Decision Making
Lesson Plan
Grade Range:
Party Planning—value of money & making change, budgeting
90 Minutes
ree osse
Instructional Unit ontentStandard(s)!"le#ent(s)
ontent Area Standard
Math Content:
!olve "ord #roblems involving dollar bills, $uarte
rs di#es nicels and pennies using * and + appropriately& ",a#ple: I- you ha.e t/o di#es and three pennies ho/ #any cents do you ha.e0
Social Studies Content:
The student /ill describe the costs and bene-its o- personal spending and choices&
Speaking and Listening Skills:
Partici#ate in collaborative conversations "ith diverse #artners about grade 2 to#ics and tets "ith #eers and adults in small and
larger groups& "2A%S24:
'reate audio recordings of stories or #oems( add dra"ings or other visual dis#lays to stories or recounts of e#eriences "hen
appropriate to clari-y ideas thoughts and -eelings& TAG Standard
Higher Order Critical Thinking Skills
% )he student makes and evaluates decisions using criteria%
)he student dra"s conclusions based u#on relevant information "hile discarding irrelevant information%
Creative Thinking & Creative Problem Solving Skills
)he student demonstrates skills in fluency and fleibility to solve #roblems or create ne" #roducts%
)he student develo#s original ideas, #resentations, or #roducts through synthesis and evaluation%
)he focus of this lesson is to give students the o##ortunity to a##ly the skills needed to "ork "ith money including counting coins, adding and subtracting "ith money, and "orking "ithin a budget%
"nduring Understanding(s)
*t the end of this lesson the student "ill understand ho" to demonstrate+e#lain reasoning
used to solve a #roblem and correctly create and solve addition and subtraction #roblems involving money% !tudents "ill also understand ho" to find change and ho" to re#resent money amounts%
"ssential 6uestion(s)
-o" is counting coins and making change used in the real "orld.
-o" do "e kno" if "e have enough money to buy something.
/hat are the different "ays "e can re#resent an amount of money.
/hy is it im#ortant to be able to count amounts of money and find change.
oncept(s) to $aintain
The student understands:
Problems can be solved using addition and subtraction%
/e solve math #roblems every day%
'ounting dollars is ust like counting by ones and tens in our #lace value system%
'ounting cents can be connected to ho" "e count by ones, fives and tens%
The student will:
'ontinue to develo# their understanding of, and facility, "ith money%
".idence o- 2earning
hat students should know:
'hange can be given using a variety of coin combinations%
'ounting dollars is ust like counting by ones and tens in our #lace value system%
'ounting cents can be connected to ho" "e count by ones, fives and tens%
1ou can use many strategies to solve addition and subtraction #roblems using money%
hat students should be able to do:
'reate #roblems re$uiring addition or subtraction%
Determine the number sentence needed to accurately solve a #roblem%
Demonstrate+e#lain reasoning used to solve a #roblem%
e#resent a money amount "ith "ords or digits and symbols 3either cent or dollar signs4%
'ount "ith #ennies, nickels, dimes, and dollar bills%
5se the 6 and 7 correctly%
Suggested 7ocabulary
udget, #riority, decision
'oins, dollar bill, $uarter, dime, nickel, #enny
*ddition8 !um
!ubtraction8 Difference
Dollar symbol+sign2
'ent symbol+sign
% )he teacher "ill read the book,
!le"ander ho #sed to be $ich Last Sunda%
by :udith ;orist% )he teacher "ill ask the students "hat kinds of decisions *leander made in the story% /hat ha##ened to *leander<s money. -o" did these decisions affect the money he had. *re there some other decisions 3good or bad4 *leander could have made "ith his money. -o" "ould have you used the money.Phase 2
",a#ine the ontent
2% Distribute the grocery store flyer 3any one from local grocery store or one teacher has created4% )he teacher "ill e#lain to the class that "e are going to #lan a #arty and in small grou#s they "ill have to make some decisions on "hat to #urchase for the class #arty% *s a class, generate
a list o steps
for com#leting the task% =ach student "ill develo# a
Priority Pyramid
of criteria to consider "hen buying items for the #arty% >% evie" the ste#s in solving addition and subtraction #roblems involving money% *llo" students to solve a fe" #roblems for revie" and then com#are ans"ers and correct any misunderstandings% emind students that there are many different "ays to solve addition and subtraction #roblems involving money 3ust like traditional addition and subtraction #roblems4% einforce #lace value conce#ts "ith the value of money% ?% @rou# !tudents
!tudents "ill be divided into
ive groups 'predetermined grouping(
Aood 3#iBBa, etc%4, Drinks & !nacks 3drinks, chi#s, etc%4, Dessert, Plastic "are+#a#er #roducts, and Decorations+=ntertainment% C% evie" the
!mall @rou# Directions =ach grou# "ill be given 620%00 to s#end on the #arty 3!/ be given 620 in #a#er money+#lastic coins4% n small grou#s they "ill come u# "ith the items they "ould like to #urchase "ithout going over their budget 3revie" the term budget from #revious lesson of #lanning a )hanksgiving feast4% )he students must find the sum of the items they "ould like to #urchase and find out ho" much money+change they "ill have left over%
)"tra support:
#rovide students "ith coins+#a#er money to hel# solve #roblems% *lso #rovide "ith mani#ulatives, number lines, and gra#hic organiBers to assist in solving addition and subtraction #roblems "ith money% Phase >
Decision $aing
Decision $aing $atri,
!tudents "ill use a decision making matri to determine "hich items are the best to #urchase and "hy.F%
Optional !ctivit%:
Aor those grou#s that $uickly make a decision, they create their o"n menu for "hat they "ould like to have at their #arty%Phase ?
Synthesis Acti.ity
o##unicate the Decision:
!tudents "ill com#ose a 28? minute #resentation on "hy they chose the items that they did, ho" much they s#ent and the amount of change that they "ill get back after their #urchase% 35sing an iPad a##% )ellagami, *udioboo, etc%4
Su##ari9ing Acti.ity
>828 =it )icket Hame
reasons "hy you think counting money and being able to add and subtract using money is an im#ortant skill to understand and+or "hen you or someone else may need to use this skill% @ive
eam#les of "hen you or someone else may have to use 3and understand ho" to use4 a budget% =#lain
"ay that being able to make change "ill hel# you in real life%
@rocery !tore flyer 3actual store ad or teacher created4
Plastic coins+dollars, mani#ulatives, gra#hic organiBers for student su##ort
Anchor Te,t(s):
*leander /ho 5sed to be ich Last !unday by :udith ;orist
iPad a##s )ellagami, *udioboo
-andout Priority Pyramid-andout 2 Decision Making Matri-andout > >828 =it )icket?