3 - Surat Ali Imran

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Surat 'li `Imrn (Family of Imran) - !

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Muhsin Khan : Alif-Lam-Mim. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings . Sahih International : Alif! Lam! Meem.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Alif L"m M#m: $od knows best what %e means b& these [letters .

Indonesian : Alif laam miim.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah' La ilaha illa %uwa (none has the right to be worshi((ed but %e)! the )*er Li*ing! the +ne ,ho sustains and (rotects all that e-ists. Sahih International : Allah - there is no deit& e-ce(t %im! the )*er-Li*ing! the .ustainer of e-istence.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $od' There is no god e-ce(t %im! the Li*ing! the )ternal.

Indonesian : Allah! tidak ada Tuhan (&ang berhak disembah) melainkan /ia. 0ang hidu( kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus makhluk-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : 2t is %e ,ho has sent down the 3ook (the Quran) to &ou (Muhammad .A,) with truth! confirming what came before it. And he sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the 2n4eel ($os(el). Sahih International : %e has sent down u(on &ou! [+ Muhammad ! the 3ook in truth! confirming what was before it. And %e re*ealed the Torah and the $os(el.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: %e has re*ealed to &ou! + Muhammad (s)! the 3ook! the Qur5"n! en*elo(ed! b& the truth! with *eracit&! in what it announces! confirming what was before it! of 3ooks6 and %e re*ealed the Torah and the $os(el

Indonesian : /ia menurunkan Al 7itab (Al Quran) ke(adamu dengan sebenarn&a6 membenarkan kitab &ang telah diturunkan sebelumn&a dan menurunkan Taurat dan 2n4il!

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Muhsin Khan : Aforetime! as a guidance to mankind! And %e sent down the criterion [of 4udgement between right and wrong (this Quran) . Trul&! those who disbelie*e in the A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.) of Allah! for them there is a se*ere torment6 and Allah is All-Might&! All-Able of 8etribution. Sahih International : 3efore! as guidance for the (eo(le. And %e re*ealed the Qur9an. 2ndeed! those who disbelie*e in the *erses of Allah will ha*e a se*ere (unishment! and Allah is e-alted in Might! the +wner of 8etribution.
Tafsir Jalalayn : before! that is to sa&! before re*ealing it [the Qur5"n ! as guidance (hudan! a circumstantial :ualifier meaning! h"di&#n! ;guides from error5) to (eo(le! to those who followed these two [3ooks (%e uses the word an<ala for the re*elation of these two! and na<<ala for that of the Qur5"n! for the latter entails re(etition! whereas the two 3ooks were re*ealed in one instance)6 and %e re*ealed the =riterion (al-fur:"n)! meaning the .cri(tures that discriminate between truth and falsehood. %e mentions this [=riterion after %e has mentioned the three .cri(tures so that it encom(asses all [re*ealed .cri(tures besides these. As for those who disbelie*e in $od5s signs! the Qur5"n or an& other [re*elation ! for them awaits a terrible chastisement6 $od is Might&! *ictorious in %is affair! so that nothing can (re*ent %im from effecting %is (romise and %is threat6 Lord of 8etribution! with a se*ere (unishment for those that disobe&ed %im! the like of which none can do.

Indonesian : sebelum (Al Quran)! men4adi (etun4uk bagi manusia! dan /ia menurunkan Al >ur:aan. .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang kafir terhada( a&at-a&at Allah akan mem(eroleh siksa &ang berat6 dan Allah Maha ?erkasa lagi mem(un&ai balasan (siksa).

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Muhsin Khan : Trul&! nothing is hidden from Allah! in the earth or in the hea*ens. Sahih International

: 2ndeed! from Allah nothing is hidden in the earth nor in the hea*en.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 1othing! no e-istent thing! whate*er is hidden in hea*en and earth from $od! on account of %is knowledge of uni*ersals and (articulars. $od s(ecifies them [hea*en and earth because sensor& (erce(tion does not go be&ond these.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a bagi Allah tidak ada satu(un &ang tersembun&i di bumi dan tidak ((ula) di langit.

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Muhsin Khan : %e it is ,ho sha(es &ou in the wombs as %e (leases. La ilaha illa %uwa (none has the right to be worshi((ed but %e)! the All-Might&! the All-,ise. Sahih International : 2t is %e who forms &ou in the wombs howe*er %e wills. There is no deit& e-ce(t %im! the )-alted in Might! the ,ise.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e it is ,ho forms &ou in the wombs as %e will! as males or females! white! black or otherwise. There is no god e-ce(t %im! the Might&! in %is 7ingdom! the ,ise! in %is actions.

Indonesian : /ialah &ang membentuk kamu dalam rahim sebagaimana dikehendaki-1&a. Tak ada Tuhan (&ang berhak disembah) melainkan /ia! 0ang Maha ?erkasa lagi Maha 3i4aksana.

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Muhsin Khan : 2t is %e ,ho has sent down to &ou (Muhammad .A,) the 3ook (this Quran). 2n it are @erses that are entirel& clear! the& are the foundations of the 3ook [and those are the @erses of Al-Ahkam (commandments! etc.)! Al->ara9id (obligator& duties) and Al%udud (legal laws for the (unishment of thie*es! adulterers! etc.) 6 and others not entirel& clear. .o as for those in whose hearts there is a de*iation (from the truth) the&

follow that which is not entirel& clear thereof! seeking Al->itnah ((ol&theism and trials! etc.)! and seeking for its hidden meanings! but none knows its hidden meanings sa*e Allah. And those who are firml& grounded in knowledge sa&: A,e belie*e in it6 the whole of it (clear and unclear @erses) are from our Lord.A And none recei*e admonition e-ce(t men of understanding. (Tafsir At-Tabari). Sahih International : 2t is %e who has sent down to &ou! [+ Muhammad ! the 3ook6 in it are *erses [that are (recise - the& are the foundation of the 3ook - and others uns(ecific. As for those in whose hearts is de*iation [from truth ! the& will follow that of it which is uns(ecific! seeking discord and seeking an inter(retation [suitable to them . And no one knows its [true inter(retation e-ce(t Allah . 3ut those firm in knowledge sa&! A,e belie*e in it. All [of it is from our Lord.A And no one will be reminded e-ce(t those of understanding.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e it is ,ho re*ealed to &ou the 3ook! wherein are *erses [that are clear! lucid in (roof! forming the Mother 3ook! the original basis for rulings! and others allegorical! whose meanings are not known! such as the o(ening *erses of some sBras. %e [$od refers to the whole [Qur5"n as: C) ;clear5 [muhkam where %e sa&s [A 3ook whose *erses ha*e been made clear [Q. CC:C ! meaning that it contains no im(erfections6 and as D) ;allegorical5 [mutash"bih ! where %e sa&s A 3ook consimilar [Q. EF:DE ! meaning that its (arts resemble each other in terms of beaut& and *eracit&. As for those in whose hearts is de*iation! inclination awa& from truth! the& follow the allegorical (art! desiring sedition! among the ignorant of them! throwing them into s(ecious arguments and confusion! and desiring its inter(retation! its e-(lanation! and none knows its inter(retation! its e-(lanation! sa*e $od! %im alone. And those firml& rooted! established and ca(able! in knowledge (al-r"sikhBna f#5l-;ilm is the sub4ect! the (redicate of which is [what follows ) sa&! ;,e belie*e in it! the allegorical (art! that it is from $od! and we do not know its meaning6 all! of the clear and the allegorical! is from our Lord56 &et none remembers (&adhdhakkar! the initial t"5 [of &atadhakkar has been assimilated with the dh"l)! that is! none is admonished! but (eo(le of (ith! (ossessors of intellect! who! when the& see those following that [allegorical (art onl& ! also sa&:

Indonesian : /ialah &ang menurunkan Al 7itab (Al Quran) ke(ada kamu. /i antara (isi)n&a ada a&at-a&at &ang muhkamaat! itulah (okok-(okok isi Al :ur9an dan &ang lain (a&at-a&at) mutas&aabihaat. Ada(un orang-orang &ang dalam hatin&a condong ke(ada kesesatan! maka mereka mengikuti sebahagian a&at-a&at &ang mutas&aabihaat dari(adan&a untuk menimbulkan fitnah untuk mencari-cari ta9wiln&a! (adahal tidak ada &ang mengetahui ta9wiln&a melainkan Allah. /an orang-orang &ang mendalam ilmun&a berkata: A7ami beriman ke(ada a&at-a&at &ang mutas&aabihaat! semuan&a itu dari sisi Tuhan kamiA. /an tidak da(at mengambil (ela4aran (dari(adan&a) melainkan orang-orang &ang berakal.

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Muhsin Khan

: (The& sa&): A+ur Lord' Let not our hearts de*iate (from the truth) after 0ou ha*e guided us! and grant us merc& from 0ou. Trul&! 0ou are the 3estower.A Sahih International : [,ho sa& ! A+ur Lord! let not our hearts de*iate after 0ou ha*e guided us and grant us from 0ourself merc&. 2ndeed! 0ou are the 3estower.
Tafsir Jalalayn : +ur Lord! do not cause our hearts to de*iate! do not cause them to incline awa& from the truth! in [their desire to inter(ret it! such as is ina((ro(riate for us G as 0ou caused the hearts of those [others to de*iate G after 0ou ha*e guided us! [after 0ou ha*e shown us the wa& to it6 and gi*e us merc& from 0ou! as a strengthening6 0ou are the 3estower.

Indonesian : (Mereka berdoa): A0a Tuhan kami! 4anganlah )ngkau 4adikan hati kami condong ke(ada kesesatan sesudah )ngkau beri (etun4uk ke(ada kami! dan karuniakanlah ke(ada kami rahmat dari sisi )ngkau6 karena sesungguhn&a )ngkau-lah Maha ?emberi (karunia)A.

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Muhsin Khan : +ur Lord' @eril&! it is 0ou ,ho will gather mankind together on the /a& about which there is no doubt. @eril&! Allah ne*er breaks %is ?romiseA. Sahih International : +ur Lord! surel& 0ou will gather the (eo(le for a /a& about which there is no doubt. 2ndeed! Allah does not fail in %is (romise.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : +ur Lord! 0ou shall gather mankind for a da&! that is! on a da&! of which there is no doubt! no uncertaint&! that is! the /a& of 8esurrection! when 0ou will re:uite them for their deeds as 0ou had (romised6 *eril& $od will not fail the tr&st! %is (romise of the H(raising: there is a shift of address here from the second [to the third (erson and these [last words could constitute $od5s s(eech. The (ur(ose of their su((lication in this wa& is to show that their concern is with the matter of the %ereafter! and for this reason the& ask [$od for adherence to the (ath of guidance! in order to attain its reward. The two .ha&khs [3ukh"r# and Muslim re(orted that ;I5isha! ma& $od be (leased with her! said! ;The Messenger of $od (s) recited this *erse: 2t is %e ,ho re*ealed to &ou the 3ook! wherein are *erses clear [to the end of the *erse! and said! J,hen &ou see those (ursuing the allegorical (arts! [know that these are the ones $od refers to [in this *erse ! so beware of themK 5. Al-Tabar"n# re(orted in his al-7ab#r that AbB MBs" al-Ash;ar# heard the ?ro(het (s) sa&! ;2 fear nothing for m& communit& e-ce(t three faults5! and he mentioned that one of these would be when the 3ook is o(ened in front of them! and the belie*er will desire to inter(ret it! and &et none knows its inter(retation! sa*e $od6 and those firml& rooted in knowledge sa&! ;,e belie*e in it! all is from our Lord6 &et none remembers but (eo(le of (ith5 [Q. E:L [end of the had#th.

Indonesian : A0a Tuhan kami! sesungguhn&a )ngkau mengum(ulkan manusia untuk (menerima (embalasan (ada) hari &ang tak ada keraguan (adan&aA. .esungguhn&a Allah tidak men&alahi 4an4i.


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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! those who disbelie*e! neither their (ro(erties nor their offs(ring will a*ail them whatsoe*er against Allah6 and it is the& who will be fuel of the >ire. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who disbelie*e - ne*er will their wealth or their children a*ail them against Allah at all. And it is the& who are fuel for the >ire.
Tafsir Jalalayn : As for the disbelie*ers! neither their riches nor their children will a*ail! will (rotect! them against $od! that is! [against %is chastisement6 those G the& shall be fuel for the >ire! [the& shall constitute what the >ire will be fuelled b& (read wa:Bd [as o((osed to wu:Bd ! ;fuel5).

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang kafir! harta benda dan anak-anak mereka! sedikit(un tidak da(at menolak (siksa) Allah dari mereka. /an mereka itu adalah bahan bakar a(i neraka!

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Muhsin Khan : Like the beha*iour of the (eo(le of >ir9aun (?haraoh) and those before them6 the& belied +ur A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.)! so Allah sei<ed (destro&ed) them for their sins. And Allah is .e*ere in (unishment. Sahih International : [Theirs is like the custom of the (eo(le of ?haraoh and those before them. The& denied +ur signs! so Allah sei<ed them for their sins. And Allah is se*ere in (enalt&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Their wa& is! as the wa&! as the habit! of ?haraoh5s folk! and the! communities of (eo(le before them! such as ;Id and ThamBd! who denied +ur signs6 $od sei<ed them! %e destro&ed them! for their sins (this statement e-(lains the (re*ious one)6 $od is se*ere in retribution.

Indonesian : (keadaan mereka) adalah sebagai keadaan kaum >ir9aun dan orang-orang &ang sebelumn&a6 mereka mendustakan a&at-a&at 7ami6 karena itu Allah men&iksa mereka disebabkan dosa-dosa mereka. /an Allah sangat keras siksa-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,) to those who disbelie*e: A0ou will be defeated and gathered together to %ell! and worst indeed is that (lace to rest.A Sahih International : .a& to those who disbelie*e! A0ou will be o*ercome and gathered together to %ell! and wretched is the resting (lace.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the ?ro(het (s) en4oined the Mews to enter into 2slam! after his return from 3adr! the& said! ;/o not fool &ourself 4ust because &ou killed a few men of Qura&sh! ine-(erienced and knowing nothing about fighting5! whereu(on the following was re*ealed: .a&! + Muhammad (s)! to the disbelie*ers! from among the Mews! ;0ou shall be *an:uished (sa-tughlabBn! or [read sa-&ughlabBn! ;the& shall be *an:uished5)! in this world! through being killed or taken ca(ti*e and made to (a& the 4i<&a (which actuall& took (lace)! and mustered! ([read in both wa&s [wa-tuhsharBna! ;&ou will be mustered5! or wa-&uhsharBna! ;the& will be mustered5 )! in the %ereafter! to %ell! which &ou shall enter G an e*il cradling'5! [an e*il resting (lace.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah ke(ada orang-orang &ang kafir: A7amu (asti akan dikalahkan (di dunia ini) dan akan digiring ke dalam neraka Mahannam. /an itulah tem(at &ang seburukburukn&aA.

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Muhsin Khan : There has alread& been a sign for &ou (+ Mews) in the two armies that met (in combat i.e. the battle of 3adr): +ne was fighting in the =ause of Allah! and as for the other (the&) were disbelie*ers. The& (the belie*ers) saw them (the disbelie*ers) with their own e&es twice their number (although the& were thrice their number). And Allah su((orts with %is @ictor& whom %e (leases. @eril&! in this is a lesson for those who understand. (.ee @erse N:OO). (Tafsir At-Tabari) Sahih International : Alread& there has been for &ou a sign in the two armies which met - one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelie*ers. The& saw them [to be twice their [own number b& [their e&esight. 3ut Allah su((orts with %is *ictor& whom %e wills. 2ndeed in that is a lesson for those of *ision.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: There has alread& been a sign! an e-am(le (the *erb :ad k"na! ;there has been5! is used to se(arate [the statement to follow from the (re*ious one )! for &ou in two hosts! two (arties! that met! one another in battle! on the da& of 3adr6 one com(an& fighting in the wa& of $od! in obedience to %im! namel&! the ?ro(het and his =om(anions! who numbered three hundred and thirteen men! most of them on foot! with two horses! si- (lates of armour and eight swords6 and another unbelie*ing6 the&! the disbelie*ers! numbering almost a thousand! saw them! the Muslims! twice the like of them! that is! more numerous than themsel*es! as the e&e sees! in manifest *ision! witnessing6 and $od granted them *ictor& des(ite their fewer number6 for $od confirms! %e strengthens! with %is hel( whom %e will! granting him *ictor&. .urel& in that! which is mentioned! is a lesson for (eo(le of *ision! those who are discerning: so will &ou not be warned b& this and become belie*ersP

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a telah ada tanda bagi kamu (ada dua golongan &ang telah bertemu (bertem(ur). .egolongan ber(erang di 4alan Allah dan (segolongan) &ang lain kafir &ang dengan mata ke(ala melihat (seakan-akan) orang-orang muslimin dua kali 4umlah mereka. Allah menguatkan dengan bantuan-1&a sia(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a. .esungguhn&a (ada &ang demikian itu terda(at (ela4aran bagi orang-orang &ang mem(un&ai mata hati.

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Muhsin Khan : 3eautified for men is the lo*e of things the& co*et6 women! children! much of gold and sil*er (wealth)! branded beautiful horses! cattle and well-tilled land. This is the (leasure of the (resent world9s life6 but Allah has the e-cellent return (?aradise with flowing ri*ers! etc.) with %im. Sahih International : 3eautified for (eo(le is the lo*e of that which the& desire - of women and sons! hea(ed-u( sums of gold and sil*er! fine branded horses! and cattle and tilled land. That is the en4o&ment of worldl& life! but Allah has with %im the best return.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3eautified for mankind is lo*e of lusts! that which the self lusts after and calls for! beautified b& .atan! or b& $od as a test G of women! children! stored-u( hea(s of gold and sil*er! horses of mark! fine [horses ! cattle! namel&! camels! cows and shee(! and tillage! the culti*ation of land. That! which is mentioned! is the comfort of the life of this world! en4o&ed while it lasts! but then (erishes6 but $od G with %im is the more e-cellent abode! (lace of return! which is ?aradise! and for this reason one should desire none other than this [abode .

Indonesian : /i4adikan indah (ada ((andangan) manusia kecintaan ke(ada a(a-a(a &ang diingini! &aitu: wanita-wanita! anak-anak! harta &ang ban&ak dari 4enis emas! (erak! kuda

(ilihan! binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. 2tulah kesenangan hidu( di dunia! dan di sisi Allah-lah tem(at kembali &ang baik (surga).

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Muhsin Khan : .a&: A.hall 2 inform &ou of things far better than thoseP >or Al-Mutta:un (the (ious see @.D:D) there are $ardens (?aradise) with their Lord! underneath which ri*ers flow. Therein (is their) eternal (home) and A<wa4un Mutahharatun ((urified mates or wi*es) [i.e. the& will ha*e no menses! urine! or stool! etc. ! And Allah will be (leased with them. And Allah is All-.eer of the (%is) sla*esA. Sahih International : .a&! A.hall 2 inform &ou of [something better than thatP >or those who fear Allah will be gardens in the (resence of their Lord beneath which ri*ers flow! wherein the& abide eternall&! and (urified s(ouses and a((ro*al from Allah . And Allah is .eeing of [%is ser*ants Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&! + Muhammad (s) to &our (eo(le! ;.hall 2 tell &ou! shall 2 inform &ou! of something better than thatP! [that which has been mentioned of lusts (this interrogati*e is meant as an affirmati*e). >or those that are fearful! of idolatr&! with their Lord (;inda rabbihim is the (redicate! the sub4ect being [the following 4ann"tunQ 5) are $ardens underneath which ri*ers flow! abiding therein! decreed for them [therein is eternal life! when the& enter it! and s(ouses (urified! of menstruation and other im(urities! and beatitude (read ridw"n or rudw"n! meaning ;much (leasure5) from $od6 and $od is .eer! knower! of %is ser*ants! re:uiting each of them according to his deeds.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A2nginkah aku kabarkan ke(adamu a(a &ang lebih baik dari &ang demikian ituPA. Hntuk orang-orang &ang bertakwa (ke(ada Allah)! (ada sisi Tuhan mereka ada surga &ang mengalir dibawahn&a sungai-sungai6 mereka kekal didalamn&a. /an (mereka dikaruniai) isteri-isteri &ang disucikan serta keridhaan Allah. /an Allah Maha Melihat akan hamba-hamba-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : Those who sa&: A+ur Lord' ,e ha*e indeed belie*ed! so forgi*e us our sins and sa*e us from the (unishment of the >ire.A

Sahih International : Those who sa&! A+ur Lord! indeed we ha*e belie*ed! so forgi*e us our sins and (rotect us from the (unishment of the >ire!A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those (alladh#na is either an ad4ecti*al :ualification of! or a substitution for! the (re*ious alladh#na) who sa&: J+! +ur Lord! we belie*e! in 0ou and in 0our ?ro(het6 so forgi*e us our sins! and guard us from the chastisement of the >ireK.

Indonesian : (0aitu) orang-orang &ang berdoa: 0a Tuhan kami! sesungguhn&a kami telah beriman! maka am(unilah segala dosa kami dan (eliharalah kami dari siksa neraka!A

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Muhsin Khan : (The& are) those who are (atient ones! those who are true (in >aith! words! and deeds)! and obedient with sincere de*otion in worshi( to Allah. Those who s(end [gi*e the Rakat and alms in the ,a& of Allah and those who (ra& and beg Allah9s ?ardon in the last hours of the night. Sahih International : The (atient! the true! the obedient! those who s(end [in the wa& of Allah ! and those who seek forgi*eness before dawn.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The (atient! in obedience and against disobedience (al-s"bir#na! ;the (atient5! is an ad4ecti*al :ualification [of alladh#na! ;those5 )! truthful! in their faith! obedient! com(liant before $od! e-(enders! of charit&! im(loring $od5s (ardon! b& sa&ing! ;Lord! forgi*e us5 at da&break5! in the last (art of the night! singled out here for mention because it is the time of unawareness and of the 4o& of slee(.

Indonesian : (&aitu) orang-orang &ang sabar! &ang benar! &ang teta( taat! &ang menafkahkan hartan&a (di 4alan Allah)! dan &ang memohon am(un di waktu sahur.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah bears witness that La ilaha illa %uwa (none has the right to be worshi((ed but %e)! and the angels! and those ha*ing knowledge (also gi*e this witness)6 (%e is

alwa&s) maintaining %is creation in Mustice. La ilah illa %uwa (none has the right to be worshi((ed but %e)! the All-Might&! the All-,ise. Sahih International : Allah witnesses that there is no deit& e-ce(t %im! and [so do the angels and those of knowledge - [that %e is maintaining [creation in 4ustice. There is no deit& e-ce(t %im! the )-alted in Might! the ,ise.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $od bears witness! [that is to sa& %e has made it clear to %is creation through (roofs and signs! that there is no god! none that is trul& worshi((ed in e-istence! e-ce(t %im! %e has borne witness to this! and the angels! [ha*e also borne witness to this b& affirming it! and those of knowledge! from among the (ro(hets and the belie*ers! through [their con*iction and in words6 u(holding! constantl& and uni:uel& maintaining %is creations with 4ustice! (:"5iman! ;u(holding5! is in the accusati*e because it is a circumstantial :ualifier and is go*erned b& the im(ort of the statement [im(lied to be something like tafarrada! ;%e alone is [u(holding Q5)6 there is no god e-ce(t %im (%e has re(eated it for em(hasis)6 the Might&! in %is 7ingdom! the ,ise! in %is actions.

Indonesian : Allah men&atakan bahwasan&a tidak ada Tuhan melainkan /ia (&ang berhak disembah)! 0ang menegakkan keadilan. ?ara Malaikat dan orang-orang &ang berilmu (4uga men&atakan &ang demikian itu). Tak ada Tuhan melainkan /ia (&ang berhak disembah)! 0ang Maha ?erkasa lagi Maha 3i4aksana.

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Muhsin Khan : Trul&! the religion with Allah is 2slam. Those who were gi*en the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) did not differ e-ce(t! out of mutual 4ealous&! after knowledge had come to them. And whoe*er disbelie*es in the A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! signs! re*elations! etc.) of Allah! then surel&! Allah is .wift in calling to account. Sahih International : 2ndeed! the religion in the sight of Allah is 2slam. And those who were gi*en the .cri(ture did not differ e-ce(t after knowledge had come to them - out of 4ealous animosit& between themsel*es. And whoe*er disbelie*es in the *erses of Allah ! then indeed! Allah is swift in [taking account.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Lo'! the religion with $od! (leasing [to %im ! is submission [to the +ne $od ! (al-isl"m)! that is to sa&! the /i*ine Law with which the messengers were sent! founded u(on the affirmation of $od5s +neness (a *ariant reading [for inna! ;lo'5 has anna! ;that5! as an inclusi*e substitution for annahu to the end [of that *erse! sc. shahida Ll"hu Q anna l-d#na ;inda Ll"hi l-isl"m! ;$od bears witness that religion with $od is 2sl"m ). Those who were gi*en the .cri(ture! the Mews and the =hristians! differed! in religion! some affirming $od5s +neness! others re4ecting it! onl& after the knowledge! of +neness! came to them through transgression! on the (art of the disbelie*ers! among themsel*es. And whoe*er disbelie*es in $od5s signs! $od is swift at reckoning! that is! at re:uiting him.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a agama (&ang diridhai) disisi Allah han&alah 2slam. Tiada berselisih orang-orang &ang telah diberi Al 7itab kecuali sesudah datang (engetahuan ke(ada mereka! karena kedengkian (&ang ada) di antara mereka. 3arangsia(a &ang kafir terhada( a&at-a&at Allah maka sesungguhn&a Allah sangat ce(at hisab-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : .o if the& dis(ute with &ou (Muhammad .A,) sa&: A2 ha*e submitted m&self to Allah (in 2slam)! and (so ha*e) those who follow me.A And sa& to those who were gi*en the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) and to those who are illiterates (Arab (agans): A/o &ou (also) submit &oursel*es (to Allah in 2slam)PA 2f the& do! the& are rightl& guided6 but if the& turn awa&! &our dut& is onl& to con*e& the Message6 and Allah is All-.eer of (%is ) sla*es. Sahih International : .o if the& argue with &ou! sa&! A2 ha*e submitted m&self to Allah [in 2slam ! and [so ha*e those who follow me.A And sa& to those who were gi*en the .cri(ture and [to the unlearned! A%a*e &ou submitted &oursel*esPA And if the& submit [in 2slam ! the& are rightl& guided6 but if the& turn awa& - then u(on &ou is onl& the [dut& of notification. And Allah is .eeing of [%is ser*ants.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .o if the&! the disbelie*ers! dis(ute with &ou! + Muhammad (s)! concerning religion! sa&! to them: ;2 ha*e surrendered m& countenance to $od! [that is to sa& 2 ha*e submitted to %im! 2! and whoe*er follows me5 (wa4h! ;countenance5! is chosen here because of its noble character! for the other [(arts of the bod& will 4ust as soon [surrender once the countenance has )6 and sa& to those who ha*e been gi*en the .cri(ture! the Mews and the =hristians! and to the uninstructed! the Arab idolaters: ;%a*e &ou submittedP5! that is to sa&! ;.ubmit'5 And so if the& ha*e submitted! the& ha*e been guided! from error! but if the& turn their backs! to 2slam! &our dut& is onl& to deli*er! the Message6 and $od sees %is ser*ants! and so re:uites them for their deeds G this [statement was [re*ealed before the command to fight [them had been re*ealed.

Indonesian : 7emudian 4ika mereka mendebat kamu (tentang kebenaran 2slam)! maka katakanlah: AAku men&erahkan diriku ke(ada Allah dan (demikian (ula) orang-orang &ang mengikutikuA. /an katakanlah ke(ada orang-orang &ang telah diberi Al 7itab dan ke(ada orang-orang &ang ummi: AA(akah kamu (mau) masuk 2slamA. Mika mereka masuk 2slam! sesungguhn&a mereka telah menda(at (etun4uk! dan 4ika mereka

ber(aling! maka kewa4iban kamu han&alah men&am(aikan (a&at-a&at Allah). /an Allah Maha Melihat akan hamba-hamba-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&' Those who disbelie*e in the A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.) of Allah and kill the ?ro(hets without right! and kill those men who order 4ust dealings! Q announce to them a (ainful torment. Sahih International : Those who disbelie*e in the signs of Allah and kill the (ro(hets without right and kill those who order 4ustice from among the (eo(le - gi*e them tidings of a (ainful (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those who disbelie*e in the signs of $od and sla& (&a:tulBna! is also read as &u:"tilBna! ;the& fight against5) the (ro(hets without right! and sla& those who en4oin to e:uit&! to 4ustice! and these are the Mews! who are re(orted to ha*e killed fort&Sthree (ro(hets and to ha*e been forbidden this b& a hundred and se*ent& de*out worshi((ers among them! each of whom was killed immediatel&. .o gi*e them good tidings! let them know! of a (ainful chastisement. The use of ;good tidings5 here is meant as a sarcastic ridicule of them (the f"5 [of fa-bashshirhum! so gi*e them good tidings is considered (art of the (redicate of inna because its noun! that is! its relati*e clause! resembles a conditional [sc. in &akfurBna! ;if the& disbelie*eQ5! fa-bashshirhum! ;then! gi*e them good tidingsQ5 ).

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang kafir ke(ada a&at-a&at Allah dan membunuh (ara nabi &ang memamg tak dibenarkan dan membunuh orang-orang &ang men&uruh manusia berbuat adil! maka gembirakanlah mereka bahwa mereka akan menerima siksa &g (edih.

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Muhsin Khan : The& are those whose works will be lost in this world and in the %ereafter! and the& will ha*e no hel(ers. Sahih International

: The& are the ones whose deeds ha*e become worthless in this world and the %ereafter! and for them there will be no hel(ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those are the ones whose works! what good the& did in the wa& of charit& and kindness to kin! ha*e failed! [whose works are in*alid! in this world and the %ereafter! and so the& ha*e nothing to reckon with! since these [works are of no conse:uence6 the& ha*e no hel(ers! [no (rotectors from the chastisement.

Indonesian : Mereka itu adalah orang-orang &ang len&a( ((ahala) amal-amaln&a di dunia dan akhirat! dan mereka sekali-kali tidak mem(eroleh (enolong.

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Muhsin Khan : %a*e &ou not seen those who ha*e been gi*en a (ortion of the .cri(tureP The& are being in*ited to the 3ook of Allah to settle their dis(ute! then a (art& of them turn awa&! and the& are a*erse. Sahih International : /o &ou not consider! [+ Muhammad ! those who were gi*en a (ortion of the .cri(tureP The& are in*ited to the .cri(ture of Allah that it should arbitrate between them6 then a (art& of them turns awa&! and the& are refusing.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %a*e &ou not seen those who were gi*en a (ortion! a share! of the 3ook! the Torah! being called to the 3ook of $od (&ud;awna! ;being called5! is a circumstantial :ualifier)! that it might decide between them! and then a (art& of them turned awa&! o((osedP to the acce(tance of its rulings. This was re*ealed concerning the Mews: two of them fornicated and the& [the Mews asked the ?ro(het (s) to ad4udicate the case. %e ruled that the& be stoned! but the& [the Mews refused to do so. ,hen the Torah was brought and consulted! the same *erdict was found! and so the two were stoned! but the& [the Mews became wrathful.

Indonesian : Tidakkah kamu mem(erhatikan orang-orang &ang telah diberi bahagian &aitu Al 7itab (Taurat)! mereka diseru ke(ada kitab Allah su(a&a kitab itu meneta(kan hukum diantara mereka6 kemudian sebahagian dari mereka ber(aling! dan mereka selalu membelakangi (kebenaran).

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Muhsin Khan : This is because the& sa&: AThe >ire shall not touch us but for a number of da&s.A And that which the& used to in*ent regarding their religion has decei*ed them. Sahih International : That is because the& sa&! A1e*er will the >ire touch us e-ce(t for [a few numbered da&s!A and [because the& were deluded in their religion b& what the& were in*enting.
Tafsir Jalalayn : That! turning awa& and re4ection was! because the& said! ;the >ire shall not touch us! e-ce(t for a number of da&s5! that is! for fort& da&s [onl& ! the length of time their forefathers worshi((ed the calf! after which it would end6 and the lies the& used to in*ent! in their sa&ing this! ha*e deluded them in their religion (wa-gharrahum f# d#nihim! ;it has deluded them in their religion5! is semanticall& connected to m" k"nB &aftarBna! ;the lies which the& used to in*ent5).

Indonesian : %al itu adalah karena mereka mengaku: A7ami tidak akan disentuh oleh a(i neraka kecuali bebera(a hari &ang da(at dihitungA. Mereka di(erda&akan dalam agama mereka oleh a(a &ang selalu mereka ada-adakan.

