Syllabus-5-6 Nepal Bank Limited

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The document outlines the syllabus for open competitive written examinations for Deputy Manager and Assistant Manager positions at Nepal Bank Limited. The examinations will consist of two papers each covering various subjects related to economy, banking, management, and finance. Candidates will need to answer five out of eight subjective questions in each paper, with at least one question answered in English.

The first paper will cover subjects related to economy, banking, and accounting. The second paper will cover subjects related to management and finance.

Candidates will need to answer five questions out of the eight subjective questions asked in each paper. At least one question in each paper must be answered in English.

N e p a lB a n k L i m i t e d

Syllabus for. OpenCompetitive Written Examination

There will be two papers. EacH paper rvill have three hours written examination eight subjectiYe questionsin each paper will be asked and five questions ryith at least tryo questionsfroi each section should be answered. At least one questionshould be answeredin English language.


: 7&6

post: Deputy Manager & Assistant Manager FullMarks: 100

3 hours PassMarks

Paper : I


Economy: National Income Accounting: GDp,GDp Measurement, GDp computation in Nepar and its problems. 2. Growth rheories:Harrod-Domar, sorow-swan, New crassicar Moder, rmprication of New Classicai Model. Price and output Determination underVariousMarketsystems:perfectcompetition, lmperfect, Monopolistic andOligopoly Market Systems. Theories of International rrade and lnvestmeni, policies Foreign Tradeand Investment of Nepal.

6 7. 8 9

Development Economy structure and characteristics of Deveroping Economics, of Economic Growth, ,Determinants Deveropment piu"tir"tion ,no issueand charenges, itsPresent Affairs in Nepal. population Poverty, Inequality, Grov/th andChallenges in Nepal. Development Pranning pranning and its importance: Dever6pment in Neparrssuesand Challenges. Monetary Poricy,Fiscarporicy,Bank and Financiar Institutions Act. (BFr Act. 2063), poricy Industrial andcommerciar in Nepal, company Act.2o63.and otherbanking Rerated Actsin Nepal. Tribunal Act.2os8/Rures 2059,Banking offenseandpunishment ?:!t Recovery Act.2064. AMLAct.2064 andVarious NRBdirectives/Guide|nes.

B. Money and Banking:

1. Banking. History, Rore andFunctions of commerciar Banks andcentrar Bank. 2 Management of commerciar Bank:profitabirity and Liquidity Management: Assetsand Liability Management: Lending Principles and its Management: Dete-rmination of Interest Rates. 3. ProjectAppraisal: Techniques, Methodsof project Evaluation, Analysisof Financial statements, Ratio Anarysis, cash Flow Analysis andMeasuring forthep.itoir"n"" 4 P_rn.r Marketing:Bankingproducts and Instruments, TJrget Groups/customer-rine Marketing Strategies andplans. policy, practices 5 . Foreign Exchange Management andRegulation in Nepal. 6 . Money supply:Definition, Fa-ctors affecting Money suppr!,HighpoweiMoney and Money Multiplier. 7 . Inflation: conceptcauses Measurement and consequences Tradeoff between inflation andUnemployment. 9 . BankRisks Management, including BASEL ll andrelated NRBdirectives/cuidelines, 1 0 . Trade Finance: Letter of credit, Letter of Guarantee,etc. and rerated NRB Guidelines/directives.

. 7&6 :ll Post: Deputy Manager & Assistant Manager Full Marks: 100


Time:3hours PassMarks: 50

Subiect: Manaqement and Finance A. Management: 1. Organization Development: Organization Theories, Organrzatron process Development Organization Developmenr at Group and Inter grouplevet, cn"rgi.g" oig;"irj,,y"',iji Culture. 2. Strategicplanning:Forr

,H o ,1 #;"j[Y#f q!: " " ll1 ; , Fffi B",i;f ;1'*'n r*^" A'"'.TS; TJ::'i:T::: li: :g s jt:L'STii.Sio* T,:il !'jl[:,:"i::ffi:"T"Tg ,1l;i;;i;r:J#:=c:##", --'*Yv'I'v"r \-'votcrrr' :,L5?"""n?j'f ualaDase Recovery 3::ffi Documentation Method, ,li,.Ti :",J::,:?.R::ffi;y:n'""r*:;i$l'.;;ffi ,WiO""XL and Reporting;^,^l-1.^* Analysis, Local Area Network ,"J Network. Word prnaccc;"" "p"k";; 'i'"#'.i?,1,1' gilxr:..B',"r'"'Jng ;::?";::-3[',xt1" package, |3llii!; Database 1i".fi:: Cyber C"rimes. 8.

