This document is the placement brochure for the 2013-2014 academic year of the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT). It provides contact information for the placement officer, Anjali Kulshrestha. It includes messages from the director and faculty convenor of the placement committee. It also provides an overview of DA-IICT programs including the B.Tech in ICT, M.Tech, M.Sc. and other programs. It outlines the vision, mission and details of DA-IICT.
This document is the placement brochure for the 2013-2014 academic year of the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT). It provides contact information for the placement officer, Anjali Kulshrestha. It includes messages from the director and faculty convenor of the placement committee. It also provides an overview of DA-IICT programs including the B.Tech in ICT, M.Tech, M.Sc. and other programs. It outlines the vision, mission and details of DA-IICT.
This document is the placement brochure for the 2013-2014 academic year of the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT). It provides contact information for the placement officer, Anjali Kulshrestha. It includes messages from the director and faculty convenor of the placement committee. It also provides an overview of DA-IICT programs including the B.Tech in ICT, M.Tech, M.Sc. and other programs. It outlines the vision, mission and details of DA-IICT.
This document is the placement brochure for the 2013-2014 academic year of the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT). It provides contact information for the placement officer, Anjali Kulshrestha. It includes messages from the director and faculty convenor of the placement committee. It also provides an overview of DA-IICT programs including the B.Tech in ICT, M.Tech, M.Sc. and other programs. It outlines the vision, mission and details of DA-IICT.
Web : | Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Placement Brochure 2013-2014 Contact Information Anjali Kulshrestha Placement and CEP Ofcer Phone: +91 (79) 30510616 | Mobile : +919328994143 | Fax : (+91) 079-3052-0010 E-Mail: | Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Dedication and passion to achieve the goal is what defines the students of DA-IICT. They have a brand footprint which is getting bigger and bigger with time. Dr. Ranendu Ghosh, Faculty Convenor, Placement Committee, DA-IICT DHIRUBHAI H. AMBANI (28 DECEMBER, 1932 - 6 JULY, 2002) FOUNDER PRESIDENT, DA-IICT ANIL D. AMBANI PRESIDENT, DA-IICT INDEX Message Vision and Mission About DA-IICT ICT Pioneer Program Overview and Curriculum
Demographics (2013 batch) Student Achievements Research at DA-IICT Internship Why recruit @ DA-IICT? Past Placement Statstcs Past Recruiters Placement Policy Placement Procedure Company Testmonial Alumni Perspectve Board of Governors B.Tech. (ICT) M.Tech. (ICT) M.Sc. (IT) M.Des (CD) M.Sc (ICT ARD)
01 02 03 04 05 05 08 10 11 12 13 14 17 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 33 DIRECTORS MESSAGE Dhirubhai Ambani Insttute of Informaton and Communicaton Technology, Gandhinagar is pleased to invite you for the Campus Recruitment Program for the academic year 2013-2014. We sincerely appreciate the positve feedback on the performance of our students from the recruitng organizatons. ICT is a very recent additon to the list of engineering disciplines, designed keeping in mind the growing needs of the present era. Our initatve in educaton and research in this discipline has facilitated an environment for generaton of knowledge, innovatve ideas and preparing students to be future leaders in their chosen elds of work. At DA-IICT, we relentlessly pursue the task of creatng world-class engineers in the eld of ICT through research, industrial relatons, high quality faculty and dynamic curricula who will prove to be invaluable assets to the organizaton they will be working for. Our academic program, which is an optmum mix of theory and practcal that combines understanding of electronics, communicaton, computng and informaton technologies, has been on a course of rapid convergence. Our infrastructure is state-of-the-art. We are also pleased with the high priority given to our Insttute by organizatons working in the area of ICT, as is evident from their eagerness to partcipate in this years recruitment process. We extend a warm welcome to all the partcipatng organizatons. Looking forward for a warm and enduring relatonship and expectng this interacton to grow and strengthen over the years to come. Thanking you , Regards, Prof. S. C. Sahasrabudhe Director 1 VISION To serve as a catalyst and a change agent for the development of a culture for Informaton and Communicaton Technology and to actvely partcipate in the fructcaton of the Natonal Acton Plan for Informaton Technology. MISSION To be the most preferred choice of students, faculty and the industry. To be in the top 10 in every discipline: global leadership, human development, excellence in educaton and keeping the core values of the campus intact. To become a leading insttute in the area of Informaton and Communicaton Technology and related domains. 2 ABOUT DA-IICT Dhirubhai Ambani Insttute of Informaton and Communicaton Technology (DA-IICT) is a pioneer in the eld of ICT. It was established under an Act of Gujarat State Legislature (Act no. 6 of 2003) and recognized by UGC as a statutory university. DA-IICT is a prominent educatonal and research insttuton that aims at building a knowledge-based society founded on intellectual compettveness for global leadership. It is located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, with a beautful lush green campus. Highly qualied faculty, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure, bring research-led teaching to the classroom, creatng a new class of ICT engineers who will be commited to a vision of excellence both in professional life and personal. In additon to the unique undergraduate programme B.Tech.(ICT) - the insttute oers M.Tech.(ICT), M.Sc.(IT), M.Sc.(ICT in ARD), M.Des.(CD) and Ph.D programs which are designed to develop students comprehension of technology both within the broad vision of science and in the understanding of business management and social environment. DA-IICT has emphasized interdisciplinary research right from its incepton, and research initatves at DA-IICT are aimed at technological development and enhancing interactons with leading industries and research organizatons in India and abroad. 