Research, Views, Practices, Policy and Technology
Research, Views, Practices, Policy and Technology
Research, Views, Practices, Policy and Technology
Agrosilvopastoral Systems:
A Practical Approach
Toward Sustainable Agriculture
Ricardo 0. Russo
1. Trees supply organic matter to the soil through the periodic decay of
leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, and dead roots. In addition, roots
absorb elements from deeper soil laycrs and bring them to the sur-
face, making them more available to the pasture. In the case of nitro-
gen fixing trees (NFT), soil nitrogen levels are increased.
2. Trees create a microclimate favorable for animals (shade and lower
temperature). Shade intensity depends on tree density, crown diarne-
ter, and crown structure. Shade protects animals from excessive
heating from direct radiation and reduces internal temperature
stress. Changes in animal thermal balance, that is, lower air temper-
ature than body temperature, leads to lower food consumption (De
Alba, 1959). Whether or not this contributes to higher animal pro-
ductivity is a point of controversy.
3. Trees may compete with pasture for water, nutrients, light, and
space. Competition effects will be stronger if the requirements of
both are similar. Natural leaf fall and pruning help to increase the
availability of water, light, and nutrients to system components. Ap-
propriate selection of species and the selective prunings (in season
and intervals) help to ameliorate competition.
4. High numbers of animals or trees arranged in groups can lead to ani-
mals crowding together looking for shade. Trampling may result
and can affect plant cover and cause soil erosion and soil compac-
tion. These conditions can deter tree growth.
5. Feed preferences of animals can affect forest composition. Over
time, those species rejected by cattle can dominate.
6 . Animal component changes can accelerate some aspects of nutri-
ment cycling by returning manures and urine to the soil.
7. Animals can spread seeds, or scarify them, which favors germination.
8. Generally, grass species growing beneath the tree canopy yield
more, have a lower root:shoot ratio, and are of a different composi-
tion than those outside the canopy (Pinney, 1989).
FIGURE 1. Simplified Flow Diagram of an Agrosilvopastoral System. Redrawn from Bronstein (1 983).
in forest and fruit plantations; (c) living fences; (d) perimeter shelter-
woods; and (e) crop and utilization of forage trees and shrubs.
An example of the first c a s d e e s in pastures-has been evaluated in the
grasslands of the College of Agriculture of the Humid Tropical Region
(known as EARTH in Spanish), Las Mercedes de Guacimo, Costa Rica,
where 29 different tree species have been identified within an area of
approximately 400 hectares (Table 1).
Other examples of successful ASPS that have remained throughout
time are:
(a) One developed in the highland areas of Costa Rica, on volcanic soils,
where alder (Ainus acuminata) is planted with pastures of kikuyo grass
(Pennisetum clandestinunz) and green forage such as elephant grass (fi
purpureum). The alder trees, selected for their fast growth (in 15-20 year
rotations trees reach 35-40 cm diameter), provide timber, fuelwood, and
also have the added advantage of being an actinorhizal tree (it is host to the
nitrogen-feg actinomycete Frankia in nodules of their root tissue); and
(b) Another one developed in the Atlantic lowlands, where laurel (Cor-
dia alliodora) is frequently found in pastures. During pasture maintenance,
farmers favor its natural regeneration, leaving it to grow. The tree is
currently a valuable timber cash crop and it is said that it contributes to the
maintenance of soil structure and pasture productivity.
the social and natural systems (Forrester, 1973; Lonergan, 1981, 1988;
Lakshmanan and Ratick, 1980). These integrated economic-ecological
models, although constrained by their positivist approach (Harvey, 1974),
in which physical models are used to simulate economic behavior (Loner-
gan, 1988), have been useful. They improve the understanding of natural
resources problems, the environment, and the production process.
On other hand, the worldwide drastic reduction of forest areas, concur-
rent, with the increased demand for forest products, leads to a paradigm:
production and supply of forest products. Because most of the farmers in
the humid tropics live on and farm small parcels, it is financially too risky
for them to experiment with small plantations of trees. Even a plantation of
2 or 3 hectares would replace other uses. This represents a large financial
decision. Farmers have to see that the planting of trees is both technically
and economically feasible.
Within this framework, AFS should be considered as a palliate for the
domestic and community supply of woody resources in an ecological,
economical, and social framework:
Ecological, because of its multispecific and sometimes multistrati-
fied structure. AFS increases the efficiency of radiation capture and
utilization of horizontal and vertical space of the agroecosystem.
Economic, because of its production, not only of food, protein, and
fiber of the agricultural component, but also the production of the
woody component such as fuelwood, timber, forage, poles, shade, and
the contribution of organic matter to the soil, which saves fertilizer.
Social, because the trees (in particular timber trees) represent a re-
serve of standing capital which is a stability factor contributing to in-
ternal security for the socio-economic component of the system-the
rural family. Also, because of its external projection, AFS could
ameliorate the needs of timber supply at the community level.
The 20th FA0 Regional Conference for Latin America and the Carib-
bean, held in Recife, Brazil October 2-8, 1988 had as its central topic
"Agroforestry for Improvement of Agriculture". In this meeting, the bio-
logical-productive importance of AFS was recognized, and strong support
was given to a series of recommendations leading to promote the active
participation of rural communities in the preparation and application of the
most appropriate AFS for each given situation.
The conditions to further ASPS applications are nearly ideal: (a) forest
legislation in effect in almost all tropical countries gives importance to
forest plantations; (b) there is an alternative in motivating the active partic-
ipation of rural communities through incentives to use the timber from
forest plantations that result from agroforestry practices; (c) there exists
the need for looking at adequate and practical solutions that promote a
productive, ecological, and social equilibrium; (d) the Tropical Forestry
Action Plan (TFAP) of the FA0 exists to implement programs of restora-
tion, reforestation, and conservation within a prioritized productive frame-
work; (e) there exists an actual experience in AFS in many countries, in
addition to the willingness and the opportunity of planting trees by many
of the farmers, and, finally; (f) there exists an organization structure in
different countries.
Therefore, it is proposed:
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