a. Free calls b. Free talk time c. a&b d. None 78. After CDR project, .in revenue accounting method shall be used instead of invoice based. a. Brought Forward b. Adjusted c. A&b d. None 79. After CDR Project, surcharge will be treated as. a. late fee b. VAT c. a&b d. None 80. After CDR project, the late fee will be a % of the outstanding instead of at the slab rate. State it is true or false. a. True b. Flase. 81. After CDR project, for PCO billing, minimum guarantee will be as per the .instead of on a monthly basis. a. Billing cycle b. Bimonthly c. a&b d. None 82. After CDR Project, PCO operators will be eligible for..intead of commission. a. discount b. incentive c. a&b d. None 83. In CDR project, all the E-10 B exchanges are connected to the LE router through.. a. MTE b. MET c. TEM d. X.25 84. In CDR project, all the CDOT exchanges will be connected to the LE router using CES equipment which will be supplied by .through HCL. a. ITI b. TCS c. CDOT d. None 85. In CDR project, all the CDOT exchanges will be connected to the LE router using CES equipment which will be supplied by CDOT through a. HCL b. TCS c. ITI d. None 86. X.25 cards are using to connect ..exchanges to LE router a. NE b. CDOT c. E-10 B d. a&b

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


87. CES equipment is using to to LE router a. CDOT b. NE c. E-10B d. None 88. MTE equipment is using to to LE router a. CDOT b. NE c. E-10B d. None

Answer Key for Chapter 09 CDR project

01. A 11.B 21 .A 31.A 41.A 51.A 61.A 71.B 81.A 02. A 12. A 22. A 32. A 42.B 52.B 62.A 72.B 82.A 03. A 13. A 23. A 33.A 43.C 53.A 63.A 73.A 83.A 04. A 14. A 24. A 34.A 44.D 54.C 64.C 74.A 84.C 05. C 15.A 25. A 35.B 45.A 55.A 65.B 75.A 85.A 06. A 16. B 26. B 36.C 46.B 56.C 66.C 76.A 86.A 07. A 17. A 27. C 37.A 47.A 57.A 67.B 77.B 87.A 08. A 18. A 28. A 38.C 48.A 58.A 68.B 78.A 88. C 09. A 19. A 29. A 39.A 49,A 59.A 69.B 79. A 10. A 20. A 30. A 40.A 50.A 60.A 70.A 80.A

Chapter -10 Information Security

01. Information Security ensures a. Availability b. Integrity c. Confidentiality of information d. All 02. The general solution to security design problems lies in a. Authentication b. authorization c. a&b d. None 03. Authentication and authorization model which is collectively known as a. Access control b. Access communication c. a&b d. None 04. does not provide enough security a. Access control b. Access communication c. a&b d. None 05. Security incidents are mainly due to a. Malicious code attacks b. Known vulnerabilities c. Configuration errors d. All the above. 06. Crashing of applications is a symptom of a. Malicious code b. Error c. a&b d. None 07. Virus is a type of.. a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


08. Worms is a type of a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 09. Trojan Horses is a type of a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 10. Bots is a type of a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 11. Key loggers is a type of a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 12. Spyware is a type of a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 13. Adware is a type of . a. Malicious code b. configuration error c. a&b d. None 14. Firewalls are used for.. a. Perimeter defense of networks b. Perimeter offense of networks c. a&b d. None 15. BSNL circulated the Information Security Policy for its implementation during a. Dec 2000 b .Dec 2008 c. Dec 2010 D. None 16. BISP stands for a. BSNL Information Security Policy b. BSNL Integration Security Policy c. BSNL Information Servicing Policy d. BSNL Integration Servicing Policy 17. The BISP contains sections. a. 2 b.3 c.4 5. None 18. The BISP contains .sections. a. Section A&B b. Section I&II c. a&b d. None 19. MTBF stands for a. Mean Time Between Failures b. Medium Time Between Failures c. Mean Transmit Between Failures d. Medium Transmit Between Failures 20. Access control does not provide enough security because a. It ignore the potential threat from insiders. b. Not able to filter malicious code c. a&b d. None 21. a symptom of malicious code. a. Crashing of applications b. Not responding c. A&b d. None 22. ..are used for perimeter defense networks. a. Virus b. Malicious code c. firewall d. None 23. BSNL circulated the for its implementation during Dec 2008. a. BISP b. BSIP c. National Telecom Policy d. None 24. For sharing of information among the intended users, the systems have to be . a. Networked b. Separated c. a&b d. None 25. In BISP which section provides the directives and policies that would be followed in ICT facilities within BSNL to provide secure computing environment for BSNL employees and business to run?