3 ICT PIONEER DA-IICT is a forerunner in the eld of ICT. This fundamental innovaton, combining Electronics and Communicaton Engineering (ECE) and Computer Sciences and Engineering (CSE), was embedded in the large matrix of interdisciplinary subjects including Design, Science and Management, Film and Animaton along with the traditonal Humanites and Social Sciences. This vision, we are proud to say, goes beyond the traditonal idea of Liberal Arts wedded to an technology insttute. It visualizes the student as a professional and as a citzen dealing with knowledge systems at large but with core competence in ICT. The curriculum designed by eminent professors very well exemplies the convergence of skills required by ICT. Research and development is the most important component of the educaton system, which puts the insttute at par with many other reputed insttutes in the country. Projects, which are aimed at providing practcal knowledge and experience, form an integral component of the educaton system. The curriculum is designed to produce competent and condent engineers with knowledge and expertse to meet the needs of current and future world. 4 DA-IICT oers a unique four-year Undergraduate Program leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Informaton and Communicaton Technology - B.Tech. (ICT). "ICT" embodies the convergence of Computer, Electronics and Communicaton Systems and has obtained wide acceptance as a distnct discipline. Since technological courses are introduced from the very rst semester, the student has the necessary background to specialize and delve deeper into specic sub-areas of knowledge within ICT in the later part of the Program. It is also expected that ICT graduates would enjoy a special niche since they have certain performance capabilites not found in conventonal CSE and/or ECE graduates. This is because given the unique interdisciplinary structure of the four-year-long B.Tech. program, the student acquires a good balance between the breadth demanded by comprehension at the systems level and the depth demanded by scientc understanding of the fundamentals. Electve courses consttute the bulk of the curriculum in the third and fourth years of study, which means that the student has the freedom to acquire prociency in her/his elds of interest. Group electves dierentate between students of core Informaton Technology, core Electronics and core Communicatons elds. Science electves are courses oered in the areas of Mathematcs and Engineering Sciences. Technical electves cover technical courses from various elds of Informaton and Communicaton Technology, and Open electves are courses oered from areas like Humanites, Social Sciences, Management and Engineering Arts including Design, which are not covered in the technical electves. The blend of theoretcal, technical and humanites courses available ensures a distnctve mental development of the students, whereby they are equally adept in the understanding of the theoretcal foundatons, practcal applicatons and social and cultural context related to the technology they are studying. Projects, which are aimed at providing practcal knowledge to students, form a signicant component in the educaton. PROGRAM OVERVIEW & CURRICULUM B.Tech. (ICT) 5 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM SEMESTER 1 Approaches to Indian Society Basic Electronic Circuits Calculus and Complex Variables Communicaton Skills Introducton to Programming
ICT for freshers SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Introducton to Communicaton Systems Digital Logic Design Principles of Economics Object Oriented Programming Introducton to Discrete Mathematcs Signals and Systems Science, Technology, Society Data Structures Computer Organizaton Algebraic Structures Electromagnetc Theory Analog and Digital Communicaton Analog Circuits Introducton to Business Finance System Sofware Environmental Studies Probability and Statstcs SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Core Embedded Hardware Design Computer Networks Database Management System Electve Digital Signal Processing Introducton to Algorithms Introducton to VLSI Stochastc Simulaton Dynamics of Animaton Biotechnology Introducton to Graph Theory Internatonal Management Optcal Communicaton Elements of Business Management Organisatonal Behaviour Development Theory and Practces Core Sofware Engineering Electve Models of Computaton Operatng Systems Solid State Devices Statstcal Communicaton Theory Advanced Digital Signal Processing Quantum Computers Elements of Business Management Combinatorial Games and Algorithm Design Web Data Management Computer Graphics Digital Image Processing Digital System Architecture Web Programming Introducton to Cryptography Informaton Retrieval Radio Frequency Engineering
WINTER: RURAL INTERNSHIP Course List Core Core Core Core 6 SEMESTER 6 SEMESTER 7 Radio Wave Propagaton Satellite Communicaton Wireless Sensor Networks Topics in Medical Electronics Introducton to Coding Theory and Applicatons Dynamics of Animaton Advanced Animaton Introducton to Nanoscience and Technology Introducton to Quantum Mechanics Modern Optcs Culture, Politcs, Identty Adaptve System Design Modernity and Politcal Theory Introducton to Marketng Multcultural Educaton & Human Diversity The Business of Technology Electves Speech Communicaton Optcal Informaton Processing Approaches to Science Ficton Robotcs Lab Security Protocols Computer Games: Design and Implementaton System and Network Security Advanced Radio Frequency Engineering Network Protocols Logic for Computer science Natural Computng Algorithms for Bio-informatcs and Optmizaton Language in India and Language Mapping Systems, Politcs and Implicatons Quantum Computers The Proper Work of Reason: An Introducton to the culture of Philosophy Games, Simulatons and Modelling
B.Tech. Project (Part-1) SEMESTER 8 B.Tech. Project/ B.Tech. Project (Part-2) (B.Tech. Project could be taken either on-campus or o-campus)
SUMMER: RESEARCH/ INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP Computatonal Biology Electves (contnued) 7 POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM Master of Technology (Informaton and Communicaton Technology) is a two year Research oriented Program focused on providing a domain capability to each student that allows them to have a meaningful career along with satsfying the demands of industry for innovatve solutons. The program curriculum includes a wide range of electve courses along with a few core courses. Students are also required to pursue one full year (two semesters) of research under the guidance of a faculty advisor and submit a Masters Thesis.
