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Maxima and minima

mc-TY-maxmin-2009-1 In this unit we show how dierentiation can be used to nd the maximum and minimum values of a function. Because the derivative provides information about the gradient or slope of the graph of a function we can use it to locate points on a graph where the gradient is zero. We shall see that such points are often associated with the largest or smallest values of the function, at least in their immediate locality. In many applications, a scientist, engineer, or economist for example, will be interested in such points for obvious reasons such as maximising power, or prot, or minimising losses or costs. In order to master the techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake plenty of practice exercises so that they become second nature. After reading this text, and/or viewing the video tutorial on this topic, you should be able to: use dierentiation to locate points where the gradient of a graph is zero locate stationary points of a function distinguish between maximum and minimum turning points using the second derivative test distinguish between maximum and minimum turning points using the rst derivative test

1. Introduction 2. Stationary points 3. Turning points 4. Distinguishing maximum points from minimum points 5. Using the rst derivative to distinguish maxima from minima 2 2 3 3 7

c mathcentre 2009

1. Introduction
In this unit we show how dierentiation can be used to nd the maximum and minimum values of a function. Because the derivative provides information about the gradient or slope of the graph of a function we can use it to locate points on a graph where the gradient is zero. We shall see that such points are often associated with the largest or smallest values of the function, at least in their immediate locality. In many applications, a scientist, engineer, or economist for example, will be interested in such points for obvious reasons such as maximising power, or prot, or minimising losses or costs.

2. Stationary points
When using mathematics to model the physical world in which we live, we frequently express physical quantities in terms of variables. Then, functions are used to describe the ways in which these variables change. A scientist or engineer will be interested in the ups and downs of a function, its maximum and minimum values, its turning points. Drawing a graph of a function using a graphical calculator or computer graph plotting package will reveal this behaviour, but if we want to know the precise location of such points we need to turn to algebra and dierential calculus. In this section we look at how we can nd maximum and minimum points in this way. Consider the graph of the function, y (x), shown in Figure 1. If, at the points marked A, B and C, we draw tangents to the graph, note that these are parallel to the x axis. They are horizontal. This means that at each of the points A, B and C the gradient of the graph is zero.
A local maximum

local minimum B

Figure 1. The gradient of this graph is zero at each of the points A, B and C. dy dy Consequently, = 0 at points A, B and We know that the gradient of a graph is given by dx dx C. All of these points are known as stationary points.

Key Point
Any point at which the tangent to the graph is horizontal is called a stationary point. dy We can locate stationary points by looking for points at which = 0. dx

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3. Turning points
Refer again to Figure 1. Notice that at points A and B the curve actually turns. These two stationary points are referred to as turning points. Point C is not a turning point because, although the graph is at for a short time, the curve continues to go down as we look from left to right. So, all turning points are stationary points. But not all stationary points are turning points (e.g. point C). dy = 0 which are not turning points. In other words, there are points for which dx

Key Point
At a turning point dy = 0. dx dy = 0 are turning points, i.e. not all stationary points are turning points. Not all points where dx

Point A in Figure 1 is called a local maximum because in its immediate area it is the highest point, and so represents the greatest or maximum value of the function. Point B in Figure 1 is called a local minimum because in its immediate area it is the lowest point, and so represents the least, or minimum, value of the function. Loosely speaking, we refer to a local maximum as simply a maximum. Similarly, a local minimum is often just called a minimum.

4. Distinguishing maximum points from minimum points

Think about what happens to the gradient of the graph as we travel through the minimum turning point, from left to right, that is as x increases. Study Figure 2 to help you do this.

dy dx

is negative

dy dx

is positive

dy dx

is zero

Figure 2.

dy goes from negative through zero to positive as x increases. dx 3 c mathcentre 2009

dy Notice that to the left of the minimum point, is negative because the tangent has negative dx dy dy = 0. To the right of the minimum point is positive, gradient. At the minimum point, dx dx dy goes from negative, to zero, to positive because here the tangent has a positive gradient. So, dx dy as x increases. In other words, must be increasing as x increases. dx In fact, we can use this observation, once we have found a stationary point, to check if the point dy is increasing near the stationary point then that point must be minimum. is a minimum. If dx dy dy Now, if the derivative of is positive then we will know that is increasing; so we will know dx dx dy , called the second derivative, that the stationary point is a minimum. Now the derivative of dx d2 y d2 y . We conclude that if is positive at a stationary point, then that point must is written dx2 dx2 be a minimum turning point.