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Section A b. Section B c. a&b d. None 26. In Section A of BISP, the policies are formulated around domains of security. a. 10 b.11 c. 12 d. None 27. In BISP which section provides the technical solution support to the policies mentioned within the policy document? a. Section A b. Section B c. a&b d. None

Answer Key for Chapter 10 Information Security

01. C 11. A 21. A 02. C 12.A 22. C 03. A 13. A 23. A 04. A 14. A 24. C 05. D 15. B 25. A 06. A 16. A 26. B 07. A 17. A 27.B 08. A 18. A 09. A 10. A 19. A 20. A

Chapter -11 IT Security (LAB)

01. BSNL mail service URL address is a. b. c. a&b d. None 02. BSNL own intranet url address is a. b. http://internet c. A&b d. None 03. PDF stands for a. Portable Document Format b. Portable Document Framing c. Portable Driven format d. Portable Driven Framing 04. PDF is the file format created by a. Adobe systems b. Arihand systems c. Aloebe systems d. None 05. PDF is the file format created in a. 1993 b. 1995 c. 1996 d. None 06. PDF takes a major step towards becoming the a. ISO 3200 b. ISO 9001: 2000 c. ISO 2300 d. None 07. one of freeware to convert document in PDF. a. PDF 995 b. PDF 1000 c. PDF 100 d. PDF 994 08. For file compression two of the most popular utilities are a. WINZIP&WINRAR b. WINZIP& MS word c. WINRAR&Excel d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


09. is a computer maintenance utility included in Microsoft windows designed to free up disk space on a computers hard drive. a. Disk clean up b. Disk free up c. formatting d. None 10. .is a process that reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems. a. Defragmentation b. Formatting c. A&b d. None 11. PDF 965 application works as a a. Printer b. hard drive c. a&b d. None 12. The latest version in Acrobat Reader is a. 9.4 b. 9.3 c. 9.2 d. None 13. .is a software which is installed on the computer to protect PC from different forms of malicious codes. a. antivirus b. antisign c. a&b d. None 14. very important for smooth working of the PC and protection of file from corruption. a. antivirus b, winzip c. winrar d. None 15. to control access to the resources of the PC. a. User management b. disk clean up c.a&b d. None 16.are important to protect PC from different forms of intrusion a. antivirus b,windows update c. a&b d. None 17. ..Physically reorganizing the contents of the disk to store the pieces of each file close together and contiguously. a. disk fragmentation b. antivirus c. a&b d. None 18attempts to create a larger regions of the free space using compaction to impede the return of fragmentation. a. disk fragmentation b. antivirus c. a&b d. None 19. is used to compress the data. a. disk clean up b. defragmentation c. file compression d. None

Answer Key for Chapter 11 IT Security (LAB)

01. A 11. A 02. A 12.A 03. A 13.A 04. A 14. A 05. A 15. A 06. A 16. B 07. A 17. A 08. A 18. A 09. A 10. A 19. C

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Chapter 12 SSTP architecture & Network

01. SSTP stands for a. Standalone Signal Transfer Point b. Signal Standalone Transfer Point c. Standalone System Transfer Point d. Signal System Transfer Point 02. SSTPs are actually a database. a. Centralized routing b. Non centralized routing c. a&b d. None 03. SSTPs are not a. for SS7 Packet. a. Switching system b. Transmission System c. a&b d. None 04. DPC stands for a. Destination Point code b. Designation Point code c. Determination Point code d. Designation Programm code 05. GTT stands for a. Global Title Translation b. Global Translation Title c. Global Transmission Title d. Global Title Transmission 06. The routing database is able to make the routing decision based o the .. routing keys. a. DPC b. GTT c. a&b d. None 07. BSNL awarded a contract to for the supply of SSTP nodes. a. M/s HCL b. M/s ITI c. M/s ZTE d. None 08. BSNL awarded to install ..SSTP nodes a. 10 b.15 c.20 d. None 09. BSNL asked to install the SSTP nodes in a. September 2005 b. September 2008 c. October 2005 d. None 10. Later on, the scope of the SSTP project was further expanded to provide nodes. a. 24 b. 26 c. 23 d. None 11. In ..TAX locations, SSTP has to be installed. a. 11 b. 21 c. 41 D. None 12. In Phase I, .SSTP nodes have to be installed. a. 10 b.11 c.12 d. 24 13. In Phase II, ..SSTP nodes have to installed. a. 10 b.11 c. 12 d/ 24 14. 6 SSTPs are designated as . a. ANSI ITU MTP gateway b. ANSI UTI MTP gateway c. A&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


15. SSTPs interconnected using BSNLs Ip/MPLS network on a. M2PA b. M3PA c. M2AP d. M2PA 16. Later on .functionally is also included to connect the access nodes a. M3UA b. M2UA c. a&b d. None 17. Selection of SSTP sites is preferably where is already working. a. MPLS VPN b. DWDM c. RPR d. B&G 18. MNP stands for a. Mobile Number portability b. Multiple Number Portability c. Mobile Number Programmiability d. Multiple Number Programmiability 19. All PSTN traffic to be connected to SSTP via.. a. Level1/Level 2 TAX b. MSC b. GMSC d. None 20. Number of links to SSTP need to be increased to cater to . a. Direct call routing method b. Indirect call routing method c. A&b d. None 21. SS7 stands for a. Signalling System 7 b. System Signalling 7 c. System Sensing 7 d. None 22. STP stands for a. Signalling Transfer Point b. Signalling Transmission Point c. System Transfer Point d. System Transmission Point 23. MAP stands for a. Mobile Application Part b. Mobile Adaption Programme c. Mobile Application Punctuallity d. Mobile Application Portability 24. INAP stands for a. Intelligent Network Application Part b. Intelligent Network Adaptation Part c. Intelligent Network Application Programme d. None 25. SMSC stands for a. Short Message Service Centre b. Service Message Short Centre c. Short Mobile Service Center d. None 26. SSP stands for a. Service Switching Point b. Service Switching Port

