Report Structural Funds Italy

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Culture and the Structural Funds

in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


This document has been prepared by Pier Luigi Sacco on behalf of the European Expert
Network on Culture (EENC).

The EENC was set up in 2010 at the initiative of Directorate-General for Education and Culture
of the European Commission (DG EAC), with the aim of contributing to the improvement of
policy development in Europe. It provides advice and support to DG EAC in the analysis of
cultural policies and their implications at national, regional and European levels. The EENC
involves 17 independent experts and is coordinated by Interarts and Culture Action Europe. For
additional information see

About the author

Pier Luigi Sacco is Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Markets, and Heritage and Professor of Cultural
Economics at IULM University, Milan. BA Bocconi University Milan; MA, PhD European
University Institute, Fiesole. Director of the bid of Siena as the European Culture Capital 2019.
Honorary Professor, Jining University, Qufu, China. Columnist for Il Sole 24 Ore, for Flash Art
and for Arttribune. Associate Researcher, Semeion, Rome. Scientific coordinator for various EU
funded projects. President of the Cultural Observatory of Regione Marche. Has published
widely on major peer reviewed journals and edited books on game theory, cultural economics,
culture-driven local development, cultural policy, macroeconomic and microeconomic theory.
Visiting professor for lectures and courses in universities worldwide. Keynote and invited
speaker to conferences and symposia on cultural economics and policy, including European
Commission events, and Spanish and Polish EU Presidency Cultural Conferences (Barcelona,
Wroclaw). Consulting worldwide for public administrations, institutions, and companies, on
culture-led development, cultural policy design, organization design and management.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012



1. Background and Methodology 4
1.1. Background 4
1.2. Methodology 9

2. Culture and the Structural Funds 2007-2013 in Italy 11
2.1. General framework of the EU Structural Funds policy, and the Italian approach 11
2.2. Basic data and general analysis 18
2.3. Good and bad practices 27

3. SWOT Analysis 43

4. Priorities for Cultural Investment 2014-2020 54
4.1. Some general lines of action for the next programming phase 54
4.2. Specific recommendations on the basis
of the Thematic Objectives CSF 2014-2020 57

Bibliography 64

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


1. Background and Methodology

1.1. Background

In April 2012, the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European
Commission (DG EAC) submitted a request for an expert contribution on behalf of the
European Expert Network on Culture (EENC), involving the preparation of six ad-hoc
papers to analyse how the cultural and creative sectors could foster regional and local
development in six EU Member States.

The request arose in the framework of the design and negotiation of the EUs Cohesion
Policy and the Operational Programmes for the funding period 2014-20. In this context,
the Commission is preparing internal negotiation mandates that will identify the type of
investments that should be prioritised, based on an analysis of the national and
regional economic outlook of past and current spending and the identification of
potential for development and structural weaknesses to be addressed. The mandates
will allow the Commission to discuss Partnership contracts with Member States, which
should ultimately set the strategy, priorities and arrangements for using the Common
Strategic Framework (CSF) Funds in an effective and efficient way to achieve the EU
2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Initial documents for the design of the CSF of the Structural Funds 2014-2020
identified a number of areas in which culture can contribute to the achievement of EU
objectives in this field, including the role of creative clusters and the cultural and
creative industries (CCI) in Strengthening Research, Technological Development and
Innovation; the CCI and new forms of tourism in Enhancing the Competitiveness of
SMEs; cultural heritage and the rehabilitation of cultural infrastructures in Protecting
the Environment and Promoting Resource Efficiency; and the development of creative
skills and creativity in Investing in Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning. In any case,
it can also be argued that the approach taken by preliminary documents regarding the
place of culture in regional development may seem slightly narrow.

The main aim of this paper is thus to enable DG EAC to identify the potential for
strengthening the role of culture in the Structural Funds Partnership contract with
Italy, by providing a critical analysis of how the unused potential of cultural and
creative sectors can foster regional and local development in this country. The main

European Commission, Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020: the European
Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Commission Staff Working
Document, SWD(2012) 61 final; see also its accompanying Annex.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


focus of the research is on the Funds which have an impact at local, regional and
national level (particularly the European Regional Development Fund and the
European Social Fund). Attention has also been paid to cross-border and interregional
funding where this was deemed relevant for the purposes of territorial development,
growth and jobs. The paper has been conducted in parallel to similar analyses in
France, Germany, Greece, Poland, and Spain.

Italy is one of the EU member countries which seems naturally inclined to give to
culture a central role in its national and local development strategies, given the
richness of its cultural heritage, the outstanding role of culture in the definition and
perception of its national identity, the weight of the cultural and creative sector in the
national economy both in terms of turnover and employment, and its strong
international positioning in several cultural and creative sectors such as visual and
performing arts, cinema, music, publishing, fashion, design, etc. In spite of this, and in
the middle of a phase of serious difficulty in distilling an effective growth formula that
may bring the country out of a long-term stagnation phase and that calls for innovative
perspectives and new routes for policy design and action, culture seems to play a
surprising minor role in the policy debate. To a large extent, those sectors of the
cultural and creative field which are commonly perceived as key for Italian
competitiveness such as fashion or design, are primarily conceptualized as
components of the (non-cultural) manufacturing spectrum rather than as key drivers of
the cultural and creative economy, therefore not simply misplacing them but also
ignoring the deep strategic complementarities that they present with respect to so
many other cultural and creative sectors such as visual arts, architecture, music,
multimedia, etc. Consequently, the Italian policy debate on culture still suffers from a
poor and misleading conceptualization of the role of culture and creativity in economic
development and competitiveness.

Currently, the country has no national strategy, however general and tentative, for the
strategic development of its cultural and creative sector, and also at the regional level
the strategic perspective on the field is partial and fragmented, even in regions where
the share of employment in the cultural and creative sectors lies in the top positions of
the European ranking, as it is the case with Lombardy, whose sector-specific
employment level ranks third at the EU level after le-de-France and Inner London
Also the statistical data on the sector suffer from incompleteness and definitional
issues, and consequently it is often the case that the regional administrations lack the
basic knowledge required to evaluate the current state of the sector, its potential, its
geographical and socio-economic characteristics, and so on.

Dominic Power and Tobias Nielsen, Creative and Cultural Industries, The European Cluster Observatory,
DG Enterprise and Industry, Brussels, 2010.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Given this lack of perception and understanding on the side of cultural and creative
production, in Italy the economic potential of culture is seen as ancillary to the tourism
sector. Culture-related value added is thus generally found in the impact of cultural
tourism, both under the form of direct demand of cultural goods and services, and in
terms of indirect impact on service sectors (e.g. hospitality, food and wine,
merchandising). As a consequence, from a strategic point of view, culture ends up to
be invariably matched with natural resources as natural complements of the wider
national and regional touristic menu. As will be shown below, this approach clearly
reflects upon both the national and regional Operational Programs articulations of the
Structural Funds, thereby defining a very narrow policy action menu that often turns out
to be ill-focused and/or ineffective with respect to the real developmental priorities and,
in some cases, the best potential opportunities.

In a context where the developmental potential of culture is entirely handed over to its
touristic dimension with very little emphasis toward cultural production (or looking at
this dimension as a basically subsidized, economically unproductive one), cultural
tourism itself suffers from the progressive impoverishment of the cultural scene and
vitality of the art cities, which are gradually remodelling their urban and social fabric to
adapt unconditionally to the needs and the expectations of the tourists, and thus
gradually transform themselves in culturally lifeless theme parks, which expel their
historical residents, impoverish the social life of the city, endanger the proper
conservation of the heritage, foster real estate speculation and eventually threaten both
the physical and the social sustainability of the city itself.

Italian heritage cities have much to gain from a more balanced and sustainable local
development model where touristic development is integrated within a wider strategy
that combines attraction of creative professionals and development of creative
entrepreneurship, stimulation of (active) cultural participation of the residents, human
capital and skill development strategies in creative production and manufacturing, and
so on, thereby encouraging less invasive and higher value-added form of tourism, with
longer average permanence times, higher willingness to pay for quality services and
cultural experiences, etc.

North-West Italy

In terms of regional disparities, there still exist ample differences among the basic
national quadrants. In the North-West, where the old Industrial Triangle that spurred
the first wave of the countrys industrialization cycle and that hosts three major
industrial and cultural cities such as Milan, Turin, and Genoa is located, a high
concentration of the countrys cultural and creative production potential can be found.
Milan has long been considered the cultural capital of the country from the viewpoint

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


of cultural and creative production, and still maintains a prominent role in many sub-
sectors. Turin has been often cited as one of the most successful Italian examples of
culture-led urban regeneration. Major investments in new cultural facilities and in the
strategic positioning in sectors such as contemporary art, cinema, and design, together
with effective management of major cultural events such as the 2006 Cultural
Olympiads and the 2008 World Design Capital among others have transformed the
image of the city, attracting not only tourists but also young creative professionals and
entrepreneurs. Genoa has maintained so far a more traditional attitude, catering for
heritage-related tourism through the renovation of its magnificent historical centre, also
thanks to the 2004 European Culture Capital program, which has been implemented
rather as a big tourism-related event than as an opportunity of deep strategic
remodelling of the local developmental model, and has left relatively little permanent
effects apart from an enhanced perception of the city as a touristic venue. In particular,
culture has played so far a relatively little role in the citys massive post-industrial
transformation, especially if compared to the example of the afore-mentioned
neighbour city of Turin.

North-East Italy

In the North-East, which has been the cradle of the new wave of the PMI-based
countrys industrial development from the mid-70s, culture has traditionally played a
relatively minor role in local policies if compared to the North-West. The macro-region
hosts some of the most important art cities of the country such as Venice and Verona,
and is to a large extent largely representative, in its developmental culture, of the
narrow tourism-oriented view discussed above. The typical industrial organization of
the macro-region into vertically integrated production clusters, that concentrate upon a
single, product-focused value chain, leads rather naturally to a conception of culture-
led development in terms of cultural districts seen as sector-specific clusters of
cultural facilities and activities, thereby failing to take advantage of the major strategic
opportunity offered by the structure of the local economy, namely the coexistence of a
valuable heritage, a thriving but fragmented creative scene, and a high concentration of
design-oriented manufacturing, which could, if properly matched and strategically
coordinate, give a big impulse to the development of a highly competitive and original
mode of a local cultural and creative industry system. Partial exceptions to this trend
can be found in the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, which have
recently been experimenting with some actions to stimulate the active cultural
participation of citizens and creative entrepreneurial development, but still too
episodically to start a true culture-focused developmental cycle.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Central Italy

In Central Italy, there has been traditionally more attention toward cultural participation
of citizens as a physiological counterpart of tourism, and especially so in Regions such
as Emilia Romagna and Tuscany which, despite hosting major art cities, have not
exclusively focused upon the traditional tourism-centred model, being able to connect
culture with issues of active citizenship, social cohesion, and so on. A city like Bologna
has often been in recent Italian history a venue of concentration of innovative creative
talent in many disciplines, also due to its centrality in the Italian mobility system, for
which it is a sort of natural crossroads, but has recently lost much of its cultural
momentum. Florence, on the other hand, in spite of being one of Italys favourite
tourism destinations, has been constantly striving to explore new formats and formulas
to revitalize the citys cultural production potential, an objective partially accomplished
with respect to the fashion and new crafts sectors but still lacking a solid wrap up.
Finally, Rome, another of the major art tourism destinations of the country, has
undertaken substantial efforts to develop a culture-related knowledge economy, with
substantial investments in major cultural facilities such as the two large contemporary
art museums, the MAXXI and the MACRO, and a vital dynamics of creative districts,
but has suffered from discontinuous policy action and still seems to lack a coherent
long-term strategy. Other central regions such as Marche and Umbria have tried to
boost their more valuable cultural tourism destinations while at the same time investing
in programs of smart cultural events for young creative professionals, but again with
fragile results so far that need to be consolidated.

Southern Italy

In Southern Italy, after brief but intense phases of high level activity that have led cities
such as Naples, Palermo, and also Cagliari to aspire to roles of national leadership in
cultural and creative production, with the current economic crisis that is hitting even
more intensely in this macro-region than elsewhere in the country due to the relatively
lower local levels of income, employment, and human and social capital, there is a
substantial risk of paralysis. The huge cuts to culture-related public spending,
combined with the traditionally low ability to spend productively EU Structural Funds,
make it very likely that the already weak activism in the cultural and creative sector is
further impoverished in the years to come. With the partial exceptions of Naples and
Bari where significant attempts are being made in developing local forms of cultural
entrepreneurship and to experiment with production-oriented cultural policy programs,
in the South the traditional approach to cultural development as a tourism mono-culture
is very often the only perceived option, which in many cases conflicts with basic
shortcomings in the local entrepreneurial culture despite a substantial amount of

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


available public resources. It is often said that a properly conceived and designed
culture-led development strategy could be a real kick-starter for the still largely dormant
local economies, but so far this aspiration conflicts with the lack of a coherent, far-
reaching strategy and the dispersion of resources into a very fragmented and
contingent action scheme.

In the case of Italy, then, a substantial rethinking of reference concepts, models, and
strategies seems in order to best exploit the possibility offered by the culture-related
component of the upcoming 2014-2020 Structural Funds cycle to make a difference in
the long-term growth performance of the country.

Following this introduction and a short description of the methodology used, the paper
presents an initial overview of how culture has been integrated in the implementation of
the Structural Funds in 2007-2013 (Chapter 2). It then goes on to analyse the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the cultural and creative sectors in
the light of local and regional development objectives (Chapter 3). Finally, the paper
closes with a section that identifies potential priorities for the European Commissions
negotiation mandate with Italy, with a view to the implementation of the Structural
Funds in 2014-2020 (Chapter 4).

1.2. Methodology

The author of this report has been working with many regional administrations in Italy
and with several cities and provinces, and has therefore a direct, extensive knowledge
of the state of the art of cultural policy design and implementation in Italy, also with
respect to Structural Funds programming. In the status quo, as already discussed, it is
difficult to find, both at the country and at the regional level, mature examples of a
coherent, wide-ranging strategy for cultural and creative development that goes beyond
traditional, tourism-centred models. Moreover, the documentation available provides an
uneven coverage of the actual state of cultural and creative production at the regional
levels, even in the regions with the higher levels of excellence and specialization in
cultural and creative production, with the exception of the Piedmont Cultural
Observatory, which publishes an accurate yearly report on the regional cultural system,
covering both its supply and demand sides. At the time of writing, the only systematic
attempt to describe the actual structure of the Italian cultural and creative sector at the
country level has been the so-called White Book, written by a group of experts under
the initiative of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Goods and Activities (MIBAC), which

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


provided a general overview of Italys cultural and creative economy and of the single
sectors at the country level, including a basic statistical background

One natural option to achieve a synthesis of the actual policies carried out in specific
regions would be to interview key policy players, but due to the generalized lack of a
coherent general approach to the issue of culture-led local development and the
frequent turnover of policy officers that characterizes many local administrations in
Italy, it would have been difficult to build a relatively small panel that could help to
sketch out a reliable global picture rather than focusing on specific sectors, programs,
and actions, and all the more so given the limited time available (four weeks). Having
coordinated in the last year an updated country-level survey on the cultural and
creative sectors in Italy, with the help of the national networks of Italian Chambers of
Commerce, which also contained interviews to key players for each sector, and that
constitutes to the authors knowledge the most update benchmark on the state of the
sector in the country
, it can be concluded that the most effective methodology to follow
in this survey was to condensate the authors personal experience of hundreds of talks,
conference discussions, professional interaction with hundreds of public administrators,
policy officers, cultural professionals and actors, local experts, and so on, rather than
interacting with necessarily partial and incomplete (and therefore weakly
representative) panels of players. In addition, the analysis will be based on the
available official documents provided by the EU and by the regions, as well as on
specific documents reporting information on specific projects and action. Whenever
reporting fundamental information for the analysis, they will be explicitly cited in the

This said, the need to endow Italy with a reliable cultural observatory that may collect,
organize and analyse cultural data at the country and regional level is a future priority
that should adequately be pursued, possibly in the next round of Structural Funds, to
enable Italy to design and implement an effective culture-based development strategy,
and it is hoped that this critical evaluation will provide enough motivation to promote it.

