Robert - Ellman@azag - Gov: in The United States District Court For The District of Arizona

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Thomas C. Horne Attorney General Robert L. Ellman (AZ Bar No. 014410) Solicitor General Email: [email protected] Kathleen P. Sweeney (AZ Bar No. 011118) Todd M. Allison (AZ Bar No. 026936) Assistant Attorneys General 1275 W. Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2997 Telephone: (602) 542-3333 Fax: (602) 542-8308 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Byron Babione (AZ Bar No. 024320) Jonathan Caleb Dalton (AZ Bar No. 030539) Special Assistant Attorneys General Alliance Defending Freedom 15100 N. 90th Street Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 Telephone: (480) 444-0020 Fax: (480) 444-0028 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Attorneys for Defendants IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA Nelda Majors; Karen Bailey; David Larance; Kevin Patterson; Michelle Teichner; Barbara Morrissey; Kathy Young; Jessica Young; Kelli Olson; Jennifer Hoefle Olson; Kent Burbank; Vicente Talanquer; C.J. Castro-Byrd; Jess Castro-Byrd; Patrick Ralph; Josefina Ahumada; and Equality Arizona, Plaintiffs, v. Michael K. Jeanes, in his official capacity as Clerk of the Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona; Will Humble, in his official capacity as Director of the Department of Health Services; and David Raber, in his official capacity as Director of the Department of Revenue, Defendants. Case No: 2:14-cv-00518-JWS DEFENDANTS ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO PLAINTIFFS AMENDED COMPLAINT (DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL ON ALL ISSUES SO TRIABLE)

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Defendants Michael K. Jeanes, Maricopa County Superior Court Clerk (Jeanes); David Raber, Director of Arizonas Department of Revenue (Raber); and Will Humble, Director of Arizonas Department of Health Services (Humble) (collectively, Defendants) respond to and answer Plaintiffs Amended Complaint as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. Defendants admit that according to Plaintiffs Amended Complaint,

Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief, but deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to that relief. Additionally, Defendants admit that under Arizonas Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but deny that Arizonas Constitution and statutes violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 1s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 2. Defendants admit the allegations contained in paragraph 2 only insofar as

marriage plays a unique role in society. Defendants deny paragraph 2s remaining allegations. 3. Defendants admit that under Arizonas Constitution and statutes, the State

of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but deny that those provisions of Arizonas Constitution and statutes violate Plaintiffs constitutional rights. Defendants affirmatively allege that paragraph 3s references to the States other laws and the States statutes do not provide sufficient detail for Defendants to identify what statutes (other than those that Plaintiffs have specifically identified in their Amended Complaint) Plaintiffs are asking the Court to declare unconstitutional. Defendants deny paragraph 3s remaining allegations. 4. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations of harm asserted in paragraph 4 and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the harms asserted in paragraph 4 do not

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entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 5. Responding to paragraph 5, Defendants admit that other states have

redefined marriage to include same-sex couples. Defendants also admit Plaintiffs general allegation that courts and society have discarded antimiscegenation laws and laws that denied married women legal independence and the rights to own property and to make decisions for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 5s other allegations and therefore deny them. 6. Defendants admit that according to Plaintiffs Amended Complaint,

Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief, but deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to that relief. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning the allegations of harm asserted in paragraph 6 and therefore deny them. PARTIES A. Plaintiffs 7. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 7s allegations and therefore deny them. 8. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 8s allegations and therefore deny them. 9. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 9s allegations and therefore deny them. 10. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 10s allegations and therefore deny them. 11. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 11s allegations and therefore deny them. 12. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 12s allegations and therefore deny them. 13. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 13s allegations and therefore deny them.

