Inner and Outer World - Study of Anabaptists On Scripture!

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JULY 1952


T H E INNER A N D T H E OUTER WORD A Study in the Anabaptist Doctrine of Scripture


The terms "inner Word" and "outer Word" were once used to designate the written and unwritten Word of God. In the place of "inner Word" the terms "illumination" or "inner voice" were often used. These expressions are by no means an invention of the Anabaptists or Spiritualists of the Reformation period. They appear in Augustine's book Tolle Lege, from which a Pietist of the 18th century quotes, "The sound of our word strikes your ears, but the Master is within you."1 Likewise the medieval mystics, Bernhard Tauler, Thomas Kempis, Ruysbroeck, Gerhard Grote, Catherine of Siena, etc., heard the inner and immediate voice of God in the stillness. A "Friend of God" called the attention of the "pious, gentle" Tauler, who "possessed a good knowledge of the Bible," to the fact that "he did not yet possess and live by the light of the grace of God and was therefore a Pharisee."2 Thomas Kempis in his Imitano also speaks of "inner illumination," though he does not at all despise the outer Word. He had the courage, in defiance of the pope, to recommend the Bible as the highest light to those who would be happy. He made four copies of the Bible for distribution.8 Bishop Berthold Pirstinger, the author of Deutsche
1 Cf. Frido Braun, Johann Tannhardt, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Pietismus (1934), 97 ff. 2 Cf. TrnendorfMetzler, Kirchengeschichtliches Lesebuch, 3d ed., 127. 8 August Werner, Die Helden der christlichen Kirche (?,<npzig, 1904), 123.




Theologie4" also has much to say about "inner illumination" or the true light," especially in chapters 39-44. Luther rated this booklet very high. Peter Chelcicky speaks of the divine light that is lighted in us through the Holy Spirit: "Faith is a light that God lights in the heart."5 In this way only does "the birth of God in the depths of the soul" occur. Luther, as Karl Holl remarked, at times stressed the need for the Holy Spirit so strongly that his expressions seem to approach fanaticism, when he says, for instance, "Everyone shall therefore believe that it is the Word of God when he feels within him that the Bible is true. The heart speaks : this is true, even if I should die one hundred deaths for it." It was therefore his idea "that basically every outward authority that seeks to be accepted inwardly needs an inner organ in man that convinces him of the truth of what is offered, the witness of the Holy spirit."6 Luther bases this concept in part on the verse in the Psalms, "I will hear what God Himself speaks in me." "It could not be comprehended by anyone but such a quiet, reflecting spirit."7 In his Beschluss following the exposition of the Gospel passage for Dreiknigstag the reformer says, "It is an endless word and must be understood and meditated upon with a quiet spirit as the Psalm says, I will hear what God Himself says within me. No one can comprehend it except such a quiet, meditating spirit."8 This indicates that for Luther, who was strongly influenced by the mystics on this point, experience is the beginning of the knowledge of the divine character of the Scripture. On the other hand his opposition to the "enthusiasts," who strongly emphasized the "inner light" or "inner word," led him to protest against their view that God gives His Spirit in other ways than through the "outer" word. Word and he put on the same level. God works with man only through the word of Scripture.9 Luther thereby begins the chorus of voices who to our very day have charged that the Anabaptists disavowed the written Word of God, expecting everything of the "inner Word" or that they "wanted
4 The author was not, as has been assumed since Luther, a Frankfurt Friend of God, but according to the most recent investigations Bishop Berthold Pirstinger of Chiemsee, "who wrote it to comply with the wish of his archbishop, Lang, with the twofold purpose of opposing the spread of Lutheranism and to stimulate the clergy of Bavaria to theological thinking." (Cf. Richard Mertz, Entwicklungsgeschichte des Protestantismus im Bergtesgadner Lund, 1933, and Friedrich Selle, Schicksalsbuch der Evangel. Kirche in Oesterreich, 1928, 249 ff. 5 As in his most important work, Das Netz des Glaubens, published by Friedrich Baun. 6 Cf. Luther und die Schwrmer, 1st ed., 218. Ibid., 567. 8 Cited from Mitteilungen aus der Studentenbewegung, 1927-28, No. 1, 4. Luthers Werke (Volksausgabe), Vol. Ill, 68f.; vol. VI* 395.



to be sharp judges between the Spirit and the letter," or "they valued the inner Word at the expense of the written Word." Let Melanchthon lead the series. At the close of his Verlegung etlicher unchristlicher Artikel, welche die Wiedertufer frgeben (1536), he says, "Disregard for the outer Word and the Scripture is blasphemy. . . . Therefore the temporal arm of government shall watch here too and not tolerate this blasphemy, but earnestly resist and punish it."10 Justus Menius says, "No Scriptures are of any consequence* but alone divine dreams, visions, and heavenly revelations, through which the glory of God speaks to and deals with these saints, teaching them things far higher, holier, more spiritual, and more ineffable than are to be found in the Scriptures."11 The theologians of the university of Marburg asserted that the Anabaptist preacher Melchior Rinck held a doctrine of disparagement of the written Word as spiritless literalism, common to the sectarians.12 The 1527 booklet Getreue Warnung der Prediger des Evangeliums zu Strassburg, so Jakob Kautz, Prediger zu Worms, hat ausgehen lassen says, "All their teaching leads to the idea that the Scripture is of no account."13 Urbanus Rhegius says, "As the Anabaptist abbot indicates, your spirit is unwilling to submit to the Scriptures, and with reason, for if the Scriptures are to stand, then your spirit lies in the mud. Summa: Anabaptists cannot and will not endure the Scripture."14 The Bedenken der Wiedertufer halben, which is identical with Prozess, wie es soll gehalten werden mit den Wiedertufern (1557), says, "Fourth error: God makes Himself known without consideration of the outer Word and without the sacrament."15 In recent times it was especially Darl Holl, 16 H. Bhmer,17 and Lydia Mller,18 who have revived the assertion that the Anabaptists were the spiritual descendants of Thomas Mntzer, that the Spirit rather than the written Word is the highest authority for them, that revelations in addition to the Scripture are needed, and that the spiritual man can therefore dispense with the Bible.
10 Cf. Wilhelm Wiswedel, Bilder und FUhrergestalten aus dem Tufertum, I (Cassel, 1928), 104. Der Wiedertufer Lehre und Geheimnis (Wittenberg, 1530) ; Cf. Paul Wappler, Die Tuferbewegung in Thringen (Jena, 1913), 64. u Ibid., 54. 13 Brunn, Mhrisches Landesarchiv, Beck Collection, No. 76, 15. 14 Vider den neuen Tauforden (Augsburg, 1927), Page B. 15 Cf. Gustav Bossert, Quellen zur Geschichte der Wiedertufer, vol. I : Wrttemberg (Leipzig, 1930), 163. ^Gesammelte Aufstze zur Kirchengeschichte, vol. I, 2nd ed. (1923). 17 Thomas Mntzer und das jngste Deutschland (1927), 187-222. 18 Der Kommunismus der mhrischen Wiedertufer. Schriften des Vereins fr Reformationsgeschichte, XLV (Leipzig, 1927), No. 1 (142), 16, 18, 27, 74, 75.