The high quality of research facilites and the opportunity to work under one of the nest facultes in India, aided with capability of DA-IICT student to think in new horizons, has led this course at DA-IICT to be research benchmark in the country and one of the primary choices of students who want to pursue a career in research. The students specialize in one of the four streams: Machine Intelligence (MI) - The objectve of the Machine Intelligence stream is to carry out basic research in an atempt to make a machine behave like a human being. Computer Networks (CNS) - Aims at impartng cutng edge technical knowledge to the students who wish to pursue their careers in the eld of computer networks. Communicatons (COMM) - Keeping in mind the high frequency electronics and communicaton revoluton in the last decade, the Communicaton Systems program has been designed to equip the students with the concepts of various communicaton technologies. VLSI-ES (VLSI) - This course has won the legacy of being one of the agship courses at DA-IICT. The students here have the privilege of studying from the best in the eld of embedded systems and M.TECH. 8 Course List SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 Core Digital Image Processing (MI) Patern Recogniton & Machine Learning (MI) Fuzzy-Neural Systems (MI) Introducton to Informaton Retrieval (MI) Graph Theory and Algorithms (CNS) Introducton to Cryptography (CNS) Service Oriented Computng (CNS) Embedded Systems Programming (CNS) Informaton Theory and Coding (CSP) Wireless System Design (CSP) VLSI Subsystem Design (VLSI) Real Time Embedded Systems (VLSI) Electve Numerical Dierental Geometry: Image Processing (MI) Satellite Communicaton (CSP) Radio Wave Propagaton (CSP) Advanced Digital Signal Processing (CSP) Core Research 2 & 3 Computer Vision (MI) Combinatorial Algorithms (CNS) System and Network Security (CNS) Approaches to Semantc Web (CNS) Sensor Network Devices (CNS) Advanced Digital Communicaton (CSP) Advanced Wireless Communicaton (CSP) Advanced Analog Design (VLSI) Electve Image Representaton & Analysis (MI) Core Algorithms Essental Mathematcs Probability Theory Specializaton Core Fundamentals of Machine Intelligence (MI) Advanced Computer Networks (CNS) System and Signal Theory (CSP) VLSI Design (VLSI)
Technical Communicaton Research 1 SEMESTER 4 Research 4, 5, 6 & 7 (M.Tech. Thesis) 9 SUMMER Master of Science (Informaton Technology) is an intensive two year program designed for students who wish to pursue a professional career in Informaton Technology. At the end of this program, the graduate will be trained in three important and complementary skills - a sound theoretcal foundaton; an ability to analyze, conceptualize and design systems; and uency with modern sofware design and development tools. With these abilites, a graduate of this program can expect to build a satsfying career in the challenging eld of Informaton Technology as sofware engineer, analyst and system designer. The course has been carefully designed to guide the student through basic concepts up to current practces in industry. Also, the students are required to carry out a summer internship of four weeks afer their rst year and an industry internship in the last semester of the program, to make them aware of the current practces in the industry. The course is open to candidates who have obtained a degree in an engineering or a science discipline and any computer science course within it. M.Sc.(IT) SEMESTER 1 Database Design & Programming Computer Organizaton Programming Paradigms Communicaton Mathematcs SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Object Oriented Analysis & Design Algorithms and Data Structure Programming Laboratory I Computer Networks Network Economy and Society Core Principles of Management Sofware Engineering Programming Laboratory II Electve Data mining and Warehousing Informaton Systems Security Distributed Computng Optmizaton Service Oriented Computng Informaton Retrieval
Industrial Project Course List Core Core 10 Summer Internship Quanttatve Analysis Computer Games - Design & Implememntaton Technical Communicaton M.Des.(CD) SEMESTER 1 Approaches to Culture & Communicaton Fundamentals of Design - I Object Oriented Programming Principles of Interacton Design Writng, Presentaton and Communicaton SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Research Methodologies - Ethnography and its Introducton to Narratology Fundamentals of Design - II Web Design: Applicatons, Inter-connectbility Open Electve Culture, Politcs and Identty Exploratons in Design Anthropology Introducton to Marketng Introducton to Semiotcs Individual Design Project Animaton Games, Simulatons and Modeling Thematc Seminar/Workshop/RR Research Applicaton: Constructng Research Proposal Seminar: Ratonale, Applicatons Master in Design (Communicaton Design) is a two-year program that aims to develop technological prociency along with the cultural and creatve sensibility required for successful communicaton of ideas and informaton within specic social contexts. Such hybridity is essental to the emerging markets of infotainment and the growing demand for new and innovatve design solutons. The program also seeks to respond to the growing needs to design informaton products and services in such a way that they become meaningful links to related knowledge bases.