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. Switching Service Point d. Switching Service Port 27. SP/SEP stands for a. Signalling Point/Signalling End Point b. Signalling Point/Servicing End Point c. Servicing Point/Signalling End Point d. Servicing Point/Servicing End Point 28. M2PA stands for a. MTP 2 Peer to peer Adaptation Layer b. MTP 3 Peer to Peer Adaptation Layer c. MTP 2 peer to Peer Application Layer d. MTP 3 Peer to peer Application Layer 29. M3UA stands for a. MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer b. MTP 3 User Authentication Layer c. MTP 3 User Application Layer d. None 30. HLR stands for a. Home Location Register b. House Location Register c. Home Location Reminder d. House location Register 31. GGSN stands for a. Gateway GPRS Support Network b. Gateway GPRS Support Node c. Gateway GPRS Service Network d. Gateway GPRS Service Node 32. SGSN stands for a. Serving GPRS Support Node b. Systematic GPRS support Network c. Serving GPRS System Node d. Serving GPRS system Network 33. SSTP handle the .messages efficiently. a. Non call related b. No call related c. a&b d. None 34. SSTP became the vantage point in the network because of the .was common. a. Signaling protocol b. System protocol c. Network Protocol d. None 35. The SSTP provided a .database by enabling the uniform signaling in SS7 domain. a. Single routing b. double routing c. a&b d. None 36. Pair of SSTPs are designated as a. Mated pair b. Twisted pair c. a&b d. None 37. Connect multiple SS7 nodes to mated pair using .. a. SS7 E1 links b. SS7 STM 1 Links c. a&b d. None 38. Centralized network management with a. An active site b. a DR standby c. a&b d. None 39. Central billing Server for billing intercarrier . Usage.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. SS7 b. SS8 c. SS9 d.SS10 40. The SSTPs shall form primary and secondary signaling path through the designated .only. a. Mated pair b. Secondary SSTP c. a&b d. None 41. In case of emergencies the direct routes between two level -1 taxes will carry the signaling traffic. This statement is a. True b. false c. a7b d. None 42. SSTP connectivity of TAXs will be governed by instructions issued by a. NM branch b. MN branch c. OMCR d. None 43. If the installation of SSTP equipment is not technically feasible in MPLS buildings, then the location where is available between MPLS VPN building site & SSTP equipment buildings on ..rings working on ..cable paths. a. Spare STM 1, two, same b. Spare STM 1, two, different c. Spare STM 4, two , same d. Spare STM 4, one , different 44. There are .ways for MNP a. One b. two c. three d. four 45. In Phase 2, the 11 additional locations was later changed to.locations to take care of the connectivity issues. a. 24 b.22 c. 23 d. 25 46. In Phase 3 expansion of all 24 nodes to about capacity of .per node. a. 1800 low speed link b. 1800 high speed link c. a&b d. None 47. for billing inter carrier SS7 usage. a. central billing server b. individual billing server c. a&b d. None

Answer Key for Chapter 12 SSTP architecture & Network

01. A 11. B 21.A 31.A 41.A 02. A 12.A 22.A 32.A 42.A 03. B 13. B 23.A 33.A 43.B 04. A 14. A 24.A 34.A 44.B 05. A 15. A 25.A 35.A 45.A 06. C 16. A 26.A 36.A 46.A 07. B 17. A 27.A 37.A 47.A 08. A 18. A 28.A 38.C 09. A 19. A 29.A 39.A 10. A 20. A 30.A 40.A

Chapter 13 NGN concept & Architecture

01. PSTN is mainly a ..based network. a. Circuit b. packet c. a&b d. None 02. In NGN network is used for all types of services a. Single converged b. Multiple c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


03. A single converged network is called as a. NGN b.MGN c. NGMNT d. None 04. NGN stands for a. Next Generation Network b. Next Generation Number c. Next Grid Network d. Number Generation Network 05. NGN is a .based network. a. Packet b. circuit c. a&b d. None 06. NGN ITU T recommendation . a. Y.2001 (12/2004) b. Y.2000 c. Y 2010 d. Y2009 07. As per ETSIs definition, NGN uses. a. Open interface b. closed interface c. a&b d. None 08. The general NGN functional reference architecture has mainly a. 2 layers/stratum b.3 layers/ stratum c. a&b d. None 09. There are stratum. a. 2 numbers b. 3 numbers c. 4 numbers d. one number 10. .is dealing with the service application and call control functions of call. a. Service stratum b. Transport Stratum c. a&b d. None 11. is dealing with the transport or switching and access functions of the call. a. Service stratum b. transport stratum c. a&b d. None 12. NAAF stands for a. Network Access and Attachment Function b. Number Access and Attachment Function c. Network Access and Authentication Function d. Number Access and Authentication Function 13. The NAAF is used for a. Authentication of the user b. authorization of user c. a&b d. None 14. RACP stands for a. Resource Admission and Control Function b. Reliable Admission and Control Function c. Resource Attachment and Control Function d. Reliable Attachment and Control Function 15. RACP is used for ensuring a. Quality of service b. Quantity of service c. a&b d. None 16. Soft switch is also called as a. Call agent b. Agent call c. Call finder d. None 17. Media Gateway controller is known as a. Softswitch b. hardswitch c. a&b d. None 18. Telephone Server is called as a. Softswitch b. hardswitch c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