Thus Lyia Mller writes concerning the Hutterites, "The esteem for the word of Scripture found among the Swiss Brethren, and especially with Hubmaier, recedes with Mntzer and the Hutterian Brethren in favor of personal revelation, the 'inner Word' which man receives from God in the depths of his soul." "Mntzer's doctrine of the inner Word, which separated him from Luther, has been passed on to the Hutterites almost without alteration." According to Lydia Mller, Hutterite theology does not hold that the Scripture is the rgula fidei, but rather "the Spirit, which speaks to man in the depths of his soul." But are these charges made against the Anabaptists really justified in the light of historical facts? Did the Anabaptists really despise the written Word or overemphasize the "inner word" at the expense of historical revelation? Did they really desire to be "sharp judges between the spirit and the letter," as Luther charges. Let us hear what they themselves saySwiss Brethren, Hutterites, Mennonites, and the group around Hubmaier. Mntzer and the Mnsterites do not enter the picture, as many important historians and even the contemporary government of Ulrich of Wrttemberg have recognized and stated.19 Hubmaier's (d. 1528) high estimation of the Scripture is well known. In his Preis lied des gottlichen Wortes each of the eighteen stanzas contains the line, "For God's Word will stand forever." The Holy Scripture is for him the straightedge by which all spiritual things are decided: it is the touchstone by which all doctrine should be tested. God's Word alone should be the judge. It is clear that Hubmaier means the entire written and printed Bible. Nothing should be added to or subtracted from the word of Christ." "One must bring Scripture, Scripture ; that will sound the harp of David." "I consider the Scripture to be a Hercules." "I call upon heaven and earth to bear witness that I have faithfully said, cursed is he who dissolves the slightest word and does not say amen to it." "The Word of God stands firm as a stone wall." "The Scripture is the friend of God in which Jesus lives, dwells, and rests; there is no spot in it." In his Christliche Lehrtafel Hubmaier speaks of the "inner and outer drawing by God." He does not put them side by side independent of each other, but makes the one the result of the other. The "outer drawing" precedes; it takes place through the public proclamation of the written Word. From it comes the "inner drawing." Thus God has enlightened man also inwardly in his soul, "that it may under19

Gustav Bossert, op. cit., XI, and No. 69, 79.



stand the irresistible truth, convinced by the Spirit of God and the spoken Word, so that one must in his own conscience confess that it is true and that it cannot be otherwise." "The Word of God is water to all those who thirst for salvation and is made alive in us through the Spirit of God, without whose work it is only a dead letter."20 "Do you have Zwingli's word, we want God's Word !" was the cry of the Zrich Anabaptists according to Kessler.21 Ambrose Spittlemayer, who died a martyr's death in Kadolzburg near Frth, held the written Word to be the "indubitable Word of God," which he has taught everywhere. The Bible is a rich source of comfort for all who live Christian lives.22 Hans Nadler of Erlangen confessed that the Word of God had moved him to begin a new life and be baptized upon his faith. Three verses have seized him and would not leave him. And in whatever country he entered he preached from the Word of God to the people on the streets and in the inns. In Schrobenhausen, Bavaria, some Anabaptists were arrested and imprisoned for reading the Bible in a home.23 In Augsburg about sixty Anabaptists were sitting together in a cellar, listening to Hans Leupold and Jrg von Passau read the Bible and explain what they read.2* Hans Schlaffer, a former priest, declared at his trial, "So I say and swear like Paul : 'God is my witness in my conscience that . . . I hold the written Gospel of faith in Christ in hh esteem.' "25 Veit Grnberger, a Hutterite missionary, remarked in a letter to Peter Walpot, "I hope to be able to learn 100 chapters of the testament by heart. If I had had the Testament before, I have no doubt that I would know it from memory. Temptation makes one pay attention to the word."26 When the Hutterite Onoffrius was seized in the Tirol in 1538 a New Testament was found in his pocket.27 Thomas von Imbroich said in his confession before the court at Cologne (ca. 1556), "The Scripture can not be broken, nor shall anything be added to or subtracted from the Word. It is God's Word, which remains in eternity."28 Mattias Servaes wrote in prison to a brother asking him to send his wife,
20 Cf. Wilhelm Wiswedel, Balthasar Hubmaier (Cassel, 1939), 14, 15, 27-29, 31-33, 39. 21 Cf. Paul Burckhardt, Die Basler Tufer (Basel, 1898), 43. 22 Wiswedel, op. cit., II, 42, 44. 2 Ibid., 57. 24 Ibid., 62. 25 Wiswedel, Bilder und Fhrergestalten, II, 194. 26 Codex Michnay, Bratislava, Fol. 514. ^Johann Loserth, Der Anabaptismus in Tirol {Archiv fr sterreichische Geschichte), L X X I X (Vienna, 1891), 137. 28 T. J. van Braght, Martyrs' Mirror (Scottdale, 1950), 367.