Course List skills (Reading/Research) Narratves Process, Outcome Core Core Core 11 DA-IICT also oers a Master of Science degree in ICT in Agriculture and Rural Development. This program prepares professionals who will be able to use ICT as a means for developing innovatve solutons to existng and emerging challenges in the area of agriculture, rural development, rural entrepreneurship, rural marketng and services for sustainable livelihood security by enabling rural people to take control of their future. The program oers a unique career opportunity to the students that ranges from Agribusiness to Commodity Exchanges and from Research to Market Analysis, and thus aims to occupy the unique developmental niche in the eld of agricultural and sustainable development using ICT. The courses taught in this program include Computer Basics along with Rural Finance, Approaches to Sustainable Development, E-governance, Agribusiness Management, ICT Infrastructure Management and others. An Industrial/Research internship and a thesis based on the same are also included in the program. 12 SEMESTER 1 Development Theory and Practces Quanttatve Analysis- 1 Rural Finance Technical Communicaton Skills Informaton System Modelling Computer Basics SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Database Management Systems Quanttatve Analysis -2 Research Methodology Systems Approaches to Sustainable Development Organizatonal Theory Remote Sensing and GIS Core Modelling and Simulaton of Dynamic Systems Producton and Operatons Management Management Informaton Systems ICT Infrastructure Management Electve 1& 2 Precision Farming Citzen-led Development Practces E-governance for Development
Thesis based on Industry/Research Internship Course List Core Core Summer Internship Supply Chain Management System Policies and Implicatons Project Management M.Sc.(ICT-ARD) Overall distributon (batch wise) DEMOGRAPHICS (2014 BATCH) 13 Overall distributon M. Tech Specialisatons B.Tech Group Electves (5th Semester) Note: All statistics shows number of students STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS
Our students have made us proud by their achievements in various elds. Following are some of the achievements : 14 IEEE Outstanding Women In Engineering Award , 2013 Ankita Mehta Google Code In Mentor , 2011 Siddharth Kothari Microsoft Imagine Cup Second Runner Up , 2013 Somsubhra Bairi, Jaydeep Solanki Anuj Kosambi, Abhinav Tripathi International Association for Pattern Recognition Scholarship , 2011 Maulik Madhavi Zucker Travel Award , 2011 Megha Tak, Mohit Setia Outstanding Chapter Chair IAS Worldwide , 2012 Megha Tak Google Women In Engineering , 2011 Gitam Shikkenawis Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Scholarship , 2010 Vivek Goswami Event Students 15 Guest of Honour for Republic Day Parade , 2011 Vivek Goswami and Rachit Mittal IGNITE Award Function , 2010 Parth C. Mehta, Poojan Shah, Vedang Patel, Pavas Kant, Darsh Shah, Maullik Padia,Naman Mulay, Kedar Bhatt, Shirali Desai, Hetaswi Vankani and Mohit Kothari Internship at Carnegie Mellon University Human Computer Interaction , 2013 Sharan Shodhan, Nirmal Patel and Nikhil Poonawala Internship at Microsoft Research India , 2010 Vivek Goswami Mit Media Lab - Lab Design and Innovation Workshop , 2011 Aakriti Gupta Ted Fellow of the year , 2011 Sumit Dagar INSPIRE Fellowship of DST, Govt. of India Milind Shah KDE Conference , 2012 Yash Shah TCS Research Fellowship , 2011 Khaja Ahmad Shaik USID Gurukul , 2011 Yash Soni IIT Madras Hackfest Speaker , 2010 Nikhil Marathe Attended Game Developers Conference , 2011 Kishan Patel and Ankit Patel Volunteer at International Youth Conference for Energy - Hungary , 2013 Vani Alamkrutha Volunteer at Applied Power Electronics Conference - Las Vegas , 2013 Megha Tak All India IAS Chapter Meetup - Winners , 2013 IAS DA-IICT Outstanding IEEE Student Branch Gujarat Section , 2013 IEEE DA-IICT KDE India Meetup , 2013 GDG - DA-IICT 3rd at Echelon a event of IIT-KGP Abhishek Shah techno-management Festival,Kshitij, 2012 TCS Best student award, 2013 Raghuvir Songhela 16 Petro Cup Golden Medal and Winners Trophy , 2012 DA-IICT Carrom Team Nirmas Annual Fest Horizon - General Quiz Winner , 2012 Chittranjan Das Chinmay Maheshwari and Vaishali Behl IIM Chaos, I.P.T.G Flare and Synapse Winners , 2011 DA-IICT Music Team Synapse(DAIICT), Waves (BITS Goa), Nirma and Nift Winners , 2012 Street Play DA-IICT Theatre Group Sportech 2012(IIT-Delhi) Runners Up , 2012 Girls Badminton and Boys Lawn Tennis PDPU - Dance Winners , 2013 DA-IICT Dance Coders PDPU - Folk Dance Winners , 2013 DA-IICT Khelaiya Group Concours (Sports Fest DAIICT) , 2012 DA-IICT Footbal Team IIM Knowledge Quiz Winners, 2012 DA-IICT Quiz Team BITS Pilani Spree (Sports Fest) Gold Medalist , 2012 DA-IICT Swimming Team Event Students RESEARCH AT DA-IICT 17 Research at the insttute falls into several contemporary areas of Informaton and Communicaton Science and Engineering (VLSI design, mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks, wireless communicaton, digital