Ankle Injury Prevention

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by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Copyright @ 2010
Multistation Proprioceptive Exercise Program
Prevents Ankle Injuries in Basketball


Funktionsbereich Bewegungsanalytik (Movement Analysis Lab), Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital Muenster,
Muenster, GERMANY;
Institute of Sport Science, Motion Science, University of Muenster, Muenster, GERMANY; and
Department of Medical Informatics and Biomathematics, University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, GERMANY


DER, J. GERSS, and D. ROSENBAUM. Multistation Proprioceptive Exercise Program

Prevents Ankle Injuries in Basketball. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 20982105, 2010. Purpose: To investigate the
effectiveness of a multistation proprioceptive exercise program for the prevention of ankle injuries in basketball players using a
prospective randomized controlled trial in combination with biomechanical tests of neuromuscular performance. Methods: A total of
232 players participated in the study and were randomly assigned to a training or control group following the CONSORT statement.
The training group performed a multistation proprioceptive exercise program, and the control group continued with their normal
workout routines. During one competitive basketball season, the number of ankle injuries was counted and related to the number of
sports participation sessions using logistic regression. Additional biomechanical prepost tests (angle reproduction and postural sway)
were performed in both groups to investigate the effects on neuromuscular performance. Results: In the control group, 21 injuries
occurred, whereas in the training group, 7 injuries occurred. The risk for sustaining an ankle injury was significantly reduced in the
training group by approximately 35%. The corresponding number needed to treat was 7. Additional biomechanical tests revealed
significant improvements in joint position sense and single-limb stance in the training group. Conclusions: The multistation pro-
prioceptive exercise program effectively prevented ankle injuries in basketball players. Analysis of number needed to treat clearly showed
the relatively low prevention effort that is necessary to avoid an ankle injury. Additional biomechanical tests confirmed the neuromuscular
effect and confirmed a relationship between injury prevention and altered neuromuscular performance. With this knowledge, proprioceptive
training may be optimized to specifically address the demands in various athletic activities. Key Words: PROPRIOCEPTIVE TRAINING,
porting activities such as basketball, soccer, team
handball, and volleyball are high-risk activities
especially for lateral ligament injuries of the ankle
joint complex (8). In basketball, every other injury that
occurs affects the ankle joint (21,27). These injuries often
result in a considerable amount of time off for the injured
players, typically 1 wk or more (16) or five to six sessions
(18). Players may be unavailable for their team in important
phases during the season, thus causing a serious problem
particularly for professional or semiprofessional teams.
Different intervention methods have been recommended
for the prevention of ankle injuries (17). There is evidence
that ankle braces are effective in the prevention of acute, as
well as recurrent, ankle sprains, but there is still controversy
concerning the effectiveness of special training procedures
(8). It was reported that proprioceptive training is not
effective as a primary prevention in healthy subjects (4);
however, recent results seem promising in underlining its
effect as a secondary prevention in subjects with recurrent
ankle injuries (3,11).
The effectiveness of specific training programs has been
evaluated using prospective randomized controlled trials or
laboratory-based studies (57,9,11,24,26). In prospective
randomized intervention trials, a training group and a
control group are monitored during a season, and differ-
ences in the number of injuries at the end of one season are
indicative for the effectiveness of the training program. In
laboratory-based studies, different test procedures are
performed before and after a training period. Differences
in neuromuscular performance are indicative of the effec-
tiveness of the training program. However, both approaches
are insufficient for a thorough understanding of ankle injury
prevention. For example, when investigating the effective-
ness of training programs, the reasons for possibly reduced
injury rates might remain unclear. On the other hand,
investigating the effects of a prepost test design does not
implicate that changes in neuromuscular parameters are
Address for correspondence: Eric Eils, Ph.D., Institute of Sport Science,
Motion Science, University of Muenster, Horstmarer Landweg 62b, 48149
Muenster, Germany; E-mail: [email protected].
Submitted for publication December 2009.
Accepted for publication March 2010.

Copyright 2010 by the American College of Sports Medicine

DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181e03667
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
effective with respect to injury reduction. A combination of
both approaches may help to improve our understanding of
the relationship of ankle injury prevention and neuromus-
cular performance in athletes.
