Gulf Rd. Trails - Parks' Denial Email - 07-11-08 - PG 1

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Paul R.

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jeff Parks <[email protected]> Friday, July 11, 2008 9:45 AM Paul Murphy; [email protected] Bill Elfo; Carey James; Don Boyd; Kevin Mede; Steven Cooley; Spencer Kope RE: Security Sensitive Information - Reminder

Deputy Murphy, I will keep this brief, to the point, and will be happy to discuss this with you when I return from vacation. 1) No one was "ordered" to "reprimand" you. If your sergeant, using his best discretion and judgement, chose to document issues and concerns regarding "how" this was handled, and the implications involved, that is his perogative. I have not seen any "letter of reprimand", and have not seen what was written. 2) If you had simply written a report, routed information through proper channels, and kept your supervisor informed we most likely would not be having this exchange. 3) I believe I acknowledged appreciation for your proactive efforts. 4) We will not engage in debate with you about system security, county email, etc. You need to use the tools, protocols and systems that are provided to you by your employer - that you are being paid to use. We welcome suggestions and the channels are open for communication regarding concerns, however this is not license to develop or implement your own. Sincerely,

Chief Jeff Parks Whatcom County Sheriff's Office Bureau of Enforcement and Investigations 311 Grand Avenue / Public Safety Bldg Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 676-6650 [email protected] >>> "Paul R. Murphy" <[email protected]> 07/11/08 3:25 AM >>> Chief Parks, Firstly, what I discovered was a result of a proactive random patrol approach that should be commended, not discouraged by a letter of reprimand, for what amounts to a paperwork violation. On 07-05-08, I found 1 improvised trail into a heavily wooded area of no apparent consequence to any nearby facilities. It was not and could not be determined if the trail was legitimately there as a geologic, survey, or pipeline inspection access, a riding trail made by local juveniles for motorsports purposes, or dozens of other possible reasons that are not

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