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Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 14s allegations and therefore deny them. 15. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 15s allegations and therefore deny them. 16. Based on the Arizona Corporation Commissions records, Defendants deny

that either Equality Arizona or the Arizona Human Rights Fund is an entity incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 16s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. B. Defendants 17. 18. 19. 20. Defendants admit paragraph 17s allegations. Defendants admit paragraph 18s allegations. Defendants admit paragraph 19s allegations. Responding to paragraph 20, Defendants admit that Arizona law precludes

them, when acting in their official capacities, from recognizing same-sex marriages, but deny that the harms that the Amended Complaint asserts entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. JURISIDICTION AND VENUE 21. Responding to paragraph 21, Defendants admit that Plaintiffs purport to

bring this action under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988 to redress alleged constitutional violations but deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief that they are seeking. 22. 23. 24. Defendants admit paragraph 22s allegations. Defendants admit paragraph 23s allegations. Responding to paragraph 24, Defendants admit that this Court has the

authority to provide declaratory and injunctive relief, but deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to the requested relief. 25. Defendants admit paragraph 25s allegations.

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FACTS Responding to paragraph 26, Defendants admit that under Arizonas

Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but deny that those provisions of Arizonas Constitution and statutes violate Plaintiffs constitutional rights. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 26s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 27. Responding to paragraph 27, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 27s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 28. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 28s allegations and therefore deny them. 29. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 29s allegations and therefore deny them. 30. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 30s allegations and therefore deny them. 31. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 31s allegations and therefore deny them. 32. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 32s allegations and therefore deny them. 33. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 33s allegations and therefore deny them. 34. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 34s allegations and therefore deny them. 35. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 35s allegations and therefore deny them. 36. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

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belief concerning paragraph 36s allegations and therefore deny them. 37. Defendants admit that under Arizonas Constitution and statutes, the State

of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but deny paragraph 37s remaining allegations. 38. Defendants affirmatively allege that Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.)

25-101(C) and -112(A) speak for themselves and deny any of paragraph 38s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize those statutes. Defendants deny paragraph 38s assertion that Arizonas Legislature enacted A.R.S. 25-101(C) shortly after the passage of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Defendants affirmatively allege that Arizonas Legislature enacted the amendments to A.R.S. 25-101(C) and -112(A) at issue before DOMA was even introduced in Congress. Defendants admit that under Arizonas Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants deny paragraph 38s remaining allegations. 39. Defendants affirmatively allege that A.R.S. 25-125(A) speaks for itself

and deny any of paragraph 39s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that statute. Defendants deny that in 1999, the Legislature amended A.R.S. 25-125(A) to add the language stating that a valid marriage is one contracted by a male person and a female person with a proper marriage license that paragraph 39 quotes. Defendants affirmatively allege that A.R.S. 25-125(A) included the language that paragraph 39 quotes when it was enacted in 1980 and that the 1999 amendment changed other portions of the provision but did not alter the already-existing quoted language. Defendants admit that under Arizonas Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. 40. Responding to paragraph 40, Defendants admit that in 2006, Arizona

voters did not approve Proposition 107 and that Proposition 107s language speaks for itself. Defendants affirmatively allege that the language in the second quote in paragraph 40 is taken from the Legislative Councils analysis of Proposition 107 and not from

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Proposition 107 itself. Defendants further affirmatively allege that Proposition 107 actually stated that no legal status for unmarried persons shall be created or recognized by this state or its political subdivisions that is similar to that of marriage. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 40s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 41. Responding to paragraph 41, Defendants admit that the Legislature

referred Proposition 102 in 2008 and that the voters approved it on November 4, 2008, and placed into the Arizona Constitution as Article 30, Section 1. Defendants affirmatively allege that Proposition 102s language speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 41s allegations that are inconsistent with or otherwise mischaracterize Proposition 102s language. 42. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations in paragraph 42 and its subsections (a)-(k) and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. Defendants further affirmatively allege that the constitutional and statutory provisions that Plaintiffs cite in paragraph 42 speak for themselves and deny any of paragraph 42s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize those provisions. 43. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations in paragraph 43 and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 44. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations in paragraph 44 and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 45. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations in paragraph 45 and therefore deny them. Defendants

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affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 46. 47. Defendants deny paragraph 46s allegations. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning the allegations about private entities in paragraph 47 and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. Plaintiffs deny paragraph 47s remaining allegations. Defendants deny paragraph 47s remaining allegations. 48. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 48s allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs Nelda Majors and Karen Bailey 49. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 49s allegations and therefore deny them. 50. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 50s allegations and therefore deny them. 51. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 51s allegations and therefore deny them. 52. Responding to paragraph 52, Defendants admit that under Arizonas

Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 52s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 53. Responding to paragraph 53, Defendants affirmatively allege that Arizona

law concerning legal guardianship speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 53s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that law. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 53s allegations and therefore deny them. 54. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 54s allegations and therefore deny them.

