Audiolink II Manual (English)

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miditech Audiolink II

"Class Compliant" USB Audio Interface (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Mac SX no dri!ers necessar"# $% Bit/ &' ()* resolution line stereo interface X+, Mic preamp -it. &' V P.antom Po-er and /ain control )I01 /uitar preamp )ard-are re!er2 Ad3usta2le stereo output 4ull duple5 -it. compati2le recordin/ soft-are USB po-ered Incl6 Ma/i5 Samplitude S7 ASI dri!er 8"pical applications9 ,ecordin/ from and +I;7 de!ices: e6/6 cassette: cd0pla"ers or mp<0pla"ers +o- latenc" pla"in/ of VS8 instruments
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Audiolin( II USB audio interface -ner=s Manual

Thank you for deciding to purchase the Miditech Audiolink II, we are certain you will be delighted with its performance and advanced features. This interface brings an unparalleled level of U ! audio "uality to the Mac or #$, with pristine 1%&bit'()k*+ A', and ,'A converters, ultra&low -itter clock, and low noise mic'line'hi&. preamps. Audiolink II enables you to easily digiti+e all your analog sound sources, to record from microphones and instruments, and from any /I01 level devices, e.g. music cassette decks or $, players etc. 0ot only does Audiolink II offer a simple solution to digiti+ing analog sounds, it also gives you the very best *i2i audio "uality. The included recording software Magi3 4 amplitude 14 offers you the capability to edit previously digiti+ed music or speech. These operating instructions will give you some guidance on how to install and operate your Audiolink II functions, also check the section on how to use the free bundled companion Magi3 program & 4 amplitude 14. Audiolin( II tec.nical data and features9 imple computer connection via U ! $ompliant4 device & 05 driver installation necessary, runs directly under 6indows 7# #8, 9ista and 6indows : ;8 and %( !it 1% !it A,',A $onverters, supported ampling fre"uencies <*+=> )???, @%??, 11?8A, 18???, 1%???, 88?A?, 8(???, ;8???, ((1?? B ()??? 2re"uency response 1? *+ to 8? k*+, C 1 d! D ((.1 k*+ sample rate & 1? *+ to 88 k*+, C 1 d! D ().? k*+ sample rate 5utputs tereo> ,ynamic Eange> F@A d! <typical, &%? d! input,A&weighted= & '0 Eatio> F@A d! <typical ,A&weighted= & T*,> &@?d! <typical= Input 7/E MI$> ,ynamic Eange> F@? d! <typical, &%? d! input,A&weighted= & ignal&to& 0oise Eatio> F@? d! <typical,A&weighted= Inputs I0 TE'/I01> ,ynamic Eange> F@? d! <typical, &%? d! input,A&weighted= & ignal&to& 0oise Eatio> F@? d! <typical,A&weighted= $rosstalk &:: d! D ? d!9, 1 k*+ ,ynamic range> F@A d! <typical, &%? d! input,A&weighted= Ad-ustable stereo input for /I01 level devices. G(? d! ma3 tereo output for /I01 level devices. <&1? d!9 nominal, G1.: d!9 ma3= *I&. instrument input. MI$ input and MI$ with G()9 phantom power input switchable Ad-ustable stereo headphone output for headphones. U ! #owered, i.e. power supplied via U ! connection of the computer Indicator&/1,s for peak and signal, ()9 phantom power and U ! power

S"stem ,e>uirements The Audiolink II has been designed to work with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7

)ard-are Setup

4ront panel X+, MIC Input This 7/E balanced connector accepts an microphone level signal. !eside the MI$ connector there is a /1, to monitor the G()9 phantom power. MIC le!el control This level control regulates the level of the signal going from the MI$ input. !eside the MI$ level control there are 8 /1,s to monitor the signal level and peaks. ,e!er2 ?ept. le!el control This level control regulates the level of the hardware reverb on the input signal. ) utput @ac( This stereo -ack plays back outputs 1 and 8 through the /eft and Eight speakers of your headphones. ) output le!el control This level control regulates the level of the output signal from the headphone amp. USB Power Indicator: This /1, indicator lights when the Audiolink II is receiving power through its U ! port.