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Muhsin Khan : %ow (will it be) when ,e gather them together on the /a& about which there is no doubt (i.e. the /a& of 8esurrection). And each (erson will be (aid in full what he has earnedP And the& will not be dealt with un4ustl&. Sahih International : .o how will it be when ,e assemble them for a /a& about which there is no doubtP And each soul will be com(ensated [in full for what it earned! and the& will not be wronged.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3ut how will it be! their (redicament! when ,e gather them for a da&! that is to sa&! on a da&! of which there is no doubt! no uncertaint&! that is! the /a& of 8esurrection6 and e*er& soul! from among the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture and others! shall be (aid in full! the re:uital of! what is has earned! [what it has done of good or e*il! and the&! that is! (eo(le! shall not be wrongedP! in that no good deed shall be diminished! and no e*il deed shall be increased.


: 3agaimanakah nanti a(abila mereka 7ami kum(ulkan di hari (kiamat) &ang tidak ada keraguan tentang adan&a. /an disem(urnakan ke(ada tia(-tia( diri balasan a(a &ang diusahakann&a sedang mereka tidak diania&a (dirugikan).

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A+ Allah' ?ossessor of the kingdom! 0ou gi*e the kingdom to whom 0ou will! and 0ou take the kingdom from whom 0ou will! and 0ou endue with honour whom 0ou will! and 0ou humiliate whom 0ou will. 2n 0our %and is the good. @eril&! 0ou are Able to do all things. Sahih International : .a&! A+ Allah ! +wner of .o*ereignt&! 0ou gi*e so*ereignt& to whom 0ou will and 0ou take so*ereignt& awa& from whom 0ou will. 0ou honor whom 0ou will and 0ou humble whom 0ou will. 2n 0our hand is [all good. 2ndeed! 0ou are o*er all things com(etent.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the ?ro(het (s) (romised his communit& so*ereignt& o*er the lands of ?ersia and 3&<antium! the h&(ocrites said! ;%ow (re(osterous'5! and so the following was re*ealed! .a&: ;+ $od! Master of the 7ingdom! &ou gi*e the 7ingdom to whom 0ou will! from among &our creatures! and sei<e the 7ingdom from whom 0ou will6 0ou e-alt whom 0ou will! b& gi*ing it [the kingdom to him! and 0ou abase whom 0ou will! b& sei<ing it from him6 in 0our hand! in 0our (ower! is good! that is! as well as e*il. 0ou are Able to do all things.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A,ahai Tuhan 0ang mem(un&ai kera4aan! )ngkau berikan kera4aan ke(ada orang &ang )ngkau kehendaki dan )ngkau cabut kera4aan dari orang &ang )ngkau kehendaki. )ngkau muliakan orang &ang )ngkau kehendaki dan )ngkau hinakan orang &ang )ngkau kehendaki. /i tangan )ngkaulah segala keba4ikan. .esungguhn&a )ngkau Maha 7uasa atas segala sesuatu.

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Muhsin Khan : 0ou make the night to enter into the da&! and 0ou make the da& to enter into the night (i.e. increase and decrease in the hours of the night and the da& during winter and

summer)! 0ou bring the li*ing out of the dead! and 0ou bring the dead out of the li*ing. And 0ou gi*e wealth and sustenance to whom 0ou will! without limit (measure or account). Sahih International : 0ou cause the night to enter the da&! and 0ou cause the da& to enter the night6 and 0ou bring the li*ing out of the dead! and 0ou bring the dead out of the li*ing. And 0ou gi*e (ro*ision to whom 0ou will without account.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ou make the night to (ass! to enter! into the da& and 0ou make the da& to (ass! to enter! into the night! each of them increasing b& the amount b& which the other decreases6 0ou bring forth the li*ing from the dead! such as humans and birds! from s(erm-dro(s and eggs [res(ecti*el& 6 and 0ou bring forth the dead! the s(erm-dro( and the egg! from the li*ing! and 0ou (ro*ide! with abundant (ro*ision! whom 0ou will without reckoning5.

Indonesian : )ngkau masukkan malam ke dalam siang dan )ngkau masukkan siang ke dalam malam. )ngkau keluarkan &ang hidu( dari &ang mati! dan )ngkau keluarkan &ang mati dari &ang hidu(. /an )ngkau beri re<eki sia(a &ang )ngkau kehendaki tan(a hisab (batas)A.

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Muhsin Khan : Let not the belie*ers take the disbelie*ers as Auli&a (su((orters! hel(ers! etc.) instead of the belie*ers! and whoe*er does that will ne*er be hel(ed b& Allah in an& wa&! e-ce(t if &ou indeed fear a danger from them. And Allah warns &ou against %imself (%is ?unishment)! and to Allah is the final return. Sahih International : Let not belie*ers take disbelie*ers as allies rather than belie*ers. And whoe*er [of &ou does that has nothing with Allah ! e-ce(t when taking (recaution against them in (rudence. And Allah warns &ou of %imself! and to Allah is the [final destination.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Let not the belie*ers take the disbelie*ers as (atrons! rather than! that is! instead of! the belie*ers G for whoe*er does that! that is! [whoe*er takes them as (atrons! does not belong to! the religion of! $od in an&wa& G unless &ou (rotect &oursel*es against them! as a safeguard (tu:"tan! ;as a safeguard5! is the *erbal noun from ta:i&&atan)! that is to sa&! [unless &ou fear something! in which case &ou ma& show (atronage to them through words! but not in &our hearts: this was before the hegemon& of 2slam and [the dis(ensation a((lies to an& indi*idual residing in a land with no sa& in it. $od warns &ou! %e instills fear in &ou! of %is .elf! [warning that %e ma& be wrathful with &ou if &ou take them as (atrons6 and to $od is the 4ourne&5s end! the return! and %e will re:uite &ou.


: Manganlah orang-orang mukmin mengambil orang-orang kafir men4adi wali dengan meninggalkan orang-orang mukmin. 3arang sia(a berbuat demikian! nisca&a le(aslah ia dari (ertolongan Allah! kecuali karena (siasat) memelihara diri dari sesuatu &ang ditakuti dari mereka. /an Allah mem(eringatkan kamu terhada( diri (siksa)-1&a. /an han&a ke(ada Allah kembali(mu).

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A,hether &ou hide what is in &our breasts or re*eal it! Allah knows it! and %e knows what is in the hea*ens and what is in the earth. And Allah is Able to do all things.A Sahih International : .a&! A,hether &ou conceal what is in &our breasts or re*eal it! Allah knows it. And %e knows that which is in the hea*ens and that which is on the earth. And Allah is o*er all things com(etent.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&! to them: ;,hether &ou hide what is in &our breasts! in &our hearts! of (atronage to them! or disclose it! manifest it! $od knows it and! %e! knows what is in the hea*ens and what is in the earth6 and $od is Able to do all things! and this includes (unishing those who (atronise them.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: AMika kamu men&embun&ikan a(a &ang ada dalam hatimu atau kamu melahirkann&a! (asti Allah mengetahuiA. Allah mengetahui a(a-a(a &ang ada di langit dan a(a-a(a &ang ada di bumi. /an Allah Maha 7uasa atas segala sesuatu.

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Muhsin Khan : +n the /a& when e*er& (erson will be confronted with all the good he has done! and all the e*il he has done! he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his e*il. And Allah warns &ou against %imself (%is ?unishment) and Allah is full of 7indness to the (%is) sla*es. Sahih International

: The /a& e*er& soul will find what it has done of good (resent [before it and what it has done of e*il! it will wish that between itself and that [e*il was a great distance. And Allah warns &ou of %imself! and Allah is 7ind to [%is ser*ants.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And remember! the da& e*er& soul shall find what it has done of good (resent before it! and what it has done of e*il (the [last statement constitutes the sub4ect! the (redicate of which is [what follows )! it will wish that between it and that there were a great distance! an e-tremel& length& distance so that it [the e*il could ne*er reach it. $od warns &ou of %is .elf (this is re(eated for em(hasis)! and $od is 7ind to %is ser*ants.

Indonesian : ?ada hari ketika tia(-tia( diri menda(ati segala keba4ikan dihada(kan (dimukan&a)! begitu (4uga) ke4ahatan &ang telah diker4akann&a6 ia ingin kalau kiran&a antara ia dengan hari itu ada masa &ang 4auh6 dan Allah mem(eringatkan kamu terhada( siksa1&a. /an Allah sangat ?en&a&ang ke(ada hamba-hamba-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A, to mankind): A2f &ou (reall&) lo*e Allah then follow me (i.e. acce(t 2slamic Monotheism! follow the Quran and the .unnah)! Allah will lo*e &ou and forgi*e &ou of &our sins. And Allah is +ft->orgi*ing! Most Merciful.A Sahih International : .a&! [+ Muhammad ! A2f &ou should lo*e Allah ! then follow me! [so Allah will lo*e &ou and forgi*e &ou &our sins. And Allah is >orgi*ing and Merciful.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the& said! ;,e onl& worshi( idols out of our lo*e for $od! that the& might bring us close to %im5! the following was re*ealed: .a&! + Muhammad (s)! ;2f &ou lo*e $od! follow me! and $od will lo*e &ou! meaning that %e will reward &ou! and forgi*e &ou &our sins6 $od is >orgi*ing! as regards the sins! committed (re*iousl&! b& one who [now follows me6 Merciful! to him.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: AMika kamu (benar-benar) mencintai Allah! ikutilah aku! nisca&a Allah mengasihi dan mengam(uni dosa-dosamuA. Allah Maha ?engam(un lagi Maha ?en&a&ang.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A+be& Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad .A,).A 3ut if the& turn awa&! then Allah does not like the disbelie*ers. Sahih International

: .a&! A+be& Allah and the Messenger.A 3ut if the& turn awa& - then indeed! Allah does not like the disbelie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&! to them: ;+be& $od! and the Messenger5! as regards the [belief in the +neness of $od which he en4oins u(on &ou. 3ut if the& turn their backs! [if the& ob4ect to obedience! $od lo*es not the disbelie*ers! meaning that %e will chastise them (the [third (erson (ronominalisation [;the&5 is re(laced b& the o*ert noun [;the disbelie*ers5 ).

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: ATaatilah Allah dan 8asul-1&a6 4ika kamu ber(aling! maka sesungguhn&a Allah tidak men&ukai orang-orang kafirA.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah chose Adam! 1uh (1oah)! the famil& of 2brahim (Abraham) and the famil& of 92mran abo*e the 9Alamin (mankind and 4inns) (of their times). Sahih International : 2ndeed! Allah chose Adam and 1oah and the famil& of Abraham and the famil& of 92mran o*er the worlds Tafsir Jalalayn : Lo' $od (referred! %e has chosen! Adam and 1oah and the %ouse of Abraham and the %ouse of ;2mr"n! meaning [%e (referred their sel*es [sc. Abraham and ;2mr"n ! abo*e the worlds! b& making (ro(hethood reside in [them and their (rogen&:

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a Allah telah memilih Adam! 1uh! keluarga 2brahim dan keluarga 92mran melebihi segala umat (di masa mereka masing-masing)!

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Muhsin Khan : +ffs(ring! one of the other! and Allah is the All-%earer! All-7nower. Sahih International : /escendants! some of them from others. And Allah is %earing and 7nowing.
Tafsir Jalalayn : the seed of one! offs(ring from! another! of them6 $od is %earer! 7nower.

Indonesian : (sebagai) satu keturunan &ang sebagiann&a (turunan) dari &ang lain. /an Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.

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Muhsin Khan : (8emember) when the wife of 92mran said: A+ m& Lord' 2 ha*e *owed to 0ou what (the child that) is in m& womb to be dedicated for 0our ser*ices (free from all worldl& work6 to ser*e 0our ?lace of worshi()! so acce(t this! from me. @eril&! 0ou are the All%earer! the All-7nowing.A Sahih International : [Mention! + Muhammad ! when the wife of 92mran said! AM& Lord! indeed 2 ha*e (ledged to 0ou what is in m& womb! consecrated [for 0our ser*ice ! so acce(t this from me. 2ndeed! 0ou are the %earing! the 7nowing.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Mention! when the wife of ;2mr"n! %anna! said! after she had reached old age and longed for a child! and su((licated to $od and sensed that she was carr&ing child! ;+! Lord! 2 ha*e *owed to! offer! 0ou what is within m& womb as a consecration! [one liberated and deli*ered from the distractions of this world for the ser*ice of 0our %ol& %ouse [in Merusalem . Acce(t this from me. Lo' 2t is 0ou ,ho are the %earer! of (etition! the 7nower! of intentions. ;2mr"n died while she was still (regnant.

Indonesian : (2ngatlah)! ketika isteri 92mran berkata: A0a Tuhanku! sesungguhn&a aku mena<arkan ke(ada )ngkau anak &ang dalam kandunganku men4adi hamba &ang saleh dan berkhidmat (di 3aitul Ma:dis). 7arena itu terimalah (na<ar) itu dari (adaku. .esungguhn&a )ngkaulah 0ang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha MengetahuiA.

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Muhsin Khan : Then when she deli*ered her [child Mar&am (Mar&) ! she said: A+ m& Lord' 2 ha*e deli*ered a female child!A - and Allah knew better what she deli*ered! - AAnd the male is not like the female! and 2 ha*e named her Mar&am (Mar&)! and 2 seek refuge with 0ou (Allah) for her and for her offs(ring from .haitan (.atan)! the outcast.A Sahih International : 3ut when she deli*ered her! she said! AM& Lord! 2 ha*e deli*ered a female.A And Allah was most knowing of what she deli*ered! AAnd the male is not like the female. And 2 ha*e named her Mar&! and 2 seek refuge for her in 0ou and [for her descendants from .atan! the e-(elled [from the merc& of Allah .A

Tafsir Jalalayn : And when she ga*e birth to her! a girl! and she had been ho(ing for a bo&! since onl& males were consecrated to the ser*ice of $od! she said! a(ologeticall&! ;+! Lord! 2 ha*e gi*en birth to a female5 G and $od knew *er& well what she had gi*en birth to: a (arenthetical statement constituting $od5s s(eech (a *ariant reading [for wada;at! ;she ga*e birth5! has wada;tu! ;2 ga*e birth5 [making these %anna5s words! sc. ;and $od knows *er& well what 2 ha*e gi*en birth to5 )6 the male! that she had asked for! is not as the female! that was bestowed u(on her! because he is designed for the ser*ice [of $od ! while she would not be suitable on account of her lesser (h&sical abilit&! her (ri*ate (arts! the effects of menstruation on her! and so on. ;And 2 ha*e named her Mar&! and commend her to 0ou with her seed! her children! to (rotect them from the accursed! the outcast! .atan5. 2n a had#th [it is stated : ;)*er& new-born is touched b& .atan and begins [life b& cr&ing! e-ce(t for Mar& and her son5! as re(orted b& the two .ha&khs [3ukh"r# and Muslim .

Indonesian : Maka tatkala isteri 92mran melahirkan anakn&a! dia(un berkata: A0a Tuhanku! sesunguhn&a aku melahirkann&a seorang anak (erem(uan6 dan Allah lebih mengetahui a(a &ang dilahirkann&a itu6 dan anak laki-laki tidaklah se(erti anak (erem(uan. .esungguhn&a aku telah menamai dia Mar&am dan aku mohon (erlindungan untukn&a serta anak-anak keturunann&a ke(ada ((emeliharaan) )ngkau dari(ada s&aitan &ang terkutukA.

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Muhsin Khan : .o her Lord (Allah) acce(ted her with goodl& acce(tance. %e made her grow in a good manner and (ut her under the care of Rakari&a (Rachari&a). )*er& time he entered Al-Mihrab to (*isit) her ! he found her su((lied with sustenance. %e said: A+ Mar&am (Mar&)' >rom where ha*e &ou got thisPA .he said! AThis is from Allah.A @eril&! Allah (ro*ides sustenance to whom %e wills! without limit.A Sahih International : .o her Lord acce(ted her with good acce(tance and caused her to grow in a good manner and (ut her in the care of Rechariah. )*er& time Rechariah entered u(on her in the (ra&er chamber! he found with her (ro*ision. %e said! A+ Mar&! from where is this [coming to &ouPA .he said! A2t is from Allah . 2ndeed! Allah (ro*ides for whom %e wills without account.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : %er Lord acce(ted the child! that is! %e recei*ed Mar& from her mother! with gracious acce(tance! and made her grow e-cellentl&! %e made her grow u( with e-cellent character. .he would grow in a da& b& as much as a new-born grew during a &ear. %er mother took her to the (riests! the kee(ers of the %ol& %ouse [of Merusalem and said: ;This here before &ou is the dedication [2 offered 5. The&

com(eted for [guardianshi( of her! because she was the daughter of their religious leader! at which (oint Rachariah said! ;2 am most worth& of her! for! her maternal aunt li*es with me5. The others said! ;1o! [not until we ha*e cast lots5. Thus! all twent& nine of them de(arted to the 8i*er Mordan! where the& cast their :uills! agreeing that the one whose :uill remained fast and floated to the surface of the water would be most worth& of [being guardian o*er her. Rachariah5s :uill remained fast [and surfaced . %e took [charge of her and built for her a galler&-room with a ladder in the tem(le! and none a(art from him went u( to her. %e used to bring her food! drink and oil! and would find her with summer fruits in winter! and winter fruits in summer! 4ust as $od sa&s! and Rachariah took charge of her! he took her to him (a *ariant reading [of kafalah"! ;he took charge of her5 is kaffalah"! ;%e [$od ga*e Rachariah charge of her5! with Rakari&&"5! or Rakari&&"! in the accusati*e and ;$od5 as the sub4ect of the *erb). ,hene*er Rachariah went into the sanctuar&! that is! the room! the most noble seat [in the tem(le ! where she was! he found her with (ro*isions. ;+ Mar&!5 he said! ;,hence comes this to &ouP5 .he! still *er& &oung! said! ;>rom $od! %e sends it to me from ?aradise!5 ;Trul& $od (ro*ides! abundant (ro*ision! for whome*er %e will without reckoning5! without conse:uence.

Indonesian : Maka Tuhann&a meneriman&a (sebagai na<ar) dengan (enerimaan &ang baik! dan mendidikn&a dengan (endidikan &ang baik dan Allah men4adikan Rakari&a (emeliharan&a. .etia( Rakari&a masuk untuk menemui Mar&am di mihrab! ia da(ati makanan di sisin&a. Rakari&a berkata: A%ai Mar&am dari mana kamu mem(eroleh (makanan) iniPA Mar&am men4awab: AMakanan itu dari sisi AllahA. .esungguhn&a Allah memberi re<eki ke(ada sia(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a tan(a hisab.

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Muhsin Khan : At that time Rakari&a (Rachari&a) in*oked his Lord! sa&ing: A+ m& Lord' $rant me from 0ou! a good offs(ring. 0ou are indeed the All-%earer of in*ocation.A Sahih International : At that! Rechariah called u(on his Lord! sa&ing! AM& Lord! grant me from 0ourself a good offs(ring. 2ndeed! 0ou are the %earer of su((lication.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then! when Rachariah had seen this and realised that the +ne with (ower to bring something about in other than its [natural time! is able to bring about a child in old age! and with those of his famil& line all deceased! Rachariah (ra&ed to his Lord! when he entered the sanctuar& to (ra& in the middle of the night! sa&ing! ;Lord! bestow u(on me from 0ou a goodl& offs(ring! a righteous son! *eril&! 0ou are the %earer of! [0ou are the +ne ,ho answers! su((lication5.

Indonesian : /i sanalah Rakari&a mendoa ke(ada Tuhann&a sera&a berkata: A0a Tuhanku! berilah aku dari sisi )ngkau seorang anak &ang baik. .esungguhn&a )ngkau Maha ?endengar doaA.


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Muhsin Khan : Then the angels called him! while he was standing in (ra&er in Al-Mihrab (a (ra&ing (lace or a (ri*ate room)! (sa&ing): AAllah gi*es &ou glad tidings of 0ah&a (Mohn)! confirming (belie*ing in) the ,ord from Allah [i.e. the creation of 92esa (Mesus) ! the ,ord from Allah (A3e'A - and he was') ! noble! kee(ing awa& from se-ual relations with women! a ?ro(het! from among the righteous.A Sahih International : .o the angels called him while he was standing in (ra&er in the chamber! A2ndeed! Allah gi*es &ou good tidings of Mohn! confirming a word from Allah and [who will be honorable! abstaining [from women ! and a (ro(het from among the righteous.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And the angels! namel&! $abriel! called to him! standing in the sanctuar&! in the tem(le! at worshi( that (anna! means bi-anna6 a *ariant reading has inna! im(l&ing a direct s(eech statement) ;$od gi*es &ou good tidings (read &ubashshiruka! or &ubshiruka) of Mohn! who shall confirm a ,ord! being! from $od! namel&! Mesus! that he is $od5s .(irit6 he is referred to as [$od5s ;,ord5! because he was created through the word kun! ;3e56 a lord! with a following! and one chaste! forbidden from women! and a (ro(het of the righteous5: it is said that he ne*er sinned and ne*er so intended.

Indonesian : 7emudian Malaikat (Mibril) memanggil Rakari&a! sedang ia tengah berdiri melakukan shalat di mihrab (katan&a): A.esungguhn&a Allah menggembirakan kamu dengan kelahiran (seorang (uteramu) 0ah&a! &ang membenarkan kalimat (&ang datang) dari Allah! men4adi ikutan! menahan diri (dari hawa nafsu) dan seorang 1abi termasuk keturunan orang-orang salehA.

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Muhsin Khan : %e said: A+ m& Lord' %ow can 2 ha*e a son when 2 am *er& old! and m& wife is barrenPA Allah said: AThus Allah does what %e wills.A Sahih International : %e said! AM& Lord! how will 2 ha*e a bo& when 2 ha*e reached old age and m& wife is barrenPA The angel said! A.uch is Allah 6 %e does what %e wills.A
Tafsir Jalalayn

: %e said! ;M& Lord' %ow shall 2 ha*e a bo&! a son! when old age has o*ertaken me! that is! [after 2 ha*e reached e-treme [old age! CDT &ears [old 6 and m& wife is barrenP5! ha*ing reached the age of FN. %e said! ;.o it! the matter! will be5! with $od creating a bo& from both of &ou. ;$od does what %e will5! nothing can (re*ent %im therefrom! and in order to manifest this great (ower he was ins(ired with the :uestion so that he would be answered through it [this great (ower . And when his soul longed for the swift fulfilment of that of which good tidings had been gi*en:

Indonesian : Rakari&a berkata: A0a Tuhanku! bagaimana aku bisa menda(at anak sedang aku telah sangat tua dan isteriku (un seorang &ang mandulPA. 3erfirman Allah: A/emikianlah! Allah berbuat a(a &ang dikehendaki-1&aA.

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Muhsin Khan : %e said: A+ m& Lord' Make a sign for me.A Allah said: A0our sign is that &ou shall not s(eak to mankind for three da&s e-ce(t with signals. And remember &our Lord much (b& (raising %im again and again)! and glorif& (%im) in the afternoon and in the morning.A Sahih International : %e said! AM& Lord! make for me a sign.A %e .aid! A0our sign is that &ou will not [be able to s(eak to the (eo(le for three da&s e-ce(t b& gesture. And remember &our Lord much and e-alt [%im with (raise in the e*ening and the morning.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e said! ;M& Lord' A((oint for me a sign5! that is! an indication of m& wife5s (regnanc&. %e said! ;0our sign! for this! is that &ou shall not s(eak to men! that is! &ou shall refrain from s(eaking to them! but not from remembrance of $od! sa*e b& tokens! gestures! for three da&s! and nights. And remember &our Lord often! and glorif&! (erform (ra&er! at e*ening and dawn5! at the end of the da& and at its beginning.

Indonesian : 3erkata Rakari&a: A3erilah aku suatu tanda (bahwa isteriku telah mengandung)A. Allah berfirman: ATandan&a bagimu! kamu tidak da(at berkata-kata dengan manusia selama tiga hari! kecuali dengan is&arat. /an sebutlah (nama) Tuhanmu seban&akban&akn&a serta bertasbihlah di waktu (etang dan (agi hariA.

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Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when the angels said: A+ Mar&am (Mar&)' @eril&! Allah has chosen &ou! (urified &ou (from (ol&theism and disbelief)! and chosen &ou abo*e the women of the 9Alamin (mankind and 4inns) (of her lifetime).A Sahih International : And [mention when the angels said! A+ Mar&! indeed Allah has chosen &ou and (urified &ou and chosen &ou abo*e the women of the worlds.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And! mention! when the angels! namel&! $abriel! said! ;+ Mar&! $od has (referred &ou! %e has elected &ou! and made &ou (ure! of the touch of men6 %e has (referred &ou abo*e all women of the worlds! that is! the inhabitants of &our time.

Indonesian : /an (ingatlah) ketika Malaikat (Mibril) berkata: A%ai Mar&am! sesungguhn&a Allah telah memilih kamu! mensucikan kamu dan melebihkan kamu atas segala wanita di dunia (&ang semasa dengan kamu).

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Muhsin Khan : + Mar&' A.ubmit &ourself with obedience to &our Lord (Allah! b& worshi((ing none but %im Alone) and (rostrate &ourself! and 2rka9i (bow down etc.) along with Ar8aki9un (those who bow down etc.).A Sahih International : + Mar&! be de*outl& obedient to &our Lord and (rostrate and bow with those who bow [in (ra&er .A
Tafsir Jalalayn : + Mar&! be obedient to &our Lord! be com(liant before %im! (rostrating and bowing with those who bow5! that is! (ra& with those who (ra&.

Indonesian : %ai Mar&am! taatlah ke(ada Tuhanmu! su4ud dan ruku9lah bersama orang-orang &ang ruku9.

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Muhsin Khan : This is a (art of the news of the $haib (unseen! i.e. the news of the (ast nations of which &ou ha*e no knowledge) which ,e ins(ire &ou with (+ Muhammad .A,). 0ou

were not with them! when the& cast lots with their (ens as to which of them should be charged with the care of Mar&am (Mar&)6 nor were &ou with them when the& dis(uted. Sahih International : That is from the news of the unseen which ,e re*eal to &ou! [+ Muhammad . And &ou were not with them when the& cast their (ens as to which of them should be res(onsible for Mar&. 1or were &ou with them when the& dis(uted.
Tafsir Jalalayn : That! which has been mentioned of the matter of Rachariah and Mar&! is of the tidings of the Hnseen! of the news of what was unknown to &ou. ,e re*eal it to &ou! + Muhammad (s)! for &ou were not with them! when the& were casting :uills! in the water! drawing their lots so that it be manifested to them! which of them should ha*e charge of! [which of them should bring u(! Mar&6 nor were &ou with them! when the& were dis(uting! about the custodianshi( of Mar&! such that &ou might ha*e known it and related it6 but trul& &ou know it onl& through re*elation.

Indonesian : 0ang demikian itu adalah sebagian dari berita-berita ghaib &ang 7ami wah&ukan ke(ada kamu (&a Muhammad)6 (adahal kamu tidak hadir beserta mereka! ketika mereka melem(arkan anak-anak (anah mereka (untuk mengundi) sia(a di antara mereka &ang akan memelihara Mar&am. /an kamu tidak hadir di sisi mereka ketika mereka bersengketa.

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Muhsin Khan : (8emember) when the angels said: A+ Mar&am (Mar&)' @eril&! Allah gi*es &ou the glad tidings of a ,ord [A3e'A - and he was' i.e. 92esa (Mesus) the son of Mar&am (Mar&) from %im! his name will be the Messiah 92esa (Mesus)! the son of Mar&am (Mar&)! held in honour in this world and in the %ereafter! and will be one of those who are near to Allah.A Sahih International : [And mention when the angels said! A+ Mar&! indeed Allah gi*es &ou good tidings of a word from %im! whose name will be the Messiah! Mesus! the son of Mar& distinguished in this world and the %ereafter and among those brought near [to Allah .
Tafsir Jalalayn : Mention! when the angels! namel&! $abriel! said! ;+ Mar&! $od gi*es &ou good tidings of a ,ord from %im! that is! a bo&! whose name is the Messiah! Mesus! son of Mar&! %e addresses her attributing him to her in order to (oint out that she will gi*e birth to him without a father! for! the custom is to attribute the child to its father! honoured shall he be in this world! through (ro(hethood! and the %ereafter! through [his intercession and the high stations [al-dara4"t al-;ul"! cf. Q. DT:LU ! and of those brought close! to $od.


: (2ngatlah)! ketika Malaikat berkata: A%ai Mar&am! seungguhn&a Allah menggembirakan kamu (dengan kelahiran seorang (utera &ang dici(takan) dengan kalimat (&ang datang) dari(ada-1&a! naman&a Al Masih 2sa (utera Mar&am! seorang terkemuka di dunia dan di akhirat dan termasuk orang-orang &ang didekatkan (ke(ada Allah)!

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Muhsin Khan : A%e will s(eak to the (eo(le in the cradle and in manhood! and he will be one of the righteous.A Sahih International : %e will s(eak to the (eo(le in the cradle and in maturit& and will be of the righteous.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e shall s(eak to mankind in the cradle! that is to sa&! as a child before the age of s(eech! and in his manhood! and he is of the righteous5.

Indonesian : dan dia berbicara dengan manusia dalam buaian dan ketika sudah dewasa dan dia adalah termasuk orang-orang &ang salehA.

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Muhsin Khan : .he said: A+ m& Lord' %ow shall 2 ha*e a son when no man has touched me.A %e said: A.o (it will be) for Allah creates what %e wills. ,hen %e has decreed something! %e sa&s to it onl&: A3e'A and it is. Sahih International : .he said! AM& Lord! how will 2 ha*e a child when no man has touched mePA [The angel said! A.uch is Allah 6 %e creates what %e wills. ,hen %e decrees a matter! %e onl& sa&s to it! 93e!9 and it is.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .he said! ;Lord! how shall 2 ha*e a child when no mortal has touched meP5! neither through con4ugalit& or otherwise6 %e said! the command! ;2t is such! that $od will create from &ou a child without a father. $od creates what %e will. ,hen %e decrees a thing! willing its creation! %e sa&s to it onl&: J3eK! and it is! that is! [and ;he is5.

Indonesian : Mar&am berkata: A0a Tuhanku! beta(a mungkin aku mem(un&ai anak! (adahal aku belum (ernah disentuh oleh seorang laki-laki(unA. Allah berfirman (dengan (erantaraan

Mibril): A/emikianlah Allah menci(takan a(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a. A(abila Allah berkehendak meneta(kan sesuatu! maka Allah han&a cuku( berkata ke(adan&a: AMadilahA! lalu 4adilah dia.

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Muhsin Khan : And %e (Allah) will teach him [92esa (Mesus) the 3ook and Al-%ikmah (i.e. the .unnah! the faultless s(eech of the ?ro(hets! wisdom! etc.)! (and) the Taurat (Torah) and the 2n4eel ($os(el). Sahih International : And %e will teach him writing and wisdom and the Torah and the $os(el
Tafsir Jalalayn : And ,e will teach him (read nu;allimuhu! or &u;allimuhu! ;%e will teach him5) the 3ook! that is! scri(t! wisdom! and the Torah! and the $os(el.

Indonesian : /an Allah akan menga4arkan ke(adan&a Al 7itab! %ikmah! Taurat dan 2n4il.