W. Santagata (ed.), Libro bianco sulla creativit. Per un modello italiano di sviluppo, Universit Bocconi
Editore, Milan, 2009.
Fondazione Symbola, LItalia che verr. Industria Culturale, made in Italy e territori, Roma, 2011,
available online at

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


2. Culture and the Structural Funds 2007-2013 in Italy

2.1 General framework of the EU Structural Funds policy, and the Italian

The two EU regional development funds that are of relevance for the cultural and
creative field are, respectively, the European regional Development Fund (ERDF), and
the European Social Fund (ESF). It is also relevant to remind the existence of the
Cohesion Fund (CF), which is intended for EU countries whose GNI is below 90% of
EU average (i.e. currently the 12 more recent member states, Greece, Portugal, and
Spain as a Phasing out country), and supports environmental and transport policies.
Other funds of primary relevance in the EU cohesion policy such as the European
Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Fisheries Fund
(EFF) traditionally fall beyond the scope of relevance of cultural policy and action, but
nothing in principle prevents that culturally-related actions and policy cannot be
coherent with specific objectives and aims of these funds, and it is an interesting
challenge for the next round of structural funding to design and propose projects that
may bring about effective synergies between the cultural dimension and agriculture and

The three objectives for the 2007-2013 Structural Funds are, respectively, the
Convergence Objective, the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective,
and the European Territorial Cooperation Objective. The Convergence Objective is
funded from ERDF, ESF and CF. The Competitiveness Objective is funded by means
of ERDF and ESF. The Territorial Cooperation Objective is funded solely through

The Convergence Objective brings further the Objective 1 program, targeting regions
with a per capita GDP lying below 75% of the EU average. It plays a crucial role in
creating the conditions for the progressive harmonization of regional developmental
paths across Europe, enabling in principle the laggards to gradually catch up with the
most advanced ones, or at least to reduce substantially the gaps. In practice, however,
there has been so far a wide variability in performance in using effectively the
Convergence funds by EU at-the-time under-developed regions. In the case of Italy, for
example, Abruzzi and Molise (the latter having been phasing out during the previous
2000-2006 cycle) have been able to complete the full transition towards the former
Objective 2, currently Competitiveness Objective (see below), although they still
maintain significant gaps in terms of per capita income with respect to other Italian
regions within the same objective. Moreover, Sardinia is currently phasing in, and thus
just one step away from full Competitiveness membership, whereas Basilicata is
currently phasing out, and then still within the Convergence scope, but with a

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


transitional status. Unfortunately, there is a rocky bottom of regions which, despite
prolonged developmental impulse, are still stuck within the Convergence program and
experience serious difficulty to upgrade to the next level, namely Campania, Apulia,
Calabria, and Sicily. Not incidentally, those are among the Italian regions that also
experience major difficulty in actually spending the available funds: on the basis of the
latest available UIL survey as of May 2011
, Northern-Central Italian regions presented
a certified amount of expenditure equal to 22.5% of the available budget (with a level of
expenditure commitment of 45.5%), whereas the same figures or the South were,
respectively, 11.5% and 32.7% - in other words, half of the spending capacity of the
Center-North in terms of certified expenditure, with lows of 7% in Campania and Sicily,
10.5% in Calabria and 10.7% in Apulia the lowest figures at the country level. In other
words, without the contribution of the Competitiveness Southern regions (Abruzzi and
Molise) and of the Phasing out and Phasing in regions (Sardinia and Basilicata), the
gap in spending capacity between the four full Convergence Italian members and the
rest of the country would have been considerably bigger.

The Competitiveness Objective corresponds to the previous Objective 2 program, and
includes the regions which are (more or less) at the forefront of European
competitiveness and therefore are currently equipped to aim for ambitious
developmental goals. These are the regions which have the responsibility to compete
to the highest standards with the most advanced regional economies at the global
level, and thus to defend the competitive positioning of Europe in the new digital and
knowledge economy, to provide viable, successful, full-fledged models of smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth, and to organize themselves as full regional
innovation systems. They include the whole of Northern and of Central Italian regions.
The case of the already cited Abruzzi and Molise deserves some additional clarification
in this respect: geographically speaking, the two regions belong to Central Italy, but
historically, socially and economically they have traditionally been part of the Southern
quadrant, and therefore can be considered as hybrid cases in the present context. At
the moment, no Italian region which is at the same time geographically and socio-
economically belonging to the Southern quadrant gas so far fully managed to acquire
full membership to Competitiveness (although Sardinia is going to achieve this goal in
the next cycle).

The Territorial Cooperation Objective is the objective that supersedes past territorial
networking programs (primarily INTERREG ones), and is the fundamental platform for
EU cooperation on a variety of key issues and sectors. It currently includes the
following action lines: cross-border cooperation, i.e. short-range cooperation between

UIL-Servizio Politiche Territoriali, Le risorse dei fondi strutturali europei (FESR-FSE). Lo stato di
attuazione del quadro strategico nazionale 2007-2013, Roma, 2011.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


neighboring states and regions (formerly INTERREG IIIA); transnational cooperation
(formerly INTERREG IIIB), spanning cooperation actions within European macro-
regions (Nordic Regions, Central Europe, South-East Europe, etc.); and finally,
interregional cooperation, which includes the long-range cooperation networks
previously covered by INTERREG IIIC under the current form of INTERREG IVC, plus
some other targeted programs such as INTERACT II, ESPON II, and URBACT II.
INTERACT II is centered upon good governance issues and in particular aims at
developing skills and capabilities of policy officers, experts, and administrators, for an
enhanced, effective EU-wide cooperation through a variety of educational and training
activities (lectures, workshops, conferences, consultancy, etc.). ESPON II (European
Spatial Planning Observation Network) supports a permanent monitoring and applied
research system on the transformations of EU territories as an effect of the
implementation of local planning policies therefore acting as a fundamental repertoire
of techniques, methods and good practices for cohesion and development policies.
URBACT II is a program centered upon urban issues, and in particular issues of
employment, security, poverty, and provision of public services. The target is the
improvement of the strategies of sustainable and integrated urban development,
focusing upon cities as growth engines (through support to innovation, promotion of
entrepreneurship, support to the development of a knowledge economy, employment,
human capital accumulation), and cities as inclusive and attractive settlements (through
the integrated development of under-developed and insecure areas, support to
environmental sustainability, governance and urban planning). Overall, the Territorial
Cooperation Objective then provides EU regions with a battery of tools and actions to
improve the networked adaptation and resilience to external and structural shocks, and
to develop new, complex forms of circulation and exchange of knowledge, skills, and
practices. Also in the case of Territorial Cooperation, different Italian regions present
different capacities in fully exploiting the potential of such programs and therefore in
successfully applying to the various programs: in this case, it becomes necessary not
only to be able to manage successfully the organizational complexities of ones own
territory, but also to manage to establish solid, carefully selected and mutually
beneficial cooperation processes with other EU regions with different historical, cultural,
social and economic backgrounds a hard task that requires specific skills and high
levels of specific investments in network building.

As to the actual Structural Funds programs, ERDF and ESF pursue substantially
different goals. ERDF focuses upon development and competitiveness objectives, and
aims at enabling regions to face successfully economic and social change, and to build
useful territorial cooperation networks. The ERDF priorities for the 2007-2013 cycle are
the modernization of economic productive structures, the creation of sustainable jobs
and economic growth processes (an especially relevant priority in the current moment
of pervasive EU stagnation), the promotion of research and innovation, and

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


environmental protection and risk prevention. It is interesting to notice how, although
culture finds the majority of its most relevant funding lines within ERDF, it does not
explicitly appears in the statement of the Fund priorities, thereby identifying it as a sub-
priority within the current Structural Funds strategic framework. ESF is more addressed
toward the social and economic criticalities, with special attention for the labor market,
both in terms of adaptability of employed workers and of access to employment and
labor market participation, and for the issues of social inclusion and exclusion,
including the occupational issues of disadvantaged persons. Also in the context of ESF
it is possible to find interesting examples of culture-related actions and projects, but
given the main objectives of the fund, such examples necessarily assume a more
episodic and contextualized form when compared to the analogous initiatives that fall
within the scope of ERDF, which will therefore be our main focus of interest in what

The Structural Funds program is regulated through three hierarchical levels: the EU,
the national, and the regional ones. At the EU level, the main strategic framework is
determined by the Community Strategic Guidelines (CSG), which are translated at the
national level into the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and then
further down into the Operational Programs, that can be defined in turn at the National
(NOP), National Interregional (NIOP), and Regional (ROP) levels. It is at the OP level
that the actual policy action takes its final shape and impacts on the territory.

Community Strategic Guidelines

The CSG for the 2007-2013 cycle can be summarized into three broad objectives:
improving the attractiveness of member states, cities, and regions (with special focus
on accessibility, quality and level of services, and environmental preservation issues);
encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship and growth of the knowledge economy,
especially through support of research and innovation and of the development of new
ICTs; creating more and better jobs, fostering entrepreneurial culture, improving the
adaptability of the economic system, enhancing human capital accumulation. As a
whole, these objectives reflect quite faithfully the standard paradigms of endogenous
growth, centered upon education and intangibles on the one side, and upon strategic
innovation on the other side. Interestingly enough, culture does not play any specific
role in this framework, and could be safely judged by many to be practically irrelevant
as compared to other sectors, more canonically entrenched into the endogenous
growth paradigm such a for instance ICT. But the size and width of strategic
investments into the cultural and creative sectors that are being undertaken by the new
cultural BRICs such as China, India, South Korea, Brazil, or Abu Dhabi, to name just a
few, should ring a bell of awareness as to the potential role that culture can play in the
current global competitiveness scenario, and not only in terms of local identity or

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


tourism attractiveness, but first and foremost in terms of acting as a social platform of
soft innovation, as a primary driver of quality of life and social sustainability, and as a
grazing field for a new generation of entrepreneurs and more generally as for a new
approach to entrepreneurial culture altogether. It is perhaps advisable that the CSG for
the 2014-2020 cycle will reflect this new scenario, and will find their underpinning in
more up-to-date versions of the endogenous growth paradigm that reflect a strategic
shift from emphasis in education and technology per se to emphasis on the whole
socio-cultural context that generates a truly knowledge oriented economy something
that has to do with the perceptions and behavioral dispositions of people as much as
with the techno-economic efficiency dimension.

National Strategic Reference Framework

Italys NSRF, that translates at the country level the strategic addresses of CSG, takes
on a rather consequential general approach, in terms of improving productivity,
competitiveness and innovation through a sustainable development approach,
centered upon skills creation and enhancement of level and quality of public services
for citizens and investors: a rather reasonable framework, but one that exploits very
little the factors of comparative advantage that Italy may leverage upon and which
could, to a large extent, be equally applied to any other country with similar levels of
economic and social development. The NSRF is articulated through 4 macro-
objectives, which in turn are organized around 10 cohesion priorities.

The macro-objectives are:

developing knowledge circuits;
developing life standards, security and social inclusion;
developing clusters, services, and competitiveness;
internationalizing and modernizing the economy.

Again a rather consequential translation of the conceptual background on which the
strategic approach is built; of particular interest is the explicit reference to clusters,
which have been a distinctive feature of the Italian competitiveness model of the last
three decades, but which, in turn, are today witnessing a complex and open-ended
strategic adaptation. Therefore, the reference to clusters development as an all-
encompassing option without a clear reflection on the nature and typology of districts
whose emergence should be facilitated may generate an ambiguous response. The
main issue in this respect is the passage from vertically integrated district models,
which are centered upon a specific sector and upon a narrow spectrum of value chains,
and which have proven to be effective in a phase where a competitive edge could be
maintained through SME-driven incremental innovation processes, to new forms of

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


horizontally integrated clusters where the main agglomeration driver is no longer the
sector but the level of orientation toward innovative processes and innovation
networking a structural change that deeply modifies the nature of the clustering
processes and that, if not properly understood, may result in perverse lock in into
strategically obsolete models. Interestingly, it turns out that, in such new forms of
horizontally integrated clusters, culture plays a key role as a system integrator that
allows new and more sophisticated forms of strategic coordination among
heterogeneous productive sectors
. Rather than focusing on cultural district as sector-
specific entities, it should therefore be necessary to foster new forms of cluster
organization where culture establishes innovative forms of dialog and interchange with
other, innovation-oriented productive sectors. As will be discussed in what follows, this
is not the approach that has been adopted so far by Italy, and this particular strategic
choice exemplifies many of the limitations of the current Italian approach in the design
and implementation of structural funding in the cultural field with a view to pursuing the
more general developmental objectives of the NSRF.

The 10 cohesion priorities that translate the NSRF objectives into actual policy lines

1. human resources enhancement;
2. promotion of research and innovation for competitiveness;
3. sustainable and efficient use of environmental resources for development;
4. social inclusion, quality of life-improving services and territorial attractiveness;
5. promotion of natural and cultural resources for the enhancement of
attractiveness and development, especially in relationship to tourism
diversification and to the extension of the tourism season;
6. transport networks and links, with special emphasis on Trans-European
7. competitiveness of productive systems and employment, through effective
financial engineering schemes to support SMEs;
8. competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and urban areas;
9. internationalization and investment, consumption and resource attractiveness;
10. governance, institutional capacity and market and competition efficacy.

Apparently, culture appears within the 10 cohesion priorities, but with a very
circumscribed and, in a sense, instrumental role: that of providing support to the
diversification and seasonal extension of tourist flows, and in close connection with
natural resources. Culture is then basically regarded as a mainly irreproducible factor

P.L. Sacco, G. Ferilli, G. Tavano Blessi and M. Nuccio, Culture as an engine of local development
processes: System-wide cultural districts. I: Theory & II: Prototype cases, Growth and Change, accepted
for publication, 2012.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


(in close analogy with natural resources) that attracts tourist flows and has to be
managed in order to spatially and temporally optimize its exploitation. A view that is not
only sector-focused, but also in a way that identifies culture, from the strategic
viewpoint, as a sub-sector of the wider, and hierarchically more relevant, tourism

As will be discussed further, this strategic choice is systematically pursued at all levels
of Structural Funds planning, be them national, inter-regional, or regional, and only
finds exceptions in programs that develop inter-national cooperation and therefore
involve other EU member states. It seems therefore clear, as already discussed in the
introductory notes, that the main issue with the Italian experience of Structural Funds
programming in the cultural fields stems from a seriously obsolete and inadequate
conceptualization of the role of culture in local development processes in the current
global competitiveness scenario. Of course, culture-related lines and actions may find
space, and actually find space, also in other cohesion priorities, for instance those
dealing with territorial attractiveness and competitiveness of urban areas, or those
dealing with quality of life and social inclusion. But due to the limits of the underlying
strategic vision of the role of culture, the culture-tourism link remains pervasive, and
any actions or projects following different criteria inevitably remain fragmentary and
isolated and have little long-term impact on the actual regional and local development

It must be also reminded that some of the macroeconomic presumptions upon which
the Italian Structural Funds programming was constructed have been drastically altered
by the global economic and financial depression, so that, at the time of writing,
objectives of annual growth for Convergence regions among 2.4% and 3.1% for the
whole programming period appear entirely unrealistic. But also structurally oriented
NSRF targets, that could in principle be pursued through an efficient use of Structural
Funds themselves irrespectively of the global economic scenario, such as more than
doubling of R&D expenses and shift from 8% to 40% of differentiated waste collection
and recycling in Convergence regions appear today vastly beyond reach during the
current phase.