Therefore, the aim of the present investigation was to
simultaneously evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention
program for the prevention of ankle injuries as well as the
effects of laboratory-based trials on neuromuscular perfor-
mance during a basketball game season. The intervention
trial was conducted as a prospective randomized controlled
trial, with a laboratory-based aspect involving neuromuscu-
lar measurements in a subgroup before and after the training
period. The underlying hypothesis was that there will be a
significant reduction in the number of ankle sprains in the
training group, and in addition, neuromuscular performance
changes related to the specific multistation proprioceptive
exercise program will be found in the training group.
Subjects. The CONSORT statement was followed in
the design of the study (1). The study contained a
prospective randomized controlled trial and a prepost
laboratory-based test of a selected subgroup. The respective
number of athletes recruited and investigated during the
trial is shown in Figure 1.
In total, 232 players on 35 teams near Muenster,
Germany, participated in the study (Table 1). All players
played basketball on a regular basis, and the performance
level of the players varied between the seventh highest
FIGURE 1Flowchart of the number of athletes participating in this study.
EXERCISE PROGRAM TO PREVENT ANKLE INJURIES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
(Kreisliga) and the highest league (Bundesliga) in Germany.
Before participation, all subjects signed an informed
consent form. The tests were approved by the local human
ethics committee, and all procedures were performed in
accordance to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Subjects were free of injuries at the start of the study. To
evaluate the effect of the multistation proprioceptive
exercise program on injury incidence, all subjects who
wore external stabilizing devices (braces or tape) or who
had previously performed proprioceptive exercises were
excluded from the study. The remaining 198 subjects were
randomly assigned to the control or the training group using
a stratified randomization design, with the strata defined by
performance (high, middle, or low) and sex (male or
TABLE 1. Anthropometric data of the whole (upper part) and the biomechanical subgroup (lower part).
Training Group (n = 81) Control Group (n = 91)
Whole Group Mean T SD Range Mean T SD Range P
Age (yr) 22.6 T 6.3 1443 25.5 T 7.2 1543 G0.01
Weight (kg) 77.2 T 15.3 50117 77.8 T 14.6 53115 NS
Height (cm) 184.1 T 11.0 163207 183.6 T 10.4 161211 NS
Sex, M/F 49:32 54:37
Sports activity (per week) 3.5 T 1.1 17 2.8 T 0.9 17 G0.01
Previous injuries (%), Y/N 48:52 46:54
Training Group (n = 8) Control Group (n = 8)
Subgroup Mean T SD Range Mean T SD Range P
Age (yr) 24.3 T 2.9 2230 25.9 T 8.2 1738 NS
Weight (kg) 75.8 T 12.4 5790 80.6 T 18.6 65115 NS
Height (cm) 182.1 T 6.9 175196 184.4 T 7.8 174196 NS
Sex, M/F 4:4 4:4
Sports activity (per week) 2.9T0.4 23 3.5 T 1.8 27 NS
Previous injuries (%), Y/N 63:37 75:25
Differences between groups (training and control) were tested using the independent Students t-test (whole group) and the independent MannWhitney U test (biomechanical
NS, not significant.
FIGURE 2Exercises and variations of the multistation proprioceptive exercise program. Please note that this is only a short description of the
program and the exercises. 2100 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
female). It has to be noted that subjects were allocated to the
groups as teams because the balanced training program had
to be integrated in the normal training process. Teams were
assigned using random numbers (0 and 1) that were
generated by a computer program. The randomization list
was established in advance and was strictly maintained.
This finally resulted in two randomized groups that were
comparable in performance and sex.
Training program. The control group consisted of 102
players who continued with their normal workout routines.
The training group consisted of 96 players who performed a
multistation proprioceptive exercise program that was
designed in cooperation with the School of Physiotherapy
of the University Hospital Muenster. The program was in-
tegrated within the regular training routines and was es-
pecially designed for basketball workouts. At the beginning
of the season, each coach obtained an eight-page training
manual that contained a detailed description of the setup,
all exercises (including the different difficulty levels), and
additional background information concerning posture cor-
rections and proprioception. In addition, a physiotherapist
introduced this program to all players and coaches on site
and gave detailed instructions for correct execution. This
was repeated for each difficulty level. During the season,
the coaches were encouraged to contact us and were con-
tacted by us on a regular basis to keep them motivated and
to help with questions or problems.
