BRAND India Pricelist 2012

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Pr i cel i st 2012- 2013
Liquid Handling, Glassware and Laboratory Consumables.
I Liquid Handling
I Life Science Consumables
I Volumetric Instruments
I Temperature and Density Measurement
I Clinical Laboratory
I General Laboratory Supplies

TA PLT unit (Pipette Leak Testing unit)

BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
303, DELPHI, C Wing
Hiranandani Business Park, Powai
Mumbai 400 076 (India)
Registered Office:
BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
Floor, Dev Nibiru, Linking Road, Khar (West)
Mumbai 400 052 (India)
India_Pricelist_00_Cover.indd 1 29.03.2012 15:42:46
Tr ademar k I ndex




, BRANDplates

, cellGrade

, Dispensette


, HandyStep


, immunoGrade

, inertGrade

, lipoGrade

, nano-cap

, pureGrade

, QuikSip

, SafetyPrime

, seripettor


, Transferpette

, as well as the logo design marks depicted here, are trademarks of BRAND GMBH + CO KG,
Insofar as other owners brands or protected terms, symbols or illustrations are used, this occurs merely for reference purposes and
without any claim of right. Reproduced brands are the property of the respective owner.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is, where applicable, covered by patents. No license under these patents to use the PCR pro-
cess is conveyed expressly or by implication to the purchaser by the purchase of products from this catalog.

General Terms and Conditions of BRAND GMBH + CO KG

1. General
1.1. (Applicability) These General Terms and Conditions only apply to contractual relations with entrepreneurs
(Sec. 14 German Civil Code).
1.2. (Conflicting business conditions, written form and contract language) These General Terms and Conditions
shall apply to all contracts, including all future contracts with the Customer. Other conditions shall not
become a part of the contract even if we do not expressly object to such conditions. Customer may claim
validity of additional agreements only before or upon conclusion of the contract and only on our immediate
written confirmation. Renunciation of the written form is only possible in writing. The contract language
shall be German or English.
1.3. (Offers, right to make changes) Our offers are subject to confirmation. We reserve the right to make
technical improvements to our products.
1.4. (Recording of data) We may store and process relevant contract data in our EDP systems.
1.5. (Offset and retention) The Customer shall not be entitled to offset his claims against any other claims but
those which are acknowledged, uncontested or final. Furthermore the Customer may offset counterclaims
based on a right to refuse performance (Sec. 320 German Civil Code) if those claims are for the payment
of a sum of money.
1.6. (Rush orders/small orders) Orders having a value of less than 100 euros are subject to a minimum order
surcharge of 20 euros. Delivery is normally in packing units as per our valid price list. For deliveries
effected within five working days or for order values up to 500 euros, we reserve the right to ship and
invoice immediately waiving the requirement for an order confirmation.
1.7. (Place of jurisdiction) The place of jurisdiction shall be the court responsible for our domicile in Wertheim/
Mosbach, Germany. We are also entitled to appeal to the court responsible for our Customers domicile.
Furthermore, we as Plaintiffs have the right to call upon the arbitral tribunal at the Chamber of Industry and
Commerce in Frankfurt am Main. In this case, the arbitral tribunal conclusively decides the legal dispute
in accordance with the ICC Rules of Arbitration excluding the due legal process. The initiation of legal
dunning proceedings does not imply the exercise of our right to choose the plan of jurisdiction. It is in no
way admissible.
1.8. German law is applicable, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods, CISG, and the rules of Conflict Laws.
2. Delivery
2.1 Place of performance shall be our factory in Wertheim, Germany. Customer assumes all responsibilities
and all risks shall be deemed to be transferred to the Customer when the shipment leaves the ramp in
our factory. This shall also apply to partial deliveries, deliveries to a consignment location and all deliveries
where we have agreed to provide additional services such as freight forwarding, packing, exportation and
2.2 Should we have accepted a call or blanket order, the Customer shall be obligated to request delivery of
the entire order quantity within 6 months from the order date.
2.3 Should there be any delay in the Customers acceptance of a shipment we may, at our own discretion,
have the products stored at Customers expense or, after providing a warning and setting a deadline, sell
the products for the Customers account.
3. Delivery period, Delay
3.1 Indicated delivery periods are ex works. Delivery deadline shall commence upon Customers receipt of our
order confirmation and after settlement of all technical questions and after we have received all neces-
sary documents, such as diagrams, permits, Customer required releases and all previously agreed upon
advances and payments. The delivery deadline is deemed to have been met if the shipment has been
declared ready for delivery prior to the expiration of the delivery deadline. All deliveries are subject to the
punctual delivery of required materials from our suppliers.
3.2 Force Majeure, strikes, lockouts, operating breakdowns, shortages of raw materials or means of production
for which we are not responsible, including delayed deliveries or failure to deliver by upstream suppliers,
shall extend the delivery period accordingly and shall release us from our obligation to deliver if delivery
becomes impossible as a result thereof. We are considered not to be responsible for the aforementioned
circumstances, even where they occur during an existing delay. The same applies in case of additional or
amended services requested by the Customer.
3.3 Our deliveries shall not be deemed to be in default unless the Customer has provided us with a written
warning and after an indicated reasonable grace period has elapsed.
3.4 In the case of requested damages for delivery delays, our liability for damage compensation shall be
limited to 10% of the value of our delayed delivery or service. The limitation does not apply in the case of
wilful intent, gross negligence and/or damage to life, body or health. The Customer shall be obligated to
promptly notify us in writing of any consequences of delay in delivery or service.
4. Prices, Terms of Payment
4.1 Prices quoted shall be ex works and do not include VAT, if applicable. Charges for packaging, freight
and insurance shall be at the Customers expense. All prices are understood to be exclusive of costs for
returning, recycling and disposal of used equipment returned to us for disposal.
4.2 Invoices shall be paid in full, without deductions and must be credited to our bank account in EURO ()
immediately or by the due date indicated on the invoice. Receipt of payment is applicable. We shall accept
bills of exchange or checks only on account of performance and at the Customers expense.
4.3 We retain, at our sole discretion, the right at any time to deny any extension of credit to either new or
existing customers and/or to request payment in full in advance of any shipment.
4.4 If the period between conclusion of the contract and delivery is longer than four months, we reserve the
right to demand an extra charge at our discretion, corresponding to our cost increase.
4.5 Duly authorized returns of products free of defects are subject to an inspection- and processing fee of
15% of the invoiced value (10 euros minimum).
4.6 Should the Customer be in default of our payment terms, payment of all of our receivables shall be
immediately due in full and we shall not be obliged to make any further deliveries regardless of the terms
prescribed in current delivery contracts.
4.7 Should the Customer be in default of payment, default interest on arrears at a rate legally applicable shall
be due and payable. The assertion of a higher claim for damages caused by default remains unaffected.
4.8 We reserve the right to offset accounts payable to the Customer, such as credit notes, against our claims
against the Customer.
5. Retention of Title and Assignment of Future Claims
5.1 Products delivered shall remain our property until the complete and unconditional payment of all of our
claims against the Customer. Should there exist any further claims against the Customer, we reserve our
proprietary rights until Customers complete payment of these claims.
5.2 The Customer shall neither consume products nor merge nor inseparably connect products subject to
retention of title with other objects, which a third party may have rights to. If products subject to retention
of title, however, become a component of a new object (e.g. through the connection with other objects),
then we shall be a direct proportional co-owner of this object even if it constitutes a new legal entity. Our
proportion of co-ownership shall be based on the relation of the invoice value of the conditional products
to the value of the new object at the time of the connection.
5.3 The Customer may resell the products subject to retention of title in his due course of business as long
as his claims from the resale have not been assigned, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered.
5.4 The Customer shall herewith assign to us in advance as collateral any claims against his customers from
the resale of the products subject to retention of title (see clause 5.3) and/or new objects (see clause
5.2) in the amount of our invoice for the products subject to retention of title. If the Customer is not in
default of payment for the products subject to retention of title, he may collect the assigned claims in
his due course of business. However, he may only use the proportional proceeds for the payment of our
products subject to retention of title.
5.5 Upon the Customers request, we shall release collateral at our sole discretion, if and to the degree that
the nominal value of the collateral exceeds 120 percent of the nominal value of our open debt claims
against the Customer.
5.6 The Customer is required to immediately inform us of any distress, confiscation or any other disposition
of a third party with regard to the products subject to retention of title or the products co-owned by us.
5.7 If any monetary instrument should be returned to us for insufficient funds, if debit requests or direct debit
authorizations are not carried out or are retroactively cancelled, or if the Customer or the end user becomes
insolvent, Customer shall lose all rights as per clause 5.3 above. The Customer must immediately notify
any subsequent purchaser of our extended retention of title. He may only use the proportional proceeds,
which are based on the assignment, for the payment of the products delivered.
5.8 In case of default of payment or those cases covered in clause 5.7, we shall be authorized to withdraw
from the contract, and/or to demand the return of any products subject to retention of title being in the
possession of the Customer and/or to directly collect the assigned claims (see clause 5.4). In order to
determine our rights, we reserve the right to have the Customers documents and books concerning our
reserved rights examined by a person who is subject to the professional duty of confidentiality.
6. Warranty, Limitation of Liability
6.1 We warrant that our products are free from defects in materials and workmanship (under normal conditions
of use and service) at the time of the transfer of risk. The required characteristics, shelf life and use of
our products are based solely on the written contractual specification, product description and/or operating
instructions. Any information beyond this and in particular in preliminary discussions, advertisement and/or
referenced industrial standards shall only become a part of the contract if they are expressly referenced
in writing.
6.2 If the Customer requires the products for purposes other than those agreed, Customer must check before
use if the products are especially suitable for such purposes - including all aspects pertaining to product
safety - and Customer is required to ensure that products comply with all relevant technical, legal and official
regulations and requirements. We shall not be liable for the fitness of our products for any application not
expressly confirmed by us in writing. Further we shall not be liable for the accuracy of designs, specifica-
tions or materials furnished or specified by the Customer and thus have no particular testing obligation.
The observation of safety-related and occupational health regulations depends on the place and conditions
of the products use. The observation of these regulations is, therefore, the responsibility of the Customer.
6.3 The consequences of normal wear and tear of wearing parts such as pistons, seals, valves and the breakage
of glass, plastic or ceramic parts are excluded from this warranty. The warranty does also not apply for the
consequences of improper handling, use, servicing or operation of the products or the consequences of
chemical, electrochemical or electrical influences or the failure to follow the instructions in the operating
6.4 The exclusive initial remedy of Customer in the event of a justified deficiency claim is the replacement
or repair (at our sole discretion) of any defective product. Any additional warranty claims shall only exist
due to rejection, impossibility or failure of said subsequent performance. Additional expenses, resulting
from the fact that the goods have been relocated from the initial place of delivery, shall be borne by the
6.5 The Customer shall be obliged to promptly and carefully check incoming products - also for product
safety - and to notify us of any apparent deficiencies in writing, and of any hidden defects as soon as
they become apparent. The Customer must notify the carrier immediately of any transport damage. Non-
observation of the obligation to check and give notice of defects will void any and all warranty claims for
those deficiencies.
6.6 Our liability for slight negligence is limited to claims owing to injury to life, the body or the health, to claims
from product liability as well as claims from the culpable breach of essential contractual duties, through which
the contract is endangered. Incidentally, our liability for slightly negligent breach of essential contractual
duties is limited to the typically incurring damages which we could have foreseen when the contract was
6.7 If the Customer uses the delivered products with materials that are harmful to the environment, poisonous,
radioactive or dangerous in any other way, Customer shall be obliged to clean them prior to any return
shipment. All cleaning, decontamination, and disposal costs shall be the sole responsibility of Customer.
7. Warranty period, Limitation of Actions
The warranty period for all our products shall be one year and starts at the time of delivery of products
to the Customer. The same shall apply to claims for damages irrespective of legal basis. The period of
limitations of Sec. 438, paragraph 1, no. 1 and 2, Sec. 479, paragraph 1 and Sec. 634a, paragraph 1,
no. 2 of the German Civil Code remain unaffected.
Any of the above limitations and or exclusions of remedies or damages shall not apply to claims according
to malicious non-disclosure of a defect, to product liability and for damages from injury to life, the body
or the health and for other damages, which are due to wilful intent or gross negligence.
8. Software use
8.1 As far as software is contained in the delivery, the Customer will be granted the non-exclusive right to
use the software delivered including its documentation. Use of the software on more than one system is
8.2 The Customer may only copy, transfer or translate the software in a legally acceptable scope (Sec. 69a
ff. German Copyright Law (UrhG)) or convert from the object code into the source code. The Customer
is obliged to not remove our and/ or the Software Suppliers instructions, especially copyright entries, or
to change them without our prior permission.
8.3 All remaining rights to the software and the documentation thereof, including copies, remain with us and/
or Software Supplier. Granting of sublicenses is strictly forbidden.
9. Installation
9.1 Installation costs shall be invoiced monthly. Fixed installation prices shall apply to the installation work as
agreed upon. In other cases our actual price list for installation and service shall apply.
9.2 As far as required the Customer shall be responsible for providing the following at his own expense:
lighting, motive power, compressed air, water, electrical power for welding, heating including any required
connections, electrical installations for the connection of the products delivered by us, the required devices
(e.g., hoisting equipment), a lockable room for storing material, tools and clothing during the installation.
10. Spare Parts, Maintenance/Repair and Calibration
10.1 For spare parts, maintenance, repair and calibration services our current repair and replacement price list
shall apply.
10.2 In case we have an obligation to maintain/deliver spare parts, the obligation shall be limited to a period of
five years from the date of delivery of the products. As far as spare parts are not manufactured by us or
are no longer available on the market, e.g. electrical components, or as far as raw materials required for
spare part production are no longer available, our obligation to supply spare parts shall be void.
10.3 For calibration and servicing normally disposables from our production lines shall be used.
10.4 Any servicing and/or calibration service shall only be performed upon presentation of a proper and duly
signed declaration on the absence of health hazards.
10.5 For service values up to 50 Euros we reserve the right to service/repair without providing a seperate cost
11. Legal reservation, Industrial proprietary rights, secrecy
11.1 We reserve ownership in any of the tools, moulds, samples, diagrams, commercial or technical documents
produced or provided by us as well as all copyrights, proprietary and intellectual property rights in any
such item. This also applies if the corresponding costs are wholly or partly borne by the Customer. The
Customer may use any of the above only as agreed to in writing. The Customer may neither manufacture
nor have manufactured subjects of this agreement without our prior written approval.
11.2 If we deliver products according to designs or other requirements specified by the Customer (models,
samples etc.), the Customer shall be liable by default for eventual infringements of industrial property rights
or other rights of third parties by manufacturing and delivery of such products. He shall be obligated by
default to provide compensation for all damages resulting from such legal infringements.
11.3 All information acquired through the business relationship with us which is not deemed to be public
knowledge shall be deemed proprietary and may not be disclosed to any third party.
Status as of: April 2012
India_Pricelist_00_Cover.indd 2 29.03.2012 15:42:51
Dear Cust omer s,
It has indeed been a pleasure to have been associated in helping you in your respective labo-
ratories over the years. Be it quality control, R&D, material testing, microbiology, genomics,
proteomics or any other field of application BRAND has been extremely proud to be associated
in your success through the long hours of your hard work. In our association of over two
decades though our distributors in India we are also grateful to each and every one of you for
your valued suggestions which helped us in bringing to you innovative and creative products
specifically meeting your application needs.
Such strong has been your motivation and support in the recent years that we have been
encouraged to establish our own office in India starting Jan2012. This will certainly help us
in getting close to you & connecting with you regularly understanding your needs even better
to develop products suitable to your specific area of application & work. In this endeavour we
would be looking forward to an unprecedented support for your end encouraging us to become
an integral part of your research and success. The India contact details are given on the back
cover of this Price List for your ready reference.
Paramjyoti Chakraborty
Country Manager
BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai, INDIA
India_Pricelist_00_Opening_01-02.indd 1 02.04.2012 08:34:52
BRAND products are available from authorized distributors (see Orders are generally subject to the following terms
to be confirmed separately by the distributor of choice.
The products listed in this Price List might under certain circumstances
(e. g. specific duty free transactions) also be imported directly from
BRAND GMBH + CO KG Germany. For General Terms & Condi-
tions of Sales & Supplies from BRAND GMBH + CO KG Germany
please refer to the back cover of this Price List. Specific Terms &
Conditions for a specific order would be separately indicated in the
Performa Invoice/ Order Confirmation against the order.
The Prices set out in this Price List are the maximum Prices effective
1st April 2012 and it is open to parties to sell the products at Prices
lower than the Prices set out. The Prices quoted here are consumer
Prices applicable at the time of printing and are subject to alteration
without notice. Goods shall be invoiced at Prices ruling on the date
of despatch.
Taxes and Duties
The Prices quoted here are inclusive of freight & customs duty.
Central or Local Sales Tax, VAT, Octroi Charges, other duties, levies
and impost are and will be charged extra unless specified otherwise
as and when applicable. For exemption of Sales Tax and/or Octroi,
the required declaration and/or Octroi exemption certificate should
accompany the order.
While every effort will be made to adhere to delivery dates, no re-
sponsibility is and will be accepted for non-delivery or for delayed
delivery within the specified delivery dates.
Items offered are subject to the goods being in Stock on the date
of receipt of the order.
Road Permit wherever applicable should accompany the order,
failing which the order will not be executed till such time the same
is received.
For all products listed in the Price List the orders would be executed
ONLY in case the minimum pack sizes are adhered to. For exam-
ple the pack size of Catalogue number 90617 Beaker, tall form,
50 ml is 10 beakers; hence orders with a minimum of one pack
(10 beakers) or multiples of the pack size mentioned would only be
entertained for immediate supplies.
The BRAND export control management system strictly complies
with all of the European Unions and the Federal Republic of
Germanys rules and regulations regarding export restrictions. We
do not tolerate or engage in any form of circumvention of these
regulations and will not conduct business with anyone we believe
may be trying to circumvent such regulations.
All orders of invoice value of Rs.10,000/- and above are offered
Free On Road destination station by Road Transport or Goods train.
Goods for invoices valued at less than Rs.10,000/- will be sent on
freight To Pay basis.
All goods are packed with utmost care and forwarded at customers
No responsibility is taken for breakages or loss in transit. Such
claims should be sent to the carriers without delay.
Goods can be insured at the customers request at 2% of the invoice
value. Charges for insurance are and will be made on the invoice
Amendments or Cancellations
An order once placed shall not be cancelled.
Wor ki ng wi t h BRAND i n I ndi a
India_Pricelist_00_Opening_01-02.indd 2 02.04.2012 08:34:52
Liquid Handling
Dispensing Titrating Pipetting
Cont ent s
Life Science Consumables
Pipette Tips Micro Tubes PCR Microplates Cuvettes, etc.
Volumetric Instruments
Bulb Pipettes Graduated Pipettes Volumetric Flasks Burettes, etc.
Temperature and Density Measurement
Density Bottles Hydrometers Thermometers, etc.
Clinical Laboratory
Sample Cups Centrifuge Tubes Micropipettes Counting Chambers, etc.
General Laboratory Supplies
Beakers Funnels Connectors Bottles Detergents, etc.
Products with the following note falls under dangerous goods, specific con-
ditions apply will be shipped separately. Hence need extended delivery time
and additional freight charges as applicable at the time of delivery.
India_Pricelist_00_Opening_01-02.indd 3 02.04.2012 08:34:52
Tr ansf er pet t e

S, Di gi t al 0. 1 - 2. 5 l
The new micoliter pipette with its volume range from 0.1 to 2.1 l will be used with
the 0.5 to 20 l pipette tip. This pipette is the right choice for working with small
volumes in the molecular biology.
Whi t e 8t ube- PCR St r i ps wi t h t r anspar ent i ndi vi dual caps
These white PCR strips of 8 tubes, PP, with attached transparent single caps, are
available in standard size with a filling volume of 0.2 ml and as Low Profile tubes
with 0.1 ml filling volume. The strips are offered for qPCR, DNase-/RNase-, DNA-
Low Ret ent i on Pi pet t e Ti ps/Fi l t er Ti ps
New, ultra-hydrophobic Low Retention Pipette Tips and Filter Tips from BRAND.
Through a patented surface treatment, the polypropylene of the tips becomes ex-
tremely liquid-repellent which reduces costly sample loss during pipetting to a mini-
mum. Since the tip is not coated during the production process there is no sample
contamination caused by related impurities. The Low Retention Tips from BRAND
are ideal for biological samples that contain detergents such as Triton

SDS, Tween, etc. The new surface is very resistant to chemicals and thus allows to
work with many solvents without loss of quality.
Bot t l e st and f or Di spenset t e

and Ti t r et t e

Full plastic material therefore suitable for use in aggressive environment (e.g.,
acid fumes in the hood). Weight of 1.1 kg to achieve solid stand.
PLT uni t ( Pi pet t e Leak Test i ng Uni t ) and accessor i es
Device for quick check of single and multi-channel pipettes for leaks in daily routine.
The ISO 8655 requests that the accuracy of air displacement pipettes must be
reviewed at regular intervals. The PLT unit cannot substitute this regular calibra-
tion of air pipettes. However, as more than 80% of pipettes show a leakage during
routine use, it can provide a daily check on tightness of the pipettes between the
calibration intervals.
Acessories include adapters for testing of single- or multichannel pipettes, PE filters
for these adapters and an universal AC adapter.
Liquid Handling
page 11
Cat. No.
7047 69
Liquid Handling
page 14
Cat. No.
7039 75 - 7039 79
Life Science
page 26
Cat. No.
7813 16
7813 17
Liquid Handling
pages 8
Cat. No.
7042 75
Life Science
pages 20, 21
Cat. No.
703100 - 703105
703110 - 703112
703122 - 703127
703141 - 703145
703156 - 703161
India_Pricelist_00_Opening_01-02.indd 4 02.04.2012 08:35:08
Dispensing Titrating
Whatever your lab function or application
chemistry or biology, research, quality control
and clinical liquid handling operations are a
major component of your work.
The tools you use determine whether that
work is convenient, accurate and efficient, or
cumbersome and tedious.
The BRAND line of liquid handling instru-
ments described here set the world standard
for accuracy, ergonomic design, and reli-
Li qui d Handl i ng
India_Pricelist_01_LH_03-16.indd 5 29.03.2012 15:50:18
[email protected] 6
Bottle-top dispenser Dispensette

TA, analog-adjustable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4740040 Dispenser Dispensette

TA, Analog, spring Plat./Ir.,1-10 ml,w/o SafetyPrime 1 54,945

4740041 Dispenser Dispensette

TA, Analog, spring Plat./Ir., 1-10 ml,with SafetyPrime 1 58,446

4740240 Dispenser Dispensette

TA, Analog, tantalum spring, 1-10 ml, w/o SafetyPrime 1 54,945

4740241 Dispenser Dispensette

TA, Analog, tantalum spring, 1-10 5ml, w SafetyPrime 1 58,446

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

III, Digital Easy Calibration

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4700320 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,0,2-2ml, without SafetyPrime 1 27,545

4700321 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,0,2-2ml, with SafetyPrime 1 31,208

4700330 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,0,5-5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 27,545

4700331 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,0,5-5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 31,208

4700340 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,1-10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 27,545

4700341 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,1-10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 31,208

4700350 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,2,5-25ml, without SafetyPrime 1 34,968

4700351 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,2,5-25ml, with SafetyPrime 1 38,584

4700360 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,5-50ml, without SafetyPrime 1 37,462

4700361 Dispenser Dispensette

III Digital EasyCal.,5-50ml, with SafetyPrime 1 40,655

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette III, analog-adjustable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4700100 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,05-0,5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700101 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,05-0,5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700120 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,2-2ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700121 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,2-2ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700130 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,5-5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700131 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 0,5-5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700140 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 1-10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700141 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 1-10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700150 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 2,5-25ml, without SafetyPrime 1 30,844

4700151 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 2,5-25ml, with SafetyPrime 1 34,680

4700160 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 5-50ml, without SafetyPrime 1 33,203

4700161 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 5-50ml, with SafetyPrime 1 36,359

4700170 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 10-100ml, without SafetyPrime 1 43,926

4700171 Dispenser Dispensette

III Analog-adj., 10-100ml, with SafetyPrime 1 47,417

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

III, fix
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4700210 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 1ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700211 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 1ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700220 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 2ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700221 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 2ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700230 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700231 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4700240 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4700241 Dispenser Dispensette

III Fixed-vol., 10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

Organic, Digital EasyCalibration

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4730330 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,0,5-5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 27,545

4730331 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,0,5-5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 31,208

4730340 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,1-10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 27,545

4730341 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,1-10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 31,208

4730350 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,2,5-25ml, without SafetyPrime 1 34,968

4730351 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,2,5-25ml, with SafetyPrime 1 38,584

4730360 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,5-50ml, without SafetyPrime 1 37,462

4730361 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Digit.EasyCalibr.,5-50ml, with SafetyPrime 1 40,655

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

Organic, analog-adjustable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4730130 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,0,5-5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4730131 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,0,5-5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4730140 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,1-10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4730141 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,1-10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4730150 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,2,5-25ml, without SafetyPrime 1 30,844

4730151 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,2,5-25ml, with SafetyPrime 1 34,680

4730160 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,5-50ml, without SafetyPrime 1 33,203

4730161 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,5-50ml, with SafetyPrime 1 36,359

4730170 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,10-100ml, without SafetyPrime 1 43,926

4730171 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Analog-adj.,10-100ml, with SafetyPrime 1 47,417

Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

Organic, fix
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4730230 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Fixed, 5ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4730231 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Fixed, 5ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

4730240 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Fixed, 10ml, without SafetyPrime 1 23,699

4730241 Dispenser Dispensette

Organic Fixed, 10ml, with SafetyPrime 1 27,420

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Bottletop dispenser Dispensette

HF, analog-adjustable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4700040 Dispenser Dispensette

HF, 1-10 ml, without SafetyPrime 1 57,065

4700041 Dispenser Dispensette

HF, 1-10 ml, with SafetyPrime 1 60,652

Bottletop dispenser seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4720120 Dispenser seripettor

, 0,2-2 ml 1 14,300
4720140 Dispenser seripettor

, 1-10 ml 1 14,300
4720150 Dispenser seripettor

, 2,5-25 ml 1 16,995
Bottletop dispenser seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4720420 Dispenser seripettor

pro, 0,2-2 ml 1 21,541

4720440 Dispenser seripettor

pro, 1-10 ml 1 21,541

4720450 Dispenser seripettor

pro, 2,5-25 ml 1 27,765

QuikSip BT-Aspirator incl. cell-culture
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4723150 QuikSip BT-Aspirator incl.cell-culture 1 22,289
cell-culture unit
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25950 cell-culture, aspiration controller, with suction tube and adpter 1 6,368
8-channel manifold, PP, for QuikSip
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704526 8-channel manifold, PP, for QuikSip 1 1,128
Spare parts QuikSip
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
6788 Seals for QuikSip (Set of 5 pieces), pack consists of: 5 pieces/set 1 744
704575 Filling tube for QuikSip BT-Aspirator,w.filling valve PP/EPDM 1 2,877
704580 Discharge tube for QuikSip BT-Aspirator,w.sealing, PP/EPDM 1 2,179
Spare parts cell-culture
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25933 Adapter, PVC, for capillaries 1 230
25960 Adapter, SI/PVC, for pasteur pipettes 1 315
25961 Adapter, PP, for pipette tips 100 l 1 706
25962 Suction tube for cell-culture, SI, 2 metres long 1 1,373
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[email protected] 8
Discharge tube FEP with integrated valve, for Dispensette

/ seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707915 Discharge tube for Dispensette


pro, 0.5,1,2,5,10ml, 90mm, fine tip 1 3,414

707916 Discharge tube for Dispensette


pro, 5,10ml, 90 mm 1 3,199

707917 Discharge tube for Dispensette

25,50,100ml, 120 mm 1 3,621

707918 Discharge tube for Dispensette


pro, 25,50,100ml,120mm fine tip 1 4,159

707919 Discharge tube for Dispensette

HF, 10ml, 90 mm 1 4,235

707935 Discharge tube for Dispensette

Organic, 0.5,1,2,5,10ml, 90mm, fine tip 1 3,414

707936 Discharge tube for Dispensette

Organic, 5,10ml, 90mm 1 3,199

707937 Discharge tube for Dispensette

Organic 25,50ml, 120mm 1 3,621

707938 Discharge tube for Dispensette

Organic 25,50ml, 120mm, fine tip 1 4,159

707955 Discharge tube for Dispensette

TA (saphire, platine-iridium) 1 5,179

707956 Discharge tube for Dispensette

TA (saphire, tantalum) 1 5,179

Flexible discharge tube for Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

707925 Flexible discharge tube for Dispensette

1,2,5,10ml, 80 cm 1 8,302
707926 Flexible discharge tube for Dispensette

25,50,100ml, 80 cm 1 8,885
Bottle stand Dispensette

and Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704275 Bottle stand PP Dispensette


support rod 300 mm base pl.220x160 mm 1 18,414

SafetyPrime recirculation valves for Dispensette

/ Digital Burette
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
706080 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

III 1-100ml 1 5,808

706081 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

III 0,5ml 1 5,808

706085 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

HF 1 6,376
706086 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

TA (sapphire,platine-iridium) 1 7,450
706087 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

TA (sapphire,tantalum) 1 7,450
706090 Recirculation valve SafetyPrime, for Dispensette

Organic 1 6,199
Dispensing cartridge with safety ring for Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707542 Dispensing cartridge for Dispensette

TA with safety ring 1 40,358

Telescopic filling tube, FEP, Dispensette

/ Titrette

/ seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704201 Filling tube Dispensette


pro/Dig.Bur, up to 10ml, 250-480mm 1 1,757

704202 Filling tube Dispensette

/ seripettor

pro, up to 10ml, 70-140mm 1 1,105

704203 Filling tube Dispensette


pro/Dig.Bur, up to 10ml, 125-240mm 1 1,573

704204 Filling tube Dispensette



pro, over 10ml, 170-330mm 1 2,240

704205 Filling tube Dispensette



pro, over 10ml, 250-480 mm 1 2,355

704208 Filling tube Dispensette


pro/Dig.Bur, up to 10ml, 195-350mm 1 2,256

Thread Adapters, for Dispensette

, seripettor

, Titrette

and QuikSip
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704322 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 22 1 706
704325 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 25 1 660
704328 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 28 1 660
704330 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 30 1 867
704338 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 38 1 967
704340 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread S 40 1 1,020
704343 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread S 40 1 1,020
704345 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 45 1 1,066
704375 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 25 1 1,519
704378 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 28 1 1,519
704380 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 30 1 1,719
704388 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 38 1 1,872
704390 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread S 40 1 2,010
704391 Thread adapter, PTFE, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread S 40 1 2,371
704395 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 32, for bottle thread GL 45 1 2,317
704396 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread GL 32 1 1,074
704397 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread GL 38 1 1,074
704398 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread GL 32 1 2,125
704399 Thread adapter, ETFE, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread GL 38 1 2,125
704419 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for ground joint NS 19/26 1 1,159
704424 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for ground joint NS 24/29 1 1,258
704429 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 32, for ground joint NS 29/32 1 1,297
704431 Thread adapter, PP, outer thread GL 45, for bottle thread GL 35 1 1,105
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Filling valve with sealing washer for Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

6622 Filling valve (sapphire) for Dispensette

TA and HF 1 4,281
6697 Fil.valve+seal.washer,Dispensette


pro/Dig.Bur,0.5,1,2,5,10ml 1 1,811
6698 Fil.valve+seal.washer,Dispensette


pro,25,50,100ml 1 2,148
Filling valve with olive-shaped nozzle for Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

6637 Filling valve w.oliveshaped nozzle Dispensette

III/Organic 0.5,1,2,5,10ml 1 2,256

6638 Filling valve w.oliveshaped nozzle Dispensette

25, 50 and 100ml 1 2,547

Seals for discharge tube, SafetyPrime and filling valve
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
6696 Seals, PTFE, for Dispensette

and Digital Burette III, pack consists of: Pack of 5 each tube 1 1,143
Drying tube, PE-LD, for Dispensette

, Titrette

and Digital Burette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707930 Drying tube, PE-LD, for Dispensette

, Titrette

and Digital Burette 1 3,000

Seal for valve block for highly volatile reagents
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704486 Seal for valve block 1 1,458
Discharge tube w. Luer-Lock attachm. f.micro filter assembly
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707928 Discharge tube for Dispensette

with LuerLock attachment 1 7,097

Air vent cap with Luer-cone for micro filter, Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704495 Air vent cap for micro filter with Luer-cone, PP, for Dispensette

1 1,535
Threaded bottle, amber, ethyl-acrylate coated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704002 Threaded bottle amber 100ml,thread 32 1 972
704004 Threaded bottle amber 250ml,thread 32 1 1,309
704006 Threaded bottle amber 500ml,thread 32 1 1,357
704008 Threaded bottle amber 1000ml,thread 45 1 1,646
704010 Threaded bottle amber 2500ml,thread 45 1 3,067
704012 Threaded bottle amber 100ml,thread 32 1 490
704014 Threaded bottle amber 250ml,thread 32 1 618
704016 Threaded bottle amber 500ml,thread 32 1 650
704018 Threaded bottle amber 1000ml,thread 45 1 779
704020 Threaded bottle amber 2500ml,thread 45 1 1,694
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[email protected] 10
Remote dispensing system Dispensette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704209 Filling tubes, FEP, for Dispensette

III/Organic 0,5-10ml 1 2,486

704210 Filling tubes, FEP, for Dispensette

III/Organic 25-100ml 1 3,391

704261 Remote dispensing system f.Dispensette

III/Organic, 1 27,284

704267 Filling tube for remote dispensing system Dispensette

, 10m, o.-d. 7.6mm 1 13,941

704268 Support rod con.f.remote dispensing syst.Dispensette

1 4,258
704269 Filling tube for remote dispensiing system Dispensette

, 1m, o.-d. 6.9mm 1 1,542

704270 Thread adapter f.remote dispensing system Dispensette

, i.-th. 2 1 6,407
704272 Table/shelf clamp f.remote dispensing system Dispensette