signal & image processing, machine intelligence, security, embedded systems, and bioinformatcs) and of Social Sciences and Rural Development (Gandhian philosophy, endangered languages, tribal and non-tribal societes, micro insurance and rural nance). To support research and development, a full range of required infrastructure has been established, including well-equipped laboratories, specialized equipment, campus wide networking, and high-speed internet access and subscripton to hundreds of print and online journals. An important aim of the research and development actvites is to stmulate and enhance the research ability and potental of students who have the interest and apttude to carry out innovatve research. DA-IICT Centre for Entrepreneurship and Incubaton (DCEI) was started in 2007 as a launch pad for students and faculty who wish to turn their technical inventveness into successful businesses. To provide impetus to the various incubaton actvites at DCEI, the Department of Informaton Technology (DIT), Government of India has sanctoned a grant worth Rs. 1.5 crores under the Technology Incubaton and Development of Entrepreneurship (TIDE) scheme. Direct nancial assistance will be provided to start-ups from the funding sanctoned by DIT. The Insttute has ongoing collaboratons with many universites and organizatons throughout the world. Under an MoU with TCS, a few selected PhD scholars of DA-IICT could be selected as TCS scholars. The Insttute has already signed an MoU with Space Applicatons Center (SAC), ISRO to admit SAC scientsts for the doctoral program at DA-IICT. Under an MoU with ERICSSON, a certcaton program would be conducted by the telecom major for the B.Tech students. Project Title: Development of Text to Speech System in Indian Languages Phase-II Agency: DITGOI PI: Prof. Hemant Patl Sanctoned Amount: 76,90,000/- Project Title: Development of Cross Lingual Informaton (CLIA) System Phase-II Agency: DIT PI : Prof. Prasenjit Majumder Sanctoned Amount: 70,84,000/- Project Title: Indian Digital Heritage (IDH-Hampi) Phase-II (Digital Capture of Culture & Heritage) Agency: DST PI : Prof. Manjunath Joshi Sanctoned Amount: 37,60,000/- Project Title: Serviceoriented Architecture for Spatal Data Integraton and Spatal Reasoning Agency: DST PI : Prof. Sanjay Chaudhary Sanctoned Amount: 35,04,280/- Project Title: Security Proofs and Multdisciplinary Evaluaton for Dynamic Key Assignment Schemes Agency: DST (Indo-Japan) PI : Prof. Anish Mathuria Sanctoned Amount: 29, 36,000/- Project Title: Sensor Network Test-Bed for Tokamak Environment Agency: Board for Research in Fusion Technologies (BRFST) PI : Prof. Prabhat Ranjan Sanctoned Amount: 29,06,000/- Project Title: Techniques for Robust Face Recogniton with pose variaton Agency: BRNS PI: Prof. Suman Mitra Sanctoned Amount: 21,92,350/- Project Title: Security and Privacy Infrastructure for Internet of Things- Scenarios and Applicatons Agency: DST (Indo-Spain) PI : Prof. Maniklal Das Sanctoned Amount: 21, 44,340/- Project Title: Evaluaton of Spatotemporal Dynamics of Land Surface Evapotranspiraton and Monsoon Rainfall Coupling over Indian region for climate change studies Agency: DST PI : Dr. Indrani Choudhury Singh Sanctoned Amount: 18,95,000/- Project Title: Distorton and Accuracy Improvement in Sample and Hold Circuits for Analog-Digital Converters Agency: DST PI: Prof. Subhajit Sen Sanctoned Amount: 18,04,800/- 18 ONGOING SPONSERED PROJECTS Project Title: Securing Biometric Data Using Data Hiding Techniques Agency: Board for Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) PI : Prof. Mehul Raval Sanctoned Amount: 13,03,150/- Project Title: Finger/Wrist mounted Universal Remote Control for CP Patent Agency: Natonal Trust PI : Prof. Prabhat Ranjan Sanctoned Amount: 12,65,000/- Project Title: Wireless Telemedicine using Body Area Sensor Networks and Heterogeneous Access Networks Agency: DST PI : Prof. Laxminarayana Pillutla Sanctoned Amount: 12, 60,000/- Project Title: Development of Prosodically Guided Phonetc Engine for searching speech database in Indian Languages Agency: DITGOI PI : Prof. Hemant Patl Sanctoned Amount: 50,60,000/- Project Title: Semantc Web Based Parser, SPARQL Query Builder And Informaton Extracton from social networks Agency: eZDI PI : Prof. Sanjay Chaudhary Sanctoned Amount: 10,28,790/- Project Title: Value Additon in Grassroots Technologies Agency: Natonal Innovaton Foundaton PI : Prof. Anil Roy Sanctoned Amount: 9,59, 271/- Project Title: Developing of Infant Cry Analyzer using Source and System Features Agency: DST PI: Prof. Hemant Patl Sanctoned Amount: 5,96,000/- Project Title: Mobile Applicaton Development Agency: USID PI : Prof. Asim Banerjee Sanctoned Amount: 50,000/- 19 RESEARCH PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS BY STUDENTS