The multistation program was adopted from a program
presented by Eils and Rosenbaum (5). It was performed
once a week and consisted of six stations that were
performed twice (barefoot) at the beginning of the normal
training routine (Fig. 2). The exercise period took 20 min
(including setup and removal). The exercises were per-
formed for 45 s followed by a 30-s break when subjects
transferred to the next station. The correct posture of the
subjects lower leg was controlled (slight external rotation
of the foot, slightly flexed knee and the patella over the
metatarsophalangeal joint) during the exercise. The inten-
sity and difficulty of the exercises were increased during the
season twice by minor modifications for each station.
Injuries. From the beginning of the season, all injuries
of the players in a team were registered by a person in
charge of the team (coach, physiotherapist, or player) using
a specific injury questionnaire that was filled-out and
returned in case of an injury. To reduce reporters bias to
an acceptable degree, we contacted the coach and the player
to obtain further information about the circumstances, the
severity, and the medical diagnosis. All injuries were
reported, but the contact to the coaches and players was
only arranged in case of ankle injuries. An injury was
defined as an event that forced the subject to terminate the
ongoing basketball activity and, in addition, prevented
further participation in the next scheduled basketball activity.
Biomechanical tests. Additional biomechanical tests
were performed in a subgroup of both the control and the
training groups to investigate the influence of the training
program on neuromuscular performance. The subgroup was
randomly selected using a stratified randomization design as
mentioned previously. Subsequently, players within these
teams were randomly selected and asked for participation in
the study. Finally, 24 subjects (11 in the control group and
13 in the training group) were enrolled and performed the
pretests in angle reproduction and postural sway. During the
season, eight players of this group (three from the control
group and five from the training group) were lost because of
different reasons (Fig. 1). Finally, data of 16 players (eight
from each group) who performed both pretest and posttest
could be analyzed.
A pressure distribution platform(Emed ST4; Novel GmbH,
Munich, Germany) was used to measure postural sway in
single-limb stance (Fig. 3). No instructions concerning the
posture were given to the subjects except to avoid contact of
the legs and to focus on a point on the wall directly ahead.
Individual posture was noted, and subjects were informed to
FIGURE 3Measurement of postural sway in single-limb stance on the pressure distribution platform and an example of the derived parameters
(excursions of the CoP in mediolateral and anteroposterior directions as well as total sway distance).
EXERCISE PROGRAM TO PREVENT ANKLE INJURIES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
use the same style as in the pretest when it deviated in the
posttest. For each foot, three trials of single-limb stance (10 s
each) were performed. For analysis, the sway variation and
the sway amplitude of the center of pressure (CoP) in
mediolateral and anteroposterior directions as well as the
total sway distance (total length of the CoP-line) were
determined and averaged.
A custom-built device was used for testing joint position
sense in a passive angle reproduction test. It consisted of a
footplate in combination with a Penny and Gilles goniom-
eter (Biometrics Ltd., Gwent, UK). Subjects sat in front of
the measuring device and placed the foot on the horizontal
footplate (Fig. 4). The rotation axis of the device was
aligned with the medial malleolus. The knee joint was
placed over the ankle. This position was defined as the
neutral position (0-). Subjects were unable to see their feet
throughout the examination and had their eyes closed to
concentrate on the measurements. For the passive angle
reproduction test, the foot was brought into one of the two
testing positions (10- dorsiflexion or 15- plantarflexion)
and was held for 2 s. Then it was brought back to the
neutral position and back toward the testing position until
the subjects indicated that they felt they had reached the
same position. The foot was returned to the neutral position,
and the next angle was chosen. Angles were tested in
random order, and each angle was tested three times. All
joint position tests were performed by the same investigator.
The differences between predefined and reproduced angles
were saved for analysis. Lower leg strength was not tested
in this study because it was shown that deficits in ankle
strength are not related to chronic ankle instability or
subjects who previously sustained sprains without instabil-
ity as a complaint (12,19,28).
Statistics. To calculate the injury incidence of the
groups, the number of injuries was related to the number
of sports participation sessions (game and practice sessions
combined). Data were then analyzed by logistic regression.