1 1,872
704281 Thread adapter f.remote dispensing system Dispensette

, PTFE, o.-thr. GL32 1 3,936

704282 Thread adapter f.remote dispensing system Dispensette

, i.-th. GL32 1 2,432

Dispensing cartridge for seripettor

/ QuikSip
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704500 Disp.cartridge f.seripettor

/ seripettor

pro, 2 ml, pack consists of: bag with 3 pieces 1 2,542

704502 Disp.cartridge f.seripettor

/ seripettor

pro / QuikSip, 10ml, pack consists of: bag with 3 pieces 1 2,542
704504 Disp.cartridge f.seripettor

/ seripettor

pro / QuikSip, 25ml, pack consists of: bag with 3 pieces 1 3,808
Dispensing cartridge for seripettor

/ QuikSip, sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704506 Disp.cartridge seripettor

/ seripettor

pro/ QuikSip, 10ml, sterile, pack consists of: 7 pieces (single wrapped) 1 7,887
704507 Disp.cartridge seripettor

/ seripettor

pro, 2ml, sterile, pack consists of: 7 pieces (single wrapped) 1 7,887
704508 Disp.cartridge seripettor

/ seripettor

pro/ QuikSip, 25ml, sterile, pack consists of: 5 pieces (single wrapped) 1 8,248
Flex.discharge tubing,PTFE,for seripettor

/ seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704522 Discharge tube seripettor

(pro),10ml,PTFE,flexible,coiled 1 8,348
704523 Discharge tube seripettor

(pro),25ml,PTFE,flexible,coiled 1 8,931
Discharge tube, PP, for seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704518 Discharge tube, PP, for seripettor

2ml, fine tip 1 2,302

704520 Discharge tube, PP, for seripettor

10+25ml 1 2,302
Valve-Set for seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

6790 Valve set for seripettor

, 1 filling/discharge valve, 2 seals, pack consists of: 1 bag 1 2,279

Adapter for discharge tube / filling valveseripettor

pro, PP, with seal

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
6208 Adapter for discharge tube seripettor

pro, PP, with seal 1 1,980

6707 Adapter for filling valve seripettor

pro, PP, with seal 1 1,442

Filling tube, PP, for seripettor

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704532 Filling tube,PP,for seripettor

,250 mm, pack consists of: 2 pieces 1 514

704534 Filling tube,PP,for seripettor

,500 mm, pack consists of: 2 pieces 1 744

Filling tube, PP, seripettor

, for sterile applications

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704536 Filling tube PP seripettor

ster.appl.250 mm 1 614
704538 Filling tube PP seripettor

ster.appl.500 mm 1 882
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cap, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704552 seripettor

cap PP f.10ml,f.valve block 1 1,849

704554 seripettor

cap PP f.25ml,f.valve block 1 1,849

Bottle-top burette Titrette

, class A precision
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4760151 Bottle-top burette Titrette

, 25ml, Standard 1 57,832

4760161 Bottle-top burette Titrette

, 50ml, Standard 1 57,832

4760251 Bottle-top burette Titrette

, 25ml, with RS232 interface 1 74,328

4760261 Bottle-top burette Titrette

, 50ml, with RS232 interface 1 74,328

4760451 Bottle-top burette Titrette

SH, according to Soxhlet-Henkel (4 SH = 1 ml) 1 94,680

Titrating tube for bottle-top burette Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

707526 Titrating tube w.screw cap f.Titrette

w.integ.discha./recirc.valve up to SN 12J 1 5,286

707529 Titrating tube w.screw cap f.Titrette

w.integ.discha./recirc.valve from SN 01K 1 5,286

Filling valve with olive-shaped nozzle and sealing ring, for Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

6636 Filling valve with olive-shaped nozzle and sealing ring, for Titrette

1 2,547
Inspection windows for Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

6783 Inspection windows for Titrette

(colorless / amber colored), pack consists of: 2 sets 1 1,289

Piston for Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707530 Piston head for Titrette

25 ml 1 4,128
707532 Piston head for Titrette

50 ml 1 4,128
Dispensing cylinder with valve block for Titrette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
707534 Dispensing cylinder with valve head for Titrette

25 ml SN<=12J 1 8,586
707535 Dispensing cylinder with valve head for Titrette

25 ml SN>= 01K 1 8,586

707536 Dispensing cylinder with valve head for Titrette

50 ml SN<=12J 1 8,586
707537 Dispensing cylinder with valve head for Titrette

50 ml SN>=01K 1 8,586
Single-channel microliter pipette Transferpette

S, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704768 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-1,Digital, 0,1-1l 1 15,422

704769 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-2,5,Digital, 0,1-2,5l f. tips 0,5-20l 1 15,422

704770 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-10,Digital, 0,5-10l 1 15,422

704772 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-20,Digital, 2-20l 1 13,859

704774 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-100,Digital, 10-100l 1 13,859

704778 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-200,Digital, 20-200l 1 13,859

704780 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-1000,Digital, 100-1000l 1 13,859

704782 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-5000,Digital, 500-5000l 1 15,422

704784 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, D-10000,Dig., 1000-10000l 1 15,422

Starter-Kit Transferpette

S, digital adjustable volume, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704790 Starter-Kit Transfertette

S Micro (D-1, D-10, D-100), pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 42,372

704791 Starter-Kit Transfertette

S Midi (D-20, D-200, D-1000), pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 39,993

704792 Starter-Kit Transfertette

S Macro (D-1000, D-5000, D-10000), pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 42,372

704793 Starter-Kit Transfertette

S Standard (D-10, D-100, D-1000), pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 41,029

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[email protected] 12
Single-channel microliter pipette Transferpette

S, fixed volume
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704708 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-10, Fix, 10 l 1 8,833

704716 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-20, Fix, 20l 1 8,833

704720 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-25, Fix, 25l 1 8,833

704728 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-50, Fix, 50l 1 8,833

704738 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-100, Fix, 100l 1 8,833

704744 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-200, Fix, 200l 1 8,833

704754 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-500, Fix, 500l 1 8,833

704762 Microliter pipette Transferpette

S, F-1000, Fix, 1000l 1 8,833

Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

S -8, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703700 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-8, Dig.Adjust. M8-10, 0,5-10 l 1 47,071

703706 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-8, Dig.Adjust. M8-50, 5-50 l 1 47,071

703708 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-8, Dig.Adjust. M8-100, 10-100 l 1 47,071

703710 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-8, Dig.Adjust. M8-200, 20-200 l 1 47,071

703712 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-8, Dig.Adjust. M8-300, 30-300 l 1 47,071

Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

S -12, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703720 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-12, Dig.Adjust. M12-10, 0,5-10 l 1 54,111

703726 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-12, Dig.Adjust. M12-50, 5-50 l 1 54,111

703728 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-12, Dig.Adjust. M12-100, 10-100 l 1 54,111

703730 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-12, Dig.Adjust. M12-200, 20-200 l 1 54,111

703732 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

S-12, Dig.Adjust. M12-300, 30-300 l 1 54,111

Single-channel microliter pipette Transferpette

, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704101 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 0,1- 1 l 1 13,782

704102 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 0,5-10 l 1 13,782

704103 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 2 -20l 1 13,782

704104 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 2 -20l 1 12,334

704172 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 5- 50 l 1 12,334
704174 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 10- 100 l 1 12,334

704176 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 25- 250l 1 12,334

704178 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 20- 200 l 1 12,334

704180 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 100-1000l 1 12,334

704182 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Digital 500-5000l 1 13,782

PipSet Transferpette

, digital adjustable volume, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704190 PipSet 3 Microliter pipettes Transferpette

Digital,0,5-10l,10-100l,100-1000l, pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 36,781

Supports / rack mount Transferpette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

703203 Bench-top rack for 3 Transferpette

s 1 5,494
703208 Bench-top rack f.Transferpette

pipettes (2 x 3 instruments) 1 10,450

703210 Wall / rack mount for 3 Transferpette

pipettes 1 4,442
703440 Individual stand for pipettes Transferpette

-8/-12 and S -8/-12 1 2,801

704805 Benchtop rack (round) for pipettes Transferpette

S and S -8/-12 1 6,430

704810 Wall / rack mount for pipettes Transferpette

S and S -8/-12 1 1,189

705385 Individual stand for pipette Transferpette

electronic 1 5,593
705386 Individual stand for pipette Transferpette

0,5-5ml, 2ml + electronic 0,5-5ml 1 5,593

Single-channel microliter pipette Transferpette

, fixed volume
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704106 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 5 l 1 7,855
704108 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 10 l 1 7,855
704116 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 20 l 1 7,855
704120 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 25 l 1 7,855
704128 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 50 l 1 7,855
704138 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 100 l 1 7,855

704144 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 200 l for tips 2-200l 1 7,855

704146 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 200 l for tips 50-1000l 1 7,855

704148 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 250 l 1 7,855

704154 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 500 l 1 7,855

704162 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 1000 l 1 7,855

704164 Microliter pipette Transferpette

Fix 2000 l 1 7,855

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Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

-8, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703600 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 0,5-10 l 1 45,873

703602 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 2-20 l 1 45,873

703604 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 2,5-25 l 1 45,873

703606 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 5-50 l 1 45,873

703608 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 10-100 l 1 45,873

703610 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 20-200 l 1 45,873

703612 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

- 8, Digital, 30-300 l 1 45,873

Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

-12, digital adjustable volume

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703620 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 0,5-10 l 1 52,625

703622 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 2-20 l 1 52,625

703624 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 2,5-25 l 1 52,625

703626 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 5-50 l 1 52,625

703628 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 10-100 l 1 52,625

703630 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 20-200 l 1 52,625

703632 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12, Digital, 30-300 l 1 52,625

Single-channel microliter pipette Transferpette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705299 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 0.5-10l,Europe 1 33,510

705300 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 2-20l,Europe 1 33,510

705303 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 20-200l,Europe 1 33,510

705306 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 100-1000l,Europe 1 33,510

705307 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 500-5000l,Europe 1 33,510

705339 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 0.5-10l,w/o charger 1 31,688

705340 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 2-20l,w/o charger 1 31,688

705343 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 20-200l,w/o charger 1 31,688

705346 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 100-1000l,w/o charg. 1 31,688

705347 Microliter pipette Transferpette

electronic, 5-5000l,w/o charg. 1 31,688

Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705399 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic, 0,5-10l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 60,326

705400 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic, 1-20l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 60,326

705403 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic, 5-100l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 60,326

705404 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic, 10-200l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 60,326

705406 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-8 electronic, 15-300l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 60,326

Multichannel microliter pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705449 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic, 0,5-10l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 69,514

705450 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic, 1-20l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 69,514

705453 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic, 5-100l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 69,514

705454 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic, 10-200l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 69,514

705456 Multichannel pipette Transferpette

-12 electronic, 15-300l, Europe 230V/50Hz 1 69,514

3-device charging stand for Transferpette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705390 Stand for 3 Transferpette

electronic, Europe 1 22,908

Reagent reservoir, PP, for multi-channel pipettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703409 Reagent reservoir PP f.multichannel pip. 60ml,sterile,200pcs, pack consists of: 200 (40 bags of 5) 1 15,316
703411 Reagent reservoir PP f.multichannel pip. 60ml,sterile,100pcs, pack consists of: 100 (individually packaged) 1 19,098
703459 Reagent reservoir for multichannel pipettes, with lid, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,353
Pipetting key for Transferpette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704070 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

light-green, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

704071 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

pink, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

704072 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

blue, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

704073 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

beige, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

704074 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

dark-grey, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

704075 Pipetting key f.Transferpette

assort.colours, pack consists of: bag with 5 pieces 1 1,780

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[email protected] 14
Filter for Transferpette

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

704652 Filter for Transferpette

0,5 - 5 ml pipettes, pack consists of: 25 pieces 1 629

704653 Filter for Transferpette

S 1 - 10 ml pipettes, pack consists of: 25 pieces 1 1,066

PLT unit, with AC adapter 100-240V/50-60Hz
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703970 Tightness test unit, with AC adapter 100-240V/50-60Hz 1 137,340
Accessories PLT unit
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703975 Pipette adapter for PLT unit single-channel, for testing with tips 1 3,683
703976 Single-channel adapter for pipettes without tip 1 3,683
703977 Multichannel adapter for pipettes with and without tip 1 11,969
703978 Filter for pipette adapter PLT-unit pack of 10, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 644
703979 universal AC adapter for PLT unit Input: AC 100-240 V; 50/60 Hz 1 5,831
Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital type
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701807 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 2,5- 10 l, capillary 1 28,590
701812 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 5 - 25 l, capillary 1 28,590
701817 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 10 - 50 l, capillary 1 28,590
701822 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 20 -100 l, capillary 1 28,590
702804 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 100- 500 l 1 28,590
702806 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 200-1000 l 1 28,590
702810 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 1,0- 5,0ml 1 28,590
702812 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Digital cert. 2,0-10,0ml 1 28,590
Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix type
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701842 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 1 l, capillary 1 18,050
701844 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 2 l, capillary 1 18,050
701853 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 5 l, capillary 1 18,050
701858 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 10 l, capillary 1 18,050
701863 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 20 l, capillary 1 18,050
701864 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 25 l, capillary 1 18,050
701868 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 50 l, capillary 1 18,050
701873 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 100 l, capillary 1 18,050
701878 Microliter pipette Transferpettor Fix conf.cert. 200 l, capillary 1 18,050
Transferpettor caps, glas
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701900 Transferpettor caps cert. 1/2/5 l white, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,545
701902 Transferpettor caps cert. 10 l orange, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,545
701904 Transferpettor caps cert. 20 l black, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,545
701906 Transferpettor caps cert. 25 l 2xwhite, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,545
701908 Transferpettor caps cert. 50 l green, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,545
701910 Transferpettor caps cert. 100/200l blue/red, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 1,772
Transferpettor caps, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702852 Transferpettor-caps 100- 500 l, green, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,891
702854 Transferpettor-caps 200-1000 l, yellow, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,891
702858 Transferpettor-caps 1,0-5,0ml, red, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,891
702860 Transferpettor-caps 2,0-10,0ml, orange, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,891
Seals, PTFE, for Transferpettor
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701920 Seals PTFE f.Transferpettor cert. 20/25l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 1,803
701922 Seals PTFE f.Transferpettor cert. 50 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 1,803
701924 Seals PTFE f.Transferpettor cert. 100/200 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 1,803
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Seals, PE, for Transferpettor
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702864 Seals f.Transferpettor 100- 500 l, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,377
702866 Seals f.Transferpettor 200-1000 l, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,377
702870 Seals f.Transferpettor 1,0- 5,0 l, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,377
702872 Seals f.Transferpettor 2,0-10,0 l, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,377
Combi-Pack Caps and Seal, for Transferpettor
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702883 Kombi-Pack Caps (PP, 2 pieces) and Seal (PE, 1 piece), 100-500 l, pack consists of: Caps, PP: 2 pieces, Seal, PE: 1 piece. 1 851
702884 Kombi-Pack Caps (PP, 2 pieces) and Seal (PE, 1 piece), 200-1000 l, pack consists of: Caps, PP: 2 pieces, Seal, PE: 1 piece. 1 851
702885 Kombi-Pack Caps (PP, 2 pieces) and Seal (PE, 1 piece), 1000-5000 l, pack consists of: Caps, PP: 2 pieces, Seal, PE: 1 piece. 1 851
702886 Kombi-Pack Caps (PP, 2 pieces) and Seal (PE, 1 piece), 2000-10000 l, pack consists of: Caps, PP: 2 pieces, Seal, PE: 1 piece. 1 851
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701960 Transferpettor station for 4 instruments up to 200l 1 14,793
702890 Transferpettor station for 2 instruments 1 12,368
Piston rod for Transferpettor, stainless steel
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701928 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix 1/2/5 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,092
701930 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix+Dig.10 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,092
701932 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix 10l/Dig.25l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,491
701934 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix+Dig.50 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,491
701936 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix+Dig.100 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,491
701938 Piston rod f.Transferpettor Fix 200 l, pack consists of: Can of 3 pieces 1 3,491
Repair set for Transferpettor
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701964 Repair set f.Transferpettor 1/2/5l 1 3,069
701965 Repair set f.Transferpettor f. 10 l 1 3,069
701966 Repair set f.Transferpettor f. 20/25 l 1 3,430
701967 Repair set f.Transferpettor f. 50 l 1 3,430
701968 Repair set f.Transferpettor f. 100/200 l 1 3,430
Repetitive Pipette HandyStep

S, incl. shelf/rack mount, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705110 Repetitive pipette HandyStep

S, incl. shelf/rack mount, PD-tips 0.1ml,1ml,10ml 1 16,285

Shelf/Rack mount for HandyStep

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705130 Shelf/Rack mount for HandyStep

S. 1 1,189
Repetitive Pipette HandyStep

electronic with charging dock, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705000 Repetitive pipette HandyStep

electronic AC adapter Europe 1 72,305

705004 Repetitive pipette HandyStep

electronic w/o recharger unit 1 61,390

Nickel-metal hydride battery for HandyStep

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705025 Battery pack f.HandyStep

electronic 1 4,304
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[email protected] 16
Charging dock for HandyStep

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705020 Charg.dock f.HandyStep

electronic w/o AC adapter 1 14,985

AC adapter for HandyStep

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
705050 AC adapter Europe f.HandyStep

electronic 1 6,612
Pipette controller accu-jet

pro with wall support

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26300 Pipette controller accu-jet

pro, dark blue, Europe 100-240 V/50-60 Hz 1 36,157

26301 Pipette controller accu-jet

pro, magenta, Europe 100-240 V/50-60 Hz 1 36,157

26302 Pipette controller accu-jet

pro, green, Europe 100-240 V/50-60 Hz 1 36,157

26303 Pipette controller accu-jet

pro, royal blue, Europe 100-240 V/50-60 Hz 1 36,157

26304 Pipette controller accu-jet

pro, dark blue, without recharger 1 33,951

Recharger accu-jet

pro pipette controller

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26601 Recharger accu-jet

pro Europe 100-240 V/50-60 Hz 1 4,015

Adapter housing, PP, for accu-jet

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26652 Adapter housing, dark bl., PP, accu-jet

pro 1 855
26653 Adapter housing, magenta, PP, accu-jet

pro 1 855
26654 Adapter housing, green, PP, accu-jet

pro 1 855
26655 Adapter housing, royal bl., PP, accu-jet

pro 1 855
Additional accessories and spare parts for accu-jet

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26508 Pipette adapter with non-return valve, silicone, for accu-jet

pro 1 1,496
26540 Wall support for accu-jet

pro 1 1,834
26542 Snap tape for accu-jet

pro,12x65 mm,1 pair 1 721

26583 Support rod connector f.wall mounting unit,accu-jet

pro,complete 1 9,021
26630 NiMH-battery pack for accu-jet

pro 1 1,698
macro pipette controller for pipettes 0.1-200 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26100 Macro pipette controller for pipettes 0,1-200ml, grey, with spare filter 1 5,480
26151 Macro pipette controller for pipettes 0,1-200ml, green, with spare filter 1 5,480
26152 Macro pipette controller for pipettes 0,1-200ml, blue, with spare filter 1 5,480
26154 Macro pipette controller for pipettes 0,1-200ml, magenta, with spare filter 1 5,480
Accessories for macro pipette controller
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
26037 Suction bellows silicone for macro pipette controller 1 1,815
26128 Valve system f.macro pipette controller,PP, PTFE, Silicone 1 2,651
26146 Adapter silicone f.macro pipette controller,44 mm 1 380
26148 Adadpter support PP f.macro pipette controller,grey 1 380
micro pipette controller for pipettes up to 1 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25800 Micro pipette controller for pipettes up to 1ml 1 4,176
micro-classic pipette controller
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25900 Pipette controller micro-classic,cpl. 1 4,540
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spare suction system for micro pipette controller, silicone
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25805 Suction system f.micro pipette controller,silicone, pack consists of: bag with 3 pieces 1 3,171
Spare adapter for micro-classic
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25931 Spare adapter for micro-classic, pack consists of: bag with 3 pieces 1 1,143
Pipette filler, natural rubber, with 3 valves, standard
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25300 Pipette filler, NR, 3 valves standard model 1 531
Pipette filler, natural rubber, universal
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25315 Pipette filler, NR, 3 valves universal model 1 543
Pipette filler, natural rubber, with 2 valves, standard
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
25400 Pipette filler, NR, 2 valves Flip model 1 1,001
EASYCAL 4.0, calibration software (CD-ROM)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
708421 EASYCAL 4.0 (CD-ROM) upgrade version (Professional) 1 24,552
708440 EASYCAL 4.0 (CD-ROM), professional version 1 57,391
708445 EASYCAL 4.0 (CD-ROM), basic version 1 33,146
Accessories for EASYCAL 4.0
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
708462 EASYCAL testing tubes f.pipettes < 50 l, pack consists of: 250 pieces 1 2,726
708470 Micro-weighing container incl. 10 filters and 3 cover caps 1 3,399
708471 Filter pack for micro weighing vessel, 20 spare filters, pack consists of: 20 spare filters 1 3,529
708472 Set of lids for micro weighing vessel, 3 spare lids, pack consists of: 3 pieces 1 3,338
India_Pricelist_01_LH_03-16.indd 17 29.03.2012 15:50:26
Li f e Sci ence pr oduct s
Qual i t y i s our hi ghest pr i or i t y f or r el i abl e
anal yses and r epr oduci bl e r esul t s
Starting Materials
The proper selection of raw materials is a significant step in the manufacture of high-quality
products. In addition to physical and chemical testing, the optical properties of the final
product often play a central role, as in cuvette and microplate manufacture. Over many
years, polypropylene and polystyrene have earned their place as preferred materials for life
science consumables. More recently, BRAND has added a new highperformance, UV-trans-
parent plastic to its raw marterial options for disposable cuvettes and HTS microplates.
Clean-room Production
BRAND disposable articles for the life
science area are produced under controlled
clean-room conditions. To achieve this and
depending on the intended application of
the product, Class 100 to 100,000 clean-
rooms are available (ISO 14 644-1 Class 5
to 8).
For nearly 25 years, BRAND has provided high-performance products for a vari-
ety of applications in the life sciences. We start by asking users around the world for
input on product details, and then select raw materials and design injection-mold-
ing tools to ensure the highest product performance. Finally, the entire manufactur-
ing process is strictly controlled, with quality assurance testing in accredited third-party
Advant ages of PP Advant ages of PS
High resistance to chemicals
Deep-well plates and microplates can be
used with DMSO and other aggressive
Good temperature resistance
Containers remain stable even at high
temperatures; these products are gener-
ally autoclavable at 121 C (2 bar),
acc. DIN EN 285.
Minimal retention
PCR vessels, micro tubes and tips have
no residual wetting and the material is
biologically inert no adhesion of
biomolecules to the surfaces.
Good optical characteristics
Colorimetric tests like ELISA and mi-
croanalyses can be carried out with PS
Easily modifiable surface
Physicochemical treatments can modify
the surface so as to be suitable for
applications in cell culture or immuno-
Internal Quality Controls and Independent Laboratory Tests
All products are subjected to a number of optical and functional tests before they are tested
for molecular-biological contaminants. For example, PCR products are tested for evapo-
ration losses and PCR plates are subjected to stringent vacuum tests to ensure that the
systems satisfy your highest expectations. After the disposable items have successfully
completed this internal process, the products are examined by an independent accredited
laboratory. Sensitive detection methods are used to ensure that the products, depending on
the intended use, contain no DNA, DNase, RNase, endotoxins or ATP.
India_Pricelist_01_LH_03-16.indd 18 29.03.2012 15:50:27
Consumabl es
Li f e Sci ence
Research and even routine applications
in the biosciences are unimaginable today
without high quality plastic consumables. In-
creasingly sensitive detection methods rely
on ever higher quality from lab disposables.
In addition to pipette tips, filter tips, micro-
centrifuge tubes and PD-Tips, BRAND Life
Science also provides a variety of other high-
performance products for PCR, storage, im-
munology and cell culture technology.
For High Quality Analyses.
India_Pricelist_02_LS_17-29.indd 19 29.03.2012 15:52:48
[email protected] 20
Pipette tips bulk, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702504 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 0,1-20 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 2000 pieces (2 bags with 1000 pcs.) price per bag of 1000 3,382
702526 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 0,5-20 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 2000 pieces (2 bags with 1000 pcs.) price per bag of 1000 3,156
702533 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 5-300 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (1 bag with 1000 pcs.) 1000 1,901
702565 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 0,5-20 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 10000 pieces (10 bags with 1000 pcs.) price per bag of 1000 2,519
702568 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 5-300 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 10000 pieces (10 bags with 1000 pcs.) price per bag of 1000 1,708
702581 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 50-1250 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (2 bags with 500 pcs.) 1000 3,316
702584 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 50-1250 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 4000 pieces (8 bags with 500 pcs.) price per bag of 500 1,452
702595 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 0,5-5 ml, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 200 pieces (1 bag with 200 pcs.) 200 2,349
702600 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 0,5-5 ml, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (5 bags with 200 pcs.) price per bag of 200 2,232
702603 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 1-10 ml, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 200 pieces (2 bags with 100 pcs.) 200 4,181
702604 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 1-10 ml, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags with 100 pcs.) price per bag of 100 1,989
712516 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 2-200 l, yellow, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (1 bag with 1000 pcs.) 1000 1,411
712521 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 50-1000 l, blue, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 1000 pieces (2 bags with 500 pcs.) 1000 1,590
712556 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 2-200 l, yellow, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 10000 pieces (10 bags with 1000 pcs.) price per bag of 1000 1,104
712561 Pipette tips bulk, PP, 50-1000 l, blue, non-sterile, IVD, box consists of: 5000 pieces (10 bags with 500 pcs.) price per bag of 500 634
Filter tips bulk, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702100 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 0,5-10 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 7,339
702104 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 5-100 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 6,723
702106 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 5-200 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 6,723
702108 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 50-1000l, colorless, non-sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 8,762
702111 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 0,1-1l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 7,853
712102 Filter tips bulk, PP with PE-filter, 2-20 l, colorless, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (in 1 bag) 1 5,970
Pipette tips Tip-Rack, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702312 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 0,1-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 5,362
702324 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 50-1250 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 racks 100) 1 5,394
702350 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 0,5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 5,002
702353 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 5-300 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 4,625
712315 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 4,625
712320 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (16 racks 60) 1 4,717
712322 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 racks 100) 1 4,358
Pipette tips Tip-Set, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702304 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 0,1-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,822
702314 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 50-1250 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 racks 100 + 1 box) 1 4,826
702341 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 5-300 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,209
702345 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 0,5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,388
712305 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,209
712313 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set, PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 racks 100 + 1 box) 1 3,896
Pipette tips Tips-Stack, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
703110 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill, LowRet.,PP, 0.5 - 20 l, non-ster., IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,751
703111 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill, LowRet.,PP, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,135
703112 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill, LowRet.,PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 racks 100 + 1 box) 1 5,655
712402 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill unit, PP, 0,5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,956
712405 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill unit, PP, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 4,426
712408 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Stack refill unit, PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 racks 100 + 1 box) 1 4,872
Pipette tips Tip-Box N, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702408 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 0,1-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,677
702411 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 0,5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,368
702415 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 5-300 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,177
702418 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 50-1250 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 boxes 100) 1 5,560
703100 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 0.1-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 5,426
703101 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 0.5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 5,069
703102 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 2 - 200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,846
703103 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 5 - 300 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,846
703104 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 50 - 1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 boxes 100) 1 4,958
703105 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 50 - 1250 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 boxes 100) 1 6,448
712413 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 boxes 96) 1 4,177
712414 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 boxes 100) 1 4,276
Pipette tips Tip-Rack S BIO-CERT

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702428 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP, 0,1-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 9,786
702431 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP, 0.5-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 9,392
702435 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP, 5-300 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 8,339
712433 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP, 2-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 8,339
Pipette tips Tip-Set S BIO-CERT

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702419 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP, 0,1-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 6,225

702421 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP, 0.5-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,661

702425 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP, 5-300 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,205

712423 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP, 2-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,205

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Pipette tips Tip-Box N BIO-CERT

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702440 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 0,1-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,226
702442 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 0,5-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 9,525
702446 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 5-300 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 8,774
702450 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 50-1250 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 11,589
703122 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 0.1-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 11,864
703123 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 0,5-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 11,049
703124 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 2-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,177
703125 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 5-300 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,177
703126 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 50-1000 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 11,390
703127 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, LowRet.,PP, 50-1250 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 13,443
712444 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 2-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 8,774
712448 Pipette tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP, 50-1000 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 9,820
Pipette tips Tip-Box, round, for 5 ml and 10 ml tips, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702605 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box 5 ml, round, 0,5-5 ml, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 28 1 3,977
702608 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box 10 ml, round, 1-10 ml, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 18 1 5,283
Pipette tips Tip-Box SL, PP, filled, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702200 Tip-Box SL, empty, non-sterile 1 2,778
702202 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box SL, 0,1-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 96 1 2,981
702204 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box SL, 0,5-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 96 1 2,951
702208 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box SL, 5-300 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 96 1 2,887
712206 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box SL, 2-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 96 1 2,887
712210 Pipette tips racked, PP, Tip-Box SL, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1 box of 60 1 2,883
Tip-Box, PC, empty
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702300 Tip-Box, PC, empty, autoclavable 1 2,413
Filter tips Tip-Rack, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702354 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 0,1-1 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 9,918
702355 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 0,5-10 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 9,268
702359 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 5-100 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 8,168
702361 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 5-200 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 8,168
702365 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 50-1000 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 racks 100) 1 11,450
712357 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack, PP with PE-filter, 2-20 l, non-sterile, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 7,403
Filter tips Tip-Rack S BIO-CERT

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702139 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS, PP/PE-filter, 0,1-1 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 12,361
702140 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS, PP/PE-filter, 0,5-10 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 11,552
702144 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP/PE-filter, 5-100 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 10,216
702146 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP/PE-filter, 5-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 10,216
703141 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 0.1-1 l,ster.,BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 14,339
703142 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 0.5-10 l,ster.,BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 13,401
703143 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 2-20 l,ster.,BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 11,538
703144 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 5-100 l,ster.,BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 11,849
703145 Filter tips racked, Tip-RackS,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 5-200 l,ster.,BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 11,849
712142 Filter tips racked, Tip-Rack S, PP/PE-filter, 2-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 racks 96) 1 9,947
Filter tips Tip-Set S BIO-CERT


Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702119 Filter tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP/PE-filter, 0,1-1 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 6,962

702120 Filter tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP/PE-filter, 0,5-10 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 6,506

702124 Filter tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP/PE-filter, 5-100 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,847

702126 Filter tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP/PE-filter, 5-200 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,847

712122 Filter tips racked, Tip-Set S, PP/PE-filter, 2-20 l, sterile, BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 480 pieces (5 racks 96 + 1 box) 1 5,679

Filter tips Tip-Box N BIO-CERT

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702159 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 0,1-1 l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 13,004
702160 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 0,5-10 l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 12,155
702164 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 5-100 l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,743
702166 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 5-200 l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,743
702168 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 50-1000l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 12,689
703156 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 0.1-1 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 15,083
703157 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 0.5-10 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 14,098
703158 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 2-20 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 12,143
703159 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 5-100 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 12,460
703160 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 5-200 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 12,460
703161 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N,LowRet.,PP/PE-filt. 50-1000 l, ster., BIO-CERT

,IVD, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 boxes of 100) 1 14,720
712159 Filter tips racked, Tip-Box N, PP/PE-filter, 2-20 l, ster., BIO-CERT

, IVD, pack consists of: 960 pieces (10 boxes of 96) 1 10,468
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[email protected] 22
PD-tips, bulk, non-sterile, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702370 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,5 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702372 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 1,25 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702374 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 2,5 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702376 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 5,0 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702378 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 12,5 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702380 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 25,0 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 3,688
702382 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 50,0 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 1,991
702402 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,1 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 7,245
702406 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 1,0 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
702407 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 10,0 ml, non-sterile, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,540
PD-Tip set, bulk, non-sterile, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702368 Dispensertips PD-Tips, Set of 0,5,1,1,25,2.5,5,10,12,5 ml, pack consists of: 1 Set (20 pcs./size) 1 9,156
PD-tips, sterile / BIO-CERT

, individually wrapped
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702384 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,5 ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702386 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 1,25ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702388 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 2,5 ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702390 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 5,0 ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702392 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 12,5ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702394 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 25,0ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 25 pieces (individually wrapped) 25 3,670
702396 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 50,0ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 25 pieces (individually wrapped) 25 3,795
702404 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,1 ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,377
702436 Dispensertips PD-Tips,1,0ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702438 Dispensertips PD-Tips,10,0ml, -ster, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 12,839
702683 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,1ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 15,932
702684 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 0,5ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702685 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 1,0ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702686 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 1,25ml, BIO-CERT

,ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702688 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 2,5ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702690 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 5,0ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702691 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 10,0ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702692 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 12,5ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 14,048
702694 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 25,0ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 25 pieces (individually wrapped) 25 4,017
702696 Dispensertips PD-Tips, 50,0ml, BIO-CERT

, ind.wrapped, size encoded, pack consists of: 25 pieces (individually wrapped) 25 4,155
Adapter for PD-tips, PP, 25 and 50 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
702398 Adapter for PD-Tips 25-50ml, PP, non-sterile, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 1,785
702399 Adapter for PD-Tips 25-50ml, PP, -sterile, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,827
Microcentrifuge tube, PP, 0,5 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780507 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 0,5ml,transluc.1000 p., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 3,838
Microcentrifuge tube, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780400 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 1,5ml, lid BIO-CERT