,ear panel $AV ?C input 3ac( 189 ,$ power input, the advantage to use a e3ternal transformer is you will get better '0 rate by the power grounding. USB @ac( This -ack connects the Audiolink to your computer, using a U ! 1.1 <or higher= connection. Mono/Stereo select witch to select between MI$'I0 T <mono= or /I01<stereo= input. B&'V P.antom po-er s-itc. witch to select between MI$ with or without phantom power <dynamic and condensator microphone=. Instrument Input This 1'(H&I0 connector accepts an instrument level signal. +I;7 utput (stereo# These unbalanced E$A output the signal, which is output from your computer and should be connected to a pair of powered speakers, a mi3er or a stereo receiver. +I;7 Input (stereo# These inputs accepts the line level stereo signal. If you are recording a stereo line&level source, plug the left channel into /I01 Input 1 and the right channel into /I01 Input 8. Connection and operatin/ de!ices9 The product case is printed with all relevant informationI There are one 7/E Mic socket, with the ad-ustment switches for the input level ne3t to it on the front panel and one I0 TEUM10T socket on the rear. 5n the front right side you can find the *1A,#*501 5ut and itJs leveler. 5n the opposite side there are ( #hono <TE = sockets for the In& and 5utput. $onnect the /I01 out sockets with a regular #hono <TE 'E$A= cable to an amplifier. All outputs, the /I01 out and the headphone out, all provide the same mi3. USB Connection The Audiolink II communicates with your computer through a U ! port. It is also powered by the U ! connection. !ecause of this, we recommend that you plug the Audiolink II into one of the built&in U ! ports on your computer, not through a keyboard connection or U ! hub. To connect your Audiolink II, find the open -ack of an unused U ! port on your computer and connect it to the Audiolink II -ack with the included U ! cable.This computers U ! -acks will most often be located on a rear panel and will probably be marked with a U ! symbol. In 6indows 7#,9ista and 6indows :, the Audiolink II is class&compliant, making driver installation optionalK to begin using the Audiolink, you may simply plug the unit into a U ! port . *owever, choosing to install the A I5 driver will allow the following added functionality> Windows XP,Vista and Windows 7 - ,evice $ontrol #anel and A I5 support with low&latency drivers.

Connecting the Audiolink II to our co!"uter $onnecting the Audiolink II to a computer is very easyI imply connect your Audiolink II, with the included U ! cable, to a free U ! port on your computer. 6hen the Audiolink II is attached the red #561E /1, lights up briefly to signal a good power supply to the Audiolink II. The installation under 6indows will then take place automatically, a few seconds after connecting to your computer&system it will find a 4U ! Audio $odec4 or 4U ! Audio ,evice4, which can be used in each application and ad-usted in the system control. Using the U ! connection your digiti+ed audio data can now be transferred to your computerI MIC and I;S8,UM7;8 Inputs $onnect your Microphone at the 7/E input or your electric guitar on the Instrument input. If you use a Microphone, which needs phantom power you find the phantom power switch on the back side of the Audiolink II. Lou can ad-ust the input level of the Microphone with the Input leveler beside the 7/E input socket. +I;7 Input $onnect your #layer device to the two TE sockets marked M/I01 inputH on the back side of the Audiolink II, you can connect any devices with a /I01 level output, e.g. Tape deck or $, players. +I;70 utput (Stereo 8,S @ac(s# $onnect your amplifier to these outputs for monitor recordings or sounds from the computer. )7A?P) ;70 utput (Stereo @ac( %:< mm# $onnect your headphone to this output to monitor recordings or sounds from the computer.

S 48WA,7 I;S8A++A8I ;
Windows XP#VIS$A#Win 7 ASI% dri&er 5n our website you will find an A I5 driver for the Audiolink II, after download -ust e3ecute the setup.e3e and follow the instructions. After the installation you can find in each A I5 compatible recording software the Audiolink II A I5 control panel. ASI Control Panel

'ote> horter latency time will occupy more $#U source, (N11msec for average #$. If you hear some H#5#OP, please drag it higher to )N8?msec. A

,eferences to t.e dri!er attitude under Windo-s audio se>uencer pro/rams suc. as Cu2ase: Sonar or Samplitude9 The Audiolink II runs under hard disk recording programs in the 42ull ,uple3 Mode4 <simultaneous admission and rendition= usually only with A I5 Multimedia drivers, the 6indows 6,M driver only permits one direction <admission or rendition= at the same time. 6e recommend that you download the Audiolink II A I5 driver from our homepage The A I5 driver makes it possible to use monitoring& and full duple3& modes. Additionally, the latency time of the audio signal will be substantially reduced. )ard dis(0recordin/ soft-are "Ma/i5 Samplitude S7"

The bundled software, which is shipped with the Audiolink II, is special software for multiple hard disk recording, cutting and editing recorded music and speech. ,e/ardin/ t.e dri!er set0up in "Samplitude S7" To set&up the drivers for Audiolink II in 4 amplitude 14, click the menus 4options4 and 4system options4 in the Maudio set&upH. If you have installed the A I5 driver, you can ad-ust this here as a 4record and playH device & please choose the A I5 driver for the Audiolink II. !elow this the actual latency time will be displayed after selecting the driver, also, by clicking the button MAttitudesH you can ad-ust the buffer si+e and the latency time of the driver itself. The latency time is system& dependent and is different in different personal computers. $hoose a value as low as possible, if you ad-ust too low you hear interference noises, set the buffer and latency time of the driver -ust above the noise threshold. 6e hope you get a lot of en-oyment from this e3citing programI After installation and activation via this version is fully functioning. 2urther information on e3tensions, updates and other products from Miditech please check out our homepage http>''www.miditech.deI of t.e tec.nical data and t.e desi/n are possi2le ;o lia2ilit" is assumed for misprints %

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