The Operational Programs which have translated the strategic framework are, in total,
66, of which 19 under the Convergence Objective (7 National, 2 Inter-regional National,
and 10 Regional), 33 under the Competitiveness Objective (1 National and 32
Regional), and 14 under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective. Before
proceeding to a more detailed analysis of their contents, we first provide some basic

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


2.2 Basic data and general analysis

Table 1: Structural Funds 2007-2013 in Italy
General data, in EUR and %
Million %
Total EU Structural Funds allocation 28,812 100.0
a. Convergence Objective 21,641 75.1
Cohesion Fund -
ERDF 17,883
Convergence 17,582
Phasing-out 301
ESF 3,758
Convergence 3,629
Phasing-out 129
b. Regional Competitiveness & Employment Objective 6,325 22.0
ERDF 3,144
Regional Competitiveness & Employment 2,463
Phasing-in 681
ESF 3,180
Regional Competitiveness & Employment 2,888
Phasing-in 292
c. European Territorial Cooperation Objective 846 2.9

Source: European Commission, Cohesion Policy 2007-13: National Strategic Reference Frameworks (Luxembourg: Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007), ISBN 978-92-79-07465-3

NB: Data presented in this table is based on the initial national and regional programmes and may have varied afterwards.

Table 1 presents the basic macroeconomic data of structural funding for Italy during the
2007-2013 cycle at the state of knowledge. These data concern availability of funds
and not effective use. The table shows very clearly how most of the resources and of
the strategic effort is concentrated, as expected, on the Convergence Objective, which
caters approximately 3.5 times the resources available for the Competitiveness
regions. The TECO budget is below 3% of the total, but plays a very important role in
embedding the developmental action into wider, thematic EU networks.

Figure 1 presents the breakdown of ERDF and ESF by themes at the state of
knowledge for Italy (based on 2008 data

Figure 1 and the data on ERDF comparisons among EU member states are taken from European
Commission Regional Policy, Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. National Strategic Reference Frameworks,
Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007. Figures may have
changed afterwards. Notice that these figures are highly dependent on the actual classification of what is
included in cultural expenditure. Under different classifications, figures and rankings might change.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


As it is shown, based on the picture derived from official data at the beginning of the
2007-2013 programming cycle, culture takes the 2.9% of the ERDF total budget, a
figure that exceeds the EU average of 2.2% and places the country at the 9th place
within EU27 in terms of incidence of culture in the ERDF a relatively high level then.

Table 2 provides us with a specific picture of the role of culture in Structural Funds
programming, both for Italy and in the EU.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Table 2: Culture and the Structural Funds 2007-2013 in Italy and EU
General data at national level, in EUR and %
Italy EU

% Million

SF amount (Convergence + RCE) 27,965 100.0 344,322 100.0
Amount dedicated to culture, of
800 2.9 5,966 1.7
Protection & preservation of
379 (47.3) 2,934 (49.2)
Development of cultural
161 (20.1) 2,233 (37.4)
Other assistance for cultural
260 (32.5) 798 (13.4)

Source: European Commission, Cohesion Policy 2007-2013: Culture, May 2010.

NB: Figures presented on this table do not include funds allocated to the European Territorial Cooperation Objective.

The data offer several interesting elements of comparison between the Italian and the
EU situation. First of all, in aggregate terms, Italian spending of culture-related
structural funding is substantially higher, in relative terms, than in the EU: a differential
of 1.2 percentage points. In particular, Italy turns out to be the 3
EU member state in
terms of percentage of Structural Funds allocated to culture, after Malta and Cyprus,
and the second EU member for cultural allocation in absolute terms after Poland. It is,
however, the composition of the expenditure that gives the most interesting insights: in
Italy, heritage protection and preservation expenditure is slightly below the EU level
(which is in itself surprising in that, given the absolute size of Italian heritage, one
would, or even should, expect a substantially higher than average level), whereas the
development of cultural infrastructure is some 17 points below the EU level, to be
compensated by a 19 points positive differential in cultural services. One could not
have a clearer illustration of the divergent philosophy with which Italy has been
pursuing its culture-driven development strategy with respect to the EU mainstream.

Expenditure in cultural infrastructure is mainly related to a developmental role of culture
in terms of production: most of the successful recent European examples of culture-
driven development have to do with the strategic re-conversion of formerly unused
facilities into venues for cultural production and access, which have in turn deeply
modified the livability of the surrounding urban areas, the capacity to attract new
residents and professionals, as well as the social use of space around the day (and
. On the contrary, a service-oriented expenditure reflects more a tourism-
oriented approach, where most of the strategic investment is poured into improving the

S. Roodhouse (ed.), Cultural quarters, second edition, Intellect, Bristol, 2011.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


visitor experience by providing better and more focused services, which is however
traded off against reinforcing the competitiveness of the cultural and creative field as a
driving industrial sectors rather than an ancillary field. Moreover, given the strategic
detachment of the action lines concerning culture from the ones dealing with
innovation, it is not particularly likely that this investment in services is privileging
innovative forms, but could instead mainly focus on traditional, low-innovation ones,
which would be going to be obsolete within a few years. Daily practice of culture-
related developmental projects in Italy tends to confirm this general intuition rather
strongly, as it will moreover confirm the detailed analysis of some case studies below.
But if this is true, this way of spending Structural Funds turns out to be much more
tactical than strategic, and tends to reward low-innovation approaches to cultural
development that could make it more difficult in the future opening up the sector to
innovative trajectories. A detailed ex-post evaluation analysis of the actual expenditure
in the sector and of its impacts on the sectors structure and competitiveness would
therefore be highly advisable and should be pursued in order to gain clearer and more
detailed insight into the issue.

Table 3 gives us instead a synthetic picture of culture-related expenditure in the ERDF
Regional Operational Programs, by far the main area of interest for cultural spending in
quantitative terms.

Table 3: Culture in the ERDF Regional Operational Programmes
Figures per region and topic, in EUR and %
% of total funds
for the relevant
Protection &
preservation of
cultural heritage
Development of
Other assistance
to improve cultural

Convergence regions
Campania 90.0 15.0 0 (3.0)
Puglia 50.0 15.0 29.0 (3.6)
Calabria 36.7 27.7 27.0 (6.1)
Sicily 64.0 36.8 68.4 (5.2)
Interregional Prog. Cultural &
Natural Attractors & Tourism
67.2 56.4 109.5 (45.0)
Interregional Prog.
Renewable Energy etc.
0 0 0 -
National Prog. Governance
and Technical Assistance
0 0 0 -
National Prog. Education 0 0 0 -
National Prog. Networks and
0 0 0 -
National Prog. Research and
0 0 0 -
National Prog. Security 0 0 0 -

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Phasing-out regions
Basilicata 8.0 5.4 2.0 (5.2)

Phasing-in regions
Sardegna 1.7 3.4 10.2 (2.2)

Competitiveness regions
Piedmont 17.3 9.6 0 (6.3)
Aosta Valley 3.2 0 0 (16.4)
Liguria 0 13.1 1.7 (8.8)
Lombardy 7.0 0 1.6 (4.2)
Bolzano 0 0 0 -
Trento 0.3 0 0 (1.6)
Veneto 3.5 3.5 3.5 (5.1)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1.5 0 0 (2.0)
Emilia Romagna 6.4 0 0 (5.0)
Toscana 8.3 0 0 (2.5)
Umbria 1.8 0.9 0 (1.8)
Marche 3.7 0 1.7 (4.8)
Lazio 1.9 0.6 0 (0.7)
Abruzzo 0 5.7 0 (4.0)
Molise 0 0 1.7 (2.3)

Source: information obtained from the individual Operational Programmes, accessible via

NB: Information above is based on the amounts allocated to categories of expenditure 58-60 in the common framework of the
ERDFs Regional Operational Programmes 2007-2013, which refer to culture. Other expenditure for cultural activities, services
and infrastructure may be included under other categories (e.g. tourism).

Figures given in this table are mostly taken from the initial framework planning in 2007; changes may have been introduced

In terms of overall expenditure levels and quotas, several Italian regions present
relatively high figures for culture. Among the Convergence regions, Campania spends
105 million euros which amounts to 3% of the total budget, Apulia 94 million for a 3,6%,
Calabria 91 million for a 6,1% (a remarkably high quota), whereas Sicily more than 169
million for a 5,2% - which, in absolute terms, most likely makes of Sicily one of the EU
regions with the highest absolute cultural expenditure. In addition, the NIOP Cultural
and Natural Attractors and Tourism brings in more 233 million euros for culture, that is,
more than 45% of its total allowance. As to the Phasing out region of Basilicata, we find
an expenditure of 15,4 million euros, amounting to a 5% of the total. As to the
Competitiveness regions, of particular interest are the cases of Aosta Valley, that
allocated 16,4% of the total to culture (a really high percentage by all standards,
despite the small size of the region), Piedmont, with 27 million euros for a 6,3%,
Liguria, with 14,8 million for almost 9% of the total, and Veneto, with 10,6 millions for a
5%. As a whole, then, it can be safely concluded that Italy attributes a significant
relevance to culture in terms of the allocation of its Structural Funds.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


The table also shows a comparative analysis of how the various regions have allocated
their expenditure potential across the three macro-items: heritage preservation, cultural
infrastructure, and culture-related services. Moreover, the table also gives us a clearer
view of what are the national and inter-regional programs where we find space for
culture-related expenditure. It turns out that, in particular, for Convergence regions the
only relevant inter-regional program is the already cited NIOP Cultural and Natural
Attractors and Tourism, which once again confirms fully the already presented and
discussed strategic approach that assigns to culture a purely ancillary role in terms of
policy priorities, in spite of the absolute size of the investment.

No National programs for Convergence regions present significant cultural priorities. As
to heritage protection expenditure in the four Convergence regions, there is a rather
homogeneous incidence, ranging to the 2.6% of Campania to the 1.9 of Apulia where
the percentages reflect the weight of the expenditure on the total funds assigned to
Convergence regions, and therefore, in this case, correspond to a substantial
incidence, an unsurprising fact if one ponders the actual size of the heritage located in
these regions and its level of potential and actual endangerment (one could merely
remind the increasingly frequent wrecks in Pompeii).

On the other hand, a substantially higher relative incidence is found in the NIOP, which
reaches a figure of 13%. The corresponding figures for cultural infrastructure reflect the
strategic lack of interest for this dimension, ranging from the 1.8% of Calabria to the
0.4% of Campania, and a relative incidence of 11% for the NIOP. Finally, the figures for
services range from the 0% of Campania to the 2.1 of Sicily, and the 21.2% of NIOP.

Among the four regions, therefore, we find a certain heterogeneity of criteria for the
allocation of resources that deserves further attention. In the case of Campania, the
emphasis is mainly placed on heritage preservation, plus a small quota for
infrastructure and, surprising given the national trend, no attention at all toward
services. In Apulia, attention is split toward heritage preservation and services, with a
minor role for infrastructure. In Calabria, heritage preservation is dominant, but the
remaining resources are equally split between infrastructure and services whereas, in
Sicily, services become the dominant sector, slightly more funded than heritage
preservation, with infrastructure playing a relatively minor role.

These differences in approach and strategic choices, however, do not reflect yet in
visible ways in different developmental paths, also because the real issue then
becomes what percentages of such resources will be effectively spent, and in what
areas. Therefore, for the moment, it is only possible to make an ex-ante evaluation,
that will have to be substantially integrated on the basis of the available evidence. The
leading strategic role of services at the inter-regional level is particularly clear from the

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


NIOP figures, however, where service-related expenditure doubles the one reserved to
cultural infrastructure, and where the former nearly matches the sum of the other two
(i.e. including that for heritage preservation) not a surprising finding given that the title
itself of the program is privileging attraction and tourism and therefore, logically, the
main action is concentrated to empowering the tourism-related service structure.

As to the Phasing out and Phasing in regions, Basilicata confirms its relative anomaly
in the Convergence regions, by presenting an allocation of expenditure that focuses
upon heritage preservation but with a substantial role for infrastructure, while leaving a
minor space for services. Sardinia, on the contrary, concentrates resources on
services, almost neglecting heritage preservation.

Finally, coming to the Competitiveness regions, the following picture emerges. A
certain number of regions have allocated their entire expenditure over heritage
preservation (Aosta Valley, Trento Province, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna,
Tuscany): with the exception of Aosta Valley, they are all located in the North-East and
in the northern part of Central Italy. Only two other regions, on the contrary, have
entirely allocated their resources in another, different line: Abruzzi in infrastructure and
Molise in services. Two regions have allocated most of the budget to heritage
protection and a substantial share of services, entirely neglecting infrastructure
(Lombardy and Marche). Other regions chose to concentrate most of the resources in
heritage preservation, but allocating the remaining ones on infrastructure, disregarding
services (Piedmont, Umbria, Latium), whereas Liguria made the choice of
concentrating most resources on infrastructure, leaving the remaining for services.
Finally, Veneto equally divided resources across the three items and the Bolzano
province allocated to resources at all to culture. It must be added, however, that
sometimes heritage preservation actions may include also renovation of existing
heritage buildings and their destination to cultural production and not only to touristic
purposes, thereby presenting some complementarity with the cultural infrastructure
line. This is all the more true in view of the fact that, in the current Italian strategic
framework, actions targeting the improvement of the production potential do not fit
within a specific policy line and can therefore be filed, according to cases, under
different labels.