, pack consists of: 450 pieces 450 9,638

780500 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 1,5ml, neutr.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,030
780502 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 1,5ml, neutr.lid 3000p., pack consists of: 3000 pieces 500 982
780505 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 1,5ml, neutral, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 4,874
Microcentrifuge tube, colored, PP, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780521 Disposable microcentrifuge tube PP 1,5ml, yellow w.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,299
780522 Disposable microcentrifuge tube PP 1,5ml, blue w.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,299
780523 Disposable microcentrifuge tube PP 1,5ml, green w.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,299
780524 Disposable microcentrifuge tube PP 1,5ml, orange w.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,299
780525 Disposable microcentrifuge tube PP 1,5ml, amber w.lid, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,299
Microcentrifuge tube, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780540 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 1,5ml, clear, with safety lid, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 3,798
780550 Disposable microcentrifuge tube 2ml, neutral lid 500 p., pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,527
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Microcentrifuge tube rack, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4341000 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341001 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341002 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341003 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341050 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341051 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341052 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341053 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
Adapter for microcentrifuge tube rack
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780608 Adapter for microcentrifuge tube rack 780605, 0,5 ml, pack consists of: 20 pieces 1 988
Microcentrifuge tube rack, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780605 Microcentrifuge tube rack PP 210x70x37mm 1 943
Mini cooler, PC, for 12 tubes 0.5-2.0 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114930 Mini cooler, maintains temperature of 0C for 60 min. 1 7,985
114935 Mini cooler, maintains temperature of -20C for 60 min. 1 7,985
114940 Mini cooler, maintains temperature of -70C for 45 min. 1 7,985
Micro tubes with attached screw cap with sealing cone, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780700 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PE), 0,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,455
780701 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PE), 1,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,455
780702 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PE), 1,5 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,455
780703 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PE), 2 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,455
780704 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PE), 2 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,455
Micro tubes with attached screw cap with silicone seal, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780710 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PP), 0,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 22,338
780711 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 22,338
780712 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 22,338
780713 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PP), 2 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 22,338
780714 Micro tube (PP) with attached screw cap (PP), 2 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 22,338
Micro tubes with bulk screw top with silicone seal, sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780750 Micro tube (PP) with bulk screw cap (PP), 0,5 ml, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 500 pieces (10 bags of 50) 500 18,559
780751 Micro tube (PP) with bulk screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 500 pieces (10 bags of 50) 500 18,559
780752 Micro tube (PP) with bulk screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, round bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 500 pieces (10 bags of 50) 500 18,559
780753 Micro tube (PP) with bulk screw cap (PP), 2 ml, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 500 pieces (10 bags of 50) 500 18,559
780754 Micro tube (PP) with bulk screw cap (PP), 2 ml, round bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 500 pieces (10 bags of 50) 500 18,559
Micro tubes with bulk screw top with silicone seal, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780730 Micro tube (PP) for bulk screw cap (PP), 0,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,332
780731 Micro tube (PP) for bulk screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,332
780732 Micro tube (PP) for bulk screw cap (PP), 1,5 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,332
780733 Micro tube (PP) for bulk screw cap (PP), 2 ml, self-standing, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,332
780734 Micro tube (PP) for bulk screw cap (PP), 2 ml, round bottom, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,332
Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780755 Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 0,5 ml, self-standing, ster.,grad., pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 bags with 100 pcs.) 500 25,183
780756 Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 1,5 ml, self-standing, ster.,grad., pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 bags with 100 pcs.) 500 25,183
780757 Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 1,5 ml, round bottom, ster.,grad., pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 bags with 100 pcs.) 500 25,183
780758 Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 2 ml, self-standing, ster.,grad., pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 bags with 100 pcs.) 500 25,183
780759 Micro tubes with tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 2 ml, round bottom, ster.,grad., pack consists of: 500 pieces (5 bags with 100 pcs.) 500 25,183
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[email protected] 24
Micro tubes for screw top and secure stopper, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780760 Micro tubes for tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 0,5 ml, self-standing, graduated, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 10,587
780761 Micro tubes for tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 1,5 ml, self-standing, graduated, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 10,587
780762 Micro tubes for tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 1,5 ml, round bottom, graduated, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 10,587
780763 Micro tubes for tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 2 ml, self-standing, graduated, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 10,587
780764 Micro tubes for tamper-evident screw cap, PP, 2 ml, round bottom, graduated, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 10,587
Tamper-evident screw caps, colored for micro tubes 7807 60 7807 64
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780770 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, white, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
780771 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
780772 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, green, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
780773 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, purple, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
780774 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, red, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
780775 Tamper-evident screw cap (PP) for micro tubes, yellow, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,522
Colored cap insert for micro tubes with attached or loose screw tops
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780720 Cap insert, PP, for micro tubes, white, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,696
780721 Cap insert, PP, for micro tubes, blue, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,696
780722 Cap insert, PP, for micro tubes, red, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,696
780723 Cap insert, PP, for micro tubes, green, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,696
780724 Cap insert, PP, for micro tubes, yellow, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,696
Screw caps, colored for micro tubes 7807 30 - 7807 34, 7807 50 - 7807 54
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780740 Screw cap (PP) for micro tubes for bulk screw cap, white, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 12,171
780741 Screw cap (PP) for micro tubes for bulk screw cap, blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 12,171
780742 Screw cap (PP) for micro tubes for bulk screw cap, red, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 12,171
780743 Screw cap (PP) for micro tubes for bulk screw cap, green, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 12,171
780744 Screw cap (PP) for micro tubes for bulk screw cap, yellow, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 12,171
Cryogenic tube with screw cap, PP, with external thread, sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114830 Cryogenic tube, PP, 1,2 ml, ext.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114831 Cryogenic tube, PP, 2 ml, ext.thread, round-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114832 Cryogenic tube, PP, 2 ml, ext.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114833 Cryogenic tube, PP, 3 ml, ext.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 37,259
114834 Cryogenic tube, PP, 4 ml, ext.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 40,360
114835 Cryogenic tube, PP, 5 ml, ext.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 42,628
Cryogenic tube with screw cap, PP, with internal thread, sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114840 Cryogenic tube, PP, 1,2 ml, int.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114841 Cryogenic tube, PP, 2 ml, int.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114842 Cryogenic tube, PP, 2 ml, int.thread, round-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 34,818
114843 Cryogenic tube, PP, 4 ml, int.thread, round-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 45,407
114844 Cryogenic tube, PP, 4 ml, int.thread, self-standing, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 49,187
114845 Cryogenic tube, PP, 5 ml, int.thread, round-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags of 100 pcs.) 1000 51,951
Cap insert, PP, for cryogenic tubes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114850 Cap insert for cryogenic tubes, PP, white, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,661
114851 Cap insert for cryogenic tubes, PP, blue, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,661
114852 Cap insert for cryogenic tubes, PP, red, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,661
114853 Cap insert for cryogenic tubes, PP, green, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,661
114854 Cap insert for cryogenic tubes, PP, yellow, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 1,661
Storing box PC, for cryogenic tubes, stackable, blue
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114862 Storage box, PC, for 81 cryogenic tubes 1,2 ml + 2 ml, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 5,902
114864 Storage box, PC, for 81 cryogenic tubes 3+4+5 ml, external thread, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 10,278
114866 Storage box, PC, for 100 cryogenic tubes 1,2 ml+2 ml (int.thread), pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 6,086
Rack for cryogenic tubes, PP, blue
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114860 Cryogenic tube rack, PP, blue, for 50 self-standing tubes, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 9,274
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Ice bucket with lid, PU-foam, stackable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
156100 Ice bucket with lid PU-foam, stackable 4,5 l 1 9,973
PCR-tubes, PP, individual, attached cap
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781300 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, domed cap clear, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 5,589
781301 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, flat cap rose, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,575
781302 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, flat cap yellow, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,575
781303 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, flat cap green, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,575
781304 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, flat cap blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,575
781305 PCR tubes PP 0,2ml, flat cap clear, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,575
781310 PCR tubes PP 0,5ml, flat cap clear, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,312
781311 PCR tubes PP 0,5ml, flat cap rose, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,312
781312 PCR tubes PP 0,5ml, flat cap yellow, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,312
781313 PCR tubes PP 0,5ml, flat cap green, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,312
781314 PCR tubes PP 0,5ml, flat cap blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,312
Strips of 8 PCR tubes, PP, attached cap strips, transparent
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781330 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, attached caps clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 11,402
Strips of 8 PCR tubes, PP, attached single caps, transparent
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781332 PCR-tube strips of 8, PP, attached single caps, 0,2 ml, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 13,032
781333 PCR-tube strips of 8, PP, attached single caps, Low Profile, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 13,032
8-strip PCR-tubes, 0,2 ml, PP, without cap
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781320 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2ml, w/o cap clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 7,664
781321 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2ml, w/o cap rose, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 7,664
781322 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2ml, w/o cap yellow, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 7,664
781323 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2ml, w/o cap green, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 7,664
781324 Strips 8 PCR tubes 0,2ml, w/o cap blue, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 7,664
PCR-tubes and caps, strip of 8, PP, colorless
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781326 PCR-tubes and caps, strip of 8 flat caps for qPCR, 250 tubes + 250 caps PP, pack consists of: 250 tube strips + 250 cap strips 1 19,582
781327 PCR-tubes and caps, strip of 8 domed caps, 250 tubes + 250 caps PP, pack consists of: 250 tube strips + 250 cap strips 1 18,390
8-strip-cap, PP, for 8-strip PCR-tubes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781334 Strips of 8 caps, flat , PP, clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 3,304
781340 Strips of 8 caps, domed, PP, clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 2,541
781341 Strips of 8 caps, domed, PP, rose, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 2,541
781342 Strips of 8 caps, domed, PP, yellow, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 2,541
781343 Strips of 8 caps, domed, PP, green, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 2,541
781344 Strips of 8 caps, domed, PP, blue, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 2,541
12-strip PCR-tubes, 0,2 ml, PP, without cap
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781280 Strips 12 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, w/o cap clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 12,151
781281 Strips 12 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, w/o cap rose, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 12,151
781282 Strips 12 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, w/o cap yellow, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 12,151
781283 Strips 12 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, w/o cap green, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 12,151
781284 Strips 12 PCR tubes 0,2 ml, w/o cap blue, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 12,151
12-strip-cap, PP, for 12-strip PCR-tubes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781290 Strips of 12 caps, domed, PP, clear, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 4,157
781291 Strips of 12 caps, domed, PP, rose, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 4,157
781292 Strips of 12 caps, domed, PP, yellow, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 4,157
781293 Strips of 12 caps, domed, PP, green, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 4,157
781294 Strips of 12 caps, domed, PP, blue, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 4,157
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[email protected] 26
24- and 48-well PCR plates, PP, no skirt
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781411 24-well PCR plates, PP, no skirt, transparent, 0.2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 40 (8 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 5,811
781415 48-well PCR plates, PP, no skirt, transparent, 0.2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 20 (4 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 5,661
96-well PCR plates, PP, different kind of skirts
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781350 96-well PCR plate, no skirt, PP, 0,2ml, flexible, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 plates) 1 15,459
781352 96-well PCR plate, elevated skirt, PP, 0,2 ml, flexible, for RealTimePCR, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 plates) 1 20,660
781353 96-well PCR plate, full skirt, PP, 0,2 ml, flexible, for RealTimePCR, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 plates) 1 17,217
781400 96-well PCR plate, half skirt, PP, 0,2ml, flexible, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 plates) 1 15,459
384-well PCR plate, PP, full skirt
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781345 384-well PCR plate, 0,03 ml, flexible, full skirt, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 plates) 1 34,709
781347 384-well PCR plate, 0,03 ml, flexible, full skirt, for RealTimePCR, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 plates) 1 22,814
781348 384-well PCR plate, 0,03 ml, rigid, full skirt, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 plates) 1 32,142
Strips 8 PCR Tubes, white, qPCR
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781325 Strips 8 PCR tubes, PP, white, 0,2 ml, separate lid strips, qPCR, pack consists of: 125 pieces 1 8,826
Strips 8 PCR Tubes, white, with transparent individual caps, qPCR
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781316 Strips 8 PCR Tubes, PP, white, 0,2 ml, with transparent individual caps, qPCR, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 13,407
781317 Strips 8 PCR Tubes, PP, white, 0,1 ml, with transparent individual caps, qPCR, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 13,407
24- and 48-well PCR-Plates, white, qPCR
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781412 24-well PCR-plates, no skirt, PP, white, 0,2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 40 (8 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 6,689
781416 48-well PCR-plates, no skirt, PP, white, 0,2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 20 (4 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 6,520
96-well PCR-Plates, white, qPCR
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781354 96-well PCR-plates, no skirt, PP, white, 0,2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 17,609
781357 96-well PCR-plates, half skirt, PP, white, 0,2 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 17,609
781364 96-well PCR-plates, white, 0,15 ml, low profile, for LightCycler

, PP, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 20,766

781365 96-well PCR-plates, white, 0,15 m+ Film, for LightCycler

, PP, pack consists of: 50 (10 bags with 5 pcs.) 1 27,690

384-well PCR-Plates, white, qPCR
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781358 384-well PCR-plates, PP, white, 0,03 ml, qPCR, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 pcs.) 1 32,160
PCR sealing mats for PCR plates
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781402 PCR-sealing mat for 24-well plates, TPE, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 1,413
781403 PCR-sealing mat for 48-well plates, TPE, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 2,708
781405 PCR-sealing mat for 96-well plates, TPE, pack consists of: 5 pieces 1 1,991
781407 PCR-sealing mat for 96-well plates, silicone, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 4,302
781408 PCR-sealing mat for 384-well plates, silicone, pack consists of: 10 pieces 1 4,302
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Sealing films, self-adhesive
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701364 Sealing film for cell and tissue culture, gas-permeable, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 9,519
701365 Sealing film for cell and tissue culture, gas-permeable, sterile, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 8,786
701367 Sealing film for storage, DMSO-resistant, allows visual inspection, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 9,802
701370 Sealing film for automation, PE/PP, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 14,441
701371 Sealing film for fluorescence measurement, black, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 5,143
701372 Sealing film for luminescence measurement, white, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 4,284
781380 Sealing film for cold storage, Aluminium, pack consists of: roll with 100 sheets 1 15,413
781381 Sealing film for cold storage, Aluminium, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 11,460
781390 Sealing film for ELISA, PCR, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 10,824
781391 Sealing film for ELISA, Real-Time PCR, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 15,535
PCR-Box/-Rack, PP, sorted by colors
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781362 PCR-Box/-Rack, PP, sorted by colors, pack consists of: 5 pieces 1 3,860
PCR Minicooler, PP, with transparent lid
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781260 PCR Minicooler, PP, with transparent lid, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 7,965
Microtitration plate, PP, 96-well, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701330 96-well Micropl., PP, U-bott., 330 l, non-ster, pack consists of: 100 pieces (10 bags with 10 pcs.) 100 11,733
Deep-well plates, 96-well, U-bottom, PP/PS, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701340 Deep-well plate, 96-well, PP, 1.2ml, stackable, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 15,326
701346 Deep-well plate, 96-well, PP, 0.5ml, stackable, pack consists of: 48 pieces 1 19,568
701350 Deep well plate, 96-well, PP, 1,1ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 24 pieces 1 9,521
701352 Deep-well plate, 96-well, PS, 1,1ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 32 pieces 1 9,784
701354 Deep well plate, 96-well, PP, 2,2ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 24 pieces 1 12,006
Deep-well plate, 384-well, U-bottom wells, PP, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701355 Deep well-plate, 384-well, PP, 300 l, non-sterile, stackable, pack consists of: 48 pieces 1 31,371
Cover mats for deep well plates
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701357 Silicone cover for deep well plate 384-well, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 42,576
701358 Mat cover for deep well plate 96-well 0,5ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 20,644
701360 Mat cover for deep well plate 96-well 1,1ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 24 pieces 1 6,805
701362 Mat cover for deep well plate 96-well 2,2ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 24 pieces 1 6,707
701368 Mat cover for deep well plate 96-well 1,2 ml, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 14,391
Tubes 1.2 ml and rack, PP, non-sterile
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781500 Racked tubes 1,2 ml, PP, 96 tubes, non-sterile, pack consists of: 10 racks with 96 ind. tubes 1 7,961
781510 Racked tubes 1,2 ml, 12 strips of 8, non-sterile, pack consists of: 10 racks with 12 strips of 8 tubes 1 7,961
781520 Tubes 1,2 ml, individual, PP, 960, non-sterile, bulk, pack consists of: 960 pieces 1 4,466
781525 Tubes 1,2 ml, PP, strips of 8, non-sterile bulk, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 4,466
781530 Caps for tubes 1,2 ml, PP individual, non-sterile, pack consists of: 960 pieces 1 2,126
781535 Caps for tubes 1,2 ml, PP strips of 8 caps, non-sterile, pack consists of: 120 pieces 1 2,126
781540 Racks for tubes 1,2 ml, PP with grid, empty, pack consists of: 10 racks (empty) 1 4,747
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Rack of 96 for 0.65 ml or 1.2 ml tubes and access.
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781562 Rack with lid for 0.65 ml tubes, empty, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 25,086
781563 Rack with lid for 1.2 ml tubes, empty, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 25,086
781565 Rack with lid with 96 coded 0.65 ml tubes, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 60,297
781566 Rack with lid with 96 coded 1.2 ml tubes, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 60,297
781572 Refill unit of 96 coded 0.65 ml tubes, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 34,758
781573 Refill unit of 96 coded 1.2 ml tubes, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 34,758
781575 Single 0.65 ml tube w/o coding, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 5000 pieces 1 24,331
781576 Single 1.2 ml tube w/o coding, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 5000 pieces 1 24,331
781582 Strip of 8 lids, piercable, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1 22,063
781583 Cover mat for 96 tubes, piercable, not available in the USA, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 30,225
Sealing films, self-adhesive
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701364 Sealing film for cell and tissue culture, gas-permeable, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 9,519
701365 Sealing film for cell and tissue culture, gas-permeable, sterile, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 8,786
701367 Sealing film for storage, DMSO-resistant, allows visual inspection, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 9,802
701370 Sealing film for automation, PE/PP, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 14,441
701371 Sealing film for fluorescence measurement, black, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 5,143
701372 Sealing film for luminescence measurement, white, pack consists of: 50 sheets 1 4,284
781380 Sealing film for cold storage, Aluminium, pack consists of: roll with 100 sheets 1 15,413
781381 Sealing film for cold storage, Aluminium, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 11,460
781390 Sealing film for ELISA, PCR, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 10,824
781391 Sealing film for ELISA, Real-Time PCR, pack consists of: 100 sheets 1 15,535
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781600 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS,transp., U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 8,569
781601 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS,transp., V-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 8,569
781602 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 8,569
781603 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS,transp., C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 8,569
781604 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS,white, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 22,577
781605 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS,white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 22,577
781607 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS, black, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 22,577
781608 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 22,577
781610 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 60,243
781611 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 60,243
781614 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade, UV-transparent, non-sterile (not avail. in USA), pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 56,439
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781620 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS,transp. ,F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 14,030
781621 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 14,728
781622 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade,PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 14,728
781623 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS, transp, LowVol, Fbottom, non-ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 22,577
781624 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS, white, LowVol, Fbottom, non-ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 37,726
781625 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS,black, LowVol, F-bottom, unster., pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 34,846
781626 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, non-ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 44,216
781627 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, non-ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 44,216
781628 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade, UV-polymer, UV-transp, Fbottom, non-ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 31,190
Microplates BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack (Rs.)
781640 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 67,705
781641 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 71,384
781642 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 71,384
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781660 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp., U-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 10,739
781661 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp., V-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 10,739
781662 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 10,739
781663 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp., C-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 10,739
781665 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 19,309
781668 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 19,309
781670 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 51,413
781671 BRANDplates

, 96-well, pureGrade S, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 51,413
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781680 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 21,136
781681 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 22,049
781682 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 22,049
781683 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, transp, LowVol, F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 33,818
781684 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, white, LowVol, F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 56,554
781685 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, black, LowVol, F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 52,214
781686 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 66,265
781687 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 66,265
781688 BRANDplates

, 384-well, pureGrade S,UV-Polymer,UV-transp,F-bottom,ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 46,728
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Microplates BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade S
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781700 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade S, PS,transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 81,232
781701 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade S, PS,white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 85,689
781702 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, pureGrade S, PS,black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 85,689
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781720 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, transp., U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 13,710
781721 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, transp., V-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 13,710
781722 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 13,710
781723 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, transp., C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 13,710
781724 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, white, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 27,192
781726 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, white, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 27,192
781727 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, black, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 27,192
781729 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade, PS, black, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 27,192
781731 BRANDplates

, 96-well, immunoGrade,P S, black, transp.bottom, unster., pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 66,265
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, immunoGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781740 BRANDplates

, 384-well, immunoGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 22,509
781741 BRANDplates

, 384-well, immunoGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 23,651
781742 BRANDplates

, 384-well, immunoGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 23,651
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781780 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, transp., U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 16,452
781782 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 16,452
781783 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, transp., C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 16,452
781784 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, white, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 29,934
781786 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, white, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 29,934
781787 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, black, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 29,934
781789 BRANDplates

, 96-well, hydroGrade, PS, black, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 29,934
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, hydroGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781800 BRANDplates

, 384-well, hydroGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 27,079
781801 BRANDplates

, 384-well, hydroGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 28,448
781802 BRANDplates

, 384-well, hydroGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 28,448
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781840 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp., U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 23,079
781841 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp., V-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 23,079
781842 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 23,079
781843 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp., C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 23,079
781844 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 35,874
781846 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 35,874
781847 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGradee, PS, black, U-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 35,874
781849 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, black, C-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 35,874
781850 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 79,520
781851 BRANDplates

, 96-well, lipoGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 79,520
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781860 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 32,562
781861 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 34,161
781862 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, non-sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 34,161
781863 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, transp, LowVol, Fbottom, non-ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 42,273
781864 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, LowVol, Fbottom, non-ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 70,607
781865 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, black, LowVol, Fbottom, non-ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 65,123
781866 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, non-steril, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 82,718
781867 BRANDplates

, 384-well, lipoGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, non-steril, pack consists of: 50 pieces 1 82,718
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781960 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., U-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 11,655
781961 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., V-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 11,655
781962 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 11,655
781963 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., C-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 11,655
781965 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 21,708
781968 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 21,708
781970 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 53,127
781971 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 53,127
India_Pricelist_02_LS_17-29.indd 29 29.03.2012 15:52:52
[email protected] 30
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781980 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 33,818
781981 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 35,418
781982 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 35,418
781983 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, transp, LowVol., F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 34,962
781984 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, white, Low Volume, F-bottom, ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 58,382
781985 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, black, LowVol, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 54,040
781986 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 68,435
781987 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 68,435
Microplates BRANDplates

, 1536-well, cellGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
782000 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, cellGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 97,456
782001 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, cellGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 102,825
782002 BRANDplates

, 1536-well, cellGrade, PS,black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 102,825
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
782022 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 12,797
782025 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 23,878
782028 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 23,878
782030 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus, PS, white, transp.bottom, ster, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 55,984
782031 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade plus, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 55,984
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade plus

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
782040 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade plus, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 37,247
782046 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade plus, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 71,749
782047 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade plus, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 71,749
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
782082 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium, PS, transp., F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 22,621
782085 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 40,559
782088 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 40,559
782090 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium, PS, white, trans.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 82,146
782091 BRANDplates

, 96-well, cellGrade premium, PS, black, trans.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 82,146
Microplates BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade premium

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
782100 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade premium, PS, transp., F-bottom, ster., pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 55,869
782106 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade premium, PS, white, trans.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 94,714
782107 BRANDplates

, 384-well, cellGrade premium, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 50 pieces (single packed) 1 94,714
Microplates BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781900 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, transp., U-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 39,921
781902 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, transp., F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 39,921
781904 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, white, U-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781905 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, white, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781906 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, white, C-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781907 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, black, U-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781908 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, black, F-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781909 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, black, C-bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 52,689
781910 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, white, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 83,784
781911 BRANDplates

, 96-well, inertGrade, PS, black, transp.bottom, sterile, pack consists of: 40 pieces (single packed) 1 83,784
Lids for microplates BRANDplates

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

782150 Lid for BRANDplates

96-well, with condensation rings, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 5,438
782151 Lid for BRANDplates

96-well, without condensation rings, pack consists of: 100 pieces 1 5,438
782152 Lid for BRANDplates

384-well, without condensation rings, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 pcs.) 1 5,057
782153 Lid for BRANDplates

1536-well, without condensation rings, pack consists of: 50 (5 bags with 10 pcs.) 1 5,057
Roller for pressing on self-adhesive sealing films
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701380 Roller for pressing on self-adhesive sealing films 1 4,673
India_Pricelist_02_LS_17-29.indd 30 29.03.2012 15:52:53 31
Strip plates 96-well (12xF8) BRANDplates

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

782300 Strip plates, 96-well, 12xF8, non dividable, pureGrade, MB, pack consists of: 100 pieces (4 bags with 25 pieces) 1 42,004
782301 Strip plates w.grid, 96-well, 12xF8, dividable, pureGrade, MB, pack consists of: 100 pieces (4 bags with 25 pieces) 1 58,806
782305 Strip plates, 96-well, 12xF8, non dividable, immunoGrade, HB, pack consists of: 100 pieces (4 bags with 25 pieces) 1 42,004
782306 Strip plates w.grid, 96-well, 12xF8, dividable, immunoGrade, HB, pack consists of: 100 pieces (4 bags with 25 pieces) 1 58,806
UV-Cuvette micro, 2 center heights
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759200 UV-Cuvette micro, c=8.5 mm, 70-850l, 100 pcs, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,393
759210 UV-Cuvette micro, c=8.5 mm, 70-850l, 500 pcs, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 11,161
759215 UV-Cuvette micro, c=8.5mm, 70-850l, ind.wrapped, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 5,384
759220 UV-Cuvette micro, c=15 mm, 70-550l, 100 pcs, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,393
759230 UV-Cuvette micro, c=15 mm, 70-550l, 500 pcs, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 11,161
759235 UV-Cuvette micro, c=15 mm, 70-550l, ind.wrapped, pack consists of: 100 pieces (individually wrapped) 100 5,384
Caps UV-Cuvette micro, PE, round
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759240 Cap for UV-cuvette, blue, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,140
759241 Cap for UV-cuvette, yellow, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,140
759242 Cap for UV-cuvette, green, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,140
759243 Cap for UV-cuvette, orange, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,140
UV-Cuvette macro and semi-micro
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759150 UV-Cuvette, semi-micro, min.filling vol.1,5 ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,836
759170 UV-Cuvette, macro, min.filling volume 2,5 ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,487
Macro and semi-micro cuvettes, PS/PMMA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759005 Macro-Cuvette , PS, minimum filling volume 2,5ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 767
759015 Semi-micro cuvette, PS ,min.filling volume 1,5 ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 832
759105 Macro-Cuvette , PMMA, min.filling volume 2,5 ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,074
759115 Semi-micro cuvette, PMMA ,min.filling vol.1,5ml, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,125
Cuvette rack, PP, grey
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759500 Cuvette rack PP grey for 16 cuvettes 1 943
Microcentrifuge tube rack, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4341000 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341001 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341002 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341003 rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341050 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341051 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341052 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
4341053 rack f.128 tubes with diameter up to 11mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,480
Microcentrifuge tube rack, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780605 Microcentrifuge tube rack PP 210x70x37mm 1 943
Adapter for microcentrifuge tube rack
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
780608 Adapter for microcentrifuge tube rack 780605, 0,5 ml, pack consists of: 20 pieces 1 988
India_Pricelist_02_LS_17-29.indd 31 29.03.2012 15:52:53

Vol umet r i c i nst r ument s

One batch certificate
per packing unit!

instruments are supplied with one batch
certificate per packing unit of the manu-
facturer. This facilitates not only your initial
performance verification, but also the
monitoring of measuring equipment, as the
data can directly be transferred from the
Conformity certified

volumetric instruments are conformity certified. With the sign, BRAND

confirms that the instruments are manufactured according to "Eichordnung", the German
Federal Weights and Measures Regulations. This sign of conformity is printed directly on the
instruments, according to DIN 12 600. On request BLAUBRAND

volumetric instruments are

also available conformity certified or with calibration certificate.
Individual certificate
The works certificate records the
batchnumber, the individual serial number,
the measured volume, the uncertainty of
measurement and the date of issue. The
measuring instrument shows an individual
serial number in addition to the batch
number, that are burnt in using easy-to-read
digital numbers.
12.02 0756
(Individual serial number: Year of manufac-
ture/batch/consecutive instrument
Adjustment and Quality management
Every glass volumetric instrument is indivi-
dually calibrated. For measuring instruments
with scales, such as graduated pipettes,
burettes and graduated cylinders, flexible
screen stencils are used to maintain the
precision for all intermediate volumes. The
combination of process monitoring and
random checks establishes an AQL (Ac-
ceptable Quality Level) of at least 0.4. This
means that the specified error limits are met
with a statistical certainty of at least 99.6%.
Batch certificate
The works certificate records the batch
number, the mean value, the standard devi-
ation of the batch and the date of issue. It
certifies that this batch of instruments was
produced according to the quality manage-
ment system applied at BRAND and that
the required precision is within the reque-
sted tolerances. The measuring instrument
bears a batch number that is burnt in using
easy-to-read digital numbers.

(Batch number:
Year of manufacture/batch)
USP Individual certificate

volumetric instruments can

be delivered with volume error limits in com-
pliance with United States Pharmacopeia
(USP). Each instrument is individually cali-
brated and checked. Both the instrument
and the certificate show an individual serial
number (showing the year of manufacture).
* USP certificates cannot be provided for wide neck
graduated flasks.
DKD-(DAkkS) Calibration cer-
This calibration certificate is issued
by the DKD (DAkkS) calibration
laboratory at BRAND. Due to the
extensive international cooperation
of the DAkkS, (EA
Agreement, ILAC-
MRA) the DKD-
(DAkkS) calibration
certificate is interna-
tionally recognized.
Both the instrument and the cer-
tificate show the individual serial
number and the year and month of
* see DKD-(DAkkS)-calibration service
(page 96)
Batch certificate and individual certi-
ficate or USP individual certificate are
also available for download from
(Batch number: Year of manufacture 2012/batch 2)
India_Pricelist_02_LS_17-29.indd 32 29.03.2012 15:52:54
Vol umet r i c
I nst r ument s
Precision analysis requires measuring instru-
ments with consistently high precision. Every

volumetric instrument is in-

dividually calibrated. Statistical process con-
trols ensure strict compliance with predefined
specifications. BLAUBRAND

quality you
can rely on.
Quality from the very start.