The results were presented as odds ratios of injury as well
as the numbers needed to treat (NNT). Prepost test
analysis was performed using the dependent nonparametric
Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Differences between groups
(training and control) were tested using the independent
Students t-test (whole group) and the independent Mann
Whitney U test (biomechanical subgroup). Prediction in-
tervals on the basis of the data of the total study population
were used to test the representativeness of the biomechan-
ical subgroup. In all statistical procedures, P G 0.05 was
regarded as significant. Statistical analyses were performed
using SPSS v.17 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
During the season, 21 ankle injuries occurred in the
control group and 7 injuries in the training group. Signif-
icant differences were found when focusing on the pre-
ventive effect of the multistation proprioceptive exercise
program (Table 2). The logistic regression revealed a sig-
nificantly reduced odds ratio of 0.355 for training versus
control group (95% CI = 0.1510.835, P = 0.018). The
NNT analysis revealed a value of 360 for the training
group. Because the observation unit is not the player but the
single participation in sports, the NNT values have to be
reconsidered. Therefore, with a mean of 55 sports partici-
pation sessions in our investigation (mean of both groups),
NNT values have to be corrected to 360/55 = 6.5. This
indicates that seven basketball players (NNT values are
rounded to the next number to avoid underestimation) have
to perform the multistation proprioceptive exercise program
to prevent one ankle injury during 55 sports participation
sessions, i.e., in a period of 18 wk for recreational players
(assuming two workouts per week, one game per week) or
9 wk for professional players (assuming five workouts per
week, one game per week).
Analysis of players who had previously sustained an
ankle injury revealed an odds ratio of 1.6 (95% CI = 0.755
3.553, P = 0.212), indicating an increased but nonsignifi-
cant risk (factor = 1.6) of sustaining an ankle injury.
Players of the training group showed a significantly more
stable single-limb stance concerning mediolateral and overall
FIGURE 4Joint position sense testing in a custom-built device in
combination with an electrogoniometer. The foot of the subjects was
passively moved into 10- of dorsiflexion and 15- of plantarflexion.
Deviations between predefined and reproduced angles were derived
for analysis.
TABLE 2. Number of ankle injuries, participation in sports, injury frequency related to
1000 participations in sports, odds ratios, and NNT.
Training Group
Absolute No. of injuries 7 21
Total No. of participations in sports 4565 4876
Injury frequency per 1000 sport
1.53 4.31
Odds ratio (95% CI), P 0.355 (0.1510.835),
NNT 7 2102 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
sway parameters (Table 3). Sway in the anteroposterior
direction was also decreased in the posttest, but this was
found not to be significant. Players in the control group also
showed slightly decreased values in the posttest, but none of
the differences was significant.
A clear effect of the training program is apparent for the
angle reproduction test. The degree of error for 10-
dorsiflexion and 15- plantarflexion and the mean were
significantly reduced for the posttest in the training group
but not in the control group (Table 4).
The present investigation evaluated the effectiveness of
a multistation proprioceptive exercise program for the pre-
vention of ankle injuries using a prospective randomized
controlled trial in combination with a laboratory-based pre
post test. The results suggest that the training program is
effective in reducing the incidence of ankle injuries in bas-
ketball players and also leads to specific changes in neu-
romuscular performance, specifically, in proprioception and
postural sway. In summary, these findings indicate that im-
provements in these neuromuscular parameters may be a key
factor for an effective reduction in ankle injury risk.
The multistation proprioceptive exercise program led to a
significant reduction of ankle injuries in basketball players.
The risk of sustaining an ankle injury was reduced by 35.5%,
and the NNT analysis revealed that seven players have to be
treated with this training program to prevent one ankle injury
during 55 sports participation sessions. This underlines the
potential benefit of an active injury prevention protocol,
especially in professional sport. Results for risk reduction and
NNT calculation are comparable to results in the literature.
For example, Hupperets et al. (11) recently reported a similar
NNT value of 9 and a relative risk reduction of 35% in the
training group compared with the control group in a
randomized controlled trial using home-based proprioceptive
training on recurrences of ankle sprains. In the present study,
a frequency of 4.31 injuries per 1000 sports participation
sessions was comparable to the results of McKay et al. (16)
who reported 3.85 ankle injuries per 1000 sports participation
sessions in Australian basketball players.