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Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 55s allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs David Larance and Kevin Patterson 56. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 56s allegations and therefore deny them. 57. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 57s allegations and therefore deny them. 58. Responding to paragraph 58, Defendants admit that under Arizonas

Constitution and statutes, the State of Arizona defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants also admit that Arizona law currently permits only married couples to jointly adopt children. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 58s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs Michelle Teichner and Barbara Morrissey 59. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 59s allegations and therefore deny them. 60. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 60s allegations and therefore deny them. 61. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 61s allegations and therefore deny them. 62. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 62s allegations and therefore deny them. 63. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 63s allegations and therefore deny them. 64. Responding to paragraph 64, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 64s remaining allegations and therefore deny them.

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Responding to paragraph 65, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law allows only persons whose marriages are recognized under Arizona law to file a married-filing-jointly or a married-filing-separately state tax return. Defendants also admit that the Arizona Department of Revenue requires each member of a same-sex couple that files a joint federal income tax return to file an individual income allocation schedule. Defendants affirmatively allege that the state laws that paragraph 65 references speak for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 65s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 66. Responding to paragraph 66, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 66s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs Kathy Young and Jessica Young 67. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 67s allegations and therefore deny them. 68. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 68s allegations and therefore deny them. 69. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 69s allegations and therefore deny them. 70. Responding to paragraph 70, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law permits stepparent adoptions. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 70s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 71. Responding to paragraph 71, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants


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further admit that Arizona law permits stepparent adoptions. Defendants affirmatively allege that Arizona law concerning parentage presumptions speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 71s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that law. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 71s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 72. Responding to paragraph 72, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law allows only persons whose marriages are recognized under Arizona law to file a married-filing-jointly or a married-filing-separately state tax return. Defendants also admit that the Arizona Department of Revenue requires each member of a same-sex couple that files a joint federal income tax return to file an individual allocation schedule. Defendants affirmatively allege that the state laws that paragraph 72 references speak for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 72s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs Kelli Olson and Jennifer Hoefle Olson 73. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 73s allegations and therefore deny them. 74. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 74s allegations and therefore deny them. 75. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 75s allegations and therefore deny them. 76. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 76s allegations and therefore deny them. 77. Responding to paragraph 77, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law permits stepparent adoptions. Defendants affirmatively


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allege that Arizona law concerning parentage presumptions speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 77s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that law. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 77s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 78. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 78s allegations and therefore deny them. 79. Responding to paragraph 79, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law allows only persons whose marriages are recognized under Arizona law to file a married-filing-jointly or a married-filing-separately state tax return. Defendants also admit that the Arizona Department of Revenue requires each member of a same-sex couple that files a joint federal income tax return to file an individual income allocation schedule. Defendants affirmatively allege that the state laws that paragraph 79 references speak for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 79s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs Kent Burbank and Vicente Talanquer 80. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 80s allegations and therefore deny them. 81. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 81s allegations and therefore deny them. 82. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 82s allegations and therefore deny them. 83. Responding to paragraph 83, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law currently permits only married couples to jointly adopt children. Defendants also admit that Arizona law permits stepparent adoptions.


