Àcidez en Grasa Metodo General 02-01a

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AACC Method

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Fat AcidityGeneral Method

Final approval October 3, 1984; Reapproval November 3, 1999

Objective Natural fats are mixtures of esters of fatty acids with glycerol. They are essentially neutral. Unfavorable storage conditions may cause partial hydrolysis of the glycerides. The resultant free fatty acids increase the acidity, which is an indication of deterioration in quality. This method determines total fatty acids in grain and grain products by a general titrimetric procedure. Apparatus 1. Laboratory mill, suitable for grinding small samples of grain so that 90% or more will pass through no. 40 U.S. Standard sieve. 2. Fat-extraction device; Soxhlet or similar type equipped with doublethickness paper thimbles (porosity 5 m). Reagents 1. Petroleum ether; boiling range 3560. 2. Toluene-alcohol-phenolphthalein (TAP) solution. Mix equal parts by volume of chemically pure toluene and 95% ethyl alcohol. Add 0.2 g phenolphthalein per liter to form 0.02% solution. 3. KOH. Prepare CO2-free standard solution, 0.0178N (1 ml = 1 mg KOH). Color standards The intensity of yellow color in grain varies, depending on type of grain; therefore, a color standard is helpful in making titration end points uniform. Prepare as follows: To 50 ml water in flask of type used for titrating, add dropwise 0.05% potassium dichromate until water solution matches in color the grain extract solution to be titrated. Add 2.5 ml freshly prepared 0.01% potassium permanganate solution and mix. Color of titration end point should match this standard. Prepare color standard for titration blank by adding 2.5 ml 0.01% potassium permanganate to 50 ml water. Procedure For most accurate results, moisture content of grain should not exceed 11.0%. Higher percentages of moisture at time of extraction have been found to raise fat acidity values significantly. 1. Grind at least 40 g of representative sample of small grains such as wheat, or 200 g of larger grains such as corn. Preferably grind sample so that 90% or more will pass through no. 40 U.S. Standard sieve. Once ground, sample must be carried to extraction step within 1 hr to forestall changes caused by lipolytic enzymes.


AACC Method

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Fat AcidityGeneral Method (continued)

2. Extract 10 g ground sample with petroleum ether in extractor at rate of one siphoning about every 3 min. Extract approximately 16 hr. If thimble is elevated 1 in. above bottom of extracting chamber by a glass rod, extraction time can be shortened to 4 hr. Plug of cotton or glass wool in top of thimble will prevent loss of sample. 3. Evaporate petroleum ether from extract and redissolve extract in extraction flask with 50 ml TAP solution. 4. Titrate extract solution with 0.0178N KOH to end point matching color of standard described under Reagents. 5. Determine blank by titrating 50 ml TAP solution to end point matching color of standard for titration blank described under Reagents. Note In the case of grain having high fat-acidity values, emulsions are sometimes formed during titration, partially masking the end point. When emulsion appears, 50 ml additional TAP solution may be added to ensure a clear solution for titration. The blank titration value in this case must be double that determined on the single 50-ml portion of solvent. Calculation Report fat acidity as mg KOH required to neutralize free fatty acids from 100 g grain on dry-matter basis by formula:
Fat acidity value = (T B) 10 100 100 W

where T = ml 0.0178N KOH required to titrate sample extract, B = ml 0.0178N KOH required to titrate blank, W = g water in 100 g of sample. References
1. Baker, D. 1984. The use of toluene in fat acidity methods. Cereal Foods World 29:265. 2. Baker, D., Neustadt, M. H., and Zeleny, L. 1957. Application of the fat acidity test as an index of grain deterioration. Cereal Chem. 34:226. 3. Neustadt, M. H. 1942. An improved Soxhlet extractor. Ind. Eng. Chem. 14:431. 4. Zeleny, L., and Coleman, D. A. 1938. Acidity in cereals and cereal products, its determination and significance. Cereal Chem. 15:580. 5. Zeleny, L., and Coleman, D. A. 1939. The chemical determination of soundness in corn. U.S. Dep. Agric., Tech. Bull. 644.

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