India_Pricelist_03_Volumetric_30-46.indd 33 02.04.2012 08:39:10
[email protected] 34
Bulb pipette BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 1 mark

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29701 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 0,5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,323

29702 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 1ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,569

29703 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 2ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,948

29704 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 2,5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,709

29705 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 3ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,430

29706 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 4ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,485

29707 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,497

29708 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 6ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,167

29709 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 7ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,167

29710 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 8ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,167

29711 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 9ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,167

29712 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 10ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,876

29713 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 15ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,334

29714 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 20ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,345

29715 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 25ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,558

29716 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 30ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,759

29717 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 40ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,216

29718 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 50ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,870

29719 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 100ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 4,132

Bulb pipette BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, class AS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
30502 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 1ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,412

30503 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 2ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,837

30507 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,497

30512 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 10ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,787

30514 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 20ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,234

30515 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 25ml, one mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,435
30518 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, 50ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,870

Bulb pipette BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 2 marks

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29721 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 0,5ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 4,356

29722 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 1ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 4,065

29723 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 2ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 4,065

29725 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 3ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,077

29727 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 5ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,323

29732 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 10ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,457

29733 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 15ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,027

29734 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 20ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,149

29735 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 25ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,194

29738 Bulb pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, 50ml, two-marks, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,965

Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, class B
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29501 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 0,5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,412
29502 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 1ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,435
29503 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 2ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,837
29505 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 3ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,541
29507 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,664
29512 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 10ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,820
29513 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 15ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,390
29514 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 20ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,580
29515 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 25ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,747
29518 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 50ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,350
29519 Bulb pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 100ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 4,758
Bulb pipette, piston type, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
31402 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 1ml, graduated white 1 1,130
31403 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 2ml, graduated white 1 1,229
31407 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 5ml, graduated white 1 1,364
31412 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 10ml, graduated white 1 1,910
31414 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 20ml, graduated white 1 2,442
31415 Bulb pipette piston, SILBERBRAND, 25ml, graduated white 1 2,474
Bulb pipette, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
30002 Bulb pipette, PP, 1ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 7,326
30003 Bulb pipette, PP, 2ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 8,823
30007 Bulb pipette, PP, 5ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 6,824
30012 Bulb pipette, PP, 10ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 7,204
30015 Bulb pipette, PP, 25ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 7,338
30018 Bulb pipette, PP, 50ml, one-mark, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 7,706
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Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, type 2 (nominal volume on top)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27816 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 0,5:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,172
27817 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27818 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 1:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27819 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27820 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 2:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27821 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 5:0,05 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,663
27822 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 5:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,216
27823 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 10:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,574
27824 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 20:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,205
27825 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 25:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,205
27826 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 50:0,5 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 6,344
27827 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
27828 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type2 (nominal volume on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, class AS, type 1 (nominal volume on top)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27836 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 0,5:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,172
27837 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 1:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27839 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 2:0,02ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,926
27841 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 5:0,05ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,641
27842 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 5:0,10ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,216
27843 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 10:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,619
27844 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 20:0,1ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,216
27845 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 25:0,1ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,216
27847 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 1:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
27848 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type2 (nom.volume on top), 2:0,02ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
Graduat.pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl. AS, type 1 (zero on top)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27721 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 0,5:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,948
27722 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,524
27724 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 2:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,686
27725 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,083
27727 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 5:0,05 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,565
27729 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 10:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,830
27731 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type1 (zero on top), 25:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,577
Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

, classe AS, type 3 (zero on top)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27306 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,753
27309 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,753
27705 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 0,5:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,904
27706 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,569
27707 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,569
27708 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,663
27709 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,881
27710 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,904
27711 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,05 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,350
27712 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,015
27713 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 10:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,574
27714 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 20:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,234
27715 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 25:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,122
27716 Graduated Pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 50:0,5 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 4,456
Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, classe AS, type 3 (zero on top)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27316 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
27319 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,954
28405 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 0,5:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,904
28406 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,569
28409 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,881
28411 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,05ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,350
28412 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,015
28413 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 10:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,574
28414 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 20:0,1ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,234
28415 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.AS, type3 (zero on top), 25:0,1ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,122
Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

, class A, conf.certified
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27702 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A 0, 1:01ml, IN, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,574

27704 Graduated pipette, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A 0,2:02ml, IN, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,574

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[email protected] 36
Cotton roving for pipettes, 100% cotton wool
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
28205 Cotton roving f.pipette,100% cotton wool, pack consists of: 1 kg 1 11,012
Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND-ETERNA, class B, type 3 (zero on top)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27069 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 0,5:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,613
27070 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,876
27071 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,876
27072 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,479
27073 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,876
27074 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,876
27075 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,05 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,301
27076 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 5:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,144
27077 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 10:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,345
27078 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 20:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,999
27079 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 25:0,1 ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,211
27206 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 1:0,01 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,758
27209 Graduated pipette, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, type3 (zero on top), 2:0,02 ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,758
Graduated pipette, serological, calibrated Ex to jet
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27107 Graduated pipette, serological,Ex, total delivery, 1:0,01ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 6,210
27109 Graduated pipette, serological,Ex, total delivery, 2:0,02ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 6,210
27112 Graduated pipette, serological,Ex, total delivery, 5:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 6,344
27113 Graduated pipette, serological,Ex, total delivery, 10:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 7,393
27115 Graduated pipette, serological,Ex, total delivery, 25:0,1ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 6,869
Graduated pipette, tissue culture, total delivery
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27160 Graduated pipette, tissue culture, Ex, total delivery, 1:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 5,763
27164 Graduated pipette, tissue culture, Ex, total delivery, 2:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 5,763
27166 Graduated pipette, tissue culture, Ex, total delivery, 5:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 6,165
27167 Graduated pipette, tissue culture, Ex, total delivery, 10:0,1ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 7,036
27179 Graduated pipette, tissue culture, Ex, total delivery, 25:0,2ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 5,897
Graduated pipette, piston type, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
31106 Graduated pipette,piston, SILBERBRAND, 1:0,01ml, EX 1 1,100
31109 Graduated pipette,piston, SILBERBRAND, 2:0,02ml, EX 1 1,167
31111 Graduated pipette,piston, SILBERBRAND, 5:0,05ml, EX 1 1,333
31113 Graduated pipette,piston, SILBERBRAND, 10:0,1ml, EX 1 1,513
31115 Graduated pipette,piston, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, EX 1 2,120
Graduated pipette, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
27607 Graduated pipette, PP, 1:0,1ml, Ex 8 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 7,527
27610 Graduated pipette, PP, 2:0,1ml, Ex 8 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 7,885
27612 Graduated pipette, PP, 5:0,1ml, Ex 8 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 8,421
27613 Graduated pipette, PP, 10:0,1ml, Ex, 10 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 9,046
27614 Graduated pipette, PP, 10:0,1ml, Ex, 8 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 11,459
Volumetric flask, trapezoidal, BLAUBRAND

, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36401 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 1ml, DURAN

,NS 7/16 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,783

36402 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 2ml, DURAN

,NS 7/16 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,783

36403 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 5ml, DURAN

,NS 7/16 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,783

36404 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 10ml, W, DURAN

, NS10/19 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,843

36406 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 20ml, DURAN

,NS10/19 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,947

36407 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 25ml, DURAN

,NS10/19 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,947

36408 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 50ml, DURAN

,NS12/21 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,021

36412 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 1ml, DURAN

,NS7/16 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,215

36413 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 2ml, DURAN

,NS7/16 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,215

36414 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 5ml, DURAN

,NS7/16 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,215

36415 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 10ml, W, DURAN

, NS10/19 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,263

36417 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 20ml, DURAN

,NS10/19 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,386

36418 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 25ml, DURAN

,NS10/19 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,386

36419 Volumetric flask trapezoid, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 50ml, DURAN

,NS12/21 glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,379

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Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
37234 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml,W, NS 29/32, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 2,338
37236 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10000ml, NS 45/40, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 16,432
37238 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5ml,W, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,065

37243 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10ml,W, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,091

37245 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml,W, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,035

37246 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,013

37247 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,020

37248 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 953

37249 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,024

37250 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 200ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,679

37251 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 250ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,482

37252 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 500ml, NS 19/26, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,021

37253 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml, NS 24/29, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 1,670
37254 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 2000ml, NS 29/32, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 2,576
37255 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5000ml, NS 34/35, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 7,062
37256 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5ml,W, NS 10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,292

37257 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,229

37258 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,236

37259 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,221

37260 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,214

37261 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 200ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,873

37262 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 250ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,753

37263 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 500ml, NS 19/26, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,479

37264 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml, NS 24/29, DURAN

, glass-stopper 1 1,953
37265 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 2000ml, NS 29/32, DURAN

, glass-stopper 1 2,902
37266 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5000ml, NS 34/35, DURAN

, glass-stopper 1 8,011
37267 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10ml,W, NS 10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,336

37268 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml,W, NS 12/21, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,251

37288 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml,W, NS 14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,348

37289 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,247

37290 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml,W, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 987

37291 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,050

37293 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml,W, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,050

37294 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml,W, NS 12/21, DURAN

, glass-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,273

Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP 27, class A

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36938 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 5ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,281

36943 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 10ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,277

36947 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 25ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,128

36948 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 50ml, NS12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,199

36949 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 100ml,W, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,106

36950 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 200ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,813

36951 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 250ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,538

36952 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 500ml, NS19/26, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,088

36953 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 1000ml, NS24/29, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 1,727
36954 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, USP27 2000ml, NS29/32, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 2,665
Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36838 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 5ml,W, N10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,065

36841 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 25ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,031

36842 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 25ml,W, NS12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,050

36843 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 10ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,091

36845 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 20ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,013

36846 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 20ml,W, NS12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,035

36847 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 50ml, NS12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 953

36848 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 50ml,W, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 987

36849 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 100ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,050

36850 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 200ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,679

36851 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 250ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,422

36852 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 500ml, NS19/26, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,936

36853 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 1000ml, NS24/29, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 1,601
36854 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 2000ml, NS29/32, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 2,470
Volumetric flask, PUR Plastic coated, BLAUBRAND

PURprotect, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36548 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 50 ml W,DURAN

,NS14/23,PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,056

36549 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 100 ml,DURAN

,NS14/23,PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,071

36550 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 200 ml,DURAN

,NS14/23,PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,972

36551 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 250 ml,DURAN

,NS14/23,PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,367

36552 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 500 ml,DURAN

,NS19/26,PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,361

36553 Volumetric flask PUR-coated, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 1000 ml,DURAN

,NS24/29,PP-stopper 1 3,872
Volumetric flasks with 3 marks, DKD-calibrated, BLAUBRAND

, cl. A, conf.cert.
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
38204 Volumetric flasks with 3 marks, DKD-calibrated, BLAUBRAND

, class A, 10 ml 1 9,582
38206 Volumetric flasks with 3 marks, DKD-calibrated, BLAUBRAND

, class A, 25 ml 1 9,700
38208 Volumetric flasks with 3 marks, DKD-calibrated, BLAUBRAND

, class A, 50 ml 1 9,984
38210 Volumetric flasks with 3 marks, DKD-calibrated, BLAUBRAND

, class A, 100 ml 1 10,504

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Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, class A, amber
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
37401 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,560

37402 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,441

37403 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,348

37404 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,448

37405 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml, NS12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,459

37406 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml,W, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,482

37407 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,627

37408 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 200ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,297

37409 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 250ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,405

37410 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 500ml, NS19/26, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,001

37411 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml, NS24/29, DURAN

, PP-stopper, amber 1 2,224

37438 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 5ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,036

37443 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,698

37445 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml,W, NS14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,947

37446 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,623

37447 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml, NS10/19, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,720

37448 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml, NS12/21, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,727

37449 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,899

37450 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 200ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,580

37451 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 250ml, NS14/23, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,863

37452 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 500ml, NS19/26, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,566

37453 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml, NS24/29, DURAN

, glass-stopper,amber 1 2,435
Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, class A, flanged rim

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
37045 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 10ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,299

37046 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 20ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,329

37047 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 25ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,329

37048 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 50ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,422

37049 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 100ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,534

37050 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 200ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,282

37051 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 250ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,323

37052 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 500ml, DURAN

, flanged rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,015

37053 Volumetric flask, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A. 1000ml, DURAN

, flanged rim 1 2,358

Volumetric flask SILBERBRAND, class B, PP-stopper
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36743 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 10ml,W, NS10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,463

36746 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 20ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,452

36747 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 25ml, NS 10/19, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,452

36748 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 50ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,590

36749 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 100ml, NS 12/21, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,709

36750 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 200ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,360

36751 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 250ml, NS 14/23, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,438

36752 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 500ml, NS 19/26, DURAN

, PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,146

36753 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 1000ml, NS 24/29, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 2,518
36754 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 2000ml, NS 29/32, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 3,566
36755 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 5000ml, NS 34/35, DURAN

, PP-stopper 1 8,726
Volumetric flask SILBERBRAND, for oil content determination, glass stopper 19/26
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
365538 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, DURAN

, 100ml,oil con. 1 6,087

Volumetric flask for Kohlrausch sugar analyses, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
402038 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, 100ml,f.sugar analysis, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,542
402046 Volumetric flask, SILBERBRAND, 200ml,f.sugar analysis, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,329
Volumetric flask, PFA, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36208 Volumetric flask, PFA, 10ml, cl.A, with srew cap GL18 1 9,259
36220 Volumetric flask, PFA, 25ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 9,657
36228 Volumetric flask, PFA, 50ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 9,908
36238 Volumetric flask, PFA, 100ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 12,257
36248 Volumetric flask, PFA, 250ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL25 1 15,349
36254 Volumetric flask, PFA, 500ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL25 1 17,698
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Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129250 Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA, GL 18 1 984
129252 Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA, GL 25 1 1,279
Volumetric flask, PMP, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36170 Volumetric flask, PMP, 10ml, transparent, NS10/19, PP-stopper 1 795
36172 Volumetric flask, PMP, 25ml, transparent, NS10/19, PP-stopper 1 834
36174 Volumetric flask, PMP, 50ml, transparent, NS12/21, PP-stopper 1 1,081
36176 Volumetric flask, PMP, 100ml, transparent, NS14/23, PP-stopper 1 1,232
36178 Volumetric flask, PMP, 250ml, transparent, NS19/26, PP-stopper 1 1,552
36180 Volumetric flask, PMP, 500ml, transparent, NS19/26, PP-stopper 1 1,601
36182 Volumetric flask, PMP, 1000ml, transparent, NS24/29, PP-stopper 1 1,854
Volumetric flask, PMP, transparent
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36108 Volumetric flask, PMP, 10 ml, NS10/19 PP-stopper 1 678
36120 Volumetric flask, PMP, 25ml, NS10/19 PP-stopper 1 707
36128 Volumetric flask, PMP, 50ml, NS12/21 PP-stopper 1 914
36138 Volumetric flask, PMP, 100ml, NS14/23 PP-stopper 1 1,042
36148 Volumetric flask, PMP, 250ml, NS19/26 PP-stopper 1 1,318
36154 Volumetric flask, PMP, 500ml, NS19/26 PP-stopper 1 1,370
36162 Volumetric flask, PMP, 1000ml, NS24/29 PP-stopper 1 1,578
Volumetric flask, PP, high clarity
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36008 Volumetric flask, PP, 10 ml, NS10/19 PP-stopper 1 598
36020 Volumetric flask, PP, 25ml, NS10/19 PP-stopper 1 620
36028 Volumetric flask, PP, 50ml, NS12/21 PP-stopper 1 784
36038 Volumetric flask, PP, 100ml, NS14/23 PP-stopper 1 849
36048 Volumetric flask, PP, 250ml, NS19/26 PP-stopper 1 1,054
36054 Volumetric flask, PP, 500ml, NS19/26 PP-stopper 1 1,108
36062 Volumetric flask, PP, 1000ml, NS24/29 PP-stopper 1 1,266
Graduated cylinder, tall form, BLAUBRAND

, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
32105 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 5:0,1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,176

32108 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 10:0,2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 893

32120 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 25:0,5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 908

32128 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 50:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,061

32138 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 100:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,162

32148 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 250:2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,809

32154 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 500:5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,472

32162 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 1000:10ml, DURAN

, 1 1,554
32164 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 2000:20ml, DURAN

, 1 3,144
Graduated cylinder, tall form, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
32705 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 5:0,1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,147

32708 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 10:0,2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 856

32720 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 25:0,5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 908

32728 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 50:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,061

32738 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 100:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,162

32748 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 250:2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,809

32754 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 500:5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,472

32762 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 1000:10ml, DURAN

, 1 1,554
32764 Graduated cylinder,tall, BLAUBRAND

ETERNA, cl.A, 2000:20ml, DURAN

, 1 3,144
Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
32408 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 10:0,2ml, DURAN

, NS10/19 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,552

32420 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 25:0,5ml, DURAN

, NS14/23 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,690

32428 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 50:1ml, DURAN

, NS19/26 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,783

32438 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 100:1ml, DURAN

, NS24/29 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,033

32448 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 250:2ml, DURAN

, NS29/32 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,566

32454 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 500:5ml, DURAN

, NS34/35 PE-stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,930

32462 Mixing cylinder, BLAUBRAND

, cl.A, 1000:10ml, DURAN

, NS45/40 PE-stopper 1 4,488

Graduated cylinder, tall form, SILBERBRAND, class B
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
31708 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 10:0,2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 960

31720 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 25:0,5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 994

31728 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 50:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,054

31738 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 100:1ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,184

31748 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 250:2ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,048

31754 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 500:5ml, DURAN

, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,313

31762 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 1000:10ml, DURAN

1 2,772
31764 Graduated cylinder,tall form, SILBERBRAND, cl.B, 2000:20ml, DURAN

1 5,100
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Graduated cylinder, tall form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, class B, glass base
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
31905 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 5:0,1ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 983

31908 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 10:0,2ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 960

31920 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 25:0,5ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 994

31928 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 50:1ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,054

31938 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 100:1ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,184

31948 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 250:2ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,048

31954 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 500:5ml,DURAN

,glass base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,313

31962 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 1000:10ml,DURAN

,glass base 1 2,772

31964 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 2000:20ml,DURAN

,glass base 1 5,100

Graduated cylinder, tall form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, class B, PP-base
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
31909 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 10:0,2ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 797

31921 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 25:0,5ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 823

31929 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 50:1ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 938

31939 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 100:1ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,147

31949 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 250:2ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,865

31955 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 500:5ml,DURAN

,PP base, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,012

31963 Graduated cylinder,tall, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 1000:10ml,DURAN

,PP base 1 2,850

Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND-ETERNA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
42008 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 10:1ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 934

42020 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 25:1ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 934

42028 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 50:2ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,035

42038 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 100:2ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,221

42048 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 250:5ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,502

42054 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 500:10ml, DURAN

, amber grad., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,540

42062 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 1000:20ml, DURAN

, amber grad. 1 3,023

42064 Graduated cylinder, low form, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, 2000:50ml, DURAN

, amber grad. 1 5,422

Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, class B
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
33908 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 10:0,2ml, DURAN

, 10/19 PP stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,092

33920 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 25:0,5ml, DURAN

, 14/23 PP stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,170

33928 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 50:1ml, DURAN

, 19/26 PP stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,438

33938 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 100:1ml, DURAN

, 24/29 PP stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,647

33948 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 250:2ml, DURAN

, 29/32 PP stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,162

33954 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 500:5ml, DURAN

, 34/35 PE stopper, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,731

33962 Mixing cylinder, SILBERBRAND ETERNA, cl.B, 1000:10ml, DURAN

, 45/40 PP stopper 1 5,123

Graduated cylinder, tall form, PMP, class A, conformity certified
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
35108 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 10:0,2ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,128
35120 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 25:0,5ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,202
35128 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 50:1ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,277
35138 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 100:1ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,765
35148 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 250:2ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,788
35154 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 500:5ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,266
35162 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 1000:10ml, PMP, blue graduation 1 3,064
35164 Grad.cylinder,tall, cl.A+, 2000:20ml, PMP, blue graduation 1 5,059
Graduated cylinder, tall form, PP, blue scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
34808 Graduated cylinder,tall 10:0,2ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,643
34820 Graduated cylinder,tall 25:0,5ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,164
34828 Graduated cylinder,tall 50:1ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,704
34838 Graduated cylinder,tall 100:1ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,821
34848 Graduated cylinder,tall 250:2ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,760
34854 Graduated cylinder,tall 500:5ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,044
34862 Graduated cylinder,tall 1000:10ml, PP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 6,822
34864 Graduated cylinder,tall 2000:20ml, PP, blue graduation 1 2,511
Graduated cylinder, tall form, PP, embossed scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
35008 Graduated cylinder,tall 10:0,2ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,564
35020 Graduated cylinder,tall 25:0,5ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,880
35028 Graduated cylinder,tall 50:1ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,178
35038 Graduated cylinder,tall 100:1ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,736
35048 Graduated cylinder,tall 250:2ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,308
35054 Graduated cylinder,tall 500:5ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,053
35062 Graduated cylinder,tall 1000:10ml, PP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,225
35064 Graduated cylinder,tall 2000:20ml, PP, embossed scale 1 1,949
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Graduated cylinder, tall form, PMP, blue scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
34708 Graduated cylinder,tall 10:0,2ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,686
34720 Graduated cylinder,tall 25:0,5ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,765
34728 Graduated cylinder,tall 50:1ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,733
34738 Graduated cylinder,tall 100:1ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,483
34748 Graduated cylinder,tall 250:2ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,649
34754 Graduated cylinder,tall 500:5ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 8,376
34762 Graduated cylinder,tall 1000:10ml, PMP, blue graduation, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 12,695
34764 Graduated cylinder,tall 2000:20ml, PMP, blue graduation 1 3,793
Graduated cylinder, tall form, PMP, embossed scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
34908 Graduated cylinder,tall 10:0,2ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,476
34920 Graduated cylinder,tall 25:0,5ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,313
34928 Graduated cylinder,tall 50:1ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,039
34938 Graduated cylinder,tall 100:1ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,268
34948 Graduated cylinder,tall 250:2ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,086
34954 Graduated cylinder,tall 500:5ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 6,245
34962 Graduated cylinder,tall 1000:10ml, PMP, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 9,661
34964 Graduated cylinder,tall 2000:20ml, PMP, embossed scale 1 3,203
Graduated cylinder, low form, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
41620 Graduated cylinder, low form, 25:0,5ml, PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,694
41628 Graduated cylinder, low form, 50:1ml, PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,290
41638 Graduated cylinder, low form, 100:2ml, PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,643
41648 Graduated cylinder, low form, 250:5ml, PP, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,066
41654 Graduated cylinder, low form, 500:10ml, PP, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,829
41662 Graduated cylinder, low form, 1000:20ml, PP, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,002
Graduated cylinder, low form, SAN
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
41520 Graduated cylinder, low form, 25:0,5ml, SAN, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,438
41528 Graduated cylinder, low form, 50:1ml, SAN, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,146
41538 Graduated cylinder, low form, 100:2ml, SAN, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,537
41548 Graduated cylinder, low form, 250:5ml, SAN, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,783
41554 Graduated cylinder, low form, 500:10ml, SAN, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,760
41562 Graduated cylinder, low form, 1000:20ml, SAN, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,961
Automatic pipette with dispenser, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

43005 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 5ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 5,026

43008 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 10ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 5,152

43016 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 20ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 5,435

43020 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 25ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 5,742

43028 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 50ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 7,230

43038 Automatic pipette, DURAN

, 100ml, soda bottle, Boro 4.1 1 7,460

43055 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 5ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 3,682

43058 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 10ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 3,820

43066 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 20ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 4,097

43070 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 25ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 4,397

43078 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 50ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 5,886

43088 Automatic pipette, dosing attachment, 100ml, DURAN

, w/o bottle 1 6,111

Reservoir bottles for automatic pipette
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
126963 Reservoir bottle, borosilicate glass 4.1, 1000 ml, NS 29/32 1 1,612

, class AS, lateral stopcock

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13844 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 8,842
13847 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 8,842
13848 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 8,842
13884 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, lateral glass stopcock, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,909

13887 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, lateral glass stopcock, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,909

13888 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, lateral glass stopcock, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,909

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, Class AS, Schellbach stripes

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
12464 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,251

12467 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,251

12468 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, Schellbach, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,251

12484 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle,Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,619

12487 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle,Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,619

12488 Burette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle,Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 6,619

Compact burette, PTFE stopcock, BLAUBRAND

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

13913 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

13916 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

13918 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

Micro burette Bang pattern, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, straight glass stopcock

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
24255 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 2:0,01ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,542

24257 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 5:0,01ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 14,459

24259 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 14,459

24265 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 2:0,01ml, DURAN

, straight safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 21,067

24267 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 5:0,01ml, DURAN

, straight safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 21,425

24269 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, straight safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 21,425

Micro burette Bang pattern, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, lateral glass stopcock

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
24545 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 2:0,01ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, glass key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 18,971

24547 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 5:0,01ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, glass key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 21,104

24549 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, glass key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 21,104

24595 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 2:0,01ml, DURAN

, lateral safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 24,619

24597 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 5:0,01ml, DURAN

, lateral safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 26,875

24599 Microburette, BLAUBRAND

, AS 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, lateral safety stopcock, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 26,875

Burette SILBERBRAND, B, amber, lateral glass stopcock
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13506 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 8,354

13508 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 8,354

13563 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,304

13566 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,304

13568 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, lateral stopcock, PTFE key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,304

Burette SILBERBRAND, B, straight Stopcock, Schellbach stripes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
12093 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle, Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,065
12096 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle, Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,065
12098 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, PTFE spindle, Schell., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,065
Burette SILBERBRAND, B, straight stopcock, Schellbach stripes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
12013 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 10:0,05ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,428

12016 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,1ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,428

12018 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, straight stopcock, glass-key, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,428

Burette SILBERBRAND, B, straight stopcock
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13532 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,1ml, straight stopcock, glass-key, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,337
13534 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, straight stopcock, glass-key, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,337
13536 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 25:0,1ml, straight stopcock, glass-key, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,639
13538 Burette, SILBERBRAND, B, 50:0,1ml, straight stopcock, PTFE-key, amber, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 12,639
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Compact burette, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13903 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 10:0,05ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
13906 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
13908 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, amber glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13926 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND,25:0,1ml, amber, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,646
13928 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND,50:0,1ml, amber, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,646
Burette clamps, zinc alloy, nickel-plated, PVC-coated clamps
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
16515 Burette clamp f. 1 burette, zinc alloy, nickel-plated 1 2,487
16520 Burette clamp f. 2 burettes, zinc alloy, nickel-plated 1 3,617
Double burette clamp
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
578000 Burette clamp, aluminum die casting f. 2 burettes, with roller grips 1 6,022
Burette clamp, PP, white
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
16505 Burette clamp, PP, white,for 1 burette 1 1,850
16510 Burette clamp, PP, white,for 2 burettes 1 2,321
Burette covers, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
16400 Burette cover, PP, inner dia.20 mm h.30 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,340
Spare stopcocks, clear glass, DURAN

with PTFE spindle

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
82120 Lateral needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 2-10ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5mm 1 2,712
82121 Lateral needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 25ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5mm 1 2,712
82122 Lateral needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 50ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5mm 1 2,712
82170 Needle-valve stopcock,/spare spindle 0-2,5 mm PTFE 1 1,310
82220 Straight needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 2-10ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5mm 1 2,712
82221 Straight needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 25ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5mm 1 2,712
82222 Straight needle-valve stopcock, f.Burette 50ml, DURAN

, 0-2,5 mm 1 2,712
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Spare stopcocks, clear glass, DURAN

with glass key

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
81053 Spare stopcock f.Burette 2-10,25,50ml, DURAN

, straight retention 1 849

81140 Spare stopcock f.Burette 2-10ml, DURAN

, retention 1 1,645
81141 Spare stopcock f.Burette 25ml, DURAN

, lateral,retention 1 1,645
81142 Spare stopcock f.Burette 50ml, DURAN

, lateral,retention 1 1,645
81805 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 2-10ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,412

81807 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 25ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,412

81809 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 50ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,412

81815 Straight stopcock f.Burette 2-10ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,027

81817 Straight stopcock f.Burette 25ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,027

81819 Straight stopcock f.Burette 50ml, DURAN

, glass key 1 2,027

Spare stopcocks, amber glass with PTFE spindle or glass key and spare keys
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
81146 Spare stopcock amber f.Burette 25ml, lateral, retention 1 2,222
81147 Spare stopcock amber f.Burette 50ml, lateral, retention 1 2,222
81167 Spare stopcock PTFE f.Burette 25+50ml, lateral, retention 1 2,517
81247 Straight stopcock f.Burette cap 25+50ml, amber 1 1,363
81248 Straight stopcock f.Burette cap 25+50ml, PTFE 1 1,638
81907 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 25ml, glass key 1 3,161
81909 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 50ml, glass key 1 3,161
81917 Straight stopcock f.Burette 25ml, gl.key amb. 1 2,948
81919 Straight stopcock f.Burette 50ml, gl.key amb. 1 2,948
81927 Lateral stopcock f.Burette 25+50ml, PTFE key amb. 1 3,641
81937 Straight stopcock f.Burette Cap 25ml, PTFE 1 3,518
81939 Straight stopcock f.Burette Cap 50ml, PTFE 1 3,518
Compact burette, PTFE stopcock, BLAUBRAND

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

13913 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

13916 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

13918 Compact burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, DURAN

, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,754

Compact burette, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13903 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 10:0,05ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
13906 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
13908 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, AR-Glas, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,223
Compact burette, SILBERBRAND, amber glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13926 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND,25:0,1ml, amber, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,646
13928 Compact burette, SILBERBRAND,50:0,1ml, amber, PTFE stopcock, Schellbach 1 4,646
Compact burettes Economy
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
10002 Burette length f. Economy, SILBERBRAND, w/o stopcock,25:0,1ml,black, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,021
10004 Burette length f. Economy, SILBERBRAND, w/o stopcock 50:0,1ml,black, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,014
11600 Burette tip, for Burette length, PP, with screw cap 1 125
11800 PTFE-stopcock, for Burette length, with PP-tip, cpl. 1 1,623
Spare burette length for compact automatic, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
13933 Spare burette length for compact burette 10ml, SILBERBRAND, AR-Glas 1 1,569
13936 Spare burette length for compact burette 25ml, SILBERBRAND, AR-Glas 1 1,569
13938 Spare burette length for compact burette 50ml, SILBERBRAND, AR-Glas 1 1,569
13956 Spare burette length for compact burette 25ml, SILBERBRAND, amber glas 1 2,077
13958 Spare burette length for compact burette 50ml, SILBERBRAND, amber glas 1 2,077
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Spare burette length for compact burette,BLAUBRAND


Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

13943 Spare burette length for compact burette 10ml, BLAUBRAND


1 2,234
13946 Spare burette length for compact burette 25ml, BLAUBRAND


1 2,234
13948 Spare burette length for compact burette 50ml, BLAUBRAND


1 2,234
Spare stopcock for compact automatic burettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
11805 Stopcock for compact/automatic burettes PTFE 1 2,770
Spare burette tips for Compact burette and Compact automatic burette
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
11510 Spare burette tip for Compact- and automatic burette, 10 ml, Boro 3.3,clear glass 1 415
11511 Spare burette tip for Compact- and automatic burette, 25 ml, Boro 3.3,clear glass 1 415
11512 Spare burette tip for Compact- and automatic burette, 50 ml, Boro 3.3,clear glass 1 415
11515 Spare burette tip for Compact- and automatic burette, 25+50 ml, amber glass 1 434
Automatic burette BLAUBRAND

, with intermediate stopcock (PTFE-stopcock)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22761 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, i-Stopcock ,lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 14,711

22762 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 14,711

22763 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 14,711

22764 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key, bottle 1 16,624

22767 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key, bottle 1 16,624

22768 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key, bottle 1 16,624

Automatic burette BLAUBRAND

, with intermediate stopcock (glass-key)

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22731 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 13,011

22732 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 13,011

22733 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 13,011

22734 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

,10:0,02ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key,w.bottle 1 15,044

22737 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

,25:0,05ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key,w.bottle 1 15,044

22738 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, lat.stopcock, gl.key 1 15,044

Automatic burette BLAUBRAND

, no intermediate stopcock, needle-valve stopcock

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22521 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, stopcock 1 11,131

22522 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, stopcock 1 11,131

22523 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, stopcock 1 11,131

22524 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 10:0,02ml, lat.s.stopcock, w.bottle 1 13,048

22528 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 25:0,05ml, lat.s.stopcock, w.bottle 1 13,048

22530 Automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, 50:0,1ml, lat.s.stopcock, w.bottle 1 13,048

Automatic burette SILBERBRAND, no intermediate stopcock, needle-valve stopcock
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
21911 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 10:0,02ml, stopcock 1 14,374
21912 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,05ml, stopcock 1 14,374
21913 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, stopcock 1 14,374
21914 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 10:0,02ml, stopcock,w.bottle 1 16,937
21917 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,05ml, stopcock,w.bottle 1 16,937
21918 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, stopcock,w.bottle 1 16,937
Automatic burette SILBERBRAND, brown, with intermediate stopcock (PTFE-key)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22332 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, l.stopcock PTFE amber,bottle 1 26,041
22334 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, l.stopcock PTFE amber,bottle 1 26,041
22336 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, l.stopcock PTFE k.amber 1 23,122
22338 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock, l.stopcock PTFE k.amber 1 23,122
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Automatic burette SILBERBRAND, brown, with intermediate stopcocock (glass-key)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22322 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, i-Stopcock,lat./gl.k.amber,w.bottle 1 21,668
22324 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock,lat./gl.k.amber,w.bottle 1 21,668
22326 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, i-Stopcock,lat.stopcock gl.k.amber 1 18,742
22328 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, i-Stopcock,lat.stopcock gl.k.amber 1 18,742
Automatic burette SILBERBRAND, brown, no intermediate stopcock, PTFE-key
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22312 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, lat.stopcock PTFE amber, w.bottle 1 19,924
22314 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, lat.stopcock PTFE amber, w.bottle 1 19,924
22316 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, PTFE key 1 17,006
22318 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, PTFE key 1 17,006
Automatic burette SILBERBRAND, brown, no intermediate stopcock, glass-key
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
22302 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, amb. lat.stopcock gl.key, w.bottle 1 18,039
22304 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, amb. lat.stopcock gl.key, w.bottle 1 18,039
22306 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0,1ml, amber lat.stopcock gl.key 1 15,140
22308 Automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0,1ml, amber lat.stopcock gl.key 1 15,140
Spare reservoir bottle for automatic burette
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23310 Bottle f.Automatic burette,2000ml,clear,DURAN

, NS 29/32 1 5,560
23320 Bottle f.Automatic burette,2000ml,amber,DURAN

, NS 29/32 1 7,682
126965 Res.bottle clear 2000ml,w/o head, soda-lime glass, 29/32 1 2,604
127065 Res.bottle amber 2000ml,w/o head, soda-lime glass, 29/32 1 2,965
Reservoir bottles,PE-LD, f.automatic burettes and burettes Dr. Schilling pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129055 Bottle for Schilling burette,PE-LD, 500ml 1 327
129060 Bottle for Schilling burette,PE-LD, 1000ml 1 582
130260 Bottle for Schilling burette,PE-LD, amber, 1000ml, with screw cap 1 683
Rubber bellows for automatic burettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23400 Rubber bellow w.valve f.automatic burettes 1 1,299
Joint clip,stainl.steel,neck size 29/32
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
55618 Joint clip, stainless steel, neck size 29/32 1 562
Filling tube for burettes, PVC, translucent
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
11525 Spare filling tube for automatic burettes, PVC, transparent 1 300
Spare key for automatic burettes Pellet pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
81255 Spare key for automatic burettes Pellet pattern, glass key 1 1,846
81256 Spare key for automatic burettes Pellet pattern, brown glass key 1 2,061
81265 Spare key for automatic burettes Pellet pattern, PTFE key 1 2,330
Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, glass bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23919 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 10:0.02 ml, 2000ml glass-bottle 1 10,539

23920 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 25:0.05 ml, 2000ml glass-bottle 1 10,539

23921 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 50:0.1 ml, 2000ml glass-bottle 1 10,539

India_Pricelist_03_Volumetric_30-46.indd 46 02.04.2012 08:39:21 47
Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, glass bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23909 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 10:0.05 ml, with 2000 ml glass bottle 1 9,823
23910 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0.1 ml, with 2000 ml glass bottle 1 9,823
23911 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0.1 ml, with 2000 ml glass bottle 1 9,823
Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, amber glass, glass bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23929 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25:0.1ml, amber glass, 2000ml glass-bottle 1 12,105
23930 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50:0.1ml, amber glass, 2000ml glass-bottle 1 12,105
Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, PE-bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23819 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 10 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 8,652

23820 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 25 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 8,652

23821 Compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND

, class AS, 50 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 8,652

Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, PE-bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23809 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 10 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 7,535
23810 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 7,535
23811 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50 ml, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 7,535
Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, amber glass, PE-bottle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23829 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 25ml, amber glass, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 9,964
23830 Compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND, 50ml, amber glass, with 1000 ml PE-bottle 1 9,964
Spare burette length for compact automatic burette, BLAUBRAND


Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

23843 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. BLAUBRAND

, 10ml, DURAN

1 3,866
23846 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. BLAUBRAND

, 25ml, DURAN

1 3,866
23848 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. BLAUBRAND

, 50ml, DURAN

1 3,866
Spare burette length for compact automatic burette, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23833 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. SILBERBRAND, 10ml, AR-Glas 1 3,589
23836 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. SILBERBRAND, 25ml, AR-Glas 1 3,589
23838 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. SILBERBRAND, 50ml, AR-Glas 1 3,589
23866 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. SILBERBRAND, 25ml, amber glass 1 4,385
23868 Spare burette length for compact autom.bur. SILBERBRAND, 50ml, amber glass 1 4,385
Filling tube for burettes, PVC, translucent
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
11525 Spare filling tube for automatic burettes, PVC, transparent 1 300
Bases for plastic bottles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23725 Base for plastic bottle 500 ml, 74 - 76 mm 1 462
23728 Base for plastic bottle 1000 ml, 94 - 96 mm 1 555
India_Pricelist_03_Volumetric_30-46.indd 47 02.04.2012 08:39:22
[email protected] 48
Burette clamps, zinc alloy, nickel-plated, PVC-coated clamps
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
16515 Burette clamp f. 1 burette, zinc alloy, nickel-plated 1 2,487
16520 Burette clamp f. 2 burettes, zinc alloy, nickel-plated 1 3,617
Burette support
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23882 Burette support 1 7,980
Pump head for compact automatic burette
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23875 Pump head for glass reservoir bottle, for compact automatic burette, clear glass 1 2,948
23876 Pump head for glass reservoir bottle, for compact automatic burette, amber glass 1 3,797
Automatic burette Dr. Schilling, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23753 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 10 ml, with 500 ml bottle 1 4,315
23755 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 15 ml, with 500 ml bottle 1 4,026
23756 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 25 ml, with 1000 ml bottle 1 4,786
23758 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 50 ml, with 1000 ml bottle 1 5,065
23766 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 25 ml, amber glass, 1000 ml bottle (amber) 1 5,856
23768 Automatic burette Schilling, SILBERBRAND, 50 ml, amber glass, 1000 ml bottle (amber) 1 6,193
Glass discharge tip for automatic burette, Dr. Schilling pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
11500 Glass discharge tip, clear, for aut.burette Schilling, with silicone tubing, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,048
11505 Glass discharge tip, amber glass, for burette Schilling, with silicone tubing, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,662
Bases for plastic bottles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23725 Base for plastic bottle 500 ml, 74 - 76 mm 1 462
23728 Base for plastic bottle 1000 ml, 94 - 96 mm 1 555
Spare burettes for automatic burette Dr. Schilling
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23713 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 10 ml, SILBERBRAND 1 3,498
23715 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 15 ml, SILBERBRAND 1 3,498
23716 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 25 ml, SILBERBRAND 1 3,699
23718 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 50 ml, SILBERBRAND 1 3,699
23723 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 25 ml, SILBERBRAND amber 1 4,506
23724 Spare burette for automatic burette Schilling, 50 ml, SILBERBRAND amber 1 4,506
Fittings for automatic burette Dr. Schilling
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
23745 Fitting, PP, for automatic burette Schilling, 10 ml 1 1,580
23746 Fitting, PP, for automatic burette Schilling, 15 ml 1 1,580
23748 Fitting, PP, for automatic burette Schilling, 25 - 50 ml 1 1,580
India_Pricelist_03_Volumetric_30-46.indd 48 02.04.2012 08:39:23
Temper at ur e
and Densi t y
Measur ement
For the measurement of temper-
ature and density, BRAND offers high
quality thermometers, individually calibrated

density bottles, and fast,

reliable hydrometers.
Consistent precision.
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 49 29.03.2012 15:55:45
[email protected] 50
Density bottle, Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, with thermometer and side capillary

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
43408 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 10ml, calibrated, thermometer, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 10,270
43420 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 25ml, calibrated, thermometer, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 10,484
43428 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 50ml, calibrated, thermometer, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 10,549
43438 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 100ml, calibrated, thermometer, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 12,357
Density bottle, Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

43305 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 5ml, calibrated, Boro 3.3 1 3,164

43308 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 10ml, calibrated, Boro 3.3 1 3,276

43320 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 25ml, calibrated, Boro 3.3 1 3,589

43328 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 50ml, calibrated, Boro 3.3 1 4,097

43338 Density bottle Gay-Lussac, BLAUBRAND

, 100ml, calibrated, Boro 3.3 1 5,617

Density bottle, Gay-Lussac pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
43205 Density bottle Gay-Lussac 5ml, uncalibrated, Boro 3.3, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 3,810
43208 Density bottle Gay-Lussac 10ml, uncalibrated, Boro 3.3, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,476
43220 Density bottle Gay-Lussac 25ml, uncalibrated, Boro 3.3, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,115
43228 Density bottle Gay-Lussac 50ml, uncalibrated, Boro 3.3, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 5,324
43238 Density bottle Gay-Lussac 100ml, uncalibrated, Boro 3.3, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 7,359
Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
800001 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -35+50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 923
800002 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 895
800003 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+110/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 933
800004 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+150/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,026
800005 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+200/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,118
800096 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+250/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,231
800097 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+300/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,247
800098 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+360/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,419
800099 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+410/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 1,624
800101 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -35+50C red, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,270
800103 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+100C red, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,078
800104 Solid-stem thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+150C red, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,397
Solid-stem thermometers, no mercury, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
800200 Solid-stem thermometer, no mercury, SILBERBRAND,-10 to +110C 1 1,337
800202 Solid-stem thermometer, no mercury, SILBERBRAND,-10 to +110C 1 1,445
800204 Solid-stem thermometer, no mercury, SILBERBRAND,-10 to +150C 1 1,447
800206 Solid-stem thermometer, no mercury, SILBERBRAND,-10 to +250C 1 2,068
800208 Solid-stem thermometer, no mercury, SILBERBRAND,-10 to +360C 1 2,423
Enclosed-scale thermometers, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
800401 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -35+50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,108
800402 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,094
800403 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+100/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,250
800404 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+150/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,317
800405 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+200/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,511
800406 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+250/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,694
800407 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+300/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,885
800408 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+360/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,067
800409 Thermometer,encl.scale, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+420/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,503
Stirring thermometers, solid-stem, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
800502 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+ 50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,379
800503 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+110C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,379
800504 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,590
800506 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+220C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,987
800548 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, 0+360C/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,445
800602 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, 0+ 50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,590
800603 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, -10+110C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,590
800604 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, 0+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,830
800646 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, 0+220C/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,571
800648 Stirring thermometer, SILBERBRAND, total immersion, 0+360C/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,673
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 50 29.03.2012 15:55:46 51
Precision solid-stem thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
804002 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+ 50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,698
804003 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+110C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,029
804004 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,210
804006 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+250C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,125
804008 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+360C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,107
804009 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-10+410C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,190
804012 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+ 50/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,131
804013 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,722
804014 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+150/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,318
804016 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+250/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,281
804018 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+360/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,684
804022 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+ 50/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,722
804023 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,896
804024 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+150/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,106
804032 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+ 50/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,299
804033 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 9,021
Precision thermometers, enclosed-scale pattern, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
804503 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,221
804504 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,651
804506 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+250C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,048
804508 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+360C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,399
804512 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+ 50C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,221
804513 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,225
804514 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+150C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,185
804516 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+250C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 8,272
804532 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+ 50C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,365
804533 Precision encl.thermometer,suitable for offical certification,0+100C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 12.644
Precision low-temperature thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
805001 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-38+50C/1C Hg, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,300
805011 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-38+50/0,5C Hg, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,011
805202 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-50+30/1C Tol., falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,179
805203 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-100+30/1C Tol., falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,227
805212 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-50+30/0,5C Tol., falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,806
805213 Precision stem thermometer,suitable for offical certification,-100+30/0,5C Tol., falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,926
Precision Anschutz thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
808032 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for offical certification,0+ 50C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,281
808033 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for offical certification,+50+ 100C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,805
808034 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for official testing, +100+150C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,221
808035 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for official testing, +150+200C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,414
808036 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for official testing, +200+250C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,865
808037 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for official testing, +250+300C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,335
808038 Anschuetz thermometer, suitable for official testing, +300+360C/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,732
Precision high-temperature thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
812010 Precision high-temperature thermometer, 0-610 C, GOLDBRAND, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,949
Precision thermometers with standard ground-glass joint, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
813049 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+150/0,5C 75 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,431
813050 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+150/0,5C 75 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,431
813051 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+150/0,5C 75 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,431
813059 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+250/1C 60 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,620
813060 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+250/1C 60 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,620
813061 Distillation thermometer suitable for offical certification,-10+250/1C 75 mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,620
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 51 29.03.2012 15:55:46
[email protected] 52
ASTM thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
880001 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 1C -20+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,854
880002 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 2C - 5+300C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,221
880003 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 3C - 5+400C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,089
880004 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 5C -38+ 50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,878
880005 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 6C -80+ 20C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,155
880006 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 7C - 2+300C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,763
880007 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 8C - 2+400C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,860
880008 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 9C - 5+110/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,758
880009 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 10C +90+370C/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,119
880010 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 11C - 6+400C/2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,703
880011 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 12C -20+102/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,654
880013 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 14C +38+ 82/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,829
880014 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 15C - 2+ 80/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,956
880015 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 16C +30+200/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,492
880016 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 17C +19+ 27/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,390
880017 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 18C +34+ 42/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,613
880019 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 20C +57+ 65/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,661
880021 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 22C +95+103/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,071
880022 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 23C +18+ 28/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,824
880023 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 24C +39+ 54/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,944
880027 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 33C -38+ 42/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,287
880028 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 34C +25+105/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,336
880029 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 35C +90+170/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,281
880030 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 36C - 2+ 68/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,161
880031 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 37C - 2+ 52/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,938
880033 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 39C +48+102/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,836
880034 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 40C +72+126/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,209
880035 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 41C +98+152/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,486
880036 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 42C +95+255/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,835
880037 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 49C +20+ 70/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,137
880040 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 56C +19+35/0,02C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 17,723
880041 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 57C -20+ 50/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,667
880042 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 61C +32+127/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,522
880043 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 62C -38+ 2/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,106
880044 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 63C - 8+ 32/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,661
880045 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 64C +25+ 55/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 8,003
880047 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 66C +75+105/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 8,353
880048 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 67C +95+155/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 8,515
880052 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 82C -15+105C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,276
880053 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 83C +15+ 70C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 3,342
880056 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 86C +95+175C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,083
880058 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 88C +10+200/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,499
880059 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 89C -20+ 10/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,329
880060 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 90C 0+ 30/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,022
880061 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 91C +20+ 50/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,311
880062 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 92C +40+ 70/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,570
880063 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 93C +60+ 90/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,853
880064 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 94C +80+110/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,094
880065 ASTM thermometer, suitable for official testing, 95C +100+130/0,1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,173
880069 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 102C+123+177/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,570
880070 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 103C+148+202/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,835
880071 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 104C+173+227/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,082
880072 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 105C+198+252/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,323
880073 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 106C+223+277/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,395
880074 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 107C+248+302/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,498
880078 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 114C- 80+ 20/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,733
880079 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 110C +133,6+136,4/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 9,394
880084 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 120C + 38,5+ 41,5/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,600
880085 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 121C + 98,5+101,5/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 8,762
880086 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 44C + 18,5+ 21,5/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,106
880087 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 45C + 23,6+ 26,1/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,106
880088 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 46C + 48,6+ 51,4/0,05C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,600
880090 ASTM thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 54C + 20,0+100,0/0,2C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 5,342
Maximum-precision thermometers, enclosed-scale p., GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
820600 Max.prec.thermometer, suitable for offical certification, -10+150C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,739
Pocket thermometers, solid-stem, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
838501 Pocket thermometer solid-stem -30+50C/1C HG, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,993
838503 Pocket thermometer solid-stem 0+100C/1C HG, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,794
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 52 29.03.2012 15:55:47 53
Congealing point thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
866801 Cong.point thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 0+100C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 4,908
866821 Cong.point thermometer officially certified with certificate, 0+100C/0,5C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 22,438
Cloud point and setting point thermometer, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
870503 Cloud/sett.point thermometer, suitable for offical certification, -70+50C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 6,393
Dropping point thermometer, Ubbelohde, GOLDBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
871101 Dropp.point thermometer, suitable for offical certification, 0+110C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 7,536
871121 Dropp.point thermometer officially certified with certificate, 0+110C/1C, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 26,084
Maximum-minimum thermometer, Six pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
820000 Max-Min-thermometer -30+50C 230x60mm w/o top, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,694
820500 Max-Min-thermometer -30+50C 230x60mm, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 1 2,694
General purpose hydrometer, without thermometer, approx. 160 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
966030 General purpose hydrometer 0,600-0,660/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966031 General purpose hydrometer 0,650-0,710/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966032 General purpose hydrometer 0,700-0,760/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966033 General purpose hydrometer 0,760-0,820/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966034 General purpose hydrometer 0,820-0,880/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966035 General purpose hydrometer 0,880-0,940/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966036 General purpose hydrometer 0,940-1,000/0,001 g/cm 1 2,415
966037 General purpose hydrometer 1,000-1,060/0,001 g/cm 1 2,559
966038 General purpose hydrometer 1,060-1,120/0,001 g/cm 1 2,559
966039 General purpose hydrometer 1,120-1,180/0,001 g/cm 1 2,559
966040 General purpose hydrometer 1,180-1,240/0,001 g/cm 1 2,559
966041 General purpose hydrometer 1,240-1,300/0,001 g/cm 1 2,559
966042 General purpose hydrometer 1,300-1,360/0,001 g/cm 1 2,764
966043 General purpose hydrometer 1,360-1,420/0,001 g/cm 1 2,764
966044 General purpose hydrometer 1,420-1,480/0,001 g/cm 1 2,764
966045 General purpose hydrometer 1,480-1,540/0,001 g/cm 1 2,764
966046 General purpose hydrometer 1,540-1,600/0,001 g/cm 1 2,764
966047 General purpose hydrometer 1,600-1,660/0,001 g/cm 1 2,981
966048 General purpose hydrometer 1,660-1,720/0,001 g/cm 1 2,981
966049 General purpose hydrometer 1,720-1,780/0,001 g/cm 1 2,981
966050 General purpose hydrometer 1,780-1,840/0,001 g/cm 1 3,258
966051 General purpose hydrometer 1,840-1,900/0,001 g/cm 1 3,258
966052 General purpose hydrometer 1,900-1,960/0,001 g/cm 1 3,258
966053 General purpose hydrometer 1,960-2,020/0,001 g/cm 1 3,258
General purpose hydrometer without thermometer, approx. 280 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
968510 General purpose hydrometer 0,600-0,700/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968511 General purpose hydrometer 0,700-0,800/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968512 General purpose hydrometer 0,800-0,900/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968513 General purpose hydrometer 0,900-1,000/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968514 General purpose hydrometer 1,000-1,100/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968515 General purpose hydrometer 1,100-1,200/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968516 General purpose hydrometer 1,200-1,300/0,001 g/cm 1 2,620
968517 General purpose hydrometer 1,300-1,400/0,001 g/cm 1 2,945
968518 General purpose hydrometer 1,400-1,500/0,001 g/cm 1 2,945
968519 General purpose hydrometer 1,500-1,600/0,001 g/cm 1 2,945
968520 General purpose hydrometer 1,600-1,700/0,001 g/cm 1 3,312
968521 General purpose hydrometer 1,700-1,800/0,001 g/cm 1 3,312
968522 General purpose hydrometer 1,800-1,900/0,001 g/cm 1 3,312
968523 General purpose hydrometer 1,900-2,000/0,001 g/cm 1 3,312
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 53 29.03.2012 15:55:47
[email protected] 54
General purpose hydrometer without thermometer, approx. 280 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
969510 General purpose hydrometer 0,600-0,800/0,002 g/cm 1 3,047
969511 General purpose hydrometer 0,800-1,000/0,002 g/cm 1 3,047
969512 General purpose hydrometer 1,000-1,200/0,002 g/cm 1 3,156
969513 General purpose hydrometer 1,200-1,400/0,002 g/cm 1 3,156
969514 General purpose hydrometer 1,400-1,600/0,002 g/cm 1 3,427
969515 General purpose hydrometer 1,600-1,800/0,002 g/cm 1 3,427
969516 General purpose hydrometer 1,800-2,000/0,002 g/cm 1 3,427
General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, approx. 330 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
969610 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 0,600-0,800g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,209
969611 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 0,800-1,000g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,209
969612 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 1,000-1,200g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,311
969613 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 1,200-1,400g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,311
969614 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 1,400-1,600g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,534
969615 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 1,600-1,800g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,534
969616 General purpose hydrometer, with thermometer, 1,800-2,000g/cm/0,002 g/cm 1 6,534
Range finder hydrometer, without thermometer, approx. 260-300 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
970010 Range finding hydrometer 0,700-1,000/0,005 g/cm 1 3,252
970012 Range finding hydrometer 1,000-1,500/0,005 g/cm 1 3,402
970014 Range finding hydrometer 1,500-2,000/0,005 g/cm 1 3,499
Range finder hydrometer, without thermometer, approx. 360 mm long
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
970510 Range finding hydrometer 0,700-2,000/0,01 g/cm 1 5,733
Hydrometers Baum pattern, without thermometer
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
971528 Hydrometer Baum 0-35B/subd.1B 1 2,234
971534 Hydrometer Baum 0-50B/subd.1B 1 2,198
971535 Hydrometer Baum 0-70B/subd.1B 1 2,282
971536 Hydrometer Baum 0-10B/subd.0,1B 1 2,674
971537 Hydrometer Baum 10-20B/subd.0,1B 1 2,674
971538 Hydrometer Baum 20-30B/subd.0,1B 1 2,674
971539 Hydrometer Baum 30-40B/subd.0,1B 1 2,674
971540 Hydrometer Baum 40-50B/subd.0,1B 1 2,867
971541 Hydrometer Baum 50-60B/subd.0,1B 1 2,867
971542 Hydrometer Baum 60-70B/subd.0,1B 1 2,867
General purpose alcoholometer Gay-Lussac + Cartier
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
980310 General purpose alcoholometer 0-100 Vol.%/10-45Cartier 1 2,132
980360 General purpose alcoholometer 0-100Vol.%/10-45Cartier th. 1 5,601
General purpose alcoholometer Richter + Tralles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
980510 General purpose alcoholometer Richter 0-100%weight/vol. 1 2,132
980560 General purpose alcoholometer Richter 0-100%weight/ 1 5,601
Saccharimeter, Brix, sugar hydrometer
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
984416 Saccharimeter,60-90Brix,1Brix 1 3,047
984417 Saccharimeter,0-30Brix,1Brix 1 2,571
984418 Saccharimeter,30-60Brix,1Brix 1 3,047
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 54 29.03.2012 15:55:48 55
Saccharimeter, Brix, sugar hydrometer
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
984710 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 0-10,w.thermometer 1 6,709
984711 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 10-20,w.thermometer 1 6,709
984712 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 20-30,w.thermometer 1 6,709
984713 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 30-40,w.thermometer 1 6,709
984714 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 40-50,w.thermometer 1 7,287
984715 Saccharimeter Brix patt.(sugar hydrom.) 50-60,w.thermometer 1 7,287
Special-purpose hydrometer, without thermometer
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
987510 Special-purpose hydr.NH4OH 0-35 weight-% 1 3,559
992610 Special-purpose hydr.NaCI 0-27 weight-% 1 3,559
992910 Special-purpose hydr.HCI 0-40 weight-% 1 3,559
Hydrometer jar, DURAN

, ungraduated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
987402 Hydrometer jar, ungraduated, 250ml, DURAN

1 1,397
987404 Hydrometer jar, ungraduated, 500ml, DURAN

1 2,288
Hydrometer jar, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
50000 Hydrometer jar PP 500ml, spout/overflow vessel 1 2,192
Imhoff sedimentation cone, SILBERBRAND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
387362 Imhoff sedimentation cone, SILBERBRAND, 0- 100ml,mark at 1000ml, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 39,280
387662 Imhoff sedimentation cone, SILBERBRAND, 0-100ml,mark at 1000ml,with stopper 1 16,647
Imhoff sedimentation cone, SILBERBRAND, up to 1000 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
387462 Imhoff sedimentation cone, SILBERBRAND, 0-1000ml,mark at 1000ml, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 40,051
Imhoff sedimentation cone
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
388000 Imhoff sedimentation cone SAN 0-1000ml, screw cap 1 2,646
Rack , for 2 PP sedimentation cones
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
388050 Rack f.2 Imhoff sedimentation cones 300x130x315mm 1 7,303
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 55 29.03.2012 15:55:48
[email protected] 56
Rack for 2 sedimentation cones made of glass or plastic
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
388060 Rack f.2 Imhoff sedimentation cones 300x130x400mm 1 9,376
Oxygen flask, Winkler pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
386038 Oxygen flask 100-150ml, gl.stopper 14/23, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,332
386048 Oxygen flask 250-300ml, gl.stopper 19/26, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 4,717
Fastening clip for oxygen flask, Winkler pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
386138 Fastening clip f.oxygen flask 100-150ml 1 542
386148 Fastening clip f.oxygen flask 250-300ml 1 566
ASTM centrifuge tube, pear shaped / cylindr. bottom, 100ml, former standard D 96
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
362138 ASTM centrifuge tube, pear shaped / cylindr. bottom, 100ml,former standard D 96, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 9,354
ASTM centrifuge tube, cylindrical / conical bottom, 100 ml, former standard D 96
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
362338 ASTM centrifuge tube, cylindrical / conical bottom, 100 ml, former standard D 96, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 7,620
ASTM centrifuge tube, cylindrical / conical bottom, 100 ml, ASTM D 91
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
362038 ASTM centrifuge tube, cylindrical / conical bottom, 100 ml, ASTM D 91, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 7,359
India_Pricelist_04_Temp_47-54.indd 56 29.03.2012 15:55:49
Cl i ni cal
Labor at or y
Clinical laboratories see a wide range of
specimens and use a great variety of methods.
BRAND products for the medical laboratory
are subjected to rigid quality control proce-
dures. This ensures precise results when
it counts.
When results matter.
India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 57 02.04.2012 08:44:14
[email protected] 58
Disposable micro-pipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
708707 Mikropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 1-2-3-4-5 l, white, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,672
708709 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 10 l, orange, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415

708718 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 20 l, black, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415

708722 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 25 l, 2 x white, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415

708727 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 40 l, 2 x red, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415

708728 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 20 and 40 l, 2 x red, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,672
708733 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 50 l, green, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415

708744 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 100 l, blue, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,415
708745 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 50 and 100 l, blue, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 8,672
708757 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraMark, 200 l, red, pack consists of: 4 boxes 200 pcs 4 13,714
Disposable micro-pipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
709101 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 1 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709103 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 2 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709105 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 3 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709107 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 5 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709109 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 10 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709118 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 20 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 6,488

709122 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 25 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

709133 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 50 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 6,488

709144 Micropipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, 100 l, pack consists of: 4 boxes 250 pcs 4 7,074

Pipette holder for intraEND and Delbrck micropipettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
708605 Pipette holder for intraEND and Delbrck micropipettes, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,220
Pipetting aid for micro-pipettes IntraEND
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
709110 Pipetting aid for micropipettes intraEND, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,847
Disposable Delbrck micro-pipettes, BLAUBRAND

, intraEND, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
708660 Micropipettes Delbrck, intraEND, Na-heparinised, 20 l, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (in 10 boxes) 1000 6,893
708664 Micropipettes Delbrck, intraEND, Na-heparinised, 50 l, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (in 10 boxes) 1000 6,893
Micro haematocrit capillary, soda heparinized, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
749311 Micro haematocrit cap.sodium hep.w/o mark red, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,355
749321 Micro haematocrit cap.non hep.w/o mark blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,098
Haematocrit sealing compound, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
749510 Haematocrit sealing compound, pack consists of: Package of 10 1 3,282
Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer improved, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
717805 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer improved 1 3,611

717820 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer improved w.clips 1 5,380

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer improved,bright, IVD

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
717810 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer improved bright 1 7,502

India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 58 02.04.2012 08:44:14 59
Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Thoma, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
718005 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Thoma w/o clips 1 3,611

718020 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Thoma w.clips 1 5,380

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
718605 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer w/o clips 1 3,611

718620 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Neubauer clips 1 5,380

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Brker, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
718905 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Buerker w/o clips 1 3,611

718920 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Buerker w.clips 1 5,380

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Malassez, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
719005 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Malassez w/o clips 1 3,611

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Brker-Trk, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
719505 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Buerker-Tuerk w/o clips 1 3,611

719520 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Buerker-Tuerk clips 1 5,380

Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Fuchs-Rosenthal, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
719805 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Fuchs-Rosenthal.w/o clips 1 3,611

719820 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Fuchs-Rosen.clips 1 5,380
Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Nageotte, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
721305 Counting chamber, BLAUBRAND

, Nageotte w/o clips 1 4,671

Cover glasses for microscope slides, Boro., hydrolytic class 1, thickness no. 1
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
470045 Cover glass thick. no. 1 18x18 mm square, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 5,673
470050 Cover glass thick. no. 1 20x20 mm square, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 7,736
470055 Cover glass thick. no. 1 22x22 mm square, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 8,993
470060 Cover glass thick. no. 1 24x24 mm square, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 10,892
470816 Cover glass thick. no. 1 24x40 mm rect., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 8,792
470819 Cover glass thick. no. 1 24x50 mm rect., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 11,623
470820 Cover glass thick. no. 1 24x60 mm rect., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 14,040
Microscope slides (Standard Pack)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
474701 Microscope slide, half-white, cut edges, standard pack, pack consists of: 2500 pieces 2500 14,920
474702 Microscope slide, half-white, cut edges (frosted), standard, pack consists of: 2500 pieces 2500 25,494
474743 Microscope slide, half-white, ground edges, standard pack, pack consists of: 2500 pieces 2500 24,109
474744 Microscope slide, half-white, ground edges (frosted),standard, pack consists of: 2500 pieces 2500 32,339
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[email protected] 60
Cavity slides with concavities, clear, optical glass, hydrolytic class 3
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
475505 Cavity slides, white, ground edges, 1 concavity, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 12,747
475535 Cavity slides, white, ground edges, 2 concavities, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 18,367
475565 Cavity slides, white, ground edges, 3 concavities, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 22,784
Spotting tile, Soda-lime glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
473500 Spotting tile 130x100x6 mm 12 cavities 1 7,897
Haemacytometer cover glass for counting chambers, borosilicate glass, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
723014 Haemacytom.cover glass f.count.chamb., boro., 24x24mm, IVD, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 21,567
723015 Haemacytom.cover glass f.count.chamb., boro., 20x26mm, IVD, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 16,521
723016 Haemacytom.cover glass f.count.chamb., boro., 22x30mm, IVD, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 27,997
Staining trough, Hellendahl pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
472600 Staining trough Hellendahl f.16 slides, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 19,331
Staining trough, Hellendahl extended
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
472700 Staining trough Hellend.extend.f.16 sl., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,783
Staining trough, PMP, Hellendahl extended
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
474400 Stain.trough PMP Hellendahl ext.f.16 sl., pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 3,629
Staining trough, Schiefferdecker pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
472500 Staining trough Schiefferdecker f.10 sl., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 12,104
Staining trough, PMP, Schiefferdecker pattern
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
474410 Stain.trough PMP Schiefferdecker f.20sl., pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 3,742
Slide box, PP, round
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
476900 Slide box f.trans.PP round f.5-10 slides, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,750
Slide box, PS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
475800 Slide box,PS,for 25 slides 76x26 mm 1 745
475900 Slide box,PS,for 50 slides 76x26 mm 1 1,108
476000 Slide box,PS,for 100 slides 76x26 mm 1 1,520
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Staining trough with tray, POM
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
471400 Tray,POM,91x79x38 mm, f.25 slides, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,449
471500 Staining trough/for slides, trough, POM, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 6,183
471800 Staining trough/f.slides w.tray f.25 sl., pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 8,632
Staining trough, Coplin pattern, round
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
472800 Staining trough Coplin round f.10 slides, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 14,112
Staining trough with tray, Soda-lime-glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
472000 Staining trough/tray f.10 sl.91x70x48 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 15,718
472200 Staining trough w.lid 105x85x70 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 15,858
473100 Wire handle f.stain.trough tray 4720 00, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,670
Staining trough with tray, PMP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
474300 Staining trough PMP 101x83x70mm w/o tray, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 5,613
474305 Tray PP f.staining trough PMP f.20 sl., pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,140
Sample vial, PS, for Technicon analyzer, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115015 Sample vial PS glass clear 1,5ml,Technicon, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,214
115016 Sample vial PS glass clear 2,0ml,Technicon, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,298
115017 Sample vial PS glass clear 4,0ml,Technicon, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 3,170
Push-on caps, PE, for Technicon

1,5 ml sample cups

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115020 Push-on cap PE for sample vials, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,670
Sample vial (PS) with lid (PE), for Leuko-Ery Counter, 12 ml
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
722060 Sample vial PS lid Leuko-Ery Count.12ml, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (10 bags with 100 pcs.) 1000 13,688
Sample vial (PS) with lid (PE), for Coulter Counter

, 20 ml, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
722055 Sample vial PS lid Coulter-Counter 20ml, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (4 bags of 250 pcs.) 1000 10,203
Jar, PS, with snap-on lid, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62315 Jar,PS/snap-on lid,PE-LD, 25ml, con., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 24,598
Jar with push-on lid, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61815 Jar/push-on lid PP 55l,d.56 mm h.25 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,546
61820 Jar/push-on lid PP 120ml,d.75 mm h.30 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,867
India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 61 02.04.2012 08:44:16
[email protected] 62
Jar with screw cap, PP, conical shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62310 Jar/screw cap,PP,30ml, conical shape, 30ml, D.57mm, H 32mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 13,961
Urine beaker, PP, with red press-on lid, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
758900 Urine beaker PP 125ml, red lid PE, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 13,028
Urine beaker, PP, with red press-on lid, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
758901 Urine beaker w/o lid PP 125ml, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 7,708
758902 Press-on lid for urine beaker 7589 01 PE, pack consists of: 2x500 pieces 1000 5,400
Urine beaker, PP, screw cap, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
758905 Urine beaker PP, green scr.cap, grad up to 100 ml,non-st., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 18,187
758910 Urine beaker PP, yellow scr.cap, grad up to 100 ml,y-ster., pack consists of: 240 pieces 240 11,601
Faeces container, PS, non-sterile (blue cap)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62305 Faeces container,PS,30ml, non-sterile (blue cap), pack consists of: 400 pieces 400 11,538
Sterilization indicator tape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61750 Steril.indicator tape 50 m x19 mm crepe, pack consists of: 1 roll 1 729
Petri dish, soda-lime glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
455701 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 40 mm, height 12 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,068
455717 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 60 mm, height 15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,068
455732 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 80 mm, height 15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,268
455742 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 100 mm, height 15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,549
455743 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 100 mm, height 20 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,549
455751 Petri dish, with lid, diameter 150 mm, height 25 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,079
Disposable petri dish, PS, with lid, 94 mm
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
452000 Petri dish PS lid d.94 mm without vent, pack consists of: 480 pieces (24 bags of 20 pcs.) 480 7,388
452005 Petri dish PS lid d.94 mm with vent, pack consists of: 480 pieces (24 bags of 20 pcs.) 480 7,388
Disposable petri dish, PS, with lid, 55 mm
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
452010 Petri dish PS lid d.55 mm with vent, pack consists of: 1620 pieces (108 bags of 15 pcs.) 1620 21,970
452015 Petri dish PS lid d.55 mm without vent, pack consists of: 1620 pieces (108 bags of 15 pcs.) 1620 21,970
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Inoculation loop w.needle PS y-sterilzed
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
452201 Inoculation loop PS y-steril.1l white, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (50 bags of 20) 1000 5,071
452210 Inoculation loop PS y-steril.10l blue, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (50 bags of 20) 1000 5,071
452215 Inoculation loop PS y-ster.1+10l yellow, pack consists of: 1000 pieces (50 bags of 20) 1000 5,199
Culture tubes, soda-lime glass, rimless or with screw cap
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
113931 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, with screw cap (PP), GL 14, 12 x 100 mm, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,335
113935 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, with screw cap (PP), GL 18, 16 x 100 mm, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,584
113941 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, with screw cap (PP), GL 18, 16 x 160 mm, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 8,078
113943 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, with screw cap (PP), GL 18, 18 x 180 mm, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 9,965
114105 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 10 x 75 mm, pack consists of: 250 pieces 250 1,973
114106 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 12 x 75 mm, pack consists of: 250 pieces 250 2,045
114110 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 12 x 100 mm, pack consists of: 144 pieces 140 1,178
114115 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 16 x 100 mm, pack consists of: 78 pieces 75 934
114120 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 16 x 125 mm, pack consists of: 105 pieces 100 1,367
114125 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 16 x 160 mm, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,448
114130 Culture tube, soda-lime glass, rimless, 18 x 180 mm, pack consists of: 121 pieces 120 2,605
Centrifuge tube, PC, round
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781029 Centrifuge tube PC 50:1ml, 35x99mm gr., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 24,791
781039 Centrifuge tube PC 100:1ml, 41x115mm gr., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 36,434
781040 Centrifuge tube PC 100:1ml, 45x 98mm gr., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 34,266
Centrifuge tubes with scrw cap, PP, graduated, IVD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114817 Centrifuge tube PP grd.13ml, w/o base non-st.cap, pack consists of: 750 (5 x 150) 750 27,491
114818 Centrifuge tube PP grd.13ml, w/o base y-ster.cap, pack consists of: 750 (5 x 150) 750 32,730
114820 Centrifuge tube PP grd.50ml, w/o base non-st.cap, pack consists of: 300 (6 x 50) 300 11,556
114821 Centrifuge tube PP grd.50ml, w/o base y-ster.cap, pack consists of: 300 (6 x 50) 300 15,910
114822 Centrifuge tube PP grd.50ml, w.base non-ster.cap, pack consists of: 250 (5 x 50) 250 10,137
114823 Centrifuge tube PP grd.50ml, w.base y-ster.cap, pack consists of: 250 (5 x 50) 250 15,161
Centrifuge tubes, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115342 Centrifuge tube PP 10ml, 16x100mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 250 per bag 250 4,517
115346 Centrifuge tube PP 26ml, 24x 90mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 50 per bag 50 4,717
115348 Centrifuge tube PP 20ml, 20x100mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 50 per bag 50 5,420
115350 Centrifuge tube PP 48ml, 30x100mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 25 per bag 25 2,911
115352 Centrifuge tube PP 75ml, 35x100mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 20 per bag 20 2,489
115354 Centrifuge tube PP 110ml, 40x120mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 20 per bag 20 2,850
115356 Centrifuge tube PP 160ml, 45x120mm cylindrical, no stopper, pack consists of: 10 per bag 10 2,148
Stopper, PE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115360 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 42, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 401
115366 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 48, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 873
115368 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 46, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 703
115370 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 50, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,052
115372 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 52, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,361
115374 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 54, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,556
115376 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 56, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,556
Centrifuge tube, PP, round
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
781205 Centrifuge tube PP 3,5ml, 13x 50 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,766
781208 Centrifuge tube PP 10ml, 16x 76 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,830
781212 Centrifuge tube PP 12ml, 17x 99 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,757
781220 Centrifuge tube PP 25ml, 25x 76 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,754
781226 Centrifuge tube PP 30ml, 25x 88 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,914
781228 Centrifuge tube PP 75ml, 35x105 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,316
781236 Centrifuge tube PP 80ml, 38x101 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,476
781238 Centrifuge tube PP 100ml, 41x115 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,159
781239 Centrifuge tube PP 100ml, 45x 97 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,599
781248 Centrifuge tube PP 250ml, 57x147 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,411
India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 63 02.04.2012 08:44:18
[email protected] 64
Sample tubes, PS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114715 Sample tube, PS, 16x100 mm, RCF 3000, pack consists of: 2000 pieces 2000 8,893
114750 Sample tube, PS, 12 x 55 mm, pack consists of: 5000 pieces 5000 12,074
114760 Sample tube, PS, 12 x 75 mm, pack consists of: 4000 pieces 4000 13,369
Grip stoppers, PE-LD, for sample and sedimentation tubes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114720 Grip stopper, PE-LD, for sample tubes 114715, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,533
114730 Grip stopper, PE-LD, for sample tubes 114750/114760, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 2,357
Sedimentation tube, PS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114740 Sedimentation tube PS 16x105 mm RCF 3000, pack consists of: 2000 pieces (2 bags of 1000) 2000 14,361
Centrifuge tube, AR-Glas


