Overview Six Sigma Phases

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Phases, Steps and Tools for Six Sigma

Phase Objective of the Phase Step Objective of the Step Subject or tool Customer identification Customer needs identification (customer surveys) Affinity Diagram Customer Needs Mapping Kano Quality Function Deployment Pareto CTQ-tree or CTQ flow down Correlation diagram Operationalisation SIPOC Identify which process is targeted for improvement and the scope of the project. Describe problem statement, target and benefits in a project charter. Process Map Business Case Project Charter Measurement system definition Sampling (representativeness) Sample Size (continuous data) 4) Define Measurement System Define a measurement system for the CTQ Sample Size (discrete data) and create a sufficient sample Acceptance sampling by attributes Acceptance sampling by variables Gauge R&R (crossed) Gauge R&R (nested) Attribute Gauge R&R 5) Validate measurement system Validate measurement system Type 1 Gauge Study Linearity & Bias Study Time & motion studies Kappa test (with and without known standard) Define and validate a measurement system for the CTQ. Collect CTQ data (accurate and precise). Calculate the current process capability and define statistical success. Control chart individuals (normal, box-cox); tests Run Chart Probability Plot (Normal, Weibull) Individual Distribution Identification Goodness of fit test for Poisson Chi square Goodness of fits test Capability Analysis (Normal) Capability Analysis (Weibull) Capability Analysis (other distributions) Capability Analysis Between / Within Binominal Cap An Poisson Cap An Objective of the subject / tool Start with an overview of all the customers Use different sources to identify the customers needs Affinity helps you to cluster the customer needs in logical groups Customer needs mapping creates a hierarchical structure in the customer needs Kano model classifies needs in different categories QFD links needs and process steps or departments Pareto helps you to prioritize different CTQ's and tells which CTQ you should work on A CTQ-tree shows how different CTQ's are related Use a correlation diagram to find out how strong External CTQ and Internal CTQ are correlated Make an Operational definition of the Internal CTQ SIPOC creates an overview of the process and the customers. Use SIPOC for scope definition (start and end of the process). Create a process map of the process in the way it really is. Identification of Quick Wins Calculate the benefits and costs of the project. Is the project profitable enough to work on. Write a project charter to give an overview of the project; problem, goals, benefits scope etc. Define exactly how the CTQ will be measured Create a sample that is representative for the population (strata, randomness, Calculate how many data points you need for an accurate Process Performance Analysis Calculate how many data points you need for an accurate Process Performance Analysis Create a sampling plan to make a decision whether to accept or reject an entire lot (batch) of product, based on the number of defects found in that sample Create a sampling plan to make a decision whether to accept or reject an entire lot (batch) of product, based on the number of defects found in that sample Validate measurement system for continuous data Validate measurement system for continuous data, destructive measurements Judge Bias & repeatability given a continuous measurement with a binary outcome label To estimate bias and repeatability (a sneak preview) To find out whether the measurement system measures with a small or large deviation (bias & linearity) To estimate the variance caused by the operate when replication is impossible Validate measurement system for discrete data Make a control chart to show 'the heartbeat' of the process. Distinguish between common cause and special cause variation. Is the process stable and statistically in control? Make a run chart to determine if the process show any pattern. If any, PCA is limited to short term. Use probability plots to determine whether a particular distribution fits your data. Many statistical tools use a probability distribution. These tools can only be used if the distribution is applicable Use Individual Distribution Identification to find out which probability Distribution best fits Use a Goodness of fit test for Poisson to determine if the data follow a Poisson distribution Use a Goodness of fit test for Poisson to determine if the data follow a multinomial distribution with certain proportions


Define who is the customer and what their needs are Translate the customer needs to quality characteristics (CTQs). Select the project CTQ. Describe the project (IntCTQ) in measurable definitions (operationalising). Identify which process or product is targeted for improvement. Develop a high-level process map for the key process steps (Scope). Calculate the Business Case and write a project charter.

1) What does the customer want?

Define the customers and their needs

2) Establish measurement definitions

Translate the project from the customers perspective to an internal improvement project and describe the Internal CTQ in measurable definitions

3) What is the project?


6) Actual Process Performance

Calculate actual process performance related to the customers specification limits

Calculate the current process capability. Use the type that is appropriate for your data. This is the starting point for improvement

7) Define Statistical Success

Should-be performance: how much should the process improve?

Calculation of the mean and standard deviation of the improved process

Calculate the mean and standard deviation which are needed to a defect rate that meets the target.