who was not yet in prison," a Dutch New Testament, since she wasunable to read German.29 Johannes Bair of Lichtenfels, who was held in the Bamberg prison twenty-three years until he died, asked his brethren to send him a Bible, for he had lacked a Bible for many years and had a great thirst for the Lord.30 Wolfgang Vogel, a former priest in Eltersdorf near Erlangen, was deprived of his Bible when he was imprisoned in a Nrnberg tower.31 Paul Glock passed the time of his nineteen-year imprisonment in careful Bible study.82 A familiar statement of Menno Simons was "Our council (Konzilium) is the Scripture." In the Hutterite catechism in the discussion of the Lord's Prayer we find in the margin no fewer than 131 Biblical references.33 "Grant us, Lord, to live in Thy Word and to keep Thy covenant," is the prayer of an Anabaptist poet.34 In a discussion with the Landmarshall in Vienna, the Anabaptists Max and Bernhard Klampf erer read to him from the Bible.85 Again and again Anabaptist prisoners made it clear that they would recant if they could be shown something better from the Scriptures.36 What, may we ask, was the reason for the Anabaptist rejection of infant baptism? Was it the inner voice that compelled them? Most certainly not! It was, of course, because they found nothing about it in the Scriptures. Further, did the preachers, known as Diener am Wortf on their journeys tell the people about their supposed dreams and visions, or did they in the simplest way possible seek to impress the Word of salvation upon their hearts? Are not their letters, epistles, and confessions filled with quotations from both the Old and New Testaments, with chapter and verse ?37 In the writings of the shoemaker Preudler and in the Rechenschaft of Peter Riedemann verse after verse is quoted, connected by simple logic and explanation. Can there still be talk of a disparagement or even disregard for the written Word of God? Anyone who is at all acquainted with the writings of the Anabaptists will not employ his pen to such a purpose. Walter Khler says correctly, "The Anabaptists wanted to be Bible Christians and they were on the whole precisely that."38 Also L. von
JMJL, 692. o Wiswedel, op. cit., vol. I, 130f. Ibid., 159. 82 Bossert in Bltter fr Wrttemb. Kirchengeschichte, 1929, 29. 88 Cf. Archiv fr Reformationsgeschichte, vol. XXXVII, No. 1, 38ff. 84 Wiswedel, op. cit., II, 108. 85 Joseph von Beck, Geschichts-Bcher der Wiedertufer (Vienna, 1883), 263. 86 Cf. e.g., Wiswedel, op. cit., 89, 100, 104. 87 Cf, Archiv fr Reformationsgeschichte, 1929, Nos. 1 and 2, 57f. 88 Cf. Mennonitische Geschichtsbltter, 1940, 19.



Murait writes: "Horsch shows that the Swiss Brethren held strictly to the Word of Scripture. The proofs found in the Horsch material, especially from the disputations between the Anabaptists and the clergy at Zofingen in 1532 and Bern in 1538 reveal this position. The Anabaptists stand on the platform of the Scripture (Schriftprinzip)."39 Edward Becker also mentions their "extensive knowl* edge of the Bible."40 Likewise Bossert, Jr. : "They are the quiet in the land; they take their direction from the Bible in continuous Bible study."41 To be sure, some opponents of the Anabaptists, such as Fritz Heyer, asserted that the Anabaptists used the written Word in a rather legalistic way,42 or even presume to declare: "The Anabaptists do indeed adapt themselves to the manner of argument of the Reformation period in their defensive writings, but this does not prove that all their assertions are the result of Bible study."48 This is surely a peculiar kind of logic, especially in the absence of all attempts to prove or explain the charge. Having examined the position of the Anabaptists with regard to the written and preached Word of God, let us now hear their testimonies regarding the "inner Word" or the "inner light." It must be said that in looking over the total Anabaptist literature, their confessions of faith, catechisms, Rechenschaften, letters, and the records of their cross-examinations, we find very little mention of the "inner light." The following names of preachers, missionaries, and leaders may be mentioned : Leonard Dax, the "bibelfeste Kmpfer," Griesinger, Leonhard Schiemer, Nikolaus Geyersbhler, Hans Krl, Jeronimus Kls, Michael Seifensieder, Antoni Erfordter, Hans Oberecker, Andreas Ehrenpreis, Ambrosius and Hans Spittelmeier, Thomas van Imbroich, Matthias Servaes, Hans Arbeiter, Hans Schmidt or Raiffer, Julius Lober, Hans Nadler, Georg Nespitzer, Leonhard Dorfbrunner, Hans Leupold, the schoolmaster Wrzburger, Georg Wagner, Hans Zuckenhammer, Veit Grnberger, Hans Schlaffer, Hans Amon, Hans Mandel, Hans Hut, Georg Zaunring, Wolfgang Vogel, the teacher Alexander of Thringen, Melchior Rinck, Georg Blaurock, Michael Sattler, Philip Plener, Jakob Wiedemann, Joseph Hauser, and Menno Simons. The very fact that all of these leaders are rooted in the written Word of God and do not speak of an "inner Word"
Cf. Zwingliana, new series, supplementary vol. I, No. 2, 123. Geschichte und Altertumskunde, new series, supplementary vol. I, No. 2, 123. 41 Bltter fr Wrttemb. Kirchengeschichte, new series, 1929, 8. 42 E.g., Fritz Heyer. Cf. Schriften des Vereins fr Reformations-Geschichte, vol. LVI, No.2,23. ^ E.g., Lydia Mller, op. cit., 27.
40 89