Neuromuscular training programs consisting mainly of
exercises on an ankle disk, performed several times per
week, were found to be effective in the reduction of ankle
injury incidence (6,9,20,23), although Handoll et al. (8)
questioned the efficacy in an evidence-based review of the
literature because of a limited amount of high-quality
studies. Preliminary evidence was given only for those with
previous ankle injuries. Eils and Rosenbaum (5) speculated
that specific training on an ankle disk probably generated
only single stimulation and, therefore, introduced a 6-wk
multistation proprioceptive exercise program that addressed
strength and coordination in multiple ways and was
performed only once a week. The authors showed that this
program led to significant improvements within the neuro-
muscular system in the training group but not in the control
group. However, it remains unclear whether the measured
effects of this low-frequency and high-stimuli program
would lead to a reduction in the number of ankle injuries.
The results of the present study underlined the effectiveness
of such a program and suggested that training-induced
changes within the neuromuscular system may be related to
the reduced incidence of ankle injuries. It must be noted that
a direct one-to-one relationship cannot be established
because only a subgroup of the entire cohort was evaluated
in the laboratory because of organizational concerns.
However, although the sample was small, it was randomly
drawn and was representative. A post hoc analysis using
prediction intervals on the basis of data of the total study
population revealed that the sample is proven to be
representative of the total study population except for the
rate of high-performance players. Furthermore, significant
differences were found between pretest and posttest. The
study design involving a randomized controlled trial
combined with laboratory-based testing is important in
more appropriately identifying the relationship between
ankle injury prevention and neuromuscular performance
compared with independent randomized controlled trials
and laboratory-based testing. This relationship will help to
understand better the complex interaction between injury
prevention and neuromuscular performance.
Recently, the importance and efficacy of complex inter-
vention programs consisting of a variety of exercises have
TABLE 3. Postural sway parameters (mean T SD).
Training Group Control Group
Postural Sway (mm) Pretest Posttest P Pretest Posttest P
SD mediolateral 5.8 T 0.7 5.1 T 0.8 G0.05 5.4 T 1.3 5.3 T 1.1 NS
SD anteroposterior 6.7 T 0.9 6.6 T 1.3 NS 7.4 T 1.8 7.4 T 1.0 NS
Maximum sway mediolateral 26.9 T 3.9 23.1 T 3.5 G0.01 25.3 T 4.9 23.9 T 3.9 NS
Maximum sway anteroposterior 33.1 T 4.5 28-9 T 3.9 NS 34.1 T 8.7 31.6 T 4.7 NS
Total sway distance 425.2 T 47.5 359.2 T 57.7 G0.05 351.2 T 73.8 336.2 T 87.1 NS
TABLE 4. Angular errors in the joint position test from predetermined angles (mean T SD).
Training Group Control Group
Degrees of Error (-) Pretest Posttest P Pretest Posttest P
10- dorsiflexion 2.0 T 0.5 1.2 T 0.5 G0.05 2.5 T 1.3 1.9 T 0.8 NS
15- plantarflexion 3.7 T 1.4 2.1 T 1.2 G0.05 2.3 T 0.8 2.8 T 1.1 NS
Mean error 2.9 T 0.6 1.7 T 0.6 G0.05 2.4 T 0.8 2.4 T 0.9 NS
EXERCISE PROGRAM TO PREVENT ANKLE INJURIES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
also been reported for volleyball players (26) and in ath-
letes with acute ankle sprains (10,11). Therefore, there is
new evidence that proprioceptive training programs with
challenging exercises to create multiple stimuli may be rec-
ommended for the prevention of ankle injuries. The effects
of proprioceptive training have been well documented in
the past, and laboratory-based studies concerning altera-
tions in joint position sense, sway regulation in single-limb
stance, muscle strength, or peroneal reaction times have
been performed (57,9,1215,24,25). Despite differing
findings (22), there seems to be a trend of characteristic
neuromuscular performance adaptations because of specific
training programs.
In the present investigation, the results of the angle
reproduction test show a significant improvement in
neuromuscular performance. The results of the sway
regulation are similar, but not all improvements in the
training group were significant. The training program seems
to be more effective in improving sway reduction in the
mediolateral direction. This is comprehensible because
movement in the mediolateral direction is mainly controlled
in the subtalar joint, whereas the movement in the
anteroposterior direction is more regulated in the tibiotalar
joint. A similar result was reported by Eils and Rosenbaum
(5) when evaluating the effects of a multistation proprio-
ceptive exercise programs in patients with ankle instability.