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Exploratory Data Analysis (Control- and Run Charts, Probability Plots, Scatter Use graphs to find as many potential influence factors (Xs) on Y (the output of our plots, Histogram, Box plots, Dot plots, Individual Value plot, Interval plots, process) as possible Pareto charts, Etc.) Main Effects Plot Use the main effects plot for comparing magnitudes of main effects. Interactions plots are useful for judging the presence of interaction between different Interactions Plots factors. Symmetry Plot Symmetry plots help you to determine if the data comes from a symmetric distribution. Multi Vari Charts are charts that show patterns of variation from several possible causes Multivari chart on a single chart, or set of charts Time Series Analysis 8) Identify causes of defects Identify all possible causes using explorative data analyses and expert knowledge Multivariate Analysis Exploratory Data Analysis Cause & Effect Diagram (Ishikawa) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Expert Knowledge (Brainstorm) 1 sample t-test 2 sample t-test Paired t-test Time series procedures can be used to analyze data collected over time, including simple forecasting and smoothing methods, correlation analysis methods, and ARIMA modelling. Multivariate Analysis can help you to 1) Analyze the data covariance structure to understand it or to reduce the data dimension, 2) Assign observations to groups and 3) Explore relationships among categorical variables. EDA methods are particularly useful for identifying extraordinary observations and noting violations of traditional assumptions, such as nonlinearity or nonconstant variance . Cause and Diagram can be used in a brainstorm with experts to collect possible influence factors (causes) Use FMEA to make an overview of potential Xs that can negatively impact process performance (Y). Always use the process knowledge of experts. Discuss the results from the explorative data analysis with an expert. Brainstorm with experts to find possible causes (X's). Use this test to assess the difference between the mean from a sample versus an historical mean from another population when s is unknown The means of two normally distributed samples are tested for differences against each other Use a paired t-test when pairs of data points are dependent or related. It tests if the differences of the pairs are significantly differ from 0. Use to perform hypothesis tests for equality, or homogeneity, of variance among two populations using an F-test and Levene's test. Many statistical procedures, including the two sample t-test procedures, assume that the two samples are from populations with equal variance. The 2 variances test procedure will test the validity of this assumption. You can use correlation to measure the degree of linear relationship (correlation coefficient) between two variables. You can calculate the covariance for all pairs of columns. Like the Pearson correlation coefficient, the covariance is a measure of the relationship between two variables. However, the covariance has not been standardized, as is done with the correlation coefficient Use variance test to perform hypothesis tests for equality or homogeneity of variance using Bartlett's and Levene's tests. An F Test replaces Bartlett's test when you have just two levels. Use regression to find out if a X variable (continuous) influences the outcome in Y. A pvalue tells you if the relationship is significant. Use binary logistic regression to perform logistic regression on a binary response variable. Anova is used to determine whether the means of samples are identical (Null-hypothesis) or differ due to a factor A two-way analysis of variance tests the equality of population means when classification of treatments is by two variables or factors . A graphical analogue to ANOVA that tests the equality of population means. The graph displays each factor level mean, the overall mean, and the decision limits. If a point falls outside the decision limits, then evidence exists that the factor level mean represented by that point is significantly different from the overall mean. A chi square (c2) statistic is used to investigate whether distributions of discrete variables differ from one another. An assumption for the one-sample Wilcoxon test and confidence interval is that the data are a random sample from a continuous , symmetric population. You can perform a 2-sample rank test (also called the Mann-Whitney test , or the twosample Wilcoxon rank sum test) of the equality of two population medians, and calculate the corresponding point estimate and confidence interval . You can perform a Kruskal-Wallis test of the equality of medians for two or more populations Mood's median test can be used to test the equality of medians from two or more populations and, like the Kruskal-Wallis Test, provides an nonparametric alternative to the one-way analysis of variance. Mood's median test is more robust for outliers. Use Runs Test to see if a data order is random. Runs Test is a nonparametric test because no assumption is made about population distribution parameters. Use this test when you want to determine if the order of responses above or below a specified value is random. A run is a set of consecutive observations that are all either less than or greater than a specified value.

2 variances Analyse

Correlation Covariance

Test for equal variances Single regression (1e 2e and 3e order) Binary Logistic regression One Way Anova (stacked & unstacked) Two way Anova

Analysis of Means

Chi Square test One sample Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Kruskal Wallis Moods Median

Runs Test

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Multiple regression General Regression (Minitab 16) General Linear Model


In the Improve phase you and your project team will: Determine the optimal settings in order to reach your performance goal Specify tolerances on the critical Xs to meet our CTQ performance goal Update the initial Business Case towards a final Business Case Define implementation plan and approach Write the implementation plan

Doe Full Factorial / Plackett Burmann (Design; Analysis; Optimise)

10) Determine vital causes

Determine Transfer Function between Y & Xs and identify optimal settings for these Xs Doe Response Surface (Design; Analysis; Optimise)

Doe Taguchi (Design; Analysis; Results)