can save us from a hasty harsh judgment that would besmirch the entire Anabaptist movement. But let us now hear what these Anabaptists said, who were somewhat influenced on this point by the ancient mystics whom they had read. One of these few was Hans Langenmantel who said, "Luther says, he preaches the Gospel of Christ, and with his physical voice he brings Christ into the hearts of his hearers. But I tell you, dear Luther, there must first be something within us that can accept the physical voice inwardly."44 Ambrisius Spittelmayer declared before his judgesthat it was not the intention of the Anabaptists to instigate revolt, but to learn and desire the divine Word that all men might be led to the truth . . . and to pray for them that they might be enlightened with the divine light. But Spittelmayer at once explained what he meant by divine light: not by visible visions, but by the Spirit of God Christ leads and teaches His church.45 During the discussions with the Anabaptists imprisoned at Jena, when Melanchthon kept citing Scripture against them, Heinz Kraut declared that it was written in his heart as they had been taught by God. The devil could also write. Furthermore, Master Philip killed more people with his dead Scripture than all the hangmen.46 Hans Hhne of Halberstadt said, in reply to the question as to where he had learned his heresy, that no human being had taught it to him, but the Father in heaven had written it with His little finger upon his heart; for He had said, "In the last days I will pour my spirit upon all people that they may be taught of God." This same spirit he had received from God.47 The Anabaptist Urnblaufft in Regensburg said the Scriptures and the outer Word are merely the witness and lamp of the inner Word of God. Therefore a man can be saved without preaching and Scriptures. Proof: otherwise illiterates could not be saved. We understand God, our Redeemer, not through the dead letter, but through the indwelling of Christ. Gal. 2:20. To the Scribes and Pharisees the written Word was not a guide to Christ, but a hindrance and punishment. Furthermore all who did not hear the Word and all who lived before the written Word was given, from Adam to Moses, would be lost. Salvation shall be ascribed alone to the inner living Word of God and not be bound to the outer Word, "however useful it may be if God reveals its meaning." The Bible is good for those who use it

Wiswedel, op. cit., vol. II, 74f. *& Ibid., 14. 46 Wiswedel, op. cit., vol. I, 75f.

*ilbid., 94.



aright, but its misuse is the source of all heresy and unbelief.48 Another Anabaptist of Regensburg confessed that knowledge of the truth does not come from human study, . . it comes only to those to whom it is given by grace through the light of His Spirit.49 Michael Jungemann of Krnbach in Wrttemberg considered the office of preaching a good Christian office if the Word is preached pure and unadulterated and if one lives accordingly. A preacher must be blameless. . . . Whatever God admonishes and enlightens him to do, he wants to follow in his life.50 Michel Humel's widow, seventy years old, was "unteachable"she declared briefly and finally that she was already adequately enlightened.51 Likewise Margarete Fleckelin declared that she had been led to this doctrine by special illumination.52 Melchior Greiner could not go to the Lord's table with open sinners, for Paul forbade the Corinthians to do so. He said that he did not disdain the divine order, but could not set a limit to God's illumination. He liked to hear preaching.58 Jakob Kautz, a former Lutheran preacher, said, "The Word that we speak outwardly with our mouth, hear with our physical ears, write and print with hands, is nothing living, nor the eternal Word of God, but only a witness or indication of the inner Word, so that the inner Word may be rightly understood. Nothing external, be it word, sign, sacrament, or promise, has power to reassure the inner man, comfort him, or make him certain."54 Leopold Scharnschlger wrote in a letter : "Dear Brethren, you have repeatedly in your writing spoken of the word (letter). I think you have well understood the book of reply to Schwenckf eld's Judicium, chapter 4, answer 96, as this word was used against Schwenckfeld, and it is my opinion that the word 'letter1 refers to the Old Testament (Rom. 2:29 and II Cor. 3:7) and not to the New, which brings with it the spirit and grace to make alive. Therefore it behooves us . . . not to call the Scriptures a dead letter as some do, because this Scripture calls itself the Holy Scripture, written by holy men of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit. As often as I hear or read it, it is the same as if I heard the Lord and His apostles speak. Furthermore, everyone knows that the letters with which the Scriptures were written are in themselves dead ink and paper, but in the true

**Ibid.,9\i. Hermann Nestler, Die Wiedertuferbewegung in Regensburg (Regensburg, 1926), 33. 50 Bossert, op. cit., 531. si Ibid., 496. M Ibid., 382. M Ibid., 432. 84 . Weckerimg, Leonhard Brunner (Worms, 1895), 15-17, Introduction.



understanding the Holy Scriptures are not dead ink and letters. If the Holy Scriptures in their meaning and understanding are not opened in the heart by the Holy Ghost, then not only the Holy Scriptures are dead, but Christ Himself with His teaching, His life, suffering, and death, yea even His resurrection are dead; they are of no use to a man to eternal life, even granted that he reads and studies as long as he likes. He could then be called learned in the Scripture, but not taught by the Spirit. In itself the Scriptures are the Word of God as it is learned, and therefore I should not call them a dead letter, but the Holy Scriptures, as they call themselves."55 Ludwig Haetzer who with Denk translated the Prophets into German in 1527, remarked, "He who goes only by the Scriptures receives knowledge, but a useless knowledge, which does not reform, as happens to all who acquire faith by reading and by hearsay and make no other use of it than to say, I have read it in this or that chapter of the Scriptures. No man, no matter how learned he may be, can understand the Scriptures unless he has experienced and learned them in the depth of his soul. Otherwise men speak of the matter like a blind man of color."56 In Marbeck's reply to Schwenckfeld's judgment of the Book of the Covenant of 1542 the author save that Schwenckfeld accused the Anabaptists of making two Words of God, one inner and one outer.57 The Brethren refute this charge bv saying, "We do not call ink and paper or the perishable part of the books of the Scripture God's Word, Spirit, and life, but we mean the meaning contained in what is composed, spoken, and written."58 In such a case it is simply a matter of faith, without which God's preached or written Word does not reach the heart and cannot dwell therein to be spirit and life therein, as the Lord says, 'The words that I speak are spirit and life, but there are some among you who do not believe.' As if He wanted to say: they are spirit and life in man only through faith. And further, 'You do not have God's Word dwelling within you, for you do not believe Him whom God has sent.' They did not believe the witness that God had given in the law and the prophets before the Incarnation, reminding them again of that Scripture when He said, 'Ye search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me' ; as all those think even today who have the written and preached Word of God not through faith in their
Zeitschrift des Vereins fr die Geschichte Mhrens und Schlesiens, 1928, llf. Karl Hagen, Der Geist der Reformatoren und seine Gesetze, II, 288. 57 Ibid., 518f. **Ibid., 521.
56 55