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Muhsin Khan : And will make him [92esa (Mesus) a Messenger to the =hildren of 2srael (sa&ing): A2 ha*e come to &ou with a sign from &our Lord! that 2 design for &ou out of cla&! as it were! the figure of a bird! and breathe into it! and it becomes a bird b& Allah9s Lea*e6 and 2 heal him who was born blind! and the le(er! and 2 bring the dead to life b& Allah9s Lea*e. And 2 inform &ou of what &ou eat! and what &ou store in &our houses. .urel&! therein is a sign for &ou! if &ou belie*e. Sahih International : And [make him a messenger to the =hildren of 2srael! [who will sa& ! 92ndeed 2 ha*e come to &ou with a sign from &our Lord in that 2 design for &ou from cla& [that which is like the form of a bird! then 2 breathe into it and it becomes a bird b& (ermission of Allah . And 2 cure the blind and the le(er! and 2 gi*e life to the dead - b& (ermission of

Allah . And 2 inform &ou of what &ou eat and what &ou store in &our houses. 2ndeed in that is a sign for &ou! if &ou are belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And %e will make him! to be a messenger to the =hildren of 2srael! during his tender &ears! or after (ubert&. $abriel breathed into the o(ening of her garment and she became (regnant. ,hat ha((ened to her after this is mentioned later in sBrat Mar&am [Q. CF:DCff . Thus! when $od sent him to the =hildren of 2srael! he said to them! ;2 am $od5s Messenger to &ou5! and! ;2 ha*e come to &ou with a sign! an indication of m& truthfulness! from &our Lord! and it is that! 2 will create (a *ariant reading for [the (article introducing the relati*e clause ann#! ;that 25! has inn#! ;trul& 25! indicating a new [inde(endent sentence) [that 2 will fashion! for &ou out of cla& like the sha(e of a bird (ka-ha&5at! ;something like the sha(e of5: the k"f is the sub4ect of a (assi*e (artici(le) then 2 will breathe into it (f#hi! the [suffi-ed (ronoun [-hi refers to the [(receding k"f)! and it will be a bird (ta&ran! is also read t"5iran) b& the lea*e! the will! of $od. .o he created for them a bat! being the most (erfectl&created of birds! and the& would watch it fl&ing! but when it went out of sight! it would fall dead G so that the work of a creature [sc. Mesus ma& be distinguished from the work of the =reator! namel&! $od! e-alted be %e! and that he might know that (erfection belongs to $od [alone . 2 will also heal the blind (akmah is one that is blind from birth) and the le(er6 these two are singled out for mention because with both afflictions the (erson is com(letel& hel(less. %e [Mesus was sent in an age of [characterised b& medicinal science! and he cured! through su((lication! fift& thousand in one da& on the condition that each (erson would become a belie*er6 and 2 bring to life the dead! b& the lea*e of $od G %e re(eats this to (reclude an& false attributions of di*init& to him G he brought back to life his friend ;I<ar! the son of an old woman! and the daughter of the tithe-collector! all of whom li*ed on and (roduced offs(ring! and [he also brought back to life .hem! son of 1oah! but he died [again immediatel&. 2 will inform &ou too of what things &ou eat! and what &ou treasure u(! store! in &our houses! and what 2 ha*e ne*er seen! and he would inform (eo(le what the& had eaten and what the& would eat. .urel& in that! mentioned! is a sign for &ou! if &ou are belie*ers.

Indonesian : /an (sebagai) 8asul ke(ada 3ani 2srail (&ang berkata ke(ada mereka): A.esungguhn&a aku telah datang ke(adamu dengan membawa sesuatu tanda (muk4i<at) dari Tuhanmu! &aitu aku membuat untuk kamu dari tanah berbentuk burung6 kemudian aku meniu(n&a! maka ia men4adi seekor burung dengan sei<in Allah6 dan aku men&embuhkan orang &ang buta se4ak dari lahirn&a dan orang &ang ber(en&akit so(ak6 dan aku menghidu(kan orang mati dengan sei<in Allah6 dan aku kabarkan ke(adamu a(a &ang kamu makan dan a(a &ang kamu sim(an di rumahmu. .esungguhn&a (ada &ang demikian itu adalah suatu tanda (kebenaran kerasulanku) bagimu! 4ika kamu sungguh-sungguh beriman.

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Muhsin Khan

: And 2 ha*e come confirming that which was before me of the Taurat (Torah)! and to make lawful to &ou (art of what was forbidden to &ou! and 2 ha*e come to &ou with a (roof from &our Lord. .o fear Allah and obe& me. Sahih International : And [2 ha*e come confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for &ou some of what was forbidden to &ou. And 2 ha*e come to &ou with a sign from &our Lord! so fear Allah and obe& me.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Likewise! 2 ha*e come to &ou! confirming that which was before me of the Torah! and to make lawful for &ou some of that which was forbidden to &ou! in it. Thus he made lawful for them fish and birds which had no s(ikes6 it is also said that he made it all lawful for them! so that ba;d! ;some5! means! kull! ;all5). 2 ha*e come to &ou with a sign from &our Lord! %e has re(eated it for em(hasis and to e-(and u(on it: so fear $od! and obe& me! in what 2 command &ou of affirming $od5s +neness and being obedient to %im.

Indonesian : /an (aku datang ke(adamu) membenarkan Taurat &ang datang sebelumku! dan untuk menghalalkan bagimu sebagian &ang telah diharamkan untukmu! dan aku datang ke(adamu dengan membawa suatu tanda (muk4i<at) dari(ada Tuhanmu. 7arena itu bertakwalah ke(ada Allah dan taatlah ke(adaku.

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Muhsin Khan : Trul&' Allah is m& Lord and &our Lord! so worshi( %im (Alone). This is the .traight ?ath. Sahih International : 2ndeed! Allah is m& Lord and &our Lord! so worshi( %im. That is the straight (ath.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : .urel& $od is m& Lord and &our Lord! so worshi( %im. This! that which 2 en4oin u(on &ou! is a straight (ath5. 3ut the& re4ected him and did not belie*e in him.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a Allah! Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu! karena itu sembahlah /ia. 2nilah 4alan &ang lurusA.

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Muhsin Khan : Then when 92esa (Mesus) came to know of their disbelief! he said: A,ho will be m& hel(ers in Allah9s =ausePA Al-%awariun (the disci(les) said: A,e are the hel(ers of

Allah6 we belie*e in Allah! and bear witness that we are Muslims (i.e. we submit to Allah).A Sahih International : 3ut when Mesus felt [(ersistence in disbelief from them! he said! A,ho are m& su((orters for [the cause of Allah PA The disci(les said!A ,e are su((orters for Allah . ,e ha*e belie*ed in Allah and testif& that we are Muslims [submitting to %im .
Tafsir Jalalayn : And when Mesus sensed! [when he became aware of! their disbelief! and the& (lotted to kill him! he said! ;,ho will be m& hel(ers! de(arting! unto $odP5! to hel( %is religion6 The disci(les said! ;,e will be hel(ers of $od! those who assist %is religion: the& were Mesus5s intimates and the first to belie*e in him. [The& were twel*e men who were of (ure white com(le-ion (hawar)6 but some sa& that the& [were called haw"ri&&Bn because the& were bleachers of clothes (:ass"rBn)6 we belie*e in! we acce(t the truth of! $od6 witness! + Mesus! that we ha*e submitted.

Indonesian : Maka tatkala 2sa mengetahui keingkaran mereka (3ani lsrail) berkatalah dia: A.ia(akah &ang akan men4adi (enolong-(enolongku untuk (menegakkan agama) AllahPA ?ara hawari&&in (sahabat-sahabat setia) men4awab: A7amilah (enolong(enolong (agama) Allah! kami beriman ke(ada Allah6 dan saksikanlah bahwa sesungguhn&a kami adalah orang-orang &ang berserah diri.

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Muhsin Khan : +ur Lord' ,e belie*e in what 0ou ha*e sent down! and we follow the Messenger [92esa (Mesus) 6 so write us down among those who bear witness (to the truth i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah - none has the right to be worshi((ed but Allah). Sahih International : +ur Lord! we ha*e belie*ed in what 0ou re*ealed and ha*e followed the messenger Mesus! so register us among the witnesses [to truth .A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Lord! we belie*e in what 0ou ha*e re*ealed! of the $os(el! and we follow the Messenger! Mesus6 inscribe us therefore with those who bear witness5! to 0our +neness and to the truthfulness of 0our Messenger.

Indonesian : 0a Tuhan kami! kami telah beriman ke(ada a(a &ang telah )ngkau turunkan dan telah kami ikuti rasul! karena itu masukanlah kami ke dalam golongan orang-orang &ang men4adi saksi (tentang keesaan Allah)A.

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Muhsin Khan

: And the& (disbelie*ers) (lotted [to kill 92esa (Mesus) ! and Allah (lanned too. And Allah is the 3est of the (lanners. Sahih International : And the disbelie*ers (lanned! but Allah (lanned. And Allah is the best of (lanners.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $od sa&s: And the&! the disbelie*ers among the =hildren of 2srael! schemed! against Mesus! b& assigning someone to assassinate him6 and $od schemed! b& casting the likeness of Mesus onto the (erson who intended to kill him! and so the& killed him! while Mesus was raised u( into hea*en6 and $od is the best of schemers! most knowledgeable of him [Mesus .

Indonesian : +rang-orang kafir itu membuat ti(u da&a! dan Allah membalas ti(u da&a mereka itu. /an Allah sebaik-baik (embalas ti(u da&a.

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Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when Allah said: A+ 92esa (Mesus)' 2 will take &ou and raise &ou to M&self and clear &ou [of the forged statement that 92esa (Mesus) is Allah9s son of those who disbelie*e! and 2 will make those who follow &ou (Monotheists! who worshi( none but Allah) su(erior to those who disbelie*e [in the +neness of Allah! or disbelie*e in some of %is Messengers! e.g. Muhammad .A,! 92esa (Mesus)! Musa (Moses)! etc.! or in %is %ol& 3ooks! e.g. the Taurat (Torah)! the 2n4eel ($os(el)! the Quran till the /a& of 8esurrection. Then &ou will return to Me and 2 will 4udge between &ou in the matters in which &ou used to dis(ute.A Sahih International : [Mention when Allah said! A+ Mesus! indeed 2 will take &ou and raise &ou to M&self and (urif& &ou from those who disbelie*e and make those who follow &ou [in submission to Allah alone su(erior to those who disbelie*e until the /a& of 8esurrection. Then to Me is &our return! and 2 will 4udge between &ou concerning that in which &ou used to differ.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And mention! when $od said! ;+ Mesus! 2 am gathering &ou! sei<ing &ou! and raising &ou to Me! awa& from the world without death! and 2 am cleansing &ou of! remo*ing &ou far awa& from! those who disbelie*ed! and 2 am setting those who follow &ou! those =hristians and Muslims who belie*ed in &our (ro(hethood! abo*e those who disbelie*ed! in &ou! namel&! the Mews! becoming abo*e them through [definiti*e argument and the sword! until the /a& of 8esurrection. Then to Me shall be &our return! and 2 will decide between &ou! as to what &ou were at *ariance about! as regards religion.

Indonesian : (2ngatlah)! ketika Allah berfirman: A%ai 2sa! sesungguhn&a Aku akan men&am(aikan kamu ke(ada akhir a4almu dan mengangkat kamu ke(ada-7u serta membersihkan kamu dari orang-orang &ang kafir! dan men4adikan orang-orang &ang mengikuti kamu di atas orang-orang &ang kafir hingga hari kiamat. 7emudian han&a ke(ada Akulah kembalimu! lalu Aku memutuskan diantaramu tentang hal-hal &ang selalu kamu berselisih (adan&aA.

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Muhsin Khan : AAs to those who disbelie*e! 2 will (unish them with a se*ere torment in this world and in the %ereafter! and the& will ha*e no hel(ers.A Sahih International : And as for those who disbelie*ed! 2 will (unish them with a se*ere (unishment in this world and the %ereafter! and the& will ha*e no hel(ers.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : As for the disbelie*ers! 2 will chastise them with a terrible chastisement in this world! through being killed! taken ca(ti*e and made to (a& the 4i<&a! and the %ereafter! in the >ire6 the& shall ha*e no hel(ers! none to (rotect them from it.

Indonesian : Ada(un orang-orang &ang kafir! maka akan 7u-siksa mereka dengan siksa &ang sangat keras di dunia dan di akhirat! dan mereka tidak mem(eroleh (enolong.

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Muhsin Khan : And as for those who belie*e (in the +neness of Allah) and do righteous good deeds! Allah will (a& them their reward in full. And Allah does not like the Ralimun ((ol&theists and wrong-doers). Sahih International : 3ut as for those who belie*ed and did righteous deeds! %e will gi*e them in full their rewards! and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: 3ut as for the belie*ers! who do righteous deeds! %e will (a& them in full (&uwaff#him! is also read nuwaff#him! ;,e will (a& them in full5) their wages. $od lo*es not the e*ildoers! that is! %e will chastise them. 2t is re(orted that $od! e-alted be %e! sent him [Mesus a cloud which raised him u(! but his mother clutched to him in tears. %e then said to her! ;@eril&! the 8esurrection shall bring us together again5. This took (lace on the 1ight of +rdainment (la&lat al-:adr) in the %ol& %ouse [of Merusalem ! when he was thirt& three &ears old. %is mother li*ed on after him for si- &ears. The two .ha&khs [3ukh"r# and Muslim narrate a had#th [in which it is stated that he [Mesus will descend when the %our is nigh and will rule according to the Law of our ?ro(het [Muhammad ! and that he will sla& the false messiah and the swine! break the cross and im(ose the 4i<&a. 2n a had#th recorded b& Muslim! he will remain for se*en &ears6 according to AbB /"wBd al-Ta&"lis#! [he will remain for fort& &ears! and he will die and ha*e (ra&ers (erformed o*er him. 2t is (ossible that what is meant [b& the fort& &ears is the total time he will ha*e s(ent on earth! before he was raised and afterwards.

Indonesian : Ada(un orang-orang &ang beriman dan menger4akan amalan-amalan &ang saleh! maka Allah akan memberikan ke(ada mereka dengan sem(urna (ahala amalan-amalan mereka6 dan Allah tidak men&ukai orang-orang &ang <alim.

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Muhsin Khan : This is what ,e recite to &ou (+ Muhammad .A,) of the @erses and the ,ise 8eminder (i.e. the Quran). Sahih International : This is what ,e recite to &ou! [+ Muhammad ! of [+ur *erses and the (recise [and wise message.
Tafsir Jalalayn : This! what is mentioned of the matter of Mesus! ,e recite to &ou! narrate to &ou! + Muhammad (s)! of *erses and wise! clear! remembrance! namel&! the Qur5"n (min al-"&"t! ;of *erses5 is a circumstantial :ualifier referring to the [suffi-ed (ronoun h"5 of natlBhu! and its o(erator is the demonstrati*e im(ort of dh"lika! ;this5).

Indonesian : /emikianlah (kisah 2sa)! 7ami membacakann&a ke(ada kamu sebagian dari buktibukti (kerasulann&a) dan (membacakan) Al Quran &ang (enuh hikmah.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! the likeness of 92esa (Mesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. %e created him from dust! then (%e) said to him: A3e'A - and he was. Sahih International

: 2ndeed! the e-am(le of Mesus to Allah is like that of Adam. %e created %im from dust6 then %e said to him! A3e!A and he was.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul&! the likeness of Mesus! his remarkable case! in $od5s sight! is as Adam5s likeness! as the case of Adam! whom $od created without father or mother: this is a com(arison of one remarkable thing with another more remarkable! so that it con*inces the dis(uter and establishes itself in one5s mind more effecti*el&. %e created him! Adam! that is! his form! of dust! then said %e to him! ;3e!5! a human being! and he was6 similarl&! %e said to Mesus! ;3e5 G without a father G and he was.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a misal ((enci(taan) 2sa di sisi AllAh! adalah se(erti ((enci(taan) Adam. Allah menci(takan Adam dari tanah! kemudian Allah berfirman ke(adan&a: AMadilahA (seorang manusia)! maka 4adilah dia.

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Muhsin Khan : (This is) the truth from &our Lord! so be not of those who doubt. Sahih International : The truth is from &our Lord! so do not be among the doubters.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The truth is from &our Lord (al-ha::u min rabbik! the (redicate of a missing sub4ect! which is [im(lied to be amr ;Vs" [;the matter concerning Mesus5 )6 be not of those who wa*er! those who are uncertain about it.

Indonesian : (A(a &ang telah 7ami ceritakan itu)! itulah &ang benar! &ang datang dari Tuhanmu! karena itu 4anganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang &ang ragu-ragu.

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Muhsin Khan : Then whoe*er dis(utes with &ou concerning him [92esa (Mesus) after (all this) knowledge that has come to &ou! [i.e. 92esa (Mesus) being a sla*e of Allah! and ha*ing no share in /i*init&) sa&: (+ Muhammad .A,) A=ome! let us call our sons and &our sons! our women and &our women! oursel*es and &oursel*es - then we (ra& and in*oke (sincerel&) the =urse of Allah u(on those who lie.A Sahih International

: Then whoe*er argues with &ou about it after [this knowledge has come to &ou - sa&! A=ome! let us call our sons and &our sons! our women and &our women! oursel*es and &oursel*es! then su((licate earnestl& [together and in*oke the curse of Allah u(on the liars [among us .A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And whoe*er! from among the =hristians! dis(utes with &ou concerning him! after the knowledge! of his affair! that has come to &ou! sa&! to them: ;=ome' Let us call our sons and &our sons! our wi*es and &our wi*es! our sel*es and &our sel*es! and gather them together! then let us humbl& (ra& and in*oke $od5s curse u(on those who lie5! b& sa&ing: ;Lord! curse the one that tells lies concerning the affair of Mesus5. The ?ro(het (s) had called u(on the 1a4r"n delegation to do this when the& dis(uted with him about Mesus. The& said! ;Let us think about it and we will come back to &ou5. The 4udicious one among them said! ;0ou know that he is a (ro(het! and that e*er& (eo(le that has e*er challenged a (ro(het to a mutual im(recation has been destro&ed5. The& left him and de(arted. ,hen the& went to see the ?ro(het (s)! who had set out with al-%asan! al-%usa&n! >"tima and ;Al#! he said to them [the 1a4r"n delegation ! ;,hen 2 su((licate! &ou sa& ;Amen56 but the& refrained from this mutual im(recation and made (eace with the ?ro(het on the condition that the& (a& the 4i<&a! as re(orted b& AbB 1u;a&m. According to 2bn ;Abb"s [the ?ro(het said! ;%ad the& set out and (erformed the mutual cursing! the& would ha*e gone home and found neither (ossessions nor famil&5. 2t is also re(orted that had the& set out with this intention! the& would ha*e been consumed b& fire.

Indonesian : .ia(a &ang membantahmu tentang kisah 2sa sesudah datang ilmu (&ang me&akinkan kamu)! maka katakanlah (ke(adan&a): AMarilah kita memanggil anak-anak kami dan anak-anak kamu! isteri-isteri kami dan isteri-isteri kamu! diri kami dan diri kamu6 kemudian marilah kita bermubahalah ke(ada Allah dan kita minta su(a&a laknat Allah ditim(akan ke(ada orang-orang &ang dusta.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&' This is the true narrati*e [about the stor& of 92esa (Mesus) ! and! La ilaha illAllah (none has the right to be worshi((ed but Allah! the +ne and the +nl& True $od! ,ho has neither a wife nor a son). And indeed! Allah is the All-Might&! the All-,ise. Sahih International : 2ndeed! this is the true narration. And there is no deit& e-ce(t Allah . And indeed! Allah is the )-alted in Might! the ,ise.
Tafsir Jalalayn : This! mentioned abo*e! is the true stor&! the re(ort free of an& doubt. There is no god but $od! and assuredl& $od is Might&! in %is 7ingdom! ,ise! in %is actions.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a ini adalah kisah &ang benar! dan tak ada Tuhan (&ang berhak disembah) selain Allah6 dan sesungguhn&a Allah! /ialah 0ang Maha ?erkasa lagi Maha 3i4aksana.

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Muhsin Khan : And if the& turn awa& (and do not acce(t these true (roofs and e*idences)! then surel&! Allah is All-Aware of those who do mischief. Sahih International : 3ut if the& turn awa&! then indeed - Allah is 7nowing of the corru(ters.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And if the& turn their backs! re4ecting faith! assuredl& $od knows the agents of corru(tion! and will re:uite them (here the [third (erson (ronominalisation has been re(laced with the o*ert noun [al-mufsidBn! ;the agents of corru(tion5 ).

Indonesian : 7emudian 4ika mereka ber(aling (dari kebenaran)! maka sesunguhn&a Allah Maha Mengetahui orang-orang &ang berbuat kerusakan.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A+ (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians): =ome to a word that is 4ust between us and &ou! that we worshi( none but Allah! and that we associate no (artners with %im! and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah. Then! if the& turn awa&! sa&: A3ear witness that we are Muslims.A Sahih International : .a&! A+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! come to a word that is e:uitable between us and &ou that we will not worshi( e-ce(t Allah and not associate an&thing with %im and not take one another as lords instead of Allah .A 3ut if the& turn awa&! then sa&! A3ear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to %im .A
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&: ;+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture'! Mews and =hristians! come now to a word agreed u(on (saw"5! is the *erbal noun! meaning mustawin amruh"! ;[a word regarding which the matter is u(right5) between us and &ou! and it is! that we worshi( none but $od (all" is [made u( of an-l"! ;thatQnot5) and that we do not associate an&thing with %im! and do not take each other for lords! beside $od5! as &ou ha*e taken rabbis and monks6 and if the& turn their backs! in re4ection of $od5s +neness! sa&! &ou to them: ;3ear witness that we ha*e submitted5! [that we are of those who affirm the +neness of $od.


: 7atakanlah: A%ai Ahli 7itab! marilah (ber(egang) ke(ada suatu kalimat (keteta(an) &ang tidak ada (erselisihan antara kami dan kamu! bahwa tidak kita sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita (ersekutukan /ia dengan sesuatu(un dan tidak ((ula) sebagian kita men4adikan sebagian &ang lain sebagai tuhan selain AllahA. Mika mereka ber(aling maka katakanlah ke(ada mereka: A.aksikanlah! bahwa kami adalah orang-orang &ang berserah diri (ke(ada Allah)A.

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Muhsin Khan : + (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians)' ,h& do &ou dis(ute about 2brahim (Abraham)! while the Taurat (Torah) and the 2n4eel ($os(el) were not re*ealed till after himP %a*e &ou then no senseP Sahih International : + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou argue about Abraham while the Torah and the $os(el were not re*ealed until after himP Then will &ou not reasonP
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the Mews claimed that Abraham was Mewish and that the& were following his religion! and the =hristians made a similar claim! the following was re*ealed: + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture' ,h& do &ou argue about! dis(ute o*er! AbrahamP! claiming that he belonged to one of &our [two religions! when the Torah was not re*ealed! neither the $os(el! but! a *er& long time! after him! and it was onl& after these two were re*ealed that Mewr& and =hristianit& came into being. ,hat! do &ou not com(rehendP! the falsehood of what &ou sa&P

Indonesian : %ai Ahli 7itab! menga(a kamu bantah membantah tentang hal 2brahim! (adahal Taurat dan 2n4il tidak diturunkan melainkan sesudah 2brahim. A(akah kamu tidak ber(ikirP

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! &ou are those who ha*e dis(uted about that of which &ou ha*e knowledge. ,h& do &ou then dis(ute concerning that which &ou ha*e no knowledgeP 2t is Allah ,ho knows! and &ou know not. Sahih International

: %ere &ou are - those who ha*e argued about that of which &ou ha*e [some knowledge! but wh& do &ou argue about that of which &ou ha*e no knowledgeP And Allah knows! while &ou know not.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Lo' (h"! ;lo5! is for calling attention to something)! 0ou (antum! ;&ou5! is the sub4ect) are those (the (redicate is [what follows ) who dis(ute about what &ou know! concerning the affair of Moses and Mesus! and &our claim to be adhering to their religions: wh& do &ou then dis(ute concerning that of which &ou ha*e no knowledgeP! of Abraham5s circumstances6 and $od knows! his circumstances! and &ou know not.

Indonesian : 3eginilah kamu! kamu ini (sewa4arn&a) bantah membantah tentang hal &ang kamu ketahui! maka kena(a kamu bantah membantah tentang hal &ang tidak kamu ketahuiP Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.

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Muhsin Khan : 2brahim (Abraham) was neither a Mew nor a =hristian! but he was a true Muslim %anifa (2slamic Monotheism - to worshi( none but Allah Alone) and he was not of AlMushrikun (.ee @.D:CTU). Sahih International : Abraham was neither a Mew nor a =hristian! but he was one inclining toward truth! a Muslim [submitting to Allah . And he was not of the (ol&theists.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $od! in order to dissociate Abraham [from their claims ! said: 1o6 Abraham in truth was not a Mew! neither a =hristian! but he was a Muslim! (rofessing the +neness of $od! and a han#f! who inclined awa& from all other religions towards the u(right one6 and he was ne*er of the idolaters.

Indonesian : 2brahim bukan seorang 0ahudi dan bukan ((ula) seorang 1asrani! akan teta(i dia adalah seorang &ang lurus lagi berserah diri (ke(ada Allah) dan sekali-kali bukanlah dia termasuk golongan orang-orang mus&rik.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! among mankind who ha*e the best claim to 2brahim (Abraham) are those who followed him! and this ?ro(het (Muhammad .A,) and those who ha*e belie*ed (Muslims). And Allah is the ,ali (?rotector and %el(er) of the belie*ers. Sahih International

: 2ndeed! the most worth& of Abraham among the (eo(le are those who followed him [in submission to Allah and this (ro(het! and those who belie*e [in his message . And Allah is the all& of the belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .urel& the (eo(le with the best claim! most worth& of! Abraham are those who followed him! during his time! and this ?ro(het! Muhammad (s) on account of his according with him as regards most [of the rulings of his Law! and those who belie*e! from among his communit&! the& are the ones that ought to sa&! ;,e follow his religion5! and not &ou6 and $od is the ?rotector of the belie*ers! their %el(er and ?reser*er.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang &ang (aling dekat ke(ada 2brahim ialah orang-orang &ang mengikutin&a dan 1abi ini (Muhammad)! beserta orang-orang &ang beriman (ke(ada Muhammad)! dan Allah adalah ?elindung semua orang-orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : A (art& of the (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) wish to lead &ou astra&. 3ut the& shall not lead astra& an&one e-ce(t themsel*es! and the& (ercei*e not. Sahih International : A faction of the (eo(le of the .cri(ture wish the& could mislead &ou. 3ut the& do not mislead e-ce(t themsel*es! and the& (ercei*e [it not.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the Mews called Mu;"dh [b. Mabal ! %udha&fa [b. al-0am"n and ;Amm"r [b. 0"sir to [4oin their religion! the following was re*ealed: There is a (art& of the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture who &earn to make &ou go astra&6 &et the& cause none to stra&! e-ce(t themsel*es! because the sin for their leading [others astra& falls u(on them! while the belie*ers do not heed them in this6 but the& are not aware! of this.

Indonesian : .egolongan dari Ahli 7itab ingin men&esatkan kamu! (adahal mereka (sebenarn&a) tidak men&esatkan melainkan dirin&a sendiri! dan mereka tidak men&adarin&a.

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Muhsin Khan : + (eo(le of the .cri(ture' (Mews and =hristians): A,h& do &ou disbelie*e in the A&at of Allah! [the @erses about ?ro(het Muhammad .A, (resent in the Taurat (Torah) and the 2n4eel ($os(el) while &ou (&oursel*es) bear witness (to their truth).A Sahih International

: + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou disbelie*e in the *erses of Allah while &ou witness [to their truth P
Tafsir Jalalayn : + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture' ,h& do &ou disbelie*e in $od5s *erses! the Qur5"n! that includes all the descri(tions of Muhammad (s)! when &ou &oursel*es bear witnessP! [when &ou know that it is the truth.

Indonesian : %ai Ahli 7itab! menga(a kamu mengingkari a&at-a&at Allah! (adahal kamu mengetahui (kebenarann&a).

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Muhsin Khan : + (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians): A,h& do &ou mi- truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while &ou knowPA Sahih International : + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while &ou know [it P
Tafsir Jalalayn : + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture' ,h& do &ou confound! [wh& do &ou mi-! truth with falsehood! b& distorting and falsif&ing [scri(ture ! and conceal the truth! the descri(tions of the ?ro(het! while &ou knowP! that it is the truthP

Indonesian : %ai Ahli 7itab! menga(a kamu mencam(ur adukkan &ang ha: dengan &ang bathil! dan men&embun&ikan kebenaran! (adahal kamu mengetahuin&aP

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Muhsin Khan : And a (art& of the (eo(le of the .cri(ture sa&: A3elie*e in the morning in that which is re*ealed to the belie*ers (Muslims)! and re4ect it at the end of the da&! so that the& ma& turn back. Sahih International : And a faction of the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture sa& [to each other ! A3elie*e in that which was re*ealed to the belie*ers at the beginning of the da& and re4ect it at its end that (erha(s the& will abandon their religion!
Tafsir Jalalayn : A (art& of the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! the Mews! sa&! to some among them! ;3elie*e in what has been re*ealed to those who belie*e! that is! the Qur5"n! at the beginning of the da&! and disbelie*e!

in it! at the end of it! so that the&! the belie*ers! might then turn back! from his [Muhammad5s religion! and that the& [the belie*ers will then sa&: these [Mews are knowledgeable and the& could onl& ha*e turned awa& from it after acce(ting it because the& know it to be false.

Indonesian : .egolongan (lain) dari Ahli 7itab berkata (ke(ada sesaman&a): A?erlihatkanlah (seolah-olah) kamu beriman ke(ada a(a &ang diturunkan ke(ada orang-orang beriman (sahabat-sahabat 8asul) (ada (ermulaan siang dan ingkarilah ia (ada akhirn&a! su(a&a mereka (orang-orang mukmin) kembali (ke(ada kekafiran).

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Muhsin Khan : And belie*e no one e-ce(t the one who follows &our religion. .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A@eril&' 8ight guidance is the $uidance of AllahA and do not belie*e that an&one can recei*e like that which &ou ha*e recei*ed (of 8e*elation) e-ce(t when he follows &our religion! otherwise the& would engage &ou in argument before &our Lord. .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): AAll the bount& is in the %and of Allah6 %e grants to whom %e wills. And Allah is All-.ufficient for %is creatures9 needs! the All-7nower.A Sahih International : And do not trust e-ce(t those who follow &our religion.A .a&! A2ndeed! the [true guidance is the guidance of Allah . [/o &ou fear lest someone be gi*en [knowledge like &ou were gi*en or that the& would [thereb& argue with &ou before &our LordPA .a&! A2ndeed! [all bount& is in the hand of Allah - %e grants it to whom %e wills. And Allah is all-)ncom(assing and ,ise.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And the& also said: And do not belie*e e-ce(t in one who (the l"m of li-man! ;in one who5! is e-tra) follows! accords with! &our religion5. $od! e-alted be %e! sa&s! .a&! to them! + Muhammad (s): ;True guidance is $od5s guidance! that is 2slam! e*er&thing else being error (this statement is (arenthetical) G that (an [and what follows is the direct ob4ect of the *erb wa-l" tu5minB! ;do not belie*e5) an&one should be gi*en the like of what &ou ha*e been gi*en! of the 3ook! wisdom! and of the *irtues (the term ahad! ;an&one5! from whom the e-clusion is being made! (recedes that which is being e-cluded! ;the like of what &ou ha*e been gi*en5! the meaning being: ;/o not affirm that an&one should be gi*en this unless the& follow &our religion5)6 or that the&! the belie*ers! should dis(ute with &ou! [that the& should (re*ail o*er &ou! before &our Lord5! on the /a& of 8esurrection! for &ou ha*e the sounder religion (a *ariant reading has a-an! ;such that5! the e-tra ham<a denoting rebuke) in other words! [the Mews sa& do not belie*e that another has been gi*en the like of it! such that &ou might affirm it. $od! e-alted be %e! sa&s! .a&: ;.urel& bount& is in $od5s %and6 %e gi*es it to whome*er %e will! so how can &ou sa& that no one else will be gi*en what &ou ha*e been gi*enP $od is )mbracing! of am(le bount&! 7nowing! those who deser*e it.

Indonesian : /an 4anganlah kamu (erca&a melainkan ke(ada orang &ang mengikuti agamamu. 7atakanlah: A.esungguhn&a (etun4uk (&ang harus diikuti) ialah (etun4uk Allah! dan

(4anganlah kamu (erca&a) bahwa akan diberikan ke(ada seseorang se(erti a(a &ang diberikan ke(adamu! dan (4angan (ula kamu (erca&a) bahwa mereka akan mengalahkan hu44ahmu di sisi TuhanmuA. 7atakanlah: A.esungguhn&a karunia itu di tangan Allah! Allah memberikan karunia-1&a ke(ada sia(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a6 dan Allah Maha Luas karunia-1&a) lagi Maha MengetahuiA6

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Muhsin Khan : %e selects for %is Merc& (2slam and the Quran with ?ro(hethood) whom %e wills and Allah is the +wner of $reat 3ount&. Sahih International : %e selects for %is merc& whom %e wills. And Allah is the (ossessor of great bount&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e singles out for %is merc& whom %e will6 $od is of bount& abounding5.

Indonesian : Allah menentukan rahmat-1&a (kenabian) ke(ada sia(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a dan Allah mem(un&ai karunia &ang besar.