Queuing theory

Use Multiple regression to determine a transfer function for a continuous Y and one or more continuous X's (linear) Use Multiple regression to determine a transfer function for a continuous Y and one or more continuous X's (non-linear) and one ore more categorical X's General linear model is a technique that enables you to create a model out of multiple Xs for their impact on Y (our internal CTQ). These Xs are continuous or categorical by nature. The Y must be continuous. These advanced Design of Experiments (DOE) capabilities help you improve your processes. You can screen the factors to determine which are important for explaining process variation. After you screen the factors, Minitab helps you understand how factors interact and drive your process. You can then find the factor settings that produce optimal process performance Response surface methods are used to examine the relationship between one or more response variables and a set of quantitative experimental variables or factors. These methods are often employed after you have identified a "vital few" controllable factors and you want to find the factor settings that optimize the response. Designs of this type are usually chosen when you suspect curvature in the response surface. Taguchi is a robust parameter design, which is an engineering method for product or process design that focuses on minimizing variation and/or sensitivity to noise. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines, or queues. The theory enables mathematical analysis of several related processes, including arriving at the (back of the) queue, waiting in the queue (essentially a storage process), and being served at the front of the queue. The theory permits the derivation and calculation of several performance measures including the average waiting time in the queue or the system, the expected number waiting or receiving service, and the probability of encountering the system in certain states, such as empty, full, having an available server or having to wait a certain time to be served If you need creativity to find a solution for the problem, brainstorming can help. Evaluating multiple options against each other, relative to a baseline option. Use buffering for model errors (residuals) to create a robust design Methods see step 5 Buffer for errors of the measurement systems of X's. Calculate control limits (LCL, UCL) for all X's See step 6 Capability Analysis Multiple Variables compares the capability of two datasets, for example before improvement and after improvement. See step 6

11) Define tolerance limits

12) Validate measurement system In the Control phase you and your project team will: Ensure your measurement system is adequate to measure the Vital Xs Implement all process changes and confirm that your improvement goal is achieved Implementations must be sustainable and the process will stay in control Ensure that you can detect when your process runs out of control of our Xs, so that you can undertake actions to prevent defects from occurring Calculate the final benefits after performing the PCA on the improved process

Eliminating disturbances: Expert Knowledge (analogy, anti-solution, brain Specify tolerances on the critical Xs to meet writing, etc.) our CTQ performance goal Eliminating disturbances: Selection of the best solution (pugh matrix) Robust design: tolerance design Methods see step 5 Validate measurement systems for X's Tolerance design: Buffering for variance of due to the measurement system After the implementation of all appropriate Capability analysis: see step 6 improvement actions we have to determine that we were successful. Statistically confirm Cap An Multiple Variables (normal & non-normal) that our improvement goal has been achieved! Control chart individuals (normal, box-cox); tests Control chart EWMA Control chart Cusum Control chart X Bar & R Control chart X Bar & S To control and anchor long term results. Control chart (all other charts) Finally we hand over the project with its Multivariate Control Charts results to the organisation, who owns this process Out of Control Action plan Poka Yoke Hand-over document Types of Data Mean Median Long term Standard Deviation Short term Standard Deviation Pooled Standard Deviation Other types of Standard Deviation Standard Error of the Mean Confidence intervals (mean, median) Modus Quartiles

13) Determine new process capability


Use the control chart that is most appropriate for your situation

14) Implement Process Controls

Make an action plan that comes into operation when there are signals shown on the Control Chart Determine which mistakes are most likely and define suitable mistake-proofing methods Describe everything that is needed for the process owner and the employees to run the process on the higher performance level (procedures, instructions) Continuous, discrete (binary, category, count) Average Middlemost value Overall standard deviation Average moving range Meant to pool standard deviation across groups Other types of Standard Deviation Standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size Interval within which the parameter of the population is (with a certain confidence level) Most frequent value in a set of data Q1 (First Quartile): 25% smaller, 75% larger, Q2 (Second Quartile): 50% smaller, 50% larger, Q3 (Third Quartile): 75% smaller, 25% larger Skewness is a measure for symmetry, Kurtosis is a measure of similarity to the normal distribution Probability density function (pdf), or density of a continuous random variable is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to occur at a given point --> the probability of a certain outcome The probability for the random variable to fall within a particular region is given by the integral of this variables density over the region. Probability distribution for continuous data which can be used to describe the data and calculate probabilities. For example: the probability of a defect Probability distribution for discrete data which can be used to describe the data and calculate probabilities. For example: the probability of a defect Translate the data with a certain function to make it more normal distribution-like

Basic Statistics

Basic Statistics

Basic Statistical knowledge for data-analyses

Skewness & Kurtosis Probability Density Function Cumulative Density Function Normal Probability Distribution Weibull Probability Distribution (2 and 3 parameter) Exponential distribution Binominal Probability Distribution Poisson Probability Distribution Box Cox Transformation & inverse functions Johnson Transformation & inverse functions

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