hearts for Life, but only outwardly in books.59 There are not two, but only one word of God. What the Holy Scriptures call the Word of God is truly God's Word.60 Whoever denies it makes the Scriptures a liar.61 The outward preached or written Word of God helps no one if faith is not added by those who hear it.62 The outward truth is a co-witness and the same truth as the inner truth in the believing heart. When a man hears the Word of God and believes it, in his heart the Holy Spirit makes it life. It is God's fixed ordinance, that he "saves and makes believers by means of external services."63 In the booklet, Prozess, wie es soll gehalten werden mit den Wiedertufern, the brethren made an unambiguous reply to the charge that they put the center of gravity on inner illumination and taught that God could make Himself known without the outer Word. They began by saying that they had no pleasure in opposing such defamatory lies, but for the sake of the Word of God one must not neglect to refute them and to put to shame these hair-splitting, sly opponents of the truth. They did not at all believe that God reveals Himself without the hearing of the preached Word, for that would mean an annulment of an ordinance established by him. With Paul in I Thess. 2:13, they thanked God without ceasing for such a gift when they received the Word of divine preaching and accepted it not as the word of men but as the true Word of God which creates strong holy living in the believing. "For, dear Philip Melanchthon and Johannes Brenz, we are not ignorant that God could have given Saul the gift of the Holy Ghost and his vision without human means. But He did not want to interfere with His order, but Ananias had to be the means and the tool of God. Thus also God the Almighty could by Hjis own strength and might, without Peter, hav imparted divine understanding and divine life and caused him to understand the preaching and doctrine. But God did not do so, but Peter had to journey from Joppa to Caesarea and proclaim the Word of life to them, which they zealously heard, and received the Holy Spirit and believed the preached Word. Therefore Paul says, "Faith comes by preaching." Christ also said, ikGo ye into all the world." The Brethren also referred to the voice from heaven at the baptism and transfiguration of Christ: "This is my
*Ibid., S2L Ibid., 529. Ibid., 530. Ibid., 523. *Ibid., 149f.



beloved Son . . . hear ye him." And concerning His disciples the Lord said, "He who hears them hears me." But the outer Word that is preached to the people is the image and the instruction in the inner word, since the believer feels the grace and power of God in his heart and soul, which has been written there by the finger of the divine love of the Holy Spirit. And this is not that which is drawn upon paper or tables of stone as an imitation nor is it that which is heard outwardly, because it is not the hearers but the doers of works of piety of a heavenly life as the Scripture says, that are pleasing and acceptable to God.64 Further proof of the injustice of the accusation that the Anabaptists, especially the Hutterian Brethren, as Lydia Mller asserts, accorded the written Word of God a secondary place we find in the Geschicht-Buch of the Hutterian Brethren: the brother Benjamin Kempel at Sabat;isch refused to recognize the service of preaching and daily prayer meetings. Asked to explain, he replied : The just need no teaching; the Holy Spirit is to instruct them, and common prayer is simply a human habit and not impelled by the Holy Spirit. All external customs, as baptism and communion are not necessary to the Christian. The office of preaching he did not consider divine. In brief: he believed that the Hutterian Brotherhood had never held the true position. . . . Since "he persisted proudly in his self-invented opinion," he was expelled from the brotherhood.65 Peter Riedemann's Rechenschaft says unequivocally, "When the Word is heard and believed, then faith is sealed by the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit works upon the heart"They were pricked in their hearts" (Acts 2)but He does not yet dwell therein. Not until a man yields to the Word, opens his heart, and believes, does the Holy Spirit make His dwelling in the human heart. "Where the Spirit is not added to the Word, it cannot acquire the righteousness that is valid before God." But this (saving) faith comes from hearing the Gospel. Rom. 12:17. By zealous hearing and accepting of the preaching of the Gospel we become partakers of the fellowship of Christ. Through the Word God calls men to salvation and through it reveals Himself.66 Leonhard Schiemer said, "One is not yet a Christian when he can talk and sing of spiritual things : it must be written within and without us. In the book of the heavenly Revelation it stands written
64 E.g., in Book VIII of the Handbchlein wider den Prozess, der zu Wurms am Rein wider de Brder, so man die Hueterischen nennt, ausgangen ist (1557). This Ms. of 107 pp. is now in the possession of the Hutterian Brethren in North America. 65 Hagen, op. cit., 630f. 66 Riedemann, Rechenschaft, 34, 36, 56, 73.



