Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Panas) Exemplu Bun
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Panas) Exemplu Bun
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Panas) Exemplu Bun
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AFFECT SCHEDULE (PANAS) Reference Watson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6), 1063-1070. Description The 20-item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), developed with a sample of undergraduate students and validated with adult populations, comprises two mood scales, one measuring positive affect and the other measuring negative affect. Each item is rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 = very slightly or not at all to 5 = extremely to indicate the extent to which the respondent has felt this way in the indicated time frame. The authors have used the scale to measure affect at this moment, today, the past few days, the past week, the past few weeks, the past year, and generally (on average). Watson et al. (1988) reported Cronbachs alpha coefficients for the various time reference periods ranging from .86 to .90 for the Positive Affect scale and .84 to .87 for the Negative Affect scale. For the general period, alpha was .88 for Positive Affect and .87 for Negative Affect. Test-retest correlations for an 8-week period ranged from .47 to .68 for Positive Affect, .39 to .71 for Negative Affect (for the general time period, Positive Affect stability = .68, Negative Affect Stability = .71). The scale authors also reported evidence for the validity of the PANAS: Measures of general distress and dysfunction, depression, and state anxiety are more highly correlated with the Negative Affect scale (positive correlations) than the Positive Affect scale (negative correlations). Administration: 54 months, Grade 1 Childs affect: The version of the PANAS assessing the childs affect generally was administered to mothers at 54 months (n = 90) during the common protocol lab visit, and at Grade 1 to mothers (n = 99) and fathers/partners (n = 74) during a site-specific home visit. Own affect: The version of the PANAS that measures the respondents affect generally was administered at Grade 1 to mothers (n = 99) and fathers/partners (n = 74) during a site-specific home visit. Scoring: Watson et al. (1988) Positive Affect Sum of 10 items: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19. In cases with internally missing data (items not answered), the sums were computed after imputation of the missing values: # items on scale / # actually answered, multiplied by the sum obtained from the answered items. A higher score indicates more positive affect, or the extent to which the individual feels enthusiastic, active, and alert. Mother report, child positive affect, 54 months = M54PANCP N = 90, M = 39.19, SD = 4.54, range = 27-49, ! = .79 Mother report, child positive affect, Grade 1 = MG1PANCP N = 99, M = 39.94, SD = 5.13, range = 25-50, ! = .84
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Father/partner report, child positive affect, Grade 1 = FG1PANCP N = 74, M = 39.74, SD = 5.28, range = 22-49, ! = .88 Mother report, own (self) positive affect, Grade 1 = MG1PANSP N = 99, M = 36.75, SD = 5.51, range = 24-48, ! = .85 Father/partner report, own (self) positive affect, Grade 1 = FG1PANSP N = 74, M = 36.32, SD = 5.46, range = 24-50, ! = .89 Negative Affect Sum of 10 items: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20. A higher score indicates more negative affect, or the extent to which the individual feels aversive mood states and general distress. In cases with internally missing data (items not answered), the sums were computed after imputation of the missing values. The imputed score = # items on scale/# actually answered, multiplied by the sum obtained from the answered items. Mother report, child negative affect, 54 months = M54PANCN N = 90, M = 16.97, SD = 4.25, range = 10-30, ! = .78 Mother report, child negative affect, Grade 1 = MG1PANCN N = 99, M = 16.52, SD = 5.62, range = 10-39, ! = .89 Father/partner report, child negative affect, Grade 1 = FG1PANCN N = 74, M = 18.45, SD = 5.62, range = 10-33, ! = .90 Mother report, own (self) negative affect, Grade 1 = MG1PANSN N = 99, M = 16.85, SD = 5.21, range = 10-33, ! = .86 Father/partner report, own (self) negative affect, Grade 1 = FG1PANSN N = 74, M = 17.77, SD = 5.91, range = 10-32, ! = .90 Analysis Data Sets 54 months: SS54MO Grade 1: SSG1 Raw Data Sets Mother report of childs affect, 54 months: M54PAN Mother report of childs affect, Grade 1: M1GPAN Father/partner report of childs affect, Grade 1: F1GPAN Mother report of own affect, Grade 1: M1GPANS Father/partner report of own affect, Grade 1: F1GPANS
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