This apparent heterogeneity in approaches and resource allocations criteria is
drastically reduced when one examines more closely the actual structure of priorities
concerning culture within the single regional Operational Programs
. Starting from the
result that, apart from the province of Bolzano, any other Italian region or autonomous
province is in fact allocating resources to culture-related expenditures, how do such

For a complete review on Operational Programs of EU regions for the 2007-2013 cycle see the official

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


resources fit into the strategic priorities of the various regions? We can basically divide
regions into three broad categories: those which allocate one specific priority to culture-
related expenditure, those who include culture-related expenditure as a sub-category of
a specific priority, and those that do not consider culture even as a sub-priority. In the
first group we find: Lombardy, Sicily, Sardinia, Basilicata, Emilia-Romagna, Apulia,
Campania, Liguria, and Calabria. In most cases, the statement of the priority is phrased
always with the same words, and essentially revolves around attractiveness of tourism,
combining culture and natural resources (Sicily, Sardinia, Basilicata, Emilia-Romagna,
Apulia, Campania, Liguria, and Calabria). In one case (Lombardy, the focus is more
concentrated upon the preservation dimension, in addition to the familiar attractiveness
issue. As to the regions which place culture as a sub-priority inside a broader one, we
find Latium, Veneto, Marche, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Aosta Valley, Province of Trento,
Tuscany, Abruzzi, and Piedmont. The most frequent macro-priority chosen is the one
concerning environment and local development, and thus essentially sustainable
development (Veneto, Aosta Valley, Province of Trento, Tuscany); the most relevant
alternative is a priority entirely focused on local development (Marche, Abruzzi, Fiuli-
Venezia Giulia). Finally, Latium inscribes culture within environmental protection and
risk prevention, and Piedmont within territorial renewal. Umbria and Molise do not
contemplate cultural sub-priorities, although they are planning culture-related
expenditures. Finally, in the case of Bolzano Province, no culture-related expenditure is
programmed and consequently there is no reference to culture in the priorities of the

This thematic survey clearly shows as, practically invariably, the developmental role of
culture is defined at the regional level, in full coherence with the national framework, as
intrinsically and structurally linked to tourism and environment, and as entirely
detached from key priorities such as research and investment, urban development,
competitiveness, information society, or social inclusion, to name just a few
possibilities. As a consequence, even the distinction between infrastructure vs. service
oriented expenditure in the various regional contexts could be overstated in terms of
production vs. tourism orientation, in that the possibility of empowering regional cultural
and creative production systems seems to be beyond the spectrum of possibilities for
most, if not for all, Italian regional administrations. Nevertheless, in the infrastructure
field there is the possibility that at least some isolated projects may be undertaken as
experiments in the creation of new cultural production infrastructure, as suggested by
field experience. Overall, signals toward attention for alternative culture-related
developmental paradigms other than tourism-related development seems, rather than
weak, practically nonexistent, and this puts Italy in a very anomalous position with
respect to must EU member states, especially North-European ones.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


A relatively different picture, however, emerges from programs on cross-border and
trans-national cooperation. Only a few such programs present a priority that is explicitly
focused upon culture. In particular, this is the case for three of them, Italy-Maritime
France, Italy-Greece, and IPA Trans-boundary Adriatic
. The Italy-Maritime France
program presents both a full priority of a traditional kind (Natural and Cultural
Resources) and a sub-priority within the Resources and Systems Integration one. The
IPA Adriatic considers Natural and Cultural Resources and Risk prevention. Finally,
Italy-Greece considers Quality of Life Improvement, Environmental Protection and
Promotion of Social and Cultural Cohesion a rather atypical statement that for once
touches upon the innovative issue of cultural social cohesion. More interesting
elements are found as sub-priorities of other programs, such as Alpine Space and
Central Europe (within, respectively, Competitiveness and Attractiveness of Alpine
Space, and Improving Competitiveness and Attraction Capacity of Cities and Regions,
i.e. the first times culture is actually linked, although somewhat weakly, to the issue of
competitiveness), Italy-Switzerland (where culture is interestingly framed into Quality of
Life), Italy-Slovenia (where culture is filed under Social Integration, with a special
emphasis toward cultural exchange). Finally, Italy-Austria files culture under Territory
and Sustainability whereas South-East Europe under Transnational Synergies for
Sustainable Growth Areas (in this latter cases, there is a potentially interesting
emphasis toward the impact of cultural values upon development). Italy-Alpine France
and Italy-Malta do not consider culture within their priorities or sub-priorities.

This quick review of cross-border and trans-national cooperations suggests that,
despite the generally modest funding available for the program, these apparently minor
policy lines are among the most promising (if not the only ones currently) to experiment
with alternative models where culture plays different roles in terms of value creation
with respect to the mainstream, tourism-related one. It is therefore especially in these
marginal programs, and of course a fortiori in the international programs where Italian
partners can cooperate with partners coming from all over Europe, that one should
reasonably look for innovative good practices that may be taken as benchmarks to
drive Italy toward more effective and innovative strategic standards for the next cycle of
culture-related structural funding.

Before closing this section, it is interesting to provide a final comment on the National
Operational Programs for Convergence regions where culture has not find a place.
Besides programs such as Renewable Energies and Energy saving, Networks and
Mobility, and Governance and Technical Assistance, it is interesting to remark that
culture was not even considered as a sub-priority in contexts like Education, Research
and Competitiveness, and Security, in spite of a wealth of empirical evidence that

See again the reference in footnote 9.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

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suggests how culture may indeed play a key strategic role in all of them
. Moreover,
as will be shown further, the structural connections between culture and
competitiveness, innovation, or social safety themes are being clearly pursued in the
first documents of the Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020, and will therefore be
likely to receive strong attention in the next programming cycle.

Also, it is interesting to notice how culture has played also a very marginal role in the
ESF programming, where culture-related projects can be occasionally found out, but
outside of any clear strategic perspective. The role of culture in the innovative
achievement of social cohesion objectives has been largely ignored, and analogously
there has been no special attention toward culture as a motivational platform to
motivate employed and unemployed workers to access lifelong learning programs to
increase their adaptability to changing market conditions. This chapter is therefore
almost entirely unexplored so far and should probably be examined with more attention
in view of the next cycle.

2.3 Good and bad practices

In view of the previous discussion, by good practices we could mean one of the
following options: specific projects that go beyond the strategic narrowness of the
Italian approach by combining in original and effective ways cultural production and
tourism development objectives, or cultural and creative industry development
altogether, or projects that fit into the traditional tourism-oriented framework but
achieve especially interesting results in terms of innovation, social cohesion,
entrepreneurship, etcetera. In fact, it is relatively difficult to find full-blown examples of
either one in the current Italian panorama of culture-related structural fund
programming, and consequently by best practices we can only select examples that
partially achieve such goals, or that achieve them to a very limited extent but
nevertheless present other characteristics of potential interest in perspective. Likewise,
it is not particularly useful to select as bad practices a few among the many cases of
inefficient or ill-focused use of Structural Funds to support projects that have little or no
practical impact or that implement obsolete models and practices, which unfortunately
again are relatively frequent in the current panorama. It is more interesting to select
projects that fail in interesting ways, thereby elucidating aspects that could be again
useful to the design of the next cycle policy lines. In this sense, good and bad
practice elements may well mingle within a specific case study, which then to some
extent is exemplary of both. This is the spirit with which a couple of interesting Italian

P.L. Sacco, Culture 3.0 A new perspective on the 2014-2020 structural funds programming, paper
prepared for the DG Culture on behalf of EENC.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


cases are presented below. On the other hand, a field that is on the contrary rich in
good practice in the full sense is that of international cooperation, where, as already
remarked, one often finds the most original and innovative projects which, being
undertaken in the context of wide-ranging European coalitions of players, often address
relevant culture-related developmental issues and enable part of this culture to be
carried over to Italian local actors, thus planting a seed for more systematic and
coordinated similar action in the future in the Italian context.

The Italian cases that we present are the Big Cultural Attractors of the Latium region
and the PICs of the Tuscany region. As for international cooperation programs, we will
focus on the INTERREG IVC.

Big Cultural Attractors: POR-FESR Latium 2007-2013

The theme of the so-called Big Cultural Attractors (BCA) [Grandi Attrattori Culturali
(GACs) in Italian] has been taken up by the Latium region as part of the second
strategic priority of its Operational Program, under the header of Environment and Risk
Prevention. The aim of this measure is relatively straightforward: in a region like Latium
that is dominated by the presence of Rome that attracts the vast majority of resources
and tourists, the OP aims at re-balancing at least in part such flows by choosing a
limited number of potentially interesting pieces of regional heritage which, suitably
supported and promoted, could become in turn cultural attractors, thus diversifying the
regional tourist flows, and at the same time spending resources to restore and renovate
valuable components of the regional cultural supply. In this case, then the Region
singles out the attractors it intends to promote as new emerging regional poles, and
then the local players advance proposals under the form of specific projects that fit
within the strategic objective, in geographical, thematic, and functional terms. Within
the attractor area, a core and a buffer are determined with the logical implications: the
core is going to attract most of the interventions, with the buffer being occasionally
involved according to the nature of the proposed actions. The interesting aspect of this
measure is the dynamic process of definition and selection of the strategic priorities,
through the contribution of a group of technical experts that was enabled to interact
with the proponents and to ask for revisions and adjustments in order to fit the strategic
criteria. Having been personally involved in that group of experts, the author of this
paper can provide a direct, first-hand feedback on this project, that has been found
rather representative of more general Italian practices in the field.

The project has started with a series of auditions, aimed at facilitating dissemination of
information about the available opportunities to potential beneficiaries and local
stakeholders. The proposals presented through the public call have then been

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


screened by the technical commission, on the basis of a pre-determined set of
selection criteria, finalized to sorting out the projects with the highest potential of
causing a permanent long-term impact in term of attraction capacity. The pre-selected
projects have then been fine-tuned with the beneficiaries through continued interaction
with the technical commission asking for adjustments and improvements on a number
of respects. Once the projects have been defined satisfactorily, they have been
aggregated and embedded into a development plan for each of the five chosen GACs,
which at this point do not simply amount to a portfolio of implementable projects, but
set out a first draft of a coherent cultural planning for the area.

The chosen attractors represent different themes and developmental issues within the
Latium region. The main problem felt at the regional level from the tourism flows
perspective is the total dominance of the Rome metropolitan area over all the
remaining regional territories: an extreme instance of center-periphery dynamics that
overshadows a wealth of valuable cultural and environmental sites which, being off the
beaten track, receive very little attention, and in some cases are not the recipients of
the strategic structural investments that are necessary to make them fully accessible,
adequately supported, and well known. The project has identified five GACs, one for
each province, choosing them on the basis of their tourism development potential and
of their specific characteristics, in order to put together a balanced mix of assets and
policy themes. They are, respectively:

the city of Tivoli in the province of Rome, with its valuable cultural heritage,
including the two famous Villas, the Roman Villa Adriana and the Romantic
gardens of Villa Gregoriana;
the Etruscan area of Vulci in the province of Viterbo, including major Etruscan
towns such as Cerveteri, Tarquinia, and Tuscania;
the area of Fossanova in the province of Latina, with its peculiar blend of sites
of cultural and environmental interest, a large part of which once belonging to
the feudal fund of the Caetani family;
the Mura Poligonali (Polygonal Walls) area in the province of Frosinone, with its
system of very peculiar fortified towns of Medieval origin and often with
significant Baroque expansions;
the Via del Sale itinerary in the province of Rieti, following the path of the
Roman Via Salaria, and linking small mountain towns, with valuable
archaeological, architectural and environmental heritage.

For each GAC, three characteristic zones have been defined: the core area, which
gathers the centers with a priority cultural and developmental interest, as well as two
buffer zones, with, respectively, a primary and secondary interest. We can therefore
think of the GACs as concentric circles of policy action centered around a target zone

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


that constitutes the main objective of the strategy. Core areas may vary largely in their
extension: in the case of Tivoli, for instance, it coincides with the territory of the city
itself, for a total surface of only 68,40 Kmq against a primary buffer of 1.117,66 Kmq; in
the case of Via del sale, of the contrary, it covers as area of 1.123,49 Kmq against a
buffer of 404,49. Likewise, in the case of Via del Sale or Mura Poligonali the core hosts
most of the involved population, whereas in the case of Tivoli, Vulci, or Fossanova the
buffer area is much more populated than the core.

In the case of Tivoli and Vulci, with relevant and relatively well-known assets of touristic
interest, and with a strong thematic focus, can be found; in the case of Fossanova, the
Polygonal Walls and the Via del Sale, on the contrary, we have mainly overlooked
areas with valuable assets which are however generally classified as minor ones and
have to be properly reframed into a new, attractive cultural and territorial identity. Also
the density of cultural facilities varies significantly over the five GACs, as it is shown for
instance by the data on museums:

Ambit GAC Tivoli
GAC Mura
GAC Vulci
GAC Via del
Latium region
(Rome not
Museums/100 kmq 3,4 2,4 2 1,2 1 1,2
Number of museums 40 19 38 39 16 193

Notice that the above data include not only museums situated in the core area of the
GAC, but also those in the buffer area. It can be seen very clearly here how, for
instance, the GAC Tivoli is clearly the better endowed, with its predominant cultural
heritage orientation, whereas, on the contrary, the GAC Via del Sale is under-endowed
with respect to the regional average (not including Rome). Similarly, in terms of tourist
flows, we find very different levels of development, that mirror somewhat the level of
notoriety and the current level of organization of the various local tourist systems, again
ranging from Tivoli, whose performance in the 2003-07 period was significantly better
than the regional one (Rome excluded), to Via del Sale, whose performance not only
lay much below the regional average, but even registered negative net figures in the
tourist flows 2003-07.

Overall, then one may look at the GAC project as an ambitious attempt to redefine the
territorial hierarchy of centralities of the cultural and tourist system, with the aim of
stimulating local coalitions of actors to organize into networks and to propose specific
developmental actions aimed at increasing the accessibility, usability and visibility of
relatively neglected areas of the regions with substantial unexpressed potential. The
project then presents a relatively pronounced bottom-up approach that sounds very
encouraging for the eventual creation of lively and entrepreneurial local cultural

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


economies. In some cases, the aim of the project is to strengthen and optimize local
tourist systems with a good performance that can be further upgraded. In other cases,
the aim is to revitalize altogether areas with stagnant developmental patterns and with
very little current attractive potential for tourists despite the presence of valuable local

From the financial viewpoint, the project has been supported through the ERDF as well
as state and regional funds, plus a component of private and local funds. The relative
figures for the five GACs are the following, where DOCUP are ERDF funds, APQ are
national funds, including the co-financing FAS funds), LL.RR. are regional funds, and
other funds (altri fondi) are the private and local ones:

Totale stanziamenti per GAC e per Fonte
(Valori in MLN di Euro)
Contributi DOCUP
Contributi APQ1
(FAS o Regionali)
Contributi LL.RR.
(Leggi ordinarie)
(Privati o Enti Locali)
(Valori in MLN di Euro e %)

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


As shown in the graph, Vulci and Fossanova cater the bigger shares, followed by
Tivoli, whereas Via del Sale and Mura Poligonali receive substantially smaller shares.
30% of the resources go to other areas lying outside the core and primary buffer areas,
belonging to the secondary buffer. 70% of the available resources then go to the GACs
system proper, for a total amount of 214 million euros.

The typologies of intervention contemplated in the project belong to one of four major

- restoration and new buildings: this category includes restorations of heritage
buildings and objects, structural requalification of buildings, upgrading of
buildings service facilities and new buildings;
- urban renewal and other structural interventions: this category includes works of
urban furnishing, the restoration and revitalization of old passageways and
pathways, the creation of restoration areas and of tourist facilities;
- economic development and promotion of tangible and intangible heritage
goods: including the creation and re-organization of museums, the creation of
info-points, of system of tables and signals for tourism use, the printing of
booklets and promotional material, the opening of tourist facilities such as
bookshops or cafes, the creation of digital content systems, and the
organization of cultural initiatives and events;
- multipurpose: projects involving more than one of the previous typologies into
more complex interventions.

(Valori in MLN di Euro e %)
Recupero, restauro e
nuove realizzazioni
Riqualificazione urbana
ed altri interventi
Valorizzazione e
promozione del bene:
materiale o immateriale

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


The restoration category takes up the majority of the available funds, followed at a
distance by multipurpose, urban renewal, and economic development. As a whole,
then, the GAC project takes the form of a structural intervention, upgrading the
available physical stock or adding up to it through purposeful, targeted construction of
new buildings.

The project may be taken as a very representative example of the approach that
characterizes, as shown in our previous discussion, the Italian approach to the use of
Structural Funds in the cultural sector for the cycle 2007-2013: main focusing on
tourism, and an ancillary role of culture as a resource that may increase the existing
tourist flows or create new ones. On the other hand, the GAC project is interesting for
its emphasis on the role of local actors and the incentives to encourage their
organization into local networks. As a matter of fact, however, the actual submissions
elicited by the call have revealed a situation in which local actors were not very open to
devising and proposing innovative, system-wide projects, but rather to submit in many
cases projects that have previously been unsuccessful for other sources of funding, or
projects that were already being designed for other purposes. In several other cases,
the submitted projects were just parts of already ongoing initiatives for which new
sources of funding became available. The GAC project was then seen by many not as
an opportunity for strategic refocusing, but rather as an instrumental source of funding
for the status quo. In this sense, then, the territories did not show a particular interest to
react to the GAC project as a major breakthrough toward a new, innovation-oriented
phase, but rather as just another opportunity to be taken to ensure financial support to
the already existing ongoing initiatives. In some cases, however, some innovative effort
was undertaken, and some new coalitions of local actors were established as a
reaction to the GAC call. The Evaluation Commission has then provided the most
suitable projects with specific feedback to encourage revisions that would make the
projects fit more and more closely into the GACs strategic guidelines. One could see
the selected projects as a fair mix among new ones and already ongoing ones that
needed further financing. As a consequence of this phase, and through several
interactions between the proponents and the Commission, a portfolio of admissible
projects was finally determined.