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Muhsin Khan : Among the (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) is he who! if entrusted with a =antar (a great amount of wealth! etc.)! will readil& (a& it back6 and among them there is he who! if entrusted with a single sil*er coin! will not re(a& it unless &ou constantl& stand demanding! because the& sa&: AThere is no blame on us to betra& and take the (ro(erties of the illiterates (Arabs).A 3ut the& tell a lie against Allah while the& know it. Sahih International : And among the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture is he who! if &ou entrust him with a great amount [of wealth ! he will return it to &ou. And among them is he who! if &ou entrust him with a [single sil*er coin! he will not return it to &ou unless &ou are constantl& standing o*er him [demanding it . That is because the& sa&! AThere is no blame u(on us concerning the unlearned.A And the& s(eak untruth about Allah while the& know [it .
Tafsir Jalalayn

: And of the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture is he who! if &ou trust him with a hundredweight! that is! with much mone&! he will return it to &ou! on account of his trustworthiness! the like of ;Abd All"h b. .al"m to whom a man entrusted CDTT (lates of gold! which he then returned to him6 and of them is he who! if &ou trust him with one dinar! will not return it to &ou! on account of his treacher&6 unless &ou kee( standing o*er him! not lea*ing him for one minute! for as soon as &ou lea*e him! he will den& it! as was the case with 7a;b b. al-Ashraf! to whom a man from Qura&sh entrusted a dinar and later denied it. That! refusal to return things! is because the& sa&! ;,e ha*e no dut& towards! namel&! [no (ossibilit& of ac:uiring sin because of! the $entiles5! the Arabs6 for the& considered it lawful to be un4ust towards an& (erson of a different religion! and the& attributed [the source of this con*iction to $od! e-alted be %e. $od! e-alted be %e! sa&s! The& s(eak falsehood against $od! b& attributing such things to %im! while the& are aware! that the& are liars.

Indonesian : /i antara Ahli kitab ada orang &ang 4ika kamu mem(erca&akan ke(adan&a harta &ang ban&ak! dikembalikann&a ke(adamu6 dan di antara mereka ada orang &ang 4ika kamu mem(erca&akan ke(adan&a satu dinar! tidak dikembalikann&a ke(adamu kecuali 4ika kamu selalu menagihn&a. 0ang demikian itu lantaran mereka mengatakan: Atidak ada dosa bagi kami terhada( orang-orang ummi. Mereka berkata dusta terhada( Allah! (adahal mereka mengetahui.

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Muhsin Khan : 0es! whoe*er fulfils his (ledge and fears Allah much6 *eril&! then Allah lo*es those who are Al-Mutta:un (the (ious - see @.D:D). Sahih International : 3ut &es! whoe*er fulfills his commitment and fears Allah - then indeed! Allah lo*es those who fear %im.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 1a&! there is a dut& incumbent o*er them in this regard6 but whoe*er fulfils his co*enant! the one he has made or the co*enant of $od! b& restoring a trust and other such things! and has fear! of $od! b& refraining from disobedience and (erforming deeds of obedience! for trul& $od lo*es the $odfearing: ;%e lo*es them5 means that %e will reward them (the o*ert noun [al-mutta:#n! ;the $odfearing5 has re(laced the [third (erson (ronominalisation).

Indonesian : (3ukan demikian)! sebenarn&a sia(a &ang mene(ati 4an4i (&ang dibuat)n&a dan bertakwa! maka sesungguhn&a Allah men&ukai orang-orang &ang bertakwa.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! those who (urchase a small gain at the cost of Allah9s =o*enant and their oaths! the& shall ha*e no (ortion in the %ereafter (?aradise). 1either will Allah s(eak to them! nor look at them on the /a& of 8esurrection! nor will %e (urif& them! and the& shall ha*e a (ainful torment. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who e-change the co*enant of Allah and their [own oaths for a small (rice will ha*e no share in the %ereafter! and Allah will not s(eak to them or look at them on the /a& of 8esurrection! nor will %e (urif& them6 and the& will ha*e a (ainful (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The following was re*ealed with regard to the Mews when the& distorted the descri(tions of the ?ro(het (s) and $od5s co*enant with them in the Torah! and [$od5s co*enant with them regarding one that swears an oath to a falsehood when bearing witness or when selling merchandise: Those that sell! e-change! $od5s co*enant! with them that the& belie*e in the ?ro(het and return faithfull& what has been entrusted to them! and their own oaths! their in*oking $od5s name in mendacit&! for a small (rice! of this world! there shall be no share! [no lot! for them in the %ereafter6 and $od shall not s(eak to them! out of wrath against them! nor look u(on them! [nor ha*e merc& u(on them! on the /a& of 8esurrection! nor will %e (urif& them! cleanse them! and theirs will be a (ainful chastisement.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang menukar 4an4i (n&a dengan) Allah dan sum(ahsum(ah mereka dengan harga &ang sedikit! mereka itu tidak menda(at bahagian ((ahala) di akhirat! dan Allah tidak akan berkata-kata dengan mereka dan tidak akan melihat ke(ada mereka (ada hari kiamat dan tidak ((ula) akan mensucikan mereka. 3agi mereka a<ab &ang (edih.

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Muhsin Khan : And *eril&! among them is a (art& who distort the 3ook with their tongues (as the& read)! so that &ou ma& think it is from the 3ook! but it is not from the 3ook! and the& sa&: AThis is from Allah!A but it is not from Allah6 and the& s(eak a lie against Allah while the& know it. Sahih International : And indeed! there is among them a (art& who alter the .cri(ture with their tongues so &ou ma& think it is from the .cri(ture! but it is not from the .cri(ture. And the& sa&! AThis is from Allah !A but it is not from Allah . And the& s(eak untruth about Allah while the& know.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And there is a grou(! a (art&! of them! the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! like 7a;b b. al-Ashraf! who twist their tongues with the 3ook! altering it b& reciting it not according to the wa& in which it was re*ealed! but according to the wa& in which the& ha*e distorted it! as in the case of the descri(tions of the ?ro(het (s) and other similar matters6 so that &ou ma& su((ose it! such distortion! as (art of the 3ook! that $od re*ealed6 &et it is not (art of the 3ook6 and the& sa&! ;2t is from $od5! &et it is not from $od! and the& s(eak falsehood against $od! while the& know! that the& are liars.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a diantara mereka ada segolongan &ang memutar-mutar lidahn&a membaca Al 7itab! su(a&a kamu men&angka &ang dibacan&a itu sebagian dari Al 7itab! (adahal ia bukan dari Al 7itab dan mereka mengatakan: A2a (&ang dibaca itu datang) dari sisi AllahA! (adahal ia bukan dari sisi Allah. Mereka berkata dusta terhada( Allah sedang mereka mengetahui.

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Muhsin Khan : 2t is not ((ossible) for an& human being to whom Allah has gi*en the 3ook and Al%ukma (the knowledge and understanding of the laws of religion! etc.) and ?ro(hethood to sa& to the (eo(le: A3e m& worshi((ers rather than Allah9s.A +n the contrar& (he would sa&): A3e &ou 8abbani&un (learned men of religion who (ractise what the& know and also (reach others)! because &ou are teaching the 3ook! and &ou are stud&ing it.A Sahih International : 2t is not for a human [(ro(het that Allah should gi*e him the .cri(ture and authorit& and (ro(hethood and then he would sa& to the (eo(le! A3e ser*ants to me rather than Allah !A but [instead! he would sa& ! A3e (ious scholars of the Lord because of what &ou ha*e taught of the .cri(ture and because of what &ou ha*e studied.A

Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the =hristians of 1a4r"n claimed that Mesus had commanded them to take him as a /i*init&! and some Muslims asked that the& should be (ermitted to (rostrate themsel*es before him! the ?ro(het (s)! the following was re*ealed: 2t belongs not to an& mortal that $od should gi*e him the 3ook! the Mudgement! the understanding of the /i*ine Law! (ro(hethood! then that he should sa& to men! ;3e ser*ants to me instead of $od.5 8ather! he should sa&! ;3e masters! scholars! labouring (rabb"ni&&Bn! ;those of the Lord5! is deri*ed from rabb! ;lord5! with the e-tra alif and nBn! as a su(erlati*e [of rabbi&&Bn )! b& *irtue of what &ou know (ta;lamBn! also read as tu;allimBn! ;&ou teach5) of the 3ook and in what &ou stud&5! that is! on account of the fact that &ou used to do this! for its benefit is that &ou engage in action.

Indonesian : Tidak wa4ar bagi seseorang manusia &ang Allah berikan ke(adan&a Al 7itab! hikmah dan kenabian! lalu dia berkata ke(ada manusia: A%endaklah kamu men4adi (en&embah(en&embahku bukan (en&embah AllahA. Akan teta(i (dia berkata): A%endaklah kamu men4adi orang-orang rabbani! karena kamu selalu menga4arkan Al 7itab dan disebabkan kamu teta( mem(ela4arin&a.

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Muhsin Khan : 1or would he order &ou to take angels and ?ro(hets for lords (gods). ,ould he order &ou to disbelie*e after &ou ha*e submitted to Allah9s ,illP (Tafsir At-Tabari). Sahih International : 1or could he order &ou to take the angels and (ro(hets as lords. ,ould he order &ou to disbelief after &ou had been MuslimsP
Tafsir Jalalayn : %e would ne*er order &ou (read l" &a5murukum! to denote a new clause! meaning ;$od [would not order &ou 56 or if read l" &a5murakum! it would be a su((lement to &a:Bla! ;he should sa&5! meaning ;[it belongs not thatQ a mortal [should order &ou 5)6 to take the angels and the (ro(hets as lords! in the wa& that the .abaeans ha*e taken the angels! the Mews! )<ra! and the =hristians! Mesus. ,ould %e order &ou to disbelie*e! after &ou ha*e submittedP %e would not do this.

Indonesian : dan (tidak wa4ar (ula bagin&a) men&uruhmu men4adikan malaikat dan (ara nabi sebagai tuhan. A(akah ((atut) dia men&uruhmu berbuat kekafiran di waktu kamu sudah (menganut agama) 2slamPA.

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Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when Allah took the =o*enant of the ?ro(hets! sa&ing: ATake whate*er 2 ga*e &ou from the 3ook and %ikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah! etc.)! and afterwards there will come to &ou a Messenger (Muhammad .A,) confirming what is with &ou6 &ou must! then! belie*e in him and hel( him.A Allah said: A/o &ou agree (to it) and will &ou take u( M& =o*enant (which 2 conclude with &ou)PA The& said: A,e agree.A %e said: AThen bear witness6 and 2 am with &ou among the witnesses (for this).A Sahih International : And [recall! + ?eo(le of the .cri(ture ! when Allah took the co*enant of the (ro(hets! [sa&ing ! A,hate*er 2 gi*e &ou of the .cri(ture and wisdom and then there comes to &ou a messenger confirming what is with &ou! &ou [must belie*e in him and su((ort him.A [ Allah said! A%a*e &ou acknowledged and taken u(on that M& commitmentPA The& said! A,e ha*e acknowledged it.A %e said! AThen bear witness! and 2 am with &ou among the witnesses.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And! mention! when $od made a co*enant with the (ro(hets! ;,hat (if read lam"! it would be introducing a sub4ect clause! and em(hasising the as(ect of the oath in this ;making of the co*enant56 if it is read lim"! it would then be connected to the *erb akhadha! ;%e took56 the m"! ;what5! is a relati*e (article in both cases! meaning la5lladh# [or li5lladh# res(ecti*el& ) 2 ha*e gi*en &ou ("ta&tukum! or in a *ariant reading! "ta&n"kum! ;,e ha*e gi*en &ou5) of the 3ook and wisdom6 then there shall come to &ou a messenger confirming what is with &ou! of the 3ook and wisdom! and that is Muhammad (s) G &ou shall belie*e in him and &ou shall hel( him5 (this constitutes the res(onse to the oath)! if &ou reach his time and (ercei*e him! and their communities [of descendants follow them [in what is incumbent u(on them . %e! $od! e-alted be %e! said to them! ;/o &ou affirm! thisP And do &ou take! [do &ou acce(t! M& load! M& co*enant! on &ou on that conditionP5 The& said! ;,e affirm5. %e said! ;Then bear witness! to this before &our own souls and [those of &our followers! and 2 shall be with &ou among the witnesses5! before &ou and them.

Indonesian : /an (ingatlah)! ketika Allah mengambil (er4an4ian dari (ara nabi: A.ungguh! a(a sa4a &ang Aku berikan ke(adamu beru(a kitab dan hikmah kemudian datang ke(adamu seorang rasul &ang membenarkan a(a &ang ada (adamu! nisca&a kamu akan sungguhsungguh beriman ke(adan&a dan menolongn&aA. Allah berfirman: AA(akah kamu mengakui dan menerima (er4an4ian-7u terhada( &ang demikian ituPA Mereka men4awab: A7ami mengakuiA. Allah berfirman: A7alau begitu saksikanlah (hai (ara nabi) dan Aku men4adi saksi ((ula) bersama kamuA.


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Muhsin Khan : Then whoe*er turns awa& after this! the& are the >asi:un (rebellious: those who turn awa& from Allah9s +bedience). Sahih International : And whoe*er turned awa& after that - the& were the defiantl& disobedient.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then whoe*er turns his back! in re4ection! after that! co*enant! the& are the wicked.

Indonesian : 3arang sia(a &ang ber(aling sesudah itu! maka mereka itulah orang-orang &ang fasik.

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Muhsin Khan : /o the& seek other than the religion of Allah (the true 2slamic Monotheism worshi((ing none but Allah Alone)! while to %im submitted all creatures in the hea*ens and the earth! willingl& or unwillingl&. And to %im shall the& all be returned. Sahih International : .o is it other than the religion of Allah the& desire! while to %im ha*e submitted [all those within the hea*ens and earth! willingl& or b& com(ulsion! and to %im the& will be returnedP
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hat' /o the&! the ones who turn awa&! desire (&abghBna! is also read tabghBna! ;[do &ou desireP5) other than $od5s religion! when to %im has submitted! [to %im has &ielded! whoe*er is in the hea*ens and the earth! willingl&! without refusal! or unwillingl&! b& the sword and b& seeing what it [such refusal results in! and to %im the& shall be returnedP (&ur4a;Bna! ma& also be read tur4a;Bna! ;&ou shall be returned56 the ham<a at the beginning of the *erse [a-fa-gha&ra! ;whatQ other5 denotes a disa*owal).

Indonesian : Maka a(akah mereka mencari agama &ang lain dari agama Allah! (adahal ke(ada1&a-lah men&erahkan diri segala a(a &ang di langit dan di bumi! baik dengan suka mau(un ter(aksa dan han&a ke(ada Allahlah mereka dikembalikan.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A,e belie*e in Allah and in what has been sent down to us! and what was sent down to 2brahim (Abraham)! 2sma9il (2shmael)! 2sha:ue (2saac)! 0a9:ub (Macob) and Al-Asbat [the twel*e sons of 0a9:ub (Macob) and what was gi*en to Musa (Moses)! 92esa (Mesus) and the ?ro(hets from their Lord. ,e make no distinction between one another among them and to %im (Allah) we ha*e submitted (in 2slam).A Sahih International : .a&! A,e ha*e belie*ed in Allah and in what was re*ealed to us and what was re*ealed to Abraham! 2shmael! 2saac! Macob! and the /escendants! and in what was gi*en to Moses and Mesus and to the (ro(hets from their Lord. ,e make no distinction between an& of them! and we are Muslims [submitting to %im.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&! to them! + Muhammad (s): ;,e belie*e in $od! and that which has been re*ealed to us! and that which has been re*ealed to Abraham and 2shmael! and 2saac and Macob! and the Tribes! the latter5s sons6 and in that which was gi*en to Moses and Mesus! and the (ro(hets! from their Lord6 we make no di*ision between an& of them! b& belie*ing [in some and disbelie*ing [in others 6 and to %im we submit5! de*oting worshi( sincerel& [to %im .

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A7ami beriman ke(ada Allah dan ke(ada a(a &ang diturunkan ke(ada kami dan &ang diturunkan ke(ada 2brahim! 2smail! 2sha:! 0a9:ub! dan anak-anakn&a! dan a(a &ang diberikan ke(ada Musa! 2sa dan (ara nabi dari Tuhan mereka. 7ami tidak membeda-bedakan seorang(un di antara mereka dan han&a ke(ada-1&a-lah kami men&erahkan diriA.

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Muhsin Khan : And whoe*er seeks a religion other than 2slam! it will ne*er be acce(ted of him! and in the %ereafter he will be one of the losers. Sahih International : And whoe*er desires other than 2slam as religion - ne*er will it be acce(ted from him! and he! in the %ereafter! will be among the losers.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: The following was re*ealed regarding those who a(ostati<ed and became disbelie*ers: ,hoe*er desires a religion other than 2slam! it shall not be acce(ted from him and in the %ereafter he shall be among the losers! because he will end u( in the >ire! made e*erlasting for him.

Indonesian : 3arangsia(a mencari agama selain agama 2slam! maka sekali-kali tidaklah akan diterima (agama itu)dari(adan&a! dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang &ang rugi.

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Muhsin Khan : %ow shall Allah guide a (eo(le who disbelie*ed after their belief and after the& bore witness that the Messenger (Muhammad .A,) is true and after clear (roofs had come unto themP And Allah guides not the (eo(le who are Ralimun ((ol&theists and wrongdoers). Sahih International : %ow shall Allah guide a (eo(le who disbelie*ed after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to themP And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing (eo(le.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %ow shall $od guide! that is to sa&! [%e shall not [guide ! a (eo(le who ha*e disbelie*ed after their belief! and bore witness! that is! [and after their bearing witness! that the Messenger is true! and after the clear signs! the manifest (roofs of the truth of the ?ro(het! had come to themP $od guides not the e*ildoing! that is! the disbelie*ing! folk.

Indonesian : 3agaimana Allah akan menun4uki suatu kaum &ang kafir sesudah mereka beriman! serta mereka telah mengakui bahwa 8asul itu (Muhammad) benar-benar rasul! dan keterangan-keterangan(un telah datang ke(ada merekaP Allah tidak menun4uki orangorang &ang <alim.

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Muhsin Khan : The& are those whose recom(ense is that on them (rests) the =urse of Allah! of the angels! and of all mankind. Sahih International : Those - their recom(ense will be that u(on them is the curse of Allah and the angels and the (eo(le! all together!
Tafsir Jalalayn

: Those G their re:uital is that there shall rest on them the curse of $od and of the angels and of men altogether.

Indonesian : Mereka itu! balasann&a ialah: bahwasan&a laknat Allah ditim(akan ke(ada mereka! (demikian (ula) laknat (ara malaikat dan manusia seluruhn&a!

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Muhsin Khan : The& will abide therein (%ell). 1either will their torment be lightened! nor will it be dela&ed or (ost(oned (for a while). Sahih International : Abiding eternall& therein. The (unishment will not be lightened for them! nor will the& be re(rie*ed.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Abiding therein! that is! in the curse! or in the >ire im(lied b& it [the curse 6 the chastisement shall not be lightened for them and the& shall not be re(rie*ed! the& shall [not be gi*en an& res(ite.

Indonesian : mereka kekal di dalamn&a! tidak diringankan siksa dari mereka! dan tidak ((ula) mereka diberi tangguh!

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Muhsin Khan : )-ce(t for those who re(ent after that and do righteous deeds. @eril&! Allah is +ft>orgi*ing! Most Merciful. Sahih International : )-ce(t for those who re(ent after that and correct themsel*es. >or indeed! Allah is >orgi*ing and Merciful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3ut those who re(ent thereafter! and make amends! in their actions! then trul& $od is >orgi*ing! Merciful! to them.

Indonesian : kecuali orang-orang &ang taubat! sesudah (kafir) itu dan mengadakan (erbaikan. 7arena sesungguhn&a Allah Maha ?engam(un lagi Maha ?en&a&ang.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! those who disbelie*ed after their 3elief and then went on increasing in their disbelief (i.e. disbelief in the Quran and in ?ro(het Muhammad .A,) - ne*er will their re(entance be acce(ted [because the& re(ent onl& b& their tongues and not from their hearts . And the& are those who are astra&. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who re4ect the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief ne*er will their [claimed re(entance be acce(ted! and the& are the ones astra&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The following was re*ealed regarding the Mews: .urel& those who disbelie*e! in Mesus! after the& ha*e belie*ed! in Moses! and then increase in unbelief! in Muhammad (s) G their re(entance shall not be acce(ted! when the& are drawing their last gas(s of life! or when the& ha*e died as disbelie*ers6 those are the ones who go astra&.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang kafir sesudah beriman! kemudian bertambah kekafirann&a! sekali-kali tidak akan diterima taubatn&a6 dan mereka itulah orang-orang &ang sesat.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! those who disbelie*ed! and died while the& were disbelie*ers! the (whole) earth full of gold will not be acce(ted from an&one of them e*en if the& offered it as a ransom. >or them is a (ainful torment and the& will ha*e no hel(ers. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who disbelie*e and die while the& are disbelie*ers - ne*er would the [whole ca(acit& of the earth in gold be acce(ted from one of them if he would [seek to ransom himself with it. >or those there will be a (ainful (unishment! and the& will ha*e no hel(ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .urel& those who disbelie*e! and die disbelie*ing! the whole earth full! the amount needed to fill it u(! of gold shall not be acce(ted from an& one of them (the f"5 [of fa-lan &u:bala! ;it shall not be acce(ted5 has been included in the (redicate of the inna clause! because the statement about alladh#na! ;those [who disbelie*e 5! resembles a conditional statement6 and as a declaration of the reason for it [re(entance not being acce(table in the case of one who dies in unbelief) if he would

ransom himself thereb&6 for them awaits a (ainful chastisement (al#m is [the same as mu5lim! ;(ainful5)! and the& shall ha*e no hel(ers! to (rotect them from it.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang kafir dan mati sedang mereka teta( dalam kekafirann&a! maka tidaklah akan diterima dari seseorang diantara mereka emas se(enuh bumi! walau(un dia menebus diri dengan emas (&ang seban&ak) itu. 3agi mereka itulah siksa &ang (edih dan sekali-kali mereka tidak mem(eroleh (enolong.

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Muhsin Khan : 3& no means shall &ou attain Al-3irr ((iet&! righteousness! etc.! it means here Allah9s 8eward! i.e. ?aradise)! unless &ou s(end (in Allah9s =ause) of that which &ou lo*e6 and whate*er of good &ou s(end! Allah knows it well. Sahih International : 1e*er will &ou attain the good [reward until &ou s(end [in the wa& of Allah from that which &ou lo*e. And whate*er &ou s(end - indeed! Allah is 7nowing of it.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ou will not attain (iet&! that is! the reward for it! which is ?aradise! until &ou e-(end! [until &ou gi*e *oluntar& alms! of what &ou lo*e! of &our wealth6 and whate*er thing &ou e-(end! $od knows of it! and %e will re:uite it accordingl&.

Indonesian : 7amu sekali-kali tidak sam(ai ke(ada keba4ikan (&ang sem(urna)! sebelum kamu menafkahkan sehahagian harta &ang kamu cintai. /an a(a sa4a &ang kamu nafkahkan maka sesungguhn&a Allah mengetahuin&a.

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Muhsin Khan : All food was lawful to the =hildren of 2srael! e-ce(t what 2srael made unlawful for himself before the Taurat (Torah) was re*ealed. .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): A3ring here the Taurat (Torah) and recite it! if &ou are truthful.A Sahih International : All food was lawful to the =hildren of 2srael e-ce(t what 2srael had made unlawful to himself before the Torah was re*ealed. .a&! [+ Muhammad ! A.o bring the Torah and recite it! if &ou should be truthful.A
Tafsir Jalalayn

: ,hen the Mews said to the ?ro(het! ;0ou claim that &ou follow the creed of Abraham! but Abraham did not eat camel5s meat nor drink its milk5! the following was re*ealed: All food was lawful to the =hildren of 2srael sa*e what 2srael! Macob! forbade for himself! namel&! camels: when he was afflicted with sciatica (;ir: al-nas")! he made a *ow that if he were cured he would not eat of it again! and so it was forbidden him6 before the Torah was re*ealed! which was after the time of Abraham! as it was not unlawful in his time! as the& claimed. .a&! to them: ;3ring the Torah now! and recite it! so that the truth of what &ou sa& ma& become clear! if &ou are truthful5! in what &ou sa&6 the& were stu(ified and did not bring it [the Torah . $od! e-alted be %e! then said:

Indonesian : .emua makanan adalah halal bagi 3ani 2srail melainkan makanan &ang diharamkan oleh 2srail (0a9:ub) untuk dirin&a sendiri sebelum Taurat diturunkan. 7atakanlah: A(Mika kamu mengatakan ada makanan &ang diharamkan sebelum turun Taurat)! maka bawalah Taurat itu! lalu bacalah dia 4ika kamu orang-orang &ang benarA.

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Muhsin Khan : Then after that! whosoe*er shall in*ent a lie against Allah! Q such shall indeed be the Ralimun (disbelie*ers). Sahih International : And whoe*er in*ents about Allah untruth after that - then those are [trul& the wrongdoers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hoe*er in*ents falsehood against $od after that! that is! after the (roof has become manifest that the (rohibition was made b& Macob! and not during the time of Abraham! those are the e*ildoers! that transgress the truth into falsehood.

Indonesian : Maka barangsia(a mengada-adakan dusta terhada( Allah sesudah itu! maka merekalah orang-orang &ang <alim.

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Muhsin Khan : .a& (+ Muhammad .A,): AAllah has s(oken the truth6 follow the religion of 2brahim (Abraham) %anifa (2slamic Monotheism! i.e. he used to worshi( Allah Alone)! and he was not of Al-Mushrikun.A (.ee @.D:CTU) Sahih International : .a&! A Allah has told the truth. .o follow the religion of Abraham! inclining toward truth6 and he was not of the (ol&theists.A
Tafsir Jalalayn

: .a&: ;$od has s(oken the truth! in this matter! 4ust as %e has in all that %e has related6 therefore follow the creed of Abraham! the one which 2 follow! a han#f! inclining awa& from all religions towards submission (isl"m)! and he was not an idolater5.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A3enarlah (a(a &ang difirmankan) AllahA. Maka ikutilah agama 2brahim &ang lurus! dan bukanlah dia termasuk orang-orang &ang mus&rik.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! the first %ouse (of worshi() a((ointed for mankind was that at 3akkah (Makkah)! full of blessing! and a guidance for Al-9Alamin (the mankind and 4inns). Sahih International : 2ndeed! the first %ouse [of worshi( established for mankind was that at Makkah blessed and a guidance for the worlds.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the& said! ;+ur direction of (ra&er (:ibla) came before &ours5! the following was re*ealed: The first house! for worshi(! established for the (eo(le! on earth! was that at 3akka (a *ariant of Makka [Mecca ! so called because it ;crushes5 [tabukku the necks of t&rants)6 it was built b& the angels before the creation of Adam! and after it the A:s" [in Merusalem was built! a (eriod of fort& &ears se(arating them! as re(orted in the had#th of the two .ah#hs [sc. of al-3ukh"r# and Muslim ! and in the had#th [that states : ;The first thing to a((ear on the surface of the water! at the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! was a white foam! underneath which the earth was unrolled56 a blessed (lace (mub"rakan! a circumstantial :ualifier referring to la5lladh#! ;that5) meaning a (lace of blessings! and a guidance to all worlds! because it is their :ibla.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a rumah &ang mula-mula dibangun untuk (tem(at beribadat) manusia! ialah 3aitullah &ang di 3akkah (Mekah) &ang diberkahi dan men4adi (etun4uk bagi semua manusia.

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Muhsin Khan : 2n it are manifest signs (for e-am(le)! the Ma:am ((lace) of 2brahim (Abraham)6 whosoe*er enters it! he attains securit&. And %a44 ((ilgrimage to Makkah) to the %ouse (7a9bah) is a dut& that mankind owes to Allah! those who can afford the e-(enses (for one9s con*e&ance! (ro*ision and residence)6 and whoe*er disbelie*es [i.e. denies %a44 ((ilgrimage to Makkah)! then he is a disbelie*er of Allah ! then Allah stands not in need of an& of the 9Alamin (mankind and 4inns).

Sahih International : 2n it are clear signs [such as the standing (lace of Abraham. And whoe*er enters it shall be safe. And [due to Allah from the (eo(le is a (ilgrimage to the %ouse - for whoe*er is able to find thereto a wa&. 3ut whoe*er disbelie*es - then indeed! Allah is free from need of the worlds.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Therein are clear signs! among which is! the station of Abraham! that is! the stone u(on which he stood to build the %ouse! and on which his foot(rints remain6 and it [the %ouse has endured all this length of time and the constant (assing of hands o*er it. Among these [signs are the fact that the reward for good deeds is multi(lied in it and that birds ne*er fl& o*er it6 and whoe*er enters it is in securit&! not liable therein to be killed or o((ressed or otherwise. 2t is the dut& of (eo(le towards $od to make the (ilgrimage to the %ouse (read either as hi44 al-ba&t or ha44 al-ba&t! as two *ariants of the *erbal noun from ha44! meaning ;the intention [to 4ourne& there 5)! if he is able to make his wa& there (man istat";a ila&hi sab#lan substitutes for al-n"s! ;(eo(le5). The ?ro(het (s) e-(lained this [abilit& as ha*ing (ro*isions and a ride! as re(orted b& al-%"kim [al-1a&s"bBr# and others. As for the one who disbelie*es! in $od or in what %e has made obligator& with regard to the ?ilgrimage! $od is 2nde(endent of all worlds! the humans! the 4inn and the angels! and [is 2nde(endent of their de*otions.

Indonesian : ?adan&a terda(at tanda-tanda &ang n&ata! (di antaran&a) ma:am 2brahim6 barangsia(a memasukin&a (3aitullah itu) men4adi amanlah dia6 menger4akan ha4i adalah kewa4iban manusia terhada( Allah! &aitu (bagi) orang &ang sanggu( mengadakan (er4alanan ke 3aitullah. 3arangsia(a mengingkari (kewa4iban ha4i)! maka sesungguhn&a Allah Maha 7a&a (tidak memerlukan sesuatu) dari semesta alam.

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Muhsin Khan : .a&: A+ (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians)' ,h& do &ou re4ect the A&at of Allah ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.) while Allah is ,itness to what &ou doPA Sahih International : .a&! A+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou disbelie*e in the *erses of Allah while Allah is ,itness o*er what &ou doPA
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&: ;+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou disbelie*e in $od5s *erses! that is! the Qur5"n! when $od is ,itness of what &ou doP5! and will re:uite &ou for itP

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A%ai Ahli 7itab! menga(a kamu ingkari a&at-a&at Allah! (adahal Allah Maha men&aksikan a(a &ang kamu ker4akanPA.

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Muhsin Khan : .a&: A+ (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians)' ,h& do &ou sto( those who ha*e belie*ed! from the ?ath of Allah! seeking to make it seem crooked! while &ou (&oursel*es) are witnesses [to Muhammad .A, as a Messenger of Allah and 2slam (Allah9s 8eligion! i.e. to worshi( none but %im Alone) P And Allah is not unaware of what &ou do.A Sahih International : .a&! A+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou a*ert from the wa& of Allah those who belie*e! seeking to make it [seem de*iant! while &ou are witnesses [to the truth P And Allah is not unaware of what &ou do.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : .a&: ;+ ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! wh& do &ou bar belie*ers! causing them to turn awa&! from $od5s wa&! %is religion! b& den&ing the truth of the ?ro(het and concealing %is graces! desiring to make it crooked (;iwa4an is the *erbal noun! meaning mu;awwa4atan! ;made crooked5)! inclining awa& from the truth! while &ou &oursel*es are witnesses! [while &ou know that the religion which is u(right and (leasing [to $od is that of 2slam! as stated in &our 3ookP $od is not heedless of what &ou do5! in the wa& of unbelief and mendacit&6 instead %e gi*es &ou res(ite until &our a((ointed time and then re:uites &ou.

Indonesian : 7atakanlah: A%ai Ahli 7itab! menga(a kamu menghalang-halangi dari 4alan Allah orang-orang &ang telah beriman! kamu menghendakin&a men4adi bengkok! (adahal kamu men&aksikanPA. Allah sekali-kali tidak lalai dari a(a &ang kamu ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' 2f &ou obe& a grou( of those who were gi*en the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians)! the& would (indeed) render &ou disbelie*ers after &ou ha*e belie*ed' Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! if &ou obe& a (art& of those who were gi*en the .cri(ture! the& would turn &ou back! after &our belief! [to being unbelie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The following was re*ealed when the Mews (assed b& the Aws and the 7ha<ra4 and were infuriated b& their comradeshi(! and set about reminding them of their mutual hostilit& in the da&s before 2slam! such that the& caused them to :uarrel and the two [tribes were on the *erge of fighting one

another: + &ou who belie*e! if &ou obe& a (art& of those who ha*e been gi*en the .cri(ture! the& will turn &ou! after &ou ha*e belie*ed! into disbelie*ers.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! 4ika kamu mengikuti sebahagian dari orang-orang &ang diberi Al 7itab! nisca&a mereka akan mengembalikan kamu men4adi orang kafir sesudah kamu beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : And how would &ou disbelie*e! while unto &ou are recited the @erses of Allah! and among &ou is %is Messenger (Muhammad .A,)P And whoe*er holds firml& to Allah! (i.e. follows 2slam Allah9s 8eligion! and obe&s all that Allah has ordered! (racticall&)! then he is indeed guided to a 8ight ?ath. Sahih International : And how could &ou disbelie*e while to &ou are being recited the *erses of Allah and among &ou is %is MessengerP And whoe*er holds firml& to Allah has [indeed been guided to a straight (ath.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %ow can &ou disbelie*e (this is an interrogati*e of ama<ement and rebuke) while &ou ha*e $od5s *erses recited to &ou! and %is Messenger is in &our midstP ,hoe*er holds fast to! clings to! $od! he is guided to a straight (ath.