, graduated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
778312 Centrifuge tube con.beaded rim 0-10ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,152
778313 Centrifuge tube, DURAN

,con.beaded rim 0-10ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,814

778712 Centrifuge tube con.beaded rim 0-15ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,212
778713 Centrifuge tube, DURAN

, con.beaded rim 0-15ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,874

Centrifuge tubes, AR-Glas/DURAN

, ungraduated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
778012 Centrifuge tube con.beaded rim ungrad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 5,165
778013 Centrifuge tube, DURAN

,con.beaded rim ungrad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 10,693
779012 Centrifuge tube cone-point riml.ungrad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 200 8,700
779022 Centrifuge tube round bott.riml.ungrad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 200 10,238
Test tube, DURAN

, with or without stopper

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
114308 Test tube w/o stopper 10:0,1ml,15x150 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,564

114316 Test tube w/o stopper 20:0,2ml,17x180 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,424

114321 Test tube w/o stopper 25:0,2ml,17x200 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,685

114324 Test tube w/o stopper 30:0,5ml,19x200 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,227

114508 Test tube PP-stopper,10:0,1ml,12/21 15x165 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,294

114516 Test tube PP-stopper,20:0,2ml,14/23 17x200 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 12,245

114521 Test tube PP-stopper,25:0,2ml,14/23 17x220 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 13,650

114524 Test tube PP-stopper,30:0,5ml,14/23 19x220 mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 14,313

Pasteur pipette, soda-lime glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
747715 Pasteur pipette 145 mm cap.approx.2ml, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 3,874
747720 Pasteur pipette 225 mm cap.approx.2ml, pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 4,316
Pasteur pipette, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
747750 Pasteur pipette PE-LD ungrad.max.3,0ml, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,179
747755 Pasteur pipette PE-LD 1/0,25,max.3,5ml, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,179
747760 Pasteur pipette PE-LD 3/0,5,max.3,5ml, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,179
747765 Pasteur pipette PE-LD 2/0,5,max.2,0ml, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,247
747770 Pasteur pipette PE-LD ungrad.max.4,0ml, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 7,349
747775 Pasteur pipette PE-LD ungrad.max.1,0ml, pack consists of: 400 pieces 400 6,026
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Dropping pipette with integral bellows, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
125410 Dropping pipette PE-LD 1,5ml, l.133 mm,grad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,361
125420 Dropping pipette PE-LD 5,0ml, l.194 mm,grad., pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,638
Dropping pipette with integral pipetting bulb, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
125400 Dropping pipette PE-LD 1,8ml,l.98 mm, pack consists of: 250 pieces 250 7,503
Stand for disposal bag, epoxy-coated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759700 Stand for disposal bag, 100 bags of PP 1 2,533
759701 Stand for disposal bag, 50 bags of PA 1 3,788
Disposal bag, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759705 Disposal bag, PP, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,397
Disposal bag ,PA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759710 Disposal bag ,PA, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 2,515
India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 65 02.04.2012 08:44:19
Cer t i f i cat i ons of BRAND GMBH + CO KG
The DIN EN ISO certification earned by
BRAND in Germany is your guarantee
that the high performance standards
designed into our products are con-
sistently met in production and quality
control. This certification ensures our
customers and business partners that
they are receiving products designed and
manufactured to the highest international
quality standards.
DKD-(DAkkS) Calibration Laboratory
to ISO/IEC 17 025
This accreditation documents, for all
DKD calibrated instruments, traceability
to national and international standards.
In 1998, a BRAND calibration lab in
Germany was accredited by the DKD
as a calibration laboratory for volumetric
equipment according to DIN EN ISO/IEC
17 025. As an accredited DKD (DA-
kkS) laboratory we are licensed to issue
calibration documents for Liquid Han-
dling instruments (e.g., piston-operated
pipettes, burettes, dispensers, dilutors),
glass and plastic volumetric instruments
and for glass density bottles.
DIN EN ISO 14 001
We believe that sustainable environmen-
tal protection and business needs are not
incompatible. BRANDs business proce-
dures are oriented towards the principles
of a sustainable future and forward-
looking development of products, and
we believe that they should guarantee
future generations the possibility of free
development and growth. We want to
make products that are safe to manufac-
ture, safe to use, and that can also be
disposed of safely. Active environmental
protection is thus a significant concern of
ours, anchored in our philosophy and in
our business practices.
BRAND has been certified according to
DIN EN ISO 14 001 since 1998.
India_Pricelist_05_Clinical_55-64.indd 66 02.04.2012 08:44:30
Gener al
Labor at or y
Suppl i es
Sample preparation and storage impose
a wide variety of requirements on
laboratory instruments. Depending on the
requirements, we offer materials ranging
from glass to specialty plastics, like PFA for
trace analysis.
The quality you need.
India_Pricelist_06_General_65-94.indd 67 29.03.2012 15:48:03
[email protected] 68
Beaker, tall form, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

90617 Beaker, tall form, 50ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,086

90624 Beaker,t all form, 100ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,227

90629 Beaker, tall form, 150ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,568

90636 Beaker, tall form, 250ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,889

90641 Beaker, tall form, 400ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,635

90648 Beaker, tall form, 600ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,241

90653 Beaker, tall form, 800ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 15,657

90654 Beaker, tall form, 1000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 17,805

90663 Beaker, tall form, 2000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 32,459

90668 Beaker, tall form, 3000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 13,088

Beaker, low form, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

91210 Beaker, low form, 5ml, DURAN

, without graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,628

91212 Beaker, low form, 10ml, DURAN

, without graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,772

91214 Beaker, low form, 25ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,227

91217 Beaker, low form, 50ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,026

91224 Beaker, low form, 100ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,086

91229 Beaker, low form, 150ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,287

91236 Beaker, low form, 250ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,568

91241 Beaker, low form, 400ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,174

91248 Beaker, low form, 600ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,900

91253 Beaker, low form, 800ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 14,855

91254 Beaker, low form, 1000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 17,263

91263 Beaker, low form, 2000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 29,649

91268 Beaker, low form, 3000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 21,222

91273 Beaker, low form, 5000ml, DURAN

, with graduation, with spout 1 8,672

Beaker, low form, PMP, blue scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
89320 Beaker low form, PMP, 25: 5ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 683
89328 Beaker low form, PMP, 50: 10ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 903
89338 Beaker low form, PMP, 100: 20ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,114
89348 Beaker low form, PMP, 250: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,475
89352 Beaker low form, PMP, 400: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,987
89354 Beaker low form, PMP, 500: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,228
89356 Beaker low form, PMP, 600: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,489
89362 Beaker low form, PMP, 1000:100ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,563
89364 Beaker low form, PMP, 2000:200ml, blue scale 1 1,214
89366 Beaker low form, PMP, 3000:200ml, blue scale 1 2,164
89370 Beaker low form, PMP, 5000:500ml, blue scale 1 2,925
Beaker, low form, PMP, embossed scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
89520 Beaker low form, PMP, 25: 5ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 642
89528 Beaker low form, PMP, 50: 10ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 853
89538 Beaker low form, PMP, 100: 20ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,044
89548 Beaker low form, PMP, 250: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,385
89552 Beaker low form, PMP, 400: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,907
89554 Beaker low form, PMP, 500: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,148
89556 Beaker low form, PMP, 600: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,329
89562 Beaker low form, PMP, 1000:100ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,483
89564 Beaker low form, PMP, 2000:200ml, embossed scale 1 1,190
89566 Beaker low form, PMP, 3000:200ml, embossed scale 1 2,138
89570 Beaker low form, PMP, 5000:500ml, embossed scale 1 2,893
Beaker, low form, PP, blue scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
89420 Beaker low form, PP, 25: 5ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 542
89428 Beaker low form, PP, 50: 10ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 572
89438 Beaker low form, PP, 100: 20ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 652
89448 Beaker low form, PP, 250: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 873
89452 Beaker low form, PP, 400: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,204
89454 Beaker low form, PP, 500: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,295
89456 Beaker low form, PP, 600: 50ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,325
89462 Beaker low form, PP, 1000:100ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,977
89464 Beaker low form, PP, 2000:200ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,543
89466 Beaker low form, PP, 3000:200ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 7,106
89470 Beaker low form, PP, 5000:500ml, blue scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 9,294
Beaker, low form, PP, embossed scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
89620 Beaker low form, PP, 25: 5ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 442
89628 Beaker low form, PP, 50: 10ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 482
89638 Beaker low form, PP, 100: 20ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 592
89648 Beaker low form, PP, 250: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 793
89652 Beaker low form, PP, 400: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,134
89654 Beaker low form, PP, 500: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,204
89656 Beaker low form, PP, 600: 50ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,245
89662 Beaker low form, PP, 1000:100ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,877
89664 Beaker low form, PP, 2000:200ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,443
89666 Beaker low form, PP, 3000:200ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 6,925
89670 Beaker low form, PP, 5000:500ml, embossed scale, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 9,103
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Beaker, low form, PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
90120 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 25:5ml 1 1,582
90128 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 50:10ml 1 1,939
90138 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 100:20ml 1 2,702
90148 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 250:50ml 1 4,523
90154 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 500:100ml 1 7,040
90162 Griffin beaker low form, w.spout, PFA, 1000:100ml 1 12,490
Beaker, low form, ETFE, with graduation
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
90224 Beaker low form ETFE 25: 5ml 1 759
90228 Beaker low form ETFE 50: 10ml 1 984
90238 Beaker low form ETFE 100: 20ml 1 1,407
90248 Beaker low form ETFE 250: 50ml 1 2,427
90252 Beaker low form ETFE 400: 50ml 1 3,419
90254 Beaker low form ETFE 500: 100ml 1 3,981
90256 Beaker low form ETFE 600:100ml 1 4,635
90262 Beaker low form ETFE 1000:100ml 1 6,612
Beaker, low form, PTFE, no graduation
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
90305 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 5ml 1 1,200
90308 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 10ml 1 1,393
90320 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 25ml 1 1,493
90328 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 50ml 1 2,011
90338 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 100ml 1 2,294
90344 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 150ml 1 3,479
90348 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 250ml 1 4,324
90352 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 400ml 1 6,805
90354 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 500ml 1 7,196
90362 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 1000ml 1 15,461
90364 Beaker,low form, PTFE, 2000ml 1 34,388
Graduated beaker, PP, blue scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
40428 Graduated beaker, 50:2ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,405
40438 Graduated beaker, 100:5ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,686
40448 Graduated beaker, 250:10ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,554
40454 Graduated beaker, 500:10ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,566
40462 Graduated beaker, 1000:20ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,180
40464 Graduated beaker, 2000:50ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,401
40466 Graduated beaker, 3000:50ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,923
40470 Graduated beaker, 5000:100ml, PP, blue graduation, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,854
Graduated beaker, PP, embossed scale
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
40628 Graduated beaker, 50:2ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,305
40638 Graduated beaker, 100:5ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,586
40648 Graduated beaker, 250:10ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,373
40654 Graduated beaker, 500:10ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,542
40662 Graduated beaker, 1000:20ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,108
40664 Graduated beaker, 2000:50ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,337
40666 Graduated beaker, 3000:50ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 1,831
40670 Graduated beaker, 5000:100ml, PP, embossed scale, with handle, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 2,718
BRAND lab mugs
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
994650 BRAND lab mug, 1 piece 1 779
994675 BRAND lab mug, 6 pieces, pack consists of: 6 pieces 1 4,015
Jar with push-on lid, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61815 Jar/push-on lid PP 55l,d.56 mm h.25 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,546
61820 Jar/push-on lid PP 120ml,d.75 mm h.30 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,867
Jar with screw cap, PE-LD, thick-walled
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61950 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 5ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,513
61955 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 10ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,794
61960 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 30ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,316
61965 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 60ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,199
61970 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 90ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,544
61975 Jar/screw cap, PE-LD, 180ml, conical, with srew cap, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,568
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Jar with screw cap, PP, conical shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62310 Jar/screw cap,PP,30ml, conical shape, 30ml, D.57mm,H 32mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 13,961
Jar, PS, with snap-on lid, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62315 Jar,PS/snap-on lid,PE-LD, 25ml, con., pack consists of: 1000 pieces 1000 24,598
Weighing bottle, PP, with knob lid
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
155522 Weighing bottle, PP, knob, lid, 22ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,329
155532 Weighing bottle, PP, knob, lid, 60ml, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,071
Bucket, PE-HD, without lid and spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
71772 Bucket,PE-HD, w/o lid,5 l,h.240 mm, with graduation and handle 1 1,180
71774 Bucket,PE-HD, w/o lid,10 l,h.300 mm, with graduation and handle 1 1,417
Bucket, PP, without lid, with spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
72376 Bucket,PP,w/o lid,12 l, h.300 mm, with spout, reinforced rim and handle 1 2,353
72378 Bucket,PP,w/o lid,15 l, h.340 mm, with spout, reinforced rim and handle 1 2,555
Push-on lid for buckets, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
71771 Push-on lid f.bucket PE-LD, f.5 l buck. 1 327
71776 Push-on lid f.bucket PE-LD, f.10 l buck. 1 367
Evaporating dish, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
45505 Evaporating dish PP 50ml, shallow, w/o, spout 1 177
45510 Evaporating dish PP 170ml, shallow, w/o, spout 1 343
Watch glass, soda-lime glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
150010 Watch glass, diam.40 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,268
150015 Watch glass, diam.50 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,268
150020 Watch glass, diam.60 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,549
150030 Watch glass, diam.70 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,610
150040 Watch glass, diam.80 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,750
150045 Watch glass, diam.90 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,071
150050 Watch glass, diam.100 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,413
150060 Watch glass, diam.120 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,155
150065 Watch glass, diam.125 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,215
150070 Watch glass, diam.150 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,420
150080 Watch glass, diam.200 mm, ground edges, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,033
150085 Watch glass, diam.250 mm, ground edges 1 1,471
Tray PP white stackable 840x645x160 mm
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
156640 Tray PP white stackable 225x180x45mm 1 871
156642 Tray PP white stackable 300x240x70 mm 1 1,538
156644 Tray PP white stackable 370x310x75 mm 1 2,236
156646 Tray PP white stackable 510x410x120 mm 1 3,356
156648 Tray PP white stackable 625x530x140 mm 1 5,858
156650 Tray PP white stackable 840x645x160 mm 1 8,549
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Tidy tray, PVC
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
768505 Tidy tray with compartments PVC 5 comp.402x302x60mm 1 4,659
768510 Tidy tray with compartments PVC 12 comp.402x302x60mm 1 4,705
Pipette tray PVC for small-volume pipettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
768515 Pipette tray, PVC 355x300x45mm 1 4,585
Weighing dish, PS, diamond shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
155546 Weighing dish PS diamond 25ml, 70x45x12mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 4,567
155548 Weighing dish PS diamond 30ml, 80x56x14mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 4,816
155550 Weighing dish PS diamond 100ml, 120x90x17mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 8,939
Weighing dish, PS, square shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
155540 Weighing dish PS square 7ml, 45x 45x 7mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 2,947
155542 Weighing dish PS square 100ml, 84x 84x24mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 5,433
155544 Weighing dish PS square 250ml, 140x140x21mm, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 11,746
Storage/dispenser box, PMMA, large
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
131900 Storage/dispenser box PMMA 165x152x355 mm 1 22,127
131902 Storage/dispenser box PMMA 165x152x178 mm 1 16,567
Ice bucket with lid, PU-foam, stackable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
156100 Ice bucket with lid PU-foam, stackable 4,5 l 1 9,973
Jerrycans, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
131660 Jerrycan, PE-HD,5 l, with screw cap 1 1,983
131662 Jerrycan, PE-HD,10 l, with screw cap 1 2,712
131664 Jerrycan, PE-HD,20 l, with screw cap 1 4,119
Erlenmeyer flask, wide neck, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

92814 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 25ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,029

92817 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 50ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,029

92824 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 100ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,688

92832 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 200ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,290

92836 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 250ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,431

92839 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 300ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,177

92844 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 500ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,301

92854 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 1000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 17,926

92863 Erlenmeyer flask,wide neck 2000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 33,122

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Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

92714 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,25ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,029

92717 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,50ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,029

92724 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,100ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,427

92732 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,200ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,769

92736 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,250ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,769

92739 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,300ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,435

92744 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,500ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,037

92754 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,1000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 16,922

92763 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,2000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 31,455

92768 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,3000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim, pack consists of: 2 pieces 2 11,213

92773 Erlenmeyer flask, narrow neck,5000ml, DURAN

, beaded rim 1 8,379

Erlenmeyer flasks, wide neck, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
93170 Erlenmeyer flask wide neck, PP 50ml, 34/35 screw cap, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,168
93172 Erlenmeyer flask wide neck, PP 100ml, 34/35 screw cap, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,409
93175 Erlenmeyer flask wide neck, PP 250ml, 45/40 screw cap, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,360
93180 Erlenmeyer flask wide neck, PP 500ml, 45/40 screw cap, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,878
93185 Erlenmeyer flask wide neck, PP 1000ml, 45/40 screw cap, pack consists of: 4 pieces 4 3,557
Desiccator Novus lid with socket NS 24/29
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65231 Desiccator sock.24/29, nominal size 150 mm d.215 mm, DURAN

1 19,706
65238 Desiccator sock.24/29, nominal size 200 mm d.270 mm, DURAN

1 26,451
65243 Desiccator sock.24/29, nominal size 250 mm d.320 mm, DURAN

1 39,527
Desiccator Novus, with knob lid
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65031 Desiccator with knob, lid, nominal size 150 mm,d.215 mm, DURAN

1 14,513
65038 Desiccator with knob, lid, nominal size 200 mm,d.270 mm, DURAN

1 18,488
65043 Desiccator with knob, lid, nominal size 250 mm,d.320 mm, DURAN

1 30,855
Desiccator, lid PC, base and desiccant tray PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65805 Desiccator with lid PC, tray PP, nominal size 150mm, venting stopper 1 6,313
65810 Desiccator with lid PC, tray PP, nominal size 200mm, venting stopper 1 10,466
65815 Desiccator with lid PC, tray PP, nominal size 250mm, venting stopper 1 12,970
Novus lid with knob for desiccator
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65631 Lid with knob, nominal size 150 mm, d.215 mm, DURAN

1 9,523
65638 Lid with knob, nominal size 200 mm, d.270 mm, DURAN

1 9,429
65643 Lid with knob, nominal size 250 mm, d.320 mm, DURAN

1 10,627
Novus lid with socket for desiccator
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65731 Lid with socket. 24/29, nominal size 150 mm d.215 mm, DURAN

1 9,764
65738 Lid with socket. 24/29, nominal size 200 mm d.270 mm, DURAN

1 13,122
65743 Lid with socket. 24/29, nominal size 250 mm d.320 mm, DURAN

1 14,774
Sealing rings, CK, for desiccator
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65820 Desiccator-sealing ring, CR, for nominal size 150 mm 1 705
65822 Desiccator-sealing ring, CR, for nominal size 200 mm 1 923
65824 Desiccator-sealing ring, CR, for nominal size 250 mm 1 1,066
Desiccator plate, porcelain
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65965 Desiccator-plate porcelain, for nominal size 150mm th.140mm 1 5,340
65975 Desiccator-plate porcelain, for nominal size 200mm th.190mm 1 10,426
65980 Desiccator-plate porcelain, for nominal size 250mm th.240mm 1 12,325
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Desiccator plate, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
66015 Desiccator-plate,PP, for nominal size 150 mm,th.140 mm 1 747
66025 Desiccator-plate,PP, for nominal size 200 mm,th.190 mm 1 1,006
66030 Desiccator-plate,PP, for nominal size 250 mm,th.235 mm 1 1,036
Venting stopper, PC, for desiccator
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
65804 Venting stopper, PC, w.non-return valve 1 1,206
Needle valve stopcock for desiccators, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

82415 Desiccator needle-valve stopcock, 24/29 lid/lat.sock., DURAN

1 3,186
Narrow neck reagent bottles with screw cap, PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
128928 Narrow-neck bottle, PFA, 50ml, w. srew cap, S28 1 5,063
128938 Narrow-neck bottle, PFA, 100ml, w. srew cap, S28 1 7,712
128948 Narrow-neck bottle, PFA, 250ml, w. srew cap, S28 1 9,354
128954 Narrow-neck bottle, PFA, 500ml, w. srew cap, S28 1 12,962
128962 Narrow-neck bottle, PFA, 1000ml, w. srew cap, S28 1 17,850
Wide Neck Reagent Bottles with Screw Cap, PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
128748 Wide-neck bottle, PFA,250ml, w. srew cap, S40 1 8,935
128754 Wide-neck bottle, PFA,500ml, w. srew cap, S40 1 12,315
128762 Wide-neck bottle, PFA,1000ml, w. srew cap, S40 1 16,978
128764 Wide-neck bottle, PFA,2000ml, w. srew cap, S40 1 35,876
128770 Wide-neck bottle, PFA,5000ml, w. srew cap, S40 1 71,950
Bottles, technical grade-PFA, with screw cap (ETFE)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130480 Bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 50ml, ETFE screw cap GL18 1 2,999
130482 Bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 100ml, ETFE screw cap GL18 1 3,995
130484 Bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 250ml, ETFE screw cap GL25 1 6,566
130486 Bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 500ml, ETFE screw cap GL25 1 9,479
130488 Bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 1000ml, ETFE screw cap GL32 1 12,998
Bottle, PTFE, wide neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130505 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 5ml, opening 10 mm 1 1,985
130508 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 10ml, opening 12 mm 1 2,650
130520 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 25ml, opening 19 mm 1 3,912
130528 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 50ml, opening 25 mm 1 4,804
130538 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 100ml, opening 35 mm 1 7,572
130544 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 150ml, opening 35 mm 1 9,623
130548 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 250ml, opening 42 mm 1 11,002
130554 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 500ml, opening 52 mm 1 18,335
130562 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 1000ml, opening 57 mm 1 25,313
130564 Wide-neck bottle PTFE 2000ml, opening 60 mm 1 47,027
Bottle, PE-LD, narrow neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129008 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 10ml,GL14 w/o cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,592
129016 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 20ml,GL14 w/o cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 2,995
129024 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 30ml,GL14 w/o cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,651
129028 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 50ml,GL18 w/o cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 4,492
129038 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 100ml,GL18 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 2,451
129048 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 250ml,GL25 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 4,394
129054 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 500ml,GL25 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 7,833
129062 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 1000ml,GL28 w/o cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 7,076
129064 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 2000ml,GL28 w/o cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 10,532
129408 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 10ml,GL 14 w.cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 3,675
129416 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 20ml,GL 14 w.cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 4,113
129424 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 30ml,GL 14 w.cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 4,770
129428 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 50ml,GL 18 w.cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,018
129438 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 100ml,GL 18 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 3,213
129448 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 250ml,GL 25 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 5,295
129454 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 500ml,GL 25 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 8,742
129462 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 1000ml,GL 28 w.cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 7,598
129464 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 2000ml,GL 28 w.cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 11,056
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Bottle, PE-LD, wide neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129328 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 50ml, GL32 w/o cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 5,055
129338 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 100ml, GL32 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 3,371
129348 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 250ml, GL40 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 4,634
129354 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 500ml, GL50 w/o cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 7,725
129362 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 1000ml, GL65 w/o cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 6,321
129364 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 2000ml, GL65 w/o cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 10,181
129628 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 50ml, GL 32 w.cap, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 7,423
129638 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 100ml, GL 32 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 4,557
129648 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 250ml, GL 40 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 6,102
129654 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 500ml, GL 50 w.cap, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 10,036
129662 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 1000ml, GL 65 w.cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 8,285
129664 Wide-neck bottle PE-LD 2000ml, GL 65 w.cap, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 12,146
Conical-shoulder bottle, PP, narrow
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129838 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.100ml, 14/23 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,526
129848 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.250ml, 19/26 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,168
129854 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.500ml, 24/29 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,690
129862 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.1000ml, 29/32 PP-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,854
129866 Conical-shoulder bottle PP n.n.2000 ml, screw cap GL 32, pack consists of: 6 5,131
129870 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.5000ml, GL45 PP-stopper 1 1,431
129874 Conical shoulder bottle PP n.n.10000ml, GL63 PP-stopper 1 3,184
Conical-shoulder bottle, PP, wide
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129938 Conical shoulder bottle PP, w.n.100ml, 29/32 PE-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,449
129948 Conical shoulder bottle PP, w.n.250ml, 34/35 PE-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,730
129954 Conical shoulder bottle PP, w.n.500ml, 45/40 PE-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,653
129962 Conical shoulder bottle PP, w.n.1000ml, 60/46 PE-stopper, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,323
129966 Conical-shoulder bottle PP, w.n.2000ml, with screw cap GL 63, pack consists of: 6 5,661
Bottle, PE-LD, narrow neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130228 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 50ml, GL 18 amber 1 72
130238 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 100ml, GL 18 amber 1 77
130248 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 250ml, GL 25 amber 1 127
130254 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 500ml, GL 25 amber 1 191
130262 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 1000ml, GL 28 amber 1 333
130264 Narrow-neck bottle PE-LD 2000ml, GL 28 amber 1 487
Square bottle, PE-HD, wide neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130412 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.100ml, GL W 32 PP 1 127
130414 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.250ml, GL W 45 PP 1 164
130418 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.500ml, GL W 54 PP 1 226
130422 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.1000ml, GL W 54 PP 1 283
130424 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.1500ml, GL W 80 PP 1 398
130426 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.2500ml, GL W 80 PP 1 480
130428 Square bottle, PE-HD w.n.4000ml, GL W 80 PP 1 764
Wash bottle, PE-LD, wide neck, with valve (metall ball)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144018 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Dist.water, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,182
144019 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Acetone, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,182
144020 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Methanol, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,182
144021 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Isopropan, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,182
144022 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Ethanol, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,182
144024 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Dist.water, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,583
144025 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Acetone, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,583
144026 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Methanol, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,583
144027 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Isopropan, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,583
144028 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Ethanol, with venting valve, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,583
Wash bottle, PE-LD, wide neck, without valve (metall ball)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144078 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Dist.water, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,339
144079 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Acetone, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,449
144080 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Methanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,449
144081 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Isopropanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,449
144082 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, Ethanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,449
144083 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, neutral, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,847
144084 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Dist.water, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,750
144085 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Acetone, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,881
144086 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Methanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,881
144087 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Isopropanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,881
144088 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, Ethanol, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,881
144089 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, neutral, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,168
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Dropping bottle, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
125216 Dropping bottle PE-LD 20ml, GL14 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 4,776
125224 Dropping bottle PE-LD 30ml, GL14 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 5,470
125228 Dropping bottle PE-LD 50ml, GL18 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 6,594
125238 Dropping bottle PE-LD 100ml, GL18 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 3,502
125248 Dropping bottle PE-LD 250ml, GL25 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 5,789
125254 Dropping bottle PE-LD 500ml, GL25 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 9,228
125262 Dropping bottle PE-LD 1000ml, GL28 dr.nozzle, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 7,812
Dropping bottle, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
125316 Dropping bottle PTFE 25ml, dr.nozzle/s.cap 1 6,960
125328 Dropping bottle PTFE 50ml, dr.nozzle/s.cap 1 7,724
Wash bottles narrow-neck, Technical Grade-PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
143848 Washing bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 250ml 1 8,658
143854 Washing bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 500ml 1 12,564
143862 Washing bottle, technical quality PFA, narrow neck, 1000ml 1 16,049
Wash bottle, PE-LD, with interchangeable wash head
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144138 Wash bottle PE-LD 100ml, GL18 wash head, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 6,232
144148 Wash bottle PE-LD 250ml, GL25 wash head, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 8,601
144154 Wash bottle PE-LD 500ml, GL25 wash head, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 12,041
144162 Wash bottle PE-LD 1000ml, GL28 wash head, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 9,392
Atomizer, PE-HD, white
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144180 Atomizer, PE-HD, white, 400ml, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,443
144190 Atomizer, PE-HD, white, 850ml, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 3,764
Laboratory bottle, DURAN

, graduated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
122520 Laboratory bottle 25ml, DURAN

, GL25 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,688

122528 Laboratory bottle 50ml, DURAN

, GL32 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,230

122538 Laboratory bottle 100ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,230

122548 Laboratory bottle 250ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,495

122554 Laboratory bottle 500ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,442

122562 Laboratory bottle 1000ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 15,999

122564 Laboratory bottle 2000ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 36,795

122570 Laboratory bottle 5000ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP 1 14,728

122574 Laboratory bottle 10000ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP 1 26,686

122578 Laboratory bottle 20000ml, DURAN

, GL45 s.cap/gl.ring PP 1 57,353

Filter flask, DURAN

, with lateral socket

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
73714 Filterflask lateral socket, 250ml, DURAN

1 3,694
73719 Filterflask lateral socket, 500ml, DURAN

1 4,442
73724 Filterflask lateral socket, 1000ml, DURAN

1 5,775
73729 Filterflask lateral socket, 2000ml, DURAN

1 13,911
Dropping bottle, soda-lime glass, amber
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
124529 Dropping bottle amber 50ml, dr.pipette/r.teat 1 1,118
124539 Dropping bottle amber 100ml, dr.pipette/r.teat 1 1,411
124633 Dropping bottle clear 50ml, dr.pipette/r.teat 1 1,158
124639 Dropping bottle clear 100ml, dr.pipette/r.teat 1 1,325
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Threaded bottle, amber, ethyl-acrylate coated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
704002 Threaded bottle amber 100ml, thread 32 1 972
704004 Threaded bottle amber 250ml, thread 32 1 1,309
704006 Threaded bottle amber 500ml, thread 32 1 1,357
704008 Threaded bottle amber 1000ml, thread 45 1 1,646
704010 Threaded bottle amber 2500ml, thread 45 1 3,067
704012 Threaded bottle amber 100ml, thread 32 1 490
704014 Threaded bottle amber 250ml, thread 32 1 618
704016 Threaded bottle amber 500ml, thread 32 1 650
704018 Threaded bottle amber 1000ml, thread 45 1 779
704020 Threaded bottle amber 2500ml, thread 45 1 1,694
Joint clip,stainl.steel,neck size 29/32
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
55618 Joint clip, stainless steel, neck size 29/32 1 562
Spare parts for laboratory bottles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
122620 Screw cap, PP, for laboratory bottles GL 25, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,268
122628 Screw cap, PP, for laboratory bottles GL 32, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,208
122638 Screw cap, PP, for laboratory bottles GL 45, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,549
122662 Pouring ring, PP, for laboratory bottles GL 32, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,204
122664 Pouring ring, PP, for laboratory bottles GL 45, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,265
Screw cap, PE-LD, for bottles with thread
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129200 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 14, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,130
129202 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 18, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 774
129204 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 25, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 920
129206 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 28, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 530
129208 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 32, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 601
129210 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 40, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 744
129212 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 50, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 1,171
129214 Screw cap PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 65, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 2,013
Replacement screw caps for wide-mouth bottles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130320 Screw cap PP GL W 32 f.wide neck bottles 1 33
130322 Screw cap PP GL W 45 f.wide neck bottles 1 46
130324 Screw cap PP GL W 54 f.wide neck bottles 1 54
130326 Screw cap PP GL W 80 f.wide neck bottles 1 117
Rubber teat (natural rubber), for pasteur pipettes and dropping bottles of glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
124700 Rubber teat f.Pasteur pipette/dropping bottle gl., pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 7,026
Closure with dropper nozzle, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129230 Cap w.dropper nozzle PE-LD f.bottl.GL 14, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,849
129232 Cap w.dropper nozzle PE-LD f.bottl.GL 18, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 1,067
129234 Cap w.dropper nozzle PE-LD f.bottl.GL 25, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 1,418
129236 Cap w.dropper nozzle PE-LD f.bottl.GL 28, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 745
Wash head, PE-LD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129220 Wash head PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 18, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 3,823
129222 Wash head PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 25, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 4,253
129224 Wash head PE-LD f.bottles w.thread GL 28, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 2,341
Aspirator bottle with stopcock and handle,PE-HD,narrow neck
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
131170 Aspiration bottle PE-HD n.neck 5 l stopcock 1 2,818
131174 Aspiration bottle PE-HD n.neck 10 l stopcock 1 3,651
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Storage bottle, PE-HD, wide neck, carrying handle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130970 Storage bottle, PE-HD, wide neck, 5 l 1 1,170
130974 Storage bottle, PE-HD, wide neck, 10 l 1 1,740
Storage bottle, PE-HD, narrow neck, carrying handle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
130870 Storage bottle, PE-HD, narrow neck, 5 l 1 1,170
130874 Storage bottle, PE-HD, narrow neck, 10 l 1 1,740
Gas washbottle Drechsel pattern, DURAN