A major break in the development of the project occurred, however, with the Regional
Elections of 2010. The elections determined a political overturn and, as a
consequence, the strategy for cultural policy was drastically revised, bringing the GAC
project to an almost virtual stop. A few months after the elections, the new Regional
Councillor for Culture announced a drastic cut to the GAC budget, which was going to
cancel not only planned expenditures, but even already approved projects, blocking in
some cases major structural investments. More cuts have followed through in the
subsequent months, practically leading to the cancellation of the project. This decision

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


has led to protests from the beneficiaries, and concerning the ERDF component of the
funding, the issue has landed on the EU Parliament as a formal interrogation, claiming
that the planned allocation of funds had been changed by the Region in violation of the
ERDF agreements, in that the new planned allocation was not reflecting the ROP
strategic guidelines. The region carried over with the new approach and, without
mentioning the GAC framework anymore, recently re-issued a call for projects with a
similar focus to the original approach but now exclusively focusing on two areas that
basically corresponded to two of the original GACs: Tivoli and Vulci. Also the allocated
budget was substantially reduced; the total available resources for cultural purposes in
the ROP 2007-2013 have been cut from 50 to 5 million euros, relocating most of the
resources toward environment-related objectives. But even with this drastic reduction
of allocated funds, it is dubious that the local players will be able to spend effectively
and timely the available resources in such a reduced amount of time.

Does the GAC project then count as a good or a bad practice? As anticipated, it fits
into both categories in different respects. On the one hand, on the good practice side,
the design phase with the involvement of the local actors in public consultations and
the gradual focusing of the projects through the interaction between the actors and the
regional commission so as to make the projects reflect the ROP strategic guidelines
are certainly elements of a good practice. On the other hand, the weak responsiveness
of the local players to devise new, innovative projects and the tendency to present
proposals concerning already planned or ongoing projects - thus the instrumental
attitude toward the opportunity provided by the GAC - are certainly counted as a bad
practice. Even more so for the political management of the project: the cancellation of
the strategic approach following the political overturn, with the blocking of already-
approved projects, gives a clear warning of excessive sensitivity to the unfolding of the
political-economic cycle, which may undo to a substantial degree the planning work
carried out in the definition of the ROP guidelines. More generally, on the bad practices
side, one can only observe that, coherently with a generalized practice for the Italian
case, also the original GAC plan ignored almost completely the cultural industry
dimension, despite the fact that Rome has a major concentration of creative workers
and professionals, and that a smart decentralization strategy could have created
opportunities both for the professionals and firms already operating in the capital and
for newcomers that would not be able to carry the costs of locating in Rome but could
willingly consider the possibility of a marginal but strategically well connected location.
As a whole, then, the GAC experience summarizes many of the typical limitations of
the Italian use of Structural Funds in the cultural field and provides several hints for
future improvement. There are many cases in the Italian practice that illustrate a
strategically-limited and operationally-ineffective use of Structural Funds in the cultural
sphere. But what makes the GAC case worth of special attention is the gap between
the original statement and its actual execution, and the ways and reasons for

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


dismantling the project. In this sense, it may be considered a useful reference case
about what should be avoided in the next cycle.

Integrated Cultural Plan (PIC): POR-FESR Tuscany 2007-2013

The region of Tuscany provides a positive example in the Italian context in terms of
long-term coherence and consistency of cultural policy strategies. The action for the
2007-2013 cycle has been designed in continuity with the previous cycle, within the
context of a strategic approach set out by the main planning document: the PIC
(Integrated Cultural Plan) 2008-2010, which has been also the basis for the actual
translation of the ROP strategic guidelines into specific cultural interventions, and
which is being subject to a periodical integrated evaluation activity. The evaluation is
also specifically assessing the coherence of the regional policy from the old to the new
cycle, and in this respect it represents the antithetical example with respect to the
previous case study. The specific project lines that translate regional action in the
cultural field are the PIR (Regional Initiative Project) Investing in Culture, which
constitutes the implementation of a strategic address explicitly stated in the PIC,
section 6.5, with a substantially analogous title, and interacts substantially with the
PIUSS, i.e. Piano Integrato di Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile (Integrated Plan of
Sustainable Urban Development), which is generally targeting objectives of urban
renewal in their manifold dimensions, but which has been used by many applicant
cities to redesign substantially some of their cultural functions and facilities, mainly with
a focus on museums and traditional facilities but also with some limited attention
toward issues of cultural production and entrepreneurship. The PIR implements two
sub-lines of the strategic line 5 of the ROP, respectively: Interventions of protection,
economic development and promotion of natural and cultural heritage in urban contexts
which are functional to sustainable tourism (sub-line 5.2, through PIUSS), and
Support for the development of economic activities and for protection, economic
development and promotion of cultural heritage which are functional to sustainable
tourism in geographically disadvantaged areas (sub-line 5.4).

The PIR includes four investment priorities:

- conservation and economic development of environmental assets;
- interventions for the upgrading and economic development of already existing
museums, archives, and facilities for cultural activities and performing arts;
- interventions for the creation of new institutions for cultural activities and
performing arts and for the economic development of, and access to, cultural
goods conditional on the presentation of a multi-annual management plan;

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


- interventions for the increased knowledge, the conservation and the economic
development of cultural goods that entail the creation of digital data banks
abiding by the regional and national standards, and meeting the integration
criteria with other databases belonging to the information system of the involved
local administrative body.

Sub-line 5.4 has been mainly directed at disadvantaged mountain areas, and its funds
are incompatible with PIUSS financing.

The actual unfolding of the program concerning mountain areas has proceeded
through two coordination phases. The first two have concerned the 5.4 sub-line for
mountain areas, for respective amounts of 34,459 million euros (of which 4,233 millions
of ERDF funds), and 21,883 million euros (of which 3,457 millions of ERDF funds). The
remaining funds arrived from regional funds and national co-financing funds (FAS).
These two rounds have financed so far 14 projects for a total of 13 million euros, of
which 7,6 million come from Structural Funds (which have therefore been fully spent).

Among the admissibility requirements of the Investing in Culture projects are: a minimal
total project cost of 300.000 euros; a minimal co-financing quota of 40%; the availability
of the cultural good that is involved in the project for at least 50 years, whereas in case
of use of regional funds a mandatory public property; the coherence of the project with
the various levels of regional cultural planning and a multi-annual management plan.

The evaluation criteria for the selection of admissible projects concern in turn: the
relevance of the cultural or environmental good; the quality of the architectural project
and its adequacy with respect to the planned functions; the state of advancement of the
design process; the projects financial and managerial sustainability; the environmental
sustainability of the project and its coherence with the environmental promotion
strategies. For the projects which are aimed at creating new cultural institutions, the
evaluation focus is on the clear statement of the demand for cultural services that
motivates the initiative; on the projects documented capacity to introduce and use
technological and organizational innovation; on the adequacy and qualification of the
human resources employed; and on the adequacy of financial resources to cover the
operating costs in the three years after the completion of the startup phase.

The stated criteria are interesting in many respects: for their emphasis on the various
dimensions of sustainability; for their concern for effectiveness, i.e. responding to a
specific demand for cultural services; for their emphasis on the introduction of various
forms of innovation, an especially neglected aspect in the mainstream practice in the
Italian scenario. Such criteria are all the more interesting in that they apply to projects
that concern geographically disadvantaged areas, i.e., mostly marginal areas, with

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


relevant incidence of ageing, low demographic density, and poor infrastructural

As to the implementation of the PIUSS within the sub-line 5.2, it has led to the financing
of 27 projects, with a financing of 44 million euros of Structural Funds matching 74,9
million euros of national, regional and local resources. The selection of projects under
the PIUSS has been managed directly by the Management Authority of the ERDF.

The PIUSS experience is of special interest for the purpose of the present document, in
that it represents one of the most advanced attempts conducted so far in Italy to
integrate culture-led development strategies into urban renewal planning. Some of the
projects approved under the PIUSS have a particularly marked cultural profile, and are
worth a specific mention.

The project Lucca inside devises a strategy of urban renewal for Lucca, one of the
most beautiful art cities in the region. It addresses three main priorities: creating new
public spaces in order to re-draw tourist flows within the city, as well as the access to
the city itself; upgrading some fundamental public facilities; and launching new mixed
public-private initiatives with a high innovative and technological content. This also
includes the creation of a new center for technology, art, and performance, within a
general strategy for the development of SMEs and advanced tertiary services. At the
same time, there is an aim to foster the re-utilization of part of the ancient wall system
that surrounds the historical city with its adjacent system of cultural spaces such as the
New Amphitheatre, the Duke Palace, the Giglio Theatre and the Comics Museum
(Lucca hosts the most important national comics-related event). The total cost of the
project is around 120 million euros.

Another interesting project is Pisa
: Pisa for Cultural Heritage, Innovation, Knowledge,
and Hospitality. Pisa is a major university hub at the regional level, and a celebrated
tourist destination for its globally famous leaning Tower, which however attracts a hit-
and-run kind of tourism that only stops by for the tower and the surrounding square but
is basically uninterested in the other cultural assets of the city. One of the main
objectives of the project is enlarging the tourist flows to the other parts of the city and
extending the average time of tourist visit, by an upgrading of the city museums
network and a more effective assertion of its cultural identity. This strategy includes the
completion and the functional upgrading of the Museum of Roman Ships, the creation
of a Science Centre, the creation of walkable paths along the citys historical wall
system and the creation of new cultural itineraries across the city, also with the help of
innovative multimedia. The total investment is 43 million euros.

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

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These two projects, which involve two major regional centers, show relatively clearly
how the PIUSS is tackling the issue of urban renewal with a culturally-centered
approach, emphasizing the role of renewed and new cultural facilities in changing the
social logic of space use, in creating new functions, and in redefining the identity of the
city. At the same time, the PIUSS projects often emphasize the issues of quality of life
of the residents as well as of social cohesion as relevant policy objectives. However,
the role of cultural production and cultural industry development is relatively modest
(and interestingly, it was sometimes considered in early drafts of the PIUSS projects
but generally abandoned during the revision and implementation phase). On the other
hand, the PIUSS projects are examples of a very good practice in the Italian context,
within the more general framework of the PIR, in that they identify clear strategic
priorities, which are compatible with the long-term cultural planning process and are
systematically pursued as well as rigorously monitored and evaluated ex-post. The
planning process of the Tuscany region therefore constitutes a clear benchmark for
project design and methodology, and opens up interesting although partial
perspectives in the trespassing of the classical mainstream framework that only
considers the culture-tourism link as the developmental driver.


As already mentioned earlier, another interesting source of good practices in the Italian
context are international cooperation projects, and among them INTERREG IVC
projects are of special interest. This is the only channel through which specific attention
to the issues of culture and creative production and development has been transmitted
somewhat systematically to Italian actors, and is therefore worth a special
consideration in the perspective of the 2014-2020 cycle.

There are in particular 5 projects, which are performing this peculiar and crucial
function: Cities,, Creative Growth, Organza, and Tool Quiz.


Project Cities stands for Creative Industries in Traditional Intercultural Spaces, and
addressed the sub-theme entrepreneurship and SMEs of priority 1 of INTERREG IVC.
The project focused on the improvement of regional and local policies in the promotion
and support of cultural and creative industries as a primary industrial driver at the EU
level. The project has begun in October 2008 and has been concluded in September

The projects specific priorities were:

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


- improving regional and local policies addressing creative and cultural sectors;
- helping to restructure regions mostly dependent on traditional industries,
including renewal of industrial zones for new start-ups;
- getting an overview of what other European regions from partners cities have
done to develop creative and cultural industries;
- growing the impact of culture on the regional economy by encouraging
interregional creativity and diversity of cultures;
- supporting regional business clusters in creative and cultural industries field;
- promoting re-conversion of traditional sectors into more knowledge-intensive
sectors such as creative and cultural industries;
- strengthening cooperation between state, private, non-governmental institutions
in the creative and cultural industries sector.

The Italian partners of the project were the City of Modena and the Chamber of
Commerce of Venice. The lead partner was Klaipeda City, and included the Klaipeda
Economic Development Agency, the Municipal Centre of Enterprises of Gijn, the
INTELI Innovation Center of Lisbon, the Hungarian Municipalities Association of the
Danube and Pilis, the Slovenian Institution for Cultural Events and Tourism of Celje,
and Sevilla Global.

The project has covered a variety of reference cases of successful culture-led creative
industry development in Europe, disseminating them in contexts with relatively low
levels of cultural participation and with little experience in cultural production-oriented
local policy design. The involved Italian partners, Modena and Venice, are both
currently carrying out major projects of urban renewal with significant cultural
components, and have certainly benefited from these inputs.

The project operates along similar lines in terms of strategic objectives. The
acronym stands for Creativity, Regions, Enthusiasm, Ambitions, Relationships, Europe
and the priority is a stronger integration of the creative sectors in the regional political
agendas of the partners. A marked emphasis is also posed on mutual learning, and not
simply on learning from external benchmarks. Moreover, creation of new structures for
cultural and creative production and audience development are two main expected
indirect effects of the project. The start of the project has been in January 2010 and it
will end in March 2013.

The Italian partners are the City of Narni and the Agency for the Promotion of Tourism
in Umbria that is to say, two institutions from the same territory. The lead partner is

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

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the Cultural Department of the State Government of Upper Austria in Linz, and the
other ones are the Regional Council of Central Finland, the Lchow-Dannenberg
District in Germany, the Polish City of Poznan, the Romanian City of Medias, the
Slovenian Maribor Development Agency, the Swedish Region of Vstra Gtaland, the
Barcelona Provincial Council, the Spanish Municipal Institute of Economic
Development and Employment of Cordoba, and the Belgian Province of East Flanders.

It is interesting to remark that has published a list of 13 statements for
successful creative development which highlight, among other things, how cultural and
creative industries not only have an impact on the economy, but improve quality of life
and create social benefit; that cultural soft innovation may be important even when it is
not technologically oriented; that cultural infrastructure development should receive
more attention within Structural Funds programming; that the entrepreneurial
dimension of creativity has to cope with the necessity of avoiding economic
instrumentalization; that cultural and creative production mainly occurs through SMEs;
that the potential of cultural and creative development in rural areas is seriously
overlooked; that most of the most dynamic cultural and creative regions in Europe are
small and medium sized; that transfer of experiences and good practices in cultural and
creative sectors is very valuable and should lead to enhanced international cooperation
programs in the next INTERREG cycle. As a whole, such statements make up a very
interesting policy agenda that, if appropriately received in the Italian context, could
bring about substantial changes in the structural funds strategic approach.

Creative Growth

The Creative Growth project focused on the creative economy as an emerging sector
and a key competitiveness asset for Europe. To this purpose, the project aimed at
influencing policy development at the regional and local level, by mainstreaming
specific cultural production-related knowledge and information into the policymaking
process. The project started in September 2008 and finished in September 2011.

The projects priorities were:

- Improved and more effective policies on regional and local level through
evidence-based policy-making;
- Improved business support services and solutions for the creative sector;
- Increased knowledge on how creativity can be a catalyst for regional

The emphasis on evidence-based policy making is particularly valuable and constitutes
one of the most interesting perspectives for the design of future initiatives in cultural

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


and creative policy development. Also, the project has launched a European Network
of Creative Regions that might be the backbone for more effective initiatives in the field.