Indonesian : 3agaimanakah kamu (sam(ai) men4adi kafir! (adahal a&at-a&at Allah dibacakan ke(ada kamu! dan 8asul-1&a (un berada di tengah-tengah kamuP 3arangsia(a &ang ber(egang teguh ke(ada (agama) Allah! maka sesungguhn&a ia telah diberi (etun4uk ke(ada 4alan &ang lurus.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' >ear Allah (b& doing all that %e has ordered and b& abstaining from all that %e has forbidden) as %e should be feared. [+be& %im! be thankful to %im! and remember %im alwa&s ! and die not e-ce(t in a state of 2slam (as Muslims) with com(lete submission to Allah. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! fear Allah as %e should be feared and do not die e-ce(t as Muslims [in submission to %im .

Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! fear $od as %e should be feared! so that %e is obe&ed and not disobe&ed! thanked and not shown ingratitude! remembered and not forgotten. The& said! ;,ho! + Messenger of $od! is strong enough for this [task P5 3ut it was then abrogated b& %is statement: .o fear $od as much as &ou can [Q. WO:CW 6 and do not die! e-ce(t as Muslims! (rofessing the +neness of $od.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! bertakwalah ke(ada Allah sebenar-benar takwa ke(ada-1&a6 dan 4anganlah sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan beragama 2slam.

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Muhsin Khan : And hold fast! all of &ou together! to the 8o(e of Allah (i.e. this Quran)! and be not di*ided among &oursel*es! and remember Allah9s >a*our on &ou! for &ou were enemies one to another but %e 4oined &our hearts together! so that! b& %is $race! &ou became brethren (in 2slamic >aith)! and &ou were on the brink of a (it of >ire! and %e sa*ed &ou from it. Thus Allah makes %is A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.!) clear to &ou! that &ou ma& be guided. Sahih International : And hold firml& to the ro(e of Allah all together and do not become di*ided. And remember the fa*or of Allah u(on &ou - when &ou were enemies and %e brought &our hearts together and &ou became! b& %is fa*or! brothers. And &ou were on the edge of a (it of the >ire! and %e sa*ed &ou from it. Thus does Allah make clear to &ou %is *erses that &ou ma& be guided.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And hold fast to! clutch! $od5s bond! namel&! %is religion! together! and do not scatter! after submitting [to 2slam 6 remember $od5s grace! %is bestowing of fa*ours! u(on &ou! + com(anies of the Aws and the 7ha<ra4! when &ou were enemies! and %e brought &our hearts together! through 2slam! so that b& %is grace &ou became brothers! in religion and comradeshi(6 and &ou were u(on the brink! the edge! of a (it of fire! such that to fall into it &ou onl& had to die disbelie*ing6 but %e deli*ered &ou from it! through belief. .o! 4ust as %e has made clear for &ou what has been mentioned! $od makes clear to &ou %is signs that &ou might be guided.

Indonesian : /an ber(eganglah kamu semuan&a ke(ada tali (agama) Allah! dan 4anganlah kamu bercerai berai! dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah ke(adamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Mahili&ah) bermusuh-musuhan! maka Allah mem(ersatukan hatimu! lalu men4adilah kamu karena nikmat Allah! orang-orang &ang bersaudara6 dan kamu telah berada di te(i

4urang neraka! lalu Allah men&elamatkan kamu dari (adan&a. /emikianlah Allah menerangkan a&at-a&at-1&a ke(adamu! agar kamu menda(at (etun4uk.

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Muhsin Khan : Let there arise out of &ou a grou( of (eo(le in*iting to all that is good (2slam)! en4oining Al-Ma9ruf (i.e. 2slamic Monotheism and all that 2slam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar ((ol&theism and disbelief and all that 2slam has forbidden). And it is the& who are the successful. Sahih International : And let there be [arising from &ou a nation in*iting to [all that is good! en4oining what is right and forbidding what is wrong! and those will be the successful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Let there be one communit& of &ou calling to good! to 2slam! and en4oining decenc&! and forbidding indecenc&6 those! that call! bid and forbid! are the successful! the *ictorious (the (article min! ;of5! [in minkum! ;of &ou5 is (artiti*e! since what is mentioned is a collecti*e obligation [fard kif"&a ! and is not incumbent u(on e*er& indi*idual of the communit&! for not e*er& (erson! such as the ignorant! is u( to it. %owe*er! it is also said that this (article is e-tra! and what is meant is! ;so that &ou are a communit& [calling to good and so on 5).

Indonesian : /an hendaklah ada di antara kamu segolongan umat &ang men&eru ke(ada keba4ikan! men&uruh ke(ada &ang ma9ruf dan mencegah dari &ang munkar6 merekalah orangorang &ang beruntung.

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Muhsin Khan : And be not as those who di*ided and differed among themsel*es after the clear (roofs had come to them. 2t is the& for whom there is an awful torment. Sahih International : And do not be like the ones who became di*ided and differed after the clear (roofs had come to them. And those will ha*e a great (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3e not as those who scattered! in their religion! and dis(uted! o*er it! after the clear (roofs came to them! and these are the Mews and the =hristians! those there awaits a might& chastisement.

Indonesian : /an 4anganlah kamu men&eru(ai orang-orang &ang bercerai-berai dan berselisih sesudah datang keterangan &ang 4elas ke(ada mereka. Mereka itulah orang-orang &ang menda(at siksa &ang berat!

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Muhsin Khan : +n the /a& (i.e. the /a& of 8esurrection) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black6 as for those whose faces will become black (to them will be said): A/id &ou re4ect >aith after acce(ting itP Then taste the torment (in %ell) for re4ecting >aith.A Sahih International : +n the /a& [some faces will turn white and [some faces will turn black. As for those whose faces turn black! [to them it will be said ! A/id &ou disbelie*e after &our beliefP Then taste the (unishment for what &ou used to re4ect.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : The da& when some faces are blackened! and some faces whitened! that is! the /a& of 8esurrection. As for those whose faces are blackened! these being the disbelie*ers! who are thrown into the >ire and to whom it is said in rebuke: ;/id &ou disbelie*e after &ou had belie*ed! on the da& the co*enant was madeP Then taste the chastisement for what &ou disbelie*ed'5

Indonesian : (ada hari &ang di waktu itu ada muka &ang (utih berseri! dan ada (ula muka &ang hitam muram. Ada(un orang-orang &ang hitam muram mukan&a (ke(ada mereka dikatakan): A7ena(a kamu kafir sesudah kamu berimanP 7arena itu rasakanlah a<ab disebabkan kekafiranmu ituA.

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Muhsin Khan : And for those whose faces will become white! the& will be in Allah9s Merc& (?aradise)! therein the& shall dwell fore*er. Sahih International : 3ut as for those whose faces will turn white! [the& will be within the merc& of Allah . The& will abide therein eternall&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3ut as for those whose faces are whitened! and these are the belie*ers! the& shall be in $od5s merc&! that is to sa&! in ?aradise! abiding therein.

Indonesian : Ada(un orang-orang &ang (utih berseri mukan&a! maka mereka berada dalam rahmat Allah (surga)6 mereka kekal di dalamn&a.

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Muhsin Khan : These are the @erses of Allah: ,e recite them to &ou (+ Muhammad .A,) in truth! and Allah wills no in4ustice to the 9Alamin (mankind and 4inns). Sahih International : These are the *erses of Allah . ,e recite them to &ou! [+ Muhammad ! in truth6 and Allah wants no in4ustice to the worlds.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those! that is to sa&! these *erses! are the *erses of $od which ,e recite to &ou! + Muhammad (s)! in truth! and $od desires not an& in4ustice for the worlds! (unishing them for no crime.

Indonesian : 2tulah a&at-a&at Allah. 7ami bacakan a&at-a&at itu ke(adamu dengan benar6 dan tiadalah Allah berkehendak untuk mengania&a hamba-hamba-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : And to Allah belongs all that is in the hea*ens and all that is in the earth. And all matters go back (for decision) to Allah. Sahih International : To Allah belongs whate*er is in the hea*ens and whate*er is on the earth. And to Allah will [all matters be returned.
Tafsir Jalalayn : To $od belongs all that is in the hea*ens and in the earth! as (ossessions! creatures and ser*ants! and to %im all matters are returned.

Indonesian : 7e(un&aan Allah-lah segala &ang ada di langit dan di bumi6 dan ke(ada Allahlah dikembalikan segala urusan.

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Muhsin Khan : 0ou [true belie*ers in 2slamic Monotheism! and real followers of ?ro(het Muhammad .A, and his .unnah (legal wa&s! etc.) are the best of (eo(les e*er raised u( for mankind6 &ou en4oin Al-Ma9ruf (i.e. 2slamic Monotheism and all that 2slam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar ((ol&theism! disbelief and all that 2slam has forbidden)! and &ou belie*e in Allah. And had the (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) belie*ed! it would ha*e been better for them6 among them are some who ha*e faith! but most of them are Al->asi:un (disobedient to Allah - and rebellious against Allah9s =ommand). Sahih International : 0ou are the best nation (roduced [as an e-am(le for mankind. 0ou en4oin what is right and forbid what is wrong and belie*e in Allah . 2f onl& the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture had belie*ed! it would ha*e been better for them. Among them are belie*ers! but most of them are defiantl& disobedient.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ou! + communit& of Muhammad (s)! are the best communit& brought forth! manifested! to men! according to $od5s knowledge! en4oining decenc&! and forbidding indecenc&! and belie*ing in $od. %ad the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture belie*ed! it! their belief! would ha*e been better for them6 some of them are belie*ers! such as ;Abd All"h b. .al"m! ma& $od be (leased with him and his com(anions6 but most of them! the disbelie*ers! are wicked.

Indonesian : 7amu adalah umat &ang terbaik &ang dilahirkan untuk manusia! men&uruh ke(ada &ang ma9ruf! dan mencegah dari &ang munkar! dan beriman ke(ada Allah. .ekiran&a Ahli 7itab beriman! tentulah itu lebih baik bagi mereka! di antara mereka ada &ang beriman! dan keban&akan mereka adalah orang-orang &ang fasik.

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Muhsin Khan : The& will do &ou no harm! barring a trifling anno&ance6 and if the& fight against &ou! the& will show &ou their backs! and the& will not be hel(ed. Sahih International : The& will not harm &ou e-ce(t for [some anno&ance. And if the& fight &ou! the& will show &ou their backs6 then the& will not be aided.

Tafsir Jalalayn : The&! the Mews! will not harm &ou! + com(an& of Muslims! in an& wa&! e-ce(t a little hurt! with their tongues! such as slander and threats6 and if the& fight against &ou! the& will turn their backs to &ou! in retreat! then the& will not be hel(ed! against &ou! but &ou will be hel(ed against them.

Indonesian : Mereka sekali-kali tidak akan da(at membuat mudharat ke(ada kamu! selain dari gangguan-gangguan celaan sa4a! dan 4ika mereka ber(erang dengan kamu! (astilah mereka berbalik melarikan diri ke belakang (kalah). 7emudian mereka tidak menda(at (ertolongan.

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Muhsin Khan : 2ndignit& is (ut o*er them where*er the& ma& be! e-ce(t when under a co*enant (of (rotection) from Allah! and from men6 the& ha*e drawn on themsel*es the ,rath of Allah! and destruction is (ut o*er them. This is because the& disbelie*ed in the A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses! lessons! signs! re*elations! etc.) of Allah and killed the ?ro(hets without right. This is because the& disobe&ed (Allah) and used to transgress be&ond bounds (in Allah9s disobedience! crimes and sins). Sahih International : The& ha*e been (ut under humiliation [b& Allah where*er the& are o*ertaken! e-ce(t for a co*enant from Allah and a ro(e from the Muslims. And the& ha*e drawn u(on themsel*es anger from Allah and ha*e been (ut under destitution. That is because the& disbelie*ed in the *erses of Allah and killed the (ro(hets without right. That is because the& disobe&ed and [habituall& transgressed.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Abasement shall be cast u(on them! where*er the& are found! so that the& ha*e no strength and no (rotection! sa*e! if the& be [clinging to ! a ro(e of $od! and a ro(e of the! belie*ing! (eo(le! this being the latter5s co*enant of securit& for them on the condition that the& (a& the 4i<&a! in other words! the& ha*e no (rotection other than this6 the& ha*e incurred! the& ha*e ended u(! with anger from $od! and (o*ert& shall be cast u(on them6 that! is! because the& disbelie*ed in $od5s signs! and slew the (ro(hets without right6 that (dh"lika is [re(eated for em(hasis)! is! because the& disobe&ed! $od5s command! and used to transgress! (assing from what is lawful into what is unlawful.

Indonesian : Mereka dili(uti kehinaan di mana sa4a mereka berada! kecuali 4ika mereka ber(egang ke(ada tali (agama) Allah dan tali ((er4an4ian) dengan manusia! dan mereka kembali menda(at kemurkaan dari Allah dan mereka dili(uti kerendahan. 0ang demikian itu

karena mereka kafir ke(ada a&at-a&at Allah dan membunuh (ara nabi tan(a alasan &ang benar. 0ang demikian itu disebabkan mereka durhaka dan melam(aui batas.

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Muhsin Khan : 1ot all of them are alike6 a (art& of the (eo(le of the .cri(ture stand for the right! the& recite the @erses of Allah during the hours of the night! (rostrating themsel*es in (ra&er. Sahih International : The& are not [all the same6 among the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture is a communit& standing [in obedience ! reciting the *erses of Allah during (eriods of the night and (rostrating [in (ra&er .
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0et the&! the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture! are not all alike! e:ual6 some of the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture are a communit& u(right! with integrit&! adhering to the truth! such as ;Abd All"h b. .al"m! ma& $od be (leased with him and his com(anions! who recite $od5s *erses in the watches of the night! that is! during its hours! (rostrating themsel*es! (erforming (ra&er (wa-hum &as4udBn! ;(rostrating themsel*es5! is a circumstantial :ualifier).

Indonesian : Mereka itu tidak sama6 di antara Ahli 7itab itu ada golongan &ang berlaku lurus! mereka membaca a&at-a&at Allah (ada bebera(a waktu di malam hari! sedang mereka 4uga bersu4ud (sembah&ang).

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Muhsin Khan : The& belie*e in Allah and the Last /a&6 the& en4oin Al-Ma9ruf (2slamic Monotheism! and following ?ro(het Muhammad .A,) and forbid Al-Munkar ((ol&theism! disbelief and o((osing ?ro(het Muhammad .A,)6 and the& hasten in (all) good works6 and the& are among the righteous. Sahih International : The& belie*e in Allah and the Last /a&! and the& en4oin what is right and forbid what is wrong and hasten to good deeds. And those are among the righteous.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: The& belie*e in $od and in the Last /a&! en4oining decenc& and forbidding indecenc&! *&ing with one another in good works6 those! described in the wa& $od has mentioned! are of the righteous! and some of them are not like this and are not righteous.

Indonesian : Mereka beriman ke(ada Allah dan hari (enghabisan! mereka men&uruh ke(ada &ang ma9ruf! dan mencegah dari &ang munkar dan bersegera ke(ada (menger4akan) (elbagai keba4ikan6 mereka itu termasuk orang-orang &ang saleh.

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Muhsin Khan : And whate*er good the& do! nothing will be re4ected of them6 for Allah knows well those who are Al-Mutta:un (the (ious - see @.D:D). Sahih International : And whate*er good the& do - ne*er will it be remo*ed from them. And Allah is 7nowing of the righteous.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And whate*er good &ou do! + communit&! (taf;alB! ;&ou do5! or if this is read &af;alB! ;the& do5! then [it is referring to them ;the u(right communit&5)! &ou shall not be denied it ([read in both wa&s [fa-lan tukfarBhu! ;&ou shall not be denied it5! or fa-lan &ukfarBhu! ;the& shall not be denied it5 )! &ou shall not be de(ri*ed of its reward! but &ou will be rewarded for it! and $od knows the $od-fearing.

Indonesian : /an a(a sa4a keba4ikan &ang mereka ker4akan! maka sekali-kali mereka tidak dihalangi (menenerima (ahala)n&a6 dan Allah Maha Mengetahui orang-orang &ang bertakwa.

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Muhsin Khan : .urel&! those who re4ect >aith (disbelie*e in Muhammad .A, as being Allah9s ?ro(het and in all that which he has brought from Allah)! neither their (ro(erties! nor their offs(ring will a*ail them aught against Allah. The& are the dwellers of the >ire! therein the& will abide. (Tafsir At-Tabari! @ol. O! ?age UN). Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who disbelie*e - ne*er will their wealth or their children a*ail them against Allah at all! and those are the com(anions of the >ire6 the& will abide therein eternall&.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: As for the disbelie*ers! their riches shall not a*ail! (rotect! them! neither their children! against $od! that is! against %is chastisement: these two are singled out for mention because a (erson usuall& a*ails himself either b& (a&ing a ransom! or b& [resorting to the hel( of his children6 those are the inhabitants of the >ire! abiding therein.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang kafir baik harta mereka mau(un anak-anak mereka! sekali-kali tidak da(at menolak a<ab Allah dari mereka sedikit(un. /an mereka adalah (enghuni neraka6 mereka kekal di dalamn&a.

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Muhsin Khan : The likeness of what the& s(end in this world is the likeness of a wind which is e-tremel& cold6 it struck the har*est of a (eo(le who did wrong aginst themsel*es and destro&ed it! (i.e. the good deed of a (erson is onl& acce(ted if he is a monotheist and belie*es in all the ?ro(hets of Allah! including =hrist and Muhammad .A,). Allah wronged them not! but the& wronged themsel*es. Sahih International : The e-am(le of what the& s(end in this worldl& life is like that of a wind containing frost which strikes the har*est of a (eo(le who ha*e wronged themsel*es and destro&s it. And Allah has not wronged them! but the& wrong themsel*es.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The likeness! the descri(tion! of what the&! the disbelie*ers! e-(end in the life of this world! in the wa& of enmit& towards the ?ro(het or in the wa& of *oluntar& almsgi*ing or the like! is as the likeness of a wind wherein is a blast! of e-treme hot or cold! that smote the tillage! the cro(s! of a (eo(le who ha*e wronged themsel*es! through unbelief and disobedience! and destro&ed it! so that the& could not (rofit from it6 so it is with what the& e-(end! it (erishes and the& (rofit nothing from it. $od did not wrong them! when the& lost what the& e-(ended! but the& wronged themsel*es! through unbelief! which necessitated this loss.

Indonesian : ?erum(amaan harta &ang mereka nafkahkan di dalam kehidu(an dunia ini! adalah se(erti (erum(amaan angin &ang mengandung hawa &ang sangat dingin! &ang menim(a tanaman kaum &ang mengania&a diri sendiri! lalu angin itu merusakn&a. Allah tidak mengania&a mereka! akan teta(i merekalah &ang mengania&a diri mereka sendiri.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' Take not as (&our) 3itanah (ad*isors! consultants! (rotectors! hel(ers! friends! etc.) those outside &our religion ((agans! Mews! =hristians! and h&(ocrites) since the& will not fail to do their best to corru(t &ou. The& desire to harm &ou se*erel&. %atred has alread& a((eared from their mouths! but what their breasts conceal is far worse. 2ndeed ,e ha*e made (lain to &ou the A&at ((roofs! e*idences! *erses) if &ou understand. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! do not take as intimates those other than &oursel*es! for the& will not s(are &ou [an& ruin. The& wish &ou would ha*e hardshi(. %atred has alread& a((eared from their mouths! and what their breasts conceal is greater. ,e ha*e certainl& made clear to &ou the signs! if &ou will use reason.
Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! do not take as intimates! as sincere friends! re*ealing to them &our secret thoughts! an&one a(art from &oursel*es! from among the Mews! =hristians and the h&(ocrites6 such men s(are nothing to ruin &ou (khab"lan is in the accusati*e because the (re(osition [that usuall& (recedes it! sc. f#5l-khab"l has been omitted)! that is to sa&! the& would not be remiss about corru(ting &ou6 the& would lo*e! the& wish! for &ou to suffer ([al-;anat means e-treme hardshi(). %atred! enmit& towards &ou! is re*ealed! it is manifested! b& their mouths! b& sowing discord among &ou and informing the idolaters of &our secret [(lans 6 and what their breasts conceal! of enmit&! is &et greater. 1ow ,e ha*e made clear to &ou the signs! of their enmit&6 if &ou understand! this! then do not befriend them.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! 4anganlah kamu ambil men4adi teman ke(erca&aanmu orang-orang &ang! di luar kalanganmu (karena) mereka tidak henti-hentin&a (menimbulkan) kemudharatan bagimu. Mereka men&ukai a(a &ang men&usahkan kamu. Telah n&ata kebencian dari mulut mereka! dan a(a &ang disembun&ikan oleh hati mereka adalah lebih besar lagi. .ungguh telah 7ami terangkan ke(adamu a&at-a&at (7ami)! 4ika kamu memahamin&a.

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Muhsin Khan : Lo' 0ou are the ones who lo*e them but the& lo*e &ou not! and &ou belie*e in all the .cri(tures [i.e. &ou belie*e in the Taurat (Torah) and the 2n4eel ($os(el)! while the& disbelie*e in &our 3ook! the Quran . And when the& meet &ou! the& sa&! A,e belie*eA. 3ut when the& are alone! the& bite the ti(s of their fingers at &ou in rage. .a&: A?erish in &our rage. =ertainl&! Allah knows what is in the breasts (all the secrets).A Sahih International : %ere &ou are lo*ing them but the& are not lo*ing &ou! while &ou belie*e in the .cri(ture - all of it. And when the& meet &ou! the& sa&! A,e belie*e.A 3ut when the& are alone! the& bite their fingerti(s at &ou in rage. .a&! A/ie in &our rage. 2ndeed! Allah is 7nowing of that within the breasts.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Lo (h"! ;lo'5! is for calling attention [to something )! there &ou are! + belie*ers! &ou lo*e them! on account of their kinshi( and their [(retence of friendshi( towards &ou! but the& lo*e &ou not! since the& o((ose &ou in religion6 &ou belie*e in the 3ook! all of it! that is to sa&! in the 3ooks! all of them! but the& do not belie*e in &our 3ook! and when the& meet &ou the& sa&! ;,e belie*e!5 but when the& are alone! the& bite at &ou their fingerti(s! in rage! in e-treme fur& at what the& see of &our mutual affection: the biting of the fingerti(s is used to figurati*el& e-(ress the se*erit& of rage! e*en if there be no biting in*ol*ed. .a&: ;?erish in &our rage! that is! be this wa& until the end of &our li*es! for &ou shall not see what will (lease &ou6 $od knows what is in the breasts5! what is in the hearts! including that which these conceal.

Indonesian : 3eginilah kamu! kamu men&ukai mereka! (adahal mereka tidak men&ukai kamu! dan kamu beriman ke(ada kitab-kitab semuan&a. A(abila mereka men4um(ai kamu! mereka berkata A7ami berimanA! dan a(abila mereka men&endiri! mereka menggigit u4ung 4ari antaran marah bercam(ur benci terhada( kamu. 7atakanlah (ke(ada mereka): AMatilah kamu karena kemarahanmu ituA. .esungguhn&a Allah mengetahui segala isi hati.

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Muhsin Khan

: 2f a good befalls &ou! it grie*es them! but if some e*il o*ertakes &ou! the& re4oice at it. 3ut if &ou remain (atient and become Al-Mutta:un (the (ious - see @.D:D)! not the least harm will their cunning do to &ou. .urel&! Allah surrounds all that the& do. Sahih International : 2f good touches &ou! it distresses them6 but if harm strikes &ou! the& re4oice at it. And if &ou are (atient and fear Allah ! their (lot will not harm &ou at all. 2ndeed! Allah is encom(assing of what the& do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2f good fortune! a fa*our such as *ictor& or boot&! befalls &ou! it is e*il for them! it grie*es them6 but if e*il! such as defeat or drought! befalls &ou! the& re4oice thereat (the conditional statement here is semanticall& connected to the (re*ious conditional! and what comes in between is a (arenthetical [statement ! the meaning being that their enmit& towards &ou is endless! so wh& do &ou befriend themP A*oid them') 0et if &ou endure! their harm! and fear! $od b& [not befriending them and so on! their guile will not hurt &ou (read either l" &adirkum or l" &adurrukum) at all6 $od encom(asses what the& do (&a;malBn! or ma& be read ta;malBn! ;what &ou do5)! %e has knowledge of it and will re:uite them for it.

Indonesian : Mika kamu mem(eroleh kebaikan! nisca&a mereka bersedih hati! teta(i Mika kamu menda(at bencana! mereka bergembira karenan&a. Mika kamu bersabar dan bertakwa! nisca&a ti(u da&a mereka sedikit(un tidak mendatangkan kemudharatan ke(adamu. .esungguhn&a Allah mengetahui segala a(a &ang mereka ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when &ou (Muhammad .A,) left &our household in the morning to (ost the belie*ers at their stations for the battle (of Hhud). And Allah is All-%earer! All7nower. Sahih International : And [remember when &ou! [+ Muhammad ! left &our famil& in the morning to (ost the belie*ers at their stations for the battle [of Hhud - and Allah is %earing and 7nowing Tafsir Jalalayn : And! mention + Muhammad (s)! when &ou went forth at dawn from &our famil&! at Medina! to assign the belie*ers! to ha*e [them occu(&! their (laces! stations for them to stand at! for battle! and $od hears! what &ou sa&! knows! &our circumstances: this was the da& of [the battle of Hhud. The ?ro(het (s) set out with CTTT or FUT men! while the idolaters numbered ETTT. The ?ro(het (itched cam( at the ra*ine on .aturda& Lth of .haww"l in &ear E of the %i4ra. %e had his back and that of his troo(s to Hhud. %e arranged their lines and (laced a grou( of archers under the command of ;Abd All"h b. Muba&r at the foot of the mountain and said to them: ;/efend us with &our arrows in case the& come u( from behind us! and remain here whether we are being defeated or on the *erge of *ictor&5.


: /an (ingatlah)! ketika kamu berangkat (ada (agi hari dari (rumah) keluargamu akan menem(atkan (ara mukmin (ada bebera(a tem(at untuk ber(erang. /an Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui!

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Muhsin Khan : ,hen two (arties from among &ou were about to lose heart! but Allah was their ,ali (.u((orter and ?rotector). And in Allah should the belie*ers (ut their trust. Sahih International : ,hen two (arties among &ou were about to lose courage! but Allah was their all&6 and u(on Allah the belie*ers should rel&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen (idh! substitutes for the (re*ious idh) two (arties of &ou! the 3anB .alima and the 3anB %"ritha! the two flanks of the arm&! were about to lose heart! [about to shrink from the battle and retreat! after ;Abd All"h b. Hba&&! the h&(ocrite! and his com(anions began to retreat. %e [2bn Hba&& said! ;,h& should we get oursel*es and our children killedP5 and he also said to AbB M"bir al-.alam# G who had said to him! ;2 im(lore &ou b& $od for &our ?ro(het5s sake and &ours5 G ;2f we knew how to fight! we would follow &ou'5 3ut $od then made them [the 3anB .alima and the 3anB %"ritha steadfast and the& did not abandon [the field 6 and $od was their ?rotector! their %el(er! and let the belie*ers rel& on $od! let them (lace their trust in %im and none other.

Indonesian : ketika dua golongan dari (adamu ingin (mundur) karena takut! (adahal Allah adalah (enolong bagi kedua golongan itu. 7arena itu hendaklah ke(ada Allah sa4a orang-orang mukmin bertawakkal.

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Muhsin Khan : And Allah has alread& made &ou *ictorious at 3adr! when &ou were a weak little force. .o fear Allah much [abstain from all kinds of sins and e*il deeds which %e has forbidden and lo*e Allah much! (erform all kinds of good deeds which %e has ordained that &ou ma& be grateful. Sahih International : And alread& had Allah gi*en &ou *ictor& at [the battle of 3adr while &ou were few in number. Then fear Allah 6 (erha(s &ou will be grateful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the& were defeated! the following was re*ealed as a wa& of reminding them of $od5s fa*our: $od alread& ga*e &ou *ictor& at 3adr! a location between Mecca and Medina! when &ou were contem(tible! few in number and wea(ons. .o fear $od! in order that &ou might be thankful! for %is blessings.


: .ungguh Allah telah menolong kamu dalam (e(erangan 3adar! (adahal kamu adalah (ketika itu) orang-orang &ang lemah. 7arena itu bertakwalah ke(ada Allah! su(a&a kamu mens&ukuri-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : (8emember) when &ou (Muhammad .A,) said to the belie*ers! A2s it not enough for &ou that &our Lord (Allah) should hel( &ou with three thousand angels6 sent downPA Sahih International : [8emember when &ou said to the belie*ers! A2s it not sufficient for &ou that &our Lord should reinforce &ou with three thousand angels sent downP
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen (idh! an ad*erbial :ualifier of nasarakum! ;%e ga*e &ou *ictor&5 [in the (re*ious *erse ) &ou were sa&ing to the belie*ers! (romising them as reassurance [for them : ;2s it not sufficient for &ou that &our Lord should reinforce &ou! [that %e should succour &ou! with three thousand angels sent downP (read mun<al#n or muna<<al#n! ;sent down5).

Indonesian : (2ngatlah)! ketika kamu mengatakan ke(ada orang mukmin: AA(akah tidak cuku( bagi kamu Allah membantu kamu dengan tiga ribu malaikat &ang diturunkan (dari langit)PA

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Muhsin Khan : A0es! if &ou hold on to (atience and (iet&! and the enem& comes rushing at &ou6 &our Lord will hel( &ou with fi*e thousand angels ha*ing marks (of distinction).A Sahih International : 0es! if &ou remain (atient and conscious of Allah and the enem& come u(on &ou [attacking in rage! &our Lord will reinforce &ou with fi*e thousand angels ha*ing marks [of distinction
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ea! it is sufficient for &ou. 2n [sBrat al-Anf"l [it is stated with a thousand [Q. N:F ! because at first %e reinforced them with this [thousand ! then it became three [thousand then fi*e [thousand ! as $od sa&s: if &ou are (atient! in encountering the enem&! and fear! $od in not contra*ening [%is command ! and the&! the idolaters! come against &ou instantl&! &our Lord will reinforce &ou with fi*e thousand angels accoutred5 (read musawimm#n or musawamm#n)! that is to sa&! distincti*el&

marked [for the battle . 2ndeed! the& were (atient and $od fulfilled %is (romise to them! so that the angels fought together with them riding u(on (iebald horses wearing &ellow or white turbans! let loose down to their shoulders.

Indonesian : 0a (cuku()! 4ika kamu bersabar dan bersia(-siaga! dan mereka datang men&erang kamu dengan seketika itu 4uga! nisca&a Allah menolong kamu dengan lima ribu Malaikat &ang memakai tanda.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah made it not but as a message of good news for &ou and as an assurance to &our hearts. And there is no *ictor& e-ce(t from Allah! the All-Might&! the All-,ise. Sahih International : And Allah made it not e-ce(t as [a sign of good tidings for &ou and to reassure &our hearts thereb&. And *ictor& is not e-ce(t from Allah ! the )-alted in Might! the ,ise Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hat $od ordained! that is! of reinforcement! was onl& as a good tiding to &ou! of *ictor&! and that &our hearts might be at (eace! [that the& might be at rest! and not be terrified b& the large number of the enem& as com(ared to &our small number. @ictor& comes onl& from $od! the Might&! the ,ise! %e gi*es it to whome*er %e will! and [*ictor& comes not because of a large arm&.

Indonesian : /an Allah tidak men4adikan (emberian bala bantuan itu melainkan sebagai khabar gembira bagi (kemenangan)mu! dan agar tenteram hatimu karenan&a. /an kemenanganmu itu han&alah dari Allah 0ang Maha ?erkasa lagi Maha 3i4aksana.

