Teaching Profession

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Langngag, Monika E. 5-8PM Friday The Teaching Profession Final Exam 1.

What are some characteristics of successful classroom manager? How many of these characteristics coincide with your management bahaviors? Here are some characteristics of successful classroom manager and how each characteristic coincide with management behaviours. Preparation and Time Management Preparation means not only having a lesson plan in place, but also preparing the classroom for the lesson. Supplies, equipment or handouts should be close at hand so no "down time" intrudes while the teacher looks for materials. Additionally, checking technology before the lesson, to be sure that everything is properly connected and in good working order, lessens the chance that plans will be interrupted and students distracted. Outlines and Posts Expectations Clearly outlining academic and behavioral expectations at the beginning of the first class makes a smooth ride in the classroom possible. If the teacher covers academic and behavioral expectations verbally and provides an opportunity for questions, students start out knowing what's expected and exactly what to do to succeed. Posting these expectations will serve as a daily reminder of what actions are required for success. Outlines and Posts Consequences Covering academic and behavioural expectations is effective only if the students know what consequences will follow failure to meet the standard. The effective classroom manager verbally covers the consequences of non-compliance and posts these consequences in the classroom. Posting daily reminders will help to guide students' actions while they are learning responsibility. These consequences may cover misbehaviour in the classroom as well as evidence of a lack of work ethic. Consistency An effective classroom manager is consistent. Students perform best in an educational environment in which they know the routine. Establishing consistent routines facilitates classroom management and student achievement. It results in less down time and fewer discipline problems. Additionally, students accept behavioural and academic consequences better when they see that the consequences are applied consistently. 2. Which Filipino values pose obstacles to your value formation? How do they block your value formation? Among the Filipino valuesutang-na loob can pose obstacles to value formation because the trait is mostly used to obtain power, wealth or to avoid imprisonment. A

family member may be appointed or promoted due to utang-na-loob, not personal qualifications. 3. What are the best methods for incorporating instructional materials into lessons? Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have because each student learns differently. Some students are kinesthetic learners, requiring a hands-on approach to learning. Some students learn visually, excelling when they can read or see photographs of the material. Other students learn best through listening, learning best when they can hear and talk through a problem. Furthermore, all students are talented in different ways. While one student may be creative, another student may be analytical. While one student may be mechanical, another student may excel at writing. Teaching requires differentiated and individualized instruction in order to reach all students. 4. How can the interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom be measured? Give some examples. The interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom can be measures through written work of the pupils/students, e.g. themes, assignments and homeroom. Also, recitation, questioning and discussions provide evidence of learners progress. In addition, test may be given to measure and evaluate the results of instruction. 5. What changes would you make in schools if you were asked to make them? Why? The curriculum because in order to give the quality education to pupils/students, it must undergo considerable planning since it is used to assist students/pupils in attaining selected and desired learning outcome to the best of their abilities. Hence, curriculum must be plan in a way that is abreast of information and of the prevailing culture. 6. Of the qualities of a professional which is most important? Why? Of the qualities of a professional, mastery of the subject matter is the most important because it is the first essential requisite of effective teaching. The teacher must have a thorough grasp of the subject he teaches. He must possess a wide range of knowledge and information of the subject. 7. Why is it very important to consider teacher as a professional and teaching as a profession? It is very important to consider teacher as professionals and teaching as a profession because it held great responsibility in the teaching-learning process. It would help maintain a high standard of personal and professional conduct. 8. How will the teacher exchange programs develop you as a global teacher? The teacher exchange programs develop one to be a global teacher by giving teachers the opportunity to live their personal and professional lives in another context,

in another setting, in another country, thus strengthening their skills in understanding diversity and multiculturalism. Also, by providing an opportunity for teachers to teach in other countries will extend their experiences and widen their horizon. Thus, it will broaden their understanding of one anothers cultures, customs and languages. 9. Explain values are caught not taught? I would like to explain what it means by values are caught and not taught based on Kohlberg theory. It is indeed that values are caught because children begin to perceive themselves as responsible to others because of the importance of getting along and of being a good citizen. They seek to act appropriately because people matter to them, not just to avoid punishment. Childrens developing psychological understanding heightens their sensitivity to human needs and contributes to empathy for others 10. What are the salient features of the k to 12 programs of the Philippines? In K to12 education system, all the students are given individual attention and hence they understand their subjects in a more practical way. The role of a teacher here is just to guide them in the right way and provide them with learning opportunities. What really happens is that, the individual discovers his own learning capacity and success depends on the thinking ability of the student. The students are encouraged to bring about their personal thoughts and visions. Students enrol themselves in different forums and educational clubs where they get to discuss many points for the same topic and get different views. The teachers here contribute so much as to turning every discussion into a positive note cooperating with the students. Furthermore, the K to 12 will provide every Filipino child access to early childhood education through Universal Kindergarten. At 5 years old, children start schooling and are given the means to slowly adjust to formal education. Research shows that children who underwent Kindergarten have better completion rates than those who did not. Children who complete a standards-based Kindergarten program are better prepared, for primary education. In Kindergarten, students learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors through games, songs, and dances, in their Mother Tongue. Aside from the Mother Tongue, English and Filipino are taught as subjects starting Grade 1, with a focus on oral fluency. In Grade 4, English and Filipino are used as the primary Medium of Instruction (MOI). After Grade 1, every student can read in his or her Mother Tongue. Learning in Mother Tongue also serves as the foundation for students to learn Filipino and English easily. Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose a career track based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. These subjects fall under either the Core Curriculum or specific Career Pathways.

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