Composting Is The Purposeful Biodegradation of Organic Matter, Such As

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Composting is the purposeful biodegradation of organic matter, such as yard and food
waste. The decomposition is performed by micro-organisms, mostly bacteria, but yeasts
and fungi[1] can also act. In low temperature phases a number of macroorganisms, such as
springtails, ants, nematodes, isopods and earthworms also contribute to the process, as
well as soldier fly, fruit flies and fungus gnats. There are a wide range of organisms in the
decomposer community. [2]

Composting can be divided into the following types:-

hot (fast) or cold (slow),

home (small scale) or industrial (large scale),

and high tech or low tech.

The aims, inputs, and end results may vary somewhat in the different tehniques. As well
as techniques, effort, and time requirements also vary amongst them, but the same
essential biological processes are involved in all the types.

• A biodegradable material is capable of being completely broken down under the

action of microorganisms into carbon dioxide, water and biomass. It may take a
very long time for some material to biodegrade depending on its environment
(e.g. wood in an arid area versus paper in water), but it ultimately breaks down
completely. Many contaminating materials not dealt with in common composting
are in fact "biodegradeable", and may be dealt with via bioremediation, or other
special composting approaches[3].

• A compostable material biodegrades substantially under specific composting

conditions. It is metabolized by the microorganisms, being incorporated into the
organisms or converted into humus. The size of the material is a factor in
determining compostability, and mechanical particle size reduction can speed the
process. Large pieces of hardwood may not be compostable under a specific set of
composting conditions, whereas sawdust of the same type of wood may be. Some
biodegradeable materials are only compostable under very specific conditions,
usually with an industrial process.

Materials requitred for composting

To work effectively four basic things are required by Composting organisms:-

• Carbon ("C" or carbohydrates), for energy - the microbial oxidation of carbon

produces the heat. High carbon materials tend to be brown and dry.
• Nitrogen ("N" or protein), to grow and reproduce more organisms, to oxidize the
carbon. High nitrogen materials tend to be green and wet.
• Oxygen, for oxidizing the carbon, the decomposition process.
• Water, in the right amounts to maintain activity without causing anaerobic

Certain ratios of these elements will provide beneficial bacteria with the nutrients to work
at a rate that will heat up the pile, but in that process much water will be released as vapor
("steam"), and the oxygen will be quickly depleted. This generates the need to actively
manage the pile. The hotter the pile gets, the more often added air and water is necessary;
the air/water balance is critical to maintaining high temperatures until the materials are
broken down. At the same time, too much air or water also slows the process, as does too
much C (or too little N).

The most efficient composting occurs with a C:N mix of about 30 to 1. All organics have
both carbon and nitrogen, but amounts vary widely, with characteristics noted above
(dry/wet, brown/green)[7]. Fresh grass clippings have an average ratio of about 15 to 1 and
dry autumn leaves about 50 to 1 depending on species. Mixing equal parts by volume
approximates the ideal C:N range. Few individual situations will provide the ideal mix of
materials at any point in time - in this respect, home composting is like horseshoes,
perfect is great, but close still works. Observation of amounts, and consideration of
different materials[8] as a pile is built over time can quickly achieve a workable technique
for the individual situation.

Ingredients that are primarily carbon include:

• Dry, straw-type material, such as cereal straws and corn stalks

• Dry leaves (best shredded, as with a rotary mower, to prevent matting)
• Sawdust, coarse (good for maintaining aeration) or fine (smaller particle size, but
may compact)
• Paper, corrugated cardboard, box board, and office paper or newsprint (soy-based

Ingredients with relatively high nitrogen content include:

• Green plant material, like fresh crop residues, green hay (especially alfalfa), grass
clippings and weeds
• Manure from poultry (high N, use sparingly), and herbivorous animals such as
horses, cows and llamas
• Kitchen waste - fruit and vegetable cooked waste and trimmings, juicing-pulp
residue, and coffee grounds