19. In NGN performs call control, signaling and interworking, providing address analysis, routing and charging facilities. a. Softswitch b. hardswitch c. a&b d. None 20. In NGN voice encoding and compression function will be performed by a. TMG b. softswitch c. a&b d. None 21. TMG stands for a. Trunk Media Gateway b. Transmission Media Gateway c. Testing Medium Gateway d. Trunk Medium Gateway 22. In NGN, provides interworking function between SS7 network and IP network. a. Signalling gateway b. TMG c. Access gateway d. None 23. In NGN . Performs the function of providing interface to an access network like DLC, ANRAX, RSUs ISDN PRI a. Signalling gateway b. TMG c. Access gateway d. None 24. The interface of access gateway is based on a. E1 b. STM 1 c. a&b d.None 25. The provides the interface to a single subscriber line. a. Line Access gateway b. Signalling gateway c. Access gateway d. None 26. The interface of Line access gateway is a. 2 wire b. 4 wire c. E1 d. STM1 27. The protocols used between softswitch and media gateway is a. H.248/MGCP b. H.248/NGCP c. H.247/MGCP d. H.247/NGVP 28. The protocol between two softswitch is a. SIP(T) or BICC b. SIP(I) or BICC c. STP/BICC d. None 29. The protocol between softswitch and signaling gateway is a. Sigtran suite of protocols. b. Signalling suite of protocols c. Sip parley d. RTCP 30. The protocol between softswitch and application server is a. Sigtran suite of protocols. b. Signalling suite of protocols c. Sip parley d. RTCP 31. The protocol between two media gateways for actual packet transfer is a. Sigtran suite of protocols. b. Signalling suite of protocols c. Sip parley d. RP/RTCP 32. The operations and management of the softswitch require a. OSS BSS systems b. OSS DSS systems

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. BSS OSD systems d. None 33. Media gateway can be broadly classified into a. 2 b.3 c.4 d. None 34. ..gateway provides connectivity to the local switches through standard SDH interface typically ove E1 or STM 1 a. Trunk b. Signalling c. Access d. None 35. .gateway provides interfaces to customer over TDM links. a. Trunk b. Signalling c. Access d. None 36. .gateway connects the SS7 signalling system in a PSTN switch to the softswitch. a. Trunk b. Signalling c. Access d. None 37. The trunk gateway provide connectivity to the a. Local switch b. TAX switch c. a&b d. None 38. The trunk gateway provide connectivity through standard ..interface. a. Open b. closed c. SDH d. PDH 39. The circuit switching is in a. PSTN b. NGN c. a&b d. None 40. Packet switching is in a. PSTN b. NGN c. a&b d. None 41. In NGN architecture which function ensuring QOS? a. NAAF b. RACF c. a&b d. None 42. in NGN architecture which functioin is used for authentication and authorization? a. NAAF b. RACF c. a&b d. None 43. in NGN architecture which is doing the voice encoding, compression function ? a. Softswitch b. Trunk Media Gateway c. Line access gateway 44. Signalling gateway that connects the SS7 signalling system in a PSTN switch to the a. softswitch b. TMG c. Line access gateway 45. Signalling gateway that connects the SS7 signalling system in a .switch to the softswitch. a. PSTN b. softswitch c. a&b d. None 46. The PSTN network is mainly optimized for a. voice calls b. data services c. a&b d. None 47. In NGN basically the call control (signaling)& the switching is.. out in layers. a. separate, same b. separate, different c. not separate ,same d. Not separate , different. 48. NGN I/F to the existing PSTN switches is done with the help offor voice transport. a. Media gateway b. signaling gateway c. Access gateway d. TMG 49. NGN I/F to the existing PSTN switches is done with the help of..for signaling transport. a. Media gateway b. signaling gateway c. Access gateway d. TMG 50. In NGN, for switching and transport of the packets existing .backbone is used. a. NIB b. IP/MPLS c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


51. As per ETSI NGN is a concept for defining and deploying networks, which due to their formal separation into..layers. a. same b. different c. a&b d. None 52. NGN is based on: a) Open architecture. b) Network based c) Both d) None of these. 53. Current generation network based upon: a) Mainly voice based b) Purely video based c) Purely text based d) None 54. PSTN is mainly: a) Circuit switching n/w b) Packet switching network c) Both d) None . 55. NGN is a a) Packet based network b) Circuit switching network c) Both d) None .

