Objective & Introduction

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OBJECTIVE: Performing Georeferencing Operations In ArcGIS 9.3 Using a Topographical Map.


In this assignment I have used ArcGIS ArcMap! 9.3 for transforming image data to some geographic control frame"or#. Using ArcGIS ArcMap! 9.3 "e can georeference a set of points$ lines$ pol%gons$ images$ or 3& structures. To georeference an image$ "e first need to esta'lish control points$ input the #no"n geographic coordinates of these control points$ choose the coordinate s%stem and other pro(ection parameters and then minimi)e residuals. *esiduals are the difference 'et"een the actual coordinates of the control points and the coordinates predicted '% the geographic model created using the control points. The% provide a method of determining the level of accurac% of the georeferencing process.


Hardware Specification: +PU, *AM, 1ard &is#, &ispla% &evice, Input &evices, Pentium +lass Processor Pentium I-.&ual +ore.+ore i 3! / G0 or A'ove. /23 G0 or A'ove +*T.T4T.5+& Monitors 6e%'oard$ Mouse

Software Specification: Operating S%stem, 7indo"s 8P.9.-ista Tool, ArcGIS ArcMap! version 9.3


O'(ective : Introduction

&ata Used 1ard"are : Soft"are Specification Methodolog% A'out Georeferencing

;eed 4or Georeferencing


Scanned toposheet of Surve% of India Topological Map to 'e Georeferenced in ArcGIS 9.3.

To georeference something means to define its e<istence in ph%sical space. That is$ esta'lishing its location in terms of map pro(ections or coordinate s%stems. The term is used 'oth "hen esta'lishing the relation 'et"een raster or vector images and coordinates 'ut also "hen determining the spatial location of other geographical features. =<amples "ould include esta'lishing the correct position of an aerial photograph "ithin a map or finding the geographical coordinates of a place name or street address. This procedure is thus imperative to data modeling in the field of geographic information s%stems GIS! and other cartographic methods. 7hen data from different sources need to 'e com'ined and then used in a GIS application$ it 'ecomes essential to have a common referencing s%stem. This is 'rought a'out '% using various georeferencing techni>ues. Most georeferencing tas#s are underta#en either 'ecause the user "ants to produce a ne" map or 'ecause the% "ant to lin# t"o or more different datasets together '% virtue of the fact that the% relate to the same geographic locations. Georeferencing is the process of converting a image in file coordinates or page coordinates to a file in map coordinates in a specific map pro(ect$ coordinate s%stem$ map pro(ection and datum. 4or

e<ample$ a scanned map can have an origin point and a raster association "here each point on the map is identifia'le '% it?s file coordinates e.g. @3.9A$ BA.9A!. The tas# then is to convert these file coordinates to map coordinates. There are a couple t%pes of products that t%picall% need georeferencing. Satellite images can 'e 'ought ?unprocessed?$ in "hich the user is responsi'le for georeferencing to #no"n coordinates. A satellite image is simpl% a raster dataset "ith file coordinates ro"s.columns! that need to 'e converted to map coordinates.


Georeferencing is crucial to ma#ing aerial and satellite imager%$ usuall% raster images$ useful for mapping as it e<plains ho" other data$ such as the a'ove GPS points$ relate to the imager%.

-er% essential information ma% 'e contained in data or images that "ere produced at a different point of time. It ma% 'e desired either to com'ine or compare this data "ith that currentl% availa'le. The latter can 'e used to anal%)e the changes in the features under stud% over a period of time.

&ifferent maps ma% use different pro(ection s%stems. Georeferencing tools contain methods to com'ine and overla% these maps "ith minimum distortion.

Using georeferencing methods$ data o'tained from surve%ing tools li#e total stations ma% 'e given a point of reference from topographic maps alread% availa'le.

It ma% 'e re>uired to esta'lish the relationship 'et"een social surve% results "hich have 'een coded "ith postal codes or street addresses and other geographic areas such as census )ones or other areas used in pu'lic administration or service planning.

Steps to Georeference a Topo rap!ic "ap: /. Preparing a te<t file in ;otepad '% giving long.lat values cloc#"ise! in && as follo"s, 8$C @B.9A$BA.9A @3.33$BA.9A @3.33$BA.A @B.9A$BA.A Saving the a'ove file "ith name in folder as G+P.t<t. B. Open ArcMap to a ne" empt% map. 4rom the ArcMap D Main menu 0ar! goto Tools Add <$% data Add <$% data "indo"s opens. Then Open the G+P.t<t file. In the same "indo" got edit Spetial reference properties dialog 'o< appearsInput values as in te<t 'o< New: ;GPS$ #at$%: =verest Modified. +hec#ing the inverse flatteningAn $&ar $nit: degree$ 'ri%e "eridian: Green"ich$ then clic# on the

finishAppl%O6O6. ;o" "e can see four ground control points G+P! on the screen. 3. Going to Ta'le of contents1ighlight 5a%er *ight clic# onProperties +oordinate S%stem Pro(ected +oordinates s%stem$ then "rite values into the dialog 'o< as Na%e: ;P+S$ 'ro(ected: Pol%conic$ Centra& "eridian: @B.33$ Ori in of Latit$de: B3.33$ selecting Asia=verest Modified Add '% 'ro"sing from the given list. +lic# on 4inish Appl%O6. E. Going to Ta'le of contentSelect G+P.t<t file*ight +lic# on&ata=<port &ata+lic# on radio 'utton chec# data frames Given file name, G+PSaveO6G+P.shp file is created. A. Use the Add data 'utton for adding a scanned toposheet to 'e Georeferenced in ArcMap*emove G+P.t<t file from ta'le of contents Add G+P.shp file in the ta'le of

contents. Select scanned toposheet la%er named FuestionG/. *ight clic# on Hoom to la%erImage of toposheet appearsGeoreferencingPic#ing up Add control points and add control point to the top left corner and come to the ta'le of content "ith the same cursor *ight clic# on G+P.shp fileHoom to la%er+lic# on the points of G+P.shp file. *epeat this steps untill all the coordinates are completed. Goto Georeferencing *ectif%Save file as 0AI&CA;AT1.

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