For "back yard" composting, mixing the materials as they are added increases the rate of
decomposition, as does reduced particle size (ie, chopped, shredded), or materials can be
added in alternating layers, about 15 cm (6 in) thick. Keeping a carbon "cache" handy to
the pile for covering and mixing with fresh wet additions (lawn clippings, kitchen scraps)
is simplist. Special additions or activators are not necessary, although some sprinklings of
good garden loam as a first pile is built will aid more rapid working by inoculating it with
beneficial soil bacteria, and some of the material from the first finished batch can be used
in the subsequent mixes. Agricultural lime is not advised - the bacteria prefer a slightly
acidic pH, and their processing invariably results in a near-neutral product. Seaweed
meal, rock dust or rock flour, and other trace element amendments are best added to the
finished compost, or directly to the garden.

Composting upcycles organic kitchen and yard waste and manures into an extremely
useful humus-like, soil end-product. This permits the return of vital organic matter,
nutrients, and particularly bacteria, that are vital to plant nutrition to the soil, and reduces
the amount of green waste going into landfills. Managed aerobic composting arranges
environmental conditions so they are optimal for the natural processes to take place.
There is a popular expression: "compost happens", but it is helpful to engineer the best
possible circumstances for large amounts of organic waste to decompose quickly and
efficiently, with the greatest conservation of useful nutrients and mass. Uncontrolled
composting is when compost "happens", and although that may be functional in some
circumstances, as with forest floor detritus, a neglected heap of kitchen and yard wastes
will more likely result in "smells happen", or "rodents happen" long before useful
compost does.

Decomposition similar to composting occurs throughout nature, however the process can
be slow, and in closed environments, decomposition via anaerobic microbes, which
produce disagreeable odors (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, or methane), will most likely
result. A form of biodegradation practiced deliberately in absence of oxygen is called
anaerobic digestion, an increasingly used commercial or industrial process, as it enables
capture of bioenergy in the form of biogas, whereas aerobic composting releases the
majority of bound carbon-energy as excess heat (which helps sanitize the material) as
well as biogenic CO2 to the atmosphere, which can best be minimized in a controlled
aerobic situation.

Although composting has long been used in subsistence farming and home gardening for
creating garden-ready soil, it is becoming better understood and increasingly important as
a tool for reducing municipal solid waste[4]. Much household waste is compostable, but
few individuals compost. The decomposition of organic material sent to landfills is a
principal cause of methane, an important greenhouse gas, so reducing the amount of
organic waste landfilled is a key element in the fight against climate change. In suburban
and rural areas, much of the organic waste could be removed from the waste stream by
promoting "passive composting" where consumers compost their yard waste and kitchen
scraps on their own land, regardless of whether the material is ever actively re-used as
"soil".[5] In urban areas with dwellings predominantly lacking individual yard space, there
are indoor small scale composting alternatives, such as vermicomposting and bokashi
[edit] Approaches
Active (referring to aerobic microbial action), Most Fuss (for the operator).

An active compost heap, steaming on a cool morning. The heap is kept warm by the
exothermic action of the bacteria as they decompose the organic matter.

Hot thermophilic composting is essential with some materials to kill pathogens. These
materials (animal products) include meat, dairy products, eggs, grease, cooking oil,
manure of non-herbivores, and residuals from the treatment of wastewater, but these are
not generally recommended in home composting because of the likelihood of creating
odors and attracting rodents. Human waste can be composted by industrial methods as
well as composting toilets. When high temperatures are reached, the resulting compost
can be safely used for agricultural or horticultural purposes, providing local health
regulations are met. Humanure fertilizer (as opposed to night soil) is used throughout the
developing world and is becoming more accepted as a garden amendment in the
developed world.