Answer Key for Chapter 13 NGN concept & architecture

01. A 11. B 21.A 31.D 41.B 51. B 02. A 12.A 22.A 32.A 42.A 52. A 03. A 13. C 23.C 33.A 43.B 53.A 04. A 14. A 24.C 34.A 44.A 54. A 05. A 15. A 25.A 35. C 45. A 55. A 06. A 16. A 26.A 36.B 46.A 07. A 17. A 27.A 37.A 47. B 08. A 18. A 28.A 38. C 48. A 09.A 19. A 29.A 39.A 49. B 10. A 20. A 30.C 40.B 50.B

Chapter -14 IP TAX Project in BSNL

01. is the first step towards the evolution of current generation network to NGN. a. IP TAX b. OP TAX c. a&b d. None 02. .is the replacement of existing level 1 TAX exchanges to IP based network. a. IP TAX b. Op TAX c. a&b d. None 03. IP TAX is a .switching network. a. Packet b. circuit c. a&b d. None 04. IP TAX comes under a. Class 4 NGN b. Class 5 NGN c. class 6 NGN d. None 05. CNF stands for a. Comfort Noise Generation b. Current Noise Generation c. Comfort Noise Gap d. Current Noise Gap

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


06. VAD stands for a. Voice Activity Detection b. Voice Activity Device c. Virus Activity Detection d. Virus Authentication Device 07. In BSNL there was an initial plan of IP TAX pilot project. a. 200 K b. 20K c. 2000 k d. None 08. capacity of IP TAX was installed at New Delhi. a. 40 K b. 16 K c. 200 K d. None 09. ..capacity of IP TAX was installed at Chennai. a. 40 K b. 16 K c. 200K d. None 10. The IP TAX equipments was supplied by a. M/s STE b. M/s ZTE c. M/s HCL d. M/s ITI 11. The IP TX equipments was supplied through a. M/s SOTL b. M/s ZTE c. M/s ITI d. None 12. Chennai and New Delhi sites are.sites. a. Test b. A/T c. Validation d. None 13. Till date.capacity of IP TAX equipment has been supplied and installed in BSNL about locations. a. 2212 K, 119 b. 2112 K, 119 c. 2212 K, 117 d. 2212 K, 210 14. In IP TAX Project, in BSNL it has been decided that .gateways will not be purchased. a. Stand alone signaling b. Stand alone Trunk media gateway c. a&b d. None 15. The available SSTP network will be used as .. a. Signalling gateway b. Trunk media gateway c. a&b d. None 16. NMS has been installed at.. a. Kolkattai b. Bangalore c. Chennai d. New Delhi 17. FCAPS stnds for a. Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security b. Fault, Correction, Accounting, Performance, Security c. Failure, Configuration, Accounting ,Performance, Security d. Failure, Correction, Accounting, performance, Security 18. In IPTAX Project,no separate being used. a. NTP server b. Signalling gateway c. TMG d. None 19. In IP TAX project, the existing .of our data network will be used for synchronization. a. NTP server b. Signalling gateway c. TMG d.None 20. In IP project the l1 bidder is. a. M/s ZTE b. M/s HCL c. M/s TCS d. None 21. In IPTAX, for large network M3UA may be used for transporting MTP level 3 user part signaling messages.(ISUP & SCCP). 22. A big project of 6476 k IP TAX lines project was planned by BSNL.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


23. Functions of softswitch based on Open architecture. 24. Functions of Trunk Media gateway a. voice encoding & compression b. packetizationof voice channels c. echo cancellation 25. Functions of softswitch: a. perform call control b. traffic measurement c. recording singling d. interworking e. provides addressing f. analysis routing g. routing and charging facilities. 26. Functions of signaling gateway: a. Provides interworking function between SS7 network and IP network. b. provides various user adaptations.

Answer Key for the chapter 14 IP TAX project in BSNL

01. A 11.A 02.A 12.C 03. A 13.A 04.A 14.A 05.A 15.A 06.A 16.C 07.A 17.A 08.A 18.A 09.B 19.A 10.B 20. A

Chapter 15 Landline VAS

01. VAS stands for a. Value Added Services b. Volve Added Services c. Valve Address Services d. Valve Added System 02. ISDN stands for a. Integrated Service Digital Network b. Integrated System Digital Network c. Intelligent Service Digital Network d. Intelligent System Digital Network 03. An ISDN subscriber can establish in basic rate ISDN, except when the terminal equipment is such that it occupies 2B channels for one call itself. a. Two simultaneous independent calls b. Two simultaneous dependent calls c. Three simultaneous dependent calls d. None 04. ISDN supports a whole new set of additional facilities called.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