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Muhsin Khan : That %e might cut off a (art of those who disbelie*e! or e-(ose them to infam&! so that the& retire frustrated. Sahih International : That %e might cut down a section of the disbelie*ers or su((ress them so that the& turn back disa((ointed.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And that %e might cut off (li-&a:ta;! is semanticall& connected to the clause containing nasarakum! ;%e ga*e &ou *ictor&5)! that is to sa&! that %e might destro&! a (art& of the disbelie*ers! b& sla&ing them or making them fall ca(ti*e! or su((ress them! humiliate them through defeat! so that the& fall back! return! frustrated! not ha*ing secured what the& desired.

Indonesian : (Allah menolong kamu dalam (erang 3adar dan memberi bala bantuan itu) untuk membinasakan segolongan orang-orang &ang kafir! atau untuk men4adikan mereka hina! lalu mereka kembali dengan tiada mem(eroleh a(a-a(a.

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Muhsin Khan : 1ot for &ou (+ Muhammad .A,! but for Allah) is the decision6 whether %e turns in merc& to ((ardons) them or (unishes them6 *eril&! the& are the Ralimun ((ol&theists! disobedients! and wrong-doers! etc.). Sahih International : 1ot for &ou! [+ Muhammad! but for Allah ! is the decision whether %e should [cut them down or forgi*e them or (unish them! for indeed! the& are wrongdoers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen! on the /a& of Hhud! the ?ro(het recei*ed a head wound and his front tooth was broken! and he said! ;%ow does a (eo(le who ha*e drenched the face of their ?ro(het in blood [e-(ect to (ros(erP5! the following was re*ealed: 2t is no concern at all of &ours! na&! it is $od5s concern! so be (atient! whether! meaning! until such time as! %e relents to them! through [their acce(tance of 2slam! or chastises them6 for the& are indeed e*ildoers! b& [*irtue of their disbelief.

Indonesian : Tak ada sedikit(un cam(ur tanganmu dalam urusan mereka itu atau Allah menerima taubat mereka! atau menga<ab mereka karena sesungguhn&a mereka itu orang-orang &ang <alim.

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Muhsin Khan : And to Allah belongs all that is in the hea*ens and all that is in the earth. %e forgi*es whom %e wills! and (unishes whom %e wills. And Allah is +ft->orgi*ing! Most Merciful. Sahih International : And to Allah belongs whate*er is in the hea*ens and whate*er is on the earth. %e forgi*es whom %e wills and (unishes whom %e wills. And Allah is >orgi*ing and Merciful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : To $od belongs all that is in the hea*ens and the earth! as (ossessions! creatures and ser*ants6 %e forgi*es whom %e wills! forgi*eness for! and chastises whom %e wills! chastisement for. And $od is >orgi*ing! of %is friends! Merciful! to those who obe& %im.

Indonesian : 7e(un&aan Allah a(a &ang ada di langit dan &ang ada di bumi. /ia memberi am(un ke(ada sia(a &ang /ia kehendaki6 /ia men&iksa sia(a &ang /ia kehendaki! dan Allah Maha ?engam(un lagi Maha ?en&a&ang.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' )at not 8iba (usur&) doubled and multi(lied! but fear Allah that &ou ma& be successful. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! do not consume usur&! doubled and multi(lied! but fear Allah that &ou ma& be successful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! do not e-act usur&! twofold and se*eralfold (read mud";afatan or mud;afatan) b& increasing the amount [to be re(aid when the [loan (eriod comes to an end and dela&ing the re:uest [of the loan . And fear $od! b& abandoning such [usur& ! so that &ou ma& (ros(er! [that &ou ma& trium(h.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! 4anganlah kamu memakan riba dengan berli(at ganda dan bertakwalah kamu ke(ada Allah su(a&a kamu menda(at keberuntungan.

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Muhsin Khan : And fear the >ire! which is (re(ared for the disbelie*ers. Sahih International : And fear the >ire! which has been (re(ared for the disbelie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And fear the >ire that has been (re(ared for the disbelie*ers! lest &ou be chastised with it.

Indonesian : /an (eliharalah dirimu dari a(i neraka! &ang disediakan untuk orang-orang &ang kafir.

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Muhsin Khan

: And obe& Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad .A,) that &ou ma& obtain merc&. Sahih International : And obe& Allah and the Messenger that &ou ma& obtain merc&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And obe& $od and the Messenger! so that &ou ma& find merc&.

Indonesian : /an taatilah Allah dan 8asul! su(a&a kamu diberi rahmat.

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Muhsin Khan : And march forth in the wa& (which leads to) forgi*eness from &our Lord! and for ?aradise as wide as are the hea*ens and the earth! (re(ared for Al-Mutta:un (the (ious see @.D:D). Sahih International : And hasten to forgi*eness from &our Lord and a garden as wide as the hea*ens and earth! (re(ared for the righteous
Tafsir Jalalayn : And *ie with one another hastening (read wa-s"ri;B or [sim(l& s"ri;B) to forgi*eness from &our Lord! and to a garden as wide as the hea*ens and the earth! that is! as broad as both of them together if (ut side b& side! breadth denotes am(leness! that has been (re(ared for those who fear $od in being obedient and abandoning acts of disobedience.

Indonesian : /an bersegeralah kamu ke(ada am(unan dari Tuhanmu dan ke(ada surga &ang luasn&a seluas langit dan bumi &ang disediakan untuk orang-orang &ang bertakwa!

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Muhsin Khan : Those who s(end [in Allah9s =ause - deeds of charit&! alms! etc. in (ros(erit& and in ad*ersit&! who re(ress anger! and who (ardon men6 *eril&! Allah lo*es Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers). Sahih International : ,ho s(end [in the cause of Allah during ease and hardshi( and who restrain anger and who (ardon the (eo(le - and Allah lo*es the doers of good6

Tafsir Jalalayn : ,ho e-(end! in obedience to $od! in (ros(erit& and ad*ersit&! in [times of ease and difficult&! and restrain their rage! [and desist from following it u( e*en though the& are able to! and (ardon their fellow-men! those who wrong them! wai*ing their (unishment6 and $od lo*es those who are *irtuous! through such actions! that is to sa&! %e will reward them.

Indonesian : (&aitu) orang-orang &ang menafkahkan (hartan&a)! baik di waktu la(ang mau(un sem(it! dan orang-orang &ang menahan amarahn&a dan memaafkan (kesalahan) orang. Allah men&ukai orang-orang &ang berbuat keba4ikan.

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Muhsin Khan : And those who! when the& ha*e committed >ahishah (illegal se-ual intercourse etc.) or wronged themsel*es with e*il! remember Allah and ask forgi*eness for their sins6 and none can forgi*e sins but Allah - And do not (ersist in what (wrong) the& ha*e done! while the& know. Sahih International : And those who! when the& commit an immoralit& or wrong themsel*es [b& transgression ! remember Allah and seek forgi*eness for their sins - and who can forgi*e sins e-ce(t Allah P - and [who do not (ersist in what the& ha*e done while the& know.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And who when the& commit an indecenc&! a des(icable sin such as adulter&! or wrong themsel*es! with less than that! such as a kiss! remember $od! that is to sa&! %is threat of (unishment! and (ra& forgi*eness for their sins G and who! that is! none! shall forgi*e sins but $odP G and who do not (ersist! (erse*ere! in what the& did! but ha*e desisted from it! knowing! that what the& did was sinful.

Indonesian : /an (4uga) orang-orang &ang a(abila menger4akan (erbuatan ke4i atau mengania&a diri sendiri! mereka ingat akan Allah! lalu memohon am(un terhada( dosa-dosa mereka dan sia(a lagi &ang da(at mengam(uni dosa selain dari (ada AllahP /an mereka tidak meneruskan (erbuatan ke4in&a itu! sedang mereka mengetahui.

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Muhsin Khan : >or such! the reward is >orgi*eness from their Lord! and $ardens with ri*ers flowing underneath (?aradise)! wherein the& shall abide fore*er. %ow e-cellent is this reward for the doers (who do righteous deeds according to Allah9s +rders). Sahih International : Those - their reward is forgi*eness from their Lord and gardens beneath which ri*ers flow [in ?aradise ! wherein the& will abide eternall&6 and e-cellent is the reward of the [righteous workers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those G their re:uital is forgi*eness from their Lord! and $ardens beneath which ri*ers flow! abiding therein (kh"lid#na f#h"! an im(lied situation! that is! it is foreordained that the& will abide in it once the& enter it)6 e-cellent is the wage! this wage! of those workers! of obedience'

Indonesian : Mereka itu balasann&a ialah am(unan dari Tuhan mereka dan surga &ang di dalamn&a mengalir sungai-sungai! sedang mereka kekal di dalamn&a6 dan itulah sebaik-baik (ahala orang-orang &ang beramal.

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Muhsin Khan : Man& similar wa&s (and misha(s of life) were faced b& nations (belie*ers and disbelie*ers) that ha*e (assed awa& before &ou (as &ou ha*e faced in the battle of Hhud)! so tra*el through the earth! and see what was the end of those who disbelie*ed (in the +neness of Allah! and disobe&ed %im and %is Messengers). Sahih International : .imilar situations [as &ours ha*e (assed on before &ou! so (roceed throughout the earth and obser*e how was the end of those who denied.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The following was re*ealed regarding the defeat at Hhud: ,a&s of life ha*e (assed awa& before &ou! all manner of unbelief has (receded! where the& ha*e been gi*en res(ite but are then sei<ed [with (unishment 6 so tra*el in the land! + belie*ers! and behold how was the end of those who denied! the messengers! that is! how their affair ended in destruction. .o do not grie*e on account of their *ictor&! 2 am onl& gi*ing them res(ite until their a((ointed time.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a telah berlalu sebelum kamu sunnah-sunnah Allah6 7arena itu ber4alanlah kamu di muka bumi dan (erhatikanlah bagaimana akibat orang-orang &ang mendustakan (rasul-rasul).

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Muhsin Khan : This (the Quran) is a (lain statement for mankind! a guidance and instruction to those who are Al-Mutta:un (the (ious - see @.D:D). Sahih International : This [Qur9an is a clear statement to [all the (eo(le and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of Allah .
Tafsir Jalalayn : This! Qur5"n! is an e-(osition for! all! mankind! and a guidance! from error! and an admonition for such as are $od-fearing! among them.

Indonesian : (Al Quran) ini adalah (enerangan bagi seluruh manusia! dan (etun4uk serta (ela4aran bagi orang-orang &ang bertakwa.

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Muhsin Khan : .o do not become weak (against &our enem&)! nor be sad! and &ou will be su(erior (in *ictor&) if &ou are indeed (true) belie*ers. Sahih International : .o do not weaken and do not grie*e! and &ou will be su(erior if &ou are [true belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : >aint not! shrink [not from fighting the disbelie*ers! neither grie*e! for what befell &ou at Hhud! for &ou shall (re*ail! through *ictor& o*er them! if &ou are! trul&! belie*ers. (the res(onse to this [last conditional clause is the sum [meaning of what has (receded it).

Indonesian : Manganlah kamu bersika( lemah! dan 4anganlah ((ula) kamu bersedih hati! (adahal kamulah orang-orang &ang (aling tinggi (dera4atn&a)! 4ika kamu orang-orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : 2f a wound (and killing) has touched &ou! be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the da&s (good and not so good)! ,e gi*e to men b&

turns! that Allah ma& test those who belie*e! and that %e ma& take mart&rs from among &ou. And Allah likes not the Ralimun ((ol&theists and wrong-doers). Sahih International : 2f a wound should touch &ou - there has alread& touched the [o((osing (eo(le a wound similar to it. And these da&s [of *ar&ing conditions ,e alternate among the (eo(le so that Allah ma& make e*ident those who belie*e and [ma& take to %imself from among &ou mart&rs - and Allah does not like the wrongdoers Tafsir Jalalayn : 2f a wound touches &ou! befalls &ou at Hhud! a like wound (:arh or :urh! which is the e-haustion that results from a wound and the like)! alread&! at 3adr! has touched the other (eo(le! the disbelie*ers. .uch da&s ,e deal out in turn! ,e dis(ense them! among mankind! one da& for one grou(! the ne-t da& for another! that the& might be admonished! and that $od ma& know! through knowledge manifested outwardl&! those who belie*e! who are sincere in their faith from others6 and that %e ma& take witnesses from among &ou! honouring them with mart&rdom! and $od lo*es not the e*ildoers! the disbelie*ers! that is! %e will chastise them! and the blessings %e bestows u(on them are onl& a [means of drawing out [their (unishment .

Indonesian : Mika kamu ((ada (erang Hhud) menda(at luka! maka sesungguhn&a kaum (kafir) itu(un ((ada (erang 3adar) menda(at luka &ang seru(a. /an masa (ke4a&aan dan kehancuran) itu 7ami (ergilirkan diantara manusia (agar mereka menda(at (ela4aran)6 dan su(a&a Allah membedakan orang-orang &ang beriman (dengan orang-orang kafir) su(a&a sebagian kamu di4adikan-1&a (gugur sebagai) s&uhada9. /an Allah tidak men&ukai orang-orang &ang <alim!

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Muhsin Khan : And that Allah ma& test (or (urif&) the belie*ers (from sins) and destro& the disbelie*ers. Sahih International : And that Allah ma& (urif& the belie*ers [through trials and destro& the disbelie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And that $od ma& (ro*e the belie*ers! (urif&ing them of sins through what befalls them! and efface! that is! destro&! the disbelie*ers.

Indonesian : /an agar Allah membersihkan orang-orang &ang beriman (dari dosa mereka) dan membinasakan orang-orang &ang kafir.

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Muhsin Khan : /o &ou think that &ou will enter ?aradise before Allah tests those of &ou who fought (in %is =ause) and (also) tests those who are As-.abirin (the (atient ones! etc.)P Sahih International : +r do &ou think that &ou will enter ?aradise while Allah has not &et made e*ident those of &ou who fight in %is cause and made e*ident those who are steadfastP
Tafsir Jalalayn : +r! na&! did &ou su((ose &ou should enter ?aradise without $od knowing! through knowledge manifested outwardl&! who among &ou ha*e struggled and who are (atient! in [times of hardshi(P

Indonesian : A(akah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga! (adahal belum n&ata bagi Allah orang-orang &ang ber4ihad diantaramu dan belum n&ata orang-orang &ang sabar.

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Muhsin Khan : 0ou did indeed wish for death (Ash-.hahadah - mart&rdom) before &ou met it. 1ow &ou ha*e seen it o(enl& with &our own e&es. Sahih International : And &ou had certainl& wished for mart&rdom before &ou encountered it! and &ou ha*e [now seen it [before &ou while &ou were looking on.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ou were longing for (tamannawna: one of the two letters t"5 has been omitted from the original [tatamannawna ) death before &ou met it! when &ou said! ;,ould that we had a da& like the /a& of 3adr in order to attain what its mart&rs attained.5 1ow &ou ha*e seen it! that is! the cause of it! war! looking on! that is! with &our e&es [o(en and contem(lating the conditions! so wh& did &ou retreatP

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a kamu menghara(kan mati (s&ahid) sebelum kamu menghada(in&a6 (sekarang) sungguh kamu telah melihatn&a dan kamu men&aksikann&a.

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Muhsin Khan : Muhammad (.A,) is no more than a Messenger! and indeed (man&) Messengers ha*e (assed awa& before him. 2f he dies or is killed! will &ou then turn back on &our heels (as disbelie*ers)P And he who turns back on his heels! not the least harm will he do to Allah! and Allah will gi*e reward to those who are grateful. Sahih International : Muhammad is not but a messenger. [+ther messengers ha*e (assed on before him. .o if he was to die or be killed! would &ou turn back on &our heels [to unbelief P And he who turns back on his heels will ne*er harm Allah at all6 but Allah will reward the grateful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,ith regard to their being routed! when it was rumoured that the ?ro(het had been killed and the h&(ocrites had said to the belie*ers! ;2f he has been killed! go back to &our [(re*ious religion5! the following was re*ealed: Muhammad is onl& a messenger6 messengers ha*e (assed awa& before him. ,h&! if he should die or is slain! like others! will &ou turn back on &our heels! will &ou return to unbelief (the last statement is the locus of the interrogati*e of denial! in other words! ;he was not a worshi((ed being! so that [if he were to die &ou should turn back [to &our (re*ious religion 5). 2f an& man should turn back on his heels! he will not harm $od in an& wa&! but will be harming himself! and $od will re:uite those that are thankful! for %is graces b& sta&ing firm.

Indonesian : Muhammad itu tidak lain han&alah seorang rasul! sungguh telah berlalu sebelumn&a bebera(a orang rasul. A(akah Mika dia wafat atau dibunuh kamu berbalik ke belakang (murtad)P 3arangsia(a &ang berbalik ke belakang! maka ia tidak da(at mendatangkan mudharat ke(ada Allah sedikit(un! dan Allah akan memberi balasan ke(ada orangorang &ang bers&ukur.

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Muhsin Khan : And no (erson can e*er die e-ce(t b& Allah9s Lea*e and at an a((ointed term. And whoe*er desires a reward in (this) world! ,e shall gi*e him of it6 and whoe*er desires a reward in the %ereafter! ,e shall gi*e him thereof. And ,e shall reward the grateful

Sahih International : And it is not [(ossible for one to die e-ce(t b& (ermission of Allah at a decree determined. And whoe*er desires the reward of this world - ,e will gi*e him thereof6 and whoe*er desires the reward of the %ereafter - ,e will gi*e him thereof. And we will reward the grateful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2t is not for an& soul to die! sa*e b& the lea*e of $od! b& %is decree! a (rescribed (kit"ban! here a *erbal noun! that is! $od has (rescribed this) term! that is to sa&! [a term fi-ed in time! neither brought forward nor deferred! so wh& did &ou retreat [in defeat P /efeat does not ward off death! nor does standing one5s ground se*er life. And whoe*er desires! b& his deeds! the reward of this world! that is! his re:uital in it! ,e will gi*e him of it! what has been alloted to him! but he shall ha*e no share in the %ereafter6 and whoe*er desires the reward of the %ereafter! ,e will gi*e him of it! that is! of its reward6 and ,e will re:uite the thankful.

Indonesian : .esuatu &ang bern&awa tidak akan mati melainkan dengan i<in Allah! sebagai keteta(an &ang telah ditentukan waktun&a. 3arang sia(a menghendaki (ahala dunia! nisca&a 7ami berikan ke(adan&a (ahala dunia itu! dan barang sia(a menghendaki (ahala akhirat! 7ami berikan ((ula) ke(adan&a (ahala akhirat itu. /an kami akan memberi balasan ke(ada orang-orang &ang bers&ukur.

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Muhsin Khan : And man& a ?ro(het (i.e. man& from amongst the ?ro(hets) fought (in Allah9s =ause) and along with him (fought) large bands of religious learned men. 3ut the& ne*er lost heart for that which did befall them in Allah9s ,a&! nor did the& weaken nor degrade themsel*es. And Allah lo*es As-.abirin (the (atient ones! etc.). Sahih International : And how man& a (ro(het [fought and with him fought man& religious scholars. 3ut the& ne*er lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah ! nor did the& weaken or submit. And Allah lo*es the steadfast.
Tafsir Jalalayn : %ow man& a (ro(het has been killed (:utila! a *ariant reading has :"tala! ;has fought5! the sub4ect of the *erb being the (erson go*erning it) and with him (ma;ahu! the (redicate! the sub4ect of which [follows ) thousands manifold [fought ! but the& fainted not! the& did [not shrink! in the face of what afflicted them in $od5s wa&! of wounds and the sla&ing of their (ro(hets and com(anions6 the& neither weakened! in the face of struggle! nor did the& humble themsel*es! [nor did the& succumb to their enem&! as &ou did when it was said that the ?ro(het (s) had been killed. And $od lo*es the (atient! during trials! meaning that %e will reward them.


: /an bera(a ban&akn&a nabi &ang ber(erang bersama-sama mereka se4umlah besar dari (engikut(n&a) &ang bertakwa. Mereka tidak men4adi lemah karena bencana &ang menim(a mereka di 4alan Allah! dan tidak lesu dan tidak ((ula) men&erah (ke(ada musuh). Allah men&ukai orang-orang &ang sabar.

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Muhsin Khan : And the& said nothing but: A+ur Lord' >orgi*e us our sins and our transgressions (in kee(ing our duties to 0ou)! establish our feet firml&! and gi*e us *ictor& o*er the disbelie*ing folk.A Sahih International : And their words were not but that the& said! A+ur Lord! forgi*e us our sins and the e-cess [committed in our affairs and (lant firml& our feet and gi*e us *ictor& o*er the disbelie*ing (eo(le.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : All that the& said! when their (ro(het had been killed while the& stood their ground and were steadfast! was! ;+ur Lord! forgi*e us our sins and our e-cesses! our o*erste((ing the bounds! in our affairs! a declaration of the fact that what had befallen them was the result of their e*il actions and a humbling of their sel*es! and make firm our feet! with strength for the struggle! and hel( us against the unbelie*ing folk5.

Indonesian : Tidak ada doa mereka selain uca(an: A0a Tuhan kami! am(unilah dosa-dosa kami dan tindakan-tindakan kami &ang berlebih-lebihan dalam urusan kami dan teta(kanlah (endirian kami! dan tolonglah kami terhada( kaum &ang kafirA.

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Muhsin Khan : .o Allah ga*e them the reward of this world! and the e-cellent reward of the %ereafter. And Allah lo*es Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers - see the footnote of @.E:CEO). Sahih International : .o Allah ga*e them the reward of this world and the good reward of the %ereafter. And Allah lo*es the doers of good.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And $od ga*e them the reward of this world! *ictor& and boot&! and the fairest reward of the %ereafter! that is! ?aradise (husnuhu! ;the fairest of it5! denotes [e-tra fa*our in addition to what is deser*ed)6 and $od lo*es the *irtuous.


: 7arena itu Allah memberikan ke(ada mereka (ahala di dunia dan (ahala &ang baik di akhirat. /an Allah men&ukai orang-orang &ang berbuat kebaikan.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' 2f &ou obe& those who disbelie*e! the& will send &ou back on &our heels! and &ou will turn back (from >aith) as losers. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! if &ou obe& those who disbelie*e! the& will turn &ou back on &our heels! and &ou will [then become losers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! if &ou obe& the disbelie*ers! in what the& command &ou! the& will make &ou turn back on &our heels! [back to unbelief! and &ou will re*ert as losers.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! 4ika kamu mentaati orang-orang &ang kafir itu! nisca&a mereka mengembalikan kamu ke belakang (ke(ada kekafiran)! lalu 4adilah kamu orang-orang &ang rugi.

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Muhsin Khan : 1a&! Allah is &our Maula (?atron! Lord! %el(er and ?rotector! etc.)! and %e is the 3est of hel(ers. Sahih International : 3ut Allah is &our (rotector! and %e is the best of hel(ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 1a&! but $od is &our ?rotector! &our %el(er! and %e is the best of hel(ers! so obe& onl& %im and not them.

Indonesian : Teta(i (ikutilah Allah)! Allahlah ?elindungmu! dan /ialah sebaik-baik ?enolong.

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Muhsin Khan : ,e shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelie*e! because the& 4oined others in worshi( with Allah! for which %e had sent no authorit&6 their abode will be the >ire and how e*il is the abode of the Ralimun ((ol&theists and wrong-doers). Sahih International : ,e will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelie*e for what the& ha*e associated with Allah of which %e had not sent down [an& authorit&. And their refuge will be the >ire! and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,e will cast terror (read ru;b or ru;ub) into the hearts of the disbelie*ers: after de(arting from Hhud the& resol*ed to return in order to e-terminate the Muslims! but the& were terrified and did not return6 for what the& ha*e associated! because of their associating! with $od that for which %e has re*ealed no warrant! that is! [no argument in su((ort of its worshi(! namel&! idols6 their abode shall be the >ire6 e*il is the abode! the resting (lace! of the e*ildoers! the disbelie*ers.

Indonesian : Akan 7ami masukkan ke dalam hati orang-orang kafir rasa takut! disebabkan mereka mem(ersekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu &ang Allah sendiri tidak menurunkan keterangan tentang itu. Tem(at kembali mereka ialah neraka6 dan itulah seburuk-buruk tem(at tinggal orang-orang &ang <alim.

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Muhsin Khan : And Allah did indeed fulfil %is ?romise to &ou when &ou were killing them (&our enem&) with %is ?ermission6 until (the moment) &ou lost &our courage and fell to dis(uting about the order! and disobe&ed after %e showed &ou (of the boot&) which &ou lo*e. Among &ou are some that desire this world and some that desire the %ereafter. Then %e made &ou flee from them (&our enem&)! that %e might test &ou. 3ut surel&! %e forga*e &ou! and Allah is Most $racious to the belie*ers.

Sahih International : And Allah had certainl& fulfilled %is (romise to &ou when &ou were killing the enem& b& %is (ermission until [the time when &ou lost courage and fell to dis(uting about the order [gi*en b& the ?ro(het and disobe&ed after %e had shown &ou that which &ou lo*e. Among &ou are some who desire this world! and among &ou are some who desire the %ereafter. Then he turned &ou back from them [defeated that %e might test &ou. And %e has alread& forgi*en &ou! and Allah is the (ossessor of bount& for the belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $od has been true to %is (romise! towards &ou! of gi*ing &ou *ictor&! when &ou slew them b& %is lea*e! b& %is will! until &ou lost heart! [until &ou shrank from battle! and :uarrelled! disagreed! o*er the command! that is! the command of the ?ro(het (s) that &ou remain at the foot of the mountain for the arrow attack! some of &ou sa&ing! ;Let us de(art! for our comrades ha*e been gi*en *ictor&5! others sa&ing! ;,e should not disobe& the command of the ?ro(het (s)56 and &ou disobe&ed! his command! and abandoned &our station in search of the boot&! after %e! $od! had shown &ou what &ou longed for! of assistance (the res(onse to the [clause containing idh" is indicated b& what (recedes it! that is to sa&! ;[when &ou lost heart %e denied &ou %is assistance5). .ome of &ou desired this world! abandoning his station for the sake of the boot&6 and some of &ou desired the %ereafter! holding to it until he was slain! such as ;Abd All"h b. Muba&r and his com(anions. Then %e turned &ou awa& (thumma sarafakum is a su((lement to the res(onse of the [clause containing idh"! im(lied to be raddakum bi5l-ha<#ma [;%e turned &ou back in defeat5 ) from them! the disbelie*ers! so that %e might tr& &ou! that %e might test &ou and so make manifest the sincere ones from those otherwise6 &et now %e has (ardoned &ou! what &ou ha*e done! and $od is 3ounteous to the belie*ers! with (ardon.

Indonesian : /an sesungguhn&a Allah telah memenuhi 4an4i-1&a ke(ada kamu! ketika kamu membunuh mereka dengan i<in-1&a sam(ai (ada saat kamu lemah dan berselisih dalam urusan itu dan mendurhakai (erintah (8asul) sesudah Allah mem(erlihatkan ke(adamu a(a &ang kamu sukai. /i antaramu ada orang &ang menghendaki dunia dan diantara kamu ada orang &ang menghendaki akhirat. 7emudian Allah memalingkan kamu dari mereka untuk mengu4i kamu! dan sesunguhn&a Allah telah memaafkan kamu. /an Allah mem(un&ai karunia (&ang dilim(ahkan) atas orang orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : (And remember) when &ou ran awa& (dreadfull&) without e*en casting a side glance at an&one! and the Messenger (Muhammad .A,) was in &our rear calling &ou back. There did Allah gi*e &ou one distress after another b& wa& of re:uital to teach &ou not

to grie*e for that which had esca(ed &ou! nor for that which had befallen &ou. And Allah is ,ell-Aware of all that &ou do. Sahih International : [8emember when &ou [fled and climbed [the mountain without looking aside at an&one while the Messenger was calling &ou from behind. .o Allah re(aid &ou with distress u(on distress so &ou would not grie*e for that which had esca(ed &ou [of *ictor& and s(oils of war or [for that which had befallen &ou [of in4ur& and death . And Allah is [full& Ac:uainted with what &ou do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 8emember! when &ou were ascending! fleeing in the distance! not turning around! [not sto((ing! for an&one and the Messenger was calling &ou from &our rear! sa&ing! ;=ome to me ser*ants of $od! this wa&! ser*ants of $od'5! so %e rewarded &ou! %e re:uited &ou! with grief! through defeat! for grief (ghamman bi-ghamm6 the b"5 [bi- ! ;with5! is said to mean ;al"! ;for5) because of the grief that &ou caused the ?ro(het when &ou disobe&ed [his command ! that is! [with grief doubled! [being in addition to the grief of the boot& forfeited! so that (li-ka&l" is semanticall& connected either to ;af"! ;%e has (ardoned5! or ath"bakum! ;%e rewarded &ou56 the l" [of ka&-l" is thus e-tra) &ou might not grie*e for what esca(ed &ou! of boot&! neither for what befell &ou! of being slain and [of defeat6 and $od is aware of what &ou do.

Indonesian : (2ngatlah) ketika kamu lari dan tidak menoleh ke(ada seseorang(un! sedang 8asul &ang berada di antara kawan-kawanmu &ang lain memanggil kamu! karena itu Allah menim(akan atas kamu kesedihan atas kesedihan! su(a&a kamu 4angan bersedih hati terhada( a(a &ang lu(ut dari (ada kamu dan terhada( a(a &ang menim(a kamu. Allah Maha Mengetahui a(a &ang kamu ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : Then after the distress! %e sent down securit& for &ou. .lumber o*ertook a (art& of &ou! while another (art& was thinking about themsel*es (as how to sa*e their

ownsel*es! ignoring the others and the ?ro(het .A,) and thought wrongl& of Allah the thought of ignorance. The& said! A%a*e we an& (art in the affairPA .a& &ou (+ Muhammad .A,): A2ndeed the affair belongs wholl& to Allah.A The& hide within themsel*es what the& dare not re*eal to &ou! sa&ing: A2f we had an&thing to do with the affair! none of us would ha*e been killed here.A .a&: A)*en if &ou had remained in &our homes! those for whom death was decreed would certainl& ha*e gone forth to the (lace of their death!A but that Allah might test what is in &our breasts6 and to Mahis that which was in &our hearts (sins)! and Allah is All-7nower of what is in (&our) breasts. Sahih International : Then after distress! %e sent down u(on &ou securit& [in the form of drowsiness! o*ercoming a faction of &ou! while another faction worried about themsel*es! thinking of Allah other than the truth - the thought of ignorance! sa&ing! A2s there an&thing for us [to ha*e done in this matterPA .a&! A2ndeed! the matter belongs com(letel& to Allah .A The& conceal within themsel*es what the& will not re*eal to &ou. The& sa&! A2f there was an&thing we could ha*e done in the matter! some of us would not ha*e been killed right here.A .a&! A)*en if &ou had been inside &our houses! those decreed to be killed would ha*e come out to their death beds.A [2t was so that Allah might test what is in &our breasts and (urif& what is in &our hearts. And Allah is 7nowing of that within the breasts.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then %e sent down u(on &ou! after grief! securit& G a slumber (nu;"san! ;slumber5 substitutes for amanatan! ;securit&5) o*ercoming (&aghsh" or taghsh") a (art& of &ou! namel&! the belie*ers. The& would become di<<& under their shields and their swords would fall from their hands6 and a (art& whose own souls distressed them! that is! the& caused them grief! so that their onl& wish was their deli*erance! regardless of the ?ro(het and his =om(anions! and the& were unable to fall aslee(: these were the h&(ocrites6 thinking wrongl& of $od! thoughts of! those thoughts during the! age of ignorance! the moment the& thought that the ?ro(het had been killed or that he would not be gi*en *ictor&! sa&ing! ;%a*e we an& (art whate*er in the affairP5 (read [interrogati*e hal as [negati*e m") that is! [we ha*e no (art in the assistance which we were (romised. .a&! to them: ;The affair belongs entirel& (read accusati*e kullahu to denote an em(hasis! or nominati*e kulluhu as a sub4ect [of a new sentence ! the (redicate of which is [what follows ) to $od5! that is to sa&! the decree is %is! %e does what %e wills. The& conceal within their hearts what the& do not disclose! what the& [do not manifest! to &ou! sa&ing! (&a:BlBna! ;sa&ing5! is an e-(lication of the (receding [statement ) ;%ad we had an& (art in the affair! we would not ha*e been slain here5! that is to sa&! ;%ad the choice been ours! we would not ha*e set out and thus been slain6 but we were forced to set out5. .a&! to them: ;)*en if &ou had been in &our houses! with some among &ou whom $od had a((ointed that the& be slain! those! of &ou! for whom it had been a((ointed! decreed! that the& be slain would ha*e sallied forth! would ha*e gone forth! to the (laces where the& were to lie5! the battleground where the& were to fall! and the& would ha*e been slain6 and their sta&ing (ut [at home would not ha*e sa*ed them! for $od5s decree will be! ine*itabl&. And! %e did what %e did at Hhud! that $od might tr&! [that %e might test! what was in &our breasts! &our hearts! of sincerit& or h&(ocris&! and that %e might (ro*e! [that %e might distinguish! what was in &our hearts6 and $od knows what is in the breasts! what is in the hearts. 1othing can be hidden from %im! and %e tries (eo(le onl& to make [matters manifest for them.