that the book was written from without and within, and no one in heaven or on earth was worthy to read the book or to open it. But there was a lamb that had been slain, which opened it. Therefore saith the Lord, No one knows the Father but the Son and those to whom the Son reveals Him. If one comes to a knowledge of the truth it takes place not alone through hearing the Word of God outwardly, but he must also have the light of the Holy Spirit in his heart. For external learning is not sufficient except insofar as it is revealed inwardly in the heart."67 Hans Denk was one of those who stressed the inner word the most. The dark, difficult language peculiar to him has frequently been misunderstood and interpreted by his opponents to mean something that Denk did not mean at all. But Denk not only promoted the authority of the Holy Scriptures, but he also made abundant use of them. In his "recantation" he remarked: "The Holy Scriptures I hold above all treasures, but it is not as high as the Word of God which is living, powerful, and eternal; for if it is God himself, it is spirit and not letter written without pen and paper, that it may never be blotted out. Hence salvation is not bound to the Scriptures, however useful and good they may be to that end."68 The Holy Scriptures are true and constant and reveal nothing but what God in truth wills. Blessed the man in whom the Word is true, as it is true in God and will remain in all eternity. The voice that preaches in the hearts of all men and proclaims the Word of God has from eternity been immortal spirit, which from times immemorable has communicated the will of God and has become man in Christ. The Word of God, the spirit of Christ, who was from eternity, is with you before you know the historical Christ and the Holy Scriptures. This "inner Word" then intermediates the possibility of understanding the outer Word and brings it about that we are led to the knowledge of the truth, but as we do not have that inner Word of ourselves but from God, so the honor and merit belongs to Him.69 The light, the Word of God that is invisible, shines in the hearts of all men who come into this world, for it has been within from the beginning.70 There are two factors that lead to faith ; first the Holy Scriptures which show the way as a lamp at night. Then also the Morning star, which proclaims the Sun of Righteousness, i.e., Christ,
Brunn, op. cit., No. 45, 26-43. 68 Was da geredet sei, dass die Schrift sagt, Gott tue Gutes und macht Bses. 69 Ordnung Gottes und der Kreaturen Werk, Paragraph I. T0 Protestation und Bekenntnis, chapter III.



the inner Word, the voice of the Holy Spirit which is destined to rise and thrive. He who is not in a right relationship with God, who is not permeated by His Spirit nor filled with His love, cannot understand the Scriptures, but "makes of it an idol." The inner voice is the foundation of faith. Faith means to obey the Word of God, be it for life or death. Denk calls attention to Abraham, who of course did not possess the written Word of God and yet saw the day of Christ and rejoiced. "As I now progress at the hand of the inner and outer Word, I reach the understanding that the inner voice in me is a spark of the divine spirit. But this divine spark is darkened in many hearts. Only he can understand the Scriptures correctly who is himself illuminated by the light of the divine Spirit. Therefore let no one venture to interpret the Scriptures for himself or others before he knows that his will is in harmony with the voice in his heart which commands him to do good and abstain from evil. John 7:17. You say that anyone can understand the Scriptures who knows the language and the history to which it refers, and believes that human understanding and reason has the right to explain and exegete it. No, worldly wisdom does not suffice, but what Peter says is true : exposition is the right of the Holy Spirit, i.e., the Spirit that has given it."71 "He who does not regard God's revelations in his breast but presumes to explain the Holy Scriptures, which is really the right of the Spirit alone, he will surely make an abomination of the divine secrets written in the Holy Scriptures, and abuses the grace given to him."72 These are probably the most important of Denck's ideas along this line. Besides Denk it was Stadler who dealt with this question in three booklets. In his treatise, Ein Eingang ins Christentum we read the following sentences : In the Gospel, the written Word, repentance from dead works is proclaimed to all people, for the Word of the Lord says: "Repent, for the kingdom of Jieaven is at hand." Preachers must rightly present and divide Christ and His Word: the Gospel of Christ, cause and reason for His incarnation, life, teaching, His death and resurrection, ascension, His kingdom and coming judgment, of His church, etc. Him who is upright God enlightens and draws him inwardly and says, "O man, what is impossible with you is possible with me ; I will give to you and deal with you if you believe, as my Word says, and willingly yield and trust,

In his book, Vom Gesetz Gottes. In his confession of 1525. w Brunn, op. cit., No. 50, 5-8.




M e , . . . then it will be made easy for you out of mercy. When one believes divine preaching from his heart, is obedient to the truth, and denies the world and its deeds, and submits to Christ and in voluntary submission (Gelassenheit) endures all, then man becomes a temple of God . . . and if he is found faithful unto death, then with those who have washed their garments in the blood of the Lamb, he will receive the crown of life." Stadler expresses similar ideas in the epistle he wrote at Ladomir in Podolia to the brethren in Krasnikow.74 Stadler deals at length with the matter in a special booklet entitled Vom lebendigen und geschriebenen Wort oder von dem usserlichen und innerlichen Wort und ihrer Wirkung im Herzen. Unterschied und Bericht.75 He says that all creation and all creatures including the Holy Scriptures and the spoken and proclaimed Word are good, but they are not the living Word. He who would use the Scriptures properly must not base it on anything human, but he must also distinguish it from the inner Word of the heart. The outer Word is the Word which Christ commanded His apostles when He said, preach the Gospel to every creature. Here preaching, believing, and baptism are all understood and treated purely externally, though they are only symbols of the living Word, faith, and baptism, which God alone works through His righteousness. Thus Paul also says, Faith comes from hearing the preaching, but hearing from the Word of God. A true preacher must accept the true Word of God in the depth of his soul : then it becomes the true Word of God in the depth of his soul. But that which is preached is only the witness or symbol of the true Word. The inner word is not written, neither upon paper nor upon tables, it is not spoken or preached; man is assured by it through God in the depth of his soul and it becomes engraved in a heart of flesh through the Spirit by the finger of God. The inner word is witnessed by the outer, as the sign before an inn witnesses the wine in the keg, but the sign is not the wine ; thus it is also with the divine order, that always the physical precedes the spiritual: the faith of hearing comes before justification, after which the tested faith grows and works powerfully toward God and all creation. But this does not happen as quickly as the scribes of our day say, who persuade the poor people by saying, "Believe, believe!" Yea, this will soon become evident. Then they say : with God all things are possible. This is indeed true,
74 Ibid., 47. 75 Ibid., 10-12, 17-21.



