Rostow's Stages of Development

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Rostows Development Theory

Identify & Explain the 5 Stages of Rostows Model of Development 10 pts.

Provide 2 Historical or contemporary Examples 2 pts.

Stage 1: Traditional Society Still subsistence farming and time spent on non-productive activities such as military & religion Stage 2: Preconditions for Take-Off Invests in infrastructure Stage 3: Take=Off (Initial Success) Limited industry Early urban stage Stage 4: Drive to Maturity Technology diffuses, labor becomes skilled & educated Increased urbanization migration to cities Stage 5: Age of Mass Production Shifts from industry to consumer good production Any of the following countries: Historical Europe United States Japan Australia Contemporary 4 Dragons (Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea & Hong Kong ) China, Mexico, India follows an Anglo-American & Western European Model assumes there is an endless market demand doesnt always increase availability of raw materials (limited) doesnt account for foreign dependency political structures (war) disease and famine Both show a countrys stages of development More traditional/subsistence in first stage Both follow stages and move consecutively Both deal with affects of industrialization Influenced by type of economic activity 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 2= 1= 29 26 23 20 17 14 10

Identify & discuss one Critiques of Model 2 pts.

Draw Parallels between 2 of the Rostow model and the DTM (2 pts)

16= 15= 14= 13= 12= 11= 10= 9= 8=

50 48 45 43 41 39 36 33 31

Development FRQ Three world regions that are considered more developed 3 pts. Three regions that are less developed 3 pts. Identify two countries that have made significant progress in the transition from LDC to MDC 2 pts. Identify and explain four indicators to classify a countrys level of development. Use 2 economic and 2 noneconomic 8 pts.

North America, Australia, Europe (Western Europe preferred) **If countries were listed and not regions, maximum of 2 points will be awarded

Africa, Middle East, Central America, South America, Central Asia + SE Asia **If countries were listed and not regions, maximum of 2 points will be awarded Eastern Europe incorrect Brazil, China, India, S. Africa, Mexico, Chile, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Four Dragons (name one: Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea & Hong Kong)

Economic indicators: any 2 of the following GDP, GNI, GNP, energy consumption, trade (imports/exports), level of technology, Purchasing Power Parity, level of manufacturing, % of workforce in agriculture, transportation & communication, dollar value Non-Economic indicators: any 2 of the following Birth Rate, Death Rate, infant mortality, literacy rate, % urban, life expectancy, natural increase, access to safe drinking water, human welfare index, population per physician, skilled labor, women Core = more developed countries, Periphery =less developed countries Core takes advantage of periphery which widens the gap between development Dependent on each other Core shares technology with periphery & periphery provides cheap labor Trickle down effect In developed countries, sharp economic and social differences between cores and peripheries are not as pronounced as in less developed countries. 10= 9= 8= 7= 6= 5= 4= 3= 1 or 2 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 15

Core/Periphery 2 pts.

19= 18= 17= 16= 15= 14= 13= 12= 11=

50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34

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