6 Quality TeM Techniques, .Management; Factorsaffe Quality Assura"nc" i""hni,,"" rrr.^6^;^^ /.\a^^-^- , ^ctingQuality,Benchmarking

.h;;ft"**t* T*:: ***; l;1ni,ni$***",;

governance Related NRBdirectives. !orporate

concept or Jl,!f!ff1,,:ffi,8'j;"ig"T',1i.'.,oi,T ; HRM ffif;ii;:;iT;T:iil:1""?ii 4. Meaning and Aooro j" bD;;;;;'f ;;'' Recru'fm en'i and '"JJtri"i:#:"{+lll'Y;#l iltr f,:F:Hl::f if
)nagement, conflict Management, Decision'Mrr,i"l'rnj"proor"n,

swor Anarvsis, strategv"'"nt"tlTll?li,5il,lTif3ltil,$cannins, ., :i,::l?t':1,

1';i::,,,,"?t application.
B. Finance:

preparation orReporrs R;:il:,T"i:xTi;:;"j;ry1*""",s-^i:i,^1.*:1,.:r?,rrlqn. correration ai"g'.z.,ioi'lr#'Inuan"1i,Jtfi".ril?5Tilfi[,r

1. FinancialManaqem

concept, cohesion amons : Ar?i;i1-q:3il:1"r:J:,,'qj-ii1?,ll.i,T!;,ff'Jff*lulthe t Anarvsis

Profit Management; Break Even Anarysis, sourcesand uses of Funds,Linear programmrng. mi1o^and Goal l--l!Sl!f 5. B;nk' rMF'

tTn", capitar and Monev Market, Uri,Yi li,lj;.i"'l,'il?,*,:J'f$.,i,lX, 9".,,it". p tyc ri'oica on rd p ita r,n. Jir. rt,ll "'-t.'- " H"[?]| :,: ","i "" #,l rtjlH i lj?:ili ":fi,."."
RiskAnarysis in portroiio ";;-iJl!ti;;,"Associated


ADB' wro;Regionar Economic cooperation

Nepallla rrk Lirnitctl SenlorAssistant (Lclel - _5) (Svllabus of Written Examination for Ooen Conrpef ition)
Paper Duration Firsr Second Subiect ' Full Mqks l,assmarks



Economy,Bankingand Accounting



3:00 hours 3:00 hours

Course Outline:


Eight Subjectivequestions in eachpaper will be asked and five questionsshould be airswered. At leastonequestion shouldbe answeied i" Engli.h ;;;;;..

Ftr.t p"""., ETr"rn

z. crrattEngesorffiffi;:Ji'.t#ation'exPortandimPort.'":"
3 Industrial andComrirercial p"td;;ti*;i"r.,

I . Macroeconomic Indicatc per.capitaincome' investment, consumpdon, saving inflation,6"6, ,"j-11,-9DP'

" andPresenr Scenario, RoleandFuncrions |:ffii",T ilH;j:i:|"n or (Nepal Rastra Bank) 5' B""k;; J'Fi;il1 ;H:T"t ?ank^ 2i63; co*panv Act'orNepar. 6 M.""s;;;;;iA#:#*T1:t' management" Lending Manasement, t'*"-ti:il:i:ffiir:l*neposit , 9:" /. rrnancral

r ;:H"rf"f'[s'uProbabirrll!!o',c;;;;;ilitl*rv.r,. Fun*ion, Entry fference'be;;;fi?#l"t Sysrem, ^ Di Draft and "31,i*;;,,t"*pe, Bilr c"ll*ri;;:;;i;;;;];i,, ?: 9''_"q"o
, Handring lu. balance andReconc'iarion Sheel: purpose Nature, andir" n."p"ruiio,n
Second Paper:. Management

Aralysis: Income, Funds Flow, Liquidity Ratios, Irverage ---:rve' c Ratios,

Meaning unirunctiois, performance appraisal il;;;#il["Jent:..concePt' r. hdustnal Relations: Concept,Trade unionism,Causes and Settlement Dirputes, of coliective bargaining. , !-.eaqershlp il"":r^:I and a. Communicalion in Orgaiization: -Syrt"_, Approachesand Modem Views andConrol, : o. uusrness Statistics: Describing_data "nJi;;;;;", using.statisti"., _onodsof displalng data,measure fffi of capiul rerdency, o"iirp"..i"ri,"_Irn?s -*--. or samprrng, index " andreg..ssion .', lT:", .,Tpl: correlation unatysis. /. uurce and Records Manaqe-L,r. Modern i;^;:j"::l views, tunctions, purposes essentials. and Lif"-;;.;;;"r:::9nt: ^ 6.
ktter and Memo Writins

and emerging chanenges. i. il1i11'?11""?1"ff:t"H?f',lnctions

Irnporrance, ToolsandTechniques ?; l",ations.servlce: r u. !:::l* computer Iltroduction: Windows, Wo.a.nrocessin-g Sir,"# u*.",.

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