but He does not act thus, but orders all things according to design according to His omnipotence and mercy. Stadler then supports his argument with Biblical examples. Abraham heard God's Word and believed and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. The outer Word worked in him and was sufficient for him even to justification. But when the test of his faith came, this faith was lost in unbelief and he denied his wife before Pharaoh. Thus it was also with Jacob. God had promised him : I will guard thee, whither thou goest, and will not forsake thee until I have accomplished that which I have promised. But when Jacob heard that his brother Esau was coming toward him with an army, the Word of promise and his faith were completely hidden by unbelief. H e fell down before his brother and begged for mercy. Where were his faith and the Word ? Nor was it any different with David. Upon the promise of God he had been anointed king over Israel and he believed. But when he was sought by Saul with one thousand men and was surrounded he thought God had forsaken him and was unable to believe the Word. Oh, how a man suffers before his faith becomes separated from his unbelief in justification and in trial. "However high the man's faith in the beginning, Word and faith completely disappear before he becomes aware of the goodness and mercy of God. The seed of grain must die in every man before it can bear fruit. Man must first be justified and crushed. It does him no good to know how Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the friends of God fared; indeed, even if he knew the entire Bible, this is merely lip service, of no benefit to himself or to others. If the Word that he hears, believes, and perceives is not justified and tested, it will be called only a sign, witness, or letter of the living Word." The image of a man is not the man. Thus the printed Word is only an image or sign of the living Word. The preachers often deceive the poor people by pointing to the sign which one hears or preaches or reads in books. They persuade the people that it is God's Word and the people remain unsaved and the teaching is not followed by reformation of life. This one sees with his eyes. Stadler continues that according to the divine plan the inner Word follows the outer, and the preacher shall admonish through the outer Word that man should yield himself to God and listen to the inner instructor. One must not make the people depend on the outer Word, or one makes an idol of the preacher, the Scriptures and words. They are-merely an image or sign or tools. It does no good and is not sufficient to confess that Christ became flesh in



Mary; Christ must also become flesh in us, in the Word and through the Spirit, as Paul writes in Gal. 2 : "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." And again, "The world is crucified to me and I to the world." Thus whoever confesses Christ may boast of the living Word-, he can properly testify of the truth ; such preachers we want to expect from God^ The Old Testament, as it is written according to the letter, is in this point, according to Stadler, not to be distinguished from the New, for it is preached in parable by preachers like the New. For because it remains a witness, is heard, read, and preached, it is all called the Old Testament, law, command, or Word, be it Moses or the prophets, the evangelists, or the apostles, Paul or John, as John also says : I do not write you a new commandment, but an old, which ye have had from the beginning. The new commandment is all we live by, implanted in our heart through the Holy Spirit : it is the new commandment or living Word of God, if it lives within us, rules us, and regenerates us from sin according to the will of God as He desires of us human beings in Christ Jesus.70 From all of these foregoing testimonies we draw the following conclusions : ( 1 ) From all the writings of the Anabaptists it is clear that they did not deny all historical objective means of salvation and expect everything from the "inner light" and the working of the Spirit of God. Stadler also admits the Old Testament as well as the New. Unambiguous are his words. "The inner Word is, according to the divine order, preceded by the outer Word, and the preacher shall admonish from the outer Word." (2) But they believed that the objective and traditional written Word must be supplemented by the working of the Holy Spirit upon the subject. They did not separate the inner Word from the outer. Word and spirit, or "inner light" belong together; they form a unit, but in the manner in which the two threads are twined together to form cord, as water and baptism. Word without spirit was to them a dead letter. The life-giving Spirit of God turns the written and proclaimed Word into God's Word. The Word is the sword of the Spirit ; both belong together. This was well stated by Wolfgang Vogel, a former clergyman of Eltersdorf, as follows: "The Spirit clings and hangs alone to the noble, pure, tender, and holy Word of God through a strong and firm faith." In Marbeck's book we read, "The outwardly preached or written Word is, according to the sense, one with the inner Word,
76 These are in part odd ideas, but certainly not at all such as have been allegedly found in this work by Stadler. For this reason it has been thought necessary to let the author speak at some length. It is evident that Stadler has merely borrowed his figures of speech from the mystical books.



as one word of many words, and ministers as one and agrees as a unit." The idea of the inner Word is thus meant in the sense of an inner inspiration, but as an illuminating co-working of God. This inner Word or Spirit sharpens the inner spiritual eye and gives it a true comprehension of the truth revealed in the written Word. (3) The Anabaptists did not believe that the useful preacher of the Word was one who knew how to present the "true doctrine," and that the written Word became effective in and of itself, though it be proclaimed from the mouth of an unbeliever. They could correctly point out that no one surpassed the Pharisees in knowledge of the Scriptures as far as the outer letter is concerned and yet they were far removed from the true knowledge of God, and of Christ. "There are scribes," said Ascherham, "who are sent without the Holy Spirit, only by the Scriptures ; from it they take their wisdom and strength. They, having received the 'letter-spirit,' proceed to make a profession out of it, and thus they have only the dead letter to give the people."77 Thus Stadler also said, "We need preachers who have experienced the written Word as a vital force and are illuminated by the Spirit of God."78 A preacher, they thought, must be a God-fearing man ; it is not the ecclesiastical ordination but the inner call and equipment through the Holy Spirit that make the preacher. The Spirit that creates the Word also makes it effective not the presentation of the "pure doctrine." Denk, whose religious life was rooted in the soil of the Middle Ages, repeatedly cited II Cor. 3 :6, where the apostle warned against worshiping the letter, countering such adoration with the fact that the letter of the Holy Scriptures becomes a living and life-creating Word only through the Spirit of God. To be sure, it cannot be denied that Denk, Kautz, and also Stadler inclined toward a strong spiritualization. But they did not succumb to the dangers of pantheism. Since life posed practical problems to them, they were saved from this danger. This was also clearly pointed out by Walter Khler, when he remarked, "Denk allowed himself to be deeply influenced by mysticism, especially by the Deutsche Theologie : but in him speculation has been reshaped into Biblicism under the influence of Luther's ideas."79 This is seen in the fact that Denk speaks so much of discipleship of Christ, this being impossible of achievement without the
77 See Wiswedel's article on Ascherham in Archiv fr Reformationsgeschichte, 1937. Nos. 1 and 2, p. 12. 7 Luther is supposedly the source of the very fitting statement, "Even the purest spring water loses flavor and clearness when it flows through unclean pipes." This is what the Anabaptists meant. 79 Cf. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, I, col. 2035.



