File Management Guidli

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File Management Guidelines

Created By: Pedro Ybanez on 01/28/1997 at 11:51 AM Category: Standard Operating Procedures

Review Cycle Information

Pete, Very good! Let's implement this. PAC,Jr. 1/30 January 3, 1997

Directory Structure:
Projects Acoland Mepz1 Asblt BldgA 1-A1_B.DWG BldgB 2-S1_B.DWG Mepz2 BldgC Common 3-A2_r2.dwg 3-S1_r1.dwg Current 3-A1.dwg 3-A2_r1.dwg 3-S1_A.dwg 3-S2_r2.dwg 3-E1_A.dwg Old 3-A2.dwg 3-S2_r1.dwg 3-S2.dwg BldgD Common Current Old Border 24X36-bord.dwg pro-bldg1.dwg pro-bldg2.dwg Misc Keyplan.dwg Table.dwg

Sumitomo Additive Common Current 4-S7C.dwg Old Cemsilo Common Current Old Border Misc The Common directory will be open to all team members assigned to this specific project. They will able to save or delete their files in this directory. It will be required for team members to save a copy here of the files they are working in their C: drive after each Cad session . Primarily this will serve as a directory for back-ups. Whatever happens to a team member's C: drive a copy of his drawing will always be retained at this common directory in the K: drive. Team leaders can also check the progress of the work of his members by opening these files. The Current directory will be open to team leaders only. The files here will be the latest completed drawings of a project. The procedure is to let team members copy only from these files any drawing that is due for revision. The team member renames this file and work on this drawing at his/her C: drive. He saves it in the Common directory at K: at each end of a Cad session until he informs his/her team leader that it is finished and is ready for checking. He then prints a check print for the team leader. Once the team leader decides that all information in the drawing is correct he transfers it from the Common directory to the Current directory at the same time transferring the file from which it was copied from the Current to the Old directory. Once the team member sees his drawing already moved to the Current directory he can delete his copy in his C: drive. All files on this directory should be periodically saved to a CD by the system administrator for additional back-up and protection. The Old directory will be the storage of all superseded revised drawings. Only team leaders will have access to it. He decides when to delete this after a project is completed. The Border directory will store the drawings used for standard borders. These are files for xref and prototype drawings. It is preferable to use the prototype mode of attaching a border since all fonts, ltscale, dimstyles, linetype and other drawing standards are built-in once you use this. This will give a more uniform look to all drawings drawn by different team members. Team leaders will prepare these prototype drawings. The Misc directory is optional. The keyplan drawing and table of contents may be stored here. Other details typical to the project can be temporarily stored here. At all times the standards of naming and renaming files will be strictly observed to refrain from inadvertently copying over existing files.

Filename Convention:
All filenames shall have a maximum of 8 characters plus the extension .dwg Examples are: 1-A2.dwg

1-S1_r2.dwg 2-E10_r1.dwg 10-S12_3.dwg 7-M10_A.dwg 5-A10_B.dwg EX-P3_r1.dwg The first one or two numbers (or letters) will be the structure i.d. of the project and will be designated by the team leader or the owner. The number 1 may stand for the Admin bldg., a 2 for the Canteen, a 3 for the Guardhouse, EX for Expat building, etc. This will be followed by a hyphen (-) then a letter which will be the drawing type i.d. These are the standard letters: A for architectural S for structural P for plumbing or piping E for electrical M for mechanical C for civil or any other letters designated by the team leader Next will be an underscore ( _ ). After the underscore will be the revision i.d. of the drawing. The absence of a revision i.d. will mean that the drawing is in revision 0 or a "for approval" drawing. Any revision made after it is submitted to the owner or the estimator will start as _r1, then _r2, _r3 until it is approved. The letter r is optional but the underscore is not. Once approved it shall bear the revision i.d. _A.dwg. Any revisions made after this, the revision numbers _r4, _r5, etc will continue. After project completion and if the owner wants a set of as-built drawings the filenames will have a revision i.d. of the letter B or _B.dwg. This is after updating the drawings to conform with the structure built at site or our shop. The team leader will then decide to erase the previous revision entries retaining only the _B i.d. before transferring it to the Asbuilt directory. These files are now ready for archiving once it is purged of any unwanted or unused blocks or data. All xrefed drawings must be "xbind" to the drawing before it is archived.