, without filter disc

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78138 Gas washbottle 100ml, 29/32 w/o filter-disc 1 3,499
78148 Gas washbottle 250ml, 29/32 w/o filter-disc 1 4,063
78154 Gas washbottle 500ml, 29/32 w/o filter-disc 1 4,786
78162 Gas washbottle 1000ml, 29/32 w/o filter-disc 1 4,087
Gas washbottle Drechsel pattern, DURAN

, with filter disc

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78238 Gas washbottle 100ml, 29/32 w.filter-disc, P1 1 5,595
78248 Gas washbottle 250ml, 29/32 w.filter-disc, P1 1 6,165
78254 Gas washbottle 500ml, 29/32 w.filter-disc, P1 1 6,670
78262 Gas washbott.1000ml, 29/32 w.filter-disc, P1 1 6,177
Washbottle-head without filter disc
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78100 Gas washbottle with head 29/32, DURAN

, w/o filter-disc 1 1,869

Washbottle-head with filter disc
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78200 Gas washbottle with head 29/32 with filter-disc 1 3,946
Washbottle without head, DURAN

, clear glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
126938 Washbottle clear 100ml, w/o head 29/32, DURAN

1 1,973
126948 Washbottle clear 250ml, w/o head 29/32, DURAN

1 2,650
126954 Washbottle clear 500ml, w/o head 29/32, DURAN

1 4,221
126962 Washbottle clear 1000ml, w/o head 29/32, DURAN

1 2,736
Washbottle PFA and washbottle-heads PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78300 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 250 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78301 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 500 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78302 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 1000 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78348 Gas washbottle, PFA 250 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 27,166
78354 Gas washbottle, PFA 500 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 31,158
78362 Gas washbottle, PFA 1000 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 39,505
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Gas sampling tube, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
235010 Gas sampling tube 100ml, DURAN

, stopc.3NS/14 ret.d. 1 5,847

235020 Gas sampling tube 250ml, DURAN

, stopc.3NS/14 ret.d. 1 6,430

235030 Gas sampling tube 500ml, DURAN

, stopc.3NS/14 ret.d. 1 7,548


M sealing film
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
701501 PARAFILM M sealing film, length 15m, width 500mm, pack consists of: 6 pieces 1 5,920
701605 PARAFILM M sealing film, length 38m, width 100mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 1 2,698
701606 PARAFILM M sealing film, length 75m, width 100mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 1 5,109
701611 PARAFILM M sealing film, length 75m, width 50mm, pack consists of: 24 pieces 1 2,742

M Cutter
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

M cutter rolls 50/100 mm width 1 18,408

Volumetric flask, PFA, class A
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
36208 Volumetric flask, PFA, 10ml, cl.A, with srew cap GL18 1 9,259
36220 Volumetric flask, PFA, 25ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 9,657
36228 Volumetric flask, PFA, 50ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 9,908
36238 Volumetric flask, PFA, 100ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL18 1 12,257
36248 Volumetric flask, PFA, 250ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL25 1 15,349
36254 Volumetric flask, PFA, 500ml, cl.A, with screw cap, GL25 1 17,698
Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129250 Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA, GL 18 1 984
129252 Replacement screw-cap for volumetric flask PFA, GL 25 1 1,279
Evaporating dishes, PFA, with snap-on lid, PE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
45800 Evaporating dish w/o spout, PFA, 25ml, w.PE lid 1 3,202
45802 Evaporating dish w/o spout, PFA, 50ml, w.PE lid 1 4,234
Sample containers with screw cap, PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
62005 Sample jar,PFA,30ml, w.cap GL40, with srew cap 1 3,356
62010 Sample jar,PFA,60ml, w.cap GL40, with srew cap 1 4,087
62015 Sample jar,PFA,90ml, w.cap GL56, with srew cap 1 4,497
62020 Sample jar,PFA,180ml, w.cap GL56, with srew cap 1 5,657
Replacement screw caps for PFA sample jars
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129254 Replacement screw caps for PFA sample jars, GL 40 1 1,461
129256 Replacement screw caps for PFA sample jars, GL 56 1 2,343
Sample tubes with screw cap, PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
779420 Sample tube,PFA,15ml,with cap GL25 1 4,874
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Washbottle PFA and washbottle-heads PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
78300 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 250 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78301 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 500 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78302 PTFE washbottle head, with frit for 1000 ml PFA bottles 1 20,563
78348 Gas washbottle, PFA 250 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 27,166
78354 Gas washbottle, PFA 500 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 31,158
78362 Gas washbottle, PFA 1000 ml, head and frit of PTFE 1 39,505
Replacement screw cap for wide-mouth PFA bottles, S 40
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129262 Replacement screw cap for wide-mouth PFA bottles, S 40 1 2,365
Replacement screw cap for narrow-mouth PFA bottles, S 28
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129260 Replacement screw cap for narrow-mouth PFA bottles, S 28 1 1,939
Replacement screw caps for narrowmouth bottle, technical quality PFA
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129270 Repl.screw caps f.narrowmouth bottl., technical qual. PFA, GL18 1 753
129272 Repl.screw caps f.narrowmouth bottl., technical qual. PFA, GL25 1 913
129274 Repl.screw caps f.narrowmouth bottl., technical qual. PFA, GL32 1 1,194
Replacement wash heads (narrow mouth) ETFE, FEP delivery tube
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
129273 Replacement wash heads ETFE with FEP delivery tube, GL 25 1 3,087
129275 Replacement wash heads ETFE with FEP delivery tube, GL 32 1 3,308
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, cylindrical
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137100 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 2,5x2,5 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,610
137101 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 3,5x3,5 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,830
137102 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 5 x2 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,730
137103 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 6 x3 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,867
137104 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 8 x3 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,787
137105 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 12 x4,5 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,285
137106 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 7 x2 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,248
137107 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 8 x1,7 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,951
137108 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10 x3 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,329
137109 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 13 x3 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,509
137110 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15 x4,5 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,385
137111 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15 x1,7 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,276
137113 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,285
137114 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,365
137115 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,465
137120 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,666
137125 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 30 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,947
137127 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 35 x6 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,529
137130 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 40 x8 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,108
137132 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 45 x8 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,810
137135 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50 x8 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,971
137137 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 57 x27 mm , cylindrical 1 2,901
137140 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 60 x9 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,095
137145 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 70 x9 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,540
137150 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 80 x9 mm , cylindrical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,243
137155 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 108 x27 mm , cylindrical 1 5,358
137160 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 159 x27 mm , cylindrical 1 8,449
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, cylindrical-conical
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137168 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10 x4 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,630
137170 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15 x5 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,750
137175 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20 x7 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,051
137178 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25 x8 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,433
137180 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 30 x8 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,754
137185 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 40 x8 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,557
137190 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50 x8 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,179
137195 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 60 x8 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,002
137197 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 70 x10 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,889
137199 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 80 x10 mm , cylindrical conical, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,495
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Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, oval
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137300 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10 x5 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,641
137301 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15 x6 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,922
137302 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20 x10 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,982
137305 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25 x12 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,608
137307 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 32 x15 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,354
137310 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 34 x15 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,298
137312 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 40 x20 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 12,566
137315 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50 x20 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 16,360
137320 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 65 x20 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 20,656
137325 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 70 x20 mm oval, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 24,309
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, cylindrical with pivot ring
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137404 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 8x3 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,248
137405 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 12x4,5 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,967
137410 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15x4,5 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,907
137415 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20x6 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,027
137420 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x6 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,429
137425 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 30x6 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,650
137427 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 35x6 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,911
137430 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 40x8 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,814
137432 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 45x8 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,276
137435 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50x8,5 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,717
137437 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 60x8,5 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,838
137445 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 70x8,5 mm, cylindircal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,725
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, octagagonal with ring
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137607 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 13x8 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,011
137608 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 15x8 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,292
137610 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x8 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,372
137612 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x10 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,453
137615 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 38x8 mm, octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,497
137616 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 38x13 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,146
137617 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 38x10 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,380
137618 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 51x8 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,838
137620 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 51x10 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,400
137622 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 64x10 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,825
137625 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 75x12 mm , octagonal, pivot ring, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,478
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, crosshead
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137630 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10x 5 mm crosshead, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,553
137632 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20x 9 mm crosshead, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,276
137634 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x10 mm crosshead, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,958
137636 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 30x12 mm crosshead, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,146
137638 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 38x15 mm crosshead, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,969
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, triangular
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137805 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 12x 6 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,389
137807 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 20x 8 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,172
137810 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x 8 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,111
137812 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x14 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,902
137815 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 35x10 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,714
137817 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 40x14 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,223
137820 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50x12 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,283
137822 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 55x14 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,383
137826 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 80x16 mm triangular, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 10,157
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, triangular with rim
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137840 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 12x 6 mm triang.rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,433
137842 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 25x 8 mm triang.rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,951
137844 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 35x10 mm triang.rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,372
137846 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 50x12 mm triang.rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,862
137848 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 80x18 mm triang.rim, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,322
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, round/crosshead
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137905 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 10x8 mm crossh., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,995
137910 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 14x10 mm crossh., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,497
137915 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 17x13 mm crossh., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,564
137917 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 22x15 mm crossh., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,528
137919 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE 30x12 mm crossh., pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 9,154
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Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, disc shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137926 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE diameter 9 mm height 6 mm disc, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,991
137927 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE diameter 10 mm height 6 mm disc, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,212
137928 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE diameter 20 mm height 10 mm disc, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,497
137929 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE diameter 30 mm height 12 mm disc, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,962
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, double-ended
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137930 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE l.37 mm double-ended, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 14,975
137935 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE l.54 mm double-ended, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 17,404
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, spherical
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137950 Magnetic stirring bar PTFE diameter 12 mm spherical 1 492
Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, single cross-head, for cuvettes 10x10mm
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137903 Magn.stirring bar, PTFE, 9x6mm, single x-head, f.cuvet.10x10mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,995
Magnetic stirring bar retriever, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137700 Magnetic stirring bar retriever 150x 8 mm PTFE 1 1,419
137710 Magnetic stirring bar retriever 250x 8 mm PTFE 1 1,752
137720 Magnetic stirring bar retriever 350x 8 mm PTFE 1 1,885
Magnetic stirring bar retriever, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
137750 Magnetic stirring bar retriever 300x10 mm PP 1 1,267
137755 Magnetic stirring bar retriever 450x10 mm PP 1 1,337
Sampling dipper with spout, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
90438 Sampling dipper 100ml, 55 x 65 mm, PTFE 1 11,847
90448 Sampling dipper 250ml, 70 x 95 mm, PTFE 1 14,485
90454 Sampling dipper 500ml, 80 x 125 mm, PTFE 1 16,794
90462 Sampling dipper 1000ml, 105 x 155mm, PTFE 1 20,309
Extension rod for sampling dipper, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
90470 Extension rod for 9043862 l.600 mm PTFE 1 8,461
Evaporating dish, PTFE, without spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
45540 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 5ml, crucible, w/o, spout 1 1,110
45545 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 25ml, crucible, w/o, spout 1 2,224
45550 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 75ml, crucible, w/o, spout 1 4,055
Evaporating dish, PTFE, with spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
45615 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 25ml, conical, with spout 1 1,995
45617 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 50ml, conical, with spout 1 2,959
45620 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 100ml, conical, with spout 1 2,967
45621 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 150ml, conical, with spout 1 4,181
45622 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 180ml, conical, with spout 1 5,117
45623 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 250ml, conical, with spout 1 5,643
45625 Evaporating dish, PTFE, 350ml, conical, with spout 1 7,775
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Crystallizing dish, PTFE, without spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
45703 Crystallizing dish, PTFE, 25ml, cylindical, w/o, spout 1 2,369
45705 Crystallizing dish, PTFE, 50ml, cylindical, w/o, spout 1 2,439
45710 Crystallizing dish, PTFE, 100ml, cylindical, w/o, spout 1 3,310
45718 Crystallizing dish, PTFE, 180ml, cylindical, w/o, spout 1 5,886
45722 Crystallizing dish, PTFE, 350ml, cylindical, w/o, spout 1 7,672
Ground joint sleeve, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
51416 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS 7/16 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,212
51417 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS10/19 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,091
51418 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS12/21 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,951
51419 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS14/23 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,546
51420 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS19/26 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,666
51421 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS24/29 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,445
51422 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS29/32 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,766
51423 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS34/35 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,268
51424 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS45/40 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,252
51425 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS50/42 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,296
51426 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS55/44 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,838
51427 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS60/46 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,460
51430 Ground joint sleeve, PTFE, NS40/38 thin-wall, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,152
Ground socket, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
51463 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 10/19 grip collar 1 945
51464 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 14/23 grip collar 1 962
51465 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 19/26 grip collar 1 1,078
51466 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 24/29 grip collar 1 1,457
51467 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 29/32 grip collar 1 1,568
51468 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 34/35 grip collar 1 2,146
51469 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 45/40 grip collar 1 3,306
51470 Ground socket, PTFE, NS 60/46 grip collar 1 4,880
Conical joint stopper, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144448 Conical joint stopper PTFE 10/19 solid 1 1,096
144450 Conical joint stopper PTFE 14/23 solid 1 1,172
144453 Conical joint stopper PTFE 19/26 solid 1 1,469
144455 Conical joint stopper PTFE 24/29 solid 1 2,011
144458 Conical joint stopper PTFE 29/32 solid 1 2,427
144459 Conical joint stopper PTFE 34/35 solid 1 3,495
Conical joint clip, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
55560 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS10/19, coated steel spring 1 594
55562 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS12/21, coated steel spring 1 662
55564 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS14/23, coated steel spring 1 662
55569 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS19/26, coated steel spring 1 662
55574 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS24/29, coated steel spring 1 701
55579 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS29/32, coated steel spring 1 759
55584 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS34/35, coated steel spring 1 739
55595 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS45/40, coated steel spring 1 837
Stopcock, PTFE, one-way with nozzles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
88610 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.3 mm b.2mm 1 2,804
88615 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.4 mm b.2mm 1 2,804
88620 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.5 mm b.3mm 1 2,804
88625 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.6 mm b.3mm 1 2,804
88630 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.7 mm b.4mm 1 3,142
88635 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.8 mm b.4mm 1 3,242
88640 Straight-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzl.inn.d.9 mm b.5mm 1 4,794
Stopcock, PTFE, T-bore with nozzles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
88650 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.3mm b.2mm 1 4,081
88655 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.4mm b.2mm 1 4,081
88660 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.5mm b.3mm 1 4,081
88665 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.6mm b.3mm 1 4,081
88670 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.7mm b.4mm 1 4,478
88675 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.8mm b.4mm 1 4,555
88680 T-bore stopcock, PTFE nozzles inn.d.9mm b.5mm 1 5,695
Forceps, PTFE, pointed ends
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
113105 Forceps, PTFE, pointed ends, l.100 mm 1 2,832
113110 Forceps, PTFE, pointed ends, l.150 mm 1 3,469
113115 Forceps, PTFE, pointed ends, l.200 mm 1 5,356
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Forceps, PTFE, rectangular ends
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
113125 Forceps, PTFE, rectangular ends l.100 mm 1 2,832
113130 Forceps, PTFE, rectangular ends l.150 mm 1 3,469
113135 Forceps, PTFE, rectangular ends l.200 mm 1 5,356
Stirrer shaft, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134128 Stirrer shaft PTFE 9,5x550 mm steel core 1 10,430
134129 Stirrer shaft PTFE 9,5x650 mm steel core 1 10,996
134276 Blade, PTFE, cut ends,76x19x3 mm 1 670
134281 Blade, PTFE, round ends,75x25x3 mm 1 723
Stirrer, PTFE, with 2 moveable paddles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134286 Stirrer PTFE 6 x400mm 2 moveable paddl. 1 11,996
134287 Stirrer PTFE 6 x500mm 2 moveable paddl. 1 14,023
134288 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x550mm 2 moveable paddl. 1 21,111
134289 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x650mm 2 moveable paddl. 1 21,389
Stirrer, PTFE, with propeller
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134290 Stirrer PTFE 6 x400mm with propeller 1 9,848
134291 Stirrer PTFE 6 x500mm with propeller 1 10,272
134292 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x550mm with propeller 1 18,691
134293 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x650mm with propeller 1 20,132
Stirrer, PTFE, with anchor
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134296 Stirrer PTFE 6 x500mm with anchor 1 10,784
134297 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x550mm with anchor 1 13,303
134300 Stirrer PTFE 9,5x650mm with anchor 1 16,693
Watch glass, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
150900 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 20 mm 1 428
150902 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 30 mm 1 428
150904 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 40 mm 1 604
150905 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 50 mm 1 678
150907 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 65 mm 1 1,014
150910 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 75 mm 1 1,243
150912 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 80 mm 1 1,375
150915 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 100 mm 1 1,883
150920 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 125 mm 1 2,359
150922 Watch glass,PTFE, diameter 150 mm 1 3,190

, universal detergent, liquid concentrate

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44003 Mucasol

, universal detergent, 2l, liquid concentrate, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 44,937
44005 Mucasol

, universal detergent, 5l, liquid concentrate 1 13,999


CLASSIC, universal detergent, powder compound

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44205 Edisonite

CLASSIC, universal detergent, 5kg, powder compound 1 11,175

44301 Edisonite

CLASSIC, universal detergent, 1kg, powder compound, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 17,464

SUPER, universal detergent, powder compound

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44361 Edisonite

Super, universal detergent,1kg, powder compound, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 17,464
44365 Edisonite

Super, universal detergent,5kg, powder compound 1 11,175

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-T, disinfecting detergent, liquid concentrate

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44822 Mucocit

-T, instrument disinfect.deterg., 2l, liquid concentr., pack of: 6 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 6 72,157
44825 Mucocit

-T, instrument disinfect.deterg., 5l, liquid concentr., pack of: 3 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 3 80,371

-P, disinfecting detergent, powder compound

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44920 Mucocit

-P, instrument disinfect.deterg., 2,5 kg, powder, pack of: 3 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 3 30,526

-A Xpress, disinfecting detergent, liquid

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44830 Pursept

-A Xpress,surface disinfect.detergent, 1l spray bottle, pack of: 10 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 10 25,373
44832 Spray head for disinfection spray 1l Pursept

-A Express 1 1,785
44835 Pursept

-A Xpress, surface disinfect.detergent, 5l, liquid, pack of: 3 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 3 32,128

-A Xpress, disinfection tissues

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44840 Pursept

-A Xpress, disinf.tissues, dispenser box (150tissues), pack of: 6 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 6 10,768
44845 Pursept

-A Xpress, disinf.tissues, refill unit (150 tissues), pack of: 6 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 6 10,105

Wipes XL, fleece wipes

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44870 Pursept

Wipes XL, fleece wipes, dry, pack of: 6 rolls (70 wipes per roll), falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 6 13,008
44875 Dispenser box for 70 Pursept

Wipes XL fleece wipes 230x280mm, empty, pack consists of: 3 pieces 3 5,504

-AF, disinfecting detergent, liquid concentrate

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
44850 Pursept

-AF, surface disinf.detergent, 2l,liquid concentrate, pack of: 6 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 6 42,889
44855 Pursept

-AF, surface disinf.detergent, 5l,liquid concentrate, pack of: 3 pieces, falls under dangerous goods, specific conditions apply 3 49,592
Disposable stirring spatula, PS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
759800 Disposable stirring spatula, PS, pack consists of: 500 pieces 500 856
Stirring rod, AR-Glas

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

135805 Stirring rod, 200x5 mm, fused both ends, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 2,211
135810 Stirring rod, 200x6 mm, fused both ends, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 2,211
135815 Stirring rod, 250x6 mm, fused both ends, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 2,546
135820 Stirring rod, 250x8 mm, fused both ends, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 4,601
135825 Stirring rod, 300x8 mm, fused both ends, pack consists of: 50 pieces 50 5,213
Laboratory spatula, impact PS, double-spatula or spatula-spoon
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
139810 Laboratory spatula, impact PS, 150 mm, double spatula, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,084
139815 Laboratory spatula, impact PS, 180 mm, double spatula, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,124
139817 Laboratory spatula, impact PS, 180 mm, spatula / spoon, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,144
139820 Laboratory spatula, impact PS, 210 mm, spatula / spoon, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,164
Stirring spatula, PE-HD, with steel core
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
136100 Stirring spatula PE-HD steel core 260x7 mm 1 446
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Stirring spatula, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
136110 Stirring spatula,PP,245 x 6 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,024
Scoop, PE, natural coloured
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
139035 Scoop, PE, natural, length 350 mm, approx. 500ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,734
139040 Scoop, PE, natural, length 400 mm, approx. 1000ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 3,866
Scoop, PP, white
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
139102 Scoop, PP, white,l.60 mm,2ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 385
139103 Scoop, PP, white,l.80 mm,5ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 434
139105 Scoop, PP, white,l.100 mm,10ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 458
139110 Scoop, PP, white,l.135 mm,25ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 650
139115 Scoop, PP, white,l.160 mm,50ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 988
139120 Scoop, PP, white,l.200 mm,100ml, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,493
139125 Scoop, PP, white,l.260 mm,250ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 1,602
139130 Scoop, PP, white,l.315 mm,500ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,288
139135 Scoop, PP, white,l.385 mm,1000ml, pack consists of: 6 pieces 6 2,758
Forceps, PMP, pointed ends
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
112805 Forceps, PMP (TPX) pointed ends l.115 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,285
112810 Forceps, PMP (TPX) pointed ends l.145 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,546
Forceps, POM, glass-fibre reinforced
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
113020 Forceps, POM glass-fibre reinf.l.250 mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,258
Mortar with pestle (MF), white, with foot and spout
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
110705 Mortar with pestle MF white 125 x 80 mm 1 2,852
110710 Mortar with pestle MF white 150 x 90 mm 1 3,190
Flask support (PP) supports round-bottom
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
94805 Flask support PP f.round-bott.flask170x50 mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
Silicone paste
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61605 Silicone paste UNISILKON TK M 1011,operating temperature -40/+160C, 50 g 1 2,246
Sterilization indicator tape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61750 Steril.indicator tape 50 m x19 mm crepe, pack consists of: 1 roll 1 729
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Stopcock grease, high vacuum quality, silicone-free
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
61610 Stopcock grease, high vacuum quality, Si-free,operating temp.-40/+320C, 60 g 1 2,764
Tubing, silicone rubber
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
143352 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 2,0, outer diameter 4,0, width 1,0 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 2,610
143355 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 3,0, outer diameter 5,0, width 1,0 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 3,714
143356 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 4,0, outer diameter 6,0, width 1,0 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 4,667
143357 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 4,0, outer diameter 7,0, width 1,5 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 7,026
143358 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 5,0, outer diameter 8,0, width 1,5 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 8,331
143359 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 6,0, outer diameter 9,0, width 1,5 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 9,585
143360 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 6,0, outer diameter 10,0, width 2,0 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 12,546
143361 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 7,0, outer diameter 10,0, width 1,5 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 10,338
143362 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 8,0, outer diameter 12,0, width 2,0 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 15,507
143364 Tubing Silicone, inner diameter 10,0, outer diameter 15,0, width 2,5 mm, pack consists of: 25 meters 25 22,784
Spring clip, spring steel, zinc / PE-coated
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
76005 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 6,5 mm 1 120
76010 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 9,5 mm 1 120
76015 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 13 mm 1 151
76020 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 16 mm 1 175
76025 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 19 mm 1 183
76035 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 25 mm 1 205
76040 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 29 mm 1 215
76045 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 32 mm 1 229
76050 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 42 mm 1 267
76055 Spring clip, PE-coated, grip, diameter 51 mm 1 299
Non-return valve, PE-HD, valve disc Viton
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134002 Non-return valve PE-HD Viton d.6-9 mm l.80mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,228
Tubing connector, PP, straight
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152250 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 4- 5 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,124
152255 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 5- 7 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,285
152260 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 7- 9 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,445
152265 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 9-11 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,927
152270 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 11-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,084
152275 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 13-15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,245
Plug-in coupling, PP, detachable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152300 Plug-in coupling PP det., for tube inner diameter 6- 9 mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 7,026
Universal tubing connector, PP, straight
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152400 Tubing connector PP straight , for tube inner diameter 5-17 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,188
Tubing adapter, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack (Rs.)
152505 Tubing adapter PE-HD , for tube inner diameter 8-10/11-14mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,867
152510 Tubing adapter PE-HD , for tube inner diameter 12-14/18-20,5 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,967
Tubing adapter, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152605 Tubing adapter PP , for tube inner diameter 3- 5/ 6-10 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,064
152610 Tubing adapter PP , for tube inner diameter 3- 5/ 9-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,104
152615 Tubing adapter PP , for tube inner diameter 6-10/ 9-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,164
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Tubing connector, PP, straight
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152705 Tubing connector PP straight, for tube inner diameter 3- 5 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,064
152710 Tubing connector PP straight, for tube inner diameter 6-10 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,104
152715 Tubing connector PP straight, for tube inner diameter 9-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,164
Tubing connector, PE-HD, straight
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152755 Tubing connector PE-HD straight, for tube inner diameter 10-11mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,646
152760 Tubing connector PE-HD straight, for tube inner diameter 12-14mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,766
152765 Tubing connector PE-HD straight, for tube inner diameter 19-21mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,827
152770 Tubing connector PE-HD straight, for tube inner diameter 24-26mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,529
Tubing connector, PP, T-shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152800 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 3- 4 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,004
152803 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 4- 5 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,124
152805 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 6- 7 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,204
152810 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 8- 9 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,405
152815 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 10-11 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,686
152820 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 12-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,124
152825 Tubing connector PP T-shape, for tube inner diameter 14-15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,204
Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120)
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
153005 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tubing inner-diameter 4-5mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,409
153010 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tubing inner-diameter 6-7mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,891
153015 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tubing inner-diameter 8-9mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 3,212
153020 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tub.inner-diameter 10-11mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 3,533
153025 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tub.inner-diameter 12-13mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,007
153030 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape (120), f.tub.inner-diameter 13-15mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,128
Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
152900 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 3 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,204
152903 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 4- 5 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,566
152905 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 6- 7 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,807
152907 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 8- 9 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,208
152910 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 10-11 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,409
152915 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 12-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,405
152920 Tubing connector, PP, Y-shape, for tube inner diameter 14-15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,666
Tubing connector, PP, L-shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
153205 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 3- 4 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 763
153210 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 5 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 803
153215 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 6- 7 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 883
153220 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 8- 9 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 883
153225 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 10-11 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 1,084
153230 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 12-13 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 662
153235 Tubing connector, PP, L-shape, for tube inner diameter 14-15 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 823
Tubing connector, PP, X-shape
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
153105 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 2-3mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,369
153110 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 5mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,369
153115 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 6-7mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,569
153120 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 9mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 3,131
153125 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 10-11mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 3,493
153130 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 12-13mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,927
153135 Tubing connector, PP, X-shape, for tubing inner-diameter 14-15mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,007
Flow indicator, SAN
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
134080 Flow indicator SAN f.tub.inner d.6-11 mm 1 1,777
Needle valve stopcock for desiccators, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

82415 Desiccator needle-valve stopcock,24/29 lid/lat.sock., DURAN

1 3,186
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Straight-bore stopcock, two hose nozzles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
88505 Straight-bore stopcock,2 hose nozzl.bore 9mm PE-HD 1 536
88510 Straight-bore stopcock,2 hose nozzl.bore 7mm PE-HD 1 444
Stopcock, PP, 3/4 connection
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
131100 Stopcock PP 3/4 f.stor./aspirator bott. 1 1,180
Pipette jar, PP, with lid, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
28800 Pipette jar,PP,w.lid,PE-HD,h.430 mm 1 3,876
Pipette basket, PE-HD, with handle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29005 Pipette basket PE-HD f.pipettes up to 360 mm 1 3,621
29010 Pipette basket PE-HD f.pipettes up to 460 mm 1 3,894
29015 Pipette basket PE-HD f.pipettes up to 600 mm 1 4,890
Pipette rinser, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29120 Pipette rinser, PE-HD, up to 460 mm,13 l 1 17,585
29125 Pipette rinser, PE-HD, up to 600 mm,17 l 1 19,048
Soaking jar, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
29210 Soaking jar, PE-HD, up to 460 mm,10 l 1 8,056
29215 Soaking jar, PE-HD, up to 600 mm,12,5 l 1 8,873
Tidy tray, PVC
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
768505 Tidy tray with compartments PVC 5 comp.402x302x60mm 1 4,659
768510 Tidy tray with compartments PVC 12 comp.402x302x60mm 1 4,705
Pipette tray PVC for small-volume pipettes
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
768515 Pipette tray, PVC 355x300x45mm 1 4,585
Draining rack, PS, light grey
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
95105 Draining rack, PS, 450x650 mm, 72 pegs 1 13,875
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Special pegs for draining rack, PS
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
95111 Special pegs f.draining rack PS 11 pcs., pack consists of: 1 set (consists of 11 pieces) 1 1,241
Test tube rack, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
4340000 Test tube rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340001 Test tube rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340002 Test tube rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340003 Test tube rack f.84 tubes with diameter up to 13mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340010 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 18mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340011 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 18mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340012 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 18mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340013 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 18mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340020 Test tube rack f.40 tubes with diameter up to 20mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340021 Test tube rack f.40 tubes with diameter up to 20mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340022 Test tube rack f.40 tubes with diameter up to 20mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340023 Test tube rack f.40 tubes with diameter up to 20mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340030 Test tube rack f.32 tubes with diameter up to 25mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340031 Test tube rack f.32 tubes with diameter up to 25mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340032 Test tube rack f.32 tubes with diameter up to 25mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340033 Test tube rack f.32 tubes with diameter up to 25mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340040 Test tube rack f.21 tubes with diameter up to 30mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340041 Test tube rack f.21 tubes with diameter up to 30mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340042 Test tube rack f.21 tubes with diameter up to 30mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340043 Test tube rack f.21 tubes with diameter up to 30mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340060 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 16mm white, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340061 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 16mm blue, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340062 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 16mm red, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
4340063 Test tube rack f.55 tubes with diameter up to 16mm yellow, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,266
Test tube rack, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115510 Test tube rack PTFE f.21 tubes d.13 mm, 180x60x60mm 1 9,152
115515 Test tube rack PTFE f.10 tubes d.19 mm, 180x60x70mm 1 9,152
115520 Test tube rack PTFE f.4 tubes d.30 mm, 180x60x80mm 1 9,152
Pipette stand, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
30900 Pipette stand, PP, f.94 pipette, rotary 1 4,286
Tripod base support, base of cast iron
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566705 Tripod base supp., leg dist.155mm l.460mm 1 15,591
566710 Tripod base supp., leg dist.190mm l.510mm 1 17,687
Plate-mounted stand, base plate epoxy resin
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566765 Plate-mount.stand plate 170x280,l.910mm 1 18,217
Extra rod, made of nickel-plated steel
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566850 Extra rod, nickel-plated steel, l.910mm 1 3,740
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[email protected] 90
Double-swivel bosshead, Castaloy

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
576419 Double-swivel bosshead, Castaloy

alloy 1 15,826
Jaw clamp with mounted rod, Castaloy

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
573538 Jaw clamp, grip width 38 mm rod l.110mm 1 5,089
573563 Jaw clamp, grip width 64 mm rod l.130mm 1 6,257
Thermometer clamp, Castaloy

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
580910 Thermometer clamp, Castaloy, grip width.6-13mm, w.rod 1 5,745
Ring support, closed, solid cast iron
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566507 Ring support solid cast iron i.d.60 mm 1 5,564
566512 Ring support solid cast iron i.d.109 mm 1 7,738
Double burette clamp
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
578000 Burette clamp, aluminum die casting f. 2 burettes, with roller grips 1 6,022
Hosecock clamp, Castaloy

alloy, heavy duty

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
584619 Hosecock clamp up to 22 mm o.d.heavy-d. 1 13,863
Hosecock clamp, nickel plated brass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
584700 Hosecock clamp, nickel plated brass f. tube up to 14 mm out.dia. 1 582
Conical ground joint stopper, borosilicate glass
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144515 Conical joint stopper bor.12/21 oct.solid 1 650
144520 Conical joint stopper bor.14/23 oct.solid 1 584
144525 Conical joint stopper bor.19/26 oct.solid 1 825
144530 Conical joint stopper bor.24/29 oct.solid 1 687
144535 Conical joint stopper bor.29/32 oct.semi-h. 1 1,084
144540 Conical joint stopper bor.34/35 oct.semi-h. 1 1,451
144545 Conical joint stopper bor.45/40 oct.semi-h. 1 1,680
Straight bosshead high-tensile alum.alluminum
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566627 Straight bosshead, for dia.12,7 mm 1 4,667
Multiclutch bosshead, Castaloy