Indonesian : 7emudian setelah kamu berdukacita! Allah menurunkan ke(ada kamu keamanan (beru(a) kantuk &ang meli(uti segolongan dari (ada kamu! sedang segolongan lagi telah dicemaskan oleh diri mereka sendiri! mereka men&angka &ang tidak benar

terhada( Allah se(erti sangkaan 4ahili&ah. Mereka berkata: AA(akah ada bagi kita barang sesuatu (hak cam(ur tangan) dalam urusan iniPA. 7atakanlah: A.esungguhn&a urusan itu seluruhn&a di tangan AllahA. Mereka men&embun&ikan dalam hati mereka a(a &ang tidak mereka terangkan ke(adamu6 mereka berkata: A.ekiran&a ada bagi kita barang sesuatu (hak cam(ur tangan) dalam urusan ini! nisca&a kita tidak akan dibunuh (dikalahkan) di siniA. 7atakanlah: A.ekiran&a kamu berada di rumahmu! nisca&a orangorang &ang telah ditakdirkan akan mati terbunuh itu keluar (4uga) ke tem(at mereka terbunuhA. /an Allah (berbuat demikian) untuk mengu4i a(a &ang ada dalam dadamu dan untuk membersihkan a(a &ang ada dalam hatimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui isi hati.

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Muhsin Khan : Those of &ou who turned back on the da& the two hosts met (i.e. the battle of Hhud)! it was .haitan (.atan) who caused them to backslide (run awa& from the battlefield) because of some (sins) the& had earned. 3ut Allah! indeed! has forgi*en them. .urel&! Allah is +ft->orgi*ing! Most >orbearing. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those of &ou who turned back on the da& the two armies met! it was .atan who caused them to sli( because of some [blame the& had earned. 3ut Allah has alread& forgi*en them. 2ndeed! Allah is >orgi*ing and >orbearing.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul&! those of &ou who turned awa&! from the battle! the da& the two hosts! the Muslim host and that of the disbelie*ers! encountered each other! at Hhud! the Muslims! with the e-ce(tion of twel*e men G trul&! .atan made them sli(! with his [e*il insinuations! through some of what the& had earned! of sins! namel&! when the& disobe&ed the ?ro(het5s command6 but $od (ardoned them6 $od is >orgi*ing! to belie*ers! >orbearing! hastening not against the disobedient [with (unishment .

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang ber(aling di antaramu (ada hari bertemu dua (asukan itu! han&a sa4a mereka digelincirkan oleh s&aitan! disebabkan sebagian kesalahan &ang telah mereka (erbuat (di masa lam(au) dan sesungguhn&a Allah telah memberi maaf ke(ada mereka. .esungguhn&a Allah Maha ?engam(un lagi Maha ?en&antun.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' 3e not like those who disbelie*e (h&(ocrites) and who sa& to their brethren when the& tra*el through the earth or go out to fight: A2f the& had sta&ed with us! the& would not ha*e died or been killed!A so that Allah ma& make it a cause of regret in their hearts. 2t is Allah that gi*es life and causes death. And Allah is All-.eer of what &ou do. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! do not be like those who disbelie*ed and said about their brothers when the& tra*eled through the land or went out to fight! A2f the& had been with us! the& would not ha*e died or ha*e been killed!A so Allah makes that [misconce(tion a regret within their hearts. And it is Allah who gi*es life and causes death! and Allah is .eeing of what &ou do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! be not as the disbelie*ers! that is! [as the h&(ocrites! who sa& of their brothers! that is! regarding their affair! when the& tra*el in the land! and then die! or are on raiding cam(aigns (ghu<<an! ;a raiding (art&5! is the (lural of gh"<in)! and are then slain! ;%ad the& been with us! the& would not ha*e died and would not ha*e been slain5! in other words! do not sa& as the& sa& G so that $od ma& make that! sa&ing [of theirs ! as a conclusion of their affair! anguish in their hearts. >or $od gi*es life! and %e gi*es death! and so no sta&ing (ut can (re*ent death! and $od sees what &ou do (ta;malBna! or &a;malBna! ;the& do5)! and %e will re:uite &ou for it.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! 4anganlah kamu se(erti orang-orang kafir (orangorang munafik) itu! &ang mengatakan ke(ada saudara-saudara mereka a(abila mereka mengadakan (er4alanan di muka bumi atau mereka ber(erang: A7alau mereka teta( bersama-sama kita tentulah mereka tidak mati dan tidak dibunuhA. Akibat (dari (erkataan dan ke&akinan mereka) &ang demikian itu! Allah menimbulkan rasa (en&esalan &ang sangat di dalam hati mereka. Allah menghidu(kan dan mematikan. /an Allah melihat a(a &ang kamu ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : And if &ou are killed or die in the ,a& of Allah! forgi*eness and merc& from Allah are far better than all that the& amass (of worldl& wealths! etc.).

Sahih International : And if &ou are killed in the cause of Allah or die - then forgi*eness from Allah and merc& are better than whate*er the& accumulate [in this world .
Tafsir Jalalayn : And if (wa-la-in! the l"m is for oaths) &ou are slain in $od5s wa&! in [hol& struggle! or die (read muttum or mittum! from [singular form m"ta! &amBtu)! that is! if death comes to &ou thereat! forgi*eness! that is! from $od! for &our sins! and merc&! therefor from %im for &ou (the clause introduced b& the l"m [of la-maghfiratun! ;forgi*eness5 is the res(onse to the oath [clause of la5in ! and occu(ies the (lace of the *erbal action as a sub4ect! the (redicate of which [is what follows ) are better than what the& amass! in this world (read ta4ma;Bn! ;&ou amass5! or &a4ma;Bn! ;the& amass5).

Indonesian : /an sungguh kalau kamu gugur di 4alan Allah atau meninggal! tentulah am(unan Allah dan rahmat-1&a lebih baik (bagimu) dari harta ram(asan &ang mereka kum(ulkan.

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Muhsin Khan : And whether &ou die! or are killed! *eril&! unto Allah &ou shall be gathered. Sahih International : And whether &ou die or are killed! unto Allah &ou will be gathered.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And if (wa-la-in! the l"m is for oaths) &ou die ([read in both wa&s [muttum or mittum ! or are slain! in the [hol& struggle or otherwise! it is to $od! and to none other than %im that! &ou shall be mustered! in the %ereafter! and %e will re:uite &ou.

Indonesian : /an sungguh 4ika kamu meninggal atau gugur! tentulah ke(ada Allah sa4a kamu dikum(ulkan.

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Muhsin Khan : And b& the Merc& of Allah! &ou dealt with them gentl&. And had &ou been se*ere and harsh-hearted! the& would ha*e broken awa& from about &ou6 so (ass o*er (their faults)! and ask (Allah9s) >orgi*eness for them6 and consult them in the affairs. Then when &ou

ha*e taken a decision! (ut &our trust in Allah! certainl&! Allah lo*es those who (ut their trust (in %im). Sahih International : .o b& merc& from Allah ! [+ Muhammad ! &ou were lenient with them. And if &ou had been rude [in s(eech and harsh in heart! the& would ha*e disbanded from about &ou. .o (ardon them and ask forgi*eness for them and consult them in the matter. And when &ou ha*e decided! then rel& u(on Allah . 2ndeed! Allah lo*es those who rel& [u(on %im .
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2t was b& the merc& of $od that &ou! + Muhammad (s)! were lenient with them! that is! [that &ou showed indulgence [toward them when the& disobe&ed &ou6 had &ou been harsh! ill-natured! and fierce of heart! brutish and coarse towards them! the& would ha*e dis(ersed! s(lit awa&! from about &ou. .o (ardon them! (ass o*er what the& ha*e done! and ask forgi*eness for them! for their sins! until 2 forgi*e them! and consult them! find out their o(inions! in the matter! that is! &our affair in the battle and otherwise! in order to win their hearts o*er and so that &ou ma& be emulated [in this res(ect 6 and indeed! the ?ro(het (s) would fre:uentl& consult them. And when &ou are resol*ed! to carr& out what &ou wish after counsel! rel& on $od! (ut &our trust in %im and not in [an& counsel6 for $od lo*es those who rel&! on %im.

Indonesian : Maka disebabkan rahmat dari Allah-lah kamu berlaku lemah lembut terhada( mereka. .ekiran&a kamu bersika( keras lagi berhati kasar! tentulah mereka men4auhkan diri dari sekelilingmu. 7arena itu maafkanlah mereka! mohonkanlah am(un bagi mereka! dan bermus&awaratlah dengan mereka dalam urusan itu. 7emudian a(abila kamu telah membulatkan tekad! maka bertawakkallah ke(ada Allah. .esungguhn&a Allah men&ukai orang-orang &ang bertawakkal ke(ada-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : 2f Allah hel(s &ou! none can o*ercome &ou6 and if %e forsakes &ou! who is there after %im that can hel( &ouP And in Allah (Alone) let belie*ers (ut their trust. Sahih International : 2f Allah should aid &ou! no one can o*ercome &ou6 but if %e should forsake &ou! who is there that can aid &ou after %imP And u(on Allah let the belie*ers rel&.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2f $od hel(s &ou! [if %e gi*es &ou assistance against &our enem&! as on the /a& of 3adr! then none can o*ercome &ou6 but if %e forsakes &ou! [if %e refrains from assisting &ou! as on the /a& of Hhud! then who is there who can hel( &ou after %imP! that is! after %is forsaking [&ou P 2n other words! there is no one to hel( &ou. Therefore on $od! and on no one else! let the belie*ers rel&.


: Mika Allah menolong kamu! maka tak adalah orang &ang da(at mengalahkan kamu6 4ika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak memberi (ertolongan)! maka sia(akah gerangan &ang da(at menolong kamu (selain) dari Allah sesudah ituP 7arena itu hendaklah ke(ada Allah sa4a orang-orang mukmin bertawakkal.

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Muhsin Khan : 2t is not for an& ?ro(het to take illegall& a (art of boot& ($hulul)! and whosoe*er decei*es his com(anions as regards the boot&! he shall bring forth on the /a& of 8esurrection that which he took (illegall&). Then e*er& (erson shall be (aid in full what he has earned! - and the& shall not be dealt with un4ustl&. Sahih International : 2t is not [attributable to an& (ro(het that he would act unfaithfull& [in regard to war boot& . And whoe*er betra&s! [taking unlawfull& ! will come with what he took on the /a& of 8esurrection. Then will e*er& soul be [full& com(ensated for what it earned! and the& will not be wronged.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen some red *el*et cloth went missing on the /a& of 3adr and some (eo(le began to sa&! ;?erha(s the ?ro(het took it5! the following was re*ealed: 2t is not for a (ro(het to be fraudulent (an &aghulla! a *ariant reading has the (assi*e an &ughalla! meaning to attribute ghulBl! ;fraud5! to him)! to be treacherous with regard to the s(oils! so do not (resume this of him6 whoe*er defrauds shall bring what he has defrauded on the /a& of 8esurrection! carr&ing it around his neck6 then e*er& soul! the fraudulent and the otherwise! shall be (aid in full! the re:uital of! what it has earned! [what it has done! and the& shall not be wronged! a single thing.

Indonesian : Tidak mungkin seorang nabi berkhianat dalam urusan harta ram(asan (erang. 3arangsia(a &ang berkhianat dalam urusan ram(asan (erang itu! maka (ada hari kiamat ia akan datang membawa a(a &ang dikhianatkann&a itu! kemudian tia(-tia( diri akan diberi (embalasan tentang a(a &ang ia ker4akan dengan ((embalasan) setim(al! sedang mereka tidak diania&a.

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Muhsin Khan : 2s then one who follows (seeks) the good ?leasure of Allah (b& not taking illegall& a (art of the boot&) like the one who draws on himself the ,rath of Allah (b& taking a

(art of the boot& illegall& - $hulul)P - his abode is %ell! - and worst! indeed is that destination' Sahih International : .o is one who (ursues the (leasure of Allah like one who brings u(on himself the anger of Allah and whose refuge is %ellP And wretched is the destination.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2s he who follows $od5s beatitude! being obedient and not defrauding! like him who is laden! [one who returns! with $od5s anger! because of his disobedience and fraud! whose abode is %ellP An e*il 4ourne&5s end! a resort! it is'

Indonesian : A(akah orang &ang mengikuti keridhaan Allah sama dengan orang &ang kembali membawa kemurkaan (&ang besar) dari Allah dan tem(atn&a adalah MahannamP /an itulah seburuk-buruk tem(at kembali.

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Muhsin Khan : The& are in *ar&ing grades with Allah! and Allah is All-.eer of what the& do. Sahih International : The& are [*ar&ing degrees in the sight of Allah ! and Allah is .eeing of whate*er the& do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 1o' The& are of degrees! that is! indi*iduals of [different degrees! before $od! that is! belonging to *ar&ing stations: for those that follow %is beatitude! a reward! and for those that are laden with $od5s anger! (unishment6 and $od sees what the& do! and will re:uite them for it.

Indonesian : (7edudukan) mereka itu bertingkat-tingkat di sisi Allah! dan Allah Maha Melihat a(a &ang mereka ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : 2ndeed Allah conferred a great fa*our on the belie*ers when %e sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad .A,) from among themsel*es! reciting unto them %is @erses (the Quran)! and (urif&ing them (from sins b& their following him)! and instructing them (in) the 3ook (the Quran) and Al-%ikmah [the wisdom and the .unnah of the

?ro(het .A, (i.e. his legal wa&s! statements! acts of worshi(! etc.) ! while before that the& had been in manifest error. Sahih International : =ertainl& did Allah confer [great fa*or u(on the belie*ers when %e sent among them a Messenger from themsel*es! reciting to them %is *erses and (urif&ing them and teaching them the 3ook and wisdom! although the& had been before in manifest error.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul& $od was gracious to the belie*ers when %e sent to them a messenger from among their own! that is to sa&! an Arab like them! not an angel or a non-Arab! so that the& can understand what he sa&s and feel honoured thereb&! to recite to them %is *erses! the Qur5"n! and to (urif& them! to cleanse them of sins! and to teach them the 3ook! the Qur5"n! wisdom! the .unna! though (in! is softened [in (lace of inna ! that is! innahum! ;though the&Q5) before! that is! before he was sent! the& were in clear error.

Indonesian : .ungguh Allah telah memberi karunia ke(ada orang-orang &ang beriman ketika Allah mengutus diantara mereka seorang rasul dari golongan mereka sendiri! &ang membacakan ke(ada mereka a&at-a&at Allah! membersihkan (4iwa) mereka! dan menga4arkan ke(ada mereka Al 7itab dan Al %ikmah. /an sesungguhn&a sebelum (kedatangan 1abi) itu! mereka adalah benar-benar dalam kesesatan &ang n&ata.

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Muhsin Khan : (,hat is the matter with &ouP) ,hen a single disaster smites &ou! although &ou smote (&our enemies) with one twice as great! &ou sa&: A>rom where does this come to usPA .a& (to them)! A2t is from &oursel*es (because of &our e*il deeds).A And Allah has (ower o*er all things. Sahih International : ,h& [is it that when a [single disaster struck &ou [on the da& of Hhud ! although &ou had struck [the enem& in the battle of 3adr with one twice as great! &ou said! A>rom where is thisPA .a&! A2t is from &oursel*es.A 2ndeed! Allah is o*er all things com(etent.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And wh&! when distress befell &ou! at Hhud! when se*ent& of &ou were slain! and &ou had afflicted twice the like of it! at 3adr! sla&ing se*ent& of them and taking another se*ent& ca(ti*e! did &ou sa&! in ama<ement! ;%ow is thisP5! that is! how did this defeat ha((en to us when we are Muslims and $od5s Messenger is among us (the last statement [ann" h"dh"! ;how is thisP5 constitutes [the locus of the interrogati*e of denial). .a&! to them: ;2t is from &oursel*es! because &ou abandoned &our [battle stations and were thus defeated. .urel& $od has (ower o*er e*er&thing5! including [the gi*ing of assistance and the withholding of it! and %e re:uited &ou for &our dis(uting [the ?ro(het5s command .


: /an menga(a ketika kamu ditim(a musibah ((ada (e(erangan Hhud)! (adahal kamu telah menim(akan kekalahan dua kali li(at ke(ada musuh-musuhmu ((ada (e(erangan 3adar)! kamu berkata: A/arimana datangn&a (kekalahan) iniPA 7atakanlah: A2tu dari (kesalahan) dirimu sendiriA. .esungguhn&a Allah Maha 7uasa atas segala sesuatu.

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Muhsin Khan : And what &ou suffered (of the disaster) on the da& (of the battle of Hhud when) the two armies met! was b& the lea*e of Allah! in order that %e might test the belie*ers. Sahih International : And what struck &ou on the da& the two armies met was b& (ermission of Allah that %e might make e*ident the [true belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And what afflicted &ou! the da& the two hosts encountered! at Hhud! was b& $od5s lea*e! b& %is will! and that %e might know! through knowledge manifested outwardl&! the! true! belie*ers.

Indonesian : /an a(a &ang menim(a kamu (ada hari bertemun&a dua (asukan! maka (kekalahan) itu adalah dengan i<in (takdir) Allah! dan agar Allah mengetahui sia(a orang-orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : And that %e might test the h&(ocrites! it was said to them: A=ome! fight in the ,a& of Allah or (at least) defend &oursel*es.A The& said: A%ad we known that fighting will take (lace! we would certainl& ha*e followed &ou.A The& were that da&! nearer to disbelief than to >aith! sa&ing with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah has full knowledge of what the& conceal. Sahih International : And that %e might make e*ident those who are h&(ocrites. >or it was said to them! A=ome! fight in the wa& of Allah or [at least defend.A The& said! A2f we had known [there would be fighting! we would ha*e followed &ou.A The& were nearer to disbelief that da& than to faith! sa&ing with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most 7nowing of what the& conceal -

Tafsir Jalalayn : And that %e might also know the h&(ocrites! and those who! when it was said to them! after the& had fled the fighting! namel&! ;Abd All"h b. Hba&& and his com(anions: ;=ome now! fight in the wa& of $od! %is enemies! or defend5! us against the enem& b& increasing the multitude [of our fighters ! if &ou are not going to fight6 the& said! ;2f we knew how! [if we were skilled enough! to fight we would follow &ou5. $od then said! showing them to be liars: The& that da& were nearer to unbelief than to belief! for what the& manifested of their forsaking the belie*ers! whereas before the& had been outwardl& nearer to belief6 sa&ing with their mouths that which was not in their hearts! for e*en if the& had known how to fight the& would not ha*e followed &ou. And $od knows best what the& hide! of h&(ocris&.

Indonesian : /an su(a&a Allah mengetahui sia(a orang-orang &ang munafik. 7e(ada mereka dikatakan: AMarilah ber(erang di 4alan Allah atau (ertahankanlah (dirimu)A. Mereka berkata: A.ekiran&a kami mengetahui akan ter4adi (e(erangan! tentulah kami mengikuti kamuA. Mereka (ada hari itu lebih dekat ke(ada kekafiran dari (ada keimanan. Mereka mengatakan dengan mulutn&a a(a &ang tidak terkandung dalam hatin&a. /an Allah lebih mengetahui dalam hatin&a. /an Allah lebih mengetahui a(a &ang mereka sembun&ikan.

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Muhsin Khan : (The& are) the ones who said about their killed brethren while the& themsel*es sat (at home): A2f onl& the& had listened to us! the& would not ha*e been killed.A .a&: AA*ert death from &our ownsel*es! if &ou s(eak the truth.A Sahih International : Those who said about their brothers while sitting [at home ! A2f the& had obe&ed us! the& would not ha*e been killed.A .a&! AThen (re*ent death from &oursel*es! if &ou should be truthful.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those who (alladh#na substitutes for the (re*ious alladh#na! or constitutes an ad4ecti*al :ualification [of it ) said to their brothers! in religion! whilst the& themsel*es! had! sta&ed (ut! [refraining from [4oining the struggle! ;%ad the&! the mart&rs at Hhud or those who sta&ed (ut with us! obe&ed us! the& would not ha*e been slain5. .a&! to them: ;Then a*ert! ward off! death from &oursel*es! if &ou s(eak the truth5! in that sta&ing (ut deli*ers one from it [sc. from death .

Indonesian : +rang-orang &ang mengatakan ke(ada saudara-saudaran&a dan mereka tidak turut (ergi ber(erang: A.ekiran&a mereka mengikuti kita! tentulah mereka tidak terbunuhA. 7atakanlah: ATolaklah kematian itu dari dirimu! 4ika kamu orang-orang &ang benarA.

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Muhsin Khan : Think not of those who are killed in the ,a& of Allah as dead. 1a&! the& are ali*e! with their Lord! and the& ha*e (ro*ision. Sahih International : And ne*er think of those who ha*e been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. 8ather! the& are ali*e with their Lord! recei*ing (ro*ision!
Tafsir Jalalayn : The following was re*ealed regarding mart&rs: =ount not those who were slain (read :utilB or :uttilB) in $od5s wa&! that is! for the sake of %is religion! as dead! but rather! that the& are! li*ing with their Lord! their s(irits inside green birds that take wing freel& where*er the& wish in ?aradise! as re(orted in a had#th)6 (ro*ided for [b& %im ! with the fruits of ?aradise.

Indonesian : Manganlah kamu mengira bahwa orang-orang &ang gugur di 4alan Allah itu mati6 bahkan mereka itu hidu( disisi Tuhann&a dengan menda(at re<eki.

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Muhsin Khan : The& re4oice in what Allah has bestowed u(on them of %is 3ount&! re4oicing for the sake of those who ha*e not &et 4oined them! but are left behind (not &et mart&red) that on them no fear shall come! nor shall the& grie*e. Sahih International : 8e4oicing in what Allah has bestowed u(on them of %is bount&! and the& recei*e good tidings about those [to be mart&red after them who ha*e not &et 4oined them - that there will be no fear concerning them! nor will the& grie*e.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 8e4oicing (farih#na! a circumstantial :ualifier referring to the (erson go*erning &ur<a:Bn! ;sustained5) in what $od has gi*en them of %is bount&! and! the& are! re4oicing! 4o&ful! for the sake of those who ha*e not 4oined them but are left behind! from among their belie*ing brothers (all"dh#na! ;those who5! ma& be substituted b& [what follows! sc. ;re4oicingQthat no fear5 ): that no fear shall befall them! those that ha*e not &et 4oined them! neither shall the& grie*e! in the %ereafter! meaning! the& re4oice for their [brothers5 future securit& and felicit& (all" [of all" khawfun is an-l"! meaning! bi-an l").

Indonesian : Mereka dalam keadaan gembira disebabkan karunia Allah &ang diberikan-1&a ke(ada mereka! dan mereka bergirang hati terhada( orang-orang &ang masih tinggal di belakang &ang belum men&usul mereka! bahwa tidak ada kekhawatiran terhada( mereka dan tidak ((ula) mereka bersedih hati.

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Muhsin Khan : The& re4oice in a $race and a 3ount& from Allah! and that Allah will not waste the reward of the belie*ers. Sahih International : The& recei*e good tidings of fa*or from Allah and bount& and [of the fact that Allah does not allow the reward of belie*ers to be lost Tafsir Jalalayn : Mo&ful in grace! in the reward! and bount&! in addition to it! from $od! and that (read wa-anna as a su((lement to ni;matin! or wa-inna to denote a new clause) $od does not let the wage of belie*ers go to waste! but rewards them.

Indonesian : Mereka bergirang hati dengan nikmat dan karunia &ang &ang besar dari Allah! dan bahwa Allah tidak men&ia-n&iakan (ahala orang-orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : Those who answered (the =all of) Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad .A,) after being wounded6 for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah! there is a great reward. Sahih International : Those [belie*ers who res(onded to Allah and the Messenger after in4ur& had struck them. >or those who did good among them and feared Allah is a great reward Tafsir Jalalayn : Those who (alladh#na! is the sub4ect) res(onded to $od and the Messenger! [to his call to set out for battle: when AbB .uf&"n and his com(anions wanted to resume [hostilities the& agreed with the ?ro(het (s) that the encounter would be at the [annual market-fair of 3adr a &ear from the date of Hhud6 after the wounds had afflicted them! at Hhud G (the (redicate of the sub4ect [alladh#na is [what follows ) for all those who were *irtuous! b& obe&ing him! and feared! to disobe& him! shall be a great wage! namel&! ?aradise.

Indonesian : (0aitu) orang-orang &ang mentaati (erintah Allah dan 8asul-1&a sesudah mereka menda(at luka (dalam (e(erangan Hhud). 3agi orang-orang &ang berbuat kebaikan diantara mereka dan &ang bertakwa ada (ahala &ang besar.

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Muhsin Khan : Those (i.e. belie*ers) unto whom the (eo(le (h&(ocrites) said! A@eril&! the (eo(le ((agans) ha*e gathered against &ou (a great arm&)! therefore! fear them.A 3ut it (onl&) increased them in >aith! and the& said: AAllah (Alone) is .ufficient for us! and %e is the 3est /is(oser of affairs (for us).A Sahih International : Those to whom h&(ocrites said! A2ndeed! the (eo(le ha*e gathered against &ou! so fear them.A 3ut it [merel& increased them in faith! and the& said! A.ufficient for us is Allah ! and [%e is the best /is(oser of affairs.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those to whom (alladh#na! substitutes for the (re*ious alladh#na! ;those who5! or an ad4ecti*al :ualification [of it ) (eo(le! that is! 1u;a&m b. Mas;Bd al-Ash4a;#! said! ;The (eo(le! AbB .uf&"n and his com(anions! ha*e gathered! their multitudes! against &ou! in order to e-terminate &ou! therefore fear them5! and do not go out to [encounter them6 but that! sa&ing! increased them in faith! in their belief in $od and in certaint&! and the& said! ;$od is sufficient for us! %e will deal full& for us with their affair6 an e-cellent $uardian is %e5 ! the +ne to whom the matter is entrusted. The& thus set out with the ?ro(het (s) and arri*ed at the market-fair of 3adr! but $od had cast terror into the hearts of AbB .uf&"n and his followers and so the& did not turn u(. The& [the belie*ers had merchandise with them! and so the& traded and made (rofits. $od! e-alted be %e! sa&s:

Indonesian : (0aitu) orang-orang (&ang mentaati Allah dan 8asul) &ang ke(ada mereka ada orangorang &ang mengatakan: A.esungguhn&a manusia telah mengum(ulkan (asukan untuk men&erang kamu! karena itu takutlah ke(ada merekaA! maka (erkataan itu menambah keimanan mereka dan mereka men4awab: A=uku(lah Allah men4adi ?enolong kami dan Allah adalah sebaik-baik ?elindungA.

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Muhsin Khan : .o the& returned with $race and 3ount& from Allah. 1o harm touched them6 and the& followed the good ?leasure of Allah. And Allah is the +wner of $reat 3ount&. Sahih International : .o the& returned with fa*or from Allah and bount&! no harm ha*ing touched them. And the& (ursued the (leasure of Allah ! and Allah is the (ossessor of great bount&.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: .o the& returned! from 3adr! with grace and bount& from $od! safel& and with (rofit! and no e*il touched them! from an& sla&ing or wounds6 and the& followed the beatitude of $od! b& obe&ing %im and obe&ing %is Messenger! when the& [agreed to set out [for the battle 6 and $od is of bount& abounding! for those that obe& %im.

Indonesian : Maka mereka kembali dengan nikmat dan karunia (&ang besar) dari Allah! mereka tidak menda(at bencana a(a-a(a! mereka mengikuti keridhaan Allah. /an Allah mem(un&ai karunia &ang besar.

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Muhsin Khan : 2t is onl& .haitan (.atan) that suggests to &ou the fear of his Auli&a9 [su((orters and friends ((ol&theists! disbelie*ers in the +neness of Allah and in %is Messenger! Muhammad .A,) ! so fear them not! but fear Me! if &ou are (true) belie*ers. Sahih International : That is onl& .atan who frightens [&ou of his su((orters. .o fear them not! but fear Me! if &ou are [indeed belie*ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : That! namel&! the one sa&ing to &ou! ;The (eo(le [ha*e gathered against &ou 5 to the end [of the *erse ! is onl& .atan making! &ou! fear his friends! the disbelie*ers! therefore do not fear them6 but fear Me! lest &ou abandon M& command! if &ou are! trul&! belie*ers.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a mereka itu tidak lain han&alah s&aitan &ang menakut-nakuti (kamu) dengan kawan-kawann&a (orang-orang mus&rik Qurais&)! karena itu 4anganlah kamu takut ke(ada mereka! teta(i takutlah ke(ada-7u! 4ika kamu benar-benar orang &ang beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : And let not those grie*e &ou (+ Muhammad .A,) who rush with haste to disbelie*e6 *eril&! not the least harm will the& do to Allah. 2t is Allah9s ,ill to gi*e them no (ortion in the %ereafter. >or them there is a great torment. Sahih International : And do not be grie*ed! [+ Muhammad ! b& those who hasten into disbelief. 2ndeed! the& will ne*er harm Allah at all. Allah intends that %e should gi*e them no share in the %ereafter! and for them is a great (unishment.

Tafsir Jalalayn : Let them not grie*e &ou (read &uh<inka! or &ah<unka from [Cst form ha<anahu! ;he made him grie*e5! an alternati*e e-(ression to [Oth form ah<anahu! ;he made him grie*e5) those that *ie with one another in unbelief! succumbing to it (rom(tl& b& su((orting it! namel&! the Meccans or the h&(ocrites: in other words! do not be concerned for their unbelief6 the& will not hurt $od at all! b& their actions! onl& hurting themsel*es. $od desires not to assign them an& (ortion! an& lot! in the %ereafter! that is! in ?aradise! and that is wh& $od forsook them6 and theirs is a might& chastisement! in the >ire.

Indonesian : Manganlah kamu disedihkan oleh orang-orang &ang segera men4adi kafir6 sesungguhn&a mereka tidak sekali-kali da(at memberi mudharat ke(ada Allah sedikit(un. Allah berkehendak tidak akan memberi sesuatu bahagian (dari (ahala) ke(ada mereka di hari akhirat! dan bagi mereka a<ab &ang besar.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&! those who (urchase disbelief at the (rice of >aith! not the least harm will the& do to Allah. >or them! there is a (ainful torment. Sahih International : 2ndeed! those who (urchase disbelief [in e-change for faith - ne*er will the& harm Allah at all! and for them is a (ainful (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those who (urchase unbelief at the (rice of faith! that is! taking it in (lace of it! the& will not hurt $od at all! with their unbelief! and there awaits them a (ainful chastisement (al#m means mu5lim! ;(ainful5).

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a orang-orang &ang menukar iman dengan kekafiran! sekali-kali mereka tidak da(at memberi mudharat ke(ada Allah sedikit(un6 dan bagi mereka a<ab &ang (edih.

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Muhsin Khan : And let not the disbelie*ers think that +ur (ost(oning of their (unishment is good for them. ,e (ost(one the (unishment onl& so that the& ma& increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgracing torment. Sahih International

: And let not those who disbelie*e e*er think that [because ,e e-tend their time [of en4o&ment it is better for them. ,e onl& e-tend it for them so that the& ma& increase in sin! and for them is a humiliating (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And let not the disbelie*ers su((ose (read l" &ahsabanna! ;let them not su((ose5! or l" tahsabanna! ;do not su((ose5) that what ,e indulge them in! that is! [that +ur indulging [them ! in e-tending their [terms of life and deferring them [their death ! is better for their souls (in the case of the reading &ahsabanna! ;let them [not su((ose5! anna [of anna-m" and its two o(erators stand in (lace of the two ob4ects! but onl& in (lace of the second in the case of the other reading [tahsabanna ! ;do [not su((ose5). ,e grant them indulgence! ,e gi*e [them res(ite! onl& that the& ma& increase in sinfulness! through fre:uent disobedience! and theirs is a humbling chastisement! one of humiliation! in the %ereafter.