a. Supplementary services b. Secondary services c. a&b d. None 05. There are types of accesses in ISDN a. 2 b.3 c.6 d.7 06. BRA stands for a. Basic Rate Access b. Basic Reception Access c. Basic Rate Address d. Basic Rate Adaption 07. PRA stands for a. Primary Rate Access b. Preliminary Rate Access c. Primary Random Access d. Primary Random Adaption 08. In BRA, the channels are a. 2B+D b. 30B +D c. a&b d. None 09. In PRA the channels are a. 2B+D b. 30 B +D c. a&b d. None 10. In BRA, the bandwidth for speech of each channels are a. 64 Kbps b. 16 kbps c. 128 Kbps d. None 11. In BRA, the bandwidth for signaling is a. 64 Kbps b. 16 Kbps c. a&b d. None 12. In PRA,the bandwidth for speech of each channels are a. 64 Kbps b. 16 kbps c. a&b d. None 13. In PRA, the bandwidth for signaling is a. 64 Kbps b. 128 Kbps c. a&b d. None 14. BSNL is providing Internet service throughout the entire country except in. a. New Delhi b. Mumbai c. a&b d. None 15. BSNL is providing Internet service under the brand name of a. Sancharnet b. Sancharmail c. a&b d. None 16. For accessing sancharnet through PSTN dial up, the access code is a. 172233 b.1722222 c.a&b d. None 17. In order to make Internet available throughout the country .are being commissioned at the .. a. Internet dhabas, Block Head quarters b. Internet Maal, Block Head quarters c. Internet dhabas, District Head Quarters d. Internet mall, district head quarters 18. For internet accessing through ISDN, the access code is a. 172225 b. 172233 c. 1722222 d. None 19. The access number of account free Internet dial up access based on CLI is a. 172225 b. 172233 c. 1722222 d. None 20. The speed of Internet in ISDN connection is a. 64 kbps b. 128 kbps c. a&b d. None 21. The speed of Internet in Broadband ranging from a. 256 Kbps to 2 Mbps

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


b. 256Kbps to 8 Mbps c. a&b d, None 22. Sancharnet card is a.. internet access card. a. Pre paid b. Post paid c. a&b d. None 23. is an internet telephony service through which a sub can make ISD calls over Internet to any fixed or mobile phone or an PC in a foreign country. a. Web Fone Service b. Web Internet Service c. a&b d. None 24. FPH stands for a. Free Phone Service b. Free Pulse Service c. Free Phone System d. Free Pulse System 25. The Access code of FPH is a. 1800 b.1008 c. 1098 d. 1095 26. gives service users the opportunity of calling the service subscriber free of charge via the PSTN by dialing a universal directory number from any part of the country. a. FPH b. FHP c. PFH d. HFP 27. UDN stands for a. Universal Directory Number b. Uniform Directory Number c. Universal Dictionary Number d. Uniform Dictionary Number 28. In FPH, the call fee is charged to the a. Service subscriber b. Service user c. A&b d. None 29. FPH is an ..based service a. Access code b. Directory code c. Dictionary code d.b&c 30. The access procedure of FPH is a. 1800+SCP code +XXXX b. 1800+SCP code+ XXXXX c. 1802+SCP code+ XXXX d. 1804+SCP code+ XXXXX 31. In FPH, SCP code is a digit code of the concerned SCP from where free phone service has been provided to the service subscriber. a. 3 b.4 c.5 d.6 32. In FPH, XXXX is .digit free phone number allotted to a service subscriber. a. 3 b.4 c.5 d.6 33. VCC stands for a. Virtual Card Calling Services b. Virtual Calling Card Services c. Vital Card Calling Services d. Vital Calling Card Services 34. The Access code for VCC is . a. 1800 b.1802 c. 1804 d. None 35. service allows a customer to make calls without cash. a. VCC b. FPH c. a&b d. None

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


36. In VCC service, the account number comprising digit. a. 4 b.8 c.16 d. None 37. .. access code based service. a. VCC b. FPH c. a&b d. None 38. VCC are preceded by the access code a. 1802+SCP code b. 1800+SCP code c. 1800+XXXX+SCP code d. 1804 +XXXX+SCpcode 39. ACC stands for a. Account Card Calling b. Account Calling Card c. Amount Card Calling d. Amount Calling Card 40. The Access code of ACC is a. 1800 b.1802 c.1804 d.1803 41. The ACC is having . a. Renewability b. dynamic PIN c. a&b d. None 42. In .. call charges will be debited to subscriber account. a. FPH b. ACC c. VCC d. a&b 43. In ACC, the originating telephone number . a. Will be charged b. will not be chargedc. a&b d. None 44. In ACC, the registration fee is a. Rs. 5000 b. Rs. 5000+ST c. Rs. 6000/ d. Rs. 6000+St 45. In ACC, the card can be renewed by paying additional installment in multiples of a. Rs. 500 b. Rs. 1000 c. Rs. 250 d. None 46. In ACC, the account number is .digits and PIN is ..digits. a. 8,4 b.4,8 c. 8,6 d. 6,8 47. VPN stands for a. Virtual Private Network b. Vital Private Number c. Virtual Public Network d. Vital Public Number 48. The Access code for VPN is. a. 1800 b.1801 c. 1802 d. 1804 49. The service allows public network operators to provide private network features a. VPN b. VCC c. FPH d. ACC 50. In VPN, the service subscriber can directly manage and administer his VPN via the.feature. a. Customer Control b. Customer Service centre c. a&b d. None 51. is typically used to interconnect geographically distributed PBXs. a. VPN b. ACC c. VCC d. FPH 52. PNP stands for a. Premium Numbering Plan b. Private Numbering Plan c. Platinum Numbering Plan