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Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 83s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 84. Responding to paragraph 84, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law permits stepparent adoptions. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 84s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 85. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 85s allegations and therefore deny them. 86. Responding to paragraph 86, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 86s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 87. Responding to paragraph 87, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law allows only persons whose marriages are recognized under Arizona law to file a married-filing-jointly or a married-filing-separately state tax return. Defendants also admit that the Arizona Department of Revenue requires each member of a same-sex couple that files a joint federal income tax return to file an individual income allocation schedule. Defendants affirmatively allege that the state laws that paragraph 87 references speak for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 87s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiffs C.J. Castro-Byrd and Jess Castro-Byrd 88. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 88s allegations and therefore deny them. 89. Responding to paragraph 89, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are


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without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 89s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 90. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 90s allegations and therefore deny them. 91. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 91s allegations and therefore deny them. 92. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 92s allegations and therefore deny them. 93. Responding to paragraph 93, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage exclusively as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law allows only persons whose marriages are recognized under Arizona law to file a married-filing-jointly or a married-filingseparately state tax return. Defendants also admit that the Arizona Department of Revenue requires each member of a same-sex couple that files a joint federal income tax return to file an individual income allocation schedule. Defendants affirmatively allege that the state laws that paragraph 87 references speak for themselves. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 93s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 94. Responding to paragraph 94, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants further admit that Arizona law currently permits only married couples to jointly adopt children. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 94s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 95. Responding to paragraph 95, Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution

and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 95s remaining allegations and therefore deny them.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 104. 96.

Plaintiff Patrick Ralph Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 96s allegations and therefore deny them. 97. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 97s allegations and therefore deny them. 98. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 98s allegations and therefore deny them. 99. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 99s allegations and therefore deny them. 100. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 100s allegations and therefore deny them. 101. Responding to paragraph 101, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 101s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 102. Responding to paragraph 102, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 102s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 103. Responding to paragraph 103, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 103s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiff Josefina Ahumada Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 104s allegations and therefore deny them. 105. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 105s allegations and therefore deny them.


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Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 106s allegations and therefore deny them. 107. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 107s allegations and therefore deny them. 108. Responding to paragraph 108, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 108s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 109. Responding to paragraph 109, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 109s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. Plaintiff Equality Arizona 110. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 110s allegations and therefore deny them. General Allegations 111. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 111s allegations about an individuals capacity to establish a loving and enduring relationship and therefore deny it. Defendants deny paragraph 111s remaining allegations. 112. Responding to paragraph 112, Defendants admit Plaintiffs general

allegation that courts and society have discarded prior restrictions on interracial marriage and coverture. Defendants deny paragraph 112s remaining allegations. 113. Defendants affirmatively allege that United States Supreme Court case law

speaks for itself. Defendants deny any of paragraph 113s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that case law. 114. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 114s allegations and therefore deny them.


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Defendants admit that the State has a valid interest in protecting the

public fisc. Defendants deny that the State has made any invidious distinctions between classes of its citizens. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 115s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 116. Defendants admit that the State has an interest in child welfare, but deny

paragraph 116s remaining allegations. 117. Defendants deny the first allegation in paragraph 117 about marriages

effect on the home environment where children are raised. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 117s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 118. 119. Defendants deny paragraph 118s allegations. Defendants affirmatively allege that the cases that paragraph 119

references speak for themselves. Defendants deny any of paragraph 119s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize the scope of the holdings in those cases. 120. 121. 122. Defendants deny paragraph 120s allegations. Defendants deny paragraph 121s allegations. Defendants admit that the State has an interest in the welfare of all

children. Defendants are without knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 122s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF Equal Protection on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Sex U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, 42 U.S.C. 1983 123. Defendants incorporate their responses to paragraphs 1 through 122 as if

fully set forth herein. 124. Paragraph 124 recites the relief that Plaintiffs request in this lawsuit.