The Italian partner of the project was Aaster SCpA from Bologna. The project leader
was the Swedish stsam regional Development Council. The other partners were the
Swedish Regional Council of Southern Smland, the Danish Spinderallerne Center for
Culture and Business of Vejle, the South Denmark European Office, the Spanish CEEI
Asturias, the Scottish Edinburgh Napier University, the Lithuanian Kaunas Regional
Development Agency, the Hungarian Eszak-Alfld Development Agency, the
Romanian Timis County Council, and the Bulgarian RAM Central Stara Planina: a
network with a main Northern and Eastern European focus, and in which the Italian
partner is a large consortium between the Emilia Romagna Regional Government,
Universities, regionally located National Research Centers, and entrepreneurial
associations: a very good, system-wide partner that may play a major role in the
dissemination of creative production practices in regional and local policy making.


Organza shares again similar objectives, but its distinctive characteristic is the focus
upon medium-sized cities. The involved partners present different levels of policy
making development in the creative field, and in addition to experience and best
practice exchange, organized along the three main phases of the policy process
(creation, piloting, and implementation) the project aims at building a major database of
cases and data. Entrepreneurial development and development of new policy
approaches for the creative sector are other major priorities. The project started in
December 2010 and is scheduled to finish in December 2012.

The Italian partners are Treviso Tecnologia, the Varese Cotton Textile and Clothing
Centre, and the Chamber of Commerce of Varese. The lead partner is the Dutch City
of Arnhem. Other partners are the ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, still in Arnhem, the
German WFB-Bremen-Economic-Development, the Romanian City of Iasi, the
Georghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, the Slovakian City of Presov, the
Slovakian Technical University of Kosice, the British Nottingham Trent University, the
Belgian Design Flanders, and the Spanish European Business and Innovation Center
of Navarra. Once again the project presents a Northern-Eastern European main focus.
The project publishes a quarterly newsletter that provides a very interesting forum for
ideas and conceptual developments in the cultural and creative fields, and plans to
publish a policy manual for successful knowledge transfer and policy integration in the
creative fields among regions.

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by Pier Luigi Sacco

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Tool Quiz

The project Tool Quiz is the product of a long-term cooperation project set forth by the
French Region North-Pas de Calais, largely as an aftermath of the successful
experience of Lille as the European Culture Capital 2004. The project presents
somewhat unique characteristics as compared to the previous ones as it focuses on
the development of capabilities
and skills in the creative sector to increase workers
employability. As a consequence, the cultural and creative sector is analyzed here as a
platform of human and sustainable development at the European level. The project has
been launched in 2007 and will end in 2013.

In developing a database of 19 good practices, the project is also developing an
innovative set of indicators and of policy benchmarks. The Italian partner is IUAV
University of Venice. The lead partner is the Region Nord-Pas de Calais. The other
partners are the French CRRAV of Nord-Pas de Calais, the French Relais Culture
Europe, the Norwegian Rogaland County Council, Wales Arts International, the Welsh
University of Bangor, the Flemish Community of Belgium, the French Community of
Belgium, the Belgian TechnociT Center, the Spanish Region of Castilla-La Mancha,
the Spanish Simetras Foundation of Toledo, and the Polish Ars Cameralis Superioris.
Unlike other projects, Tool Quiz tends to be Northern-European and Western-European
centered, and Italy is present through a university institution.

Overall, culture-related INTERREG IVC projects clearly stand out as a major platform
for Italy to develop successful practices in cultural and creative industry development.
On the other hand, a few facts need to be pointed out. First of all, the involved Italian
partners are localized in a very small range of regions, and exclusively from Northern
and Central Italy. In particular, the only involved regions are Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia
Romagna, and Umbria: only four regions, some of which present is several programs
(Emilia Romagna and Veneto). The only major Italian cities involved are Bologna and
Venice. Moreover, the presence of public administrations is somewhat limited, so that
the actual partners involved are often local agencies or universities. However promising
in perspective, at the moment this channel has had a limited penetration in the Italian
reality, and the risk is that the influence it can produce is not strong enough to cause a
major re-orientation of the Italian strategic approach. It is therefore highly advisable that
some of the best practices and experiences developed through these programs are
further spread through dissemination initiatives and conferences, possibly with the co-
operation of major Italian institutions such as the Ministry of Cultural Goods and
Activities (MIBAC) and the Ministry of Economic Development.

See A. Sen, Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, 1999.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Also, INTERREG projects could provide a good practice for the creation of stable, long-
term European-wide networks for cultural and economic cooperation. The large
network created by the Region Nord-Pas de Calais, which has taken a strong
leadership at the European level in this field, is a clear example, but the fact that such
network currently does not include any Italian public administration is a lost opportunity.
More generally, it has still to be proven that such networks which have completed or
are still in the ongoing INTERREG projects examined above will continue after the end
of the planned activities. Therefore, it remains an open question to what extent such
projects have contributed to bringing Italian players into stable European coalitions in
the field.

3. SWOT Analysis

Preliminary remarks

In carrying out a brief SWOT analysis of the Italian use of Structural Funds in the
cultural field, it is worthwhile to frame the previous discussion in terms of the 11
Thematic Objectives set for by the Commission Staff Working Document on the 2014-
2020 structural funding cycle
. Among the 11 objectives, 5 contain references to
cultural issues, and specifically:

#1. Strengthening Research, Technological Development and Innovation provides a
mention of creative clusters and of cultural and creative industries (CCI);
#3. Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs mentions cultural and creative industries
and new forms of tourism;
#6. Protecting the environment and Promoting Resource Efficiency: hints to
"investment in the diversification of local economies by protecting and enhancing
cultural heritage and landscapes (both in rural and urban contexts)" and to
rehabilitation of cultural infrastructures;
#9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty: invokes promotion of
intercultural activities;
#10. Investing in Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning mentions creative skills and

Overall, as it can be easily checked, the bulk of the emphasis is upon cultural and
creative production rather than upon the culture-tourism link. Tourism and culture are

Commission Staff Working Document, Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020, with
annexes, Brussels, The European Commission, 2012.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

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jointly cited only in objective #3, and as separate sub-themes. Moreover, reference to
protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscapes in objective #6
generally refers to the diversification of local economies and is significantly associated
with the rehabilitation of cultural infrastructures, once again a production-oriented
theme rather than a familiar (for the Italian context) affirmation of culture as a driving
force for the attraction of tourists flows. More specifically, culture is associated to
transversal themes such as research and innovation, competitiveness of SMEs,
efficiency of resource use, promotion of social inclusion and investment in skills
development and lifelong learning: a global picture that is at odds with the approach
that has characterized the Italian action in the cultural field so far. Consequently, in
developing our SWOT analysis, it is important to refer to the new EU strategic
guidelines in order to account for a substantially bigger emphasis on cultural and
creative industries development and on their social and economic implications for the
next structural funding cycle, also with reference to the Italian situation, as well as to
address the strategic lag accumulated by the country in this specific field during the
present cycle, and the big weight that cultural and creative sectors already have in the
Italian economy, both in absolute and relative terms.

The analysis are divided into two main sections: Strengths/Weaknesses and
Opportunities/Threats. The reason why we group the two dyads rather than separating
them in different sections is that, in both cases, analysis of a strength factor readily
calls for the corresponding weakness. The same applies to opportunities and threats.


Few other countries in the world may boast such a deeply-rooted and
emotionally-strong identification of their national identity with culture. To many
European as well as non-European residents, Italy is the land of culture, or at
least, and with little doubt, a land of culture. As a consequence, the global
expectations about the role of culture in the construction of the Italian model of
civilization are inevitably high, and entail a strong concession of credit that can
be exploited as a major strategic asset. Interestingly, such credit seems to be
eroded only in part by the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of many of the Italian
cultural promotion strategies of the last decades a state of things that leads
mistakenly many Italian policy makers to think that the countrys identification
with culture is a fully renewable asset or something very close to this.

In spite of an almost total lack of strategies, actions and measures to support
the cultural and creative production of the young generations, Italy still seems to
maintain a remarkable cultural vitality, sees raising creative talents in a variety
of fields. In many cases such talent is forced to head for better professional

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


opportunities abroad, without being matched by comparable flows of outside
talent pouring in for analogous reasons. The local frictions and limitations of the
creative job market and the difficulties of the quest for entrepreneurial success
in the creative field have made the latest generations of Italian creative talents
very resilient, and therefore able to survive and thrive in very competitive
environments. This contributes to perpetuate the good reputation of Italy and
(expatriated) Italians as flexible, imaginative people that are able to make the
most out of situations and opportunities that would be difficult for peers seeded
into better professional comfort zones. On the other hand, lack of professional
opportunities is severely damaging the possibility of young Italian creative
professionals to build up skills and experiences, and tends to generate under-
developed professional profiles, which cannot match those of their peers in
other countries with better access to opportunities.

Italy presents a rightly celebrated variety of natural and man-made
environments that may result extremely attractive and inspiring for creative
professionals in search of good living and working conditions, and especially so
in its dense network of small cities and towns, which often lie off the beaten
tracks and eschew the chaos and stress of large metropolitan areas while at the
same time being close enough to them to be reachable. In other words, Italy
has a good potential for the attraction of the creative talents, and not only in the
main metropolitan agglomerations, but also, and possibly even more, in its
more marginal but also more authentic and fascinating small capitals. On the
other hand, in spite of their potential livability, such small capitals tend to be
very conservative cultural environments, resistant to cultural vitalization and
change, and to repel any apparent threat to the status quo thereby initially
attracting, but finally expelling creative outsiders.

Another relevant strength is the high level of the heritage preservation and
conservation standards and practice, which is often jeopardized by the low level
of funding, that sometimes does not even allow an appropriate conservation of
major pieces of heritage, also due to the high concentration of valuable heritage
sites throughout the national territory. The lack of resources is leading to
recurrent episodes of apparent heritage disruption and damage which are
having a vast global echo and are creating a perception of a decaying state of
some Italian cultural sites. In addition, the emphasis on physical heritage has
led to a relative disregard for intangible forms of heritage, which have been so
far much less attentively defined, classified, and preserved a major strategic
weakness in a country with a very high level of endogenous cultural diversity
and a long and complex cultural history.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

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Also on the educational side in the humanities and cultural professions, as well
as in art and music academies, the Italian standards are pretty good, as
testified by the generally good performances of students of Italian origins in
major international universities in the humanities and cultural studies fields, as
well as in international arts and music schools. On the other hand, the lack of
attractive job opportunities at home is pushing a relevant share of Italys most
qualified young cultural professionals toward foreign markets a situation that
amounts to a huge net deficit in the balance of payment of human capital and
specialized competences - for which the country has spent substantial public
resources but which benefit some of its direct competitors. Moreover, Italy does
not maintain the competitive edge of its educational system as a real policy
priority with the result that its relatively poorly funded schools lag behind those
of more education-oriented countries, and with the possibility of a long-term
deterioration of educational quality itself.

In fact, culture has a weak level of social legitimization in Italy, and many
Italians think that cultural budgets and objectives should be among the first to
be sacrificed in times of crisis, despite the fact that culture is commonly
identified as the countrys main source of identification and national pride. This
contradictory attitude leads to a strong idealization of culture, of its role in
national and local socio-economic development, and in the conditions that
make such development sustainable and effective. The common sense
identification of culture with Italys oil is very telling in this respect: it is widely
believed that culture may bring about wealth and well-being for future
generations, but the actual mechanisms and processes through which this
should happen remain very fuzzy in the public debate, and often one has the
impression that this vagueness is intentional. In other words, culture plays more
the role of an anti-anxiety, semi-magical remedy whose effectiveness should
never really be closely investigated or questioned in order to preserve its
reassuring function. It must also be added that Italy is characterized by a
relatively low level of cultural participation as compared to leading European
countries, and that roughly one Italian out of 2 is basically not interested in
culture, and in particular in its production, preservation, and support. Then, in
order to promote a wider social legitimization, a substantial effort of audience
development and pro-active involvement in cultural practices must be
undertaken, possibly as a distinctive goal within the 2014-2020 NSRF.

In terms of cultural and creative sectors with an international lead, there are
some in which Italy maintains to a certain extent a recognized global leadership:
design, food design, and fashion, as well as some segments of music, visual
and performing arts (but, in these latter cases, mostly with artists that operate

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

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abroad and who have often been professionally trained abroad as well). In the
design-related creative industry sectors. However, most of the current
reputation of the country is linked to creative personalities that are now in their
full maturity or in their physiologically declining phase, whereas the generational
turnover of new creative blood is once again relatively modest. Moreover, Italy
suffers from an idiosyncratic strategic myopia concerning design-related
sectors: it tends to file them under a classical manufacturing label rather than
as part of the cultural and creative industry, with the double negative result of
failing to perceive the competitive and development potential of cultural and
creative industries themselves and, which is possibly even more serious, of
failing to understand the structural interdependences that link design or fashion
to other cultural and creative fields such as visual arts, music, cinema, or
literature. Hence, the economic and social impact of the physical production are
over-emphasized rather than the creative development and prototyping phases.
In this way excessively sector-focused strategies and initiatives are designed,
that most likely lead to small, incremental creative innovation rather than to
major creative breakthroughs. Interestingly, such complex, multi-disciplinary
cultural environments were relatively common in Italy during the decades of
incubation of the golden generations of Italian design and fashion the 50s,
the 60s, the 70s, and to some lesser extent the 80s and part of the 90s but
this kind of creative atmosphere seems to have been lost more recently and
needs to be rejuvenated, so far with mixed results
. Another aspect of this
ambiguity between ideation and realization is the (very much desirable)
permanence of relevant pools of specialized craft skills, which preserve
precious and very localized forms of human capital, but which once again tend
to be classified as productive assets rather than as intangible heritage, and
therefore tend to fail to be inter-generationally transmitted once their economic
sustainability is undermined. Where on the contrary some attempt at
preservation of such skills is being made, there is often a rigid opposition
between the traditional skill base and creative evolution processes, which tend
to be recognized as disturbing the traditional knowledge and therefore are
considered as threats rather than being cultivated to promote the further
enhancement and adaptation of the traditional skills. As a whole, then, the
currently prevailing design-oriented productive culture tends to oppose rather
than to promote creative innovation, thus explaining the missing renovation of
the Italian design sectors in the last decades.

In view of all these reasons, and probably of several more, analogous ones, in
principle Italy should profit substantially from a coherent and focused strategy of

E. Bertacchini, W. Santagata (eds.), Atmosfera creativa. Un modello di sviluppo sostenibile per il
Piemonte fondato su cultura e creativit, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012.

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development of cultural and creative production as a main driver of its post-
manufacturing economic and social transition. In particular, in view of a
relatively weak performance in innovation capacity when compared with
European leaders in the field, it should be very logical to exploit the above-
mentioned strengths to launch a major national campaign for soft, culture-based
innovation as a potential source of competitive advantage. This could probably
be regarded also as an interesting route to revitalize the countrys performance
in the tourism sector, which has been declining in relative terms with respect to
many competitors, often less endowed than Italy in terms of assets with a global
visibility and reputation; nevertheless they are more able to attract tourists and
for longer stays. Boosting the countrys creative potential could help rejuvenate
an image that is sometimes prone to cheap stereotyping. The main obstacle to
this major strategic breakthrough, however, is the deeply-rooted attitude of
Italian policy makers to use culture as an anti-cyclic measure and as a social
dampener, or as a protected area for the creation of rent or privilege positions
as a consequence of political red tape. Moreover, cultural policies, as
exemplified e.g. in the Latium case study above, are very sensitive to the
political-economic cycle, and tend to be opportunistically remodeled as a
consequence of political issues and concerns, irrespectively of the actual
contents and of the real policy priorities. This has led to the long-term presence
of pockets of privilege and inefficiency in the cultural sectors, which has
contributed to undermining the credibility and the perception of social merit of
the cultural and creative production in certain social and political segments.