Hot, aerobic composting is conducted at close to the ideal conditions noted above,
allowing thermophilic bacteria to thrive. These aerobic bacteria break down material
faster, producing less odor, fewer pathogens, and less greenhouse gas than cool,
uncontrolled, or accidental anaerobic methods. Commercial scale composting operations
actively control the composting conditions (C:N ration, moisture level and air), usually in
a closed environment (in-vessel composting, tunnel composting or aerated static pile
composting), where air is fan forced through the mass, and moisture added with sprayers,
or conserved via the enclosure, with computer monitered probes detecting conditions.

In Thailand an aerated static pile system is in use by farmer groups at over 400 sites. The
process needs only 30 days to finish without manual turning, with 10 metric tons of
compost produced per month. A 15 inch (38 cm) squirrel-cage blower with 3 hp (2.2 kW)
motor is used to force air through 10 covered static piles of compost twice a day. The raw
materials consist of agricultural wastes and animal manure in the ratio of 3:1 by volume.

High temperatures destroy insects, larvae, and weed seeds, but no compost will be totally
sterilized by high temperatures alone. In a hot compost where the temperature exceeds
55°C (130°F) for several days, the ability of most organisms to survive is compromised,
and there are temperature standards[10] set by various regulating authorities for
commercial products[11]. Nevertheless, there are many organisms in nature that can
survive extreme temperatures, including a group of pathogenic Clostridium, so no
compost is 100% safe. The necessary second stage of hot composting is maturation, a
period allowing the dissipation of any phyto-toxins[12] remaining from the process or
contaminating ingredients (eg: chemical residues), and achieving a state of nutrient
stability (low C:N ratio) that will not have an impact on Nitrogen availability in the
receiving soil[13].

An alternative to manual turning, the "Wing Ding" compost aerator

For backyard composters, carbon and nitrogen ratios in various ingredients and the
calculations required to get the ideal mixture can be intimidating, so rules of thumb exist
for approximating it by ingredient types and condition, as mentioned in Materials above.
If the pile is built in a short period, and has a good mix of materials (C:N) and a coarse
structure, with about 50% moisture ("like a squeezed out sponge"), the temperature will
rise within a couple days to as high as 60°C (140°F). When the temperature begins to fall,
more air is needed, usually added by turning the pile or using an agitating tool, and
moisture may be needed at the same time. Turning or other aeration is usually needed
about every 6-10 days to maintain the highest heat levels until the material is fairly
uniformly broken down to unrecognizability, and temperatures no longer rebound. A pile
that has been maintained at peak temperatures may be ready for maturing in as little as 30
days. Another 30-60 days maturing should suffice to allow passing the "germination

To achieve thermophilic decomposition, a compost bin is best about 1 cu.yard (~1 cu.m),
or 1 m (3 ft) wide, 1 m (3 ft) tall, and as long as desired for windrow composting. This
provides enough insulating mass to build up heat but also allows oxygen infiltration. The
center of the pile heats up the most, so regular turning/mixing is needed for insuring all
material spends some time in the hottest area. When turning the pile results in no further
temperature rise, the active aerobic phase is complete, and the mass may be turned out to
a matureing pile. When the matured material has a dark brown crumbly appearance and
the smell of rich damp earth, it is ready to use.
Turning a home compost bin

The natural sequence of the decomposition community involved will be:

0-15°C (32-59°F) - psychrophiles predominate, beginning the heating process as they
15-40°C (60-104°F) - mesophiles take over, psychrophiles die off or are relegated to the
40-70°C (105-160°F) - thermophiles work at their peak, including consuming many other
At the lower temperatures and around the borders, there will also be various fungal
activity as well as larger organisms getting their share - a very dry, cooler pile may be
attractive to ants, and gastropods (like slugs) may visit very wet piles. As the temperature
returns to ambient at the end of the process, the sequence reverses, including new
organisms that prefer the more degraded materials. Added heat and pile insulation may be
useful in the coldest weather, but is not ordinarily necessary, and is not desireable if it
interferes with aeration or natural convective evaporation. Usually keeping the top dry
and burying fresh additions in the center of a pile will be effective during winter
conditions until heating resumes in spring.