In previous studies, the relationship between training-
related changes within the neuromuscular system and the
effectiveness of injury prevention was vague. In the present
investigation, this relationship was evaluated for the first time
with parallel biomechanical testing in a smaller subgroup,
including angle reproduction and postural sway testing.
Although we analyzed only a small subgroup and we are
aware of the fact that other factors may play a role in this
context, we believe that the results of the present study
underline a more direct relationship between measured
alterations within the neuromuscular system and the effec-
tiveness of injury prevention than shown in previous studies
because the sample was randomly selected and representa-
tive. Results of the postural sway analysis in single-limb
stance and angle reproduction showed significant differences
within the training group but not in the control group for
selected parameters. Therefore, an improved ability to detect
a predetermined angle (improved joint position sense) and
the ability to regulate sway in single-limb stance seem to be
related to a reduction of lateral ankle injuries. These
improvements may help athletes to prevent ankle injuries in
potentially dangerous circumstances, e.g., in cutting and
landing movements, because of an improved joint position
sense of the foot and ankle complex.
At this point, it will be of interest how exercises have to
be designed to be most effective. For example, what are
the effects of a typical ankle disk training compared with a
more complex exercise on a neurophysiologic basis? Is it
possible to derive some typical characteristics or key
aspects that make an exercise more suitable for propri-
oceptive training? However, this remains speculative and
has to be addressed in additional biomechanical studies.
One aspect that needs clarification in the present
investigation is the influence of proprioceptive training
on subjects with and without previous ankle injuries. It has
been stated that a beneficial effect is most pronounced for
athletes with previous ankle injuries and that there is only
a small or no effect of training in healthy subjects (4,8).
We found an increased chance (factor = 1.6) of obtaining
an ankle injury in subjects with previous injuries.
However, this increase was not significant. Only players
who never performed proprioceptive exercises or wore
ankle-stabilizing devices before were included in the
present investigation. Therefore, a high percentage of
players with previously injured ankles have probably been
excluded, resulting in a similar percentage of players
(approximately 50% each) with and without previous
injuries. This explains why the effect for players with
previous injuries is not as pronounced as that in other
investigations (2,16,26).
Significant differences between players age and sports
activity were initially found between the training and
control groups. The players in the training group were
significantly younger (22.6 vs 25.5 yr) and more active (3.5
vs 2.8 times per week) than the controls. These group
differences actually emphasize the findings because it can
be argued that younger and more active individuals would
have a greater risk of injury because of increased exposure.
The results of the present investigation show that the
number of ankle injuries was reduced, but there was
no information concerning other injuries. This might be a
limitation in the present study because it would be of
interest to know whether ankle injuries may be replaced by
injuries in other areas. We were not able to derive this
information from our data because coaches and players
were contacted only in case of ankle injuries. However, a
systematic Cochrane review focusing on interventions for
preventing ankle ligament injuries did not report an
apparent effect on the incidence of other leg injuries (8).
This leads us to trust that there is no significant shift of
injuries to other body areas.
The results of the present investigation show that a
specific multistation proprioceptive exercise program per-
formed only once a week significantly reduced the
frequency of ankle injuries in a population of basketball
players. In addition, characteristic and significant improve-
ments in neuromuscular performance were found in
biomechanical tests of proprioception and postural sway
that may be directly related to the risk of ankle injury. This
is the first study to underline directly a relationship between
injury incidence and alterations in neuromuscular perfor-
mance. The evaluation of injury incidence as well as 2104 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2010
objective parameters from biomechanical tests warrants the
recommendation of such exercises for the prevention of
ankle injuries.
Although the population were basketball players, it may
be safe to assume that the program is also applicable to
other sports or high-risk activities such as team handball,
volleyball, or soccer.
This study was funded by a research grant of the Bundesinstitut
fu r Sportwissenschaft (Federal Institute of Sports Science, grant No.
VF 0407(01/68/2004)).
None of the authors of this article has any conflicts of interest or
financial conflicts to disclose.
The authors thank M. Overbeck and colleagues for their help in
setting up the exercise program.
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement
by the American College of Sports Medicine.
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EXERCISE PROGRAM TO PREVENT ANKLE INJURIES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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