To sum up, most of the strengths are balanced by corresponding weaknesses, and
some of them are currently more potential than actual. Others, in turn look somewhat
like an unintentional, paradoxical product of structural or strategic deficiencies, and
thus tend to be very fragile and context-dependent. Therefore, the current relatively
good health of Italys cultural identity in spite of so many adverse factors seems more
to be linked to a very strong and consolidated historical rent than to clever maintenance
or development strategies. As a consequence of this, such identity might die unless
something is done to prevent this.

Coming more specifically to the strategic design and implementation of Structural
Funds usage, an Italian strength seems to lie in the relatively high levels of resources
devoted to cultural purposes, both in absolute and relative terms, even if such figures
do not necessarily reflect the adequate spending capacities. Moreover, both the focus
and the allocation of spending seems to be often ill-directed, or at least too
concentrated on relatively traditional, low-innovation activities and sectors, with little
concern for international best practices and benchmarks.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


As already hinted in the previous discussion, the main weakness of the Italian
approach to Structural Funds is the lack of a sophisticated strategic approach, that
would adequately matche the wealth and potential of the countrys cultural assets and
talents. The mismatch between the size, quality and articulation of the Italian cultural
and creative sectors and the corresponding policy making priorities and practices is
huge and certainly defying comparison with other countries with similar top-level socio-
economic and cultural profiles.

To make the most out of the current Italian strengths, therefore, it is safe to conclude
that the entire Structural Funds strategy for culture, both at the national and at the
regional levels, should call for a major re-thinking and for a substantial update in its
conceptual and factual references to become a true development engine for the


On the basis of the discussion conducted so far, the major opportunity for Italy
with a view to the 2014-2020 Structural Funds cycle is the systematic
development of a coherent, effective strategy for cultural and creative industry
competitiveness and development. The country has a strong, resilient cultural
brand and is already home to one of the bigger and most vital cultural and
creative sectors at the EU level. Specific human capital is also relatively
abundant in terms of well-trained, competent and experienced cultural and
creative professionals, and there is a vast juvenile cohort of students and young
professionals that considers the cultural and creative field as one of the most
interesting and motivationally fulfilling for their future job career. In principle, if
there was a serious attempt to give culture the right priority in the countrys
policy agenda, there could be a serious possibility that the cultural and creative
sectors may give a major contribution in redesigning the much longed for new
growth formula for Italy. Especially in the current economic conjuncture, this is a
kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

On the other hand, the real issue is the difficulty of bringing culture into the
Italian policy agenda seriously enough. Possibly also due to the slowness of
generational change in the countrys ruling class, the reference models in
thinking of the new growth strategy at the country level remain firmly anchored
in old innovative-manufacturing-plus-advanced-tertiary-services models. As
already remarked, even iconic creative sectors such as fashion or design are
conceptualized as (mainstream) manufacturing rather than creative sectors,
and this has serious consequences in terms of policy strategy, design, and

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

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resource allocation. For Italian governments - and a similar trend occurs at the
regional and often at the metropolitan level as well - culture is not simply a real
policy option in that the very notion of cultural and creative industries does not
belong to the decision makers toolbox. This does not mean that there is little
attention to culture, but as already emphasized such attention is mainly
rhetorical and this state of things becomes apparent at the moment of budget
decisions, where, in spite of already meager allocations, cultural budgets are
increasingly penalized and brutally cut down. The decade-long trend at the
national level is telling: the budget of the Ministry of Culture (MIBAC) has been
cut by 36,4% in the period 2001-2011, and now amounts to 0,19% of total
public expenditure
. To make a telling comparison, in the postwar period, in a
dramatic moment in which Italy was impoverished by the war destructions and
had to carry the burden of the physical reconstruction of the country, public
cultural expenditure amounted to 0,8% of the total, a four-fold figure with
respect to the status quo. An analogous trend can be observed in local
administrations. Only in the period 2008-2011, public cultural expenditure in
cities has dropped by 35% on average. Grouping together national, regional
and local public expenditure, public spending for culture in Italy roughly
amounts to 5,6 billion euros against the 7,5 billion in France (a growing figure
despite the crisis) and the 12,5 billion in Germany. If the current trend
continues, the cultural sector in Italy is at risk of being swept away altogether,
as a consequence of a joint action of the long-term dismissal trend in public
expenditure and of the savage cuts prompted by the current crisis quite at
odds with the promise of seeding culture at the core of the countrys new growth

To revert this very dangerous trend, a system-wide view of the cultural and
creative sectors should be developed and should be firmly in the minds of the
policy makers. But developing this approach and bringing it into the policy
mainstream is a hard task, and entails overcoming some serious cultural
obstacles. In the first place, in Italy, culture, in its most iconic sense, is identified
mainly with the non-industrial core (visual arts, performing arts, heritage), which
by definition can only be profitable to a limited extent and therefore needs to be
largely subsidized. In a system-wide perspective, it would become clear, or at
least understandable, that such sub-sectors, in spite of generating a
comparatively low turnover and of being largely dependent on public subsidies,
are responsible of many of the major cultural innovations that can be developed
and made profitable in the more industrially-oriented cultural and creative
sectors, as happens with R&D in the hard technological sectors. But if there is

R. Grossi (ed.), Rapporto annuale Federculture. Cultura e sviuppo: la scelta per salvare lItalia, 24Ore
Cultura, Milan, 2012.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

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not a clear perception of this peculiar sector inter-connection, it is almost
inevitable that policy makers tend to think of subsidized culture as a sphere of
activity that merely absorbs resources and does not generate significant
economic value. There are, in fact, cultural and creative sub-sectors such as
music, cinema, and publishing which are properly identified with cultural
industries, but which do not receive strong attention because their size, taken
separately, is not comparable to that of the major sectors; and also because, in
the current digital content revolution, they are being seriously challenged in their
profitability. Once again, then, these sectors are not seen as carriers of major
strategic value, and are in turn to some extent dependent on various forms of
public subsidy to secure their sustainability. As to the really profitable sectors,
such as the creative ones like fashion or design, or the last-wave cultural ones
such as videogames and multimedia, not to speak of radio-television, which in
Italy poses well-known ownership and contestability issues on its private side
and suffers from heavy politically-determined inefficiencies on the public side;
they are generally not considered as part of the cultural and creative sphere for
different reasons. It so happens that one of the biggest, profitable and
potentially strategic meta-sectors of the Italian economy literally vanishes from
the perception of the decision-makers (and sometimes of the public opinion)
because it is conceptually torn down in pieces in such a way that perceiving its
very existence as a strategically interdependent and coherent field of economic
activity becomes hard for those who do not have a direct professional
knowledge, not to speak of acknowledging its developmental potential. In this
situation, thinking of a strategic development plan for cultural and creative
industry becomes illusory, as it is the very object of a discussion that casts at
best a fuzzy and misleading image in the minds of the decision makers.

In this context, then, Structural Funds can play a key role in bringing Italian
cultural policies on faster and better-networked tracks. The almost mono-
thematic and obsolete approach of Italian public administrations to EU-funded
cultural spending that has been reviewed in the previous sections is a direct
consequence of the major conceptual problem illustrated here. Therefore,
negotiating over the next cycle of Structural Funds becomes a very important
opportunity to help the Italian government to focus upon the real developmental
scenario for culture, and to bring to a serious extent cultural and creative
production on the policy agenda for the coming years, starting from a major
rethinking of the NSRF objectives. On the other hand, together with a better
understanding and wiring of public action towards market-mediated forms of
economic value creation, more attention should also be provided to non-market
mediated but strategically valuable forms of value creation in terms of indirect
effects on innovation, well-being, social cohesion, environmental sustainability,

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


knowledge society, and so on
a socio-economically comprehensive view of
culture that is deeply rooted in the Italian cultural tradition
, but that finds little
translation both in policy practice and in public communication. A clever
orchestration of the non market-mediated socio-economic impacts of culture in
the design of a growth policies package could yield very interesting effects in
the Italian context, and especially in a moment of profound structural crisis and
change as the present one, where many aspects of social cohesion and
cooperation and of civic sentiment are put under severe stress. If undertaking a
more balanced innovation policy where hard technological elements and soft
cultural and creative components would mingle and synergize, Italy could
manage to carry over a successful re-adaptation of its economic structure in
which the cultural and creative sectors would eventually find their proper place.

To make just one simple example, one could think of the potential opportunities
open by a systematic strategy of digitalization of the Italian tangible and
intangible cultural heritage. This could become a powerful innovation and
participation platform that could allow to reach several major objectives at the
same time: providing a powerful content base for cultural and creative
production, allowing to develop state-of-the-art educational tools in the cultural
fields for the digital natives, attracting entrepreneurship and venture capital to
the cultural and creative fields both at the national level and from abroad,
facilitating fund-raising for the restoration of physical heritage and for the
preservation of intangible heritage, developing new products and services for
smart mobile devices, increasing the halo effect for national design-intensive
productions, and improving the competitiveness of the cultural tourism sector
with the provision of new forms of experience. This is only a very partial and
tentative list, but even from these sketchy considerations it becomes apparent
that it would be unreasonable for Italy not to invest with high strategic priority in
a field like this.

These last remarks point at yet another untapped opportunity in the cultural field
entrepreneurship. As it is well known, Italy has a very solid entrepreneurial
tradition, although unevenly distributed across the territory. In particular, in the
last decades Italy has developed well-performing SMEs clusters not only in
traditional sectors but also in new design-oriented sectors characterized by
interesting blends of hard and soft innovation. This legacy could be very
promising in developing a new wave of entrepreneurial talent in the cultural and

P.L. Sacco, Culture 3.0 A new perspective on the 2014-2020 structural funds programming, paper
prepared for the DG Culture on behalf of EENC.
new-perspective-for-the-eu-2014-2020-structural-funds-programming/, cited.
Eurobarometer, European Cultural Values, Special Eurobarometer Series #278, The European
Commission, Brussels, 2007.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

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creative sectors, building upon the experience previously accumulated in other
sectors. But again there is very little effort and even awareness in this respect.
Due to the narrow focusing upon the economic potential and employability
perspectives of culture, public communication tends to be negative and
pessimistic, warning the young of the modest income and high precariousness
associated to cultural and creative professions, and inviting attention toward
high-tech sectors. Not surprisingly, then, young entrepreneurs find little
encouragement to move toward the cultural field, so that at the moment we find
a small number of advanced and even successful best practices of cultural and
creative startups, but there is little attention given to these in the media and a
weak propagation of the success stories. On the other hand, given the objective
difficulty of setting up new firms in Italy, as testified by the extremely low ranking
that the country achieves in all major measurements of economic freedom and
ease of doing business, it is rather consequential that the bulk of young
entrepreneurs in Italy today comes from entrepreneurial families, and most
often starts up from the evolution or refocusing of some family business and
given the current profile of specialization of the Italian economy, it is unlikely
that the family legacy would encourage the young generation to look at the
cultural and creative sectors, unless strong personal propensities exist.
Therefore, there is a remarkable window of opportunity in the current phase,
also given the high levels of juvenile unemployment in Italy, to encourage
projects of entrepreneurial incubation in the creative sectors, and especially so
for first-generation entrepreneurs and university graduates from the humanities
field (one of the sectors that has been severely penalized in the Italian job
market, even before the outbreak of the crisis, and could in fact benefit most
from a well-directed entrepreneurial turn). This sector, in particular, in the
Structural Funds perspective, could benefit not only from ERDF funding but also
from ESF.

Opportunities and threats in the Italian context for the next Structural Funds cycle are
therefore both linked to agenda-setting. If a clear, widely shared, innovative policy
agenda is set, Italy could benefit from it disproportionately, given the current amount of
unexploited potential and policy malpractice. But if on the contrary this opportunity is
lost, there is a serious risk that the Italian cultural and creative sectors would be unable
to survive another cycle of neglect and social and economic marginalization, and would
consequently functionally crumble down, with a consequent flight of the remaining pool
of talent, competence, and professionalism, which would be inevitably lured away by
better opportunities (not only in other EU countries, but increasingly so in the emerging
cultural BRICs), increasingly meager public budgets and private investments, lower
rates of participation, and so on - thus vaporizing one of the most plausible factors of
comparative advantage and long-term economic competitiveness of the country.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

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4. Priorities for Cultural Investment 2014-2020

The final section provides a synthetic list of potential issues and areas for agenda
making for the European Commissions negotiation mandate with Italy in the context of
the 2014-2020 Structural Funds programming cycle. As already emphasized, a major
refocusing of the Italian priorities in the cultural field is called for, but this does not imply
that Italy should draw back from efforts in enhancing and better integrating its cultural
and tourism sectors. Therefore, the fact that the final section does highlight this point
does not amount to denying its importance. It is rather a consequence of the fact that
this has been so far the main focus of attention of governmental and regional actions.

4.1. Some general lines of action for the next programming phase

As already pointed out, the main priority for Italy in the next cycle should be a real
undertaking of the development of a strategically coherent and effective approach to
cultural and creative production and to fostering cultural participation. Unlike other
countries with comparable dimensional levels of the cultural and creative sectors, in the
Italian case we are still in the set-up phase, and in particular there is a wide gap to be
filled in between the public sector and private players who are acting in the field with
working knowledge of the international standards and trends. This has to be kept in
mind when discussing and evaluating possible measures.

Giving a major weight to cultural and creative industries at the NSRF level

The issue of cultural and creative industries has been practically absent from the Italian
National Strategic Reference Framework so far. At this stage, however, inclusion would
not be satisfactory result per se, unless this clearly translates into a major policy
priority, to be reflected significantly at all levels of the Operational Programs. At the
moment, many Italian regions only give a limited space to culture-related strategic lines
in their Operational Programs, often as sub-lines without a broader context, and there
is no explicit recognition of the strategic potential of cultural and creative production.
The same applies to the Inter-regional and National Operational Program levels. This is
most critical in view of the fact that Convergence regions are among those who, given
the level of funding available and the socio-economic conditions of such regions, could
benefit tremendously from a coherent and effective implementation of a culture-driven
development strategy.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Designing context-specific specific strategies for culture-driven local development

Due to the large inter-regional differences across the country and to the vast
differences in extension, focus and articulation of the respective cultural and creative
sectors, much emphasis should be placed on avoiding the adoption of one-size-fits-all
formulas of culture-driven local development, and encouraging on the contrary a
context-specific design practice, also allowing specific funding for creation of focused
data banks of good practices from socio-economically comparable contexts. In
particular, dyads such as North/South, urban/rural, industrialized/de-industrialized,
geographically central/marginal should be taken into account when evaluating the
applicability of certain models, and looking for useful benchmarks.