Passive (a misnomer, there are always active biologic processes), or Some fuss - no fuss

Cool or ambient temperature composting, when the level of physical intervention is

minimal, usually results in temperatures never reaching above 30°C (86°F). It is slower
but effective, and is the more common type of composting in domestic gardening. Such
composting systems may be in open or closed containers of wood or plastic, or in open
exposed piles. Kitchen scraps are put in the garden compost bin and left untended. This
scrap bin can have a very high water content which reduces aeration, and may become
odorous. To improve drainage and airflow, and reduce odor, wood chips, shredded bark,
leaves, or twigs may be added to mix and cover each wet addition, or holes made
occassionally in the pile. The amount of attention may vary from none through ocassional
to "regular".

[edit] In Nature
An unusual form of composting in nature is seen in the case of the mound-builders
(megapodes) of the Australasian region. These Megapodes are fowl-sized birds famous
for building nests in the form of compost heaps containing organic litter, in which they
incubate their eggs. The male birds work assiduously to maintain the correct incubation
temperatures, by adding and removing litter from the compost pile. Good evidence that
thermophilic composting is a process of nature, not man-made.

Forest floor detritus is the natural fertilizing material in temperate forests. Soil dwelling
organisms slowly decompose the continuously deposited litter from below, returning the
nutrients to the soil for bacterial conversion to forms useful to the native vegation. This is
a natural form of mulching or sheet composting. While some may be tempted to gather
this rich, partially decomposed litter for use in a home garden, it is best left to the use of
the forest.

[edit] Worm composting

Worm composting or vermicomposting is a method using Red Wiggler worms in a
container to process kitchen waste. Moistened high-carbon bedding such as shredded
paper is used as a base to which the food waste is added, and the worms and micro-
organisms convert the materials to rich compost called worm castings, a nutrient and
microbially rich material. Worm composting can be done indoors, allowing year-round
composting, and providing apartment dwellers with a means of composting.

[edit] Industrial composting

Industrial composting systems are increasingly being installed as a waste management
alternative to landfills, along with other advanced waste processing systems. Anaerobic
digestion or In-vessel composting, combined with mechanical sorting of mixed waste
streams is called mechanical biological treatment, increasingly used in developed
countries due to regulations controlling the amount of organic matter allowed in landfills.
Treating biodegradable waste before it enters a landfill reduces global warming from
fugitive methane; untreated waste breaks down anaerobically in a landfill, producing
landfill gas that contains methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas than carbon

Large-scale composting systems are used by many urban centers around the world. Co-
composting is a technique which combines solid waste with de-watered biosolids,
although difficulties controlling inert and plastic contamination from Municipal solid
waste makes this approach less attractive. The world's largest MSW co-composter is the
Edmonton Composting Facility in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, which turns 220,000
tonnes of residential solid waste and 22,500 dry tonnes of biosolids per year into 80,000
tonnes of compost. The facility is 38,690 square metres (416,500 ft2) (equivalent to 4½
Canadian football fields), and the aeration building alone is the largest stainless steel
building in North America, the size of 14 NHL rinks.[15]

School kids checking a vermicomposting bin at a community compost education site


1. ^ Compost microbes, Cornell Univ.

2. ^ Compost consumers, Cornell Univ
3. ^ Gypsum board composting
4. ^ Vancouver, B.C. Canada municipal program
5. ^ The Natural Resources Defense Council on Composting
6. ^ home made Effective Microorganisms for Bokashi composting
7. ^ Klickitat County WA, USA Compost Mix Calculator
8. ^ Effect of lignan content on bio-availability
9. ^ Aerated Static Pile composting
10. ^ British Standards Institute Specifications
11. ^ US Composting Council testing parameters
12. ^ Phytotoxicity and maturation
13. ^ US Composting Council Standards
14. ^ abstract: Phytotoxicity of biosolids compost at different degrees of maturity
15. ^ Edmonton composting facility

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