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


d. Premium Numbering Progress 53. PRM stands for a. Premium Rate Services b. Premium Rate Messages c. Platinum Rate Services d. Platinum Receive Services 54. The access code for PRM is. a. 1800 b.1807 c.1867 d. 1860 55. ......enables service users to access the information offered by the service subscribers against payment of fee. a. VPN b. PRM c. ACC d. VCC 56. The service subscriber is given a ..digit PRM Number. a. 4 b.5 c. 6 d. 7 57. UAN stands for a. Universal Number b. Universal Access Number c. Uniform Access Number d. Uniform Number 58. The access code for UAN is a. 1860 b.1807 c.1802 d. 1804 59. Based on the network involved in routing the call, ..service is divided into a. ACC, 2 categories b. VCC, 2 categories c. UAN, 2 categories d. UAN, 3 categories 60. The dialing plan for UAN local is a. 1860 + SCP code + 4 digit UAN No b. 1800 + 4 digit UAN No + SCP code c. 1807 + SCP code + 4 digit UAN No d. 1803 + 4 digit UAN No + SCP code 61. When the calling party and the destination number of UAN are in same city i.e. they have same STD code, the UAN calls are called a. Local b. STD c. National d. None 62. When the calling party and the destination number of UAN are in different cities i.e. they have different STD codes, the UAN calls are called as a. long distance calls b. Local c. STD d. None 63. UAN calls can be charged on a. Full charge basis to calling party or on split basis to calling & called party also. b. Half charge basis to calling party or on split basis to calling & called party also. c. Full charge basis to called party or on split basis to calling & called party also. d. Full charges basis to called party or full basis to calling & called party also. 64. PNS stands for a. Personal Number System b. Personal Number Services c. Private Number System d. Private Number Services

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


65. The access code for PNS is a. 1860 b.1867 c. 1868 d. None 66. The dialing plan for the follow me function universal personal number service is a. 1868+SCP code+4 digit UPN No b. 1868+SCP code+4 digit Number c. 1867+SCP code+4 digit UPN No d. 1876+SCP code + 4 digit Number 67. UPNS stands for a. Universal Personal Number Services b. Uniform Personal Number Services c. Universal Permanent Number Services d. Uniform Permanent Number Services 68. VOT stands for a. Televoting services b. Telegraphing Services c. Transmission Services d. Transportation services 69. The access code for VOT is a. 1803,1802 b.1803,1861 c.1861,1862 d. None 70. The dialing plan for televoting services in which subscriber of televoting services pays the charges for incoming calls is a. 1803+SCP code +XXYY b. 1861+SCP code+XXYY c. A&b d. None 71. The dialing plan for the calling party pays for the all charges for participating in the televoting is a. 1803+SCP code +XXYY b. 1861+SCP code+XXYY c. A&b d. None 72. FLPP stands for a. Fixed Line Pre- Paid Telephone b. Fixed Line Post Paid Telephone c. Fixed Leased Pre Paid Telephone d. Fixed Leased Post Paid Telephone 73. service enables a subscriber to make calls from a prepaid account linked to his telephone number. a. FLPP b. FPLP c. FPPL d. None 74. In FLPP , it is linked to his telephone line & the user is to dial the account number/PIN for authentication. a. Not required b. required c. a&b d. None 75. There are .types of FLPP accounts. a. 3 b.5 c.4 d.10 76. PRBT stands for a. Personalized Ring Back Tone Service b. Personalized Receive Back Tone Service

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


c. Personalized Ring Back up Tone Service d. None 77. In video conferencing, personal computer user can download the software called ..from BSNLs video conferencing portal. a. PUX b.PVX c. PCX d. None 78. ..card is a normal ITC card but specifically designed tariff. a. Call Now b. Now call c. Call immediately d. Call urgent. 79. 1800: FPH : Free Phone Service: 1800 + SCP code +XXXX 80. 1801: VPN : Virtual Private Network 81. 1802: VCC : virtual Card Calling : 1802+SCP code 82. 1803: VOT : Televoting : 1803+SCP code+XXYY 83. 1804: ACC : Account Card Calling 84. 1860: UAN : Universal Number : 1860+SCP code+ 4 digital UAN 85. 1861:VOT : Televoting services : 1861+SCp code+XXYY 86. 1867: PRM : Premium Rate Services 87. 1868: PNS : Personal Number Services

Answer Key for the chapter 15 Value Added Services

01.A 11.A 21.B 31.A 41.C 51.A 61.A 71.B 02.A 12.A 22.A 32.B 42.B 52.B 62.A 72.A 03.A 13.A 23.A 33.A 43.B 53.A 63.A 73.A 04.A 14.C 24.A 34.B 44.A 54.C 64.A 74.A 05.A 15.A 25.A 35.A 45.B 55.B 65.C 75.C 06.A 16.A 26.A 36.C 46.A 56.A 66.A 76.A 07.A 17.A 27.A 37.C 47.A 57.A 67.A 77.A 08.A 18.A 28.A 38.A 48.B 58.A 68.A 78.A 09.B 19.C 29.A 39.A 49.A 59.C 69.B 79. 10.A 20.C 30.A 40.C 50.A 60.A 70.A 80.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