Key Point
if dy d2 y = 0 at a point, and if > 0 there, then that point must be a minimum. dx dx2

It is important to realise that this test for a minimum is not conclusive. It is possible for a d2 y stationary point to be a minimum even if equals 0, although we cannot be certain: other dx2 d2 y is negative. ) types of behaviour are possible. ( However, we cannot have a minimum if dx2 To see this consider the example of the function y = x4 . A graph of this function is shown in dy Figure 3. There is clearly a minimum point when x = 0. But = 4x3 and this is clearly zero dx d2 y = 12x2 which is also zero when x = 0. when x = 0. Dierentiating again dx2

Figure 3. The function y = x4 has a minimum at the origin where x = 0, but d2 y = 0 and so is not greater than 0. dx2 4 c mathcentre 2009

Now think about what happens to the gradient of the graph as we travel through the maximum turning point, from left to right, that is as x increases. Study Figure 4 to help you do this.
dy dx is zero

dy dx

is positive

dy dx

is negative

dy goes from positive through zero to negative as x increases. dx dy Notice that to the left of the maximum point, is positive because the tangent has positive dx dy dy = 0. To the right of the maximum point is negative, gradient. At the maximum point, dx dx dy goes from positive, to zero, to negative because here the tangent has a negative gradient. So, dx as x increases. Figure 4. dy In fact, we can use this observation to check if a stationary point is a maximum. If is dx decreasing near a stationary point then that point must be maximum. Now, if the derivative of dy dy is negative then we will know that is decreasing; so we will know that the stationary point dx dx dy d2 y is a maximum. As before, the derivative of , the second derivative is 2 . We conclude that dx dx d2 y is negative at a stationary point, then that point must be a maximum turning point. if dx2

Key Point
dy d2 y if = 0 at a point, and if < 0 there, then that point must be a maximum. dx dx2

It is important to realise that this test for a maximum is not conclusive. It is possible for a d2 y stationary point to be a maximum even if = 0, although we cannot be certain: other types dx2 d2 y > 0, because, as we have of behaviour are possible. But we cannot have a maximum if dx2 already seen the point would be a minimum. 5 c mathcentre 2009

Key Point
The second derivative test: summary We can locate the position of stationary points by looking for points where dy = 0. dx As we have seen, it is possible that some such points will not be turning points. d2 y at each point we nd. We can calculate dx2 d2 y If is positive then the stationary point is a minimum turning point. dx2 d2 y is negative, then the point is a maximum turning point. If dx2

d2 y = 0 it is possible that we have a maximum, or a minimum, or indeed other sorts of dx2 d2 y = 0 this second derivative test does not give us useful information and we behaviour. So if dx2 must seek an alternative method (see Section 5). If

Example Suppose we wish to nd the turning points of the function y = x3 3x + 2 and distinguish between them. We need to nd where the turning points are, and whether we have maximum or minimum points. dy equal to zero. This will enable us to look First of all we carry out the dierentiation and set dx for any stationary points, including any turning points. y = x3 3x + 2 dy = 3x2 3 dx At stationary points, dy = 0 and so dx ( factorising) ( factorising the dierence of two squares)

3x2 3 = 0 3(x2 1) = 0 3(x 1)(x + 1) = 0

It follows that either x 1 = 0 or x + 1 = 0 and so either x = 1 or x = 1. dy We have found the x coordinates of the points on the graph where = 0, that is the stationary dx points. We need the y coordinates which are found by substituting the x values in the original function y = x3 3x + 2. when x = 1: when x = 1: y = 13 3(1) + 2 = 0. y = (1)3 3(1) + 2 = 4. 6 c mathcentre 2009

To summarise, we have located two stationary points and these occur at (1, 0) and (1, 4). Next we need to determine whether we have maximum or minimum points, or possibly points such as C in Figure 1 which are neither maxima nor minima. dy = 3x2 3. Dierentiating this we can nd the second We have seen that the rst derivative dx derivative: d2 y = 6x dx2 We now take each point in turn and use our test. d2 y when x = 1: = 6x = 6(1) = 6. We are not really interested in this value. What is dx2 important is its sign. Because it is positive we know we are dealing with a minimum point. d2 y when x = 1: = 6x = 6(1) = 6. Again, what is important is its sign. Because it is dx2 negative we have a maximum point. Finally, to nish this o we produce a quick sketch of the function now that we know the precise locations of its two turning points (See Figure 5).