Holy Scriptures, since without the Gospel one does not know wherein such discipleship consists. But the prerequisite of discipleship is for Denk the freedom of the will and divine light in the human soul. Besides Denk there is also Jakob Kautz who uses strong words respecting the "inner light." "The word which we speak outwardly with the mouth, hear with physical ears, write and print with physical hands, is not the living, true, and everlasting Word of God, but only a symbol or witness of the inner Word, so that the right thing may be done outwardly. Nothing external, be it word or sign, sacrament or promise, has the power of assuring, comforting, or convincing the inner man." But it cannot be said that Kautz rejected the outer Word; consider his words^ "that the right may be done outwardly."80 The case is this : the Anabaptists, seeing that the new preachers were giving disproportionate emphasis to the written Word of God and that the masses by their consent to the printed and proclaimed Word had not become new creatures, on their part then stressed the "inner Word," occasionallv disproportionately too, but not to the extent that they removed the Spirit from the written and preached Word; otherwise they would, of course, not have everywhere appointed and chosen preachers of the Word (Diener des Worts). (4) The Anabaptists drew a sharp line between Biblical faith, which, as the writers influenced by mysticism expressed themselves, is accomplished in the "depth of the soul" by the Holy Spirit and what was commonly called faith. Thus Stadler said, It does not suffice to confess: I believe the written Word and consider it God's Word. Such faith does not save and is not followed by improvement of conduct. Biblical faith is a work of grace of the Holy Spirit who brings to life the read or heard Word, so that it becomes a powder in man to live righteously and to suffer patiently. Indeed, suffering becomes for those who believe from the heart a means of strengthening faith, but not "tire means by which a man comes into possession of the Spirit or of the inner Word," as Lydia Mller believes can be concluded from certain sentences taken out of context. (5) That there was occasionally evidence of unwholesome concomitants of the "inner illumination" cannot be denied. It did indeed occur that the supposed voice of the Spir,it was simply the brain. But does that not still happen among the Christians of today? But this phenomenon does not necessarily discredit the valuable content of the insight gained by the idea. Harnack, for instance, says in his
Cf. Sieben Artikel su Worms von Jakob Kautzen angeschlagen und gepredigt. 1527. (A Weckerling, Leonhard Brunner, Worms, 1895, 15-17.)



Dogmengeschichte : The inner Word of the "fanatics" should not be turned into a bogey that must allegedly fall into the dust under the sword of Biblicism ("Schriftprinzip") ; for as certainly as some true fanaticism was nourished on the "inner word," it has nonetheless also been the expression of a religious liberty which Luther himself at one time indeed recognized, but the right of whose existence he never expressed so clearly as to create of it a dogmatic statement that would limit the Schriftprinzip.*1 Von Muralt also honors historical truth in replying to Bullinger's assertion that in the entire Anabaptist movement, which was clearly connected with Mntzer, the immediate possession of the Spirit outweighed Biblicism, when he writes, "Certainly at times they claim the immediate possession of the Spirit... on the basis of I Cor. 2:14. In doing so they merely mean to point to the understanding of the Scriptures given by God's Spirit."82 That is indeed the case ! (6) Yes, the Anabaptists, believed also in the immediate work of the Spirit of God. God can speak directly to the soul. "The world," said a simple Anabaptist once, "existed for 2453 years without a Bible, but the God-fearing had God's Word" (Ps. 25:14; Gen. 25:22). The Bible is not the only revelation of God. If God works only through the outer Word, we will have to deny the possibility of miracles. The Anabaptists had Biblical proof for this. One thing is, of course, correct : all other revelations of God to man must be proved by the Holy Scriptures. They are in a sense the absolute measure that can alone be normative. That which does not agree with them cannot be God's Word. (7) The idea of the "inner Word" recurs later in history in other movements as^ well. George Fox introduced his powerful movement with the watchword, iCUpon the Spirit, upon the inner Word everything depends," explaining that the entire Bible must be personally comprehended and experienced in the innermost depth of the soul. Only by inward experience do we become strong for the severest conflict. "You are strong, and the Word of God remains with you and you have overcome the Evil One." Gottfried Arnold in his history of the church and heretics quotes a rhyme by Anna Orvena Hayer, of a noble family of Holstein : Aber Gottes Wort, Jesus Christ, Ist Geist und Leben, redt inwendig,
si Ibid., III, 773. 82 Zwingliana, 1934, No. 2, 69f.

THE INNER AND THE OUTER WORD Machet allein das Herz verstndig, Aendert der Menschen Sinn und Mut, Reicht weiter, denn der Buchstab tut, Das ausser nur die Ohren rhret, Das inner wort zum Geist einfhret, Bringt mit ihm Lebenskraft und Saft, Ohn dies das ausser wenig schafft ; Drum soll man nach dem innern trachten, Das ausser aber nicht verachten.83


Tersteegen also honored the "inner Word," as in this little verse of his : Von Kreatur, Vernunft und Sinne abgeschieden, Im edlen Seelengrund macht sich die meinem Geiste kund. And even the world-renowned C. H. Spurgeon is close to these people. When his tabernacle congregation was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary he said, "Whenever I have read a chapter in the church, I have prayed that the Holy Spirit may disclose to you the meaning of the words of Scripture. I hope that I have never preached without relying completely on the Holy Spirit," Indeed, by all the representatives of the ecclesiastical and extra-ecclesiastical Gemeinschaftsbewegung the immediate working of the Holy Spirit is assumed and taught. This concept is characterized as "enthusiasm" and "fanaticism" by Pastor Fleisch. We, however, believe that we have in these citations brought proof that all of the men discussed in this paper from the depths of their being agree with thfe confession of two church hymn writers : Mir ists nicht um tausend Welten, Aber um Dein Wort zu tun ; and Manch ssses Trostwort zu. Sein Geist spricht meinem Geiste

Die moderne Gemeinschaftsbewegung in Deutschland, 121.

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