Acronyms I. Core
Sl.No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. DSL SD/SA PRSA IP FTP SMTP TCP UDP TTL TFTP SN SSN AKN ICMP IGMP VOIP NIB QOS NAT IGW IXP IDC NOC SSSS SSSC CPE GBIC BNG STB VOD WICE VOI DSL FEOSDH NOC DR Digital Subscriber Line Service Deliver Service Assurance PCO Relationship Servicing Agency Internet Protocol File Transfer Protocol Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Transmission Control Panel User Datagram Protocol Time To Live Trivial File Transfer Protocol Sequence Number Second Sequence Number Acknowledgement Number Internet Control Message Protocol Internet Group Management Protocol Voice Over Internet Protocol National Internet Backbone Quality of Service Network Address Translation International Gateway Router Internet Exchange Point Internet Data Center Network Operating Center Subscriber Service Selection System Subscriber Service Selection Center Customer Premises Equipment Giga Bit Interface Converter Broadband Network Gateway Set Top Box Video On Demand Window for Information Communication and Entertainment Voice Over Internet Digital Subscriber Loop Fast Ethernet Over SDH Network Operation Center Disaster Recovery

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.


Resilient Packet Ring Broadband Aggregation Point On Demand Diagnostic Command Line Interface International Telecommunication Union Synchronous Transport Module Virtual Container Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Regenerator Section Over Head Multiplex Section Over Head Administrative Unit Pointer Section OverHead Path Over Head Terminal Multiplexer Add Drop Multiplexer Regenerator Digital Cross Connection Sub Network Connection Uni directional Self Healing Ring Bi directional Self Healing Ring Passive Optical Network Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network Optical Line Terminal Optical Network Terminal Optical Network Unit Point To Multi Point Time Division Multiplexer Access Multi Point Control Protocol Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Next Generation Play Network Ethernet Private Leased Line Ethernet Private Local Area Network Service Level Agreement GPON Encapsulation Method GPON Framing Procedure Passive Optical Splitter Optical Distribution Network ATM Passive Optical Network Ethernet Passive Optical Network Gigabit capable Passive Optical Network Magnetic Disk Drive for storing data Magnetic Optical Drive Magnetic Tape Drive for back up and regeneration of exchange Operation & Maintenance Terminal Centralized Network Managed Centers.

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126.


Digital Line Unit Line Trunk Group Switching Network Message Buffer System Panel Display Central Clock Generator Coordination Processor Common Channel Network Control Message Transfer Part Special Equipment Device Rack Digital Distribution Frame Coordination Process 113 Telecom Revenue Accounting Fault Repair Service Directory Enquiry Customer Relationship Management Web Self Care Local Exchange Magnetic Tape Emulator Aggregation Router Revenue Assurance Computer Telephoney Interface Inter Operator Billing and Accounting System Fraud Management System Enterprise Management System Enterprise Application Interface Minutes of Usuage Payment Management system Mean Time Between Failure Portable Document format Standalone Signal Transfer Point Destination Point Code Global Title Translation Mobile number Portability Signalling System 7 Signalling Transfer Point Mobile Application Part Intelligent network Application part Short message Service Center Service Switching Point Signalling Point/Signalling End Point MTP2 Peer To Peer Adapter Layer MTP 3 User Adaption layer Home Location Register

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155.


Gateway GPRS Support Node Serving GPRS Support node Next Generation Network Network Access and Attachment Function Resource Admission and Control Function Trunk Media Gateway Comfort Noise Generation Voice Activity Detection Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance Security Value Added Services Integrated Service Digital Network Basic Rate Access Primary Rate Access Free Phone Service Virtual Card Calling Services Account Card Calling Virtual Private Networks Premium Rate Services Universal Number Televoting Services Fixed Line Pre Paid Telephone Call Now Cards Personalized Ring Back Tone Services Short Message Service Electronic Clearance Scheme Answering Machine Service Private Numbering Plan Universal Personal Number Services Broad Band Remote Access Server

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


II. Management
Sl.No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. SWOT KRA KPI GPMS TMO ADT NTP CFA CM FOS BCG PMS BBSC MC IPMS FPMS SFA DSA SCA CSC RFP EOI NLD ILD BFSI NAM KAM SI CP OEM AMC B2C B2B CVM LTV CLTV PEST FMA SMA Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat Key Result Area, Key Responsibility Area Key Performance Indicator Group Performance Management System Transformation Management Office Aspiration Driven Transformation New Telecom Policy Consumer Fixed Access Consumer Mobility Feet On Street Boston Consulting Group Performance Management System Balanced Business Score Cord Management Committee Individual Performance Management System Field Performance Management System Sales Force Automation System Direct Selling Agent Service Center Agent Common Service Center Request For Proposal Expression Of Interest National Long Distance International Long Distance Banking, Financial Services& Insurance National Account Manager Key Account Manager System Integrator Channel Partner Original Equipment Manufacture Annual Maintenance Contract Business To Costumer Business To Business Customer Value Management Life Time Value Customer Life Time Value Political, Economical, Social, Technology First Mover Advantage Second Mover Advantage

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE


40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.


Passive Optical Network Net Relisable Value Metals and Scrapping Trading Corporation Written Down Value Expression Of Interest Route Committee for Evaluation of Tender Memorandum of Undenrtaking Finance and Management Accounting Plant Maintenance Voice, Activity Detection

Prepared by: G. Hariharasubramanian, MBA, MSc(psychology), SDE

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