2012 Sandeep Vasani, Mohit Pandey, and Minal Bhise : Semantc Search Using Constrained Spread Actvaton for Semantc Digital Library, published in Springer LNCS Volume 7154. The paper got selected for presentaton in ICDCIT 2012. Gitam Shikkenawis, Suman K Mitra : A New Proposal for Locality Preserving Projecton, appeared in Proceedings of Percepton and Machine Intelligence, 2012, LNCS, Vol 7143, pp 298-305. Gitam Shikkenawis presented a poster named Improved Locality Preserving Projecton :An extension of LPP to resolve ambiguity occurring in overlapping region at Grace Hopper Celebraton of Women in Computng, Bangalore, India. 2011 Shikkenawis Gitam: Geometry and Skin Color Based Hybrid Approach for Face Tracking in Color Environment , published by Springer in Advances in Computer Science and Informaton Technology, Communicaton in Computer and Informaton Science, 2011, Vol. 131, Part 2,339-347. Parth Mehta, Parth Parikh and Prof. Chintan Modi : an IEEE paper on ' Non Destructve Quality Evaluaton Of Chocolate Chip Cookies ' presented at CSNT-'11, Jammu. Patel Mehul, Chaudhary Sanjay, Bhise Minal : Agro-Produce Marketng Using Social Network. The paper is accepted as a short paper at "First Internatonal Workshop on Social Media Engagement (SoME 2011)" in conjuncton with Internatonal World Wide Web Conference 2011 in Hyderabad, India. Patel Kishan, Lomas Derek : Exploring the Design Space of Telephony Applicatons for Community Organizatons and Social Actvism, appeared in proceedings of CHI-2011's workshop "HCI, Politcs and the City: Engaging with Grassroots Communites for Reecton and Acton", Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada, May 7-12, 2011. Bhat Shreyansh, Chaudhary Sanjay, Bhise Minal : An Approach to Migraton of Database from one Cloud to another, presented at wcloud 2011, Workshop on Issues in Virtualizaton / Cloud Systems. 2010 Gupta Parth, Rao Sameer, Majumdar Prasenjit: External Plagiarism Detecton: N-Gram Approach using Named Entty Recognizer, appeared in Lab Report for PAN at CLEF, Sept. 22-23, Padua, Italy, 2010. In Braschler et al. ISBN 978-88-904810-0-0 20 [Authored or Co-Authored by Students] RURAL INTERNSHIP INTERNSHIP RESEARCH INTERNSHIP INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP Rural Internships at DA-IICT help bring students face-to-face with many intricacies involved in the organizatonal aspect of learning. Students get a thorough understanding about the rural socio-economic scenario. It provides exposure to grassroot realites, in the rural setng, with a focus on partcipaton in interventons by NGOs. Interns put their skills and enthusiasm to practcal applicaton in the eld, with real-life projects undertaken in rural areas. This internshipforms the basis for the nurturing of engineers, who then cater to the industry with a sense of pride, through the incorporaton of an environmental-cum social outlook in their ideas for sustainable development. The Duraton of this internship is 1 month. The goal of a Research Internship is to train students to develop independent research skill sand to foster positve professional interacton between interns and their mentors, thus creatng an excellent research environment in the campus. Some of the areas of research are Inductve Logic Programming for NLPs, Natural Language Processing, Digital Cash Protocols, Distance-bounding Protocols, Guessing Atacks, Hash Chains, Numbering Problems in Trees, Search Algorithms, Informaton Visualizaton using Height Mapping, Mobile Applicatons, BandPass Sampling, FPGA Implementaton, CMOS Amplier/Comparator, Design Study, Current Streaming DACS, Image Compression, Rayleigh Fading Channels, Modes in Optcal Fibre, V-SAT Satellite.Long term (duraton - 6 months) and Short term (duraton - 2 months). In Industrial Internship, students are taken in as interns in various leading ICT companies, where they are exposed to the latest industrial practces. A practcal meaning is given to the concept sand models studied during the course. It provides the opportunity to work with industrialists,and to make rst decisions in the industrial world. It also makes it possible to improve the communicaton capabilites and situatonal analysis, a precise identcaton of the work environment, by increasing contacts and working relatonships within the company. The program also assists in gaining hands-on experience of working on projects in the current market scenario. Companies also gain from the fresh perspectve and inputs of the students, which in turn helps in improving their prole among the student community. This internship is categorized into twoparts, as Long term (duraton - 6 months) and Short term (duraton - 2 months). 21 DA-IICT is the rst university in India to oer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the area of Informaton and Communicaton Technology, that is, B.Tech.(ICT), M.Tech.(ICT), M.Sc.(IT), M.Sc.(ICT in ARD) and M.Des.(Communicaton Design). All the courses have their specic distnguished values and qualites and students undergo a rigorous learning process based on the present industrial demands and latest research areas, enabling them to immediately take up diverse roles in industrial organizatons with lan. The unique syllabus grants versatlity to the students, ensuring that they have professional knowledge of all elds of ICT.