Defendants are not required to respond to such allegations in this responsive pleading. To the extent that any response is necessary, Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled


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to any of the relief that they request. 125. Responding to paragraph 125, Defendants admit that Section 1 of the

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that no State [shall] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Defendants deny paragraph 125s remaining allegations. 126. Defendants deny paragraph 126s allegations. Defendants affirmatively

allege that the reference to all other sources of Arizona law does not provide sufficient detail for Defendants to identify what sources of Arizona law (other than those that Plaintiffs have specifically identified in their Amended Complaint) Plaintiffs are asking the Court to declare unconstitutional. 127. 128. 129. 130. Defendants deny paragraph 127s remaining allegations. Defendants deny paragraph 128s remaining allegations. Defendants deny paragraph 129s remaining allegations. Responding to paragraph 130, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but deny that those constitutional and statutory provisions violate Plaintiffs constitutional rights. Defendants deny paragraph 130s remaining allegations. 131. Defendants deny that same-sex couples are identical to opposite-sex

couples in all characteristics related to the States interest in marriage. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 131s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 132. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 132s allegations and therefore deny them. 133. Responding to paragraph 133, Defendants admit on information and belief

that some individuals in same-sex relationships raise children together. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 133s remaining allegations and therefore deny them.


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134. 135.

Defendants deny paragraph 134s allegations. Responding to paragraph 135, Defendants affirmatively allege that case

law setting out the appropriate level of scrutiny speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 135s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize the legal determinations in those cases. Defendants deny paragraph 135s remaining allegations. 136. Responding to paragraph 136, Defendants admit on information and belief

that some individuals that identify as lesbian or gay have been discriminated against. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 136s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. 137. Defendants admit paragraph 137s allegations. But Defendants

affirmatively allege that in light of the States interest in and purpose for marriage, samesex couples contribute to society in ways that are different from opposite-sex couples. 138. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 138s allegations and therefore deny them. 139. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 139s allegations and therefore deny them. 140. Defendants deny the allegations in the first sentence of paragraph 140.

Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning paragraph 140s remaining allegations and therefore deny them. All the generically referenced laws in paragraph 140 speak for themselves, and Defendants deny any of paragraph 140s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize those laws. 141. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a

belief concerning paragraph 141s allegations and therefore deny them. All the generically referenced laws in paragraph 141 speak for themselves, and Defendants deny any of paragraph 141s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize those laws. 142. Defendants deny paragraph 142s allegations. 19

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Responding to paragraph 143, Defendants affirmatively allege that the

Arizona Constitutions Article 30, Section 1 speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 143s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that provision. Defendants admit that Arizonas Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants deny paragraph 143s remaining allegations. 144. Responding to paragraph 144, Defendants admit that Arizonas

Constitution and statutes define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Defendants deny that those laws create an impermissible sex-based classification or otherwise discriminate on the basis of sex. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 144 and therefore deny them. 145. 146. Defendants deny paragraph 145s allegations. Responding to paragraph 146, Defendants admit that Arizona law does not

create legal distinctions between the duties of husbands and wives, but deny paragraph 146s remaining allegations. 147. 148. Defendants deny paragraph 147s allegations. Defendants deny paragraph 148s allegations. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF Substantive Due Process U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, 42 U.S.C. 1983 149. Defendants incorporate their responses to paragraphs 1 through 148 as if

fully set forth herein. 150. Paragraph 150 recites the relief that Plaintiffs request in this lawsuit.

Defendants are not required to respond to such allegations. To the extent that any response is required, Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to any of the relief that they request. 151. Responding to paragraph 151, Defendants admit that Section 1 of the

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that no State [shall] deprive 20

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any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Defendants deny paragraph 151s remaining allegations. 152. Responding to paragraph 152, Defendants affirmatively allege that the

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution speaks for itself and deny any of paragraph 152s allegations that are inconsistent with or that otherwise mischaracterize that constitutional provision. Defendants further affirmatively allege that whatever rights and interests Plaintiffs have in their private intimate conduct and family relationships do not entitle them to the relief that they request in their Amended Complaint. Defendants deny paragraph 152s remaining allegations. 153. Defendants deny paragraph 153s allegations. Defendants affirmatively

allege that paragraph 153s reference to all other sources of Arizona law does not provide sufficient detail for Defendants to identify what sources of Arizona law (other than those that Plaintiffs have specifically identified in their Amended Complaint) Plaintiffs are asking the Court to declare unconstitutional. 154. 155. Defendants deny paragraph 154s allegations. Defendants affirmatively allege that paragraph 155s allegations contain

conclusions of law that require no response and that the law speaks for itself. To the extent that a response is required, Defendants deny paragraph 155s allegations. 156. Responding to paragraph 156, Defendants admit that as Maricopa County

