LiBSUITE Personal Is A Small Footprint Software Suitable

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This document describes the software requirements and specification (SRS) for LMS
software. The document is intended for the customer and the developer (designers, testers
, maintainers).
The reader is assumed to have basic knowledge of LMS.
Knowledge and understanding of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams is also re

Intended Audience
The intended audience consists of
• Software Project Managers
• Software Engineers
• Software Developers
• Library Organizers

Project Scope
LMS is essentially meant of collections. It is a multi-user version and can take care of all
the fundamental functions of a Library like Cataloguing, Circulation, Accessioning and
Housekeeping. it can satisfactorily cater to all the basic functions of a small library.

Overall Description

Modern Libraries are not made up of just Books but CD ROM’s, Articles, Project
Reports, Bound volumes are substantial part of the holding, Managing the holdings
manually is a not a simple job. There are few solutions but many a times, we find
ourselves "making them works" by finding "ways to work around" system inadequacies.
Moreover we have limited staff resources, these "work around" waste time, effort, and
skills that should be spent on user services.
Many solutions do not keep up with the technological changes and hence prove to be
time wasters.

Library Management system is a small footprint software suitable for personal /

individual Libraries. You can store the information about the books and other material
and control the movement of the same.
Silent Features
• Control the movement of books and other material and avoid loosing the same.
• Search if you have a specific book in your collection based on the title, author etc.
• Print the spine labels for the book.
• Find what a specific person has borrowed from you.

It offers the following modules Cataloguing, Circulation, Queries

Cataloguing - Salient Features

You can create a catalogue of your books, CDs, maps, drawings and all similar
collections using this module. It supports various classification schemes like
DDC, DD, and CC etc. The cataloguing module is based on AACR2 (Anglo American
Cataloguing Rule


Circulation module deals with issue and return of material from the Library. It is a
barcode and smart card enabled system and hence the issue and return of
material is handled uniformly. You can issue member cards and also do the transactions.

Queries on Serials

Pending Subscription
Any Periodical Receipt
Subscription Letter generation
Overdue Issues Monitoring
Reports based on Subject, Origin, Language
Complimentary Issue Handling

Use Case Scenarios

Add Members

Brief Description
Administrator can create new member.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

1. The administrator open member definition form

2. When administrator click create new member button, System will clear form to input
3. The member enters all required data on form.
4. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to database sever

Update/Delete Member

Brief Description
Administrator can change existing member or delete any none required member.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

1. The administrator open member definition form

2. Administrator navigates to required groups screens and update/delete
3. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to server

Add Books

Brief Description
Administrator can create new books.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

5. The administrator open book definition form

6. When administrator click create new book button, System will clear form to input data
7. The administrator enters all required data on form.
8. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to database sever

Update/Delete Books

Brief Description
Administrator can change existing book or delete any none required member.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

4. The administrator open book definition form

5. Administrator navigates to required book screens and update/delete record
6. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to server

Check OUT Books

Brief Description
When any library member required acc

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

9. The administrator open book definition form

10. When administrator click create new book button, System will clear form to input data
11. The administrator enters all required data on form.
12. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to database sever
Update/Delete Books

Brief Description
Administrator can change existing member or delete any none required member.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator must be logged on to his account.

7. The administrator open book definition form

8. Administrator navigates to required book screens and update/delete record
9. By clicking Save button System will upload his input to server

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