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
566628 Multiclutch bosshead, Castaloy

alloy 1 8,124
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Conical joint stopper, BISTABIL, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

144605 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 7/16 hex.hollow 1 385

144610 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 10/19 hex.hollow 1 385

144615 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 12/21 hex.hollow 1 385

144620 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 14/23 hex.hollow 1 379

144625 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 19/26 hex.hollow 1 464

144630 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 24/29 hex.hollow 1 572

144635 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 29/32 hex.hollow 1 632

144640 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 34/35 hex.hollow 1 1,265

144645 Conical joint stopper, DURAN

, 45/40 hex.hollow 1 1,879

Conical joint stopper, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144405 Conical joint stopper PP 7/16 square hollow 1 44
144410 Conical joint stopper PP 10/16 square hollow 1 46
144415 Conical joint stopper PP 12/21 square hollow 1 54
144420 Conical joint stopper PP 14/23 square hollow 1 64
144425 Conical joint stopper PP 19/26 square hollow 1 70
144430 Conical joint stopper PP 24/29 square hollow 1 78
144435 Conical joint stopper PP 29/32 square hollow 1 122
144440 Conical joint stopper PE-LD 34/35 oct.hollow 1 151
144445 Conical joint stopper PE-LD 45/40 oct.hollow 1 175
144446 Conical joint stopper PE-LD 60/46 oct.hollow 1 321
Conical joint clip, PTFE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
55560 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS10/19, coated steel spring 1 594
55562 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS12/21, coated steel spring 1 662
55564 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS14/23, coated steel spring 1 662
55569 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS19/26, coated steel spring 1 662
55574 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS24/29, coated steel spring 1 701
55579 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS29/32, coated steel spring 1 759
55584 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS34/35, coated steel spring 1 739
55595 Conical joint clip, PTFE, NS45/40, coated steel spring 1 837
Conical joint clip, POM
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
55638 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 10/19 turquoise 1 440
55639 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 12/21 violet 1 454
55640 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 14/23 yellow 1 468
55642 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 19/26 blue 1 478
55644 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 24/29 green 1 510
55646 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 29/32 red 1 528
55647 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 34/35 orange 1 596
55649 Conical joint clip, POM, NS 45/40 amber 1 715
Stopper, PE
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
115360 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 42, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 401
115366 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 48, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 873
115368 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 46, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 703
115370 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 50, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,052
115372 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 52, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,361
115374 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 54, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,556
115376 Stopper PE f.centrifuge tubes no.1153 56, pack consists of: 100 pieces 100 1,556
Stopper, silicone rubber
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144305 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 9, lower diameter 5, height 20mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 562
144310 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 12, lower diameter 8, height 20mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 662
144315 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 14,5, lower diameter 10,5, height 20mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 984
144320 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 16,5, lower diameter 12,5, height 20mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,265
144325 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 18, lower diameter 14, height 20mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,546
144330 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 22, lower diameter 17, height 25mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,650
144335 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 24, lower diameter 18, height 30mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,493
144340 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 27, lower diameter 21, height 30mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,416
144345 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 32, lower diameter 26, height 30mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,544
144350 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 35, lower diameter 29, height 30mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,909
144355 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 38, lower diameter 31, height 35mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 5,360
144360 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 44, lower diameter 36, height 40mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 8,150
144365 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 49, lower diameter 41, height 40mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 9,254
144370 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 55, lower diameter 47, height 40mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 11,954
144375 Stopper Silicone, upper diameter 75,5, lower diameter 64,5, height 55mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 30,823
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[email protected] 92
Stopper, red rubber
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
144380 Stopper NR, upper diameter 9, lower diameter 5, height 20mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 753
144382 Stopper NR, upper diameter 12, lower diameter 8, height 20mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 803
144384 Stopper NR, upper diameter 14, lower diameter 11, height 20mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 954
144385 Stopper NR, upper diameter 16, lower diameter 12, height 20mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 1,054
144386 Stopper NR, upper diameter 18, lower diameter 14, height 20mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 1,255
144388 Stopper NR, upper diameter 22, lower diameter 17, height 25mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 2,058
144389 Stopper NR, upper diameter 24, lower diameter 18, height 30mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 2,760
144390 Stopper NR, upper diameter 27, lower diameter 21, height 30mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 3,162
144391 Stopper NR, upper diameter 32, lower diameter 26, height 30mm, pack consists of: 25 pieces 25 4,918
144393 Stopper NR, upper diameter 35, lower diameter 29, height 30mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,134
144394 Stopper NR, upper diameter 38, lower diameter 31, height 35mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 1,445
144395 Stopper NR, upper diameter 44, lower diameter 36, height 40mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,268
144396 Stopper NR, upper diameter 49, lower diameter 41, height 40mm, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,700
144397 Stopper NR, upper diameter 55, lower diameter 47, height 40mm 1 634
144398 Stopper NR, upper diameter 60, lower diameter 50, height 45mm 1 855
144399 Stopper NR, upper diameter 65, lower diameter 56, height 45mm 1 1,046
Separating funnel, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
140004 Separating funnel PP 125ml, screw cap, stopcock PTFE 1 14,080
140005 Separating funnel PP 250ml, screw cap, stopcock PTFE 1 14,592
140006 Separating funnel PP 500ml, screw cap, stopcock PTFE 1 15,874
140007 Separating funnel PP 1000ml, screw cap, stopcock PTFE 1 19,897
Holder for separating funnels, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
140300 Holder f.sep.funnel PP rods of 8-14mm d. 1 693
Funnel, short stem, Boro 3.3/DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

145505 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 35mm, stem- 6mm, length 35mm 1 381
145507 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 40mm, stem- 6mm, length 40mm 1 401
145515 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 50mm, stem- 7mm, length 50mm 1 528
145520 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 55mm, stem- 8mm, length 55mm 1 536
145525 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 60mm, stem- 8mm, length 60mm 1 576
145530 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 70mm, stem- 9mm, length 70mm 1 648
145535 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 80mm, stem- 9mm, length 80mm 1 729
145540 Funnel short, Boro 3.3, outer- 100mm,stem- 10mm,length 100mm 1 863
145545 Funnel short,o.d.120,st.d.16,l.120 mm, plain interior, DURAN

1 2,750
145550 Funnel short,o.d.150,st.d.18,l.150 mm, plain interior, DURAN

1 3,981
145560 Funnel short,o.d.200,st.d.27,l.175 mm, plain interior, DURAN

1 10,547
Powder funnel, soda-lime glass/DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

146506 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 50 mm, lower 18 mm 1 829
146508 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 60 mm, lower 18 mm 1 837
146511 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 70 mm, lower 20 mm 1 923
146516 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 80 mm, lower 22 mm 1 1,010
146517 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 90 mm, lower 23 mm 1 1,078
146519 Powder funnel, Boro 3.3, upper 100 mm, lower 25 mm 1 1,190
146523 Powder funnel, DURAN

, top d.120 mm bottom d.30mm 1 2,656

Funnel, short stem, DURAN

, fluted
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
145611 Funnel short,o.d.70,st.d.8,l.70 mm, fluted interior, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 34,125

145616 Funnel short,o.d.80,st.d.10,l.80 mm, fluted interior, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 40,489

145619 Funnel short,o.d.100,st.d.10,l.100 mm, fluted interior, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 45,768

145631 Funnel short,o.d.150,st.d.16,l.150 mm, fluted interior, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 50,847

145638 Funnel short,o.d.200,st.d.26,l.170 mm, fluted interior, DURAN

1 7,467
Funnel, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
147000 Funnel PP, outer diameter 30 mm, stem diameter 5 mm, length 25 mm, pack consists of: 24 pieces 24 1,012
147005 Funnel PP, outer diameter 30 mm, stem diameter 5 mm, length 25 mm, pack consists of: 24 pieces 24 1,012
147010 Funnel PP, outer diameter 40 mm, stem diameter 5 mm, length 35 mm, pack consists of: 24 pieces 24 1,156
147015 Funnel PP, outer diameter 50 mm, stem diameter 9 mm, length 43 mm, pack consists of: 24 pieces 24 1,301
147020 Funnel PP, outer diameter 75 mm, stem diameter 10 mm, length 55 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 915
147025 Funnel PP, outer diameter 100 mm, stem diameter 13 mm, length 77 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 1,542
147030 Funnel PP, outer diameter 120 mm, stem diameter 14 mm, length 90 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 2,072
147035 Funnel PP, outer diameter 150 mm, stem diameter 17 mm, length 95 mm, pack consists of: 12 pieces 12 3,035
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Carboy funnel
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
147040 Carboy funnel PP, outer diameter 210,stem outer diameter 25mm 1 582
147045 Carboy funnel PP, outer diameter 260,stem outer diameter 30mm 1 1,002
147050 Carboy funnel PP, outer diameter 350,stem outer diameter 32mm 1 2,116
147055 Carboy funnel PP, outer diameter 400,stem outer diameter 40mm 1 5,000
147060 Carboy funnel PE-HD, outer diameter 440,stem outer diameter 35mm 1 6,797
Standard ground joint funnel, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
94905 Standard ground joint funnel PP 40mm stem 14/23, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 2,850
94910 Standard ground joint funnel PP 50mm stem 19/26, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,874
94915 Standard ground joint funnel PP 80mm stem 29/32, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 2,359
Powder funnel short, wide stem, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
148020 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 60 mm, stem length 19 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,891
148025 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 80 mm, stem length 23 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 5,661
148030 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 100 mm, stem length 23 mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 6,223
148035 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 120 mm, stem length 28 mm 1 357
148040 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 150 mm, stem length 42 mm 1 440
148045 Powder funnel PP, outer diameter 180 mm, stem length 48 mm 1 773
Funnel with internal fluting, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
148205 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 25 mm, stem length 39mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,329
148210 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 35 mm, stem length 38mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 2,730
148215 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 45 mm, stem length 44mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 3,091
148220 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 65 mm, stem length 63mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 5,018
148225 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 80 mm, stem length 69mm, pack consists of: 20 pieces 20 6,424
148235 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 100 mm, stem length 82mm 1 375
148237 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 120 mm, stem length 85mm 1 418
148240 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 150 mm, stem length 115mm 1 739
148245 Funnel int.flut. PP, outer diameter 180 mm, stem length 143mm 1 966
Funnel holder, PP
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
148500 Funnel holder, PP, for 1 funnel, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 4,828
148502 Funnel holder, PP, for 2 funnels, pack consists of: 5 pieces 5 7,076
Filter funnel support for 4 funnels
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
74506 Filterfunnel support for 2 funnels, plate PP 250x140 1 12,389
74511 Filterfunnel support for 4 funnels, plate PP 450x140 1 14,068
Buchner funnel, PP, detachable
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
148505 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 45 mm 1 937
148510 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 55 mm 1 1,022
148515 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 70 mm 1 1,156
148520 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 80 mm 1 1,347
148525 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 90 mm 1 1,873
148530 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 110 mm 1 2,335
148535 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 160 mm 1 3,904
148540 Buchner funnel PP detach.nom.size 240 mm 1 6,709
Filter disc for Buchner funnel, PE-HD
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
148605 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.45mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 923
148610 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.55mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 923
148615 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.70mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 943
148620 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.80mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 943
148625 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.90mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 984
148630 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.110mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 984
148635 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.160mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,164
148640 Filter disc f.Buchner funnel PE-HD d.240mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 1,405
India_Pricelist_06_General_65-94.indd 93 29.03.2012 15:48:21
[email protected] 94
Filter flask, DURAN

, with lateral socket

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
73714 Filterflask lateral socket, 250ml, DURAN

1 3,694
73719 Filterflask lateral socket, 500ml, DURAN

1 4,442
73724 Filterflask lateral socket, 1000ml, DURAN

1 5,775
73729 Filterflask lateral socket, 2000ml, DURAN

1 13,911
Filter flask, PP, with lateral nozzle
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
74014 Filterflask, lateral nozzle 250ml, PP, translucent 1 2,810
74019 Filterflask, lateral nozzle 500ml, PP, translucent 1 2,917
Filter crucible, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

458021 Filter crucible, 30ml, DURAN

, 1 D 1, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 21,138

458022 Filter crucible, 30ml, DURAN

, 1 D 2, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 21,138

458023 Filter crucible, 30ml, DURAN

, 1 D 3, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 21,138

458024 Filter crucible, 30ml, DURAN

, 1 D 4, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 24,149

458731 Filter crucible, 50ml, DURAN

, 2 D 1, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 29,850

458732 Filter crucible, 50ml, DURAN

, 2 D 2, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 29,850

458733 Filter crucible, 50ml, DURAN

, 2 D 3, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 29,850

458734 Filter crucible, 50ml, DURAN

, 2 D 4, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 34,386

Rubber sleeve, EPMD, for filter crucibles
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
462026 Rubber sleeve cruc.f.1 D, outer diam.41 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,874
462231 Rubber sleeve cruc.f.2 D, outer diam.49 mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 4,015
Rubber gasket, conical, EPMD, for filter funnels
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
462512 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 22mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,593
462617 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 28mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 3,955
462723 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 35mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,099
462827 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 42mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 5,621
462932 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 50mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 6,484
463036 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 63mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 7,026
463139 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 71mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 8,391
463243 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 84mm, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 11,643
Rubber gasket, conical, EPMD, for filter funnels
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
462500 Rubber gasket con.EPDM nominal size 22-84mm, pack consists of: Set of 8. 1 4,952
Filter adapter, DURAN

, for filter crucibles

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
463616 Filter adapter f.1 D top d.41mm l.125mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 26,096

463732 Filter adapter f.2 D top d.50mm l.132mm, DURAN

, pack consists of: 10 pieces 10 27,762

Filter funnel, DURAN

Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()

464003 Filter funnel, 50ml, DURAN

, 3 D 3 1 4,410
464004 Filter funnel, 50ml, DURAN

, 3 D 4 1 4,751
464713 Filter funnel, 75ml, DURAN

, 11 D 3 1 4,952
464714 Filter funnel, 75ml, DURAN

, 11 D 4 1 5,460
465423 Filter funnel, 125ml, DURAN

, 17 D 3 1 6,939
465424 Filter funnel, 125ml, DURAN

, 17 D 4 1 7,817
466133 Filter funnel, 500ml, DURAN

, 25 D 3 1 10,780
466134 Filter funnel, 500ml, DURAN

, 25 D 4 1 12,835
India_Pricelist_06_General_65-94.indd 94 29.03.2012 15:48:22 95
Water still, MonoDest 3000 E
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
56220 Water Stills MonoDest 3000 E, 0,7 -Siemens/cm 1 217,950
Water still, MonoDest 3000 N
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
56215 Water Stills MonoDest 3000 N, 1,5 -Siemens/cm 1 186,301
Accessories and spare parts, MonoDest 3000 E / N
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
56300 Distillate bottle for MonoDest3000E/N, borosilicate glass,5l 1 28,183
56315 Bottle top for reservoir bottle, NS 45/40, MonoDest 3000 E/N 1 8,977
56330 Glass part DURAN

for MonoDest 3000 N 1 106,329

56360 Glass part DURAN

for MonoDest 3000 E 1 124,686

56365 Base for MonoDest 3000 E and N 1 95,927
Water jet filter pump PP conn.R3/4 1/2
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
159600 Water jet filter pump PP conn.R3/4 1/2 1 3,511
Reducing adapter PP, flat pack. Perbunan
Cat. No. description pack of price/pack ()
159665 Reducing 1596 00, R3/8 1 379
159670 Reducing 00, M 22x1 1 379
India_Pricelist_06_General_65-94.indd 95 29.03.2012 15:48:22
DKD-(DAkkS)-Calibration certificate
The DKD (DAkkS) calibration certificate
documents officially the traceability of mea-
suring results to national and international
standards as required by the standards DIN
EN ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17 025 for the
monitoring of measuring instruments. A
major difference between works calibration
services and DKD (DAkkS) laboratories is
the accurate determination of the respective
uncertainty of measurement guaranteed by
the accredited laboratory and supervised by
the DKD (DAkkS).
DKD (DAkkS) calibration certificates are ap-
propriate in uses in which calibrations of an
accredited laboratory are requested, where
high level calibrations are demanded and
for calibration of reference standards and
instruments for comparative measurements.
BRAND calibrates the following volumetric
instruments (new or used regardless of
I Piston-operated pipettes,
from 0.1 l to 10 ml
I Multichannel piston-operated
pipettes, from 0.1 l to 300 l
I Piston-operated burettes,
from 5 l to 200 ml
I Dispensers, dilutors,
from 1 l to 200 ml
I Glass volumetric instruments,
adjusted to contain (TC, In)
from 1 l to 10 l
I Glass volumetric instruments,
adjusted to deliver (TD, Ex)
from 100 l to 100 ml
I Plastic volumetric instruments,
adjusted to contain (TC, In)
from 1 ml to 2000 ml
I Plastic volumetric instruments,
adjusted to deliver (TD, Ex)
from 1 ml to 100 ml
I Glass density bottles,
from 1 cm
to 100 cm
DKD-(DAkkS) Calibration Laboratory
The calibration laboratory for volumetric
instruments opened by BRAND in 1998 has
been accredited by the German Calibration
Service (DKD) according to DIN EN ISO/
IEC 17 025. Our calibration laboratory is
authorized to issue DKD (DAkkS) calibration
certificates (in several languages) for the
volumetric instruments listed on the right.
Upon request also adjustment and for
BRAND Liquid Handling products repair
and maintenance are possible.
The German Calibration Service (DKD) was founded in 1977 as a joint effort of govern-
ment, industry and national standards authorities (PTB German Institute of Physics and
Metrology), to verify measuring equipment used in industrial and research laboratories and
testing institutions. It supplements the existing consumer protection verification system.
Based on the legal requirements the DKD Accreditation is successively transformed to the
DAkkS Accreditation (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH), starting from January 1, 2010
and during this procedure BRAND gets a DAkkS accredited laboratory.
Internationally recognized
The DAkkS is a member of the European Cooperation for Accred-
itation (EA). A multilateral agreement assures obligatory recogni-
tion of the DKD calibration certificate in a variety of countries.
In addition, since November 2000, over 50 accreditation bodies
in over 40 countries including the DAkkS have signed the first
international convention for reciprocal recognition, the "Mutual
Recognition Arrangement" (MRA) of the International Labora-
tory Accreditation Corporation (ILAC). Under this convention, the
subscribing bodies agree to reciprocal recognition and to promote
acceptance of calibration certificates and test reports from the
laboratories accredited by the signatories. (For further information
please visit us at
DKD- ( DAkkS) - Cal i br at i on Ser vi ce
f r om BRAND
Measuring Instruments
Calibration laboratory
for volumetric instru-
ments, accredited to
ISO/IEC 17 025
DKD- (DAkkS)
BRAND Calibration
service for volumetric
instruments, certified
according to
Works certificate:
individual or
batch certificate,
USP certificate
Traceability of measuring results
to national standards
India_Pricelist_06_General_65-94.indd 96 29.03.2012 15:48:23
Tr ademar k I ndex




, BRANDplates

, cellGrade

, Dispensette


, HandyStep


, immunoGrade

, inertGrade

, lipoGrade

, nano-cap

, pureGrade

, QuikSip

, SafetyPrime

, seripettor


, Transferpette

, as well as the logo design marks depicted here, are trademarks of BRAND GMBH + CO KG,
Insofar as other owners brands or protected terms, symbols or illustrations are used, this occurs merely for reference purposes and
without any claim of right. Reproduced brands are the property of the respective owner.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is, where applicable, covered by patents. No license under these patents to use the PCR pro-
cess is conveyed expressly or by implication to the purchaser by the purchase of products from this catalog.

General Terms and Conditions of BRAND GMBH + CO KG

1. General
1.1. (Applicability) These General Terms and Conditions only apply to contractual relations with entrepreneurs
(Sec. 14 German Civil Code).
1.2. (Conflicting business conditions, written form and contract language) These General Terms and Conditions
shall apply to all contracts, including all future contracts with the Customer. Other conditions shall not
become a part of the contract even if we do not expressly object to such conditions. Customer may claim
validity of additional agreements only before or upon conclusion of the contract and only on our immediate
written confirmation. Renunciation of the written form is only possible in writing. The contract language
shall be German or English.
1.3. (Offers, right to make changes) Our offers are subject to confirmation. We reserve the right to make
technical improvements to our products.
1.4. (Recording of data) We may store and process relevant contract data in our EDP systems.
1.5. (Offset and retention) The Customer shall not be entitled to offset his claims against any other claims but
those which are acknowledged, uncontested or final. Furthermore the Customer may offset counterclaims
based on a right to refuse performance (Sec. 320 German Civil Code) if those claims are for the payment
of a sum of money.
1.6. (Rush orders/small orders) Orders having a value of less than 100 euros are subject to a minimum order
surcharge of 20 euros. Delivery is normally in packing units as per our valid price list. For deliveries
effected within five working days or for order values up to 500 euros, we reserve the right to ship and
invoice immediately waiving the requirement for an order confirmation.
1.7. (Place of jurisdiction) The place of jurisdiction shall be the court responsible for our domicile in Wertheim/
Mosbach, Germany. We are also entitled to appeal to the court responsible for our Customers domicile.
Furthermore, we as Plaintiffs have the right to call upon the arbitral tribunal at the Chamber of Industry and
Commerce in Frankfurt am Main. In this case, the arbitral tribunal conclusively decides the legal dispute
in accordance with the ICC Rules of Arbitration excluding the due legal process. The initiation of legal
dunning proceedings does not imply the exercise of our right to choose the plan of jurisdiction. It is in no
way admissible.
1.8. German law is applicable, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods, CISG, and the rules of Conflict Laws.
2. Delivery
2.1 Place of performance shall be our factory in Wertheim, Germany. Customer assumes all responsibilities
and all risks shall be deemed to be transferred to the Customer when the shipment leaves the ramp in
our factory. This shall also apply to partial deliveries, deliveries to a consignment location and all deliveries
where we have agreed to provide additional services such as freight forwarding, packing, exportation and
2.2 Should we have accepted a call or blanket order, the Customer shall be obligated to request delivery of
the entire order quantity within 6 months from the order date.
2.3 Should there be any delay in the Customers acceptance of a shipment we may, at our own discretion,
have the products stored at Customers expense or, after providing a warning and setting a deadline, sell
the products for the Customers account.
3. Delivery period, Delay
3.1 Indicated delivery periods are ex works. Delivery deadline shall commence upon Customers receipt of our
order confirmation and after settlement of all technical questions and after we have received all neces-
sary documents, such as diagrams, permits, Customer required releases and all previously agreed upon
advances and payments. The delivery deadline is deemed to have been met if the shipment has been
declared ready for delivery prior to the expiration of the delivery deadline. All deliveries are subject to the
punctual delivery of required materials from our suppliers.
3.2 Force Majeure, strikes, lockouts, operating breakdowns, shortages of raw materials or means of production
for which we are not responsible, including delayed deliveries or failure to deliver by upstream suppliers,
shall extend the delivery period accordingly and shall release us from our obligation to deliver if delivery
becomes impossible as a result thereof. We are considered not to be responsible for the aforementioned
circumstances, even where they occur during an existing delay. The same applies in case of additional or
amended services requested by the Customer.
3.3 Our deliveries shall not be deemed to be in default unless the Customer has provided us with a written
warning and after an indicated reasonable grace period has elapsed.
3.4 In the case of requested damages for delivery delays, our liability for damage compensation shall be
limited to 10% of the value of our delayed delivery or service. The limitation does not apply in the case of
wilful intent, gross negligence and/or damage to life, body or health. The Customer shall be obligated to
promptly notify us in writing of any consequences of delay in delivery or service.
4. Prices, Terms of Payment
4.1 Prices quoted shall be ex works and do not include VAT, if applicable. Charges for packaging, freight
and insurance shall be at the Customers expense. All prices are understood to be exclusive of costs for
returning, recycling and disposal of used equipment returned to us for disposal.
4.2 Invoices shall be paid in full, without deductions and must be credited to our bank account in EURO ()
immediately or by the due date indicated on the invoice. Receipt of payment is applicable. We shall accept
bills of exchange or checks only on account of performance and at the Customers expense.
4.3 We retain, at our sole discretion, the right at any time to deny any extension of credit to either new or
existing customers and/or to request payment in full in advance of any shipment.
4.4 If the period between conclusion of the contract and delivery is longer than four months, we reserve the
right to demand an extra charge at our discretion, corresponding to our cost increase.
4.5 Duly authorized returns of products free of defects are subject to an inspection- and processing fee of
15% of the invoiced value (10 euros minimum).
4.6 Should the Customer be in default of our payment terms, payment of all of our receivables shall be
immediately due in full and we shall not be obliged to make any further deliveries regardless of the terms
prescribed in current delivery contracts.
4.7 Should the Customer be in default of payment, default interest on arrears at a rate legally applicable shall
be due and payable. The assertion of a higher claim for damages caused by default remains unaffected.
4.8 We reserve the right to offset accounts payable to the Customer, such as credit notes, against our claims
against the Customer.
5. Retention of Title and Assignment of Future Claims
5.1 Products delivered shall remain our property until the complete and unconditional payment of all of our
claims against the Customer. Should there exist any further claims against the Customer, we reserve our
proprietary rights until Customers complete payment of these claims.
5.2 The Customer shall neither consume products nor merge nor inseparably connect products subject to
retention of title with other objects, which a third party may have rights to. If products subject to retention
of title, however, become a component of a new object (e.g. through the connection with other objects),
then we shall be a direct proportional co-owner of this object even if it constitutes a new legal entity. Our
proportion of co-ownership shall be based on the relation of the invoice value of the conditional products
to the value of the new object at the time of the connection.
5.3 The Customer may resell the products subject to retention of title in his due course of business as long
as his claims from the resale have not been assigned, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered.
5.4 The Customer shall herewith assign to us in advance as collateral any claims against his customers from
the resale of the products subject to retention of title (see clause 5.3) and/or new objects (see clause
5.2) in the amount of our invoice for the products subject to retention of title. If the Customer is not in
default of payment for the products subject to retention of title, he may collect the assigned claims in
his due course of business. However, he may only use the proportional proceeds for the payment of our
products subject to retention of title.
5.5 Upon the Customers request, we shall release collateral at our sole discretion, if and to the degree that
the nominal value of the collateral exceeds 120 percent of the nominal value of our open debt claims
against the Customer.
5.6 The Customer is required to immediately inform us of any distress, confiscation or any other disposition
of a third party with regard to the products subject to retention of title or the products co-owned by us.
5.7 If any monetary instrument should be returned to us for insufficient funds, if debit requests or direct debit
authorizations are not carried out or are retroactively cancelled, or if the Customer or the end user becomes
insolvent, Customer shall lose all rights as per clause 5.3 above. The Customer must immediately notify
any subsequent purchaser of our extended retention of title. He may only use the proportional proceeds,
which are based on the assignment, for the payment of the products delivered.
5.8 In case of default of payment or those cases covered in clause 5.7, we shall be authorized to withdraw
from the contract, and/or to demand the return of any products subject to retention of title being in the
possession of the Customer and/or to directly collect the assigned claims (see clause 5.4). In order to
determine our rights, we reserve the right to have the Customers documents and books concerning our
reserved rights examined by a person who is subject to the professional duty of confidentiality.
6. Warranty, Limitation of Liability
6.1 We warrant that our products are free from defects in materials and workmanship (under normal conditions
of use and service) at the time of the transfer of risk. The required characteristics, shelf life and use of
our products are based solely on the written contractual specification, product description and/or operating
instructions. Any information beyond this and in particular in preliminary discussions, advertisement and/or
referenced industrial standards shall only become a part of the contract if they are expressly referenced
in writing.
6.2 If the Customer requires the products for purposes other than those agreed, Customer must check before
use if the products are especially suitable for such purposes - including all aspects pertaining to product
safety - and Customer is required to ensure that products comply with all relevant technical, legal and official
regulations and requirements. We shall not be liable for the fitness of our products for any application not
expressly confirmed by us in writing. Further we shall not be liable for the accuracy of designs, specifica-
tions or materials furnished or specified by the Customer and thus have no particular testing obligation.
The observation of safety-related and occupational health regulations depends on the place and conditions
of the products use. The observation of these regulations is, therefore, the responsibility of the Customer.
6.3 The consequences of normal wear and tear of wearing parts such as pistons, seals, valves and the breakage
of glass, plastic or ceramic parts are excluded from this warranty. The warranty does also not apply for the
consequences of improper handling, use, servicing or operation of the products or the consequences of
chemical, electrochemical or electrical influences or the failure to follow the instructions in the operating
6.4 The exclusive initial remedy of Customer in the event of a justified deficiency claim is the replacement
or repair (at our sole discretion) of any defective product. Any additional warranty claims shall only exist
due to rejection, impossibility or failure of said subsequent performance. Additional expenses, resulting
from the fact that the goods have been relocated from the initial place of delivery, shall be borne by the
6.5 The Customer shall be obliged to promptly and carefully check incoming products - also for product
safety - and to notify us of any apparent deficiencies in writing, and of any hidden defects as soon as
they become apparent. The Customer must notify the carrier immediately of any transport damage. Non-
observation of the obligation to check and give notice of defects will void any and all warranty claims for
those deficiencies.
6.6 Our liability for slight negligence is limited to claims owing to injury to life, the body or the health, to claims
from product liability as well as claims from the culpable breach of essential contractual duties, through which
the contract is endangered. Incidentally, our liability for slightly negligent breach of essential contractual
duties is limited to the typically incurring damages which we could have foreseen when the contract was
6.7 If the Customer uses the delivered products with materials that are harmful to the environment, poisonous,
radioactive or dangerous in any other way, Customer shall be obliged to clean them prior to any return
shipment. All cleaning, decontamination, and disposal costs shall be the sole responsibility of Customer.
7. Warranty period, Limitation of Actions
The warranty period for all our products shall be one year and starts at the time of delivery of products
to the Customer. The same shall apply to claims for damages irrespective of legal basis. The period of
limitations of Sec. 438, paragraph 1, no. 1 and 2, Sec. 479, paragraph 1 and Sec. 634a, paragraph 1,
no. 2 of the German Civil Code remain unaffected.
Any of the above limitations and or exclusions of remedies or damages shall not apply to claims according
to malicious non-disclosure of a defect, to product liability and for damages from injury to life, the body
or the health and for other damages, which are due to wilful intent or gross negligence.
8. Software use
8.1 As far as software is contained in the delivery, the Customer will be granted the non-exclusive right to
use the software delivered including its documentation. Use of the software on more than one system is
8.2 The Customer may only copy, transfer or translate the software in a legally acceptable scope (Sec. 69a
ff. German Copyright Law (UrhG)) or convert from the object code into the source code. The Customer
is obliged to not remove our and/ or the Software Suppliers instructions, especially copyright entries, or
to change them without our prior permission.
8.3 All remaining rights to the software and the documentation thereof, including copies, remain with us and/
or Software Supplier. Granting of sublicenses is strictly forbidden.
9. Installation
9.1 Installation costs shall be invoiced monthly. Fixed installation prices shall apply to the installation work as
agreed upon. In other cases our actual price list for installation and service shall apply.
9.2 As far as required the Customer shall be responsible for providing the following at his own expense:
lighting, motive power, compressed air, water, electrical power for welding, heating including any required
connections, electrical installations for the connection of the products delivered by us, the required devices
(e.g., hoisting equipment), a lockable room for storing material, tools and clothing during the installation.
10. Spare Parts, Maintenance/Repair and Calibration
10.1 For spare parts, maintenance, repair and calibration services our current repair and replacement price list
shall apply.
10.2 In case we have an obligation to maintain/deliver spare parts, the obligation shall be limited to a period of
five years from the date of delivery of the products. As far as spare parts are not manufactured by us or
are no longer available on the market, e.g. electrical components, or as far as raw materials required for
spare part production are no longer available, our obligation to supply spare parts shall be void.
10.3 For calibration and servicing normally disposables from our production lines shall be used.
10.4 Any servicing and/or calibration service shall only be performed upon presentation of a proper and duly
signed declaration on the absence of health hazards.
10.5 For service values up to 50 Euros we reserve the right to service/repair without providing a seperate cost
11. Legal reservation, Industrial proprietary rights, secrecy
11.1 We reserve ownership in any of the tools, moulds, samples, diagrams, commercial or technical documents
produced or provided by us as well as all copyrights, proprietary and intellectual property rights in any
such item. This also applies if the corresponding costs are wholly or partly borne by the Customer. The
Customer may use any of the above only as agreed to in writing. The Customer may neither manufacture
nor have manufactured subjects of this agreement without our prior written approval.
11.2 If we deliver products according to designs or other requirements specified by the Customer (models,
samples etc.), the Customer shall be liable by default for eventual infringements of industrial property rights
or other rights of third parties by manufacturing and delivery of such products. He shall be obligated by
default to provide compensation for all damages resulting from such legal infringements.
11.3 All information acquired through the business relationship with us which is not deemed to be public
knowledge shall be deemed proprietary and may not be disclosed to any third party.
Status as of: April 2012
India_Pricelist_00_Cover.indd 2 29.03.2012 15:42:51



Pr i cel i st 2012- 2013
Liquid Handling, Glassware and Laboratory Consumables.
I Liquid Handling
I Life Science Consumables
I Volumetric Instruments
I Temperature and Density Measurement
I Clinical Laboratory
I General Laboratory Supplies

TA PLT unit (Pipette Leak Testing unit)

BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
303, DELPHI, C Wing
Hiranandani Business Park, Powai
Mumbai 400 076 (India)
Registered Office:
BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
Floor, Dev Nibiru, Linking Road, Khar (West)
Mumbai 400 052 (India)
India_Pricelist_00_Cover.indd 1 29.03.2012 15:42:46

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