Superior Court Clerk, Defendant Jeanes is responsible for the issuance of marriage licenses. Defendants deny paragraph 156s remaining allegations. 157. Responding to paragraph 157, Defendants admit that as Arizonas Director

of Health Services and the States Registrar of Vital Records, Defendant Humble is responsible for the issuance of Arizona death certificates and the licensure of Arizona health care institutions. Defendants deny paragraph 157s remaining allegations. 158. Responding to paragraph 158, Defendants admit that as Director of

Arizonas Department of Revenue, Defendant Raber is responsible for overseeing Arizonas tax administration and revenue collection by the Department of Revenue. Defendants deny paragraph 158s remaining allegations. 21

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159. 160.

Defendants deny paragraph 159s allegations.. Defendants deny paragraph 160s allegations. DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 57 and 65 161. Defendants incorporate their responses to paragraphs 1 through 160 as if

fully set forth herein. 162. Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to the declaratory relief that

they request. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning the allegations of harm that paragraph 162 asserts and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 163. Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to the preliminary and/or

permanent injunctive relief that they request. Defendants are without information and knowledge sufficient to form a belief concerning the allegations of harm that paragraph 163 asserts and therefore deny them. Defendants affirmatively allege that the asserted harms do not entitle Plaintiffs to the requested relief. 164. Defendants deny paragraph 164s allegations. Defendants affirmatively

allege that preliminary relief is not appropriate in this case. See Order, Herbert v. Kitchen, No. 13A687 (U.S. Jan. 6, 2014). GENERAL DENIAL 165. Defendants deny each and every allegation not specifically and expressly

admitted herein. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Responding to paragraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) of Plaintiffs Amended Complaint, Defendants affirmatively allege that those paragraphs constitute Plaintiffs prayer for relief and that Defendants are not required to respond to such allegations. To the extent that any response is required, Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to any of the requested relief. Defendants affirmatively allege that the references to any


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other sources of Arizona law in paragraphs A and B do not provide sufficient detail for Defendants to identify what sources of Arizona law (other than those that Plaintiffs have specifically identified in their Amended Complaint) Plaintiffs are asking the Court to declare unconstitutional. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES 1. All or part of Plaintiffs Amended Complaint fails to state a claim upon

which relief can be granted. 2. Defendants reserve the right to assert all additional defenses available to

them, including all defenses that Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 8 and 12 set forth. Having fully answered Plaintiffs Amended Complaint, Defendants respectfully request that the Court deny Plaintiffs requests for relief, order that Plaintiffs take nothing, and award Defendants any other and further relief that the Court deems appropriate. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendants hereby demand a trial by jury in this action on all issues so triable. Respectfully submitted this 18th day of April, 2014. Thomas C. Horne Attorney General Robert L. Ellman Solicitor General s/ Kathleen P. Sweeney Kathleen P. Sweeney Todd M. Allison Assistant Attorneys General Byron J. Babione Jonathan Caleb Dalton Special Assistant Attorneys General Alliance Defending Freedom Attorneys for Defendants


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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I electronically transmitted the attached document to the Clerks Office using the CM/ECF System for filing and transmittal of a Notice of Electronic Filing to the following, if CM/ECF registrants, and mailed a copy of same if non-registrants, this 18th day of April, 2014: Jennifer C. Pizer Carmina Ocampo Joshua J. Johnson Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc. 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 280 Los Angeles, CA 90010 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Paul F. Eckstein Daniel C. Barr Kirstin T. Eidenbach Barry G. Stratford Alexis E. Danneman Perkins Coie LLP 2901 North Central Avenue, Suite 2000 Phoenix, AZ 85012-2788 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Attorneys for Plaintiffs


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