Master print:
Master prints are reduced hard copies of all drawings of a specific project. Each time a drawing is officially issued to the owner, the construction group or the estimator a reduced copy of it will be printed and added to the master prints with the date it was issued stamped on it. This will enable us to keep a "history" of a drawing until it is archived. Along with the transmittal sheet all issuance of drawings can be tracked and recorded. A table of contents of the current drawings will be attached to the master print after a cover page of the project. This will be maintained by the team leader. After completion of the project these prints with all the superseded drawings taken out can then be used for reference or as sample drawings to be shown off to potential customers.

Information & Revision Boxes:

For a drawing to be properly identified a Cad operator must know how to fill up the boxes in the border. Aside from the obvious answers for the customer name, sheet contents, project location, the designer, the cad operator, etc. other boxes require an explanation. A:



Usually the owner gives the project name and the name of the structure. Above the project name, it will now be required that a structure i.d. be added to the structure name in all drawings. It can be a number or a letter. The maximum is two characters. In this example the number 4 will identify the structure being drawn as the Additive building of this proposed expansion project. Any other structure will have its own number assigned by the owner or the team leader if none is given by the owner. The structure i.d. will be the basis of the sheet number of a drawing.




The number 4 again will identify this sheet as a drawing of the Additive building, the S that this is a structural drawing and the 12 identifies it as the 12th sheet in its sequence.



All drawings start with this and all will be considered "for approval" drawings and not yet approved for construction. This will be submitted to the owner but if the owner makes changes on it the revision number changes to 1. This will be submitted and resubmitted to the owner until he is satisfied and approves the drawing. All approved drawings will then bear the revision letter A. But sometimes the owner again changes his mind or new design considerations comes up to necessitate a revision. The last revision number will be again updated for the new change. It should however be impressed to the owner that once he approves a drawing it is a go signal for construction to start and any changes after that will open him to additional change orders. In some cases revision numbers reach up to 7 - 10. As built drawings will bear the revision letter B. Revisions are usually initiated by the owner if he is responsible for the design drawings or computations. However, if Metaphil is the designer he is responsible for informing the owner of any changes he makes if the owner has already approved the drawings. In either way, the Metaphil estimator must be informed of any changes made in the drawing that is contrary to the drawing he based his estimates on. Any change in an approved drawing will usually cause a change in the contract price which will, if not taken up with the owner, always give rise to conflicts then bad impressions on both parties if not resolved before hand. That is why updating of revision numbers, descriptions and dates are very important and must be constantly impressed by team leaders to their team members. The "clouding" of portions of the drawing that are being revised will give emphasis on the revision. A small revision number enclosed by a triangle must be placed near it. This number must correspond to the description in the revision box. The cloud will be erased and moved again if a newer revision is effected with the newer revision number.





2 1/14/97 Increased no. of trusses A 12/13/96 Approved for construction 1 11/25/96 Changed dimensions of truss 0 11/12/96 For approval. All revisions will be recorded in the revision box, description and the date when the changes are made as shown above.



SUMITOMO\ADDITIVE\4-S12_r2.dwg Filenames will incorporate the sheet number and the revision number plus the extension .dwg. It will also show its path in the K: drive where it is stored. Sumitomo is the owner and Additive is the name of the structure or building. It is assumed that this is in the Projects directory and the Current sub-directory so there will be no need to add these paths.



97-XXXX-4-S12 A drawing number of a sheet is the first set of numbers in the EJO that is assigned to this project plus the filename without the revision i.d. and the extension .dwg.



The appropriate box must be checked to record what purpose this drawing was issued and printed for. The date when it was printed must also be indicated.

........................... Reviewer Log

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