y = x 3 3x + 2

(1, 4)
5 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3

(1, 0)

Figure 5. Graph of y = x3 3x + 2 showing the turning points

5. An example which uses the rst derivative to distinguish maxima and minima
Example (x 1)2 and distinguish between Suppose we wish to nd the turning points of the function y = x them. dy First of all we need to nd . dx In this case we need to apply the quotient rule for dierentiation. x 2(x 1) (x 1)2 1 dy = dx x2 7 c mathcentre 2009

This does look complicated. Dont rush to multiply it all out if you can avoid it. Instead, look for common factors, and tidy up the expression. dy x 2(x 1) (x 1)2 1 = dx x2 (x 1)(2x (x 1)) = x2 (x 1)(x + 1) = x2 We now set dy equal to zero in order to locate the stationary points including any turning points. dx (x 1)(x + 1) =0 x2 When equating a fraction to zero, it is the top line, the numerator, which must equal zero. Therefore (x 1)(x + 1) = 0 from which x 1 = 0 or x + 1 = 0, and from these equations we nd that x = 1 or x = 1. (x 1)2 The y co-ordinates of the stationary points are found from y = . x y = 0. when x = 1: (2)2 = 4. when x = 1: y= 1 We conclude that stationary points occur at (1, 0) and (1, 4). We now have to decide whether these are maximum points or minimum points. We could cald2 y culate and use the second derivative test as in the previous example. This would involve dx2 (x 1)(x + 1) which is possible but perhaps rather fearsome! Is there an alterdierentiating x2 dy changes as we move through the native way ? The answer is yes. We can look at how dx d2 y stationary point. In essence, we can nd out what happens to without actually calculating dx2 it. First consider the point at x = 1. We look at what is happening a little bit before the point where x = 1, and a little bit afterwards. Often we express the idea of a little bit before and a little bit afterwards in the following way. We can write 1 to represent a little bit less than 1, and 1 + to represent a little bit more. The symbol is the Greek letter epsilon. It represents a small positive quantity, say 0.1. Then 1 would be 1.1, just a little less than 1. Similarly 1 + would be 0.9, just a little more than 1. dy We now have a look at ; not its value, but its sign. dx dy is positive. When x = 1 , say 1.1, dx dy =0. When x = 1 we already know that dx 8 c mathcentre 2009

dy is negative. dx We can summarise this information as shown in Figure 6. When x = 1 + , say 0.9, x = 1 x = 1 dy dx shape of graph sign of +

x = 1 +

Figure 6. Behaviour of the graph near the point (1, 4) Figure 6 shows us that the stationary point at (1, 4) is a maximum turning point. Then we dy turn to the point (1, 0). We carry out a similar analysis, looking at the sign of at x = 1 , dx x = 1, and x = 1 + . The results are summarised in Figure 7. x= 1 x= 1 x =1+ sign of dy dx shape of graph

Figure 7. Behaviour of the graph near the point (1, 0) We see that the point is a minimum. d2 y is zero in which case the dx2 (x 1)2 is shown second derivative test does not work. Finally, for completeness a graph of y = x in Figure 8 where you can see the maximum and minimum points. This, so-called rst derivative test, is also the way to do it if
y y= (1, 0)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 x

(x 1)2 x

( 1,4)

Figure 8. A graph of y = Exercises

(x 1)2 showing the turning points x

Locate the position and nature of any turning points of the following functions. x2 2x, 1. y = 1 2 5. y = x4 + 2, 2. y = x2 + 4x + 1, 6. y = 7 2x4 , 3. y = 12x 2x2 , (x + 1)2 . x1 9 c mathcentre 2009 4. y = 3x2 + 3x + 1, 8. y = 4x3 6x2 72x + 1, 7. y = 2x3 9x2 + 12x, 10. y =

9. y = 4x3 + 30x2 48x 1,

Answers 1. Minimum at (2, 2),

1 7 4. Maximum at ( 2 , 4 ),

2. Minimum at (2, 3), 5. Minimum at (0, 2),

3. Maximum at (3, 54),

6. Maximum at (0, 7), 10. Maximum at (1, 0), minimum at (3, 8).

7. Maximum at (1, 5), minimum at (2, 4), 9. Maximum at (4, 31), minimum at (1, 23),

8. Maximum at (2, 89), minimum at (3, 161),


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