The industry is always in need of highly skilled fresh talent, and this need is addressed by DA-IICT's comprehensive and long term approach to educaton with a highly charged and professional atmosphere. WHY RECRUIT @ DA-IICT? 22 DataQuest ranked DA-IICT as the 10th Best Engineering College in 2012. 23 PAST & CURRENT PLACEMENT STATISTICS AVERAGE PACKAGE* HIGHEST PACKAGE* 24 *fgures till 1st May 2013 PAST RECRUITERS 25 And Many More... ELIGIBILITY PLACEMENT POLICY All students graduatng from the insttute in the year 2014 are eligible to partcipate in the place- ment actvites. DEFINITIONS Placement Cell: A body consistng of the Placement Ocer, Faculty members and the Student Placement Commitee. Category of a company: The classicaton of a company into Dream,Niche or Regular, based on the criteria of pay packages and work prole. Job Oer: If a students name appears on the nal shortlist declared afer the Companys process through the Placement Oce, then that would be considered as an Oer to the student. Rejecton of an oer: An oer made will be considered rejected if the concerned student informs the placement cell about the rejecton in person and in writng. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A COMPANYS PLACEMENT PROCESS The cell has conrmed his/her registraton. He/She meets the requirements/eligibility criteria specied i) By the company and ii) By the placement policy A student selected in a Niche category company has the opton of upgrading to a Dream category company and a student selected in a Regular category company has the opton of upgrading to a Niche or a Dream category company both. So following permutatons are possible: i) Regular category company (accepted) ii) Regular category to Niche category company (upgradaton) iii) Regular category to Dream category company(upgradaton) iv) Niche category company (accepted) v) Niche category to Dream category company(upgradaton) vi) Dream company ( accepted) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. A student can partcipate in the placement process of a company subject to the following conditons: 26 The company shall provide the oer leters to the Placement oce and not directly to the students. When the Placement Oce receives an oer leter from a company for a student, it shall communicate the same to her/him. A tme period will be declared where students have to inform the Placement Oce regarding his/her decision on the oer. If He/She fails to do so, it shall be assumed that the oer has been rejected by him/her. If a student having a Dream category oer, is considered to be out of the campus placement process. When a student receives a second oer, i.e. in the case of upgradaton, from Regular to Niche / Dream or Niche to Dream categories, then the previous oer automatcally stands rejected. The purview of the Placement Oce is restricted only to the oers made as part of the campus placement process. Students can upgrade only once, hence if a student has upgraded from regular to niche category then he/she cannot upgrade further to Dream category and they are out from the placement process. If a student partcipates in the placement process of a company, then he/she cannot leave it in between. If such a case arises, then it will be deemed as rejecton of the oer. A student can upgrade only once by rejectng regular/niche category oer. If a student rejectng a Dream category company, then he/she is considered as not interested in placement process. Student can only reject one oer at maximum, if they reject the second oer than he/she becomes ineligible for the placement process. On upgrading to a higher category company, the previous oer stands rejected.
If a student does not inform the Placement Oce regarding his/her decision on acceptance of an oer within the declared tme period, then it will be deemed as rejecton of the oer. OFFER OF A JOB REJECTION OF AN OFFER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 27 PLACEMENT PROCEDURE Companies are invited through e-mail and phone calls. A hard copy or sof copy of the brochure is also sent for the same purpose. Companies interested in recruitng DA-IICT students must ll up the Job Announcement Form, indicatng that they have accepted the Placement Policy and the placement procedure adopted by the Placement Oce. Informaton gathered through the medium of the Job Announcement Form is as follows: a. Declaraton of the compensaton package. b. Conrmaton of campus visit and preferred dates. c. The Procedure to be followed during the campus recruitment drive. d. Job Prole(s) & Designaton(s) oered. The Placement Oce scrutnizes the Job Announcement Form for all the companies, and categorizes them into Regular or Niche, according to the various criteria dened by the Cell. The company/organizaton should conrm or negotate their dates with the Cell. Afer that registratons for the company will be opened on placement website. All the interested student will register for the company and nal list of interested students is forwarded to the company. Pre-placement talks are held at the insttute during which the companies shall make presentatons about their operatons and job prole(s) oered. The company is required to furnish the nal list of selected students soon afer the completon of the selecton procedure, on the companys leter-head, duly signed. Job is registered against against the selected students and thereafer they may or may not be allowed to appear for other companies interviews, as per the placement policy. The company shall send or hand over the oer leter only to the Placement Oce/Ocer within a set tme-frame and with mutual understanding. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 28 COMPANY TESTIMONIAL Mu Sigma, a pioneer in the Decision Sciences space, has been recruitng students from DA-IICT for the past four years. As a category-dening company, we look forward to candidates who have the right acumen for business, math and technology. We are happy that students from DA-IICT have fared very well in our organizaton. This can be atributed to the emphasis that the insttuton places on holistc development, rather than just class room instructons. The insttuton has surely provided a right foundaton for the students to succeed in life. We sincerely look forward to a contnued partnership with DA-IICT -Mr. Sachin Jog, Head-Talent Management, Mu Sigma ZS Associates It is been a privilege to hire from DAIICT in the past few years and we are really satsed with the quality of students we get from your prestgious insttuton. DAIICT students meet global standards. We have seen many success stories at our organizaton who have come from your school. We value our long relatonship and would like to further strengthen it. We would also like to point out progression and improvement in quality of batches we are interviewing year afer year. Wish you all the best. -Mr. Krishan Pratap Singh, ZS Associates India Pvt. MORGAN STANLEY Morgan Stanley has been impressed with the recruitment process at DA-IICT. Since we began recruitng there in 2012, we have found the quality of the students to be very strong. In additon, a welcoming and friendly faculty team have made our campus recruitng seamless and ecient. We look forward to a long and fruitul relatonship with DA-IICT -Mr. Paul Cherian, Executve Director , Morgan 29 MU SIGMA We have been visitng DA-IICT since 2009. Thank you for the help weve had from you in hiring quality talent who have contributed to our success. Deloite Consultng India Private Limited DELOITTE Naga Vishnukanth Irukulapat (B.Tech. 2009) - EPhD student at Chalmers University of Technology Besides the best tmes with friends, prof's, there are three main things that I enjoyed during my BTech days: interdisciplinary technical courses and freedom to choose whatever we want to; non-technical courses which gave a whole dierent perspectve of technology and society; extra curricular actvites and freedom to start student clubs and partcipate in existng ones. All of these are playing very important role in my current work and also in my day-to-day actvites in my thinking process and viewing at technology. I am very thankful for the teachers and friends who made those days very memorable. Poojan Shah (B.Tech. 2012)- MS Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech. (Will be interning with NVIDIA over the summer) The curriculum at DA-IICT gives students an opportunity to explore various topics in ICT and at the same tme allows them nvolved in research. Also, various humanites courses oered at DA-IICT gives students a broader perspectve of things, giving us an edge over other students. I think DA-IICT's biggest contributon is that, that it has enabled and provided me with the tool-set to quickly grasp any new thing and put it to practce.