Indonesian : /an 4anganlah sekali-kali orang-orang kafir men&angka! bahwa (emberian tangguh 7ami ke(ada mereka adalah lebih baik bagi mereka. .esungguhn&a 7ami memberi tangguh ke(ada mereka han&alah su(a&a bertambah-tambah dosa mereka6 dan bagi mereka a<ab &ang menghinakan.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah will not lea*e the belie*ers in the state in which &ou are now! until %e distinguishes the wicked from the good. 1or will Allah disclose to &ou the secrets of the $haib (unseen)! but Allah chooses of %is Messengers whom %e (leases. .o belie*e in Allah and %is Messengers. And if &ou belie*e and fear Allah! then for &ou there is a great reward. Sahih International : Allah would not lea*e the belie*ers in that [state &ou are in [(resentl& until %e se(arates the e*il from the good. 1or would Allah re*eal to &ou the unseen. 3ut [instead ! Allah chooses of %is messengers whom %e wills! so belie*e in Allah and %is messengers. And if &ou belie*e and fear %im! then for &ou is a great reward.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2t is not $od5s (ur(ose to lea*e! to abandon! the belie*ers in the state in which &ou! + (eo(le! are! where the sincere are intermingled with those otherwise! till %e shall distinguish (read &am#<a or &uma&&i<a)! [till %e se(arates! the e*il one! the h&(ocrite! from the good! the belie*er! through the burdensome obligations that will re*eal this [distinction G %e did this on the /a& of Hhud. And it is not $od5s (ur(ose to a((rise &ou of the Hnseen! so that &ou could recognise the h&(ocrites from the others! before the distinguishing6 but $od chooses! %e selects! of %is messengers whom %e will! a((rising him of [some of %is Hnseen! as when %e a((rised the ?ro(het (s) of the (osition of

the h&(ocrites. .o belie*e in $od and %is messengers6 and if &ou belie*e and guard against! h&(ocris&! then &ours shall be a great wage.

Indonesian : Allah sekali-kali tidak akan membiarkan orang-orang &ang beriman dalam keadaan kamu sekarang ini! sehingga /ia men&isihkan &ang buruk (munafik) dari &ang baik (mukmin). /an Allah sekali-kali tidak akan mem(erlihatkan ke(ada kamu hal-hal &ang ghaib! akan teta(i Allah memilih sia(a &ang dikehendaki-1&a di antara rasul-rasul-1&a. 7arena itu berimanlah ke(ada Allah dan rasul-rasul-1&a6 dan 4ika kamu beriman dan bertakwa! maka bagimu (ahala &ang besar.

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Muhsin Khan : And let not those who co*etousl& withhold of that which Allah has bestowed on them of %is 3ount& (,ealth) think that it is good for them (and so the& do not (a& the obligator& Rakat). 1a&! it will be worse for them6 the things which the& co*etousl& withheld shall be tied to their necks like a collar on the /a& of 8esurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the hea*ens and the earth6 and Allah is ,ell-Ac:uainted with all that &ou do. Sahih International : And let not those who [greedil& withhold what Allah has gi*en them of %is bount& e*er think that it is better for them. 8ather! it is worse for them. Their necks will be encircled b& what the& withheld on the /a& of 8esurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the hea*ens and the earth. And Allah ! with what &ou do! is [full& Ac:uainted.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Let them not su((ose (read l" &ahsabanna! ;let them not su((ose5! or l" tahsabanna! ;do not su((ose5) those who are niggardl& with what $od has gi*en them of %is bount&! that is! with %is obligator& almsgi*ing! that it! their niggardliness! is better for them (kha&run lahum! is the second direct ob4ect6 the (ronoun [huwa! ;[that it is5 is used to se(arate [the two statements 6 the first [direct ob4ect is bukhlahum ;their niggardliness5 im(licit before the relati*e clause [alladh#na in the case of the reading tahsabanna [sc. wa-l" tahsabanna bukhlahum! ;do not su((ose their niggardlinessQ5 ! or before the (ronoun [huwa! ;it is5 in the case of the reading &ahsabanna [sc. wa-l" &ahsabanna lladh#naQbukhlahum huwa kha&ran lahum! ;let them not su((ose! those whoQ that their niggardliness is better for them5 )6 na&! it is worse for them6 what the& were niggardl& with! namel&! the obligator& almsgi*ing of their wealth! the& shall ha*e hung around their necks on the /a& of 8esurrection! when he will ha*e a snake around his neck biting *iciousl& at him! as re(orted in a had#th6 and to $od belongs the inheritance of the hea*ens and the earth! inheriting

them after the annihilation of their inhabitants. And $od is aware of what &ou do (ta;malBna! also read &a;malBna! ;the& do5)! and will re:uite &ou for it.

Indonesian : .ekali-kali 4anganlah orang-orang &ang bakhil dengan harta &ang Allah berikan ke(ada mereka dari karunia-1&a men&angka! bahwa kebakhilan itu baik bagi mereka. .ebenarn&a kebakhilan itu adalah buruk bagi mereka. %arta &ang mereka bakhilkan itu akan dikalungkan kelak di lehern&a di hari kiamat. /an ke(un&aan Allah-lah segala warisan (&ang ada) di langit dan di bumi. /an Allah mengetahui a(a &ang kamu ker4akan.

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Muhsin Khan : 2ndeed! Allah has heard the statement of those (Mews) who sa&: ATrul&! Allah is (oor and we are rich'A ,e shall record what the& ha*e said and their killing of the ?ro(hets un4ustl&! and ,e shall sa&: ATaste &ou the torment of the burning (>ire).A Sahih International : Allah has certainl& heard the statement of those [Mews who said! A2ndeed! Allah is (oor! while we are rich.A ,e will record what the& said and their killing of the (ro(hets without right and will sa&! ATaste the (unishment of the 3urning >ire.
Tafsir Jalalayn : @eril& $od has heard the sa&ing of those! namel& the Mews! who said! ;2ndeed $od is (oor! and we are rich5: the& said this when the *erse! who is he that will lend $od a good loan [Q. D:DOU was re*ealed! adding that! ;2f $od were [trul& rich! %e would not be asking us for loans5. ,e shall write down! ,e shall order that it be written! what the& ha*e said! in the scrolls containing their deeds so that the& will be re:uited for it (a *ariant reading [for acti*e naktubu! ;,e shall write5 has the (assi*e &uktabu! ;it shall be written5) and! ,e shall write down! their sla&ing (read accusati*e :atlahum or nominati*e :atluhum) the (ro(hets without right! and ,e shall sa& (na:Blu! also read &a:Blu! meaning $od [shall sa& ) to them b& the tongue of the angels in the %ereafter! ;Taste the chastisement of the 3urning! the >ire.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a Allah telah mendengar (erkatan orang-orang &ang mengatakan: A.esunguhn&a Allah miskin dan kami ka&aA. 7ami akan mencatat (erkataan mereka itu dan (erbuatan mereka membunuh nabi-nabi tan(a alasan &ang benar! dan 7ami akan mengatakan (ke(ada mereka): A8asakanlah olehmu a<ab &ang mem bakarA.

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Muhsin Khan

: This is because of that (e*il) which &our hands ha*e sent before &ou. And certainl&! Allah is ne*er un4ust to (%is) sla*es. Sahih International : That is for what &our hands ha*e (ut forth and because Allah is not e*er un4ust to [%is ser*ants.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the& are thrown into [the >ire ! it will be said to them: That! (unishment! is for what &our hands ha*e sent before: ;hands5 are used to designate a human being because most actions are (erformed with them6 for $od is ne*er un4ust towards %is ser*ants5! (unishing them without them ha*ing sinned.

Indonesian : (A<ab) &ang demikian itu adalah disebabkan (erbuatan tanganmu sendiri! dan bahwasan&a Allah sekali-kali tidak mengania&a hamba-hamba-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : Those (Mews) who said: A@eril&! Allah has taken our (romise not to belie*e in an& Messenger unless he brings to us an offering which the fire (from hea*en) shall de*our.A .a&: A@eril&! there came to &ou Messengers before me! with clear signs and e*en with what &ou s(eak of6 wh& then did &ou kill them! if &ou are truthfulPA Sahih International : [The& are those who said! A2ndeed! Allah has taken our (romise not to belie*e an& messenger until he brings us an offering which fire [from hea*en will consume.A .a&! AThere ha*e alread& come to &ou messengers before me with clear (roofs and [e*en that of which &ou s(eak. .o wh& did &ou kill them! if &ou should be truthfulPA
Tafsir Jalalayn : Those (alladh#na! an ad4ecti*al :ualification of the (re*ious alladh#na! ;those who5 [Q. E:CNC ) same who said! to Muhammad (s)! ;$od has alread& made co*enant with us! in the Torah! that we should not belie*e in an& messenger! acce(ting his truthfulness! until he bring us an offering to be de*oured b& fire5! and so we will not belie*e in &ou until &ou bring us this [offering ! namel&! of gra<ing li*estock or other [kind of animal one offers [in sacrifice to $od. 2f it is acce(ted! a white fire will come down from the hea*en and consume it! otherwise it will remain as it is. .uch a co*enant was made with the =hildren of 2srael! but not in the case of Mesus and Muhammad. $od! e-alted be %e! sa&s! .a&! to them in rebuke: ;messengers ha*e come to &ou before me with clear (roofs! with miracles! and with that which &ou said! [messengers such as Rachariah and Mohn! but &ou slew them: the address here is for those li*ing at the time of our ?ro(het Muhammad (s)! e*en though the deed was their forefathers5! for the& [their descendants are content with it. ,h& did &ou

sla& them! then! if &ou are truthfulP5! about [the fact that &ou would belie*e if it [the offering were brought [to &ou .

Indonesian : (0aitu) orang-orang (0ahudi) &ang mengatakan: A.esungguhn&a Allah telah memerintahkan ke(ada kami! su(a&a kami 4angan beriman ke(ada seseorang rasul! sebelum dia mendatangkan ke(ada kami korban &ang dimakan a(iA. 7atakanlah: A.esungguhn&a telah datang ke(ada kamu bebera(a orang rasul sebelumku membawa keterangan-keterangan &ang n&ata dan membawa a(a &ang kamu sebutkan! maka menga(a kamu membunuh mereka 4ika kamu adalah orang-orang &ang benarA.

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Muhsin Khan : Then if the& re4ect &ou (+ Muhammad .A,)! so were Messengers re4ected before &ou! who came with Al-3ai&inat (clear signs! (roofs! e*idences) and the .cri(ture and the 3ook of )nlightenment. Sahih International : Then if the& den& &ou! [+ Muhammad - so were messengers denied before &ou! who brought clear (roofs and written ordinances and the enlightening .cri(ture.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3ut if the& den& &ou! so were denied messengers before &ou who came bearing clear (roofs! miracles! and the .cri(tures! such as the scrolls of Abraham! and the 2lluminating! the lucid! 3ook! that is! the Torah and the $os(el (a *ariant reading establishes the [(refi-ed (re(osition b"5 in both [words! sc. bi5l-<ubur wa-bi5l-kit"b l-mun#r! ;with the .cri(tures and with the 2lluminating 3ook5 )! so be (atient as the& were.

Indonesian : Mika mereka mendustakan kamu! maka sesungguhn&a rasul-rasul sebelum kamu(un telah didustakan ((ula)! mereka membawa muk4i<at-muk4i<at &ang n&ata! Rabur dan kitab &ang memberi (en4elasan &ang sem(urna.

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Muhsin Khan : )*er&one shall taste death. And onl& on the /a& of 8esurrection shall &ou be (aid &our wages in full. And whoe*er is remo*ed awa& from the >ire and admitted to

?aradise! he indeed is successful. The life of this world is onl& the en4o&ment of dece(tion (a decei*ing thing). Sahih International : )*er& soul will taste death! and &ou will onl& be gi*en &our [full com(ensation on the /a& of 8esurrection. .o he who is drawn awa& from the >ire and admitted to ?aradise has attained [his desire . And what is the life of this world e-ce(t the en4o&ment of delusion.
Tafsir Jalalayn : )*er& soul shall taste of death6 &ou shall surel& be (aid in full &our wages! the re:uital of &our deeds! on the /a& of 8esurrection. ,hoe*er is mo*ed awa&! distanced! from the >ire and admitted to ?aradise! will ha*e trium(hed! he will ha*e attained his ultimate wish. Li*ing in! the life of this world is but the comfort of delusion6 of inanit&! en4o&ed for a little while! then (erishing.

Indonesian : Tia(-tia( &ang ber4iwa akan merasakan mati. /an sesungguhn&a (ada hari kiamat sa4alah disem(urnakan (ahalamu. 3arangsia(a di4auhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam surga! maka sungguh ia telah beruntung. 7ehidu(an dunia itu tidak lain han&alah kesenangan &ang mem(erda&akan.

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Muhsin Khan : 0ou shall certainl& be tried and tested in &our wealth and (ro(erties and in &our (ersonal sel*es! and &ou shall certainl& hear much that will grie*e &ou from those who recei*ed the .cri(ture before &ou (Mews and =hristians) and from those who ascribe (artners to Allah! but if &ou (erse*ere (atientl&! and become Al-Mutta:un (the (ious see @.D:D) then *eril&! that will be a determining factor in all affairs! and that is from the great matters! [which &ou must hold on with all &our efforts . Sahih International : 0ou will surel& be tested in &our (ossessions and in &oursel*es. And &ou will surel& hear from those who were gi*en the .cri(ture before &ou and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. 3ut if &ou are (atient and fear Allah - indeed! that is of the matters [worth& of determination.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0ou shall surel& be tried (la-tublawunna! the [final nBn nominati*e indicator has been omitted because two nBn letters [would otherwise succeed one another! as has been the (lural (erson indicator w"w where two un*ocalised consonants ha*e come together)! in other words! &ou shall surel& be tested! in &our (ro(ert&! through the duties [im(osed thereu(on and through the damages that affect them6 and in &our sel*es! through [the obligations of worshi( and through calamities!

and &ou shall hear from those who were gi*en the .cri(ture before &ou! the Mews and the =hristians! and from those who are idolaters! from among the Arabs! much hurt! in the wa& of insult! slander and [their flirting with &our women6 but if &ou are (atient! through this! and fear! $od G surel& that is true resol*e! that is! it is one of those things regarding which one must necessaril& ha*e firm resol*e.

Indonesian : 7amu sungguh-sungguh akan diu4i terhada( hartamu dan dirimu. /an (4uga) kamu sungguh-sungguh akan mendengar dari orang-orang &ang diberi kitab sebelum kamu dan dari orang-orang &ang mem(ersekutukan Allah! gangguan &ang ban&ak &ang men&akitkan hati. Mika kamu bersabar dan bertakwa! maka sesungguhn&a &ang demikian itu termasuk urusan &ang (atut diutamakan.

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Muhsin Khan : (And remember) when Allah took a co*enant from those who were gi*en the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians) to make it (the news of the coming of ?ro(het Muhammad .A, and the religious knowledge) known and clear to mankind! and not to hide it! but the& threw it awa& behind their backs! and (urchased with it some miserable gain' And indeed worst is that which the& bought. Sahih International : And [mention! + Muhammad ! when Allah took a co*enant from those who were gi*en the .cri(ture! [sa&ing ! A0ou must make it clear to the (eo(le and not conceal it.A 3ut the& threw it awa& behind their backs and e-changed it for a small (rice. And wretched is that which the& (urchased.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And! mention! when $od made co*enant with those who had been gi*en the .cri(ture! that is! the (ledge [taken from them in the Torah! ;0ou shall e-(ound it (read tuba&&inunnahu! or &uba&&inunnahu! ;the& shall e-(ound it5) the 3ook! to (eo(le! and not conceal it5 (read taktumBnahu! ;&ou shall not conceal it5! or &aktumBnahu! ;the& shall not conceal it5). 3ut the& re4ected it! the& discarded the co*enant! behind their backs! and so the& did not act in accordance with it! and bought with it! the& took in its (lace! a small (rice! of this world from the debased among them! en4o&ing su(remac& o*er them in knowledge! and the& concealed it! lest it [the su(remac& esca(e them6 how e*il is what the& ha*e bought! [how e*il is this (urchase of theirs'

Indonesian : /an (ingatlah)! ketika Allah mengambil 4an4i dari orang-orang &ang telah diberi kitab (&aitu): A%endaklah kamu menerangkan isi kitab itu ke(ada manusia! dan 4angan kamu men&embun&ikann&a!A lalu mereka melem(arkan 4an4i itu ke belakang (unggung mereka dan mereka menukarn&a dengan harga &ang sedikit. Amatlah burukn&a tukaran &ang mereka terima.


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Muhsin Khan : Think not that those who re4oice in what the& ha*e done (or brought about)! and lo*e to be (raised for what the& ha*e not done!- think not &ou that the& are rescued from the torment! and for them is a (ainful torment. Sahih International : And ne*er think that those who re4oice in what the& ha*e (er(etrated and like to be (raised for what the& did not do - ne*er think them [to be in safet& from the (unishment! and for them is a (ainful (unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : /o not reckon that (l" tahsabanna! or read l" &ahsabanna! ;let them not reckon5) those who re4oice in what the& ha*e brought! that is! [in what the& ha*e done b& leading (eo(le astra&! and who lo*e to be (raised for what the& ha*e not done! in the wa& of adherence to the truth! being [themsel*es misguided G do not reckon them (fa-l" tahsabannahum! is for em(hasis [in the case of both readings abo*e ) secure! in a (lace where the& can esca(e! from the chastisement! in the %ereafter6 but instead the& shall be in a (lace of wherein the& shall be tortured! and that is %ell6 there shall be a (ainful chastisement for them! in it (al#m means mu5lim! ;(ainful5). (2f one reads &ahsabanna! ;let them [not reckon5! the two direct ob4ects of the first h-s-b *erb would be indicated b& the two direct ob4ects of the second h-s-b *erb6 but if one reads tahsabanna! ;do [not reckon5! then onl& second direct ob4ect would be omitted).

Indonesian : Manganlah sekali-kali kamu men&angka! hahwa orang-orang &ang gembira dengan a(a &ang telah mereka ker4akan dan mereka suka su(a&a di(u4i terhada( (erbuatan &ang belum mereka ker4akan 4anganlah kamu men&angka bahwa mereka terle(as dari siksa! dan bagi mereka siksa &ang (edih.

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Muhsin Khan : And to Allah belongs the dominion of the hea*ens and the earth! and Allah has (ower o*er all things. Sahih International : And to Allah belongs the dominion of the hea*ens and the earth! and Allah is o*er all things com(etent.
Tafsir Jalalayn : To $od belongs the kingdom of the hea*ens and of the earth! the storehouses of rain! sustenance! *egetation and so forth! and $od has (ower o*er all things! including the (unishing of disbelie*ers and the sa*ing of belie*ers.

Indonesian : ke(un&aan Allah-lah kera4aan langit dan bumi! dan Allah Maha ?erkasa atas segala sesuatu.

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Muhsin Khan : @eril&' 2n the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! and in the alternation of night and da&! there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Sahih International : 2ndeed! in the creation of the hea*ens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the da& are signs for those of understanding.
Tafsir Jalalayn : .urel& in the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! and the mar*els contained in them! and in the alternation of night and da&! coming and going! increasing and diminishing! there are signs! indications of $od5s (ower! for (eo(le of (ith! for (eo(le (ossessing intellects.

Indonesian : .esungguhn&a dalam (enci(taan langit dan bumi! dan silih bergantin&a malam dan siang terda(at tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang &ang berakal!

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Muhsin Khan : Those who remember Allah (alwa&s! and in (ra&ers) standing! sitting! and l&ing down on their sides! and think dee(l& about the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! (sa&ing): A+ur Lord' 0ou ha*e not created (all) this without (ur(ose! glor& to 0ou' ()-alted be 0ou abo*e all that the& associate with 0ou as (artners). $i*e us sal*ation from the torment of the >ire. Sahih International : ,ho remember Allah while standing or sitting or [l&ing on their sides and gi*e thought to the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! [sa&ing ! A+ur Lord! 0ou did not create this aimlessl&6 e-alted are 0ou [abo*e such a thing 6 then (rotect us from the (unishment of the >ire.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: Those who (alladh#na! an ad4ecti*al :ualification of the (receding [li-Bl# l-alb"b! ;for (eo(le of (ith5 ! or a substitution for it) remember $od! standing and sitting and on their sides! reclining! that is to sa&! in all states: [it is re(orted from 2bn ;Abb"s that the& (erform (ra&er in these wa&s! [each according to [his own ca(acit&6 and reflect u(on the creation of the hea*ens and the earth! to deduce therefrom the (ower of their =reator! sa&ing: ;+ur Lord! 0ou ha*e not created this! creation that we see! in *ain (b"tilan! a circumstantial :ualifier)! fri*olousl&! but as a (roof of the totalit& of 0our (ower. $lor& be to 0ou'! e-alted abo*e an& fri*olit&. .o guard us against the chastisement of the >ire.

Indonesian : (&aitu) orang-orang &ang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang (enci(taan langit dan bumi (sera&a berkata): A0a Tuhan kami! tiadalah )ngkau menci(takan ini dengan sia-sia! Maha .uci )ngkau! maka (eliharalah kami dari siksa neraka.

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Muhsin Khan : A+ur Lord' @eril&! whom 0ou admit to the >ire! indeed! 0ou ha*e disgraced him! and ne*er will the Ralimun ((ol&theists and wrong-doers) find an& hel(ers. Sahih International : +ur Lord! indeed whoe*er 0ou admit to the >ire - 0ou ha*e disgraced him! and for the wrongdoers there are no hel(ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : +ur Lord! whome*er 0ou admit into the >ire! to abide therein! 0ou will ha*e abased! 0ou will ha*e humiliated! and the e*ildoers! the disbelie*ers therein! shall ha*e no hel(ers! to (rotect them from $od5s chastisement! e-alted be %e (the o*ert noun [;the e*ildoers5 has re(laced the (ronominalisation [;whome*er5 in order to inform that the [(unishment of abasement is s(ecificall& theirs6 the min of [min ans"r! ;hel(ers5 is e-tra).

Indonesian : 0a Tuhan kami! sesungguhn&a barangsia(a &ang )ngkau masukkan ke dalam neraka! maka sungguh telah )ngkau hinakan ia! dan tidak ada bagi orang-orang &ang <alim seorang (enolong(un.

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Muhsin Khan : A+ur Lord' @eril&! we ha*e heard the call of one (Muhammad .A,) calling to >aith: 93elie*e in &our Lord!9 and we ha*e belie*ed. +ur Lord' >orgi*e us our sins and remit

from us our e*il deeds! and make us die in the state of righteousness along with AlAbrar (those who are obedient to Allah and follow strictl& %is +rders). Sahih International : +ur Lord! indeed we ha*e heard a caller calling to faith! [sa&ing ! 93elie*e in &our Lord!9 and we ha*e belie*ed. +ur Lord! so forgi*e us our sins and remo*e from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.
Tafsir Jalalayn : +ur Lord! we ha*e heard a caller calling! summoning (eo(le! to belief (li5l-#m"n means il" l-#m"n) and this is Muhammad (s)! or [summoning them to the Qur5"n! sa&ing! that! J3elie*e in &our Lord'K And we belie*ed! in %im. .o! our Lord! forgi*e us our sins and absol*e us of! conceal! our e*il deeds! and so do not make them manifest b& (unishing us for them! and take us [in death ! recei*e our s(irits together! with the (ious! the (ro(hets and the righteous.

Indonesian : 0a Tuhan kami! sesungguhn&a kami mendengar (seruan) &ang men&eru ke(ada iman! (&aitu): A3erimanlah kamu ke(ada TuhanmuA! maka kami(un beriman. 0a Tuhan kami! am(unilah bagi kami dosa-dosa kami dan ha(uskanlah dari kami kesalahan-kesalahan kami! dan wafatkanlah kami beserta orang-orang &ang ban&ak berbakti.

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Muhsin Khan : A+ur Lord' $rant us what 0ou (romised unto us through 0our Messengers and disgrace us not on the /a& of 8esurrection! for 0ou ne*er break (0our) ?romise.A Sahih International : +ur Lord! and grant us what 0ou (romised us through 0our messengers and do not disgrace us on the /a& of 8esurrection. 2ndeed! 0ou do not fail in [0our (romise.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : +ur Lord! grant us what 0ou ha*e (romised us through! the tongues of! 0our messengers! in the wa& of merc& and fa*our: the& are asking %im that the& be made among those that deser*e such a (romise! for! $od5s (romise is fufilled regardless! but the& are not certain that the& are among those who deser*e it. The re(etition of the (hrase! our Lord! is out of e-treme humilit&6 and abase us not on the /a& of 8esurrection. 0ou will not fail the tr&st5! the (romise of 8esurrection and 8e:uital.

Indonesian : 0a Tuhan kami! berilah kami a(a &ang telah )ngkau 4an4ikan ke(ada kami dengan (erantaraan rasul-rasul )ngkau. /an 4anganlah )ngkau hinakan kami di hari kiamat. .esungguhn&a )ngkau tidak men&alahi 4an4iA.

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Muhsin Khan : .o their Lord acce(ted of them (their su((lication and answered them)! A1e*er will 2 allow to be lost the work of an& of &ou! be he male or female. 0ou are (members) one of another! so those who emigrated and were dri*en out from their homes! and suffered harm in M& =ause! and who fought! and were killed (in M& =ause)! *eril&! 2 will remit from them their e*il deeds and admit them into $ardens under which ri*ers flow (in ?aradise)6 a reward from Allah! and with Allah is the best of rewards.A Sahih International : And their Lord res(onded to them! A1e*er will 2 allow to be lost the work of [an& worker among &ou! whether male or female6 &ou are of one another. .o those who emigrated or were e*icted from their homes or were harmed in M& cause or fought or were killed - 2 will surel& remo*e from them their misdeeds! and 2 will surel& admit them to gardens beneath which ri*ers flow as reward from Allah ! and Allah has with %im the best reward.A
Tafsir Jalalayn : And their Lord answers them! their su((lication! b& sa&ing that! ;2 do not let the labour of an& labourer among &ou go to waste! be &ou male or female G the one of &ou is as the other (this statement is a reaffirmation of the (re*ious one): that is! the& are both e:ual when it comes to recom(ensing them for their deeds and for not neglecting them. ,hen Hmm .alama asked! ;+ Messenger of $od! wh& is there no mention of women when it comes to the )migration (hi4ra)P5! the following was re*ealed: and those who emigrated! from Mecca to Medina! and were e-(elled from their habitations! those who suffered hurt in M& wa&! for M& religion! and fought! the disbelie*ers! and were slain (read :utilB or :uttilB) G them 2 shall surel& absol*e of their e*il deeds! concealing these with forgi*eness! and 2 shall admit them to $ardens underneath which ri*er flow5. A reward (thaw"ban is a *erbal noun reaffirming the im(ort of la-ukaffiranna) from $od' (there is a shift of (erson here). And $od G with %im is the fairest reward! [the fairest re:uital.

Indonesian : Maka Tuhan mereka mem(erkenankan (ermohonann&a (dengan berfirman): A.esungguhn&a Aku tidak men&ia-n&iakan amal orang-orang &ang beramal di antara kamu! baik laki-laki atau (erem(uan! (karena) sebagian kamu adalah turunan dari sebagian &ang lain. Maka orang-orang &ang berhi4rah! &ang diusir dari kam(ung halamann&a! &ang disakiti (ada 4alan-7u! &ang ber(erang dan &ang dibunuh! (astilah akan 7u-ha(uskan kesalahan-kesalahan mereka dan (astilah Aku masukkan mereka ke

dalam surga &ang mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahn&a! sebagai (ahala di sisi Allah. /an Allah (ada sisi-1&a (ahala &ang baikA.

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Muhsin Khan : Let not the free dis(osal (and affluence) of the disbelie*ers throughout the land decei*e &ou. Sahih International : 3e not decei*ed b& the [uninhibited mo*ement of the disbelie*ers throughout the land.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,hen the Muslims began to sa&! ;Look at the enemies of $od! how comfortable the& are! while we are struggling'5! the following was re*ealed: Let it not delude &ou! that the disbelie*ers go to and fro in the land! engaging in commerce and ac:uiring (rofit:

Indonesian : Manganlah sekali-kali kamu ter(erda&a oleh kebebasan orang-orang kafir bergerak di dalam negeri.

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Muhsin Khan : A brief en4o&ment6 then! their ultimate abode is %ell6 and worst indeed is that (lace for rest. Sahih International : [2t is but a small en4o&ment6 then their [final refuge is %ell! and wretched is the resting (lace.
Tafsir Jalalayn : That is [but ! a little en4o&ment! which the& en4o& for a short while in this world and then (erishes6 then their abode is %ell G an e*il cradling! [an e*il resting (lace it is'

Indonesian : 2tu han&alah kesenangan sementara! kemudian tem(at tinggal mereka ialah Mahannam6 dan Mahannam itu adalah tem(at &ang seburuk-burukn&a.

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Muhsin Khan : 3ut! for those who fear their Lord! are $ardens under which ri*ers flow (in ?aradise)6 therein are the& to dwell (for e*er)! an entertainment from Allah6 and that which is with Allah is the 3est for Al-Abrar (those who are obedient to Allah and follow strictl& %is +rders). Sahih International : 3ut those who feared their Lord will ha*e gardens beneath which ri*ers flow! abiding eternall& therein! as accommodation from Allah . And that which is with Allah is best for the righteous.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3ut those who fear their Lord G for them shall be $ardens underneath which ri*ers flow! abiding! that is! it is decreed for them to abide! therein6 a hos(italit& (nu<ul is what is (re(ared for a guest6 it is in the accusati*e [nu<ulan because it is a circumstantial :ualifier referring to 4ann"t! ;gardens5! and its o(erator is the im(ort of the ad*erbial (hrase) from $od %imself. That which is with $od! in the wa& of reward! is better for the (ious! than the en4o&ment of this world.

Indonesian : Akan teta(i orang-orang &ang bertakwa ke(ada Tuhann&a! bagi mereka surga &ang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamn&a! sedang mereka kekal di dalamn&a sebagai tem(at tinggal (anugerah) dari sisi Allah. /an a(a &ang di sisi Allah adalah lebih baik bagi orang-orang &ang berbakti.

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Muhsin Khan : And there are! certainl&! among the (eo(le of the .cri(ture (Mews and =hristians)! those who belie*e in Allah and in that which has been re*ealed to &ou! and in that which has been re*ealed to them! humbling themsel*es before Allah. The& do not sell the @erses of Allah for a little (rice! for them is a reward with their Lord. .urel&! Allah is .wift in account. Sahih International : And indeed! among the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture are those who belie*e in Allah and what was re*ealed to &ou and what was re*ealed to them! [being humbl& submissi*e to Allah . The& do not e-change the *erses of Allah for a small (rice. Those will ha*e their reward with their Lord. 2ndeed! Allah is swift in account.
Tafsir Jalalayn : @eril&! there are some among the ?eo(le of the .cri(ture who belie*e in $od! like ;Abd All"h b. .al"m and his com(anions and the 1egus! and what has been re*ealed to &ou! that is! the Qur5"n! and what has been re*ealed to them! that is! the Torah and the $os(el! humble before $od

(kh"shi;#n is a circumstantial :ualification of the (erson of [the *erb &u5min! ;who belie*e5! and takes into account the [(otentiall& (lural sense of man! ;who5)! not (urchasing with the *erses of $od! which the& ha*e before them in the Torah and the $os(el (ertaining to the descri(tions of the ?ro(het (s)! a small (rice! of this world! b& concealing them for fear of losing their su(remac&! as others! like the Mews! ha*e done. Those G their wage! the reward for their deeds! is with their Lord! [a reward which the& will be gi*en twice o*er! as [stated in the sBrat al-Qasas [Q. DN:UO . $od is swift at reckoning! reckoning with the whole of creation in about half a da& of the da&s of this world.

Indonesian : /an sesungguhn&a diantara ahli kitab ada orang &ang beriman ke(ada Allah dan ke(ada a(a &ang diturunkan ke(ada kamu dan &ang diturunkan ke(ada mereka sedang mereka berendah hati ke(ada Allah dan mereka tidak menukarkan a&at-a&at Allah dengan harga &ang sedikit. Mereka mem(eroleh (ahala di sisi Tuhann&a. .esungguhn&a Allah amat ce(at (erhitungan-1&a.

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Muhsin Khan : + &ou who belie*e' )ndure and be more (atient (than &our enem&)! and guard &our territor& b& stationing arm& units (ermanentl& at the (laces from where the enem& can attack &ou! and fear Allah! so that &ou ma& be successful. Sahih International : + &ou who ha*e belie*ed! (erse*ere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that &ou ma& be successful.
Tafsir Jalalayn : + &ou who belie*e! be (atient! in [(erforming acts of obedience! in the face of afflictions and in refraining from acts of disobedience! and *ie in (atience! with the disbelie*ers! lest the& be more (atient than &ou6 be steadfast! (ersist in the struggle6 fear $od! in all of &our circumstances! so that &ou will (ros(er! [so that &ou will win [admittance to ?aradise and be deli*ered from the >ire.

Indonesian : %ai orang-orang &ang beriman! bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan teta(lah bersia( siaga (di (erbatasan negerimu) dan bertakwalah ke(ada Allah! su(a&a kamu beruntung.
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