Stabilizing priorities and projects across the political cycle

It is often the case that, when in administrative elections falling within a given Structural
Funds cycle, the local political majority changes, the implementation and even the
strategic setting of the ROPs may be deeply altered to adapt to the changed agenda
and priorities of the new administrations, thereby putting at risk the consistency of the
local development projects and even the very possibility of spending the funding, and
of doing it in useful ways. This problem may in principle arise in several if not in all of
the EU Member States, but becomes particularly serious in countries such as Italy
where cultural spending is customarily perceived as a form of anti-cyclic spending and
is therefore subject to substantial political discretion. Suitable monitoring and
controlling actions at the EU level should be undertaken to prevent this from

Encouraging cultural and creative youth entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial incubation and business acceleration in the cultural and creative fields
can be tackled very effectively in principle with the use of the Structural Funds, and
given the high social pressure on reduction of juvenile unemployment, pursuing such
an objective with a high level of priority could possibly help several Italian regions in
higher, better and more effective spending of EU funding. In this context, given the
widespread level of social alarm on the youth unemployment issue, providing
incentives to public-private partnerships involving co-funding from bank foundations,
companies, professional and entrepreneurial umbrella associations, etc., could allow to
reach multiple results: addressing a widely-felt priority; raising awareness on the
developmental potential of cultural and creative production; stimulating better and more
focused interaction between traditional and creative sectors at the crucial, innovative
startup phase; enhancing the decision makers knowledge and familiarity with the

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012



Finding out new (innovative) spaces for culture in traditionally non-cultural fields

Whereas culture hardly finds space for strategic lines of its own within the OPs, not
only it should receive closer direct attention, but could usefully find further,
complementary spaces within lines that concern ambits that are traditionally thought to
present little strategic complementarity with culture: from infrastructure to agriculture,
from energy to transport etc.. If properly calibrated, cultural actions and initiatives could
bring substantial value added in these sectors in many respects: from participative
design of major infrastructural interventions, to improved energy saving habits and
customs, to design-oriented agricultural practices, to enhancement of travel experience
etc.. Not only such spaces would create more and better opportunities for cultural and
creative professionals and firms, but could produce substantial value added through
innovative processes, improving the competitiveness of sectors and firms.

Stimulating culture-driven soft innovation in non-cultural sectors

The available scientific and policy evidence shows clearly that cultural participation
may be a powerful catalyst for soft and sometimes even of high-tech innovation, and
this is true not only at the general societal level, but even more so at the corporate
level. Firms that organize projects on cultural and creative training and workshops for
their employees are generally rewarded with higher levels of productivity, on-the-job
satisfaction, and organizational cohesion. These forms of inter-sector creative
contamination may also be conducive to the emergence of new professional profiles
and competences that could further enhance the effectiveness of such programs,
motivate more companies to join, and to start up a virtuous social dynamics.

Promoting non-market-mediated forms of cultural value creation: culturally-driven
welfare, social cohesion, lifelong learning programs

Once again on the basis of a growing scientific evidence
, we know that cultural
participation acts in very positive ways on both life expectancy and perceived quality of
life of citizens. These positive effects feed back in terms of reduction of welfare
treatment costs, which, in an ageing continent such as Europe, could lead to
substantial resource saving while at the same time improving the conditions of sensible
target groups such as the elderly or the chronically ill. At the same time, a systematic
coordination between cultural participation and social welfare programs could open up

For an up to date review and recent results, see E. Grossi, P.L. Sacco, G. Tavano Blessi and R. Cerutti,
The impact of culture on the individual subjective wellbeing of Italian population. An exploratory study,
Applied Research in Quality of Life 6, 387-410, 2011.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


to the development of new professional profiles, while providing a new channel of
funding for cultural activity whose effects are clearly perceivable and appreciable by the
public opinion, thus enhancing the social legitimization of culture. On similar bases one
can argue that cultural participation may curb substantially social costs deriving from
failed social integration, contrasted intercultural dialogue, or bad understanding of the
social and economic individual benefits of lifelong learning. By selecting, developing
and mainstreaming good practices in the field it would be possible to create new
platforms for social innovation which could make a crucial contribution in terms of
growth, active citizenship, and capability building. A crucial premise for this to happen
is to foster audience building and development in the Italian context, given the current
evidence of relatively low levels of cultural participation and the issues of social
legitimization of culture and of its meaningful and functional insertion in everyday life
habits and routines an issue that could be effectively tackled through a suitable mix of
ERDF and ESF-related objectives and policies, which, if properly designed and
implemented systematically at the regional level with all due local variability, could have
a long-lasting impact.

4.2. Specific recommendations on the basis of the Thematic Objectives CSF

As already emphasized, of the 11 thematic objectives contained in the Commissions
proposal for the Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020, 5 contain a specific
reference to culture. However, even if some of the objectives that do not mention
culture explicitly, there are other possibilities for culture-driven initatives to be funded
under them, which could have significant impact on the chosen policy targets. There is
thus a vast spectrum of possibilities to design new measures and interventions that
translate effectively such objectives into specific culturally-focused goals and initiatives.
Below some tentative proposals are provided. They result from a vast repertoire of
public discussions and panels carried out across Italy in the past few years and are
dedicated to a various extent to the themes of enhancing the development potential of
cultural and creative production in Italy in the years to come.

For each thematic objective, proposals are classified in terms of investment priority,
program relevance, and field of action.

(1) Strengthening research, technological development and innovation

priority (b)
Product and service development, demand stimulation, clusters, open innovation
through smart specialization and social innovation


Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Main fields of

Developing cultural-technological clusters for the digitalization and the
integration into digital content platforms of physical and intangible cultural
heritage, through system-wide partnerships between public administrations,
companies, universities, local development agencies, cultural associations and
organizations, and so on. (ERDF)
Creating national and regional databases of best practices in culture-driven,
cross sector creative contaminations, and organizing local workshops with
umbrella professional and entrepreneurial organizations, local bank foundations,
public administrations, and local development agencies to promote coordinated
action and design skills building in key decision makers and actors. (ERDF)
Launching a program for cultural institutions and organizations on culture-based
open innovation projects in the welfare, social cohesion, and knowledge society
fields. (ERDF)
Supporting transfer of design-oriented practices in low-design sectors, and to all
sectors in Convergence regions. (ERDF)
Launching a public contest in schools at all levels to provide ideas for increasing
cultural participation in local communities, with a special attention for the
socially-marginalized and for the elderly. (ESF)
Launching a program on introduction to creative entrepreneurship for young
unemployed graduates and medium- and long-term unemployed. (ESF)

(2) Improvement of access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

priority (b)
Developing ICT products and services

Main fields of

ICT support for libraries and community centres in deprived urban areas, in rural
areas and in areas hit by major environmental damage (earthquakes etc.).
ICT support to young creative entrepreneurs in Convergence regions. (ERDF)
ICT-based projects for urban and social requalification of public places. (ERDF)
Grants for ICT-focused innovative projects in the cultural and creative field
(visual arts, performing arts, e-publishing, videogames, multimedia, music, etc.).
ICT support for development of tourism-related digital content platforms. (ERDF)
Promotion of training programmes for stakeholders in Convergence regions and
in socially-deprived and rural areas of Competitiveness regions lacking digital
literacy, in partnership with cultural and educational centres. (ESF)

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


(3) Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs

priority (a)
Promoting entrepreneurship


Main fields of

Supporting radical innovation practices in SMEs working in the fields of digital
content platforms, e-publishing, multimedia, augmented reality, social
aggregators and media, and digital animation. (ERDF)
Promoting business accelerators for cultural and creative firms already on the
market and needing support in terms of strategic counselling, access to
international networks, creative data mining, crowd-sourcing development, and
so on. (ERDF)
Building up a centre of excellence on transfer of cultural and creative practices to
SMEs environments, with co-funding from companies, professional and
entrepreneurial umbrella organizations, and bank foundations. (ERDF)
Supporting entrepreneurial projects based on the creative combination of
traditional crafts and advanced technologies (smart crafts), and on the creative
re-use of cultural heritage as a working archive, as well as pilot research and
development in these fields. (ERDF)
Promoting the development of digitally-based simulation platforms (serious
) that encourage young students to build up risk-taking, entrepreneurial
skills in the cultural sectors, and support the organization of school contests and
the local, national, and EU-wide level. (ERDF)
Developing models and practices for social entrepreneurship in the cultural and
creative sector, with a special attention to professional involvement, and
audience development and engagement, of the elderly, the disabled, and of the
ethnic minorities. (ESF)

(4) Supporting the shift towards the low-carbon economy in all sectors

priority (e)
Promoting low-carbon strategies for urban areas



S. De Freitas and P. Maharg (eds.), Digital Games and Learning, Continuum Books, London, 2011.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Main fields of

Supporting the conversion of declining or dismissed industrial areas into cultural
and creative residences and production clusters as a strategy to reduce carbon
footprint and to develop an alternative local development models in polluted
urban environments. (ERDF)
Supporting the multidisciplinary development of architectural design methods
aiming at reducing the carbon footprint of living environments and to foster more
sustainable uses of private and public space. (ERDF)
Supporting open innovation civil society forums for the crowdsourcing of
energetic efficiency solutions through creative forms of cultural brainstorming
and mediation. (ERDF)

(5) Promoting climate change adaptation and risk prevention and management

priority (b)
Promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and
developing disaster management systems

Main fields of

Assessing and developing risk prevention concepts and best practices for
natural and cultural heritage sites, with special emphasis on zones affected by
major environmental damage (earthquakes, floods, etc.). (ERDF)
Developing and implementing a database and a policy manual on best and worst
practices in the management of endangered Italian UNESCO World Heritage
sites. (ERDF)

(6) Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency

priority (c)
Protecting, promoting and developing cultural heritage

Main fields of

Promoting contemporary architectural solutions and methods for the protection,
requalification and creative re-use of historic buildings, preferentially in
cooperation with artists and designers. (ERDF)
Supporting innovative, mixed models of tourist-oriented and creative production-
oriented usage of heritage buildings as a form of active preservation. (ERDF)
Developing socially-responsible forms of creative re-use of heritage buildings
involving the elderly, the disabled and the ethnic minorities as a form of active
preservation. (ESF)

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


(8) Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility

priority (a)
Development of business incubators and business creation

Main fields of

Promoting cultural and creative entrepreneurial incubators with strategic support
services in terms of product development and optimization, marketing, access to
finance, etc. (ERDF)
Supporting EU-wide and international cooperation in network building and
consolidation among creative incubators, favouring exchange and residence
programs for entrepreneurs, trade missions, venture capital meet-ups, etc.
Promoting special programs of capability-building and pre-incubation for
potential social enterprises working in the cultural and creative fields, employing
long-term unemployed, disabled, or ethnic minority persons and addressing
audiences in the above target groups as well as in the elderly one. (ESF)
Promoting business skills building for cultural and creative professionals and
employees through mobility, exchange, and peer learning schemes. (ESF)

(9) Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty


(a) Investing in health and social infrastructure which contribute to national and
regional local development
(b) Support for physical and economic regeneration of deprived urban and rural
(c) Support for social enterprises

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


Main fields of

Supporting long-term public art projects that engage local communities on
socially sensible and controversial issues in the context of physical and
economic regeneration of deprived urban and rural areas. (ERDF)
Supporting cultural projects that promote intercultural exchange and mediation in
socio-economically deprived areas with high levels of cultural diversity. (ERDF
and ESF)
Promoting international networks of social enterprises working in cultural
welfare-related fields and facilitating exchange of competences and good
practices. (ERDF)
Supporting cultural welfare-related entrepreneurship and professional
development in areas with high levels of poverty and low life expectancy, with
special attention to Convergence regions. (ESF)
Supporting pilot cultural welfare programs based on cultural participation in
areas with high levels of poverty and low life expectancy, with special attention
to Convergence regions. (ESF)
Promoting programs of cultural capability building for children and teenagers
living in socially-critical contexts, taking as a reference already consolidated
approaches such as El sistema Abreu of Projeto Ax. (ESF)

(10) Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning

priority (a)
Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning

Main fields of

Supporting research projects from universities, cultural institutions and art
academies that develop scientifically-rigorous and operationally-feasible
methods for the evaluation of the direct and indirect effects of cultural production
and participation on human capital levels and quality. (ERDF)
Supporting educational programs on creative problem-solving and decision-
making through cultural participation and animation developed in cooperation
with local cultural institutions. (ERDF and ESF)
Supporting training programs in creative facilitation of innovation for SMEs
targeted to young unemployed graduates in the humanities. (ESF)
Supporting programs of education to lifelong learning based upon cultural
participation and animation for the middle-aged short-term unemployed. (ESF)

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


(11) Enhancing institutional capacity and ensuring an efficient public administration

Enhancing institutional capacity and ensuring an efficient public administration

Main fields of

Investment in monitoring systems for culture-based regional development
strategies (regional cultural observatories). (ERDF)
Robust research on the use of Structural Funds in Italy for culture and the
creative industries in 2007-2013 and elaboration of a policy manual for public
administrations for the 2014-2020 cycle. (ERDF)
Capacity-building measures for public administration at regional and local level
involved in the implementation of the EU Structural Funds. (ERDF and ESF)
Training programs on cultural and creative industry policy management for top
executives of public administrations. (ERDF)
Promotion of a national initiative on culture and creative industries and the
under-40s with the cooperation of the Presidency of the Republic and the
umbrella professional and entrepreneurial organizations. (ERDF)
Creation of a permanent group of policy design and exchange of good practices
in cultural and creative industries in the context of the State-regions conference.
Creation of a permanent Inter-Ministry group involving the Ministries of Culture,
Economic Development, Education, Labour and Social Policies, and Foreign
Affairs on the monitoring and strategic evaluation of the use of Structural Funds
(including international cooperation projects) in the cultural field for the purposes
of economic development, capability and skills building, entrepreneurial
development, and cultural diplomacy. (ERDF)
Promoting and supporting independent forms of professional and citizen
journalism for the monitoring of the fair use of public resources, the respect of
civil rights, the contrast of corruption, and the protection of freedom of
expression. (ERDF)
Promotion of active citizenship workshops addressing cultural expression rights
and fostering active use of social media to promote pluralism, transparency and
fair access to public opinion of socially and economic deprived people and of
ethnic minorities. (ESF)

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012



- E. Bertacchini, W. Santagata (eds.), Atmosfera creativa. Un modello di sviluppo
sostenibile per il Piemonte fondato su cultura e creativit, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012.
- Eurobarometer, European Cultural Values, Special Eurobarometer Series #278,
The European Commission, Brussels, 2007.
- European Commission, Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. National Strategic Reference
Frameworks, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European
Communities, 2007.
- European Commission, Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to
2020: the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the
Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Commission Staff Working Document,
SWD(2012) 61 final.
- Fondazione Symbola, LItalia che verr. Industria Culturale, made in Italy e territori,
Roma, 2011, available online at
- R. Grossi (ed.), Rapporto annuale Federculture. Cultura e sviuppo: la scelta per
salvare lItalia, 24Ore Cultura, Milan, 2012.
- E. Grossi, P.L. Sacco, G. Tavano Blessi and R. Cerutti, The impact of culture on
the individual subjective wellbeing of Italian population. An exploratory study,
Applied Research in Quality of Life 6, 387-410, 2011
- Dominic Power and Tobias Nielsen, Creative and Cultural Industries, The
European Cluster Observatory, DG Enterprise and Industry, Brussels, 2010.
- S. Roodhouse (ed.), Cultural quarters, second edition, Intellect, Bristol, 2011.
- P.L. Sacco, Culture 3.0 A new perspective on the 2014-2020 structural funds
programming, paper prepared for the DG Culture on behalf of EENC.
- P.L. Sacco, G. Ferilli, G. Tavano Blessi and M. Nuccio, Culture as an engine of
local development processes: System-wide cultural districts. I: Theory & II:
Prototype cases, Growth and Change, accepted for publication, 2012.
- W. Santagata (ed.), Libro bianco sulla creativit. Per un modello italiano di
sviluppo, Universit Bocconi Editore, Milan, 2009.
- Sen, Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- UIL-Servizio Politiche Territoriali, Le risorse dei fondi strutturali europei (FESR-
FSE). Lo stato di attuazione del quadro strategico nazionale 2007-2013, Roma,

See also additional Internet references given on footnotes.

Culture and the Structural Funds in Italy

by Pier Luigi Sacco

EENC Paper, June 2012


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