Sauhard Pande (B.Tech. 2012)- Samsung Sofware Engineering labs DA-IICT is prestgious insttuton that provided me a great platorm to grow on all fronts. A great campus infrastructure, world class faculty, diverse curriculum and a great environment to learn and grow, all these add up to help an individual pursue and fulll his/her dream. All four years spent here have been memorable and have equipped me with the skills that has helped me in both personal and professional life. DA-IICT has contnuously cultvated great engineers in every student and I hope it contnues to deliver the same for many more years to come. ALUMNI PERSPECTIVE Ishani Parekh (B.Tech. 2012) - Google, Mountain View So how did DA-IICT help me? rst of all, the course ICT gave me a good chance to understand my eld of interest. I got chance to study under really dedicated and friendly professors. Talented peers and seniors were an important source of informaton and made my engineering years all the more interestng and full of good memories. 30 Subodh Asthana (B.Tech 2012) , Engineer Associate, Qualcomm India (P) Ltd I am really proud to be a part DA-IICT which through its top notch faculty and unique, diverse and exible curriculum helped me enter the industry headlong and prepared me to lead a successful professional life. The research oriented curriculum with inter-disciplinary blend of CS, ECE and Humanitarian Sciences broadens our vision to not only how we perceive an engineering problem from our domain but also to how we discern the society and cultures at large and therefore help us become a beter human being and responsible citzens. Shubham Jain (B.Tech. 2001, M.Tech. 2005), pursuing Ph.D at DA-IICT As a student, teaching assistant and research scholar at DA-IICT, I have felt a very comfortable and pleasing environment here. I have grown with this insttute in literal sense. The thing that kept me stcking to DA-IICT was the ICT factor apart from many other reasons which allowed me to strengthen this bond even further. And I have a dream of not breaking this bond ever because of its exceptonal professional and emotonal touch. Devang Paliwal (B.Tech. 2006), User Interface Lead at Mygola Technolo- gies "Being part of the second batch of DA-IICT provided an unique opportunity to learn from profs who became the corner stone of an educatonal juggernaut.The insttute provides an amazing environment for stmulated growth of an individual. Profs help students visualize their dream and empower them with skills and knowledge to achieve them. The constant motvaton and encouragement by profs helps in the long run as well. I am one of the fortunate students who got a chance to study in the prestgious college. It imbibed self-belief and condence needed to survive and excel in the industry" Maulik Padia (B.Tech.2012), Nvidia DA-IICT is a distnguished insttute equipped with an unique ICT curriculum - a perfect blend of technology and humanity, world-class facultes, vivid student community, beautful campus and resourceful labs. It oers an individual everything that is required for development and success in the compettve world. It has provided opportunites to test, try and excel myself in all elds and it has helped me develop my personality and outlook. 31 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS
14 BOARD OF GOVERNERS Shri Anil D. Ambani Chairman President Reliance Group, Mumbai Prof. R. Natarajan Former Chairman Member All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi Prof. B. S. Sonde Former Vice Chancellor Member Goa University, Panaji Prof. Ashok Jhunjunwala Professor Member Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai Prof. S. C. Sahasrabudhe Director Member DA-IICT, Gandhinagar Dr. Hasmukh Adhia Principal Secretary, Higher & Technical Member Education Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Shri Ravi Saxena Additional Chief Secretary Member Department of Science & Technology Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Shri Suresh Rangachar Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information Member & Communication Technology Society, Mumbai Shri Dharmendra Bhandari Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information Member & Communication Technology Society, Mumbai Shri Manikantan Iyer Reliance Communication Limited Member Mumbai Shri N. K. Mangla Reliance Communication Limited Member Mumbai Shri Vinay Gupta Reliance Communication Limited Member Mumbai Shri Anil Nahata Reliance Communication Limited Member Mumbai Shri Vishwas Joshi Reliance Communication Limited Member Mumbai Prof. Sanjay Chaudhary Dean (Academic Programs) Member DA-IICT, Gandhiagar Prof. Anish Mathuria Dean (Research and Development) Member DA-IICT, Gandhinagar Shri Soman Nair Executive Registrar Secretary DA-IICT, Gandhinagar 33 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS
14 CONTENT: Dean Academic Programme Dean-R & D Dean Students Activities Registrar Ofce Resource Centre Placement Ofce BROCHURE DESIGN: Nitish Sharma Pranay Kumar Swena Gupta Naman Gupta Saheb Motiani PHOTOGRAPHS: Resource Centre Archive Akshay Ratan Sahil Shah Palash Jain GDG DA-IICT IEEE Near Indroda Circle, Gandhinagar. 382 007 Gujarat (India) Web : | Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Placement Brochure 2013-2014 Contact Information Anjali Kulshrestha Placement and CEP Ofcer Phone: +91 (79) 30510616 | Mobile : +919328994143 | Fax : (+91) 079-3052-0010 E-Mail: | Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
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Determining The Factors Affecting On Digital Learning Adoption Among The Students in Kathmandu Valley An Application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)