Welding Guide Brochure
Welding Guide Brochure
Welding Guide Brochure
500PLUS Rebar produced by the TEMPCORE process has a carbon equivalent (CE) limit of 0.44 max and, as such, requires no pre-heating prior to welding. Microalloyed 500PLUS coiled rebar also has a carbon equivalent limit of 0.44 max, will not require pre-heating when welded in accordance with the Welding Standard AS/NZS1554 part 3 2002. Other manufacturers 500 MPa reinforcing steel may be made to higher CE limits and pre-heating may then be required in certain circumstances e.g. for tack & lap welding of larger bars. Users should also be aware that hydrogen controlled electrodes will be required for all weld types, and matching strength electrodes will be required for butt welds. General rules for the welding of 500PLUS Rebar All Welding must conform to the requirements of AS/NZS1554 part 3 2002.
Not required Not required Hydrogen controlled welding processes and electrodes such as GMAW (MIG), FCAW and low hydrogen MMAW (sticks) must be used for all weld types. Correct control, storage and drying of electrodes is essential. Matching strength W55x (E55xx) or W62x (E62xx) type consumables are required for all load bearing butt welds. Under-matching W50x (E48xx) and W41 (E40xx) electrodes may also be used for lap and other weld types with appropriate weld lengths as shown in the following sections. Select electrode diameter to be compatible with size of bars being joined.
Interpass Temperature Welding Technique and Heat Input Welding Practice Notes
This should be limited to 200C maximum for all joints with TEMPCORE. Best results are achieved using stringer beads where heat input will generally not exceed 2.5kJ/mm. Weaving is not recommended. Observe 200C maximum limit on interpass temperature for TEMPCORE. For multipass welds, interpass temperature rise can be minimised by laying weld beads on separate joints in sequence thus allowing each weld to cool between runs. As interpass temperatures are likely to increase progressively throughout, check the interpass temperature prior to commencing each weld run. Balance welding on each side of joint as required to minimise distortion. For butt welds, back grind root run on fusion side prior to completing the joint Remove slag after each run Refer to electrode manufacturers recommended current ranges and shielding gasses.
General Notes
Non-symmetric joints such as lap welds may not be suitable for use in seismic applications specialist advice and evaluation should be sought in such cases.
Electrode Type Under-matching strength electrodes are preferred but matching strength may be used. Weld Length Not less than the size of the smaller bar.
General Notes These are usually used for positioning and holding purposes, and in prefabricated elements. They must not be used for lifting purposes unless prior approval has been obtained from the design engineer (see AS/NZS 1554.3). They do not affect the strength of 500PLUS.
Electrode Type Matching and under-matching strength electrodes may be used. Weld Length Minimum total weld length is 5d General Notes The short length of conventional double sided lap splice welds may cause excessive rotation at the splice when loaded in tension, and thus contribute to concrete spalling. Longer weld lengths than that required to develop full strength have therefore been recommended. This tendency to rotate can be further minimised by forming the weld in two parts as shown, thus increasing the effective geometric length. In this case, the gap between lap welds should not exceed the total weld length. Electrode Type Matching and under-matching strength electrodes may be used. Weld Length Matching strength electrodes: 8d Under-matching W50x (E48xx) type electrodes: 9d Under-matching W41x (E41xx) type electrodes: 10d General Notes Single sided lap welds, because of their greater length, have less tendency to rotate, but should only be used with the permission of the supervising engineer when access to the second side is not available or impractical. These welds may also be formed in two parts as shown provided total weld lengths noted above are used. Electrode Type Matching and under-matching strength electrodes may be used. Weld Lengths Welded one side: 5d for each individual weld Welded both sides: 3d for each individual weld General Notes Full parent bar properties are generated by strap welds. The total cross sectional area of the splice bars must be not less than the cross sectional area of the parent bar. The gap between parent bars must not exceed 20mm Strap welds may be welded either on one side only or both sides noting minimum effective weld lengths above. Strap welds are bulkier than lap or butt splice joints thus may not be suitable for use in applications where concrete cover is minimal. Where doubt exists, verify suitability with the supervising engineer. Electrode Type Matching strength electrodes are essential to develop full strength in the butt weld. General Notes Observe 200C maximum interpass temperature by allowing weld to cool between runs, particularly towards end of welding.
Strap Welds
Butt Welds
OneSteel Reinforcing Level 6, 205 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Telephone: (61 2) 98424 9800 Facsimile: (61 2) 9966 0702 Email: [email protected]
500PLUS, 500+, TEMPCORE and REIDBAR are Registered Trade Marks used exclusively by OneSteel Reinforcing
This information is provided as a service to those interested in steel reinforcement. Since the information is provided for general guidance only, and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects or subjects, no legal liability can be accepted by OneSteel Reinforcing for its use.